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yesterrp ¡ 5 days ago
you wont believe who locked in. looking to app anakin skywalker, from star wars! his application is on the second sparkle on his blog, right above the candle quote, or at /app
Thank you for completing your paperwork in a timely manner! Now, let's see here…
The eccentric figure takes back the clipboard and reads through your answers carefully, polite interest in his expression as he nods.
"What noble answers - hopefully that ends well for you! With that mindset in mind, I feel the best place for you will be LUCTENMIRE, the coastline shrouded in mystery. Theatricality is above - and present in - everything. Personal style, celebrations, religious ceremonies… you name it. Just, uh, careful with the canine beast that roams around, I think. "
With that, they hand you a gift bag containing the following items:
A house key for LILAC STAY 403
A palm-sized cellular device, complete with access to the internet!
A singular wrapped butterscotch. Enjoy!
Any other notable items you had with you upon arrival have been confiscated by the Rekindler, as have your abilities. Sorry about that, and welcome to your new home in New Yesteryear!
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solar-pxwered ¡ 4 years ago
continued from here || @sundragcn​
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looking at the yellow prosthetic, yang sighs. she turns her arm once, twice before lavender eyes fall back on sun. he was there that night, wasn't he? it felt like an eternity ago now. not to mention that even now the details were fuzzy. "it's not really something i enjoy talking about."
she pauses, hesitancy and apprehension in her words. "it happened quick, a knee jerk reaction. all i could think about was that i had to protect blake." sighing, a hand found itself in golden locks. "i was naive, stupid. and i paid the price for it. thought i was quick, turns out-- adam was quicker." / @solar-pxwered​
           In his experience, the things people wanted to talk about the least were the things they needed to talk about the most. Maybe she wouldn’t offer him any more, but he stayed quiet and fairly still (with the exception of his gently swaying tail behind him), giving her the time and calm space to get her thoughts in order.
          She decided to speak and so Sun listened carefully, watching her expressions and movements with utmost attention, catching the hesitant way she spoke and he got the feeling there was a lot of self blame behind the words. Regret. He could easily identify with regrets, he had his share of them.
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          â€œYou did what you had to do,” he assured her, and he was confident that this was the absolute truth, â€œIt sounds to me like there wasn’t time to plan and second guess...second guessing never helped anyone anyway. You paid the price but...when you consider the price if you’d done nothing, or waited too long, do you think...?”
          He had to be careful with his word choices here, but honestly the question was simple and so he just went with it: â€œDon’t you think it was a price worth paying?”
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unfcrtunatescn ¡ 4 years ago
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“I’m hurt Blondie, and here I thought we had a budding friendship,”
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ultravioletvoleur ¡ 4 years ago
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@sundragcn​ asked:  🔮 -----
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“Holy moly, look at that blonde! Tall, graceful, a sure, even stance. This chick is the full package, top to bottom. Look at those biceps! Her calves could crush a mountain! I bet her abs could rival mine! Her pecs- well, let’s actually not look at her pecs, that’s a bad first impression. Okay, breathe, and wink- dammit I was looking at the hot Faunus when I winked. Abort, abort, flee and escape!”
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fumusdamnatorum ¡ 4 years ago
( sundragcn ) they're at an inn, back on the road, like nothing had ever changed in the world around them. after reuniting, nothing could tear yang from silas' side again. she rolls over to lay her head on his chest. fingers trail over scars new and old that line the upper areas of his body. " you still haven't told me how you got these. "
@sundragcn It’s not often he takes long breaks like this. Half-lidded eyes open slowly as Silas awakes from what would be considered extremely nice, well-earned sleep. A sharp inhale completes his transition from half to fully awake, signaled to Yang by kissing the crown of her head. 
“Hmmm....” Eyes follow as her finger traced over the scars on his torso, drawn to the obviously largest one. â€œThe smaller ones, I probably got shot, sliced, stabbed at one point. This larger one though...that was a test.” 
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stormflowerhonor ¡ 4 years ago
@sundragcn​ gets a small thing because Ren missed his gf.
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“Have I told you lately how grateful I am to have you in my life?”
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auraamplification ¡ 4 years ago
( sundragcn ) she's laying in the sand, staring up at nothingness. to her it feels like an eternity has passed. yang's body aches, she's covered in bruises and cuts, she shouldn't be-- not if she's dead. isn't this the next life? her prostgwtic rises to block the sun. the yellow paint is chipped and scratched in too many places. with a sigh, it falls back into the sand with a thud. if this was another life, she should have her arm back. slowly, yang sits up, forearm resting on one propped knee as she gazes at her surroundings. something told her this wasn't the next life, and she certainly wasn't in atlas anymore either. with aching limbs she stands and walks through an outcropping of trees and that's when the color drains from her face as she rushes to his side. no. not him. " j-jaune!! "
The last thing that Jaune remembers is Winter’s face as she looked back to him, he held no resentment towards her he just wasn’t....fast enough. Then the fall, the infinite blackness as he saw the golden bridges finally vanish. As he blacked out he felt like he was in a dream scape of sorts. Then, he could hear someone calling his name. If he was dead he had half a mind to think it was Her but then he came too, crystal blue eyes opened up as he saw the violet eyes of that Sunny Dragon. “Y-Yang?” Was all he could say as he tried to make sense of it. Then all the memories rushed back, The escape, the assault..Penny.  “Yang, where...are you?” He stopped and stood up, latching onto Yang in a tight hug, finding himself at a loss for words.
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littleblackqrow ¡ 4 years ago
@sundragcn​ (x)
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“Its not even that bad!” Qrow complained, blinking to try and get his eyes to focus. â€œMaybe a concussion.” He’d been fine mostly all day, Misfortune seemed to be behaving itself. But apparently it’d just been saving itself. When he was standing in their common room, the ceiling fan had decided that it really wanted to get to know what it’d be like to be a floor fan.
Qrow’s head had just been in the way.
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theashen-fox ¡ 4 years ago
Ash had said it in a moment of passion, angry with himself, but by the time he realized what he had just said, the damage was done, and on his face it was clear that he realized just how bad what he had said was. Following her into the shelter shortly thereafter, he seated himself, using his Semblance to reignite the fire they had set up.
A period of silence followed where Ash waited for both Yang’s anger to cool off somewhat as well as to reflect on what he had said, and the implications it carried. Initially, Ash did feel sorry for what he said, but he was confused as to why Yang seemed to take it so personally. Then it hit him: Yang had been left alone one too many times in her life. And he had just told her he was better off dead. It was just a more permanent form of abandonment. Needless to say, when he finally spoke, it was in a quiet, tearful tone, one he had never used to address her before. “Yang? I...I’m sorry.” That was it. No excuses, no justification, no rationalizing, no self-pity; just an apology. What justification could ever be made for admitting to your friend that you wanted to leave them behind forever?
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magnhildsmight ¡ 4 years ago
@sundragcn from here
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“Way I see it, is if I’m gonna go down, I’m gonna go down swinging and take as many of these bastards with me as I can.”
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ultravioletvoleur ¡ 4 years ago
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@sundragcn​ asked:  she's just come back from a long mission and more than anything, all yang wants is to see her boyfriend and tell him how much she's missed him. as soon as she spots that sunny yellow hair, she's beaming as she closes the distance between them. she wraps her arms tight around his neck and pulls him into a deep kiss. " hey, didja miss me? " she teases with a wink, sucking on her bottom lip to hide her laughter. -----
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He was standing in the living room of the Rose-Xiao Long household when it happened. He’d spent the morning assisting Taiyang with some chores out in the yard, figuring it was the least he could do while the man let him stay while his girlfriend was away. He’d just polished off the end of a large glass of water and was returning it to the sink when he saw the golden-blonde tresses and that warm, loving smile enter the house.
He didn’t even register the shattering glass as he stepped in time with her, as if it were a practiced reunion. As her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands found her waist, holding her close to him as he leant into the kiss, tender lips dancing with hers for what felt like an eternity until they finally parted. He rested his forehead against hers while she spoke, eliciting a bright chuckle in return from the simian Faunus.
“More than the soil yearns for the rain.”
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stormflowerhonor ¡ 4 years ago
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Ren had wanted to give her some space before immediately going after her, because he knew what it was like to need some time alone to process things before you were okay with someone coming to check on you. And Yang was important to him, so he really didn’t want to upset her in any way. Especially not when he was trying to offer her some comfort. He ventured over carefully, and immediately sank to his knees when she crumbled, wrapping his arms around her and gently holding her close. â€œWe’ll figure it out Yang.” He murmured in her ear. â€œTogether. Okay? I’ve got you.”
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courtedclover-a ¡ 5 years ago
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
this is so cheesy but for @jinxedcrow i’ve written clover’s wedding vows for a meme response they answered of a â€˜how would their wedding play out’ and it was so beautiful, wasn’t even rp, just ooc answers to questions, but it was answered so beautifully to our muses that i sobbed and i rushed to write wedding vows. there’s even a wedding dance involved that i just love to bits between them. 
snowmun and i got into a discussion later on discord about how qrow would want to incorporate branwen tribe marriage traditions and i’ve written a meme response involving one of those traditions. they have to be tied up by the wrists for a full 24 hours and its just so cute. i don’t know why, but i love writing clover experiencing branwen tribe culture/traditions. my muse has no family, no traditions, no culture. he was not only marrying someone he loves, but learning family and i don’t know it makes me very soft. i still love it. so cheesy i know hahahaha     
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flightofaqrow ¡ 5 years ago
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i know people like to make fun of me for being a parent figure instead’a an uncle to all these kids, but some go so far as to say i’m the ‘team mom’ or â€˜bird mom’ while Tai’s their dad. if it has to be one way or the other, i’ve just gotta say
who’s the one keeping down the homefront and watering the garden and welcoming all his daughter’s suitors
and who’s the one with the shotgun?
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rwbymotivation ¡ 5 years ago
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I'd like to give a shoutout to @sundragcn for being a fantastic writer and an absolutely wonderful person. They have such a great grasp on Yang it's fantastic and it's always a delight to see 'em on the dashboard. Of course the mun is one of the sweetest people I've met!
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littleblackqrow ¡ 5 years ago
@sundragcn (x)
“I should be doing a lot,” Qrow said, following his niece. Yang didnt get nearly as much attention from him as she deserved, and they had time now, he might as well do something about that. â€œ... You want some tea? There was an old woman in the camp when your mom and me were growing up that used to make some when we couldnt sleep.”
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