#supreme community
sarahshootspeople-blog · 11 months
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The future is dark. None of these people give a fuck about art. Digging through the junkyard for some spare parts. 🥀
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cometrose · 3 months
trump may be a lying felon and biden a foot away from death but my fellow americans don’t forget to vote for your senators and representatives they’re important!!!
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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The way most people talk about climate change we are led to believe we all have an equal part in creating the capitalist nightmare we live in, but that’s a lie. The unsustainable and extractive nature of capitalism grew directly from the ideological and material foundations of European colonization. We cannot hold the entire human species responsible for that. It’s victim blaming.
The vast majority of waste is produced by the same people and institutions who hold power. Fighting for our planet, the health of our land, our food, our homes, our communities, is where the fight against capitalism and white supremacy collide. Any fight for environmental justice must also be a fight for racial justice because BI&POC are the ones who disproportionately bear the weight of climate change.
White Settler Colonialism Is Destroying the Planet, Not Poor BI&POC
Don’t believe the Malthusian and eco-fascist myth that there are too many people on the planet to care for. This is a lie peddled by capitalists, eugenicists, and people who advocate for genocide. We know that every landbase has its limit for how much life it can support (indigenous peoples have been saying this for hundreds of years), but “overpopulation” rhetoric is overwhelmingly used as a means to enforce colonial hierarchies where wealthy white people can maintain lives of access and privilege while poor BI&POC barely survive.
Instead of telling poor BI&POC to have less children or to stop wanting better lives, we should build a movement to fight climate change which centers racial justice, abolishes capitalism, and forces wealthy, predominately white populations to stop hoarding resources.
Here are some Earth Day facts for tomorrow so you don’t fall for the lies:
Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. (Source: the Guardian)
Black communities are exposed to 56% more pollution than is caused by their consumption. For Latinx communities, it is 63%. (Source: American Journal of Public Health)
97% of waste produced in the United States is corporate waste. 80% of businesses are owned & operated by white people. (Source: “The Story of Stuff” & US News)
Indigenous peoples make up less than 5% of the planet’s human population, yet they are protecting 80% of its biodiversity. (Source: National Geographic)
The world’s richest 10% produce half of carbon emissions while the poorest half contribute only 10%. (Source: Oxfam)
The world’s wealthiest 16% use 80% of the planet’s natural resources. (Source: CNN)
We are not all equally “responsible.” White settler colonialism and capitalism are destroying the planet, not poor BI&POC.
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elliotshrine · 6 days
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Basically a in-depth look of how Project 2025 will deeply FUCKED Over black people and will seriously harm black Americans. By making America " White " again and into a White only Christian Fundamentalist government controlled theocratic nation.
This shit isn't a joke and is terrifying as hell.
Literally, this plan is every white supremacist and Neo-Nazis dream come true.
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leclerking · 1 year
Seb is still the IT Girl of the grid. He literally got everyone to show up doing arts and crafts and painting little bee hotels just because he's passionate about bees. Little bee man 🐝✨ he's so loved <3
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luckyartdrawer · 6 days
One shot collection :3
Ch 1. Fashion/Model AU
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vvvv Summary, extras, and yapping (as usual) below! vvvv
Sun and Moon are not related and have more of a rivalry and frienemy dynamic. They're definitely close to one another, but get on each other's nerves easily, especially over you! ;)
If you don't like love triangles, this might not be for you. I'd say it's closer to a true love triangle (where it's reciprocated on all sides) but it's the stage where everyone is just friendly with each other.
⚠️ Warning!: There is some suggestive dialogue and heavy flirting, as well as minor use of cussing and slightly suggestive actions. This is SFW, just a bit spicy.
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i was so proud of the arms that I took a progress screenshot-
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I adore these goobers so much. They got such a good dynamic but I got no story for themmmmm AAA
Still, wanted to draw them. Killing two birds with one stone by putting the fic with the art lol. I might do that with all the one shots, since it's unlikely to be repetitive work...
I might sneak back to this post and clean up the art when no one is looking heheehe-
It's just really late when I'm posting and I wanted to get something out for comment day. Gonna make sure to do my part in both aspects ✨
Still working on my other fics btw. I'm just dedicating myself to at least almost finish some of em before I start posting regularly again. <3
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thesleepysystem · 5 months
if you dont know, the supreme court just allowed Idaho to ban gender affirming care for trans youth !! please send love to any transgender youth you know, especially anyone in Idaho.
this is absolutely terrifying, as a trans youth myself living in a state absolutely filled with right wing individuals, i am scared for me and my fellow trans youth living in ANY state, but especially red states like mine.
i'll reblog this post with anything i can find on how to help stop this, and you should too. please boost this, this affects all trans people, but especially trans youth, who already lack so many rights just for being youth.
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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enlitment · 4 months
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Enter the Festival of Supreme Being Raffle!
Spin the Wheel here (feel free to skip it if you don't want to rely on the whims of Fortune)
Reblog and add the name of the item you got in the tag!
Congrats! You have just gifted a Festival of Supreme Being gift to prev!
bonus: guillotine earrings can be found here
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fruityforsaari · 28 days
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Supreme Gentleman Build
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rs-hawk · 4 days
So just saw your post about not voting for trump. Good post. He's not a white nationalist though. Real white nationalists respect indigenous people. Place for every race and all that. He's just the run of the mill politician who says what he thinks will give him the most voters. Anyway, you'd probably be better treated by a white nationalist government lol.
This has been sitting in my ask box for like a month but just... Damn. This is wild.
You're telling me that I, a queer mixed Indigenous AFAB person who technically can be considered disabled, am respected by... White Supremacists? White Supremacists want me dead. I live in Texas. I come in contact with White Supremacists literally on a near daily basis.
They are the first ones to throw slurs at me. They are the first to say I should go back to my own country (and then say Reservation when I say that this is my country). They are the first ones to literally throw things at me at my day job. I have had people who I know for a fact are literally, LITERALLY, in the KKK, come into my job and ask why someone like me is working up front in a public establishment.
Again, I am mixed race. White Supremacists often either hate me off the bat because they know I'm mixed or see me as a minority and me simply existing in the same space as them is an affront. However, when they think I'm full White (as I am Italian and have been told I pass as Italian), and then find out I'm mixed it's so much worse. They take it as I lied to them. I had one customer at work a few years ago that we kind of flirted, and he was talking about taking me out when my job slowed down. I mentioned something off handedly about turquoise jewelry a few visits later, and he asked if I was "Indian". When I said yes, a total 180. He started accusing me of lying to him, saying I wanted to taint his blood line, blah blah blah.
Here's what you need to understand, sticking up for White Supremacists is just as fucked as being one. White Supremacists don't respect Indigenous Peoples. They want us gone. They want us somewhere they never have to see us. Reservations are not something we got out of respect. We have Reservations because we were forced to and it was all we were allowed. This is my ancestral land, and they still think I should be forced to live in another state because the government decided over a century ago (as the Nation I'm registered with was one of the last to be forced onto a Reservation) because they want to live here, in America, on traditional land, without wanting to see us.
White Supremacists don't respect us or any minorities. They want us out of their face. "A place for all races" just means out of their face or in what they consider in our place. A White Supremacist government is what created Reservations in the first place. A White Supremacist government is what forced my great grandmother's grandfather to be born on the side of the road during the march to the Reservation.
I am a firm believer that America is a Melting Pot. I am mixed race. I am proud of every aspect of who I am. I can list every ethnicity/race I am as I and my family are firm believers in knowing where you come from. As a child, my mom would quiz me on what I was and what side of my family it came from. It is important to know who and what you are. I have no issue with people being proud of who they are. There is no issue with wanting to only date/marry inside your culture imo. I don't have a problem with that. What is a problem is that White Supremacists (which is what I was calling Trump in my previous post) don't do that. They think they are better than other races. They don't want to even interact with other races. They. Are. Racist. And so is Trump. He called on the Proud Boys, a known White Supremacist group. Be serious.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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interested4never · 5 months
wouldnt lemme post ts on tiktok
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thehalcyon · 9 days
Yaaaaawn bored boring, BORING bored.
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