#super catholic girl
o-kye · 4 months
you know i really dont care that much about doing stuff for my birthday, i havent spent a birthday with people i really liked since. well i dunno. the last four years havent been fun, dont remember anything specific before that.
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barkbarkgrrgrrwolf · 18 days
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Madohomu Stands!!!
They're kinda scratched :{ but still super cute!! Added them 2 the virginity corner
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Also Kenji is there but vry small now bc i messed up on the printing (hes in his band outfit)
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I thought DIVERSITY & INCLUSION was a good thing? 🤔
It wasn't enough for Disney and Serena Williams to spit on Pat Tillman's legacy, they doubled down by publicly berating Harrison Butker.
Despite the NFL's reputation as the National Felons League, Harrison Butker chooses to be an upstanding citizen & athlete, deeply committed to his Catholic faith and values.
Serena & Venus used their Espy Platform to CATHOLIC shame Kansas City Chiefs' super bowl winner, Harrison Butker.
A CATHOLIC university invited Butker to inspire their graduating class. Harrison dared to encourage EVERYONE (including the women with a desire to become mothers and homemakers) to be proud and unashamed.
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diorrare · 6 months
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i'm going to a bible study tonight guys wish me luck 😭 i'm still under cover as a sweet straight christian girl so this'll be interesting considering i haven't picked up a bible in several years
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
Kataang makes me feel so warm, as does maiko. To me I sometimes feel like zutara, is just like a burning passion, until there is nothing left.
Yes, though I think that's the appeal to a lot of people. Folks enjoy passion lol.
I used to find Zutara relatively intriguing, believe it or not, when I was younger, until I got scared off by rancid takes in that fandom, and then radicalised against it with even more rancid takes.
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faunandfloraas · 7 months
looking at twt and seeing a tweet talk about a girl group and the way the post was worded i was thinking these girls had committed an atrocity, cut someones heart of on the hanteo red carpet or something, like the wording was just so serious and disgusted and then I look and ? they danced in a church for a music video. I'm meant to be offended by this?
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silkflovvers · 9 months
Not gonna lie. This current Arknights event? My least favorite so far. I'll be honest... Executor really Does Not Interest Me as a character, so I don't have a lot of reason to be excited about an event centered around him. And the Residents... I do not enjoy them in the stages one bit. It's not even in a "this is too hard I don't like it" way. They are just very annoying. Like you've been standing there for at least 15 seconds or more staring at this hole and you're telling me you're just gonna jump right in and die unless I put down some spare planks???
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
related to the previous ask you answered, if you’re up for it - incredibly curious about how you research stuff for your writing. I feel like you’re so good at capturing all these little details of a life with such humour that I’m always going ‘how is yellow meg caballero not x identity’ (which is obviously not true & just the sign of a good writer, etc etc but still). Are you just out here talking to five million different types of people?? And understanding them??
Yes hello hi <3 <-- catching up on ask
I really do have the awful habit of swerving dramatically out of my lane and talking about shit I have no business talking about. I don't even do a lot of research, or at least not as much research as I should. I'm genuinely a terrible person to emulate here. But as for like how it tends to happen.
One half of it is. Patrick Stewart voice Writing fiction.
jaklsjdflksadf the other half is like...yeah, I talk to a lot of people. I like people a lot. I find everybody really interesting, and even if I don't like somebody then it's still interesting to have learned about a new kind of person. Over the internet especially is so much fun - everybody has at least one thing super interesting about them! Everybody has a unique trait or has had an experience totally unfamiliar to me. I also just really have an eclectic knowledge of a shitton of extremely useless stuff, I watch a lot of random-ass YouTube essays, all of it. Baby I got information even I don't care about for days lol.
Some of my characters are based lowkey off people I know. Sometimes they're based off me at different points in my lives, or the kind of person I used to think I was. I think most often they fit into a category of people I've met in my life - for example, for an OC I'm writing right now, she's based off this type of person I know. And in there I look for what I always liked about those people, what I always related to about those people, and how I always interacted with them. They're often kinds of people I don't even necessarily like. You never really want to do "well im writing [marginalized group] so I'll just make them [friend from marginalized group]", but for me once I meet and talk to enough people from that group kind of the experience and perspective that being in that group gives you emerges. The 'why' of the experience stands out, and you can go deep into that.
All that said, I look for the similarities instead of the differences. My MK stuff isn't about being a system (cuz not that.), it's about having a highly stigmatized mental illness, and somebody's relationship with their identity as a mentally ill person, which is something I can understand. Lots of my SW stuff was about...existential dread, lol. I do just know a fuckton of neurodivergent and trans and etc people. And I think we do just project - I'll interpret a character as having my experiences instead of another's, because I'm SUPER loose with characterizations lol. But yeah I'm just constantly talking to people about their experiences and if you do that enough then a bigger, more relatable experience emerges lol. Everybody knows that there's really only like five emotions.
That being said I made a joke in a recent Moon Knight fic about how baby Marc liked baby Steven at first just because he would wake up and his bed would randomly be made. And my sys friend was like "HOW did you know about chore ghost??". So. Lucky accident a lot of the time I think. Thanks for the Q though, I'm happy I succeed at this!
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emile-hides · 2 years
2 things, where is my lauxus essay and ur the most correct I've seen about mira and Elfman ever but listen its not lisannas fault she's written as an after thought I live her with my whole chest😤
I feel you I feel you trust me trust me I love Lisanna so much I just wish wish WISH she'd gotten to be a character!!! I want to see her with my eyeballs when everyone's just hanging out at the guild and she's just!!! Never there!!!
But shh shh it's okay I got it I can fix it listen listen.
What if after Edolas and the 7 year gap and such we got a Lisanna centered episode. My beloved Catholic Arc would have to take a hit for this but listen it's worth it okay hear me out.
Everyone's treating Lisanna like glass now that she's back. She can do basically nothing for herself. Mira's all over cooking and working around the guild and serving drinks so don't worry about it Lisanna just have a seat and hang out and if you need anything be sure to ask Macao or Wakaba they're not doing anything important anyway so whatever you need
She does one little stumble and now Elfman just HAS to carry her everywhere because what if she was to fall??? Get hurt??? He's also got a pillow for her to sit on because this new guild's seats just aren't comfortable and Warren better give up his seat for Lisanna or we're gonna have a bit of a problem.
The only one's I could see treating her like normal is Natsu, because he's just Like That to everyone, Lucy, and Wendy, who didn't know Lisanna before she "died"
Eventually I imagine she gets tired of all this babying; being chaperoned everywhere she goes, having every door and jar opened for her, having all her food temperature tested to make sure it's not too hot or too cold, being told to "Stay back it's not safe" when she tags on jobs with Elfman, hearing "Knock it off you could have hurt Lisanna!" when her guild mates get into fights. She's exhausted, she's irritated, she just needs some space.
So she grabs a job on the board, probably grabs Lucy and Wendy just to vent to some one, and sets off to finally do something for herself for once sense getting back home.
I can hear the exhausted complaints as they walk to her job, how sweet they're all trying to be but they're treating her like a BABY! Yeah she's the "little" sister but that doesn't mean she can't DRESS HERSELF, MIRA!! Lucy and Wendy in the background giving that look of God Damn yeah that sucks girl.
Cut back to the guild Elfman and Mira are freaking out, in their own separate ways, because where a monster hunting job use to be on the board is now a note from Lisanna telling them not to worry and that she's on it all her own!
They, and Natsu who's just upset Lucy would take a job without him, set off to follow the Girls and get them back before they can get hurt.
Only you know. They handled it just fine. They get there just as the girls are packing up to head back, reward in tow, monster's defeated. Lucy and Wendy even admit to not having to do too much, Lisanna's amazing! Natsu complains about traveling all this way and not getting to punch a single monster, then smiles and high fives Lisanna because he was "pretty much expecting that"
Elfman and Mira get a bit of a wake up; Lisanna's not helpless, she never was, she's a wizard same as them and deserves to be treated as such.
We get a family hug, happy ending, credits roll.
And then after the credits we see Mira still trying to spoon feed Lisanna and Elfman still bullying Warren out of his seat for her because some things never change they're still over protective of course.
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melonisopod · 11 months
"Yeah sorry I'm Christian I don't celebrate the Christian holiday. Eve of All Holy People is too demonic and spooky for my Christian leanings. The traditions practiced by Medieval Christians are very pagan and offensive to my God so I do not participate,"
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besweet2me · 1 year
I know a lot of people ask me, or at least wonder, wether I go to church because I actually believe in god or want to be a christian or if I am just taking the Eucharist as a sex thing, which is not a question that even I can answer. Partially because I really don’t know and partially because it’s not so easy for me to separate belief and pleasure and ritual into wholly different things. But when I hear gay or trans people talk about being religious with this intensity and devotion, I really respect it and there’s a part of me that is genuinely envious. I don’t know if I could ever be that sincere about religion, it’s hard for me to be that sincere about anything, but I honestly want that.
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lilgynt · 2 years
the dreams i’ve been having on the flu meds have been very vivid and weird but i love last nights where it was like my shitty ex is trying to take the hannibal posters in the divorce and im trying to make sure he can’t
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opheliamotague · 2 years
How to overthrow the papacy in 16 easy steps:
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ladyofpembroke · 2 years
Literally so exhausted from today and having family for thanksgiving
My one cousin’s kids are completely out of control, luckily my other cousin’s are better, although still young kids and the five of them together in my house is giving me (and my dad and sister and mom even though she won’t admit it) a huge headache. Like yes they’re family but I wish they’d respect that this is our house and there are rules and not to leave mountains of their things in every room. (Also my poor cats are terrified)
Also a day of walking a historical site with 5 kids including 4 under 7 years old is a lot.
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girl-bateman · 2 years
I forgot to apply for spring courses this semester so I think this is gods way of telling me to fufill my long dream of living a couple of months abroad to prioritise writing :)
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