#sundial tour
theartofsupafly · 11 months
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Sundial Tour 🌻
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Find Five Lines
Thanks @duckingwriting here!
Rules: post five lines that match the given prompts, then change ONE prompt for the next people
I'm making my way through these. Almost there!
a line about a building
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Jedi POV)
Maqhaa al-Ghurub was a small cafe made of earth, and once we stepped inside, I realized the roof was transparent and a sundial was in the center, likely casting a shadow when it was a time other than noon.
a line about an animal
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Carmen POV)
A rustle of bushes caused me to stop. A deer poked its head out. I stopped in my tracks as it stepped out to where I could see it: a longhorn, not sharptooth. I let out a breath. The creature looked at me with wide eyes as it passed. Then it scampered off. I began walking again.
a line about a drink
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Hye-Jin POV)
Noelle looked down at my singular glass. “What’s that?” “Protein shake,” I answered. “Honestly, I can’t have much this early in the morning. I get sick otherwise.”
a line that is shouted
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“Wade!” Liam shouted, and I saw a flash of orange, then a glowing white light cover me, telling me George brought our healer over as fast as possible. The pain faded.
a line that includes a lie
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Jedi POV)
The hydro looked at his card’s screen. “Only one way, ma’am?” “We’re staying at a friend’s for a week,” Eomma said. “We’ll take another tour back then.” The man nodded and kept walking. “You lied?” Kirstie asked. “I’m sorry, honey.”
Yeah, I kept to TSP Part Two cause why not?
Your lines: a line about a vehicle, a line about an animal, a line about a drink, a line that is shouted, a line that includes a lie
Tagging @gottestod-writes @drchenquill @eccaiia @paeliae-occasionally @museandquill
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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Events In The History And The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 24th Of May In 1977.
Tuesday, May 24, 1977Venue William B. Bell AuditoriumAugusta, Georgia,
Elvis Presley Played An Awesome Sold Out Standing Room Only Show Performance Concert As Seen Here As Part Of Is May 1977 Tour. Rare Fans Audience Members Live Candid Photo From This Venue. Wearing The Aztec Mexican Sundial Jumpsuit And The Matching Belt And Playing Is Gibson Brown Acoustic Guitar.
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j-is-sad · 1 month
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In other news, the King has announced the requirements to be eligible for Summershire citizenship:
1. Farmers: must pay 20% grain tax to the kingdom.
2. Scholars: must clock in 5 sundial quarters of research at the library and present their findings in the C.S.C. (Council of Scholarly Citizens) every moon day.
3. Craftsmen: must present their finest creation to the King himself and be recognised as an Artisan.
4. Bards and entertainers: must perform their best jest in the King's Court and be graced with the King's laughter.
5. Knights: must show their greatest dance moves at a Royal ball and win the favour of the Royal Mouse.
6. Wizards: must give a tour of their tower or residence and be vetted by the A.A.M.R.C. (Association of the All-powerful Mages of the Royal Court) to be given their wizarding rights in full.
If citizenship is not obtained within 36 moons of visit to Summershire, expect to be thrown out promptly if reason for visitation is not one of the following:
- Research or other scholarly work (must possess proper work pass).
- Short stay for relaxation (must possess valid identification).
- Courtly business (must possess veritable scroll or message from organisation or government of origin).
Document written and signed by:
Ser Flakeycheese II of the Royal Court
King Gobbeldygook
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tacoma-narrows · 24 days
Tac's OC Ref Masterposts 3: Secondary OCs
See my other ref posts here: Sonas, Primaries, Tertiaries
I wanted to have a series of posts where people can find all of my characters in one place! Since I have too many to fit them all into one post, I decided to split them up based on how much I use them/how developed they are, the same way they're split up on my Toyhouse.
I wanted to have their refs here so people can find them relatively easily and not have to go digging through their Toyhouse galleries to find them lol. If anyone ever wants to draw them, you are very much encouraged to do so!! Same goes for asks about my characters! Those are always welcome as well!!
These will have some general information about each of my characters, but if you want to see more about them in depth, each character's Toyhouse page will also be linked! If/when I update any particular characters' ref in the future, that will be updated here as well ^^
Will also include each character's theme song because I like showing those off too :3
See my secondary OCs here below the cut!
These characters are ones I don't use quite as often as my primary OCs, but still have more to them than my tertiary OCs do. They have some developed personality, mainly from when I was more into Wings of Fire (all of these, as well as all of my tertiaries, are WoF OCs lol). All of these guys generally have some kind of interconnection with my other WoF OCs or a relatively well defined sort of gimmick I guess you could say lol.
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Arroyo [Toyhouse Link]
Sometimes acts as an older brother figure to Rhazz
Higher-up at a gold mine in the desert
Ruff is stylized to look like messy hair
Theme Song: Come with Me Now by Kongos
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Foxtrot [Toyhouse Link]
NightWing/SilkWing hybrid
Stage performer, performance partners with Rhazz
Loves showtunes music
Feel free to simplify his design if needed lmao
Theme Song: Dance Hall Days by Wang Chung
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Magma [Toyhouse Link]
Biggest of any of my dragon characters
Veteran of some war (he never specifically says which)
Has a scar on his tail
Adoptive older brother to Sunrise
Fits the "cool uncle who brings the kids awesome gifts at their birthdays and holidays" role
Theme Song: Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi
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Sundial [Toyhouse Link]
IceWing/RainWing hybrid
Girlfriend of Doppler
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Doppler and ThunderSnow
Wings show what the sky outside looks like at any given time (day/night, clear/rain/snow, etc. - think like a Minecraft clock lol)
Theme Song: Sunny Day by Abandoned Pools
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ThunderSnow [Toyhouse Link]
IceWing/SkyWing hybrid
Wavy spines are a hybrid side effect
Wings are meant to look like a blizzard, icicles and lightning, all meant to tie back to his name
Storm chaser, works with Doppler and Sundial
Boyfriend of Eejanaika
Theme Song: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
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Wanderlust [Toyhouse Link]
Owns a safari tour business in Pantala
Sometimes wears a pith helmet at an angle as part of her tours :]
Probably has an Australian accent lol
Her catchphrase/business tagline is "Everybody needs a little more wonder in their lives!"
Theme Song: New York City by Owl City
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leannafirestone · 2 months
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ecstatic to be hitting the road again to see all of your beautiful faces on a headline tour this fall with support from my favs brye and sundial!! come see the becoming unbecoming tour in a city near you 🐍🪩✨🦋🫶🏻
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yourwizardofaus · 1 year
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The Mexican Sundial jumpsuit of 1974 was one of the earliest of the embroidered jumpsuits.  It appeared a little baggy on Elvis as he first wore it in his Lake Tahoe appearances of October 1974, after which it disappeared while his collection of stage outfits continued to grow.
In the next couple of years, he flirted with two-piece suits that featured the high collar and kick-pleated bell bottoms of his jumpsuits as well as a longer period in jumpsuits incorporating puffy-sleeves and V-neck openings.  But in early 1977 the Mexican Sundial was back.  The first time he wore it again was in Savannah, GA, on February 17, 1977.  As the year wore on, he relied on it more and more, only occasionally jumping into something else like the Indian Feather/Chief jumpsuit or his colourful Arabian (Ace Of Spades) costume.  Here are some pictures of his second wearing of the Mexican Sundial for 1977 - Charlotte, NC, on February 20.
In the world of Elvis fandom, it was once believed that there were two identical sundial jumpsuits.  I’ve only found one such reference to this, so it would appear that this spread from one of the most prominent Elvis biographies, Elvis: The Final Years by Jerry Hopkins.  On page 227, while talking about the infamous CBS TV special, he stated that at the time “Elvis wore his white suit with the Mayan calendar design.  He had two of them and alternated wearing them every night of the concert tour, sending his staff scrambling to clean them between shows.”  Gene Doucette, the suit’s designer, is adamant that he only ever made one Mexican Sundial jumpsuit.  He exploded the myth of two sundial jumpsuits in a video on YouTube, where he also revealed incorporating the shape of the top of New York’s Chrysler building into the embroidery at the bottom of the legs (on either side of the ‘kick pleats’).
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lordeemailarchive · 1 year
OUR SUN SETS — tour reflections edition
(28/03/2023) (Solar Institute Bulletin No. 21) (From Auckland)
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She emerges! by Aleks Zaric
Hello darling friend, Whoaaaaah it’s been a minute since I wrote. Something died inside my laptop, and I’ve been putting off the repair for a few months (stubborn refusal to form a relationship with another bit of tech?), but the realisation that I was actively not doing my job due to not having one made me bite the bullet. How have you been??? Last time we spoke I was in South America, just about to turn twenty six, at the tail end of a big year of shows. Got off the plane in New Zealand and torpedoed straight into bed with a fevery cold, emerged a week later into the chaos of December, typically the start of the beautiful summer days here, instead that of several months of storms and humid rain. I wrote this, back then: “I’m playing this song my brother showed me, Mariella, over and over. It sounds like how I feel these days, soft with some pain, the voice of someone who’s touched a lot of beautiful things. This year has wrung me out. I’m a rag. I’m the t-shirts and underwear I hand-washed in so many hotel sinks. Christmas is a tall wave and I haven’t bought anyone gifts.” Always amused by the drama of the past self! Had some lush swims between the storms, cooked a lot of fish, set off on the Aus/NZ tour feeling relaxed and unwound.
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Off grid bb.
A couple days ago, we played the last official sundial-and-eight-band-members show for Solar Power, the last of 70 shows in 20 countries (!!). I feel actual pride in myself, something that’s extremely hard for me to let myself feel, not just for completing it but for loving it, relaxing into it, feeling really open and free and not tight and fearful like tours past. I want to thank you for your part. I’ve always felt that pop music is a collaboration between artist and audience, that a pop song isn’t truly finished until listeners add their voices to it, and I think the same goes for your participation in the show. You show up and you sing every word, and all of our voices is what we all hear. At this stage in the piece I feel there are no casual fans, just people singing extremely loudly and clearly for 100+ minutes, and the commitment and generosity of this is not lost on me. The final show in Perth was an encapsulation of how special and right this tour has felt. We played at a beautiful grass and stone amphitheatre outside the city. I cried at soundcheck thanking the crew, overwhelmed by the love and care behind this group of people working so hard to get it right for me. At showtime the stars were clear and you could smell eucalyptus mixing with the smoke machine. We did the show for the last time looking over at one another and smiling, savouring all the last times we’d do things. I took my place for Royals and in the first flash of white light I saw a silk thread. In the next flash I followed the thread down to find a thick black spider, maybe an inch and a half long, two feet away from my eyes. I gasped and drew the microphone towards me, watched it slowly travel all the way back up the truss. Some kind of special omen.
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Touring this record changed how I heard and saw the album — I wonder if you felt this too? — showed me that a work is constantly shifting and in progress, the definition changing all the time. Looking back yesterday at some of your pictures from the show, sourced by the very dedicated and special twitter account Lorde_fix, I realised that you give me the opportunity to see myself in states of power, glory, grace, sides of myself I don’t think I’d be able to access or see as clearly if not for these nights together. 
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Your pix I loveeeeee <333
I said onstage that night that making and touring this album has set so much right inside me, I truly think it’s bought me decades in this bizzzzniz, can’t wait to show you what I mean. I finish this chapter feeling for the first time not like I need to get away from the world but like I want to get deeper inside it, more countries, more flavours, more life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s a little Aus tour diary, by Aleks Zaric:
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Moments after coming offstage in Perth
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Makeup removal, and a scenario with MUNA that I cannot fucking explain -so special to have them join us on this run
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11:52pm: standing on the stage in Sydney after you all went home.
So. Where to now? [REDACTED] I guess I’m not telling, not for a while. I’ll send you an update from time to time though, now that the laptop’s back online. Special books I’ve read recently: Notes by Eleanor Coppola My Phantoms by Gwendoline Riley Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux Second Place by Rachel Cusk Life’s Work by David Milch Dinner With Lenny by Jonathan Cott Books I’ve ordered: Love Me Tender - Constance Debre The Nature Book - Tom Comitta Small Fires - Rebecca May Johnson Animal Joy - Nuar Alsadir Alma Mahler’s diaries The People’s Hospital - Ricardo Nuila Idra Novey - Take What You Need Gwendoline Riley - First Love Jenny Odell - Saving Time
Oh, I had a party in December and made a really nice punch based off a post I saw from Stissing House. I’m copying the loose/made-up recipe here, give it a try if you like! 1 cup gin 1/2 cup chartreuse 1 1/2 cup green tea 1/2 cup pineapple 3 cups soda water 1/2 cup citrus (lemon/grapefruit/lime) Lots of fresh mint Topped up with extra citrus as the night went on.
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Leaving you with a beautiful bit of fan art, basically how I envisioned the SP universe, a fitting way to say — for the last time — serve the bees… wear sunscreen… thank you and goodniiiiiiiiight! I love you so much. Speak soon, from somewhere, E
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PS. BONUS SECRET CONTENT::: The pillow I commissioned from Bode for my dressing room before the tour started, feat. all the things that make me feel calm — grapefruit fruju, hibiscus, kissing, Pearl, books, bud.
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(source: received this email)
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elvis1970s · 2 years
On February 13th, 1977, Elvis played the West Palm Beach Auditorium, Florida, the second night of the first tour for that year, ten nights in freezing conditions. This was one of the smaller rooms Elvis would play outside of Las Vegas or Lake Tahoe, sold out at just 5 900 in attendance. Around half the show was captured from the soundboard and bootlegged.
There are times during this show that Elvis appeared to be struggling a little, and he can be heard commenting, off mic, to Charlie Hodge, about just how cold it was in the arena. But he was in very good humour, and made a big effort, which was rewarded by a very appreciative and loudly enthusiastic audience, and a glowing review in the Palm Beach Post;
“…Trumpets blared the "Theme from 2001", heartbeats quickened, people stood, women screamed, flash cubes exploded in a strobe light effect, and suddenly in one magical instant, he was there in the flesh. Elvis Presley, decked out in a white, sparkling jumpsuit, showed a frenzied audience at the West Palm Beach Auditorium last night why they call him the King. In an hour-long show, Elvis ran through all or part of two dozen songs mixing his classic early records from the 1950s and 1960s with newer material, all the time teasing and toying with his audience so that the excitement level rarely dropped…Looking overweight, despite the wide belt around his middle, Elvis showed his voice was in far better shape than his body…But the biggest reaction of all seemed to come when Elvis unleashed his thunderous voice on versions of It's Now Or Never and a more recent record, Hurt…”
Even making allowances for the fact that Elvis was suffering with a cold during this tour, it's interesting to note changes since his final tour of 1976, less than six weeks earlier. Of his show in Birmingham Alabama, on December 29th, the Birmingham News reported that Elvis was, " in good voice, good shape, good health and good spirits. He had lost weight and gained confidence. His act was full of humour, zest, and occasional beauty."
This was the final tour for the 'Rainfall' and "Chief' jumpsuits, with the Mexican Sundial worn most nights in the following four tours.
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thebowerypresents · 10 months
Noname – Brooklyn Steel – November 27, 2023
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With just three remaining dates on the North American tour in support of her universally acclaimed second LP, Sundial, rapper-poet-producer Noname headlined Brooklyn Steel on Monday night following an opening set from Stout.
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Photos courtesy of Edwina Hay | thisisnotaphotograph.com
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Events In The History And The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 21st April In 1977.
Elvis Presley performed at the Coliseum, Greensboro, north Carolina at 8.30 p.m the crowd was 16,565 and Elvis Presley wore the Mexican sundial suit with original belt. This was the start of Elvis’ Presley's third tour of 1977 and he was accompanied by Ginger. Rare Candid Photos Taken By Fans Audience Members At This Show.
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noloveforned · 1 year
friday night finds me hosting no love for ned on wlur from 8pm until midnight, as usual. please swing by if you're around or stream last week's show on mixcloud when you get a few minutes!
no love for ned on wlur – october 6th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label pavement // carrot rope // terror twilight // matador soccer mommy // here // karaoke night cassette // loma vista standard fare // philadelphia // huw stephens session on july 1st, 2010 10" // precious andrew savage // my my my dear // several songs about fire // rough trade closet straights // apologise // closet straights // cobra snake necktie pop filter // heaven sent // cono // bobo integral patio // the sun // collection // fire talk kissing party // no advice // graceless // (self-released) blues lawyer // have nots // sight gags on the radio 7" ep // dark entries this is pop // 666 // white monkey // lollipop gentilesky // city of boredom // ways of seeing // hozac collate // erika's trip // generative systems // domestic departure oxbow and peter brötzmann // a gentleman’s gentleman // an eternal reminder of not today- live at moers // sleeping giant glossolalia emily robb // first grow a gold plant // if i am misery then give me affection // petty bunco califone // villagers // villagers // jealous butcher records modern nature // tapestry // no fixed point in space // bella union bobby jackson // desiree song // spiritual jazz volume fourteen- private compilation // jazzman daniel villarreal featuring jeff parker and anna butterss // bring it // lados b // international anthem donald byrd // black byrd // black byrd // blue note quin kirchner, daniel van duerm and matthew lux // pink void // kvl volume 2 // astral spirits tito puente // africa habla // el rey bravo // tico mckinley dixon // run, run, run // beloved! paradise! jazz!? // city slang noname // namesake // sundial // (self-released) l'orange and blu // cafe lover // old soul (outtake) // old soul wiki and tony seltzer // numb // 14k figaro // wikset enterprise pivot gang // aang // aang digital single // (self-released) taken by trees // she loves the way they love her // another year ep // rough trade world atlas // darling, it’s always something // slow love // (self-released) the hannah barberas // you're so?! // fantastic tales of the sea // subjangle / spinout nuggets still submarine // photos i never took // warmer shades of you ep // (self-released) hero no hero // just to be with you // pacific standard time // (self-released) hazy sour cherry // little run // tour de tokyo // damnably wolf girl // good for nothing // mama's boy cassette // soft power
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rajasthanroyal · 11 hours
Jaipur Sightseeing :Rajasthan Royal Tourism 08209423763
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Jaipur Sightseeing and Tour: Discover the Pink City with Rajasthan Royal Tourism
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is a vibrant city recognized for its rich history, spectacular architecture, and colorful culture. Frequently described as the "Pink City" due to the unique color of its buildings, Jaipur offers a fascinating mix of heritage and modernity. With Rajasthan Royal Tourism, you can explore the best of Jaipur through carefully curated jaipur sightseeing tours that cater to all types of travelers.
Iconic Attractions in Jaipur
Amber Fort A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Amber Fort is an architectural marvel set against the backdrop of the Aravalli hills. Its grand palaces, beautiful gardens, and intricate carvings showcase the opulence of Rajputana history. Don’t miss the elephant ride to the fort!
City Palace The City Palace is a stunning blend of Mughal and Rajput architecture. This sprawling complex houses several museums displaying royal artifacts, textiles, and weapons. The Palace's intricate design and the iconic Peacock Gate are must-see highlights.
Hawa Mahal Known as the "Palace of Winds," Hawa Mahal is famous for its unique facade adorned with numerous jharokhas (balconies). Built for royal ladies to observe street festivities without being seen, this architectural gem is a perfect spot for photography.
Jantar Mantar This astronomical observatory features a collection of architectural astronomical instruments. The world's largest stone sundial, located here, allows you to witness timekeeping methods from centuries ago.
Nahargarh Fort Perched on the hills overlooking Jaipur, Nahargarh Fort offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city. It's a fantastic spot for a sunset visit, where you can enjoy the beauty of Jaipur as the sun dips below the horizon.
Cultural Experiences
In addition to its historical sites, Jaipur is a hub of vibrant culture. Engage with local artisans at Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar, where you can shop for traditional Rajasthani textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts. Don't forget to savor the local cuisine—try dal baati churma, gatte ki sabzi, and sweet treats like ghevar.
Jaipur is a city that truly captivates every visitor with its charm and splendor. With Rajasthan Royal Tourism, you can enjoy a seamless jaipur sightseeing experience, guided by knowledgeable professionals who share insights about the city's history and culture.
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redid-csc · 7 days
The Fascinating World of Watch Museums
Watch museums provide an extraordinary journey through the history, artistry, and technological evolution of timekeeping. These specialized institutions are dedicated to preserving and showcasing timepieces that reflect the advancements and craftsmanship of horology over the centuries. Whether you are a seasoned collector, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the intricate world of watches, a visit to a watch museum offers a unique and enriching experience.
In this article, we delve into the significance of Watch Museumc, what to expect when visiting one, and why these museums are essential for both preserving horological heritage and inspiring future generations.
The Importance of Watch Museums
Watch museums serve as critical custodians of horological history, providing a platform to celebrate the art and science behind timekeeping. They play a vital role in preserving the legacy of watchmaking by maintaining a comprehensive collection of historical and modern timepieces.
Preservation of Historical Timepieces
One of the primary roles of a watch museum is to safeguard and display historical timepieces that mark significant milestones in the evolution of horology. From early sundials and intricate pocket watches to pioneering wristwatches, these museums maintain collections that represent the technological and artistic developments in watchmaking. By exhibiting these artifacts, watch museums ensure that the legacy of horology is preserved and appreciated by future generations.
Educational Value
Watch museums are also educational hubs, offering valuable insights into the mechanics, materials, and historical context of timekeeping devices. Through meticulously curated exhibits and interactive displays, these museums provide visitors with a deeper understanding of how watches are made, the evolution of their technology, and the cultural impact of timekeeping. Educational programs, such as workshops, lectures, and guided tours, enhance the learning experience and make horology accessible to a broader audience.
What to Expect in a Watch Museum
Diverse Collections
One of the most captivating aspects of a watch museum is its diverse collection of timepieces. Museums typically feature a wide range of watches, showcasing different styles, technologies, and historical periods.
1. Historical Timepieces: Museums often display antique and vintage watches that highlight the development of timekeeping devices. These collections may include early mechanical watches, ornate pocket watches from the 18th and 19th centuries, and early wristwatches that revolutionized personal timekeeping. Visitors can explore how design and technology have evolved over time.
2. Technological Innovations: Watch museums frequently feature exhibits on technological advancements in horology. These exhibits may include early quartz watches, groundbreaking digital timepieces, and sophisticated chronographs. Museums highlight innovations in watchmaking technology and materials, such as the use of ceramics, carbon fiber, and smart technologies.
3. Iconic Brands and Models: Many watch museums showcase timepieces from renowned brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Omega. Exhibits may include iconic models that have made significant contributions to the watchmaking industry, as well as rare and collectible pieces that have become symbols of luxury and precision.
Interactive Exhibits
To enhance visitor engagement, many watch museums incorporate interactive exhibits. These displays allow visitors to explore the inner workings of watches, try their hand at assembling watch movements, or engage with digital simulations of horological mechanisms. Interactive exhibits provide a hands-on learning experience, helping visitors appreciate the complexity and beauty of watchmaking.
Educational Programs
Watch museums often offer a range of educational programs designed to deepen visitors' understanding of horology. These programs may include workshops on watchmaking techniques, lectures by industry experts, and behind-the-scenes tours of watchmaking facilities. Educational programs cater to different audiences, from school groups to seasoned collectors, making horology accessible and engaging for everyone.
Notable Watch Museums Around the World
The Patek Philippe Museum (Geneva, Switzerland)
The Patek Philippe Museum is renowned for its exceptional collection of timepieces, including both historic watches and the brand’s own creations. The museum’s exhibits feature intricate mechanical movements, ornate pocket watches from the 16th and 17th centuries, and masterpieces from one of the most prestigious names in horology. The museum offers visitors a glimpse into the artistry and craftsmanship of Patek Philippe, as well as the evolution of watchmaking technology.
The Omega Museum (Biel/Bienne, Switzerland)
The Omega Museum provides an in-depth look at the history and innovations of the Omega brand. Exhibits include significant models such as the Moonwatch, which has been worn on lunar missions, and other groundbreaking timepieces. The museum highlights Omega’s contributions to space exploration, Olympic timing, and advancements in watchmaking technology.
The National Watch and Clock Museum (Columbia, Pennsylvania, USA)
The National Watch and Clock Museum boasts one of the largest collections of timepieces in the United States. The museum’s exhibits cover a wide range of timekeeping devices, from ancient sundials to contemporary watches. With interactive displays and educational programs, the museum offers a comprehensive look at the history and technology of timekeeping.
The Musée International d'Horlogerie (La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)
The Musée International d'Horlogerie is dedicated to the art and science of horology, featuring a collection that spans from ancient timekeeping devices to modern innovations. The museum’s exhibits highlight the craftsmanship and technological advancements of watchmaking, providing visitors with a thorough understanding of the industry’s evolution.
The Appeal of Visiting a Watch Museum
Appreciation of Craftsmanship
A visit to a watch museum allows individuals to appreciate the intricate craftsmanship involved in watchmaking. From the detailed movements of mechanical watches to the artistic designs of watch cases, each timepiece represents a high level of skill and precision. Observing these masterpieces up close offers a deeper understanding of the artistry and engineering that define high-quality watches.
Historical Perspective
Watch museums provide a historical perspective on timekeeping, revealing how technology and design have evolved over centuries. Exploring exhibits that showcase different time periods and technological advancements enriches the appreciation of modern watches and highlights the ongoing innovation in horology.
Inspiration and Connection
For collectors and enthusiasts, a visit to a watch museum can be a source of inspiration and connection. Seeing rare and iconic timepieces can reignite a passion for horology and foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals. Engaging with experts and fellow enthusiasts can lead to meaningful discussions and shared experiences.
Watch Museum are more than just repositories of timepieces; they are vibrant centers of horological heritage and innovation. By preserving and showcasing the evolution of timekeeping, these museums offer visitors a unique opportunity to explore the craftsmanship, technology, and history behind some of the world’s most remarkable watches. Whether for educational purposes, historical interest, or personal inspiration, a visit to a watch museum is a journey through time that highlights the enduring allure of horology.
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yourwizardofaus · 2 years
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Elvis On Tour, 1970-77 (Part 31 of 33):
This post is devoted to the concert appearance in Macon, GA.  Elvis arrives at the airport in the early morning hours of June 1 and is then seen entering a hotel via a rear entrance.  Then we see him later the same day, dressed in the Mexican Sundial jumpsuit and leaving the hotel with girlfriend Ginger Alden, Sam Thompson in the red jacket and road manager Joe Esposito.  Dick Grob is wearing the white shirt with blue inserts.  Leaving the hotel for the show involved almost getting his clean white costume dirty while jumping down into a filthy loading dock at the back of the hotel.  After a limousine ride, we then see The King on stage in Georgia for what would later be the last time.
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bandwagon-travel · 9 days
Discover the Royal Charm of Jaipur Tour, India
Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is an enchanting blend of royal history, architectural marvels, and vibrant culture. Known as the "Pink City," it is a place where every corner tells a story of valor, romance, and opulence. For travelers seeking a memorable journey through India's rich heritage, a Jaipur tour offers a captivating experience. Whether you’re exploring historic forts, grand palaces, or bustling markets, Jaipur will leave you awestruck.
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The Pink City: A Cultural and Historical Gem
Jaipur is synonymous with the iconic pink-hued buildings that line its streets, a color that represents hospitality and welcomes visitors with warmth. The city’s planning is an excellent example of ancient urban design, based on Vastu Shastra (Indian architectural principles). Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II founded Jaipur in 1727, and since then, it has become a symbol of Rajasthan’s royal legacy.
A Jaipur day tour is perfect for travelers with limited time yet looking to delve into the heart of the city’s cultural and historical essence. You can explore magnificent landmarks that showcase the grandeur of Rajput architecture and lifestyle.
Must-Visit Attractions on a Jaipur Tour
Amer Fort Begin your journey with a visit to Amer Fort, a stunning fortress set atop a hill overlooking Maota Lake. This UNESCO World Heritage site is a fine example of Rajput architecture, featuring sprawling courtyards, intricate mirror work, and grand palaces. Don’t miss the Sheesh Mahal, where light reflections create a mesmerizing atmosphere.
City Palace Located in the heart of Jaipur, City Palace is an architectural masterpiece that blends Mughal and Rajput styles. The palace is still home to the royal family of Jaipur, and its museums display royal attire, armory, and artifacts from Rajasthan’s regal past. Strolling through the palace gardens and courtyards gives you a glimpse into the opulent lives of Rajasthani royals.
Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds) One of the most iconic symbols of Jaipur is the Hawa Mahal, a stunning five-story building constructed in 1799. With 953 small windows, this palace allowed royal ladies to observe street festivals while remaining unseen. The honeycomb design, combined with the play of light and shadow, makes it a photographer’s paradise.
Jantar Mantar For those interested in astronomy and science, Jantar Mantar is a must-visit. Built by Maharaja Jai Singh II, this UNESCO World Heritage site houses the world’s largest stone sundial. The observatory consists of 19 astronomical instruments, showcasing India’s advanced knowledge of celestial mechanics during the 18th century.
Jal Mahal Floating serenely in the middle of Man Sagar Lake, the Jal Mahal is a sight to behold, especially at sunset. Though visitors cannot enter the palace, the view from the banks is enchanting. The combination of water and architecture makes Jal Mahal a unique and serene stop on your Jaipur tour.
Nahargarh Fort Overlooking the city, Nahargarh Fort offers panoramic views of Jaipur. Built primarily as a retreat for the royal family, it’s an ideal spot for those seeking a peaceful escape and a deeper connection with the region's history.
Shopping and Local Experiences in Jaipur
Apart from its historical sites, Jaipur is renowned for its vibrant markets. Wander through Johari Bazaar for dazzling jewelry or explore Bapu Bazaar for colorful textiles, traditional footwear, and handicrafts. Jaipur’s shopping experience is like none other—bringing home a piece of this city is an essential part of any tour.
Food lovers will also enjoy Jaipur’s culinary delights. Savor traditional Rajasthani dishes such as Dal Baati Churma, Laal Maas, and Ghewar, a sweet delicacy. Street food enthusiasts must try the famous Pyaaz Kachori and Gol Gappe.
Best Time to Visit Jaipur
Jaipur is best explored between October and March when the weather is cooler and more pleasant. The city is bustling with festivals during this time, such as the Jaipur Literature Festival in January and Diwali, the Festival of Lights, making it the ideal time for cultural immersion.
Plan Your Jaipur Tour with Bandwagon Travel
Planning a Jaipur day tour can seem overwhelming with so much to see and do, but Bandwagon Travel makes it effortless. Whether you're interested in an immersive cultural experience or a relaxed exploration of the city’s landmarks, Bandwagon Travel’s Jaipur tour packages provide expert guidance and convenience. With knowledgeable local guides and well-crafted itineraries, you can make the most of your time in this majestic city.
For more details about the best Jaipur day tours, visit Bandwagon Travel. Let us help you create unforgettable memories on your next trip to Jaipur!
Jaipur is a destination that captivates every type of traveler—from history enthusiasts to culture seekers. With its grand palaces, historic forts, and lively markets, Jaipur promises a travel experience like no other. Discover the timeless beauty and vibrant soul of the Pink City, and let the stories of Rajasthan’s regal past come alive on your journey.
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