#super not fun. especially being young and wanting to play with other kids
hermitagereheadcanons · 8 months
Currently having issues with my own asthma so I’m gonna project onto characters.
Gem has asthma that likes to act up when she’s running around, which she does lots when she’s little, but she doesn’t quite notice when an attack is coming on so she has to have a caregiver keep a eye on her when she’s little just in case. Unfortunately attacks still happen But her caregiver’s (Impulse and Cleo) catch them before they get too bad and help her through them. As much as they suck, at least it gives her an excuse for cuddles. It helps that Cleo has asthma too, so she’s good at coaching the little through attacks in the event they get too scary.
Sometimes all you can do is deal with the attacks when they happen. Prevention can be difficult when we're talking about someone who wants to run and play.
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celestialprincesse · 5 months
little baby ghost headcanons please.. id love to see your take on simon when he was a wee young thing. :')
Responding to this rq before I get back into studying but!! I have so many ideas!!
Simon was definitely one of those really sweet and well meaning, but super awkward kids. His mum always had to encourage him to say hi and actually talk to people when they went out or had visitors over.
He was desperately obsessed with planes and the RAF growing up and saved up all his pocket money to buy little model spitfires, typhoons etc. For one of his birthdays, his mum even drove him down to the Duxford Imperial War Museum to see one of the air shows. It was one of the best days of his life.
Growing up, he was a really clever kid, but never really had any sort of passion for education, and whilst he excelled in sports, and other more hands on subjects like woodworking, he took absolutely no interest in the more content heavy classes.
When Tommy was born, Simon helped his mum put the furniture together, and even carved some (admittedly rudimentary) toys for his baby brother in his woodworking classes.
He was a total mama's boy growing up, and much preferred doing stuff with his mum, even down to running errands, than going out with kids his own age. If Mrs Riley was seen anywhere, Simon would probably be somewhere close by.
As a teenager, he got made fun of a lot for being quieter, and whilst all of his classmates were fixated on getting girlfriends and going out, he was much happier at home helping his mum or kicking a ball around with Tommy.
He had a real passion for music, especially late 60's/early 70's rock, and asked his mum for a guitar for one of his birthdays. She felt awful for the fact that she couldn't afford it, let alone lessons for him to learn how to play it, and so Simon got a job at the butchers to save up.
By the time he had enough cash for the guitar he actually wanted, he'd long gone off it and wanted to save up in order to buy a car or put it towards going to college.
I came back to England yesterday & drove past Duxford (which was one of my favourite museums growing up) and it made me think that Simon was most definitely an RAF/military history nerd🥴
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hyunfilms · 1 year
this time around (lee felix) | one shot.
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—summary: life decides it's finally the right time.
—pairing: lee felix x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers | fluff, smut
—word count: 3.9k
—content/warnings: blue haired felix 😮‍💨, cussing/mature language, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex - but not super descriptive!!, lots of kisses and intimate/sweet moments, use of pet names: baby/angel/love, oc’s friend also uses ‘baby’ in a platonic way, quickly edited so pls excuse any mistakes!!
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It’s funny how life works.
Especially when you’re sitting at this wedding, sipping on another glass of rosé— staring at the one man who, at one point, meant the entire universe to you. 
Then, it’s also funny how life works; when life decides that this is your person, just not the right time.
“Girl, can you go and do something? He keeps looking at you. And don’t tell me he isn’t because I can see that blue head from miles away.” One of your bestfriends since college said. He nudges your arm, making you almost choke on the sip you just took.
“No, Reggie!” You almost whine, turning towards him. “It’s been so long, I don’t even know what I’d say to him.”
“Okay, but baby, he looks like he’s dying to talk to you. Poor Felix. Y/N always playing her goddamn games.”
“Quit it.” You nudge him back and he snorts.
“I’m kidding. But seriously, he looks like he wants to talk to you. Who cares if it’s been so long? I’m sure the conversation will flow perfectly. Give it a chance.” He takes a sip of his own cocktail. “Besides, if I remember correctly, you were head over heels for that man just as he was for you.” You sigh, setting your glass down— quickly reminiscing about the past.
You might have been young, and you may not have experienced everything life had to offer yet; but to say Felix was the love of your life would be an understatement.
He was everything to you.
Love, adoration, fun. 
He was also sadness, anger, hurt. 
Everything that entails love; being so, so in love.
And it’s just unfortunate that it wasn’t the right time because Felix was someone you pictured your life with. Everything about the relationship was right, and equally balanced. He showed you just how much he loved you and how much he adored you. You had more good times than bad with him. He taught you how to communicate better, to express your needs and wants, to enjoy life and live in the present moment.
He taught you so much that he really is part of the reason why you’re the person you are today.
After the three years of dating, Felix was graduating college and you were going into your senior year. Understandably, you felt like you needed to experience your last year by yourself, and you felt like Felix needed to figure out his plans moving forward. As much as you loved the way he factored you into every decision, you felt like it was wrong for him to do so— for him to feel like his life revolved solely around you. And of course, you loved him. This would’ve worked. But, it wouldn’t have felt right.
You needed to find yourself without Felix, and vice versa. 
Breaking up with Felix was probably the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do, but he understood. And because he loved you, he let you go. There was no bad blood, no hint of hate or anger; Felix had only left with more love and hope, praying that you’ll be okay.
Maybe one day, you’ll find your way back to each other.
It’s funny how life works.
“I’m not going to force it. I’ll let it happen if it happens.” You look at Reggie, taking another big sip of your rosé; eyes quickly glancing over to Felix from over the glass. He’s still conversing with a few mutual friends, eyes meeting yours from a distance. His eyes are soft, facial expression slightly unreadable. 
Pressed, crisp black button down with the sleeves rolled halfway up his arms. Silver watch adorning the left wrist, slacks sitting nicely on his frame.
You’re sure of the butterflies you feel. It’s crazy how Felix still has this effect on you. 
You clear your throat and revert your attention back to Reggie with a: “Can we go dance?”
“Now you’re talking.” Reggie laughs, grabbing your hand and leading you to the dance floor for a dance with other friends. The majority of the time you’re on the dance floor, you’ve temporarily pushed your thoughts and feelings away to enjoy being around friends you haven’t been able to hang out with or see in quite some time. You’re enjoying yourself, singing and dancing along to the music blasting in the venue. At one point, you don’t realize that Felix and his friends have joined in, creating one huge crowd in the middle of the dance floor that’s become the life of the party. 
“Hey, I’m gonna go to the bathroom and get some air. I’ll be back in a few.” You say in Reggie’s ear. He nods, throwing up the ‘okay’ sign to acknowledge that he understood you through the loud music.
“You need me to come babysit your ass?” He leans near your ear to quickly ask.
“I’ll be fine!” You laugh, rushing off to the bathroom to relieve yourself from all that rosé. You take a couple of moments to freshen up and pat away at your makeup, hoping to keep it together for the remainder of the night. You fluff your hair a bit before giving yourself one last look before walking out and heading towards the back end of the hotel.
It’s a beautiful night tonight— one where the stars are twinkling brightly above, dotted throughout the night sky and circling around the full moon. There’s a faint breeze that feels awfully good on your skin right now, the waves crashing against the surface just right below the hill where the hotel sits. 
“Hey.” A familiar, deep voice comes from behind you. You fiddle with your fingers a bit, bottom lip tucked underneath your teeth as you turn and come face to face with Felix— eyes completely fixed on the one man whom you’ve always loved; the one man who, at one point, meant the entire universe to you. “I’m sorry, I just came outside to make sure you were okay. But, I guess I should’ve figured it was since Reggie was still—” Felix shakes his head and lets out an embarrassed chuckle. “Nevermind. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Thank you for checking. I—” You lazily point at the sky. “I just needed some air. Was getting really hot in there.”
“Yeah it was.” He laughs a bit. “You sure you’re doing okay? Do you need me to get you water or anything?” Typical Felix, you think. He’s still the same. Everything about him has remained unchanged.
“I’m okay, Felix. Thank you.” You respond softly. “It’s nice to see you.” He digs his hands into his pockets, head tilting to the side.
“It’s nice to see you, too. It’s been so long.” He smiles. He’s the first to step forward and envelope you in a hug, taking in his scent as you hug him back. Oddly enough, everything feels the same. Felix’s hugs have always been the best, and part of you hates having to part once the moment is over. “You look amazing, Y/N.”
“You do, too.” You point at his hair. “Though, I have to say the blue hair was a surprise?” He laughs and nods.
“Uh yeah, was kinda a bet with some of my friends.”
“It looks good though, you pull it off well.” 
“Thank you.” He licks his lips before nodding towards the bench further down the path. “Do you wanna catch up?” He pauses. “I-I mean it’s fine if you wanna get back to the party, totally understand. I just thought we could kill two birds with one stone and–”
“I’d love to.” You cut him off with a sweet smile, letting Felix lead the way to the bench. 
And so here you are, sitting side by side with Felix— enjoying the night while the music continues to play in the background. You start by telling Felix what you’ve been up to all these years, how your parents have been, living life in the city. Felix says he’s been in and out of the city, traveling back and forth between Australia to hang out with family in between work. You share lots of laughs when you update each other about family and their whereabouts, reminiscing about the times when your families would have lots of fun together. The both of you also talk about how it’s been awhile since everyone’s been under the same roof, but it’s a nice occasion to be together. Then, somehow, the conversation shifts to love and dating. You awkwardly tell Felix that you haven’t really been in a serious relationship since graduation. You’ve dated around, but nothing felt right.
Nothing felt equally balanced, or like it was meant to be.
But, it’s okay. You reassure him you’ve been okay focusing on you and doing your own thing. In time, you’ll welcome whatever is meant to be in your life. And Felix tells you he’s glad to hear that— that he’s also dated around but things just didn’t feel right, either.
“Y/N.” He calls for you as he looks out, then shifts his attention back to you. “Are you happy?” He looks at you, really looks at you, and he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. Almost like he’s doing his best to read you, to find the answer deep within your orbs, your body language.
“I guess so, yeah.” You softly smile at him before looking at the view. “Are you?” He shrugs a bit.
“Yeah. Think so.” He licks his lips and lets out a small breath. “As long as you’re happy, then that’s all that matters to me.”
“Thanks, Lix.” There’s a comfortable silence that falls between you two after that conversation. But, something shifts in the air; shifts enough to the point where you feel Felix’s eyes rest back on you from your peripherals. The sudden tension could be felt from miles away, but you’re not sure how to act on it. The simplest thing you could do is—
“I’m sorry, is there something on my face?” You break the silence and ask, a bit confused as to why Felix just keeps looking at you, staring; fixed. He lets out a small laugh before shaking his head.
“No, there isn’t. I just—” He pauses. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Always been. I can’t help it.” He says, eyes softening again as he settles on your features. He gently brushes the hair away from your face, thumb trailing down to your cheek to caress the surface. You lean into his touch a little more, having to pull away when you realize the reality of this all.
It’s funny how life works.
“You know.. I think I’m gonna call it a night.” You shyly chuckle and look down at your lap, hands awkwardly rubbing away at the fabric of your dress as you let the excuse linger in the air for a second. “I didn’t realize how exhausted I was after all that dancing and singing.” Felix chuckles. He feels a little embarrassed, but he also dug himself into this one. He shouldn’t have reached out so quickly. He couldn’t help it.
“Do you need me to drive you anywhere?”
“No, I rented out a room for the night solely for this reason.” You stand with Felix following suit.
“Let me walk you to your room then?”
“Oh, you really don’t have to Lix. I’ll be okay.” He smiles hearing the nickname roll off your tongue.
“I want to.” You look at him with a small smile and nod.
“Okay. I just need to grab my things.” He follows behind, keeping a safe distance just to keep you comfortable– not knowing that you’d rather have him close than far away.
Inside, everyone is still keeping up the energy except for a few that have either left, or decided to sit down for the remainder of the night. Reggie is drinking water at your table, and he can’t help but throw a certain look your way when he sees you walking in with Felix following right behind you. You catch on though, and you simply shrug while Felix returns to his friends to let them know he’s heading out.
“Okay so.. what exactly is happening here? Miss ‘It’s been so long, I don’t even know what I’d say to him.’” You roll your eyes and grab your things.
“I’m heading up to my room. Felix is just walking me there.”
“Walking you all the way up to the second floor? Goodness me.” You laugh and shake your head. 
“You should get to yours soon, too.”
“Mhm, I want a progress report tomorrow morning.” He puckers his lips before eyeing you up and down. 
“Stop it.” You glare at him. “I love you, goodnight.” You simply tell him before turning on your heel to bid your other friends goodbye, along with the bride and groom.
“Get it girl, I love you too!” You hear him respond just as you continue your goodbye’s until you’re near the entrance, with Felix waiting right outside the doors in the hallway. 
“Hope you’re ready for a good long trip up to the second floor.” Felix laughs.
“Yeah, sounds pretty exhausting, honestly. It’s been a night.”
“It has, but I had lots of fun.”
“I did too.” He steps inside the elevator after you, leaning back against the railing. He eyes your figure, the way the dress hugs your curves nicely, heels strapped around your ankles. You’ve always been so beautiful; everything about you, inside and out. You can see the way Felix is focused on you through his reflection on the elevator doors in front of you, and it makes your heart do flips.
Because he does that thing he always does— when he tilts his head at a certain angle just to see you, read you, perfectly. Knowing you’ll meet his eyes at some point just for him to pull you in closer.
To plant a kiss on your lips,
Down to your jaw,
“Y/N, is this not your floor?” Felix asks, breaking you out of your thoughts when you realize he’s holding the elevator doors open.
“Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out for a bit.” He lets out a tiny laugh as he watches you walk down the hallway, turning right at the end to get to the second door. You tap your hotel key against the reader, hand twisting the handle to unlock the door. Before you can open it fully, you turn back to Felix— seeing him quietly standing there with his hands dug into his pockets. “This is me. Thanks for walking me to my room, Lix.”
“Course. I guess I’ll let you be.” He smiles toothlessly at you. Your inner dialogue is conflicted right now, wondering if you should just let him be and let this end right where it is—
While the other half is yearning to keep him around, to have his company, to just be with him even after all these years.
“Have a good night, pretty girl.” He continues, hoping that he really doesn’t have to part with you right now. He’s not gonna force it though, and he’s not gonna say anything else— even though he feels like he has a lot more to say to you tonight. Maybe this is how it was meant to be after all, which Felix will have to learn to put to rest if it truly ends this way.
But, before he can turn on his heel to walk away, you follow up with:
“Actually, do you wanna just stay and hang out a bit more?”
“If it’s not a bother.”
“Never. Sorry, I should’ve asked earlier. I just didn’t want to make it awkward or whatever.”
“Could never be that way with you, Y/N.” You chuckle, stepping in and letting Felix follow you in. You set your clutchbag onto the side table at the corner of the room, undoing your heels and setting them aside. 
“God, that feels amazing.” Felix laughs as he sits on the edge of your bed, watching as you get comfortable. “I can’t wait to get comfortable. You have a room here, right?”
“Do you wanna change and just come back here? I feel bad that I’ll be the only one getting comfortable.” He laughs a bit and shakes his head.
“I’m good for now. I promise.” He watches as you undo your necklace. “Need help with your dress?” You look at him through the mirror as you set your necklace down onto the drawer and silently nod. “I got you.” He says, getting behind you to help you unzip your dress. It’s something small, but so intimate and sweet.
And with Felix, it feels perfectly right. Even if years have passed. You never feel out of place with him, and he only feels like home to you.
He slowly unzips your dress, eyes trailing down as his hand falls down to the small of your back. You feel his breath tickle the back of your neck, body only inches away from yours as he keeps his position there.
“Felix.” You softly call his name, and he can tell. He just knows. He looks at you through the mirror, hand slowly wrapping around your waist.
“Is it weird to say that I’ve really missed you?” He says lowly as his eyes trail down your neck this time, fixed on the weak spot that he remembers so, so well.
“No. I’ve missed you, too.”
“I mean it.” His fingers are fiddling with the strap of your dress. “When I saw you tonight, you were all I could think about. Not that anything’s changed, but—“ He lazily slips the strap down, letting it fall to the side as his finger traces a line up your arm; to the curve of your shoulder. “I just couldn’t believe that I was finally seeing you again.”
“Lix.” The way you breathily release his name from your lips tells him everything he needs to know. You’ve missed him too, you’ve really, really missed him, too. And of course he feels the same way you do— absolutely. If it wasn’t for shit falling into place at the wrong time, Felix was sure that he’d still be loving you the way he was before.
No question.
Nothing has changed. The love he’s had for you will always mean more to him than anything in this world.
Felix still feels like love, adoration, fun.
And if you let him, he would also feel like sadness, anger, hurt.
Because Felix is love, and everything that love entails. 
“Missed everything about you.” He says, planting a feathery kiss on your shoulders. “Missed the way you laugh.” Another kiss on your shoulder. “The way you smile.” Another near the base of your neck. “Just you.” He says near your ear, reading your expression. You bite onto your bottom lip and finally turn to face him, his hand coming back up to rest on your cheek. “Always been you, love.” His thumb is caressing the surface, giving you leverage to plant a kiss on the palm of his hand.
“Always been.” You mutter back, allowing Felix to fully take you—all of you— in this moment. 
Sooner or later, your dress is on the floor while you continue to keep your lips pressed against Felix’s in the heat of the moment; afraid to break the kiss and create distance. You don’t ever want Felix away from you again, no. You want him close— with you, for you, by you. 
Just you.
He takes his time with you, letting his hands roam across every inch of your body while he takes you in and settles in between your thighs; pressing his pink, plump lips across your body like he’s soothing you, making up for the years that you’ve lost. 
You’re tangled up in him, but you find that there’s no other place that you’d rather be than here; giving Felix the freedom to love you, love on you, however he chooses to tonight. You trust him to take care of you because he always has, and he always will.
It’s not long before your hands are gripping the sheets, repeatedly calling Felix’s name like a mantra. He praises you as he picks up the pace, pounding relentlessly to show his need for you. His lips graze the surface of your neck, collarbone, chest, whispering sweet nothings into your skin:
Missed everything about you.
So perfect for me, love.
So beautiful, so pretty.
Always been you.
All about you.
He continues, and continues— holding you close to his body while he tries to go slower, deeper; hitting all the right places that you like so much just to hear you, see you, writhe underneath him. 
Let me be yours.
“Fuck, Lix. I’m close—“ Is the only thing that you’re able to say as you feel the coil within you threatening to unravel. And he must feel it too with the way that his hips begin to stutter, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he tries to hold on. He feels your walls completely tighten around him, pulsating as your face contorts in pleasure and a silent moan leaves your lips. 
“Baby, where do you want me— fuck— I’m—“ Felix barely lets out. You reassure him that he’s okay to let go inside of you, and not a second passes before he’s painting your walls. His forehead falls onto yours just as the both of you come back down from your highs, focusing on regulating your breathing after the intense pleasure that washed over you. “Are you okay, angel? You’re not hurt, are you?” He asks, close to a whisper. He kisses you lightly on the tip of your nose, before he seals one off on your lips. He holds it there for awhile before pulling back, realizing you still have yet to respond to him.
“I’m okay. Not hurt.” He nods.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” Felix takes his time cleaning you up and soothing you, helping you get washed up and ready for bed just before he leaves to do the same.
For a moment, you feel like everything is over. That maybe, that was the closure you needed to finally close off that chapter in your book. That maybe, that was it to Felix and you’d return to being [somewhat] strangers again. It makes you a little scared, a little anxious.
But, it all blows away when Felix comes back, dressed for bed just as he had said. He shuts off your lights and slips into the bed next to you, pulling the sheets up so that you’re comfortable.
“For a second, I didn’t think you were actually going to come back.” He lets out a small, breathy laugh as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you flush to his body.
“What, why not? I’m here to stay, love. Not going anywhere.”
“Even when tomorrow comes?”
“Even when tomorrow comes.” He kisses the back of your head. “Unless, you have other plans already?”
“No. Just you.” He chuckles.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” You snuggle closer to him, allowing his warmth to completely envelope your body. Before you know it, you’ve fallen into a deep sleep in Felix’s arms, and he does too. Even when the morning comes, you still find yourself wrapped around Felix and snuggled against his body, light kisses being pressed against your head when you wiggle in his arms.
It’s funny how life works.
Because this time around, Felix is here, lying beside you; making things feel right, connected. Balanced. You shift in your position to look at him because this time around, you’re staring at the one man who, up until now, still means the entire universe to you. 
Then, it’s also funny how life works; when life decides that this is your person, and this is finally the right time.
This time around. 
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—perm taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hanji-cafe
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gh0stbeeee · 10 months
Rise of the Guardians/The Guardians of Childhood is low-key my Roman Empire.
Like, specifically in the movie verse, there's just... so much that was never elaborated on. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of being kid's media, things get dumbed down for no reason.
Like, Jack Frost in general as a character. He died. DIED. He DROWNED in a pond saving his sister and??? Nothing. The entire moment when he remembered became "Oh I'm the fun guy that had a family and saved my sister!" AND DIED. Very important part that is completely glossed over other than the idea of sacrifice. Like, the other guardians were "chosen," did they not die too? Did Jack lose his memories because he died, but the others were chosen while alive, chose to leave their lives and remembered?
And just, what were his early years? For a very long time, at least a decade, he probably thought he was totally invisible, that he could never have a true conversation with another person, because I doubt that he stumbled upon another spirit/legend for a while.
Like, that would have driven him INSANE. There's no way he wouldn't be super socially awkward from the isolation, much less just totally mentally well. Are spirit's brains built different? They'd have to be, but I don't think they should be able to withstand that level. Like what was the mim thinking??? Seriously just abandoned a TEENAGER he resurrected with no memory or possibility of support, that's wrong.
And on that note, let me reiterate that Jack died. In front of his little sister. Who had to go back home and tell her family what happened. Did he have a father too? More siblings? Friends and family? They had a funeral no doubt, mourned him. Because he died.
The worst part? He was right there. The whole time. Jack came back to that pond and settlement for hundreds of years, even when it became Burgress. He probably watched his funeral not knowing what was going on, saw his family mourn him without knowing it was for him. He was there when they died, not knowing who they were to him. Did he realize later on? I can only imagine the devastation.
The worst part is Manny probably had to take his memories, because Jack would have been DEPRESSED. He would've tried everything to make them believe, and they probably never would. His parents would probably never see him again, they were adults. His sister was plausible, but she's still mortal. She would have died, Jack would have seen his little sister grow old and die while he stayed eternally young. He might've not ever recovered from that, mim taking his memories distanced him from the pain for when he remembered 300 years later.
But he also could have moved on, grown and loved her descendants and honored her. The mim took that choice away, and that's pretty fucked up.
Then yeah, 300 years of pretty much no acknowledgement. Going into live blind with no guidance or memories, trying to figure yourself out but being ignored by the once who brought you here. Jack would realistically be a little nutty, because wow. It's shown the even other spirits didn't really talk to him, he made them acknowledge him by playing pranks and pissing them off till they confronted him. Maybe it's in spirit's nature to be recluses, but it's not in Jack's. He wanted attention and to be seen, but no one wanted to or could give it to him.
That's why Jamie seeing him for the first time always makes me tear up. This is the first time for HUNDREDS of years that a human has acknowledged him, not an out of touch spirit, but a regular person Jack can connect with, that chose to see him, to believe. That's beautiful, and special.
There's just so many layers to this story that we never got to see, and I'm forever sad DreamWorks abandoned the franchise.
(If anyone has any good fics that explore topics like this, especially Jack's family, please share)
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: steve having 4 rabbits (all male) as pets bc he loves them. They are super rambunctious aside from his last one which he recently adopted from a shelter. But HE SPOILS THEM??? He refers to them as his kids???? The party doesn't know what kids he is referring to until they see him with his babies. Thats all just pure flufff
First of all, title on AO3 is from Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter because Steve loved that story as a child and that was the inspiration behind most of this. Second of all, this is ridiculous and fun. It's so very unserious. I cannot stress enough how much this is just absolutely silly. As with any of the stuff I write, there's some emotions and discussions of Steve's shitty childhood, but the rest is just some hilarity between Steve, Eddie, and Robin with a guest appearance of the party. - Mickala ❤️
Steve’s parents had never bothered with a pet, had never even thought about the fact that most kids got to have a dog or a cat or a turtle when they were young.
They didn’t think about how much Steve needed a companion of some kind.
It didn’t stop him from always playing with his friends’ pets, or stopping at the pet store after work sometimes to show some love to the ferrets nobody seemed to want. He volunteered at the animal shelter when he had time, always getting too attached to the dogs coming and going.
When he moved into a house with Eddie and Robin, they all agreed he could and should get a pet, as long as they could all agree on what it was beforehand.
The problem was, he knew he didn’t have time to commit to a dog, not with how often he was working and taking the kids where they needed to go and helping Eddie with his band. He knew Robin wouldn’t admit it, but being around cats for more than a few minutes left her stuffed up and teary-eyed. He didn’t really want fish, or anything that he couldn’t hold or cuddle with. Birds were out because they were loud and on his migraine days, even the tiniest hint of sound would make him nauseous.
He’d never even considered rabbits.
But on his way home from work on his birthday of all days, he passed a truck with a cage full of bunnies in the back.
He pulled over, not thinking about what he was doing, just knowing that he wanted to hold one.
Robin, who was in one psychology course at the community college, called it healing his inner child.
Eddie, who liked to get on Robin’s nerves as frequently as possible, called it being his inner child.
Steve, who loved them both very much, thought they were maybe both right.
“Can I hold one?” Steve asked the older woman who was sitting on the tailgate of her truck.
“Sure. You have any rabbits?” she asked as she grabbed one from the cage.
“No ma’am.”
“Lovely pets. Unfortunately, we didn’t know one of ours was a male and now we have about 22 of these suckers to get rid of. You got room for one?” she watched him carefully as he held the baby rabbit to his chest.
All of the rabbits were gray except for four, which were an off-white color with speckles of brown. Steve didn’t know how genetics worked, especially not for rabbits, but he knew they were unique.
“I got room for four.”
He didn’t.
Not really.
But he would make room.
The woman only charged him for two, said he was doing her a favor by taking four anyway. She gave him a bag full of some food pellets, but told him they would probably still prefer to get lettuce and other vegetables often.
“I guess I should think of some names,” Steve said out loud on the way home. “I should probably also warn you that I didn’t talk to Robin and your other dad about this yet. But they won’t mind. I can build you guys a home in the backyard! And during the winter, you can stay in the shed.”
He had it all planned out in his mind, and nothing would ruin it.
“How many?!” Robin exclaimed.
“Rabbits?” Eddie asked, surprised, but not quite as shocked as Robin.
“It’s four males. They’re still babies, but they grow quick. They’re pretty low maintenance, and they can live outside so you won’t have to worry about allergies or noise or anything. And they can eat a lot of vegetables and some fruit so I won’t have to spend tons of money on special food.”
Eddie cupped his cheek in his palm and smiled.
“You don’t have to defend your choice to us, sweetheart. If you’re happy, I’m happy,” he kissed him on the lips quickly before pulling away and giving Robin a look that said she better agree.
“I’m happy you found pets?” Robin said, still clearly unsure about it, but giving a genuine smile.
“Okay, now names!”
It only took five minutes for Eddie to excuse himself from that conversation to start working on their enclosure.
“Steve, you cannot name a rabbit Edward.”
“There are no rules when it comes to naming rabbits. If I want to name the one who doesn’t stand still after my boyfriend, then I will!”
It went on like that for nearly an hour as Steve took turns holding each of the rabbits, keeping them close to his chest and petting them, giving them all a little kiss on the head before he put them back in the box they were temporarily in.
Eddie came in not long after they finally settled on names, giving Steve a kiss on the cheek and grabbing a glass of water.
“So? What are their names?”
Steve picked them up one by one, showing them off as he spoke.
“This one is Marty, and this one is Hobbit, and this one is Bard, and this tiny little guy is Pierre. Robin insisted on it because the speckle on his face looks like a mustache and goatee.”
“I hate to say it, Stevie, but I don’t think I’m the father,” Eddie teased as he rubbed Pierre’s head.
Steve gently pushed Eddie’s chest, but smirked at him.
“Despite your best efforts, I don’t think actual children will be biologically possible for us,” he said as he put Pierre back in the box and picked the entire thing up. “Now, show me their home!”
Steve was a natural caregiver, had always been one even when he was alone.
Everyone knew it, everyone loved it about him.
But no one had expected him to treat his new pets as his actual children, not even Eddie.
He knitted them sweaters.
“They have fur already, Steve,” Robin said.
“But they’re so cute in them!”
Robin and Eddie shared a glance as Steve handfed them some lettuce.
No one expected him to also come home with a fifth one right before Christmas.
He was holding it against his chest, under his jacket, whispering to it.
“Stevie? Whatcha got?”
“Don’t be mad. He was dropped off at the shelter with a few puppies and they said that they couldn’t keep him. I couldn’t-” Steve’s sharp intake of breath made Eddie drop what he was doing and get closer. “We have room or I can make room. He’ll fit right in! I think he looks like a Frodo, don’t you?”
Steve unzipped his jacket and a completely white rabbit shuffled around so it’s head was nestled further in his shirt.
“Sure, Stevie. Hi Frodo, welcome to our home. Rent’s due on the first, lettuce is available for free, and bath days are every other Saturday,” Eddie said quietly as he petted the rabbit’s back.
The first time the kids held the rabbits, Steve hovered like a worried parent.
“Just relax, love. They’re being careful,” Eddie whispered in his ear.
“I know. I just don’t want one to get loose and end up hurt or stuck somewhere,” Steve said, keeping his eyes on a constant rotation between all five rabbits.
“Can we feed them?” El asked with a beaming smile.
“Yeah, please!” Will said excitedly.
“Sure. But everyone only gets to pick one thing so they don’t overeat and get sick,” Steve agreed.
Eddie watched as Steve continued to hover, physically biting back comments about the way the kids were feeding them.
Eddie could sense his anxiety getting to a boiling point, knew he would probably explode in a minute if he didn’t intervene.
“Alright kids! Time for us to put the rabbits up for the night. They like to cuddle before they sleep,” Eddie said, reaching for the closest one to him, Bard.
They slowly put them all back into their enclosure, and Steve stood outside of it for a moment making sure they were all okay.
They were still a bit over excited from being out of the cage, all except Frodo, who had never been excited about anything.
“I’ll take the kids home,” Eddie said as he kissed Steve’s shoulder. “Staying out here for a bit?”
“Yeah, just until they calm down a little. Tell the kids I’ll see them tomorrow.”
Eddie nodded once and made his way back inside.
“Steve isn’t coming?” Max asked.
“Nah, he’s making sure the little ones behave. Everyone ready?”
The kids looked at each other, then back at Eddie.
“He’s making sure the rabbits behave? What are they gonna do, steal a carrot from the fridge?” Mike asked.
“Tone, Wheeler,” Eddie reprimanded. “And everyone leaves Steve alone about this, got it? He’s being his inner child.”
“Healing his inner child,” Robin said from the couch, focused on her word search.
“Right, that’s what I said,” Eddie clapped his hands. “Kids in the van or you have to scoop the rabbit poop!”
A chorus of “ew, gross!” rang out as the kids scrambled to run out the front door and to his van.
“Can you make sure he comes in in a few minutes?” Eddie asked Robin. “He doesn’t have a jacket on.”
“Are you his boyfriend or his mom?” Robin asked, still not looking up from her word search.
“I’m gonna be your problem if he gets sick from sitting out there in the cold too long.”
“Fine,” Robin rolled her eyes. “But if he makes me bottle feed Hobbit again because he ‘won’t eat the pellets and he has to eat something’ I am locking him out there to become one of them.”
Eddie glanced out the window of the back door, smiling to himself as he watched Steve talking to the rabbits, like he did every night.
Whatever they called it, Eddie was just glad Steve was getting something he’d always wanted.
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hollowtones · 6 months
opinions on yoshis story? imo that game doesnt deserve to have music that good
I haven't played very much of it and I've been meaning to do something about that forever. I've played some of it and I've watched others go through most of it.
I know I've seen a little bit of modern grumbling (I don't know if this was a point of contention when the game came out because I was three at the time. OK I looked up some reviews from the era and it looks like it was also a thing people were mad about back then. LOL) over the fact that the game isn't more like "Yoshi's Island" & that it feels like it's aimed more at younger audiences. I dunno. I've never been bothered much by games with some tie to one another doing something different. (Some of the response reminds me of Transformers fans being upset over Hasbro making toys and shows for very young children sometimes; admittedly maybe I'm off the mark here.)
It's a very easy game if you want it to be. You can just eat any fruits you want forever and it's over in a blink. And it's fine. It's fine if the video game lets you beat it very fast if you want to. You can also try to collect only one single kind of fruit in a level and that makes things take longer and makes them feel like more of a scavenger hunt (especially if you're trying to get all the melons). I think that's neat. There's sort of an interesting design trajectory from "Super Mario World" to "Yoshi's Island" where the levels become a little longer, a little more meandering, a little more exploratory, sometimes (not always, and not massively, but it's still there) a little less linear. No time limit. Going for collectibles instead; making every level about getting a score of 100 (if you want to). You can see that iterated on in "Yoshi's Story"! No singular end point of the level. Bigger rooms to explore (while still keeping levels relatively short). More of a focus on puzzle solving and exploration. Collectibles simplified to one meter that you fill up, but there are multiple things that can fill it & you get rewarded for only collecting one kind. (And also the hearts that let you pick what level you go to next. There's a lot of "opening up more of the game for yourself if you want to go out and look for it" here. Are there other collectibles, actually? I don't really remember...) Secret fruits that give even more points. It makes the levels feel more like puzzle box toys that you roam around in. It's neat that they designed that for younger kids and it's neat that you can make it more difficult if that sounds fun to you. (I would have to play more of it myself to decide if going for all melons is fun for me specifically. But I like it on paper, y'know?)
The pop-up storybook theming is cute and the visual aesthetic of the game overall works really well. It feels like arts & crafts dioramas made by kids (or with kids) so they could play pretend with their toys while reading a storybook. It's got very strong toy feel overall. The music is really fun!!! It does the dynamic soundtrack thing where some parts of the track change depending on your health!!! I'm always clapping my hands like a seal with a game's music changes depending what I'm doing!!! Maybe it's a little silly of me to say this, given that it's a sentiment I've had in the past, but nowadays I scratch my head a bit at "the music in this has no right to go this hard" type comments. It goes hard because the musicians got hired to make it like that. (I'm imagining a guy who thinks the "Yoshi's Story" music is the hardest music ever created and I'm smiling serenely about it. I hope he's real & I hope he's out there somewhere.) I'm glad they let Totaka do something that feels at least a little experimental for the goofy Yoshi babies storybook super happy yay & jumping throwing game soundtrack. It's a fun contrast, isn't it? It feels very of-the-era in a way I'm having trouble externalizing outside of "well it's a little weird and multi-genre". It's neat that they all have a shared melody that they draw on.
Thanks for reading my short essay on a childrens' video game I haven't played a lot of yet. I need to go take a shower now.
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munsonshire · 1 year
Robin Buckley as your girlfriend
Pairing: Robin x f!reader (she's a lesbian you guys) Disclaimer: These were originally a headcanon, well, a series of them but now its kind of like a fic or similar Masterlist
When you guys are at your house, she won't stop looking at everything, especially in your bedroom, she'll go through your drawers and check every little thing that you have, both, because she loves you and wants to get to know you better and also because she's poor and as a kid/young teenager she didn't have many belongings
Passionate kisses 24/7
She doesn't know what personal space is so expect hugs and nudges and gentle bites every now and then (She's in the spectrum so she'll only do that if she really does trust you, which she does
- She looks like a lost puppy when she's out alone
- She's not jealous, she's insecure asf
- Likes to have soft music as a background
- kisses on the forehead
- kisses on the side of your lips
- She usually has issues at home, so she goes to your house to sleep over lots of times
- Loves it when you visit her at scoops/family video
- She's the kind of person that collects little rocks that she finds in random places, sometimes some kind of mineral like quartz
- She'll also gift you rocks that she finds beautiful, she says they remind her of you
- You were the one to ask her out
- She has her hand around your waist most of the time
- If any guy tries to flirt with you she'll glare at him, and will start some sort of PDA
- Will let you use some of her clothes to sleep during sleepovers at her home (they don't happen often because of her family issues)
- she doesn't really care about your physical appearance, she cares more about you being able to love her as she is
- She sometimes forgets about privacy so she'll just walk in on you changing, and stares at you till you notice, and either you tell her to get out or stay, depends on you, she'll accept your decision
- She gets super nervous and starts rambling whenever you're about to kiss
- There was this one time when you were wearing a low-cut shirt and she decided that it was a really great idea to leave money between your breasts with a wink (as a joke obv)
- Will tease Steve, talking about you all the time and teasing him about not deciding what he wants
- Likes to read while lying in between your thighs, according to her its 10 times better if you play with her head too
- kisses your neck while cuddling
- Play fights that end up in cuddling
- She loves it when you wear her clothes
- Dancing in the living room at 2 am
- Getting drunk asf and getting matching stick and poke tattoos, courtesy of Mr.Munson
- Her asking you to defend her when Steve teases her
- "Y/n come here and tell Steve to leave me alone!!!!"
- She has a lot of nicknames for you
- random making-out sessions because you can
- trying to teach her how to drive, but her almost crashing the car so you agree that Steve has become your personal driver
- She admires you while you're not looking
- You both were each others first everything
- Hugs from the back
- Making fun of Steve with each other
- Would leave you little notes when she leaves for work
- Will take some movies from Family video home so that you two can watch them together
- She's a bit insecure sometimes, she wonders how is it that you can love her, but you always reassure her that you love her for who she is
- You both can't really be seen as a couple in public, bc its the 80s, and well, same-sex relationships weren't seen the same as they are today, so you both have to act as best friends when you're in public
- Robin likes to sleep with her head on your chest and you wrapping your arms around her (ill make a more extended headcanon for this) She says that your boobs are like pillos for her
- You two are Steves's best friends, apart from Dustin obviously
- Asks you to do her hair daily
- When she gets bored she likes to make little braids on your hair
- As she said, she had a hard time learning how to walk as a child, well, she also had trouble learning how to swim
- She puppy swims, and Steve likes to make fun of her bc of it (not in a mean way obv)
- She gets kinda embarrassed and goes to you for comfort
- On Fridays, she always brings a movie so that you can watch it together
- Will talk for you for hours
- Will also listen to you for hours
- When she's drunk she's the kind of person to tell you how much she loves you
- Rubs your hand with her thumb when she holds your hand
- She asked you once to pierce her ears but she got way too scared when the needle gets close to her
- Tells you she loves you a lot all the time
You guys are always at your or Steve's house (yeah, he lets you to go have dates to his house because he cares about Robin and wants her to be happy, plus he knows that her fam dont accept her for who she is) for dates or just to be together
She gets extremely nervous around her friends if she doesn't know them from earlier
Tickle fights, though she might get a little overstimulated and end up kicking you so that you stop tickling her
Watching cheesy romance movies together
Trusts you with her life
Will never let go of you, once she gets confic¡dence she's clingy, very clingy
She stares at you all the time and if you catch her she'll panic and turn away
Says "I love you" all the time, kinda like a reflex
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eflen-n-reegee · 1 year
Caregivers Mystery Inc. Headcanons (Scooby-Doo)
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Fred Jones
If there’s something you try to avoid doing - brushing your teeth, taking a nap, etc - he’ll create a trap to catch you in. Every trap is super safe and incredibly fun!
He’s probably the best cuddler in the gang; he gives fantastic bear hugs.
Fred loves taking you for rides in the Mystery Machine - especially if being in a moving vehicle helps you fall asleep.
He’s big on puzzle books and loves to go through them with you.
He TRIES to be firm with you… but he just can’t be. You’re too cute!
Velma Dinkley
She is ACTUALLY firm with you; no puppy-dog eyes are going to change her mind. Nice try, though.
She enjoys doing crafts with you; anything that can occupy her hands but doesn’t take too much focus is appealing to her. You once made her a beaded glasses chain, and she wears it everywhere.
She likes to give you worksheets to do - usually relating to history.
She’ll read you Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books, and she makes sure you notice the important clues.
In general, Velma does best with big kids. She loves little kids, but hanging out with a kiddo who can (kind of) understand the things she talks about makes her feel more like a parent.
Daphne Blake
Daphne, on the other hand, does best with littler kids and babies. She loves having someone to fuss over and take care of.
She loves helping you get dressed everyday, and always puts you in cute outfits.
She is fascinated by chemistry, and definitely shares that passion with you. Making baking soda volcanos is one of your favorite shared activities.
If you like roller coasters, she’s right there with you! Daphne loves coasters and can usually arrange for you to sit in the front car if you want.
(But she insists on being the one to buckle you in. You’re much too young to do it by yourself!)
Shaggy Rogers
Food is his love language. You’re feeling upset? He cooks up your favorite comfort meal. You did something really hard? He takes you out to celebrate! You’ve been playing for a long time? Snack break!
He is also SUPER careful about any food restrictions or allergies you have - and he will not hesitate to approach the waiter if there’s a mistake in your order. (He’s always polite, of course, but he’s not going anywhere until you have food you can eat.)
Whenever you have nightmares he’s right there to calm you down and help you fall back to sleep.
One of his favorite thing to do is hang out and watch movies with you. Even scary movies are fun (though he sometimes closes his eyes).
He can always, ALWAYS make you laugh…
And YOU can always make SCOOB laugh. He’s very easily amused and his snickering laughter make you giggle.
(And he also makes you laugh when he does impressions. The dog’s a total ham!)
He’s super protective of you; even the scariest ghost couldn’t make him leave your side.
He love to play with you, or just hang out…
But his favorite thing is to curl up beside you and take a nap, knowing no monsters can get near you.
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twothpaste · 9 months
I’d love to see you elaborate on how you personally interpret Ness and Paula’s dynamic/friendship! How you write them together is super refreshing.
Aw, thank ya!! I just love the thought of them being very different sorts of people, who get along brilliantly in spite of it. Or perhaps because of it, in a "complimenting each other's strengths" kinda way (y'know, like how they play during combat in the game). When I started fleshing out personalities for them, I really wanted them to bounce off each other first and foremost. Ness is sappy, Paula's snarky. Ness has peanut butter for brains, Paula's an academic genius. Ness is really emotionally grounded, Paula's kind of a volatile wreck. It makes for a lot of fun little points of contrast, especially in dialogue. The big thing they do have in common is that they're both awfully selfless, and awfully insecure deep down. So their different perspectives end up supporting & uplifting each other, if that makes sense… Ness notices stuff Paula takes for granted, like how good she is with kids, and how carefully she looks out for others. Paula notices when Ness is pushing himself too hard, and might be the only person who can convince him to cut himself some slack.
Before they met, I imagine they were both pretty lonely in their own ways. Ness was isolated by childhood bullying & Porky's fucked up "friendship," Paula by her upstanding hometown reputation & lofty expectations. When they're together, they can just be themselves. No risk of being judged or chastised or pushed around. Their friendship feels like a fresh start. I like to think it's founded on mutual admiration & respect, and a sort of pact to always be genuine with one another. Ness doesn't gotta pretend to be smarter or cooler than he is, Paula doesn't gotta pretend to be "normal" or put-together, they're just kids bein' kids on their own terms! (Or dorky young adults being dorky young adults, when I write 'em at age 20 🤸‍.) They're good for each other. They make me smile. Besties.
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gx-gameon · 7 months
More about Jaden growing up with Yugi and the DM crew
He doesn’t have favorites in his family but he has different relationships with each of them.
is his Dad and his hero.
The king of game!
The one who saved him from the orphanage.
He’s also super kind and teaches Jaden how to take care of himself and his friends.
is his Oto-san.
He’s more strict, way more strict than Dad. But he obviously cares for Jaden.
He’s so protective and isn’t great at showing his emotions.
But he loves hard and deep. He’d rip the moon from the sky if Jaden, Yugi, or Mokuba asked.
Jaden likes superhero’s? And he really loves the Elemental hero cards? But theirs only four of them, and they’re super weak? That won’t do. He reaches out to Pegasus about making more hero cards.
At first he tries to make them a private collection just for Jaden but Yugi finds out and scolds him. He can’t give Jaden his own archetype! (Especially when Jaden already made his own) so the cards are realeased to the public. But you best believe Seto got three copies of every Hero card for his son.
The Destiny hero’s infuriate him. “How come that kid (Aster Phoenix) gets his own private set of hero’s but our son can’t, Yugi?”
In actually he feels a lot of guilt over sending Jaden’s cards to space. Jaden doesn’t remember, but they found the records of it. Seto sent Jaden’s soul monster and defender (neo spacians and Yubel) to space and has been trying to get them back ever since. Until he can get his son’s cards back to him the least he can do is make sure Jaden has cards he can trust. (His idea, not Jaden’s or Yugi’s)
He couldn’t imagine someone sending his blue eyes away from him forever. He has the records of Jaden’s powers lashing out after they took Yubel from him. (He needs to get those cards back for his son)
Atem adores Jaden. And Jaden adores his uncle Atem.
Atem has always dotted on Jaden. He’s truly grateful for this second chance at life and the opportunity to be part of Yugi’s family.
He’s also very protective of Yugi and his son. Yugi and their friends fought so hard for the world. They deserve to have a peaceful life now. And Atem will defend them the same way they defended and helped him.
Once they find out about Jaden’s powers and blocked memories, Atem becomes even more protective then he was before.
He feels a lot of camaraderie with Jaden. Not just the missing memories, but also the shadow powers. Though Jaden’s comes from the Gentle Darkness and Arems from his time wilding the millennium items.
Atem always shows Jaden little magic tricks and uses his powers to play with Jaden. Even being duel spirits to life. Jaden can’t see spirits until his entrance exam but he grew up with someone who could. So he doesn’t feel like he’s going crazy when he starts seeing and hearing spirits.
Atem wanted to try and unblock Jaden’s powers but Yugi had been worried. His boy was so young and what happens if his powers lash out again. He doesn’t want Jaden to blame himself if anyone gets hurt because he’s a little kid who had a tantrum. Atem agrees but still works with Jaden. His powers will unlock one day. It’s best he’s prepared and knows that he doesn’t have to fear himself. Yugi agrees, Atem would never go against Yugi’s will.
Don’t tell the others but… Joey is Jaden’s favorite uncle. (Mainly don’t tell Seto, Atem, or Mokuba)
Joey is so fun for Jaden. He’s silly and energetic and matches Jaden’s energy.
He duels Jaden and it’s so fun. Seto can’t bring himself to go easy on any one. Yugi and Atem go easy on him, but they won’t give him the game, he learns a lot from all three, but Joey? Joey’s crazy.
Joey will pick up booster packs and they will make random decks and duel. Just for fun. Just to learn. Just for fun. Yes your deck is your heart, but theirs a lot to learn from quickly cobbling together a deck.
When Jaden’s older, Joey is the first one to break out his real deck on him (well besides Seto, who knows no chill) when Jaden beats Joey’s real deck for the first time he’s so pumped, and so is Joey. His littlest buddy is an amazing duelist!
Joey is so laid back. He loves dueling and he’s serious about it. But he remembers it’s a game. It’s fun. Something Seto’s never been good at. Atem struggles with (trauma) Yugi knows but his deck is almost unbeatable. All three of them love the game for the strategy, Joey’s here for fun and chaos. Yes he’s strategic but he also chaotic and a risk taker.
Jaden takes after him in a lot of ways. Jaden love’s strategy to, he’s learned form the best. But at duel academy? If he was like either of his father’s his identical would be blown so fast. So it’s a good thing he takes after Joey. No one thinks the prince of games to be a laid back slacker. But he learned from the best, Joey. (If Seto ever heard that statement he’d set the city on fire.
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milolunde · 3 months
can u list all the main guys and their roles in the tunes bc i only know daffy and bugs and lola kinda rly but no one else😞😞also is roger rabbit relevant at all to them
Bugs Bunny- THE Main Character. Young upstart that’s been the “clever funny snarky guy who always gets the upper hand and makes sure the other person feels like an idiot while he does” since the start. Has a gay charm about him that pisses people off when immediately when they enter proximity.
Daffy Duck- THE The Main Character… before Bugs. Was the one to get the upper hand with some hijinks and shenanigans and always win in the end, just without the “cool” edge. Until, of course, Bugs had to be the one to Always Win. This shifted him from a Silly Duck to a generally greedy jealous and spiteful person, especially when paired with Bugs. He’s recently returned to his role as The Silly Guy.
Lola Bunny- originally appearing in the first Space Jam as sex appeal I mean Bugs’ love interest. She could play basketball and didn’t like being called “doll” and that was it. I counted and she had about 10 lines and 3 scenes
In The Looney Tunes Show and Rabbit Run, she’s portrayed as a complete ditz. She’s stupid, airheaded, and lowkey a stalker to Bugs because she’s so unaware of things outside of herself. In Rabbit Run they toned down the stupid and stalker and just made her a ditz who wants to sell her perfume and I LOVE her.
In the second Space Jam she is a Strong Independent Woman… I truly can’t remember if she plays a role other than being a member of the team, but that’s because Space Jam 2 didn’t utilize their characters correctly. Though she’s not much more than a Strong Independent Woman, I super love her. She’s capable and strong… like, become an Amazonian Warrior capable and strong. Anointed by Wonder Woman herself. She also cares for her friends and cares for family and the love others share as she virtually throws away her life’s work to become a Warrior because she hears a dad pleading for her to help his kid… she’s also sporty. Like the first Space Jam, its core that she’s Sporty and Likes Basketball
Then she appears in one episode of Looniversity, the Tiny Toons spinoff Spinoff as a chef. And a surfer. And skate boarder. She’s the Everything-Woman and she makes it look incredibly easy because, for her, it is. She has a Dude Bro Chick voice which I lowkey don’t like, but she’s fun.
Over all, Lola was made to be Bugs Bunny’s Girlfriend, then got her own Thing in The Looney Tunes Show which developed further (and into a better character) in Rabbit Run… then they lost it because god forbid a woman be a ditz. Hey this became more about my opinion on Lola than about Lola but that’s because, in their attempts to make her not a shallow woman character they made her a shallow woman character
OKAY. Okay <3
Yosemite Sam- Rootin’ Tootin’ souther cowboy with anger issues and guns
Elmer Fudd- THE hunter and THE adversary of Bugs Bunny… though I always thought adversary wasn’t the right word, as it seems more like Bugs messes with Elmer for fun, not because he HAS to outsmart him to survive being hunted
Tasmanian “Taz” Devil- I’ve seen him majorly in Bugs Bunny cartoons and he doesn’t interest me that much so I’m not sure if he’s bigger in a different set of cartoons. He’s a tornado-spinning rampaging beast that can destroy anything in his path but isn’t very smart. Always outsmarted by Bugs but that’s usually solved with Taz eating whatever tomfoolery is set in front of him
Porky Pig- before Bugs Bunny and Elmer there was Daffy Duck and Porky. Typically the victim of Silly Duck Daffy’s silliness. Sometimes his partner in crime. In The Looney Tunes Show Porky is A Loser by trade and usually victim to Daffy being a bag of dicks, I was pleasantly surprised that is different from their other portrayals as a duo
Sylvester the Cat- sometimes a domestic cat, sometimes and alley cat, always chases tweety bird
Tweety Bird- yellow canary of suspicious gender. Has to outsmart Sylvester as a means of survival… but they have a Tom and Jerry relationship half the time where they’re super trying to kill each other but would be devastated if the other was actually gone
Granny- the sweet old lady who either owns Sylvester or Tweety or Both depending on the cartoon. Also the “sweet but tough” grandmother trope. In The Looney Tunes Show she and tweety fought the Germans at war in France
Wile E. Coyote- silent coyote who uses ACME products to try and catch the Road Runner on Route 66
Was also in some Bugs Bunny cartoons where he did speak. Was a self proclaimed genius (“Wile E. Coyote. Geeeenius.”) and inventor. I haven’t seen media outside of Bugs Bunny cartoons where he speaks other than using signs
Road Runner- says meep meep, is fast and blue, and doesn’t even have to outsmart Wile E. It’s in their unwritten-written rules that Wile E. is thwarted by his own incompetence
Marvin the Martian- funny little guy who wants to take over earth for mars
Foghorn Leghorn- so like he’s The Rooster on this farm and he wants to fuck all the chickens and has some crazy Hero Syndrome about it, putting the farm in danger to prop himself up what a virgin
Pepe Le Pew- he’s a skunk that harasses Penelope because he thinks she’s also a skunk. He smells bad and is also French. His whole thing is he’s a diehard swoon French romance man but Penelope Does Not Like Him also he fucking stinks; I haven’t seen media where this is different
Penelope Pussycat- gets harassed by Pepé Le Pew because she’s a black and white cat and he thinks she’s a skunk. Sometimes she gets to beat the shit out of him <3
There was a short they used to show in theaters before movies called Carrotblanca, a parody of Casa Blanca, where Penelope is Bugs’ ex-lover who finds him again by pure chance. Their relationship left Bugs an actual alcoholic and disturbed to the point of he heard a single note of the piano of a certain song he’ll flip out- the song is Penelope’s favorite… worth mentioning as we’ll that Daffy is there with him as he RELAPSES INTO ALCOHOLISM BECAUSE PENELOPE IS THERE and threatens to kick he out when she comes pleading to Bugs for help. She kicks his ass, so… Anyway, she and Bugs end up together again at the end of the short, kissing beneath a parachute and dancing in an empty airport … lot…
As for Rodger Rabbit.
That guy means nothing to the Looney Tunes, BUT the Looney Tunes DO mean something to Rodger. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit is (almost) entirely stand alone, referencing and parodying both WB and Disney cartoons and characters.
In the crazy ass Meta Verse Actor World of Looney Tunes, the closet relationship Rodger has to any of the Looney Tunes is that he might work on the same set sometimes, Jessica Rabbit might be a performer, and whatever the movie e Who Framed Rodger Rabbit means to the characters depending on if you view it as a movie where the characters played roles or as events that happened to the characters that is only a movie in real life…
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clovermine13 · 1 year
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It's been awhile since an IF has managed to completely take over my brain in awhile so I decided to get a drawing of my @infamous-if MC Delilah Rose, commissioned from @inorheona, who always does a fantastic job.
OC Fun Facts below
100% has a praise kink, she wants to explore that more but the kind of sex she has doesn't usually leave much room for conversing.
Has been wildin' in the club since she broke up with Seven, like a lot, probably to much, maybe needs therapy. Definitely needs therapy
has a very particular Pen Preference and while she will use whatever is available, she might complain. Also, prefers to write in one of her many notebooks over her notes app.
She does drink, she does do drugs (Coke or Oxy depending on her mood) but tries to stay sober and makes sure her friends get home. Also, she sleeps around and would rather do that as sober as possible.
Has definitely written lyrics on the back of a one night stand. In sharpie, she was very sorry. She always dedicates that song to that poor women.
Would kill to play a rain show. She has a thing with rain storms.
Loves to read romance novels. especially fantasy ones, ESPECIALLY spicy ones. Its trash but she loves it.
Is she still actively in love with her ex, probably, is she planning on avoiding that with every fiber of her being, absolutely.
I like to think she is part of a VERY casual FWB situation with the lead singer of another band where they meet up when they are in the same place and send each other memes. For two rockstars, its pretty wholesome.
Would absolutely love to be in a committed relationship, monogamous or otherwise but is too afraid to even try.
Wants a big family, is looking forward to being an aunt, is convinced she is going to be a horrible mother, which isn't true but she doesn't think highly of herself, also she doesn't know how to balance her music and the relationships she has that aren't directly tied to her music and having a baby scares her. (She is very careful)
Is okay with the idea of being married but doesn't think it's necessary, catch her with her lover initial around her neck, or initials tattooed on her wrist.
Is super committed and very touchy in a relationship, really enjoys PDA but wants to keep as much of her relationship private as she can, just for them.
Will eventually write love songs but hasn't written one in a long time.
Is completely unaware of how she affects people, not is a mean way, she just doesn't think she is that important outside of her music. She is sweet, just sad and a bit oblivious. She is a sweetheart she just doesn't believe you really like her.
Says she is indifferent about her parents, that's kind of true, she still wishes they liked her (Head canon wise, I think her Dad does and wants to reconnect but at this point he doesn't know how and her Mom resents Delilah, she never wanted kids and D is aware of this. )
She is Chinese on her Dads side and Portuguese on her Moms. She is First Gen American and doesn't really know he extended family.
I think friends would call her D if nicknames ever become a thing.
Would love to have pets, maybe a bird or some bunnies. But she is literally never home.
Love language is a tie between Physical Touch/ Words of Affirmation
Loves pet names.
A pacifist unless she needs to fight then she can.
I like to think she has a lot of half baked talents like her parents put her in a ton of activities to keep her busy and supervised when she was young so she can sew, tie fancy knots, put up a tent, build a fire, has basic tap/ballet, karate and can raise goats and ride a horse.
Is an absolutely mid cook. She tries but generally hates cooking.
Has everyone's things in her apartment. Like she has a spare room and in that spare room is two dressers and a closet full of the bands stuff and they can sleep there whenever.
Has a top secret email that Fans can use to get in touch with her and there is a higher chance of getting a reply. Sometimes people use it as free therapy (She is not someone who should be giving advice) or different artistic pursuits, fanart, short stories. I think she has written songs based on short stories sent to her email, she gives them credit and dedicates those songs to the author. Has she received fanfic to this email.... Yes.
Is artistic and tends to work on other projects while idle. Right now she is crocheting a baby blanket.
Has so many belts.
Favourite Colour- Green
Favourite Show- Black Mirror
Favourite Movie- The Princess Bride.
I only create one MC per game. I am not a multiple MC girlie. So she will romance everyone but as an angsty, second chance romance girl, Seven is probably gonna be her main. (Although G is a close second.)
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Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 1
@sylviebell asks: A pride month celebration is such a good idea! I’ve got a headcanon request for you. I’ve seen several things about Rooster and Hangman with a controversially young girlfriend, but what are your thoughts on Phoenix with one?
(For some reason tumblr glitched and posted this yesterday so I deleted it and copied the ask from my google docs)
Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x afab! unnamed OC type (CYG short for controversially young girlfriend because I was not typing that a bunch)
Warnings: Age gap and tooth rooting fluff.
Word count: 533
Masterlist M’s PMC Masterlist Series Masterlist
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~ I absolutely love this idea.
~I think they'd have met in like sephora or ulta or something.
~Phoenix looked completely lost and this pretty young woman came wandering over to her.
~Asked her if she needed help with anything.
~Phoenix told her what she was having trouble with and the young woman helped her out quickly.
~Before walking away she turned to Phoenix handing over her phone.
~ “I think you're super attractive and would love to see you again sometime.”
~Phoenix was taken aback, she was used to men hitting on her but not women.
~Especially as cute and young as the one standing before her.
~She put her number in her phone and then they parted ways.
~They talked constantly after that.
~Literally talked about everything under the sun.
~When CYG told Phoenix how young she was, Phoenix was a tiny bit hesitant to pursue anything.
~CYG being like 19-21.
~Confided in Rooster who encouraged her to go for it.
~They exchanged snapchats and every time Phoenix would post a picture of her or of her and the guys, the CYG would be sliding up hyping her up.
~ Their first date consisted of coffee and thrift shopping.
~ They had a lot of fun and it was instant chemistry.
~There was barely a day after that they weren't together.
~It was a whirlwind of romance and they moved in together within months.
~CYG was constantly pulling Phoenix into tiktok trends.
~CYG having to explain new slang and trends to Phoenix.
~They got a cat together from a shelter and it is their little baby.
~CYG is a nanny and on her rare days off she goes and has lunch with Phoenix on base.
~One time she sees one of her friends dads there (Admiral Simpson) and it was a little awkward. (Will write this as a little blurb if anyone wants me to.)
~Also a college student majoring in Psychology.
~The family that CYG nannies for loves Phoenix and has approved of her coming over and spending time with CYG and the kids anytime she wants.
~Phoenix is so good with the kids and they love playing with her when she's over.
~CYG integrated into the Squad well.
~Got made fun of by Harvard and Yale for still being in college.
~Hangman was actually the first person she got along with.
~They became super close much to Phoenix's dismay.
~But he had defended their relationship and the fact that CYG was still in college.
~CYG's friends absolutely adore Phoenix and love the two of them together.
~Phoenix always feels out of touch with them though and normally just sits quietly confused.
~They occasionally got mistaken for siblings instead of girlfriends because of the age gap.
~Both of their families had questions and concerns over the relationship.
~Phoenix would occasionally get insecure that CYG wouldn't want to stay with her.
~CYG would reassure her constantly however and would never get upset with her insecurities.
~Would go to pride together and have the time of their lives.
~The first deployment was rough for the both of them. will be posting a oneshot of this soon)
~Overall they are both super head over heels for each other.
A/N: Thank you for this request Sylvia! I am completely fucking obsessed with this idea. No one better be surprised when I make a series around this. I also maybe already have the awkward Beau, CYG, Nat scene written up lol.
Tags(Open): @wkndwlff @eternallyvenus
@sillygooseses (you liked this yesterday when tumblr for some reason glitched out and posted it early)
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roomba-mangga · 3 months
for that ask game: 8, 17, 31 & 43 for thistle dungeon meshi ?
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Not sure I can gauge (un)popularity unless it's an extreme example so I guess *skull emoji* the age discourse? Less an opinion and more a personal interpretation of the immortal child archetype, tbh. It's a really interesting concept, super fun to try and strike that balance between ancient and tragically young, and presenting that situation through a high fantasy framework really works to emphasize and demonstrate the nuances of a split child/adult mentality, especially wrt trauma (not to mention fraught family dynamics and neurodivergence).
The tricky bit is that balancing act where you want to avoid adultifying or infantilizing the character within a narrative, which... I think with that whole age debate, people tend to lean into one or the other pitfall, and justifiably so since it's such a tightrope act. Thistle's sense of purpose and security hinges on being a guardian to people who are simultaneously much older and younger than him—essentially being expected to mature at the same rate as everyone else when that isn't physically possible, which was bad enough when Marcille was just observing aging disparity between herself and others, let alone what happened with Thistle. Neurodivergent trauma metaphor I love you.
So he's effectively been playing the role of adult guardian for so long that trying to remove that from his dynamics with others would imbalance him, while at the same time that very imposition of responsibilities is the root of trauma in the first place. It's all very complicated! Whoever cares for him post-canon needs to find a middle ground between those two states, which means any dynamic where he's involved would have a fair amount of role-fuckery going on where he's neither their kid nor their peer, but somehow both at once. And also an ageless entity of indeterminate gender. I shill for Young Old Guy Thistle.
17. Quotes, songs, poems etc. that I associate with them
Brick By Boring Brick (Paramore)
Icarus (The Crane Wives)
Age of Kings (The Mountain Goats)
Bring Her Back (Dirt Poor Robins)
Do You Want to Die Together? (Stars)
Little Soldiers (The Crane Wives)
Honorable mention that I wouldn't actually include in a playlist because he's too aggro, but it's about the principle of the thing: Strawberry Blond (Mitski)
If I had to pick songs for other dynamics besides Thistle & Delgal then...
Thistle & Falin: Community Gardens (The Scary Jokes)
Thistle & Laios: Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair (Arctic Monkeys)
Thistle & Yaad: Paper Dolls (Dirt Poor Robins)
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
So there are two separate blogs with severely contrasting vibes and the first one is just a polished site dedicated to the Kingdom's state of affairs and unabashed monarchy propaganda, the crest of Melini is the banner, it has local news and dungeon updates like whatever batch of adventurers have been crushed to paste that day. The other one is his secret vent blog that's mostly pages and pages of poetry (a lot his own) and the occasional meltdown in unreadable cursive font that romanticizes his inner turmoil. Banner would be an exquisite oil painting depicting a king and his page. Reading back I think I'm implying that Thistle randomly has a Tumblr in the high fantasy universe, which is devastatingly funny to me.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
He doesn't eat </3
Substitute answer my knowledge of medieval European/Mediterranean food starts and ends at cheese bread and fruit but, placing my bets that his preferences mirror Delgal's—adjusted to be appropriate to his station—because of course they do. He canonically is apathetic towards elven food (who isn't?) given his resentment towards his own race for abandoning him. I like to think that post-canon there's at least one kind of elven food from some loosely SEA-inspired subcontinent that grows on him so he finally has a positive connection to his homeland (... it'll be Filipino or Indian food. Not sure what specifically yet but mark my words)
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edhellfire · 6 months
Headcanon dump:
I have new followers so I figured I'd do a headcanon dump. Just some random facts about Eddie as I write him.
He's gonna be a tattoo artist when he grows up. He loves to draw and doodle (especially in class) so it feels like a natural progression.
I also will write him a rockstar verse where Corroded Coffin makes it.
In some verses, upon request, he is a single dad. His daughter's name is Halen. Halen Munson. His reasoning? When someone talks about them it's "Eddie and Valen" and he finds that amusing.
He will get more tattoos. I love the idea of him having a spider web tattoo on his neck.
In the rockstar verse, he def has his peepe pierced. In other verses, we'll see.
He's straight. Mostly. I've always wanted to experiment writing him liking boys but it's never happened. He's apparently very straight. Or, we haven't come across the right muse/chemistry to make him sway.
He is super respectful of women and tries his very hardest to not be scary when approaching women. A bit of mommy issues here but not in a bad way. Sidenote: don't ever speak ill of his mama.
He has a thing for cheerleaders. He can't explain it and neither can I.
He is not a virgin. Eddie, the freak, has had a surprisingly amount of action. He's got the bad boy thing going for him. However, he is every girl's "dirty little secret" because who wants the world to know they fooled around with the freak from the trailer park? He respects it and isn't one to kiss and tell anyway.
Guitar is his instrument of choice but Eddie has an ear for music and can pick up an instrument very quickly. He thinks the drums are very fun.
Eddie sings! But he's shy about it. Metal is fine because there's a lot of shouting involved but when he plays the acoustic and sings he wants to die of embarrassment. He has a good voice though. He's just a dumbass.
He's not dumb. I don't want to diagnose him (and I don't think that was common in the 1980s) but he definitely has something. Eddie just can't focus on things that don't interest him. He can be very good as physics, for example, because velocity and speed and he can see it in his head but give him algebra or calculus and he is extra fucked. His favorite subject in school is History. It's storytelling and he's a fan. His favorite time periods are Medieval and Renaiassance and shit like that.
Eddie was the kind of kid growing up that loved dinosaurs. Makes sense because dragons are like a natural progresion.
He can cook. Not saying he's a chef by any means but he has a handful of recipes down to an art. He taught himself as a kid when he got tired of eating canned soup and box mac and cheese when Uncle Wayne was working. He can't bake for shit though (and he would love to learn to bake cinnamon rolls and special brownies).
He doesn't usually do hard drugs anymore. He has to be in a dark dark place to go down that road. He had bad experiences. He also won't sell hard drugs to someone that is inexperienced.
He started smokig cigarettes at a scarily young age. I'm thinking around 12 when he started to steal them from his uncle Wayne. He used to smoke whatever but now he prefers menthols.
He feeds the strays that stroll into the trailer park. Cats, dogs, but his favorites are the raccoons that basically live in the dumpster.
He doesn't have any pets. Not because he doesn't want one but because he's scared he won't be a good pet-dad.
Speaking of dads, he has daddy issues. Daddy trauma really. The idea of being a dad terrifies him because he's scared he will turn out like his.
Eddie doesn't usually start fights. He will stand up for people but he will never start shit with someone else. That said, you say anything about his uncle and you're getting punched - even if you're bigger than him, even if he's outnumbered. He might not be the best son/nephew but he worships that man and is so damn grateful for him. He won't stand for Uncle Wayne slander.
Given the way he looks and his interests you would think his type is a rocker chick or a goth girl. You're wrong. Eddie loves femine girls or casual girls. A girl in a dress or a girl in a messy bun and a big tshirt. That sorta thing.
Eddie has always loved to read, ever since he was a kid. Because of this he's full of useless information.
He loved cryptids. He doesn't fuck with fairies though - they scare him.
He has a stuffed dragon that's missing an eye and lives under his bed. He got it from his mom when he was little and he's kept it since. It lives under his bed because Eddie logic says it's dark like a cave. It's named Draco after the constellation because when Eddie was a baby and couldn't sleep his mom would take him outside and they'd stargaze. One of the few memories he has of his mom.
Eddie logic is something that will come in threads. It's the way Eddie thinks. His brain just doesn't process things like a normal person but it makes sense to him and it's the hill he'll die on.
He's not a sports guy. Not because it doesn't fit the persona but because he's always sucked at them. Uncle Wayne would try to play catch with him as a kid and he would either miss or duck. He can run though and he likes to pretend he knows parkour. Doofus.
His favorite color is gray. Eddie logic says black is too basic. Again, doofus.
He doesn't have a favorite food but he's a sucker for anything homecooked. Uncle Wayne worked a lot growing up so anything that feels homecooked feels special to him.
Big cuddler. If you sleep with him, and it's more than just sex, expect aftercare.
He's not opposed to doing "girly" things. If you're a girl and his friend, besties level, he will totally be down for sleepovers that include face masks and manicures and all that. No fragile masculinity here. Just don't tell anyone.
Should be obvious but he loves horror movies. He's not big on gore though. He'll watch them but he's more into spooky shit like monsters, ghosts, demon possession and stuff like that. He does enjoy Children of the Corn, he finds creepy children amusing and terrifying.
He can fix pretty much anything. Both his dad and Uncle Wayne are handy with tools and Eddie learned from watching. He fixes his own van and basically built it from the ground up.
That's all I got right now. Feel free to ask questions.
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plantwriting · 5 months
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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