#sumi wallpaper
alewave17 · 1 year
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Satsuki Senketsu - Wallpaper
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kaijuyuri · 2 months
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Official mascot wallpapers from the Vancouver 2010s Olympic Mascots site
Please note that the download link for the wallpapers are broken
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Happy Birthday Misumi! 🎂📐🎉
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kroosluvr · 13 days
HELLO SORRY THIS IS RANDOM BUT,,, do U happen to have the original vers of this image (I found it on Pinterest and I know for a fact it's yours bc I rly like your art and like. Pattern recognition yk) I wanted to use it as my wallpaper BC I really like how U did Sumi in her leotard,,, but it's fine if you don't wanna share bc old art n all dw <33 much love and thanks in advance
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OH MY GOD LMFAOAFDSFHWJFHW thsi is so old imcrying i dontttt thinkkk i uploaded this anywhere (or i might have deleted it) this was also a commission actually. AJKSFHASJKHKAJSFHKWHGKWHGWSGW SO I WONT BE UPLOADING IT EHEHE BUT IM GLAD U LIKE IT!!! THANK YOUUU i rlly should draw her in her leotard again............
augh auguvhg oaugh 2020-era cele art ough ough ouch
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Something I love about Uzui is that he strikes us as an extreme narcissist or somebody who just does random stuff and dramatic poses, but you can't even place him in that shallow of a box. He's a character who is hard to place at first because of his flamboyance and unconventional style, and part of the difficulty in making some gut decision about his character right away is because he defies stereotype. In every scene we get with Uzui, we dig deeper and deeper into what we erroneously might had assumed was a shallow box to place him in, but the box keeps going deeper and deeper--and the best part is, none of it is a front. What you see is indeed what you get.
--A friend who knows me really well once called me an Uzui type. I was shook. Of all the Hashira, he was the one I had the least desire to emulate (I strive most to give off Shinobu vibes when I'm at work), but then when I remembered this scene when he introduces himself, I recalled, "wait, I have indeed struck that pose." And if you catch me leading a nerdy tour group, yes, that's me. Painfully so. I promise I've never punched anyone for not following directions, though.
--Speaking of that same friend (whom I dragged into watching KnY), this episode has personal signficance to me because it aired when we had our first reunion in years, and not even an hour had passed before she underwent a small tragedy. It had the perfect timing for airing after she'd made some fragile peace with the situation, and it had us laughing and laughing to nurse away the pain. Could not had asked for better timing.
--I want that painting of The God of Festivities lording over the Kamaboko boys as a wallpaper for my computer. I love that while Zenitsu is constantly Tsukkomi-ing the others in his head for how more and more ridiculous they all are, Uzui just does it outloud straight to Inosuke's face. Uzui and Zenitsu are like two same ends of a magnet, repelling each other because they are the same in so many ways. I would like to see that grow to have enough of a friendship someday that they could talk about how they perceive other people's sounds and stuff like that, but I also find it so unlikely that they'd ever reach that contemplative level of conversation any time soon.
--That's so cute that Sumi & Naho are both clinging to Aoi. They're so relieved to keep her!
--Some of my favorite filler in this whole anime is the scene of Uzui and the boys checking out Yoshiwara. Not only does it establish the setting, but the boys are adorable and in-character, it gives Tanjiro (and the audience) a clear understanding of how this town works, and frankly, it's hilarious and adorable. Uzui has already had it with these boys before they start ticking him off even more while he's trying to explain the mission details.
--Makio, Hinatsuru, and Suma really are capable, as it was after they entered that they were able to narrow the suspicious locations down to three establishments. That makes me suspect that they slipped around more like maids from place to place, or just as Kunoichi who could blend in, before specifically infiltrating those targets as women who can be more entwined with the inner-workings. But the two things that get me are that they became Oiran so fast (what remarkable talents did they show off? Were they sold as being top property from other flower districts outside of Tokyo or something??? How long were they on this mission?? I have to assume being Oiran (and therefore more prohibitively expensive) made them less occupied by taking common customers), but also, WHY WERE THEY USING THEIR REAL NAMES????
--I love the off-key violins played in Sumiko's background
--Speaking of BGM, the one played behind Zenko as the screen fades to black and we get Zenitsu's angry thoughts towards Uzui is similar to the BGM played as his inner-space was infiltrated on the train and he started going gardener on the guy.
--Inoko picking up the ends of the kimono to walk faster, hahahahaha
--Again, loving the set-up to the Yoshiwara setting, from Koinatsu's footsteps to the dialect used by the yarite who bought Inoko--she feels like someone who has totally been doing this since the Edo period, though that might be a stretch. Also, after Inoko is dragged down the hall, there's the girl carrying a tray of food who stares after her a long time, then finally blinks. I love that Ufotable takes their time with things like this. Also!! I love that Neesan who sees promise in Zenko.
--According to Kimetsu Radio commentary, Hanae-san and the others were directed against doing falsetto voices so as to keep the boys recognizable (especially since it is harped over and over again how the three of them were chosen for how they'd be distinctive against each other). The directions for Sumiko were to do it as a "refreshing" tone of the Tanjiro voice.
--This is making me think back to how much fun I had with the activities at the TOEI movie studio's event in their Yoshiwara set, where you could carrying stuff like Sumiko or pose with the shamisen like Zenko. The shamisen kept getting broken. XD I posted photos here, but unfortunately what I thought would be a crafty way of getting way more than 10 photos on a single post backfired and they're only reasonably visible on mobile. Sigh.)
--Awww, Sumiko kept the candy from Koinatsu-oiran! If Tanjiro slipped that in his sleeve, I wonder what he did with that later? I'll bet his first thought was wanting to let Nezuko taste it. Also, I didn't buy it, but I liked that this was a piece of merchandise available at a traveling Ufotable gallery.
--So that outer layer Warabihime-oiran wears has a black pattern I can't recognize, but it reminds me of zoomed-in snake scales. It looks even more like that in the manga. Gyutaro reference!?!??!
--This low-lighting is doing all kinds of favors for Inoko's delicate features and bright eyes.
--I love the imagery of the ending theme, especially that tender shot of the Kamuro from the various Okiya being out in the sunshine, laughing and playing together, simply as the young girls they are. It's so freeing, especially considering the life they've been sold into and the harsher work which awaits them in the future. The beautiful oddity of those bolts of kimono fabric flying around provides such a moment of respite for everyone in that den of darkness.
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anzuhan · 3 months
hello! is sumi ok with people using sumi's art for an icon on places like discord as long as its credited?
yes !!!! its in sumi's rules&tos but sumi should probs put it directly in pinned/blog desc 😭 icon/wallpaper/any non commercial use is fine !! sumi loves seeing sumis art used around as pfp/header whatever !!
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My tagging system
So, as I'm writing this I'm in the process of doing an overhaul of my tags on all of my posts on here. Yes, all of them. This post is mostly for me to remember what all tags I use (because GOD i've used several tags on here in the past and forgotten about them). However, if you'd like to use this to help navigate my blog, then be my guest!
So the way that I'll tag characters is pretty straightforward. I'll just use their name (e.g. Akechi will just be "#goro akechi").
For the characters that don't have a canon name/have more than one name that the fandom calls them, I will tag them as follows:
P3 protag (male): I forgor P3 protag (female): I forgor this one too oops P4 protag: Yu Narukami P5 protag: Ren Amamiya "Sumi" Yoshizawa: Sumire Yoshizawa (I know that tagging her like this is spoilers but shhh it's fine. This blog isn't exactly P5R spoiler-free anyways lol)
Tags involving 2+ characters
Sometimes, when I really like the dynamic between two or more characters, I'll make a tag dedicated specifically to said dynamic. Essentially, I'll just take the arcana of the characters involved in the dynamic, and combine them. For example, posts revolving around the Akechi/Futaba dynamic would be "#the hermit/the justice". The order that the arcana are in is decided by what order each arcana is in in a tarot deck (e.g. the Hermit comes before the Justice). Not every character dynamic will be tagged like this, only the ones that I personally enjoy enough to tag. Also, I will almost exclusively be using this tagging system for the P5 cast. Sorry P3/4 fans!
Other tags with 2+ characters
#pts - Posts involving several (or all) of the Phantom Thieves #other p5 characters - Catch-all tag for P5 characters that I don't post/care enough about to tag them individually
#p1 #p2 #p3 #p4 #p5 #p5r #p5s
AUs, theories, meta, all that
#acau - For the P5 Adult Confidants AU #antithesis au - Art, writing, etc where the roles of Ren and Akechi switch (i.e. Akechi as the protag and Ren as the "detective prince") #futago siblings - Content where Akechi and Futaba are half-siblings. One of my personal favorite theories tbh #shuake art #akechi meta
Other media
#icons #wallpapers #edits and such - For edits that I don't really know how else to sort. Good examples are moodboards and pride flag edits
I have a small handful of P5 artists on here whose stuff I really like. I try tagging their stuff with their name so that I can find it easily in the future :)
#marudyne #doodleodds #scruffyturtles #vhvrs
Miscellaneous tags
#vu's posts - My posts #vu's rants/vents - More negative stuff. If you want to block this tag then I get it honestly, since not everyone wants to read more vent-like posts (even if the posts are related to Persona) #fav - My favorite posts. This tag is used for funny/lighthearted stuff #fave - My favorite posts. This is for more serious posts (e.g. an art piece that I really like) #end of previous tags - Sometimes I'll put the previous person's tags in my own. When I do that, I'll typically put this after their tags that I copied #va4 rambles in the tags - When I go on tangents and such in the tags. It's kinda fun to look through here sometimes and see what kinds of stuff I've tagged with this omg
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vgckwb · 2 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 123: Lowering Axniety
Walking back into Leblanc after getting a gun pointed at her made Ren feel relieved, and yet a little strange. While she had grown accustomed to it, her home for the time being was still a coffee shop. Still, this was no time to worry about that. And yet, she worried just the same.
After she changed into her pajamas, she climbed into bed. She was still a little frazzled. What am I so worried about? She wondered. I mean, the gun didn’t even go off. I’ve walked away from scuffles where I was left bleeding. So why does this feel different?
In her restlessness, she opened up her phone. Immediately, she was hit with her answer. She had changed her phone wallpaper to an image of Sumire performing from the day they started going out. Right…
She eyed her contacts. It’s pretty late. We have to wake up kind of early tomorrow. Buuuuut I guess it wouldn’t hurt. She tapped through her contacts to get to Sumire’s number and gave it a call.
After a bit, she picked up. “...Hello?” Sumire said, still somewhat asleep.
“Hi…” Ren said, a little nervous. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry.”
Sumire chuckled slightly. “It’s OK. It’s you after all, right?” Ren chuckled back. “What’s up?”
“Well…” Ren said. “I…may have done something a little reckless tonight.”
“Are you hurt?” Sumire asked, now more awake.
“No,” Ren answered. “But I could have been. And for that…I don’t know…I kind of want to apologize.”
“Ren…” Sumire said. “You don’t need to apologize. I’ve seen you do a number of reckless things.” Ren was a little confused and concerned. “But you always do them to help someone else. Were you helping someone this time?”
Ren smiled. “Yeah.”
“Well then, since you weren’t hurt, I’d call this a success,” Sumire said.
Ren smiled, but in a sort of distant way. “I’m still a little shaken. That’s why I called. I guess I was afraid. Of a lot of things.”
“Well, that’s fine,” Sumire assured her. Ren was stunned. “It just means you’re human. As someone who’s let fear control them for a while, I’m glad your response was to give me a call, and not something more extreme.”
Ren smiled. “Thanks Sumi. You always know just what to say.”
Sumire yawned. “Well, I’m glad I could help, Senpai. I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight,” Ren replied. She waited for Sumire to say it back. However, Sumire had already fallen asleep, as Ren could hear the sound of her sleeping intermittently through the phone. She grinned, put the phone on speaker mode, plugged it in, and fell asleep to the sounds of her girlfriend sleeping.
Ren woke up to the sound of Sumire screaming. “AHHHHHHH!” Ren picked up her phone to see that it had been going for hours. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Ren chuckled. “It’s alright, Sumire.”
“But…” Sumire replied. “I didn’t notice I was still talking with you.”
“Well…about that…” Ren said. “I did notice you fell asleep.”
“Eh?” Sumire responded.
“But, I…um…well…I felt calmer hearing you sleeping, so I just left it on,” Ren explained. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. So, sorry.”
There was a bit of silence on the other end for a second. Sumire then spoke up. “It’s fine. I understand. You were scared, right?”
Ren relaxed a little. “Yeah,” she answered. “I’m glad I have a girlfriend like you.”
“He he,” Sumire laughed.
“So, you ready for today?” Ren asked. “Mentally, I mean… Since, you know, you are still in bed…”
Sumire giggled again. “Right. I’ll be over soon enough.”
“See you then.” Ren said. “And…thanks for indulging me.”
“Hm. No problem,” Sumire replied. They hung up and got ready for the day.
While Ren was having breakfast, she got out her phone.
Ren: Hey Ryuji.
Ren: I need you to do me a favor.
Ryuji: Sup?
Ren: Since you’re having a guys day, can you take Morgana with you?
“WHAT?!” Morgana yelped.
Ryuji: Uhh, sure.
Ryuji: I’ll, uh, stop by soon.
Ren: Thanks.
“Hold on, don’t I get a say in this?” Morgana asked.
“Well, Sojiro doesn’t really want you in the building when there are customers,” Ren reminded him.
“I can walk around on my own,” Morgana countered.
“And I usually trust you to do that,” Ren replied. “But everyone’s going to be off doing stuff. I didn’t want you to be lonely.” Morgana pouted but stayed silent, as he could not think of a response. “Besides, I think you could use something like this. I mean, too often you’re caught up in my stuff.”
“Well, I was created to help you,” Morgana reminded her.
“True,” Ren admitted. “But I think it’s fine to take time to help yourself as well.”
“And you think this will?” Morgana asked.
Ren smiled. “Yeah. I do.”
“Well…if you say so…” Morgana relented.
Ren chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll have fun.”
After breakfast, Ryuji swung by to pick up Morgana. Ren opened the door. “Do you have something to carry him in?”
“Yeah,” Ryuji said. He showed off a tote bag he had. “I know it’s not like the bag you’re usually carried in, but…”
Morgana sighed. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You ready?” Ren asked. Morgana nodded. He jumped into the tote bag.
“Oof. You’re heavier than you look,” Ryuji reacted.
“Is that a problem?” Morgana asked angrily.
“Not really,” Ryuji said. “Just didn’t expect it. But, um,why did we do this now though? I mean, we’re heading to the same place, right?”
“Well…” Ren said. “It might take us a bit longer to get there. Futaba might not be as ready to go.”
“Gotcha,” Ryuji said. “Well, seeya then.”
“Take care you two,” Ren said.
“Seeya,” Morgana said, still a little unsure.
Ryuji walked off, Morgana in tow. “So, ready to have some fun?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be…” Morgana replied.
“Ah, come on,” Ryuji said. “Yusuke and Jose will be joining us too. It’ll be fun.”
Morgana sighed. “Fine.”
“That’s the spirit,” Ryuji said. They continued towards Kosei.
Later, Ren, Sumire, Makoto, Lena, and Ann were in front of Futaba’s door. Makoto knocked. “Futaba. Open up.”
“Mmmmm,” Futaba groaned.
“The sooner we get going, the sooner we're done,” Makoto reminded.
“Wow. Spoken like a true team mom,” Ann remarked. Makoto gave her a side-eye. “Eh heh,” Ann laughed nervously.
Ren looked over at Lena and saw she was holding something. “What do you have in that bag?”
“Oh, right, we were in Akihabara yesterday,” Lena explained. “And we, um, sort of bumped into Goro…”
“Hold on, Akechi was in Akihabara?” Sumire wondered. Lena nodded.
“If I had to wager a guess, he was investigating something,” Makoto observed.
“He was,” Lena explained.
“We got to talking, and I sort of had to make up a lie about how I bumped into Lena while I was out shopping for a friend,” Ann explained. “So, to make it a truth, we got Futaba something!”
“WHAT?!” Futaba called out. She opened her door, still wearing her pajamas. “You got me something? What is it?”
“Well,” Lena said. She started taking it out of the bag.
“We weren’t entirely sure what you had or didn’t have,” Ann said.
“But we know you really like Featherman,” Lena said. “She finished pulling the gift out of the bag. “So we got you this.” It was a replica gun that had the Featherman logo on it.
Futaba looked at the replica gun. “WOAH!” She grabbed it with excitement. “This is so COOL!”
Lena sighed, relieved. “I was worried you already had it.”
“Well, I have a replica of the gun they usually use,” Futaba explained. “But THIS is a replica of the special gun they use in the film “Featherman: Land of 1000 Dreams!”
“Oh,” Lena said.
“Huh,” Ann reacted. “I guess that’s why it was a little pricey.”
“Um, you didn’t pay too much for it, right?” Sumire asked.
“There’s no such thing as too much for this,” Futaba said, excitedly.
Ann giggled. “I’m fine.”
Lena chuckled. “You know, Ann…uhhhh…”
Ren was curious. “What’s up?”
“Well, I don’t know if I should say…” Lena said.
Ann sighed. “It’s alright.”
“What is?” Makoto wondered.
“Ann got a discount because the guy behind the counter recognized her from the magazines,” Lena said.
“Wow,” Sumire reacted.
Ann’s face turned a little red. “I’m a little embarrassed.”
“I’m just glad the situation didn’t get worse,” Ren remarked.
“Me too,” Ann said. “Although I was prepared if it did. I’ve been doing all that gym training, remember?” Ren giggled.
“So, um, Futaba?” Makoto wondered. Futaba looked up at her. “Are you ready to go now?”
Futaba frowned slightly, but relented. “Yeah. Just give me a second.” She went back into her room and closed the door. She came back out a few minutes later wearing her casual clothes. “Alright. Let’s go.” Futaba started walking off. The others followed her, and they were off to the shop.
Meanwhile, Ryuji and Morgana arrived at Kosei. “Now, where could they be?” Ryuji wondered.
“HEY!” Jose called out. Ryuji and Morgana looked over to see him and Yusuke ready to go. Ryuji smiled, and rushed over. Once he got there, Jose said “You made it.”
“I see you brought Morgana with you as well,” Yusuke remarked.
“Well, Ren just didn’t want me to be alone,” Morgana said.
“He’s…not as enthusiastic as I am,” Ryuji added.
Jose smiled. “Well, we’ll make sure you’ll have fun.” He pet Morgana. He slightly purred.
“Well, I’m sure today will be delightful,” Yusuke said. “Shall we get going?”
“Yeah,” Ryuji answered. The four of them started heading out.
As the girls were on their way, Sumire thought of something. “Hey, ummmmm…”
“What is it?” Ren asked.
“Well…how should I put this delicately?” Sumire replied. “This is Futaba's first time getting a swimsuit in a while. Maybe, uh, she should be measured. You know, so we know what sizes to look for.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Makoto pointed out.
“I think I should get myself measured again too,” Ann said. “I think they’ve grown a bit. I swear, sometimes they have a mind of their own.”
“I-I know my size,” Futaba said, face beet red. “Besides, I don’t want to get measured and then compete with the champion.”
“Ch-Champion?” Ann said, slightly embarrassed.
“Ugh,” Makoto groaned. “How did we get into this mess?”
“Don’t worry Futaba,” Lena said. “You’re still adorable.”
“Ugh,” Futaba groaned.
“You know, size isn’t everything,” Ren said.
“Of course you’d say that,” Futaba muttered. “You’re in second place.” Ren got a little embarrassed.
“You know Futaba,” Sumire interjected. “I didn’t ask Ren out because she had big breasts. I asked her out because she’s amazing. And you’re amazing too.”
Futaba got a little flustered. “Y-You’re just saying that…”
“She’s right,” Lena said. “I know we haven’t talked much, but I think you’re pretty cool. And undeniably cute too. Why, if I wasn’t dating Akechi, I might ask you out.”
Futaba’s face got even redder. She ran and hid behind Ren. “Eh heh. Let’s just keep going.”
“Please,” Makoto said. They walked on.
“Um, Ann?” Lena wondered. Ann turned to meet her gaze. “If you still want to, I think I’ve grown a little too since I came to Japan, so we could do it together.”
Ann smiled. “Sure.”
“Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve gotten measured since I came to Tokyo either,” Ren pondered. She turned to Futaba, who was still holding her tightly. “If we all do it, would you be OK doing it?”
Futaba hestated. “...I guess.”
“Alright, it looks like we’re doing this,” Makoto said.
“Hm hm,” Sumire chuckled. “Come on Makoto-senpai. We’re doing this for Futaba.”
Makoto rallied. “Right. Let’s go then.” They headed off.
Meanwhile, the boys were on their way to the store as well. Yusuke pondered “Should we get something to eat first?”
“Nah, let’s do that after,” Ryuji said. “You know, to celebrate a job well done.”
“Hm, I see,” Yusuke remarked. “That way, the food will taste sweeter.”
“But where to go,” Ryuji wondered.
“It’s gotta be a place that I can come in,” Morgana said. “This bag doesn’t have a zipper, so I can’t hide.”
“That certainly limits our options,” Yusuke remarked.
“Eh, worst case scenario, that diner always has good food,” Ryuji said.
“True,” Yusuke replied.
Jose looked up at Ryuji. “Um, Ryuji?” Ryuji looked down. “Where do you think you’ll take Ann on your first date?”
Ryuji was shocked. “Wh-Where did that come from?”
“Well, we were talking about going some place to eat,” Jose said. “And dates are usually at places to eat.”
“This is true,” Yusuke agreed.
“Well, I mean, how should I know?” Ryuji stumbled.
“Uh, you’re dating her, aren’t you?” Morgana replied. “You should be thinking about potential date spots.”
“Well, uh,” Ryuji stammered. “We did JUST start dating. That was only a few days before Futaba healed fully.”
“Well, maybe this conversation will help you think of some ideas,” Yusuke said.
“Well, I mean, I don’t know if I’d have the money to take her anywhere fancy,” Ryuji said. “Nor the attire.”
“I’m sure she’d pay,” Jose said.
“She might also have something for you to wear,” Morgana said. “She does work as a model.”
“Ann is the type of person to take charge,” Yusuke pointed out.
“Well, what about my pride as a man?” Ryuji posited.
“Didn’t she ask you out?” Jose said.
“Also true,” Yusuke said.
“Ann taking charge in your relationship wouldn’t be too unnatural,” Jose finished.
“Besides, you should be lucky that you’re going out with Ann at all,” Morgana snarked.
“Ugh,” Ryuji sighed. “Let’s just keep going.” Ryuji walked stubbornly.
Morgana noticed his change in attitude and felt like he needed to speak up. “Hey.” Ryuji looked down. “I don’t know how much you need to worry. I mean, from what I’ve seen from Ren and Sumire, being a couple isn’t about where you go. It’s about being together. So long as you and Lady Ann are happy with each other, then everything else will be fine too.”
Ryuji smiled. “Thanks.” The group kept walking to the store.
At the store, the girls were going through the swimsuits. “What do you think of this one?” Ann asked.
“Too flashy,” Futaba replied.
“This one?” Ann said.
“Too pink.”
“This one?”
“Too bland.”
“Futaba,” Ren intervened. “Do you want to pick your own swimsuit, or do you want to leave it to the professional?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Ann said. “Believe me, there are models that are at least eight times as picky as Futaba here.”
“We have been here for a while though,” Makoto said. “I thought this would go quicker.”
“I want to look nice!” Futaba protested.
“Hm hm,” Lena chuckled. “You heard the girl.”
Ann kept looking. “Oh! I think this is it!” She pulled out a swimsuit. “What about this Futaba?”
Futaba looked it up and down. “Hmmmm. Perfect!”
“Yay!” Sumire cheered.
“Wanna try it on?” Ren asked.
“Hmmmmm,” Futaba replied.
“Hold on. I still want to look for a swimsuit,” Lena said.
Makoto sighed. “Are you alright Makoto?” Sumire asked.
“I guess I’m a little stressed,” Makoto said. “Sis was home last night, and she hasn’t been in a pleasant mood.”
“Oh?” Lena said.
“RIght,” Ren said. “Makoto’s sis is a prosecutor investigating the Phantom Thieves.”
Lena grew alarmed. “Isn’t that dangerous?!”
“She hasn’t suspected a thing yet,” Makoto said.
“Well that’s good,” Lena said.
Sumire put her hand on Makoto’s shoulder. “You know we’re here when you need us.”
Makoto looked, and everyone else smiled, except Futaba, who was hiding behind Ren, but giving a thumbs up anyway. She sighed. “You’re right. I’m just used to bearing the brunt of it.”
“I think we all are, to some extent,” Ren reminded her.
Makoto sighed. “I hope I didn’t ruin your day too much.”
“I think it’s been fun,” Lena said. “I like having you here, keeping us in check.”
Makoto chuckled. “Well, I do the best I can, but you never know with this group.” The girls shared a laugh. “Well, shall we find you a swimsuit Lena?”
“Yeah,” Lena said. They went off to find Lena a swimsuit.
Meanwhile, Jose had found a swimsuit and wanted to try it on. The other boys were waiting outside the changing room. Jose came out. He was wearing a pair of swim trunks that were blue, with the top and bottom edges in white, and two white stripes going down each side of the legs. “What do you think?”
Morgana smiled. “I think they look great.”
“Same,” Ryuji said. “You look really cool.”
Jose smiled really wide. “Heh heh. Thanks.”
“Hmmm,” Yusuke said, looking at Jose intently.
“Right. You’re an artist,” Ryuji remarked.
“I’m not the only artist here,” Yusuke said, using his fingers to frame Jose. “Jose goes to Kosei too. He needs to show off his reputation as an artist as well.”
“I think this is good,” Morgana said. “Usually guys don’t have as much of an eye for fashion.” He looked at Ryuji.
“What?” Ryuji replied. “I just wear what I like. Why does fashion have to be so complicated?”
“Maybe you can ask Ann that on your first date,” Jose said.
“Not a bad idea, Jose,” Morgana added.
“Well, I don’t think you have an answer,” Ryuji retorted. “I mean, you mostly just wear a collar, or a scarf.”
“I’m minimalist in my style,” Morgana stated.
“You don’t want to try something more?” Ryuji asked. “I saw a kitty clothes store not too far from here.”
“Pass,” Morgana said.
“Ha! Scared?” Ryuji asked.
“No,” Morgana answered. “I’m just afraid it’ll distract from my natural charm.”
“Grrr,” Ryuji grumbled.
“Finished,” Yusuke said. Everyone looked at him.
“And?” Ryuji wondered.
“It’s perfect,” Yusuke noted. “Fits Jose to a T.”
Ryuji hung his head. “All that for this?”
“Hm hm,” Jose laughed. “Thanks.”
“Let’s go purchase it,” Morgana said.
“Right,” Jose said. “And then food!” He headed back into the changing room to change back into his clothes.
Yusuke’s eyes lit up. “I almost forgot. Food.”
“That seems like a first,” Ryuji remarked.
“Believe me,” Yusuke stated, “I’ve been so caught up in an art piece I was working on that I forgot to eat for days.”
Ryuji and Morgana were shook. “I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”
“It’s worse, you dummy,” Morgana answered.
“Well, I mean, he’s really into his paintings…” Ryuji said. “It was sort of the same with me and track. I’d go for so long, I’d lose track of time.”
“Ryuji gets it,” Yusuke said.
Morgana sighed. “You’re both idiots.”
Jose came out again. “I’m ready.”
“Let’s go!” Morgana cheered.
“Oh hold on,” Ryuji said.
“What is it?” Yusuke asked.
“I should invite the girls to come to the diner with us,” Ryuji explained. “Plus, I can hand you back to Ren,” he said, looking at Morgana.
“Hm, solid plan,” Morgana said. Ryuji chuckled. “For an idiot.”
Ryuji got mad. “What was that?!”
“Ryuji!” Jose called out. “The girls!”
“Huh?” Ryuji said, snapping out of it. “Oh, right.” He got out his phone.
The girls had found a swimsuit for Lena and were arriving at the changing rooms. Ren checked her phone. “Hey, Ryuji’s offering to meet us at the diner,” she announced. “Do you wanna go?”
“Well, I am getting a little hungry,” Sumire said.
“Sounds good to me,” Ann said.
“I agree,” Makoto added.
“Me too,” Lena tagged on.
Ren turned to Futaba. “What about you? Are you ready for a dining establishment?”
Futaba paused for a moment. “Well… I’ve been fine here. So that shouldn’t be much of an issue. Provided you’re all with me!” she clarified.
“Ren chuckled. “Don’t worry. We will be.” She messaged Ryuji confirmin they’ll come. “He’ll meet us there.”
“But first thing’s first,” Lena said. “We have to try these on.” She turned to Futaba. “Are you ready, Futaba-chan?”
Futaba took a deep breath. “Here I go!” She started walking in.
“Futaba!” Makoto called out. Futaba turned to her. “...Your swimsuit?”
“Oh…right…” Futaba said, embarrassed. She took the swimsuit, and headed to the changing room. Lena headed into a different changing room with her swimsuit.
A little later, Lena walked out. She had chosen a purple bikini with a ring connecting the front part of the chest, and two rings connecting the sides of the bikini bottom. “What do you think?”
“It looks really good,” Makoto said.
“TOTALLY!” Ann cheered. “You look AMAZING!”
“He he,” Sumire laughed. “It’s really cute.”
“You look fantastic,” Ren said.
Lena giggled. “Thanks. What do you think Futaba?” She noticed Futaba hadn’t come out yet. “Futaba?”
“Ummmm,” Futaba muttered from inside the changing room. “Ren? Can you come in here?”
Ren got up and approached the door. She knocked. “You good?”
Futaba opened the door and grabbed Ren. “Get inside!” she said, dragging her in.
“WOAH!” Ren yelped. Futaba closed the door. It was a little cramped in there with the two of them. “What’s wrong Futaba?”
“I’m scared,” Futaba admitted.
“Scared?” Ren inquired.
“Yeah,” Futaba said. “I mean, I know I said this was perfect, but what if they don’t like it on me, and after all the trouble everyone went through, I just-”
Ren placed her hands on Futaba’s shoulders. “Futaba, listen.” Futaba nodded. “You look fantastic. And everyone else will think so too. So just relax.”
Futaba took a deep breath. “Thanks.”
Ren smiled. “No problem. Now, let’s get out of here.”
Futaba nodded and opened the door. Ren got out first, but she stepped to the left and used her arms as arrows to show off the outcoming Futaba. Futaba was stood stiff as she approached everyone else. She was wearing a yellow bikini with red polka dots, and a frill on the bottom half. “H-How do I look?”
“You look amazing,” Makoto said.
“EEEEE,” Ann squeed. “You look SO cute! I could eat you up!”
“You look really great in that,” Sumire said.
“I agree whole-heartedly,” Lena said. “It perfectly suits you.”
Futaba blushed and smiled. “Thanks.” Lena giggled. “You look good in your swimsuit too.”
“Hm hm, thanks,” Lena replied.
“Well then, let’s check out, and go eat,” Makoto instructed. Futaba and Lena nodded. They went back in to change back into their clothes. They bought their swimsuits and headed out.
When they arrived at the diner, they saw Ryuji, Jose, Yusuke, and Morgana at a table. “Hey!” Ryuji called out. The girls went to sit down with them.
“I have some bad news,” Yusuke said, alarming the girls. “You just missed the waitress.” The girls sighed, relieved it was just that
“Eh, it’ll be fine,” Ryuji said. “I got stuff for the whole table. Besides, she’ll be back soon.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Suire said. Her stomach growled. “Eh heh, sorry.”
“Come to think of it, you have a meet coming up, right?” Jose said. “Don’t you need to eat a lot?”
Sumire nodded. “That’s right,” Sumire said. “But it’s a little more complicated than that.”
Jose looked at Ren. “Maybe you should try cooking something for her on your next date.”
Ren and Sumire were flustered. “Where did this come from?” Ren wondered.
“Don’t ask,” Ryuji answered, exacerbated.
“Jose had been asking about Ryuji’s and Ann’s future date plans all day,” Yuuke informed them.
“W-WHAT?!” Ann said, now also flustered.
Jose nodded. “I think we landed on you taking control.”
“WHAT?!” Ann shrieked.
“Umm, you know what, let’s just keep our date plans between us,” Ryuji said, trying to pull out of this nosedive.
“Yeah…” Ann agreed nervously. “Right now, let’s just eat.”
“And celebrate that we’re one step closer to going to the beach,” Lena added.
“YEAH!” They all cheered. The waitress came back, and the girls ordered. Once they ate, they decided to split up for the day.
Ren was taking Futaba home, and had gotten Morgana back from Ryuji. “So, how did you feel about today Futaba?”
Futaba thought for a moment. “Better than expected.”
Ren smiled. She turned to Morgana. “And you?”
Morgana popped out. “My answer’s the same as Futaba’s.”
Ren smiled wider. “Glad to hear.” They escorted Futaba home.
Later that evening, Sojiro was watching TV, when Futaba peered through the doorway. Sojiroooo,” she called out.
Sojiro looked up. “What is it Futaba?”
She jumped into the room wearing her swimsuit. “Ta-da! What do you think?”
Sojiro was stunned. He smiled and said “It looks great Futaba.”
“Heh heh,” Futaba chuckled. “Thanks Sojiro.”
“Anytime,” Sojiro replied. Futaba went back to her room, while Sojiro went back to what he was watching.
Meanwhile, Ren got a message on her phone.
Chihaya: Do you want to help me again tonight?
Ren: Sure.
Ren: Just give me a second.
Chihaya: I texted you at the right time.
Chihaya: The next test will take a while to get here as well.
Ren: Sounds perfect.
Chihaya: I'm really interested to see how you do tonight.
Ren: Well, we’ll see when we get there.
A little while later, Ren arrived at Chihaya’s stand in Shinjuku. “Good. You’re here,” Chihaya said. “I hope you’re prepared.”
“I like to think I am,” Ren said. “I’ve dealt with a lot of crazy things, you know.”
“Hm,” Chihaya huffed. “Well let’s see your powers put to the test this time.” Ren sat down, ready for what was coming.
Later, a man came by. “Hello there, Mifune-chan.”
“Hello,” Chihaya greeted.
The man took notice of Ren. “I see she’s here.”
“Um, you know about her?” Chihaya asked.
The man nodded. “I’ve only heard from a few people, but it sounds like she’s a good influence. And boy could I use it.”
“What seems to be the trouble?” Chihaya asked.
“Well, I’m getting married soon,” the man said.
“Congratulations!” Chihaya said, excitedly. “Do you need help picking a date with the most good luck?” “Not quite,” the man said. “See, the girl I’m marrying, we’ve known each other since we were kids.
“That’s adorable,” Chihaya interjected.
“However, my boss wants me to marry the daughter of the boss of a company that we’re going to merge with,” the man explained. “To make sure it goes smoother.”
“Oh…” Chihaya said, dejected.
“So, I need to know: Should I follow my heart, or obey my boss?” the man asked.
“Hmm,” Chihaya pondered. “Well, let’s look at the cards.” She did a reading. “Hmmm,” she groaned, disappointed.
“That doesn’t sound good,” the man said.
“The cards say that following your heart will lead to nothing but misfortune,” Chihaya said. The man grumbled. “I’m sorry.”
He looked up at Ren. “What about you?” Ren was surprised. “Do you believe the cards?”
“Not always…” Ren said.
“Well, what can you do to help me defy the cards?” the man asked.
“I’d like to know the answer myself,” Chihaya said.
Ren thought about it for a second. “Hmmm. If you don’t marry your fiance, thieves might take her away.”
“What?” Chihaya said, blankly.
The man gasped. “Of course! You’re absolutely right!”
“She is?” Chihaya wondered.
“She’s really amazing!’ the man explained. “My fiance, that is. Any man would be lucky to have her. But she’s mine! And I won’t let anyone else have her.” The man got up and bowed. “Thank you. I don’t even know why I came here in the first place.”
“Eh heh,” Ren chuckled. “Well, we all have our moments of doubt.”
“You’re right,” the man said. “This girl’s amazing,” he said to Chihaya. “You should kep her around.”
Chihaya was frozen for a second. She then smiled, nodded, and said “I plan on it. Thank you.”
“Well, seeya around,” the man said, as he walked away.
Ren looked at Chihaya eagerly. Chihaya pouted. “Fine.” She read his cards again. “I…I don’t believe it. The cards show nothing but happiness.”
“Hm hm,” Ren laughed. “Now those are results I believe in.”
“Hm,” Chihaya pondered. “Once might be a fluke, twice could be really lucky,” she looked at Ren, “but a third time…you must have something truly special.”
“I must, if you’re starting to believe,” Ren replied.
“True,” Chihaya agreed. She looked at Ren. “I sense a lot of trouble within you, and yet you also revel in helping others with their trouble.”
Ren smiled. “It’s because of that trouble within that allows me to help others.”
Chihaya realized something. “Hm. I see.”
“If I may,” Ren said. “I also sense the same thing in you.”
Chihaya was surprised. She smiled. “Hm. You may be even better than I had anticipated.”
“But therein lies the fun, right?” Ren asked.
“Well, yes,” Chihaya said. “But more importantly, hope. I feel that by helping each other, we’ll be this much closer to helping ourselves with what ails us. That might sound a little selfish…”
“I don’t think so,” Ren said. “I think selfish is when you only help yourself and expect others to help you too.”
Chihaya nodded. “You’re right.” She checked the time. “It’s getting late, but I think we should continue this chat later.”
Ren smiled. “I agree.”
Chihaya smiled brightly. “I can’t wait until our next meeting.”
Fortune-Chihaya Mifune: Rank 3
“Well, seeya later then,” Ren said, as she waved goodbye.
“Seeya!” Chiaya replied. Ren left the stand, and took the train home. It was an eventful day, but she couldn’t deny it was fun.
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vg-k · 2 years
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✿ ִ ˑ Sumi Sakurasawa - [ Wallpapers ]
made by me / like or reblog If you save 𑇓 ⊹ ࣪⠀
request . . . .
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imweepin · 3 years
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Adagio Al Fine
Artist: sumi keiichi
149 notes · View notes
p-antalons · 4 years
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some wallpapers i made from the extra pages
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taieditss · 4 years
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» Lockscreens
» Rent A Girlfriend
» Ruka Sarashina, Sumi Sakurasawa e Chizuru Ichinose
» Like/reblog if you save
» by @taieditss on pinterest
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faeryeris · 4 years
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♡ Anime wallpapers ♡
126 notes · View notes
animefreaky · 4 years
Hello there 😄
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anzuhan · 2 years
Reprints/reposts/edits of my art (that are not made to support political discourse) OK with credit (i prefer being @ d in post, too)
all my other accounts are @ kasumikoujou (on insta and twt), if there are any other blogs with my art on other platforms under another/same alias besides the mentioned, its not me. my pixiv is just named SUMI and can be accessed here. if you see my art in anon asks on blogs here it may be me. You can use my art in any non profitable way (pfp/header/etc — credit not needed but is appreciated — wallpapers and anything else of the sorts).
if i will spot my art posted without being credited anywhere (it can be in post, in tag, edit the art and add it in etc as long as it's visible), i will issue a copyright takedown/DMCA takedown (on tumblr) or report it (on twt & insta)
for commissioned work, do not use them under any circumstance, unless commissioner has reposted it without watermarks/allows reuse of it. commissioner will be the only one that will hold reprint status of that art, is allowed to do anything with it, so please do ask them instead of me if you can reuse it even in non commercial ways. for commissioned commercial art, if merch or anything of the sorts, you can use it (in a non profitable way) after the item has been produced/posted by the company/individual that has commissioned the work.
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exeelsalcedo27 · 4 years
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Hi everyone im fans kanojo Okarishimasu here my edit my own 🥰🥰
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