#super novela
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thesketchystar · 4 months ago
I saw the outfits meme, so if you're still taking requests...
Could you do Sebastian Solace in C4?
Pretty please and thank you!
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your wish is my command ✹
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sudaca-swag · 1 year ago
no puedo creer que estén publicando la serie de H de Harry y la D de Dexter cuando literalmente estuve ahí siguiendo las historias día a día mientras las iban actualizando en wattpad bo lit este
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zsofiarosebud · 10 months ago
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Este señor ensinoume a dirixir actores en escena :3
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spookiat · 2 years ago
Comic plotlines can’t hurt me, I grew up on telenovelas
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lullybaju · 2 years ago
HĂĄ uma estrada de pedra que passa na fazenda
É teu destino, Ă© tua senda, onde nascem tuas cançÔes
As tempestades do tempo que marcam tua histĂłria
Fogo que queima na memória e acende os coraçÔes
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reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeko · 5 months ago
VDC movie night
what the VDC boys would chose to watch for movie night❀
(can be seen as Romantic or Platonic)
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{{Art by @moriko_twst on Twitter}}
Ace would probably pick a horror movie be so fr.
Like he’s talking such a big game about how he’s not gonna get scared and how Deuce and Yuu are scaredy cats.
Everyone is done with his bullshit but they let him pick.
The second the movie comes on he’s grabbing onto Yuu for dear life.
still talkin that “No I’m not scared, I ain’t scared of nothin!”
Que everyone being done with his bullshit x2.
Deuce isn’t even that scared of it!
“Ace it’s the Shinning, it’s not even scary like that-“
Rook finds it hilarious.
Ace ends up having to sleep in Deuce’s room that night cuz of how scared he was.
Deuce on the other hand, picks something sad.
like Baely, The Outsiders, Isle of Dogs, etc.
Like chat I’m telling you he’s putting on sad movies and crying, then calling him mom and saying ‘I love you’ to her after like come on.
Like he’s there, holding Grim in tears and everyone is there like ‘really?’
hard to believe he used to be a gangster sometimes😭
100% crying while everyone kinda looks at him like 😐.
he just has a lot of feelings man :(
Epel picks “manly” and action movies.
Like he’ll have fast and furious on and force you to sit and watch it.😭
Vil looks genuinely upset with Epel’s choices but says nothing and begrudgingly watches.
Epel and Deuce yap the entire movie about cars and every time someone mentions changing the movie he gets upset.
”It’s mah turn to pick the movie! Buzz off!”
Vil is once again upset, free Epel😔.
he turns to Yuu and talks about the different cars and models used in the movies,
and how if HE were in the movie, you’d be so protected cause he’s a manly man and stuff.
He also really likes the Barbie movies just don’t say anything about it.
his favorite is the three musketeers and the Pegasus one.
Kalim loves Disney movies (ironic isn’t it)
He fucks so hard to Cinderella like don’t argue with me.
he enjoys a lot of different genres and Disney obviously isn’t the only one he watches.
He’d really enjoy older movies like the Sound of Music and Titanic.
But he 100% talks throughout them.
plus they’re super long, he’s not sitting there for all that.
he ends up getting distracted mid movie and drags Yuu to go bake cookies for The others with him.
Jamil is watching you two more than the movie. (pls free him)
speaking of Jamil, he’s watching Novelas.
He can and WILL sit there, eyes on the screen, popcorn falling from his mouth.
hes watching ever single type.
kdramas, novelas, Indian serials, etc.
he gets so invested, and so does Kalim.
his head on on Yuu’s lap, them braiding his hair while he gasps in actual shock.
”It was his brother’s baby?! She cheated with his brother?!” -Jamil probably.
hes just stressed and the novelas help him relax, someone pls give him a massage he needs it.
Rook, my dear sweet stalker. Has horro movies on.
but the ones that romanticize the killers, yk?
like bro is sitting there, Jeffery Dahmer on screen, and yapping about how romantic it is.
but he definitely finds movies like The Hunger Games, Ender’s Game, and Maze Runner.
the thrill of the hunt my ass🙄
He really enjoys the Saw movies too,
he likes to try and undsrtdtand the reasoning and Drive behind what killers do.
which is why he likes horror movies so much.
He has Yuu in his arms, cuddled into him as he coos at their horrified face.
Vil finds it kinda nasty but he vibes đŸ€·đŸœ
Speaking of Vil, he normally puts on either movies he’s stared in, or movies that inspires him.
*Que a collection of groans from everyone except Kalim and Rook.*
He really wants Yuu to pay attention, he genuinely feels proud of himself in (a good sum) of the movies and wants them to carry that confidence too!
He’ll explain things they don’t understand, patient until they grasp the concept.
lets Yuu lean on him while they watch, he thinks it’s cute. â˜ș
Has you in a face mask and doing skin care while Yuu watch.
His potato needs to look good in order to feel good after all.
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tinyfantasminha · 11 days ago
God this is super late but I still wanna say this.
That scene in the Sonic 3 movie with Shadow watching a novela, but it's your character Vic with Jack and Leona instead.
"Vic should kill them both."
HELLPELPLPLFPDGFFKDL I SPILLED MY DRINK.... the fact this ask came when I was talking about Shadow tho—
Imagining Shadow playing twst 😭😭😭.... (and stanning Vic?! what a KING)
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We stan a misandrist Latina-supporter hedgehog 😔✊
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imninahchan · 1 year ago
𓂃 àŽ’ àŁȘÖž ⌜ dev patel headcannons ⌝ ⾙. ↷
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ↳ sfw + nsfw.
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[✰] literalmente o maior malewife patĂ©tico do mundo. Se apaixona por ti Ă  primeira vista, daqueles que atĂ© pensa pronto, vou casar com essa mulher e vem chegando devagarzinho, porque Ă© tĂ­mido e tem medo de mulher bonita;
[✰] no primeiro beijo, na cabecinha dele vocĂȘs jĂĄ tĂŁo namorando. Manda mensagem no outro dia dizendo bom dia meu anjo😊 dormiu bem?, pergunta o que vocĂȘ tĂĄ fazendo de bom e marca um encontro o mais rĂĄpido possĂ­vel. E Ă© tĂŁo bom estar ao lado dele, pois da pra sentir pela energia dele o quĂŁo romĂąntico e nerdzinho ele Ă©. Tudo tĂĄ bom pra ele, se preocupa se vocĂȘ estĂĄ gostando, e o melhor: nĂŁo muda nadica de nada quando estĂŁo, finalmente, namorando;
[✰] como o relacionamento de vocĂȘs Ă© uma mistura de culturas, ele se mostra muito empenhado em desbravar o brasil e o seu estado. Se perguntar, nĂŁo hĂĄ nada no brasil que o desagrade (mas Ă© porque ele Ă© do tipo que gosta de agradar todos, principalmente pra sua famĂ­lia gostar dele). Vai estar de bermudinha e regata velha no sofĂĄ da casa da sua mĂŁe, naquele calor do verĂŁo brasileiro, tomando cafezinho quente, comendo um pĂŁo de sal e assistindo caminho das Ă­ndias na televisĂŁo;
[✰] e por falar em caminho das Ă­ndias, dĂĄ o segundo capĂ­tulo da novela e tĂĄ a sua mĂŁe, a mĂŁe dele, ele e o pai dele tudo na sala assistindo. A sua sogra dizendo que a juliana paes parece muito uma prima que ela tem, e chocada em saber que ninguĂ©m ali do elenco tem ligação com o sul asiĂĄtico. O dev assistindo as cenas da maia dançando e deitando a cabeça no seu ombro, discretamente, com um sorrisinho, pra perguntar bem que vocĂȘ podia dançar assim pra mim tambĂ©m, hein?;
[✰] embora super fascinado com o brasil, ele demora um pouquinho a abrir as portas das raĂ­zes dele pra vocĂȘ. Um pouco envergonhado, quiçå receoso, atĂ© que finalmente deixa a mĂŁe dele te ensinar um prato tĂ­pico, ou aquelas histĂłrias que ela costumava contar pra ele quando pequeno, antes de dormir pra nĂŁo se esquecer das raĂ­zes, sobre a cultura e a religiĂŁo;
[✰] uma viagem de casal, estar no taj mahal cantando aquela mĂșsica do jorge ben jor (tetĂȘ teterĂȘ terĂȘ), e vocĂȘ olha pra cara dele e ele ????
[✰] Ă© por sua causa que ele começa a gostar mais de filmes de romance, seja bollywood ou nĂŁo, especialmente aqueles vintage. VocĂȘ atĂ© nota que ele meio que tĂĄ “aprendendo” com os protagonistas pra fazer igual contigo, falar igual contigo;
[✰] a personificação de um romĂąntico incurĂĄvel e mommy's boy. A mĂŁe dele vira a sua mĂŁe, ela Ă© uma parte muito importante na vida dele, entĂŁo vocĂȘ se dar bem com ela Ă© crucial.
[✰] o tipo que manda bom dia e boa noite, um dorme bem, ou sonha comigo, quando nĂŁo pode te ver. Que vocĂȘ fala algo sobre si, e ele nunca esquece. Que gosta de te contar sobre o dia dele, sobre as coisas que gosta, com os olhinhos atĂ© brilhando;
[✰] o homem que carrega a sua bolsa e o seu sapato, sem nem dizer um a;
[✰] te mostra os roteiros que está escrevendo. Diz, com as bochechas queimando, que se inspirou em algum traço seu pra escrever aquela personagem na trama;
[✰] o casamento de vocĂȘ dura uma semana. É um dia de festas no brasil, com os seus dois lados da famĂ­lia, uma festinha mais intimista em Londres, e o restante festejando com os parentes mais distantes da ĂĄrvore genealĂłgica dele. Lua de mel em alguma cidade histĂłrica, depois uma passadinha numa praia pra fazer fotinhas caseiras de casal;
[✰] o maior marido pau-mandado. Sem discussĂ”es nesse tĂłpicođŸ‘©â€âš–ïž;
[✰] na cama, se vocĂȘ for esperta, vai saber muito bem como domĂĄ-lo. Ele, naturalmente, jĂĄ Ă© mais retraĂ­do, mas pode ser mais saidinho quando bebe uma gota de ĂĄlcool ou quando vocĂȘ estĂĄ muito tĂ­mida. PorĂ©m, Ă© sĂł pegar nos cabelinhos pretos dele e dizer um comando simples, que ele quebra;
[✰] do tipo que te fode com respeito, atĂ© te pede desculpas se te sujar demais de porra;
[✰] sexo com ele pode começar e terminar com os lĂĄbios dele entre as suas pernas que jĂĄ tĂĄ bom. Muito overstimulation — mas como algo que vem naturalmente, porque ele ama tanto o seu sabor, que nĂŁo sabe quando parar. VocĂȘ pode estar tremendo, suada, sem voz e com uma lagrimazinha escorrendo no canto do olho, que ele vai continuar imerso no seu aroma, no gosto, na sensação gostosa que os seus gemidos abafados trazem pros ouvidos;
[✰] grande mamador de peitos;
[✰] a concha menor na conchinha. No entanto, porque nĂŁo suporta a ideia de te ver xoxinha, Ă© o maior abraço de urso quando vocĂȘ estĂĄ mais manhosinha;
[✰] na verdade, com ele Ă© uma competição pra ver quem Ă© mais manhoso;
[✰] nĂŁo Ă© alguĂ©m de muitos fetiches. O grande fetiche dele Ă© vocĂȘ, como vocĂȘs vĂŁo transar nĂŁo importa. O importante pra ele Ă© estar com vocĂȘ, dentro de vocĂȘ, podendo te dizer que te ama enquanto olha nos seus olhos;
[✰] bodyworship. sexo matinal lento. food play — porque ele Ă© preguicinha, pode estar comendo algo que, se sentir tesĂŁo, nĂŁo vai querer nem levantar da cadeira pra começar a te dedar;
[✰] o tipo de homem que se vocĂȘ pede pra ele te dar um tapinha, ele quase chora e diz mas vocĂȘ Ă© minha princesa...
[✰] aqueles que não faz nada sem te consultar primeiro. Comprar essa roupa? Comprar essa verdura pro almoço? Cortar o cabelo? Pendurar esse quadro na parede? Sair da cama e ir trabalhar hoje? Hmm, vou ver o que a minha mulher acha...
[✰] se depender dele, vocĂȘs vĂŁo ter um time de futebol. As crianças correndo tudo numa casinha ĂĄ brasileira com quintal, todo mundo poliglota;
[✰] dev pai de menino;
[✰] ciumentozinho, mas não sabe agir que nem macho alfa, então só fica com um bicão e mal humor;
[✰] mĂșsicas pra ouvir pensando nele — coleção (cassiano), planos (BK'), intimidade (liniker e os caramelows), madagascar (emicida), elephant gun (beirut), mania de vocĂȘ (rita lee), a histĂłria mais velha do mundo (o terno), samurai (djavan).
BĂŽnus de momentos aleatĂłrios com ele
chegar em casa depois do trabalho, e ele tĂĄ lavando a louça, abrindo um sorriso largo quando te vĂȘ | Ă© o pai que vai ter toda a paciĂȘncia do mundo pra sentar e ajudar os filhos a fazer dever de casa | Ă©poca de provas na escola e as paredes da sua casa estĂŁo cheias de post it colados com tĂłpicos que ele anotou pros filhos nĂŁo esquecerem da matĂ©ria | acordar de manhĂŁ e encontrar um presentinho que ele comprou pra vocĂȘ, com uma cartinha e a dedicação dizendo benquisto amor da minha vida | ele estĂĄ em todo lugar que pode pra te dar suporte, tirando foto das suas conquistas e acenando dentre a multidĂŁo pra vocĂȘ notar ele ali.
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tecontos · 8 months ago
Sou uma Punheteira de mĂŁo cheia (o inicio de tudo).
By; Lily
Oi TeContos. Vou me identificar como Lily, sou atriz, nĂŁo sou das mais famosas minha carreira ainda Ă© curta, mas vocĂȘ jĂĄ deve ter me visto, jĂĄ fiz 5 novelas, 3 filmes de repercussĂŁo nacional, participaçÔes em programas na TV e propagandas nacionais . JĂĄ trabalhei na Globo, no SBT, na Record e em outros canais menores. Quase todos que leem este texto, jĂĄ viram o meu rosto nas telinhas pelo menos uma vez na vida.
Atualmente tenho 23 anos, me cuido bastante e pareço que tenho menos. Consegui meu espaço na carreira artĂ­stica principalmente por causa do meu rosto, que sempre foi muito elogiado pelos diretores. Nunca fui do tipo gostosona, mas tenho o IMC perfeito. Minha bunda nĂŁo Ă© grande, mas Ă© bem redondinha. Meus seios estĂŁo entre pequenos e mĂ©dios. Os bicos deles chamam a atenção pois tĂȘm arĂ©olas largas.
Sempre adorei ler contos erĂłticos. Eu vinha planejando hĂĄ vĂĄrios anos fazer as minhas confissĂ”es. E esse momento chegou! Hoje vou contar uma das minhas maiores taras: bater punheta para os homens. Sim, isso mesmo! VocĂȘ nĂŁo leu errado! Sou uma verdadeira punheteira! Essa tara Ă© tĂŁo diferente que definitivamente nĂŁo Ă© fĂĄcil compartilhar pessoalmente com ninguĂ©m. Quase ninguĂ©m vai entender. SĂł tive uma amiga que abri o jogo sobre os meus desejos punheteiros. Ela tambĂ©m Ă© uma atriz muito famosa e uma pessoa que me entende em tudo. Ela brinca com essa minha tara por punheta me chamando de “punheteira” sempre que tem uma chance. Morro de rir! Quando eu olho um homem enquanto estamos juntas, ela pisca pra mim fazendo o gesto de punheta. Eu digo rindo: “nem me fala! Com esse aĂ­, eu ia ficar sem braço!” E ela tem toda razĂŁo: sou mesmo uma punheteira!
NĂŁo sei porque sou uma mulher que gosta tanto de punheta. JĂĄ refleti vĂĄrias vezes sobre o que meus fĂŁs e os colegas de trabalho pensariam dessa minha tara. Talvez nĂŁo seria tĂŁo estranho assim, pois artistas em geral sĂŁo meio malucos. As pessoas nĂŁo fazem ideia como muitos atores sĂŁo gente com a mente desconectada da realidade. Quase todos os vĂ­deos pornĂŽs que eu gosto de assistir, sĂŁo de “handjob” ou “tugjobs”, ou punheta em inglĂȘs. Fico procurando todas as possĂ­veis variaçÔes de punheta ou “handjobs”. Mas gosto mesmo Ă© de punheta amadora, especialmente em pĂșblico, no mato, em um banheiro pĂșblico, em estranhos. NĂŁo faço a mĂ­nima ideia quantas mulheres tambĂ©m tĂȘm tara por punheta, mas eu sou uma delas. A grande verdade Ă© que gosto muito mais de fetiches do que da penetração pura e simples. Sou mais imaginativa. NĂŁo Ă© a toa que sou atriz! JĂĄ atĂ© assinei um pacote de sites de “handjob” para tentar ver mais conteĂșdos diversificados, mas me decepcionei e cancelei a inscrição. Era tudo muito polido demais! Prefiro mesmo os amadores.
Eu descobri o tesĂŁo pela punheta com o meu primeiro namorado aos 16 anos, ele tinha 18 na Ă©poca. Lembro de ficar hipnotizada assistindo ele batendo punheta debaixo do chuveiro. Deixem-me contar essa histĂłria super diferente!
A mĂŁe do meu primeiro namorado era diferetentona. Ela deixava eu vĂȘ-lo tomando banho, mas deixava claro que nĂŁo aceitava putaria dentro de casa dela. A gente obedecia com seriedade. Como a mĂŁe dele sabia que adolescentes sozinhos sĂŁo como fogo e palha, ela fazia marcação cerrada. Era um misto de liberar e puxar as rĂ©deas aos mesmo tempo. Jamais entendi a mente da mĂŁe dele. Ela era um mulher estranha pra dizer o mĂ­nimo.
A casa dele era muito liberal pra nudez. Todo mundo tomava banho de porta meio aberta. Moravam ele, a mãe, a irmã mais velha e a avó. Jå vi, mesmo sem querer, todos daquela casa sem roupa. Eu jå nem me importava mais. Mas as coisas não eram tão liberais assim como pareciam. A mãe do meu primeiro namorado não deixava a gente tomar banho juntos e nem ficarmos sozinhos em casa ou trancados no quarto. Nessa parte ela monitorava bastante. Porém, devido à liberdade com relação à nudez, ela permitia que eu ficasse dentro do banheiro, com a porta entreaberta, olhando ele enquanto tomava banho. Sim, acredite se quiser! Era realmente assim! Eu ficava sentada no vaso ou de pé, com o box entreaberto e a gente ficava ali conversando sobre coisas do dia a dia de adolescente enquanto eu o via se ensaboando. Mas eu nunca tirei a roupa lå, pois a mãe dele nunca mencionou que eu podia, afinal eu era uma estranha na casa. Na época eu era virgem e tinha pegado no pau dele rapidamente algumas vezes, mas a gente ainda não tinha feito praticamente nada.
Quando a mĂŁe dele nĂŁo estava perto do banheiro, ele ficava batendo pra eu ver. Eu nunca ensaboei ele, pois a mĂŁe dele dizia que sĂł me deixava ficar na hora do banho com ele se fosse com respeito. Eu sei que Ă© estranho, mas era assim que funcionava! Eu ficava com tesĂŁo e com medo da mĂŁe dele aparecer e o ver batendo. Os banhos dele eram sempre rĂĄpidos e nĂŁo havia muito tempo pra ele ficar ali batendo por vĂĄrios minutos atĂ© gozar. A mĂŁe e a vĂł dele tambĂ©m estavam sempre por perto, circulando pela casa. Ele pedia pra eu vigiar, pois o barulho do chuveiro era alto e se a mĂŁe dele tivesse vindo, ele nĂŁo ouvia. Como nĂŁo podĂ­amos fechar a porta, ele batia um pouquinho quando dava. VĂĄrias vezes ele nem conseguia gozar, pois a mĂŁe dele andava pelos corredores e atĂ© entrava no banheiro pra pegar alguma coisa. A porta estava sempre entreaberta. Quando ela entrava, eu olhava pra baixo e ficava tĂ­mida. Eu ficava gelada de medo da mĂŁe dele ver, mas amava vĂȘ-lo batendo punheta! Tempos bons!
Quando ela entrava no banheiro de repente, dizia meio brincando e meio séria:
- “estou de olho em vocĂȘs hein, comportem-se”.
A casa era pequena e as chances de sermos pegos era alta. Mas quando a casa ficava silenciosa, ele me olhava e perguntava:
- “será que dá?”.
Eu jå sabia sobre o que ele estava falando. Eu ia na ponta dos pés até porta pra conferir se a barra estava limpa e respondia:
- “acho que dá”.
Ele deixava o box entreaberto por segurança quando ele ia bater, entĂŁo eu nĂŁo conseguia ver 100% aquela punheta que eu amava. Eu tinha que ficar mais ou menos perto da porta para vigiar. Era uma mistura de frio na barriga com tesĂŁo. Eu entĂŁo autorizava ele a bater. O pau dele duro tinha 17cm e era muito bonito. Sempre gostei de observar a beleza dos pĂȘnis. Esse Ă© outro tesĂŁo oculto meu! Eu ficava hipnotizada vendo ele bater e ficava muito molhada. Ele nĂŁo gozava rĂĄpido. EntĂŁo tive a sorte de vĂȘ-lo gozar nĂŁo mais do que umas 3 vezes. Eu amava vĂȘ-lo gemendo em silĂȘncio, enquanto me olhava com cara de tesĂŁo. Quanto eu tinha sorte e dava tempo, eu tinha o prazer de ver os jatos voando.
Eu tinha vontade de tirar meus peitos pra ajudar no estĂ­mulo, mas o medo de adolescente era muito grande e eu ficava ali parada com tesĂŁo e com o coração a mil. Eu sempre fui muito curiosa e perguntava muitas coisas enquanto ele batia: se tava gostoso bater, qual era a velocidade melhor, o jeito melhor de bater, o quanto de porra costumava sair. Eu queria entender e saber tudo! AtĂ© ele achava curioso que eu fizesse tantas perguntas. Quando ele gozava, ele puxava bem o prepĂșcio pra trĂĄs e parava de movimentar. O pau ficava ali pulsando e jorrando os jatos de porra. Eu achava demais e caĂ­a o queixo nessa hora. Eu sempre dizia animada:
- “nossa! Saiu muito!”
Ele ria e dizia:
- “consegui me concentrar mas pensei que não ia dar tempo.”
Ele perguntava se eu gostava de ver e eu respondia: “muito”.
Tenho um perfil de mulher dominadora. Isso assusta os homens. Sou sempre eu quem estå no controle na hora do sexo. Fico falando e pedindo que ele faça as coisas. Se eu não estiver no controle, não consigo gozar. Estou sempre perguntando, falando e pedindo coisas.
Acredito que o meu primeiro namorado me ajudou a gostar de ver e bater punheta para os homens. Massagear um pau até gozar, é uma das coisas que eu mais gosto de fazer na hora do sexo.
Eu adoro bater punheta! Eu sou tarada por punheta! É muito libertador confessar isso! É como tirar um peso da consciĂȘncia, sabe. Quem imaginaria que uma atriz de TV (conhecida) como eu Ă© uma punheteira na intimidade? Mas nĂŁo tenho mais vergonha dessa minha tara. Sou uma mulher honrada, honesta, que trabalha, paga as contas e nĂŁo deve nada a ninguĂ©m, tenho apenas uma tara diferente.
Esse foi o meu primeiro relato, logo volto para contar sobre algumas punhetas que bati em alguns caras.
Obrigada. Até a próxima!
Enviado ao Te Contos por Lily
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kaylawallace · 11 months ago
deus salve o rei (1080p folder)
here, for the last time, is the link to the deus salve o rei drive folder (1080p edition). the link is hosted on payhip but this content is FREE. all 80 episodes of the international version of the novela. you are welcome to donate but it's not necessary, just super appreciated. give this a like or a reblog if you download.
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Besides my obvious annoyance with the new season because of the horrible character understanding from the writers and their ADMITTED goal to change GaitĂĄn's ending, there are other aggravating issues with it:
1. The pacing:
This new novela knows it's in a rush, but we can tell, too. The first episode seems to attack the viewer with so many different new facts and characters and issues. It straight up starts with: Roberto's funeral, Armando and Betty separated and having been so for years now, Armando's presidency in the gutter again, lots of economic issues within the company again, Mila gone for years and her distance with Betty, a new guy that Marcela is suspiciously protective of and planning together to get revenge, Daniel being dead for going to jail from illegal business practices, etc. And all of this in the span of 1 episode. It just hits you with so much that it doesn't even give you the chance to get to know the characters. We haven't seen most of them in over twenty years, and some of them never, so we basically don't know them anymore! It's going so direclty and straight to the point that it feels more like a badly written fanfiction.
2. Lack of builup for tension
Jesus, there is very, very little tension here for the big things that matter. [SPOILER] In one episode we find out that Ecomoda is in bad shape, and just a few ones later, Armando is turning himself in. We don't see him slowly driving himself insane with his moral dilemma, we don't see him desperately trying everything to fix it, we don't even see him turning himself in! Just one episode ends with him saying he was turning himself in, and the next one starts with Armando's mugshot. That's it. No tension at all
3. Bad editing
One of the things that I loved about the old novela were their transitions. The first episodes were amazing with this: while Betty was looking at the magazine of the collection launch and giving her opinions and commentary, we were seeing the pictures of it and then we're taken to the moment the picture was taken. While Gutierrez, Armando and Roberto are talking about Betty and why Gutierrez discarded her, Roberto asks "why would a candidate so well prepared and qualified only want to be a secretary?" And then we see Betty going "because I'm tired of looking for a job!"
Those kind of transitions were incredible, I loved them so much. Now in this new series it just cuts abruptly to something totally different.
4. Inappropriate setting
They really, really tried to make everything seem so modern, and in their effort, they ended up making it so plastic and fake. The office doesn't look like an office at all, but rather a gallery or the lobby of an exotic hotel. The desks almost seem out of place. Sure, it's a fashion business, but it's just so fake looking. Most offices, even modern ones, still look like offices. This one just doesn't feel like it, and that really takes me out of the story.
Finally, and just as a little pet peeve that, objectively, idek if it should count but I'll include nonetheless because I'll forget to make a separete post about it: the robot and the hacking. It's just so cringy and cheap. Are robots like that even in the market fr? AI robots that follow you around and are in the shape of a sewing mannequin? And the whole hacking thing... ugh. As I said it's a personal pet peeve but I always find it cringy when they make these super high-tech knowing characters that can hack on everything and we see on the screen the codes and all of that. I found both of these elements so tacky and unnecessary lmao why not just hide cameras?? Nooo, let's make Daniel wannabe a finance and hacking genius lmao ((this part isn't part of the list I just wanted to vent because my hubby and I died of cringe watching one episode last night where Mila's AI Moving Robot Sewing Mannequin told her someone was hacking into the cameras and Ignacio is cyber-fighting to hide and we see a split screen of him and another of what he's seeing through the cameras and eventually he just closes the lid lmao)) ((anyway little rant over sorry))
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meepxii · 1 year ago
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week 1: introduction
Her full name is VerĂłnica Itzel Fontana Aguilar, she's a mexican-colombian girl. Her parents arrived at El Encanto when they were kids with the group of people in which Pedro and Alma were. Her father's family, the Fontanas, are horsemen from Sinaloa, and fled Mexico during the Porfiriato. Her mother is from Yucatan, and unfortunately, was orphaned shortly before arriving in town, and she and her younger sister were adopted by the Fontana family. They work raising horses and selling them. Their business is well established in the town, and they're one of the most important families in there. Anyways, they're not friends with the Madrigals, and only interact with them whenever they need something. Itzel is the eldest of two children in the Fontana-Aguilar family.
Despite having a normal childhood, Itzel was a lonely child. Her father worked all day in the stables, so he didn't spend time with her; her mother only worked until noon 'cause she's a teacher, but she just couldn't stand her own child, and sent her to her room to keep her away from her. Itzel was a restless and energetic girl, so this affected her a lot, making her look outside her family circle for the attention that she wasn't given at home.
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Itzel's parents in their twenties.
Itzel is a kind person and has good feelings, but she's very disconnected from her own emotions and her environment, which makes her quite impulsive. Even so, the emotions Itzel feels are very intense, and is a hopeless romantic. She collapses easily, and crying is her way of channeling her anger, happiness, or sadness. She's also a theater kid, and tends to unconsciously create her own problems by believing herself to be the protagonist of her own soap opera/novela. She really likes to grab the spotlight, and knows she's pretty, so she takes advantage of this to get what she wants. Sometimes this attitude of hers gets her into trouble.
Her savior complex and her lack of judgment when in love always make her get into toxic relationships.
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Her theme song:
Since she was a child, Itzel showed special interest in art and knew she definitely wanted to be an artist. When she expressed her desire of devoting her life to art, her parents objected, arguing that a woman couldn't choose that occupation. However, they didn't stop her either, she did what she wanted, and fulfilled her dream anyway. She is the town muralist, and makes oil paintings as well. Her parents began to support her when they saw that she could actually make a living from it.
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Age progression
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i'm super late for week one 😭 i had to fix some things on her character sheet, but here she is!
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rosey-mango · 4 months ago
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Finally completed, Leo!! 1/4 turtles done!
Extra info below cut 👇
- He's fluent in Japanese because of Splinter, but also knows a bit of Spanish since he just likes the language (and he sometimes watches Mexican Novelas in secret). He picks up on some other languages and terms from other people he meets later on in the plot (he's basically a sponge for new languages. Mostly to show off or say things behind people's backs without them knowing, but also to kinda just connect with people)
- Found interest in medical stuff due to how often his brothers would come to him when they had injuries. He thought he might as well expand his knowledge for future injuries since you never know what could happen
- Shares Donnies interest in bugs, just isn't as into it in an analytical or informational level. He mostly just likes how they look (and how they scare Raph)
- He's VERY dramatic. Likes to put on a show. Half because he likes the attention, half because it throws off the opponent and distracts them a bit
- He tends to act like an egotistical jerk at times but does genuinely care about others
- The kind of person to insult someone's ideas but do it anyway
- Acts like he dislikes romance only to hide how much he wishes he could find someone (has doubts due to being a mutant)
- In denial about being gay because he fears judgment (mostly from Splinter who would actually 100% support him) and because he likes to base his personality off those strong male leaders in cartoons who have fangirls and all that jazz
- SUPER affectionate. His go-to for physical touch is poking or patting if he isn't sure about someone's preference on touch. He also tends to stim by flapping his hands in excitement or patting his legs ("haha. I do that" 😀)
- Papas boy 100% but doesn't deny that he's probably the least favorite (is affected by this more than he let's on)
- As much as he goofs off, he's actually a good fighter and is one of the voices of reason. He just likes to treat things like a game at times which can lead to more trouble if he isn't careful enough (when they meet Karai, she calls him out on this)
- Doesn't seem like it, but he actually pays attention. He just can't pay attention for too long, or he'll get bored or impatient. Also tends to remember a lot (especially when holding petty grudges)
Wanna know more? Feel free to ask!! :D
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amethvysts · 1 year ago
Opa asks abertas e vim oferecer um cenårio que martela na minha cabeça
Enzo ou pipe com uma atriz brasileira de uns 21/22 (daquelas que Ă© atriz desde pequenininha, atuando em filme, novela etc de sucesso no Brasil, protagonista diva meeeesmoo) que Ă© simplesmente uma mistura de morena tropicana com femme fatale. Bonita, cabelo hidratado, cheirosa!!!
Ela dĂĄ um show de atuação e entrou em hollywood a pouquĂ­ssimo tempo mas fez sucesso (muita gente cadela) imagino ela muuuuito orgulhosa de ser brasileira, cativa todo mundo com beleza e inteligĂȘncia, alĂ©m de saber muito de cultura
Imagino eles simplesmente abobados com tudo que ela fala, se eles prestam atenção na beleza, no que ela tå falando ou na aura dela
e se eu te disser que penso nisso todos os dias? Ă© o meu fake scenario favorito pra alimentar antes de dormir ultimamente. e por isso, quero falar sobre os meus pensamentos com os dois!
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com o pipe, imagino que a atriz seja mais antenada nas redes sociais. ela Ă© atriz, e ama o que faz, mas tambĂ©m tem uma comunidade de seguidores muito fiĂ©is em praticamente todos os aplicativos. todo mundo que conhece, Ă© apaixonado – nĂŁo tem como nĂŁo se apaixonar pela nossa diva porque alĂ©m de linda, ela tambĂ©m Ă© extremamente simpĂĄtica. os tiktoks que ela posta viralizam e ela Ă© uma das maiores it-girls do momento. super consigo ver ele curtindo e, Ă s vezes, atĂ© comentando nas fotos dela, mesmo que nunca tenha chamado ela pra conversar ou a conhecido pessoalmente. pipe Ă© muuuito fanboy dela, e ela sempre foi a celebrity crush dele, desde que uma das novelas que ela fez quando era mais novinha passou na argentina. mas assim que ele se tornou mais conhecido, justamente devido a la sociedad, ele passa sĂł a curtir mesmo, com medo da atenção que pode receber. mas, isso nĂŁo adianta: as fĂŁs, fofoqueiras que sĂł, desenterram os comentĂĄrios antigos que ele fez nas fotos e vĂ­deos dela e postam em tudo quanto Ă© lugar. acaba que essas interaçÔes unilaterais atraem uma manada de gente querendo fazer com que os dois se conheçam, porque eles combinam! os amigos dele começam uma campanha interna pra fazer com que ele finalmente envie uma mensagem.
jĂĄ com o enzo, eu imagino ele numa situação parecida com a do pipe, mas a Ășnica diferença Ă© que ele tem a chance de te conhecer pessoalmente e ele vai com tudo. ele atĂ© poderia ter a encontrado durante o festival de gramado, mas como ela Ă© uma international superstar, imagino a querida aceitando muitos trabalhos fora. durante os oscars, ele usa todas as entrevistas pra elogiar a atuação da nossa diva, e o enzo acaba fazendo mais propaganda pro filme dela. e eu juro, a quantidade de vĂ­deos que saem desse homem te encarando de longe no red carpet Ă© impressionante – o tiktok tem uma noite muito animada. tenho pra mim que ele acaba se aproximando dela de mansinho, uma das mĂŁos em cima dos botĂ”es do paletĂł enquanto ele morde o lĂĄbio inferior. ele se sente atĂ© nervoso, mas sĂł porque Ă© a maior celebrity crush dele – nem ele tĂĄ imune desse mal. começa elogiando a atuação dela, dizendo que Ă© um grande admirador dos filmes e novelas que ela jĂĄ fez, chega atĂ© a citar um trabalho que foi muito marcante na carreira dela. e, quando os dois menos esperam, passam atĂ© a after-party conversando.
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dumbasslesbi2 · 5 months ago
But I Thought You Had a Girlfriend? ~ Chapter 5 (Agatha x Rio Students AU)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Agatha and Rio are finally finishing their senior year! It defiantly wasn't easy but they made through it!
IT'S DONE!!! IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!! Just kidding y'all but this is technically the last chapter lol. This was super fun for me and it's the first time I've ever finished a multi chapter fanfic. There will be a post after chapter but besides that I'm pretty much done and happy with how this mini series came out. As always please tell me if there's any misspelling or grammatically incorrect stuff, I have dyslexia so sometimes I miss some stuff.
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It had been months now since Agatha started living with Rio’s grandmother and cousin, slowly but surely it took a bit to adjust but she started to fit right in. Rio even began teaching Agatha some Spanish since Agatha wanted to understand her grandmother better. She regretted only taking French now instead of Spanish in school but Rio says it wouldn't have helped her anyways. Agatha even started watching some of Rio grandmother's novelas with her. Even though she couldn't understand them, she could still tell what was going on and sometimes Rio came in just to translate some parts to her. Even though the pair had now been not only living together but sharing a room together, they actually fought a lot but it was never that serious. They would always fight and then make out, the two were definitely not a regular couple. It had been getting closer to prom and even though Rio always told herself that she would never go, now that she had Agatha she wanted to go. Agatha honestly didn't care either way until she heard Rio was going to be in a suit. The two kept it like a wedding and didn't show each other what outfits they would wear, Agatha even went to Wanda's to get ready and then from there have Rio pick her up. 
“I don't know Wanda, do you think Rio will like it?” Agatha questioned, curling the ends of her hair. “Agatha shut up, you look gorgeous and Rio thinks you look hot in anything. She literally clings on you when you come to school in your fugly sweaters” Wanda said, putting on eyeliner. “Hey! My sweaters are not fugly! Rio said - oh wait ok, I see your point” Agatha told her, groaning. Wanda couldn't help but laugh. Agatha heard a ding and knew it was her phone so she checked it to see Rio was texting her.
Hi sweetheart, you almost ready? I'm thinking of heading out in 20, is that enough time? 💚
Hi baby, yeah 20 works. Wanda’s finishing up her makeup and I'm finishing my hair so you should be good
Perfect, te veo 💚
Agatha couldn't help but smile at her phone. “Stop smiling at your phone weirdo, I don't need you having wet dreams in my bathroom” Wanda said giggling. Agatha acted shocked, “I was not having wet dreams! You just wish that you had a loving relationship like mine” Agatha said with a huff. “I do, we're just not freaky like you two” Wanda said with a deadpan tone. The twenty minutes went relatively quick for the two and before they knew it Rio was already at the door. “Ok you wait here and I'll go get it, I'll call for you to come out. You look grog” Wanda said, rushing to open the door. Rio was semi disappointed to see Wanda greeting her at the door but she understood they wanted to make a bigger deal out of the outfit reveal. “Hey Rio, let me go get Agatha. She's gonna love you in this”Wanda said, rushing to call for Agatha. “Agatha! You can come out!” Wanda yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Slowly but surely Agatha came out and stopped when she saw Rio. She had her hair up in a messy bun with a suit that snatched her curves perfectly. Rio was also just as stunned by Agatha, she had a perfect purple dress that made her look like a princess. Agatha finally made it down the stairs to which Rio took out her corsage. “Surprise, my lady” Rio said, holding out the flower. “Thank you sweetheart” Agatha said, taking the flower and pinning it to her dress. “Awww you two are so cute. Here let me take a pic” Wanda said, pulling out her phone. The two posed and knew they were going to have to take a bunch of pictures later. “Well we're gonna head out, speaking of, where's Vision?” Agatha asked, realizing he still hasn't shown. “Well about that, he-” Wanda was interpreted by a car horn from outside. When they went to go look they saw Vision coming out of a limousine. “Holy shit. No way” said Agatha, in clear shock. “Yes way and you can come with us” Wana said giggling. “Oh my God, please baby please can we go in the limo” Agatha pleaded to Rio. “Fuck yeah” Rio said, still in shock that her friends got a limousine. The limo ride wasn't that long but they got to take a lot of pictures with it at the school and bumped music the whole way to the school. 
Prom was fun for all of them and they were all happy they could spend it with each other. They eventually found Jen and Alice together, the two had shown up late due to “Alice's makeup being difficult” but Rio already knew that it was cause they were fucking or something in that vain. As the night came to a close the prom king and queen was announced to be Wanda and Vision. Agatha couldn't have been happier for her best friend and cheered for the two. As a small celebration, the group went to go party at Alice's after the prom. So here they all were, drinking and sitting in Alice's garage. “So do you guys know what or where you're going after highschool?” Alice questioned, fiddling with her hair. “Well I already told you but I'm going into skincare and beauty products for sure” Jen said, nudging Alice. “That makes so much sense, no wonder you have such perfect skin” Agatha groaned, never connecting the dots. “What about you, Harkness?” Alice asked. “ Well I thought maybe some high end four year but now I'm starting to realize that I never really wanted that. I'm thinking of being a detective so I might just go to community to start with criminal justice” Agatha said, putting her arm around Rio's waist. “Really babe? Are you sure you wanna do community” Rio asked, knowing how bad Agatha had wanted to be accepted into a university. “ Yeah baby, it's cheaper and plus I get to go with you” Agatha said , kissing Rio on the cheek. The friend group couldn’t help but awe but Alice and Jen decided to fake gag which caused Rio to hiss at the two. “Welp, I guess my cat is out of the bag. Community college for moi” Rio said dramatically. “We get it Rio”Alice said with a groan. “Alice, why don’t you tell the group what you told me” Rio said with a smile. “Of course you would do this to me. I’m going to the police academy to become a cop” she said, awkwardly looking down. This caused Wanda and Agatha to almost spit out their drinks. “Wait! You wanna be a cop despite what we’re doing right now is illegal” Wanda questioned, looking around for cameras. “Hey! I’m not a cop yet! Plus people can live a little” Alice protested. “Trust me, I found it funny as fuck since when she told me we were skipping second period and were getting high” Rio said with a laugh. “What about you Wanda?” Rio asked, still laughing a bit. “Oh I’m aiming to become a veterinarian and Vision wants to become a lawyer” Wanda said, giggling looking at Vision. “Yeah it’ll be a lot of work for the both of us but we’ll make it work” Vision said, putting an arm around Wanda. The group continued to discuss their future plants while also just joking around. It didn’t take long though for the time to pass and next thing they knew it was time for graduation.
Agatha was fixing her shawl and pins before ready to leave with Rio. “I’m sorry we have to leave early babe” Agatha looked back apologizing to Rio. “It’s fine, plus we have to make sure Miss Valedictorian is all ready for her speech” Rio said, sneaking in a kiss on the cheek. “Mmm thank you sweetheart” Agatha told her, turning so she could kiss her on the lips. “Alright I think I’m all set to go now” Agatha said, looking again in the mirror to make sure she looked good. “You look perfect baby, come on let’s go” Rio said, dragging Agatha by the arm. Once they got there all their friends were already there since Wanda and Jen were also high achieving students. “Can you guys believe this is real?” Wanda asked, still shocked how fast the time went by. “Eh, it was going to happen eventually, if you wanna have a real dilemma think about when you’re gonna die” Rio said jokingly but shocked Wanda and made her traumatized. “Rio” Agatha groaned, knowing how Rio loves to traumatize people. “Wanda she didn’t mean that, don’t think about that. Think how we’re graduating and how happy you were about that!” Agatha said, basically shaking her friend. Before they all knew it, it was time for the ceremony. Agatha gave her speech and honestly Rio couldn’t remember a word she said but she could tell you how beautiful she looked giving it. Since Agatha was Valedictorian  she got her diploma first and sat back down at her seat at the podium. When it was Rio’s turn to go up she gave zero fucks and after getting the diploma instead of walking down the stairs, she went to go kiss Agatha to which the whole stadium cheered. After getting her kiss she walked down the stairs after the teachers got upset at her, Agatha couldn’t help but laugh. Once they finished and turned their tassels, Agatha went running down from the podium. When she saw Rio she basically flung herself at her and Rio caught her. The two lovers spun for a minute before kissing in the crowd of graduating high schoolers. They weren’t sure what the rest of the future would bring the two but they did know one thing. “I love you Agatha Harkness” Rio said after separating from the kiss. “I love you Rio Vidal” Agatha said giggling, giving Rio another kiss.
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rakuen9 · 7 months ago
I don't even go here (well, I do but I lurk and also my knowledge of spanish is from watching novelas as a kid and also I only follow the ship tag and and very vaguely know anything else about the show, and I am super late, but like..)
Imagine Isidro being like: Wow I am so happy my daughter didn't date any of the de la Reina boys. I did such a good job raising her. Fina: Dad, I am gay. Isidro: Oh, yeah that explains it, sure... Fina: Dad, I'm dating Marta. Isidro: You've got to be freaking kidding me....
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