#superhero omo
lomofic · 1 year
A super villain that just has the ability to make people very desperate to piss and just uses that freely to cause chaos.
“You cannot stop the likes of I!”
*makes character have to pee really really bad*
I would actually read a story like that. That’s amazing.
But who wants some superhero omo prompts?
Imagine a character that has to pee fighting in one of those one pieces that are really inconvenient to take off. The absolute suffering to remove it and rushing off to a toilet while struggling with the zipper and trying not to flood their costume.
Superpowers and omo is so good. So like a character’s powers start malfunctioning as they pee. Pee shivers with powers. If they control plants, little flowers grow at their feet as they sigh in relief. If they control ice maybe their piss begins to freeze in the toilet while they let it gush out onto the ice… so many amazing examples for each power
A hero using x-ray vision and noticing their sidekick has really full bladder…maybe they mention it, maybe they tease their sidekick. Maybe they ignore it because there’s bigger things to deal with right now.
Potty dancing as a superhero, being followed by paparazzi and the news. Having to keep their identity a secret while dying for a piss. People keep stopping them for autographs, or they keep getting in fights with more villains. Crime never rests and hero’s don’t get a chance to just piss. Even if they want to really bad.
A character in battle needing to pee. Squirming and needy while in mortal peril.
BONUS: a hero with a black/dark suit that makes accidents less obvious so they can pee through the suit
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dukes-cassettetape · 4 months
A Legend is being born right before our eyes!
⚫🐉 Hēilóng "The Black Dragon"
👑 Last of the 3 African Kings
🌍 The Greatest African Fighter in UFC History
🌊🌬🔥⛰ The Last Stylebender⛰🔥🌬🌊
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By the end of the year, with a win in his rumored upcoming fight vs Dricus de Plessis, Izzy will make history and officially be on his way to becoming the greatest Middleweight of All Time.
with the Dricus win he'll have:
🏅 12 title fights
🏅 11 PPV headliners
🏅 9 title fight wins
🏅 8+ fight bonuses
🏅 5 title defenses
🏅👊🏾 Most Knockdowns in UFC Middleweight History
🏆🏆🏆 3x Undisputed Middleweight Champion
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he is on the verge of Middleweight GOAT status. once he beats Dricus, if he can win the Strickland rematch then turn around and beat the winner of Whittaker vs Chimaev, he'll have tied Silva in title wins at 11. couple that with his résumé, his strength of schedule, his activity, the fact that he did what Silva couldn't by recapturing the title twice, and all of the hype storylines behind a lot of his fights; he could be looking at a pretty strong case for having surpassed Anderson.
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omoghouls · 1 year
Opinions on spiderman omo?😳
👉👈 Spiderman used to be my JAM as a kid (use to watch the cartoons and read the comics religiously as a kid)
That silly suit, spandex, and conforms to the body???? Anyone could see his overfilled bladder protruding through the fabric 😳 and, sure it'd dry fast but the idea of someone witnessing him wetting himself?? The superhero, wetting himself????
ALSO, swinging on his webs and he really needs to pee so he's not concentrated so he bangs right into a tree or smth- pressing his bladder against something and he starts to wet👀
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justsomeno1s · 2 years
BasilKel Swap Prologue Part 5
‘Basil was victorious! Gained 14 exp! Gained 2 clams!’
‘Basil grew to Level 2!’
“Hi everyone! Did you guys have a good time so far?” Mari waved the group of five over. “Feel free to rest up here! Everything’s already set up, and I even brought some fruit!”
‘Ah yes, some delicious fruits. Would you like to eat some?’
Basil smiled at her shakily, before dropping himself onto the blanket and groaning.
The former pacifist whined into the blanket. “...too much…my head…”
Aubrey sat down next to him, grabbing an orange out of the pile. “Basil fought his first battles today! He did super good too!” She peeled it quickly, then held out a piece of the fruit to him. He didn’t move. “... Even if he’s not acting like it.”
Kel laughed, grabbing a handful of fruit and shoving what he could into his mouth in one rushed motion. “Yep! Battle expert Superhero extraordinaire Kel is saying so, so it has to be true!”
“I don’t think that's how that works, Kel,” Hero pointed out, and Kel tilted his head.
“Huh? What do you mean? Are you saying I’m not a superpowered reality-warping zombie king who replaced your brother?”
Hero stared at him for a long moment. “I… I don’t even know how to respond to that. What?”
“What what?” He asked, grinning, and Aubrey rolled her eyes.
“It’s a ‘Super Star Chasers’ reference. That’s the plot twist of the third arc, and you are NOT Lord Ollo!”
Kel crossed his arms. “Says who? Remember, in his first solo issue, he was given the power of belief! So, when he said ‘I am what I declare myself’ in the final battle-”
Mari laughed. “Sorry, but that’s definitely not how his power works, Kel,” She said.
He looked around, watching the others stare at him, then huffed and dramatically flopped onto Omori’s side, whining. “Why’s everyone so mean to me, Omo? You’ll back me up, won’t you?”
Omori stared at him for a moment, then sighed, leaning his cheek onto Kel’s head.
‘Absolutely not. Kel’s definitely not the murderous Lord Ollo.’
“Aw, thanks Omori!” Kel smiled, completely missing Omori’s meaning. “Heh, sometimes, it feels like you’re my only friend in the whole world!”
‘You and your friends feel like new!’
Basil had rolled over at some point, wordlessly accepting the orange slices Aubrey handed him, as the others chatted.
“Mari is so effortlessly graceful… Don’t you think so, Omori?”
Omori thought about Aubrey’s question, then nodded. ‘She really is…’
“Awwwww… I guess I have to believe it a little bit if all of you think so!” Mari cooed, clutching her hands together over her heart.
Even smiling as wide as she did, her EMOTION remained as neutral as always. 'Sun-' You hoped she’d learn to show EMOTIONS one day.
Kel leapt to his feet, pulling Omori after him, to the edge of the blanket. “So! We’re almost there! All that’s left now is the FOREST EDGE! Our house is right between it and MOUNT SHEER! Come on, guys! Let’s go!”
Aubrey groaned. “Do we have to?”
“Alright… I can get up,” Basil said quietly, smiling as he did.
Hero stood up, helping Basil to his feet. “Hey, there’s no need to rush. We can wait, can’t we, Kel?”
The caped boy sighed. “Eugh… I guess.”
Aubrey hopped up, dusting her pajama dress off. “Guess we’ll have to catch up with you later, Mari!”
Mari laughed behind her hand. “Well, let me know if you need anything! See you soon!” She ruffled Aubrey’s hair, then waved them off.
As they walked, the overhead branches slowly changed from their minty green to a sleepy blue, with the path forward lit up by a trail of yellow This-Way-Stones. The violet sky combined with it to make a beautiful sight, and everytime he saw it, Omori couldn’t help but think it reminded him of the ocean.
‘You wonder if this is what looking up from the bottom of a lake would be like.’
FOREST EDGE’s path was a single, narrowing trail through the trees, used mainly by the brothers to go home and particularly adventurous hikers to challenge MOUNT SHEER. The trees kept most dangerous things out of the way… usually.
Distantly, there was a thump, then two more, each one louder than the last.
“Uh-uhm!” Basil stuttered. “What was that?”
Kel and Hero glanced at each other for a moment, Hero already looking exasperated and Kel’s face surprisingly unreadable, but when nothing was said, Omori continued forward.
“Hello? Guys?!” Basil rushed to keep up, eyes wide.
A massive sprout mole stood directly between the group and the BROTHERS’ HOUSE, refusing anyone entry, even itself. If it tried to move any forward, it’d get stuck, clearly, and it didn’t seem inclined to move backwards.
Kel’s eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands together.
“Perfect! Basil, c’mere!”
Under his breath, he muttered “uh oh,” then moved to stand next to the shorter boy. “What’s up?”
He clapped a hand onto Basil’s shoulder, grinning wildly. “It’s time for my final battle tutorial! You’ve learned the basics, using skills, and emotions, and now!” He gestured at Ye Old Sprout, who was turning around to face the group. “You’ll learn how to fight AS A TEAM!”
“Didn’t you and I already-?” Basil was cut off by Kel shoving him in line with the three others. Ye Old Sprout walked closer.
“Go for it! Use your ENERGY! Shoot for the stars!”
Basil could barely hear him over his rising panic. “K-KEL!?”
“Don’t worry Basil, you’ll be fine! We’re all good fighters, you know?” Aubrey patted Basil’s shoulder to comfort him. “We’ve got your back! Promise!” He didn’t look fully convinced, but grabbed the jump rope off his waist anyway.
“Hey, Basil,” Hero called his attention. “You know what ENERGY is, right?”
“Its, its, uh… Health?” Basil tried, and Hero shook his head.
“No. Er, well, not exactly. It’s a resource we gain when in battle with people we trust! When we get hurt, our ENERGY goes up, and we use ENERGY to use FOLLOW-UPS,” he explained, then gave a thumbs up. “Just give it a shot, and you’ll get it!”
‘What will Omori and friends do?’
Omori stepped in, swiping his blade at the giant sprout mole, and Hero whacked at it with his Spatula.
‘Omori attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 13 damage!’
‘Hero attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 11 damage!’
“Er, should- Do I just attack?” Basil asked out loud, looking uneasy.
Omori gave him a thumbs up as Kel called out to him from out of battle. “Go for it!”
He tensed, but nodded and snapped the jump rope at the mole.
‘Basil attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 8 damage!’
Basil winced at the low damage as Aubrey rushed to follow suit. Mr. Plantegg squeaked when whacked against the enemy.
‘Aubrey attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 15 damage!’
The old mole leaned forward, then slammed face first into the ground. The force knocked Basil off his feet and sent dust everywhere.
‘Ye Old Sprout rolls over! Omori takes 3 damage! Aubrey takes 2 damage! Basil takes 6 damage! Hero takes 4 damage!’
“Hey! Everyone okay??” Kel called into the fight.
Omori swung at the Sprout, drawing its attention as it stood up again. He glanced over to the green haired boy as Basil scrambled to his feet, then gave Kel a thumbs up.
‘Omori attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 14 damage!’
‘Hero attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 9 damage!’
Hero swatted at their enemy again, and Basil started to attack.
‘Basil attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 8 damage!’
He jumped back, away from Ye Old Sprout, when a thought struck him suddenly. He held up his fingers in a square, trying to imagine using his camera to capture the memory of the battle. Basil couldn’t help but watch as Omori stood closer to the mole, fearless and unbothered by any potential danger.
‘Basil tries to copy Omori! Basil recovers 12 Heart!’
Omori felt the eyes on his back and glanced at him, head tilting slightly. In a panic, Basil wiped his hands on his pants as if to get rid of evidence, looking away from the other boy as Aubrey attacked.
‘Aubrey attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 17 damage!’
Hero called out with cheer. “Hey, looks like you’ve got how follow ups work!” Basil squeezed his lips together, still blushing. “That’s the basics, anyway! Ah, but there is one last thing. RELEASE ENERGY is a special follow up that uses up all our ENERGY to unleash it. It’s powerful, but we need everyone to be perfectly in-sync for it to land. What do you guys say to finishing this battle off with a team attack?”
“HECK YEAH!” Aubrey cheered, and Omori gave another thumbs up as Hero sighed.
“Uhm… Okay,” Basil nodded. “Let’s try!”
Omori slashed at Ye Old Sprout, then turned to meet the others’ eyes. All three were grinning, Hero’s calm and confident, Aubrey’s toothy and sharp, and Basil’s nervous but trusting. He nodded, and Aubrey charged forward with a cheer.
‘Omori attacks! Ye Old Sprout takes 12 damage!’
‘Omori and friends come together and use their ultimate attack!’
Heavy swings, snapping lashes, punchy swats, all finished up with a series of slashes- The massive sprout mole fell, vanishing into the tree line and nearly toppling the poor trees in its way.
‘Ye Old Sprout took 300 damage!’
‘Omori’s party was victorious! Gained 150 exp! Gained 50 clams!’
‘Omori grew to level 3! … and learned STAB!’
‘Aubrey grew to level 3!’
‘Basil grew to level 3!’
‘Hero grew to level 3!’
“And that’s the grand conclusion of Kel’s battle tutorial! Woo! You guys worked great together!” Kel cheered the team on, rushing forward to grab whoever he could into a hug. Aubrey made an unhappy noise, and Hero laughed at his glowing yellow burr of a brother. Kel finally let go after falling victim to Aubrey’s vicious Plushy again, turning to Basil. “You didn’t really use any super useful FOLLOW UPs Basil, but that’s okay! Give it some time and practice, you’ll get better at using them! Oh, and make sure to check my camcorder to see some examples! Super useful, if I do say so myself.” He struck his pose again, and Basil chuckled nervously.
“Heh, well… I don’t know, maybe. It wasn’t so bad fighting with you guys!” he decided, and Aubrey cheered.
“Yeah! That’s the spirit, Basil!” She hugged his arm, and he smiled a bit wider.
Kel tugged on Hero’s arm, beaming. “Come on guys! Let’s celebrate with a movie! Basil’s choice!”
“Alright, alright! Calm down, you.” Hero flicked Kel in the forehead.
“Yeah, Kel! You’ve gotta have some patience!” Aubrey said, and he rolled his eyes.
“If you’ve got patience, I’d rather fight the Milky Way guardians.”
Aubrey gaped at him as he snickered. “You-!”
He laughed a little more, until Hero fixed him with a stern look. “Kelsey…”
“Aw, I was just kidding! C’mon!”
Tiredly, Hero looked past the tree line, towards the BROTHERS’ HOUSE. “I really hope there’s not more things in the way… I guess I have to check now.” He sighed and walked down the path into the house’s clearing.
“So…” The second Hero was out of earshot, Kel spoke up, head tilting. Aubrey huffed, clenching her fists. “You wanna get back to the war?”
“Huh? Wait… do you mean-?”
Kel laughed, grinning widely. “Yep yep! Let’s get the pranks back on!”
Basil watched Aubrey and Kel nervously, “H-hey, didn’t Hero say that you guys had to play nice?”
“Phsssh,” he shrugged Basil off. Kel glanced towards Hero, making sure his brother was distracted before leaning in conspiratorially. “We'll be nice! I mean, I'm okay with leaving it as is. I'm still winning, after all!"
Aubrey gasped, then hopped in place, flickering between red and yellow. "No way! I'm not letting you beat me, especially not with a dumb trap like that!!"
"Yeah right! After all, if you need to listen to Hero, there's no chance you'll even get close to catching up!"
She grinned viciously. “Oh we’ll see about that, Kel Smells! Now, come on!” She raced past him, Kel right on her heels, both nearly knocking into Basil. The dandy crown sputtered some petals into the air, and he sighed fondly.
“They’re pretty excited, huh Omori?” Omori tilted his head at the question, and Basil giggled. “Heh, Let’s go catch up!”
Within the clearing stood the BROTHERS’ HOUSE, a massive blanket fort that had been stitched together from oversized quilts of all colors. It was only just smaller than a circus tent, with a particularly red blanket making up a gravity defying chimney. The surrounding area was covered in pillows, plush toys, and the occasional comic book, and a path of orange This-Way-Stones led the way into the tent. The clearing was always dark- never quite pitch black, but the violet of Headspace skies would turn a rich indigo and glitter with less coherent constellations.
Near one side of the entrance sat carved pumpkin without a lid, filled with unlit candles inside. Whenever they came over, the visitors would take a candle and hold it to a This-Way-Stone to make it light up. Back before they’d laid them in a path, the brothers’ would have to have everyone light a candle and stick close together until they reached the tent, but with the recent edition, there really was no more need for the candles beyond looking nice.
By the time Omori caught up with them, both Kel and Aubrey had taken and lit one each, and were arguing over which one of them had the nicer color- Pink or orange.
A petal caught his attention and Basil sighed. “Already?” he asked, more to himself than Omori. It wasn’t loud, but it was enough to get the warring children’s attention.
“Omori!” “Omori!” They shouted at the same time, rushing over to him. Basil squeaked in terror and hid behind Omori.
Aubrey huffed as she crossed her arms. “Come on Omori! You gotta tell Kel that orange doesn’t look good!”
“That’s not true and you know it, Aubrey!” He argued back, bouncing in place. “Orange is the best color ever! Way better than pink!”
“No way!!” She turned to him. “Come on, Omori, tell him!”
‘Which is the best color?’
Nope. Omori is not getting in between this one. He plucks a candle out of the eternal pumpkin, holding it to a This-Way-Stone until it lit up in a soft ‘purple’. He held it up for the others to see. Aubrey pouted.
“Hey, that’s not what we asked!”
Basil poked his head out from behind Omori’s back. He closed an eye as he looked at the monochrome boy’s candle, thinking. “Isn’t that Mari’s favorite color?” When Omori nodded, he grinned. “So that’s why you like it so much!”
“Aw, that’s so cute!” Aubrey said, prior upsetness replaced, and Kel nodded along.
Before they could continue, one of the tent flaps opened, casting a warm sunset glow into the yard.
“All clear!” Hero called out, waving to them with his free hand, the other holding his own candle glowing a soft blue.
Aubrey and Kel locked eyes before racing towards the tent, Basil only a moment behind them.
The entrance to the fort was a small, warmly lit room, with two doorways leading to one of the brothers’ rooms. The rest of the quilt house was split down the middle by a blanket wall, giving the two their privacy. (They had always had separate rooms, hadn’t they?) The floor was made of wooden planks- not quite creaky, but not new by any means. Lit up stones from the pathway hanging off the walls and embedded in the floor. A small mirror was hung directly across from the door, over a table with a picture- where everyone put their candles down.
Already, Aubrey and Kel's had been placed on opposite sides of the table, and Omori put his down between them after stepping into the room.
The left side of the house was Kel’s, carpeted and lit up by a softly burning, orange fire in a fireplace made of green blankets. Three of the walls had shelves pressed up against them, each jam packed with movie cases and comics, and painted in a different color and pattern, a few splatters of paint on the cloth walls behind them. The fourth wall was a pure white blanket that he used to play and show off his movies: the projector sat on top of the fireplace. In the center of the room was a pile of blankets, pillows, and beanbags. Hero would probably tell Kel off for leaving everything a mess when inviting guests over when he got the chance later, but oh well.
The right half was Hero’s, flooring made of unlit This-Way-Stones, and while usually dark, the entire room would be tinted blue by his candle’s light after he put it up on a simple, reflective chandelier. One of the walls had a kitchen countertop setup against it, with a sink and oven that couldn’t burn anyone’s hand, no matter how often they played with it. Sometimes, Hero swore Kel was trying to burn himself with how often he forgot oven mitts. A fridge sat in the back corner, and a dining table stood in the center of the room, with the places already neatly set for four visitors.
“Hey guys, check us out!” Kel cheered, pulling Omori over by the arm to stand in front of the mirror. Omori looked down at Kel’s head, then up at his reflection. It was still just them.
“Ugh, no way! I’m not going to let you give me bunny ears again, Kel!” Aubrey fumed, and he huffed at being caught.
“Alright, so,” Hero clapped to get their attention. “I’ll get the muffins and popcorn going, and you guys pick a movie and put together a place to sit; How’s that sound?”
“Alright!” Kel cheered, and Aubrey nodded quickly.
“Let’s go!”
Basil grinned, nodding, then paused. He looked down at himself, and Omori swore he could see Basil thinking. Then he jumped and started patting down his pockets. “uh, uh… uh oh…”
“Huh? What’s up Basil?”
At Aubrey’s question, he froze, then hung his head low. “I, uhm, I think I forgot the berries for the muffins…”
“Huh.” Hero blinked. “Well, it’s not that big of a deal-”
Kel rubbed at his chin, thinking, then gave a confident smile. “That's alright! You and Aubrey can go get them, we can set up my room, and Hero can start mixing the stuff he can!”
“...Is that all I am to you, Kel? A free food dispenser?” Hero asked, scooping Kel up in one arm and giving the younger a noogie with the other. “I raise you myself, and you think so little of me?”
“Ack-! Hero!” Kel shoved at his hand, huffing with annoyance. His flickering red aura was pale to Hero’s yellow outline. “You’re messing up my hair! Hey!”
Hero gave him a tight hug before setting him down again. “Alright, alright, you little gremlin. What do you two think?” He turned to Basil and Aubrey.
“Works for me!” Basil smiled, then looked over to the other.
Aubrey was watching Kel carefully as he straightened his hair back to his acceptance. He paused to give her the most innocent smile he could, and she frowned, eyes narrowing.
Basil cleared his throat. “Uh, Aubrey?” She didn’t look away, not breaking eye contact as she finally nodded. “Er… right. I guess we’ll just grab our candles and run to the NEIGHBOR’S ROOM!” He gave a cheery smile. “We’ll be back in just a bit! See you then!”
Without another second, Basil grabbed Aubrey’s arm in one hand and her candle in the other, and tugged her out of the blanket fort while Kel snickered.
“Alright. You two-”
Kel rolled his eyes at Hero’s words. “We’ve got it! Organize new movies, set up the fort, and pick something we’ll all like- No bug documentaries this time! Come on, Omo! Let’s go!” For once, Kel took the usual party member approach of walking behind Omori instead of yanking him around everywhere.
Hero sighed quietly as Omori tilted his head at him. “... I should get started with the batter. At least the popcorn will be quick, though I won’t be making it for a while. It tastes best warm, after all…” He said, distracted. He was staring into his room and not moving.
Omori poked him, and he didn’t respond, just mumbling to himself again.
“Just leave him, Omo,” Kel said, looking unimpressed at his brother. “He always gets like this when he’s thinking about cooking. Let’s see if we can’t get stuff done before he starts to come out of it!”
They walked into the brighter room, and Kel snatched his camcorder back out of Omori’s pocket.
“Okay! Omori, help me sort out the stuff, won’t cha?” Kel placed his camera on the fireplace mantle, aiming it at himself, then ran to the center of his room. He gestured around him at the brightly painted shelves, beaming. “I’ll tell you what everyone likes first, then what each movie or book is! Then, you put it where it should go. Super easy!”
Omori stared at him, and he grinned nervously.
“Why aren’t I putting stuff away? Cause I’ll be making the blanket fort! Hero’s off cooking, so we can do this ‘til he’s done- Then, he can’t say I wasn’t doing anything! Heh, let’s get started!”
Looks like you’ve got no choice but to say ‘yes’.
The purple shelf was decorated with painted flowers and claw marks, looking like something had attacked it. “Okay! Mari’s shelf is Purple, and she likes Horror movies!” Kel handed him the first movie from his pocket. The cover art showed a man grinning madly, his head in between two chopped pieces of wood. “So this one’s for her! I wanna see what it's about, but Hero says it's kinda super gory though, so I’m not allowed to watch it. Ugh.”
Omori shelved the movie and moved on.
A vivid yellow shelf with green florets was next. “Basil likes nature Documentaries and the color Yellow. I think they’re kind of boring, but hey! That’s why they’re on Basil’s shelf!”
Aubrey’s shelf was a soft pink with hot pink and magenta spots. “Aubrey likes Romance movies, but she also likes Adventure too, so I guess her taste isn’t all bad!”
Hero’s shelf started as a light blue at the top, but the color darkened as it dropped lower. “Hero’s not really picky, but he always gets super into Mystery shows. Funny, right? He likes cooking documentaries, too, but I don’t get too many of those.”
The orange shelf was clearly Kel’s, with his favorite drink’s mascot and basketball stickers plastered everywhere. “Mine’s the Orange one, and, just in case you forgot, I really like Action movies! I mean, who wants to be bored with a movie?”
The second to last shelf was even more obvious. A white shelf with a black knife carefully drawn on in pen. “Yep, that one’s yours, Omori! I’m sure you know this, but I think you like Fantasy movies. Like, Magic and stuff!”
He’d shelved the first six movies, but was having trouble slotting this one- The cover just showed a group of people standing in front of a golden background, without a title. ‘What is this one again?’ And after a moment of consideration, he walked over to Kel and tapped him on the head.
“Hm? What’s up?”
Omori held out the offending movie, and Kel leaned in to look at it, before pointing at the Green Shelf that covered the back most wall.
“It can go there! That shelf is for any we can’t place. It's a little crowded,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. “But it works!”
Omori shrugged, and the movie was put onto its shelf.
‘Hmm… Wonder if Kel’s got anything else fun to say?’
Omori held out a animated movie about a cartoon dog and fox becoming friends. “Oh, I remember that one! I think everyone likes it, but it gets really sad at the end. Hehe, Basil can’t watch the ending at all without crying.”
A movie about a little blonde kid being left alone on a holiday, and stopping a pair of burglars. “Heh, that one’s really good! Movies about the bad guys getting beat up are the best! I don’t get how anyone couldn’t like them!”
A movie about a princess who falls in love with a monster. “Bleugh! That one’s all romance-y! Go give it to Aubrey or something! At least the bad guy’s funny.”
A stop motion movie about a reindeer with a glowing nose. “What? You’ve never seen this one? Give it here, I’ll put it to the side so we can watch it later. … Don’t give me that look! It’s a classic!”
The last case to be sorted was of a monochrome woman covering her mouth with wide eyes. The bottom of the case had people standing in front of it. He showed the case to Kel, who pointed at Mari’s shelf as he began talking.
“Hey, wanna hear something, Omo? Mari says that she likes horror movies because she likes the suspense of it all, but I think I know her secret.” Kel grinned widely as Omori shelved the last movie case.
‘All done.’
“I really think she likes it when everyone relies on her! Hero can’t handle jump scares at all, you know- whenever he gets scared, he’ll get all pale and freeze up, and she’ll have to comfort him. It’s pretty funny!”
Omori thought about it, imagining a stoic-faced Hero being comforted by a giggly Mari, and nodded.
Kel continued. “Basil and you get all antsy too!”
Omori froze. The air felt colder. 'Omori doesn't get scared'
“Remember that time we watched Scream at Basil’s house? Y’know, when Mari and Hero were away? You were both so scared, haha! You ended up locking yourselves in his room for the rest of the night! Hero had to lure you out with pancakes the next morning. I got in so much trouble, heh. It was worth it though!”
Kel stood up. He gave the mini fort a once over, then nodded to himself.
“Looking good! Now we just need to pick out a movie.” Kel walked over to his shelf, humming cheerfully. “Whatcha think? What should we watch?”
“You’re, uh, not really answering me? You okay- Oh! Air Bud! I’ve been looking all over for this!” Kel grabbed the worn box, turning back to Omori. “That’ll work, don’tcha think?”
Omori said nothing. Kel pursed his lips, then looked away.
“Heh, I don’t really get what you're trying to say, Omo. But that’s okay!” He bumped Omori’s shoulder playfully, then walked to the projector. “Let’s get this all set up!”
“Huh? There’s already a disc in here? But, I definitely put them all away!”
Omori moved to stand next to him.
“It’s blank too. Hmm… I’m gonna play it! Else, we won’t see who it belongs to!”
The projector clicked. The light flickered on. The boys turned to face the white projector screen wall.
“Huh? Is this… a recording?”
“Wait, did I…”
“ Is that… What- Mari-”
Kel feels AFRAID
“What did you do-?!”
A moment of breathlessness.
‘You two-’
‘I’m all-’
Omori is in White Space. There is no door.
‘A tissue box for wiping your sorrows away.’
‘You stared at the laptop’s screen. You read your diary.’
‘Today, I visited my friends. Everything was okay. Today, I spent time in White Space. Everything was okay. Today, I visited my friends. Everything was-’
‘The heat from the laptop warmed your lap. It burnt felt nice.’
‘The lightbulb is pitch black inside. You can’t see a thing.’
‘You spoke to Mewo.’
“(Not much to do around here, is there? Or, is there? Looking for a way out? There always is one… but… Waiting for something to happen?)”
'... thump...'
‘Your sketchbook is blank. Something stares at you from the pages.’
‘... thump…’
‘Looks like there’s nothing else to do.’
'... goodnight, Omori.'
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
Okay listen, I'm only 2 episodes in so far so don't spoil me, bUT:
Um/brella Aca/demy is basically the same show as D/oom Pat/rol, just skirting around the f-bombs and sex instead of giving it to us full on.
That's not a bad thing either lmao I'm fully enjoying U/A, and I'm not calling it a ripoff or anything bc they do have differences. Just saying, it's funny seeing where the line is drawn for people. The person I'm watching it with is getting super into U/A but they wouldn't touch D/P with a 12 foot pole even after I pointed out the similar dynamics
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
When you're pregnant
Masterlist (Reaction)
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He would start crying when you'll give him the news. "This is happy tears," he would tell you as you'll get tensed.
He would become sweeter than before. Will hold your hand while you will walk, "I don't want my babies to get hurt."
Would click the fetus picture from ultrasonography, "Look, she looks just like you."
Will fill your cravings by leaving home even in midnight.
Keep his hand on your belly while sleeping, "My daughter shouldn't feel like her daddy isn't by her side."
Will cry when he will hear her heartbeat for the first, "Oh my God, her heartbeat is so nice."
Will hug you so many times a day, "I'm hugging two person after all."
Won't want to go to work leaving you, "I miss you and our baby."
Will click pictures with your baby bump and kiss you baby bump, "Precious!"
"Why isn't our princess here yet?" Will get devastated missing his baby.
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Will understand before you that you are pregnant.
Stop being a workaholic for taking care of you.
Burn the whole kitchen trying to cook something for you, "I just wanted to help."
Would become so organized, "I shouldn't keep things messy, our baby shouldn't feel any mess."
Will click your baby bump's picture everyday, "Look, I can see his leg."
"Oh my, he is kicking. It must hurt so much?" Will hug you when your baby will start kicking.
Will make you hear his new songs, "Isn't papa making a good music? I will make for you too, my baby boy."
Keep the fetus pictures in an album, "He shouldn't miss all these."
Ends up sleeping while helping you sleep
Reads you books of spirituality, "I don't want any negativity around you two."
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Can't believe he is becoming a dad. "Baby, this is the best gift of my life."
Combs your hair gently and kisses on your head, "You should take care of yourself properly, honeybee."
Doesn't let you do any work, "You are supposed to rest all day and do some exercise, just a little."
Can't help but makes love with you, "I can't stop thinking about touching you though you are pregnant."
Pouts when you get your mood swings, "You are scaring the babies," makes you calm then, "Let's try meditating?"
Buys you a lots of sweets, "Hope our babies will be as sweet as these cakes, yum."
"Oh my God, do you see their hands? Look, they are as handsome as I am," tells you seeing the ultrasonography.
Keeps sending those ultrasonography pictures to his members, "Aren't they adorable? I wonder how will they look after I'll be able to hold them into my arms."
Most of the time, he picks you up from wherever you want to, "Why aren't you heavy yet? Aren't you eating well?"
Kisses you thrice every morning, "This one is for my wife," "This one for my girl number 1," "This one for girl number 2."
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Starts jumping in front of his members and staffs hearing the news from you, "I am the happiest man on the earth!"
Buys you roses everyday, "I want to give you every beautiful thing I can, baby."
"Does she look like this? Omo, she is so tiny!" Can't imagine how tiny his daughter is right now.
Starts practicing sports, "I don't want her to know that I am bad at anything. I want to be her superhero."
Makes you watch sweet movies, "Only nice things for my love."
Takes you to several dates, "Won't be able to go with one-one dates anymore. There will be another munchkin with us later."
Can't help smiling while writing the names he wants to give his child, "So many names, how am I supposed to choose?"
Takes you to beaches, "Isn't it healing? Hearing the waves?"
Cries hiding seeing you in pain, "No, I'm not worried, I'm just scared you'll get hurt."
Cleans you feet everyday, "It feels good, doesn't it, baby?"
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Gets shocked hearing the news, "Are we really pregnant, cupcake?"
Buys tiny shoes, "Aren't they adorable? I couldn't stop buying all these."
Keeps holding your hand, "I'm giving him my energy too."
Helps you exercise, "I've learned you should bend like this," is strict about the yoga parts.
Gets anxious seeing you suffer, "Don't hurt your mama, aren't you a good boy of mine?"
Rubs your belly with oil, "It should make you two feel nice."
"Another spoon for me," feeds you like you are his baby.
Doesn't let you get mad at all, "If you get mad, I feel like two persons are mad at me. Please don't get mad."
Kisses your hand, "I am such a blessed man to have you in my life."
Teases you saying, "He is going to look like me for sure. He has to!"
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Kisses you hearing the news and gives party to announce the news, "I am a dad now."
Paints your nails, "Purple suits your nails."
Buys the entire shop not even knowing if it's a boy and a girl.
"I want a girl like you," tells you when you ask him.
Gets emotional hearing it's a boy and a girl both, "Baby, will you be fine?"
Cries with you when the babies start kicking, "Don't cry, baby. You are going to be fine."
Decorates a room by himself for your children, "Look, it's purple themed. Hope they like it."
Plays music while putting mask on your face, cucumber on your eyes, "You don't have to worry, I'm there for your skin care routine, apple pie."
Dances with you slowly after dinner, "This is the best exercise, you and I."
When you get insecure for being fat, "You look like a fluff ball, you know that? You look more adorable."
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As he opens the surprise box, "Am I going to be a dad?" *Faints* Starts screaming out loud telling the entire world that he is having a baby.
Talks to your baby bump non-stop not letting you breath a bit.
Cooks you tasty foods, "I know you can eat these well," does research on your taste now. Cooks late night foods for your cravings, "Anything for my queen.*
Becomes friend with the entire hospital people, "You will have to come in our baby shower.*
Takes you everywhere he goes, "I can't stay away from any of you now."
Keeps his ears on your baby bump, "He is kicking so cutely!"
Gets upset when your baby doesn't come out on the due date, "I am mad at him. I miss him, I wanna hug him."
Fake cries when you tell him to stop nagging about what name your baby should be called with.
Takes you to see nature, "Take some deep breaths," you can't believe he is doing someone calming.
Helps you wash your hair, "I wish I can wash your hair everytime."
Pranks you saying he didn't want the baby and makes you cry. Then apologize immediately giggling, "I was joking."
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"Now I have to take care of two babies," t tells you not getting surprised about the fact that you are pregnant.
Plays piano and sings song to you and your baby, "She should grow with it, doesn't show?"
Buys a tons of bears filling the child's room with them, "I am certain she is going to love these."
Plays guitar while you are doing Yoga, "Isn't it making you less bored?"
Holds your hand while walking, "Can't let you go."
Takes you to lake areas because you love these, "She must like these too."
Kisses your forehead, "If I kiss you somewhere else, I might not be able to stop, you know."
Keeps staring at your baby bump, "You look so lovely with her."
Cries hearing her heartbeat for the first time, "I couldn't believe it would feel so overwhelming."
Keeps you calm when you are having labor pain, "You are going to make it, she is going to be fine, don't worry. Take deep breaths, I'm with you."
Hope you have liked it~
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downsign · 5 years
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My Dad, my Hero
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writinglionqueen · 3 years
RAW Recap (6/21/21)
~kicking things off with Bobby Lashley and MVP to celebrate his win
~The New Day interrupt to remind Bobby Kofi beat him
~They propose a match, to which they upgrade it to a Hell in a Cell match with Xavier Woods vs Bobby Lashley
~AJ Styles vs Ricochet in a Money in the Bank qualifying match
~Ricochet gets a win (and is in MITB) with a little help from the Viking Raiders taking out Omos
~Eva Marie and Piper Niven vs Naomi and Asuka in a MITB qualifying match (Piper is actually called Doudrop)
~Naomi gets the win so both her and Asuka are in MITB
~Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville want to talk about what happened between Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair at Hell In a Cell, to which they ask Rhea to come out and Charlotte comes out too
~Sonya says that there will be a rematch between Rhea and Charlotte at MITB
~More tension between the tag team of Tamina and Natalya vs Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke
~Randy Orton vs John Morrison in a MITB qualifying match
~John Morrison gets the win and is in MITB after Miz shoots Randy with the Drip Stick and Matt Riddle tries to help but fails
~Alexa Bliss and a brand new, superhero Nikki Cross vs Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler for a MITB qualifying match
~Nikki and Alexa get the win and are in MITB
~Matt Riddle vs Drew McIntyre in a MITB qualifying match
~Randy Orton comes out to watch
~Riddle gets the win, is in MITB, and Randy isn’t happy about it
~Next week, Drew McIntyre vs Randy Orton vs AJ Styles will be in a triple threat match for the last addition to the MITB match
~Xavier Woods vs Bobby Lashley in a Hell in a Cell match (while MVP and Kofi Kingston watch respectively outside the cell)
~Woods taps to Bobby in the Hurt Lock
~Bobby attacks Woods while Kofi is outside the cell and can only watch Woods’ torment
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clanonadventures · 3 years
Part 1
Mint Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-She's 14
-Unfazed by fnaf jumpscares (watched a lot of fnaf videos when she was younger)
-Easily scared by other video games though
-Parental issues
-Please hug her, she really needs hugging (or any platonic physical affection)
-Has a lot of interests
-Will ramble about her interests, although she will probably say "sorry, i'm probably annoying you" if she thinks she's annoying you
-Is about 5'4 tall
-Doesn't want to bother anyone, so she usually tries to smile through the day, but (kinda) breaks down when in private
-A bit used to her friends betraying her
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Candy Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- she/her, they/them
- 20
- 5'4"
- can sing. usually only sings when she thinks she's alone. if caught, she just stops unless she trusts you
- always has at least 1 song fully memorized
- enjoys many sugary things. not all though. for instance, do not give them bubblegum
- perpetually unsure whether she has friends or not because she can't stay in touch. but she sure tries
- wants to be a superhero, but isn't sure how to go about it. all they know is they can do a magic hair thing. when "powered down", hair is black. when "powered up", hair turns red with white bangs
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ButterBee anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Eldritch being from another plane of existence
all pronouns
fascinated by earths creatures
they have a soft spot for maned wolves
do see humans as of a bit stupid but lovable species
can shape shift
a bit of a trickster but excitable
there body looks like it's constantly melting. They have darker yellow stripes and a wide mouth with big chompers. They have long antenna and a set of four bee-like wings. They can melt themselves to go into small places. in this form they look very gooey. They Are 14 ft tall in normal form.
Hidden Masked anon - Hidden
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- he/him , they/them
- when he joined TSP he stopped aging, but they are 20 years old
- he is 9'4
- fearless
- friendly
- is protective
- doesnt talk much, but talks more to people he is comfortable with
- only shows how they look like to the people he is comfortable with
- is accually pretty lonely
- likes to give gifts to his friends, and also headpats-
- can take off his blanket and mask but then their mask won't transform and will stay normal and he won't have wings,
- he learned how to transform their blanket to wings and wings to blanket
- the transformed mask stares at you
- Hiddens friends won't get hurt by TSP or their other helpers
- can sense when something bad is about to happen
- used to be a normal anon once
- likes to collect random stuff
- is extremely quiet
- likes listening to people
- rememberes everything
- will only become agressy when somebody hurt his friends or kept attacking them
- likes to fly with his wings
- Has claws
- can't walk with these spider like limbs
- Has five of these spider like limbs, four pairs are big and one pair is small
- calm
- doesnt get involved in drama and just watches from afar
- accually Has a lot of sharp teeth but hides them
- He can still grow both in power and size by consuming souls of people he caught
- can bend and shift reality
- doesnt talk much to strangers
- knows A LOT of "why tf do you know that" facts
- the gifts and headpats are their form of showing affection and that he cares about someone, and if someone if somehow taller than them, he will give hugs to that person
- Hidden can be summoned
- Hidden Has a pretty wierd voice, it sounds like several different voices talking all at once
- Hidden is an entity that should not exsist
- He is kinda a cryptid
- if You say something like "damn, I really want that new computer" He will bring it to You
- can purr
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True form, also has five pairs of these spider like limbs but for some reason only drew two
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Hikkomo - Helen
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
A humanoid sprout mole
No clear age -(possibly either a teen or a adult)
9'4 feet tall
Shuts down if sprout is damaged in any way
Lives with an alternate version of themselves...for some reason -(Omo)
Not affectionate, but will give out sweet and supportive words
Definitely plays favorites with coke and basil
The cause of all chaos
Currently in a height wars with hidden
Fluffy hair jesus I want it so bad
Fwompy, messy, brown hair with a sprout on top. Hazel eyes, with pale skin. A pink tuxedo with an orange tie, black pants, and boots.
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Milk anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
It/its pronouns
Best friends with chocolate milk
Just slightly shorter then hidden (8’6)
You can take a bite out of it, it’ll just regenerate, tastes like gummy
A giant teddy bear
Would and can purr like a cat if you pat it’s hair fluff
Has a soft spot for animals
Its a bit overprotective over its s/o
“Conspiracy anon won’t stop stalking me” -milk 2021
Rarely speaks, just makes random noises as responses
Is a combination of any type of milk you can think of
Hehe claws
Pretty much genderless, has no age either
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More anons will be added in the future
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omo-bro · 3 years
I felt so delighted reading this article
So many omo scenarios could happen
I love these four the most (especially Batman one, imagine Batman had to be assisted to pee)
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dukes-cassettetape · 3 months
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Hēilóng"The Black Dragon" ⚫🐉
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babeybunny · 5 years
What?! But like, aside from how generally awesome the MCU is, consider the Omo opportunities alone...Endgame is over three hours long! Hehehe
Pfff I just never got into superhero films (save for like Deadpool and the first Iron Man film xD) 
But heck, three hours? D a n g  that would bring many omo scenarios huh?👀👀 Dont want to miss a second of the action and stuff🤭
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madidraw · 6 years
Kiss Mary or Kill Tweek, Wonder Tweek, and Imp Tweek
Huhuhuh. I would kiss tweek, marry wonder tweek (let’s say superheroes are my weak spot) and I guess I would have to kill Imp Tweek but pretty sure he can’t be killed for forever by mortals that easily omo
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
meanwhile hagakure is the exact opposite of shy; if she needs to pee and there's no bathroom she is fully willing to strip down and just pee outside wherever. (if stuff that comes out of her stays invisible for an amount of time or distance she wouldn't have to worry about people seeing a phantom pee stream, just hearing it.)
Ooh yeah I totally agree with this one! 💛 If I had that power I'd do the same thing in an emergency lol
I like the concept of there being a short time limit before fluids, etc. lose their invisible property upon exit! Mostly for the fact that if a tiny cut from battle or tears and stuff could give her location away every time it'd really suck haha, and the omo reasons are great. 😼 But also the angst potential...
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little-owly · 7 years
Owly, do you like Silver Shepherd? I haven't seen you draw him on this blog, but I've seen him mentioned in a couple of Mark Ego Omo posts that you've made in the past. Do you not draw him because of his superhero suit or because if you drew him out of the suit, he would look too much like regular Mark? Sorry if this long ask is super annoying.
i'll try to draw him more!! i actually headcanon him to have mark's blue hair and a scar, just so he doesnt look like mark that much (despite being an ego) but i'll do more of the hero boi soon!!
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btobscenarios · 7 years
#3: First Date
NOM: 3/7
This is short and sweet 😋
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It was 11 AM and Ilhoon was taking me out for some lunch. Usually, you'd think dates are supposed to be at night. You'll have some dinner, have a nice time out and maybe get a smooch when he returns you to your home. But no; it's a lunch date. Apparently, he has a schedule to attend to in the evening.
I can't imagine how hard it is to be an idol. He made you wear a pair of sunglasses so that people wouldn't realize who you were. It was fun to sneak around, trying to stay lowkey and just have some fun.
It wasn't awkward, but during the car ride neither of us said a word. We just casually hummed to one of the songs on the radio. It became different when we were in this cute diner at the outskirts of the city.
"How do you know about this place?" I asked, looking around the area. It was really pretty and sweet looking. It felt very comfortable to be just sitting at a place like this. There aren't much places like these around here.
"I would go here when I'm stressed and I wanted to be alone, y'know. To have some time to think." He explained, as he gave me a menu. "It's peaceful and not much people go here. I wonder how they survive. I try to order as much as I can though; to try to help them out."
With the words he said, he made me think if he was okay. Was he stressed right now? Did he want to be alone? A lot of things was going through my mind right now.
"D-Do you want to be alone r-right now?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I can go i-if you want."
"Anhi!" His eyes popped, realizing that I misinterpreted what he had meant. "What I mean is, I'm glad that I'm here with you. It makes me feel calm and relieved."
My mouth went ajar, so I mistook what he said. "Ahhh," I nodded, understandingly. "Okay."
"So, you know what you'd like?" He asked, changing the subject.
I nodded and sent his a small smile, "You?"
"Yup, let's order now."
I spent the whole time smiling and laughing because of Ilhoon. He made everything seem so bright and joyful. It made me forget my problems, even for just a little while. I'm happy that he took me here, where happiness is everywhere.
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"Where are you taking me?" I giggled, as I clipped the seatbelt on.
"It's a surprise, (Y/N)-ya." He turned the ignition on and began to drive.
"You're not kidnapping me, right? I teased, chuckling at my remark. He just shook his head and focused on driving.
"Give me a hint, at least!" I said, slightly doing aegyo.
"It's dark there."
"Omo!" My eyes got big, "You are kidnapping me!"
"Ahni," Changsub said, laughing at my reaction. "What's wrong with you?"
"I'm calling Eunkwang-oppa!" I joked, knowing he was jealous I was so close with him. He and I have a lot in common and he's like an older brother to me.
"Don't you dare." He gripped the steering wheel tighter and glared at my phone. In a swift motion, he was able to grab my phone away from my hands and slid it in his pocket.
"Yah!" I called out, "Give me back my phone, Changsub-ah."
"Andwae," He firmly said, his voice said getting squeaky than usaul.
"Aiiish." I said, not able to reply. I just crossed my arms in defeat.
A few minutes passed, not a word was uttered. I still had no idea to where we were going, other than the place was dark.
"We're going to watch a movie," he said, "I know how much you love superhero movies, so we're watching Spiderman."
"Jinjja?" I asked, squealing in excitement on my seat. I couldn't stop squriming because I was so excited! "I really wanted to watch that movie! I'm so excited."
"I can tell." He said, smiling from ear to ear.
The movie was great! I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with Changsub. He was really funny and made me squeal a few times in the cinema because he kept teasing me and tickling my sides. I thought we would get kicked out of the theater.
"Aiish, stop it!" I whispered, swatting his hand away. "I'm trying to watch the movie."
"But you're not paying attention to me!" He cried out, softly so that I'm the only one can hear.
"Of course I'm not," I whispered, "we're trying to watch a movie!"
He pouts and crosses his hands over. "I'm sad."
"If you watch the movie with me," I said, and I gently grabbed his hand. "I'll buy us some ice cream later."
Even though it was pretty dark, I could see his eyes lit up. "I really want to try that couple's drink in the milkshake bar that's been really popular these days!"
You blush at what he said. If you don't know, the couple's drink was all over SNS. It's a drink where two people share it. Their straws are intertwined and you're not allowed to let go of the straw or else you'll have a to do a consequence. It was somewhat made into a game by the makers. I heard that the consequences ranged from kissing the loser to removing a piece of clothing. Just for knowledge, this game is held in a private area of the milkshake bar.
"Okay, deal." I accepted, still blushing from his request. Lucky for me, it was dark here.
"Now, shush." We watched the movie in silence, with our hands just a few centemeters away from each other. My heart was beating so loud, I wish he wouldn't hear it.
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"Are you sure it's okay for you to spend our first date here at our dorm?" Eunkwang asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm sure." I said, giving him a reassuring smile.
"I'm just not comfortable that you have to help me with the guys."
"Well, it's only fair since I'm the reason why you don't have food poisoning." I smiled, pouring some soup that I made for the other boys that were ill.
"I'm thankful that you called me that day." Eunkwang smiled and rubbed your arm gently. I returned a smile and continued pouring soup.
I entered their room, all of the guys looked pretty bad. Their faces were all scrunched up from the pain that they were experiencing.
"This is all your faults," I said to no one in particular. I put the tray down and flicked Changsub's head.
"Ow!" He yelped. "What was that for (Y/N)?"
"This is mostly your fault." I accused him. In context, it was actually his fault.
"How is it my fault?" He asked, rubbing the area I flicked.
"You fed them expired food! You deserve to be flicked!"
"It's not like I didn't eat it too." He explained, "I'm in pain too, y'know."
"Aiiish, whatever." I said, handing them each of their soup.
I noticed that Sungjae was having a hard time feeding himself so I stood up and went to him. "Here," I took the spoon and fed him a bit. "hope you feel better."
"Thank you, (Y/N) noona." The maknae of the group said, "You've replaced Minhyuk-hyung as the mother of the group."
The others chuckled and Minhyuk pouted. "I'm BTOB's eomma."
"Don't worry children," I said jokingly. "Eomma is going to make you get better."
"Why are you here noona?" Sungjae asked, "I heard that it was supposed to be your date with Eunkwang-hyung today."
I shook my head, "Ahni, gwaenchanha. You guys are sick and I don't expect Eunkwang to treat you if I weren't here."
"Majayo, noona!" Ilhoon said, out of the blue. "Eunkwang-hyung would have left us here to see you!"
"Yah!" Eunkwang shouted, "Dagchyeo!"
Everyone started laughing and smiling. It wasn't the ideal first date, but I'm happy it was this.
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