#super SUPER proud of how this came out i think it looks so awesome
narsh-poptarts · 9 months
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The Hex
woodcut of my MoTW character !!!!! really happy with how this came out ^^
some struggling process under the cut
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EDIT: had to revamp this whole thing, hopefully it shows up now
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
aware of his bisexuality steve (steddie, buckingham)
“Is that a hickey?” Comes out of Steve’s mouth without permission. But there it is, bright purple and red against the slope of her neck. She’s been walking kind of funny this morning, too. He’d assumed her period came early, but… “Rob, did you—“
Eddie fumbles the coffee mug he was pulling down. Chrissy freezes, face turning white with fear. Robin whips around, face bright red, and slaps a hand over her neck. 
“Bathroom!” She yelps. “Bathroom now!”
“Wait,” Eddie says, setting the mug down with trembling hands. “It was me. Sorry, man.”
Steve stares at him, unimpressed. Why the fuck would he lie about—
He looks at Chrissy again, who takes a nervous step back, and it clicks. 
“Right,” he says, nodding quickly. “You. You gave Robin a hickey. Had totally awesome sex that she didn’t even tell me about.” He directs that last bit at Robin pointedly. He told her almost immediately when he lost his guy-ginity. Traitor. “Yep. Sure. Got it.”
Eddie blinks, confused. Robin buries her face in her hands. 
“Oh my god, calm down,” she groans. “That’s not going to work. Steve’s cool.”
“Cool?” Chrissy asks, still looking ready to bolt. 
“Super cool,” he assures her. “The coolest. So incredibly cool, even if my best friend didn’t even tell me when she lost her virginity.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he says. “But I am going to need details, Buckley. We can go over what worked, and what needs more oomph.”
“Oh my god, can we talk about this anywhere else,” Robin groans, at the same time Eddie asks, “What, so you can get off on it later?”
“What,” Steve says. 
“You think two girls are hot, is that it?” He’s got a sneer on his face now, but Steve’s more observant than Dustin gives him credit for. Even if he wasn’t, it’d be hard to miss how hard his hands are shaking, the nervous tilt to his mouth. 
“Ew.” Steve’s face screws up. “Dude, no. It’s Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you,” Robin breaks in, from where she’s started comforting Chrissy. “You thought I was hot for at least a summer.”
His mouth drops open in betrayal. “We agreed to never talk about that again!”
“Can’t help being sexy,” she coons. Chrissy giggles wetly. “You wanna get married, Harrington? Have my babies? Stay home and raise six little nuggets while I bring home the bread?”
“I hate you,” he informs her. “Hate you so much. We’ll have a nice, heterosexual wedding and share a sad, heterosexual kiss, and you’ll carry me over the threshold of our nice, heterosexual house, and we’ll have boring, heterosexual sex that gives us nice, heterosexual babies, because we are so heterosexual and happy in our suburburban house in our nice little heterosexual town.”
He’s honestly kind of proud of himself for saying heterosexual so many times. Usually he fumbles words with that many syllables, especially after that many times in a row. 
Chrissy is outright laughing, now, endearing little snorts making their way between giggles. Eddie is looking between them like they’re a puzzle he can’t piece together. Robin grins.
“I’ll cuck you with the secretary.”
“Not if I cuck you first. You’ll be away all day in that office of yours, and I need someone big and strong to carry all the new furniture I ordered.”
“I knew it! I knew Timmy wasn’t mine!”
“Oh, but I couldn’t help myself,” he swoons. “Mark was just so sweet, with his bulging biceps and hand flexes, all hot and sweaty from helping poor little me while you were away! You know I’m weak to curly hair and brown eyes, Rob, how’s a man supposed to resist?”
“Fag,” she says, not without affection. 
“Dyke,” he shoots back. 
“Okay,” Eddie breaks in, clapping his hands. He and Robin both startle, and so does Chrissy from where she’s been watching them like a particularly interesting tennis match. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Robin lost her virginity and didn’t even tell me,” Steve says immediately, like he’s tattling to the principal. 
“Steve doesn’t seem to understand the concept of waiting,” Robin retorts. 
“I told you when I had gay sex,” he whines, and Eddie chokes. “I hate you. See if I ever give you tips again.”
“Oh, is that what you meant?” Chrissy asks. “Please don’t stop. They were good tips.”
Robin flushes all the way down to her toes. 
“You like boys?” Eddie wheezes. 
“Oh,” Steve blinks. “Yeah? I thought you knew.”
“You thought I—how would I know?”
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Steve’s been flirting with him for months!
“Robin always says we can sense each other! You sensed her.”
“You told him?” Eddie’s mouth drops open, and Robin looks sheepish.
“She didn’t have to,” Steve snarks. “You’re flagging in Hawkins, man. Was I supposed to miss it?”
“You know what flagging is?”
“Again, in case you missed it, I fuck men.”
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters. “Fuck! Christ, I can’t believe this. You’re, like, the epitome of heterosexual. I spent half of high school having to hear about how much pussy you were getting. Why are you not straight?”
“Wow, Eddie,” he deadpans. “Are you saying just because I like men and woman, I’m not queer enough? That’s kind of homophobic of you, man.”
“Yeah, Eddie, wow,” Robin says. “I thought you were better than this.” 
“Fuck off,” Eddie says. “I feel like I need to lie down. My entire worldview just shattered.”
“I have a couch?” Chrissy offers shyly. “Or a bedroom, if you need a minute away.” Fuck, Steve kind of adores her. Especially since she’s apparently vicious n bed, if the five other hickies he counts just from Robin bending down a little to whisper in her ear are any indication. Good for her.  
“Don’t worry, Eddie,” Robin says, with a glint in her eye that means he’s either going to love or hate what comes next. “If it helps, Steve’s never fucked a man in his life.”
Eddie’s brow furrows, looking between the two of them. “So…you’re just making fun of me?”
He looks a little angry now, and Steve can’t make heads or tails of this conversation because, “What the hell, Rob, yes I have—“
“Oh, so suddenly you’re the one doing the fucking?”
“Stop making fun of me for taking it!”
Eddie lets out an honest to god moan that he immediately slaps his hand over his mouth to cover up. “Right,” he says fervently. “Okay. I need to lie down, like, for real.” 
They watch him stride down the hall, so fast he’s almost running, and slam the door closed behind him.
“I could totally top,” he mutters to Robin as something that sounds vaguely like muffled screaming echoes down the hall. “I top girls all the time. It’s not my fault prostates are a gift from God.”
“Uh, you top because all the girls you fuck are from small town Indiana. If one of them brought out the strap you’d drop to your knees so fast—“
“That’s—I like topping!”
“Your favorite position is cowgirl. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
“I will show Chrissy your baby pictures,” he hisses. Robin makes a face at him. Chrissy nods excitedly from where she’s still tucked under Robin’s arm. 
“Oh what’s that?” Robin practically shouts. “You like being pressed against walls and ravished? You want someone to tie you up and have their filthy way with you? Is that what you said, Steve?”
Another noise from the bedroom. He narrows his eyes at her. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” she says sweetly. “You’re both hopeless.”
“I told you he’s shy!”
“Eddie?” Chrissy asks. “Shy?”
“Yeah, okay, I was confused too, but I figured it was the romance! He told me he hasn’t actually been in a relationship before, I assumed he was nervous to take that step.”
“Yeah, but dingus,” Robin says sweetly. “You’re missing a puzzle piece here. He thought you were straight. He thought he was flirting with his straight best friend he didn’t have a chance in hell with, and then he finds out that said best friend likes taking it up the ass and men with brown eyes.”
“Oh,” Steve says, realization dawning. “Oh, fuck. What if he doesn’t like me like that?”
Robin smacks the back of his head. “Why are you stupid?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Chrissy says. “Like, really don’t have to worry about that.”
“I’m not coming over tonight,” Robin says. “I’m gonna stay with Chrissy again. Er…if that’s okay?”
“That sounds amazing.” Chrissy beams, and Robin turns red again.
“Yeah, I’m going to stay with Chrissy again tonight. You are going to invite Eddie to stay the night when he gets done with his little crisis, and then we’re getting lunch at the diner tomorrow and you can tell me about it before our shift.”
“Right,” Steve says. “Right, I can do this. I’ve invited guys over before, how hard can it be? It’s just Eddie. But that was hotel rooms, not my house and my bedroom with my shitty wallpaper. And it’s Eddie. Fuck, what if I’m shit at it? Robin, what if I’m actually bad at sex and everyone who’s ever said I was good was lying because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings? Oh my god, I’m totally bad at sex.”
“Woah, dingus, slow down. I think we took the mind meld too far, you’re turning into me.”
“If it helps, I don’t think you’re bad at sex,” Chrissy says. Steve and Robin look at her, and she flushes. “Because of the tips! Not because—I’ve never slept with you, but some of my friends did, and I got three orgasms out of last night, so…”
“Oh thank God,” he breathes. “I was worried for a minute.” Then he raises an eyebrow at Robin, and holds out his hand for a high five. She slaps it, begrudgingly proud of herself, and then takes the hand to pull him into a headlock that’s honestly more of a hug than anything. 
“You’re fine,” she whispers in his ear. “You’re great at sex, as you keep telling me. What’s more, you’re funny, charming, handsome, brave, caring—“
“Aww, Robin, are you getting sappy on me?”
“Plus Eddie literally moaned in front of you when he found out you bottomed. I really don’t think there’s a way to fuck that up.”
Steve grins. “He did do that. I’m going to make so much fun of him later.”
“So,” Eddie says with a smirk, “men with brown eyes?”
“Hey man, don’t look at me. Blame Jonathan.”
Now Eddie looks stunned, mouth dropping open. “Byers?” He says, sounding betrayed. “You have a crush on Byers of all people?”
Steve feels offended on Jonathan’s behalf. “What’s that supposed to mean? Jonathan’s a good guy!”
“I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess? He’s sweet, passionate, good with kids, nice eyes. Can pack a punch. I mean, what’s not to like?”
“Uh, didn’t he steal your girlfriend?”
He waves that off. “That was, like, years ago, man. We’re cool now.”
“Right, okay,” Eddie mutters. “Well have fun with Byers, I guess.”
It clicks. “Oh,” he says. “Oooh. You’re jealous.”
Eddie splutters. “Jealous? I’m not—I don’t—you’re jealous!”
“Oh, am I?”
“Yes,” Eddie says resolutely, not looking at him. 
“Right,” Steve agrees. “Well, if I am jealous, maybe I should know that I got over Jonathan years ago, and have since moved on to brighter, hopefully more attainable pastures than my ex’s ex.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“A different man with brown eyes?” He suggests. “Who is also good with kids, and passionate, and…” he trails off, suddenly realizing all those times Robin made fun of him might not be based on nothing. “Oh my god, I have a type. Shit, I have to tell Robin she was right.”
“I figured that was a common occurrence.”
“Shut up. Where was I going with this? I had a point.”
“You were telling me how awesome I am?”
“Oh, suddenly it’s you we’re talking about?”
“I mean,” suddenly Eddie looks shy, and Steve can’t help but think even with the change in context he might have been right when he told Robin Eddie was nervous about being in a real, romantic relationship, “isn’t it?”
He feels himself smile, slow and wide and probably more revealing than he means it to be. “Yeah,” he says, in a tone he knows Robin would call soppy, “it is.”
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Percy Jackson X Aphrodite!fem!reader? Maybe some cute scenario like.. skincare nights, shopping together, reader doing skincare/makeup on Percy? I’m not sure.. whatever you think is best!!💞🐥
Well yes! Thanks for the request, anon. 🩵
Night In with Percy
Percy Jackson x Daughter of Aphrodite! Reader
When Camp season was off, you always went back home to your Dad. Your house was awesome, and it usually was pretty safe from monsters. You lived in upstate New York so it was pretty rural and quiet. A perfect place for a Demigod.
Percy was able to spend the night one night, and you were super excited. You planned everything out. You ordered pizza, had lots of movies and games set up, and you were ready to show Percy some things that were routine to children of Aphrodite.
You heard a knock on your door. You fixed your hair and patted down your shirt, and opened the door to see Percy’s handsome face. His arms instantly wrapped around your waste and he kissed your cheek as you hugged. “I’m so happy you’re here!” You gushed, moving back to look into his eyes. “Me, too. I’ve never had a sleepover before. And it’s with my girlfriend? I keep winning.” Percy said as he walked in, wiping his shoes on the carpet.
“Hey, Percy. Y/n has told me a lot about you. It’s great to finally see you!” Your dad said from the kitchen as he poured soda into some cups and set our plates. The pizza got to your house about five minutes before Percy came. “It’s good to meet you, Mr. L/n” Percy said, sort of nervous. You side-eyed him and laughed, and took his bag from him. Dropping it on a chair, you led Percy over to the pizza. It looked so good, and you and Percy got super full.
After pizza, you wanted to watch a movie. So, you let Percy pick the movie since it was his first spend the night party, and you two cuddled on the couch. He laid his head on your lap, and you played with his curls as you watched, Percy loving the feeling of his hands on you. You looked down at his face and thought of how lucky you were. He felt the same way about you, too.
Once the movie had finished it was about 8 pm, so you thought it would be the perfect time to spring a fun idea on Percy. “So, you know how my mom is Aphrodite and we are all about beauty and that includes makeup…” You started, pacing around your room. Percy looked at you and smiled. “Y/n, what are you fixing to get me into?” He laughed. You showed him your makeup collection, and he gasped. “Makeovers?” Percy asked, eyebrows furrowed. “Please, please! I need to practice.” You pouted, looking at Percy. He couldn’t say no to you, you having the power of persuasion and all. “Okay, okay. But make it a blue theme.” Percy said as he sat.
Percy didn’t like the feeling of the wet beauty blender, nor the feeling of the tweezers, and he couldn’t stay still for the eyeliner. But besides that, he actually looked really good. “Are you sure you don’t want this as a normal look? You look fabulous.” You said in all honesty. You gave him a blue eye look, a nice cut crease, and dark red lips to top it off. Percy kept looking at his face in the mirror and cocking his eyebrow. You rolled your eyes and snapped a few selfies, and Percy kept admiring himself.
“Now, we have to wash the makeup off.” You said, and Percy frowned. “But it looks really good, Y/n.” Percy argued jokingly. You laughed and led him to the bathroom. “I’m gonna show you my skincare routine.” You said, all your products lined up. “First, I’ll give you some cleansing balm…” you said, and began rubbing it all over his face. Percy scrunched his face and made a ‘pluey’ sound, and you let him look at all the makeup smeared on his face. You guys couldn’t stop laughing. He rinsed it off, then you let him use your cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. His skin was practically glowing. “I look freaking awesome.” Percy said, touching his face. You looked like a proud mom. “I knew you’d like it.” You boasted.
Once you guys had showered and changed into your pajamas, you climbed into bed together. “This is our first time being in the same bed.” Percy said, kind of awkwardly. He smiled at you. “If you kick me, it’s over, Jackson.” You joked. He frowned and looked very offended. “I wouldn’t do such a thing! And if you snore, it’s over, L/n.” Percy shot back, trying to hide his smile. You both shoved each other lightly and laughed.
You yawned, a sudden wave of tiredness washing over you. “Y/n….” Percy started quietly. “Yeah, Perce?” You asked. “I really had fun tonight. I never really got to experience this stuff as a kid, the sleepovers and all that stuff. I’m glad you’re showing me what normal looks like.” Percy said, looking serious. Your insides felt warm, and you smiled. “Of course. We have to do this more. Thank you for showing me what an amazing boyfriend looks like.” You said back, kissing him.
Percy kissed back with a sweetness, his thumb stroking your cheek as he held your face. You could feel him smiling into the kiss, and that drove you crazy. After a while, you broke apart. You settled into his chest, your leg thrown over his side. He held you in his arms, and you both shut your eyes, sleep carrying you away into bliss.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SSR Epel Felmier - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned:  I'm gonna be a supporter for the museum, huh. I'm a little worried whether I can really do it, but... I'ma do mah best!
Summon Line: Art seems pretty difficult to actually do, but... A museum would kinda be fun to look around, I guess? Hope we can enjoy ourselves here today.
Groooovy!!: Almost anyone would want to take a big bite out of a shiny, red apple if they're given one, don'tcha think?
Home: A 100th anniversary, awesome!
Home Idle 1: Apparently the Thorn Fairy covered a whole castle with briars in an instant. I wonder what kind of magic she used... Something to make them grow faster?
Home Idle 2: People who can draw are amazing. I have trouble trying to picture what I want to draw, let alone actual talent.
Home Idle 3: The way Riddle-san was lecturing on the Queen of Hearts was just like how a professor would. Man... I need to study much harder like him...
Home Idle - Login: I ain't know nothin' 'bout paintin', but they's got some hangin' up I's seen b'fore. Oops, uh... This is such a fun museum, wouldn't you say?
Home Idle - Groovy: There's this cafe that Cater-san recommended to me. But it looks way too flashy... Don't think I can bring myself to go alone...
Home Tap 1: Did you buy any souvenirs? I chose a memo stand that looks like the poison apple the Fairest Queen made.
Home Tap 2: The King of Beasts looks so proud and hella cool in every painting they got of him here. One day, I'll be just someone just as amazing...!
Home Tap 3: Looks like Idia-san's really into the Lord of the Underworld. I saw him taking in a painting all serious-like with his arms folded and everything.
Home Tap 4: Jade-san was super engrossed reading the description of the painting showing the potion that the Fairest Queen concocted. He really looked like he was enjoying himself.
Home Tap 5: Huh, am I wearing this outfit wrong!? Oh, you just came over to tell me it looked good on me... Whew, you scared me. Thanks...
Home Tap - Groovy: Was there any specific painting you liked? That one, huh... If I get the chance, I'll go take a closer look at it!
Duo: [EPEL]: Time fer us ta git down 'n do it to it, Cater-san! [CATER]: E-Epel-chan, what did you just say?
Birthday Login Message: Thanks for the birthday present! Oh yeah, let me give you something in return. How about some skin cream? I got some from of my dormmates, but there's no way I can use up all of it... They're all nicely packed in a cardboard box, so I'll swing by Ramshackle later to drop them off. Don't worry about me, just take 'em all!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - carving pumpkins with ryan
pov: it's almost halloween and ryan bought two pumpkins for you and him to carve together and do the best looking pumpkins ever :)
warnings: some swears here and there
type: fluff
member: ryan nguyen (azngami)
taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Bold can't be tagged.
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so.. ryan was bored on a sunday afternoon
he was scrolling through his phone to cure his boredoom and saw an instagram post saying "buy pumpkins for halloween" (sorry i didn't had much inspiration for the add caption 💀😭)
ryan smiled and decided to go to the closest supermarket and brought two medium pumpkins for you and him
(More under the cut!)
he's just really creative
while you were doing your own things, ryan came into your room and smiled proudly of his projects that he wanted to do with you
"want to carve pumpkins with me?"
ofc, you said yes <3
and it immediately made him super happy
nguyen would have decorated the apartment with halloween decorations (i know ryan do not own an appartment since he's moving houses to houses with the boys, but let's say he have one with you lol) and spooky stuff around the differents room
i know ryan is a SIMP for christmas, but i also know he kinda like halloween (but not like he do for xmas haha)
he would have put tablecloths or paper journals that you guys don't really use or read on your table to avoid a mess
this man brought even the little knife to do it perfectly
like.. this boy wanted to do this activity with you so bad
"i bet my pumpkins can be cuter than yours"
"lol, you wish"
"ooh y/n have some talk back? mmh i love it"
he smiled while saying that
"if you really think your chances to do an aesthetic and beautiful pumpkins are much higher than mine, then let's do a contest on our ig stories so the stars can vote. the loser have to do the dishes for the rest of the week and have to buy the other, snacks and drinks they want"
ryan love so much the stars
so you would agree to that challenge
and ofc, it would make him super happy
"alright, bet. we have 30 minutes to take all the inside out and we'll have 45 minutes to carve it. i'll put the timer"
"that's a serious challenge.."
"well yeah! if i have to carve pumpkins against my girlfriend, i better take it seriously. i would love to see you doing all the dishes and making me food" he said while laughing
he would definitively (try to) put pumpkin flesh on your face and on your nose
"sorry, it was too tempting"
he would laugh so much and take a lot of pictures
he love taking pictures with you
he love being loved by you <3
he would try his best to make you loose
"oh shit, yours is looking pretty sick.. mind if i add my little spice to it?"
"mind your little spice for later, i don't want to lose!"
"it'll make you win! you know how creative i am, right?"
he would def carve something he found on pinterest or in google
' easy and funky carving pumpkins ideas '
" damn, these aren't easy! fuck that shit "
" i thought you were creative.."
"hey you, you know what, shut up, y/n!! mind your pumpkin!" he would say obvs laughing to make you know he's kidding
after that curving, he would be super proud of his pumpkin, but then... he would look at yours and be a bit jealous (just a little bit)
"woah.. y/n, you're really talented! it look fucking good and sick!! i love it!"
he tried his best
like literally
he wanted to win so so bad, but he know how great as an artist you are.. like, you could do whatever you want and it would still look sick and awesome
though, he would still be proud of his, he knew he wouldn't be able to win with your masterpiece
he would post a picture of both of your pumpkin and would add an instagram sticker with the choices (a poll lol) and would pray to win
he love seeing you winning because he can see you smile and can see how excited you are, but he still love winning times to times
after 30 minutes, he would check the results and see how he lost-
listen, he always thought you were a born artist, but he didn't know that his pumpkin was THAT bad looking?
ryan's pumpkin would probably look sick and super good, but you know.. the stars have choosen >:)
he was a bit sad, but at the same time, not really, because your smile when he told you, you won, was so worth it like?? his heart was filled with joy and happiness and excitment? ARGH THIS BOY LOVE YOUR SMILE SO MUCH
"i told you baby that i'll win"
he smirked
"yeah, yeah.. i guess, you're the real artist between us"
"don't say that, ry'! maybe you weren't born an artist but you're still good at dancing, at singing, at videos games.. ok, maybe not at smash, but still.."
"thank you baby.. HEY DID YOU SAY I WAS BAD AT SMASH?!"
"maybe, i did"
"alright, bet, you'll regret that, i'll beat your ass like i do every time when we play. you're going to be beat very easily"
then it turned into a videos games contest and let's say that even if you were trying your hardest, you lost.. sorry, not sorry
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racheyace · 11 months
A Luke the size shifter G/t short story, a cute little fluff story featuring Luke just being himself at home around his family, plus we get a first look at his super adorable little sister Ivy! Thanks for the awesome suggestion @8-bitlurking, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Approx. 2.8k words
Luke walked slowly down the long gravel drive toward his home, it had been a long day at school, and he was ready to flop on his bed and play some video games.
Luke’s Father, David, meanwhile, was shovelling hay in the field behind his family’s home, he looked up from his work for a moment, wiping sweat from his brow when he saw his son Luke meandering down the drive, he gave him a wave and a tired smile.
“Hey Luke! Wanna help your old man out?”
It had taken some great adjusting for their family since Luke’s unique abilities showed up when he was six years old, almost ten years ago now.
David was immensely proud of his son and the man he was growing up to be, any other teenager might use their abilities for petty or even malicious reasons, but Luke remained humble and never used his power to intentionally hurt anyone, in fact he tried not to use them on purpose at all.
When Luke was at home however, he was free to be himself, his family never made him feel like a freak in fact on days like today, his gifts came in handy when helping out with chores.
“Sure Dad, what’d ya need?” Luke dumped his bag beside the wooden fence post and ducked under it, stepping into the field beside his father. Since hitting puberty Luke had proven to be a tall lad, at his normal height anyway he stood a few inches taller than his father, an impressive six foot five.
“This is taking me hours to shovel, do you reckon you could help me lift it all over to the stables?”
Luke nodded and eyed the large pile of hay that had been stored in the shed, his father had been shovelling small amounts into a wheelbarrow and wheeling it over to the stable across the field, only being able to move small amounts at a time.
Their truck was having issues and currently at the mechanic, so this task which was usually a simple one had become much more difficult.
Luke stepped backwards a couple of feet until he was a safe distance away from his father before closing his eyes and focussing.
Concentrating on the tight pulse in his skin, he urged himself to grow into his giant height, a staggering sixty-five feet, that should make things a little easier. Opening his eyes again, he looked down at his father who was smiling up at him. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to seeing things from such a vastly different perspective, but at least at home he didn’t have to worry about scaring anyone or keeping his gifts a secret.
David felt the ground quake beneath him from the dropping weight of his massive son as he kneeled down before him, and watched in amazement as Luke nudged the whole pile he had been working on into the palm of one hand. He’d seen him things like this before, but it was equally impressive every time.
Once the pile was loaded into his hand, Luke then offered his other hand to his father palm up and flat on the ground, asking permission to pick him up. Luke knew his father could easily follow him over to the stables on his own but even being used to being this size around his family, he still felt uneasy having them around his feet when one foot was easily bigger than their family care.
He would never risk the safety of those he cared about most, no matter how comfortable he felt around them.
“Thanks son.” David said, jumping onto the teenager’s hand with no hesitation at all before promptly sitting down, he was fully aware of the natural sway and motion of a giant hand, he didn’t want to have to keep fighting for his balance.
With all aboard, Luke slowly stood up and walked what was to him only a few steps over to the stables, the horses whinnied from within, undoubtedly feeling his arrival through the floorboards.
“How was school?” David asked casually sitting cross legged and looking skyward at his son’s magnified face from the palm of his hand.
Luke shrugged slowly, trying his best not to jostle his father around too much from the casual movement.
“It was fine, Matt was away, I think he’s got the flu or something.”
Luke lowered his hand to the ground, letting his father step off first before dumping the hay at the entryway of the stables. David nodded walking over to the hay pile to start moving it into the individual stalls with a rusty pitchfork.
“You should invite him over for dinner, your mother’s making a vegetable soup as we speak, it would be good for him as well, lord knows that boy doesn’t get anything green to eat at home.”
Luke sat down in front of the stable, idly pinching small amounts of the dried grass between his thumb and finger, thinking over his father’s words.
“Yeah, I guess I could.” Luke loved his friend, but he wasn’t sure he could deal with Matt’s high energy today; however, maybe sick Matt would be more subdued, he would think it over.
“He knows, doesn’t he?” David said casually, he continued to move the hay into different stalls not looking up at his son who still hadn’t shrunk back down yet.
“What?” Luke dropped the grass he had been playing idly with and his eyes shot up to stare into his fathers broad back.
“Matt knows about your abilities.” David reiterated, he dusted off his hands and crossed them over his wide chest before meeting his son’s large pale blue eyes.
“Wha- No, why do you think-?” Luke floundered for a good lie but let’s face it, he wasn’t very good at lying, he was honestly surprised with himself for keeping it from his family for a few weeks already.
“Matt hasn’t been round here in a few weeks; you’ve been acting funny when we bring him up, and Ivy read your journal.” He listed each on his fingers while Luke had dropped his mouth open in shock.
“So, it was either Matt knew about your secret, or you’re in love with him.” David smirked at the shocked expression on Luke’s face and shrugged like it was no big deal.
“Now shrink down already, I told you I needed your help and your big ass hands wont fit in the stables.” David gathered another fork of hay as Luke shrunk behind him.
“Ivy read my journal!?” Luke shouted once he was back at his regular size, still processing the revelation his father had dumped on him, his little sister had been snooping in his room, she had read about his most private thoughts and then blabbed them all to his parents!
Luke’s face was so red with embarrassment he thought he might be able to fry eggs on his cheeks.
“Yeah, sorry bud, she said she found it, and it was full of sappy stuff about Matt and how you wanted to tell him about your secret. Your mother and I have already spoken to her about the privacy issue, so it’s been dealt with.” David had finished spreading the hay in one of the stables when he turned around to find Luke right there in his face, cheeks red with embarrassment and disbelief.
“Dad!” Luke groaned in frustration; he couldn’t believe his ears.
“So, you did tell him then?” David continued unphased, grabbing a brush to start brushing down Mayfair’s golden coat, their blue ribboned, prized horse three years running.
Luke ran a hand through his short curly brown hair, threatening to pull it all out in annoyance. Luke closed his eyes taking a deep breath, he would deal with Ivy later, grabbing a handful of oats to feed to Mayfair he nodded his head in answer to his father’s question.
“Yes, Matt knows, but I didn’t tell him, he kinda found out…” His words faded into a mumble; he knew that his parents wouldn’t be too upset about Matt knowing his secret, but more so in the way he had found out.
“And how exactly did he find out Luke?” David’s voice was stern, and he knew he wouldn’t like what he was about to hear.
“After that big test, I kinda… grew. I made it to the forest though, no one saw me I swear, but um, Matt kinda followed me, so… Yeah.”
His father sighed and Luke waited with bated breath for the lecture to come.
“You don’t need me to tell you how dangerous that could have been, you and I both know how badly that could have gone.” David sighed again, closing his eyes to think. Over all the years Luke had gained a fair amount of control over his ability but he still wasn’t in complete control, his emotions always seemed to get the better of him.
“Maybe we need to do some more practice this weekend yeah? You need to stay in control of this Luke, it’s too dangerous for yourself and others if you continue to shift uncontrollably.”
Luke nodded in quiet agreement, their practice usually consisted of shifting all day until complete exhaustion and practicing calming techniques.
“I’m sorry Dad, I am trying.” Luke hung his head, absently petting Mayfair’s snout.
David pulled his son into a hug. “I know bud, it’s okay.” After pulling away from their embrace they both headed for the house, walking through the field in mostly silence until David spoke up again.
“So has Matt been, okay? Ya know, since finding out?”
Luke smiled widely then, thinking back over his friend’s dramatic reaction and constant wild chatter about being a superhero.
“Yeah, he’s cool with it.” Luke answered casually and thought to himself that Matt was more than cool with it.
“And you’re not in love with him?” He was actually going to kill Ivy.
“No Dad, I’m not in love with Matt.” Luke face palmed as they approached the back door, kicking off their boots before entering the house.
“Hey, just checking, your mum and I will love you and support you no matter what, we are very modern.” He said with his hands up in defence.
Luke groaned and rolled his eyes, why were parents so embarrassing.
“Damnit.” Luke heard his mother curse from the kitchen, he and his father eyed each other before heading into the kitchen to see his Mother peering through the gap between the kitchen bench and the oven. Her hand was reaching for something in the gap, her arm only going as far as her forearm before getting stuck.
“What have you lost honey?” David was at her side immediately helping her gently pull her hand back out again.
“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s my ring, I took it off to do the dishes and I must have bumped it, it fell down there.” Karly looked so guilty and so upset, David rubbed her back soothingly telling her it was okay, they’d just pull the oven out to get behind it, no problems. Luke had a simpler idea.
“It’s okay Mum, I’ve got this.” His parents turned to him to find that he was already shrinking and heading right toward the gap like it was no big deal.
Carefully stepping around his father’s socked feet he approached the space between the bench and the oven, it was a thin gap and even being so small he had to turn on his side and sidestep through. Quickly he realized just how often this space got cleaned which was definitely never, his clothes quickly were coated in oven grease and dust, but he persevered.
As he approached the wall, he could see a gold ring with small sapphires dotting the surface in an intricate pattern. He picked up the admittedly heavy chunk of metal and pulled it over his head until it sunk down to his shoulders like an extremely thick and awkward necklace before making his way back towards the light of the kitchen.
Finally stepping out from the gap, he pulled the ring over his head once more and held it up in triumph.
“Got it!” He shouted with a wide grin across his freckled features.
His mother knelt down in front of him with a soft smile, she laid out her hand for him to step onto, instead Luke approached her ring finger and pushed the ring until it fit snugly where it should have been all along, only then he stepped lightly onto her palm to be lifted up to her face.
“Luke you are precious, thank you.” She held him to her cheek in an appreciative hug before letting him off on the kitchen bench, where he proceeded to grow back to his normal height, legs swinging off the side of the cool white surface.
“No problem at all, though I might recommend cleaning back there, it’s gross.” He indicated to his grotty clothes; his mother scrunched up her nose taking in his appearance.
“Go take a shower and get changed, dinner will be ready in an hour.” She agreed.
Luke nodded and headed for the front door right as it opened to reveal a dishevelled looking twelve-year-old girl, her brown hair was coming loose out of her two long plaits, her face was covered in dirt and her knees exposed to reveal bruises. This wasn’t out of the ordinary for young Ivy though, she was a risk taker and if she didn’t come home from school dirty then she didn’t have an awesome day.
“Hey Ivy.” Luke said calmly, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall to peer down at her.
“Luke!” She shouted in excitement, a wide smile revealing two missing front teeth, she made to hug him, but he held a hand up to stop her, his expression serious.
“Got something you wanna tell me?” He asked carefully, the colour drained from her face, and she gulped audibly.
“Oh shoot!” She cursed before diving between her brothers’ legs and bolting down the hall to her bedroom.
Luke was hot on her tail, as quick as she could she slammed her bedroom door behind her and sat in front of it as he pushed on the door to be let in. The banging on the door went silent and Ivy let out a deep breath of relief, he must have given up already.
“Can’t get rid of me that easy.” Came a voice from beside her, she shrieked upon seeing Luke’s six-and-a-half-inch form beside her, he must have shrunk to get under the door, she stood quickly and jumped onto her bed, hiding under the covers.
Luke meanwhile grew once more back to his standard height and approached the bed sitting down beside the lump under the covers.
“Come on Ivy, I know you read my journal, I’m not mad, I just want a hug.”
Slowly she peeked out from under the covers to see a soft expression on her brother’s face coaxing her out gently, she relented and pushed back the covers. Quick as a flash Luke wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his lap and holding her tightly, she hadn’t noticed before how dirty he was, but Luke hadn’t forgotten.
Upon inhaling the scent coming from him she gagged and writhed to be let go but his arms held firm.
“Uh ah, no you don’t.” He chided.
“God Luke, you smell like a toilet, get off of me! What is this stuff!?” She screeched, the guck had smeared onto her clothes, through her hair and on her face, she wanted to be sick.
“Nope! This is what you get for snooping through my things!” He held her more tightly and smeared more of the guck into her clothes.
“Ahhhhh.” She screamed for help, but none came, only an overbearing brother who smelt like a skunk and unfortunately proved to be a lot stronger than she was.
“Okay, okay! I promise I won’t go through your stuff again! Get off of me, I’m gonna be sick!” She cried.
The pressure around her eased and Luke let her go, she flopped back on her bed panting and gagging dramatically, glaring daggers at her brother who only smirked mischievously at her.
“Pinky promise?” He held out his pinkie finger to her, it was also covered in guck, and she gulped before grasping the greasy finger with her own, quickly making a pinkie promise before snatching her finger back like it had been burnt. “So gross!”
Luke laughed, ruffling his little sister’s knotty hair before leaving the room and heading for his own little granny flat beside their family home to take a shower and change his clothes, he really did smell like a toilet.
He sighed in contentment as he entered his own space, his little sister irritated him, and his parents were becoming more and more embarrassing, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world, he felt like he could really be himself at home.
There was no one to hide from, no one to judge him or treat him like a circus freak, he could just simply be Luke, size shifter and all.
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baileys-3 · 9 months
So, 5 days of alternating shifts begin this chapter. Let's see how our two deal with it.
Then thanks again to Cookies for beta reading. You are awesome. Because she always has a proofread and not only reads over it quickly, but also makes sure that everything is always true to character. Invaluable.
Then the current status: I started chapter 28 yesterday and am in the middle of it. Somehow everything always turns out to be longer and more detailed than expected. I'm currently at 146,000 words.
Sneak Peak:
Tim's alarm clock rings and, as always, he is immediately wide awake. In his childhood, oversleeping was never an option, and as a soldier, he learned to react to every sound, even in his sleep. Every morning, he goes for an early run, following the same mechanical routine, with only breakfast occasionally varying. On this particular day, Kojo is not there, which means that he finishes earlier than usual.
He sends his sister another quick text to check whether dinner at hers is still on for tonight.
As he checks his phone, he notices some new messages in the group chat with his work friends. He realizes that one of the group admins, Angela, has renamed the group to "Mid-Wilshire Legends". After reading the messages more carefully, he learns that the group is discussing Nolan's birthday present, which happens to be a voucher for a paintball match. Nyla came up with the idea as Nolan's failure in the shooting arena, where he was distracted by a man in a diving suit, still gets teased. Everyone in the group plans to take part in the paintball match and then go to a restaurant together. Probably the only highlight for Nolan, because Tim won’t give him five minutes at the paintball arena. He will shoot him down personally.
The conversation is now all about finding a date when everyone has time. Which is not so easy, with a big group they have. He makes it easy for himself and basically takes Lucy's free dates and simply cross-checks his own calendar before posting the same list. That's that sorted.
Then he writes a quick message to Lucy.
Tim: If I'm on the team with Nolan, I'm out. Don't forget to nap before your shift. Otherwise, I'll have to order T-shirts again.
He looks at his watch and decides there's no point in hanging around at home any longer. He'd rather be at work earlier. Before he leaves the house, he takes another look at his combined dining and living room. He sees the cactus on his dining room table. He is now the proud owner of a plant. Lucy will water it. Or it will die. It's not his problem. He didn't even want it in the first place. He shakes his head and smiles. It's just like Lucy to do something like this. And it's just like him to be unable to say no to her. Comparing him to a cactus ... he has no words.
The day gets super stressful. He receives countless messages requesting him as a supervisor. So many that he can no longer fulfill them all and needs to prioritize. What on earth is going on in this city today?
The most inquiring case was the discovery of drugs during a traffic stop hid den in a bag that contained ready-made chicken. The man who was caught with it was so co-operative – or in other words, scared – that he gave up the dealer right away namely the seller from the roast chicken stall, who was captured quickly after that. Who not only offered his customers chicken, but also drugs. Wrigley was hailed as the hero of the day for conducting a traffic stop. Upon noticing a broken taillight on the car, he immediately became suspicious when he realized that the car did not carry the aroma of roast chicken, which it should have since the bag was on the passenger seat. This led to further investigation and Wrigley's quick thinking eventually uncovered something important. Good job.
Time flies as he rushes from one call to another. He writes a few messages to Lucy during his lunch break, like how the coffee in the break room tastes increasingly strange and that she should bring one from home. But then he is on the road again on his way to another call. At least he's back at the station before Lucy's shift starts. He is sitting at one of the desks reading Wrigley's report. It’s clear to him that Wrigley rarely writes reports like this. Reports about drug possession and intent to sell, so he needs to read the report carefully and can't just skim it through. He needs to make sure, that everything is documented correctly, and the prosecutors can’t refer to any procedural error later.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees someone place something on his desk. It's a coffee mug with the logo of one of his favorite coffee shops. He likes the place because they serve good black coffee. He can't exactly judge the rest because he's never really cared for any other offers there. He only drinks black coffee there. He is a simple man with simple needs, sue him. He looks up and sees Lucy standing next to his desk, already in uniform. Her smile warms his heart. And even more when he thinks about the fact that she took a detour just because of him, as the coffee shop in question is not on the direct route from her apartment complex to the station.
"Hey. How was your day?"
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lollytea · 2 years
I don't know if anyone has said this before, or who came up with the idea but Hunter would absolutely be the kind of person to doodle himself and willow as wolves and in love whilst kicking his feet and giggling (as soon as someone else walks in though he would be throwing the entire book out the window)
It's so funny because Hunter has a tendency to talk to himself. He's very loud. But I think he'd be drawing his little wolfsonas and getting so giddy and overwhelmed by the thought of it that he is rendered incapable of even articulating what he's feeling but he still has to make some noise.
He's so embarrassed that he's doing this and also he's so PUMPED by how much fun he's having and he's jittery with how smitten he is with his little self indulgent wolf au and he's getting a thrill from it because there's nobody around to stop him and nobody will ever know. He is cringe but he is free. So he's overstimulated, he's kicking, he's giggling, he's squealing a little, he's trying to make words but all that's coming out like "WHAT IF-!!" *scribbles a green streak in wolf!Willow's fur* "SO COOL!! IT'S--JUST GOTTA--AAA!!! TEETH!!!" *makes wolf!Hunter's teeth sharper* "YES!! YESSS!!!!!"
Like he's trying to be low-key about it cuz this is supposed to be a secret but the whole fucking house can hear him. They're politely ignoring the racket he's causing.
He's like a little mad scientist bringing his creation to life. Except his creation happens to be his drawings of him and the girl he likes as wolves nuzzling together.
That's the kicker here that's making him go fucking bonkers. Hunter draws wolves all the time and he shoves them in the face of everybody who will look but drawing himself and Willow being affectionate wolves is a HUGELY personal thing. Hunter's equivalent of pouring his heart out in a love letter or whatever.
And God if Willow happened to catch him in the act and he's got nowhere to throw it, he might be inclined to eat the fucking sketchbook. He was SO in the zone and SO gushy that Willow sneaking up on him spooked out a full blown scream of terror. His whole face is set fucking ablaze. All he can really do with the sketchbook is drop it, fucking lunge after it and clumsily scrabble to make a grab for it before it hits the floor and clutch the stupid thing close against his chest like it's his first born, still heaving as he recovers from his fright.
Willow hadn't meant to scare him, she just wanted to see what he was doing. He was usually excited to show her his little drawings. He'd also blush really bad when she complimented them, which was super cute, so Willow usually sought out stuff to praise him for. Wasn't hard. He WAS the coolest dude ever.
Willow can absolutely tell he's embarrassed and she assumes it's because he doesn't think his latest drawing is very good. He often points out when he messes up proportions or other errors, so it's not unlike him to be shy about showing others art he's not proud of.
"Can I see your drawing?" She asks with a soft smile. She has no intention of pushing it if he says no, but she's always curious to see the stuff he makes.
But a detail Willow hasn't entirely grasped yet (she gets the basics) is that the softer her voice gets, the harder it is for Hunter to tell her no. He can clearly tell she's not pressuring him into anything. He can tell she's giving him plenty of an option to keep this to himself. She's always just SO nice to him and ugghhhh!!!!
Completely mute, eyed locked on the floor, ears scalding, Hunter ends up handing her the sketchbook.
And Willow goes completely fucking batshit insane.
"Is this us??" She demands, pumped as hell. "Is this us as beasts??? That's so fucking cool!!! Look at sharp your teeth are, look how awesome my hair looks!!!" She catches him by the face and squeezes his cheeks "You are SO talented!!!"
Willow praises him RELENTLESSLY and Hunter's just there like
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He really does gobble her attention up. He really does. Gets him all floaty and smiley for hours afterwards. Nerd.
Anyway Willow is obviously aware he has a bit of a thing for her but she doesn't know a lot about wolves. So the specifics of their little affectionate touches in the doodles completely fly over her head.
"Are our wolf selves friends?" She asks "Is that why we're hugging like that?"
Hunter's ears light up like poppies and, knowing full well that he added those gestures of affection with the idea in mind that their wolfsonas were mated for life, decides to choke out "Um. Yeah. We're friends."
Its not technically a lie. They're just very good friends.
Anyway Hunter nearly fucking faints later that day when Willow tucks her head in the crook of his neck, nuzzles into it then smiles up at him and says "It's just like we're wolves :D 💕"
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frikatilhi · 1 year
it’s sadly nothing too specific, but maybe it can still be a source of inspiration. I’ve been thinking a lot about Jere in that luchadora mask and Bojan training with that MMA champion. I’m sure they’d /enjoy/ play fighting (or maybe training together) a lot a lot…
Oh my god. Okay, confession time: Bojan’s instastories about training with that MMA champ did numbers on me, and I accidentally wrote a Bojan/omc pwp that I’m now just sitting with and wondering if it fits in another story or not or if it’s just doomed.
Anyway, here’s an answer to your prompt! Jere and Bojan sparring. I know nothing of sports, if you can't tell. 😂
Jere wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. But Bojan had asked so enthusiastically (“There’s even a Finnish sauna there! We can go afterwards and you can make fun of how wrong it is!”). Usually Jere was always up to trying anything new, and he had been working out a lot himself lately, if mostly only with weights, so he thought why not? Martial arts? Could be fun?
Now, looking around at the gym, he was having serious second thoughts. He wasn’t insecure about his looks, and he couldn’t care less what these dudes - ripped, sculptural, giant dudes - thought of him and his short legs and soft belly. But something about this place got to him, a little. Maybe it was the way some of these guys were looking at him, like they were sizing him up. Or maybe it was the way Bojan was fist-bumping everyone, laughing, excited, clearly in his element. 
Because Bojan wasn’t always like that. Jere had seen him at some of his low moments, and watching this Bojan, so giddy and carefree, felt awesome and bittersweet at the same time. He wanted to think he had something to do with it - he’d been like this at least since Finland, Jere thinks - but on the other hand, there could be a million reasons. Anything and everything could be behind Bojan’s new mood - making new music, touring, big stadium concert, meeting new people, maybe finding a new sport? Which, admittedly, to Jere seemed less like a sport and more like a form of foreplay, but hey, if Bojan liked it, who was he to judge?
Then again, maybe that’s exactly why Bojan liked it, and the thought sent an unpleasant jolt through him. He couldn’t deny that the sight of Bojan rolling around with some… thigh-master of a human, it woke something in him, something he maybe wasn’t super proud of.
“You ready?” asked Bojan, jogging towards him.
“Sure.” Jere followed him to the mat.
“Have you done martial arts before? Boxing or kickboxing?” asked Bojan.
Jere jumped on his feet a little to warm up. “Only cardio, with bag.”
“Ok good, so you know some basic techniques?” Bojan was also bouncing, moving his weight from one side to another.
“Sure, some, yeah.”
Bojan beamed. “Ok, so let’s do this!”
They started with simple one-for-one exchanges. Staying within punching range, taking turns. Slips, fakes, returns off of a block. They kept it light and easy, laughing as they went. Bojan showed him a few sequences that they then repeated until the movements were smooth. Jere found that he was enjoying himself, despite not being in his comfort zone. His hockey days might be far behind him, but the quick movements and core control required to stay in control seemed to come natural to him. 
After a while they moved into takedowns. Bojan had been working hard on learning them, so he was enthusiastic about showing off his skills. This required more contact, and soon Jere found himself pinned down, locked in between Bojan’s legs. Relaxing himself, admitting defeat, he started to get up, but Bojan pushed back, his thighs keeping Jere in place. 
“Say it,” Bojan said, laughing.
Jere huffed out a laugh, as well. “You want me to say it?”
“Yes, I think I do.” Bojan squeezed his legs a little harder. The sensation was… not bad, and it took Jere by surprise. He wanted to laugh it off, make a joke, but suddenly couldn’t think of anything to say. Nothing light-hearted enough came to mind, instead, his breath caught in his throat and he felt–
Shit. Shit shit shit.
“Okay, you win,” he breathed out quickly. Bojan stopped laughing. He let him go and stood up. He reached to pull Jere up, and Jere took his hand.
“You okay?” asked Bojan, looking at him closely.
“Yes yes, of course,” Jere said, trying to laugh it off. “Again?”
Bojan smiled. “Your turn to try!”
Maybe it was time he talked to Bojan, Jere thought. About… things. Maybe it would be better than accidentally getting hard while working out with him. Wouldn’t be any less awkward though, maybe. 
But that would be later. Now, he was ready to take Bojan down.
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Tis the holiday seasons, and the Spider Band just finished their last mission. They all decided to get a drink from the lounge, they were all together chatting about the upcoming holidays.
Miles got himself a hot cup of coco, "Mmm." Taking a careful sip, he could feel the heat from the coco.
"Oh hey, Miles!" Kaine came from the line with his cup of coffee. "Are we on for tonight?"
"Yeah! I'm totally gonna kick your ass." Miles chuckles.
"Hahaha, we'll see." Kaine laughs along. The two walk together to have their little chat. They haven't seen each other for a while from all their busy lives and missions.
Now, they were able to catch for a bit. "How are you and Kitty?" Miles asked.
"Oh, we're good! This Christmas she wants me to meet her family and-" He gulps, "I'm so fucking nervous! My anxiety isn't doing too well."
"Oh no, do you need some medicine? Maybe Spider Therapist can help?"
"Oh no, I'm good. I'm trying to be more confident, but... you know." He suggested his face, he still cover his face with his Spider-man mask. Kaine only lefts it up to reveal his mouth, anyone can see the deep marks on his left side.
"I get you. I got like that with my best friend's family. Don't worry, man. You got this!" Miles gave him a side hug.
Hobie spotted his Miles hugging Kaine from a far, the punker never move so fast for his Sunflower. When he reached the two, Kitty popped out of nowhere blocking his contact with Miles. "Hey, Miles! Hi, bae!" She turns over to grin at Hobie, "Hey, Hobie! What's up?"
"Umm.. hey Kit-Kat." Hobie said to her.
Kaine said, "Oh hey, man! What's up! I haven't seen you since last week."
"You two went on a mission together." Miles said happily, finally his boyfriend is making friends with Kaine.
"Yeah, it was so much fun." Kaine said, "it was this Tron world! Hobie kicked ass!"
"Eh, I won a bit here and there." Hobie grins widely seeing Miles' eyes gleaming at him, and only him.
"Awe, I wish I could see you in an all black suit with blue lights like in Tron. Ugh, you probably look so cool, baby!" Miles said to his man, "I bet you look awesome, too, Kaine!"
"It was so much fun." Kaine sips his hot chocolate. "Ohh, hot!"
"Careful, man. Here I got some napkins here." Miles pulls a napkin under his cup to hand to Kaine.
"Thanks!" The tall fit Spider-man gladly took it.
Kitty smiles widely hearing other Spider-heroes whispering or commenting, "OMG, the work hubbies are together again! So cute!"
Hobie glares at the other Spider-heroes and pouts, "Hahaha, jelly, Hobie?" Kitty asked.
"No! I have matured!" The twenty four year old huffed.
Miles giggles, "Really? I'm proud of you, bae!"
"Oh it's the work hubbies! Hey, Hubby 1 and Hubby 2!" One Spider-woman giggles with her friend as they pass Miles and Kaine. Those words felt like knives stabbing through Hobie's chest, it's making him very jealous.
"Hey, hubbies!" A Spider-man passed them which made Kitty giggles at the way Hobie glares at the man.
"Hey!" Miles responded without a problem.
"How's work life going?" The Spider-man asked.
Kaine nodded, "Fine, me and hubby been super busy!"
"Awe, so cute!" Another Spider-woman overhears them.
Kitty said, "They missed each other so much!"
"Oh yeah, right, Hubby?" Miles teased Kaine.
"Hahaha." The tall red suit Spider-man laughs.
Miles laughs along side with them taking the joke. To him it's always been a funny silly joke, but for Hobie, it made him so jealous. The punker hated the idea of another man being with Miles. He couldn't help, but hug his Sunflower while burying his face into his neck.
"Opp, looks like somebody is jealous." A Spider-woman giggles.
A Spider-man added, "Hahaha, who knew Spider Punk is the jealous type!"
"I think it's cute." Kaine chuckles.
Miles giggles, "Oh yeah, the super jealous type!" He rubs his boyfriend's arm, "Bae, it's fine. We're just joking."
"Hmph," he frowns being annoyed.
Kitty giggles, "You mad, now?"
"Sorry, he just hates when I point that out." Miles pouted at his boyfriend.
"Oh Spidey Hubbies! Are you two gonna do photos with Santa?" A Spider-woman came by being excited, "I heard you guys were supposed to sent out this year's Christmas Social Media post!"
"Oh that's right!" Kitty giggles, "You and Kaine have to do the photo!"
"Hahaha, so Lyla can have a lot of likes on her posts?" Kaine snickers at the Spider Society Social media account made by Lyla, where she makes most posts of her selfies, and anything involved with the community.
Lyla's avatar pops up in a Christmas outfit, "Yup! Come on, go to the Holiday Post! I need pics. The Spidey Hubbies need to give me 2k likes." She giggles.
"Right, we did agree." Kaine rub his neck about it, "Is it supposed to be a spicy photo?" He looks at a jealous Hobie.
Kitty said, "I don't mind. it's all for the gram!" She had ideas for her boyfriend and Miles to get Lyla so many likes, "I got a few ideas."
"Like what, honey?" Kaine asked with a very worry tone, almost afraid to ask.
"Hehehe, you'll see when we get to the Holiday posts." Kitty pulls on the two Spider-men, while Lyla giggles having her avatar popping up everywhere with selfies. Hobie grumbles having to follow them.
"Oi, I didn't agree to this." Hobie finally said.
Miles said, "Awe, but this is for Lyla, bae! Look, me and Kaine are just friends. It's not like everyone expect us to be-" A Spider-woman shouted from the fence outside of the Holiday photo shoot, "Whoo, Spider Hubbies! How about a pin up pose?" She giggles while her friends giggles along.
Kaine and Miles look at each other and snickers, "Who's gonna be be the girl in this?" Miles snorted.
Kaine chuckles, "You!"
Hobie stood being jealous as Miles let Kaine pick him up like a bride and did a pose as they wore Santa Clause hats and candy canes. Kitty giggles, "Awe, so cute." She grins at the punker, "You jelly?"
"Hmph." He crosses his arms.
Lyla taking photos with Miles and Kaine, the two were having fun. "My socials are gonna get so many likes, hehehe." The Ai happily took photos.
The other Spider-heroes walking by noticing the two, "Ohh, look at them. The Hubbies taking pictures. Awe."
A Spider-man chews a burrito walking by, "Oh, I always knew they would get together." Hobie heard this getting more upset.
"Yoo-hoo! What about some Spice!" Lupe came by holding a mistletoe above the two Spider-men dressed as Mrs. Clause.
Gabi gasps as she dressed up as an elf, "Ohhh you two have to kiss now?"
"Oh no, we're in relationships." Kaine said with worry.
Miles nodded as his big eyes stare at the mistletoe, "Why you have this?"
"For cute couple pictures!" Lupe hums, "MJ and Peter had one while May went to get a photo with Santa."
"Wait, who's Santa?"
"Guess!" Gabi giggles.
"Morales? Parker? Why are you two under the mistletoe?" Miguel appeared in his Santa Clause outfit, wearing a white beard and pillow stuffed inside him.
Lupe chuckles as she patted Santa's belly, "Hey, Santa. Aren't you supposed to take photos with the kiddos?" She looks at the long line, spotting Miles 2020 looking exhausted and tired eyes. His family dressed up all nice even his husband looks presentable while the triplets being antsy and struggling to move around. "The triplets aren't handling the wait."
"I'm on my ten minute break!" Miguel sighs, "Shouldn't you be handing out cookies?"
"We're waiting for the androids to bring the boxes to hand out." Lupe hums. "Now stop dat frown."
Gabi's eyes lit up, "Papá, you have to be Santa and jolly!" She stomps her foot down. "Right, Lupe."
"Right!" Lupe nodded.
Kitty went over to her boyfriend, "I don't mind if you kiss Miles. I know it's all for fun."
Kaine and Miles look at her shock. "Well, I do mind! No in bloody hell, my Sunflower is kissing another bloke!" Hobie finally hugs his boyfriend.
"What about a kiss on the cheek? Papá always gives Lupe a kiss on the cheek whenever she comes over!" Gabi said out loud to them.
"Huh?" They all look at the two.
Miguel hushes his daughter, "Gabriella!"
"It's only when I babysit her! Besides I give kisses on the cheek to all my fellow Latinos." Lupe points out.
Gabriella looks confused, "But I saw you and papá hugging and talking about next date nigh!"
Miguel clears his throat. Miles crosses his arms at Miguel, "And you said you don't date your co-workers?"
"This isn't about me or Lupe. Look at that my break is over." Miguel quickly avoided the question.
The Spider-woman shook her head, "Honestly, we were just joking around. Besides, I love babysitting Gabi, right girlie."
"Right." Gabriella giggles.
"Anyway, who's gonna kiss who! Lyla needs a Spicy picture!" Lupe said at Miles and Kaine.
Hobie scowls, "No! That's being disrespectful to me and our relationship! I was fine with hugs but this?"
"What about a small kiss on the cheek?" Kitty asked.
"No? You were fine in the last mission where Kaine and Miles went undercover as a couple and Kaine kiss Miles' on the cheek." Kitty explained.
"That was for a mission. This is just bloody flirtin'!" He points out.
Miles said, "How about hugs?"
"Yeah, hug is better. I don't want to piss anyone off." Kaine explained.
"Awe, but a kiss would be so cute." Lupe teased getting a glare from Hobie.
"Luv, one more picture and we are going home."
Miles giggles, "Bae, you're so jealous. Mwah. I love you." He kisses his boyfriend on the lips before going to his friend for the last photo. Of course, they respected Hobie's wishes. Instead Kaine nuzzle Miles' neck like a cat for the photo.
Miles giggles, before seeing his boyfriend holding his guitar, "Bae, look we're done. It's all good."
"Fine." He pouts, then his boyfriend went close to him.
"Bae, look up."
"Hmph?" His dark eyes saw the mistletoe dangling above them.
"Kiss!" Miles cup his boyfriend's jaw to kiss him many time.
"Now this will be great for the Spider So-city app!" Lyla took a picture of Miles and Hobie kissing. The rest of the gang believed that too.
Hobie playfully pick his partner up and give him many kisses. He never wants to let go of his Sunflower.
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visceravalentines · 1 year
Murph Connors NSFW Alphabet Headcanons
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there are exactly 4 Murph gifs so you get these guys instead. it's symbolic <3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Murph is the biggest snuggle bug. Just wants to hold you and be held. Showers you with little kisses and caresses and nestles your head under his chin. The man's heart is attached to his dick and he's a little bit in love with you right now.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Real proud of his physique. He is a gym bro and he works hard for those gains. He's all about his upper body and abs, all those important surfing muscles. Tell him he's strong, compliment his gains, he'll light up and flex for you. He doesn't even mean to do it, it just happens on reflex.
When it comes to his partner, he likes the soft things. Thighs, breasts, tummy, ass. Whether you're thick or thin he likes the parts of you he can really get his hands on.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Thinks swallowing is the hottest thing on the planet. If you let him cum in your mouth he'll buy you flowers. Also, btw, this man is bisexual as hell and when he's giving head you bet he swallows. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Super into pet play. Never ever will bring this up unless asked point-blank. If you put a collar on this man and tell him he's a good dog whoops he came already.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's got a fair amount of experience under his belt but not as much as you'd think. He is very good at making sure his partner is taken care of and has a few tricks up his (very tight) sleeves to rile you up.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
All of them. Are you having sex with him? Awesome. You wanna take him for a ride? Climb right on up. You want him to fold you like a paper airplane? He would love to do that for you. You want to fold him like a paper airplane?  Say less, baby.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s not goofy on purpose, he’s just kind of a goofball by nature.  He’s being very sincere actually.  When he says “this is the best moment of my fucking life” while you’re sucking him off, he means it 100%.  
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Fuzzy boy. Full fucking bush bby. California blonde from his head to his toes. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Murph is, shall we say, a very clumsy romantic. He's not so much sweeping you off your feet as he is throwing you over his shoulder. He says the sweetest things but they're not exactly poetry, e.g. “you feel fucking incredible, you're a fucking dream, fuck,” etc. If you've been together for a minute he'll hug you tight and tell you he really likes you because it's true and he does. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Absolutely thinks about you while he's jerking off. Uses your nudes for inspiration. Probably texts you about it before, during, and after. He really prefers getting off with a partner, but sometimes u just gotta get that nut.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Oh my god edge this man. Be so mean to him, deny him all day, just don't ruin his orgasm or he'll never forgive you. Do literally anything to his nipples and he's a puddle with an erection. Loves to be bitten and sucked on. Leave him little love marks he can look at later and it'll make his day every time he sees them. Praise the fuck out of him, it gives him a boner in his heart. 💕
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Tbh?? Bed. He loves bed. Bed has everything you need. Would he accept couch? Yes, couch is good too. Kitchen? Why the fuck not? Not car. He can't get comfortable in a car. Kinda shy about public places but he thinks it's so hot you want him that bad and if you pull him into the bar bathroom or a dressing room he's not going to say no.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any amount of interest shown in him at all. If you are soft and needy, he is tripping over himself to please you. Push him up against a wall and he's immediately yours. Send him nudes and flirty texts, he will be so stoked you're thinking of him.  So stoked he can’t stand up for a minute. PDA??  Oh man.  Touch him under the table at a restaurant and he is going to be pent the fuck up until you get him home. Absolutely loves when you assert your claim on him in some way publicly, taking his hand, arm around his waist, standing beside his chair and pulling his head against your hip. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Not one for degradation, giving or receiving. Prefers pleasure to pain for the most part; your standard biting, scratching, and spanking are fair game.  Not much for group sex or threesomes.  He's pretty down to try anything once if you want, doesn't have a lot of hard limits. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Enjoys both giving and receiving for different reasons.  Uses giving as a way to warm up his partner and gets himself all hot and bothered in the process because he just really is having a good time. Gives sloppy fucking head. Enjoys receiving bc he’s a simple man and he likes having his dick sucked, duh.  
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Murph gets worked up pretty quickly but he’s hung like a horse, which means he usually has to take it slow for his partner’s sake.  He is so very good at being patient.  Plus, once he’s in the moment, he doesn’t want it to end.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You want to have sex with him right now??  Right now?  Pants are off.  Expect him to be really clingy afterwards though, and maybe don’t leave right after or he’ll be sad.  
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He kinda sticks to his comfort zone when left to his own devices.  He’s not the one to bring a new idea to the bedroom.  But he’s extremely receptive to whatever you have in mind.  
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Clear your schedule. He's in great shape, he's down to switch it up so things don't get repetitive or chafey, and he would love nothing more than to spend the whole night with you (and the day, and the next night).
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Nothing fancy, but he has a couple cock sleeves he likes that he'd be happy to use on a partner with a penis. If you've got something you like that you want to use on him or have him use on you, he's totally down to try it out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll try, but he's not great at teasing because he just wants to give you what you want. Why would he deprive you?? You're so hot. :( 
However…you can tease him until he's blue in the balls face. He'll whine and complain but he loves it. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Buy the neighbors earplugs. Murph does not hold back nor does he know how to nor does he care. Full-throated moans and whines and whimpers. Vocal sighs like all the tension in the world has been siphoned from his body. Begging, pleading, bargaining. Grunts, growls, a truly juvenile amount of the word fuck. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Looooves when he gets to cum inside you. It's not even a breeding kink thing, he just is thrilled you'd let him do that. If his partner can't or doesn't want to adjust to his size he has to make do with other avenues, which is fine, but he just really likes being inside you if you'll let him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big man. Thiccc. He's what you'd call a seven by seven…seven inch girth, seven inch length. Circumcised. Curly curly blonde bush. Usually hangs to the left. 
As for the rest of his body, he's pretty fucking fit. Bulkier in the shoulders, arms, and chest, slim in the waist. Ass that won't quit. He's very tan bc he's always in the sun. Has a handful of tattoos including a shark on his left hip and a sun and moon on his calves.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Murph is always just a little bit horny and ready to be hornier. It's like a soothing white noise in the back of his mind. He's just bopping along until you drop him a hint and then he is ready. Sometimes he gets real needy though, and he can't focus on anything, and he'll do literally anything you want if you'll just get him off right now.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He won't fall right to sleep, but he'll get cozy and cuddly and won't want to leave the bed again. And you better believe he's up before you are, already went for a run, and is making you breakfast.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 10 days
okay sooooooo i went to the gym today 🥳 so i normally do 3 incline for the treadmill and thought that i could handle going from 3 to 10 😭 stupid ik, 🫠 my legs are so sore and I’m slowly gonna build up now 😭 normally i would but i was feeling like extra awesome so….
I did weights too! Which I normally don’t do pretty proud of myself :D I did sets of squats + Russian twists w/ weights- then I did that 3 sets of one glute machine :) gotta grow that bootie 💪
And I did stretch 😌
And also pretty proud that i ordered this green drink w/ like spinach n shit ?? I hate greens so much omg- I honestly have the pallet of a toddler 🫠😭 It was pretty good though??? and I had wings for lunch ! I wanted a sandwich but im tryna stay away from carbs rn😭
Well this was my official first day of the rest of my life and came to tell you 😽
hope you don’t mind me slipping in ur asks every now and then :3
HAHA yess it’s def tough working up to it…when i first started i would only spend a couple of minutes at the 12 incline and the rest at 6-8ish?? doing it kind of in intervals where you disperse shorter bursts of the higher incline with a majority at a more comfortable incline might help you progress to being consistent at the higher incline quicker because it lets your body adjust without pushing it too hard 🤔 tbh there’s still days when i only go up to the 15 incline for like the first 5-10 mins and then spend the rest of my cardio time in like the 8-10 range so i can answer emails or asks on my phone because lowkey the treadmill is kinda boring sometimes 😭
AHHH I’M SO PROUD LOOK AT YOU GOOO you will be a weightlifting pro in no time 🤩 LMAOAOA omg that’s so real though glutes forever (side note but for the longest time my mother would get rdls [as in romanian deadlifts] confused with bbls so she’d be like “did you do your bbls at the gym today ☺️” and i’d just be like “well…close enough…they ARE building that area so 🤷🏻‍♀️” HAHA it’s actually insane though what working out your glutes will do for you!! it’ll help w incline walking too everything is so interconnected it’s crazy)
HOORAY stretching ftw hehe it’s my favorite part of my workout…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound where that guy goes “it’s like a reward” but that’s literally my mindset 😩 like okay if i can do one more set of squats then i can go do yoga 🤩
THAT SOUNDS YUMMYYY and dw you’re not alone i am such a picky eater too but in weird ways??? like i can’t stand blueberries on their own but i can’t eat yogurt if i don’t put blueberries in it 😓 (another side note but a more relevant one…greek yogurt is like the number one post gym snack because it has sm protein without being super heavy!! i always put chia seeds flax seeds fruit and occasionally honey in mine but you can kinda experiment w what you like…provided you’re not allergic to milk or smth ofc) honestly i think a lot of it also comes down to preparation so even if you don’t like a food in one way (like spinach in a salad for example) you might like it prepared in a diff way (ex a smoothie) ☝🏻 sometimes we must be creative in order to get our nutrients in LOLOL worst comes to worst there’s no shame in busting out the blender 🤩
I HOPE IT DIDN’T FEEL TOO HORRIBLE OR RESTRICTIVE OR ANYTHING!! just remember everything in moderation even things that people are like “no if you eat this you will never lose weight blah blah” because that’s not actually true HAHA you can eat anything and lose weight — no food is inherently bad it’s just how you view it!! ofc some have more nutrients and keep you full for longer so that’s always good to consider but i remember when i was really trying to lose weight i would leave a little buffer so i could eat takis every night 😭 and i still lost weight even w that SO it is possible and def losing weight shouldn’t be a cause of misery or make you feel like you can’t eat anything at all!! there’s 100% a balance between choosing a healthier option and sometimes just realizing it’s okay to indulge every now and again too 🤫 especially because eating in moderation instead of cutting out completely is the best way to avoid binge eating!!
OMG PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO DROP ASKS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING whether it’s abt the gym or fandoms (as i’m sure you can tell i’m in quite a few myself 😰) or real life or wtvr 💖 i loveee talking to people HAHA truly the best part of tumblr is how interactive it is!!
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mysterystarz · 5 months
match up exchange post
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for @shxtodxroki because we came to a cool deal so hi there bee <3
you’re actually extremely cool i really enjoyed learning about you because you’re actually awesome
after careful deliberation, i’ve chosen to match you with……..
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runners up: kuroo tetsuro, yamaguchi tadashi
when i was reading your info, i noticed a lot of softer qualities and a lot of deep and insightful thoughts. literally iwaizumi was the first person who popped into my head because truthfully, i think he would absolutely adore you (let me dive into this)
we all know iwaizumi is dependable. he’s shown time and time again that he can pick up the slack for seijoh when oikawa needs it. he also grows up to be a sexy athletic trainer which means his job is literally caring for people.
i think when he meets you, iwaizumi would genuinely be fascinated by you. i feel like you’re the type of people to have a class together and are paired up for group work simply because of seat proximity. you share some small talk and work on projects and slowly get to know each other. when you open up to him and start rambling about your interests, he’s a goner and he’s in love.
i feel like iwaizumi would absolutely love a soft s/o. you’ve got a lot of amazing qualities and values, and he likes how you’re sentimental. i feel like he’d also be a sentimentalist as well (can imagine you guys sitting on the couch and looking at remnants of past — you and your merch and him and his jerseys)
he is absolutely a conversationalist when it comes to you and would absolutely have a back and forth with you!! he is also super methodical so i think he could also help with your procrastination!
i also think he’d just adore your major. you’re studying something super cool and i just know he’d like to hear all about it.
speaking of love languages — this man will melt for your gifts. anytime you give him a thoughtful token he will literally treasure it with his entire soul. he loves whatever you give him and is always honored to be the object of your affection. even better, iwa-chan is literally the poster child for acts of service and physical touch! he would absolutely do gestures of love for you and reassure you that you’re amazing. his entire presence tends to be pretty soothing and i just know he’d be really understanding about your anxiety and always make sure you feel okay.
he is definitely out and proud with his partner. it’s a subtle way but he is in no way ashamed of you. you will hear from tooru that he thinks about you all the time. he is patient and caring and would absolutely take care of the bugs for you. i can also imagine him watching movies with you in his free time (i think he would also suggest godzilla at least once — indulge him)
and yes swapping playlists too! anytime you’re on drives i feel like the two of you would swap playlists. also spotify blend <3 he enjoys mixing your taste with his and carries it with him.
he’s a soft and patient lover, and i just know he would absolutely ADORE YOU.
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- iwaizumi would ABSOLUTELY start to read whatever mangas and watch whatever shows you like. it’s his way of staying connected to you.
- will lend you his hoodies as a subtle act of “hey you see bee. that’s my girl.”
- finds all your merch absolutely adorable. will take the time to learn the history behind each and every single one.
- he’d find your love of teaching just so amazing.
- he love love loves your pink hair. if you’re into hairstyles he would totally learn them just to have the chance to feel it and pop a forehead kiss on you
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a song i think would be cute for you two is:
fluorescent adolescent from artic monkeys - light and energetic like your relationship
another potential song could be the walker by fitz and the tantrums
oh and maybe even body talk by red velvet
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misiahasahardname · 2 months
How would you rate your holidays this year?
they were great actually!!!
i was able to spend a lot more time actually interacting with my family than when i was there in november, and i was a lot less awkward which was a win!
i saw inside out 2 in theaters with my aunt which not only am i proud of because it helped me get over my fear of cinemas, but also paralleled when i saw inside out 1 in theaters with that same aunt!!! (didn't see it with the same cousin tho but idm)
i went to ustroń which wasn't as great as i remember it being BUT i was able to cross the czech border which was awesome!!! plus my brother wouldn't stop barging into my room in the hotel to watch tv so i got to hear a lot of czech cartoons... the language is so strange to listen to as a pole, because most of the words are so similar and yet so confusing... love that there's a kids tv channel that's called [] :D !! that's very silly, thank you czechia!!
my Polish skills actually improved a lot to the point where i actually noticed it!! i've decided i'm going to get into more Polish media and watch the Polish dubs for more things to get even better! (maybe i should actually get to reading the witcher since i have a copy...)
i visited the galeria katowicka for the first time and got a bag i had always wanted to get at flying tiger (they had SO much cool stuff in there when i went, i really wanted to get this spaceship lamp but it's like a lava lamp and i didn't think i'd be allowed to bring that in an airport)
I GOT MY YOUNGER COUSIN INTO TMNT!!!!! i watched the rise movie with him and he really liked it, and, when we went to a shopping center with my mum's friend (who came to visit our part of poland just to attend mum's 50th birthday party) he actually decided to buy himself a mutant mayhem leo figure!!! (idk why leo was the only one for sale but hey he's cool so whatever). also he really likes my mutant mayhem mikey plush i brought along and whenever he would pick it up he'd say "mikey!! :D" in this cute voice (god i love this silly kid). (i also showed him a clip of the tmnt 2012 french dub i had on my phone and he kept referencing it lol)
my mum had her 50th birthday at this cool resteraunt which was fun!! my aunt and uncle (unfortunately not the cousins) from france came especially for this which was AWESOME because i love those guys, and, as i mentioned before, my mum's friend came over too which is super awesome!! i think most of my family think they're dating... tbf i thought this too but i have a strange perception of how romance looks so. shrugging emoticon
i got to read some letters my great grandfather wrote to my great grandmother when she was in the hospital after giving birth! he always referred to her with this cute nickname which is very sweet... there was one letter i found particularly funny because i think my grandma interrupted my great grandad when writing to tell great grandma that she got a LOT of sweets from the easter bunny and is saving her some chocolate (she even wrote it on the back, too!). there were these strange stains on the letters which are either blood or something grosser but whatever. i was also allowed to bring home a photo of my mum and my aunt when they were kids (it was a photo taken when my aunt was about to(?) have her communion which explains the dress)
i did a bunch of other cool stuff which made these holidays really great!!
unfortunately, the holidays weren't perfect... especially the travelling which is strange because usually it's a really fun part of the holidays. (the trip back home was the WORST. so bad that my mum told my brother he would never travel with us again...)
honestly my brother ruined a few things for me. he stole some really nice childhood photos my grandparents had on display because he didn't like them, he got like, really physically abusive, and generally he just ruined the vibe for everyone. but i won't let that ruin my family time!
overall the holiday gets an 8.5/10!! had a great time but my brother knocks it down a few points
sorry for the long ramble lol
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miceysfandomcreations · 8 months
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After drawing straight through a dnd campaign session! I’ve finally finished! Happy early Lunar New Year @itoshisoup!
What do you get when you cross a Hell Fic alternate universe with a tragic ending, a Touya with bad coping mechanism, and a multiverse-hopping quirk? HTTM DTTS: HELLVERSE!
Ok, so, I finally read Hell fic which is really good! I’ve been keeping up with the blog for a while, so I was a witness to the 2022 descent into Dabi Hell along with the bajillion Hell fic aus that popped up. Earlier this month, I hit my mha phase, read Hell fic, and understood what the hype was about. I kept thinking of those aus and how they were perfect for a spiderverse-style crossover epic. So fueled by writer’s block for a completely different project, I made a mockup poster of the concept!
general art notes:
this was hard. Dabi’s anime hair is stupid hard to draw. The flame effects covered so much. I’m glad I didn’t do shading. Also, super proud of myself for figuring out a way to draw anime hair! I took inspiration from an across the spider verse poster with all the characters facing the camera head on. Because I had less characters, with designs similar to each other, I had to modify the poses to give some more character. Not sure how well I did on that. The white shape in the center represents MC, and I wanted it to look like the shape’s been erased from the canvas, cutting through all the Touyas.
the touyas (top of left column to top of right column, like a horseshoe), individual art notes, and story notes:
Normal fic!Touya. From default/default adjacent Hell fic universe. Don’t have much variation to go with, so he’s a ‘normal’ Dabi. Not much to say here. I think I drew him last? Was weirdly hard to finish.
jjk curse au!Touya. None of the other Touyas know what the fuck he’s talking about. What do you mean curses? What do you mean you’re dead? In universe, he and MC are HS second years/16-ish, so I made his eyes bigger, face softer, hair fluffier, tried to make him look youthful. I think you noted that this Touya didn’t look much different than normal, but as you can see, I made him blue. I think it’d be cool if he had fire glowing from beneath his scars. I thought about replacing with burned skin with exposed muscle (also blue), but decided against that for ease of drawing. His uniform’s white, because, y’know, death.
Villain au!Touya. From the au where Touya and MC ran away to become horny villains together and Touya makes a ‘no bitches’ joke to Shigaraki. He gets a matching tungsten ring and a smile! I envision him as the first alternadabi to pop up in Normal’s dimension for some reason. Maybe because he’s the most similar?
Pro-Hero!Touya. Is miffed and yet not surprised that so many of his counterparts are villains. The most well-off financially of the Touyas. The Touyas raid his agency’s fridge at some point. There are so many awesome hero au designs floating in the fandom. I came up the outfit on the fly and it probably needs to be redesigned a few more times before I’m personally happy. Still, it serves its purpose. This Touya gets gold-plated piercings because he’s worth it.
Toxic WLW!Touya. TBH I don’t remember much about this au. Does it take place in the MHA world or is it a mundane au? Either way, this Touya was the first one I had concepts for. I think every Touya is a trash gremlin no matter the gender, and I didn’t want her to lose that aspect. I gave her a new, pushed-back hairstyle because I didn’t want to draw 6 versions of the same hair, and canon Touya looks really cute with his forehead exposed. The nose piercings are replaced with eyebrow rings to take advantage of that.
late 20s!Touya. From that concept you had about an older Touya having a happy ending. This one is stable, happily married, and is a good parent. The others totally aren’t jealous at all! Why hasn’t the rogue Touya who started this mess try to take over his life? Uh…something something this reality too unfamiliar to him…too used to destruction and dying young…can’t fathom having a life like this where he builds instead of destroys…would rather tear open the multiverse than face the prospect of internal change. This Touya is more often than not the holder of the sole braincell and is trying to wrangle his younger selves in more positive directions. Assigned Responsible Adult (tm) despite not hitting 30. Wears sweats the entire time.
- I see late 20s!Touya as entering the story in 2 ways. Doing laundry and getting sucked into a portal waiting for the washer to finish (1). Seeing his alternaselves in the distance, calling his MC, and being like ‘I’m gonna need to leave for a week I have to stop myself from doing something stupid’ and following after (2).
misc notes:
I thought about doing a version of this for MC, or Shouto, but I never had a solidified design for MC, and Dabi was the funner brother to come up with concepts for.
The Touyas without the flames:
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banditsonwheels · 1 year
Hey, I read the rest of the article first before reblogging from OP and it's bad. Furthermore Daniel would've been on the podium even if the accident between Max and Lewis didn't happened.
There are multiple ways of praising his and the team's performance but saying that today's race was more deserved than Monza after talking on multiple interviews about how deserved it was and how anybody who questioned their win is wrong it's simply distasteful.
You can read it however you want but this isn't the first time that Lando has took a dig at Daniel and everyone chug it as "British humour"
Hoi, it's quite ridiculous how bad Lando is at disguising how he feels/thinks ("He got driver of the day? What the hell?" with the driver in question right next to him ☠ or "Who are you??" to a reporter being a dick to another reporter). While he's proven his immaturity and cockiness plenty of times (driving off the track in the rain in Russia must still haunt him lol), Lando doesn't come across to me as malicious. Even when he said he had "no sympathy" for Daniel being forced out of Mclaren (that shit got my blood boiling big time at first), he was referring to a rule he and plenty of drivers apply to everyone including himself (you fail to perform/ live up to expectation, you're out), not a personal dig directed at Daniel.
To me, both can be true: Lando being super proud of the Monza P1 and P2 and saying Dan and him deserved it, as well as recognising that with the current car and fewer mistakes on his part due to being a more experienced driver, his P2 today came about less due to chance (rival crash etc.) and more to having reliable equipment. I found the article and:
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Again, this can be read differently according to personal interpretation. To me, he's pointing out how satisfied he is about the effort that's been put into the car (pace) and how today's result was meaningful for the whole team as a sign of their progress. He doesn't mention Daniels efforts in Monza being less meaningful and, maybe more crucially, he doesn't say anything about the Monza podium being less rewarding or even deserving on a personal level. Both Dan and Lando drove their asses off to keep the rest of the pack behind them. And Lando isn't saying anything that suggest to me that Daniel is undeserving of praise.
Lastly, my best guess is that if Daniel (god fucking forbid) had driven the second Mclaren car today and had been asked if the Monza or Suzuka podiums were more deserved, he would have recognised that while Monza was personally gratifying, excruciating and well deserved given the circumstances, chance did play a role in him being on the top step. Making a P2 and P3 without any uncontrollable incidents in Mclarens favour (at least at the top of the grid) a more deserving experience from the perspective of the team as a whole (read: no credit to the team for Monza, that was all Daniel and his f.e.a. attitude). It's not about how Monza doesn't feel as fucking awesome as it felt before, it's about how the team can look at the data now and be like: We're seriously making progress after investing so much time and money into this bloody shitbox (I have to be very careful cause I'm using up all the empathy I have for this team in a year on a single post).
That's how I chose to look at it. I might be completely wrong. It does give me peace though to think that the little men on my screen are not all blatant cunts who'd throw each other under the bus first chance they get. Except of course for Alonso 🤝🏻
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