#supa strikas iron tank
matashaw · 1 year
Spot the difference challenge
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supa-suckers · 2 years
Uber x Ja Nein
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Ship Headcanons:
Just wanna drop this off before we start please please let's not turn this ship into an uwu soft boy x mean big guy/ amon n Helen situation of course everyone can have their own opinion and preception of a ship but as a gay man im so sick and tired off that stereotype.
Can we talk about Crush Era 'cause like y'all just know these two were the most obnoxious, most in your face crushes ever Thor still calls them big gay peacocks.
Uber has a whole entire tone of voice he uses just for him, Ja Nein's mouthier with him and just more open to confrontation, they blush constantly around eachother (which isn't all that much of a problem for Ja Nein but Uber's white),they do this thing where they tease-flirt eachother and it's just so painfully obvious.
For some reason i really like the idea of İron Tank including Von Pushup coming togeather out of boredom to try and matchmake them because let's face it almost every man in the Tank is gay. So like Ja Nein goes 'im fucking the captain ' and they all have to pretend it's a shocker.
Very discreet with their affection, no fireworks and fancy words for thesse two also no nicknames it's just not for them.
Whenever Uber goes on a long misson he'll give Ja Nein his dog tags which he keeps in his breast pocket.
The first few months they slept togeather Ja Nein slapped a nicotine patch on Uber . Uber put tracking chips in everything he could get his hands on. They're both aware of what the other is doing, it's cute to them.
İt's less cute when Uber's overbearing nature clashes with Ja Nein's tendency to keep to himself and y'know expections of respect...for his privacy, also when Uber can't put into words that his bodily auntonomy is really important to him but Ja Nein's insecuritys and contolling attitude sometimes really irk him.
Their arguments are long lived and fiery, they'll both be on eachother's cases for a week or so afterwards but they make up slowly but surely.
Uber learns to be more trusting of both Ja Nein and his abilities and Ja Nein slowly let's off as he feels more and more secure both in and about the relationship.
Ja Nein's form of apolgizing is asking if he can do anything for him or if he needs anything it took Uber a little time to figure that out.
Forehead kisses, hand on the other's shoulder, thigh bumps, just rubbing shoulders and also leaning.
Uber likes to suddenly put his whole wait on Ja Nein and watch as he struggles he claims it's cute when they wrestle Ja Nein won't let him up untill he asks 'properly' because good manners are important.
When he's mad Ja Nein will speak to Uber's rack rather than him.
They really aren't the gift type but once Uber brought Nein an edelweiss that he pocketed during a misson who thought it was extremely fitting and carefully reserved it in a book.
Ja Nein mutters under his breath as he works and Uber can read lips; 'this fuckin tea taste like piss, can i convince Thor to get me ibufren, Uber really packin in that top, i wonder if we'll face İ.U next etc.'
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what’s y’all least fav supa strikas character?? Cuz I can’t dislike any of them or I just don’t have none in mind
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tytarax2 · 6 months
may i request twisting tiger, ja nein and liquido with an s/o smaller than them?
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Forehead kisses literally 24/7
Will definitely confront someone who’s being rude
Sometimes he will go up to you and pat your head or pull your cheeks with his big, cheeky smile
If you were around his height tho, i think he would love to rest his head on your shoulder
Will randomly go up to you and hug you while rocking back and forth because that’s how much love he has for you
If he does tease you, it won't last long time bcs it will end up with laughing
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Well, even though he's the shortest on his team, he's still German, so he's definitely tall.
You’re always the small spoon, seeing as neither of you would be comfortable any other way.
He really has no defining opinion towards your height
He does find it slightly amusing seeing you reaching for high up things or trying to intimidate Uber when messes with you
You sometimes steal his shirts and jackets, and he loves how it drapes off of your body
He makes fun of you but only to tease you and joke around, God forbid someone else make fun of you cause then you’ll have to struggle with holding your much taller bf back from use his manipulating skills :v
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Oh boy
This guy has no mercy
He lives and breathes short jokes
He loves the height difference between you two and brings it up a lot
Always moving things up too high for you cuz he adores helping you out
It wouldn't matter if you're slightly shorter than him, he will lord it over your head
I can see the bastard bending down until he's eye level with you and cooing how cute you are
So you better get used to it
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zeni1098 · 25 days
Ja nein:Hey guys wanna know about za time I hostaged a kindergarten class and banged ze teacher of front of zem and got away wiz it?
Von eye:..
Von push up:…
Von push up:…Why did I let you on my team?
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1975rasta · 5 days
HIYAAAAAA Just wanna pop in here cuz Rasta and Thor being pretty princesses off the pitch and also at home is so right of you and now I’m going insane/j
Cuz Rasta seems the type to love self care days (not to El Matador’s extreme tho) and often does it alone or with his spouse cuz as much as he loves the guys and the fans, he needs his well-deserved break
Thor however has to go through Batman levels of security checks to make sure that not a peep of his extracurriculars make it out to his team or the public cuz he’s supposed to be training on and off the pitch like bruh let my man wear his rose water face mask and listen to yoga music like he’s not hurting anyone (AHEMAHEMCrunchAHEMAHEM)
Also a fandom question if you wanna answer: Favourite SS Headcanon? It can also be multiple if you like!
-S Stan
Hello! I’m currently on the train back home and it’s going to be a long journey. Your ask made my evening. Thank you so much!
Dancing Rasta is a though man and we’ve excepted it many times. He’s harsh and he shouts experienced it many times. Just like a captain would. He’s too hard on his team sometimes and I think he’s just anxious about something not going the way he wants. I believe he is just simply afraid of things getting out of hand and when they do, everything happens just like in „Training Daze.”
I believe Rasta does love having self care days but it definitely took a lot of effort, both from his spouse and him. I think it actually could have taken even years for him to feel like he deserves to take care of himself! It’s not always a SPA day. Sometimes he is in the need of undoing his locs or maybe just mosturize his skin.
In my mind, you’re correct. He loves to have a good self-care day with his loved one, although it took a lot of effort too. He still don’t feel always comfortable while doing it. Dancing Rasta is an extremely awkward man with such an awkward energy. Sometimes he needs to be completely on his own and his spouse respects it too.
About Thor: Yes, until he’s done with the research, he won’t feel comfortable taking care of himself around his significant other. He is afraid of people judging him and it will take a lot of time for him to open up.
Time for questions? Time for questions! So here’s 13 of my favourite headcanons. Keep in mind? I love hurt/comfort.
Von Push Up has three daughters and eleven men-children
Rasta is insomniac with caffeine addiction even though he won’t admit it
Thor calls Rasta sometimes so does Uber. He is relatively close with the Tanks and every time Coach and Von Push Up talk, the other always ask him about DR
Thor uses „Noir de Noir” by Tom Ford
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Dancing Rasta feels homesick even if he never talks about that. Once he retires, he’d live in his beloved Swiss Alps until the end of his days
„To be love is to be accepted” is Skarra. „To be love is to be considered” is Klaus. „To be loved is to be known” is Shakes. „To be loved is to be seen” is Thor. „To be loved is to be listened to” is Rasta.
„If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes” - makes me always think of Thor. I think of him warmly and I think sometimes he daydreams of having a safe space where he could safely spend his retirement, maybe by assembling models and solving puzzles; He wants to heal from the War Trauma and someone to drink tea with.
„Personalize everything or die with nothing to your name” Somehow reminds me of Dancing Rasta. He is the kind of person who wears knitted Bob Marley keychain with his keys. He wears colorful gems bracelets. All of his backpacks, tote bags are full of enamel pins and plush keychains. If something is owned by DR, it is known by everyone.
„No Surprises” by Radiohead is the Rasta Song for me. All he wants is peace, the inner peace too. He wants to take care of his garden, bake his pastries. Tender love, hand to hand. To have someone who could just accept his solitude but still be there.
Rasta is a high-functioning person on autism spectrum. I’d believe you faster if you told me Hydra’s trio is not a polycue than DR is completely neurotypical. He finds it difficult to regulate his body temperature and once the season ends, he goes completely non-verbal.
Dancing Rasta hates physical contact. He is never the one to initiate it, unless a teammate needs it really bad. If someone acts too loud, move to fast, raise their hand, Dancing Rasta is going to flinch. Always.
Acts of intimacy (not nfsw) for Thor
Puzzle putting
Forehead kisses
Models assembling together
Have a dinner date
SPA day
If their S/O is lucky enough, he’s going to let them put not only a face/lip mask on but also a whole face makeup/paint his nails
Acts of intimacy (Dancing Rasta)
It’s hard to be intimate with someone who is scared both of physical and emotional intimacy. After years of being together, his spouse just accepted it
Picking and putting his jewelry on
Gently brushing and washing his hair: touching Dancing Rasta’s hair is the highest form of intimacy between him and his partner. Only they are allowed of doing it and not always. For Rastas, their hair is something very important.
The last one, one of the most rare and most wanted ones - bathing together. Preparing him a bath.
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uber-driver10 · 1 year
I had so much fun while drawing this lolll
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star-child-wonders · 1 year
Attention all Supafans!
I am very happy to announce an event this December! An event for our own little fandom!
Say hello to
This December you can use these prompts for any purpose! Show us all your creativity and skills and let us celebrate being in this amazing little fandom!
There is no need to go by the order of these prompts, do as you like!
Make sure to tag #Strikacember while submitting your stuff!
There is only one rule, Enjoy yourself!
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nightflower-stuff · 4 months
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💘 OC Doodles (Fandoms/Originals) pt. 5 ♥️
[1st slide]:
• Sky Agent Teams ❣️💘:
- S.O.P.H.I.A 💓
- J.A.K.E 💙
- C.L.A.R.E❣️
Fanart gift for @/sky_agent_jake (IG)
[2nd slide]:
• Supa Strikas⚽ X Hazbin Hotel 🏨:
- Iron Tank Players as sinners 😈
Art Requests/Suggestions & Fanart gift for @/supastrikasgacha (TikTok)
[3rd, 4th & last slide]:
• Other Female OCs ❤️:
- Lilu 🍃
- Milly ❣️
- Julia🖤
- Alice 💖
- Hunter 😈
- Mireya 🦇
- Janessa 🎮
Fanart gift for @/lilu.25727, @/mani_sugar1174 (YouTube), @/melis.altun10, @/jakovleva372, @hunter_loves_ketelin, @/miir_draws (All IG) & @janessa-lapiz
Hope you like them! 💓❤️
S.O.P.H.I.A, J.A.K.E & C.L.A.R.E (@/sky_agent_jake)
Lilu (@/lilu.25727)
Milly (@/mani_sugar)
Julia (@/melis.altun10)
Alice (@/jakovleva372)
Hunter (@/hunter_loves_ketelin)
Mireya (@/miir_draws)
Janessa ( @janessa-lapiz )
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lexygabe · 1 year
[father-daughter] iron tank!helena & von pushup one-shot
Helena couldn't afford shit. But to be more specific, she couldn't afford a new sink, because the old one (in front of which she stood) was broken (she broke it, while trying to install it).
It was her fourth month as an apprentice coach of Iron Tank' team, so she knew that the lack of a decent sink would not go unnoticed by Colonel Von Pushup.
,,What the heck do I do now, Larry?" she asked mop, which was leaning against the wall. When she turn her head in said direction, mop fell to the floor. ,,Shit."
For a moment, Helena considered the option of returning to South Africa, changing her name and forgetting about this whole farce called the Super League. But then she remembered she didn't have enough money to do this.
She sighed, stood up and started walking towards training base.
,,If anything happens, I will hit him directly in this beer belly" Helena talked to herself, trying to encourage herself. ,,Just like that."
Working for Iron Tanks was the best option for her among all job offers for other teams (Supa Strikas was too boring, even though her admiration for Coach, and on Hydra stadium she was this close to beat the shit out of Liquido). So it wasn't that unexpected that heads of the Super League decided to send her here... to Germany... in the Alps.
While leaving the building, she put on the fleece military jacket that Colonel once had given her when Helena had gone outside, unaware of the frost. Of course, at first he laughed at her and started telling his players some anecdote about why he always finds it funny when tourists come to this area, not expecting such cold weather. Present day was definitely warmer than mentioned one, but Helena still coudn't get used to temperatures of this region so while Iron Tank's players were wearing long sleeve shirts and Von Pushup himself wore a leather jacket with fur trim around the collar, Helena looked like as if she was going to climb mountains.
,,Fuck, my grandfather was a pilot in an English squadron 70 years ago, and I can't talk to my superior like with normal human being?" she thought, standing two steps away from her mentor.
Colonel Von Pushup with an almost smoked cigarette in his mouth and sunglasses on his nose, gave Helena the side eye.
,,The sink broke" she said with straight face.
Von Pushup started chocking on his cigarette. In a panic, Helena started hitting him on the back and then performed the Heimlich maneuver on him, as a result of which the wet cigarettebutt fell to the ground.
,,Vat?!" Von Pushup screamed, scratching his throat.
,,It was an accident!" Helena screamed back, doing pouty face.
,,How the hell did you break the sink?!" Von Pushup looked at Helena with shock on his face and a dead look in his eyes. ,,Verdammt! Was zum Teufel!"
,,I'm sorry. It was unintentionally!" Helena swore, rubbing her shoes on the ground.
Von Pushup looked up and down on Helena and just shook his head, running his hand over the bridge of his nose.
When he at first heard that they will sent him a new apprentice, he thought they will gave him some dodger, who would avoid work and probably not survive 3 days in The Fortress.
But they sent him Helena.
She immediately made a positive impression on him, because the first thing she did when she arrived on stadium was getting into a fight with Thor over the last energy drink in vending machine, but it still didn't change the fact that Helena apart from being very first apprentice Colonel truly liked, was also an underachiever.
Suddenly he felt hunger. Hell, he didn't eat anything since 5 am and this memory of the vending machine just made him even hungrier.
,,Missy Supervisor, we are gonna cook and I don't want to hear any mumbling" he said, tapping Helena hard on the shoulder. ,,This is your penance!" he reminded, when Helena opened her mouth with the intention of interjecting something of her own.
,,More like for both of us, sir" Helena announced, shrugging.
The corners of his mouth turned upwards. She is good.
His eyes turned towards the football players standing in place, closely watching his conversation with Helena.
,,And why are you don't do anything?! Faster, faster, faster!" he whistled with his fingers. ,,All of you will be fixing the sink that our Supervisor broke."
Her eyes widened and she looked at Von Pushup with terror.
Iron Tank's players have been trying to fix what their friend had done for half a day.
Would it be easier if Von Pushup (or at least Ginerva) just called a plumber? Probably yes, but everybody knew Von Pushup's methods, so as long as The Fortress was not flooded, there was no need to call professionals to fix anything.
,,You know that, it looks like a dead squirrel with sweat from our guys' shirts?" Helena asked Iron Tanks coach, while looking at pork knuckle that she and Von Pushup had been preparing for two hours.
Von Pushup cackled with big smile, slapping his knee.
,,I consider this as a confirmation, sir" she said with sweet smirk, while pecking out a peace of meat with a fork. ,,I'm not gonna eat this."
,,You will! You destroyed our sink, and...!"
Von Pushup couldn't finish his sentence, because after a while there was a loud crash, and water gushed out from the adjoining room.
Von Pushup's face blushed furiously, but before he could do anything, Helena handed him their knuckle.
,,You know what, sir-man? We better eat that while it's hot."
In anger, he took the first bite of his and Helena's meal.
She is a good kid.
,,All of them will eat cat food for the whole next week."
,,Of course, sir. Of course."
i write this bcs of my english grammar exercises
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helena, wtf did you do
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tytarax · 6 months
Just imagine Invincible United AND Supa Strikas against the rest of the super league
Wow, that would be really interesting
First thing that I thought: The tournament of power of DBS.
Could they be separately, or even more interesting, all the teams against "Invincible Strikas" (?
What? 22 players against... Let me think... 154 players. Is that even possible?
Keeper... definitely Big Bo
I think the duo between Dooma and Rasta would be quite good by mixing their capabilities. But I wouldn't know who the captain would be, I mean, Rasta would definitely be a better captain in my opinion, but Dooma wouldn't let him.
Between Automatic, El Matador, Shakes and Skarra scored the goals. Regarding the rest of the players, they would not have as many problems.
Regarding our notable opponents, all the skills of each team together… incredible, simply incredible. But let's remember that Supa Strikas and Invincible United are the most outstanding teams, and they have surpassed all or the vast majority of players in the league.
However, I couldn't tell you who the winner would be.
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supa-suckers · 2 years
could you make some hcs about first meeting with Ja Nein, and generally with Iron Tank, and how the relationships changed trough time?
So at first the teams genral understanding was that Ja Nein was an insult, let me explain.
So we all know Von Pushup can be very *hand gestures* towards his players so when some smartass twink shows up and Von Pushup takes special care to announce that he's the SMART GUY and the IDEAS MAN yeah that was basically saying 'here's a guy who can do everything you can't' so at first they shun him and are downright rude to him.
Things change little by little with each New misson he takes on or helps in (İn C.J.l.H.G we can see that it's the first time one of the team is affectionate with him) the team also widely appriciate his tendency to just go for the most batshit insane solution to every problem also also i tottaly agree with the hc that he likes to wrestle and more often than not wins that earns him some social credit as well.
All in all they warm up to him but the change from not liking and not respecting Ja Nein to him actually being accepted as a part of the team isn't quick or drastic to an outsider it might still seem like they're picking on him, they are but it's a team thing now and he's picking on them back. At first there was some miscommunication between them because Ja Nein's main langugae is speaking while the rest of the guys favour action but they're getting through that.
At the place we are right now (and will probably be for some time let's face it) İron Tank respect him just enough to think it'd be rude to meddle in his business (he's a Man he knows what he's doing) and love him enough to verbally tell him he's done well on the other hand they don't care about him enough to not constantly bring up how small he is compared to them and they still like using him as workout equipment.
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theres just smthg abt them bro
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tytarax2 · 5 months
maybe some Uber, Riano, John J Johnson Jr. and Miko Chen hcs? (general or dating, either is fine with me)
Uuuuuh new guys
This time I'll go for... dating hcs (and you'll find some random hcs too)
I couldn't think of anything for John J Johnson Jr. so I hope you like the other headcanons
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I just love this guy, have a soft spot for him
Think of a giant teddy bear… already did it? That's him
He behaves kinda stupid sometimes just for you to give him that "shut the fuck up" look
He loves how small you look next to him
Gets spoiled a lot when he suffers an accident
You eat strudel together… when you can
And that means when Uber has a disability
The rest of the time he has a strict diet
Sometimes he can get a bit jealous (or insecure)
There's this guy who comes from the tactical division.
You two get along well... And Ja Nein enjoys bothering Uber
And what's better than bothering him with his favorite person?
So Uber would definitely intimidate Ja Nein with how huge he is
He’d pump his chest out more and wrap his arms around you in front of him to prove how much bigger and better he was.
“Hey, you better stop talking to that vhimp. I’m your boyfriend.”
Sends you mirror selfies from the gym
Loves being the big spoon.
Wants you to come to the gym with him
So all the other guys get jealous of him and his big biceps
AND his pretty partner
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Yup, that's his name
I just found out
He’s into PDA, he finds it cute; loves having his arm around you and holding your hand
Loves when you play with his hair
Being a footballer is hard when you have a relationship... but people should pray if they ever bother you two
You also spoil him a lot whenever he's injured
I don't know why, but him having a Spanish last name makes me think he's a teaser
Like... look for the word "tease" in the dictionary and you would find a big ass picture of him
I repeat I don't know why
But in any case would be the lovely kind of teasing
Spanish nicknames of courseeee
Princesa, reina, amor, corazón, bebé
He leaves you post-it notes before going to training "Don't forget to drink some water today" or "Take care of yourself"
He's your personal trainer
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This guy cooks... I'm sure of it
Kitchen dates that's it
So every night he's with you at home the two of you prepare dinner and lunch
And sometimes expect to have some surprise bento he made for you
You signed for it the day you accepted to date him
His wallpaper is a picture of you
Whenever you sleep together, he just hugs you and doesn’t want to let go of you.
Which is sometimes a bit annoying when you need to wake up
Even with one arm he just holds you so tight.
He probably does your hair even better than you do.
The little “goodbye” kiss on the forehead he gives you whenever he’s going somewhere.
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zeni1098 · 27 days
Ja nein will never NOT be hilarious to me. Like tons of big and muscular men then there’s a little slightly muscular twink lol/j
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yanxioustrikas · 1 year
i remember some old supa fans headcanoned ja nein to be half thai 🇹🇭 so here’s my lazy headcanons for him lmao
ja nein’s thai mother is from phuket — i named her pakpao saengkaew (ปักเปา แสงแก้ว), she went by “patricia” when studying uni in germany
he can only speak basic thai since he was born and raised in germany his whole life
he has been to his mother’s home country a few times tho!
ja nein’s favourite thai food is green curry
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