#superjail Headcanons
innucentz · 1 year
Superjail Convict Headcanons, because Yes. (Part 1, I have so many)
Used to be fluent in Italian as a child but didn't speak it as much as a teenager and mostly forgot it as an adult
Not a dog lover but really cared and loved that dog
Only child, but lived with his cousins, uncles, aunties, grandpa and his single mom
In his mid 30s
He was never IN the mafia but definitely some of his uncles and friends are in the mafia, who were mostly associates and soldiers. He was friends with almost every criminal in NYC (mostly because of his friends and uncles) and still keeps contact with them.
He was a scammer. Used to scam people by being a fake taxi driver and selling fake tickets. He got caught by an undercover cop when he was in the airport, picking up tourist
Always skipped and Didn't pay attention to his class. Definitely cheated in every exam and passed. Was able to graduate High School but never went to College
The arm tattoo is his girlfriend, from Cleveland
Ash Firin
Long lost half brother of Nicky (this Headcanon was from this tumblr user cobalt-punk? I think. Who said that Ash's dad looked similar to Nicky and I really liked that HC, so it stuck with me)
In his mid 20s
Pushed around a lot by his "friends” and forced him to join their crimes because of his speciality in fire
Was caught by Jailbot, after he accidentally burned down the hospital when petting the pony (during s3 ep10). Also he was in that hospital because his friends left him behind and he got beaten up by the guys who were chasing them
Didn't have any extended family to take care of him, after his dad abandoned him.
His love for fire started after the incident in the theater and got his fire powers when he was in superjail (probably because of the twins)
Had a lonely childhood, most of the kids bullied or were scared of him because of his appearance (after the incident in the theater).
Might have set a kid's hair on fire when he was in the orphanage
Lived in the orphanage until he was 18. Was never adopted
Gary Sedi
In his early 40s
Was a serial killer and a librarian (idk he gives me that vibe)
Had a good childhood, never bullied or abused but was super anti social and his only friend was Bird
Lived in a small town during childhood and early adulthood
I think his real voice is soothing and he's able to change the way his voice sounds, before his old warden cuts his tongue. Because i REFUSE to believe that's his real voice
Bird has been with him since he was a kid, given to his parents as a birthday gift
His weakness: When he doesn’t have his glasses on he can’t see shit
Definitely one of the healthiest and well kept inmates. Has his American Psycho routine
Back then, even if he had his tongue and vocal cords he was a very quiet man. He was friendly (maybe not sincere) to people and talked if needed
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calithecretin · 1 year
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Rushed thing I threw together to remember their height differences when drawing them LMAO
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The Warden from Superjail! is autistic, submitted by anon!
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maggotfagg0t · 5 months
It's my favorite holiday today! 4/20
So here's a little list of characters I headcanon from media to actively smoke weed
- Brian Thomas (Marble hornets
This headcanon is mainly derived from one of my favorite clips of all time, being the one of Brian and Alex smoking weed.
- Alex Kralie
Similar reasons to Brian but he needs it very much more than him, I mean if my brain was actively rotting due to slender sickness I'd be smoking weed. Plus bro needs to genuinely calm down sometime,,
- Trait from 1 trait danger
Insert video of him hitting the bong honestly, I think it's self exploratory.
- Charlie from Smiling friends
- Evan from everymanhybird
Maybe not actively but on a good occasion he would definitely smoke.
- Jared superjail
He very obseverly suffers from an addiction disorder dealing with alcoholism, and overeating sweets. So I believe it would fit into the line of his character for him also to Indore in smoking weed.
- Ticci Toby
Come on, I think If I was him I'd also be smoking weed if I had to go through the stuff he did. He'd probably not turn to alcoholism as a coping mechanism due to trauma but instead turn to weed to take off the edge of life at times.
I'm very much blanking here on other characters so please repost with your 4/20 headcanons for characters!
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Bong man Alex
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kristinmrshmeow · 1 month
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Headcanon for a young Warden aged 12-14 years
Of course, Headcanon is not really mine, I was inspired by one author whom I cannot find :(
I don't even know if it's a hedcanon or not ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
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montimer · 1 year
The warden x gn!reader
Just random hc's
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He would constantly want your attention. Often going up to you, always smiling.
Hes very clingy. If ur taller then him, he'll climb on you, wrapping his arms around you. Or give you a big hug. Or hold ur hand. Literally anything, he just wants to be close to you.
He would always smile when he sees you. Calling out to you. You wouldn't have time reacting 'cus hes already infront of you.
He will show you around super jail. Hes very careful. He doesn't want you to get hurt. So hes always next to you, just looking out for you.
He would randomly bring you flowers. Stammering over his words.
He would even snuggle up to you randomly.
He would also compliment you a lot.
He can get jealous very easyly. He would threaten the person whos having more attention than him.
He just loves you so much.
He will akwardly ask you out. If you say yes, he will be very happy. Jumping around. Already planning the date.
If you say no. He would make a sad face. Very sad about the fact that you don't love him back. Thats fine! He'll just keep on trying to make you fall for him.
Bonus little creepy headcanon. I think he would have a room full of pictures of you. Just admiring you there, thats all. He daydreams about you. Not in a weird, but in a romantic way.
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ms-scarletwings · 8 months
You CANNOT convince me these clips don’t represent Red & Purple in those many academy/young soldier years before they became the Tallests
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srry I kinda lied yesterday but today I will def make an extra one!
Daily Random Billden Thing #7
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maruchan25 · 5 months
headcanons list!!!! And info
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hii I'm Sue this is my blog I love writing for different characters and I love making headcanons for you guys cuz I know how it's like to like a character but there's not headcanons of them😭😭 so I'll be making headcanons to you guys is write fluff and nswf too this is list of Fandoms I'll be writing of but if you guys like another Fandom send me the request anyway I'll just investigate hiiiiii guys I'll be writing of this Fandoms you can make requestes of what you want and yes I write for more than 1 character at the same time!! I write for pregnancy and kids related headcanons too my pronouns are she/her
Abut me:
Im a Latina my mother tongue is Spanish but I handle English pretty good currently studying French
Rules:I don't write pedophile or rape
-The human centipede
-Jurassic park
-the sawyer family
-that's not my neighbor
-South park
-some slashers
-orel morel
-inside job
-big mouth
-the quite wester
-the boy with the striped pajamas
-the amazing world of gumball
-Fiona and cake
-super jail
-little misfortune
-plants VS zombies
-physiological horror too!
-vita cranis
-creatures of Trevor Henderson
-the man in the suit
-virus tangi
-and more!
Things I don't write for
-pedophilia -animal abuse-incest
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PEACE Has Connections With Superjail
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Some villains are sent to Superjail if they think Mictlan isn't enough punishment. Also the Warden is a Red Hat Organization member since he's not really a villain or hero but just amoral and likes doing his own thing.
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calithecretin · 2 years
Headcanon time!
The Warden’s all-time favorite movie is Paul Blart: Mall Cop. He makes Jared and Alice watch it with him all the time, and he’s played it during Superjail’s movie matinees at least a dozen times. Stingray, on the other hand, hates it with every ounce of his being.
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twinfanatic · 2 years
Techno Twin HC Time!!!:
Things the Twins pronounce differently:
Popsicles = "pob-pickles"
Meme = "me-me"
Serendipitous = "sahr-en dip-itus"
Rolex = "roo-lex"
Hyperbole = "Hiber-pully"
On occasion, they also tend to have trouble with homophones like: "except, accept, expect", "desert, dessert", "led, lead".
Though they have no problem with words like: "sun, son," "flower, flour", "fair, fare" or "weak, week".
They were pretty fast learners but, you know, struggled a little.
In conclusion, English is a difficult.
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consumed-by-fandom · 2 years
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Rough sketches of the twins I pulled outta my ass just now I KNOW THERES MISTAKES DONT LOOK AT THEM
Wanted to elaborate on them a bit, this isn’t a total headcanon list but it’s just a bit of characterisation for them. Gonna use the good ole One and Two to distinguish them both
So update to their hair, One’s is pretty much just his own hair, I just draw it to be fluffy and wavy like that lol, but Two goes full on 80s crimping frizzy ass messy hair because he thinks it’s fun to wear. With their clothes One prefers the tights and Two prefers the Flair pants. They do dress pretty similarly but they do have things they like more than others, they just do the whole identical twin thing to confuse people because they think it’s fucking hilarious. That’s not to say they don’t have similar tastes, they could very easy swap their wardrobes around, but they gravitate towards slightly different things.
In terms of music tastes electronic dance beats and rhythm game music I’d say, however One can appreciate songs with string instruments like violins and guitars and Two likes anything with pianos, synths or keytars.
In terms of vibes they are both snarky catty sons of bitches but One is calculating but has a short fuse, Two is a little more chaotic and very good at putting up a friendly front. If you’re cool they’ll invite you to their techno pool parties, but that doesn’t mean they won’t read you within an inch of your life.
The only person they care about is each other, they are each other’s world and if anyone dared to screw one of them over the other would go absolutely berserk. Bastards with a heart of gold. Also they like collecting human memorabilia thats not a hc that’s an actual fact their shelves are full of random shit they’ve gotten over the years.
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Good grief.
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servantofozzal · 2 years
My Headcannons for Superjail :)
- The Triplets were initially trained as gaurds for Rose. However, she insisted that she didnt need protection.
- Rose can get pregnant, and she can get others pregnant. (no she doesnt have a you know what) A female antrhopiax can inject a fertilized egg into a male or female host. (though females are more preferable for a higher survival rate) with a special organ located near the tips of their tails.
- When Rose was seven, Ozzal sent her on an interdimensional reconnaissance mission. She ended up being stuck on the planet after she was adopted by the Mclellan's
-Rose has a deep hatred for her foster family. as she never needed them in the first place
-When Rose was a mere hatchling, her parents were killed by Illuminat soldiers during a sudden invasion. the population was cut down by 40%
-Both while rose was young and away on her mission, Ozzal was the temporary overlord of Tamarax.
-Rose has a massive crush on the Triplets
-For her fifth birthday, Rose was gifted a special drago she named Argoss.
-Rose is a very talanted sculptor. and during her time on Earth, she carved immaculate murals into the sides of mountains and cliffs in order to pay respects to Ozzal
-Both Multi-kind dominants and Anthropiax have a deep love for art. The two love to share arts and trending fashions with one another.
-Rose's favorite "Earth song" is Jealous by Eyedress
-Rose was initially upset at learning that Ozzals's new wife was a human. but she quickly shed that anger when she realized how happy Ozzal, the twins, and the triplets were with Juno.
If y'all want more headcannons lemme know :)
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bastardopal · 2 years
HAHA HC!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Ozzal is very accepting mostly because he could care less about gender in the first place
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imaginesangie · 1 year
I've got this idea in my head for a drawing in my head, sorta comic style. Twins and Ozzal stuff. Twins holding hands looking up fearfully at Ozzal with a shot zoomed in on their hands. Ozzal looking down at them with disgust and disdain.
I'd like to think that even to Ozzal the Twins relationship is taboo and forbidden due to it's complexity and strangeness. Obviously Ozzal doesn't even care for his youngest children much anyway, but I think if he knew the extent of their love he would be disgusted.
IDK just some thoughts. I'm really interested in exploring how Ozzal and the Twins interact and truly think of each other.
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