#sunshower series
fadingplaidlibrary · 5 months
Sunshower ☀️⛈️
Pairing: SDV!Harvey x OFC!Farmer (Black, she/her pronouns)
Word Count: 2,600
Chapter: 1 of ?
Summary: The good doctor meets his new neighbor.
Notes: this was so much fun to write! i did nawt mean for it to be this long y’all, my bad, it's fr looking like this is gonna be a series. this one can be read as a cute lil stand-alone too, tho! my original female character uses she/her pronouns and harvey uses he/him pronouns in this work. my ofc is Black like me <3. this installment is all fluff and sweet beginnings, but this series will likely have smut in later chapters, so be ye warned. canon-typical mentions of stormy weather, thunder, lightning, alcohol consumption (wine), hot beverage consumption (coffee), and grief (R.I.P. Grandpa). i don't think any other warnings apply, but let me know and i'll happily add whatever else is needed! any typos are my own. i do not consent for my work to be re-uploaded elsewhere. many thanks and hugs to my beautiful best friend who let me share the journey with her! enjoy :D
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The good doctor wasn’t normally a morning person. His dedication to his work meant that he had developed a habit of waking early to open the clinic, but he never particularly relished being up with the sun. He much preferred his quiet evenings, after his patients had been soothed and sent home with their orders. When Maru locked the clinic door behind her and waved goodbye at him through the glass as she always did. The brisk smell of antiseptic followed him upstairs to his tidy little apartment. He could nurse a glass of Pinot with the radio tuned to something inoffensive, static crackling intermittently while the stars blinked into the night sky. Harvey knew his over-reliance on coffee would catch up to him one day, but until that day came he would drain the pot to make his mornings bearable.
And then you came to town. Rumor had it you had inherited your late grandfather’s farm just west of town. You immediately became a subject of local curiosity. Harvey didn’t like to gossip – who could trust a doctor that did? – but his neighbors seemed very interested in figuring you out. He supposed he couldn’t blame them. Pelican Town was a comfortable, easygoing kind of village, charming in its simplicity, but somewhat lacking in the way of excitement or novelty, as such places tend to be. He much preferred it to the over-stimulation of the city, and he supposed you must prefer it too, if you were willing to uproot your life to be here. As a doctor, he hoped the change of scenery would refresh and invigorate you, as it had for him. And as a neighbor, well… Harvey was no gossip, but he was certainly just as curious about a new face in town as anyone else.
Your paths first crossed by chance on a drizzly spring day, just before the annual Egg Festival. That morning had been a particularly bleary one, and he had just run out of coffee. He stopped by Pierre’s to pick up two fresh bags, one for the office and one for his apartment. Harvey was on his way back to the clinic and focusing mainly on keeping himself dry as he briskly walked the short distance to his glass-doored sanctuary. Most of his neighbors stayed indoors on gray, sullen days like this one, and today was no exception. But there you were, a brand new face in an otherwise perfectly familiar scene. You wore a deep blue raincoat with the hood drawn up over your head, and you seemed… not sad per se, but pensive, as you gazed around the otherwise unoccupied town square. He waved to you from across the square, then raised his hand to shield his glasses from the rain.
“Hello!” he called out, “you must be the new farmer!”
Your eyes met, and you waved back with a grin and replied “Hi, yeah, I am! Nice to meet you!” Your smile was brilliant and utterly serene, undimmed by the haze of light rain in the air. A clap of thunder rumbled overhead, and over your shoulder Harvey saw lightning flash in the distance, way out at sea.
“Won’t you come in?” he called out again. You shrugged cheerfully and crossed the square to follow him into the clinic, the both of you slightly damp but not much worse for the wear. Harvey smiled and nodded politely to you as you crossed the threshold into the clinic, his eyes keen and his soft brown curls sparkling with raindrops. You felt suddenly shy, standing so close to this kind stranger, the both of you dripping water onto the slightly scuffed entrance mat.
“I-I’m Sunny,” you said, extending a slightly damp hand to the man.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Farmer Sunny,” he replied, and he shook your hand warmly. “I’m Harvey, the local doctor.”
You chuckled and said, “Just Sunny is fine, doc. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around, anyway. Farming’s kind of a contact sport.” Harvey nodded knowingly and released your hand. You couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in his eye. 
“I’m sure it is. I’ve treated quite a few farmers,” he joked lightly, closing the door behind you both. “Just Harvey, then, please. Welcome to Pelican Town, Sunny.” He smiled at you again, and your hands fumbled as you lowered the hood on your coat. “Would you like some coffee?” he asked as he walked to the tan door on the other side of the small reception room. “I was just about to brew a fresh pot. Or perhaps some tea? A warm drink would be ideal, given the weather.”
“Coffee’s great, thanks,” you replied with a grateful smile. Harvey nodded and gestured you over to one of the seats in the small waiting room, then pushed through the swinging door and disappeared into the back of the clinic.
There were no patients scheduled for the day, and Nurse Maru had the day off. The clinic was quiet. Outside, the storm showed no signs of stopping. You glanced around the room, rooted awkwardly to your spot on the entrance mat and trying to avoid getting too much water and mud onto Harvey’s very clean floors. You settled for removing your coat and hanging it on a hook by the door.
In his small office at the back of the clinic, Harvey placed the two bags of coffee onto the desk and shrugged off his green woolen cardigan. He draped it across the back of his office chair, repeating your name in his mind as he went. Sunny. Sunny, Sunny… Farmer Sunny. Just Sunny. It was an old habit of his, a trick he used to remember names. As he absentmindedly unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves, it crossed his mind that the name seemed to suit you. He suddenly felt a slight blush blooming on his cheeks and shook the thought away, sending droplets of water flying. “Just make the coffee, Harvey,” he muttered to himself, and set his focus to the task.
A few minutes passed. Harvey left the coffee machine percolating gently in his office and stepped back through the hall door into the waiting area. You stood by the clinic door still, brushing the last of the water from your hair and clothes.
“Hm?” You glanced up at him, and your eyes locked with his just as another flash of lightning crackled across the sky outside, much closer than the last one. You didn’t flinch, but you did cautiously step closer to the edge of the mat and away from the glass door. Harvey’s eyes glanced from you to the square outside, then down to the entrance mat, and back up to you with gentle concern.
“Would you like to have a seat?” he asked gently, his eyes twinkling as though he understood your predicament. “The coffee is brewing now.” You shivered slightly, not from the cold, but from the way his eyes seemed to take in the sight of you. His demeanor radiated a sort of warmth and reassurance. You understood why your new neighbors had spoken so highly of him.
“Oh- thanks! Thank you doc- Harvey, but um…” you stuttered. “My boots are, uh. Well.” You glanced down at your brand new work boots, now muddy and grass-stained from your trek through Cindersap Forest earlier.
“Mm-hm, I see,” Harvey mused, glancing down at your boots. “Would you like to remove your shoes and leave them by the door?”
Your face perks up at the suggestion. “You sure you won’t mind the socks?”
“Not at all, as long as you’re comfortable.” Harvey smiled graciously and rubbed his hands together. “I’ll bring the coffee in just a moment. Would you like milk or sugar?”
“Both, please, thank you,” you respond with a grin, and kneel to unlace your heavy boots.
“Coming right up,” Harvey replied, and returned to his office. You watched the door swing shut behind him and wondered if he often spent his days in this quiet clinic alone. He seemed like the shy type, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he did. You could hear the storm pick up behind you now, and the thunder rolled overhead a bit more ominously than before. You stood and toed your boots off hesitantly, wincing a bit as they rubbed against the sore spots at the backs of your ankles. Grandpa always did warn you never to break in new boots in rainy weather. A bittersweet smile crossed your face at the warm memory. You stepped onto the shiny linoleum tile in your socks just as Harvey swung back through the doors, carrying a beverage tray in his hands and a clinic blanket over his shoulder. He placed the tray on the reception counter and removed the blanket from his shoulder. You stepped over to him in your socks.
“Would you like a blanket?” he offered, extending it to you. “I just pulled it from our warmer in the back.”
“Yoba, absolutely,” you replied, taking the blanket from him with grateful hands. You draped the blanket over your shoulders while Harvey set one of the mugs aside.
“I typically take my coffee black, but I do keep milk and sugar stocked for Maru’s sake.” He untwisted the cap on the small bottle of cream and began to pour some into the other mug for you. “Say when,” he said, his voice soft.
You counted to four, no, five, in your head while he dutifully poured the milk into your mug, then – “When.”
He fastened the lid back onto the small container and set it aside. While you picked a few yellow sweetener packets from the small bowl on the tray, Harvey took his own mug and stepped over to the large window. The clock behind the reception desk read 11:39am. Harvey blew on his mug gently, then sighed as the steam inevitably curled towards his face and fogged up his glasses. He removed them and rubbed his eyes for a moment before taking a sip of his brew. As you stirred your coffee and gathered the deliciously warm blanket tighter around yourself, you took your time to observe the doctor the way he had observed you earlier. He seemed lost in thought as he gazed out at the rain with a furrowed brow. Tall and neatly dressed, broad shoulders slightly bowed as he sipped his black coffee and gazed out at the world. He wore a simple brown leather watch on his wrist and looked to be a few years older than you. Hot, your mind betrayed you with the thought. You carefully chose a seat and ignored the fluttering in your chest.
“How are you enjoying Pelican Town so far?” Harvey asked after a moment. He glanced over to where you sat blushing furiously into your mug.
“Oh! I love it,” you grinned, and you meant it. “The place is even nicer than I remembered it. To be honest, I really hated my old life in the city.” You shrugged and stirred your coffee with a sigh. “I do miss my grandpa, though. But it feels like he’s still with me in spirit, ya know? Like he’s still puttering around the farm, somehow.”
Harvey nodded slowly. “I had the pleasure of meeting and treating your grandfather. He was a wonderful neighbor.” He sipped his coffee before continuing with a small chuckle. “And a stubborn patient.”
You laughed and replied, “Yeah, that sounds like him. Hardheadedness runs in the family, ya know.”
“Does it now?” he asked good-naturedly. “Hear, hear. Well, I do hope you enjoy settling in,” Harvey lifted his mug to you and ruffled his hair with his free hand. “And feel free to stop by if you’re ever feeling ill. I’m here in the clinic most days.”
“Mm. I’ll think about it,” you gave the good doctor a cheeky smirk and he shook his head in playful exasperation.
A brief, comfortable silence followed, each of you sipping your brews and listening to the rain. Suddenly, Harvey gasped and waved you over to the window. You tiptoed over, careful not to upset your blanket cocoon or your coffee. “The storm broke just enough for some sun to sneak in,” he murmured. “Look there, do you see?” He pointed to a patch of warm, almost golden sunlight, where a shimmering arc of color arched high over the trees.
“A rainbow!” you gasped, your face gleeful. And so it was – a single glorious rainbow, positively singing overhead where the rain had acquiesced to let in the light. You once again fell into silence together, your eyes on the sky and Harvey’s thoughtful eyes on you. Up the hill, the bell tower over the old community center rang out the time and snapped you out of your reverie. “Yoba, what time is it?” Harvey’s eyes fell to his own watch and he cleared his throat. If you hadn’t been checking the clock on the wall, you would have perhaps noticed that the good doctor looked a bit flustered.
“O-Oh! It seems to be noon already. I didn’t mean to keep you, Farmer Su- er, Sunny. I’m sure you’re busy settling in.” He tapped his lean, clever fingers against his mug and adjusted his tie with one hand. You waved his concern off gently, taking a long swig of the last of your coffee.
“No worries, doc!” you replied cheerily as you set your mug on the windowsill. “It’s been great hanging out with you. And thanks again for the coffee and the blanket. To be honest, I needed the pick-me-up.” You smiled gratefully at the good doctor and unwrapped the blanket from your shoulders to fold it in half, then half again. Harvey carefully grabbed your now-empty mug off the windowsill and offered his arm when you had finished folding. You laid the blanket over his arm with a murmured “thanks” before stepping over to where your boots sat waiting for you.
“Well, a good coffee is always better shared with a good neighbor,” Harvey answered, his voice warm and sincere.
“Hear, hear,” you agreed, smiling up at him from your place on the entrance mat. You tightened the laces on your boots and stood to grab your raincoat from the coat rack beside the door. “I’ll be seeing you then, neighbor.”
Harvey raised first his half-full mug, then your empty one, in a sort of awkward dual thumbs up. “You too!” he chirped as you threw your hood over your head. You swung the clinic door open, waved goodbye, and turned toward home. Harvey watched until your blue coat was out of sight. In the renewed stillness of his little clinic, he found himself wondering if you needed any simple medicines. Does she have a first aid kit? He frowned thoughtfully as he sipped his coffee. I’m sure she’ll be fine, Harvard. She’s a perfectly competent adult, he chastised himself.
Still. It couldn’t hurt to have one delivered, could it? Hm… The good doctor made a mental note to himself, and tucked the thought away neatly before turning his eyes to the skies again.
The rainbow kept you company on your short walk home. You found yourself wondering if the soil on your farm would be any good for growing coffee beans. “Plenty of time to find out, I guess,” you murmured aloud. If your big colorful companion heard you, it made no indication.
That night as Harvey rinsed his wine glass before bed, his mind wandered to his new neighbor. Sunny. Sunny, just Sunny. 
Hm. She sure is.
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
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Follower Recs
A series where LWJ chose to stay with WWX in BM. Its a short story so can be read in one sitting. No drama, easy to read, no angst. A yuan is not the only child Wangxian adopted -Anon
Sunshower in Yiling
by Aki_no_hikari (@akinohikari))
T, WIP, 24k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec of Part 4
Summary part one: I will come back,” Lan Wangji says, and he sounds like he means it. Wei Wuxian can only smile. He knows everything about promises you mean with your whole heart but cannot keep.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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nekoekko-art · 1 year
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Some peace and quiet.
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the-church-grimm · 1 year
Note: I’ve never written a prompt before so this might be a little messy but I’ve been thinking about sun-showers and how that could play into Percy Jackson especially seeing as I’ve never came across any fics with them mentioned.
Sun showers are short periods of rain that falls when the sun is shining: To be out in a sun shower is thought to be good luck.
• Now I’m imagining this as a Apollo/Percy fic, where Percy is transported back into the time of Ancient Greece. The how and why doesn’t really matter.
• Over the course of Percy’s time in the past he catches the attention of Apollo (obviously) especially when he starts dancing in the rain. And Apollo decides to use his powers to allow his sun to be seen and has the light follow Percy
• Now I’m also imagining that some random mortal or really any non god sees this and can’t help but watch as well.
• Apollo being the god of healing and having his sun beams touch the rain and Percy having some control over water (and being able to heal himself (and maybe others a bit idk) with it), makes it so who ever the random being is that’s watching them feel more rejuvenated and maybe heals some small injuries (hence the thought of good luck)
• This happens more than once and word gets out to the gods and other people, with mortals now worshipping Percy (even if he’s still a demigod) to bring the sun showers so that Lord Apollo may also bless it for his “love of Percy” (they don’t actually have to be together at this point).
So yeah if anyone wants to add ti this I’d maybe use this to write a fic please do, though if you do write a fic please let me know so I can read lol.
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Love is Better the Second Time Around Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto
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Synopses: One day, Akihiro Miyata, a mid-level editor at a business magazine, visits popular university associate professor Takashi Iwanaga to ask him to write an economics column. However, that person was his first love, whom he broke up with during his high school days! It has been more than ten years since he moved to Tokyo. Miyata, who had completely sealed off the past where he had a big love affair to the point where he promised to elope, was able to find a girlfriend who was thinking of marrying him and was living a “normal” life. Even after they meet again by chance, Miyata treats him as a business partner and vows never to fall in love with Iwanaga again. Adapted from the manga series "Koi wo Surunara Nidome ga Joto" (恋をするなら二度目が上等) by Kinoshita Keiko (木下けい子). [MDL]
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Takamatsu Aloha ( Tokyo in April...) plays the supporting role of Shiraishi Yuto, Takashi's assistant. And apparently he has a crush on him. And I can already tell I'll be rooting for the wrong guy in this triangle. Look at him.
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Directed by Yasukawa Yuka (Jack O'Frost) Another very exciting detail. The production team got Ayumu Imazu to write a new song for the series. For those who don't know, he's the artist that wrote Sunshower, the absolute incredible song that was part of Eternal Yesterday OST.
Premieres Tuesday March 5.
No trailer yet. [Source]
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
"–ℌ𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫 𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣; 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔞𝔷𝔢 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔰𝔰, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔰𝔰 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔤𝔞𝔷𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲. 𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩, 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔰?"
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"No." (Professor!Albedo/Student!Reader)
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Dinner With Steaks and Flowers
His Closest Childhood Friend (Soldier, Poet, King)
"O Capo! My Capo!" (debut: chapter 2)
Not Through The Grapevine (yandere!idol event)
I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC In An Otome Game But A Capture Target Won’t Leave Me Alone 
Kaeya Alberich:
ESTHER (yandere!idol event)
Maid!Merman!Kaeya drabble
Hysteric Humanoid (SAGAU)
Waking Up A Lying Dragon (Bakunawa!Reader)
"If the pedestal is beautiful, then the statue must be even more beautiful."
Wound Dressings (yan!idol event)
Quick yan!fei (lol) brainrot
Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto:
Hana Yori Dango (non!yandere itto)
Of Dream A-Dreaming (yandere!idol event)
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayato:
Blind Obedience (P2: A Myriad of Fallen Leaves)
Careful, He Bites (P2: Hana Yori Dango) 
Ghost in the Kamisato Estate (minific series)
EDMR (yandere!idol event)
ERROR 401: GONE (Faceless!Ayato)
Faceless Ayato thoughts 1,
The Owner Who Broke The Leash (Chainsaw Man au with Ayato as Makima)
Raiden Ei:
His Adorable Pen Pal (Soldier, Poet, King)
Shikanoin Heizou
Posteriori (yandere!idol event)
Vision Qualifications
"O Capo! My Capo!" (Mafia au series)
Alhaitham's Type (yandere!idol event)
Alhaitham selling his soul to a devil!reader brainrot
Dendro NA: 101 (Can be read as VQ’s p2)
"O Capo! My Capo!" (Mafia au series)
Alone Together (yandere!idol event)
Click & Drag drabble (feat Cyno)
Classical Conditioning
"Aren't You Supposed To Hate Me?" (yandere!idol event)
Creative Differences (check "#tag: cd - tighnari" for additional headcanons)
"O Capo! My Capo!!" (Mafia au series)
The Boar Prince/ss (non-yandere secret santa event)
Paint (non!yandere kaveh, just fluff)
Canvas (drabble)
His Version of You
Short boyfriend!kaveh drabble on OCMC/Mafia setting
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast
Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Prince au)
Drabble: Prince Scara x Farmer
Death Has No Dignity
And The Sun Is Silent
His Ice Fishing Buddy (Soldier, Poet, King)
Comfort (drabble)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast
Hysteric Humanoid (SAGAU)
Dainsleif, my beloved:
Hysteric Humanoid
Ouroboros, The 8th Capo (OC!MC!)
Estella's Modern!Dain x Reader but I made it yandere lmao (dw it's my irl bestie)
"If You Truly Loved Me, You Should Be Dead" (hitman!dain, my husband.)
Dolce Stil Nuovo
Hysteric Humanoid
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"What if Varka's cousin found 3 different secret admirers?"
"Someone like that getting admirers? As if."
His Ice Fishing Buddy, His Adorable Pen Pal, His Closest Childhood Friend
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"Even today, don't give up on a human heart; claim it even if it hurts." - ALKALOID
A SAGAU fic where The Creator had turned into an amnesiac who believed they're a mere impostor with a knack for gravity manipulation and not much else. And it appears that both Lumine and Dainsleif would stop at nothing to get you on their side.
Chapters, Side Stories & Their Main Focus Characters:
♦ Prologue: The Longest Devout Believers - Dainsleif, Lumine, Venti, and Kaeya
♦ Chapter 1: 500 Year Long Identity Crisis - Baizhu, Dainsleif, Lumine
♦ Drabble 1: How would they celebrate your birthday/The Creator's anniversary? - Dainsleif, Lumine, Baizhu, Venti, Kaeya, Zhongli, Ayaka
♦ Chapter 2: A Contract Long Overdue (WIP) - Zhongli, Dainsleif, Kaeya
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Set in visionless 1920s Teyvat, three inconspicuous yet significant men began to spy on the Fatui's 8th Capo: (Y/n) (L/n). The story begins when the Innamorati Familia's headquarters burns down and in a twist of fate, to say that you've been dealt with an awful hand would be the understatement of the decade. Can you survive– most importantly– can you make the right choices? ((Welcome to the interactive mafia au fic! Have fun voting on the polls!!!))
Otome Game Main Love Interests:
Inquisitor Cyno, Informant Tighnari, Underboss Alhaitham, (CURRENTLY LOCKED: Church Architect Kaveh)
Secret Routes:
Visconti Diluc, "Venti" (LOCKED), ??? (LOCKED), ???, ???, ???
1: "O Capo! My Capo!"
2: The Capo's Soliloquy 
Bad End 1: "You're Collei's Friend, After All!"
3: The Fox Hunt (Tuqburni)
BRAND NEW ARCHON (Chapter 1-3 animatic)
Short bf!Kaveh drabble (not "canon)
"My Beloved Producer..." (GENSHIN IDOL AU)
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NOTE: CHECK YOUR COMMUNITY LABEL SETTINGS AND TURN OFF FILTERS IF THE MASTERLIST LINK WON'T WORK. Tumblr must've thought I wrote something explicit (in a masterlist???) and tagged it as mature :///
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Aka: my last fanfic featuring Scaramouche, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Kazuha. A fanfic-game with 4 branching endings.
Premise: You're stuck in a killing game inside your dream school. It started with 16 students– and now you're left with only 6 of them. Senior Faruzan was murdered. Who is the culprit among these 5 people?
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd: (my fave fictional man of all time)
ps: he's your underboss in "O Capo! My Capo!" lol
(coming soon...)
(coming soon...)
(coming soon...)
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(coming soon...)
Gepard Landau
What Happened At 10:10 (has 2 endings. Won't link it, reach the end of the story in your own way.)
Jing Yuan
Misaligned Strings (non-yandere, pure fluff & angst)
Dr. Veritas Ratio
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His Version of You
Cannibal!Sunday HCs
"ℑ'𝔡 𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡."
"𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔫𝔬 𝔢𝔫𝔡. 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔩."
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showyourself80 · 4 months
Come find me on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/showyourself/profile
**Updated 30/6/2024**
Snarry fics
(In)gemino concubitus. Explicit. 5k words. Harry celebrates his Defence against the Dark Arts mastery with Severus with a nifty spell to turn his lover into three versions of himself at once. Unfortunately Harry is a little careless with his pronunciation and chaos ensues as he is faced with increasing shadows of his lover that keep multiplying unless he can bring the spell to a close. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51137407
2. Whiskey wedding. Mature. 1.4k words. The Control and Regulation of Allocated Partners team at the ministry has assigned Dolores Umbridge to Severus Snape. Unless he comes up with an alternative he will be married to her within the month, which is more than inconvenient considering he's gay. He goes to his friend, Harry Potter, to brainstorm solutions over a bottle of Firewhiskey. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51620209
3. Owned. Explicit. 8k words. Severus snape receives a series of blackmail notes, threatening to expose a deeply held secret. After securing an unbreakable vow from his tormentor to prevent his secret being revealed to the wrong person, he finds himself trapped in an even worse situation- a night at the hands of the blackmailer. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51814885/chapters/131000557
4. Loaded. Explicit. 1.3k words. Harry is behind on his laundry and has a hot date with Severus in a few hours. An unfortunate incident leaves him naked and stuck in the washing machine. Thankfully Severus is a perfect gentleman who is ready to assist Harry with his load. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52447531
5. Ten points to Gryffindor. Explicit. 3.5k words. Ever since Potter came on staff, Gryffindor keep winning points in the house cup- by a huge margin- and no one seems to be able to work out why. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56159128
6. Pink. Explicit. 215 words. A ministry ball, a request from one lover to another, and a pair of perfect lacy panties worn under dress robes inspires a promise. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56430313
7. Cocktail. Explicit. 1.3k words. Part 2 of Pink. Harry gets Severus home after the ministry ball and makes good on his promises. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56471641
8. Sunshower. Mature. 700 words. Was Severus teasing Harry about sunshowers? Or could such an unlikely combination really work in reality? https://archiveofourown.org/works/56762701
9. Needs. Explicit. 400 words. Severus is struggling in Azkaban, and not for the reasons Harry would have expected. Harry is willing to do whatever it takes to keep him sane long enough to see him pardoned. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56828731
10. Stuffed. Mature. 260 words. Severus has no self control. Luckily he has Harry to keep him in line. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56830573
11. Conflicted. Mature. 300 words. Harry's recent choices have unexpected consequences for his relationship with Severus. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56903080
12. Hands free dessert. Explicit. 715 words. It's Harry's birthday, and he has every intention of enjoying it with Severus. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56996473
13. Duality. Explicit. 900 words. Professor/Student, Top/Bottom https://archiveofourown.org/works/57006898
14. Ring. Gen rating. 200 words. Created for the House of Snarry discord server chain game June 2024. Prompt: Ring. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56593723
15. Snarry microfics fest- June 2024 series. 30 unrelated fics, 4.8k words. https://archiveofourown.org/series/4172749
Dramione/ Snucius
The Swap. Explicit. 44.2k words. Lucius keeps forgetting the silencing charms whenever he takes his lover in his office at Malfoy Manor. Hermione has noticed Draco spying on them, and decides to use that knowledge to tease him. Does Lucius really neglect to close the office door properly, or is something else going on https://archiveofourown.org/works/50251648/chapters/126932215
Lucarry fics
Thank you for your gift. Mature. 700 words. Part 1 of the Gift series. Harry and Lucius are working through the mountain of gifts after their wedding, and sorting their thank you notes. One present causes a bit of controversy. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51616246
2. 12 days of Christmas. Explicit. 39.5k words. Cowritten with DCMM. Part 2 of the Gift series. Harry and Lucius are enjoying their first festive period together as a married couple, when they receive an unexpected series of gifts themed around the 12 days of Christmas song. Exploring the wizarding equivalent of a sex toy advent calendar, they work together to discover the identity of the person who has sent this gift to them. Also featuring a side Snaco pairing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52508185/chapters/132830656
3. Fever dreams. Explicit. 6.5k words. Lucius Malfoy is struck down by a new virulent strain of Dragon Pox, Voldemort's parting gift to the wizarding world. As one of the few individuals immune to the pox, Harry Potter offers his services to nurse Lucius through his illness, and the pair grow closer as a result. How will Draco respond to the saviour of the wizarding world growing close to his father when he had only just lost his mother to the disease just six months ago?https://archiveofourown.org/works/51968551/chapters/131416171
Snucissa fics
Purify. Explicit. 8.7k words. Part 1 of Purify series. Harry Potter has been captured at the Battle of Hogwarts and forcibly taken back to Malfoy Manor. His mother's blood protection prevents Voldemort killing him, leaving him to be tortured for the madman's pleasure. Voldemort tasks Snape with scouring the Hogwarts library for a means to remove the blood protection, and finds the solution in a book combining blood and sex magics for soul purification. The key ingredient is a virgin sacrifice, and luckily Draco Malfoy appears to be the ideal candidate. Can Severus work with Narcissa and Lucius to save their son https://archiveofourown.org/works/51004651/chapters/128861977
2. Afterglow. Explicit. 6.5k words. Part 2 of Purify series. We see the aftermath of the soul purification ritual featured in Purify. Snape must convince Harry to keep the Malfoys safe. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51077752/chapters/129047989
3. The Doctor will see you now. Explicit. 5.2k words. Lady Malfoy has fallen into a deep melancholy, refusing her morning constitutionals and taking to her bed for days. Her husband, deeply concerned, takes her to see Professor Snape, a fertility specialist, after they still have not conceived a year after their marriage. Will Snape's unorthodox methods resolve her case of hysteria? Will he be able to help the couple overcome their inexperience and sustain the Malfoy line? https://archiveofourown.org/works/51761617
Snucius fics
Snape's worst memory. Explicit. 2.7k words.
Snape returns to his dungeon to find Harry snooping through his private thoughts in his personal pensieve. After throwing the brat out, he checks how much of his worst memory Harry witnessed before pausing to watch the remainder himself.
June 1976
It was the worst day of Severus' life. Taunted by a gang of Gryffindors, then he wrecks everything with her. To top it all off he is taunted in the middle of his misery by his own house prefect Lucius Malfoy. Can his day get any worse?
Snamione fics
Heavenly Hallows. Explicit. 4k words. Hermione desperately needs to relieve some tension, but her usual masseuse has closed their business to go travelling. Luna recommends a discrete practitioner on Knockturn Alley who offers a 'Heavenly Hallows' treatment with full body cloak wrap, hot stone massage and a rather novel wand therapy. Will it be what Hermione is looking for?https://archiveofourown.org/works/51163552
Lucissa fics
On Point. Teen. 300 words. Draco is sick of standing by while his Father parades his 'private sessions' with his personal trainer under his Mother's nose. Determined to expose what really goes on behind closed doors he borrows Harry's invisibility cloak to get to the bottom of matters. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51429127
Lumione fics
Of Potions and Purebloods. Explicit. 6k words. ***WIP*** Hermione Granger and Lucius Malfoy are matched up by the new Marriage Law. Will Hermione even speak to Lucius, and will he pick marrying a mudblood or returning to Azkaban? Their mutual friends, newlyweds Severus and Harry, mediate between the two warring parties to try to negotiate a compromise both of them can accept. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52383196/chapters/132514348
Draco/mystery character fic
Portrait. Explicit. 3.7k words. ***WIP*** Draco inherits the Malfoy Lordship after his father dies saving him in the Battle of Hogwarts. He is left to restore the family name and fortunes, taking over malfoy enterprises. His father's study had always been a mystery to him, and with the inheritance of the Lordship ring he is now able to access all the secrets contained within. What will Draco learn about his family, and what will he learn about himself https://archiveofourown.org/works/514496539653
The Lotus series
Growing- Romione pairing. Explicit. 6.9k words. Part 1 of the Lotus series. COMPLETE
Hermione loves to kick back on a Friday night with her friends and a glass of wine. Luna notices something is wrong tonight, and does her best to help her friend through.
A tale of young love, first times, and growing up for the Golden Trio.
2. Blossoming- multi pairing fic. Explicit. 6k words. Part 2 of the Lotus series. ***WIP***
It had been a year since Hermione and Ron split up, and while he had moved on (several times), she had been almost celibate since.
Luna offers Hermione a way to get past from her dry spell, by offering to introduce her to a select members only club with a stringent privacy policy, and a Legilimens to assist new members in finding others who match their interests, rather than the standard dating profile forms.
Hermione isn't at all interested in her love life, but the prospect of finding a powerful Legilimens in Britain for the first time since the war is too enticing to resist. Could she find someone to help her reverse the damage she inflicted on her parents' minds? Is it worth risking Obliviation herself if she decides the club is not for her?
41 notes · View notes
wtfcuk835 · 1 month
Kuroo Tetsuro
rookie by laculite [SERIES] [52K] [18+]
Miya Atsumu
WHITE NOISE by 1keshi [SERIES] [249K] [18+]
ampersand by infantblue [ONESHOT] [37K]
in orbit by neonghxst [SERIES] [27K]
msby black jackals online! [SERIES] [56k]
Oikawa Tooru
that should be me by dillpicklechipsenthusiast [ONESHOT] [10K]
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) by akaashism (acciomerlin) [ONESHOT] [11K]
Bokuto Koutarou
sunshower by neonghxst [ONESHOT] [14K]
getting it right by akaashism (acciomerlin) [SERIES] [46K]
Lucky Again by akaashism (acciomerlin) [SERIES] [46K]
35 notes · View notes
thepenultimateword · 2 years
Can I have a mermaid who gets really injured in a storm being saved by a Fisher and them falling in love :3 🧜‍♀️💜
My first contribution to our fantasy writing community!
Sorry, it took me so long to write this, Crewe! And I'm also sorry it's a little short, and we haven’t gotten to any sort of falling in love yet. I just really wanted to post and apparently I have to make a ridiculous amount of series. Also, my stupid brain always insists on going slow burn, so stay tuned for the actual falling in love part.
CW: Injuries, mention of captivity, implied abuse
The mermaid awoke to calloused hands.
Everything ached or burned, but for a moment, the warmth of those fingers, pressed flat against her back and clavicle as they turned her over, steadied her.
Then she woke up a little more.
Everything came crashing back, and she lurched out of the stranger's grip with a loud screech, only catching glimpses of tanned skin and sunbleached curls before flopping sideways off the rocks. Instead of splashing into the familiar depths of the ocean, her shoulder bashed into stone, and her belly scraped the gritty bottom of the shallows. Her face barely breached the surface and her body become loosely wedged between her previous resting place and another large boulder.
"Hey, hey, hey," a deep voice soothed. "It's ok. You're ok. Just stay still. You're a little....well... You're fine, but some bandages might do you some good. "
Mermaid blinked the sea salt from her eyes, taking in the speaker's rolled sleeves, braided beard, and tied-back hair. As she eyed his rolled trousers her heart sank.
She wanted to flee. If she couldn't flee, she wanted to die.
Her eyes flicked wildly around at her surroundings, much different in the morning light than they had seemed in the gray violence of the night before. The majority of her captors’ ship had already been swept back into the sea's magnificent embrace, but little splinters swirled around in the tidepools, just as caught in the garden of protruding rocks as she.
The mermaid twitched her tail against the rocks and instantly regretted it as a sharp pain coursed up her spine, followed by a dull ache beneath her patchy scales.
"Does it hurt much?" the man asked in a tone so concerned it made her sick. Once she believed in the sweet murmurs of humans, so seemingly weak and pathetic in the middle of the treacherous sea. No longer.
The mermaid gave a short hiss, baring the remains of her sharp, serrated teeth in warning.
A few days ago, when she gave her prayer, supplicating two gods had seemed the best choice. She figured if she couldn't inspire Cu's mercy, then maybe she could invoke Myr's terrible wrath. But...perhaps she got the words wrong. Or maybe her devotion thus split had been judged untrue--the elders had always encouraged her to choose only one. Or, and this felt painfully close to the truth, maybe she was so pathetic even the divine could not help her.
There seemed no other reason why she would escape one captor only to end up directly in the hands of another.
"Easy," the man said, holding out his hands in front of him. His palms were not particularly pretty, the skin hardened into thick hills and peeled in certain places, but they were tanned and strong. Another seaman. Even worse.
If only she'd ducked overboard when she had the chance instead of letting her temper get the better and trying... What had she been trying?
Perhaps it didn't matter. Even if she had ended up properly in the depths, she wasn't sure how well she would have got along. Back on the ship, she could barely move from one side of the tank to the other, let alone a whole ocean. On top of that, she didn't even know where she was.
Leftover sunshowers pattered softly against her bruised and bleeding back, but on account of its tenderness, they might as well have been needles. She kept her teeth firmly born, but her eyes brimmed with hot tears.
"Hey." The seaman crouched in front of her, water wetting the cuffs of his trousers, and tilted his head a little to the side to meet her gaze. "It's a lot."
"A lot" was an understatement. A lot was simply being shipwrecked and found by a stranger. It did not encapsulate the sheer terror of that stranger being a monster. If her throat didn't feel quite so raw, she may have shouted as much. Instead, her glaring silence allowed room for the man to continue.
"I'll have you know...I'm just as scared of you as you are of me." He averted his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. "But I can't leave you here. As much as my good sense would like me to." His cerulean eyes turned back on her firmer. "I'm going to get you out, ok? Please don't bite me."
The mermaid had the sudden, defiant urge to sink her teeth directly into his reaching arm, but her better judgment stopped her short. She was stuck with this human whether she came quietly or not. If she'd learned anything from her time with her previous captors, if her situation seemed bad now, fighting back could make it so much worse. She may as well go along with him until she came up with a clear means of escape.
Once again, those rough hands found a home against her bruised skin, this time barely resting on her hips. His attempt at shimmying her loose sent flashes of white across the mermaid's vision, and her head dropped face-first beneath the surface.
"Worse than it looks, huh," he said, voice muffled by the water. The mermaid dug her chipped nails into the rocks and sand and braced herself for another try, but instead, the man returned to full height.
Should she be upset or relieved? It wasn't like she wanted him here, but she also didn't have any confidence in getting out on her own, especially with her tail in such bad condition.
She laid her cheek against the ground and watched his strange human feet as he moved to her side, sending up puffs of shell and sediment with each step. He crouched again, strong hands dipping under the surface and working under the edge of the stone on her right. His muscles corded and an instant later, he'd heaved the stone to the side. The next instant he'd scooped the mermaid up into his arms.
"Get away!" she shouted, shoving weakly against his warm chest. Her hands left wet prints on his cotton shirt.
"You talk." The notable effort to not make it an exclamation did not make it any less so.
"I'm not an animal!"
"I-I know."
Maybe it was true. Maybe she wasn't simply an animal. Maybe she was a turn of fate. A treasure to greed on. Or maybe, from the paling hue of his skin, she was as much a monster to him as he was to her. None were good predicaments.
She gave another halfhearted shove, but the pain wracking her body was too much to try any additional exertion. Eventually, she let herself go limp in his grasp and stared dead-eyed past his profile at the passing sky. It couldn't be helped if she caught a few glimpses of his stupid big head in between.
As he picked his way back to shore, his eyes searched the beach, as if suddenly apprehensive of his surroundings. His large arms crushed her, seemingly subconsciously, tighter to his chest. Her nose came just short of pressing against his throat, assaulting her with scents of sea salt and cod.
His next words slipped out as only a murmur, almost as if to himself. "Let's get you somewhere safe."
Aaah! I forgot my master Taglist! Here it is!
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees s @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi i @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer mer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolaxe @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee
224 notes · View notes
wangxianficfinder · 2 years
YilingWei Sect AU
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They're Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
❤️ Restoration by ritualist (M, 84k, WangXian, Fairy Tale Elements, Non-Linear Narrative, Time Skips, Time Shenanigans, YL WWX, Sentient Burial Mounds, Sunshot Campaign, Politics, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, JGS Is His Own Content Warning, Necromancy, Surgery, Identity Issues, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Love at First Sight, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending)
❤️ love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, YL WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, bottom lwj in chapter 20 and 27)
💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX survives, sect leader WWX, yiling wei sect au, slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, getting together, pining, love confessions, reunions, mind all the tags)
❤️ The Yiling Wei Clan Series by scifigeek14 (G, 45k, wangxian, Staying (Podfic) by lalaspodfics)
body and soul by TooSel (E, 41k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, marriage proposal, politics, yiling wei sect au, friends to lovers, angst w/ happy ending)
🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Temporary Character Death, WWXs dead for a lot of this, but he’s having fun, Unintentional "Sect leader" WWX)
🧡 #WarPrizeJiSeason by PorcupineGirl (T, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YL WWX, Warprize LWJ, Yiling Wei Sect, Mistaken Identity, Identity reveal)
Amid the Frost by LtLJ (G, 5k, WangXian, Canon Divergence,CQL Verse, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Comfort, Fluff, Different first meeting, Waterborn Abyss, YL WWX)
💖 hot necromancer singles seeking dom daddies in your area by Mikkeneko (M, 19k, wangxian, yiling wei sect au, BDSM scene, dom/sub, brat wwx, rope bondage, caning, aftercare)
Grave dirt by esama (T, 92k, wangxian, canon divergence, yiling wei sect au, demonic cultivation, farming, found family, pre-slash, politics, fix-it of sorts)
Turnabout and Start Again by runningondreams (T, 34k, wangxian, temporary character death, role reversal, soulmates, blood & injury, suicide, imprisonment, violence, gore, pining, identity issues, getting together, happy ending, WIP)
Cradle by Dragonesque (T, 195k, WIP, Canon Divergenc, Adopted children, Yiling Wei Sect, BAMF WWX)
the impracticality of zithers as weapons by sushicorps (Inclinant) (E, 56k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, canon divergence, yiling wei sect au, slow burn, pining, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, established relationship, fix-it of sorts, forgiveness, found family, marriage)
The road to our happiness by lanondolce (M, 25k, wangxian, canon divergence, LWJ pov, role swap, angst, YLLZ WWX, WIP, Abandoned)
Arrivals in Yiling by Crystelia (G, 5k, Wangxian,Canon Divergence, yiling wei sect, YL WWX, Demonic Cultivation, farmers, Reconciliation, Sect Leader WWX, Light Angst)
Sunshower in Yiling Series by Aki_no_hikari (T/G, 24k, WangXian, Canon Divergence wwx is a genius and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Light Angst, Introspection, Pining, Family Fluff, Battle Couple, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Teacher WWX, Family Drama)
The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby (M, 101k, wangxian, slow burn, pining, yiling wei sect au, fluff & angst, dark, romance, WIP)
a star called sun by thelastdboy (E, 76k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Heavy Angst, Self-Worth issues, Amputation, Situational Mutism, Slow burn, Angst with a happy ending)
a sentimental illness by butchgoth (GremlinGirl) (E, 9k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Yílíng Wèi Sect, YL WWX, Fuck Or Die, Mutual Pining, Shifu WWX, Minor Original Character(s), Cultivation Discussion Conferences, Love, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Light Angst, Happy Ending)
pitiful destiny, point your finger at me by sassybluee (E, 66k, WangXian, Royalty, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Burial Mounds, Arranged Marriage, Pining while fucking, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Secret Identity, Under-negotiated Kink, wangixan's canonical lack of lube, Donghua YLLZ, CQL LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Identity Porn, Porn with Plot, Resentacles, YL WWX, Additional Warnings In Author's Notes, Breathplay, Breeding Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Mpreg)
Due Process by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 279k, WangXian, XiChengSang, Poly Junior Quartet, Modern AU, Foxxian, dragonji, Genderfluid WWX, WWX identifies as male, Organized Crime, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of child abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Reincarnation)
The Yiling Laozu is Crashing the Cultivation Conference! by Basingstoke (G, 5k, WangXian, yiling wei sect, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence)
Crush and Conquer by Papriqua (E, 4k, wangxian, different first meetings, humor, rough sex, rape/non-con elements, dubious consent, breeding kink, yiling wei sect, for like 5 mins but still!)
The Trouble With Politics: a Treatise on Jiang Sect Deputies Gone Rogue by Sect Leader Wei Wuxian by stiltonbasket (G, 40k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence,Yílíng Wèi Sect, or: the one where yu zhenhong is a wild card, Smitten LWJ, Domestic Fluff, Politics, Happy Ending, Sect Leader WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, JZX still dies though)
💖 Grey Area by pearliegloom (M, 31k, wangxian, yiling wei sect au, sect leader WWX, LWJ stays at Burial Mounds, found family, secret marriage, angst, eloping, reconciliation, fix-it)
Bury My Heart on the Lonely Mountain by MidnightInTheGardenWithGhosts (TrappedInCabinets) & TrappedInCabinets (E, 74k, wangxian, dark au, fix-it of sorts, getting together, dark a-yuan, yiling wei au, mean WWX, not everyone dies au, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, 1st part, finished, 2nd part WIP)
black milk of daybreak, drunk at sundown by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, nielan, wangxian, fix-it of sorts, war trauma, not everyone dies au, yiling wei sect)
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 906k, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings) Yiling Wei sect from part 24 onwards.
Communication AU series by Dgcakes (ficsnfun) (T, 41k, wangxian, fix-it of sorts, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, slow burn, trust, family, WIP)
I dreamt I was missing by Vientchat_Kanaryo (T, 42k, wangxian, canon divergence, eventual romance, slow burn, mental health issues, hurt/comfort, adopted sibling relationships, WIP) Yiling Wei Sect WWX’s disciples, including MXY, XY, and AQ, take part in the Mo Manor and Dafan Mountain investigations.
An Outsider's Guide to Demonic Cultivation by caessura (T, 53k, WIP, YL WWX, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Canon Divergence, Demonic Cultivator LSZ, LSZ is a Wèi, Isolated Yílíng Wèi Sect, Demonic Cultivation, expanded demonic cultivation abilities, some discussion of trauma and ptsd, mute character, Burial mounds: the next generation, OC POV, jyl is alive,OC driven)
graveyard whistling Series by ryneisaterriblefan (T/G, 12k, WangXian, BAMF! WWX, Angst and Humor, Identity Reveal, Canon Divergence, Pretend death, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Crying, Protective LWJ, Protective WWX, Oblivious Couple)
lost in the lights by vastlyunknown (M, 32k, WangXian, ChengQing, NieLan, (past), enemies to lovers, but only in name, Morally Grey Characters, questions of purity politics and fanatism, modern with magic, AU Hurt/Comfort, Wound Tending, fluff and angst in almost equal measure but mostly fluff and plot, long lost confessions)
343 notes · View notes
majesty-madness · 1 month
September Uploads
"On My Mind" - Levi Ackerman x reader (nsfw)
Summary: She didn’t know why, but the only thing she could think of was how good he made her feel.
Upload date: 9/2/24
"Sunshower" - Atsumu Miya x reader (sfw) [Moved to another date]
Summary: Atsumu Miya, popular athlete, heartbreaker, and the last person one would think of as a sympathetic friend, but when a girl from his class exposes the most vulnerable part of her heart, he can’t help to show compassion.
Upload date: 9/15/24 9/16/24
"A Past Encounter" - Bucky Barnes x reader (nsfw) / Chapter 14
Summary: Being in a relationship with Bucky, Y/N prided herself on knowing him quite well but when she’s accidentally teleported back to 1940, Y/N discovers that there is a whole other Bucky that she has yet to meet. The sweet flirt that had everything going for him before his unfortunate capture by HYDRA.
Upload date: 9/29/24 9/30/24
Main Masterlist
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fadingplaidlibrary · 5 months
hiiiiii :D
welcome to my library! you can call me ven. i’m in my 20s, bi. minors be warned: i will block you for interacting with any 18+ content on here. i block blank/empty blogs. radfems and zionists not welcome here (choke <3). currently obsessed with stardew valley and criminal minds (spencer reid specifically), so expect a lotttt of content on that. masterlist is below, all my work is under the tag [#ven be writing] and other posts are under [#ven speaks]. requests are currently closed while i get through my wip list :P be patient w ya girl. have fun, reblog, baiiiii :D
#stardew valley
maru headcanons
penny headcanons
harvey headcanons
gus headcanons
maru x penny
harvey x farmer
wizard (rasmodius) x farmer
wizard (rasmodius) x marnie
double rarepair: wizard x gunther // clint x elliott
marnie x marlon
villager friendship headcanons part 1 / part 2
villager full name headcanons
sunshower ☀️⛈️ (sdv!harvey x ofc!farmer, series in progress)
use your words 💋 (sdv!harvey x gn!reader, 18+, drabble)
love, lube, lessons learned 🍑 (sdv/harvey x fem!reader, 18+, drabble/anon request)
sweet dreams 🔮 (wizard x sub!male!farmer, 18+, drabble/anon request)
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lurkingshan · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
Tagged by @troubled-mind, here we go!
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
Eternal Yesterday - Sunshower, Ayumu Imazu
Eternal Yesterday, my beloved, is a gorgeous Japanese bl about losing a love too early, grieving and accepting the loss, and treasuring your final moments together. So naturally, its theme song is a bop! Sunshower is a classic in one of my favorite music genres - peppy pop songs that are actually sad as fuck if you listen to the lyrics. Sharing a translated lyric video here for maximum pain.
I Told Sunset About You - Skyline, Billkin and PP Krit
Kat, you knew I was gonna put an ITSAY track on here to further entice you, right? The OSTs for both ITSAY and IPYTM are amazing and I listen to them constantly. Skyline is the theme of the first series, and there are several versions of it used throughout the show in both Thai and Mandarin. This video is a brilliant fan-made mash-up of the two language versions.
Red Balloon - 框不住的愛, Evangeline
Red Balloon is the lesser known Taiwanese bl predecessor to Your Name Engraved Herein (it even has the same lead actor). It's a gorgeous story of impossible first love, and it has a soundtrack of beautiful melancholy tracks like the above.
Love Sick - ผ่าน, Gunsmile Chanagan
Love Sick has a banger soundtrack. Most people remember Shake by the legendary Boy Sompob, but I have always been partial to this track (and I was today years old when I realized Gunsmile is the singer, @bengiyo did you know this!!).
The Eighth Sense - Who, Wetter
You didn't think we were getting out of here without me mentioning Wetter, did you? I love all their tracks on t8s soundtrack, but this is the one that played in the first episode and made me sit up and say what is this? I immediately ran to the internet and found all their stuff.
Thanks for giving me another excuse to make a list! Tagging @wen-kexing-apologist, @callipigio, @blmpff, and @negrowhat if you want to play.
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chickenstrangers · 1 year
#5QLS tag
tagged by @waitmyturtles 🥰
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to. 🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
1. Tilly Birds - เพื่อนเล่นไม่เล่นเพื่อน (Just Being Friendly) - My School President, Cutie Pie, Cupid's Last Wish
This is the song that started me on Thai music and I'm so happy for it. It's still probably my favorite song on this list. I love the original version, the MSP cover, NuNew's singing, but I especially love evil!Tilly Birds in Cupid's Last Wish when its the prelude to them getting lost.
2. NuNew and/or Zee - ใจรัก (LOVE) - Cutie Pie
Zee and NuNew both have amazing covers of this song (Zee's version) and with Just Being Friendly, this was I think the second song on my playlist. The actual scene in the show is one of the most excruciating scenes that I could barely sit through from second-hand embarrassment, and then Kuea sings it the next episode which is honestly kind of rubbing salt in the wound. But the song itself I love.
3. Dark Blue Kiss Opening Theme
I couldn't find a normal version of it without linking an episode, but this is genuinely my favorite opening sequence to a show, and it is one of the only ones that I will watch every time, even if I accidentally come upon it when trying to find a specific scene. Okay, I may be more obsessed with the video than the song itself, but the song definitely sets the tone. This opening is a roller coaster, starts dramatic, gets super cheesy, makes me laugh, but every time Kao comes on screen and a single tear rolls down his cheek I am instantly on the verge of tears.
4. Mix and Earth - ไม่ไกลหัวใจ (Closer) - Cupid's Last Wish
Though DBK has the best intro video, this is probably my favorite opening song to a show. Gets you in the mood for a fun lighthearted road trip to reverse a body swap. Honorary mention to their ATOTS Our Sky 2 song which I could not stop listening to and watching when it came out. I think the lyrics really capture the theme of the special. Yes I am putting 2 songs on this list spot.
5. ฟัง – SIN feat.โอม Cocktail - My School President
There's a lot of songs from MSP that could be on the list, but other than Just Being Friendly (which I am counting as a general BL song given how often it shows up) this is probably my most listened to song on the soundtrack.
6. Phai Phongsathon - คนบ้านเดียวกัน - Laws of Attraction
I was really trying to stick to 5ish main songs but then I remembered @recentadultburnout post about this song which appeared last episode and I have been listening to it a lot since then!
I have mostly kept to songs I haven't seen other people mention in their posts, so here's a quick list of my favorite songs that have already been discussed but that I second (not comprehensive):
Gunsmile - Pass (from Love Sick)
Wetter - Who (from The Eighth Sense)
Tilly Birds - I'm Not Boring, You're Just Bored (from Only Friends)
Anonymouz - 夜行性 (from Jack O' Frost)
Ayumu Imazu - Sunshower (from Eternal Yesterday)
CITI - Today (from You Make Me Dance)
And lastly, two of my favorite songs that barely fit because I don't think they were in any shows, but they were covered at the MSP concert, so I am counting them:
sorry for adding a million songs but hey why not talk about more music this is my post. tagging (if you want, no pressure, feel free to ignore) @recentadultburnout @distant-screaming (I love both your recs; I listened to MILLI for a week straight after a soundwin post haha) @ranchthoughts @dudeyuri @shannankle @miscellar @kattahj and anyone else who wants to share!
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worldenough-and-time · 9 months
We’re back babes!
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Chapter 25: A Storm for All Seasons
During the summer of 1974, a series of strange weather events befell England.
Meteorologists the world over scratched their heads over how and why these impossible weather events occurred at all, and in such close succession to one another.
Indeed, no one would have suspected that these mysterious forces of nature were the mischief of four young witches.
The witches never intended for the storms to happen as they did. The storms were merely a byproduct of another wholly altruistic and highly illegal project. They conjured the storms only because they had grown impatient.
By midsummer 1974, Mary, Lily, Marlene and Sirius had completed all but the last step to becoming animagi. As soon as lightning appeared in the sky, the four girls were to swallow their carefully brewed potions, say the carefully practiced incantation, and be granted a vision of an animal in their mind that they would then become.
The only problem was that, by midsummer 1974, England was experiencing a historic drought. There had been no lightning storms- not even so much as a summer sunshower- for nearly a month. By July, the girls were downright restless.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi ABL! I know you hate singing in BLs but do you have any favourite OSTs? I’m looking to add some to my Spotify list!
Hum I did do this a bit ago:
I thought I had a list somewhere, oh yes! In the Kpop tracking post hold on...
My Favorite BL OTSs
Okay so “sing your feelings” is one of my least favorite tropes but still I often get asked about my favorite OSTs (original sound tracks), if I gravitate to anything it’ll just be one OTS (theme song) here are some of mine in no particular order:
Dark Blue Kiss - I genuinely love the weird drama-llama intro music, but yeah, no singing 
Color Rush by Ryu Su Jeong and Finding You by Kwon Soon Il- I like both theme songs enough to have actually purchased them 
Wish You’s Wish For You by Kang In Soo & Lee Sang (IMFACT)
I'll Be There by Johnny (To My Star) 
Light On Me’s Spark by A.C.E.
Ocean Likes Me by Holland (for the BL of the same name)
My Oxygen sung by Nut (though I got tired of it fast) 
I Still by Leo (VIXX) for Happy Ending Romance (Leo’s voice is just...) 
Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu (for Eternal Yesterday) was my favorite of 2022, it’s still lives on my playlist in regular rotation, the BL on the other hand... 
Rainbow - the refrain, not the main theme song, for Love Tractor 
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