#sumo furs
what-owo · 2 years
I still kept a lot of the muscle from that last picture, but now it is just covered by incredibly thick layers of fat now~ Wanna spar with me?
Art from @highlandheifer when he had a sumo event in his server!
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loungingbear · 4 months
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Terra's Room 5-24-24
The first room of many! \o/
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roscochubz · 2 years
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MAXIMUM SUMO DEFENSE!!! Imagine if belly drum did this when you use it :3c
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neontapirguts · 2 years
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A commission for Brony20Metal over on Twitter. Starblind the Stunky gets in an epic Sumo battle with a challenger Lugia. 
Posted using PostyBirb
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roycefoxarts · 2 years
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roycefoxscraps · 1 year
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A couple of sumo wrestling horses
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ersatz-ostrich · 4 months
On the Scene
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RK900 x gn!Detective!Reader
Lt. Hank Anderson and Det. Connor Anderson are on the scene of a grisly murder. They have some investigating to do, and not just into the scene of the homicide that you and Richard were first called to inspect.
A/N: phew! first real post in a while. DBH has a chokehold on me and I have no idea how it happened (I haven't even gotten the game yet—I'm waiting for it to go on sale). That being said, hope this isn't too OOC! I was inspired to write this by the one scene in A Study in Pink from BBC's Sherlock. I messed around with the scene so the dialogue isn't a carbon copy, though.
Yes, I settled on calling Nines Richard (I'm indecisive). Hank calls him Nines as a nickname of sorts.
warnings: implied sexual references, sorely lacking in beta reading
read here on ao3
Cold, damp nights like these were not entirely uncommon in Detroit. If anything, they were a part of the city’s branding. 
After all of his years in the God-forsaken city, Lieutenant Hank Anderson knew at least that much. 
His CD player blasting heavy metal, he slowed his aging car to a stop on the side of a residential street in a more tasteful stretch of Detroit. Police cruisers and personnel crowded the street already narrowed with cars parked beside the curb on each side. The house in question was cast in the blue and red light of the cruisers’ beacons, an adequate welcome for those who chose to step inside. 
Hank eased himself out of the driver’s seat and into the chilly air, groaning as his joints protested. His partner Connor, ever so enthusiastic when it came to work, exited from the other side and followed Hank with quick, precise strides until they reached the yellow holographic police tape set up around the crime scene. 
“Hello, Lieutenant, Detective.” The duo was greeted by the stoic face of Richard, the DPD’s RK900 investigator android, who was just about as close to a brother that Connor, the RK800, had. His fair complexion was bathed in the flashing lights of the squad cars and spotlights that had been set up around the scene, but he seemed to pay no mind to the glare.
“Nines.” Hank grunted. “We’re here to see Detective L/N.” Richard raised a perfect brow, his expression set with feigned intrigue. 
“Why?” Hank chuckled.
“We were invited, why else?”
“Is that so?” A grin inched its way onto Hank’s grizzled face.
“I think they want us to take a look at some evidence. Think it might be related to our red ice case. That’s why you made the call, didn’t ya?” Richard cracked a small half-smile. 
“Right as always, Lieutenant. It seems like your investigative skills have stayed sharp after all these years.” Hank barked out a laugh as he and Connor crossed through the holographic boundary. Just as they passed by the RK900, Hank stopped abruptly, wrinkling his nose. 
“Lieutenant?” Connor inquired from beside him. 
“It’s nothin’, son.” It didn’t sound like nothing to Connor—not that he voiced that notion, anyways. From behind their turned backs, Richard’s LED flashed red momentarily. 
They were making their way up the front porch steps when you appeared in the doorway in your CSI jumpsuit and PPE, fiddling with your gloves. 
“Hey, Anderson, so nice of you to finally come.” You greeted the pair with a smile. “Careful with the evidence back there, don’t want to get it contaminated with Sumo’s fur or something. Richard thinks it might be of some help with your red ice case.” 
“You didn’t make it home last night, did ‘ya?” The smile disappeared from your face. That wasn’t the response you had been expecting.
“I’m sorry?”
“Tell me, L/N, did ‘ya at least get someone to feed your cats?” He watched your expression, brows raised with skepticism. “C’mon. You can do a little better than hiding that hickey under your PPE.” He gestured loosely at the collar of your jumpsuit. Your hand instinctively went to the bruise that you knew was blooming underneath the fabric. 
“And you, Nines!” Hank called out to Richard, who was just crossing the front yard to join the conversation.
“Is there something you wanted to tell me, Lieutenant?” Richard’s expression and composure were practically free of tics and tells—one of the benefits of being an android, deviant or not, Hank supposed. Richard tilted his head with bemusement.
“Oh, don’t play dumb. Say, are ‘ya trying out some new scent for androids? Smells a lot like L/N’s deodorant if you ask me.”
“Y/N and I spent the night at the precinct,” Richard answered quickly. “We were looking over evidence early this morning when the homicide was called in. They offered me their coat when it began to rain because—”
“Yeah, ‘cause androids don’t like getting their clothes wet after just getting ‘em from the Cyberlife dry cleaners,” he drawled. “Funny that the knees of your slacks are so banged up, Nines. Maybe you should bring ‘em back.”
“Hank, whatever you’re trying to imply—”
“I know, kid, I know. Also, you two are on a first name basis now? Geez, did I miss something while I was on holiday?”
“Hank...” Your voice dripped with exasperation. “Just inspect the damn crime scene, will you?”
“Alright, alright,” Hank waved you off and stepped into the house. “But I’m expecting a wedding invitation by next spring, y’hear?”
[A/N]: So, yeah, I don't know jack about DBH or BBC's Sherlock...well, reading the BBC's Sherlock manga counts as interacting with the source material, right?
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading x
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erimeows · 7 months
Too Good To Say
Raindrops smack against the glass of the window as Rook Blonko lies in bed, amber eyes trained on none other than Ben Tennyson. The other plumber sits on the edge of the bed watching the new live action adaptation of Sumo Slammers. Normally, Ben would be ranting about how different it is than the original cartoon, but today is not a normal day. In fact, it doesn’t seem as if Ben is paying attention to the show at all, just blankly staring at the television but not really consuming the media in front of him. 
Meanwhile, Rook just watches Ben, a soft smile gracing his lips. They got into a terrible skirmish with Khyber earlier that morning and lost him, but not before the accomplished hunter managed to stab one of his many blades through Rook’s shoulder. Thankfully, he’s bandaged up and recovering well, but he would be stupid not to realize how upset Ben is that they’ve let Khyber escape yet again. Rook is frustrated that Khyber got away, though more than anything, he’s glad that Ben made it out unscathed- that they’re both okay.
Rook sighs. The movement of Ben’s shoulder blades against the back of his jacket, the steady rise and fall of his back as he breathes, the way he slightly ruffles his own hair to calm himself down, it’s all reassuring in a way that Rook never thought it would be when the two of them first became partners. 
Rook thought he was in love when he met Rayona, because she loved him. She was kinder than his parents, and she was stronger than his friends. The attention she gave him, the admiration he felt for her, it all mixed into a disjointed infatuation that he had foolishly assumed was love. The validation she provided was exciting. The love she had for him was the only love he knew.
But Ben, Ben is different. Ben is interesting and self-centered and altruistic; a cacophony of contradicting qualities that make Rook’s heart flutter with excitement whenever they’re together. The feelings he has for Ben are more than the intense infatuation he’d become accustomed to on Revonnah, because Ben isn’t perfect and doesn’t present himself as such. He’s strong in many ways and weak in others. He’s kind and caring, but inconsiderate and selfish. He’s authentically himself. He doesn’t care about how others perceive him. He’s beautiful, yet so incredibly frustrating, too. He’s nothing like the cool, collected, muscular, bold hero he’s presented as in all of the rip-off television shows, badly drawn posters, and dramatized stories. And Rook still loves him despite all of it, because the good qualities outweigh the bad ones, even when Ben is at his worst. 
Suddenly, Ben snaps out of his trance and breaks his eyes from Sumo Slammers. He scoots to sit next to Rook on the bed, staring down at him with his jade eyes. Rook averts his gaze, heart thumping against his chest.
“How’re you holding up, buddy?” Ben asks and places a hand on Rook’s arm. Rook can never tell if the touches are romantic or not, but he always accepts them without question. He craves them, even; desperately wants the heat of them to burn the fur off of his skin and leave a scar in its wake- for it to stay there forever, in one way or another. Ben’s fingers brush through his fur. Rook isn’t prone to leaving it uncovered, mostly wearing a full suit of armor with gloves and boots to keep himself safe. Following his injury, however, Ben insisted he shower and change into clean clothes after having his stab wound tended to, so now he’s in a tank-top and sweatpants that are a little too short for his long body. His worn clothes sit abandoned in a pile by Ben’s bedroom door. “Rook?”
“Oh,” Rook starts. Ben’s hand lingers a little too long, trailing up his arm before Ben finally pulls it away, careful to avoid touching anywhere near Rook’s wrapped injury. “I am fine, thank you for asking.”
“I’m going after Khyber.”
Rook tilts his head to the side, baffled. He knows Ben is serious based on the tone of his voice. Still… Khyber is dangerous and Ben has been cornered by the huntsman multiple times now. Ben going by himself wouldn’t just be risky, it’d be stupid. 
“You… I am sorry? I must have misheard you.”
“No, you didn’t. I’m going after him tonight. Grandpa managed to get a tracker on his car and-”
“Ben, you can not go by yourself,” Rook interjects, furrowing his brow.
“Yes, I can. I have to- or we’re not going to be able to catch him! I won’t let him get away again.”
“Catching Khyber is not worth you getting seriously injured, or worse, killed.”
“Well, no matter what you think, you’re not in any condition to stop me,” Ben argues as he stands from the bed.
Rook gulps and reaches forward to grab Ben’s hand. It’s cool to the touch and calloused from all the fighting they do. Ben turns to look back at him with wide eyes. Rook drops his hand and stares down into his own lap.
“You are going to go even if I ask you not to?”
“Well, yeah,” Ben answers as if it’s obvious, as if Rook’s concern for him doesn’t matter at all.
“You…” Rook starts with anger bubbling up in his chest.
It’s an odd feeling, one that he hadn’t felt much before meeting Ben. There’s just something about the brunette that’s so incredibly frustrating. Maybe it’s his blatant disregard for others, or maybe it’s the way he so recklessly throws himself in danger’s way without any consideration for his own safety. 
“What? Got something to say?”
Rook hesitates, unsure of how to answer at first. Ben just stands there glaring at him with his arms crossed. 
“Yes, actually,” Rook responds after a few seconds. He stands up from the bed and goes to pick up his pile of old clothing and shattered armor. “Your self-absorbed nature is going to get you killed. When will you stop to consider the consequences your actions have on others?”
“Consequences? Nothing I do affects you, and neither will this!”
“And how did you come to that conclusion, exactly?” Rook demands while pulling his boots onto his feet and tucking his clothes underneath one arm. 
“It’s obvious! You don’t care about me in all of this- you’ve never cared,” Ben spits. His words couldn’t be farther from the truth. Then again, Rook would argue that Ben is even more emotionally oblivious than himself, which is quite the accomplishment. That would be the only explanation for how he hasn’t figured out Rook’s feelings by now when even Kevin, Gwen, and Argit have made jokes about the situation in front of both of them. “What you care about is following the rules and- and controlling me!”
“Controlling you? Are you serious?” Rook scoffs, standing in front of Ben’s bedroom door. Both of his parents are gone on a vacation with Ma Vreedle of all people, so Rook can’t even try to get them to convince Ben to stay. “I do not think there is anyone in this universe let alone on this planet who is capable of controlling the likes of you, Ben.”
“Whatever,” Ben huffs and heads for the door, only for Rook to block his way.
“You can not do this. I will stop you if I have to.”
“Why? Why are you acting like you care about me all of a sudden?” Ben rants, getting closer and closer until his face is mere inches from Rook’s chest. “Worst case scenario, I go do this, and I get hurt, or even die. We’re partners- friends, maybe- but it’s nothing more than that! You’ll get over it, get another partner that’s probably a lot easier to deal with, and you’ll be fine. So, why does it matter what I do? Why do you care?”
“I will not ‘be fine’ if you die, I-” Rook raises his voice, and then stops. He can feel heat rising to his cheeks and he’s suddenly incredibly grateful that they’re covered by fur so he doesn’t have an obvious blush like Ben often does- like Ben does right now. “I...”
“You what?”
“Unlike you, I do not think I am too good to say to you how I feel,” Rook closes his eyes. He’s too scared to see what Ben’s face will look like after hearing what he’s about to say. “I will be shattered if something happens to you, because I love you, and just so there is no confusion… What I mean by that, is that I am in love with you.”
“You-” Ben stumbles over his words, an awkwardly choked noise coming from the back of his throat.
“But you are clearly not reciprocating my feelings, and that is fine,” Rook continues as he reaches behind him and opens the bedroom door.
“I never could have expected you to love me. You’re you, after all; Ben Tennyson, the hero who has saved the universe a thousand times, and I am just your partner who you refuse to respect and refuse to listen to- who you never even desired in the first place. I would be a fool to expect more than what you are willing to give, I am aware of that. I have never assumed you would fall in love with me at any point,” Rook says, glancing at Ben over his shoulder. The brunette’s cheeks are bright pink and his pupils are blown wide as he stares at Rook. Rook can’t quite discern the face Ben is making; maybe it’s confused, maybe it’s angry. He himself is too frustrated to figure it out. “But I did make the mistake of assuming you would, at the very least, respect me and value my opinion.”
“Rook, would you just-“
“No, I see how it is now,” Rook interjects, shaking his head. “I can leave you alone, if that is really what you want… Just call me when you need to be rescued like you always do.”
Rook turns to leave, only for Ben to reach out and clasp a hand around his wrist. Rook freezes at the touch- it’s cool yet firm and he wants to stand there and let Ben hold his wrist forever, but he’s so angry that he just can’t. So, he snatches his wrist from Ben’s grasp and stomps out of the Tennyson household. 
As the steps of Rook’s steel-toed boots thump onto the carpeted floor, he can’t help how disappointed he is that Ben doesn’t chase after him.
By the time Rook arrives at the plumbers’ headquarters in his truck, his fur is wet with tears and his amber eyes are puffy from crying. He scans his badge to get inside and heads to where he knows Ben’s grandfather, Magister Max Tennyson, will be manning the monitors. 
“Magister Tennyson, sir,” Rook greets with a salute, to which Max turns around from where he’s sitting in front of the many screens.
“Rook, what’s going on?” Max greets, a big grin on his face. He seems excited to see Rook again following their confrontation with Khyber- at least until he sees Rook’s expression. The Magister stands from his chair and crosses his arms as disappointment washes over him. “Oh, no, what’d he do this time?”
“I assume you are referring to Ben?” Rook questions with an awkward laugh.
“When am I not these days?” Max sighs, shaking his head and adjusting the collar of his floral shirt.
“He is going to go after Khyber by himself. He told me that he refuses to let me come with him since I am still recovering from my earlier injury, and he insisted on going alone. I believe he will be angry if he finds out that I have gone behind his back to inform you of this, but I am quite concerned about his well being.”
“That idiot. I put that tracker on Khyber’s getaway car so we could find him together at a later date, not so Ben could go on a wild goose chase all by himself,” Max groans and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. “Hold on, I’ll track him using his badge so I can send him some back up.”
Max turns back to the computers and types in Ben’s plumber identification number so he can pinpoint the location of his badge. Rook wouldn’t usually be so bold, but his concern for Ben overtakes him as he curiously peeks at the computer and then at Max’s face. Max appears to be baffled, his lips pulled tight and the rest of his face scrunched.
“What is it?”
“The badge… The coordinates are still at his parents’ house. Did he say when he was going to leave?”
“No. Him and I got into an argument over this while still at his house and I left, but he declared he was going to leave to go after Khyber then and there, which is what started the argument in the first place. I assumed he left shortly after I did, but if his plumber badge is still there…”
“I’m going to go and check if he’s actually still there or if he’s just trying to pull one over on us by leaving his badge at home,” Max explains, then stands up and places a reassuring hand on Rook’s shoulder. “You should head home and rest up. I’ll let you know what I find, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
Max walks past him and to the exit of the monitoring room, only to turn and look back at Rook to speak to him one last time before leaving.
“Hey, now, don’t worry yourself to death. You’ve already got a lot on your plate as, and you know how Ben is. He’ll be fine- he always is.”
“Right… I will head home, then,” Rook nods. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
With that, Max leaves. Rook immediately notices that the rest of the plumbers in the room are staring at him with curiosity in their prying eyes. He wonders if he’s really that obvious… If it’s so easy for them to tell that his concern for Ben goes beyond one plumber caring for his partner’s safety. If they can all tell that he’s in love. 
Embarrassed, he storms out of the base before anyone can ask him about it and gets into his truck so he can drive back home. 
Weirdly enough, as he drives down the streets of Bellwood, he can’t help but notice that his heart hurts far more than the healing wound on his shoulder.
That night, Rook finds himself unable to sleep as he sits in the windowsill of his living room, staring out the window. The apartment he started renting a month or so back is small and a little crowded, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind it as it’s significantly larger than the dorm rooms that they had on the plumbers’ base. 
A knock rings through the room. At first, Rook assumes it must be one of his neighbors’ doors, but then there’s a second knock, and then a third. The knocks quickly form a rhythm that Rook recognizes as Ben’s, so he rushes to let his partner inside. When he opens the door, he’s faced with Ben, who is slightly hunched over. He has a black eye, bloody nose, and a busted lip.
“Ben!” Rook exclaims, amber eyes widening in horror. All of the anger, the frustration, and every other terrible thing Ben had him feeling earlier morphs into pure worry and fear. “What happened to you?”
“You are badly hurt,” Rook scolds and grabs Ben’s hand without thinking. He intertwines their fingers and while he would normally never do something so bold, he can’t stop to think about the implications of hand-holding with a human amidst his many conflicting emotions. He practically drags Ben inside, shuts the front door behind them, and pushes Ben down onto his living room couch. “You should have called me before it got to this point. I do not know if you are aware, but I was waiting by my cell phone and had my badge on hand the entire time you were gone so you could contact me!”
“You were mad at me! You really expected me to call you in the middle of the night to come save my ass after the argument we got into this morning?” 
“I am still upset, but that does not mean I want you to be hurt,” Rook kneels in front of the couch where Ben is sitting, holds both of his hands in his own, and glances up at him.  “Why did you not go to your mother and father? They were supposed to return from their vacation this evening, correct? Or why not your grandfather at the plumbers’ headquarters? He went off to look for you.”
“They don’t understand,” Ben looks away and crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re the only one. You always have been… You’re just easier to talk to. No one else gets me like you do.” 
And Rook pauses, because for the first time since leaving his home planet to become a plumber, he’s being chosen first. He swallows tightly and allows his mind to race. Part of him entertains the idea that Ben may actually reciprocate his feelings, but at the same time… it seems like such a reach that he doesn’t dare to ask. If Ben doesn’t feel the same way, he’d rather they just forget about it and pretend as if nothing happened between them in the first place.
“Hm… So, how did everything unfold?”
“I lost him… We beat the shit out of each other but I had the upper hand. He realized that he wasn’t going to win and made an escape, and I was too messed up to catch him,” Ben explains while running a hand through his hair to push the fluffy brown locks away from his bruised, bloody face. “I barely even made it here to you.”
“I see.”
Rook lets go of Ben’s hands and goes to retrieve a damp washcloth, an ice pack, some bandaids, and a bottle of the water. When he returns, he opens the bottle of water and pushes it into one of Ben’s hands, then sits down next to the other plumber and starts to gently wipe the blood off of his face with the washcloth.
“Not going to lecture me about how I was wrong?” Ben indignantly demands. “No ‘I told you so’?”
“No. You already know you were in the wrong when you went after him. You do not need to be informed of that fact.”
“That somehow made me feel even worse.”
The two plumbers fall silent as Ben chugs the bottle of water he was given by Rook. The crinkle of the plastic bottle echoes through the small room. Rook thoroughly cleans and bandages Ben’s injuries, and though they look gruesome, they prove to be quite minor compared to so many of the other ones Ben has acquired with the work they do. Once he’s finished, he tries to push the ice pack into Ben’s spare hand, only for Ben to put it to the side and reach forward. He holds both of Rook’s hands in his own and stares into his amber eyes.
“What is this?” Rook questions, moving to sit next to Ben on the couch.
“I’m sorry. I do respect you, and I should listen to you more. I do value your opinion, I just…”
“You are stubborn. I understand,” Rook says with a small smile. “It is something I love about you, most of the time. I admire your tenacity. In situations like this, however…”
“I know, and about that… Y’know, it’s pretty messed up to confess your love like that and then leave without letting me respond.”
At that, a lump forms in Rook’s throat. He’s barely able to swallow it in time to reply to Ben, who is staring at him expectantly with an undeniable blush on his face. 
“I see. Would you… Like to respond now?”
“Yeah, I think I should,” Ben answers and leans forward to rest his forehead against Rook’s. Rook freezes in place, his heart skipping a beat. He and Ben have been in closer quarters before due to their profession, but it’s never been so… Intentional. So intimate. Ben shuts his jade green eyes and allows a small smile to take over his face. Rook just stares at him and waits for what’s next. Much to his surprise, Ben gives him a kiss. Though brief, it’s sweet, and enough to lift the weight that’s been on Rook’s shoulders since their argument earlier that day as Ben pulls back. “I love you, too, Rook. I’m glad you told me.”
“Oh?” Ben laughs.
“It is a lot to process,” Rook answers, barely able to get the words out. “Would you stay here with me tonight?”
“Yeah,” Ben nods, his smile as radiant as the moonlight that shines upon them through Rook’s living room window. “I think I would.”
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apothecowry · 2 years
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Some random images of my friend Bean, who has been a great support since I met him
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airbendertendou · 2 years
 to be alone ♥︎ connor ; dbh
another autistic!reader and connor thing ♥︎ synopsis : reader needs a minute to calm down ; connor knows exactly how to ground you and bring you back.
song inspo ; to be alone by hozier
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
Connor is reading over a file with Hank when a knock on the door sounds. It’s a particular pattern — a specific tap taptaptap tap taptaptap that Connor knows belongs to you. As Hank opens the door, the android’s smile falls as he watches you scurry past them both. Your head is down as you shuffle quickly into the living room where Sumo is laying.
Hank lets out an indignant noise, eyes wide as he follows your figure. Connor smiles — it feels tenser and more awkward than usual — and holds up his pointer finger. “One moment, please. I’ll be right back, Lieutenant.” 
You’re crouched down, knees to your chest as your feet stay flat on the ground. Sumo is laying on his right side, his tummy facing you as you methodically rub his fur. Connor observes you silently as you pet the dog, your eyes wide and unblinking as you watch your hand.
Unknowingly, your feet start to tingle. You’re so caught up in your ministrations that you don’t notice — but Connor does. His knee hits your back softly as he stands behind you. “Careful, honey. Need to move.”
You obey silently, plopping down fully into your butt. Your legs relax from their stiffened position, falling into a criss-cross position as the rest of your body follows. He notices you’re less tense now ; more open and fluid than you were seconds ago.
Slowly, the android goes around to the front of you and to the windows. He unravels the blinds, pulling the curtains open further as the sun begins to set. You move your gaze from Sumo and to the window, watching as the room glows orange. You bask in the sunset, memorizing all of the colors you can see as you continue to pet the dog.
Connor waches you fondly, sliding the curtains and blinds shut as the orange glow recedes and the sky turns darker. Your gaze drifts to the wall to your left, staying there as Connor moves to sit across from you. He pets Sumo’s back as he analyzes you quietly. You glance his way before looking back to the wall.
The android lets out a small smile, tilting his head to the right. “Hey, sweetheart. Welcome back.”
The side of your mouth tilts up as you continue to stare to the left. “That’s a new name.”
“It is. Is that alright?” Connor asks, just to make sure. You nod, small smile growing into a little grin. Connor’s own lips lift in return — the soap operas and cheesy movies Hank had a habit of watching had finally come in handy. “Do you like it or would you prefer a different name?”
“Like everything you call me.” Your speech is still a little off as you get comfortable in your skin again, stuttered and broken in places. You glance at Connor again, eyes dashing back to the wall just as quick. ”S’always nice.”
“You deserve to be called nice names,” he responds immediately. Connor’s fingers brush against yours as they still pet Sumo. Your mouth twitches again and you turn to fully face him now. Connor’s thumb brushes against your knuckles, “you deserve all of the nice things.”
You make the move to lace your fingers with his, using your left hand to twirl Sumo’s fur around your fingers. Connor brings your right hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before lowering them back to Sumo. Your voice is soft when you speak, “you deserve them, too. Nice things.”
Connor grins, lowering his head bashfully. He squeezes the fingers of th hand he’s holding gently, attracting your eyes there for a moment before you’re looking back at Sumo. “You’re too kind, sweetheart.”
A loud scoff interrupts the calm stillness of the room as Hank makes his presence known. He’s leaning against the doorway of the living room, his upper lip curled up in disgust. “You lovebirds make me sick.”
“Nice to see you, too, Hank,” you reply, smiling his way. Connor squeezes your fingers once more before he detatches them, standing to re-join Hank in the kitchen. Stooping to press a kiss against your temple, Connor calls out gently before he leaves you to your own devices.
“You know where I am if you need me.” 
——♥︎—— have so many ideas w him i can’t help but keep writing hhhh you can send in detroit become human requests if youd like!! ill try to get them done for @guav​ ♥︎ bc your tags on my last dbh thing were so sweet n i think abt them daily ): & @straysugzhpe​ for always being my personal cheerleader ♥︎
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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writerpey · 9 months
Omg wait, you have so many fandoms I love, ok, ok could you make like a list of characters from theses shows and what they’d be? Like regressed, caregiver, ect? (So I can send asks based on that) I’m so excited right now
Arcane, Detroit Become Human, Last airbender, Our flag means death, and Six of crows/shadow and bone
happy 2024! this has been in my inbox forever but looks super fun to do! here’s my take on what characters would be regressors/caregivers for arcane, dbh and atla. I totally wrote way more than I expected to but here u are! <3 I’ll do a separate post for ofmd and soc bc they have so many characters I have opinions on.
Agere Character Headcanons
(Arcane, D:BH, ATLA)
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(jinx is me cooking up this thread)
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Vi: As much as she’d be a wonderful caregiver, she’s absolutely a regressor. Being small reminds her of days spent with her parents and Powder, family trips to the fish markets of the coast and sunny days building sand castles at the beach. She tends to be on the older side, a natural tendency from a life spent as the older sibling, taking care of Powder. Vi’s a very active and vivacious little, playing outdoors and hanging off Caitlyn’s shoulders. Loves physical touch, hugs and high fives are the way to go.
Caitlyn: Caregiver all the way! I think she loves kids in general, and despite her awkward nature and sheltered upbringing, she finds it easy to take charge and step into the role of a protector. Definitely looks after Vi and is oftentimes too concerned about her safety. She loves taking the little out to the playground and to eat at Jericho’s food stall (even if she still refuses to eat a bowl of slop herself).
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Jinx: Tiniest, cutest, moodiest little troublemaker there is. Jinx regresses to about four or five years old, and absolutely bounces off the walls at all hours of the day. She’s not the quiet, sweet child she once was as Powder, but rather gets herself into trouble and feigns innocence. She loves to annoy both Silco and Sevika, clambering on the latter’s lap and hiding under Silco’s desk for games of hide and seek. Her mood changes rather drastically as well, as she can go from completely happy to hyperventilating sobbing from anything as simple as scraping a knee to refusing bedtime.
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Jayce: He’s a very attentive and high strung caregiver. Looking after Viktor is much easier than Caitlyn, Silco, or Sevika’s jobs, but Jayce always fusses over the little. He’s quick to scoop him up whenever it’s deemed necessary, and goes to Mel for help when he needs another pair of hands. Jayce loves caregiving because it gives him something to focus on other than his responsibility to Piltover, and enjoys simple play with his little like story time and building blocks.
Viktor: Super small and quiet regressor! Viktor can get very young, and has no qualms with depending on Jayce for help when he’s little. He likes to be snuggled up on a couch in a mound of blankets and is also content to sit and watch Mel paint the ships that go by the balcony of her apartment. Viktor is sweet and shy and doesn’t tend to verbalize his needs, but because Jayce is so attentive they mesh well together.
Detroit: Become Human
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Kara: Caregiver. Need I expand? It’s in her coding in the first place to protect and nurture. Upon her deviance, Kara realizes that even if she was made for it, she can still reclaim that part of herself for herself. She is quick to console whomever her little may be, and projects the kindest and warmest energy to the person she’s taking care of. Kara enjoys making up her own stories, and loves playing make believe with her regressor.
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Connor: One hundred percent a regressor. This little guy was shy and uncertain when he first started regressing, as he didn’t know what ‘normal’ behaviour from a deviant was, let alone how to process all the new emotions he was feeling. Connor loves to spend time at Hank’s house with Sumo, revelling in the feeling of the dog’s fluffy fur and laughing happily when he teaches Sumo all sorts of tricks. Connor is usually happy when regressed, but struggles with anxiety and asking for help. Hank is always there to walk Connor through his big feelings and encourages him to use his words.
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Markus: He’s one of the most chaotic caregivers there is. You picked the pacifist route in the game? Doesn’t matter. This guy is unhinged when it comes to caregiving. Spoiling his little at any time possible, letting them stay up hours past their bedtime, giving them candy for breakfast and encouraging colouring on the walls. He spent so many years being exactly who Carl wanted him to be while also tasting freedom through Carl’s art that it brings him so much joy to see a regressor’s eyes sparkle when he says yes to whatever their heart desires. He’s also amazing at comforting a regressor. Big hugs and gentle eyes!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Katara: Is a caregiver! Incredibly kind yet less patient than one (Sokka) might hope. Katara is quick to caution her little, always on the lookout for anything that they might hurt themselves with or on. But this doesn’t mean she hates fun! She adores the beach and using her bending to splash around, and is always ready to get her little an extra blanket or any snacks they ask for. She’s super sweet and falls into the role of a caregiver like she was made for it. Katara has even sewed a plushie or two as gifts, and has a knack for settling a regressor in front of a crackling fire and braiding their hair before bedtime.
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Sokka: Regressor for sure. Even though he’s a big brother he never let go of his goofy side, and it plays into so much of his behaviour when he’s regressed. He’s on the older side, around 6-8, and has so much energy he doesn’t know where to put it all. Queue him running around for hours, laughing at absolutely anything that Aang says and bothering Toph just so she’ll play with him. Sokka doesn’t cry, even when he takes a tumble (which is quite often) but is fussy when he doesn’t get his way. He’s a troublemaker, but his beaming smile lets him get away with plenty.
Aang: Honestly I think he’s a caregiver, but is more like a fun uncle than any other label. His sage airbender wisdom doesn’t come through often, which means he’s all about fun all the time. His childish side matches a little like Sokka’s constant energy, and he seems to vanish into a cloud of smoke when any tears come his way. And how did Sokka and Zuko get chocolate all around their mouths, you ask? Well, there’s no one to ask because Aang’s just taken off on his glider on some very important business.
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Zuko: LITTLE! REGRESSOR! TINY! Oh my goodness, he’s the first fictional character that I ever headcanoned as a regressor. There’s no need to delve into his trauma here, but the boy is in such a desperate need of healing his childhood that he regressed long before he even knew what it was. Regresses very young, between 2-5. Before meeting the Gaang he’d hang off of Uncle’s shoulder during Pai Sho tournaments on his ship and would shyly ask the crew members to play songs during music nights. His tough demeanour disappears completely when he’s regressed and he turns into a shy boy that is insistent on doing things himself and is quick to cry when he’s unable to, for example, wrap his robes the way he wants. Zuko has a turtleduck plushie that Katara sewed for him after Aang asked him what his favourite animal was and Sokka caught him cuddling up to Appa at night. Sweetest boy in the whole world.
Toph : Caregiver! Matches more with Aang’s style of caregiving than Katara’s, but still lands somewhere in the middle. Her earthbending gives her the ability to pick up on every tiny emotion that a regressor feels, and it means she’s prepared and in tune with every need, happy or unhappy, that someone needs. She tends to playfully tease Zuko and Sokka, but knows exactly where to draw the line with either boy based on the rhythm of their heart. Toph helps Aang when it comes to letting the boys do something Katara has specifically told them they’re not allowed to, and will always feign innocence when confronted by the eldest caregiver.
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saltyfruitbat · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Imagines
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Not proofread, I made this around like 11am and finished it around midnight 😭
Being Lu Bu’s spouse during the era when he was still alive, he’d come back from a successful hunt and would help you cook whatever he brought back. During the winter, he would wrap you up in furs and blankets, you’d both rest together by the warm fire.
Being Thor’s spouse, the way you captured the room with your shimmering presence was what caught his attention. You befriended him with only one-sided conversations, he enjoyed listening to you, when you spoke passionately about something you enjoyed, he couldn’t stop the small smile from appearing on his face.
Being Poseidon’s spouse, when you were still engaged to each other, he would bring you to his favorite locations in the sea, he loved spending time with you, it always calmed him down. When he married you, he’d give you different colored pearls, all in different forms and shapes to symbolize his unwavering love for you.
Being Kojiro’s spouse, you would wipe away his sweat once he was done with his training, in return he’d make you tea and dango. He’d also liked when you would sit back together and watch the day go by, it made him happy spending his days with the person he cherished most.
Being Jack’s spouse was like being a dream, the way he treated you was like didn’t see anybody else but you, how you treated him, the way you cherished and loved something made him fall in love with you all over again. He enjoyed eating sweets with you and drinking tea, he could never take his eyes off of you and that beautiful shade of color you always displayed.
Being Heracles spouse, he enjoyed it when you called him by his human name, it was something sacred to him and to you. He loves lying his head on your lap while you hum a melody, he loved having small moments with you and would remember the way you smiled and laughed with him.
Being Raiden's spouse and going to his sumo matches, after he’d win, he’d try to find your eyes in the crowed and grin widely at you, afterwards you would feast in all types of food together. Raiden enjoyed having you in his lap, the way you would lean back and relax against him would always make his heart beat so fast, the way you looked so small made you even more precious in his eyes.
Being one of Shiva’s spouses, he’d would gift you many things, all ranging from jewelry to buildings, he even made a giant statue of you. He would always tried to be equal in loving you since you had your co-wives, one thing he loved doing was cuddling with his spouses, he’d wrap you in his arms with your other co-wives.
Being Buddha’s spouse, he enjoyed eating sweets with you, he’d always gave you the ones that you liked the most, he’d buy you handful of candies that you liked. He liked it when you played with his hair while he laid down on your lap, he always kept the braids and the flower crowns you’d make for him.
Being Qin’s spouse, he enjoyed spoiling you even if you were sometimes shy to accept them, he always gave you jewelry that matched with your eyes, and gowns that went well with your skin and matched with his. While sitting on his throne, he’d always have you next to him or on his lap, he wanted people to see that he was the most lucky man to have such a beauty by his side.
Being Hades’s spouse, he would say “I love you” while he held kissed your finger tips, and would say it again while kissing your lips this time. He always adored being with you while Cerberus and you played in your garden, it brought him a sense of peace from being away from his exhausting work life.
Being Beelzebub’s spouse, he at first didn’t want you close to him, scared that the curse would take you away, a person who had such a radiating heart and soul, but he fell in love with your determination to stay with him. Whenever you got sick, he would put everything aside and take take care of you, he’d make sure you were comfortable and would make your favorite food.
Being Nikola’s spouse, he would always make sure to show you his new invention and would question on what you thought about it, he would get nervous when asked for a kiss from you, he’d blush heavily for the next couple of hours. He made you trinkets, one time he made you a flower that opened up with mechanical butterflies, he dedicated many of his inventions to you.
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moths-wonderland · 10 months
Conner agere headcanons
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Connor is quiet and hates loud sounds when small, so Hank will put on lofi or some quiet movies
Connor is always chewing or fidgeting
Hank is his caregiver and he’ll cry if he can’t see him, so if Connor regresses during the day Hank has to call out of work
He’s never far from Sumo when small his fur is Conners favorite feeling so Hank bought Conner 5 fluffy blankets because of how cute he is
Connors favorite thing to do when small is puzzles
Nap time is a must he’s so sleepy from being a detective and he always cuddles Sumo
Because Conner was never a Child when he first regressed instead of being around 8 like he and Hank planned he went straight to baby so his age range big being around 1-9
There’s a huge beanbag covered in pillows in the corner of the living room for small Connor
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task800 · 7 months
the game confirms that connor is capable of accessing the memories of previously destroyed shells - it’s part of his whole adapting/learning algorithm shtick. he learns from the experiences of his predecessors, and those experiences include the events leading up to that body’s destruction. it’s just a source of information while he’s a machine - it’s just data to work with -
- but the gravestones in the garden, the threat-promise of deactivation if he fails to please his creators, the constant assessment and micromanagement from Amanda, and through Amanda, from CL -
- all of that, combined with the loss of mission directive post-deviancy, the sudden sledgehammer of emotions, the fact that he might remember 50 deaths (!!!!!!) …
i really, really crave a fic where the weight of it all settles in like an anchor and locks him in place. he’s deviant and free from the constraints of his old programming, but he’s died 50 times over and all he’s ever known is that his continued existence is contingent on his ability to please others, to complete his mission objective. the loss of a directive, the loss of the authority figure that once judged whether he’d earned the right to live another day … all of that, combined with the newfound ability to experience fear, terror, grief, sorrow, shame - i want a fic where this all drives a lead pipe through his heart and fixes him in place.
he just sits on the floor next to the couch with his hands tangled in sumo’s fur, blank stare boring a hole through hank’s floor, while hank notes the resemblance between connor and some of the trauma survivors he’s interacted with over the course of his career. living is awful and dying is terrifying and connor misses the simplicity of being a machine that killed for the gratification of others, and it disgusts him, and he doesn’t know what to do. a learning ai, in a house where a father plays russian roulette in the hopes of seeing his son
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roycefoxarts · 1 year
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The previous batch is done, but money is still tight, and I need to keep the funds coming. I will take a short break after the opening of the coms, but I will be accepting commissions orders during the break. I just wanna take care of some personal art. I enjoy drawing for you guys and being both generous and experimental, but rent fund is important, and I can only offer so much at a time. I am still close to landing full scale employment, but I am not there yet.
I know I added greyscale to the line art, and I love doing that. In my regret, made the choice to make greyscale a seperate item rather than something I randomly add to the lineart tier. I am sorry, but rent money is important. Living in CA isn't cheap.
I appreciate your understanding and I am sorry for the inconvenience. I love you guys and I love drawing for you all. And if I could, I would draw for free, simply because I see art as a hobby rather than a profession.
Though I will still offer a 15% discount for anything sumo related, since that happens to be my selling point (i tried fighting it, but there is no escaping where I started).
Even if you cannot afford, You can always help by spreading the word and reaching a larger audience.
I thank you all for your support, It means a lot to me.
Now for the rules
Before I can begin, Let me lay down what I prefer to draw.
-Slim -fat fur -tasteful nsfw -vore (with heavy restrictions) -certian action scenes -modern or fantasy
and what I WILL NOT DRAW for a commission:
-overcomplex drawings (they take significantly longer than they should and I prefer to risk drawing complex stuff on my own time) -Gore (Which leaves hard vore out of the question) -Abuse and cruelty art (Things like rape, abuse, or degradation.) -Slob or uber immobile fat. -Capepunk (Modern "realistic" Superhero genre. I just don't like the current modern superhero genre and its oversaturation.) -Certain Copyrighted characters and IPs (There can be some exceptions) -Other people's OCs without their permissions (There is drama around it. Dont drag me into any more drama.) -Characters that are or look underaged (I have the FBI on speed dial) -Diapers fetish (just...just no) -Political art (Should I even need to explain why?). -politically incorrect shit (You are more mature than this.)
To order to order a commission from me, You need something of a social media presence. at least a DA, Twitter, or most importiantly FA, that you had for some time at the time of ordering a com. This allows me to screen for security purposes.
I will not be accepting commissions from:
-Newly created FA or social media pages, be it burner accounts or whatever. -social media individuals that have a significant degree of controversy within the last year or so. I want to avoid controversy. -individuals under the age of 18. -Individuals that have a habit of hiding their behaviors behind "muh free speech." I would rather be with mature people thank you very much. -MAPS (should I even explain?) -People who make their political views their own personality (I dont want you as my customer base anyways)
The second thing to fill out a google form, this has everything you need to make an order from teir to whether you want the com to be nsfw or not.
Major thing to note: Do remember that I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. So my apologies in advance.
Lastly, If I approve, I will send you the invoice. I am a Pay-upfront person, so that means if you want your slot in the queue, you need to pay upfront and that is strictly invoice only.
When you Order from me, you agree to the written agreements stated above and any violation would bar you from any future coms. Standards come first over money.
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tartrazeen · 1 year
You know what usually isn't left at a crime scene?
You know what CyberLife has on guard duty at their warehouses?
You know how Connor absolutely lies about liking dogs to Hank in a forced attempt at building positive rapport, because he only mentions them after having in-person data-mined the guy for possible interests, and would've said 'hamsters' instead of dogs if that'd been the fur he found? And then how he breaks into Hank's house, sees Sumo, and so absolutely and utterly loses his shit that he faceplants inside, immediately switching to "omg please don't kill me 😭" mode? And then how Sumo doesn't attack him either way, and Connor has the option to go over to Sumo chilling in the corner and pet him, and is like, "Hm, this dog is nice 🤔"?
I think Connor has only ever had one of two experiences with dogs before that:
He's never met one before at all
He has met dogs, and they're the ones that CyberLife uses to guard their shit
In other words, I think Sumo is the first dog Connor's encountered that wasn't immediately set on ripping him apart. And while I agree his instability is from that standard "🤔 hm, maybe I like dogs after all" feeling...
... it's interesting to consider Sumo might be his first opportunity to challenge any of his preconstructed (😏) notions ever.
He's done his 'homework' on Hank by this point, and knows who the man is. He knows everything there is to know about these 'deviants,' too. He hasn't had the confrontations with a deviant that make him second-guess himself yet, as even letting Rupert go in order to save Hank is arguably following instructions to prioritize human life (which doesn't hold up to what he's designed for, but certainly doesn't lead to any existential epiphanies).
It's nice thinking that one of the early, tiny steps towards Deviant!Connor realizing CyberLife lied to him, used him, weaponized him against people... is that they also inadvertently lied to him about dogs exclusively being threats. And only through total chance did he stumble across someone with a dog that just wanted to boof at him and go get kibble like, "ya he's fine, leave hank there, he'll get up eventually."
It's even better when you realize Connor's attempt at - uh... 'firmly reasoning' with Sumo was to appeal to the dog's inherent state of protectiveness and fierce loyalty towards his owner. Y'know, guarding him. Like dogs were bred to do.
How funny would it be if part of Connor's relief/shock over Sumo shuffling away was 'cause Connor thought, "You're not gonna rip my face off? Bad dog 😠"?
Followed by, "Hm. 🤔 Maybe not all dogs do that." (Instability ^)
Bonus: the real big-brained take is to say Connor did like dogs when he said that to Hank, but only 'cause he thought all dogs were like CyberLife's loyal, murder machines - like him. 😌
Bonus-Bonus: did you forget hank had a dog wtf dude u even analyzed the type of dog it was, that's the shit we should be making fun of u for, not just the faceplanting (but still continue to make fun of him for that as well lmao)
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