hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Polyhermits for the theme of domestic bliss
Gem is extremely clingy so she regularly finds the nearest hermits and junior flops on them, demanding cuddles. All the hermits have learned to accept this. Her favourite victims of this being impulse, Stress, Cleo and most recently Tango. What can she say? They give the best head scritchs and make amazing pillows! Plus she can always bribe them with kisses
Impulse has learnt to catch her, and she adores him for it. She knows she can leap on him and he'll catch her! Stress always laughs, swinging Gem around into a position where she can kiss her as much as she wants. She's always delighted to spend time with Gem. Cleo rolls their eyes, but Gem can see that adorable smile of theirs. They love Gem, really.
Tango, though? She always catches him off guard and gets to hear the funniest noises.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
Skizz doesn’t visit the hermitcraft server too often, but when he does, it almost guarantees that Gem will be little. Can you blame her though? Dude is super comforting, ultimate dad vibes and he calls her Gemstone!!! How could she possibly stay big!
I can definitely see how she'd struggle to stay big around him - he's super silly!
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paradoxlemonade · 1 year
If not already down could I please get a unhinged character bingo for (1) Pearlescentmoon?
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Bingo :D
This leans towards double life Pearl bc I adored her so so much. The DL pearl plushie is sitting there on my shelf right now and it makes me very happy lol
I also have THIS Spotify playlist I made about her! It's entirely metal music with female singers :D I kept it light on the screaming in the hopes that it would be more accessible/pleasant to the layperson.
Pearl just. She's associated with unintended consequences for me. She accidentally tips over the first domino and spells out her own doom, you know? The kind of person who found herself deep in a hole with a shovel and simply kept digging because getting out was so much harder. She cannot escape the narrative <3
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hmshermitcraft · 10 months
Pearl is known for overworking herself and can be found working on her base around midnight on most nights. Gem knows this and is the only one of her partners who can coax her to bed with the promise of cuddles and kisses.
A lot of Pearl's partners have tried Gem's technique with no success. They can't tell what the secret is - maybe it's just the length of their relationship together?
No. The secret is that when the coaxing fails, Gem picks Pearl up and carries her to bed. Works everytime.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Gem and Pearl have a habit of regressing when they’re together, making poor Impulse having to keep a eye on them. He doesn’t mind though, he loves looking out for them. ❤️
They make a chaotic pair, and very much benefit from having someone marginally more responsible around to keep them from getting into too much trouble.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Little Gem has a fascination with just watching the other hermits. She will just sit there and happily watch them for hours. No one quite understands why but they just chalk it up to Gem wanting to be near them. The most common victims of this is Impulse, False and Cleo
To be fair, the Hermits are fascinating creatures! Who knows why they do the things they do?
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
Gem is a anxious little. On the rare occasion she regresses alone/by accident she gets really scared, worried that everyone left her. Stress, upon stumbling a terrified little Gem, helped put a protocol in place so she never has to be alone for long. There’s definitely a order of preferred hermits (Pearl, Impulse, Cleo, False in that order) but anyone will do in a pinch.
She very much appreciates how supportive the Hermits are. Regressing alone can be scary, and she's glad they're there to help.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Gem is a very clingy little, anytime she sees someone while little she demands they stop what their foi and cuddle her. The hermits always jokingly grumble about it, but do it anyway. How could they not? She’s adorable! When she can’t find anyone, Gem opts for weighted blankets and stuffed animals instead!
I'm imagining the Hermits gifting her weighted plushies, or the ones you can put in the microwave so they'll be warm. Just for occasions when no one is available to give her attention.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
Gem has two moods when regressed, she’ll either be the loudest most energetic little running around or she’ll be really calm and clingy, sensitive to everything around her, even sounds she makes herself.
(Can you tell I’m obsessed with little Gem 😋)
I immediately thought of those videos of babies getting startled by their own sneezes.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 8 months
Currently having issues with my own asthma so I’m gonna project onto characters.
Gem has asthma that likes to act up when she’s running around, which she does lots when she’s little, but she doesn’t quite notice when an attack is coming on so she has to have a caregiver keep a eye on her when she’s little just in case. Unfortunately attacks still happen But her caregiver’s (Impulse and Cleo) catch them before they get too bad and help her through them. As much as they suck, at least it gives her an excuse for cuddles. It helps that Cleo has asthma too, so she’s good at coaching the little through attacks in the event they get too scary.
Sometimes all you can do is deal with the attacks when they happen. Prevention can be difficult when we're talking about someone who wants to run and play.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
Gem is very anxious by nature, so when she’s little it’s in her best interest to be with someone who can give her their full attention and reassure her that the people around her love her and want her there.
Given how often the Hermits seem to overwork themselves, it's mutually beneficial — she gets to be looked after and reassured, and the Hermit has a reason to take a break from their big projects to make sure Gem's okay.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Cleo, surprisingly, is the caregiver Gem seeks out the most (after Impulse of course) something about them just makes her feel so safe. Cleo thinks it’s sweet.
Cleo has a reputation for being scarier than anything lurking in the dark, and a way of carrying themself with confidence even when nervous or afraid. She isn't really sure how either of those things came about, but it certainly seems to put Gem at ease, at least enough to want to be told stories and looked after and shown armor stand tricks.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
Expanding upon the last ask I sent, (Anxious Gem)
Part of the put in place system for Gem is a bag full of comforting things. Stuffed animal, snacks, blankets, ear defenders and anything else she could possibly need. But the best way to calm her after her intense anxiety will always be just to hold/hug her
A simple code word, or even a symbol or emoji, to send in chat could also be useful. Something to indicate "I'm alone and afraid. Is anyone there?" without needing to type it all out. That way, if she's too anxious to feel okay with directly asking, she can still reach out and minimize the time between her getting upset and getting comfort.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
False while despite everyone knowing she regresses for safety, is pretty shy about it, especially since she tends to be older. (Around 10 or so). She only regresses around Stress, too worried she’d accidentally hurt another little. That all changes When Gem joins. She’s a little ball of energy especially when little, (she regresses around 2-5). Turns out to be comfortable, all False needed was a little sister.
This one really made me smile, it's really cute.
With Gem being always on the go, there's not really much time left for False to be nervous if she wants to keep up.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 9 months
The very first time Gem regressed on hermitcraft she was with False. Something about her just made Gem feel so safe and made her slip. False unfortunately didn’t know what to do with her. Luckily all Gem wanted when she was little was to cuddle her. False just just let her and tried to send Stress a panicked message as she’s actually a Caregiver. But Gem’s actually pretty cute, maybe the cuddley little isn’t really anything to panic over, she thinks to herself as she cards her fingers through Gem’s mess of curls.
Nothing to add. This is very sweet :)
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Gem looks up to False a lot, and when she’s little she’ll insist on being with False even if it just means watching her build. False thinks it’s sweet but has absolutely no idea what to do with the little.
Maybe it's False's reputation for being good at PVP, or maybe Gem just thinks she dresses cool or builds cool. In any case, having a regressed Gem around certainly keeps things interesting.
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