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frostedpuffs · 3 months ago
“Pink” for the guessing game
His breath hitched as he took her in—the same blue eyes, same pink lips upturned in a grin, same dark hair tied into a high ponytail.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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adrienaline-rushed-art · 3 months ago
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Something about Christmas vibes just begs for Marichat <3 This is a Secret Santa gift for @supergirl9130 ! Alternatively... if Marinette had tried infiltrating a different way...
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bonus Ladynoir heheh
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cardiac-agreste · 2 months ago
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The Demon Takes Two Chairs (Ao3)
Après moi, le déluge.
I'm excited to announce the release of chapter one of my new Miraculous longfic for @mlbigbang2024.
First, I want to thank @uptoolateart for generously beta reading this story. @supergirl9130 has provided art for the first chapter (click through to the work to see it!).
Thanks to @amarilke for some last-minute help as a fact-checker on ch1.
The story is canon divergent, but also somewhat canon adjacent given that much of canon has happened, but some of it in different ways. But, crucially, most of the identity reveals have not happened. I'd rather do those myself :) Think of it as Justice League meets Twelve Angry Men. Superheroes weighing the fate of the accused, except they all have reasons to resent each other (when you start thinking about it, there's a shocking amount of reasons in canon for there to be grudges and grievances!).
Nathalie Sancoeur has turned on Gabriel and gave information to Ladybug that led to his downfall. Now, her ragtag team of Miraculous holders must decide what to do with her while she is being held prisoner by Bunnyx in her time burrow.
Ladybug feels overwhelmed by all her allies’ differing opinions and by the revelation tonight that her boyfriend is a sentibeing. She sets out to convince them that Adrien Agreste’s closest quasi-family should be shown leniency. As the team debates Mme Sancoeur’s fate, old wounds are re-opened, and the team feels like it's falling apart.
Most painful of all is that Ladybug hasn’t seen Chat Noir in days.
Image: Mahna no Varua Ino (The Demon Speaks) [verso] by Paul Gauguin, 1893–94
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ladynoirfanao3 · 5 months ago
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Marinette practicing her Shadybug disguise for my future Mariclaw fic!
Thank you @supergirl9130 for drawing this fun commission!!
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raspberrycatapult · 1 year ago
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I'm super excited to say that I've taken part in the @mlbigbang for the first time this (well, technically last) year!
The first chapter of Outback Camp will be posted on the 13th of Jan and updated every week!
Massive thanks to my amazing beta @uptoolateart, and to the awesome @cardiac-agreste and @wehadabondingmoment for their support! And to my artists, @bootsssss and @supergirl9130, for their lovely art!!
It was official. Marinette was going to die. There was no way she was going to survive this camp – let alone manage to confess. Forget crazy Australian wildlife – how could she make it through alive with Adrien?
Marinette, Adrien and their classmates go on a 10-day school camp to the Central Australian desert. Uluru (Ayers Rock), Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Coober Pedy and more!
For Marinette, it’s the perfect chance to confess to Adrien…if only she can muster up the courage. Adrien, meanwhile, is beginning to realise just how special Marinette is to him.
Featuring lots of Adrinette, fun experiences, class shenanigans, and an identity reveal!
The sound of the tent flap zipping open sent Marinette's heart into overdrive. Please be Alya, please be Alya, please be –
‘Hey, Marinette,’ a soft voice whispered.
Adrien poked his head through the flap, and then the rest of his body, awkwardly stepping into the tent, phone torch pointed to the ground. The tents were large, tall enough for her to be able to comfortably stand up straight. But it wasn’t quite the same story for Adrien. In his attempt to avoid the ceiling, he ended up banging his head against the metal pole in the centre.
‘Argh!’ he yelped, dropping his phone.
‘Are you okay!?’ Marinette blurted out, eyes wide as she watched Adrien’s dark figure crouch down and begin fumbling around for his phone. His hand landed on her leg, and she let out a squeak.
‘S-sorry!’ Adrien stammered, his hand jerking back. ‘I thought it was my – sorry!’
He seemed to find his phone, then, because a beam of light shone on his side of the tent. Marinette lay there, her heart hammering, the place where Adrien had touched her burning as though his hand was still there, even though she had pyjamas and a layer of sleeping bag protecting her.
Adrien had gone silent. She didn’t know what to do. Did she say something? Did she say goodnight? Where they just going to lie there, in silence, until they fell asleep?
‘Oh no,’ Adrien whispered.
Marinette’s heart leaped into her throat at those words. ‘What – what is it?’ she croaked out.
‘I…I sort of…um….’ He swallowed. ‘…forgot my sleeping bag?’
She stared. ‘You…forgot your sleeping bag…?’
Okay. That was fine. It was fine. He could just go get it from the boys’ tent.
‘Yep.’ He shifted. ‘Um…in Adelaide?’
She sat up. ‘What do you mean in Adelaide.’
‘I – I’m not used to having one! I’ve never used one before! I didn’t need one in Coober Pedy and I guess I just – I must have left it there in the morning – but it’s fine! I’ll just have to buy one…tomorrow.’
Marinette sat there, unable to make out more than Adrien’s vague outline in the dark, partially illuminated by the glow of his phone in his hand. ‘What about now?’ she said. ‘It’s – it’s cold!’
‘That’s – it’s fine,’ Adrien said. ‘Really, Marinette, I just –’
‘You can sleep with me!’ she blurted out before she could think about what she was suggesting.
Adrien stared at her.
Heat exploded across her face as she realised what she’d just said. ‘I mean – not WITH ME! I mean YES with me! WITH MY SLEEPING BAG! I MEAN – IN MY SLEEPING BAG! You can share! My sleeping bag! With me! Do you want to share my sleeping bag with me!’
Oh god, kill her now. Where was Chat when she needed him? She had half a mind to call him up and get him to Cataclysm her in the chest, even if it meant making him fly halfway across the world. She buried her face in her hands.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
ML Au: Cuban!Adrien au
(Why? because I’m self indulgent and @supergirl9130 and @xhanisai encouraged it)
-Adrien can basically look the same but I would say he is more dirty blonde almost brown rather than blond. (Cubans come in all colors and shades). He tans very easily.
-He gets it from his mom’s side (I don’t want Gabe to be Cuban)
- Adrien is able to dance with the best of them.
-He be rocking the Guayabera. Classy and goes in any occasion.
-Naturally loves Ropa Vieja, and Chicharron. Can wash it down with a Malta (this will hit with a specific audience)
-Boy loves rice, and the rice in the flour that adds lightness to the dough is why he loves Tom’s and Sabine’s bakery
-Adrien when frustrated will default to Spanish. Especially when he gets hurt.
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cindiquilsnivy · 1 year ago
Out of Context WIP's
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read (or see as art ;)). Multiple/all/none options are completely optional. Thank you @true-intha-blu for the tag! This is a mix of everything from fics, drawings, and even videos Anyways tagging: @razorblade180 , @bassds, @blissfulnightrain, @supergirl9130
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leafas63c · 2 years ago
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@spacepunksupreme tagged me to make a personal vibe moodboard with only pics from my camera roll! This was fun >:3
I tag @catbarrage @tacobellcatgirl @dykefelixfathom @supergirl9130 @phantasos-talks ..if you even care
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asti-doodles · 11 months ago
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Laios, devourer of all things horrible.
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cardiac-agreste · 3 months ago
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After working with other, extremely dedicated mods on this event, I'm so STOKED to share a preview of my work for @mlbigbang2024! This year, I'm taking "courtroom drama" out for a spin, in a manner of speaking. A Twelve Angry Holders, if you will. I will begin publishing it Jan 15!
In The Demon Takes Two Chairs, thanks to a shift in allegiance by Nathalie Sancoeur, Ladybug's team of holders has just defeated Hawkmoth. Now they must decide what to do with Mayura, who is being held prisoner by Bunnyx in her time burrow.
But a tense standoff between Gabriel and Argos revealed that Adrien is a sentimonster.
Ladybug feels overwhelmed by all her allies’ differing opinions. She sets out to convince them that Adrien Agreste’s only remaining quasi-family should be shown leniency.
As the team (very) vigorously debates Mme Sancoeur’s fate, old wounds and grievances are re-opened.
Perhaps most painful of all is that she hasn’t seen Chat Noir in days.
The other members of my team are artists @zambiv and @supergirl9130, and @uptoolateart, who is my beta reader.
Bedsprings shifted, and Rena finally scanned the rest of the room. Ladybug sat at the edge of Adrien’s bed, destruction spiraling out around her on the ground. Had she thrown a tantrum? There were books from Adrien’s second-floor library everywhere, ripped to shreds; his desk was upturned, monitors shattered; there were cracks in the walls from what must have been Tikki-powered punches.
Her friend and hero was hunched over like a solitary cypress tree, roots clinging desperately to the cliffside, bowed over the years into submission by ceaseless oceanic gusts. Its bark weathered and pale, its leaves disheveled and grasping for any stray light peeking through the storm clouds.
Ladybug held something small in her hands, passing it from one to the other.
Rena inhaled swiftly at the sight, and muscles in her chest fluttered in anticipation of whatever support her best friend would need. As she walked to the bed, she recognized it as Adrien: The Lego, one of Gabriel’s less-inspired marketing ploys. Her friend was being so gentle with it even though it had previously been the subject of two wide-ranging tirades. Marinette was taking the news worse than Alya had expected.
“Girl, let’s sneak in and put that on the floor in Lila’s house. Then she’ll step on it and hurt her foot.”
Threatening Lila with pain usually teased a smile out of Marinette no matter how down in the dumps she was, but not this time. This wasn’t good. Rena went and sat down beside Ladybug, shoulder to shoulder, willing her body heat to envelope her friend. “Hey…”
“Why would he do this to Adrien?” she whispered.
If Rena hadn’t been right next to her, she wouldn’t have heard it. She put her arm on her friend’s back and began rubbing softly. “What do you mean?”
“Adrien told his father he didn’t want to be a model anymore, and Gabriel retaliated by creating an AR version that anyone could manipulate. Do you think there were restrictions placed on the AI? What if some horny pervert had used it to make deep fakes? Do you think Gabriel even cared?
“And then there’s this. It’s cheap, mass-produced, plastic, and can be manipulated by a child. How could he think this was a good idea? How did Adrien feel about it? It’s like all Gabriel did was focused on controlling him…”
Ladybug shot to her feet and growled, hurling the toy across the room. “There’s a mini-fridge full of fucking camembert over there! I think I’d know if he liked camembert!”
Her voice reverberated in the room, and then near-silent but for some rustling around the corner near the skate ramps. The force of the throw had probably blown a few loose book pages around.
“No!” She sprinted across the room and retrieved the toy, stroking it and clutching it to her chest like a poultice intended to heal a broken heart, leaning over so her forehead pressed against the wall.
“Adrien…” She turned to Rena and asked, “Do you think he already knew? That he’s a…” Her eyes were brimming with a hope that was already being stabbed in the back. It seemed like Ladybug couldn’t even say it out loud. 
Without pausing, she answered her own question. “Of course he didn’t. This is Gabriel we’re talking about. If Adrien didn’t know his father was Hawkmoth, he wouldn’t have known this.
“And what am I going to do about Nathalie? This is…it’s too much for me.” Ladybug stumbled beforefalling to her knees, breath becoming ragged as her chin dipped to her chest.Her hands pressed to her temples, as if to wring the anxiety from her mind. “I can’t… how do I do that alone?”
Rena’s eyes burned as her friend fell apart before her. The revelation that Adrien was a sentimonster had hit her hard, too. But Rena was furious at someone else.
Why hadn’t Felix ever told Adrien the truth? Why hadn’t he told anyone that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth? That bastard had toyed with Ladybug’s emotions, stole all the Miraculous, and set Paris on a collision course with Armageddon.
She clenched her fists. Everything in this room looked like a pressure release valve. Why not throw that chair through the window? Why not torch this place? It was likely Adrien would never want to be here once they found him and told him the truth. Because she, Nino, and Marinette weren’t Felix. Adrien was their brother.
Rena Rouge walked over to Ladybug and knelt beside her. “You’re right. This is too big for Ladybug alone. But Ladybug isn’t alone. She has me. And she has Pigella. And she has Purple Tigress. And Polymouse. Carapace is ride or die. She’s got her whole secret garden of flowers here.” She lowered her voice and looked around conspiratorially. “Though I’m not sure Nino would like being compared to a flower.”
This elicited a giggle from her friend.
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supergirl9130 · 2 months ago
Gonna be boosting since I’m out of a job for a bit
My prices haven’t changed yet but I’m still looking for work!
So uhhh getting really low on money rn due to issues so I’m setting up commissions rn
My PayPal
My ko-fi
Busts/icons- 6$ for plain 7-10$ for detailing, shading etcetera
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Full body 10$ for a simple drawing with color 11-15$ for shading and extra details +more people is a 4+ fee for each
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Will draw
Ocs and canon characters
Furries (with reference)
Mild violence
Animals (with reference)
Certain types of nsfw (only adult characters I’m sorry)
Won’t draw
Anything weird or problematic
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Hoping I’ll get some work in!
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adventuremaker21 · 8 months ago
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
1: I’m a good writer. Not great, but good. Always looking to improve
2: I try to adapt to changes around me
3: I’m an Eagle Scout
4: I tend to help out those who’s having issues.
5: I like the fact that I’m still alive for Tomrrow.
Tagging: @emsartwork @celestiall0tus @generalluxun @decepticonaiden @novastar134 @machsabre @stormcloudquill @electra-jolts-magnetism @supergirl9130 and anyone else who wish to join.
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heartfulselkie · 2 years ago
So much art! Seriously I wish I had even half your ability to draw so much and with such variety! You're always challenging yourself some way with perspectives and poses and it's something I admire so much!
(also Akari bullying but we're fine with that)
send me a 💌 and i'll tell you something i associate with you
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asti-doodles · 11 months ago
@supergirl9130 :))))))
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For the days he just can't muster up that false smirk :(((
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podcastwizard · 4 years ago
Saw the ml post 😔
sorry bestie
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bevvydraws · 4 years ago
Sorry that anon was being such a wet blanket, sometimes people have to realize that others do need positivity and not wallow in negative outlooks on life. Hope you're alright
I’m doing alright! Thank you so much for checking 💕💕 That anon was just incredibly bitter, but i’m not gonna let that ruin my fun I have on my blog ☺️
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