#sun in 5th
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starshine555 · 2 years ago
Astro notes #3
3rd house placements and their ability to remember the smallest things, such as dates, numbers, names, etc. Is insane. They're the kind of people where others would try to convince them that they're not smart academically because of their attention issues (3rd house=gemini energy), but they're actually super intelligent. Side note: I also have moon and lilith in 3rd and I have a talent for knowing a massive amount of songs from so many different genres, I have a lot of people ask me how I know so many songs.🤣
This is weird, but I've noticed that sun in 6th, 5th and 8th house have this thing for liking "funky" music. ( I'm sure there's exceptions to this, but it was just something weird that I've noticed with people that have these specific placements, i think it's cute tho lol)
Capricorn mercury and scorpio mercury. These two placements have chemistry like no other. Both of my parents have these placements, I will say that this is definitely a power couple duo. I think the only thing that can cause conflict is capricorn's need to have their own laws enforced (anything from their own religious views to having no shoes on in the house.) And scorpio's desire to find something deeper, something that crosses the boundry of law.
I've noticed that Capricorn, like aries, has a strong sense of grit. And they can be honestly pretty tough and I really admire that about them.
Cancer rising has the aura of an angel. While pisces rising is similar they have a strange edge to them. They can appear more ghostly rather than angelic, not necessarily in a bad way though, which funny enough quite a few people I know with placement are into occult things.
I think Libra has the most empathy out of all of the air signs😭. Aquarius and Gemini can have a harder time relating to people emotionally.
Cancer placements can either be super cuddly and cute. Or they can be so moody to the point you don't want to be around them....
People that have significant Saturn aspects or placement can be know for having strong morals/values. And they like to be known for being disciplined because they feel like it makes them more respectable to people. They can also judge people based on whether they are disciplined or not.
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astrologyninaa · 2 years ago
Hello 💐
What do you think is the downside of 5H Leo sun?
Hello ❤️
Leo Sun in 5th House is a very creative and happy placement. They are also kind and protective of their loved ones ❤️
❤️‍🩹 on the downside, they can become a little possessive, as they tend to love attention and the spotlight
❤️‍🩹 they can also be a little too-attention-seekers, to the point they forget that there are other people around them 🫣
❤️‍🩹 anyway, there are very little 'negative' traits about Leos (any sign really) and I love the energy that Leos give to the world. They are so full of life and love to pursue their interests, no matter what they are <3 very lovable creatures 🤍
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theproblemsofdonhi · 1 year ago
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Big Luffy finds a weird looking cat.
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soaked-doors · 9 months ago
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finally made it to the end of wano
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mooneln0ne · 1 year ago
Children in One piece
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lilithwithdark · 7 months ago
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🪽 Moon in 8th house synastry can become obsessive if the Moon person is not careful.Moon person is very interested in the 8th house person's emotions, mind and body. The Moon person thinks of the 8th house person as a secret they can never solve. They trust each other a lot and this is a very intense and difficult bond to break.
🪽 Jupiter in 2nd house synastry the Jupiter person supports the house person materially and spiritually, invests in the house person, buys gifts for the house person and makes them happy. Jupiter person praises and glorifies his/her partner in front of people.
🪽 Mars 1st house synastry the Mars person finds the house person physically very attractive and interested. Regardless of the sign of the ascendant, he/she finds the ascendant fiery. Mars person angers and irritates the asc person in order to arouse a reaction and interest in the 1st house person. The 1st house person feels the confident and masculine energy emitted by the mars person and sometimes finds it excessive.
🪽 Lilith conjunct sun moon venus in synastry if lilith is male he becomes obsessed with the planet person .lilith sees the planet person as someone he can never reach. if it is the sun he fears if it is venus and moon he is drawn to her femininity lilith sees the planet as forbidden. if not careful it can easily become an intense deceptive toxic relationship
🪽 Sun 5th house synastry makes you feel childish self-confident. the sun person falls in love with the house person. they spoil together, have fun and enjoy doing activities. they cannot take their hands off each other. they may even want to have children together. The ego of the sun person increases next to the house person.
🪽 Vertex conjunction venus synastry can make the meeting and relationship of venus and vertex person feel like fate. they feel as if they have known each other before, they change their destiny together.
🪽 Venus 7th house synastry is like a dream for a romantic relationship. they feel that they complement each other. they are understanding and loving towards each other. they both feel as if they have found their ideal partner. it is a harmonious romantic emotional relationship.
🪽 Mars 3rd house synastry, the house person admires the way the mars person expresses himself and the way he thinks. they find each other mentally attractive. they like to make jokes and joke with each other.
🪽 Lilith 10th house synastry, the lilith person sees the house person as someone who has the potential to become famous. The lilith person feels the need to prove himself to the 10th house person. they may want to make enemies instead of supporting each other in their careers.
Love u... Ceren.....
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soberpluto · 2 months ago
Astrology Observations - Planets in Houses (Natal)
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I've noticed Mars in 2nd house (particularly in Earth signs) are extremely ambitious and are excellent money makers. Downside: they may be really stingy with their money and/or tend to spend A LOT.
Wellness is super important for Moon in the 6th folks. They will love to eat healthy, do exercise and enjoy discipline (they are likely to learn this from mom). They will be very active if the 6th is ruled by fire.
Paradoxically, if the Moon in the 6th is afflicted, they can gain weigh easily. AND, they may have problems with female co-workers, end up owing money to women or have inconsistent jobs.
Mercury conjunct Mars in social houses (7th, 8th, 9th and 11th) are the most amazing speakers. They can persuade you to do anything, but they're also unable to accept being mistaken.
Sun in 9th house comes from a religious and/or foreign background from the father side. They are very moral people and see their father as the ultimate guru. They learn languages easily.
Sun in 12th need a lot of time alone to recharge, they gain clarity and peace in solitude. Sadly, it's also true that fall prey to addictions easily. Life for a 12th house Sun is not easy because they don't discover who they truly are until much later in life... mostly, after lots of trials and deceptions are experienced.
Often, I see afflicted Jupiters and Mercuries manifest as ADHD and/or dyslexia, especially if they are hosted in the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses.
Uranus in 3rd house are very brilliant and visionary people, but are often misunderstood in their local society. The are talented writters, too. This placement may also cause frequent relocations or unorthodox education dynamics (homeschooling, experimental education, changing schools abruptly, etc.)
Saturn in the 7th, even if well positioned, creates delays in marriage, divorce if married before the 1st Saturn return and/or the need to partner up with people with whom you share a wide age gap. Gives daddy issues, too.
Venus in 8th house needs huge amounts of intimacy in a relationship, and trust is absolutely non-negotiable. With this placement, romantic love is often tied to themes of transformation and self-empowerment forged through challenges, where secrecy, betrayals or toxic partners teach them hard lessons. They are never the same after an intimate relationship is over.
Hope you enjoyed reading! 😇
With love, @soberpluto
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that1notetaker · 4 months ago
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Give this god some adderall. Also I have this headcanon that Luffy's 5th Gear form kept making subtle appearances all through the crew's journey before its reveal, like some sort of cryptid.
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astrologged · 2 months ago
Astro Notes [1]
A prominent Chiron placement (especially in conjunction with the Sun or Moon) indicates a person who is especially gifted in healing fields, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
A North Node in Leo can point to the need to move away from self-sacrifice or shyness (South Node in Aquarius or the 11th house) toward embracing self-expression, creativity, and leadership.
Saturn in the 5th house shows as a person who is very serious about creativity, love, or children. Despite being traditionally linked to structure, they find joy or fulfillment through disciplined creative pursuits or romantic relationships.
People with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart process information inwardly and express themselves more thoughtfully or introspectively. To others, they'll appear vague in their way of speaking. They'll experience communication challenges less frequently than others during actual Mercury retrogrades. This placement is similar to having Chiron in Gemini or the third house.
People who have Uranus in the 7th house will attract sudden or unexpected partners(ships) and/or need personal freedom and independence in their relationships. They usually thrive in relationships that allow them to express their individuality, even within the context of a relationship.
People with their Moon in the 6th house have difficulty expressing their emotions outwardly, and their emotional needs might remain hidden, even to themselves... They often feel a profound need for solitude or time spent in private, reflecting. This placement also enhances psychic intuition or empathy, like Moon in the 1st house.
Venus in Aries makes someone highly enthusiastic about romance but also prone to impulsivity or impatience. The challenge is to balance excitement with patience in relationships.
People with Pluto Conjunct the Sun have a magnetic presence, as Pluto amplifies the Sun’s energy, but they'll also experience a lifelong journey of self-discovery, having to let go of their former selves as they evolve.
Having Neptune Square Mercury can make you prone to misunderstanding facts or seeing things through rose-colored glasses, but it can also indicate a strong imagination or psychic ability. People with this aspect benefit from grounding exercises to improve clarity.
The Vertex points to crucial events, meeting important people, or relationships that seem destined or have a deep sense of purpose. Some associate the Vertex with "soulmate" experiences or life-altering encounters.
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rocketsockit · 10 months ago
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fancyperfectionsweets · 2 months ago
🫀Astrology Observations 4 🫀
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🍂 if more planets are in your 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th and 11th house, you'd more probably work in the public eye. Conversely, if they are in 4th, 10th, 5th, 9th, 6th, 8th or 7th house, you're more likely to work at spaces where you're "hidden".
🍂 I know it is said that sun opposite sun in synastry can bring sexual tension and "opposites attract" energy to a relationship but every Libra Sun I know hates Aries Sun and vice versa. This is especially more pronounced if they have mercuries opposing each other too (since mercury is almost always in the same house as the sun). Their feelings become exposed to each other and it shows up in the communication. Of what I've understood, libras feel that aries suns are always trying to assert dominance, be too straightforward and talk over them. Aries Suns feel like Libras are too passive and hate how they try to be diplomatic. To an Aries, it is hypocrisy/manipulation and not diplomacy.
🍂 Sadly, having malefics in the 5th house is my number 1 indicator of someone who has been cheated on before. I've noticed that even one malefic (like Rahu, Sun etc.) with a benefic (moon, venus) here can still indicate failed relationships.
🍂 6th house synastry is literally "you're coming along with me" and a as a 6th house moon, I cannot stand people I don't have this dynamic with.
🍂 I absolutely understand why 12th house synastry is hated so much as it does add an element of "hidden" to it. I have a 12th house venus and I've always had to "hide" my relationship from socials because I cannot risk people finding out. That's because I come from a conservative country where dating is still supposed to be not talked about until and unless you're getting married. So context matters. However, when I do get a double whammy at times, I had to be extra careful and hide the relationship from even friends, it was usually always a karmic planet making contact with my 12th house Venus (ketu, Saturn). So I understand the hate for it in western countries. Lol.
🍂 Let me tell you about another auspicious yoga in the natal chart: Gajkeshari yoga. Gajkesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter and the Moon are in the same house or when Jupiter is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house from the Moon. It is supposed to bestow one with knowledge, be victorious over their enemies and be a good communicator.
🍂 Synastry aspect that I really like: when a partner's moon falls into your 5th house, the house of romance. I especially love this because my 5th house is empty and the moon person understands my language of romance with so much empathy. I love this one.
🍂 virgo-scorpio conjunctions in any way makes for one stubborn mf. I have two friends with a virgo stellium in the 8th house (scorpio's house) and a scorpio stellium in the 6th house (Virgo's house) and they can be super headstrong in relationships as both of their stelliums houses have venus. I watch both of them being super stubborn in love. Different angles though. While the 8th house stellium friend is super adamnt on her beliefs of love, the 6th house one is super nitpickey of her partner's actions. The 8th house stellium is nit picky about herself and how she conducts herself and then the 6th house stellium person is super stubborn of her personality.
🍂 capricorn risings, leo risings and venus 10th housers are often viewed as trophy wives/husbands.
🍂 Wherever neptune is, or whichever planets neptune touches, you tend to lie in those aspects. If it touches benefic planets, it makes you good at lying and getting away with it. Eg. I knew someone who had a Venus-neptune conjunction and he constantly lied to his partners to keep them around, I have mine in the 1st house and for the longest time, felt that I needed to improve my appearance = lie (surgery, make-up) about it to be perceived better.
🍂 Another liar placement I've realised is rahu (north node) in the 8th house. Why? I still haven't figured it out.
🍂 ohk. I may be wrong but the reason why Saturn is a "malefic" is because it can literally bring out the karma in the themes of your houses in the most vicious way. If it's not conjuncted by benefics, a strong saturn can be also an indicator of death of significance related to the house's theme. Let me give you an example, I have a Saturn in the third house which is also my lagnesh, since third house is the house of siblings, I'm a single child. My mom had a miscarriage when I was a kid. Similarly, my mother has saturn and ketu conjunction in the 4th house (childhood home, mother's home) and she lost her father at a young age, pushing my grandmother to be the protector and provider of her household. Absolutely heartbreaking. Another example I saw was this girl's saturn in the third and she lost her baby brother at the age of 26. 💔
I don't mean to scare you but I think you should definitely see if your saturn is conjuncted by a benefic or if the zodiac it's in is exalted or a benefic because that would reduce the harshness of Saturn. 🥲
🍂 I'm jealous of 2003 born babies tbh. That was the year a lot of people's chart have exalted planets. Someone I found had 8 exalted planets (especially Jupiter and Saturn) like damn! Y'all must really be happy because the rest of us mortals are struggling out here. 🫠
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An extra cute cat gf for that scary introduction 🤭
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gabiecv · 2 months ago
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this one are observations based on people I know, after analyzing their birth chart.
again, if want to share your opinion on those, i would love read them!
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leo rising really have hair that STANDS OUT. usually wavy, voluminous, shiny, just beautiful. the wish to dye your hair red always appears at some point, and I recommend it, it looks wonderful.
mercury – uranus aspects can make someone have a unique voice.
aquarius rising are usually part of some subculture.
venus in virgo and your need to please your partner in every way. always asking if you're feeling well, because you don't have a smile on your face.
moon in 5th house and their connection with children :'). even if you don't like it, children admire you, you'll just catch them looking at you like that 🥹.
people with gemini rising have frog beauty. also, I love the aura of this ascendant, you are cute, youthful, there is a receptive energy coming from you, this ascendant's smile is beautiful too.
as a venus in scorpio (stellium in scorpio to be more specific), i would definitely say that Patrick in 10 things i hate about you is my ideal type.
libra moon really don't like arguments, they try to stay calm and not take sides. but if you offend us, it's over, the rage will come 🤓.
I realized that we generally get along very well with ppl that have their sign in our 3rd house. my bestie has my sun in her 3rd house, and we are soulmates. also, my friend and his bestie also have that, and other couple of friends share the same synastry. this is because the 3rd house is the house of communication and everyday relationships, it's as if you and that person spoke the same language, exchanging ideas in a healthy way. furthermore, we can consider the person with whom we have this synastry, as a brother/sister.
I noticed that most of my friends are virgo, or virgo is prominent in their birth chart. they are clever people who I can count on whenever I need, they are organized, or at least give off that vibe lol and are very good company. i love u virgos 🤍.
gemini and aries in an chart, makes someone fiery, a leader, but at the same time, someone very humble, nice to talk to lmao. it's a very likeable combination.
scorpio rising really have that penetrating gaze. usually, scorpios are really easy to identificate.
that's not an observation from someone I know, but I noticed it. Michael Jackson had a stellium in the 6th house, and that makes so much sense. his life was about making physical efforts, dancing, performing in general, and he tried to be excellent in everything he did.
i met a aries mars boy and whoop. he was AGRESSIVE, got in a lot of fights (always winning). i don't talk with him in like 2 years, but i found him on instagram and now he is a bodybuilder.
saggitarius rising and their ability to lighten up the room they are in, i love.
ok, hear me out. 5th house is connected to hobbies that give us pleasures (includes films, music, books, etc.) and also to crushes. I've been noticing that the celebrities I admire have the same sign as my 5th house:
MJ (pisces Moon and rising)
Heath Ledger (pisces stellium)
Andrew Garfield (pisces Rising)
Rihanna (pisces sun)
Ryan Gosling (pisces Rising)
taurus rising are so soft, down to earth, charming people. ppl with that rising are so attractive 😿.
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i made this in a RUSH, and i'm falling asleep, not the best one srry 🙏🏻
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moonchild033 · 4 months ago
5H Placements and It's Related Notes 🫶🩷🫣
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement, take whatever that resonates and leave the rest,hope you enjoy giving it a read, take it lightly!) ❤
This post includes the topics:
Planets in 5H, 5H placements who should be careful with gambling and addictions, 5H Planets and Children (Part 1) and BONUS POINTS
(I'm glad to make a post after a long time but I swear I felt extremely tired and half slept through it lol, so if u notice any English mistakes, look past it lmfao 🤣🤣🫠)
Let's start with planets in 5H:
5H SUN - Late pregnancy can be seen, either by their own decision or medical condition. Even if the sun is exalted, 5H suns are prone to argue and have difference of opinions with their father and the same could happen to them with their children, kids might be rebellious. Can be advantageous in terms of landing govt jobs. If u r in medical field, this placement can bring fame. They won't hesitate to do anything that makes them happy, they're adamant and stringent in pursuing the things they like, even in love, they might like the chase but also feel like their ego is hurt if the love is not reciprocal.🧡🧡🧡
5H MOON - They can be constantly thinking abt real estate, buying lands, generally constant thinking abt future.They have this urge to succeed in arts, fine arts and literary industry. Can be interested in agriculture, in this generation, they can be the ppl who like to have indoor plants or do terrace gardening as hobby.🩵🩵🩵
5H MARS - The multi-talented, independent, cool person in ur neighborhood. They have the enthusiasm to learn new things everyday, they hate to say 'idk', instead they put much efforts to learn various things.They don't get demotivated after failures or give up, the tendency to fight it all until the end can be seen. The downside is that in a love relationship, they might take hasty decisions on both entering and leaving a relationship.♥️♥️♥️
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5H MERCURY - Jack of all trades, the difference between mars and mercury here is that mars puts hardwork to learn many things but mercury playfully masters educational knowledge and extracurricular. That one internet kid explaining physics equations and painting like a pro at 7yrs old🥲 They actually enjoy doing it, likes to feel intelligent for the love of the knowledge and not for fame or ego boosting. As kids, they could've been the ones showing magic tricks to other kids at school 😭😆 They're great at performing magic tricks as mercury is a playfully cunning planet.💚💚💚
5H SATURN - They might feel competitive with relatives, that feeling to become the best in their family will always be there. They would want to provide a luxurious life for their kids but feel bad or blame themselves if they couldn't do that. They are introverted and have hard time involving in leisurely enjoyments, so they can be seen as a boring or a very serious personality among their friends. They focus only on their own family and constrict their other circles, whether it be interacting with neighbors, friends, colleagues etc, they could be the type to go to office and come back straight home everyday religiously. A point to remember is to not expect too much from children and be satisfied with your old age life with them w/o having any expectation, whether it be materialistic or emotional needs, depending on yourself is the key.💙💙💙
5H VENUS - Lovely person, period. They are the people who always seem to be happy and try to make others happy too. Women with this placement have the girl's girl type of friendships where the girls are truly by their side. Can be known for their perfume like a signature or use a generous amount of fragrances like their life depends on it. The downside is to be careful in love relationships, this can give multiple relationships if Jupiter or 7H lord is not aspecting it. They could change hairstyles, dressing sense frequently, even updating the next model of their mobile phone even when it's perfectly working. Even if they're not rich or couldn't afford the rich stuff they like, they would still buy things that atleast appears rich, the end note is that they like to display their refined taste. Their hidden secret could be that in one point of time, they could've had an obsessive crush on a person with huge age gap or in a taboo type of relationship.🩷🩷🩷
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5H RAHU - That one person who never listens, they question each and everything earning angry response from their parents or authoritative ppl but they really don't understand why other ppl are getting upset bcoz they will be lyk, 'What happened? I just wanted to know why🫠' but others might feel lyk they just like to oppose every little thing deliberately w/o much reason. If you have this placement and feel like you've to keep your relationship a secret, then it's definitely a bad relationship for you, it might be a forbidden fruit. We all would've done few things that we hide from our parents but this placement can enlarge that list, their parents just don't know abt a lot of hidden things they might do, this doesn't mean they're doing some criminal activity, this just means that their household can be traditional or strict and they could do some outrageous things that won't sit well with their parents.They might question religious practices, traditions and God, if this rahu gets lots of aspects from others, this could also develop into a God complex personality.🤎🤎🤎
5H KETU - The recurring but less spoken part abt this placement is the fate of easily getting caught for their mistakes, they would feel lyk their friends are doing much more errors but they're escaping, but this person gets caught red handed. Hence refrain from saying lies, gossiping or deliberately committing any mistake bcoz ur name will come up in speakers while those with u would get away with it🔊 😭🥲 Don't think my friends are here, we're doing it together, if something goes wrong, you would become the one carrying the blame, so be cautious and do a favor to exclude yourself from circles who drive you in wrong ways, doesn't matter even if it's just a minor thing. Even though you are generally a reserved person, problematic men would come to you in the disguise of matching your taste, they could look like they're matching your taste but like a serpent, after their skin sheds, they would become a different person who can damage ur very idea of luv (this is not to scare u, this is a friendly reminder to be cautious of chameleon like ppl when entering relationships). There's another point to remember, u would find it difficult to differentiate between good and bad ppl, so even if a good person approaches, you would lose them or upset them tremendously due to ur suspicious nature, you could question them a lot, asking for constant reassurance to the point of frustration. The good side of this placement is being talented in occult sciences and deep thinking ability, the tendency to pick up a thing and learn abt it from the roots. They would be blessed by ancestral God, praying in their ancestral temple often will be beneficial.🩶🩶🩶
5H JUPITER - 9th aspect of Jupiter falls on ascendant, hence they would be religious, have optimistic outlook on life, even though they're lucky, they themselves wouldn't trust in it, they r the type of ppl who think their own hardwork will get them to great heights. Even if this 5H Jupiter is debilitated, since he aspects and strengthens the ascendant, all ill effects can be overcome by this person, they have an unwavering strong personality to do so. They've taken this birth to enjoy the fruits of their past lifetime, so simply refraining from damaging distractions would keep them lucky in all endeavours.💛💛💛
(I know that I wrote very less for some planets above and more for others but it's just how my brain worked in the moment, I'll reblog and let u know if I add more or write extra about the less written placements in another post 🥺🩷)
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5H placements who shouldn't be involved in gambling/sharemarket or any games that revolves around the concept of luck/guesses and be careful with any type of addictions or relationship with wrong ppl:
Saturn, mars, rahu, ketu, waning moon in 5H
5H sun (only) if in conj. with the above mentioned planets.
5H lord is Saturn or Mars and it is exalted.
5H lord conjunct with a debilitated planet or itself being debilitated.
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5H- Pregnancy and Children🥹🩷:
5H SUN - Your children might want to get out of your embrace pretty soon, they want to fly high, go out and explore this world when you're not ready to let them go from ur grip. They could argue with you about how they want to be more expressive and enjoy everything life has to offer, u want the same for them but the sun being your natural soul significator, it feels like you're letting go a part of ur soul. Your child could be a natural leader, a sunshine in disguise. You can conceive late, you could enjoy lots of lovemaking sessions but the number of children can be less, mostly one or two, if two, the elder child will assert their dominance to the younger one, doesn't mean they would rule over them but they'll definitely show that they're the elder one and demand respect, but on the other hand, they're protective of their younger sibling too.❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
5H MOON - If u r a woman having this placement, learn to say NO and discuss about pregnancies, whether you want another baby or not. Eventhough this is a nice placement, later it can sometimes manifest into being treated as a baby making machine with or without being realized, so be ready to question yourself whether YOU want it. These mommies can be very affectionate and want more babies but learn to consciously differentiate between whether you love the act or you really want to raise babies as 5H being house of romance and lovemaking too, don't mix both in an emotional entanglement. Waxing moon will give smooth and normal delivery, waning moon can give some difficulties but probability of normal delivery can be high. You can have a loving relationship with your children, they can be homebodies too, the children can prefer the cozy home environment where you create a loving atmosphere. You can have more number of children, possibly many females or the first one being a girl baby.🥹🫶💙
5H VENUS - Your children could be a pain in the ass if you aren't well settled but this placement it is highly unlikely that you don't accumulate wealth over time. With this, you yourself will be bling-bling, you would double that for your child. This can manifest into you matching outfits, handbags, coolers and hairbands with your kid. During pregnancy itself, you could buy a lot of things beforehand for the arrival of the kid (which is common) but the things you buy might be overboard. These ppl are also prone to feeling inferior about how your body changes after childbirth, can do mommy makeover. You could expect lots of gift giving love language from your partner during pregnancy, on the downside, refrain using pregnancy or the child as a point to demand any luxuries from spouse. As venus aspects 11H, you could especially buy a car after first child. Possibility of female children is more.😍🥰🥰
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5H MERCURY - Your children could be the type to recite about how their day was as soon as they come to you from school, as this would be the type of atmosphere you would've created. You would've established a safe and open communication space for your children where they feel comfortable with sharing. One thing you should remember is, when ur child says something to u alone and lets u know that they don't want u to tell it to the other parent, either you don't tell or share it with ur partner w/o ur child's knowledge according to whatever ur parenting technique is, but the point is to NOT betray ur child's trust when they TELL something bcoz u would be a person who has an amazing communication with ur partner too, u might be lyk besties gossiping together, this could make the child feel like you're not on their team or u and ur partner exclude them (which can be hilarious but it's a CHILD). U can have an equal number of male and female children but the gender of the first baby can be guessed here based on the aspects 5H receives.😃🤗✨
5H MARS - Your children will try to take care of u in their own way but don't do the parenting mistake of ordering them around, definitely not gonna work out here, it's either their way or highway. Number of children might be less, one or two male progeny can be present. More possibilities of delivery being medically assisted, even if it's not c-section, some medical assistance could be given to help. Your child can mirror you a lot, if you get frustrated and throw your phone, they might do the same bcoz they actively pick up patterns and copy them enthusiastically (all kids do that to an extent but with this placement, ur kid can be alert in taking in the environment shaping their behaviour). As a child, ur kid can be competitive but can be very anxious too, the nervous energy will be high if mercury is making aspect or conjunct, teach them calming exercises and encourage. You could be the mom who's fit even after a delivery, santoor mummy. On the downside, remember to not fight with your partner excessively infront of kid as 5H mars is a love-hate relationship, just every aspect of romance including the act and arguments everything is explosive, it can result in your kid disrespecting your partner.🫶😸💖
(I'll write the remaining planets in this list in the new post or add it here and reblog, I just got too tired, periods suck I swear 🫠😭🤗🩵)
EDIT: Find the remaining planets here! 🥳❤️‍🔥
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5H Placements who have the ability to guess what's gonna happen in the near future and protect themselves & their loved ones from unfavorable events are---
5H stellium, many planets in 5H lord's nakshatra, 5H lord exalted, 5H ketu 🥳🥰 (Fire ascendants to an extent if their 5H lord is not debilitated)❤️‍🔥
Even though Jupiter is male planet, if it's in 5H, the person has higher chances of having more number of female children but incase of aspects, if Jupiter aspects your 5H, higher chances of male children is present. This is an exception when it comes to 5H being putra sthan and possible gender of babies guessed based on the gender of the planet present there.🥳✨♥️
NOTE: I'll make another post for ppl who have empty 5H, on how to interpret 5H themes based on their 5H lord placement and aspects, this post is focused on having planets in 5H 🩷🫣
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That's all for now sweeties, hope u liked it! 🩷🩵
Let's Learn and Grow Together 🥰
With Love-Yashi ❤️‍🔥🫣
Masterlist 💖
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martian-astro10 · 5 months ago
Astrology observations - Part 3 (use whole signs)
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🎀 For a lot of people with moon in 7th house, their mother had a huge impact on their personality (in a good or bad way). They'll either admire her a lot and try to be more like her or, do their best to not be like her. Their mother usually has a lot of say in who they marry. If the ascendant lord is not strong, then these people completely change after marriage and start to behave in a way in which their spouse would like them to.
🐈‍⬛Saturn in 9th house people can be really good when it comes to their career, they end up getting promoted earlier than others, but I've noticed that they prefer to work alone. It's like, they create something, but they would like someone else to market and sell it since communication is not their strong suit. Can be very introverted, not the best at taking initiatives, are very prone to undermining themselves.
🎀 moon in 11th house people have a really good relationship with their kids (unless it's debilitated). It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, it's the same for both. They're the parents who have a very "chill" relationship with their kids, their kids trust them a lot, treat them as a friend. All my friends who have a great and healthy relationship with their parents, 85% of those parents had moon in 11th.
🐈‍⬛ Mars in 5th house people have such an "interesting" dating life; love triangles, friends with benefits, they've (or will) experienced it all. The people to say "it's complicated" when you ask them about their love life. But I've also seen that these people are very accepting of other people's dating preferences, this is one of the things that I really admire about them, this can result in them having a very diverse group of friends.
🎀 Jupiter aspecting ascendant/midheaven is one of the best placements that you could possibly have. I was going through celebrities' charts and I noticed that the ones who were exceptionally popular or rich had this like 90% of the time. With opposition and square it can indicate that people hate you at first, but then some info comes out and suddenly everyone loves you, but you gotta go through the hate first. Conjunction can go either way depending on the sign.
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🐈‍⬛ Saturn in 4th house women have my full respect, like, these people go through so much shit in their life and yet they're so hardworking and never give up. Their mother was probably their worst enemy growing up. If you know someone who has this, give them a hug, they're carrying so much burden, and yet they never show it. You'll never hear these people complaining about life, have a very, "it's okay, problems come and go, you can't be sad all the time" mentality.
🎀 Sun in 1st house people make me so angry, I don't get along with them. They have such a shitty personality, and always wanna fight for absolutely no reason. Start a beef out of nowhere, but they are so fucking good at their job, that's actually what makes me hate them more. My class representative has this, and she's such a bitch, but she's so responsible, it breaks my fucking heart, can't even complain 😔
🐈‍⬛ Mercury in 11th house people have unmatched Rizz, will charm the pants off you (unless it's debilitated). I'm so jealous of people who have this. I know people with this, who are not conventionally attractive but their charm is what makes people like them. I never knew what it meant to be attracted to someone's personality until I met someone who had this. (I know this sounds like a backhanded compliment, but it's really not)
🎀 I have never in my life met a moon in 8th house person who was like....okay. these people will have a mental breakdown almost every week. Can't take criticism AT ALL. I have seen that people with this have a tendency to date whoever they see once they break up, just to show their ex how "wanted" they are, and it's not healthy because a lot of their hook ups have bad intentions. Have a habit of playing the victim "everyone bullies me 🥺" "I have the hardest life" and blah blah. On a positive note, they can handle fame really well because of their ability to manipulate people, once you get in their trap and start liking them, you'll never be able to hate them.
🐈‍⬛ I never see people talking about how smart Venus in 3rd house people are. I'm always so amazed by the way they carry conversations. A lot of women who have won beauty paegents have this because of how nice their answers were. A lot of young politicians have this as well. Their juniors often look up to them.
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shima-draws · 11 months ago
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Day 2 (two) of Lusanlu week!! @lusanluweek
Stealth Black | Gear 5
I love the concept of Luffy being a God™ and Sanji just being the little guy he really likes
Bonus doodle:
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mooneln0ne · 11 days ago
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transgender being
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