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Moving moments 💃🏽🕺🏽 ~ #throwback #ndidance #houseclass #moveyourbody #shakewhatyourmamagaveya #turnaround #groundmove #house #afrohouse #merciSarah #parket #movin #dancing #gotya #🏠 #etoui #lille #rijsel #casquettealenvers #swingit #justmove #getsweaty (bij Lille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/By2yx9ACDp2/?igshid=y6uebv1iegz6
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DAY 73 POST-OP: I originally bought that pink #shakeplate for myself after I was first diagnosed with #Lipedema. I think it was my second appointment that the OT told me that it would beneficial. As I was laying there receiving my treatment, I logged on to #AmazonPrime and ordered myself one. After having it at home I then decided to take it into my classroom so my students could ty it out for their own benefit to help with their #Stim Fastforward 11 months and I have 2 shakeplates in my classroom for he kids and another one at home for myself. Today I stood on it and wow, did I forget how good it feels when I step off of it. It helps the #LympathicSystem flow to get rid of the fluid that is essentially trapped because #mylympathicsystemisfdup There is never a dull moment in #Room220 and with everyday I am happier and feel better... bring on #SurgeryNumber2 #drreptaforthewin #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #compression #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #iam1in9 #iampartofthe11percent @ms_jess_wilson #shakewhatyourmamagaveya #kneetohipisnext #ankletoknee #LipedemaFighter #lymphedema #FULipedema #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #lipedemaSUCKS #DontJudgeMe #AdvocateForYourself #kicklipedemaintheass (at Henderson, Nevada)
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Chinese New Years Eve homemade eats. Wishing I was home eating my Mumma’s cooking but this will have to do 🥡🥡🥡#shakewhatyourmamagaveya #chinesenewyear #gongheifatchoi #chinesefood #chicken #celery #sugarsnappeas #woodearmushrooms #chinesebroccoli #noms #glutenfree #dairyfree #homemade #dinner #lafoodie #forkiteatit (at Fairfax District, Los Angeles)
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Thanks to This Guy for staying still while I took pics 🙏 . NEW MUSIC WEDNESDAY GET READY TO CLICK THEM LINKS 🤘🔥🔥🔥 😈✊ . . There is beauty everywhere if you seek it out There is evil among us if your homies you doubt Trust in us all, and all us will bow Treachery made us but no time for pout 💯😤♥️ . . . TTAY SUNED . . #blm #FTC #FUCKTHECOPS #rapmusic #newhiphop #NEWMUSICALERT #art #shakewhatyourmamagaveya #lookthenfind #LENSISCOMING https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_xbM3nFIh/?igshid=tjtzmvnsvrzd
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Rang in the NEW YEAR the only way I knew how. WORK by @ririgalbadd is my JAM 💯 . . #badgirlriri #rihannamemes #rihannafan #dancemovesfordays #whiteboycandance #dancemovesonpoint #dancemovesonfleek #tophatter #tophatswag #shakewhatyourmamagaveya #workworkworkworkworkwork #ringingin2019 #2019planner #getafterittoday #shakethatthing #dancedancegram #whiteboydancing #whiteboydance #yolo2019 #friendsandfamilytime #moveslikejagger #workhardplayharder💪 #noshameinmygame😉 #wewillwewillrockyou #chasingthedream (at Lebanon, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJ0M4NAhZf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tsco3myp335h
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Happy 60th Bertha & Tony!! 🎉 #shakewhatyourmamagaveya (at Santa Rosa, California)
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Sorry. I couldn't help it.. Plus it was @angelm329 's idea.. It's not implants.. She got muscles and s does her squats.. #ButtWhatHadHappened #ChampionshipBooty #BackYradBanginLikeABenzi #SuperBass #BabyGotBack #AllIwantForMyBirthdayyh #ShakeWhatYourMamaGaveYa #TwerkNation #YouCanSeeItFromTheFront #ForgiveMeItsJustWax 🤣🤣🤣👸🏽🤴🏾💯🎥🎧🎤💃🏽🎵🤷🏾♂️🌴🌹❤️🔥 (at Madame Tussauds Orlando)
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Gotta get that caffeine fix 😍 #coffeetime #intelligentsia #thirdwave #shakewhatyourmamagaveya (at Intelligentsia - Silver Lake)
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#twerkitout #teamtwerk #werk #twerking #shakewhatyourmamagaveya
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Work summer fun shenanigans with hula hoops. #FunnyAsShizzzzz #ShakeWhatYourMamaGaveYa 😂😂 (at Omnicell)
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👦🏿👧🏿🎤🎶 #ShakeWhatYourMamaGaveYa #AfricanDay #Dublin #Ireland (at Phoenix Park)
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#ShakeWhatYourMamaGaveYa #bandittowntexasbound #ivorydeville @ivorydeville #livemusic #Sxsw (at J. Lorraine Ghost Town)
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I have a knack for accomplishing violent wiggly corpses. #fallout3 #paradisefalls #shakewhatyourmamagaveya
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I know they were cold #twerksum #showout #djcarnage #marqueelv #2015 #shakewhatyourmamagaveya
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Oh goshh.. I'm Tumbling drunk.. this shall get interesting. Tumbling? Tumblring? What do we call it guyz??
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Proud mama to a #ballerina #dancemoms #shakewhatyourmamagaveya
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