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shifter who has shifted
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reneissanceee · 1 month ago
30, Flirty & Thriving
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As a former young girl, I used to think 30 is old like ill be old and saggy, I had this mindset when i was younger because society just happened to brainwash everybody into thinking so when its not true because 30s are still prime, until I came across my now favorite movie of all time, 13 Going On 30. A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenaged Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old. But adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.
A lot of shifters say this movie is so shifting coded and yes. At the Seven minutes of heaven scene where Jenna is visibly upset, saying that she wants to be 30 and now she starts affirming "30, flirty and thriving!" She keeps on going and going and on going. Now she wakes up in that reality where she's actually 30, flirty and thriving! It amazed me when I was little and I used to copy that A LOT
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Because first thing, she was gawky teenager Jenna Rink, and after she affirms, she's now 30 year old Jenna Rink, big time magazine editor who's a tough bitch and the future of the magazine brand, Poise!
This has been my inspiration for shifting ever since and since its my b-day yesterday, I might as well gush over the greatest movie romcom of all time
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reneissanceee · 1 month ago
hi renee!! i hope i don’t bother you, i need a little help… in order to shift, i’m extremely confident, i trust myself and i know i’m capable to shift. when i attempt to shift i visualize, imagine and affirm without forcing it, focusing in the 4d and feeling i’m there. i don’t force any of that, i just flow with my dr. the thing is, i always wake up here and i not in my dr. when i wake up here i’m not with a negative mentality , i barely pay attention to the fact i didn’t shift and continue persisting. so idk what the problem is, i’d appreciate your help ❤️❤️ i’m lost
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I, Renee, am the happiest to help with any troubles!
I don't think there is any problem with what you are doing, I do think that is a very healthy way to go along with shifting
Its very good that you dont force it upon yourself, not treating it as a chore since it would drain you out more
As human I am, initially I actually did not know the problem with this since I did shift by just relaxing and going with the flow. Although, I would recommend you trying to connect with you DR more, ground yourself in it
I have already posted a blog on that can help you on how you can ground yourself in your DR so you can resonate with it more and eventually reach your final destination, I am sorry if I can't provide you with anymore help than this but I hope you can now eventually shift to your desired reality !!!
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reneissanceee · 1 month ago
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And a lot more to come, trust.
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
hiii sorry if i bothered you, i’m really lost and i’d like to know if i minishifted or not :)
so i did my method (saying affirmations and intentioning bc i’m lazy af) and i fell asleep. i woke up in some moment, i’m not sure when, probably a couple hours later, and i felt my surroundings different. i didn’t open my eyes, but through my eyelids i perceived there was a lot of light in the room. my first thought was ‘i shifted’, in english, even though english isn’t my mother tongue here, but it is in my DR. seconds later, i felt my surroundings different again and i felt my room. the light was gone and through my eyelids i only was able to see darkness. i fell asleep and woke up here hours later. i didn’t remember immediately what happened, but after like an hour or so.
i’m not sure if i imagined it, or it was a dream. the affirmations i say to shift are in english, so maybe that was the reason why my first (and only) thought was in English? idk, i’d love to know your opinion
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Hiii, I'm not exactly sure which question you want me to answer (idk if you are pertaining to the minishift Q)
But yes, I would say you did mini-shift, i do think it was just that you didn't ground yourself! Ill just give you tips on how to ground yourself but FIRST of all, what is grounding yourself if you ask?
Grounding is the technique to calm yourself, trying to resonate with the surroundings of the dr you are shifting to. It it also to help your physical & mental health state when you feel disoriented.
For grounding, it is good to use your 5 senses which are your seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and eventually smelling, I also prefer to affirm so I can feel more connected. Then, when you now feel like you are close, you can now channel or thinking of some memories in your DR, for example, if you are shifting to atwow, think of the ocean and boat rides! This part is a little more complicated but try to process that you have now shifted, even if you're scared, be brave enough to do it scared, acknowledge your changing surroundings slowly and continue to observe with thr 5 senses. Merge yourself, your emotional state with your DR self to feel more connected, to tighten that grip, visualizing you are your DR self cause that IS you!!!
So to answer your question, yes, you have mini-shifted, still shifted, you are close and do not give up!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
And honestly, I wish my MDD will never go away
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Now, I probably sound absolutely fucked in the head for saying so but genuinely as far as my mental health goes, its starting to get worse and worse
My whole life, I have been sufferring from MDD, since I was 5, the earliest i remember. All of the side effects of MDD include me circling around the house every day, every single second while conversing to myself like a crazy person, I forget my tasks and often distracted, i sometimes bump into walls or hit my feet. Despite all those things, MDD brought me so much joy, distracted me from my shitty life. Finding about shifting fueled this too, back when i didnt take it too seriously
Maybe i want my MDD to stay cause this is when and where I am happy, to live a life inside my head and not be screamed at every turn, all those characters, those people inside my head, now I'm even more happier I can see them with the ways of shifting
What an odd thing to say.
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My Maladaptive Daydreaming Experience
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Hello, lovely people, today I'll be sharing my years of Maladaptive Daydreaming. My daydreaming days started when I was still a little girl and didn't know stuff about MDD.
By the way MDD is a mental health issue where individuals excessively daydream, often for hours, to cope with or adapt to problems, often leading to vivid, detailed, and compulsive thoughts, making it difficult to control.
It started when I watched Twilight (?) and I suddenly found myself talking to air, walking in circles and barely can even stop. You know, as kids, we all had those moments where we play and make toys talk or even talking to them. After watching Twilight, had the biggest fattest crush on Edward (still do) and I was self-inserting myself to the show & talking to myself. This also happened when I watched Harry Potter and got the massive crush on Harry James Potter himself, again, self inserting myself to the shows and books. I was all by myself all the time and had no one to talk to so I found out it was my coping mechanism. I did stop for a certain period of time then I picked up on it again as a teen when I watched a few series (forgot the specifics) but the one I catched myself going into too much was TUA when, again, me having a massive crush on Five and after finding out about shifting, I tried to shift(already mentioned this). Reading fanfics did not help with my MDD but now I can shift to any reality that I want so its all good
These days, I find myself circling around the house non-stop, playing in my mind(only stopping occasionally to go to the restroom), it started to stray me away from tasks, its distracting and I could not stop. Doesn't help that I have ADHD which is a prevalent mental disorder affecting children, characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, affecting their ability to focus and act spontaneously.
So I'mma just say it did seem fun for me but honestly, it is starting to affect my daily life and its not just a joke
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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Longing of a lonely God
As shifters and spiritual beings, we are like the Gods of our realities, we can choose and shape them however we want (unless you're religious). I am a SUCKER for lonely gods who yearn for their lovers for 1000+ years to be reborn or until they can find and fall in love with them all over again and the cycle repeats. When I found shifting 5-6 years ago, i never realized I understimated of 1000+ years of looking, yearning and mourning for your lover!
Like 5-6 years of shifting (i finally shifted btw) has already exhausted me, what more if it was 1000+ years? Personally, one of my favorite kdramas are Goblin but what is it about? When Kim Shin (the goblin) is faced with death instead of honor after fighting a mighty battle, God Almightly turns Kim Shin into a goblin instead, tasked with protecting certain people from the life of misery. But immortality is wearing on Kim Shin, and he longs to find the prophesied human bride who can set his soul free. A 939-year-old immortal goblin and protector of souls who is in search for his bride, the only one who can remove the sword piercing through his chest. Once the sword is removed, he may finally move to the afterlife and rest in peace. He possesses supernatural powers that come with his immortality, but he has to pay a huge price for this. He feels lonely as he has to watch his loved ones leaving him behind when their lifespan ends (wikipedia). This kdrama was so poetic, I loved the lines in this series, especially the ones at the very end, even the songs are poetic and unskippable
So, why am I bringing this up? I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY but I just thought as shifters, its like we're lonely gods, shifting for 5+ years just to see the love of our lives, whether it be platonic and/or romantic
Shifters are yearners, mourners who long for a happier life because of their shitty realities, they want to get out of it, doing everything to go back. In the scene where Kim Shin is in a desert, in the limbo between life and death, he endured ALLAT so he can come back to his lover and he did it for a total of 9 YEARS
Do you see where I'm coming from? Same as SHIFTERS, they'd do anything, no matter how long it takes
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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Face Your Fears
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, in a big, golden kingdom, resided a princess called Reneé. She dreamed of big things, to see every inch of the world and its wonders, her soul yearned for the adventure that lies within her short, little life.
But what was her problem? Why can't she do it? She was afraid, afraid of the unknown and the new. Can we help her face her fears?
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By acknowledging your fears, one can achieve lots and I mean lots, and this was crucial for me when I was just starting out with my shifting career (wow). As I have always stood by in my shifting logs, I am always and forever will be a pussy. Being brave is not removing your fear, being brave is facing it scared, the courage to walk and face your long time fears, that is what the essence of being brave actually is
I've always been one to use me scripting my DRs as a stall to me actually going to shift, I wasn't ready to face it, to grasp the reality of the concept of reality shifting is.
I love scripting. The problem with me is that im so addicted to scripting, I cannot count how many times I have scripted more than I have actually tried to shift. The extensive lore of my HOTD & GoT is just gonna get longer and longer, the hyperfixation is actually crazy icl, my HOTD lore was a whole ass book I could be the next GRRM (well no, I don't want to be the next GRRM since for some reason he weirds me out but ykwim). Every time I watch a new show and immediately love it, boom I always look for a script template, im lucky if thats show's awfully famous
Im not only afraid of shifting, im also scared of my current reality, what if i was missing out? What if i died and missed the chance to shift? What if I actually never get to shift?
Then I realize I shouldn't let fear get the best of me and that is when I realized FEAR is the one holding me back from my ultimate goal, so I shifted scared so i can face what is out there and boom, i shifted!
Happy Shifting!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
Hawks as a 1st time daddy (MHA DR)
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When Hankie was born, Hawks was actually kind of scared.
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He was just about to step closer, but a soft chirp from Baby Hank, made him hesitate for a sec, i saw the flicker of concern flashing in his eyes. He thought, maybe being too close was triggering the baby's sense of fear of flying predators or something like that since Hawks wings were bright red and stood big. He just kept his distance i felt SOOOO BAD LMAO, he still standing by the door frame, i noticed his wings twitching slightly as a reaction. "Keito, huh? A pretty strong name for such a cute little thing." He commented sheepishly, he watched the baby wriggle in my arms and chirp in an almost adorable manner, after all, Hank was our little birdie. I then sheepishly admitted I just named Hank after his real name, Keigo, then just switched G with T, Keito. Legit bro almost snorted laughing at me for the "creativity" "Is that so?" He had the good-for-punching smirk on his lips. "I'm honored then. I like it." He chuckled softly, his wings flickering as he watched you cradle Keito close to my chest. After a moment, his eyes trails down to Keito's tiny wings, my wing genes DID NOT BUDGE I TELL YOU, he was all Hawks carbon copy
So, before Hankie knew how to fly with his daddy, Hawks straps him into a secure, custom-made baby carrier designed for flight. He’s like overly cautious and is anxious about anything and everything, flying slower than ever. While soaring gently through the sky, he says Hankie giggles at the the wind, and he just whispers something like, “You’re gonna love flying as much as I do, aren’t you, little bird?”
When Hank used to wake up crying in the middle of the night, Keigo insists on handling it, LIKE ALL THE TIME, telling me, “I’ve got this, hero work taught me how to survive on no sleep!” then he proceeds to rock Hank while humming softly, his wings wrapping protectively around us both.
Hawks uses his feathers to gently tickle the Hank’s cheeks, making the little burst into giggles and random babbles which he seemed to understand (???) Like Hank would babble the most unintelligible stuff and Hawks would nod and listen like it was the MOST sophistical conversation he's had in his entire hero life. He always beams proudly, saying, "That’s right, laugh it up! You’ve got my sense of humor already" or "No way! Really! Baby, listen to what he said!" God they're so adorable, my favorite boys in the entire world
During his early patrols when he usually leaves at the crack of down, Hawks carries a baby picture of Hankie in his pocket and just casually shows it off to fellow heroes (dude he used to say like "no i dont think thats my baby in there"). "Yeah, saving lives is cool, but have you seen this? Look at those cheeks. I made that!" Hes such a proud and goofball dad, such a good partner too, im always drooling
When the Hank’s first word came out to be "wing" instead of "dad," Hawks was lowk offended. Saying stuff like "What?! My own wings get the credit before me? I made YOU!" But, ya know, secretly, he was like super ecstatic and starts flapping his big bright red wings around the room to entertain them. He also tickled Hank's alreadu growing wings, it was getting bigger and bigger as he grew up.
During our daily ritual, the afternoon nap time, Hawks wraps Hankie in his wings, creating a warm, feathery cocoon, like we do to each other when we sleep at night or make love (yes). Hank, after his fair share of energy bursts, always falls asleep instantly, and Hawks just smirks, saying, "Guess I’m the best blanket in town." hes so smug and proud of himself, its almost too attractive to handle
Hawks, as his usual habit, starts jokingly giving pep talks to Hank while his sitting in his high chair for lunch. "Alright, little one, you’ve got my awesome genes, so let’s aim for hero number one, okay? None of that number two stuff." Hawks is Hank's number 1 hypeman, the biggest hypeman of them all, he tells him his hero stories, especially the funny ones, to inspire Hank and make him laugh too. Hawks doesnt actually care if his son was a number 1, 2 or 3 hero or may not even want to be a hero, what was important is that Hank grew up happy and healthy in a likewise family household
When Hank took his first steps, Hawks practically lost it. He jumps into the air, cheering like crazy (told you Hawks was his biggest hypeman ever), and then ended up scaring Hank into falling. He then lands immediately, panicking, then says something like “No, no, you’re okay! Daddy just got too excited, that’s all.” Then he spends the next hour, a day even, encouraging Hank to try again.
That is all for this story time, byeeeeee!!!!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
MHA DR: The Married Life with Hawks & Hank
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Originally, I did not even have an S/O in my MHA dr for a change, not until some ***miracle*** between me and Hawks magically happened and boom, there was Hank (his nickname, his real name being Keito Takami, Keito was just switching Hawks' name, Keigo, with a T, and Keito also means joyous, blessed, and fortunate.
Rocky start of parenthood (bonus the hookup)
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So the miracle happened when all the pro heroes were having this little celebration, a party if you will. Me and Hawks were fooling around alone somewhere. Actually, he did NOT believe me when I said i was boomshakalaka pregnant with his kid (p.s i did NOT sleep with anyone else before/after him). When the ultrasound showed the fuckass wing bones, he sighed and just accepted his fate as a daddy (bonus Keito/Hank had his features, a total carbon copy) I actually had a hard time with pregnancy???? Made me realize how REAL shifting is cause ong why was my back arching NOT IN THE GOOD WAY cause Hank was crazy heavy inside my belly since the wings added a few pounds, why the hell was it HEAVY???? (For more info actually, im also a pro hero, hero name Saintess, real name is Yves Saintè Laurent. Quirk name's Divinity since Im an angel, angel wings, angel halo, whatever angel traits there are. Keito inherited both of our wings, make sense why it was weighty). Hawks was really helpful and supportive, wanting the best for his son, he did NOT leave me alone for even a second. When Hank was born, i saw the love in his eyes when he held him, he was so happy, he called Hankie his little bird, he saw the wings, the hair, the face and fell in love completely with his son
Fun moments with Hank (our son)
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Hank and Hawks like to go out to fly just to play. One day Hank comes running to me with a bloodied and bruised knee. I literally yelled their names out of worry "KEITO AND KEIGO TAKAMAKI! What in the hell happened?!" then I knelt down to check on the little one's knee. Hawks then gives me a run through, Hank skinned his knee when he bumped into a tree after attempting to fly through the big space. I carry the crying Hank over my shoulder, "i told you to be careful, baby!" that was what I said. Hank keeps on crying, "Sorry Mama!" over and over again, it broke my heart to see my baby cry. We then go to the bathroom to clean and treat his little wound, I reminded Hank to be careful with flying or else Ill be stricter with his playtime. After that, me and Hawks retreat to the couch. Just to calm me down, Hawks massaged my back cause i was fuming and super worried my baby was gonna get hurt from his flying practice. Hawks kept saying sorry babe this, sorry babe that while massaging me, trying to get me out of distress. So we can sooth our baby, we decided to treat him with ice cream, gobbled up the whole bucket giggling
Hank has this something he calls his "man dinner", he doesn't eat it everyday but i like to give it to him as a reward, now man dinner consists of three courses, the appetizer is orange fish eggs (i actually made this with agar agar powder and fruit juice) and seaweed which he thinks are the fancy caviar thingies in restaurants, next course is his spaghetti with meatballs, he prefers his spag garnished with basil, cause he REAAALLLLYYY thinks its fancy, his dessert is his grape juice (which he thinks is the grown up juice which is wine) and ice cream sandwhich. "Hank, man dinner's ready!" I call out to the kid. Hank's eyes lit up at the mention of his "man dinner." Excitedly, he hurried over, a wide grin on his little face. He clambered onto his highchair, looking every bit like a grown-up in miniature. "Man dinner!" he exclaimed, clapping his tiny hands together. "I'm ready!" "Okay, please dont be messy with man dinner, little bird" i remind him "I'll do my best, Mom!" Hank replied, his wings fluttering with determination. Hawks chuckled softly at the sight, his wings rustling with amusement. "Quite the little man we've got, huh?" he said, a proud father's smile on his face. He gently reached out, ruffling Hank's hair affectionately. "Lets see how well he handles his man dinner tonight, hm?"
I was cuddling with Hank while Hawks was annoying me from behind, wanting a cuddle too, his hands and wings tickle me from behind. Bro even tried to be a little over PG, i cover his face with my palm and whispered "Pro pervert". He kept saying i love yous and was so gentle with his touches. "If you really loved me, you'll marry" I half-jokingly and seriously said. His eyes kind of widen for a sec, "Just joking, you dont have to tie yourself to me" then his mood shifts then said something like "oh what? What do you mean, babe?" "I mean like you dont have to tie yourself to me, you know, you're like young, wild and free." (Pathetic of me i know) Then bro starts reassuring me "I want you babe" this "you're the only woman ill ever love" that "i love you and Hank" then he promised me he was gonna buy me a red ruby ring, and the next day, i found the shining ring on the bedside table.
Me and Hawks have this cute little thing when we sleep, since we both have wings, i first wrap mine around his back and then overlaps it with his. One time we did that and Hankie walked inside the room, he legit cried cause he thought we've been gobbled up by some big feathery monster. Just an hour before dawn is when he leaves usually. Hawks is an early bird that catches the worm, he leaves without waking me, his habit, so I rest as much as possible. A note from him is ALWAYS left on the bedside table, the neat, cursive wrote a little love message everyday "Gone to patrol early. See you and Hank tonight. Love, Keigo". The note had his usual signature chicken scratch doodle drawn with his stupid cute little face portrait in the corner, making me smile like sheeeeeeeeeet.
Me and Hawks, rarely fight, like RARELY but one day, eventually like couples do, we fought of course. It was small but bothered me so much since i was really sensitive with my mood. He was very calm and rational tho, just to lighten up the mood, he would crack up stupid jokes but i pushed him away cause i was not in the mood (toxic ass trait) made me feel so bad cause he was super empathetic and understanding of my feelings. His wings were usually were held up high by him but when we fought that day, his wings were droopy and sombre :(. When I was powdering Hankie's back, he asked me if I was mad at daddy, of course I asked why did he think so and why did he ask. My baby told me daddy's wings have been looking sad and i wasnt looking at Hawks all day, i just explained that when grown ups like me and his daddy have an misunderstanding, sometimes we had to cool down before talking again. Hank's tiny "Oh," murmurs. Suddenly with a spurge of energy and determination, he nods. "I know! I can help. Like a super hero!" He has always liked being a superhero. His cute wings fluttered w/ so much excitement as he tried to mimic a hero's pose, though his tiny arms made it look more adorable than heroic, he was a chubby baby "I can make you and Daddy talk again! I'm a hero, Mama!". I chuckle and kissed him all over. Hawks then suddenly sits down beside his son and we were like AWKWARD. Hank kept saying "Mama, daddy, please love!" While tugging at my shirt
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That is all for now with this DR, next story time is my genshin DR♡♡♡
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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In Every Other Universe....
In every universe, I will always look for you. In every lifetime, I will always love you. In every maelstrom of timelines, I will and forever always chase and reach out to you.
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I will fall in love with you
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and over again
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I don't care how,
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or when
No matter how long it's been,
you're mine
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Don't tell me you're not the same person
You're always my husband and I've been waiting, waiting
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
Look! Its Glinda!
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Let us be glad! Let us be grateful!!!
Our today's special guest is Glinda Upland or Glinda the Good Witch or Witch of The North
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Okay, but why am I bringing up G(a)linda, this is a shifting account and what does she have to do with anything with shifting? Well...
These things are sent to try us!!!
Kidding aside, I brought up Glinda for a lesson today, for everyone, although you don't really need lessons when it comes to shifting since what you need is only yourself.
Now Glinda (Based on 2024 Wicked), she enters Shiz University to further into higher education. As we all know, Elphaba and Glinda have powers, now of course, there is a difference between them, Elphie has natural and raw abilities while Glinda, was depicted struggling with her magic and relied on training-based spells. In the shifting community, we are quite divided with shifters who have shifted and shifters who have not shifted yet. Now what is the connection? Shifters who have shifted maybe seen by shifters who have not shifted yet as Elphie (posesses innate elemental abilities which are extraordinary and seemed to disregard the need for effort), while shifters who have not shifted may see themselves as Glinda (lacking abilities and reliance on many other things, a good example for Glinda's character was relying on her social status and charm).
While Elphie's innate powers were very strong, she still required the education in controlling and refining her powers. This goes with our shifters who have and have not shifted yet, with enough training, Glinda eventually had her own magic. Thats what they all say, comparison is the thief of joy. People who have shifted had their bad days too, struggling with shifting, endless overthinking and research, they once may have seen themselves as Glinda or were once a Glinda, heavily relying on the influence and words from other shifters but eventually, they realize all they had to do was let go and be them in order to shift, therefore they have shifted (at last).
Glinda is one of my favorite complex characters in the Wicked franchise and I have deeply related to her in various ways and thought "Hey, she could absolutely do for a shifting lesson!". Glindas and Elphies co-exist in any community, every community, even in ours. Do not compare your shifting journeys, these journeys are personal and vary for every Glinda and Elphie.
Okay now question, who's shifting to Wicked? Lmk!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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After years of unreplenished desire for shifting stories, I'd say I made it. I have already shifted to my HxH DR and have already been working on a part 2 of my shifting stories
I didn't think I would get this far into my shifting journey and I'm more than happy to spread glee through my upcoming shifting stories. I believe we always lack a lot of shifting stories or I'm just unbelievably a big back for them, nonetheless, may we share more of our stories to motivate and entertain fellow shifters!!!
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I need more shifting stories cause where the hell are they???
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
Shifting is Love
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I applaud people who shift but whom I admire the most are people who shift for love, what do you mean you spent hours and even years just to see this person? The person you love the most? I have always believed in bravery and love being strong characteristics, and shifters are a solid proof of this strong kind of characteristics
They are a different breed, they sleep so they can see you, some of them even hate to wait to see you but they still do it every night, to reach you, chase after you, to finally basked in your warmth and presence
Oh, to be loved by a shifter
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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My Inbox!!!
As we all know, we all have the ask inbox in our profiles, i labeled mine as "hugs and kisses". I know shifting has a vast concept and is easy to understand for others but complex to grasp with another set of individuals
Please do not hesitate to ask! I will always deliver my best in answering questions and give more insight about the specific topic you would want to seek knowledge in further
I have so much to post this coming days since I've been more active in here and lazier in school, no worries though, I have a few shifting logs and a part 2 of my hxh DR story time, so much content to look forward to, not a lot of people have shifting stories posted on here and im so so happy to now be able to supply fun and exciting stories
I love you all so much!!!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
Common Misconceptions
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In 2020, the "ShiftTok" community on TikTok became popular for sharing tips and experiences about reality shifting and I shall have a run through and debunking
1. You need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and to shift
Claim: You can shift more successfully if you drink enough water
Reality: Nope, you don't even need anything but yourself to shift, although its really cool to stay hydrated
2. You Can Get Stuck in Your DR
Claim: If you shift to your desired reality, you can get permanently trapped there.
Reality: Bro what? People return can and always will come back to their current reality (CR) upon choice or intention.
3. You Need a Script for Shifting
Claim: A script is mandatory for shifting, "If you don't script this, this won't happen!" Or "If you don't shift all your body parts specifically, you won't have them in your DR!"
Reality: While scripts can help clarify intentions, they are not necessary since your subsconcious remembers everything.
4. Anyone Cannot Shift Without Preparation
Claim: You should put effort in shifting or else, you will never shift
Reality: Well yes, practices like meditation, visualization, and mindfulness often help prepare the mind for shifting, I have seen dozens of people shifting even on accident, so no, you don't need 100,000 words in your script to prepare
5. You should always used Shifting Methods
Claim: Specific methods (Raven Method, Alice in Wonderland Method) guarantee success for everyone and everybody should use them in order to shift
Reality: Results may vary. What works for one person might not work for another, and none of these methods guarantee your success in shifting, but you know what does? You
6. Shifting is Dangerous
Claim: Shifting can harm your mental health or spiritual state.
Reality: Shifting itself is harmful, obsessing over it or using it as an escape from reality may affect mental health (I used to do this and greatly damaged my own health, now I'm much better, I have shifted, doesn't mean that you can't shift in any mental state)
7. Only Certain People Can Shift (Genetics)
Claim: You need a specific "vibe," spiritual ability, genetics or "chosen" status to shift.
Reality: Many of us in this blessed yet also cursed community emphasize that anyone can shift with practice and belief, and no genetics doesn't have anything batshit to do in shifting
These misconceptions were often spread like a plage in the medieval times due to lack of actual knowledge in the subject matter, I advise everyone to watch Kristeau's video about shifting to know a lot more
8. If You Shift, You'll Go To Hell
Claim: If you're christian/catholic/etc and you shift, you'll go to hell
Reality: And to hell with that! Unless you planned to shift to hell, that is NOT happening ffs! Guilty of once believing this crap
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
Shifting Log #6
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I have mentioned this a few shifting logs ago that I had a few friends that shifted or knew about shifting or has attempted to shift. For friend number 1, lets call her Nana. We were in dance practice and we were hanging out by her house to rest and eat. One of my other friends, Leah, just suddenly brings up the multiverse, of course, the lore whores that we are when someone brings up the multiverse, we started to talk about it.
Nana brings up shifting, she has shifted to Hogwarts or her Harry Potter DR. So her story was she was sleeping and suddenly, she shifted to her Gryffindor (?) dorm room. She said it was like saur surreal, like she didnt even believe it was real at first lolol. The room smelled earthy and grassy like what did that mean anyway???? Anyway, she stayed there for a week, became aquaintances with the golden trio, said Malfoy and his gang were annoying as fuck, like way worse in the movies, she did NOT enjoy any classes, lololol thats all what she said
My other friend, Lyka, we'll call her, has shifted to her Bonten DR. She actually had a script after giving her a little tuts, her s/o was Rindou(?) (Honestly this part was lowkey questionable to me now since we absolutely did NOT take shifting as serious and as real as it actually is, your realities contain true & very much alive people with feelings, I actually do not remember if she scripted in the crime and violence since we didnt talk anymore) it was a mini-shift, but still a shift, it was only for a few minutes. She woke up in a fancy room and almost freaked the fuck out cause their house isnt like that, someone opened the door but she didnt get to see the person when she closed her eyes and she was suddenly black to her CR
My guy friend, Sean, experienced what he calls lucid dreaming but I thought it was just more than just lucid dreaming. I mean it could be but what if, just what if, what if he shifted??? He woke up in the lucid dream and just walked around, then he just says "I want powers" then suddenly his hand was absolutely busting out different colors of like mist and stuff then he wakes up, this one was a little short but its worth saying anyway
Happy Shifting, folks!
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reneissanceee · 2 months ago
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I'm not that afraid of death anymore cause technically we are all immortal. But I do think death, if its even real, it is beautiful. To think you'll be joined with the wind, like you wilt like a flower. Death is the irreversible end of life, when all biological functions that sustain an organism stop
In shifting, you live through thousands of lives, you are reincarnated and reborn at every second, milisecond and we don't even realize it.
We should embrace how beautiful shifting is, we get to live through thousands of eyes, the experience maybe scary to the baby shifters since your awareness get yanked somewhere else.
I feel glad I don't have to worry much about death since as a kid, I've always shook in fear when somebody mentions our inevitable death and it worried me since I was a Catholic at that time and listened to God. Now I'm an atheist and a shifter, life now somehow gave me hope and I'm no longer depressed. I used to fear the Rapture & The Second Coming cause what if I went to Hell? But the only answer to that is I can go anywhere I like, explore worlds my awareness hasn't encountered yet.
Death is no longer a big deal and I'm glad I'm getting this burden off my shoulders.
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Hi, so I have this dumb question and I wanna know what everyone thinks. So like if i die in my OR/CR, can I still come back to that reality? I actually scripted that life goes on in my WR & DR if I do die in my CR but I just wanted to ask cause I feel like I'm gonna die in my CR soon
Edit: hi y'all, ppl have responded and I just wanna say thank u for ur answers, helped alot!!! I just wanna say no, not considering suicide, im way past that. But the situation im in rn is kind of inevitable or seems like it but I hope it doesn't happen cause I still pretty much wanna live
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