#suns vs pelicans
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serenhob · 2 months ago
I feel like I should be original but my friend sent me more things she found funny for me to Journey to the westify
Here they are
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I'm thinking Sun Wukong vs the bureaucracy of heaven
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No idea but I love this image
And finally
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Sun Wukong bullying Zhu Bajie (affectionately..maybe)
Also before I forget my friend made me and my friend vote on what we would rather eat and to begin it was meat or spaghetti but after further prompting she said 'congealed meat slop or dry raw pasta' there's a right answer and that is not the one she chose.
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kettyperry2756 · 2 months ago
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The Mavericks and the Denver Nuggets have played 193 games in the regular season with 98 victories for the Mavericks and 95 for the Nuggets.
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the-sciences · 1 year ago
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christianstepmoms · 1 year ago
So back in the day I learned a lot. And I learned that it makes a difference. This was the flag spawning area, and I was one of the guards, and they weren’t allowed to – it was a 3 vs 4. And if you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn gravlift over there.
And Master Chief was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used decal on your helmet, you had to wear a sun filter. And so he was up in the zero grav zone and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Grunt, you! Outta that zone, or I’ll come up and shoot you down.’ Well, he came down, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you on Boardwalk.’
My Warthog this – was mostly, these were all cargo crates behind us. My 'hog – there was a forcefield on here. I parked my hog outside the field. And I – and he said, ‘I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three Elites with Energy Swords. Not a joke. There was a guy named Rt'as Vadumee, Yap-Yap, the only Spec-Ops Grunt and he did all the Food Nipples. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the Launch Bay, where mechanics – all the mechanics- – where all the Pelican builder is.’ You know the Magnum, there used to be a Magnum that would shoot across the Blood Gulch. And I grabbed a 12-bullet mag for the pistol, and loaded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that Mag, and you walk to the 'Hog and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna put this bullet in your head.'
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Sunset and Birding at the Local Wetlands
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It's been a while since I've been able to get out for a little nature photography, but my wife and I went for a nice wander out at the local wetlands a couple days ago just to stretch our legs and enjoy some birding and the sunset.
I am a generalized nature photographer as I quite enjoy a variety of genres like landscapes photography, astrophotography, and wildlife photography. Here we have the bridge leading into the wetlands being used as a leading line towards the setting sun and all of the great cloud texture and color in the sky.
Before we came across this scene we were wandering about the wetlands watching the birds and came across this very large California Brown Pelican. It would float about for a bit, then take off, fly for 20 feet and dive nose first into the water on a perpetual hunt for its dinner. Unfortunately I never caught this action, but I did get this shot of it with its nose dipped into the water, eyeballing the environment for some fish to gobble up.
I love the detail my FujiFilm camera and adapted Sigma 150-600mm lens captured, as well as its cool distorted reflection. It's sort of a contrast of texture vs texture and representational imagery vs abstraction.
Let's go exploring.
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laresearchette · 1 year ago
Monday, April 01, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: 2024 iHeartRadio MUSIC AWARDS (FOX Feed) LOVERS AND LIARS (CW Feed) ALL AMERICAN (Premiering on April 08 on Showcase at 8:00pm)
CURLING (TSN/TSN5) 8:00am: LGT World Men's Curling Championship: Canada vs. Italy
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Panthers vs. Leafs (SN Now) 9:00pm: Oilers vs. Blues (TSN3) 9:00pm: Kings vs. Jets
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 8:00pm: Jays vs. Pirates (SN Now) 10:00pm: Giants vs. Dodgers
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 8:00pm: Suns vs. Pelicans
MURDOCH MYSTERIES (CBC) 8:00pm: After a man dies in a drunken brawl at the Starbright Lounge, Murdoch's suspect is another detective.
WARDENS OF THE NORTH (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Conservation officers crack down on boaters not complying with the law; a routine fishing patrol has officers tracking down over-the-limit anglers; a kayaker is reminded that lifejackets work best when worn, even when close to home.
SOCIAL MEDIA MURDERS (T&E) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Alex Rodda, a 15-year-old teenager, is murdered by 18-year-old Matthew Mason in December 2019, six weeks after they first exchange messages via social media.
SECRETS IN THE ICE (Super Chanel Fuse) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A grim discovery in a Swedish lake reveals ancient practices; in the Canadian Arctic, the fossil of a previously unknown mammal is found; bizarre ice formations in the Antarctic Ocean; a discovery off the east coast of Canada.
BELGRAVIA: THE NEXT CHAPTER (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON FINALE): As Frederick grieves the loss of Clara, Enright receives a letter that pushes Frederick to confront his past; Clara and Davison adapt to life in the North, as Clara grapples with happy memories of home.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The Bushmen bring in an explosives expert to blast through the toughest rock in Grawin; plus, a brand-new team brings cutting edge technology to the opal fields.
SPOOKED IRELAND (DTour) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): The team ventures to Charleville Castle, where they face a multitude of spirits who seem to have turned against the castle's current occupants by trapping them in cupboards and keeping them up at night with screams and singing.
EXPEDITION X (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Phil and Jess explore the world's most haunted forest near the site of the Dracula legend and where Josh Gates had his most terrifying experience; during a night investigation, Jess finds herself being watched by someone or something sinister.
THE PLAYBOY MURDERS (Investigation Discovery) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): In the late '90s, Playboy twins Sandy and Mandy Bentley's fame soars until an affair with a Vegas High Roller leads to a fall from fame, stolen jewels, a shadowy buyer and a brutal double murder in the Hollywood hills.
MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA (CTV Life) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A group of 12 home cooks will compete with 12 former contestants.
MURDER AT MY DOOR WITH KYM MARSH (documentary) 10:00pm/11:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): The story of 17-year-old Thomas Griffiths, who killed his girlfriend and arranged the crime scene to look like a suicide after she broke up with him. In Episode Two, 19-year-old Mundill Mahil lures a young TV executive to his death in an act of revenge following an attempted rape six months earlier.
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yzeltia · 2 years ago
Wolraha Week
Chapter 6: Alternate Universe - Stardew Valley Characters: G'raha Tia, Keith Summers, Casamus (Sammy) Summers Rating: Teen Notes: CW Death of a Pet A world where G'raha is the Farmer and Keith takes the place of Alex
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G'raha wiped his brow as he wandered out onto the beach of Pelican Town, sun beating down him. It had been a fairly cool spring but after a morning of watering and tending to the animals on the farm he felt overheated and thought the beach would offer a refreshing breeze to recharge him.
As he wandered out to the beach, he stretched before finding himself pelted in the head. Doubling over, he caught himself in the sand before shaking out his head.
"Oi! You alright," a voice called out.
G'raha looked up as a Hyur ran over and helped him to his feet. The farmer blushed a bit as the tall emerald-eyed young man rubbed the back of his neck and back toward his three siblings who were calling him back over.
"Sorry about that. Our gridball got away from us. You're the new farmer right? I'm Keith and those are my brothers," he greeted, before tugging at his letterman jacket to show off his number, "My big brother was the one that pelted you though. I have way better aim given I'm my school's…er, was my school's all-star quarterback. I've got a star here that proves it. See?"
G'raha motioned joyfully toward the other and shook his head as he looked at the jacket, "It's quite alright. I am G'raha Tia. I took over my dearly departed grandfather's farm, though I suppose you figured that out."
"Sort of, yeah. It's cool that you wanted to take care of the place. Ah, I'd ask you to play with us but you don't look the sporty type."
G'raha examined himself then shook his head, "I'm really not. And you'd have uneven numbers. I might enjoy watching though until I need to return to the farm. Though, maybe if I'm free sometime you can explain the rules to me."
Keith lit up, nodding before turning to chuck the ball in a perfect spiral toward his brothers.
"Deal," the Hyur laughed before heading off.
❤️ ❤️
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Summer came in a blink of an eye. G'raha, being fond of invention, had mostly automated his watering systems and feeding at his farm.  This left him with more free time to take up fishing and explore the mines under town. It also allowed him to meet more with some of the townsfolk, and more regularly with Keith.
Having an open afternoon, he'd finally taken the Hyur up on his offer to learn to play gridball. The first lesson had been in learning what 'shirts vs skins' meant, Keith having tossed his jacket and shirt aside much to the Miqo'te's discreet delight.
"Alright so. The goal is to catch the ball and run it down past my line without me tackling you," Keith called out.
"Tackling? Why tackling!?"
"To end the play. Were you not paying attention when I played with my brothers?"
"That wasn't brotherly tomfoolery!?
"It's how you play the game. Let's start with throwing and catching first. Go long!"
Keith wound back then launched the gridball after his warning. G'raha jumped, trying to catch the ball, but it bounced out off his fingers. Keith let out a little laugh.
"You'll get it. Toss it back and next time try to move back to get in front of it."
G'raha folded his ears back then chucked the gridball back, Keith catching it with ease. 
"Great throw! Now heads up!"
The Miqo'te watched as the ball came back. He did as he was told, getting in front of the ball and catching it. Elated, his ears sprung up, "I did it! Keith did you see-"
The Miqo'te froze as he found Keith beaming as he bolted toward him. Yelping, he found himself in the other arms then on his back. His tail thrashed in sand as he struggled under the Hyur, face flushed as the other clung to him and got sweat on his clothes.
"First down," Keith teased before sitting up.
Face a deep red, G'raha took in a breath and tried to recompose himself. "You said tag! That was not a tag."
"Sorry. Instincts kicked in. It's just in me. I'm going to be a professional gridball player someday, y'know. Don't you think I'll be great?"
G'raha looked into Keith's eager eyes and hesitated. He was unsure how the Hyur planned to make those dreams come true. Pelican Town was isolated and he assumed the other was well out of highschool and not attending college. Still, something about the Hyur made him feel that he couldn't be practical about his dreams. As silly as it was, he found himself nodding.
"I believe in you."
Keith seemed to light up even more. He put his arm around the other and shoulder hugged him and began to excitedly babble about the sport. G'raha couldn't concentrate, more focused on the muscular arm around him and other's natural scent being rubbed onto him, memorizing it.
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Fall came early, as did G'raha's yam crops. Without knowing whether or not Keith even liked the tuber, he found himself gathering them up for the Hyur and his family. At the very least he was sure Keith would be amused at their gridball shape and appreciate the gesture.
As he approached the Summer's house, he spotted Keith squatted down in front of his dog's pen, letting his white Husky lick his fingers through the cage.
"We've been through a lot, haven't we girl?"
G'raha lowered his ears as he heard the other sigh. He'd never seen Keith so down before. Feeling like he was intruding, he cleared his throat. The Hyur turned, looking up to the other, his usual smile returning to his face.
"Oh. Hey, G'raha. Ah. Did you hear all that?"
"Just the end…sorry. Is everything okay"
Keith looked down to his dog, "Ah. Yeah…I guess you wouldn't know. My family isn't from ar ound here. We had to move 'cause of the war. Our house caught fire and burned down in the middle of the night as the Empire started to invade. 
I got scared as we evacuated and ran to the lake by my house to escape the flames. I wound up hitting my head and falling in the water somehow. Iggy here fished me out though. We all made it though and moved here to stay in my grandparents' old place.
There's not much to do out here. Iggy can't run around free cause the Mayor doesn't trust her not to dig and she doesn't like her leash.
As a Miqo'te, G'raha had an instinctual fear of dogs. They couldn't decern him from a cat. Still, seeing Keith look on to his beloved pet sparked him to reply, "She can come run around on my farm sometime."
G'raha found himself in the Hyur's embrace almost as soon as the words escaped his lips. He choked down a purr as he felt himself nuzzle into the rough fabric of the Hyur's favorite jacket.
"You're the best G'raha! I can't thank you enough. Just let me know when it's a good time to bring her over! I promise you she's a good girl!"
G'raha nodded, still blushing as the Hyur turned to excitedly tell Iggy she'd be able to run around free soon. 
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G'raha shivered as he was let into the Summer's house, Keith's eldest brother, Casamus, there to help him out of his shoe clothes.
"It's really coming down out there. It's going to take me forever to get back home. Er, thank you," the Miqo'te said as the dark haired Hyur hung up his coat.
"No problem. Mother is still at Pierre's getting seeds for her indoor planters so you're in for a bit of a wait. I'm sure if it gets too late helping her out Keith will let you cuddle up with him," Casamus teased, raising his brow knowingly.
"I would not want to be an imposition. Though, if I am to wait, maybe I could drop in on Keith?"
Casamus chuckled then gestured his head down the hall. "I'm sure he'll be jazzed to see you. Go ahead."
G'raha nodded then kicked off his shoes before heading down the hall. His ear twitched a little as he heard the elder brother's footsteps echo behind him, but he didn't pay him any mind. A bit wary of his shadow, he forgot his manners, letting himself into Keith's room, find the other on his bed, book in one hand and barbell in the other dressed only in his smalls, tank top and glasses. 
Keith dropped his book and weight in shock, quickly scrambling to pull his glasses off his face. Outside Casamus howled with laughter, not letting G'raha back out of the room.
"Swivel off Sammy," Keith huffed, bouncing off his bed to pull the farmer into his room before slamming the door.
G'raha shook, making it a point to stare at the floor and not the half-naked Hyur. "I'm really sorry for the intrusion. I didn't think-. I should go!"
"It's okay. Sammy just enjoys making people squirm. You're here to help my mom with her planters right?"
G'raha nodded, staring at the Hyur's socks in front of his own, not daring to look back up.
"Er…you okay?"
"I've caught you compromised."
"Compromised? You mean my glasses? Heck. I was hoping you wouldn't see them. Don't tell anyone. Okay?"
The Miqo'te flicked his attention back up in disbelief, Keith having a finger over his lips. The man was blushing too, though not about his state of undress but his vanity.
"Your glasses…You don't want people to know about your…"
"Well, yeah. I look like a total nerd with them on. I read a lot more than people think. Since we're out in the boonies all our college work is remote."
"College? You're in college…," G'raha asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. Me and Sammy both. I'm studying nutrition to be a fitness instructor and Sammy's going to be a lawyer or something. Carter gets to do his highschool stuff and then we send Qody off with with Penny," Keith listed.
"I see. I'm just…well, surprised!"
Keith beamed then rubbed his nose, "Heh. I can't hang all my dreams on going pro in gridball. Didn't expect me to be a genius, did you? No one does."
G'raha laughed, slowly acclimating to the state of undress, "Genius? Keith, I was talking to you about ore the other day and you asked how cookies got into the mines."
"Well, uh…," the Hyur started, scratching at the little bit of stubble growing on his neck, "I was probably just hungry."
The Miqo'te continues to laugh while Keith rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
"So maybe not a genius, but if you work hard and know when to ask for help you can work your way toward it."
"Yeah, I guess you can."
Keith smiled then stretched, "Why don't you make yourself comfortable while you wait? I'll go get us something to snack on. Some Oreos…*
The Hyur winked with a chuckle, exiting the room, leaving G'raha too look around. There were several gridball trophies displayed on shelves along with a mix of comics, magazines, and school books. His athletic stuff was left in a corner and discarded clothes left at the end of his bed. 
Swallowing, G'raha flopped down into the mess of blankets, hugging onto one one of Keith's pillows. The Hyur's scent enveloped his senses making his heart race. He eventually let out a whine, realizing he'd fallen in love.
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Spring came again. G'raha looked back to the solemn Casamus and Carter as he crossed onto the beach, the two pointing Keith out on the beach, hugging his knees. His ears folded a bit, hearing Keith's choked sobs from where they watched him. Carefully, he trecked out over the sand and stood beside the Hyur, watching him turn Iggy's collar around in his hand.
The Miqo'te didn't say anything as he lowered to sit beside Keith, head tilting to rest on his shoulder. The Hyur whined then let out another wail. G'raha didn't interrupt, letting him get it out as he wrapped his tail around the other's waist.
After about an hour, Keith calmed down or at least dried up. He wiped at his face with the sleeve of his jacket before letting out a sigh.
"She was a good girl G'raha."
"The goodest. She saved my life."
"You've told me the story."
Keith nodded, wiping at his face again, "I dunno what I'm going to do without her. I love her so much. And she was so good. She never bit anyone…not even growled at the postman. So good G'raha. She really was."
G'raha shivered, feeling empathy wash over him, wanting to cry along with him. He didn't though, simply turning to put his hand on the other's cheek and brush his tears away with his thumb.
"Honor her then. Be just as good and remember her often."
Keith sniffed then pressed his forehead into G'raha's, nodding. The Miqo'te swallowed, wanting nothing more than to steal after kiss after kiss until the other forgot his pain. He froze up at Keith out his hand on his cheek, the other's emerald gaze. As the Hyur drew in, G'raha pulled back.
"This isn't the time," he thought to himself. 
Keith blinked then lowered his head, taking G'raha's hand in his.
"Thanks…for sitting with me. I know it's your busy planting season, but could you stay a little longer?"
"Of course."
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G'raha flicked his tail a bit as he wandered through the orchard on his farm, Keith's letter in hand. He'd been asked to let the Hyur borrow the corner for a day and then meet him after the Summer sun had set. He thought it odd, but agreed knowing he wouldn't harm the area.
As he drew closer to his destination, he found a path lit up by solar lights strung from the branches of his fruit trees. The smell of garlic soon overwhelmed him as he found himself in a clearing. At a portable stove, Keith stood stirring a red sauce while behind him a picnic table had been set up with fresh bread and chilled wine ready for them.
"Keith? What is all this?"
The Hyur jumped, nearly toppling over his pot of sauce as he turned around. Catching his breath, Keith gave a weak smile then looked away.
"Dinner," he answered coyly.
"I see that. But, why?"
G'raha swallowed as Keith quickly turned back around to tend to his cooking. He didn't provide an immediate answer, focusing on plating their spaghetti and getting it to the table. With an inhale, Keith pulled off his apron then sharply exhaled, looking directly into G'raha's eyes.
"I think…I'm in love with you."
G'raha's ears perked, "Pardon?"
"I said I think I'm in love with you…Or, have been so for a long time. I'm…I'm not really good at realizing these sorts of things but I talked to Sammy about it and I realized that I care about you. I think about how your farm is doing, or if you're going to come into town. When we make plans it's all I can think about until it actually happens. And, well, you're the only person I've ever wanted to kiss…and well, experience everything with."
“I…I feel the same way. For such a long time I’ve wanted to tell you, but it was never the right time or I would get scared you wouldn’t feel the same way. You never showed any interest.”
“Yeah, I was slow on picking it up. Sammy confronted me on it though and asked when I’d make my move. Said you looked like you were about to explode anytime you were around. I didn’t believe him at first…but then it all kinda made sense that you felt the same way I did.”
“What made you believe?”
“Mostly Sammy pointing out how we acted when we were together and uh…”
“Yes,” G’raha asked, taking a step toward the other.
“I saw you sniffing my jacket on the coat rack the other day.”
The Miqo’te let out a groan then turned to walk away, face covered. Keith laughed then caught the other by the shoulder, pulling him back. 
“It’s okay. I uh…think it’s cute. Usually everyone complains that it smells like my gym bag,” Keith chuckled before turning the other to face him, “Maybe…you could borrow it and wear it sometime…”
“I’d like that,” G’raha answered, ears folding shyly.
As the Miqo’te hid his face, Keith dipped his hand between them to tilt his chin up. Smiling, he drew in close then gave G’raha the kiss he’d longed for.
🐚 “This is really happening,” Keith laughed, squeezing G’raha’s hands as they stood before the mayor in their best suits.
“Yeah,” the Miqo’te answered, gazing up at the other with a smile.
Even into fall, the two had barely spent more than a few hours apart. It only made sense to them that they’d pledge to do so forever and intertwine their families. They paid little attention to the mayor, as they smiled, pressing their foreheads together as his words ran together. It was only the small yap of their new puppy, Buster, that brought them out of their loving gaze.
 Laughing, Keith reached down, taking the mermaid pendant from around their little bearer’s neck then put it over his new husband’s neck, before giving G’raha a kiss. Their friends and family cheered as the Mayor gave up on finishing the ceremony, letting the two get on to their happily ever after.
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tonyspicks · 21 days ago
New Orleans Pelicans vs Phoenix Suns Prediction 02/28/2025: NBA Picks
Looking for expert NBA predictions to stay ahead of the game? Nick’s data-driven analysis has you covered! With insights like this pick for the New Orleans Pelicans vs Phoenix Suns matchup, you’ll gain the edge to make smarter bets. Nick recommends taking the Phoenix Suns -7. For more winning picks and expert advice, visit Nick’s profile at Tony’s Picks today. Don’t miss out on exclusive insights—start turning predictions into profits now!
Read more: https://tinyurl.com/4f6rrb9j
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holopiscom · 21 days ago
Hasil NBA : Phoenix Suns Telan 3 Kekalahan Beruntun, Kali Ini Dihajar Pelicans 116-124
JAKARTA – Phoenix Suns harus puas kandas di tangan New Orleans Pelicans pada lanjutan NBA 2024/2025, dengan skor 116-124. Hasil tersebut jadi kekalahan ketiga Devin Booker Cs secara beruntun. Pertandingan antara Phoenix Suns vs New Orleans Pelicans tersebut berlangsung di Footprint Center, Jumat (28/2). Dalam pertandingannya, duel sudah berlangsung sengit sejak kuarter pertama, bahkan Phoenix…
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jogomangcassino · 11 months ago
¿Cuándo es el próximo partido entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Pelicans?
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¿Cuándo es el próximo partido entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Pelicans?
Fecha del próximo partido de los Dallas Mavericks
El próximo partido de los Dallas Mavericks está programado para el 25 de noviembre a las 7:30 p.m. en el American Airlines Center. Los Mavericks se enfrentarán a los Phoenix Suns en lo que promete ser un emocionante juego de la temporada regular de la NBA.
Los aficionados de los Mavericks están ansiosos por ver a su equipo en acción una vez más, liderados por estrellas como Luka Dončić y Kristaps Porziņģis. Después de un inicio prometedor en la temporada, los Mavericks buscan mantener su impulso y asegurarse una victoria contra los Suns.
El American Airlines Center estará lleno de energía y emoción mientras los fanáticos se reúnen para apoyar a los Mavericks en su búsqueda de la victoria. Con rivalidades intensas y jugadas increíbles en cada partido, los fans pueden esperar un emocionante espectáculo en la cancha.
Ya sea que seas un fanático de toda la vida de los Mavericks o simplemente estés buscando disfrutar de un buen partido de baloncesto, el próximo encuentro promete ser imperdible. Asegúrate de marcar la fecha en tu calendario y sintonizar para ver a los Dallas Mavericks en acción contra los Phoenix Suns. ¡Que comience el juego!
Horario del juego entre Mavericks y Pelicans
El próximo partido entre los Mavericks y los Pelicans promete ser un enfrentamiento emocionante que los fanáticos no querrán perderse. El horario del juego está programado para el sábado a las 7:30 p.m. en el American Airlines Center en Dallas.
Los Mavericks, liderados por su estrella Luka Dončić, están ansiosos por demostrar su habilidad en la cancha y asegurarse otra victoria en casa. Por otro lado, los Pelicans vienen con todo para desafiar a sus oponentes y llevarse la victoria en terreno rival.
Los aficionados pueden esperar un enfrentamiento lleno de intensidad y emoción, ya que ambos equipos lucharán por cada balón y cada punto. Sin duda, este juego promete ser un espectáculo imperdible para todos los amantes del baloncesto.
Tanto los Mavericks como los Pelicans han estado teniendo una buena temporada hasta el momento, por lo que el resultado final es impredecible. Este partido seguramente mantendrá a los espectadores en el borde de sus asientos, disfrutando de grandes jugadas, tiros increíbles y momentos memorables.
Así que asegúrate de sintonizar el próximo partido entre los Mavericks y los Pelicans para disfrutar de una noche llena de baloncesto de alto nivel y emoción desenfrenada. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Próximo encuentro Dallas Mavericks vs Pelicans
El próximo encuentro entre Dallas Mavericks y los Pelicans promete ser un emocionante duelo en la cancha. Ambos equipos han estado demostrando un gran desempeño en la temporada, lo que hace que este enfrentamiento sea especialmente esperado por los fanáticos de la NBA.
Los Mavericks, liderados por su estrella Luka Dončić, han estado mostrando un juego sólido y han logrado importantes victorias en los últimos partidos. Por otro lado, los Pelicans, con jugadores destacados como Zion Williamson, también han estado en una racha positiva y buscan seguir sumando triunfos.
Este encuentro será una prueba de resistencia y estrategia para ambos equipos, ya que se enfrentarán dos estilos de juego diferentes. Los Mavericks apostarán por su ataque liderado por Dončić, mientras que los Pelicans buscarán imponer su defensa y contragolpe rápido.
Los fanáticos pueden esperar un partido lleno de emoción, jugadas espectaculares y tensión en cada posesión. Sin duda, este duelo entre Mavericks y Pelicans promete ser uno de los más emocionantes de la temporada y será imperdible para los amantes del baloncesto.
No te pierdas este apasionante encuentro entre dos equipos en busca de la victoria. ¡Prepárate para disfrutar de un espectáculo deportivo de primer nivel!
Calendario de partidos de los Mavericks
Los Mavericks son uno de los equipos más populares de la NBA, y los fanáticos siempre están ansiosos por saber cuándo jugará su equipo favorito. El calendario de partidos de los Mavericks es una herramienta indispensable para los seguidores del equipo, ya que les permite planificar y no perderse ninguno de los emocionantes encuentros que disputan a lo largo de la temporada.
Los Mavericks compiten en la Conferencia Oeste de la NBA y juegan contra algunos de los equipos más fuertes de la liga. Los partidos contra rivales como los Lakers, los Warriors y los Spurs siempre generan gran expectación entre los aficionados, que llenan el American Airlines Center para animar a su equipo.
El calendario de partidos de los Mavericks se divide en diferentes segmentos, que incluyen partidos en casa y partidos de visitante. Los fanáticos pueden ver a su equipo jugar en el ambiente único y vibrante del American Airlines Center, o seguirlos en sus desplazamientos a través de la televisión o las redes sociales.
Además de los partidos de la temporada regular, los Mavericks también participan en la emocionante postemporada de la NBA, donde compiten por el codiciado título de campeones. Los seguidores del equipo siguen con atención cada paso que dan en la cancha, soñando con ver a sus ídolos levantar el trofeo al final de la temporada.
En resumen, el calendario de partidos de los Mavericks es una pieza fundamental para todos los aficionados al baloncesto que siguen con pasión las actuaciones de este icónico equipo de la NBA.
Información sobre el próximo juego de los Pelicans vs Mavericks
Los aficionados al baloncesto están ansiosos por el próximo emocionante encuentro entre los Pelicans y los Mavericks. Este enfrentamiento promete ser un duelo reñido lleno de acción y jugadas espectaculares que mantendrán a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos.
Los Pelicans, liderados por su estrella Zion Williamson, han estado mostrando un gran desempeño en la cancha últimamente. Con su habilidad para anotar puntos clave y su destreza en el juego interior, los Pelicans seguramente ofrecerán una competencia feroz contra los Mavericks.
Por otro lado, los Mavericks cuentan con el talento indiscutible de Luka Dončić, uno de los jugadores más destacados de la liga. Con su capacidad para llevar a su equipo a la victoria y su visión de juego excepcional, los Mavericks seguramente buscarán imponer su ritmo desde el inicio del partido.
Los aficionados pueden esperar un enfrentamiento emocionante y lleno de intensidad entre estos dos equipos. Ambos buscarán demostrar su habilidad en la cancha y obtener la victoria para acercarse más a sus objetivos en la temporada.
En resumen, el próximo juego entre los Pelicans y los Mavericks promete ser un espectáculo imperdible para todos los amantes del baloncesto. Estará lleno de emoción, rivalidad y talento, lo que lo convierte en un evento deportivo que nadie querrá perderse. ¡Prepárense para disfrutar de un gran partido!
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year ago
Paliza a los Thunder con un gran Porzingis: 27 puntos, 12 rebotes y cinco tapones NACHO DUQUE De una tacada, los Celtics llegaron a las 60 victorias, se garantizaron ser el mejor equipo de la temporada regular y, por tanto, tener el factor cancha en todas las eliminatorias de playoffs y, de paso, lanzaron el enésimo aviso a la NBA sobre su extraordinario potencial. Aplastaron por 135-100 a los Thunder, que compiten por liderar el Oeste. Fue la undécima victoria de los Celtics en los últimos 13 encuentros. También suman 11 triunfos seguidos en casa, donde su balance es de 33-3, el mejor de la NBA, lo que invita al optimismo en Boston con el factor cancha en la mano. Esta vez, el líder fue Kristaps Porzings con 27 puntos y 12 rebotes. Al descanso ya llevaba 17+9. El pívot letón es un factor decisivo en los Celtics por su capacidad para proteger el aro con sus intimidantes 2,18 metros y, a la vez, abrir el campo en campo ofensivo gracias a sus triples. Sus cinco tapones y su 3/3 desde el arco volvieron a demostrar su importancia en una futura lucha por el anillo. Pese a todo, hay cautela en los Celtics, que ya han tenido experiencias desagradables en playoffs tras una gran fase regular. "Deberíamos disfrutarlo esta noche. Cuando nos despertemos mañana, a nadie le importará", aseguraba el entrenador Joe Mazzulla. "No nos saltaremos ningún paso. 60 victorias indican que vamos por buen camino, pero cuando comienzan los playoffs volvemos al punto de partida", analizaba Jaylen Brown, que hizo 23 puntos. Jayson Tatum se fue a los 24. Los Thunder volvieron a echar de menos a Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, que ha jugado sólo uno de los últimos cinco encuentros, y a Jalen Williams. Josh Giddey metió 17 puntos y Luguentz Dort sumó 15 en un equipo que tuvo una mala noche desde el perímetro. Su 5/24 contrastó con el 17/40 de los Celtics, el equipo que más triples anota en la NBA. OTROS RESULTADOS miércoles 3 abril NBA Wizards - Lakers Estado:Finalizado Wizards 120 Lakers 125 Hornets - Blazers Estado:Finalizado Hornets 86 Blazers 89 Celtics - Thunder Estado:Finalizado Celtics 135 Thunder 100 Hawks - Pistons Estado:Finalizado Hawks 121 Pistons 113 Nets - Pacers Estado:Finalizado Nets 115 Pacers 111 19:30 Bucks vs. Grizzlies Bucks - Grizzlies Estado:Finalizado Bucks 101 Grizzlies 111 Pelicans - Magic Estado:Finalizado Pelicans 108 Magic 117 Timberwolves - Raptors Estado:Finalizado Timberwolves 133 Raptors 85 Suns - Cavaliers Estado:Finalizado Suns 122 Cavaliers 101 Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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kartoonjunkey · 2 years ago
#NBA2K23 New Orleans Pelicans vs Phoenix Suns MyLeague PS4 GAMES -- Watch live at https://ift.tt/8BxnIwD by KarToonJunKey
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ririannews · 2 years ago
Jadwal Pertandingan Sepak Bola & Basket 08 April 2023
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿English League Championship🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 11:30 WIB Sunderland vs Hull City - 14:00 WIB Middlesbrough vs Burnley   🇵🇹Portugal Primeira Liga🇵🇹 - 00:00 WIB Benfica vs Porto - 02:30 WIB Boavista vs Vitoria SC - 21:30 WIB Arouca vs Maritimo   🇮🇹Italy Serie A🇮🇹 - 00:00 WIB Lecce vs Napoli - 02:00 WIB Milan vs Empoli - 17:30 WIB Udinese vs Monza - 19:30 WIB Fiorentina vs Spezia - 21:30 WIB Sampdoria vs Cremonese - 21:30 WIB Atalanta vs Bologna   🇦🇺A-League🇳🇿 - 14:00 WIB Adelaide United vs Sydney FC - 14:00 WIB Brisbane Roar vs Newcastle Jets - 16:45 WIB Macarthur vs Western Sydney Wanderers FC   🇮🇩BRI Liga 1 Indonesia🇮🇩 - 20:30 WIB Persis vs Persebaya   🇪🇸Spain La Liga🇪🇸 - 02:00 WIB Sevilla vs Celta Vigo - 20:00 WIB Osasuna vs Elche - 21:15 WIB Spanyol vs Athletic Club   🏀NBA🏀 - 06:00 WIB Wizards vs Heat - 06:00 WIB Pacers vs Pistons - 06:00 WIB Hornets vs Rockets - 06:30 WIB Celtics vs Raptors - 06:30 WIB Nets vs Magic - 06:30 WIB Hawks vs 76ers - 07:00 WIB Pelicans vs Knicks - 07:00 WIB Bucks vs Grizzlies - 07:30 WIB Mavericks vs Bulls - 09:00 WIB Kings vs Warriors - 09:30 WIB Lakers vs Suns Read the full article
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vibezzonerrythang · 3 years ago
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The Suns beat the Pelicans; 115-109 and will face the winner of UTA/DAL in 2nd round. Chris Paul ended with a perfect game. 33pts, 14/14 FG, 8ast, and 4reb. First player to have a playoff game without a miss with 13+ shots taken. 🏀🔥
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christianstepmoms · 1 year ago
So back in the day I learned a lot. And I learned that it makes a difference. This was the flag spawning area, and I was one of the guards, and they weren’t allowed to – it was a 3 vs 4. And if you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn gravlift over there.
And Master Chief was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used decal on your helmet, you had to wear a sun filter. And so he was up in the zero grav zone and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Grunt, you! Outta that zone, or I’ll come up and shoot you down.’ Well, he came down, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you on Boardwalk.’
My Warthog this – was mostly, these were all cargo crates behind us. My 'hog – there was a forcefield on here. I parked my hog outside the field. And I – and he said, ‘I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three Elites with Energy Swords. Not a joke. There was a guy named Rt'as Vadumee, Yap-Yap, the only Spec-Ops Grunt and he did all the Food Nipples. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the Launch Bay, where mechanics – all the mechanics- – where all the Pelican builder is.’ You know the Magnum, there used to be a Magnum that would shoot across the Blood Gulch. And I grabbed a 12-bullet mag for the pistol, and loaded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that Mag, and you walk to the 'Hog and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna put this bullet in your head.'
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laresearchette · 1 year ago
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR FX’S AMERICAN HORROR STORIES (Season 3, four-episode premiere) THE ARTFUL DODGER (Season 1)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Blue Jackets (SN) 10:30pm: Capitals vs. Kings
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Lakers vs. Red Wings (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: Suns vs. Raptors (SN Now) 8:00pm: 76ers vs. Pelicans (SN1) 10:00pm: Clippers vs. Kings
THE OTHER SIDE (APTN) 7:30pm: Every time the team investigates a new space, they smudge and enter with respect for the histories and potential spirits locked inside. But the Port Moody Station Museum is a place with a deadly past, where they learn that a smudge can't always keep.
SWAN SONG (CBC) 8:00pm: Karen's progressive ideas create unanticipated ripples through the company as the first run-through approaches, while the arrival of a celebrity ballerina throws Siphe off balance.
SPIRIT TALKER (APTN) 8:00pm: Tsuut'ina Nation, a strong Dene-speaking community near Calgary, continues to foster its tie to the past through the buffalo. Amidst Shawn's readings, a touching emotional reunion unfolds as a woman reconnects with her long-lost sister.
LAUGHING ALL THE WAY (W Network) 8:00pm: Put in charge of a holiday variety show, an aspiring comedian worries she may not have what it takes, until a famous comedian makes her see how talented she truly is.
GOOD WITH WOOD (Makeful) 8:00pm: Eye-catching coffee tables built by the eight woodworkers, who sweat the details as they create unique, stable legs for their designs.
GHOST HUNTERS OF THE GRAND RIVER (APTN) 8:30pm: The ghost hunters delve into the history of paranormal activity that surrounds the Mohawk Community Centre on their sister reserve of Tyendinaga, including the stories of a witch trial that took place in the 1800s.
BLACK LIFE: UNTOLD STORIES (CBC) 9:00pm: A chronicle of the lives of Black Canadian athletes that delves into their rise and the challenges they faced.
CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING (CTV) 9:00pm (SEASON FINALE): After an unexpected change at Gero's, James tries to busy himself with fixing a broken toilet; Astrid thinks she's due for a raise.
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