#super happy for u in that regard anon <3
inkykeiji · 1 year
AHHHHHH I rushed over here cause im out of a relationship and its been a bit so I felt comfortable enough to move on with someone sexually and in the middle of sex he goes "this feels so good dude" and my one friend was like whatever he called you dude but ME? im used to princess so when dude dropped from his mouth my pussy kinda became the desert down there... (no hate to ppl who like that term!!!! my best friend doesnt mind it, just not for me)
ANON i love u hehe <3 oh mannnnn no i am so with you on this. like to each their own of course like u said, but if someone called me ‘dude’ during sex i’d probably have to get up and leave LMAO like i’m sorry, what????? i am a princess or a baby or a slut or a whore or a brat or a bitch but most definitely not a dude. i don’t mind dude in literally any other context and i use it with friends, but during sex??? it’s a hard no for me thanks <3
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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svtminji · 3 months
mingyu redemption arc when🫣
𐙚 ‧ MIMI ─── mingyu's redemption arc or not!
╰ every member has their favorite person and would it be a crime to admit the guy she's gotten 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with for the last 4 years be her favorite? not to minji, but she would never admit it.
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pair. mingyu x oc warnings. theres a sex scene but idk if u could classify it as a sex scene anyways i don't want -18 interacting w this post.. if u do then idk man go touch grass or something, consensual infidelity/cheating, poly stuff? idk jeonghan is ok with it, dub-con ig???, obvi height differences are mentioned, and they were roommates, mingyu's parents are minji's korean parents, forced marriage ideas, younger mingyu & older minji memories, unrequited love type shit, slow burn shit idk man mingyu will never win, jeonghan and his devilish plans, oh and jeongmi marriage mentioned word count. 1.8k tags. @smh-anon @mymartiniblue
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mimi: 🐶🐈‍⬛. ─── dynamic
🎼 ─ agora hills by doja cat & one of the girls by the weeknd
minji has raised this man since she was 17 and he was 16. she was one of the members who had already completed their studies in school and she took several younger members under her wing
mingyu has always held minji in high regard and her caring nature had him gain a crush on her. mingyu never acted on his infatuation towards her but one fateful night led him to join in the fun with johnji AND jeongmi ;3
on the other hand, minji felt uncomfortable with the idea of being romantic with someone younger than her. despite the drunken words and pleas of mingyu, she gave in.
freakiness aside, their friendship is more wholesome rather than sexual. minji and mingyu are the best of friends and their dynamic doesn't falter even if people try to break it. many people and fans alike point out the cute height difference between the pair and the struggles in communication between them.
as to what jeonghan thinks about their relationship, he doesn't mind another person as long as mingyu doesn't entirely cross the line. jeonghan knows minji will always go back to him at the end of the day and he 100% trusts her to do the right thing
roommates: propaganda is real and the truth is.. mingyu doesn't clean. between the three roommates, mingyu is in charge of the kitchen, minji cleans, and wonwoo sits there and looks pretty. 
mimi: 🐶🐈‍⬛. ─── family
mingyu's parents really love and adore her. she's their second daughter and they will always support her in anything she does. they are definitely her second korean parents and she's super grateful they took her under their wing. 
they also thank her for taking care of their sweet boy while they were trainees and have dropped comments about a future marriage but minji quickly stopped it.
his sister + minji -> A MESS. women LOVE to gossip and they will gossip til it's midnight. mingyu loves to see two of his favorite women interact and it makes him super happy.
minji's parents also adore mingyu. although they have a preference for jeonghan, they still wholeheartedly appreciate every single member. her parents don't need to know what happens behind closed doors. 
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���⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀ℳ.⠀⠀⠀민규
to an experienced carat, mingyu and minji had shown countless sexual tension after minji’s initial break up with johnny. perhaps it was how he became more protective of her or how he demanded her attention whenever there was something he was proud of. or maybe.. it was how she looked at him with that glint in her eye that showed him that she wanted him. 
being roommates was the worst. he couldn’t fathom his thoughts and emotions, especially regarding the sole female member. she had seen him grow into the man he is now and the way his parents had taken her under their wing set the emotions on fire. it didn’t help that they would call minji their “daughter-in-law” or “daughter” in general. he noticed that his parents pushed the agenda of marriage onto them. though he knew minji would never marry him, or even date him, especially when her emotions were locked behind a barrier that could only be broken with the right amount of force. the only person who had managed to break it was jeonghan and mingyu knew he couldn't go behind his member's back to pursue the girl he liked.
╰  2022: the beginning of the current present 
jeonghan and minji have had many conversations about her prior relationships and what she thinks about them now. from seungcheol to her boyfriend, jeonghan knew all of her relationship histories and brought up something interesting: mingyu and his attraction to minji. he recalled how mingyu had originally felt when the '95 pair began dating and suggested something minji would never believe come of his mouth. 
"you mean a polyamorous relationship? so you're okay with me practically 'dating' mingyu?" minji responded to the statement jeonghan made with a focus on the dating part. 
jeonghan shook his head and continued, "it's not dating or a polywhatever relationship but if you feel something and i'm not there, you're allowed to go with the people i choose." he could see how she thought about many possible conclusions. but she failed to even consider it.
"i don't know if i would even be able to do that to you, consensually or not. it just feels like i would be mentally breaking your trust and i don't want to even think about losing you." 
jeonghan sighed and opened his arms for a hug, which she gladly took. he rubbed her back and reassured her that he felt completely sure about it. "if it makes you feel better, i'll be there with you, and him i guess, and see what i feel about it."
"would you really do that for me? even if it causes you pain?"
"sweetheart, nothing you do would ever make me feel pain. don't worry about it, my sweet mizuji."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀ℳ.⠀⠀⠀민규
when the day came, minji was shitting bricks. she invited jeonghan to her shared dorm and both of them sat down on her bed and stayed quiet. within their almost two years of dating, jeonghan had never felt this nervous but he still persisted. as he was going to open his mouth, minji's door was opened and the man that lingered in their thoughts was the perpetrator. mingyu saw the look on their faces and knew something was wrong. closing the door, he made his way to sit down on the empty chair at minji's desk.
"so.. why has everything gone quiet? i haven't seen you guys this quiet since forever." mingyu questioned him as he had his signature pouty face. jeonghan cleared his throat and let out a sigh. it was now or never.
"well, i'm not sure how to begin to tell you this. minji and i," hearing her name being involved his ideas, minji slapped his arm, "ow... okay okay. i have been thinking about something serious and after a long time of talking it out, how would you feel about spending time with minji... romantically?"
mingyu couldn't believe what he heard. him.. being romantically involved with minji? was he dreaming? no, he couldn't be... minji never looked this good in his dreams but still, he couldn't tell if jeonghan was serious or not.
"are you serious?"
"why wouldn't i be?"
"and is she okay with it?"
"i'm literally right here. but if you want to know so bad, then yes, i am okay with it." minji spoke after keeping her peace. "hannie caught me off guard with the idea as well, but he reassured me that he was one-hundred percent sure that he felt comfortable with the idea."
the trio spent a few more minutes talking about consent, other barriers, and limits mingyu had because it was still jeongmi's relationship at the end of the day. let's just say jeonghan started getting a little freaky and minji had to convince mingyu to join them. he joined.
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these :3-somes happened pretty often as it allowed the trio to let out their stress after a busy day of schedules or just for fun ^0^. though moving on more towards jeonghan and minji's engagement, jeonghan had decided to cut it down more since their future marriage would put a stop to it (for a while), and because jeonghan wanted a family.
jeongmimi aside, mingyu and minji have had a massive messy relationship from 2018 to the present; yet it never faltered and managed to maintain its strength even after all those years. 
╰  mingyu's birthday / ideas :3
everyone ages and it lets us reflect on what we have accomplished since when we were born. for mingyu, it was many things and perhaps this birthday surprise was the best one he had in a while. resting on the bedframe behind him, he kept his gaze on minji who was sitting on his lap, smiling at him. her small frame against his larger frame had him getting harder each second, and for sure, minji had felt it. a slight whimper came out of his mouth every time she slightly moved on his lap. her pink nightgown had a bow that would expose everything in one tug of a string, and mingyu knew she was dolled up just for him (not really but let him be delusional). men have huge egos and minji wasn't afraid of feeding into it sometimes. 
mingyu knew that she would let him do anything to her and he flipped her over so he would be on top. although he preferred to be on the bottom and watch her get off from him, he wanted to see his pillow princess fall apart because of him. when it comes to mingyu and his small habits during sex, he bites and leaves bruises on the areas that would be easy to hide from the public eye; although he had forgotten one day and minji had a poor look of shame when getting her marks covered up by her makeup artist.
he always mutters praises to her, telling minji how gorgeous, perfect, and precious she is for taking him all the way. did i mention he likes to take photos? i didn’t.. anyways this guy definitely had intimate photos/polaroids of their sexual encounters and probably a sex tape or two. though sometimes he gets too lost in his own pleasure that all he can hear is the pap pap pap coming from their bodies and minji's own choked sob that comes out everytime along with her small whimpers. whenever mingyu feels the familiar pressure coming, minji allows him to come inside her, and it's no surprise the man practically empties his balls inside of her.
nevertheless, when it comes to aftercare, this man is on it. from making sure she pees after and cleaning his mess to getting her a new change of clothes and blankets, he's the perfect man for it idc argue with the wall. mingyu enjoys the domestic feeling of minji between his arms and cuddling her; yet as soon as she gets up, he knows he will never actually feel the same feeling coming from her. he lays on the bed as he watches minji get dressed to go run errands and the sight of it makes him blink away a tear. 
minji hates seeing her members cry, especially if its because of her. wiping his tears away, she kisses him goodbye and tells him she'll see him later. he knows she doesn't have the heart to lie to him and at the of the day, they're close friends and band members with a complicated history. he knows he will never have the relationship he wants with minji, but being her close friend makes up for it. 
mingyu and minji have called it quits since november 2023 as minji and jeonghan are preparing for their wedding. although they have ended things on a good note, minji can finally admit that mingyu is her favorite, after her boyfriend. don’t worry, both of them saw the photos burned along with the tapes.
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can u tell i dont know how to write 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 scenes... LMAO. this was everywhere my fault and yes, she is on birth control 🙄 she learned her lesson a 6 years ago
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hello live, it's me :3 the anon who asked about having troubles with a common drarry dynamic. I just wanted to thank you because i didn't expect to feel so seen 😭 or find someone who felt the same way. I didn't get to speak much about it, but YES i also do feel very strongly about emotional imbalance. It's so important to me. Thank you so much for that kind and understanding answer.
This has encouraged me to really look at some of your personal recs knowing they're from someone with similar sentiments. I'm not saying this to put pressure on your personal recs! Please, this is your blog and i can really simply fuck right off, it's so not on you. the same way it's not on authors to write what makes me feel comfortable 🥂. It's just that i think your answer has given me newfound courage to look at some of your tags and faves with gusto~ I know some recs are made specifically for the askers and some works won't be in line with my preferences so I'm still very careful.
ALSO, thank you for reccing me authors!!!! Gosh! DID YOU KNOW THAT I'VE YET TO READ A FIC FROM TACKYTIGER?? Liv u rock.
regarding my previous ask, i guess then, do you have lengthy wholesome fics or those that end wholesome-lly 💛🍂☕? Feel free to recommend absolutely anything on that regard hahahha. And please only answer when you feel up to it, I'm good over here 😌 ✌. It's the holiday season, you shouldn't have to do things u don't feel like doing.
In light of our kinship regarding a certain veritaserum scene, i shall call myself, veritaserum anon.
Hi again, anon! I’m so happy you felt seen and validated 🫂 I noticed some comments on that post sharing the sentiment so we’re not as few as you might have thought! I’m very excited to hear your thoughts on those lists but I’d maybe start with the ones below and see if they work for you. Most explore Draco’s redemption arc in ways I personally found satisfying and without belittling any character. I avoided fics that deal with hardcore emotional imbalance (I love the secret identity trope but I didn’t want to take any chances) and tried to include some recent, lesser known fics in case you’ve already read the popular ones. Also - I’m biased af when it comes to my pal @tackytigerfic but imo you should definitely start with Modern Love then make your way through their superb catalogue! Happy readings, and Happy New Year :)
8th Year/War Years:
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 51k)
Seeker, Chaser, Keeper by VivacissimoVoce (M, 59k)
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 66k)
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks (E, 73k)
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Changing Tides by carpemermaid (E, 109k)
Far From the Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
Eclipse by Mijan (T, 287k)
Take a Chance on Me by @mintawasalreadytaken (E, 41k)
Here’s The Pencil, Make it Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Take the Air by dysonrules (M, 51k)
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
A Young Radical's Guide to Love by blamebrampton (T, 66k)
Home Truths by @skeptiquewrites (E, 67k)
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, 70k)
Timecode by Rasborealis (M, 73k)
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters (M, 74k)
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose (M, 96k)
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 100k)
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 104k)
The Paradox of Active Surrender by @korlaena (E, 108k)
Way Down We Go by xiaq (T, 109k)
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (E, 114k)
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (E, 130k)
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound (E, 150k)
Foundations verse by Saras_Girl (E, 364k)
Angst with a happy ending:
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (M, 23k)
Holly and Hawthorn, Thistle and Thyme by bryoneybrynn (T, 31k)
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 77k)
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (E, 81k)
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 110k)
Medium Length:
Tidings of Comfort by blamebrampton (G, 10k)
Rebuilding Draco Malfoy by khasael (E, 11k)
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (T, 14k)
Turn and Face the Strange (time may change me) by @punk-rock-yuppie (T, 16k)
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (T, 20k)
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k) - 8th year
Doing the Lambeth Walk by blamebrampton (T, 26k)
Speak (and may the world come undone) by @shealwaysreads (E, 26k)
Slithering by astolat (E, 27k)
The Nobility of Ascent by Lomonaaeren (E, 27k)
Waiting by an Open Door by Femme and noeon (E, 29k)
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (T, 29k)
The Consolations of a Summer's Day by blamebrampton (T, 33k)
Open for Repairs by @drarrytrash (M, 35k)
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (T, 38k)
In Dreams by @moonflower-rose (E, 38k)
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hey its stitches anon...idk if your requests are open, hell I'd gladly commission you at this point. But I was wondering if you could write a small fiction about the main 4 and their lover/partner (trans man he/they) that just recently got fired from their job because they are disabled? And who is now in pain and is super sad? That just happend ot me today (2 days till my birthday too) I have HEDS, pots, and mast cell to name a few. I can't write to save my life either. And I just want my bois comforting me while trying to find a new job. Sorry you can completely ignore this
Love all of your work and u would gladly commission you with what money I have for fics too ❤️ reminders to drink water everyone
Hey Stitches Anon <3, I'm really sorry to hear about your job, that's an absolutely awful thing for them to do. :( You've probably found another place to work by now, and while I don't know very much about legality, I'd keep an eye on labor laws regarding disability where you live. (Where I'm from, firing anyone for stuff directly related to their disability is extremely illegal.) However, while I can't give much advice on this since Idk legal stuff like this that well, I can write about the boys comforting you, so I whipped these up for ya. Good luck in your professional career, my friend! :) 💕❤️💖💗(P.S. And Happy New Year!!! 🎉✨🎊)
[Part 1] They Comfort Their Disabled!Transmasc!Partner During a Jobsearch ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Mentions of Violence, Brief mentions of disability-based discrimination, extreme fluff.) *A.N: I wasn't too sure about how much detail to go into with PoTS/hEDS/Mast Cell, so please lmk if I portrayed anything in this incorrectly and I'll rework it pronto. Thank you! &lt;3
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Rage and worry are the two words that best encapsulate what Hank feels once you tell him that you've gotten fired and why. Your disability didn’t prevent you from getting hired in the first place, so there’s no logical reason why it should cause your boss to fire you either. It doesn’t make any sense to him, and the fact that this whole situation is happening to you really pisses him off.
(You've seen Hank angry before, but it was never like this. He's almost shaking with rage, his hands spasming against you as he rasps out the harsh question of who was responsible for your tears and the sobs that left you. Yet you don't give their name, instead opting to press your face deeper into his collar. He goes still when you sniffle and whimper, his tense form relaxing as he presses even closer to you, pulling you tighter to him and enveloping you in his form. He'll drop the issue for now; those bastards who fired you can wait. Your well-being was always been one of his first priorities anyway.)
In typical Hank fashion, the first solution he suggests is outright murdering who fired you to get your previous job back, which makes no sense to you. (It's not like your company would be eager to hire someone whose boyfriend killed their ex-coworker). The proposition does get a small laugh out of you though, so he still considers it an achievement.
Instead of going out to commit a massacre in your name, he decides to divert all of his energy toward taking care of you and comforting you as best he can. This means he puts off all of his "official work" for as long as possible; he can tell how distraught losing this job made you, so he considers helping you to be his new mission. There’s no one that Hank ever has ever cared for more than you; you're the most special person in his life, so it’s only natural for him to put all of his focus on his role as your partner when you need the support.
Despite being wholly indifferent to the plights of Nevada's denizens, you are the only exception to his apathy, and he’ll be all over you trying to help you out during this time. He’s not the most domestic person, so he can’t take care of much on his own, but he’ll do his best to complete your normal household chores nonetheless; cleaning, taking out the trash, etc. He even cooks on rare occasions, if he thinks you shouldn't be doing it (usually because you're either too tired or in pain). You'll have to instruct him on what to do for some of these (especially cooking, he's not really experienced with that), but he'll complete every task dutifully. Hank is very good at following orders, after all.
(He straightens up when you take a bite of the food he made, his hands twitching as you give him a pleased, albeit tired smile. "It's very good," you say in response to the question you know he's aching to ask. Your eyes meet the red lenses of his goggles, and your grin widens. "Thanks, babe. You did well." He made your favorite, and although it doesn't taste exactly like how you make it, you think you prefer this version.)
Yet this is more of an afterthought compared to his main preoccupation: being by your side for as long as you'll have him, in the most literal fashion. He's almost attached to your hip the entire time, molded to your side and purring as he tugs you closer to him.
He prefers to show most of his affection through touch; hugging you softly, pressing what remains of his lips to your cheeks and forehead (and a few stray pecks on your mouth, of course), and keeping a stray hand on yours whenever you're busy looking through job listings on your tablet. He's soft and careful, always having a close eye on you for any signs of pain when he shifts closer to you, and silently noting every bruise or mark you might have in an effort to avoid irritating them. Whenever you make a noise of pain, or even if you show the smallest sign of strain, he immediately freezes, tilting his head at you in obvious worry and attempting to bring your attention to him so he can ask if you need anything.
Despite how often he gets injured, Hank doesn't know close to anything about the medical field, so he'll insist that you speak to Doc about any pain and discomfort you have due to your disabilities (who recommends you to Skinner, since he's also not a doctor either). That being said, Hank will do his best to help with alleviating anything you're going through at the same time, whether it be by fetching you your medications at a scheduled time, carrying you if you're in too much pain/too tired to walk around (or adversely, helping you exercise if you want to), or just cuddling with you if you'd prefer that. (He's constantly on the verge of being in your personal bubble anyway, so may as well.)
If anything, you'll have to tell him to stop hovering over you at times, since he's just that clingy. It's sweet that he's so concerned, but while you recognize that he's trying to show you his love the best way he can, it can be a bit smothering at times. (Like when you're trying to read out available positions and he sees fit to carefully drape himself over your back, purring like a large cat. It's nice, until he ends up obscuring the view of what you're doing.)
He'll cooperate of course, since he respects your boundaries as any partner should, but he will put in an effort to be more verbal after this to make up for it. His voice is very rough from disuse, and his wording can be a bit clunky when he compliments you, but the blunt praise you get from him still makes you blush. It's probably because you know for a fact that everything he says is what he honestly believes, which just makes it a hundred times more meaningful.
(Your face burned with each subsequent word about how proud of you he was, and the short declarations he gave of how much he admired you and your strength. Hearing such words from someone as powerful as him made them very impactful, although this also just made you more bashful to receive them. 
"Thank you…you didn't have to say anything like that, hun. It’s very sweet of you," you said before laughing a bit awkwardly. Perhaps it was in your nature to try to skirt around compliments, or at least those that were so direct and blunt, but that would never work with Hank. He never wasted his breath on lies or things he didn’t feel important to put out there, it just isn’t how he works. He states things like they’re facts because they are. He’s proud of you, you’re strong, you’re handsome, etc. He could go on. And he will.
He looked at you for a moment before shrugging. “...Doesn’t matter if I need to say it. It’s still true.” In Hank's view, if he has to strain his voice just to show you the level of affection you rightfully deserve, that’s more than alright. He speaks only when necessary, and bringing your mood up at a time like this makes it so. Besides, he’d much rather use his words to compliment you than for anything else, really.)
However, when it comes to actually helping you get another job, he isn’t can't do all that much. It’s not his fault; Hank hasn’t had a “normal” job in a very long time, so his ideas on how to find one are very out of date. Nevada’s not exactly in the same state it was when he was employed in a traditional setting, and the rubble that makes up most of the cities still around wouldn’t be very useful for real estate. (Which is the only thing he has concrete experience in. Besides homicide.)
The most he can do is keep an eye out for any “help wanted” signs and writing down the locations of the places he finds them. He’ll also ask Deimos, Sanford, and Doc to look into potential job openings. (Well, demand they do. Luckily some explanation by Doc about how Hank's boyfriend was fired was enough to remedy any protest. It's weirdly nice of the merc to be so concerned about someone else. Barring the surprise of him even having a boyfriend to begin with, since he'd never said a word about you to them before.)
2BDamned is also surprisingly okay with just letting his main agent take some time off to help his significant other while they look for a job. However, Doc realizes better than anyone that if he attempted to keep Hank from you in a time like this, he'd just leave anyway (and violently), so there's little point in even trying. He's the most clued in out of everyone about Hank's personal life and has enough sense to know about your importance to him. (Why else would Hank be asking about "date ideas" and engagement rings, of all things?)
He wonders sometimes if you realize just how much you've got the tall grunt wrapped around your finger. Though, judging by how Doc can hear you brighten up and playfully admonish Hank when he accidentally interrupts your calls with him (and the fact that he can hear the man purring loudly over the phone after you call him a pet name), you must have a pretty good idea by now.
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned likely didn’t approve of you working at your previous job to begin with, as it was too far from the Status Quo’s base of operations for him to keep an eye on you at all times (and being with him did put a considerable target on your back, no matter how secret you tried to keep your relationship). However, he was wholly displeased when you tearfully revealed to him that you’d been fired for something you had absolutely no control over.
Both the sheer audacity and the stupidity of the company you worked for are incredibly surprising to him. He'll make a quick note to find out where your previous workplace is located; he won't do anything to ruin them, as much as he has the power to, but if some of his agents in the location accidentally do anything to hurt their business, he's not going to offer anything close to assistance. (Although the agents might get a soft reprimand - it's hard to be mad at them for this, even if he really should be.) It's petty, but also far more than he knows they have a right to.
However, in the meantime, he'll focus on comforting you while you find another job, seeing as interfering with your previous workplace is beneath his consideration. (Unless you ask him to, of course. He's always frowned upon people who couldn't separate their work from their personal lives, but he could handle the hypocrisy if using his resources for this made you happy. After seeing how they made you cry, he thinks it would be at least somewhat deserved.)
Doc's a busy man, but he'll always have time for you. Luckily for him, he's not exactly needed at any bases, and his work has him moving around quite a bit as is, so staying at your place to help you won't cause any issues. It’s not like anyone would notice his absence. Although, he'd be willing to forgo his current assignments regardless; you're more important, to put it simply.
He's well versed in your medical conditions already, due to hours of research and speaking with both you and Skinner, no doubt. Even before you were fired, he'd have been there to help you should you need it (even if a phone call away), and there's no reason why this would change after the fact. He's always been reliable, and just like back then, he'll be there to give you exactly what you need to keep yourself comfortable. This also includes himself, if you so ask.
You'll often find yourself with your head resting in his lap, feeling his eyes rake over you once in a while to look for any signs of pain and discomfort. (To anyone else, it would feel cold or clinical, but something about Doc's gaze always warms when it's placed on you.) His voice loses its harsh edge when he reads your listings, occasionally nudging you against contacting them for an interview if the company in question gives pay that's too low or lacks the benefits he knows you deserve.
("That last one sounds alright," you muttered, and he paused from reading his tablet to give you a look of slight disapproval. You raised a brow as if to ask what the problem was and he sighed.
"Honey, they don't have dental or offer basic health insurance - and the salary is half of what you should be making," he responded pointedly, to which you laughed. This was Nevada, it's not like that was common anyway, and most businesses couldn’t afford very good pay rates at that. Yet the fact that your boyfriend was so concerned about where you'd end up working was so funny to you for some reason. The leader of one of Nevada’s greatest forces fretting about your hourly wages. Perhaps it was because it was so weirdly domestic; you didn’t get a lot of time with him considering his work schedule, so to have him drop everything just to do something so normal was actually surprising to you. It seems you underestimated just how much you meant to him. Which you know he’d chide you for if he could read your mind. Of course he would do that, he loves you.)
(You didn’t notice how he stopped reading yet again, gazing at you warmly as you drifted off in thought. For a moment he wondered if it would be better to have you work for him, where he could keep an eye on you and give you the opportunities you’d already worked for. However, he knew he couldn’t stomach you being in danger because of it, and decided against doing so. Though he’s still going to vet who you’re looking to work for, that’s a given.)
Doc’s actually rather quick to begin assisting you with lining up interviews; he’s the type of person who tries to get rid of the emotional weight of problems by solving them as soon as he can, and so he tries to do the same here. However, he’s not tone-deaf; he’s not going to immediately push it on you if you’re in need of comfort after just being fired.
There are very few people that 2BDamned can say he genuinely cares about, and you're the most important of those individuals by far. This shows in how he softens his voice around you, the sweet pet names that are reserved only for you, and the tender way he kisses you whenever he removes his mask. His gestures only increase here, when he knows you need his comfort more than ever.
He's never been the most physical in how he shows his affection (it's something he's had to ease himself in to with your relationship), but that gets thrown out the window for the most part. While he won't be cuddling you whenever you're together, you can expect to be seated in his lap with one of his arms thrown around your waist to keep you close while you both go through your work (you looking for some and him reading reports). He treats it like a casual thing, and he's found that having you near him like this brings him more peace of mind.
(The slight smile he can see tug at the corners of your lips when you feel the warmth of his form against yours is the main benefit though. Although the weariness in your eyes from what happened still hasn't faded away, you're certainly feeling better than before. Your gaze flickers upward to meet his, and he feels a purr building up when you give him a look of unbridled affection.)
While Doc is aware that he can't remove your pain or completely prevent all of your disabilities' more disruptive symptoms from happening, his main goal is to make sure you aren't having to deal with them as often as possible. If there's anything he can do, from finding special types of medication that help you the most (which is likely in short supply due to how Nevada is) to setting up schedules so you avoid getting exhausted, he’ll get it done immediately and without question. It’s his goal to make it so you’ll never feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for his help with anything (medical-related or otherwise), and you don’t.
Furthermore, Doc’s not a medical specialist per se, but he also took some “classes” from Skinner on how to treat the more major symptoms you might experience. Case in point, those unfortunate times you dislocated some of your joints, and he resets them for you, or when he eases you into a better position to recover if you happen to faint from your blood pressure dropping too quickly.
(He’s been arms deep in people’s intestines and gore before to put them back together, and done so with relative nonchalance, but seeing you in pain makes him almost queasy by comparison. The point that brings him back to focus is his central goal; minimizing your pain and discomfort, which means taking care of your state swiftly.)
2BDamned is someone who respects your independence. You're capable of taking care of yourself, as you usually do when he's not there. However, in a situation like this one, where you need him, he'll always be there. You're Doc's partner (soon fiance, perhaps), and he's yours; he'll always be there for you to lean on, just like you've been there to comfort him and bring him out of his shell.
It doesn't matter what you're going through, or how things on the outside are. If Nevada as you both knew it was going to end without him, he might just let it, as long as you'd be safe and well. If this means letting go of his usually-busy schedule to take care of the one he loves when they lose their job (and for their disabilities, which he'll still remain angry at no matter how much time passes), then it's something he'll go along with happily. In 2BDamned's eyes, you deserve far more than he can give you, so the only logical thing he can do is give you all that he is with the hopes that it's enough. This is just an incredibly small instance of him showing this immense love he has for you (one that's returned tenfold).
He hopes to make you as happy as you make him, and if the warm, affectionate looks you share, with soft smiles and hands intertwined, mean anything, then he does. And that is enough for him.
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hatkuu · 9 months
taps my claws together... Did u know the typical structure of wolf packs out in the wild is a breeding pair and all of their pups (some leave as they enter sexual maturity [~2 years old, males more likely] to start their own packs, but a fair share stay and help raise the next litters of pups).
Anyway. Imagine a PC with the wolf tf mentioning/confessing this to Kylar and just how overjoyed Kylar might be by the fact... Esp if they got the wolf tf From said PC, but either way - to think!! That PC might want them as their mate (*surely* they do, to tell them this), to *breed* with them, to have a loving family like that... isn't it ideal? And of course, even if PC didn't tell them directly, it's not like Kylar can't do their own research <3...
OR wolf tf Kylar themself!! Scrawny little thing... Having found such a perfect mate, wanting so *badly* to have a family (pack) again after their parents got sick and Sydney stopped talking to them, so devoted and loving and wagging their tail rapidly as spend time together, helpless to stop it bc they're just so happy... (TRYING TO HIDE HOW MUCH THEIR TAIL WANTS TO WAG IN THEIR LOW LOVE STAGES BC THEYRE STILL SHY AROUND YOU......)
Just. Thinking so much about Kylar getting to be part of a pack honestly bc it's really sweet to me. Maybe throw Sydney in there for funsies (+ so they'd have more warm connections than just PC and any theoretical kids/pups) also... Honestly I just think it's cute to consider them getting what the want and it hit me a moment ago that would pack structures do kinda lend to that
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(i'm so glad you enjoyed my rambling!! reveal your blog to me right now. get off anon. i love seeing big asks in my inbox! they're always so fun to read and they make me feel like i've gotten a FREE COMMISSION AFHSKJK) (also i gravitated towards m! kylar for this ehe) wolf tf stuff and having babies with kylar stuff below
you confess anything about starting a family to this freak he loses it. gets himself so worked up that it's all he's been thinking about for a week straight. he starts mishearing things you say - he has to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from moaning out loud if you mention anything regarding his/your wolf tf.
also. kylar doing his own research is SOOOO true. this would happen with ANY tf that you have. looks up mating rituals, what ur tf finds most attractive in a mate (and replicates it horribly), and googles when ur mating season is. he's a freak. probably hyperfixates on your tf and blurts out fun (disgustingly degenerate) animal facts while you're hanging out with him. eg. "did you know wolves mate for life??? what do you look for in a mate, pc?? :)"
i feel like if he's the one with the tf, he's a lot whinier about his ruts. makes it out like he's bed-ridden and needs you to take care of him. please please please let him knot you! if you're the one going into heat/rut, he'd be all over you! doesn't want you leaving the orphanage/his room. look! you're presenting yourself to him as soon as he walks in! you can't possibly go out when you're acting like this!! it'd be unsafe!!
i think kylar obsessing over starting a pack with you is 100% accurate. he'd get so emotional and sappy over everything. probably cries with happiness after you let him knot you for the first time, just because he's thinking about the litter you'll have (yes. he refers to ur babies as a litter/pups. even if he's the one without the tf. sobbing.)
a pack with sydney would be ...something. poor sydney would turn into a glorified babysitter. so many little feral children running around and they're all clones of kylar. it is SHOCKING how virile his sperm is. with the amount of children kylar insists on the two of you having together, you'd think that some of them would look like you, but no. kylar taints the gene pool. they're all coming out with dark hair and freakish little green eyes. yeah. poor sydney.
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rrxnjun · 3 months
okay (cracks knuckles) ik whipping out the laptop means serious business for people our age, so thank you bar🥺 and you answering everything made me emotional so lemme reciprocate......yes I like u, more now
Yes they both are your only smuts and not so explict at that and being non explicit is again wholesome for me and hence more delusion inducing. I love both the type of smuts though, explict because oof it's hot and detailed and it makes me distant enough to not get too attached but if it is emo or angsty then I am doomed. Smut makes me go like ew the characters did the bad and dirty stuff and are not so pure and angelic ewww (for me to not live under their skin XD and be sane). I like smut without plot for sure but verrrry short in length, just for giggles yk, and not like 10 chapters of pure fucking (idk how ppl do that😭), then I need plot because where is the buildup and story and feelings. Implicit because it makes me yearn when I am in the mood to not be sane and detach from reality. But I get your point, usually people feel that way i guess, i m weird and horny bxdjnf.
And oh you did NOT like Liebestraum, whyyyy >:( if i may ask (omg sweet(est) anon let me kiss your feet snjhdd) but thanks so much for actually putting it up here (online friends and meeting ur tumblr anon 3 times irl?????? U live in a movie??? R u not real??? I feel it's possible). And oh OH OH, this is why OMG i get it now!!! because ur own feelings are resembled in Jisung's monologue and summer feels like THAT for you, it felt more real to me. As I said I was born in summer and rain, so it's like a part of me, an essence of mine, to feel and connect so much with the summery blues, so that and ur own resemblance made it suureal and easy for me to connect so deeply (i am SLIGHTLY dramatic) Because yk how usually with y/n fics, I resonate or try to at least with the y/n's feelings or imagine from a 3rd pov but this made me feel what Jisung was feeling throughout as my own feelings 😭🥹🥹, I felt like I was left behind without that last meeting instead of Jisung GODJDJSJSJSJSJ, please I will cry, I even told my roommate about this fic and Liebestraum and everything so randomly (she doesn't even follow kpop now and has only read bts fanfics in the past ), please let me kiss u :3 (My fav season is actually the transition from winters ending to spring to summers (spring is kinda short where I live and fall is even shorter otherwise it would have been my favorite too) so yes basically summers approaching because they are not as hot and I don't have to shiver all the time and I see the sun but to an extent that is pleasant) I feel like where I live it gets super duper hot in summers so ppl lean towards winters more.
And no by ur carrd being cute I didn't mean JUST the template but what you wrote, that was cute, u r cute. And IKR, ik so many 03 liners irl because of class but online? They do not exist. One year older? Yess, one year younger? Tons but same age? NAH . And oohh cool, I just completed my bachelors and now I feel lost, gonna go for Masters Clinical prolly but yes idk what I will do after that either and I dread research and therapy even so yeah maybe diagnostics lol. (I am ahead of u, but probably gonna take a break this year, let's get at the same level then :D). You make me wanna re-test my mbti it's been a while ;)
And I am probably gonna read Potential or the self sabotage one, Chenle yes, I rarely find good stuff about him. Wish me luck, I saw people sobbing in your asks regarding Potential 😭. (Thanks for not getting mad but it's understandable even if u do)
I do not listen to Dominic but I will check that song out, for you, to try n feel what you said <3
Let's be friends, can i try sliding into your dms time to time🤸🏻‍♀️
hihihi happy to hear u like me more now 🫶🏻 i like you too 🤭🤭
AHAHA okay i get you but also i definitely read smuts that made me delusional before... this one smut i read i cannot stop thinking about it IT WAS PWP TOO 😭😭😭 sigh. Yeah 10 chapters of pure fucking is not really my cup of tea either. Its like when the smut count in a fic goes past 2 im like well this is too much isnt it🤨 (and then i realize real ppl fuck and im just being a virgin.)
I will tell my friend u wanna kiss her feet /j HAHAHA yeah we met last october for the first time!! She lives in a country next to mine so periodically we take turns and take a train to each others capital 🥰 it definitely feels like a dream like wow life didnt end at 17 i am 21 now and meeting online friends and travelling and wow. And yeah kinda!! Also i feel that i dislike most of my angst for some reason ??? And i dont really know why if im being honest TT its like maybe i feel a bit pretentious ?? I have no idea its a whole thing 😭😭 but once again i feel very honored that you connected so deeply with a work of mine 🫶🏻 its still baffling to me haha. TELLING UR ROOMMATE IS ALSO ANOTHER LEVEL WHAT
omg i actually dislike spring but also like it at the same time ?? I was born in spring! but i dislike the unreliable weather but also theres something abt seeing the sun after months of winter that cures ur depression a little doesnt it😭😭 it gets crazy hot in summers here too!! Like next wednesday its supposed to be 36°C 😀😀😀😀 im gonna d*e. I would say i prefer winter to summer but i think u couldve guessed that from my previous reply HAHA
DJDJS me? Cute? 🤭🤭 no, YOU are. but you are SOOO right i see so many 04 liners online its crazy. Most of my mutuals on here are 04-05 liners it makes me feel OLDDD. Omg thats so cool 😯😯 i think clinical is too far from my abilities LMAOO but then again idk idk. When i was little i wanted to do psych because of clinical but then i got into uni and realized how difficult it is and how i am a gifted child burnout so :// and i feel like therapy isnt for me it would burn me out too much. I was thinking of art therapy perhaps ?? but the easiest way to get emploeyed would be school or educational psych here so we'll see maybe ill go for that ?? tell me what ur mbti is after!!
AAAA self sabotage i dont really like either (i seem to dislike a lot of my work LMAO) but potential is one of my most fav fics ive ever written 🤍 i didnt really think it was THAT angsty but i kind of treated it as my therapy session lmao so...,.,,. Yeah maybe thats why. hope u like it! I am very proud of it,, it was a spontaneous work of mine but im happy with how it turned out :,)
what kind of music do u listen to?? :oo i am a HUGE dominic fan no one underastands the sunburn album the way i do </33 hope u like it if u listen to it:)
LETS BE FRIENDS !! u can slide into my dms any time altho i am uhh not really as active on this blog lately ((since i made my other one this has been collecting dust. Shame on me 😭😭😭😭) but i will try to get back to u asap !! (Or we can talk on discord?)
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miupow · 9 months
puppy anon returning after another hiatus bc college and work is saur 💔 lia how can i slay in these conditions !!?? 💔💔
anyways! congratulations on making the decision to make craveverse! im super excited and looking forward to what you produce!!
i saw you express a question a bit back as to whether you should plot it out prior or go chapter by chapter - and idk if its still smthing ur wondering!! so if its not feel free to dismiss - but as someone who has done long fic before id say my happy medium is a little bit of both. you'd want enough to give yourself a couple chapters of buffer while you figure out how to work in the real meat of the plot, but also a few concrete plot points you know you want to hit later on so foreshadowing can be used early on. but also the key word here being "my" because every author should come up with their own mix to keep themselves invested and away from burnout. fanfiction, the medium, fails a little in regards to long fic imo bc it allows reader input at every chapter, which could potentially affect the authors view or or vision for the story.
in regards to overarching plot ideas . . . hmm. whats your ideal end goal you want to achieve w the fic - like a fun horny romp or a mystery series etc? and from there, branching out, do you have a plan for why mc went out into the forest in the first place? :o
anyhow! food for thought and i unfortunately love giving unsolicited advice !! 🥺😔 if any of this was like annoying or i crossed a boundary, lmk!!
- 🐶 puppy anon !!
HIIII PUPPY ANON!!! 🐶❤️ i missed u sm!!! i hope work n school is going well for you heehe :3
im so excited for craveverse too >< thank you for the advice, i think that’s honestly a solid idea,,, might plot out the first few chapters/plotlines and then let the readers input sway the rest ^^
for like. an overarching theme? i want it to be darker, ofc, a little angsty and suspenseful. need drama and conflict :> other than that, lots of sexual tension and smut <33 originally the idea for why mc went into the woods was just because she was dumb and curious, tho maybe giving her an actual reason would be a good idea, set up for some drama!!!
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mangoisms · 1 year
hi soooo i randomly found dgfh and let me tell u that this is everything i could’ve ever wanted on a fic i just love the way u write the reader because (as a self proclaimed lover of humanity) it is sosososo refreshing to see a character also embrace humanity as it is, with it’s flaws and complexities while never losing faith on the goodness of people. im loving the story so far !!! ur writing is amazing and it makes me feel so warm inside <3
aaaaand i also am a huge dc fan so i was wondering, who’s tee’s fave robin and who do u think would be miyukis fave dc character? (lord i’m so sorry if the question is annoying but this is the first time two of my hyperfixations are in one fic 😭)
anon i just need you to know this ask had me giggling twirling my hair and kicking my feet
like first off THANK YOU. i generally try to write my readers/ocs as not being cynical in regards to humanity just as simple baseline but with tee, it was a specific thing for her and in fact a pointed difference between her and miyuki. for me, i am also a humanity lover and just so tired of seeing cynicism/pessimism in regards to it especially in writing (and this is of course a nuanced convo but most of the time, i encountered just plain out pessimistic characters that made it so hard to enjoy the story LOL) so that’s why i did it. very glad another humanity lover can reap the benefits too. literally nothing makes me more happy to see others enjoying specific aspects i wrote for myself that they also enjoy as well!
NOOOO don’t worry it’s not annoying AT ALL ^_^ i’m literally SO happy to talk about it. dc and daiya have my brain held hostage, i’m constantly thinking about them together or separately. it was purely indulgent to make tee a dc comics enjoyer and i am sooo glad you are enjoying that too!!!!!
those are EXCELLENT questions that i haven’t actually thought about… i’m a fake fan HELP no i’m just kidding i’m just kidding. let’s see… i think tee’s favorite robin would have to be dick or MAYBE jason. they both have deeply robin-like qualities. they’re kind they’re likable they are perhaps the most true examples of robin being the light to batman’s dark and i think she would lean towards that. (which is not to say tim didn’t have that but he’s. well. you know. tim. and then damian. i love him but. he’s more of a shade of grey i would say — however we could also consider steph here too, since i think she embodied that light to batman’s dark very well, even if she was robin for a short period of time.)
for miyuki… that is so hard. deeply fun to consider however. my dc knowledge is limited unfortunately so i can’t consider a lot of people but i think he would either really like lois lane or john constantine. i know they’re both SO random but. genuinely feel like they’re good matches. for lois i am admittedly biased because tee makes a nice reference to clark and lois in the final part of dgfh but i also do think he would like her personality. they’re both. deeply stubborn individuals. and then john is. i think that one is self explanatory. he’s got that belligerence that miyuki would enjoy LMAOOOOOO
edit: WAIT i hope it’s not too late. anon if you would like tell me what you think!!!! do you agree or disagree??? disagreeing is totally fine if anything i would be super interested to hear what you think about who tee’s favorite robin would be or miyuki’s favorite dc character!!!! let me know!!!!!
anyway this ask was so lovely THANK YOU i am glad to know there is another dc and daiya enjoyer out there 🫡🫡
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sodrippy · 9 months
Hiii Val, this is HBO War Anon! happy new year (yeah it’s 3 weeks into 2024 but I’m allowed to say that because I haven’t said anything to you since last year heheh), how was your trip abroad and how r u doing?? R u freezing your ass off because I sure am 😭😭😭 it’s so frighgen cold in my apartment alll the time skdnskndjs can’t wait for winter to end fr fr
HIIII happy new year!! my trip was lovely despite the rainy days, it was so good to go back home and see my friends!
i feel like its been super hot-n-cold but just regarding the heating in my apartment?? like some days its toasty and great and others its so frigid i have to triple check my windows are closed and the heating is even on 😭 unfortch i think winter is gonna dragggg on for at least an extra month given it didnt even get snowy til jan...rip
i hope besides the cold youve had a nice start to the year and things are going well for you!! mwah have a great evening bestie ❤️
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inkykeiji · 1 year
HELLOOOO I LOVE CHATPLOTS!!! I have a question that i can’t find if you’ve answered yet, so sorry if it is a repeat pls just ignore!
Is the scenario u gave us for the beta testing “current” day in regards to your whole story, or is it somewhere in the middle of the story, or is it timeless/kind of an au within everything? And what about the other chatplots chats u are writing, if you are willing to spoil? 😏 (and a more specific spoiler question would be about the timeline specifically with bmb dabi bc he is my fave! Will that be set after everything happens, and also I know you said there would be sfw with bmb dabi- will there also be nsfw?)
THAT IS SO MUCH HAHAHA PLEASE IGNORE ANY AND ALL THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO ANSWER! Ok thank u i love your writing and creativity so much thank u for giving us what you do!! <3 and stay safe- covid is on the rise again!!!
HELLOOOO HEHEHE I LOVE U!!!! <333 i’m super happy you’re enjoying it!! yes yes i shall answer them!!
is the scenario u gave us for the beta testing “current” day in regards to your whole story, or is it somewhere in the middle of the story, or is it timeless/kind of an au within everything?
this is actually a very good question and something i had been thinking about recently, especially as i begin to release more chats and the catalogue builds. i think the best answer for this tnii acting naughty at a family gathering chat is that it’s either fairly current, or it can just be considered timeless, taking place any time after the main series. for certain chats in the future (especially bmb ones) i will have to specify where exactly in the timeline it takes place, and i think that’ll probably just end up in the lil warnings box at the beginning <3
can you spoil any other chatplots chats you are currently writing?
EEE HEHE i am going to keep these a secret because surprising u guys is so much more fun but i will tell you that one is another smutty touya-nii one and one is a sfw bmb dabi one set between part one and part two. there is another one that’s technically completely finished but that i want to revise and heavily edit, and that one is smut with bmb tomura!
will there also be nsfw with bmb dabi?
yes omg of course!!! i already have a few smutty ideas jotted down for him!!
all very good questions thank u anon!! and thank YOU for supporting my work and taking a moment to send in this ask!!! i appreciate it so much <33 aw hehe you too!!
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Fully admit that I was never a BB fan to begin with but the annoyance is exemplified when Bart isn’t highlighted for having good leadership nor trauma. He can clearly take charge when needed while still listening to other’s opinions. And (not to sound like I’m comparing) has probably suffered so much more, has probably had to see so many loved ones die in his time. Restraining so much not to rant lol. Hope it’s fine to dump this : P!
omg!! My first anon!!! HELLO thank u for coming into my asks and sending in your rant I appreciate it and i’m always SUPER happy to hear peoples thoughts on things :D  <3 No worries on restraining urself, feel free to say whatever is on your mind :) 
warning: this is pretty much an essay oops
Honestly, I at first wrote an essay in response to this especially regarding the parallels between Garfield and Bart, because they're definitely there and super interesting to discuss. But I felt like I was gonna be dumping this ask with my own rambles and unasked for think piece and didn't want to stray too much off topic lol. 
Basically, I totally understand where you're coming from anon and the biased side of me entirely agrees! Its kinda ridiculous that we don't get to see these aspects of Bart being highlighted which essentially serve as a foil to Gars Phantoms arc. 
I think its also a complete waste of an opportunity (yes I understand there are time and work constraints on creating a show, but of course, I believe there is always a way especially with how YJA prides itself in balancing a multi-plot storyline), that the parallels in Gars and Barts characterisation weren't explored. Because otherwise, it leads to the type of frustrations that both you and I feel on this topic, because theres no on-screen resolution of it. 
Like you said, its not a comparing game. But we really can't help but do a side by side comparison when they have been two characters that have basically been linked since season 2. When Bart first appeared, BB was one of the first people he properly met and “fought” lol. They're also the closest in age among their generation of heroes. Then theres the whole Outsiders plot, with Bart obviously supporting Gars initiative and by the end of season 3 at the ending clip Bart was joking with BB. The two are clearly good friends, considering their history, and whilst BB was trying to work through his trauma its almost ridiculous that we didn't even get a mention of Barts input on his situation. 
But im kinda going off topic here. My point in relation to your post is, there is very much a basis for the parallels between the two to be drawn. So its not unreasonable to compare the twos history. Ive read people on the young justice discord also very reasonably compare the two and what they mentioned that I entirely agree with them on is that Garfield is clearly particularly sensitive to death.
Which is very hard for someone in a field of heroics and all that. Especially as a team leader. 
Bart is clearly on the opposite end of the spectrum, pretty much desensitised to death clearly cause of his original timeline. 
Now, I find BB being sensitive to death very on par with the shows rendition of his character. He started out as an innocent, open minded, animal loving kid. Hes vegetarian (possibly vegan I can't remember) and really easily warms up to new people in his life for the sake of found family. He is sensitive and empathetic that way, which I believe is a prerequisite for his powers too as he has no problems to easily take on any creatures form. 
I used to be a fan of him from Teen Titans (lol) and I read a lot of his comics when I was a kid, and honestly, a lot of iterations of his characters throughout all these series, both comics and cartoons (TT included) he is often annoying and a douche bag in one way or another (arguably a poor portrayal of him, or maybe it really is just him because its so common lol). So him not being a massive asshole, in fact being this some what naive and sensitive guy in young justice, is definitely a welcomed breath of fresh air. 
So when I try to be “unbiased” I recognise that with all the tragedy that BB has been through, its fair for him to act the way to he has throughout Phantoms. 
I think this “objective” fact, that different people react in different ways, could've easily been demonstrated by drawing explicit parallels this season between the two. Bart is known at this point in the show to have an incredibly traumatic childhood and I think involving him in this plot could've showcased more how subjective the experience of trauma responses can be and actually explicitly showcase that Gar is sensitive to death which I think would've helped the ppl both on Tumblr and the YJ reddit who were not particularly impressed with BBs phantoms arc, to be more sympathetic to him. Because I think having opposite sides of the spectrum, really sheds light on one another. 
However we are left with the two parallels not being connected this season, with the outsiders not so much as being shown a second of their reaction to Barts disappearance and him not being shown for a second in Gars Phantoms arc. Its annoying. And frustrating. But it is what it is. And just gives us more excuses to come up with whatever interpretations we want to fill in the blanks they gave us.  
Its cool that we got to see Barts independence, resilience and capabilities, especially considering his background this season (despite the way too many times hes been nerfed this season lol) and it would've been so many times more satisfying if we saw its context within the rest of the Outsiders. But who knows, if the show gets renewed or maybe even in the comics, we might get a glimpse of all these things. Anything is possible lol. 
So yeah, I kinda went off track and still wrote some kind of essay. Welp, my bad lol but I very much found ur ask super interesting and inspired all this lol and hope I addressed some of ur frustrations which I agree with.
p.s My personal headcannon based on what has been shown of Bart in the show, especially his desensitisations to death is that he really isn't as traumatised as people often express/expect him to be. Doesn't mean he has zero trauma, or doesn't have his issues, or his childhood didn't fck him up a bit, I feel like anyone growing up in some kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland will be messed up one way or another. But definitely not in the classic trauma response way which Gar was shown to go through this season. I feel like the resilience that Bart has shown throughout the seasons makes a lot of sense for someone who has survived what he has so that's why im not really on the same camp of the people who say that they would like to see what Gar has gone through, for Bart. Because ultimately, they are two different characters and these kind of journeys aren't copy and paste, nor is it realistic to be universally applied to everyone. Which is why I would have again, appreciated the parallels to be more explicitly linked and Barts story to be more highlighted this season. 
On a semi-unrelated note, I am literally writing a fic right now on Barts messed up worldview as a result of his growing up in his OG timeline (in a some what light-hearted) way. Because of all the lack of Outsiders this season I was inspired to try to write a one shot on some of their team dynamics and I think ppl naturally think Bart is weird (its both an original comics and in show constant which I appreciate) so I wanted to explore this weirdness a bit. So for anyone who is interested in this, I should be posting it some time this week! For zetaflash fans, theres some sprinkled in there too lol and for Blue and Bart besties 4 ever fans, there some of that in there too lol for those who don't care feel free to ignore lol
Again, apologies for basically writing the story of my life, but then this also shows, feel free to rant anytime for however long u want ! My asks are open!!! (and not broken, all this time I thought maybe I did something wrong so that's why I didn't get any so im so happy anon, thank u again for ur message! <3 :D)
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hi!! ik this might be a little too much but may I possibly get hc’s for larry, todd, or travis with a gn s/o who had it rough growing up?? like, their parents were super terrible if yk what I mean. you don’t have to!! I know it’s a tough topic! but thank you for gifting us with your wonderful writing ^u^
ahh anon tysm this made me so happy agh-
anyways, with both of my parents being not the greatest, i have a lil too much experience with this request lmao oh well <3
i did both larry and travis since im not super good at writing todd's character, esp in more complicated prompts. sorry abt that!
CONTENT WARNING: abusive parents, past bad experiences, depression, small mention of suicide. please read with caution
larry and travis (separately) with a s/o who had terrible parents and a rough childhood - gn!reader
✧he doesnt really have any experience regarding bad parents
✧so it's kinda hard for him to relate to the whole bad parent thing
✧he listens to you rant about them any time you want
✧tries to offer the best advice he can :)
✧depending on how old you are,
✧and if you were still 16/17 and having to see your family still occasionally (like on holidays and such)
✧he wants to go with you to be able to help you get through it and protect you from anyone doing something shitty
✧lisa would welcome you in with open arms
✧ur her kid now. no questions
✧(obvi not in a weird step sibling way ofc)
✧you grew up with a terrible mother figure? no problem. lisa's here :)
✧you're part of the family now
✧he's always there to offer a shoulder to cry on
✧he just wants to be there for you as much as possible
✧if you have ptsd or anything similar
✧he tries to keep you away from anything that you trigger you
✧is a pro at helping you through anxiety attacks
✧if you have times where you just feel so overwhelmed by bad memories, causing whole depressive episodes
✧you bet he's gonna be there as much as he can
✧reminding you to drink water
✧and bringing you food
travis (suggested male reader, as travis is canonically mlm, no pronouns used though)
✧oh god
✧he relates to you so much
✧he's glad he found someone that understands and has had experience with the same thing
✧you make him feel so understood
✧since we know is dad is utter garbage and hits travis
✧you guys bond over having shitty parents
✧he's upset that someone he cares about is suffering/has suffered with abusive parents
✧yet he feels less alone knowing he's not the only one dealing with it
✧you guys cry together so often
✧venting and ranting about your similar terrible experiences
✧so many hugs
✧you gotta reassure him that he's not disgusting or sinning/anything he could possibly think of to bring himself down
✧and that theres nothing wrong with his sexuality at all :)
✧if you have also experienced homophobia/religious trauma like he has
✧feel free to talk to him about it, he's always there to listen
✧and wants to comfort you as much as possible
✧you guys are so open with each other it's v sweet :))
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lowkeyorloki · 3 years
hi it’s phoebe anon and omg i completely relate to ur post about how ur gonna be sad when asis is over because i’ve thought about it quite a few times and OHHH boy it hurts my heart so much 😩 i’m gonna miss narvi and dilf loki so bad man!!!! i’ve always had such an issue with saying goodbye to things like this, especially when i’ve spent so much time with them, and like i’ve been following this story for over a year now so i’m trying to brace myself hahah i still remember when u posted the last chapter to the Archetype (which i think was a year ago) i cried for like 10 min for absolutely no reason bc i didn’t want it to be over and i spent a FRACTION of the time reading/ living in that world compared to this bruh. it’s bad fa me.
anyway i’ll stop the sob story i’m so so so excited for the update tomorrow !! prepared for the angst!!! ❤️ much love
YEAH so like I knew I would be sad because it's been over a year and if the fic ends in June like I think it will (my spring break is in a few weeks and I'm hoping I'll really solidify when the fic will end then) then asis will have lasted a year and half which is a super long time; especially during the pandemic because everything feels longer and more intense. Like I knew of that and felt sad but I've been preparing for a long time so like it's fine.
But over this past weekend I realized that asis ending basically means the end of Narvi because I've never seen him in a Loki x reader and I doubt we will tbh. If MCU Loki has had his fanbase for over ten years now and there's only a handful of fics with him (tbh my fic is the only one I know of that uses the Narvi character but I'm sure there's a couple more out there) then he's never going to be utilized. As sad as asis ending is, there is never going to a shortage of Loki x readers. What will genuinely make me depresso for a prolonged period of time is that, again, asis ending means I will probably never see the Narvi character again. Idk it just makes me sad. This is super self indulgent but I would love it if asis got popular enough to make Narvi a somewhat common character within the fandom. There's so much potential in Asgardian reader fics (maybe Loki's wife died and Odin brought you in to replace her before Loki and Narvi are ready, or maybe Loki is divorced) and modern AUs (all the single DILF tropes). Anyway this is all to say as sad as a fic ending is there's always more fics, but in the case of asis in regards to Narvi specifically that isn't the case and it's going to be hard to let go of the fic because of that.
Also.... Phoebe anon..... the serotonin boost I got at the mention of The Archetype... I definitely view that as my best work and I love it so so much so to know you read it is just 🥰🥰🥰 I was also sad when it ended because it was such a unique fic and truly out of the norm of my typical work. It's also so crazy to me to think that you liked my work enough to be sad over it ending like I don't want you to be upset but also knowing someone enjoys my silly little Loki fics that much... it makes me v happy :')
The biggest thing for me is that when She Shall Have and The Archetype ended, I still had asis going. I don't have any fics planned after this. I have two multichapter ideas in my drafts and a couple chapters written for each, but I've been writing multichapters since March of 2020 now so it's time for a break, haha. My point is I won't have another fic to throw myself into and distract myself from the other ending - and y'all won't either (at least not from me obvi there's plenty other awesome Loki authors).
Wow okay I hope this didn't make you too sad LMAO I hope you're enjoying the last couple hours until 1) YOUR BDAY OMG!!!! and 2) the next chapter of asis!! We've still got a lot of plot and chapters to get through so we can rest easy for the next two months at least <3
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gayspock · 3 years
you mentioned in some of your tags that you don’t know what the fanon/general fandom opinions were. from what I’ve seen (I’m also a new fan) vi/caitlyn is pretty big (my guess would be because of how blatant it is), however, with...idk how to put this? average LOL fans think it was rushed and don’t like it. tumblr, of course, is into it tho. jayce/viktor is also huge. a lot of people seem to resonate with jinx and silco’s familial relationships. I’ve also seen a lot of people in the fandom not recognize the ableism in Viktor’s arc, which is worrying. if you don’t care to spoil yourself on where these character’s arcs will go in future seasons, I suggest you look up the LOL lore of: vi, ekko, viktor, and jayce. some are just...a slap to the face. anyways, have a good day/evening.
OHH okay omg (nods) tysm for a brief little insight, bc i was looking in the tag a little but it feels like tumblr's tag algorithm is a lot worse thn wht it was even before. unless the fanbase on here is smaller than wht i thought or sth HELP OK lemme dump this reply under a read more bc im rambly pjhpsrgjssfpgs
but a lot of tht hm? i THINK thats just about wht i expected - so no big surprises.
i dont blame the average LOL fans- a sentence i never thought i'd say skpgjsp - bc i can deffo see a lot of the places where it was like..eh. yknow. i said it myself. it feels a little undercooked in some places, and seemed more paced to keep it fast and snappy. like they kinda like they really could have spent more time on a lot of things- and so i presume tht'd be rllly frustrating if u were deeper into the pre-existing lore.
then regarding these little guys.... yeh i think i heard abt vi/caitlyn bein p big. :3 i still stnd by not rlly giving a damn (HELP, thats said with love i prommy)- but you kno nonetheless im happy tht ppl are enjoying a wlw relationship..... like its good they arent being sidelined by ppl. even if im not into tht scene i'll just nod from a distance.
BUT, THOUGH DO YOU KNOW WHATS SO, SO FUNNY? like ok. viktor and jayce obviously, like, occurred to me- but i also just kinda. kept pushing it to the back of my head? does that make any sense? like- jesus like. WELL DUH THEY'D HAVE SOME TUMBLR GIRLIES GOING WILD... silly me... and its like i feel like i sorta figured tht'd be going down, but it was in my peripherals out of clear sight HELP. wasnt helped by the fsct they kept separating the besties in the latter half- which i mean, obviously tht was bc of them drifting away frome ach other and stuff, but oh sniff sniff im emo nonetheless bc i rlly loved their relationship... 💖 LIKE i think its just in my head i kkinda just . i have no idea i never labelled them as anything i just kept jokingly mentally referring to viktor as his little bestie with a heart above the i, keeping them fun an ambiguous whilst medara gets her shit rock'd by him HELP PGJS[0JDH[PGKBPSD.
but also, on the subject of viktor- ah... yeah. :/ i wasnt sure if tht'd be sth tht'd be talked abt and.... the more it rlly became apparent, the more i hoped it wouldnt just be glossed over but . also ik tht happens a lot with things like this. god. i do hope tht those conversations are had at some point, more openly- like,granted im probs not gonna be knocking abt the communities on here tht much (and even if i was, im not sure how much i could really input into that?!) but yeah. thats a shame. 3:
and hm.... you know i might look into it. just bc theres some guys here im GENUINELY pretty into and idk if the show itself will fully give them their dues, even if it doesnt diverge- bc im INTERESTED... i love viktor. and ekko. and vi. sooo badly. and im super curious abt jayce. so help. i might go spoil myself now (bc in truth ive never been tht mad abt spoilers irpdgphjdhj and idk how much it counts here anyways).
THANK U FOR THE LITTLE THOUGHTS ANON. ITS NICE TO HAVE ANY JUMPING OFF POINTS TO CHATTER AWAY. i will have a good ... norning... <3 its like 2am here omg
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rivetwrites · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet with Gundham?
you got it anon!!
Gundham Takana Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Gundham is a loner, having little to no experience in spending time with other people that aren’t his pets. With you, he’d love to showcase all of his marvelous Dark Devas of Destruction. He’d show you all the little tricks he taught them to do, or how to properly pet them. He trusts you dearly with his best friends, so he’s not too worried.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks you’re perfect in his eyes. The way you don’t melt when he hugs you with his poisoned skin would easily be the best. He’s a very awkward person, so he compliments you on “how beautiful your cursed lips are.” It gets kind of dumb sometimes, but you can tell he’s trying.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Gundham is usually the one to send his Dark Devas to comfort you from across the room. He makes them hold little notes with hearts on them to send to you. He’s too shy to directly comfort you, so this would be the best thing. Once he finds that you keep them all, his cursed heart melts in his chest <3.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn’t think about the future that often, since he usually lives for the now. But he sometimes thinks on how you two can take care of his animals together, or maybe share a household together. He wants you to be apart of his life, he’s just super hard to get to.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
The Supreme Overlord of Ice always takes care of his darling, no matter what. But sometimes, he’d need a bit of help knowing what to do in a relationship. Poor boy never truly had anyone to love besides his mother and pets, so he would be confused on how to progress through the relationship.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Gundham hates fighting with people, usually finding a way to get out of it before it escalates. But if it did get too bad, he’d apologize immediately. He can’t bear the thought of you being upset at him, pushing past his anxiety to comfort you himself. But if you upset him, he’d need a bit of time alone with his thoughts and Devas. He’ll come to you once he’s ready.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s kind of oblivious if you do things for him, like buying his pets their favourite food for them. It takes awhile for him to realize it’s you, and not his powers bringing his Devas’ gifts of gratitude. He’ll thank you immediately, with his scarf covering half of his face to hide his blush.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Gundham has the tendency to hide his feelings from people who he doesn’t trust, or not comfortable around. It takes a bit of time for him to open up to you about how he’s feeling, or what he’s been through in the past with his family. He trusts that you’ll be able to keep his secret, or he’ll have to curse you. He knows he would never have to, though.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Gundham is...Gundham. Always will be. The only thing that would change is that he slowly allows you to touch him. He has a little fear of people’s touch, which he covers up by saying his skin is poisonous to mortals. For you, he would probably change your perspective on “scary” animals, such as bears, or lions. He’ll love to show you how gentle they can be, even if it still scares you sometimes.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He has a big fear of someone stealing you away from him and leaving him behind. He feels like he’s not good enough for you, but he’s slightly greedy, so he would never let you go so easily. If someone was flirting with you, he’d be slightly oblivious. “Yes, of course my sovereign is beautiful. Don’t speak some foolish, obvious observation.” If he finally figured out that they were flirting, he would threaten to put a curse on him and his bloodline.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It takes quite a long time for Gundham to kiss you, always chickening out before it gets too close. Of course you’ll wait until he’s ready. Once he is, it’s clumsy, very shy, and gentle. You two almost bonk heads as he kissed you suddenly. He’d nearly be sinking into his scarf, mumbling on how soft you were.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Very dramatic, yet very awkward. As soon as he figured out what he was feeling for you was love, he’d find you immediately. “Mortal, my...human half inside of me is telling me that I have very strong...feelings for you.” He couldn’t meet your eyes, his scarf slowly inching up his face as he waits for your answer.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s very iffy on marriage. Of course he wants you to be his forever, but he feels like there doesn’t need to be an official label on it. You’re his Sovereign of Ice, he doesn’t need some piece of paper to tell him that.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Sovereign of Ice,” “my dearest,” are his go-tos, both in public and in private. He believes you’re worthy enough to be by his side, so he’s going to address you as such.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Gundham has a hard time showing love to anyone, so you’re not going to be any different. If he’s comfortable enough with you, he’ll slowly bring you into his arms as he rests his chin on top of your head. It doesn’t speak much, but he doesn’t have to. It’s amazing enough for him to muster up the courage to do this, so his actions speak much louder than words. More commonly though, he’d constantly declare his love for you in private, telling you how much you mean to his cursed heart.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He’s a big loner and very quiet about his personal life, but it’s no secret that he’s dating you. He never ever kisses you in public, because he’s already shy enough to hold your hand around everyone else.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s absolutely amazing at listening to you. If you have a problem and need to vent, he’ll be there with his Devas in your lap as you complain about your friends, family, work, school, anything. After, he’ll support you and give you some advice that has helped him in the past.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
His dates usually consist on staying home and making food yourself. Gundham isn’t the best in social situations, so a date with just you, him, and his Devas, would be great in his book.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Your goals will be his goals as well. He’ll try his hardest to help you reach your goals in your life, as long as you help with his. He would never ever make fun of you for your goals, no matter how out there they are. He’s the Supreme Overlord of Ice, for hells sake! Nothing is impossible with him!!
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He would rather do things that you’re both comfortable with. His idea of “spice” in your relationship is going out to a diner to eat. He’s not much of a risk taker, but he rather have things happen naturally, than to have a routine.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Gundham is very empathetic, even though he has a hard time showing it and helping you. He’s the best at listening to you and your problems and will do his absolute best to help you get through them. You’re never going to be alone with your troubles when you’re with Gundham.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You are his everything. You and his pets are his lifeline, and he would give anything and everything in his life you keep you guys safe.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
It’s very easily to tell when he’s needy for love. He’ll follow you around like a small, lost puppy, nudging you slightly with his arm. He’ll act like it was nothing, but once you hold him in your arms, he’ll melt instantly.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Affection isn’t a need for him at all. He prefers to vocally tell you his love rather than show it. Though, getting ready for bed, he’d love to rest his cheek on your chest has he listens to your heartbeat. It keeps him grounded, and it helps him sleep peacefully.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’s rarely lonely, since he’s a loner, and he has all his pets to keep him company. But he wished you were here with him so he can protect you. Once you return home, all his Devas would climb on you as he hugs you lightly.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Gundham is willing to protect you the entire relationship. He may be very awkward and shy in regards of romance and affection, but he’d push away his discomfort to make you feel happy.
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