#summer x-1217
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conanssummerchild · 8 months ago
i finally gave in and im making some rick and morty oc's >:))
we have:
Rick Sanchez A-26M
Morty Smith L9-DD
Summer Sanchez X-1217 (she changed her surname to sanchez after escaping her dimension. maybe her jerry was abusive or something. in reality i just want her to be summer sanchez. might find a way to make morty morty sanchez too.)
Beth Smith N0T (thats a zero but it is reffered to as dimension not or the not dimension or smth)
Jerry Smith N0T
and they all live on Earth dimension N0T
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(ignore that i refer to summer as summer x-22 in the ss, i changed my mind or her dimensional code, it is x-1217)
ive never made an oc before literally ever in my life (let alone 5) but im working on the lore rn and maybe sometime this month i'll do character designs but im really busy rn. definitely by the end of summer tho
additional info:
rick has paranoia depression anxiety adhd and autism (but he refuses to go to therapy so most of these arent actually diagnosed, but im literally his creator so i know, with the exception of paranoia (due to his psycotic break he was briefly forced into citadel therapy or whatever) and depression. i dont think he knows about the anxiety/he refuses to acknowledge it and he self medicates his adhd. he knows about the autism) hes also still an alcoholic (like most ricks i think) his beth jerry and summer's whereabouts are unknown (at least until i think of smth better 😭)
morty's rick is dead but when he was alive he was lowkey kinda nice (if overly and unhealthily dependant on morty) so morty misses him dearly :( morty tried to help his rick recover from dianes death and stop him from destroying himself finding rick prime but he couldnt and he blames himself for ricks death, he has a lot of abandonment issues and maybe some ptsd too. hes a bit more prickly than your standard morty until he really gets close to someone, hes less immediately trusting. after his rick died he ran away from home to the citadel, trying to find another rick but after a few years and about 5 ricks he realised it was useless and he would never be able to really replace his rick. his family was assigned another morty after he split and they're fine. he hung around the morty town locos for a while until finding summer x-22
summer's whole family is alive still but she ran away from home due to her jerry being abusive, as i mentioned earlier. she stole ricks portal gun and portalled over to the citadel, but the portal gun was damaged and she couldnt go anywhere else. morty l9-dd found her crying behind the creepy morty and tried to steal her portal gun (bcs the morty town locos fw portal fluid) but she pinned him against a wall and told him she'd slit his throat out if he didnt help her so he agreed. they bonded after that and became pretty much inseparable.
summer confided that she hadnt had a good relationship with her morty bcs he always turned a blind eye to the abuse and excused jerry. morty told her he spent so much time trying to keep his rick from spiralling that he never formed much of a relationship with his summer
when they get to dimension N0T beth and jerry seem perfect but they soon find out that the rick of this dimension was dead of suicide or smth and that beth tried to commit to after his death maybe. beth here is also an alcoholic, like c-131 is and jerry is in charge of keeping up appearances, which is harder once you have 3 new people living in your broken home.
im not sure a lot of this still might change it needs a lot of work
defining traits (both personality and physical):
rick: more quiet, often zones out and seems like hes not even there, but still bitchy when he does talk. when they first get to N0T he barely leaves his room for 2 months and beth keeps panicking bcs shes worried he'll kill himself like her rick. even tho she doesnt know him he looks so much like her rick did (bcs theyre both ricks duh) and its just stirring back up some stuff for her. his hair is a little flatter than c-137. perhaps he has a fringe. maybe he wears a soft wool jumper. je has self harm scars but always wears long sleeves, so theyre not visible
morty: his tones a bit sharper, hes more skeptical of ppl than morty prime is. hates rick prime almost as much as a-26m does. darker yellow t shirt (like the mortys in mortytown) scars across his eye (I KNOW IM NOT ORIGINAL OK i didnt want to put the scar down his lip bcs i didnt want to assosciate him with evil rick and morty, he has nothing to do with them) maybe the scar is across his cheek idk
summer: always a bit on edge, carries a knife on her at all times. incredibly mistrusting of jerry N0T when they got there. still weary of him and doesnt let him get too close. jerry is too tired trying to keep up appearances to really do much to try and ease summers mistrust of him. black tank top instead of pink. hot pink belt on her jeans tho maybe. loose hair bcs a ponytail is too easy to grab, sharp nails, painted pink. bruises on her arms that start to fade in the beginning of her time on the citadel with morty
beth: often out of it or drunk, more so the more time rick morty and summer stay bcs she cares less and less about keeping how shitty shes doing from them. at the beginning she seems like a perfect housewife, or someone putting on a performance of one. looks pretty much the same if not a little more disheveled, in the beginning wears one of those fancy white frilly aprons with a red heart embroidered. drops the apron as she drops the act
jerry: tired, dark circles maybe (rick and morty also have these, summer and jerry wear makeup to cover them, beth and rick have eyebags also) starts wearing the apron when beth stops lol, defeated demeanour, kinda depressed a lot of the time. lonely
anyway a lot of this is probably gonna be changed idkkkk
ooh also how long it took for a bond to form between characters:
rick and morty: about 2-3 months. both desperately missed their old partners which sped it up a bit but morty was scared of getting attached and rick at the start was too out of it most days to really form any kind of connection also he was scared of getting attatched too but for different reasons (morty was scared he'd lose another rick, rick felt like everyone he got close to ended up worse off (diane, his prev morty))
rick and summer: like maybe 5 months, they didnt interact much at first, like i said rick was too out of it and summer didnt really trust rick and saw him as unstable, but as rick grew closer to morty, summer slowly became a little less suspicious and maybe rick helped her with smth and they bonded over that idk
rick and beth: their initial relationship was not healthy, beth trying desperately to prevent rick from killing himself and rick not being willing to work on himself healthily, causing beth great panic and anxiety, but after like 6 months or so they become drinking buddies, still not the healthiest father-daughter relationship but it eases beths mind and makes rick feel less alone
rick and jerry: even after like 10 months living at the smith house rick and jerry dont have much of a relationship, both are too caught up in their own exhaustion to make an effort to bond, may change at some point
morty and summer: started to form a relationship within the first week of meeting eachother, maybe 7 or so months before they encountered rick (i need to make a timeline) probably the strongest relationship of all of these listed
morty and beth: surprisingly quickly, within the first 1 or 2 months, morty misses his mum and he wants to try and help beth a bit
morty and jerry: mutual respect for eachother, morty helps jerry out around the house and with things, started like this after anytime between a few weeks and 2 months
summer and beth: 4 months, took a while but eventually they formed a bond, its easier for summer to relax around beth and beth likes having a daughter
summer and jerry: still distrust after 10 months, will likely take a long time for any kind of relationship to form, no matter how minor
beth and jerry: pre established relationship obviously but its not a very good or happy one, maybe after 9 months they start trying to work on it again
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biolumien · 9 months ago
i had all, most of, some and then, none of you
jo togame x gn!reader ty to @/yisxn putting some thoughts in my brain... i did want to write some more pre-shishitoren arc togame because hes so... shakes my fist at him generally implied that reader is at the very least smaller than him word count: 1217
strong is one of the words you can use to describe togame. it’s an apt word–probably the most apt word there is. he’s strong. he’s the collected one, when compared to jumpy choji. he’s the one who strikes down the weakest links, skins them, as it goes–a language he uses with a cold kind of certainty. all the unworthy, all the scumbags, all the weak–skinned, as if scraped with a knife. that’s his job. 
and he’s certainly got the brute force to enforce it, at the very least. the room always seems to go quieter when he shows up–a mixture of quiet terror and buzzing anticipation crackling right underneath the surface. waiting for the all-great and all-powerful jo togame to show some fuckers what-for.
so why is it that he’s at your door right now, in the middle of the pouring rain?
the summer rain is balmy, causes the air to become sticky and humid. you felt condensation sticking to your skin as you opened the door, the chilly air nipping at your skin. 
“togame?” you ask, rubbing at your eye. “it’s… fuck, it’s late. didn’t i tell you that–”
togame slumps.
he doesn’t seem hurt, but he leans forward, pressing soaked hair against your chest.
“i didn’t know where else to go,” he mutters, and his voice is flat, that slow characteristic drawl you’ve always known, but when he raises his head to look at you, he suddenly seems so much more exhausted than you could have ever anticipated. so you fold. you reach out a hand to cup the back of his neck like he’s a misbehaving cat, and are met with the freezing cold of his skin. his shishitoren jacket is soaked all the way through, soaking past his kimono. 
“come on,” you whisper. “let’s get you inside, dry you off.”
navigating togame through your house is hard, especially when he’s about as flexible as a cadaver right now. once or twice you’re forced to catch his head right before he smashes against a cupboard, seemingly relying on you to navigate him into your bathroom. you sit him down to lean against your bathtub, and you sit on the edge of it, producing a white fluffy towel to dry his hair. he wordlessly takes it from you, staring at it.
“and your clothes,” you say, after a moment. “take those off. all of it. i’ll get you something spare… if any of it’ll fit you.” 
togame makes a noise of assent, reaching to the back of his neck to undo the tiny, soaked braid before starting to rub at his hair. 
it’s hard to find anything. you produce a few overstretched shirts from the wash, a pair of sweatpants with the waistband so obliterated that the elastic’s more of a suggestion than an actual band that would snap on your skin, but the pickings are slim. as you pick up the offerings to throw them into the bathroom, you turn to find that togame has already stepped out of the bathroom. he’s wearing his boxers, thankfully–but you can see the toll fighting’s taken on him–scars littering his skin, and more concerning were the smattering of new and old bruises on his skin–reddish to purplish-yellow on some of the deeper ones.
he’s still drying his hair, his expression still strangely sullen, dark.
“here,” you say, holding up the shirts and sweatpants you picked out. “hopefully these can fit you.”
“... thanks,” togame mutters. he sits down on your bed, slumping his head forward. you watch him put on the sweatpants and one of the shirts–you silently thank your lucky stars that they do fit, after all. 
togame’s not much of a talker–he’s said to you multiple times before that he’s the kind of person who doesn’t mind it being silent–that he loathes small talk meant to fill up a space. and you’d usually agree–silence between the two of you has always been comfortable, never awkward. and yet, today, it’s abundantly clear that it’s a hollow kind of emptiness, a miniature kind of death.
“did you finish drying your hair?” you press, after a moment. you reach out a hand to touch his hair, and you can almost feel the way he flinches–but you push through for the moment to touch at his head. it’s damp, but passable. 
togame reaches out a hand to touch yours where it’s still on his head, shifting his other arm to pull you closer to him. you fumble for a second, stumbling a little bit as your knees knock against each other. he presses his head to your chest, a shaking exhale passing his lips.
“i’ve fucked it all up,” togame says after a moment, his voice sounding choked. “i’ve lost him…”
“lost him?” you ask, and your fingers brush through his hair, and he leans into your touch, before jolting away when he realizes what he’s doing.
“choji,” togame says, his voice sounding hoarse. “i’ve lost him–what am i going to do–” the hand grasping yours shakes for a moment, and you feel something in you break ever so slightly.
“hey, hey,” you say, quiet. your free hand moves to touch his face, and when he looks up at you, his eyes shine with unshed tears. “togame…” it’s an expression you hope the rest of the shishitoren will never see–because the reformed shishitoren seemed so much more unkind. it’s an expression you thought you’d never see–and he doesn’t even seem to realize he’s close to crying–the pain of his eyes stinging probably no different than any other injury. “i’m sure you haven’t lost him.”
“i made him do it,” togame says. “i made him become leader–and now he’s worse than ever–i thought skinning people, i was loosening the weights on him–that he’d be able to find freedom on his own, but–”
you shift forward, sitting on the bed next to him, pulling hs head closer to your chest. his hand tightens against your shirt, tight but not tight enough, as if he’s terrified of his own strength. perhaps he was, now–frightened of his own actions–frightened of the weight behind them. 
“it’ll be okay, togame,” you whisper. “you’re his best friend, aren’t you?”
“some friend i am,” togame says with something like bitterness, resentment, worry, hatred in his voice. “i’ve led him down a path i don’t know i can pull him back from–” “you can,” you say. “you will. if there’s anyone who can, it’s you.”
togame’s shoulders shake when he cries.
it’s not a fact you’d like to know, not really–you wonder if togame let his shoulders shake when choji stared at him with dead eyes, and told him bluntly to leave if they didn’t share the same vision. you wonder how long togame had stood there in the rain that day, wondering if he’d made the right choice. and yet today, on another rainy day–he seemed to have come to a completely different conclusion.
you hold him until he falls limp against your arms, his shaking sobs turning into the soft and slow breathing of sleep. and when you lie in bed, feeling his grip tightening on your shirt as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear on him, you wonder who will be the one to put him back together, should he be the one to lose his way.
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canidfeline · 9 months ago
Alarms blared and covered the Facility in spinning red lights. All cell blocks were alerted. Guards raced down hallways to make their way to the Weapon XII chamber.
Guns shot, bullets hit and bounced off metal before a snarl broke through the sound of gunfire. Then the sounds of screams, slashes and gargles bounced off the walls of the hallways.
Wet, bare footsteps echoed through the hall before stopping at the final cell. The boy, his body painted in blood before his shinier, sharper, metal claws deployed from between his knuckles, cutting the lock on the door before he pulled it open.
ST-021 pressed his back against his wall, curling up on his bed. He's afraid, and fairly so, considering X-107 looked feral.
But he wasn't feral enough to forget ''Friend.''
X-107 raised his hand, beckoning ST-021 over to the door, trying to speak but nothing came out. He settled for simply just growling in a way that barely sounds like ''come''.
ST's eyes widened before he just nodded, his teeth showing as he smiled. He was free. They were going to be free.
X turned, leading ST to the escape. Or, more specifically, leading him on a hunt to find the escape before ST-021 grabbed X-107's arm, pointing at other cells just before they exited the cellblock.
ST: ''Them. They should go too.''
X tilts his head before simply nodding and slicing every door of every cell and room open, every clone in the boy's block soon following them both.
They continued cutting open every other block they could find before coming upon the ''Summers Block''.
The Summers brothers' powers are incredibly volatile and dangerous. Especially considering most, if not all clones, retain the brain damage Scott Summers gained during a plane crash, so it makes sense for them to have a dedicated block.
The others watched, most impatiently as they were mostly just abused children finally having a chance to escape their personal hell, but being told to wait for more as X-107 sliced doors and pushed or kicked them down for the others to come out.
S-series clones had bandages over their eyes but had been dragged and marched through the corridors enough to know where to stand or walk.
Apart from one. CQ-1217. Maybe he'd been bruised enough for his legs to go numb or sedated to be dragged instead. Instead of walking, he shuffled his way out before tripping, seeming to catch himself in an instant before dropping himself on X-107's shoulder, his hands clutching onto the other boy's shoulders.
He looked a bit different to the other S-series of clones, at least, other than just in name. instead of brown hair, he had an ashy brown, platinum blonde mix of hair.
X-107 growled at the unwanted contact and shoved the other clone onto ST-021, who caught the clone and took his arm over his shoulders.
Then into the girls' block. Or, at least the predominantly girls' block.
Same as before, X-107 cut and kicked in the doors, screams sounding out before realising it was a chance at freedom. Which, instead of globbing onto X like the others, they just ran past to find their own way, which actually just let the others realise that they could also do that, so they did.
As X-107 kicked in the last door, ST-021 dragged CQ-1217 along with him as the featureless, hairless, grey-skinned clone of Morph yelped, curling up and looking up at the ginger. Tears already spilling from its eyes as it expected either another beating or a burning test. Judgemental, disgusted looks were all that it- or, the more the other two looked at it, she, was used to.
X-107 and ST-021, however, simply looked. Sure, X looked feral, angry, rageful and ready to cannibalise anyone who got in his way, it wasn't at her.
They didn't care.
That meant enough to her that after quickly wiping her tears, she stood up and awkwardly stood next to X-107 before he grunted and turned to walk out. Not before ST-021 turned, checking the plate above the featureless girl's cell door to check her name. Then, he and the girl followed. CQ-1217 clone still hung over ST's shoulders.
Just as they exited the girls' block, guns clicked and loaded, stun batons crackled and tranquillizers were loaded into their pistols.
Guards lined the walls of the small corridor that led into the main. Tranquillizers in the back, batons and guns in front.
ST-021 would have burst into battle there and then, but he had someone on his shoulder. and X-107 had the girl cowering behind him.
He isn't exactly in touch with his emotions currently, but he's making more friends. To him, at least. And he doesn't want them hurt.
To his surprise, however, M-627 morphed into X-107, without knowing he could heal, she deployed his claws, wincing slightly as she bled, but dealt with it. Then, she stood next to X-107.
X and her shared a glance before charging the guards, her movements unconfident but free. As if relieving a life's worth of stress and rage.
They were outnumbered, yes, but CQ-1217 clone shuffled off of ST-021 with a grunt before opening his eyes from under the cloth they were covered with.
The fabric burned before sharp red beams shot out of his eyes. He could only see glimpses clearly, but he did try to steer away from the two ginger animals slicing and slashing at the other guards as yells and screams erupted from the guards that had beaten all of them, and tormented them for all of their lives.
They felt good.
Especially ST-021 when, after the CQ-1217 let go and was able to stand, he charged into the crowd, his nails extending into tiger-like claws. He ripped and tore and bit his sharp, animalistic teeth into the guards, X-107 doing the same to the guards' necks. Only, chewing and swallowing after.
The room flashed red, and then as CQ-1217 closed his eyes so as to not harm his friends, was stained the same colour. M-627's bleeding receded as she noted the fact that X-107 could heal, adapting that into her imitation.
They killed only a quarter of the guards in the room before the others decided their paycheck wasn't enough for this, dropping their weapons and running out of the room.
The three with working eyes shared a glance before M-627 unmorphed, already looking less timid and afraid now that she knew what to do.
Eventually, the teens found the exit, X-107 recognising it as the door he'd been pushed out of every other week to rot in the harsh cold and kill animals for 'research'.
He snarled to himself before using his claws, cutting lines down and then along the middle of the garage-like door before kicking it down, hunching over to get through.
M-627 did the same, ST-021 set CQ-1217 down, and M-627 pulled him through, ST-021 himself having to practically crawl under with how large he was.
The four- or three, considering who can really see, stared at the landscape in front of them.
A snow-covered forest. Their bare feet weren't touching white concrete or white tiles any longer. it was snow and grass. It was outside.
it was freedom.
M-627, somewhat timidly, stepped over to X-107 before slowly and gently wrapping her arms around the boys' in a hug. Unfamiliar and admittedly uncomfortable for them both, but needed. ST-021 did the same, although only being able to hold around the boy's neck with the difference in size. CQ-1217 clutching onto them all. Both so he wasn't lost, and as thanks.
X-107 didn't return any of the affection, but he grunted softly. As if he acknowledged and understood why he was getting it.
They let off each other before walking off into the forest.
Not before the sound of the door to the Facility opened, a horrible, grating voice tore through the one collective calm they had all felt.
All of a sudden, the crazed, feral clone of a hero to the others, shrunk. Somehow looking even smaller than he already was. His head turned to the side. His ears still so susceptible to that voice.
The Director attempted to step closer, but ST-021 shuffled CQ-1217 over to M-627 before extending his claws, baring his teeth and stepping forward. The Director shivered, stepping back.
ST: ''Leave... him alone. We go.''
D: ''You think any of you could survive out there? In the real world? I made you all and kept you here because I want nothing more than to protect all of you. You're all simply... special. That's why I need to experiment.
M: ''...beatings aren't experiments.''
CQ-1217 lifted his head as the person holding him spoke, his own voice venomous and angry as he began to speak.
CQ: ''We aren't special. We're things. But we're things that can speak. Things that can choose. We choose to leave.''
ST: ''We choose to leave you. So you know that... you failed.''
ST-021 stepped back to X-107, patting the other's back as they walked away, X-107 turning to glance at the Director before looking down, then in front of him again to walk into the forest.
ST: ''We need to find people. Like, the people we're made of.''
M: ''Sure, but... how, though? Don't even know their names.''
ST: ''We'll find.''
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multific · 3 years ago
Could I Have This Kiss Forever
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Chapter 1 - The Start
Patrick Hockstetter x Reader / Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word count: 1217
Summary: You thought people exaggerated when they referred to high school. It wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t bad at all until two guys showed up and decided to ruin your life. But, why you? 
Life in Hawkins was always very quiet. Quiet and boring. You never had many friends, if anything you preferred to be alone. You were never a fan of being in the centre of attention or big crowds. 
You were happy with your quiet life, until a few years ago.
Two years ago, a new guy came in town, Patrick Hockstetter. The teacher said his parents moved and now he will be your classmate. 
Patrick was trouble. 
You knew that from the moment you laid your eyes on him. And as time passed, you were proven right. Patrick liked to bully the younger kids, mainly Mike and his crew. Dustin was a favourite of his as you could tell.
Patrick quickly found a crew for himself. You simply called them 'The Bullies' but you heard it from other people as well so you might not be as clever as you thought.
Your mother warned you about guys like him. She told you that girls liked bad boys. And you did. You were not going to lie to yourself. There was something about Patrick that you quite liked. But he was not good for you, so you decided to just ignore him and his crew altogether. 
You managed to do just that, up until a year ago. 
Patrick was failing Literature, and the teacher assigned you to help him since you were the best in class.  To say that you were annoyed would be an understatement. 
You told Patrick to meet with you at the library after the final class but didn't give him a chance to respond. You waited in the library for an hour before he finally showed up.
You didn't do much learning that day, he was mostly flirting with you while you tried to teach him about the poems and novels. 
You thought you were done, you can just go back to ignoring him. But you were wrong.
Nothing was the same after that day.
Suddenly, you were on his radar, and he won't lose sight of you again.
Every morning he would wait by your locker, during lunch he would sit with you and he would just talk.
Gosh, he loved to talk.
Since the first time you saw him, and your mother warned you about guys like him, you promised yourself you wouldn’t be like one of the other girls.
You won’t fall for his charms
As the days went on, your attempts on ignoring him became more and more difficult. He even gave you a nickname, which he loved to yell in the school parking lot, Darling, he called you. Making your face heat up and your mind to stop working each time he did. 
People started to notice the amount of attention you were getting from Patrick. You wouldn’t have cared if it wasn’t for the girls. Slowly almost every girl in the school looked at you like you were a slut. 
And then came the bullying.
It started with shoving and pushing when you were walking down the hallways. Then came the name-calling and soon, it got physical. Girls dumped trash at you, one even punched you when you refused to answer her. Of course, you told the teachers, but they did nothing.
No one ever did.
You were alone with this, and Patrick never stopped. You felt like with each word he said to you, you’d get another slap in your face.
It got to the point where you had to be careful where you walked when you arrived at school, and you even requested the school to give you a new locker. You managed to break the lock on your last one in an attempt to avoid everyone. Now, you had a locker at the back parts of your school, which you preferred since only teachers walked that hallway.
But of course, it didn’t take long for Patrick to find you. He often came after you or you found him already by your new locker. 
You tried to tell him off, tried to convince him to leave you alone, that you will never go on a date with him, so he could stop. 
But he didn’t. He was stubborn as a mule.
You couldn’t wait for summer to arrive, and when it did, you were the happiest. Thankfully your parents went on a lot of vacations, leaving you home alone, and you loved every second of it.
No more Patrick, no more bullies and no more gum in your hair.
One day, you decided to go out and buy some new clothes for yourself, you knew there would be a lot of your schoolmates in there, but you really needed some lighter tops and even shorts to survive.
Your day went on rather normally, you even managed to get some ice cream where you saw Steve Harrington. He was one of the few people who were nice to you. Especially after the rumour was spread that you’d sleep with anyone. Those girls really tried your patience.
On your way back to the bus, you saw Patrick. He was hard to miss, he had such a unique appearance. 
You tried your best for him not to notice you, since he was with his gang. 
“Darling!” but of course he did. You tried your best to ignore him and move on to the bus, but he grabbed your hand. “Darling, here you are! I haven’t seen you in a month! What are you doing here?” 
“Just some shopping.” you said not even looking at him.
“Oh, did you get something I might like?” he was looking into your bags, but you pulled it away. “My favourite colour is royal blue.” he winked at you as he ran back to his friends. “See you later.”
You rushed up on the bus and took a seat.
The only tank top you got was royal blue.
Sadly, your life soon changed again. 
Summer vacation came to an end. You had to go back to that place. You despised that place. 
And when the day came that you needed to go back, you felt sick.
You rolled into the school’s parking lot and you felt like throwing up. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Patrick’s car pulling up, you felt your heart clench. 
You got out of the car and took a step out. Patrick started approaching you when loud music came along with wheels screeching. 
A blue car pulled into the parking lot. A girl with long ginger hair got out then a guy.
Instantly everyone looked at him. You saw girls checking him out. You had a feeling you won’t be in the spotlight for a couple of days.
You watched as the new guy with a mullet and possibly the best ass you have seen in a while walked towards the school. 
What you didn’t see was that Patrick was looking at you as you watched the new guy. Already seeing red.
To be continued...
Chapter 2
Series Masterlist
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow​ ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead​ feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​
My taglist is open!
CIHTKF Taglist: @fictional-character-whore
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storiesforallfandoms · 4 years ago
faint ~ beck oliver;victorious
word count: 1217
request?: yes!
@xoxogamergirlxoxo “Hi! Do you still do request for Beck? Because I can’t stop thinking about y/n passing out during class and boyfriend Beck freaking out. When y/n finally wakes up he takes her home and they cuddle :) If you still do requests for Beck could you make this into a imagine? Would love it”
description: when she faints in the middle of class, her boyfriend comes to learn the truth about how much she has on her plate
pairing: beck oliver x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Cat raced into the classroom, doubling over to catch her breath after running from one end of school to the other. Beck looked at his friend in confusion, trying not to break character but it was hard when your bubbly red-headed friend bursts into the classroom out of nowhere.
“Beck!” she suddenly exclaimed, racing to the stage and taking hold of Beck’s arm. “You gotta come with me, it’s important!”
“Cat, I’m kinda in the middle of something here,” Beck said, motioning to the scene he was performing for Sikowitz. “This is my final, I need to finish it - ”
“It’s (Y/N). She passed out during class, she’s in the nurses office right now.”
Beck didn’t even look to Sikowitz for permission, he immediately dashed out the door, following closely on Cat’s tail.
When he entered the nurses office, he could see (Y/N) laid down with an ice pack over her head. Her eyes were still closed and her skin was so pale she was nearly translucent. Beck tried to go back to her, but was stopped by the school nurse.
“Can I please see (Y/N)?” he asked her. “Or at least know she’s okay?”
“She’s okay, she just needs to rest,” the nurse told him. “I think her fainting spell has to do with over stress and malnutrition.”
Beck looked at the nurse in confusion. “Stress? Malnutrition? That makes no sense.”
Cat suddenly gasped beside Beck and covered her mouth. Beck turned to look at her. “What do you know, Cat?”
“She made me promise I wouldn’t tell anyone!” Cat responded. Both Beck and the nurse gave her a look. “But this is a serious topic so I’ll tell you: she took 10 classes this year.”
Beck’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?! How is that possible? How does she have the time with lunch in the middle?” Cat looked down at her feet. “Cat, is she eating lunch?”
“She told me she eats between classes!” Cat said. “I’m sorry, Beck, I promised.”
Beck sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He turned back to the nurse. “Can I stay with her?”
“Of course,” the nurse responded. “But she needs to rest, let her sleep for a while.”
Beck nodded. He pulled up a chair next to (Y/N)’s bed and took her hand in his. (Y/N) stirred a moment, but didn’t wake.
Beck sat with her for about an hour. In that time, Tori stopped by the nurse’s office to give Beck food for himself and for (Y/N) for when she woke up. She didn’t stay for long, but Beck could see the brief flash of sympathy in her eyes before she left.
He was starting to nod off himself when he heard the sound of the paper on the cot rustling, indicating that (Y/N) was moving. Beck sat up as (Y/N)’s hands moved to her face to sleepily rub her eyes.
“God, my head hurts,” was the first thing she said when she became fully conscious again.
Beck couldn’t help but chuckle at this. “Well, you did faint and hit your head.”
(Y/N) looked at him in shock. “I fainted?”
“You don’t remember?”
“The last thing I remember is being in class with Cat...how long have I been out?”
“About an hour.”
(Y/N) cringed at this. Beck took her hand in his again, bringing her attention back to him. “(Y/N), why didn’t you tell me about all the classes you were taking?”
Her eyes widened in shock then. “Cat told you? I told her - ”
“Why would you keep that a secret?” Beck cut her off. “Babe, the nurse said you’re malnutritional, that’s why you passed out. Don’t you know that’s dangerous?”
Tears started filling (Y/N)’s eyes. She quickly buried her head in her hands, trying desperately to wipe the tears before they fell down her face. Beck got up from his chair and moved to sit next to her on the bed. “Don’t cry, baby.”
“I’m so sorry, Beck,” she said through sobs. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just...I didn’t want to worry you.”
“And you thought passing out during class was the best way to do that?”
(Y/N) managed to give Beck a playful glare through her tears. “Obviously not. I thought I had everything taken care of. I was on top of my school work, I was eating fine between classes. Some classes even let out early during your lunch period and I was able to actually eat with you and the gang.”
The times (Y/N) had shown up near the end of lunch and said she got stuck with a project or in detention or any number of excuses flashed through Beck’s mind. He had always believed her, now he felt silly for doing so.
“Why are you taking so many classes?” he asked her. “That has to give you such little time to do anything else in the day.”
“It does,” she admitted. “But...I have to. The school I transferred from apparently ‘lost’ my transcript, so I’m missing a whole bunch of credits in order to pass.”
“What? How is that possible?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t know! Principal Helen called me in before school let out for the summer and told me that there was no record of all my former credits because my old school failed to send them over. She called them in front of me and told me they lost the records, so there’s nothing official saying I did all those classes. Helen told me that, because it’s so many credits, there’s no way I’d be graduating with you guys, unless I tried to make up for them all and also took the classes I needed this year. Guess which option I took.”
Beck cupped (Y/N)’s face in his. “Baby, you don’t have to work yourself to death. You could do summer school, and then you’d still be walking with us at graduation in September.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “I have to work over the summer, I can’t afford college if I don’t.”
“You can’t afford to stop eating and stress yourself to death either.”
(Y/N) felt the tears pricking her eyes yet again and quickly wiped them away. “I don’t want to be held back, Beck. I wanna graduate with you guys.”
“And you will! Just let us help you, let me help you. You don’t have to do this alone, baby.”
(Y/N) smiled and slowly sat up. Beck helped her, making sure she was stable enough and wouldn’t fall over or pass out again. When she was sure she was alright, (Y/N) cupped Beck’s face and pulled him for a sweet kiss. He smiled and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
“I love you so much,” he told her, pulling her in to rest her head on his chest. “Please, tell me about these things in the future. I was so scared today.”
“I’m sorry, Beck,” she mumbled into his chest. “I promise I’ll talk to you in the future. I’ll take better care of myself, baby.”
“That’s all I ask. I want to have you for the rest of my life.”
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obxing · 5 years ago
i’ll always need your love around|| jj may bank x reader
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hello! this was written while i was very high at 12 in the morning because my body has been telling me to write something for the past three days. that being said this might suck and it’s definitely not edited.
warnings: none
word count: 1217
pairing: jj maybank x reader
requested: nope
All of the Pogues looked forward to summer every year, summer meant (y/n) was coming home. She had been around since the beginning of the groups shenanigans her parents splitting a few years back. Her mom drug her to Brooklyn with her for a quote on quote “fresh start” but every summer she’d come down for three months till the last week of tourist season. And they’d catch up as if no time had passed at all. This time was different. Last year there were lingering glances and suggestive text messages. This year there was two teenagers so desperately trying to find themselves with each other, skin tangled up as they held each other so close they became one. He never saw anyone the way he saw her, it’d been that way forever. Not that he’d tell anyone besides maybe John B. So they found themselves like they’d found themselves so many times before. Curled up to close next to each other to just be friends. They sat on a blanket listening to the waves crash against the sand. It was one of the last weekends of the season the lights that lit the ferris wheel preparing to turn off for the year.
“So when do you go back?” he asked breaking the silence between the two, his fingers traced lazily on her spine as she rested on his shoulder. “Two weeks.” She frowned part of her wanting to say fuck it and throw everything behind her to try out the relationship she so desperately wanted in her early teens. He huffed as he nodded, “fourteen days huh? That’s all I get.” He was hurt to say the least, he knew deep down this would come, same as every year. “Oh come on J, it’s not like that you know that” her face dropping with his mood “Yeah I know, I know” he hesitated looking up to the stars “I just thought maybe for some reason this time was gonna be different” “I wish it could be” (y/n) sighed. “Why can’t it? Couldn’t you just transfer back? You know back to good ole Kildare County?” he shrugged. The only person that he felt truly understood him. The person who could hug him and put all the pieces back together that people like his father had spread apart. He always believed he would be nothing more than a pogue, and he was alright with that. After all there was nothing wrong with being a pogue, he just wanted more. He couldn’t stand the thought of living like his father did. He at least wanted a home, somewhere with love. “It’s senior year”she stressed, getting aggravated this was turning into an argument. “If I transfer it’ll look awful on my college apps.” “Yeah okay Pope” he snickered, knowing you weren’t one to stress much on what the future held. She pursed her lips at his words, “maybe we should just make the most of the time we have left.” He nodded, the pit of despair growing in his stomach. He knew that senior year meant college, and college meant no more three month long summers together. He barely got through the other three seasons without her. Calling her all hours of the night crying how he just wants to run away to get away from his father. How he just wishes she was there.
She would go on to do the big things she dreamed of and told everyone about whenever she got more than one shot of tequila in her. He would get a job turning wrenches in a garage, finding himself drinking a six pack a day, wishing he had followed her away.
“I’ll just miss you a lot, that’s all” he pulled her closer into him as she shivered with the salty breeze. “we’ve never gone this far before, this time just felt so different.” “I’m going to miss you more than you know JJ” She sniffled. He pressed a kiss into the top of her hair the scent of her shampoo filling his scent. He would give anything to just stay here forever. “Do you remember our promise?” He asked with a smile on his face looking down to meet her eyes. “Which one?” she raised her eyebrow thinking back to the days they were younger, backs pressed in sleeping bags that lay against the grass in her backyard. Her parents finally agreeing to let her and jj have a camp out in the back yard. “Hey jj are you up?” she flipped on her side to face him. He turned his head quickly, alarmed. “I am now” he said with an attitude. “Will you promise me something?” “Anything.” He stated through a yawn. “When you get older and find all those girlfriends,” she tucked her hands under the side of her face locking eyes with him “don’t forget me?” He looked at her dumbfounded, as if there was any other girl he’d want to camp in a back yard with. “Of course (y/n), don’t be dumb.” A comfortable silence fell between them, each of them stealing glances as the other looked away. JJ coughed breaking the silence, “Hey (y/n) promise me something?” he challenged her. “Anything.” She smirked back at him, waiting for whatever ridiculous come back he had planned. “If we’re like 45 and single we’ll get married.” She snickered at the goofy question. “I’m serious!” he exclaimed. “Yes JJ Maybank I’ll marry you.” Every since that night he had been there for her in anyway. She had left this morning, both of them crying about her departure. Promising to call everyday. His hands caressing her cheeks softly, foreheads pressed gently together as the tears streamed down their cheeks. His lips pressed softly to hers. “I’m going to miss you so much J” she quietly wailed into his chest. “I promise you I’m going to miss you more babygirl”
She frowned as the approached the security lines. “I don’t want to go” she wiped her nose, slightly laughing at herself and how ridiculous she probably looked. “I don’t want you to go” he retaliated hoping maybe something had clicked in her mind telling her to stay her with him. They pulled apart from each other as she went to join the line “I love you, (y/n).” His blue eyes staring into hers.
“What you cryin’ about boy?” His father asked taking another swing of the cheap liquor on the table “Ya ain’t turning in to a wuss are ya? Getting all soft on me are ya?” JJ knew he needed to pull himself together if he didn’t want his dad to add physical pain on to the never ending emotional shit show he went through. “Don’t worry about it Dad” JJ said behind his back as he walked back to his room. Collapsing on the bed that still smelled like your perfume. He had became so infatuated with you, creating the rules of no Pogue macking on any other Pogue. Even though you both broke then rule on each other the following summer. There was something about her that just wouldn’t let him go. Maybe it was the way she threw her head back when she laughed, and she looked so beautiful doing it. Maybe it was the fact that she was the only one that had been able to get through to him. Or maybe it was the fact that she was his (y/n) there had never been a girl like her. Someone who he could just look at and she would just make all of his problems disappear. The only person he ever wanted to be more for.
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gardennero · 4 years ago
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$26.56 45% off sell - Mini Portable Rechargeable Desktop Handheld Fan - Light Pink - 5L55603613 Description:In the sultry summer, this fan can provide you with great comfort in summer with low noise. Powered by rechargeable battery, it allows you to take it anywhere you go. The adorable appearance and great touch-feeling make it an excellent gift for your children, friends, family and so on.Features:- Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery:Allows it to get rid of the worry of the power cord, more convenient for daily use.- Convenient to charge:With the USB cable, the fan can be recharged by 5V output adapter, laptop, computer, power bank and other USB-enabled devices.- Separable design:The base and the fan can be separated. And it can be placed on a table or held in a hand.- 3 adjustable gears:Provides you more choices in different temperature environment.- Hanging rope design:The fan can be carried conveniently.- Various usages:You can use this in your office or at home with the power from computers.You can also bring this portable fan for travelling in summer to help you cool down when it is hot outside.Parameter:Power supply: 1 x built-in 18650 lithium-ion batteryBattery capacity: 1200mAhCharging time: about 4 hoursEndurance time: about 15 hoursRated power: 1.2WRated voltage: 5VMaterial: ABS, PP, silica gelNotes:- Please open the battery cover and take out the insulator before using the fan, or the fan can't work.- The table, mobile phone and other objects are not included.- Please use this product correctly. 0.3200 Package weight: 0.372 kg Package size (L x W x H): 11.70 x 8.40 x 23.20 cm / 4.61 x 3.31 x 9.13 inches Package Contents: 1 x Fan, 1 x Base, 1 x USB Cable, 1 x Hanging Rope, 1 x English and Chinese Manual more product select from our Air Conditioning Appliances:https://www.gardennero.com/1217-air-conditioning-appliances #& # # # #
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vgblast-blog · 7 years ago
WWE 2K19 Pays Tribute To The Nature Boy Rick Flair
Style, Profile and Celebrate WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair with the WWE® 2K19 Wooooo! Edition
“The Nature Boy” honoured through limited global offering, including a commemorative plaque with iconic robe sample, vinyl figurine, replica WWE Hall of Fame ring, digital content and more 2K has recently announced plans for the Wooooo! Edition of WWE® 2K19, the forthcoming release in the flagship WWE video game franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hboBiG-Pbi8 Honouring 16-time WWE World Champion, global pop culture icon and WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair – a man whose attitude and accomplishments represent “Never Say Never” to the fullest. he WWE 2K19 Wooooo! Edition will be limited to 30,000 copies worldwide and offer an impressive collection of exclusive and collectible memorabilia, as well as robust digital content. The WWE 2K19 Wooooo! Edition will be available exclusively for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X at participating retailers for a suggested retail price of £129.99.
The WWE 2K19 Wooooo! Edition will include:
Copy of WWE 2K19 Deluxe Edition, which includes the following items:
Access to WWE 2K19 Season Pass digital content (details announced this summer);
Exclusive playable WWE Hall of Famers (’80s-inspired): “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat;
Exclusive playable characters: “Macho Man” Randy Savage (WrestleMania® VIII) and Undertaker (2002);
Exclusive playable arena: Starrcade 1983;
Exclusive in-game attire: Ric Flair (WrestleMania 24 robe) and Charlotte Flair (WrestleMania 32 robe);
Access to WWE 2K19 pre-order bonus digital content (playable Rey Mysterio “Royal Rumble 2018” character and playable Ronda Rousey “WrestleMania 34/‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper-inspired” character);
WWE® SuperCard limited edition cards featuring WWE 2K19 cover Superstar AJ Styles, as well as an AJ-themed WWE 2K19 cardback.
Exclusive premium packaging;
Exclusive and individually numbered WWE Hall of Fame replica ring;
Exclusive “Nature Boy”-inspired Funko Pop! figurine;
Fanatics limited edition commemorative plaque featuring a fabric piece from Ric’s iconic pink or purple robe;
WWE SuperCard limited edition cards featuring Ric and Charlotte Flair, as well as a Ric-themed WWE 2K19 cardback.
“For all of my fans around the world, it’s exciting and humbling to see my career immortalised through the power of video games,” said Ric Flair. “This is going to be one stylin,’ profilin,’ limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin’ ‘n’ dealin’ son of a collector’s edition, and you don’t want to miss out. Wooooo!”
“Few in life have celebrated the mantra of ‘Never Say Never’ quite like Ric Flair, so it’s an honour to celebrate his legacy through the WWE 2K19 Wooooo! Edition,” said Chris Snyder, Vice President of Marketing at 2K. “This jam-packed collector’s offering of exclusive physical and digital items is the perfect way for fans to showcase their enthusiasm for ‘The Nature Boy’ and his incredible accomplishments.”
Players who purchase the WWE 2K19 Wooooo! Edition at participating retailers will receive Early Access to their game copies and in-game bonuses beginning four days early on Friday, October 5, 2018 for the PS4™ system and Xbox One. In addition, players who purchase the WWE 2K19 Deluxe Edition, available in both physical and digital varieties at participating retailers, will also receive Early Access to their game copies and in-game bonuses – including all Wooooo! Edition digital content – beginning four days early on Friday, October 5, 2018 for the PS4™ system, Xbox One and Windows PC. Developed collaboratively by Yuke’s and Visual Concepts, a 2K studio, WWE 2K19 is not yet rated by PEGI. WWE 2K19 is currently scheduled for worldwide release on October 9, 2018 for the PS4™ system, Xbox One and Windows PC. For more information on WWE 2K19 and 2K, visit wwe.2k.com, become a fan on Facebook, follow the game on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #WWE2K19 and #NeverSayNever or subscribe on YouTube. For more information on the WWE 2K19 Million Dollar Challenge, please visit wwe.2k.com/milliondollarchallenge/rules.
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