#summer is fine if you're already naturally warm
redwritr · 26 days
Portrait of a Man Undone
Arthur Morgan x  F!Reader 
smut (18+), nsfw, mdni
3K words
Smut, fluff, and a little pining. Lazy comfort. Experimental role reversal?
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Far too long.
There is a fine view from here, in the soft daylight of the room, with your right cheek on his stomach and his fingers lightly combing your hair. In the mirror that you've moved across from the foot of the bed, the light begins to shimmer. 
He is relaxed, on the slippery verge of sleep, while you take in the details of this situation, the arrangement of yourselves, draped and quiet on the bed. Birds of late summer trilling outside in the shade trees. And this sight. A reflection of his inner self in this moment, lying contented and unhidden in a thick gooseneck curving toward his left hip, slightly darker than the skin of his thigh. 
Afternoon sunlight makes a glowing tangle of his curled, dark blond thicket, all wheat-colored waves and shadows. Your breath stirs the trail of hair from his navel down. There is a slight rustle as your fingers comb through it, and your head lifts and lowers with his breath. It is like you are parts of the same whole, a body or a well or an engine, each enticing the other; an arm moves, air begins to draw. You are careful not to move too fast.
With your head at this undeniable proximity, and lulled by the evenness of his breath, you start to consider how long he will remain in this lovely unagitated posture. Perhaps he’s already asleep, and perhaps you will keep him suspended in a half-dream if you begin to slide your hand down his firm and hairy thigh. 
You might be daydreaming too, unsure if what you just saw is an inkling of greater fullness or the mere lift of your angle with his inhalation. You brush the backs of your fingernails light as streamers down his thigh to his knee, and you outline the shieldlike shape of his kneecap as if you have no intention of reversing your path. 
And this, naturally, incites an unmistakable twitch before your eyes. 
His fingers in your hair have stopped. His stomach, for a moment, grows tight.
You blow another light breeze down the trail of his belly to the base of his cock. The smooth reposed curve seems to stretch awake and alive as if he senses your own arousal.
You love his cock in the morning, when it's as its hardest and ruddy and standing against his stomach, revealing the proud throatlike ridge of its underbelly, and he drags you to his front, lazily urging against the muscle of your ass, until he guides himself between your legs, gets his arm under your knee, and slowly fucks into you, stretching to the full extent of his reach inside.
You love it when he walks naked from the bath, still dripping, and his cock hangs long and thick while his mind is on private things and he distractedly dries himself with a towel.
As he did not five minutes ago. The towel lies in a wet fan on the floor.
Against the shaded side of the barn - he would have had you right there. He nearly did, as soon as John walked out of sight, and he took you by the jaw and pinned you to the wall. Your hands between you fought at his fly and he kissed you like he had been starved for your mouth the last hundred miles or more.
And you love his cock now, beginning to grow heavier, straightening toward his hip, the tip of his head budding at the edge of the sheath of foreskin. Its taut swell calls to mind a fish, smooth and strong. There is a light freckle halfway up his shaft, off-center, and you're not sure whether he knows that it marks a spot of deeper sensitivity, or whether you alone hold this secret to his pleasure. You often graze and lick around it at first, until he starts to breathe harder. When kissed, or busked by a finger, it seems to touch him at the very base of his spine, and without fail causes his hips to lift. 
His hair is still damp where your fingers explore and tantalize the firming base of his shaft. Likewise, his fingers spread warm and gentle over your scalp, untangling, combing the length down your back before the distraction of your musing touch is too great.
On all his body, the skin of his cock is softer than any other part, so soft you want to keep your calluses away but he swears he likes your touch more than his own. He likes all parts of your hand. You spider your fingers up and down from his head, his silken foreskin you want to kiss before he nudges himself against your palm. And so you move with him, tunneling your hand lightly overtop, laying him vertical on his stomach, barely touching him with more than the heat of your hand and stroking up and down his changing form. Behind you, he exhales. Your head sinks. The muscles of his ass gather and firm. He pushes up.
But seems to stop himself. All these small tells of his want give him away. Wanting conflicting things. Wanting what comes next. Wanting to prolong this impending goodness and savor your caress as long as possible, after being apart from it so long. Wanting to devour you, fearing the loss of the devoured.
“Come upstairs.” He'd nipped the edge of your ear and left you a little lightheaded around the corner of the barn. 
“You’re exhausted, Arthur. You need a good meal -” Even though you couldn't keep your hands off his chest and his waist and the edge of his fly.
All he did in reply was kiss you so hard he left you panting.
His cock is warm. Becoming full and stiff and large, veins trickling and verging up his thick column to his dark head emerging, blindly seeking sensation. His hips move, slow but strong, asking for your touch. 
It rises, laid angled up his belly, and you halfway wrap him with your hand, petting down the dorsal ridge of his cock, your touch making half contact, then with more weight. Behind you, his exhalation breezes your back as you push harder and feel the low gratified hum in his chest.
An indefinite trepidation ripples from the place between your legs, some primal apprehension that he is nearly too large for you, a little quail in your cunt when you see him fully aroused. His own body senses it, his cock roused from his stomach, levitating, veering between the boundaries of your middle finger and your thumb, and you let him rest in your touch, giving his shaft another adoring pet, and you smile to yourself when it jumps against your palm and slides heavily side to side, and behind you, his breath comes quicker. His hand reaches to the side and takes a handful of your hip and squeezes, letting your flesh spring out of his grip before he lazily, affectionately smacks you and kneads you again.
His muscles thicken in a full body flex, revealing the strong dimple on the side of his hip, one of your favorite landmarks, as your hand teases him, Oh? Oh you want more than this? Is this not quite what you had in mind? Until you finally let him bob, slowly rising vertical in your hovering hand, and he pushes up, thrusting into your fist. Stalling. Again, higher, and then down. Slowly fucking your grip like he wants to linger in this hazy thrill. 
But it is not possible to linger for very long, much as you try. The longer you delay him, and keep your touch soft, the more deeply he will feel his far-approaching arrival. For now, he is distant from himself. His thoughts, like his hand, spreading, circling. About to hunt.
When you see the tight sleeve of his skin slide down from his head and up again, his push and thrust, and the shine of fluid welling at his tip, growing to a drop that wavers and dribbles down and spreads like a gleaming ring on the sliding rim of his foreskin, you nearly move to put your lips on him. To feel the softness of that skin on your love-parched tongue. To savor his bitter salt. To gratify his want completely with the heat of your mouth.
But you want to watch. In a way it’s as if you’ve never seen him. Never looked this closely before being hauled up to his chest, your mouth to his mouth, in the dark, in the shadows while under your clothes, he hooks your drawers to the side, coupling himself to your slippery hole and fucking in.
His hand kneads your ass more aggressively. His calves harden, the chiseled muscles along his shinbones surely burning. The bones of his feet fan up, and his toes spread and contort and crack under this loving torture. His right foot curves inward slightly, suddenly gives way, as if his strength has broken. And his cock fills your hand, huge and rigid with lust, and when you give him a faster stroke he pants, rises to an elbow, trying to drag you onto him like he’s had more than he can take.
We shall be home in seven days. By the time you get this, it should be two. You’re every thought in my mind till then. I get clumsy sometimes, missing you, like I’m out of balance. 
You love how it is a branch of himself, fully born of the rest of himself. Strong. His body fills doorways. In all his features, this aspect of him is suggested. The strength of his nose and jaw and his chin when he's teasing you, daring you to take him on. His neck and throat, the stone of his Adam’s apple. The ropes of his wrists. The rounded ease of his upper back. The cables that gird his sides. He draws attention unavoidably, breathtakingly. You have seen him walk into rooms and heard the volume dim, and seen their eyes go round. You have seen men become jealous and aware of themselves in comparison. You have seen others act threatened and make themselves stand tall, and seen him oblivious to it; he has no need to be concerned about them. He has nothing to prove.
Least of all with you.
On a whim, you resist his arms and slide your leg over him, facing away, your back to his front, your legs on the outside of his, both of your knees out wide. Straddling his spread thighs, leaving an open space beneath you that you know he seeks to enter. It bothers him in some way, like a fruit he can't reach. A job unfinished. In the mirror across from the bed, you watch his eyes rest there, between your open thighs. Wanting to fill and fulfill you in every way. His cock hovers, slides to your inner thigh, waving slightly from every twitch.
In the lambent reflection across from your bed, you watch his half-hidden face behind you, intent, nostrils flared, eyes closed for a moment. Next his quiet gaze on your neck, your ear, your shoulder. He kisses you there.
Before he can reach forward and guide himself into you, you take him underhand, cradled in your fingers from this side, and feel his body become still. 
What is it like? To stretch and widen and grow beyond your thin sheath of skin, to get large and heavy and sensitive? To become full and still need? Need desperately. How does he feel the need beyond what is rational, and to be needed? Does he need to fill a place unfilled before, like to satisfy hunger?
All these long, red roads will drive me crazy. I confess sometimes all I see is your braid in my hand. When I get home I will get between your legs and not leave them for a week. I believe I shall exhaust you or die trying.
From this angle, you’re suddenly curious at the sight of his cock, how it appears to protrude from your pubic hair, resting in your hand but lightening as it stiffens, cantilevered of its own structure, jolting, bobbing when you let go to watch him buck up again. 
Hard as cartilage in your hand. 
Out of curiosity, you stroke him, your hand and arm moving the same as when he strokes himself, and you hold him close to your body as you do it again, and notice his breath gone quiet.
In the mirror you meet his eyes, and feel emboldened as he watches your hand and the luminous picture of you holding him like your own appendage, stroking him, nestled between your lips. There is confusion for a moment, as he puzzles out your meaning, this whim. This dalliance of a thought. As if you were joined beyond separation. Your figures in front of you sit blended like shadows overlapped. You wonder if he is uncomfortable to see it, and for a second you consider letting things progress in the way you are used to.
You look up, half worried that he's had enough of this. Perhaps interrupted by a trick of the eyes. 
But he does not stop you. And his hand slides up to your breast as you hold him more firmly, and when you stroke him in earnest, he grips your flesh and pushes against you, following your lead, to his own seeming surprise turned on by the sight of his strong erection between your legs getting harder yet.
The sounds of his surrendered pleasure at your neck, your shoulder begin to thrill you as you stroke. The roll of his head as he warms to the sight in front of him, his proud cock aimed high between your legs, stroked between your slicking cunt and hand like he's your own. His other hand spreads over your belly and holds you close, rolling his hips with yours, teaching you his way with himself as he strokes your clit like he's been dreaming of it.
Gingerly, he takes your hand and regrips you around his cock. Slung lower. Squeezes your fingers to a certain pressure, and strokes up and down. His skin slides tight and smoothly.
You’ve always loved the way he handles his own cock with the same fluency as his guns, sometimes easy and unhurried, sometimes necessary and firm, and you have always secretly wanted him to bring himself to completion while you watch. The few times you’ve tried, he can’t stand to finish alone. He’ll pull you close, or crawl on top of you, his dick hard and beyond ready, like he must enter your cunt or your mouth or die, pained to be exposed to the air a moment longer.
And in this way, you become an apparatus of combination, each working the other, no longer each or other, but melted inextricably in this friction and this filthy gorgeous feeling.
He pulls you higher up his chest and watches over your shoulder as you guide and press his wet cock up into yourself, staring heatedly as he curves up and disappears between your legs. With a ravenous groan he kisses your neck, but you lean forward to prop your weight on his knees, kneeling on the outside, and raise your hips. In the mirror, he half grins in marvel, but when you rise on his dick and fuck him deeper, his face slackens and he’s mouthing goddamn beholding your ass and the sight of your slit swallowing him whole jesus christ before his forehead rumples and his head falls back in ecstasy.
What longing has done to you, only this can undo, his hands biting into your hips, and later, you will allow yourself the gift of the sight of him concentrating, sweating at your back, and let him take your breath away with the furious ream of his cock, thick and slippery up your cunt, that makes you gape and sob in brainless, jolting bliss. Where you will come, hunching like a wolf, as he rolls you deep and slow on his base, praising you, There's my girl. My god, you come so pretty, holding his own orgasm back until he’s seen you through yours. 
But that is later. You kneel up and let him slip out, wet and trailing a shine like dew, and without giving him a chance to catch his breath, you nestle him between your folds and run yourself down his length, sliding your hand down the underside of his rockhard shaft and watching him watch you in this moving portrait, captive to you stroking and fucking and rocking your clit on his needy curve until his cheeks are flushed and his teeth are bared and he begins to pant, shaky, ragged and rough.
Surprise me with what's on your mind, my girl. As you always do.
You stroke faster and steadier along the beautiful curve of his cock, his hard head soaked in your slick, purple and presented, and despite your burning shoulder you work faster, smacking rhythmic and steady against your mons and feeling the most pleasurable arousal build through your pelvis with every languid slide, and hearing him suffer against your back, hips thrusting and rocking like he can’t help it. The knuckles of his toes crack. 
And as his breath catches, you reach down low and knead the clutch of his balls, and it startles you, how completely he comes apart. His gasps rise in pitch and you feel the pulse unlocked with his broken moan. Between your knees he suddenly discharges spurt after endless spurt on the sheet. You stroke him long and slow back to his base to see the extremity of his strong projection and feel the throb of his ejaculation through your hand milking out his high.
His mouth falls open, shocked. Blue eyes hypnotized by the sight as he comes openly between your knees. The vein in his forehead bulges. 
Dazed, incredulous love swims in his mirrored stare.
When it slows, one more spurt, another dribble, one last jerk of his body beneath you, you glaze a drop of spend over his head with your thumb, and he falls back to an elbow on the mattress, disappearing from you in the glass. You lightly unpalm him, and watch his cock come down, bobbing, relaxing in waves, until it hangs heavy in the cove of your legs, full, sensitive, spent.
Gingerly, you get off him, and lie beside him now, collapsed on the bed, and he groans to stretch his legs out long. For a while he lies there, eyes closed and dozing, and then exhales softly as if newly aroused by a memory so recent it has left its light scent in the room. 
His hand crawls into yours. "My girl, what you do to me." He sighs, shakes his head as he stares at the ceiling.
In the corner of the room, two dark spots mark the floor where the mirror once stood, like the footprints of a departed man, and you glance at it now as he moves onto his side and faces you. In that lucid scene, his hand lifts to your chin and turns your gaze to him, and pulls you close for a sweet and yearning kiss, like a drink that dissolves the pain of longing. After some time, you feel his smile, and the backs of his fingers traveling down your side, over your hip and lower.
"Now you're gonna watch what I do to you."
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fairytsuk1 · 6 days
four seasons | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
prompt: meeting at a holiday resort, both with friends or family tagging along
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
words: 5.4k
warnings: enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, spin the bottle, marijuana mentioned, alcohol, drunk sex, begging
It's everything you thought it'd be and more. The sun shines on you in a bright gleam that warms your skin. Your plans had finally made it out of the group chat! This was going to be the best vacation ever. Your sandals slap against the concrete as you trod to your friends with your luggage.
"Hey! Can you guys believe this? It's so beautiful!"
Ayami beams, her short hair bouncing as she nods eagerly, "I can already feel myself re-energizing! All this nature and ocean—oh, it's going to be wonderful!"
Ryoka's hand slips around her girlfriend's waist with a relaxed smile. "Hell yeah. We should go ahead and check-in."
"Already done! No need to thank me," Natsumi brags as she flings the dark oak door open, "had to do it since you guys were taking your sweet time getting out of the car!"
Your cheeks hurt from how much you're smiling. You must've done something heroic in your past life, maybe saving a war-torn city, to have this warm feeling fluttering in your chest. The resort is made better with your friend's banter and complimentary slippers that sink into plush carpet. 
An attendant explains things in a blur, yet your eyes are locked onto the glittering ripples of water that peek through a window. The pool is on the first floor, she says. And don't forget to ____, you ignore. Soon enough, all four of you are dashing to claim a spot on white resin lounge chairs. It feels like a dream when your manicured toes glisten under the hot summer air. It becomes more like a fairy tale when your wandering eyes land on something interesting.
He's hot. Scratch that; he's more than hot! Lecherous eyes start at sopping blonde hair pushed back by muscled biceps and veiny forearms. The way the water rolls down his back is absolutely sinful. Even his abs flex as he cockily smirks, pushing back against his red-headed friend during their game of roughhousing.
Not only is he easy on the eyes, but he looks like he fucks, which is the perfect maraschino cherry on top. You could bite into him, and it'd be sugary sweet as the sticky juice runs red down your jugular. Yeah, you could eat him alive and he'd love it. Confidence thrums through you, and you know your time is now. At the same time, he stands casually in the water, merely observing and completely unaware.
You slip in effortlessly and unnoticed, lurking like a shark behind him as you plan your words before making yourself known.
"Hey," you chirp, hands wading in the water.
You expect him to turn to you with a sly smile; maybe he'd grow close and lean on the pool edge as he asked for your name and whether you were single. Only he didn't do any of that. His eyes scan you like you're a drab beige wall, and then he has the nerve to shrug you off.
It's awkward. It's tense. It's very unexpected.
"What's your–"
"I don't need a drink right now," he dismisses with a casual wave.
It actually stuns you into silence. Your mouth drops open and then closes, and then opens again, "I-I'm not a worker! Do workers wear bikinis where you're from?"
The man sneers at your reaction and finally turns to face you. He's taller, broader, and you wish he wasn't so fine because he was turning out to be such a dick. You stand up straighter, squaring your shoulders to stare frustratedly into his eyes.
"No, but I don't bother paying attention to extras when I'm trying to relax," and lewd eyes dip down to your cleavage, "but maybe I can spare you some time."
"An extra!? Oh, fuck you!"
It comes out harshly, and your bottom lip droops as you stare at him: "I just came by to introduce myself, but never mind. I'm leaving."
"Then introduce yourself, or did I scare ya' off?"
You've never met a man so bold. A man with the audacity to call you an extra and still so obviously commit your curves to memory. Introductions come out in a stutter from you with warm cheeks, "and what's your name, so I can report your behavior with the front desk."
"It's Bakugou," he grunts. "Be my guest."
"I will," you challenge.
"How about I report you for harassment, hah?"
"You insulted me first!"
Bakugou shrugs with a smirk. It irritates you beyond belief to see his smug little face. The sun burns too bright and hot on you two, firing you up and encouraging you to storm out of the pool. Bakugou takes the opportunity to leer at your ass as you crawl out the side, wet swim skirt sticking to your curves and making him tug his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Damn," he grunts as you prissily walk off.
Perhaps he judged you too harshly. But then he thought about it, and you just seemed like a spoiled brat. A pretty one but a brat nonetheless. He didn't take things like that. He reassures himself under his breath, but his thoughts know what he's really thinking about: sliding those wet bikini bottoms off you and spreading your legs. It would be all for him, too. You did approach him first.
You, however, collect your things in a huff. Your move to the other end of the pool may have been petty, but you don't care. Things had to be thought through. Was it worth actually pursuing this sexy asshole guy? As you type a pro-con list into your phone, Ryoka pats your shoulder, "Are you planning on missing the game for your phone?"
The exercise will do you some good. After squeezing your friend's hand and promising to return after you change, you opt to release your frustrations on a good game of volleyball.
After a bit, it's even hotter and you've only gotten sexier. It's important to note as Bakugou stares at you from the sidelines. Sure, you were prissy, but your body was killer, and the snarl escaping you every time you spiked the ball sent wrecking balls of fantasy into his mind. You were a spitfire, and Bakugou tries to swallow the flush when you look at him in an intense adrenaline haze.
A block. A quick run to the side for a spike. Light cheering. This was the sweet escape you needed, giving you just enough space to let out your blood thirst. If you had fangs, then you'd be chomping at everyone's face! You were in the groove. Your eyes pass over him easily. And then you meet again.
Parted, pink lips with beads of sweat on your upper lip. Your hair falls messily, framing your face with sticky strands as your dark eyes pierce Bakugou's. For a minute, neither of you seems to exist in this reality. You both stay in this limbo for a second longer than you should before your head snaps forward to bump an incoming ball. Bakugou’s frozen to the core with genuine butterflies in his stomach. He doesn't even think this has ever happened to him before, or even that it ever would.
A whistle is blown, and you’re cheering with your team. It always felt good to win. It was even better when you knew you had eyes on you.
"Good game, good game! Yeah, you did amazing, Ayami…" You towel off as you relish in the glow of your success. It wasn't all due to you, but you were being a bit of a try-hard.
You don't even notice how Bakugou makes his way through the crowd. How his lips curl into a frown as someone bumps into him, and how he taps your shoulder with a gruff, "Hey."
Your head turns with hair that cracks like a whip. Obviously, you recognize him immediately. You're not happy.
"Hey," you mutter, toweling off and ready to escape. "Nice seeing you."
"Wait a minute," Bakugou's hand curls around your wrist, and you're so irritated to feel heat rush through you at seeing the sinewy muscle move. "Lemme talk to you."
"I gotta get in the shower. So, no."
"You're being stubborn. I'm sorry for earlier," he huffs with eyes that lack the confidence to look straight at you. "Let me buy you a soda or somethin'."
"What makes you think I want a soda from you, an extra?"
He almost wants to shout in your face, but he knows there's no way around that. Bakugou mumbles about not meaning it while kicking at the ground, and your posture stays stiff. It happens so quickly you almost miss it, but you catch a glimpse of a smile on his lips.
"What's so funny?! You're a real jerk, laughing and everything when you insulted me and–"
"You're all defensive at being called an extra. It's cute." 
"I have a name," you nearly stomp your foot in exasperation despite the flush crawling up your skin.
"I forgot. You stuttered it out last time," he provokes calmly with a tilt of his head. Really, he just wants to hear that pretty name on your lips again.
You try to tell yourself that there's no time to think about the compliment that flies and waves in the air like a kite. You introduce yourself calmly, emphasizing the syllables and ensuring he gets it.
Bakugou repeats your name so slowly. So pointedly, velvety tongue and eyes narrowing. You could imagine him whispering it into your neck as strong hips hump to meet yours. Maybe in the morning, with a kiss on the cheek and the taste of coffee on your tongue. He puts so much care into repeating your name that you almost cave when he asks if you want to get smoothies together.
You're a strong, independent woman. That and, well, his pissed-off face was sexy. Your glossy lips smirk at him as you cock your hip, "Sorry, I'm getting drinks with friends. I'll catch you later, though, yeah?"
"...Alright, yeah."
The way you ditch him in the dust leaves him half-chubbed in his shorts. God, you were such a cock tease. If only he could kiss you and show you what you're missing out on by playing cat and mouse. Thick fingers adjust his shorts, and Bakugou pushes his hair back, opting to turn back to his friends indulging in flower necklaces and drunk karaoke.
If you wanted to be the mouse, he had no problem being the cat.
Everything's clear-headed and far too boring and bright. Within time and the coaxing with your friends; you're grinning ear to ear after too many puffs of a joint and sips of cocktails. Things tilt around you, and the music sounds irresistible as you feel the rhythm lend you dance moves. Everything feels like ecstasy as you twirl in circles with your crew. The alcohol was flowing, and you were starting to have that craving for closeness as things ramped up and up.
Natsumi practically topples you over as she blushes into your face. "Come with me. I made some friends."
“Friends? What kinda friends?”
 "Don’t ask, just go. Come on, you have to! They’re cool, you really gotta meet 'em," your friend pleads as you give her a reluctant look.
"Well, okay…"
Natsumi hiccups as she escorts you a few tables over. She giggles about someone being your type, and there's a real worry that the alcohol is clouding her mind, and you’re about to have to reject a loser.
"Hey, Natsumi! I was wondering where you went!"
A yellow-toned boy speaks up, face flushed as he waves a sloppy hand from where he rests on a beachy pull-out. Next to him, Bakugou nurses a rum and coke, eyes red and cast downward towards the ground. They lazily crawl a path up to your eyes, a bit woozy but flickering with recognition.
No fucking way. Of course, he's here, and of course, he looks fantastic! You know your dress looks immaculate. There was no denying that, but Bakugou left your mouth embarrassingly dry. His white button-up was nice, but it was more about what it revealed; tanned skin and the promise of more the further you looked. As you looked down at his body, Bakugou looked up at yours.
As you sit down, you can't help but open your mouth, "What are you doing here?"
"My friends dragged me out, I could be sleeping by now."
You find yourself letting out a small laugh and turning toward him with interest. He really wasn't so bad.
“You sleep early?”
“You don’t?”
Amid it all, Bakugou and you end up squished together as the budding love story of your two friends blossoms. Every time their heated make out spills into limbs crossing over into your bubble, you grunt in frustration, inevitably scooting closer to your frenemy with a slight sway.
"She is so ridiculous," you comment on Natsumi with a slight huff. "So is your friend, by the way."
"Maybe they're made for each other," he snorts.
A beat of silence passes by as you both observe each-other. It was really more like admiring, though.
 "Why're you so standoffish? I said I was sorry, called you pretty, ‘nd you don't wanna give me another chance?"
He grumbles when he says it but looks curious as his teeth sink into his lip for a split second. You almost get lost in the motion as you unconsciously lean closer like a moth to a flame.
"I didn't peg you as someone who begged."
"Sometimes you make mistakes, hm? And I'm not begging, babe, trust me."
The conversation dies, but the tension grows larger. The way his voice dropped made your thighs squeeze together. Blood flowed south as Bakugou traced over your red lips and briefly down to your cleavage–nice, he smirked.
"Well, whatever," you pray the sip of your lychee martini gives you a long enough reprieve to think of how to coyly flirt back. "What are you doing here anyway? Vacationing? Dying of an illness and this is your last hoorah?"
"Just relaxing. What're you doing besides bein' a brat. Spending daddy's money?"
"I paid for this trip myself, actually!"
"I like a smart woman," he says, moving to brush his thumb lightly against your cheek. He pulls away just as fast, and you can smell the breeze of his icy cologne. "I paid for myself, too. Can't rely on anyone or anything!"
You see the mask slip just a second. The calm persona dropped to reveal his boyish grin and messy hair.
"Yeah, you really can't."
It was so terrible that you knew deep down he was cute. You couldn't pretend at all. Now that you're starting to know him, you're falling head first into really liking him. You weren't sure if your girls' trip vacation could withstand a passionate, whirlwind romance.
"Oh my god, you know what would be totally fucking fun right now? What if we played a game? You guys know spin the bottle! C'mon," Natsumi beams excitedly.
"I haven't done that since I was still smoking cigarettes!" Ryoka shakes her head with a laugh.
"But, come on," she gives you all a pleading look. "If we haven't done it in forever, wouldn't it be fun to do it one last time?"
Natsumi's heartfelt yet drunken rambles strike a chord within all of you. You glance at Bakugou, who doesn't reply, only shrugging in acquiescence to the group. To hell with it, you call, raising your drink in the air.
"You know what, let's go for it! You're right, Natsumi."
Bakugou eyes you curiously as you stand to hug your friend with a slight wobble in your step. You had a point. To hell with it!
Moments later, you all were knee-rubbing, stumbling idiots sitting in a circle. The more you admire Bakugou as you sit across from him, the more you're hoping the stars align with the spin of the bottle. The kiss would be innocent. Fun and games. It meant nothing. That's what you told yourself to repent for your future sins.
A bead of sweat glides down the back of your neck as the glass goes round and round. You watch as Natsumi eagerly kisses a flushed Kaminari, who is all too eager to receive it. Ryoka and Ayami are familiar but sweet. Kirishima lands a peck on you, but it's nothing crazy.
You miss the way Bakugou's eyes glitter with disappointment every time the green bottle spun past him mockingly, taunting him deviously with the promise of vodka-tinged kisses. Only then do you both find a line drawn between point A, you, and point B, him.
"Finally," Ryoka slurs out.
Suddenly, you're nervous. You're nervous as you sit up a bit more and scoot closer over the bottle containing the will of fate. He looks calm and relaxed, his eyelids lowered just enough to make him look… wanting. Knees graze the carpet as you inch closer until you both can feel each other's breath.
The music is still bumping. The alcohol is still flowing, yet you're stuck in this standstill with nothing to break you out of your reverie. Other than the kiss that's planted on your lips, Bakugou tastes like rum and mint gum. You wonder if you taste like lychee, or maybe you'll mix into an entirely new flavor that leaves you both with incessant cravings.
You're unsure when or who pulls away first, but it happens. Your butt plops down right as the round of giggles surrounds you. Bakugou smirked as he sat back, crossing his legs and taking a smug swig of his drink. It was unfair that you were left dazed; he was the reason for it all.
You okay? He mouths over the talking that's come instead of the next bottle spin.
Are you? You ask with a smirk, flipping your hair in jest.
Bakugou rolls his eyes, shaking his head with a full-on grin. You feel something fond bloom in your chest. Something that makes the sound of ringing bells when you see that flash of teeth and a glimpse of a slick tongue. Someone suggests dancing, and pairs of legs come into view as they stumble out as a crew, a unit. There are two missing cogs. You both stay sitting and facing each other.
"I thought you said you were okay," he jokes as he scoots closer.
You realize you have a tendency to mimic him, "I am. You're the one who didn't even try to pretend to follow."
"I don't pretend anything, pretty. I do and say what I mean."
There's a beat of silence, and your clit throbs at the tone of his voice.
"You know what I mean?"
His voice is deep, almost mocking, as he croons at you. You're going to fuck. It might be now, on the last day of your resort, but it would happen. Set in stone, if you will.
"I think I do."
"Mhm. Let's go dance, gotta show you what a real dancer looks like."
Bakugou offers a firm hand and pulls you up like you weigh nothing. It makes you feel tiny, and you wonder if the same effect will happen as you sway your hips against his dick.
You find yourself dancing to Nelly, and hearing lulls about being a promiscuous girl. It makes satisfaction thrum in your chest at having success in your findings. Grinding did, indeed, produce the same effect. Bakugou was trying to dominate your form, and you let it happen.
Bit by bit, you find yourself caring less about the group and becoming more preoccupied with Bakugou. You let him buy you drinks, giggling as your hands jokingly interlace before you pull away coyly. He only smirks at you, chasing you wherever you go, as if he didn't want you to forget him in your intoxicated parade.
He tells you to call him Katsuki when you slur his last name out, gripping the white button as you pout tiredly, "I want to go back to my room."
"Since when am I your keeper, huh?"
Katsuki lays a steady hand on the curve of your waist and lets you fall into him.
"Don't be mean, we bonded sooo much. I thought you were this asshole guy, but you're actually kinda funny and sexy."
"I think I knew that last part. Remember when you tried this on me before?"
"Are you dumb enough to still reject me?"
"Nah, not this time," he says, making sure to drink in your gaze as he does.
Thankfully, you'd already had your first kiss. That made it easier for him to lean forward and press his lips against yours. The promise of something more, and you practically purred as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. Katsuki's hands skirt down your back, down to your hips, and pull you so close, "You're sexy, too."
A bartender squawks at your behavior, and his voice floats over the music and sticky kisses to yell for you to get a room! The man at your side noses your neck and then juts forward.
"Come to my room," and he's so gruff. Like he knows you want this, "Wanna get you alone and see how feisty you are then."
You tug your bottom lip between your teeth. Surely, your friends would be fine; your eyes flit between him and the crowd dancing behind him. Yeah, they'd be alright. Your hand slips into his, and he's quick to tug you next to him by your waist. He makes you unsteady and chuckles, "Let's get goin', then."
Neither of you is composed as you tumble through Katsuki's–clearly luxurious–room onto his plush bed. He's not afraid to lift you with his raw strength and place you right where he wants you. It makes you laugh, tinged with shyness, as his red predatory eyes sweep over you before settling on your face.
It's silent as both eyes hold this deep, wanting gaze. He crawls closer, and you lay back further; he's on top of you with a forearm dipping into the mattress and a veiny hand supporting his weight. Katsuki doesn't touch you as if he's waiting for something. You can't wait anymore, and you're ungracefully yanking him closer till his body weight rests on you, and you can feel his hardness poking at your thigh.
He must have been waiting on you–the bastard! But you can't deny that feeling the rippling strength resting on your body and pressing you into the mattress feels good. You and Katsuki exchange saccharine kisses as your bodies grind together like you're one. He grits his teeth and takes a sharp inhale when your wandering hand brushes against his bulge, "don't, fuck, don't do that."
"Why? Sensitive?"
Katsuki's vermilion eyes meet yours and narrow, "you're such a tease, you know?"
His voice is low and honeyed as he slowly peels your skirt from your thick thighs.
"All I did was ignore you the first time–"
"And then I did the second!"
Seemingly having had enough of your quips, a hush falls over you when his hand swats at your thigh, "Yeah, and you're still under me, begging for my cock. Ironic, right?"
He then snickers when sticky strings stretch from your slick pussy to the cotton underwear.
"She's beggin' too."
In a flash, he's lapping at your folds and groaning at how sweet you taste.
"Oh! Oh my god, w-wait!"
“Nuh-uh, no waiting.”
He's so messy with it. His chiseled nose bumps against your clit with every lap as he mixes spit with your leaking arousal; it's so debauched, and yet you're wailing for more as you try to push his face further between your thighs. Katsuki groans and your eyes meet right when he suckles your clit with his plush, rosy lips.
"Y-Your mouth's so good, ohfuck!"
Katsuki lets out a pleased hum before wrangling your squirming hips under a flexing forearm, "don' move too much. Wanna enjoy this, babe."
His right hand comes up to toy with your soaked hole. His teeth are sharp, and he's downright predatory in how he sinks two fingers into you. They're thicker than yours; a keening whimper escapes you.
"C'mon, tell me how it feels. Since you've been dyin' for it, I want a review, baby."
There's a wet clicking sound as fingers crook against that deliciously torturous spot, leaving stars bursting behind your eyelids.
“Gonna cum! Wanna cum, ‘mygod, ‘tsukiii!”
"Already? Such a needy girl," and he latches his tongue to your puffy clit, massaging it as your pleasure uncoils into a white-hot explosion.
Somewhere in the haze, you can hear Katsuki murmuring, "Good girl, good girl," and leaving sharp kisses on your inner thighs. He chuckles at how you jump, how cute, and sighs into your neck before biting your pulse point.
"Holy fuck," you mumble, hands wringing into his shirt as he peels off his shirt and makes his way up yours.
"You alright? Looked like things were good," and he has the nerve to snicker at you. "It's okay to admit it."
"You're such a cocky bastard. When are you gonna fuck me?"
Katsuki's hands are practically already in his pants as he unbuckles his belt. He shoves his jeans down, and your eyes widen at how big he looks, the fat head leaving a dark patch of pre-cum against his gray boxers. You're coming closer as he tugs off his underwear, leaving him exposed. His cock bobs, smearing on his navel, while a throaty groan escapes his lips once you wrap a soft hand around him. He's so hot and weighty in your hand that you can feel how he practically pulses in your hand; you can't help but want to go in for a little taste…
He's gentle as thick fingers press back on the crown of your head, a tut escaping his lips as he shakes his head, "No way. I'll cum way too fast, wanna give it to you good."
The scratchiness of his voice leaves your thighs pressing together. Katsuki kisses you before motioning for you to settle on your hands and knees.
"Like this?"
You're practically mewling at him! Your back arches so tauntingly, cute butt perked up in the air and swaying back and forth. Katsuki draws close, and your eyelids are fluttering when his fat head bumps against your soaked folds, "ohfuck, stop admiring me already."
"And here I thought you wanted it all nice and sweet," and you're whimpering as the head barely breaches past your pussy. "But, I'll give it to ya' how you like it."
With that, his hands are smoothing over the curve of your back as his heavy balls press against your pussy clit. You're already caving for him, with eyes threatening to roll towards the ceiling as his hips stick to yours. He's so full inside you that you can barely move, barely breathe, only able to leak around him as he grunts, "so fuckin' tight. 'S like you're a virgin."
"Katsukiii. Fuck, pleasepleaseplease move!"
He hums thoughtfully, hips rocking just the slightest inside your gummy walls.
"Ask me again," and he punctures it with a thrust that leaves you breathless.
"Please, wanna feel you fuck me. I-I've been waiting for your annoying ass, I wanna cum so bad…"
The man behind you doesn't seem convinced, though his hips move just a tad faster. " C'mon. I know you can do it. What is it you want again?"
He's pushing you to your breaking point. Katsuki's strong enough that he can press forward and bend you further into that delicious arch, nearly fucking you into the mattress if he would just move!
"Oh god, fuck me. Need to feel you take control, Katsuki, I-I can't! I need you, need you so bad, 'm gonna cry. I jus' wanna feel you breed me, please!?"
"Was that so hard?"
Within seconds, he's hunkering down and fucking you within an inch of your life. Your hands desperately cling to the duvet as if that'll ground you, but he's moving too hard and fast!
"S-So deep, ohshit!"
"Ngh, yeah? You're fucking grippin' me, I love how you sound, how you taste, how you feel–fuuuuck. Let me have it, baby."
You're wailing as you gush around him. The smell of sex is overpowering, and your panting breaths mingle with Katsuki's. You can't help but push back just a bit, the two of you joined together so intimately. His muscles ripple with every rock into your cunt. You wish you could see how debauched he looks–though your ears are privy to the hot groans and curses flying out of him as he slides home over and over and over again.
Katsuki loses himself in your pussy, head tipping back to expose the expanse of his throat as his balls tighten with his orgasm. God, fuck, did you say to breed you? He tries to recover as he watches your sneaky hand desperately rub you till you're trying to run from his thrusts (to which he only tuts and brings you back full force towards him). The slick, papping sounds echo, and you're not even sure what you're saying as you wail for him.
"Oh, 'm gonna cum all over you. Ohfuckfuckfuck, wait! I-I'm gonna, Katsuki!"
"Yeah? Cum all over this dick, let me feel it. Fuck, 'm gonna cum too, gonna fill you up."
Your wrist twists another tight circle, and you're falling apart. Your thighs shake and tight walls squeeze Katsuki, trying to draw him as deep as possible as he hits your g-spot dead on. A cry escapes you, and you know his base is creamy from your orgasm. In the haze, you can tell he's close by how his fingers twitch around your hips; you start mewling weakly for him, "cum inside me. Ohmygod!!”
He's sure he's leaving bruises, and yet he doesn't even care as he shoots rope after rope inside you. God, your pussy sucks him in like it wants every drop; despite the sensitivity, Katsuki can't help but keep moving till you're whining from overstimulation. Pulling out slowly and giving your thigh a playful swat, the two of you practically collapse into the soft sheets.
Katsuki's hand quickly grabs your chin and pulls you to face him. " Are you good?"
With your hair mussed and bruises littering your body, you were more than good. A soft nod, and then you're scooting closer for warmth. Katsuki lets it happen to your joy, a strong arm wrapping around your waist as he hoists you close.
"Good, you gonna run off of me, now?"
"No. Are you?"
"It's my room, you stalker," he teases with a toothy grin. His features are relaxed, and his red eyes are a bit glazed.
He looks wonderful. Beautiful, even.
You review your mental checklist one last time as you pace about your room, door open. How could it have all ended so soon? You'd spent the rest of your days happily fucking, drinking, and soaking in the luxuries of the resort.
Katsuki lingers by the doorway. A flicker of fondness grows into a fire when you turn to see him and smile. When did he get so soft?
"Hey! What's up?"
"What's up? It's your last day, and you're what's upping me."
"Katsukiii," you drag out the syllables and catch the faintest smirk on his lips. "Don't get too sad while I'm gone."
"Please," he scoffs and rolls his eyes, the two of you making eye contact that holds longer than it should.
The two of you shouldn't be so dramatic; you should try to steel yourself. It's not like you've known each other for that long, Katsuki thinks before reaching out and pulling you into a loose hug.
"See ya," he grumbles.
"Hehe, text me! Call me whenever," you mumble into the muscle of his chest.
He smells like the start of a campfire, mixed with a cool cologne that wafts like the breeze of a nearby ocean. You pull away and look into the tides of his eyes, the Red Sea staring back at you, before he gently kisses your lips.
"I'll think about it. For now, I'll walk you out," and he wraps a possessive arm around your waist.
There was no other option; he was walking you out. You squawk at his comment, "That is not an 'I'll think about it' statement!"
"Oh, yeah? Well, lemme think on it."
"Stop it!"
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Positively unstoppable (Halsin Silverbough x reader)
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synopsis: It is the height of bear mating season and with the heat around all of you, you and your group are forces to stop traveling for a while. Well, it seems your lover is not quite comfortable telling you it is mating season as he is scared you are weirded out. Yet he also can´t hold himself back when faced with you.
warnings: p in v sex, mating press, Halsin in heat should be his own warning, some bear like behaviour ig, basically porn without plot, kinda fluff at the end, afab reader
word count: 1.5k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall @foxyanon
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon that requested Halsin in heat as soon as they saw my post about researching bear mating season for this <3
Dividers by me
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The heat of the height of summer was burning down harsh upon your traveling bodies, bringing your party to a screeching halt when the only thing possible, was to put up camp and find a way to cool down your overheating forms. As soon as your tent is set up, you decide to head to the river nearby, wanting to cool down in the little lake it ended in.
Only after you rid yourself of the clothing and stepped into the water, you notice the towering form of Halsin sitting close by already, his eyes focused on the flow and movement of the river. From the movement of his shoulders, it was clear that he was breathing deeply, most likely meditating. For a moment you contemplate going over to him, but when you look back to where he sat Halsin was already gone. Or so you thought until the water began to ripple into small waves upon the druid stepping into it. He looks tense. More than usual and for sure more than the past couple of weeks, which honestly you didn´t think was possible.
“Are you feeling well? You have been behaving differently for quite some time now.” You voice your concern quietly as to not disturb the peace of the nature surrounding the two of you.
“I can assure you, that I am feeling quite alright.” His words hold relatively little meaning in the face of the way he borderline flinches away from your touch as you begin to run the water over his warm skin. Or the voice that comes out is gruff, yet you can feel his breath hitch just the slightest bit. Immediately you pulled your hands away from him, trying to see through him. A futile attempt so you take his hands in yours and look him deep in the eyes.
"Love, I would be fine even if you told me, you do not wish to talk about it, but just tell me truthfully. Are you alright?" Looking into his eyes, Halsin's pupils have swallowed almost all the green that surrounds them.
In what you perceive as just a sweet attempt to calm your worries, the tall man leans down to rest his forehead against yours, while holding your chin in one gentle hand.
"I am fine." He put emphasis on every word he speaks.
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But you are so close and your scent so much stronger than the rest of the year, singing to him in the most irresistible tones. It all made the druid unable to keep himself from nuzzling your face and neck, thus eliciting a so far successfully held back moan and a shiver of arousal runs down your spine. A ripple of pleasure runs through your entire body when he begins to nibble on the tender skin.
"Halsin..." His name trembles from your tongue.
"You're mine." He only growls in return.
It's a rarely seen show of possession from your lover and all the more powerful whispered in the low baritone of his affected voice.
Halsin picks you up as if you weigh nothing and lays you in the grass at the riverbank and doesn't waste a second to crawl on top of you. With one swift motion he hooks his large, muscular arms into the hollow of your knees to lay them over his shoulders.
"Damn it, I cannot wait any longer. Your folds simply feel too immaculate." The druid breathes out the trembling words as he rubs his hard cock between your folds to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves atop it with his tip.
With one strong push and a sigh that fans his hot breath over your ear and cheek, Halsin bottoms out inside your tight cunt. In turn, your walls flutter around his thick member and your back arches until your chest squishes your legs even more between the two of you. 
"Oh, you feel so good inside of me. Always stretch me out so much it's like my cunt will take the shape of your cock one day." You babble mindlessly as you get used to the stretch that feels like it threatens to split you in two.
Halsin doesn't give you much time to get used to his massive size as he sets for an ambitious pace, pushing into your core painfully over and over again until your pained whimpers and moans turn into sounds of pleasure and begging for more.
"Please do not ever stop." You cry out as Halsin's massive paw of a hand begins to pinch and twist your nipples, losing control of himself a bit more and taking the pace and intensity of his thrusts up a notch. One of your hand buried its nails in his shoulder to attempt to ground yourself, while the other grips and lightly pulls on his hair. Immediately your companion leans down to seal your lips with his, kissing you with teeth and tongue. The moment your lips meet, he is positively unstoppable.
You get pushed into the grass with his whole weight, his balls slap against your ass cheeks as you get rocked back and forth by inhumanely, animalistic thrusts. The wet sounds of the tip of Halsin´s cock bullying your most sensitive spot, drenching it in your juices as a result and making the sounds of your hips slapping against each other wetter as time went on. It felt so good that the brain fog soon took over, rendering you unable to kiss him back any longer.
“Nothing feels so divine as your tight walls fluttering around my cock.” Your brain barely registers the words the druid huffs against your lips before kissing you again. Unwavering despite the fact your lips hang open ever so slightly to make way for shaky breaths and high pitched, eager whines.
“Fuck, I can feel you are close, my love. Your cunt could not possibly squeeze me any tighter.” Halsin lets out another insatiable growl, before he coaxes the first peak out of your body. Revelling in the sight of you being shaken by the waves of pleasure he provides.
“Halsin…” You moan the druids name like a mantra, like a quiet prayer to your own personal god that simply continued to bless you with the pleasure that still caused your body to tremble in the aftershocks of climax.
Two more peaks he pulls from your body until you are nothing but a puddle of panting breaths overstimulated cries and a lose grip that tries to hold onto his shoulders, to hold your legs where he put them. Only then Halsin bottoms out inside of you once more. Buried as deep as he can, with his thick tip kissing the opening to your womb, he shoots a great amount of his seed into you. Together the two of you stay intermingled for what feels like an eternity. With your arms wrapped around the other to hold them close as you breathe in the air that the other lets out until you both feel dizzy. The druid wipes the sheen of sweat from your forehead with the greatest care and strokes a lost strand of hair behind your ear, while all you can do is to fight the brain fog and keep his eye contact. Those sage coloured eyes you loved so much, gently get you back to reality, where there is nothing left but to giggle until you burst into full on satisfied laughter.
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“Hah, I had a feeling you would go insane on me one day. Yet I never would have imagined it would happen after I laid with you.” Halsin jests as he sits back on his haunches and taps your thighs to motion for you to assist him in sitting you up as well.
You follow his wordless command and sit up, wincing when there is a dull sensation shooting through your core.
“Do you feel aright, my love?” He asks with his eyebrows suddenly knitted together in concern.
“Yes, love. Positively spend, but fine nonetheless and you need not worry about my state of mind any time soon.” You lean forward to place a peck on the tip of your companion’s nose. “I was merely overwhelmed with the content feeling that floods me whenever I am near you and did not know how else to handle it. In fairness one should think I would have learned it by now, but I am far from it. It still is so hard to believe I am lucky enough to be able to call you mine.”
Gratefully you accept the small pouch of water that Halsin hands you and take a few sips, before handing it back.
“I understand what you mean. Sometimes it all feels like it is too good to be true. Like being on the verge of waking up from the most beautiful dream.” The soft voice of your lover makes you feel all fuzzy inside with how effortlessly he understands.
“Exactly, like being on the verge of waking up from the most immaculate dream.”
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bubblebbg · 1 year
would you be able to do a Miguel x f!reader where the reader is a civilian who's the sunshine to his grumpy? She's pretty much the definition of the quote "the violence it took to be this kind". She had an abusive childhood, and unfortunately she's currently up in an abusive relationship, she tries really hard to hide her pain with warmth and laughter, hiding her bruises with long sleeves in the summer and concealer.
This is my first request, I'm so happy! I wasn't really comfortable writing the physical abuse part (I don't want to misrepresent this issue) , so I've made it to where the reader is in an unhappy relationship instead. I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted. :)
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞.
Miguel O'Hara x reader
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To him, you're one of those people that deserves better, deserves the best. Today especially, that's what you should be getting. If Miguel could, he'd hand you worlds on a silver platter. But he can't. Not with your boyfriend around to stop him.
Part 2
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"Your boyfriend is the biggest asshole I've ever met. Come on, you have to know this by now." Miguel has pulled you to the balcony of your apartment and away from the music and festivities, his jaw clenched with anger as he seethes. He's never liked your boyfriend; there's you, the sweet, kind woman who's always considerate, endlessly patient, practically saintly in nature. And then there's your boyfriend, some scum of the earth who's only ever been callous and cold during your interactions. Miguel has tried and tried and tried to keep his mouth shut about it, but the way your smile faltered as you explained that he couldn't take off work to be at your birthday party is his last straw. "Seriously, today of all day's he has to work? Say the word and I'm sending that douchebag flying through a wall-"
"Miguel, stop it. It's fine, he's just a busy guy you know? And I'm sure you throw enough people around already." You chuckle, but the sadness doesn't quite leave your eyes. You sip some of the champagne in your glass, sighing as you let the alcohol numb some of your senses. Looking out at the cityscape, arms folded on the railing. He really wishes you knew how much you deserve, and the selfish part of him wants to be the one to give that to you.
When you catch him staring at you, at the way the lights of the city glow on your face, he turns forward, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "I just don't get it is all. You could have anyone you wanted, why him? Hell, you're better off alone than with him. If I could make the decisions for you, he would've been gone a long time ago."
You step closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder, eyes closed and the champagne drained from your glass. "I know you're concerned about me, but in the end these decisions are mine to make. I'll talk to him after the party. Until then, how's everything at work? Still got a lot on your hands?"
A smile plays at his lips, feeling a bit warm from the touch. "Hey, don't go changing the subject on me. We need to talk about this."
"You change the subject on me all of the time! Humor me on my birthday, please." He rolls his eyes because he can't believe that you'd play the birthday card on him, but he also knows he can never say no to you. Not with the way you look at him. So he puts an arm around your shoulders and lets a breath out his nose.
"Still stressful, but not so bad. I guess your whole 'have meetings to help people with their mission strategy instead of just yelling at them' plan has been working." You laugh at that, eyes crinkling as you lean more into him. You look good like this, the cheery person you usually are, not the one being let down by their partner. "See? And how hard was that? If I had spider powers like you, I'd be the ultimate diplomatic leader and badass." He can't stop the laughter that bubbles up in his chest when you punch and kick the air to emphasize your badassery.
"Your form is terrible," he smirks, "You'd be dead in seconds."
"And if it weren't for me, every spider ever would have quit because of your nagging."
"Right, right, whatever makes you feel better, civilian."
This is how it's supposed to be, the way it was before you decided to date this guy. It was always you and Miguel before: him carrying all of your grocery bags as you raved about some new hobby, you and him on the roof of your apartment building, him pointing out flaws in a movie at the theater while you ate all the popcorn, him begrudgingly pushing you on a park swing despite his assertations that you were in fact too old to still do this. It hits him all at once. He's missed you. Your absence leaves gaps in his life that no one else can fill.
"Hey," he mumbles, "I know you said you didn't want any gifts, but I got you something. Happy birthday."
Your eyes widen as he timidly hands you a rectangular box, his gaze turned to the city and a light blush on his face. He watches through the corner of his eyes as you open it. Inside is a silver necklace with a lily-of-the-valley preserved in resin, the flower you told him about that grew around your childhood home. Your palm comes to cover your mouth and tears well up in your eyes at the considerate nature of his gift. (That's Miguel, always remembering the details of things you say. When was the last time your boyfriend did that again?) Miguel turns to face you with an anxious expression. "Do you not like it? I left the receipt in there, you can return it and use the money on-"
"No, no, no, it's beautiful," you smile, turning and lifting the hair from your neck, "Could you please put it on me?"
He sighs in relief, taking the necklace and clasping it gently around your neck. As soon as he's done you jump into his arms with a delighted giggle, beaming with joy. He lets himself hug you back for a few more seconds before setting you down. Seeing you like this has his heart racing as he's filled with the courage to say it, to tell you what you mean to him. He opens his mouth to speak and -
Someone shouts through the sliding doors of the balcony, "Hey, where have you been? Get inside, your boyfriend just got here!"
And just like that, the courage is gone, his mouth closing to a slight frown. As he's preparing to go back in and stomach the sight of you with that man, he sees you climbing the steps of the fire escape and stops at the door.
"What are you doing?"
You stop, turning to look at him with the breeze at your back and the moon shining on you. You offer your hand to him.
"Come on, let's go. We can sit on the rooftop like we used to."
He pauses, taking a look at the party inside. Then he takes your hand and you're leading him up like you used to, and everything that was out of place in him shifts back to fit. He smiles at how small and smooth your hand is in his larger, rough one. Yeah, he thinks.
This is how it's meant to be.
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himimosa · 1 year
when they are sick
taking care of bsd men when they are sick...
fyodor, kunikida, dazai
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He is the person who walks around sick for almost half of a year, with a lot of sniffs and sneezes. Somehow he can manage to catch a cold even in summer. You say it is because he has an awful immune system
He already has anemia that makes his body weak. And if a bad cold is added too, he becomes almost pathetic...
If you ask him, he says he is used to being sick most of the time, but that is not true. He tried to take pills a few times for his anemia but they were useless (no, i am not self-projecting here, nope)
Most of the time, he can pull to do his work even if that means carrying tissues with him everywhere.
He hates the times when he got extra bad cold, it causes delays in his work. He is not someone who will accept to see a doctor even though his fever runs high. So if you're going to accompany him, you have to use more conventional ways...
You know hot soup, warm shower, herbal teas... He will act like you are being too "histrionic" and he is doing fine, but he will appreciate it secretly...
You put a mix of mint and linden leaves into the french press, added a tiny piece of ginger, and then poured hot water. After you waited for a while you poured out the liquid through a strainer. You had chosen your fav “I like mugs because they’re very comfortable in your hand” mug for it.
You entered the room where Fyodor was laying, he was trying to read a book but he was coughing constantly. You pulled the book from his hands: "Please drink this and rest a little. I am sure your book can wait for you." you scolded him lightly. He didn't argue with you, which was a sign that he was really feeling bad.
He took the mug, and looked at the writing on it "I don't understand why this is written on a mug" You chuckled "Because either you don't have a sense of humor or you have never heard Demi Lovato before dear.."
"Is it really an inadequacy of me that I don't get the references from the pop culture that was brought to people by no one but-"
"Darling darling..." you interrupted him "You can talk for hours about fatuity of popularism later, but I am begging you, drink this tea. now..."
He was annoyed by your interruption but he complied with your request. He sniffed before taking a sip. Then his face turned into a disgusted expression.
"Did you put ginger in this tea?.."
Kunikida Doppo
This poor man will go through the 5 stages of grief in order...
Denial: "I am not sick, I just got shivers for a second! This doesn't mean anything!" "No, I don't look awful or tired, I am fine!"
Anger: "This is because of that Dazai asshole! That nasty bastard sneezed right into my face and contaminated me with his viruses!"
Bargaining: "...Okay some inconveniences might happen but it's not that bad", "I will drink this tea and get better in an instant. No, I don't need a break, I will be fine"
Depression: "... What will happen to the agency if I use two days off?" "...my program... I will be left behind on it.."
Acceptance: "..President, may I use two days off to recover?"
He knew it is natural to get sick for people... But it wasn't written in his ideals book... He must add some notes about this too...
All he wants is quickly recover and get back to his responsibilities. So he will see a doctor, he will take his medicines, will drink all the herbal tea he needs to drink...You don't have to do much indeed, he is someone who takes care of himself well. But this doesn't mean he won't appreciate it if you do some thoughtful things for him...
"I'm home" you called to him when you entered the house with your keys. You dropped the bags that you got from the grocery store to the kitchen. You could organize them later, you went right ahead to the room where Kunikida was resting. He tried to get up to greet you but you acted quicker and hugged him while he was still sitting. He froze for only one second, then slowly wrapped his arms around you
"Y/N... You shouldn't be this close to me, you will get sick too..." He murmured but didn't push you away too. You shrugged your shoulders while still hugging him "Then I will use a day off with my sick boyfriend, that doesn't seem so bad to me" Kunikida chuckled lightly "If we both use a day off at the same time, I can't imagine what sort of chaos would the agency have..." Then he slowly pulled himself back to see you eye-to-eye and started to ask you questions... How is the agency going? Were budget calculations accurate? Have you taken new cases? What kind of ruckus did Dazai cause when he wasn't around to lecture him? How many calls did you get for his suicide attempts this time?
You told him about how you took care of everything on his behalf with everyone's help (well mostly with the help of Atsushi, Kyoka, Kenji, and Tanizaki siblings... basically with minors of Ada...) But even Dazai wasn't acting so "wild". He was whining about how the agency became too quiet and no-fun without Kunikida and all the joy he got from work vanished without Kunikida...
"Everyone can't wait to get you better love they are planning to visit you tomorrow night," you told with a smile. Kunikida coughed and covered his mouth, then mumbled: "I see..." You knew he did it to hide the light blush and embarrassed smile on his face, but you didn't tease him for it. After all, he was deserving it all...
Dazai Osamu
Here comes the drama king...
First, let's be honest here... He is treating his own body like shit... We saw him in his flat, this man doesn't even cook for himself. He literally feeds with sake and canned crabs only... Despite that, he doesn't get sick easily. He has the durability of a cockroach (i swear i love him, these insults are with affection)
He is the kind of person who doesn't get sick even there is a cold season and everyone around him got ill. He catches the sickness not more once than a year, but when he gets ill, it is always the most unexpected time.
Once, while he was still in the port mafia he got a very bad cold right before an important mission. When Mori saw his situation, he had to cancel the mission.
Because this man acts like he is on the deathbed when he is sick...
"So I made some research on the internet... With all these symptoms on me; either I have some kind of chronic illness, or brain tumor.. which leads us to the conclusion that I have only 2 weeks to live..." "Or, you have a cold, you shithead.." "Do not act like you are a doctor now Chuuya, or I will throw up to your precious hat..."
He didn't change much... The only difference is now he is being your boyfriend, you have to take care of this man like you are taking care of a child. He will act like he is much worse than he is to get all your affection and care... You will need a lot of patience, to be honest...
"Ew, there is no way I would drink that crap!" You thought for a millisecond to throw the bowl of soup to his face but you didn't have the heart for it. Even though he was acting like a spoiled brat, he was miserable right now. You knew he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, you had to convince him to put something in his stomach no matter what...
"Why don't you want to drink this babe?" you asked with your sweetest tone. Dazai shrugged his shoulders "It smells bad, makes me want to puke..." You tried again "What if you push yourself? Just a little? I know it doesn't look appetizing but this soup is too good for cold, you will feel better after your drink I promise..."
Dazai looked at you with defeated eyes, he couldn't resist any longer "..fine then"
With excitement, you took one spoon from the bowl and carefully held it towards his mouth, you were cupping the other hand under the spoon to keep it from spilling. Dazai slowly opened his mouth, only to make a sour face "It is too hot!"
"Sorry baby, my bad" you apologized and started to cool it down by stirring it with the spoon. You took another spoon from the bowl, this time you blew a little air before giving it to Dazai. When he started to make some teasing comments on you would be a great nanny, you decided he was already getting better. You tried to get up after he finished his soup, but Dazai held you weakly by his wrist. "You won't leave me alone on my deathbed, right?" You rolled your eyes: "You're an idiot, you know that right?" He smirked lightly "But I am your idiot, and you still love me..." You couldn't control your smile this time. You gently removed the hair on his forehead and gave him a little peck "Yeap... Only mine to love..."
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well, i couldn't still get over from this week's episode and couldnt't write anything new. this was on the drafts and not proof readed, but i will still share it. fyodor stans can use it as a denial of ep 11 :')
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chaengluva · 6 months
Massive Deal [1]
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This is the full story version of Too much of a massive deal, it will be a few chapters!
Regina George x Fem!Reader: Part 1: 3.7k words including intro
Btw, if you think things are going to fast or what not, this is like 3 of my wattpad chapters in one, so i don’t have to do to many updates and theres not as many parts.
It was really unrealistic, I mean, having a crush on Regina George? When you told your best friend she said she wasn't surprised, It was almost the same reaction when you told her you were lesbian. You tell your best friend everything, she's the only person you truly trust in your friend group. Her name is Bella Christensen
You love all your friends but you were friends with Bella during elementary school, you told her you were lesbian and you haven't told your family yet, she's been a really good friend about it and hasn't said anything.
The worst part about having a crush on Regina George is being related to her best friend, Gretchen, you guys don't talk much because she is always with Regina, you just think it would be weird dating your sisters best friend.
Like the thought of Bella dating Gretchen makes you want to throw up inside.
You know this crush was just some silly teenager thing that will go away, you know she's not lesbian and most likely homophobic, so when you get into your senior year of high school you're plan for the year is to study hard (MOVE ON FROM REGINA GEORGE) and to have fun.
What will happen? Will Regina like You? Will people turn against each other?
“I fucking hate High School”
The sound of your loud alarm started to go off, waking you up instantly and you groaned, summer break goes way too quickly. You take all the energy inside you to move your hand and press the snooze button on your phone, wanting to sleep for some extra you close your eyes but then open again at the sound of your door opening, it was Gretchen, what the fuck is she doing up this early?
She made her way to your closet and started throwing your clothes everywhere, making a mess. "Gretchen! What are you doing?" Your sister rolls her eyes answering, "I'm looking for my white blouse, the one you wore on the last day of school." You get up out of bed and rush to your closet before she ruins anything else and searches through your doors, finally finding it. "Here it is." She smiles slightly, "Thanks sis." You smile and think about heading back to bed but you decide not to, you know if you went back in you would never get out again.
You looked through your closet, groaning seeing the limited choices, "Ugh! I have nothing to wear," You looked at the weather, wanting to dress appropriately for the weather. You see that it is quite warm, you sigh and leave your room, sneaking into your sister's room. She has a lot of good clothes.
You take a blue shirt and a white skirt, hoping that she doesn't notice you in her room. When you leave her room you bump into her, hiding the clothes you took behind your back (as if she hasn't already seen them) So she doesn't get mad, your sister sighs. "Fine, I'll do your makeup too."
She brings you into her bathroom and does a small natural look, and finding you a better outfit, you look at yourself in the mirror, "Damn, all the boys will be crushing on you." Gretchen says, applying a little more mascara, you hesitate but nod at her works, not wanting to tell her the truth.
"I'll add lip gloss after you eat." She smiles and the two of you go down stairs, greeting your mom before going to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Gretchen has some avocado toast and juice, while you just had some cereal.
The two of you sit on the table, she talks about how she is excited to start the year. It's crazy how different she can be at home compared to at school. Everyone in school knows that the two of you are related but you never sit with each other.
You thought about how you would move on from Regina, your best idea was to just ignore her at all costs, every time you see her you stare at her with heart eyes, but she will never dare to look back at you. You sigh deeply, lost in your thoughts, thinking about the first time you realised you liked Regina.
You were sitting with Bella, it was the last first day of middle school, you decided to start the year by trying out for the cheer team, you were very nervous because you know that everyone sitting here as already tried out and made the team, you were the only, who was trying to do it for the first time.
They called your name, Bella cheered loudly, you giggled, getting up off the bench, you stood there nervously as the judges sighed a few things, you stood there awkwardly. They told you to start and you started to do your audition, you did a few tricks, after you were done you saw that there were smiles on their faces.
They all told you that they would be in contact, you nodded and walked back to your friend, she smiled brightly, giving you a big hug. "You did so well!" You smiled, hugging her back, you also felt like you did quite well.
The two of you walked out of the gym and walked into the change room so you could change out of your sweaty clothes, when you walked in, you gasped at the sight. Regina George standing there in her bra and tight leggings, you have never taken a close look at her body before, you must have been staring for a while because you had lost focus for everything else that was going on.
Bella waved her hand in front of your face to make you come back into reality. You jumped looking at her and she looked at you with a confused look, walking away she could change. Fuck, you were like every guy at the school, you had a crush on Regina George.
End of flashback
A similar situation was happening out, while you were thinking of this moment you were clearly spaced out, Gretchen shook your body to bring you back into reality. Damn, moving on from Regina will be harder than you think, she can still make you feel the same butterflies like she did in middle school.
"Regina is giving me a lift to school if you want to come." You thought that would be awkward as hell, you were honestly confused as to why Gretchen was asking you. You awkwardly laugh saying, "Oh.. It's okay, Bella is picking me up!" Gretchen nods, grabbing her purse, before walking out the door.
You grab your phone and call Bella, she answers instantly, "Hey! Y/n!" You smile at how happy she sounds, "Hey Bella, when will you be here?" You ask, only so you can know how long you have to get ready. "I'll be there in 10 minutes, " You rolled your eyes, Bella would always be late.
It was like Bella could hear you rolling your eyes, "What! My alarm didn't go off!" She defended, making up an excuse. You giggled, "Yeah sure, I'll see you soon." You say hanging up the phone, you look over and see that Gretchen didn't put her dishes away, being the better sister, you get up and put both yours and hers in the sink.
You go upstairs to brush your teeth and fix your hair, you put on both deodorant and perfume, you start to apply your lip gloss but you hear a car horn beeping which messes you up, and she doesn't stop. "Jesus Christ! Bella I'm coming!" You yell, as if she could hear you.
You grab your back and quickly rush outside the door, rushing into her car, you give Bella a massive hug, you don't feel her hug back which you find strange, you pull away and you see that she is looking at you with a glare, "What?"
"Y/n, you look like a fucking plastic."
Bella parked outside the school smiling happily at you. "So" Bella started, "When will I decorate my car park?" She asked, you smiled back, hitting her leg, "Soon." You smile, getting out of her car, waiting for her to come to your side so you could link arms and walk into school.
"I'm so annoyed we don't have many classes together," Bela groaned, leaning her head on her shoulder, smiling at you, you look into her eyes and smile at her, "Yeah but one class is better than none." You mention she nods, taking her head off her shoulder.
"I can't believe we have maths first." Bella groans, walking into homeroom sitting down on the table, you sat down on the table next to her, rolling your eyes at her, "At least we are in the same class first period." You mention but Bella jumps in, "I have PE right after!" You laugh at her, "That sucks, I have English."
You roll your eyes, throw your head on the desk, lie down until the bell rings, Bella laughs at you, "Jesus Christ, first day and you're already falling asleep in class?" You look up at her, glaring into her eyes, making her laugh more. "Don't try to be intimidating with me."
The bell finally rang, everyone was happy to be out of the homeroom, but not excited to start class. You and Bella decide to take the long way to get to class because the two of you really hate maths.
Luckily, maths class went quickly and now you were in English class, you didn't see anyone that you knew in the class so you decided to sit alone, on the table in the back. Soon after the class started Regina walked in, not even looking at the teacher or saying sorry for being late.
You looked around the class and noticed that the only available seat was next to you, so you moved your stuff without her asking, for the whole lesson you were breathing heavily while she didn't look your way once, she was actually just on her phone the whole lesson.
Probably texting her stupid boyfriend.
Finally, the class was over and it was time for the first break. You met up with Bella, who was sitting under a tree. Eventually, all your other friends join up, you were a bit sad that a few had moved schools, but the group was still close, it just wouldn't be the same.
"So how your guys' classes?." Jennie asks, smiling, you groan, "I have Regina In my English class." Everyone else groans, feeling bad for you but Bella smirks, hitting your shoulder, making sure to do it quickly so no one sees.
"I can't believe you're related to Gretchen." Charlie commented, giggling looking over at Jennie, you chuckled, nodding your head, "Yeah me too, but at the end of the day she is my sister and I love her." The two girls just roll their eyes, you look at Bella who gives you a sympathetic look, you just shake your head, you weren't bothered by them.
The four of you continue to talk, none of you notice Oliver Kim walking over to you. "Hey, Y/n, I was just wondering if you like to go out tonight." You look at Bella, still feeling slightly bad to reject some nice looking people. You open your mouth to answer, but you hear someone else talk. "She would love to!" Oliver smiles, "Great, I'll text you the details."
"Jennie!" You exclaim, "What! You have never been on a date with a guy! you deserve this." She says, rubbing your knee. You sighed knowing she was just trying to be a good friend and she doesn't know that you are lesbian, so you try your best not to get hurt by it.
The bell rang, everyone quickly gathered their stuff and rushed out to their class. You walked to your chemistry class, it sucked that it was on the opposite side of the school. You walk into the class and observe the people in the class, you see Janis sitting alone.
You weren't friends with Janis but you weren't enemies, you smiled, walking over, "Hey!" you say, she smiles, looking up at you, you smile back, "Can I sit here?" You ask, feeling a little nervous, she smiled at you, moving her stuff so you could sit down, you sat down smiling at her, taking your stuff out, she looked over at you and smiled.
You took notes on the lesson, It was around half way through the lesson, you felt Janis tap you on the shoulder, "What other classes are you in this year." She smiled at you, you smiled back at her, telling her what classes you were in, you were surprised and happy to find out that.
You put your attention back to the teacher, you wrote down a lot of notes because if you were being honest, you were scared for this year, so you wanted to do your best in the classes. At the end of class, you and Janis had art next, "Hey so, do you want to walk to art together."
You smile nodding, walking to art with her, you start to talk about what you guys did over the summer. You walk inside and you smile when you see Damien, you know Janis and Damien are close so you let Janis go off to be with him. "Damien! You know Y/n." She smiles, He smiles back, "Of course I do, she's beautiful!" He exclaims, you giggle, looking down slightly shy with the complement.
"Class, Listen up!" Everyone turns their heads to the teacher, she continues to speak once everyone is paying attention, "Today we will paint freestyle, you can paint whatever you want." You smile, go through the paint box grabbing what you need, you look up images on your laptop, to get some ideas on what you can paint.
You settle on a landscape of a flower field, you put on an apron because you know Gretchen would murder you. You started to work on the painting, making sure to stay very focused. Janis sees this as a perfect opportunity to talk to Damien.
She pulls him into the other side of the classroom, making sure that there is no way that you would be able to hear, leaning in close she opens her mouth to talk, "Girl, you're way too close!" Damien says, too loud for Janis' liking. She quickly shushes him, backs up slightly and whispers.
"I think I like y/n."
Damien looked at You then looked at Janis, "You.. Like her?" Janis nods quickly. Damien rolls her eyes. "She's like the straightest girl here." Damien exclaimed, Janis hit him on the shoulder. "Ow!" He said, grabbing his shoulder, Janis rolled her eyes at him saying, "It shouldn't hurt that bad.." He glares at her his arm didn't really hurt, he was just being dramatic. "Anyway, you can't assume someone's sexuality!" Janis said a little too loudly, grabbing the attention of a few people.
"Look, my point is that. She's really pretty." Janis smiles, looking at You as if she could get lost in your eyes, "You know she's related to Gretchen." Damien whispers, Janis looks back at him, rolling her eyes before saying, "So what? You literally date Regina's ex boyfriend." Damien hits Janis softly, not too hard to the point where it hurts, they go back to greet you, gasping at the amazing process.
"Wow! You did that all just now?" Janis exclaims happily, you nod but don't say anything back, you don't want to lose your focus on the artwork, Janis smiles behind you, admiring your focus in the artwork, you have no Idea how she is looking at you, but she is looking at you the same way you looked at Regina George in middle school, the time you realised you liked her.
You looked back and she looked away, making you smile brightly. The teacher says that the bell will ring soon so everyone should start to pack up. You signed, packing your things and cleaning the supplies. You waved goodbye to Janis and Damien, knowing you would see Janis in PE.
You head to the cafeteria, smiling when you see your best friend, you sit down on the table, sitting next to Bella, you decide to wait for the line to die down before getting food.
You smile at her but she doesn't smile back. You look at her confused. "What's up?" You ask, honestly confused. She pulls you close so no one else hears, "I'm saying this before they come, aren't you worried about that date with Oliver tonight?"
You sigh, you had forgotten about that. You're very self-conscious so texting him or bailing on him wasn't even an option, and Bella knew this. She tried to comfort you the best she could because she knew as soon as Charlie and Jennie would come over, they would not shut up about it.
You heard the two girls walk over and just like you and Bella guessed, they didn't shut up. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're going out with Oliver Kim!" Jennie said happily, "Yeah!" You say, trying your best to actually sound happy, you look over at the line and see that it's smaller now. "I'm going to get my lunch." Hoping up, you go and grab a tray and line up to get your lunch.
In the line you could feel someone's eyes on on, they were standing next to you and you couldn't make out who it was, you decided to glance to the side to see if you can make out who it is, you smile brightly when you see it is Janis, pay for your food then sit down, smiling at your friends, "How was your classes?" Charlie asks, looking at you, smiling, you say, "Good, we did painting in art already!" They all smile brightly.
Lunch goes by quickly and you have to rush to the change room to get in your PE clothes, when you get in the change room with Janis you gasp at the sight, it was like you were back in middle school again, Regina George was there, in her sports bra. She was in the same PE class as you.
You don't notice how long you are staring at her, a loud voice brings you back to reality, it was Janis this time. She pulled you to the side, a space where no one could see. "You were staring at Regina.." She says, with almost a hint of sadness in her voice, you shake your head, wanting to deny it. "I wasn't! I swear."
She rolls her eyes, "You were staring at her boobs!" She whispers, yells, you sigh, looking down at the floor. "Y/n?" She asks, making you look up. "Yeah?" You ask, wanting her to continue, "Are you.. Gay?" She asks and you stare at her in shock, "No, I'm not!" You exclaim, scarred that Bella might have told someone. "I think you might be.." She adds, which makes you more upset. "You have no right to tell me my sexuality."
You push past her and go to change into your PE clothes, not bothering to even look at her when you exit the change room, or on the field, the teacher asks everyone to get into two teams and you try your best to not be in the same team as Janis, but just your luck you ended up on her team, along with Regina and a few other people.
The teacher asked everyone to do soccer drills, you couldn't help but stare at Regina, she looked so hot in a high ponytail. Fuck, you're doing in again y/n. You brush yourself out of it this time, you focus on ignoring how pretty Regina looks and ignore Janis' many attempts to talk to you, the only thing you should focus on is worrying about the date tonight.
For a boy you don't even like, the gender you don't like.
You must have been lost in your thoughts because the next thing you remember is a ball being kicked to your stomach and you were clutching it, struggling to catch your breath, you look over and see to girls laughing, you don't know their names but you can tell that they are new and already don't like you. "Hey! Assholes!" You hear someone yell, but you can't make out who it is.
You feel someone grab your hand and sit you down, you look over and see Janis, she is holding your water bottle and allows you to drink some of her water. You look at her with sad eyes, "I'm sorry for being a bitch." Janis just giggles, "It's okay, I'm sorry for assuming anything." You smile, nodding your head, drinking the water that Janis gave you. God you're good at covering your sexuality up, it's become natural.
"Hey, you okay?" You look up and you're surprised to see Regina standing there asking if you are okay, you try your best to play it cool but she is wearing a white top and a black bra, you try your best not to stare so you just quickly answer, "Yeah, I'm okay now." She nods, running away to other people in the class, your eyes follow her, a smile slowly creeps up on your face. "Y/n." You hear Janis call out. You turn your head back to her, "Yeah?"
"Wanna hang out with Damien and I tonight? We are going to stay at mine and watch movies, I'll give you a lift to school!" You frown slightly, you want to go, but you have other plans, "Sorry I can't tonight." You can see that she looks sad, "But hey! If my plans end early! I'll join you guys!" Her facial expression changes and she smiles brightly, "Can't wait!"
Now this is gonna be a little confusing, let me know if you would like a page that has a list of all the main characters/oc’s because there are quite a few.
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
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It was a warm summer day in the small town of Monte Carlo, where the Leclerc family resided. Charles and Arthur, the two eldest siblings, were already making waves in the world of motorsports. Their passion for racing burned bright, captivating the hearts of fans worldwide. But there was a forgotten ember in the family, YN Leclerc, the youngest sibling, who had always yearned to be a part of that racing world.
From a young age, YN had watched her brothers zoom past in their go-karts, leaving behind trails of dust and dreams. Her heart ached with a desire to be on the track, to feel the adrenaline course through her veins as she chased the checkered flag. However, the Leclerc family couldn't afford to support her aspirations. Racing was an expensive venture, and they had already invested everything in Charles and Arthur's careers.
Undeterred, YN sought solace in the humble surroundings of her father's garage. Amongst the wrenches, oil stains, and the smell of gasoline, a new passion sparked within her. She discovered a natural aptitude for engineering and car mechanics. With unwavering determination, she spent hours studying the intricate workings of engines, dissecting every bolt, and understanding the science behind speed.
As YN's skills grew, she found herself becoming part of her brothers' racing team. While Charles in F1 and Arthur in F2 showcased their driving prowess on the track, YN worked tirelessly behind the scenes. She fine-tuned their cars, ensuring every engine was in optimal condition, and adjusted suspension settings to suit different tracks. Her keen eye for detail allowed her to spot potential issues before they escalated, making her an invaluable asset.
"YN, mon cher, you have an incredible talent," Pascale Leclerc, their maman, said one evening as she watched YN tinker with an engine. "Your father would have been proud of you."
YN looked up, her hands still covered in grease. "Do you really think so, maman?"
Pascale smiled warmly. "Of course, my dear. Your father always believed in you, just as I do. Your brothers are making their mark in the racing world, but you, ma petite, you have the power to leave your own legacy."
Slowly but steadily, YN began to gain recognition for her technical prowess. Fellow engineers and mechanics admired her innate talent and the relentless dedication she brought to the table. She became a mentor to younger enthusiasts, imparting her knowledge and nurturing their passion for cars.
Yet, despite her achievements, YN couldn't escape the shadow of her brothers. She longed to carve out her own identity within the racing community.
One evening, as YN stood in the garage, contemplating her future, Lorenzo Leclerc, Arthur's manager, approached her. "YN, I've been watching you closely," he said in a low, gentle tone. "You're more than just a mechanic. Your understanding of the sport is unparalleled. Have you ever considered becoming a race strategist?"
YN's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and curiosity washing over her. "A race strategist? But I've always been behind the scenes..."
Lorenzo smiled. "Exactly. You've been the unsung hero, the one who ensures everything runs smoothly. Imagine having the power to make split-second decisions that can determine the outcome of a race. You have what it takes, YN."
As the seasons changed and years passed, YN navigated the world of motorsports with grace and resilience. She attended races, observing the tension and excitement of the pits, and strategized race plans alongside her brothers and their team. YN's insights and meticulous preparations became instrumental in their success. Her brothers, recognizing her invaluable contributions, spoke of her achievements with pride, giving her the recognition she deserved.
But amidst the triumphs, there was still a lingering ache in YN's heart. The memory of their father, Hervé Leclerc, haunted her. His passion for racing had been the foundation on which their dreams were built, and his untimely death had left a void in their lives.
One day, while they were all gathered in their family home, reminiscing about their father's love for the sport, YN mustered the courage to speak.
"Maman, Charles, Arthur," she began, her voice laced with emotion. "I miss him. I miss him so much. Every time I step foot in the garage, I can still feel his presence. He believed in me, didn't he?"
Pascale's eyes glistened with tears as she embraced her youngest child. "Yes, my darling. Your father believed in all of you. He saw the fire in your eyes, the same fire that burns within Charles and Arthur. Your path may be different, but you carry his spirit with you."
Charles and Arthur stood on either side of YN, their expressions filled with a mix of understanding and support.
"You've proven yourself time and time again, YN," Charles said, his voice firm yet gentle. "You're not just a mechanic or a strategist. You're our sister, and you're an integral part of our team. We couldn't have come this far without you."
Arthur nodded in agreement. "You've found your own place in the racing world, YN. You've forged a path that's uniquely yours. And we're proud to call you our sister."
Through her journey, YN discovered that her passion for engineering was not just a consolation prize; it was her calling. She found fulfillment in the knowledge that her work played a significant role in her brothers' victories. YN's dream of racing may have taken a detour, but she had found a purpose that was just as exhilarating.
In time, the world began to recognize YN Leclerc as more than just the sister of racing prodigies. She became a respected figure in the motorsports industry, known for her technical brilliance and unwavering determination.
As YN stood on the podium beside her brothers, the roar of the crowd echoing in her ears, she looked out at the sea of faces. In that moment, she realized she had found her own place in the fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled world of racing. YN Leclerc, the unsung hero, had emerged from the shadows and claimed her rightful spot beyond the checkered flag.
And as the Leclerc family celebrated their triumphs, their father's spirit lived on, forever etched in their hearts. For it was through their collective passion and unwavering support for one another that they transcended the limits of the racetrack and found solace in the memories they held dear.
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24hlevi · 1 year
— fever
jigokuraku characters (chobe, toma, sagiri, yuzuriha, & shion) x gn!reader
summary: how the jgkrk characters would react to sharing a bed with you
warnings: language, a lil suggestive
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Aza Chobe
— does not give a single fuck, he probably did it on purpose even, as an excuse
— he'll be super cocky about it at first, making suggestive jokes about what could happen during the cold hours of the night even if it's summer
— if you want to find another sleeping space of sorts he'll try and convince you that one bed is better than two, saying how he'll keep you warm
— hate to say it but he would definitely try to hit, it's the perfect opportunity for him to try and he would definitely do his best to hook up with you
— by the time its time to sleep it's probably past midnight for sure, and he doesn't sleep well so he will probably be asleep for a few hours then wake up and stay awake
— will not cuddle with you whatsoever, but he sleeps on his back with his arms supporting his head so if you wanna try go ahead, he might smack you though
— chobe moves around a lot in his sleep whether it's rolling over repeatedly, spreading his legs apart so you have little to no room at all, or just simply ending up on the floor when he wakes up
— when the two of you awake the next morning, he's likely already awake ready to get the day started, ignoring however you feel about the situation and whatever happened during the night
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Aza Toma
— feigns being confused over the situation at first as if he didn't deliberately ask for a room with only one bed
— then would pretend that getting a new room would be too much of a hassle, even going as far as offering to sleep on the floor until you agree
— but toma is genuine in making sure you're comfortable with it and he truly doesn't want you to feel weirded out by the matter
— when you do say it's fine he is ecstatic about it, grinning widely as he hugs you tightly saying how he'll keep you safe despite knowing nothing would happen
— toma is a big cuddler unlike his brother, he is always holding onto you and will wrap around you like a koala when sleeping because he loves you so much
— he sleeps super deeply like you could shake him and he wouldn't wake up, he also has an iron tight grip on you when sleeping, so you'll unfortunately have to pry him off you if you need to use the restroom or anything at all
— he mumbles a little bit when he's super deep in sleep, it's rarely full sentences but it is freaky at times with what he says
— you'll likely wake up before him because he constantly sleeps, and will have to forcibly shove him off of you for him to wake up, but he smiles at you as soon as he sees you're still there with him
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Yamada Asaemon Sagiri
— literally the only one genuinely confused on how it happened
— will immediately offer to ask for another room if you are uncomfortable with it but won't if you say it's fine then she's fine with it
— ngl it's probably super awkward between you two for some reason, she's busy overthinking everything and you're just trying to make sure she's genuinely okay and not just lying to make you feel better
— she'll likely try to make up an excuse for you to sleep on the bed and her on the floor or somewhere else, but if you tell her it's fine enough times she'll eventually believe you
— sagiri isn't much of a cuddler but she will at least have an arm secured around you lightly, laying on her side with you in front of her so she can know you're there still
— she sleeps quite light and will awake at the slightest movements, but she falls back asleep super fast so it doesn't really matter too much
— halfway through the night she gives up and just fully cuddles you while mumbling how much she loves you
— sagiri will likely wake up before you by a few hours simply because she's so used to waking up early that her body naturally does now, and will wake you up by gently kissing your face until you open your eyes and see her
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— she didn't do it on purpose but she definitely won't be complaining about it that's for sure
— doesn't bother asking if you're okay with it or not, simply assumes you don't care so therefore she doesn't either
— like chobe, she will likely try to hit but she'll stop eventually, hopefully
— does not know what personal space is, like at all, she will be halfway across the bed sprawled onto your side
— she'll try and convince you to cuddle, not for any other motive but simply because she enjoys it and says it helps her sleep better
— the girl completely sprawls out when sleeping she can't stay still literally her legs will be across your body and she's not waking up anytime soon, so good luck struggling to move her
— like toma, yuzuriha has a hard grip she keeps on you so you won't be able to move a whole lot, whoops!
— you probably wake up first solely because when she has availability to sleep in she is definitely sleeping in, you'll have to bribe her with food to wake her up
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Yamada Asaemon Shion
— is almost as confused as sagiri, but also doesn't mind it too much
— he will first ask your thoughts on the situation, if you want another room, him to sleep somewhere else, etc. then decide what to do
— once it's decided you two will share the bed, shion does everything in his power to make sure you aren't uncomfortable
— he won't even go near the bed until it's actually time to sleep
— when it is time to sleep he is so far away from you that you wonder if maybe he wants to get another room cause it seems like he's avoiding you but he just wants to ensure you have enough space
— he sleeps on his back straight like a stick figure trying to not take up a lot of space so you have more room
— but if you were to cuddle with him in the middle of the night he wouldn't be against it, would lean into it and keep an arm secured around you so he knows you're still there
— shion sleeps very lightly, so he will likely wake up a few times before eventually fully waking up, probably drinking tea while watching nature outside waiting for you to awake
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kokusfluffyhair · 10 months
Their Thoughts on Winter
(Demons can go out in the daytime/sunlight here)
+ It isn't his preferred temperature, but he can tolerate it
+ He doesn't want to show weakness, so he won't complain
+ He gets a little calmer when it gets dark earlier -- the less sun reminds him less that he can't do Sun Breathing
+ He likes to cuddle up at night with his s/o, and colder weather is good for that
+ But still, he doesn't like feeling cold when he's outside
+ His long, luscious hair helps keep him warm
+ He tries not to let the season change ruin his vibe
+ The cold air does dry out his eyes some, so he needs some eye drops for that
+ He likes it -- it keeps the riff-raff away
+ He's relieved when there are less crazy summer people on the streets
+ Everyone gets paler in the winter, so his own skin colour is less evident than in warmer months
+ He does get very angry that the sun isn't out as long
+ He wishes it could be colder but with long hours of sun
+ His little experiments aren't as productive as in the summer because he's always gritting his teeth about how it gets dark so fast
+ His patience wears thin easier and he kills more humans during the winter
+ If you're Douma or Gyokko, you probably get your body slashed in half more often during the winter
+ This one gets seasonal depression
+ He hates having to wear a coat or layers
+ He hates having to wear a hat to cover up that gorgeous hair of his
+ He complains a lot
+ He says that his bubbly personality needs the sun to give him energy
+ Because he gets depressed, he requires more intimacy with his s/o to get through the winter
+ The only joy he finds in the cold is working on ice sculptures
+ Still, the quality of the natural snow and ice is subpar compared to what he can create during any season
+ His first words are "fuck, man" whenever he walks outside
+ He's bundled up in so many layers but it's not enough for his skinny ass
+ He can see his breath in the air before anyone else does
+ Sometimes he pulls down his hat so far that it's almost covering his eyes
+ He doesn't understand how or why Daki is still not covering up and wearing skimpy clothes in this weather
+ His skin gets paler and it makes his birthmarks more evident
+ He gets bad dry skin in the winter too
+ Someone give him moisturiser and force him to use it, please
+ He wants to build snowmen and play in the snow but he always gets sick when he does
+ "Already?" he asks every day when it gets dark early
+ He's pretty tolerant to the cold
+ He likes having warm drinks and soups
+ If his s/o or best friend gets depressed in the winter, he'll feel bad and try to cheer them up
+ He would make candlelight hand-puppet shows
+ He loves to cuddle under blankets
+ He likes that he doesn't get as sweaty but wishes that the winter wouldn't last as long as it doesn
Daigo Kagemitsu
+ He hates winter even more than I do
+ He gets really cranky and angry when there's less sunlight
+ It reminds him of when it used to flood all the time and he gets anxiety from it
+ He's very sensitive to the cold but won't tell anyone
+ He looks like he wants to burn down the world whenever he has to walk in snow
+ He has a hard time waking up in the morning knowing that it's going to be grey and cold
+ This man really needs sunshine and he's struggling
+ He's invincible to the cold
+ But he's very sensitive to being wet
+ He's fine, as long as there's no dampness or freezing rain or snow
+ He gets sick when there's snow
+ He uses the cold weather as an excuse to cook more and experiment with food
+ He uses the oven a lot so he can leave it open and let the warm air come into the house
+ He gets tired when it gets dark early
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lovely-lady-lumps · 1 year
The Cold to His Heat
Pairing: Peter Parker x Gn!Reader
Summary: Peter runs hot and you run cold, naturally, you connect over said body temperatures. But when summer comes around, Peter can't take you not being cold anymore.
  One of the many things the bite had changed in Peter, was his body heat. Before, he was a normal temperature, feeling hot and cold both the same. But after, he started to feel warm mkst of the time. Sure he could get cold and it wasn't really a life destroying change, but it was somewhat of a nuisance when it came to summer. Temperatures reached their highest in this season and man did it suck. He was constantly drinking ice water, turning the air conditioner lower when May wasn't home. He used to absolutely hate it, until you started dating.
  In fact, you're the only reason he's pretty okay with it. Because just like stereotypes go, a man that runs hot ends up with a woman that runs cold. And you were always cold. He never really realized it at first, assuming you cuddling into him was due to the new relationship. That was until you first held hands, your fingers feeling like ice sickles against his. Since then, he's used his newly developed body heat to warm you up anytime you need. Feet cold? Tuck them under his thighs. Nose cold? He'll kiss it till it gets warm! The best part? Your body cools him down.
  So when the air starts to get warmer and you lean on him less and less, he's devastated that you don't need him for such a simple thing anymore. He prepares himself for a long, suffering summer with nothing but ice cream and webbing through the air. However, just because you don't need him doesn't mean he doesn't need you, so he comes up with a plan.
  Well, the term plan is used very lightly. Aunt May goes out with a "friend" every Wednesday, and when she's gone, he gets free range over the cooling system. You may be hot outside, but when you come into the 64° apartment? You'll be just as cold as usual and need him to warm you up. It's a win-win really. Lucky for him, today is Wednesday. Unlucky for him, May is home.
  "So when will your friend be here?" His aunt asks from the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of water.
  "Umm, really any minute now. Can we turn the air down? Please?" Peter barely hides the desperate tone to his words. He stands across the small island from her.
  "Absolutely not. It's already 67° in here! Are you really that hot?" May reaches over to feel his forehead, which he quickly dodges.
  "No, I'm fine. Just... a little warm." He's saved by the sound of a timid kock on the door.
  His eyes widen and he rushes around to May's side, "I need you to leave. Now. Please." He begs, gently maneuvering her towards her room.
  She laughs and grabs her glass off the counter, "Okay! Okay, I'll stay in my room like a good aunt should. But hey," She pulls herself from his grasp to look him in the eyes, eyebrows raised. "You behave or certain privileges will be taken away."
  Peter grins and nods, giving her one last gentle shove, "Got it aunt May."
  She gives him a peck on the cheek and rushes down the short hall to her bedroom, "Have fun!" She says as she closes the door.
  Peter sighs and relaxes his shoulders, only to tense when you knock again. He gets to the door in minimal time, swinging it open a little too eagerly. You're standing on the other side in a nice tank top and shorts, with a hoodie tied around your waist just in case. He looks down at himself and realizes he's in a loose fitting t-shirt and gym shorts. Looking back up he gives you a sheepish smile.
  "It's extra hot out today, huh?" You ask, smiling softly at him.
  "Ye-yeah it is. Uh, come in." Peter mentally slaps himself for his awkwardness.
  You walk in and immediately begin to look around, hands clasped in front of you.
  "So, we have tea and water, I think we even have some Coke if you want some." Peter offers rapidly.
  You turn around to face him, hands dropping to your sides. "Water is fine, Pete." You assure.
  He lets out a breath and nods, making his way to the kitchen and grabbing two glasses to set on the counter. As he's getting the water jug out of the fridge, he feels your arms wrap around him from behind, resting on his waist. He tries to gage just how warm or cold you are, but can't feel much through his shirt. Glancing at the thermostat, he wishes it would magically get cooler.
  "What do you wanna do today?" You ask with your face pressed into his sholder blade.
  He relaxes at the feeling, telling himself it's just like any other day. As long as aunt May stays away. "How about a movie?"
  You nod and pull away, letting him turn to pour your glasses full before grabbing one and waiting for his instruction. He leads you the short distance to the dark grey couch and sits on the left side. You sit on the right, tucked into the arm of it almost immediately. He deflates at the gesture of sitting so far away.
  "This couch is so comfy!" You compliment, running a hand over the fibers.
  He chuckles, "I'll be sure to let aunt May know."
  The two of you sit and browse for a few minutes, arguing over which Disney movie to watch. Finally landing on Ratatouille, you settle into your spots. Of course, as usual, you curl into yourself with your knees held close to your chest. He on the other hand, spreads out like a starfish, foot brushing yours on the small sofa and arm hanging off the edge. Even though it's as cool as it's going to get in the room, he's still too warm. He waits ten minutes into the movie before deciding something needs to be done.
  "Hey, is it okay if I take off my shirt?" It's so blunt that he cringes as it leaves his mouth.
  You laugh and nod, "Sure. Are you hot?"
  He pulls his shirt off in one swift motion and throws it on the back of the couch. "Yeah, a little bit." He shrugs, flopping back onto the cushions.
  "Don't you have a fan or something?" You ask with furrowed brows.
  "No. I usually just..." he trails off. Embarrassment fills him at his almost admission.
  "Just what?" You sit up from your position, listening intently.
  He bites his lip in thought but one look at your concerned gaze gets him to spill. "Well, you're usually cold. Im usually hot. I kind of just wait for you to hold me to cool down. But I didn't want to make you uncomfortable because I know you're hot so..." He breaks eye contact half way through, not able to handle the humiliation.
  "Peter," it's spoken so softly, "Is that why you haven't been hugging me?"
   "Yeah. I figured with it being hot, I would just make you hotter. Didn't want to overheat you." Peter explains.
  You stare at him in disbelief, "Oh my God we're idiots." You gasp.
  His head shoots up to glare at you in slight offence.
  "I haven't touched you because I was afraid you were too hot! Babe, I'm always cold, doesn't matter what time of year." You reach out a hand to touch his knee, cooling the patch of skin in seconds.
  "Wow, we really are stupid." Peter breathes out.
  You giggle and move your hand away, "So, we can agree that much cuddling is needed right?"
  "Absolutely." Peter opens his arms in invitation and you practically collapse onto him.
  You tuck your hands in between you, palms laid flat on his chest and legs stretched to keep contact with his. You both let out a relieved sigh, settling back into the cushions.
  "You know this won't last long don't you?" You ask, eyes closed in content.
  "Just shut up and enjoy it." Is his happily spoken answer.
  He closes his own eyes and rests a hand on your cold upper back, letting your cool skin lull him.
  And if aunt May came out to see you fast asleep tangled up in each other, well she obviously didn't take a picture.
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kivaember · 7 months
random ac6 coffee shop au drabble hgh
MY BRAIN IS LIKE A NOODLE FROM WORK so here's a cute brainless coffee shop au drabble
The birds were singing, insects were chirping, and there wasn't a single cloud in the summer's sky, the day warm but not unpleasantly hot, and a beautiful vista stretching out from the public car park that Rusty had parked his jeep in.
Raven took the whole thing in with a distinct feeling of dread.
"The parking's free on Sunday," Rusty chattered happily, oblivious to his boyfriend mentally compiling his will. He pulled out a rucksack from the jeep's boot and easily slung it onto his shoulders, before holding out Raven's smaller and far lighter backpack. "So we can take all the time we need for our hike."
Raven nodded wearily and accepted his backpack. It contained two 2L water bottles, his lunch, as well as a few snacks, and a waterproof jacket, despite the good weather. Rusty had been very serious when he said that no matter where they hiked to, they should always prepare for bad weather. Raven just thought he was carrying extra weight for no reason.
But he had no one to blame but himself. When Rusty had excitedly asked him last week if he wanted to go on a 'nice, easy hike' with him on Sunday, Raven had unthinkingly agreed, always happy to spend time with his boyfriend. However, as the day approached, Raven gradually realised that he and Rusty had two very different definitions of a 'hike'.
Raven thought it'd be a short, pleasant walk in the countryside, two hours tops, and it'd be mostly flat. Rusty thought a 'nice, easy hike' was stomping up the mountain just outside of southern Xylem that was 'affectionately' called The Wall, due to its sheer verticality in some parts. Of course there was a path that could be walked by anyone with functioning legs, but the hike was expected to take almost TWO HOURS to get to the SUMMIT. FOUR HOURS IN TOTAL. TO WALK UP AND DOWN. A MOUNTAIN.
Raven, who was out of breath just climbing a single flight of stairs, quietly despaired.
Rusty, the evil tempress that had lured Raven to this uniquely cruel and unusual torture, beamed at him, clearly excited for the day. Raven didn't have the heart to admit to him that he was going to hate every moment of this. He can endure this, to protect that smile. He'll... he'll climb this mountain... for Rusty.
So, weakly, he smiled back.
"I've plotted our route," Rusty said, as they began to walk towards where the public footpath began from the car park. "I made sure to pick the easiest one, so you won't have to climb up any steep parts... if you get tired, let me know, alright? If it comes to it I can carry you no problem until you catch your breath."
Rusty held out his phone, which had a satnav app already marking out their route. Raven hid a grimace when he saw the '9.56 miles remaining!' at the top of the screen.
"You've got your inhaler, right?" Rusty asked, and Raven quickly nodded at that. He actually over-prepared and brought two. "Okay, good. I know you said you're fine with exercise but... really, let me know if you get tired."
Well, Raven was pretty sure exercise didn't trigger his respiratory problems, but he'd never actually... exercised to really test that out. Did a short one hundred metre jog count as exercise? It must do, right?
He kept that question to himself, though, gripping the straps of his backpack as they left the solid comfort of tarmac and onto the dusty, rocky dirt path that led towards the mountain. While things were still flat and manageable, Raven did take a moment to look about himself, admire the scenery, that sort of thing (it might be the last thing he'll ever see, after all).
Raven had never really left Xylem before today. He'd been to a few parks, and he had a very foggy memory from when he was a child where Michigan had dragged him and Walter to the beach that one time, but he hadn't really been dumped into the middle of nature like this before. It smelled different to the city, looked different, and sounded different.
It was nice.
Enough so that he briefly forgot he was meant to be dreading this whole hike, and happily kept pace with Rusty who was kindly moderating his strides to be short and slow just for him. Raven felt a burst of affection for him, abruptly, realising that he was very lucky to have such a considerate boyfriend like Rusty, even if he was insane and liked to climb mountains in his spare time... what a weirdo (fond)...
Things changed when they started hitting The Incline.
It was gradual, gentle enough that Raven didn't notice it at first, but then it sloped upwards sharply, and within minutes Raven was sweating, panting and valiantly trying to ignore the burn in his legs.
Rusty, of course, noticed. "Uh, buddy, are you okay?"
Raven made an off-hand sign for {fine}, stubbornly glaring down the path as he took another quad-burning step.
"I mean, it's just, you're looking a bit red there-"
Another step. Oh god. This was so hard. Rusty did this for fun?!
"-and I can hear you wheezing."
But Rusty had looked forward to this all week... no, no Raven will not surrender, he won't give in! He'll succeed! He'll finish this hike!! Bolstered by deranged motivation, Raven took two more wobbling steps.
"And you're sweating buckets..."
Argh, actually, this might be too much for him. They had to have done at least a mile, right? That meant he just had to do eight miles at most. If he can think of it like that, then he can do it, right? Right?!
Desperately clinging onto this hope, Raven signed a bit haphazardly: {How far? Distance????}
"Buddy..." Rusty slowed to a stop. "We've only done three hundred metres."
Raven staggered to a halt as well and stared, dismayed.
"I mean, you can still see the carpark..."
Rusty turned and pointed, and Raven followed where his finger was indicating, seeing that, yes, indeed, the carpark was right there, well in view. Rusty's jeep sparkled under the sun, a siren call of 'you can give up now and leave~~~~'
He was so, so tempted.
Rusty's expression was both amused and rueful when he looked back at him, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, if you want to call it there... we can. I mean, there's a lake not too far from there. We can walk around that instead. It's fine!"
So, so, so tempted....!!!!
{No,} Raven signed stubbornly, tilting his jaw and daring Rusty to argue with him. {I said I'd hike. I'm going to the summit. With or without you.}
"..." Rusty shook his head with a bit of a laugh. "Raven..."
{Witness me,} Raven proclaimed a bit deliriously, and resumed his arduous treck up the mountain path, huffing and puffing like a beaten up car engine on its last legs.
"Raven! C'mon..."
Raven kept going.
...for about one hundred metres, before he gave up and lied down on the ground, staring up at the blue sky with Rusty staring down at him.
{Leave me for the birds,} Raven signed solemnly, and pointed at the vulture he could see circling above. He could hear how his breaths wheezed in his struggling lungs, his heart thundering to its very limits to keep him alive for these parting words (handsigns.... whatever). {I'll return... to the circle of life...}
"Okay, I think it's inhaler time," Rusty said with some amusement, and bent down to rudely roll Raven onto his side to get into his backpack. "Hm, you should really put it somewhere more accessible... ah! Got it!"
Rusty rolled him onto his back and handed him his inhaler. Sulkily, Raven took a puff (he felt himself inch away from death's door).
"So," Rusty said, as Raven came down from his delirious, oxygen-deprived high. "Lake?"
Raven rested his inhaler against his chest. {Lake.}
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sketchfanda · 2 months
Kirishima’s Mystique Party 3
A Real Dish
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Digital static flickered on for a moment as a camera was finished being set up and adjusted, giving any viewers a modest and oh so very generous view of furry cleavage contained by a silky green blouse. The owner of both which revealed herself to be a quite mature furry woman who was more than easy on the eyes, radiating a very suburban mom vibe what with her simple, sensual curvy all covered up in the aforementioned blouse and a set of denim jeans which really highlighted a quite healthy pair of hips and thighs. Checking to see that the camera she had set up was running just fine as she smiled and hummed sweetly while giving herself a once over before looking with those warm hazel eyes of hers. The scenery around her seemed like a typical sort of basic apartment living room but where she was could be hinted at if one were to look closely at the window in the background and what it displayed before she caught her growing audience's attention and began speaking up.
??:"Uhm, hey there, you all know me, Helen Dish here and I hope to make this livestream go well for all of you....Oh my, a few donations already and I only just started, some of you are just too much you know that?"*The furry woman couldn't help but feel a bit equal parts giddy yet flustered, young folks really went all out for a single old divorcee like herself huh? Hell she was still clothed and had only just went through setting up this account, how Zigzag managed to talk her into doing this was beyond her but then again she had quite a way with words and the gifted tongue to match.*"Really now, maybe wait until I've actually started okay? You're just too sweet for your own good..."*Shaking her head in bemusement, the hot single mom turned her head to sound of the door being knocked on as she went to go at it, the camera of course getting a fine angle and shot of her furry milf hips swaying and sashaying in those lovely denim jeans. The comments and tips chiming in of course in display of this fine view.*
Helen Dish, bless the dear woman, was on what you might call a little journey of self discovery and personal exploration, ever since the day the famous pornstar Zigzag came into her life and rocked her world. Awakening her to new sexual experiences which lead her to a curiosity on what boundaries and kinks she could try out, up to the Siberian Tiger-Skunk doing her best to consider maybe taking up a career in the adult entertainment industry, flattering as that was of course but she felt she wasn't quite cut out for it....yet anyway. But of course her ever experience friend with benefits suggested something of a halfway point, setting her up with an account on the OnlyZ2 social media account, a special adults only platform with which she could post videos and pictures of herself of a very private, intimate and oh so erotic nature. Which lead to her current situation wherein she was now trying out posting on the site, right during her solo vacation to Japan of all times to try out one of Ziggy's suggestions.
That being to do a saucy little livestream of herself playing out one of the most basic and classic porn scenarios, doing it with a cute hunky delivery guy which of course was making the single milf equal parts nervous and excited all at once. Checking her watch while making sure the camera was still running smoothly, the furry sexy mama jumped a bit as the bell rang and knocking was heard on the door which she went to go answer, the chat gong wild as they recognised the delivery guy. He may have been in a simple delivery guy uniform and his usual spikey mane of hair in its more natural state but the chat was going wild recognising none other than the Red Riot himself Kirishima!! He’d taken up a little part time summer job working for the local pizza place so you can bet he was going to be in for quite the surprise, in more ways than one.
But as it just so happened, who should chime in on the chat but the use names AlienQueen and LadyoftheWaves, aka Mina and Maya who were naturally cheering their man on to get him prime furry milf ass for a hell of a tip. The current part time pizza guy accepting his payment of course but nervous and confused as Helen gently urged and persuaded him to come on inside so she could give him a tip for his services. Soon as he placed the pizza box down, she had the door shut and locked, the hot sexy mama in spite of herself felt quite bold and daring as she pounced onto the chivalrous himbo, locking lips with him in a deep, passion fuelled kiss. To say it caught him off guard was an understatement as he found himself falling back onto the couch, hands instinctively reaching out to hold Helen steady, unintentionally grabbing and squeezing that denim clad rump of hers with a firm squeeze which made her shudder sensually.
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The chat box of Helen’s amateur stream on Only Z2 was seeing a rise in views and an influx of viewing guests, many of which were chiming in with donations in anticipation of what was about follow. Helen of course had put the active camera in the back of her mind as she became quite enamoured with the slab of hunky beef she was making out with. Especially when it was clear he was getting quite into it in spite of his sudden and spontaneous it was, his hands massaging that jeans covered booty of hers while she pressed snd rubbed herself against him and his muscle mountain frame. A spark of lust and attention forming between the pair as they were suddenly finding their clothing quite confining and restricting.
Much to the delight of the most eager snd thirsty of their viewing audience, the clothes were soon flying, with Helen’s rising fanbase skyrocketing especially once her modest but oh so very well aged furry figure was on display. Particularly when she was really enjoying pressing herself up against and caressing Kirishima’s fully exposed, sculpted form as she humped and ground his hardening length and girth between her thighs and hotdogged between her fuzzy buns. Her slit running along thst shaft snd drowning it in the steady flow of her love nectar as she found any hesitation or shyness wasn’t anywhere on Kirishima’s mind as he groped and caressed her body she so generously bore on display for him. Showing that he was no stranger to handling a woman sexually which only served to further fuel her sense of boldness and arousal at finding herself actually pulling off and playing out the oldest cliche porn fantasy so successfully.
Which translates to quite the show for their viewing audience as they watched the milf hero turned part time pizza guy in a 69 postion, Helen moaning wantonly as she felt Kirishima’s shark like teeth tease her folds while he ate out. That is when her mouth wasn’t busy working away on that butch pleasing womb hammering cock of his, stroking off what she couldn’t fit into her mouth as she licked, sucked and blew on this pulsing slab. Her free hand massaging those heavy balls as a deep seated primal portion of her brain was rising in volume, calling for her to let this hunky alpha male mount and breed her. She hadn’t felt this wild since that first glorious experience she had with Zigzag, hell this was looking to take no.2 in her top 3 sexual experiences list for sure….
Helen:”Aaahn!! Harder!, don’t stop!! Keep going! “*Before Helen knew it, she soon found herself experiencing a sensation could only be akin to feeling like she reaching heaven if not the sexual equivalent of Nirvana. And why wouldn’t she when she had Kirishima atop her in a position part way between missionary, spread eagle and the mating press as he pumped and thrust his shaft like a jackhammer into her sloppy wet folds. Holding onto those powerful shoulders of his for dear life as the cameras got just the right angle of their intimate connection, Mina and maya cheering their man on in the chat to rut that sexy mama and out a baby in her. Plenty of the viewers seconding thst sentiment as some typed “Get pregnant!” Like a mantra, with tips pouring in all the while.*
Of course some rude guests or annoying trolls would get the ban hammer their way if they so much as started shit or tried to, especially one by the username Grapist but that wasn’t ruining the fun for the streaming audience. Not especially when seeing Kirishima continue to rock Helen’s world as he took her from behind doggy style, her glorious furry milf booty clapping and jiggling with every impact of their loins as he grasped and squeezed her swaying tits. Or hoisted her mature frame in the air for a full nelson or standing fuck as he pretty much out her ex husband to shame and all the while to her delight she found he was completely focused in her and her own pleasure alone, as if the idea of his own orgasms were just a natural result and not the end goal. Such a gentleman even when it came to sex, the guy was a keeper as she wondered if ziggy would just love to meet him…..
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After minutes into hours, the marathon like session proved to be quite a tip for the chivalrous himbo, who kept Helen company in basking in the afterglow, idly making out with the furry milf. After a rest up and a shared shower..which less to a quickie of course, he courteously received his payment…and a card with her contact details for the next time around down the road. Which he accepted with a humble sweet smile of course,as the milf, clad in a silk bathrobe,went back on over to her laptop. Giggling snd nervously blushing at the large donations in tips her viewers so generality provided as she thanked them graciously, blowing them a kiss with a wink and a smile before shutting it off.
it was no wonder that Helen found herself gaining a number of new fans and subscribers to her channel, some sending messages asking when her next steam might be and if particularly Kirishima might be involved again, seems the chemistry she developed with him was felt by a lot of them. But she had found quite a gift from Mina and maya in the form of a private link to their OnlyHeroes account which gave her access to some very intimate photos and videos with her quite erotically talented pizza guy. Which made for some very handy fantasy fuel on those lonely nights in bed for sure to say the very least. She was certainly going to need to remember to thank Zigzag for her advice, the woman had a gift….
Oh and speaking of the Siberian tiger skunk woman, seems she had been watching in on the stream herself and had been quite intrigued by the wuite hunky fellow her fave sexy mam had gotten down and dirty with. And wouldn’t you know it, seems Mina and Maya were more than willing to talk and share very juicy details about their boyfriend. Details which she was sure to pass onto the head honcho of her studio’s Japanese branch about s potential future star to recruit. As well a a certain fellow sexy lady skunkfriend of hers course, one thing she knew about Chloe was, she just loooved himbos…
Mayoral Liaisons
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It wasn't often Calico "Callie" Briggs found herself with a lot of time but with things being all quite for a change in Megakat City (Home to the biggest population feline quirk based heteromorphs around), the deputy mayor had a chance to relax and unwind for a change. Which was how she found herself visiting Japan acting an ambassador on Mayor Manx' behalf, allowing her to establish diplomatic relations while of course getting to enjoy a little sightseeing here and there. The Hero Public Safety Committee of course had arranged to have some local heroes act as her escort chaperones and provide security and bodyguard detail. UA High School of course was among that had stepped up as their recent alumni of graduates were more than up to the task, just their freshman year alone had been more trouble than they wanted to remember....
So of course she was more than safe and sound in the capable hands of the trio provided by the code names Pinky, Mystique and Red Riot or as we know them, Mina, Maya and Kirishima. The latter two proved very affable and friendly with Mina's feistiness damn near contagious while Maya being the surfer girl she was, proved to be very laidback and chilled. Kirishima though, the guy was such an adorkable himbo, like someone took a teddy bear and put inside the body of a pro wrestler. Right from when they met, the guy'd been doing what he could to do his job while trying not to stare at her too much like he was ogling her.
It was quite sweet and flattering to see such a guy be so gentlemanly and chivalrous these days, a rare thing when most guys seemed more intent on listening to their libidos. It certainly helped that he was more than easy on the eyes, that face the right blend of cute and handsome while his outfit really showed off those gains of his...to which the feisty feline mentally slapped herself to regain focus. It wouldn't be proper thinking of her bodyguard like that, especially when it seemed he was more or less with either Mina or Maya, or was it both even? These days polygamous and monogamous relationships were aplenty and was she imagining things or did it seem like the bubblegum duo didn't mind her mentally undressing their man?
All the same, the feline stunner just couldn’t keep the guy from running through her mind, many a sleepless night from wet dreams about that himbo mounting her and taking her in ways that would make porn seem tame. Waking up after an especially intense orgasm, fur and sheets soaked with sweat from having dreamt of such of lewd fantasies like being taken in the shower or him invading her room to ambush her, among such other dreams she could recall vividly. At some point Callie knew, her deep, subconscious primal urges would scream at her to give in, to throw herself at that alpha male and have him rut her. Sooner or later, something was going to have to give.
Indeed at her private hotel room that night, Callie found herself feeling rather sleepless though it might not have helped that her assigned bodyguard heroes were right next door. Going at like minks in goddamn heat as Mina and Maya’s moans echoed deeply and passionately. All in rhythm and tune with the heavy thuds and creaks of their bed against the wall and floor as they cheered their man on to smash them like only he knew how. It was enough to drive the feline beaut crazy, yet in spite of any annoyance she should feel, her body betrayed her as she found kind hand plunging down her gushing folds as she played with herself.
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It was moments like this Callie cursed the fsct she liked to sleep in the nude, as she squirmed about he’d bedsheets, staining them with her sweat soaked fur as she indulged in her audio voyeurism. Visualising what I had to be happening on the other side before finally…the noises ceased. Seems they finally stopped, none too soon yet frustrated as she felt she was close to orgasming, so the near insomniac woman decided she needed a cold shower. So up she got, nearly sleepwalking to the bathroom but forgot a simple little important detail in her semi tired state of mind.
That being the bathroom was interconnected between her room and the one shared by Kirishima, Mina and Maya as well as the fact the shower was already occupied. Steam filling the room like a small fog as she entered the shower, only to be shocked awake by Kirishima yelling that he was in there already! The sturdy himbo and the feline beaut looking at one another in shock and awe, Callie drinking in that glorious well endowed muscle mountain with his semi rigid cock stiffening with renewed vigour. While Kirishima found himself unable to look away from the deputy mayor of MegaKat city in all her furry nude glory, who knew such a brainy charismatic woman had such a stunning body.
Neither of them was sure who made the first move but all Callie and a Kirishima knew then and there was they soon found he selves pressing their bodies together in passionate embrace. The hot water raining down on them to fuel rather than dampen their spark of intimacy as they made out with passionate abandon, tongues dancing together as Callie found her back pressed up against the cool tiled walls. Her glorious,soaked blonde mane waving around as she threw her head to let out a deep throated moan to find his length and girth penetrating her, inch after inch of that slab sinking in and filling her in ways she nerves thought possible. Orgasmic tingles running along her spine and she was loving every goddamn second of it!!
But as soon as he has bottomed out, balls deep and started to limp and thrust like the piston of a jackhammer, Callie was finding herself in erotic heaven as Kirishima fucked her deep and hard. Arms and legs wrapping around his Adonis frame as she held on for dear life, now Callie wasn’t a virgin but she sure as hell wasn’t a slut but Damn if a Kirishima wasn’t putting any prior past partners to shame. Pretty kitty starting to see how and why Mina and Maya were so damn loud moments before. With a guy like this, why would any lucky lady not want to feel like they were playing out their own personal porno?
If anything what was going on in that shower was putting pornstars to shame as Kirishima rocked Callie’s world, any fantasies or wet dreams she had been having about him were exceeding and surpassing expectations. Orgasms hitting her furry bombshell figure one after another thst she couldn’t keep count, all the while she found herself being put through a variety of positions. A few of which she found were some of his favourite and proved to be becoming the same for her, especially intimate ones like the cowgirl or seated lotus but being taken from behind doggy or rather kitty style? It was just so primal to have this hunk of a man mount her snd rut her, those heavy balls of his smacking her clit as his bitchpleaser hammered her womb.
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Callie wasn’t sure how hours had passed, omly how many orgasms Kirishima had which could be counted one hand with some fingers left over, yet she hadn’t felt tired out yet as if the sensation of his cumming in and on her was fuel for her gas tank. Unable and not wanting to stop herself going with the sexual flow and momentum as she found herself being carried out by this hunky caveman even as they did a standing vertical 69. Suffocating herself on his length and girth as he ate her out while taking her right back to his room to be greeted and welcomed by the leering sensual gazes of Mina and Maya. Who patted a spot on the queen sized bed, making it clear there was plenty room for one more…and the night was still young.
By the time the light of the riding sun filled the room with its glow, Callie found herself along with Mina and Maya laying stoo a Kirishima in an intimate tangle of limbs. Basking in the afterglow of their muscle mountain as Callie had found that the rest of her little ambassador tour was going to ensure a few sleepless nights in all the most fun and naughty ways. Suffice to say it was no wonder she made sure to exchange contract details with the trio, which they signified and made official with a naked selfie together. If there was one problem for Callie, it was that the fun would be over soon as she had to go home…..
But at the least the odd picture snd video helped to ease the sense of longing and besides which, it wasn’t like she couldn’t plan another trip to Japan. Or hell, even invite them over for some downtime in MegaKat city, besides which something told her Lt. Felina Feral wouldn’t turn down a chance for some fun with the Red Riot. The gal seemed like she could use a little round of fun in the sheets, it was hectic being in the Enforcers after all. And a fine woman like her was sure to look hot in the throes of passion….
Bimbette Riot
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Bimbette wasn't the first or last girl you'd see around in a society of quirks these days, especially with heteromorph types making furries a natural thing to see around on the streets. Especially skunk girls like herself but if her unofficial nickname she had was anything to go by? Compared to most other girls like herself, she was a stunning knockout, the kind of girl who could walk by and turn heads, causing guys to let their hormones mess with their brains and even the odd girl to question her own sexuality. A walking, talking definition of the term bimbo from her oh so pretty face to the sort of curves and tone that only a man or woman who knew their audience would've drawn and designed her to be so.
She knew well enough she wasn't the kind of girl who could go become a pro-hero or anything but that didn't mean she wasn't a fan of them, really how could she not be? Especially with how many good lookers there were, among the guys and girls alike, she was comfy enough with her sexuality to enjoy both the hunks and the hotties. So seeing her at conventions for autographs was as common as groupies at a music concert, just to get an autograph and the some if she was lucky. And ooh was she hoping to get more than lucky today and with good reason mind you.
After all today was a special meet and greet at the local surf shop at Jagua Del Toro, with a chance to get a signature or picture from local girl Maya Diva, codename Mystique and her lover and partner, Japan’s own Mina Ashido, aka Pinky or Alien Queen as some unofficially called her. Bimbette could barely contain her excitement at being in the presence of such a pair of hotties but what made it even better was that hunk of a boyfriend was there as their chaperone and bodyguard. Her tail sensually swaying, emitting it’s pheromonal perfume as just seeing that prime slab of cut meat looking like an adonis in that outfit, just recalling the fantasies she had so often about him. She could feel her thighs getting all good and sticky as she contained herself from trying to pounce snd make out with the guy, idly wondering he’d be like in reality compared to her wet dreams….
But of course the cotton candy colour furred babe shook her head to clear out those spicy thoughts as she found herself getting closer to the front of the line, wanting to keep herself composed in front of her idols. Not that her excitement wasn’t showing in spite of her containing, what with her fluffy tail wafting snd giving off that oh so fine pheromonal scent and the beaming smile she wore as she got the signatures she so eagerly desired. Puzzled as she moved along to keep the line going to find that in addition to their John Hancocks, Mina and Maya had left what appeared to be their emails and cellphone numbers…and stuck a post it on the back, written with the hotel and room number they were staying at..and a time to show up, all sealed with a kiss. The skunk babe felt her pulse race, fur standing in end as her nerves got all tingly, could this mean what she think this meant?
Well the cotton Candy/bubblegum skunk wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth and besides which, that Red Riot hunk of love looked to be better than that has been Johnny Pew. So later as dusk was setting in, the sun painting the Jagua skies vibrant hues of orange, red snd violet, Bimbette left her hotel room that night deciding to accept the stealth invite. Soon as she found their room, she knocked on the door, which opened to show the sensually grinning faces of Mina and Maya who welcomed her on inside. Stealthily copping themselves a feel of her bombshell body of course which made her shudder as she found them guiding her to the bedroom to find a lovely sight before her.
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There sat Kirishima on the bed, his erect, rigid shaft laid bare which made the skunk babe’s thighs become soaked and sticky as she beheld his muscle mountain body laid bare in all its naked glory. The sturdy himbo unaware of her presence as he currently had on a blindfold and a set of headphones yet her pheromonal scent was certainly distinct as it made his cock twitch and spasm. Her tail swaying with sensual a glee as she looked to Mina and Maya with approving glances, emboldening the hottie skunk girl as she made her way over and stripped down to her her own furry birthday suit. Soon kneeling before this prime specimen of a man, grasping his shaft in awe as she took in his potent scent and wasted no time in expressing her lusty admiration and desire.
Which of she demonstrated with a powerful, lusty blowjob as she sucked and blew on that meathammer, licking it as she jerked odd what she couldn’t fit into her mouth. So tempted to make herself suffocate with deepthroating it which this hunk of burning red love seemed to oblige he as bucked and pumped his hips, feeling those balls smack her chin as her throat became a preview for what awaited her pussy. Which dribbled snd gushed, making a growing puddle on the floor as her tail sway and slithered, letting off more of her pheromones that made Kirishima’s arousal skyrocket as he made to stroke and caressed Bimbette’s head affectionately and sensually. He had a feeling this wasn’t either of his alpha girl duo but whoever they sent his way, they were really hitting his buttons just right.
More so when the bimbo skunk girl upped the ante and sandwiched his shaft between her big furry titties, moaning sensually as she licked and sucked the tip while his bitchpleaser thrust between her cotton Candy cloud jugs. Mina and Maya watching on with voyeuristic delight as they made out with intimate sensual familiarity and passion, tongues dancing in sloppy tonsil hockey as they scissored one another vigorously. Especially in anticipation for when their stud boyfriend would rock the cotton Candy pink skunk’s world like only he could. No audio and visual deprivation was going to deter his natural love making skills, especially when his instincts told him there was a bitch in heat in need of his raw desire.
Desire that was soon drowning Bimbette’s airhead of a brain in raw, mind numbing, sensual bliss and ecstasy as she found herself,on her back. Kirishima mounted atop her as he hammered and pounded, balls deep like a sexual jackhammer as he had started with a classic missionary before shifting to spread eagle, now having the skunk babe in a mating press. Her lovely legs pushed back until her ankles were on either side of her head, tongue dancing with his in a sloppy kiss as she filled the room with her wanton moans and cries. Her tits pressed snd rubbing up against that firm chest of his as she welcomed being used like a glorified fucktoy for this himbo love machine.
A desire Kirishima was looking to oblige as he fucked her with unrelenting force and desire, she was no slut whore but any number of guys she had been with before were being put rightfully to shame. From being held in his embrace as she rode his cock in forward and reverse cowgirl, to being taken from behind in doggy style until her arms and kegs couldn’t hold up anymore. Content to lay flat on her front as he fucked her prone bone but ooh this wasn’t just simple animalistic fucking oh no, the way this stud held and caressed her, every little kiss to her sweet spots and the possessive squeezes to he ass and tits. As if they were animals in mating season as he was making hot fuck damn love to her, claiming his needy bitch in heat as was the natural law of primal eroticism.
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And Bimbette was loving each and every fuck damn second of it, being held in the embrace of his big, strong arms as he fucked her wit his powerful cock. Driven to ruin her for any other men and rutted with such intent that it’d be a miracle she didn’t up having a baby from him, which only turned her on more. Her pheromones filling the hotel room like a fog blanket as she soon found Mina and Maya joining them to make it a four way with the pink and blue duo welcoming their new friend into the fold of their ever growing harem in progress. The skunk babe welcoming their kisses and caresses as their alpha male continued to keep a it as he damn well would with such eager partners to satisfy and fulfill.
Of course with the output of Bimbette’s pheromones, it was no wonder the hazy fog was beginning to pour and seep through into the vents of the hotel. Making their way through and causing quite a few guests and staff alike to break out into spontaneous acts of copulation and it just so happens a few of the kinky trio’s fellow heroes and co workers were among the former. Which lewd to a long, wild night of boundless passion and intimate ecstasy of which a few would find themselves waking up to a different sort of hang over, sticky and sore all over. While as for Bimbette you might ask?
Well she woke up the next day with some pep in her step and full energetic tank of gas, her phone now baring the contact details of her new beau and girlfriends. All the whole she made plans to have herself a place in Japan to pop by every now and then if the trio hadn’t yet settled on making Jagua their more regular home away from home. But in the meantime, the odd exchange of videos and pictures would make for a great bit of fantasy fuel to scratch the smaller itches. Once a girl has had the Kirishima experience, as they say You can sleep with a blonde or brunette but you’ll never get any sleep with a redhead…..
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nogenderbee · 2 years
hello! i just read ur toya fluff alphabet hcs and i really love them ❤ could i request B, C, H, & T for Akito? thank youu!!
Hii! I'm so glad you liked it <3 and of course you can request it, and so I hope you will enjoy ^^
Akito B, C, H, T fluff alphabet
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⊱ Brush ═ Do they like it when their lover plays or brushes their hair? And do they like to do the same with their lovers hair?
At first Akito won't let you brush or play with his hair because he thinks it's too girly and just thinks it doesn't suit him. But after a long time of hearing your beggings, he finally let's you do it and his hair is actually pretty fluffy! He won't mind that much if you just brush through his hair, but if you do any hairstyles he will act like he doesn't want it and will immediately take it off, but the truth is he loves it and just doesn't want to admit it.
Akito isn't the best at doing hairstyles, that's why he doesn't agree on doing that. But he doesn't mind just brushing your hair, in fact he'll do it every time you ask him to. But if you want him to do some hairstyles you'd have to ask him many times and you have to still be ready that he's going to tangle your hair completely and then apologize and never will do it again.
"No, you can't play with my hair. Ugh... fine... but the moment you bring any ponytails into it, it's over, deal?"
⊱ Cuddles ═ How does their cuddles feel? How often they initiate them? And how long do they like to cuddle?
Akito absolutely loves cuddling but he'll never admit it or cuddle in public. But in private he's just the sweetest, he may at first act tough but it doesn't take long untill he gets comfortable. Once he does get comfortable, he's like cuddly cat and his cuddles just feel so soft. He will prefer to be the big spoon but if you ask him for long enough, he will eventually agree to be a little spoon. He thinks that 2 hours of cuddling are really enough, but if you ask for more or if he feels especially cuddly today, he might just cuddle with you for longer.
Akito will never directly ask you for cuddles tho, instead he'll give you a little signs like, wrap his arm around you or hold hands, or position himself into his cuddle position in hopes you'll understand. Although if you're really clueless he'll just get straight to time point when he's done with giving you signs.
"Hey... Do you really don't get it? Ehh... Come here already!"
⊱ Hands ═ How do they hands feel like? And how willing or how often do they hold hands with their lover?
Akito's hands are pretty harsh but also are on warmer side (not completely warm tho). If you think that his hands on winter are like a blessing, you're in big mistake, his hands on winter actually get colder, so it's usually that in winter they have neutral temperature and in summer they're really warm.
Akito won't initiate handholding if he won't have a reason for it, that's why the first time he initiated it was either when you asked him for it or when he was jealous. But holding hands with him actually feels pretty protective but also soft? After first couple of times you two held hands, he becomes more sure and initiates handholding more often. Now when he walks you back or when it's just the two of you chilling somewhere, he grabs your hand, but don't expect him to do it in front of people.
"Here. Let's hold hands on our way back, it became our tradition by now."
⊱ Type ═ What's their type? What type of person do they want to spend their life with?
Akito would definitely like someone calm who doesn't get mad easily. He has problems with anger and he knows it, that's why he would actually appreciate someone who can calm him down from time to time.
Akito would also like someone confident or just someone who can initiate most of romantic stuff since he won't initiate much because of his ginger nature. He would also appreciate someone who won't tease him for every soft moments he will show, it already doesn't come easy to him so he doesn't need anyone to make it harder on him.
"Yeah, I would like someone calm and bold, what's wrong with that?"
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glacierheart · 2 months
you were born, bluer than a butterfly. beautiful & so deprived of oxygen, colder than your father's eyes. ❄
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you were born, reachin' for your mother's hands ... VICTIM of your father's plans to RULE the world. too afraid to step outside, paranoid & petrified what you've heard.
THE TALE OF THE HEIR OF JACK FROST . son of the ice king . an original character crafted from the son to a villainous jack frost & a concoction of a summer personification heroine for a mother (aestas) to create an elaborate story of choosing between good and evil, being the embodiment of both sides of the moral alignments. a character born with bad and GOOD ingredients.
delving into how a potential villain becomes an ANTI-HERO. themes of chasing for a controlling father's approval, child neglect, trust issues and abandonment issues. stepping outside of his mother's good will & turning down a dark path (before getting back onto the good one). teetering on the fine line side of wrong and right. the savior or the villain? feeling a void from a broken heart and a cold childhood. needing a reason to be good. icy eyes, warm heart. living behind a facade. pretends to not care, but deep down .. cares a lot. protective. a prankster, morbid humor, sarcastic and witty. emotional and unpredictable.
name origin: caspian theros frost. caspian, meaning, 'white' like snow. and theros meaning an old greek name of 'summer' & his last name frost– after his father jack frost. his name is a combination of winter and summer, just like his parents.
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memes. / open starters. / verses are under cut. / rules are under cut.
01. mun is 21+.
02. i am not based in just one verse, so pls– if you're not into the disney, thg, st, wednesday or dc/marvel world(s) then keep in mind i do have a normal modern world verse setting!
03. be mindful of triggering themes such as blood, death, drowning or child abuse on this blog. caspian was grown up with a very toxic, abusive father– so it'll be difficult to avoid mentioning these themes at times.
04. i am super welcoming of other oc characters and canon characters, i love them all.
05. i love different fandoms and crossovers, so do not hesitate to write with me if you apart of fandoms i may have not even mentioned on this blog yet.
06. if you follow me, pls feel free to reply to any of my opens or send in memes at any time! there's no expiration dates on those. if you're the type that loves to plot, then def come to my IMs but keep in mind i'm not the best at plotting until i get an idea flowing.. so coming to my IMs with an idea already in mind is your best bet if you'd rather plot !! <3
07. i ship with chemistry so no force shipping or godmodding, pls. <3
disney / disney descendants verse. the lost winter prince. caspian frost is the son to mother summer & father winter that are apart of their own separate seasonal kingdoms in auradon. when a combination of a warm hearted young woman and an ill-tempered, glacier hearted man wed and share a child they get both of their natures intertwined. the ice king had a skill for perfect persuasion– so charming and manipulative. he found grand interest the mother of warmth, aestas or as she liked to be called florence. the queen of summer is adorned with nothing but radiant waves, a symbol of abundance and prosperity. her presence heralds the arrival of the season of warmth, light, and growth. aestas is revered for her power to bring forth the earth's bounty, nurturing the land and its inhabitants with her life-giving energy. as the embodiment of summer, aestas represents the joyful and vibrant spirit of the season, inviting all to bask in the warmth of the sun's embrace. so what did father frost want, with a woman the complete opposite of himself? to destruct all of that, use florence as his greatest challenge to glaze over her summery heart, turn her on his side of all things glacier and then make her the queen of the winter kingdom. the ice king became very charming on his ploy to wrap himself around mother summer's heart. perhaps, kind deeds and months worth of finding out jack frost's romanticizing side had created a soft spot in her heart. perhaps, a warm spot... had melted a small hole in his frozen heart itself whether he wanted to remain in denial of that or not. perhaps, that's what fueled his anger all the more in the end. he promised to wed her, have the child she always wished for, jack frost was certain he had the queen of summer delicately wrapped around his icy finger. but when she wouldn't join him and his winter kingdom after understanding his scheme all along, to get her to join forces with him, he took it bitterly and hatefully because in his mind... he really thought she wouldn't 'betray' him then froze her over when she least expected it. caspian was a newborn and never learned the true events of what happened to his mother all from his father's manipulations and lies he fed the young frost. how his mother had abandoned them both and ran off with a new family because he simply wasn't good enough. his father took him under his wing and tried to mold caspian as his last option to being the future ruler of the winter kingdom one day. the ice king is equally as a controlling father as he is a ruler and eventually into caspian's teen years... he begins to find that out the more caspian strays off his father's plan and path of destruction the more he pries into how his mother was like the more demanding his father becomes. and the day he finds out how she really died, is the day the winter kingdom brews an ugly storm and a terrible argument between father winter and his child of winter that unfortunately held the eerily identical anger in his eye as his mother summer had the day she wished to 'betray' him. caspian's only choice left was to flee in fear he would kill him too... during that journey he ends up on the ISLE OF THE LOST. in this verse, caspian does possess a few powers as both of his parents have them. (all inheriting from his father, however.) he can create tiny snowflakes from the tips of his fingers. he has a special white rose that could be used for bad or for good, one touch of it and he can either create beautiful icy rose sculptures – or one drop – and freeze over endless acres of land. he posesses cryokinesis: ability to control temperature and moisture in the environment, which he can generate ice and cold. however, he doesn't have total control on his abilities and his volatile emotions of sadness and a lot of anger have a lot to do with how well he can control them.
the hunger games verse. the president's son: the hunger games. going entirely au for this by sort of reinventing the snow's with the frost's. the difference is unlike coriolanus, caspian has a long run battling between doing the right or wrong thing and inevitably chooses the right decision to scheme a plan to end the hunger games since the other difference is he's the presidents son. son of president frost. but – until then, his morals can come across skeptical. it's easy to assume what he may be like if going anything by his dictator father (which caspian despises). is he a bad person like mr. frost or has he taken a good streak after his late mother? getting accused, categorized in with his father, looked at as the next monster in line... sometimes makes him have difficulty believing he's any thing less. that's something that can certainly get in the way of trying to be a good person. especially with the brainwashing's of his father to topple on top of that. but there's a secret to still be unrevealed, something happened a long time ago when his mother tried to make a good impact on his father and out of anger of his mother's attempt to turn him good... he found a way to rid of her. all these year's caspian's believed a rebel is the one who did it but the day he finds out it was his father all along; things drastically change among that newfound betrayal.
wednesday verse. (to be written) ..
stranger things verse. (to be written) probably will be a test subject type thing, if i don't change my mind.
dc & marvel verse. anti hero. for this verse i may base him off delores winters son. but this is also to be decided and written!
modern verse 1. the president's son: modern day. in modern day setting, caspian winters lives an unordinary life as the son to the united state's president mr. jack winters. his entire life he's been shoved into politics, even if his mother, the kinder parent– has gave the best of her ability to allow him to live as a normal child. still, growing up with zero siblings and a small group of friends has created this loneliness inside of him he wishes he didn't have. sometimes he yearns for an escape from all of it all while the pressure to be next in line to take the throne is shoved down his throat.
modern verse 2. the mayor's son: modern day. this modern verse allows me to write caspian in more of a normal setting. his father's still able to be some kind of man in power, but he's allowed to live more typically and hide in the shadows better. attending university in his home city of chicago, in a band on the side, keeping up with his love for theatre. caspian's definitely always been that theatre kid. it's the only healthy thing other than his band in his life that keeps him out of his usual trouble he tends to find himself causing or in the middle of. he has a rebellious attitude, that tends to lead him there a lot. always caught on either side of right and wrong with zero positive role models in his life.
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megslovesbooks · 2 years
One Line Any Fic
Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line, and share it! Then tag you’re it! 
Tagged by @spotsandsocks, @elvensorceress, and @thekristen999! Thanks beloveds!
my heart gets lost (like a message)
“I missed a lot of this.” Eddie says, turning his attention to where Jee’s fingers have found the chain of his St. Christopher medal.
“When Chris was little I was halfway around the world for most of it.” he continues, gently untangling her fist from the necklace. “I told myself it was the only way I could provide for my family, and maybe that was true. But…” He trails off with a sigh. “I missed so much. I can’t get that back.” He looks up, meets Chimney’s gaze.
“Talk to me Chim.”
calling out a mayday (is anybody there?)
“God. Eddie.” He breaths, clutching the sooty bomber jacket in his hands so tight his fingers start to go numb. He’s shaking so hard he’s not sure how he’s still standing. Eddie is shaking too, and for a moment cold fear spikes through Buck’s chest. He tries to pull away, afraid that something is really wrong after all, but Eddie refuses to loosen his grip. The shuddering in his shoulders increases and he hides his face against Buck’s neck. That’s when Buck realizes. Eddie isn’t crying.
He’s laughing.
the beating of our hearts (is the only sound)
“Eddie.” Buck sighs, “I want to be here.” And there’s something so tender in his expression that Eddie feels his breath stutter in his chest. Behind him the heart monitor makes an unhappy wail as his pulse picks up. There’s no mistaking the sound of smothered amusement coming from the corner of the room this time but Eddie can’t take time to glare in its direction because Buck has zeroed in on the traitorous machine hanging above Eddie’s head (like the sword of fucking Damocles).
i'll be there in the summer ('cause you're heart isn't safe)
“What’s going on kid?” He asks, “Are you hurt?”
“No. No I’m ok.” He says, and while Bobby suspects ok might be a stretch, he’s sounding better than he was. “I uh, I need to take tomorrow off, maybe Thursday too. I’m sorry, I know it's late notice, but I–I need–” He trails off again and Bobby shoots his wife a look.
“Where are you Buck?” Bobby asks, “Do I need to come get you?”
“No.” Buck says, “No, I’m at Eddie’s.” And oh. Oh fuck.
“Is Eddie ok?” It's the question he has to ask, but it's the one he absolutely doesn't want to hear the answer to because he already knows–
“Uh. No.” Buck’s voice is thick and Bobby is shoving his feet into shoes before he even has time to think.
Dreamin' of the West Coast
On stage Evan Buckley exudes a sexy ‘boy next door’ sort of charm, playing into it by making his bandmates laugh in the middle of musical breaks (much to the fond exasperation of Hen, who is most often with in line of sight whenever the camera is trained on him), and his easy banter with the audience that always somehow seems smooth as glass and totally natural at the same time. Eddie had watched a handful of interviews early this morning when he couldn’t sleep, trying to get a feel for how the band interacted, and even off stage Evan had always seemed to be the social center of the group, his laugh warm and his expression open. And yes, Eddie's noticed the square line of his jaw, the bright blue of his eyes, the distinctive birthmark splashed over one eye. But seeing that on his 13 inch computer screen is a far cry from seeing it in person, and for one horrible second Eddie is sure he’s about to do something stupid like reach out and run his fingers over the arch of Evan’s brow. He could do it. He’d get kicked out of the theater and maybe arrested, but he could do it. It's a little bit like seeing a master painting in person for the first time. Eddie finds himself bowled over by the sheer aesthetics of it all.
crash (into me)
Buck is—fine. He’s rising to his feet, his eyes wide but a slightly hysterical laugh twisting his mouth up at the corners.
“Woah!” He says, grinning as he tries to dust some of the rain water off his turnouts, an unconscious gesture to steady his own nerves. “That was close huh?”
The man behind the wheel is yelling now. Somehow Bobby has materialized beside the driver’s side window and is speaking in a voice so normal Eddie can’t even begin to comprehend what is being said.
One of the most common injuries when a pedestrian is struck by a car is pelvic fractures. Shannon’s had been broken in six places. It would be impossible for a victim with that kind of structural damage to be standing, let alone heaving a bike up off the ground from where it must have toppled. The bike should have absorbed some of the impact, it might have even twisted itself around the body of the person who had been struck. That’s odd. He doesn’t have the stats on that.
disgrace, give me a break (trying to die happy someday)
“Eat that,” Eddie says, settling into the seat just around the corner of the bar. “Then you can go to bed.”
“Probably shouldn’t have had all that coffee.” Buck says, the first bite of soft bread and savory cheese reminding him exactly how long its been since he last ate.
“Please.” scoffs Eddie, “Like I would give you caffeine right now.” Buck eyes the coffee cup with an offended pout.
“I could taste it was off.” he says, and Eddie rolls his eyes fondly and pushes away from the counter.
“Sure you did bud.”
i accepted i need you now (i need you now)
“That’s it.” Someone is saying, there are still hands on his back, others on his heaving ribs trying to help him force up all the gunk he’s just swallowed. “Get it all up Eddie, you’re ok.” It's another full minute before he can even think about doing anything but choke, but at last it feels like he’s gotten most of the water out, even if his stomach is churning and his lungs feel like they’re full of glass. The rest of him is going pleasantly numb, which a distant part of him knows is probably not great. He tries to sit back on his heels, wants to reassure the anxious hands still solid on his back that he’s ok, just waterlogged, but he can’t seem to make his body behave. When he tips sideways there’s nothing he can do to stop it.
do you wanna die alone (or watch it all burn down together)
That little speck, the tiny seed of hope and want and Buck…had blossomed. He’s been tending it for a while now, quietly content to run his fingers over the delicate green shoots and pale petals in the still hours of the night. And it had felt like enough, it really had. To know he can love, that he’s still capable of something he’d once thought lost to him, that he is loved, whatever that love might look like, whatever shape it takes. He has loved Buck since he brought Carla into Eddie and Christopher’s lives. He has been in love with Buck since that quiet Tuesday in May when they were decorating the living room for Chris’s birthday party and Buck had glanced up at him over a tangle of stars and planets garland and Eddie had felt the entire world shift on its axis.
the subtle grace of gravity (the heavy weight of stone)
The sky is dark now, the dim crimson light of the fully eclipsed moon just a smudge against the sky, too weak to compete with the ever present lights of the city. Eddie shivers despite the warmth of the night air.
Behind him the screen door clicks softly shut.
“Hey.” Buck says, sliding into the space beside him, he smells like the ginger body wash he keeps in their shared locker at work. Eddie wants to turn to him, wants to see his face, to kiss the soft skin of his cheek, but he can’t seem to pull his eyes away from the place where the last sliver of golden light has winked out. Not forever, he tries to remind himself, not for good. He feels heavy and afraid.
These are laughably not one line. I'll tag @onward--upward, @ajunerose, @confetti-cupcake, @messyhairdiaz, @gaydisasterdiaz, and @djdangerlove. Forgive me if you've already done this, I'm so behind on my dash!
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benuy · 8 months
Trending Blonde Hair Colors for 2023 and a Sneak Peek into 2024: Your Ultimate Guide to Stay Stylish
As the warm breeze of summer approaches, it's time to immerse ourselves in the enchanting realm of blonde hair trends for the upcoming spring and summer of 2023/2024. Whether you're contemplating a blonde makeover or already embracing those golden locks, let's delve into the captivating world of evolving hair colour trends that promise to shine through the scorching season. Get ready to discover radiant hues that not only define style but also radiate confidence under the sun. Let's explore the trends that are set to redefine your blonde allure this summer!
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The Timeless Allure: Blonde hair remains an eternal fascination, reigning supreme as the most sought-after hair colour in salons. The shades of blonde continue to maintain their prominent status, underlining their enduring appeal that thrives in the upcoming season.
Dazzling Shades: Blonde tones, infused with a touch of caramel, take centre stage alongside the beloved platinum. While the dominance of platinum remains unshaken, it now coexists amid a constellation of other trends for this vibrant season.
Tropical Harmony: Blonde tones take a tropical twist, effortlessly harmonising with the sun-kissed complexions of Brazilian women. This fusion of shades results in a sexier and more glamorous appearance, steering clear of any hint of artificiality.
Natural Elegance: In this summer's mantra, naturalness and the fusion of shades take the lead. If you're venturing into the world of blonde for the first time, be prepared for an empowering experience that resonates with the spirit of the season.
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Blonde Hair Color Trends 2023/2024
Milky Blonde: Picture the opulent charm of milky blonde – a neutral shade transcending warm and cool undertones. It's akin to platinum but exudes a more refined and luxurious aura. Achieved through meticulous highlighting and lowlighting techniques, milky blonde stands as a testament to sophisticated radiance.
Platinum Allure: The perennial favourite, platinum blonde, retains its charismatic hold this season. Its modern flair harmonises seamlessly with both the beachy vibe and urban nights of the summer.
Bronde Highlights: Bronde highlights emerge as a natural illumination technique, ideal for dark and brown hair. For blondes, these shimmering streaks radiate in shades of gold, honey, and caramel.
Dirty Blonde Sophistication: Embrace the elegance of dirty blonde – a medium blonde with a touch of grey that lends a chic "lived-in" vibe. Perfect for a range of skin tones, it's a statement of summer's fashion-forward spirit.
Strawberry Blonde Charm: Strawberry blonde, the enchanting blend of blonde and redhead, remains a captivating choice for lighter complexions. This hue continues to reign as a summer sensation in 2023.
Blonde Beauty for Diverse Tones: Choices for darker and more melanin-rich skin tones encompass shades like coppery, beige, honey, and golden highlights that accentuate and illuminate the skin.
Summer-Ready Haircuts:
Wave of Graceful Waves: Embrace the allure of long, tousled waves – a haircut tailor-made for the sun-soaked days of summer.
Peachy Blonde Perfection: Golden peach tones, the epitome of warm and bronzed skin, create a harmonious symphony with your complexion.
The Sassy Long Bob: Unleash your summer charm with the long bob haircut. The irregular ends infuse volume and depth, ideal for fine to medium hair.
Flattering Blonde for Round Faces: Layers that frame the face are a match made in heaven for round face shapes. The dishevelled layers create an illusion of a slimmer silhouette.
Caramel Blonde with Ombré Magic: Experience the warmth of ombré blends that elevate the sun-soaked aura, especially when paired with flowing waves.
Dive into the Mermaid Magic: Mermaid Hair, the vibrant colour trend, sweeps you into a world of vivid hues – think blues, pinks, and greens – that reflect your inner mermaid.
So, whether you're opting for the timeless allure of platinum or diving into the vibrant world of mermaid magic, these trends are set to make waves and redefine blonde beauty in the upcoming seasons. Get ready to shine brighter than ever under the summer sun with these captivating blonde transformations!
As we anticipate the sun-kissed days of spring and summer, the world of blonde hair unfolds a tapestry of enchanting trends for 2023 and a sneak peek into 2024. From the timeless allure of platinum to the sultry fusion of tropical tones, these trends promise to redefine and elevate blonde beauty. Whether you're embracing the sophistication of milky blonde or diving into the playful world of mermaid magic, these captivating transformations invite you to shine and radiate confidence under the warm embrace of the summer sun.
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