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DAY 86 POST-OP: Today I was all over the #vegas valley and it was so bloody hot outside. After I was done with all of the errands I spent a few hours with my favorite #podcast @crimejunkiepodcast while I kicked my way back and forth in the lap lanes at the pool. Now here I sit, #pumping using my #flexitouch while I binge watch some criminal tv shows... I cannot believe that this time last year, I was miserable, bloated and so sad... these 2 surgeries have definitely given me my life back... #drreptaforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #fulipedema #iknowagooddoctor #IKnowAFewGoodDoctors #mylympathicsystemisfdup #kicklipedemaintheass #scottsdale #az #nv #liposuction #liposuctionforlipedema #lipedema #lymphedema #thestruggleisreal #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #movethatlymph #compressionpump #compression #summer2018 #therapy #educateyourself #educateotherstoo @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 85 POST-OP: Well, I thought I was going to survive @donahueandrea bachelorette party weekend, but then Monday happened.... today’s picture is what my legs looked like Sunday evening in the top 2 and bottom left. The bottom right is today, Tuesday 6/12/18. I should have known better, but I decided it would be a good idea to pump my legs Sunday when I got home in hour incriminates... three hours total... fast-forward to Monday and I was sicker than a dog. Note to self, over pumping will make you violently ill, especially if your weekend activities included putting toxins into your body... stay hydrated friends... #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #iknowagooddoctor #drreptaforthewin #summer2018 #compression #compressionpump #kicklipedemaintheass #legs #lymphedema #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontwin #lipedemawontdefineme #lipedema #vegas #hydrate #stayhydrated #kankles #scottsdale #az #nv #lasvegas #vegas #movethatlymph (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 85 POST-OP: Well, I thought I was going to survive @donahueandrea bachelorette party weekend, but then Monday happened.... today’s picture is what my legs looked like Sunday evening in the top 2 and bottom left. The bottom right is today, Tuesday 6/12/18. I should have known better, but I decided it would be a good idea to pump my legs Sunday when I got home in hour incriminates... three hours total... fast-forward to Monday and I was sicker than a dog. Note to self, over pumping will make you violently ill, especially if your weekend activities included putting toxins into your body... stay hydrated friends... #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #iknowagooddoctor #drreptaforthewin #summer2018 #compression #compressionpump #kicklipedemaintheass #legs #lymphedema #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontwin #lipedemawontdefineme #lipedema #vegas #hydrate #stayhydrated #kankles #scottsdale #az #nv #lasvegas #vegas #movethatlymph (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 171 POST-OP: In no particular order, here’s my day summed up in 4 pictures... knocking my #starbucks off a table in my classroom at approximately 8:00 this morning. Drinking a #pinkdrink because said hot drink was all over the floor. Picture of my daily flip calendar reminding me that I have come a very long way and can do anything I put my mind to. I needed that after my morning brew was not consumed... A #selfie from the waiting room to see my favorite Las Vegas physician #nplaurieforthewin And now as I type this, I snapped a picture of the pups and my beloved blue compression boots while I pump. At my appointment today, my physician and I talked about how much my lower half has changed and how happy we both were that I have recieved much needed relief. I do wonder though, for all of my fellow #lipedema & #lymphedema friends who use compression pumps... what do you use that goes from the toes to right under your breasts? I need a new pump and am hoping to do some research to see what would best suit me. Now let’s talk about self-care/love. Learning what was actually going on with my body was a huge relief. But getting a diagnosis and answers was just the beginning of this journey. Seek treatment and demand answers from your health care provider. And if they are telling you that it’s you’re fault, tell them to take a long walk off a short pier and find another physician to take care of you. At 36, I was NOT going to let my mobility lessen. Seeking @drrepta_plasticsurgery out was by far the best decision ever. When I sit and reflect on how I felt physically and mentally last year compared to now, I am amazed I was able to “fake” a smile. Happy Humpday friends... #kicklipedemaintheass #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #lipedemafighter #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #1in9 #11percent #hatersgonnahate #behappy #beyourownnymber1 #nevada #arizona #scottsdale #lasvegas #lipedemawarrior #lipedemawontwin #compression #mysocksarecute #compressionsocks #compressiongarments #compressiontherapy (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXScc-ArgY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a58bg554e7h1
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POST-OP DAY 164: Would writing, “Wears cute socks” be inappropriate for my dating profile 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ The weather here in #vegas has started to cool down and I am finding my way back into my compression. I wish I could be a spokesperson for compression because I swear I have over $3,000 of it at home! @sigvarisusa @jobst_usa @nicoletteshapewear I need compression for my hips!!!! Please help a girl out! Happy Friday eve to everyone... now it’s time to pump... #lipedemasucks #lipedema #lipedemafighter #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #kicklipedemaintheass #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @drrepta_plasticsurgery (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnHc5xrAECk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q71z98hy1b1b
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DAY 163 POST-OP: #OnWednesdaysWeWearPink ladies and gentlemen :) A co-worker brought me in some silver sparkly #Toms today! Talk about #alwaysfindthesilverlining I am still #pumping during my prep/lunch which gives some much needed relief. #kicklipedemaintheass #silverlining #lipedema #11percent #1in9 #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @ms_jess_wilson #lymphedemawarrior #lipedemafighter #lipedemawarrior #lipedemawontwin #lipedema #lipedemasucks (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnFRSZHgpzy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1715m2s7fvxzw
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DAY LATE POST POST-OP DAY 161: @ Those are@some pretty good smiles considering it was a Monday. The kids were super excited because one of our favorites @savannahstithh stopped by to say hello! Let me tell you about that girl. Savannah is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She is an old soul and someone I truly admire. * * * On the #Lipedema side of things, I have really upped my water game. Thanks to the local pet store I get all the water I need and want! #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #mylympathticsystemisfdup #fulipedema #kicklipedemaintheass (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnCqEtbAC1v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mvzd9ufruqk
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150 DAY POST-OP: From curls to stick straight while I pump... and for what reason you ask? because pumping is boring!!!! On a side-note, I survived the first week of school! I have lots of emotions running through me right now as I reflect on this #Lipedema journey and especially the last year. My mindset has changed, which I can tell (and those close to me that I work with have mentioned) and it’s amazing! I am an “all in” type of person. Whether it be family, friends, students or even the stranger on the street I might have just met. I always been this way, almost to a fault. What makes the biggest difference is how I feel now, especially at work. I feel like there is more “pep” in my step. I am not doing much different than I have over the past 4 years, but I feel different about it. Maybe it’s because I’m not lugging around all the extra fluid, or that I have really invested in myself. This feeling of “happy” is what I have done for myself with my amazing #medicaltribe @laurie_ann123 got the ball rolling, @therosners @drdavidrosner and @krwilson2 (Aimée) were my voices of reason and @drrepta_plasticsurgery put the plan into action. I know I say it all the time, but I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for them as well as my parents, family and friends. #kicklipedemaintheass #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #nplaurieforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #drreptaforthewin #myawesomefamily #lasvegas #ccsd #1in9 #11percent #lipedemapartyof1in9 @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 148: First Wednesday of the school year and I am all sorts of exhausted. Thank you @lv_jules & @__jt58__ for coming to #room203 to help me get the signs hung up and some laughs to go along with it and of course the #DietCoke !!! ❤️ * * * I didn’t make it to the pool this morning, but I sure did go after work even though it looked like it was going to storm. It felt so good to get in the water and escape all reality for awhile and just focus on, well... nothing... After I got home from @lifetime.life I pumped for an hour, so my legs are feeling pretty damn good right about now, which threw me into a long nap... let’s hope tomorrow I don’t hit snooze too many times like I did today. #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #lipedema #compressionpump #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #1in9 #11percent #lipedemapartyof1in9 #kicklipedemaintheass #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 #lasvegas #liposuctionforlipedema #lipedemafighter #ParentsOfAwesomeStudents (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 137 POST-OP: Tonight, we two-step... I have spent the summer doing what is best for me. Purging the toxic out of my life and embracing all positive energy possible. With this journey my eyes have been opened to A LOT of things. Some of which I don’t need and or want in my life and other stuff that I can’t wait to embrace. @drrepta_plasticsurgery @laurie_ann123 @drdavidrosner @elevatespc @bchandlaa @maximus__jones @therosners you have been my medical tribe that have rallied beside me from the beginning. With lots of positive support from friends, family and co-workers, I got my #silverlining It’s only up from here folks... #FULipedema #KickLipedemaInTheAss #MyLympathticSystemIsFdUp #11percent #1in9 #summer2018 #lipedema #lipedemajourney #liposuction #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontdefineme #lymphedema #ThanksMomAndDad #alwaysfindthesilverlining #TheGirlWithTheSkinnyFeet #HatersGonnaHate #PositiveVibesOnly #CowboyBoots #scottsdale #arizona #lasvegas #nevada #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #medicaltribe #byebyebyelipedema (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 110 POST-OP: I have an honest question, and would be interested in knowing how many of you had never heard of #lipedema or #lymphedema prior to my posts (more for my fb friends). Just curious because I wish I would have known about it or someone that knew about it would have told me about it... if that makes sense... Last night when I laid down my legs started hurting and I was too tired to get up and use one of my #compressionpumps Tonight on the other hand, I am making sure I get it done because my legs are tired! Oscar & Rory got their pampering yesterday so I am very thankful for my dear friend @lv_jules who was kind enough to help me relax a bit during my day and @mialanilife was perfect for the picture of the pampering process! The heat is no joke out here in the desert though! Still can’t get over the fact that this is the first summer I have worn shorts since probably college... thanks to my medical tribe and my family and friends for supporting me in this process. #OperationJessica is pretty fun, and has been a journey! #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #kicklipedemaintheass #ThereIsNoLoveLikePupLove #RoryGirl #OscarBoy #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #1in9 #11percent #lipedema #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontwin #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 110 POST-OP: I have an honest question, and would be interested in knowing how many of you had never heard of #lipedema or #lymphedema prior to my posts (more for my fb friends). Just curious because I wish I would have known about it or someone that knew about it would have told me about it... if that makes sense... Last night when I laid down my legs started hurting and I was too tired to get up and use one of my #compressionpumps Tonight on the other hand, I am making sure I get it done because my legs are tired! Oscar & Rory got their pampering yesterday so I am very thankful for my dear friend @lv_jules who was kind enough to help me relax a bit during my day and @mialanilife was perfect for the picture of the pampering process! The heat is no joke out here in the desert though! Still can’t get over the fact that this is the first summer I have worn shorts since probably college... thanks to my medical tribe and my family and friends for supporting me in this process. #OperationJessica is pretty fun, and has been a journey! #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #kicklipedemaintheass #ThereIsNoLoveLikePupLove #RoryGirl #OscarBoy #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #1in9 #11percent #lipedema #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontwin #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 87 POST-OP #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #lipedema #lymphedema #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #kicklipedemaintheass #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #lympathicsystem @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 @drrepta_plasticsurgery (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 87 POST-OP #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #lipedema #lymphedema #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #kicklipedemaintheass #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #lympathicsystem @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 @drrepta_plasticsurgery (at Henderson, Nevada)
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Day 80 POST-OP: Never in a million years would I have EVER EVER EVER taken a picture with my legs showing in a tutu... but when @amazon delivers special stuff for special people, @donahueandrea a picture is a must. I kicked my way through 4 podcasts with @crimejunkiepodcast today and then spent the day relaxing and sucking in the vitamin D here in #vegas Pumping twice during the game and apply aloe like it’s my job here in #nv As always, my #MedicalTribe @drrepta_plasticsurgery @laurie_ann123 @drdavidrosner has given me the confidence to be where I am today. #iknowagooddoctor #IKnowAFewGoodDoctors #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #1in9 #11percent #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #kicklipedemaintheass #compression #goknightsgo #scottsdale #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #silverlining #alwaysfindthesilverlining #lasvegas #az #summer2018 #byebyebyelipedema @ms_jess_wilson (at Henderson, Nevada)
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Day 79 POST-OP: I spent the day poolside and also in the lap lanes. I am addicted to the @crimejunkiepodcast so with my wireless, waterproof earbuds, I kicked kicked kicked for a few episodes to give my legs a workout. Now I’m pumping, #StoryOfMyLife 🤦🏻‍♀️ Being in the pool gives me so much relief on my legs, and is also a good way to ensure a nice nap or good nights sleep... now I get it parents ;) I dug through some albums and came across some pictures where you can see the #Lipedema These were all taken pre #SummerSlam2015 so the swelling isn’t as bad, but it’s there... crazy to think that after I got hurt so much changed with my body. Even crazier to know that @drrepta_plasticsurgery was able to give me my mobility back, and I am moving better now than I was in those pictures... #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #anklecuff #cankles #iknowagooddoctor #drreptaforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #1in9 #11percent #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #kicklipedemaintheass #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #byebyebyelipedema #summer2018 #scottsdale #lasvegas #vegas #az #nv # (at Henderson, Nevada)
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