#super generic headcanons
clownsuu · 1 year
i love all the flavors of howdydarling art you make sm!! i've really been stuck on the drawings you did of wally with insomnia, i love the idea of howdy carrying his ass to bed when he shows up at the bugdega totally exhausted. i thought it'd be cute if wally stepped in to take care of howdy too when he's feeling overworked, or the two of them just collapsing into a nap pile at the end of a long day
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It’s been raining all day and the vibes for cuddles n sweet shid is I m m a c u l a t e
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Sometimes when I think about howdy and Wally, I think about them doing that specific lil wiggle/dance you can do with your followers in cult of the lamb smhhh (and frank really wanting to join but is very shy about it)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
is it gay to collect lots of lore on your new girlfriend, make it into a binder, and then hide it under your shared bed where she will absolutely never find it???
Vaggie: "Charlie? Uh, quick cleaning question."
Charlie: "Hmmmm yeah??"
Vaggie: "So I was looking under the bed-"
Charlie: "Under the b-" (LEAPS across the room) "-NO WAIT LEMME DO THA-"
Vaggie: "-and there's this binder, with my name on it."
Charlie: "AHH!!"
Vaggie: "In your handwriting?"
Charlie: "AAHHHH!!!!"
Vaggie: "It's about the size and thickness of a telephone book-"
Vaggie: "Babe. Do I wanna know."
Vaggie: "... that honestly just makes it weirder. What's even left?"
Charlie: "Normal stuff! Just, normal everyday Vaggie-related observations! In alphabetical order. And. Cross filed by category and sub grouping, for quick reference."
Vaggie: "..."
Vaggie: "You've made a reference book on me."
Charlie: "Okay, now when you say it like THAT it sounds WEIRD!"
Vaggie: "Any, uh, particular reason you're doing this?"
Charlie: "My brain likes knowing things about you. I mean, I like knowing things about you."
Vaggie: "What... kinda things?"
Charlie: "Can I see the binder? Thanks." (pages through) "Ah-hem. Things Vaggie doesn't like! Not having wings, back pain, back pain from not having wings anymore, people being rude to me, not stabbing people who're being maybe a bit rude even though she really wants to, leaving her spear at home on dates so she doesn't stab people with it, stuff being messy even though she tries to hide how grumpy it makes her when I don't fold the towels up again, guitarists, swords, angels, any mention of heaven-"
Vaggie: (sweating) "H-how 'bout some examples from another category, sweetie?"
Charlie: "Right! Ummm- okay. Things Vaggie likes! High places! Backrubs- especially after she's slept wrong again because we cuddled the wrong way during the night oops- the way her hair looks now it's growing out long! Long gloves and thigh high stockings! Cleaning! Doing stuff together- like tidying up our room! Buying me binders so I can keep my notes together instead of stacking them piles in our room! Threatening people! Threatening people specifically with-"
Charlie: (growling) "Her. Spear."
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "Nothing!" (goes back to smiling) "Holding hands!- with me. Snuggling!- with me. Kisses!- again specifically with me. Staring up at the light of heaven from high places-!"
Vaggie: "And you."
Charlie: "-and me! ...And me?"
Vaggie: "I like staring at you, too."
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: "Can you- hold on just ONE moment I- I need to make a note and, for that I need a glitter pen..."
Vaggie: "You're writing all this down in glitter pen?"
Charlie: "I want it to be cute! Like you!!!"
Vaggie: "And I kinda wanna kiss you."
Charlie: "You- because of the, weird non-creepy binder thing??"
Vaggie: "Yep."
Charlie: "....Noted!!!" (snaps binder SHUT) "I can totally make the actual notes later though, you know, if you want to do the kissing thing right now inste- Mmf!"
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aquamonstra · 1 year
Imagine our beloved Lt. Commander Data learning about the concept of "doing something as a bit" in his quest to understand humor.
He starts carrying around a pocket full of loose bolts, washers, any random little metal bits he finds.
Anytime someone asks him about it, he just looks them straight in the eye and deadpan says, "Snacks."
So far only Riker and Geordi have laughed, but one sweet and gullible young ensign brought him a dull tungsten carbide drill bit "as a treat."
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
“Haven’t You Noticed (I’m a Star)” from Steven Universe works so ridiculously well for Leo
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rottmnt leo#rise leo#listen it’s morning now and I haven’t slept so bear with me for the sudden unwarranted lyric analysis haha#a lotttt of the lyrics work so well for him#not even just the overall theme the words just work great#first lyric is literally ‘I can’t help it if I make a scene’ which is one to one with ‘Leo’s makin a scene’ from the rottmnt opening like-#‘I’m turning heads and I’m stopping traffic’ -> Leo has not made it a secret that he values his looks a LOT#-not just his looks but also his ability to get people’s attention#‘when I pose they scream when I joke they laugh’ -> I feel like this speaks for itself#-posing and joking for the crowd and himself#‘I’ve got them dazzled like a stage magician’ -> works both with Leo’s canonical love of magicians and his aptitude with tricks in general#‘well everybody needs a friend and I’ve got you and you and you’ -> I just think it’d be cute to imagine his friends here just as his bros#‘I got you and you and you’ = ‘my brainy guy my smashing guy and eats peanut butter with his fingers guy’#‘haven’t you noticed that I’m a star?’ -> Leo loves attention and especially loves when his feats and efforts are acknowledged#+ he loves glam rock and sci-fi and being a champ and - listen he has a LOT of star symbolism with him#‘haven’t you noticed I made it this far’ - Leo is well aware of how dangerous situations get and thinks himself only a part of a whole#-so hey it’s notable that he’s survived this long yeah?#‘now everyone can see me burning’ -> self-sacrificing with his family bearing witness + all his star and flame symbolism in general#+ how attention naturally goes to him - including bad attention where his mistakes are highlighted and burn bright#also even the limo lyric-#obviously this boy has never and will never own a limo but one of his main secondary colors IS pink so even that#okay that one is just a joke but he would#(on that note though I think the other colors the boys gravitate to outside THEIR color are fun to notice)#I don’t actually know too much about Steven universe beyond the songs and some eps but I like the music#and this just came to my tired mind so here you go anyone who’s interested#may draw something with these lyrics dunno yet#it’s a good song in any case even though it’s super short
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ratpoizonz · 5 months
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hey (headcanons ur caramelcorn)
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enigmaedid · 27 days
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“The only thing they can do is watch and wait.
Wait for the moment when it will break.
And when it happens, they will be there.„
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dallasgallant · 1 month
Dallas and twobit giving the worst girl advice known to man. And yet somehow it fucking works for them, sometimes.
Soda and Steve go steady with girls and are slightly nicer but could not give good advice to save their lives- just can’t word it right rather than it being brow raising.
“You have to treat a car like you treat a woman.”
Pony is doomed.
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beckyblah · 7 months
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My Durge and new names: at the beginning of the game, when she discovered her true nature, and when she was finally free of her Bhaal’s influence.
Also my Durge is a bard and I thought I was real funny huh
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ghostlykeyes · 11 months
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HEARTSTEEL KAYN: HEADCANONS ♡ TW : Drug mentions/Usage ♡ TW: Food mentions ♡ No pairings/ not reader-insert
Ever since joining Heartsteel, Kayn's 'Rhaast' outbursts have lessened in frequency and severity. Of course, his alter-ego makes regular appearances, but being with a group that encourages and accepts him rather than holds him back and tries to get him under control has made it so that Kayn feels less need to express his feelings in such an explosive, reckless way. Of course, he'll never admit that his newfound friends are the reason for his recent (very, VERY slight) stability.
Kayn is extremely choosy with his jewelry. He fronts like he doesn't want to wear "cheap, lame shit"—but actually, he just reacts to most metals. If he doesn't check to make sure his earrings are hypoallergenic, he ends up with a massive rash. Why the excuse? He is NOT about to admit he has sensitive skin.
Probably not a surprise, but Kayn breaks his phone CONSTANTLY. With all his reckless antics, it's rare for a new phone to last him more than a few months. The silver lining is that he at least has his emergency contacts (the Heartsteel members, of course) memorized from entering them into his contacts list so often.
Kayn also has a burner phone he uses for Rhaast.
Maybe you'd expect Kayn to have an enormous rager for his birthday, but the truth is, he doesn't actually like that many people. Instead he invites a handful of his actual friends to the shared Heartsteel apartment for a joint Halloween/birthday party. Costumes mandatory, noise complaints expected. Kayn will tell you to your face if he thinks your costume is stupid.
Kayn's got a lucky guitar pick. Somehow, he’s never lost it.
Wherever Kayn goes, property damage often follows. For Heartsteel's sake, he's cleaned up his act a tiny bit, mostly because he's scared of respects Yone, who gets pissed whenever Kayn breaks too much shit. But come on, you can't deny a man all of life's simple pleasures—you gotta let him graffiti the side of a water tower every once in awhile, or blow up the occasional car.
Notorious for social media rampages, Kayn's been banned from using the Heartsteel twitter. (The last straw was him using the account to threaten a member of his old band. Apparently, Alune didn't think "I'LL FUKKIN DOXX U LOL" an appropriate use of the official twitter account.) He's still semi-active on his personal accounts, but only in sporadic bursts.
Kayn knows how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue.
Like most rockstars, Kayn dabbles in cocaine. His drug use is pretty limited, though, mostly because he doesn't really need drugs to be high-energy and unhinged. When clips of his erratic behavior surface or Kayn goes on a twitter rampage, newer fans often speculate about Kayn being on drugs. Veteran Heartbeats know that he’s just Like That, though. 
Kayn says he doesn't have a favorite bandmate. (He does. It's Ezreal.)
A lot of the time, Kayn has to be reminded to eat. When he's busy writing songs or hanging out with the band, stopping for a bite never crosses his mind. Thankfully, Sett's on top of his meal schedule (gotta hit those macros!) so he'll remind Kayn that lunch is a Thing That Exists.
Kayn spends a ridiculous amount of time on his nails. Cuticles? Trimmed. Polish? Immaculate, and always black or burgundy. Topcoat? Applied and glass-smooth. Of course he'll deny that his nail routine is so precise because it doesn't fit his devil-may-care image, but come on. Chipped OPI and hangnails? Couldn't be him.
Kayn hates nothing more than the passenger seat. Let him drive! Yes, he knows that he's gotten two speeding tickets in the past three months. Yes, he's completely aware that K'sante got violently carsick the last time Kayn drove everyone to Taco Bell. He does not care. He will NEVER care. Driving is fun and driving recklessly is really fun.
You won't catch Kayn in a salon. He dyes and cuts his own hair in his bathroom. (How is it still so perfect?!)
Kayn is way too eager to help Aphelios pull pranks on people. Unfortunately, he can dish it out, but he can't take it. A prank on Kayn has a 50/50 chance of putting him in a sour, bitchy mood for the next hour.
Of all the band members, Kayn's the one that spends the most time alone. He doesn't have many friends outside Heartsteel. And, even though he knows his band has his back and he appreciates them, he needs frequent social breaks.
Kayn's the ultimate night owl. It's rare for him to go to bed before 4 AM. Despite this, he's always up before ten. Maybe it's Yone's rigorous recording schedule that gets him up. Maybe he's so high-energy, his body can't stand staying still for more than six hours. Maybe, though, it's just all the Monster energy drinks.
Consider it a sign that he likes you if Kayn spam-texts you. If he doesn't, he won't even bother responding. (But, if he suddenly stops texting you out of the blue? Don't worry. He probably broke his phone. Again.)
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revletter · 9 months
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One of my pet SMRPG headcanons:
The first time Peach uses Come Back to revive Geno, he is absolutely floored. How is she tapping into star magic? Especially when the Star Road is broken? And how is she doing it this expertly? He can't even use it this way.
Plus, to him specifically, it feels so much better than a Pick-Me-Up. When the doll's senses are knocked into next week, the star inside is still perfectly conscious, just kind of stuck in a void. This means he's also fully aware at the moment of revival, which - via a Pick-Me-Up - feels every bit as disorienting as when he first possessed the doll, plus he's not in control of the timing. Every single time. He deals with it.
But this? This is transcendent. Even in the blank darkness he's stuck in, he can see the star come down. It gently tells him it's time to come back, and politely leads the way there. There's never time for a conversation, but often, he knows its name.
During their adventure to restore the Star Road, Geno probably doesn't tell the rest of party this. After all, the result is functionally the same, and he doesn't want them to use resources non-ideally just so he can be a little more comfortable. But every time a star deposits him back onto the battlefield in Peach's arms, he thanks every celestial authority he can name for the opportunity to know a person like this - and marvels a little more at just how much of her potential she has yet to discover.
(PS: I've been wanting to delve into lineless art, and found a workflow in Clip Studio I love for it! Maybe this will help me get a little faster...)
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ladymiraclewings · 4 months
Tried this "Headcanon Generator" with some characters and it's actually quite funny.
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Lemmy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The clown prince of crime and everyone's favorite circus performer! Gosh he's adorable.
Fairly sensitive about his height. The rest of the Koopa Troop know better than to bring it up. Just. Don't call him short. Last guy who did ended up with more than a broken nose.
Allergic to peanuts, which is unfortunate, because a lot of folks like them roasted at circuses. He likes other nut butters better anyway.
Likes collecting old circus memorabilia, such as posters, small trinkets, and flyers. He started it when he was younger, and has kept it going ever since.
He purposefully lets people underestimate him due to his silly personality and clown aesthetics. Makes it all the sweeter when he ends up with the last laugh.
Can and will juggle just about anything. Ludwig had to stop him on multiple occasions because he was tossing around something dangerous for fun (and profit).
Is very fond of caramel corn and citrus candies, as well as fruit gummies.
Favorite cookies are snickerdoodles and classic chocolate chip, but he loves fruit pies and sweet crêpes for dessert, really anything flaky with layers.
An excellent roller and ice-skater, given his balance. He, Wendy, and Larry like to skate together sometimes.
Very tactile person! Likes giving and receiving hugs, pats on the back, head scratches, and secret handshakes.
Similarly, a tactile learner; if you want him to remember something, give him something he can hold.
Because of his smaller size and how much he moves, any sickness he gets hits him like a truck, but also burns through his system pretty quick.
The only member of the castle with permission to enter Iggy's lab at any time without prior warning or knocking.
Has an almost terrifying amount of emotional intelligence and is very good at sussing out the crux of a relationship problem, sometimes even before the other person does.
Always rehearses his tricks in front of Iggy before anyone else, because he knows he’ll always be guaranteed a laugh, as well as critique on what he can improve on.
One of the lesser strict generals, which the minions are thankful for, but will also ask them to assist in his tricks. This can range anywhere from "hand him something" to "balance on a ball while juggling flaming hammers". The minions are not so thankful for this.
His proficiency with stage illusions actually helped him grasp the concepts of his wand's abilities. Out of the Koopalings, his strength lies in how precise his magic is, able to pull what he needs right when he needs it, as well as being able to divide and manage his concentration.
Likes to exercise with Roy, though he leans more towards yoga and calisthenics than weight training.
He likes all kinds of flowers, but likes seeing cosmos and marigolds the most. Poppies are nice, too.
He can be just as bad as Iggy when it comes to pulling pranks, mainly because no one suspects him; he manages to get out of 99% of situations by pulling the "ohhhh I'm just a lil guy" card.
An alarmingly good impressionist. More than once he fooled the guards into doing something for him by pretending to voice someone else.
Given his small size and how active he is, his metabolism is working overtime to fuel him. He eats almost as much as Larry.
Mastered the art of making the perfect hot chocolate drink, inspired by his trips into the ice lands. Wendy is determined to learn his secret. Lemmy is an adorable steel vault.
If you pick him up or he falls over, he has this… almost ragdoll-like heft to him, with dangly limbs and a little flopping from where you grab him, like he's made of sand or a weighted stuffed animal. The only time this doesn't seem to affect him is when he's on his ball. No one can really explain why this is.
Favorite fruit is any kind of berry, as well as peaches (formed before any interaction with a certain princess).
Morton used to carry him under his arm when they were younger. For what purpose? None know. Lemmy, though, was happy to stay there until he was put down again.
He likes sleeping where he's suspended, like swings, tree tents, and other such places. There was a notable instance where Kamek once found him tucked in his shell and snoozing in an empty hanging plant holder.
Really good at shuffling cards and coin moves, really any sort of street magic or little parlor trick. He's been learning tarot interpretation from Kammy because it's always a hit at parties.
His bombs are his own invention. Iggy helped him develop the combustion system and ratio of powder to use, but the shape, style, and make are all his own. Similarly, the tires he sells for his business are made from the same rubber as his balancing balls.
One of the most agile of all his siblings, and one of the best climbers.
He used to share a bunk bed with Iggy when they were young, but once they got older and had their own separate rooms, he used a hammock instead of a bed. It's quite cozy, with lots of blankets and pillows.
One of his favorite snacks is roasted sunflower seeds with a little salt. Crunchy, and especially tasty after an energetic routine.
The one most likely to lose things. Not because he misplaced them somewhere, but because he made them vanish via magic trick, and can't remember if he re-summoned them again.
Takes any sort of dance class he can. He's energetic and likes being able to move around a lot, but he's especially fond of tap, hip-hop (no pun intended), and ballet. The latter he practices with Wendy.
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zoroslost · 6 months
One Piece Warrior Cats AU: ASL Bros
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Ace cat naming progression: Emberkit -> Emberpaw -> Emberwish
(black rosetted tabby tortie)
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Sabo cat naming progression: (kittypet name) -> Wildpaw -> Wildfire
(apricot point, scottish fold)
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Luffy cat naming progression: Sunkit -> Sunpaw -> Sunstorm -> Sunstar (eventually)
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akiiame-blog · 10 months
I headcanon Mario as pan not because I'm imprinting myself onto my favorite character (I'm bi anyway), but because I honestly think it makes sense given that he's canonically a very tolerant character and will accept anyone and everyone.
Now yes, you can be accepting without being pan, and I suppose in that regard my only excuse is that I just think Super Fucking Mario being LGBTQIA+ would be pretty cool.
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
One of the biggest things that makes me see Leo as trans is absolutely the size of his carapace in comparison to his brothers’.
And I’m not talking about height! I’m specifically looking at his shell here, because when you compare him to the others, particularly Donnie who is nearly the same height as Leo, it’s very clear that Leo’s carapace is much longer in proportion to the rest of his body.
Like - standing side by side, even though Donnie is shorter his carapace ends noticeably higher up than Leo’s does. And I like this not only because it really helps push the idea that Leo could very likely be trans (or intersex!), but it’s also just a fun design difference between them.
(It also lends way to future scenarios of Donnie eventually getting taller than Leo, but sitting down still has Leo being the taller one haha.)
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#trans leonardo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#trans leo#it’s like 4 am and I’m having trans leo feelings again sorry guys#totally get if other people disagree with me on this! but it’s always gonna be my no.1 headcanon fr#his complexion the vibrancy of his colors staying even in adulthood his general demeanor and this? this hc is LOCKED in my brain#plus the times Leo’s depicted in pink white and blue throughout the series like I KNOW it wasn’t on purpose but damn if it doesn’t help#(his nails are also the exact same as his toe nails/claws but I don’t super count this one tbh)#(even though it is TECHNICALLY another point in favor of trans leo)#(mainly because all the boys’ nails are very much more humanoid than turtle)#(just like how their tails aren’t really a factor either since we see them only in their baby forms and never again)#I really like the idea that he was a female red eared slider pre mutation#and Lou Jitsu’s dna paved how his humanoid features came out (aka a more masculine build and voice)#but his turtle features are all very much more in like with a female res#love the thought of rise bros meeting og comic turtle boys and Leo being like wait you guys are res too?? but…you’re not colorful……#one headcanon I have is that - you know the cute chirping and stuff we have the boys do?#I like to think that Leo’s chirping actually sounds more feminine to himself and his bros (so he tends to not do it)#idk I love thinking about this hc a lot and there’s no time like four am to talk about it huh?#future scenario has future Donnie going up to future Leo all smug like ah Nardo how’s the weather down there#and Leo’s all like good *sits down* why don’t you join me :)#Donnie: …*sits and stretches his neck out to be taller still*#Leo calls him a cheater but Donnie calls it ‘making use of his species’s advantages’#but yeah basically for many turtles the case is - bigger carapace? female. smaller carapace? male.#so it’s very interesting to take that knowledge and apply it here#did you know one of the turtles that this rule of thumb DOESNT apply to is alligator snapping turtles? male ones are the bigger ones there!#by a big difference too so Raph’s size makes a LOT of sense
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
in lieu of having posted any writing/headcanons/asks in the past few days because i have been *so* busy and unable to do anything fandom-related which is terrible and evil, i have a poll out of morbid curiosity and self-indulgence. i've been meaning to ramble here about how i feel about DC's lack fo Deaf representation and which Batfam members i would personally make Deaf, but i am mildly curious about the larger opinion and now i will subject you all to the question, i would love to hear thoughts/opinions/headcanons on any specific choices. (would love d/Deaf/HoH opinions esp but i'm mostly expecting this to reach the hearing crowd, so opinions from hearing ppl are ones i'm very curious about. if you've never given it thought before you are going to now or else /lh)
#necrotic nuisance#<- new tag for nonserious shit like this#batfamily#batclan#deafculture#i think not including bruce in this poll bc i ran out of options is *so* fucking funny so i'm keeping it#bc realistically i could bump off more tertiary characters like harper or jpv to include him#but i won't.#hearing people are seriously invited to reblog and share opinions or headcanons i'm so genuine#just like. behave about it.#i have personal headcanons but i will save sharing them until the poll is finished#as not to skew results#i also have a hunch on who will lead. based on popular headcanons i see#but i will also not share that as to not skew it#i'm using the Deaf identity as an umbrella term that can include Hard of Hearing as well btw#so if your headcanon is more HoH leaning it is counted#i do believe this is something most fans haven't rlly thought about#but i *really* want to write fics with Deaf rep and i have been waffling on who to make Deaf#so. this poll is also a field test of who you would like to see me (a Deaf bitch) write as Deaf.#and i totally pinky promise not to project super duper hard on them. (i'm so lying)#i will get back to writing and the ask games i promse!#tomorrow i have the day off after 4 bc someone else is watching the baby so ic can just chill#also *please please* if you have disabled headcanons for any batfam (or DC in general) character#send them to me. i want to see them. i would love to talk about them with you.#as an anon ask as a message as a reblog idc#gimme.#this isn't my usual content but shhh lemme be self indulgent.#both bc i'm curious and bc i wanna write Deaf shit so. we take a break from my usual nonsense for this.#i'll post writing tomorrow to make up for it#also i have to remind myself this is my blog i can do what i want with and not just be a content machine. yk
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