The Girl With the Skinny Feet
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POST-OP Day: I’ve lost count... #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #lipedemafighter #lipedemawontwin #1in9 #11percent #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #floodednotfat #notfatflooded #lipedema #lymphedema #lasvegas #henderson #nevada #Scottsdale #arizona #liposuction #drreptaforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #kicklipedemaintheass @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 @laurie_ann123 @drdavidrosner @therosners @drrepta_plasticsurgery (at Henderson, Nevada)
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First Surgery 294 Days Post-Op Second Surgery 185 Days Post-Op: It’s been awhile since I have posted any pictures so I figured it would be good to show 2 different “before” pictures. The first “before” is of my family & I on Freemont Street in Nov. 2017. You can see I’m hiding behind the crowd because to be very honest, I hated the way my legs looked. Not to mention how much they hurt. At this point I knew I had #lipedema but surgery was not in the plan... on the right... that’s today... The second picture shows me in #Sedona on the left after hiking and taking a pic while in dancer pose. This picture is probably the best representation of how I felt physically prior to the Lipedema rearing it’s ugly head at me. @drrepta_plasticsurgery I cannot get over this change!!! #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #fulipedma #kicklipedemaintheass #mylympathicsystemisfdup #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #lasvegas #nevada #arizona #scottsdale #sedona #henderson #1in9 #11percent @ms_jess_wilson (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 172: Trying to make it to Friday has been exhausting. Ready to relax this weekend! #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 171 POST-OP: In no particular order, here’s my day summed up in 4 pictures... knocking my #starbucks off a table in my classroom at approximately 8:00 this morning. Drinking a #pinkdrink because said hot drink was all over the floor. Picture of my daily flip calendar reminding me that I have come a very long way and can do anything I put my mind to. I needed that after my morning brew was not consumed... A #selfie from the waiting room to see my favorite Las Vegas physician #nplaurieforthewin And now as I type this, I snapped a picture of the pups and my beloved blue compression boots while I pump. At my appointment today, my physician and I talked about how much my lower half has changed and how happy we both were that I have recieved much needed relief. I do wonder though, for all of my fellow #lipedema & #lymphedema friends who use compression pumps... what do you use that goes from the toes to right under your breasts? I need a new pump and am hoping to do some research to see what would best suit me. Now let’s talk about self-care/love. Learning what was actually going on with my body was a huge relief. But getting a diagnosis and answers was just the beginning of this journey. Seek treatment and demand answers from your health care provider. And if they are telling you that it’s you’re fault, tell them to take a long walk off a short pier and find another physician to take care of you. At 36, I was NOT going to let my mobility lessen. Seeking @drrepta_plasticsurgery out was by far the best decision ever. When I sit and reflect on how I felt physically and mentally last year compared to now, I am amazed I was able to “fake” a smile. Happy Humpday friends... #kicklipedemaintheass #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #lipedemafighter #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #1in9 #11percent #hatersgonnahate #behappy #beyourownnymber1 #nevada #arizona #scottsdale #lasvegas #lipedemawarrior #lipedemawontwin #compression #mysocksarecute #compressionsocks #compressiongarments #compressiontherapy (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 171 POST-OP (at Henderson, Nevada)
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My head is killing me... Oscar and Rory are just happy I’m home... me too kids, me too
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DAY 169 POST-OP: #LaborDay was amazing! I went to the lake for the first time in almost 2 years. For the first time EVER jumping into the water and knowing getting out and back on the boat wouldn’t be a struggle had me so excited. The water is my friend and being out in Mother Nature was exactly what i needed. #notfatflooded #lipedemafighter #lipedema #kicklipedemaintheass #mylympathicsystemisfdup #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #1in9 #11percent #fulipedema #lymphedema #nevada #lasvegas #beyourownnumber1 #countrymusic #naturetherapy #lakemead (at Boulder City, Nevada)
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Just in case anyone wondered what we do in room #203 @kaijumaxwell and @masonabercrombie were busy making bacon and smoothies for teachers at school today. #BaconMakesEverythingBetter #iteachwhatsyoursuperpower #autism #acesforautism #silverlining #alwaysfindthesilverlining #SilverliningCafeEst2015 #WeWantToOwnAFoodTruck #excelsior #ccsd #NotMyBloodButMyKids #AAron #DEnice #puzzled #ILoveMyStudents #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 164: Would writing, “Wears cute socks” be inappropriate for my dating profile 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ The weather here in #vegas has started to cool down and I am finding my way back into my compression. I wish I could be a spokesperson for compression because I swear I have over $3,000 of it at home! @sigvarisusa @jobst_usa @nicoletteshapewear I need compression for my hips!!!! Please help a girl out! Happy Friday eve to everyone... now it’s time to pump... #lipedemasucks #lipedema #lipedemafighter #mylympathicsystemisfdup #fulipedema #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #kicklipedemaintheass #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @drrepta_plasticsurgery (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 163 POST-OP: #OnWednesdaysWeWearPink ladies and gentlemen :) A co-worker brought me in some silver sparkly #Toms today! Talk about #alwaysfindthesilverlining I am still #pumping during my prep/lunch which gives some much needed relief. #kicklipedemaintheass #silverlining #lipedema #11percent #1in9 #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @ms_jess_wilson #lymphedemawarrior #lipedemafighter #lipedemawarrior #lipedemawontwin #lipedema #lipedemasucks (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 162: Let’s talk living a life with #Lipedema but not even knowing that’s what’s wrong with you. It’s hard. It sucks. It is emotionally draining. It makes you second guess every single thing you put into your mouth. It makes you remember the comment someone once made on an airplane, “If you don’t need an extender, then I don’t either.” It makes you hate shopping for clothes. It makes you feel ashamed for reasons you don’t even know. It makes you literally feel like the marshmallow man. It hurts in your feet. It hurts in your hips. It hurts so deep inside your soul that you want to give up. * * * I experienced ALL of these things, and then some prior to my diagnosis. When I was finally diagnosed I wanted to #educateothers as much as I could. I wanted to take the bull by the horns and, well, I certainly did. Life after diagnosis and surgery has been amazing and it keeps getting better. I am not in AS MUCH pain. I am so much happier, not only because I look better, but because I am not carrying around extra pounds of fluid. This brings me to tonight’s pictures. My friend asked me to meet her family at the pool tonight. The old Jess would have passed completely. This Jess said, “I’m leaving now.” So happy Tuesday from my pool buddy and little Vegas girl Hunter and I. #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #alwaysfindthesilverlining #silverlining #11percent #1in9 #vegas #scottsdale #arizona #nevada #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #lipedemafighter #lipedemaawareness #lymphedema #mld #lipedemawontdefineme #kicklipedemaintheass @ms_jess_wilson (at Life Time Athletic - Green Valley)
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DAY LATE POST POST-OP DAY 161: @ Those are@some pretty good smiles considering it was a Monday. The kids were super excited because one of our favorites @savannahstithh stopped by to say hello! Let me tell you about that girl. Savannah is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She is an old soul and someone I truly admire. * * * On the #Lipedema side of things, I have really upped my water game. Thanks to the local pet store I get all the water I need and want! #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #mylympathticsystemisfdup #fulipedema #kicklipedemaintheass (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 160: Oscar & Rory enjoying this #SundayFunday & #NationalDogDay with some preseason football and belly rubs. * * * #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #silverlining #alwaysfindthesilverlining (at Henderson, Nevada)
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When work is more like hanging out with friends on a daily basis and you have awesome admin that get in on the fun... #silverlining #room203 #ccsd #alwaysfindthesilverlining #iteachwhatsyoursuperpower #keepingitreal #tgif #lasvegas #nevada @mrsbarlows @kaijumaxwell @lv_jules @__jt58__
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1st surgery: 267 DAYS POST-OP 2nd Surgery: 156 DAYS POST-OP Well hello Thursday! I thought it was about time to show a comparison from the very beginning of this journey until today. I have so many things that I could write while looking at these pictures, but more than anything it’s just a big THANK YOU to anyone that has supported me during this journey. It has been a time of personal growth and learning to love myself and worth every single second. #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #11percent #1in9 #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #kicklipedemaintheass #lipedema #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin @laurie_ann123 @drdavidrosner @drrepta_plasticsurgery @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 #lasvegas #nevada #scottsdale #arizona #silverlining #alwaysfindthesilverlining (at Henderson, Nevada)
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POST-OP DAY 155: Today’s smiles are brought to you from some of my very favorites @brennanwhitey__ @kaijumaxwell & @masonabercrombie Brennan has been part of the #silverlining and a wonderful role model, peer advocate and most importantly a friend to my students. He left for college today but took time out of his morning before going to the airport to stop by and say hello/goodbye to us. I wish every student could exemplify the attitude, work ethic & humor that Brennan does. He certainly has made a lasting impression on these two guys and I will forever be grateful to his parents for raising such a genuine soul. * * * On the #Lipedema side of things, my legs are tired today. However, I went and bought my first pair of jeans since my first surgery back in November (266 days to be exact). I’m not going to lie, it was a pretty good feeling to do so. Lipedema is a nasty beast, and it can certainly drain you emotionally. Whether it be not feeling comfortable in your own skin, or the judgement of others. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you, it sucks. But, there is some good news, you have the power to control how you react. I am not going to pretend that I haven’t cried, yelled, felt sorry for myself, or even wanted to throw the towel in, because I have. It’s the people that rallied around me when I was at my lowest that picked me up, and looked at me and basically said to go #kicklipedemaintheass And like always, this post wouldn’t be complete without giving a shoutout to those medical professionals @laurie_ann123 @drdavidrosner @drrepta_plasticsurgery @elevatespc THANK YOU! #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #11percent #1in9 #tribe #scottsdale #arizona #lasvegas #nevada #iteachwhatsyoursuperpower #alwaysfindthesilverlining #room203 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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DAY 154 POST-OP: Slowly but surely everything is coming together at work. What is even better is that I am feeling good! It’s seriously crazy how much has changed since my surgeries. I am so much more mobile, and wanting to try and do things I haven’t thought of doing in years! I have a completely new attitude about life, my own self-worth and a bucket list full of things that I never in a million years would have ever wanted to even entertain the idea of. * * * On a sidenote, it was picture day today which is always oh so fun... and I was given some beautiful flowers that fit perfectly in my huge mason jar I had in the room. Can’t say it enough, I love my students, and they are my #silverlining #room203 #alwaysfindthesilverlining #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #1in9 #11percent #KeepOnKeepinOn #drreptaforthewin #drrosnerforthewin #nplaurieforthewin #iTeachWhatsYourSuperpower #autism #fulipedema #mylympathicsystemisfdup #lasvegas #nevada #lipedemafighter #lipedemawarrior @ms_jess_wilson @jlwilson3 (at Henderson, Nevada)
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