#sumi attempted a thing. and sumi fucking hated it
anzuhan · 2 months
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beevean · 7 months
Let's do this: top 10 most hated NFCV characters counting both shows
As a bonus, if you're willing to: top 10 worst episodes
I think I did a top 5 worst characters for both shows but I can do it again :P
11) Drolta. She doesn't do anything egregious, in fact she's kind of tolerable, but she stole Isaac's drip. And for that, I will forever be salty :) (also yeah I couldn't decide for #10 so I added one, whatcha gonna do about it)
10) Sumi and Taka. Ah yes, these two Japanese people who look identical are most assuredly not related, they are just Japanese! Aside from that, they are the emblem of S3's utter failure: they add nothing of importance except for a gratuituous (and OOC) rape scene that is supposed to send the message "humans suck, trusting is for fools"... that in on itself doesn't change a thing, because Alucard is fine afterwards. But hey, you got your bi rep! Aren't you happy with this show's representation? :)
9) Emmanuel. This guy is just stupid. Just because you lampshade how absurd it is to ally yourself with vampires because you think the Revolution is "godless", it doesn't make it any less absurd. We're still at this level of shallow, childish CHURCH BAD.
8) Sypha. You're not cute when you insult Trevor. Stop it. I remembered her being nicer than she actually was :( during the rewatch she was painful, constantly complaining, defending Alucard from Trevor rather than the other way around (but still ditching him when he needed company because yay adventures!!!), and acting bossily with her bf because that's the only kind of character they can write here. Also she's OP af and that's not fun.
7) Maria. Does she even have a personality beyond stereotypical Twitter communist teen? Good god girl shut up you are nothing more than useless backdrop!
6) Carmilla. In theory, she could be an interesting unapologetic female villain who reacted to her trauma with rage rather than sorrow, a female Dracula but even pettier. In practice, she is the parody of a radfem written by a man with zero respect for women, so you can imagine that she isn't exactly nuanced. I hate that Dracula and his boytoys were made to be absolute dumbasses for her to win, only for her to conclude effectively nothing. villain.exe
5) Alucard. You absolute cunt. Am I supposed to like, or worse being attracted to, this piece of shit who spends his time insulting Trevor and treating him like dog shit under his shoe? He has zero of the effortless charm of the real Alucard, but I'm supposed to root for him because he's hot when he cries all boobily. Fuck off with your disingenous fanservice. (also his design is atrocious and the artstyle doesn't flatter him at all)
4) Erzsébet. Literally an OC made by a 5 yo. Look at her! She's so cool and special! She's older than Dracula, stronger than Dracula, more evil than Dracula, more dangerous than Dracula, and she turns into an invincible Sun Thundercat! Yeah good job, but you forgot to give her a personality.
3) Annette. She is not a character. She is nothing more than accurately engineered discourse bait. I refuse to acknowledge this shallow attempt at "badass representation" that I am supposed to like on the sole basis of her race and gender. I am so tired of Stronk Women that are actually giant assholes, all flash and no substance.
2) Isaac. I will concede that he has the most coherent character arc of all characters, but aside from that, he pisses me off something fierce for how overrated he is. Forgettable design, pretentious as fuck, spouting faux-philosophical quotes to hide how petty he is, basically a jihadist in S3, wakes up one day in S4 and suddenly he's Muslim Jesus, disgustingly OP because the narrative finds every way to suck his shiny dick... and his amazing arc that everyone praises him for, the thing that makes him "better than that stupid gay joker from CoD"? It's just a worse version of Hector's from the mangas, which left him Hector here with no arc to speak of. Get him out of my sight.
1) Lenore. Her concept is great. She is an intriguing foil to both Carmilla and Hector, and incarnates an unique type of villainy: she is amoral, kind for her own selfish purposes, with understandable goals but willing to do anything to achieve them. I want to like her. Too bad she is a disgusting, repulsive, inconsistent, bratty rapist that I am supposed to feel sorry for because oh, she's not so bad after all :) she did everything for Hector's own good :) she's not actually evil :) she deserved to smooch the man she raped into slavery, don't you feel bad that she sunned herself like a selfish coward :) Lenore begs to be rewritten by someone who doesn't jerk off to abusive dommy mommies, but in her canon state, she makes me ill.
Now for the episodes :P
10) The Great Work (S4E7): I never watched it because it's boring as shit, which speaks of the terrible pacing of this show and especially S4. I know it has the infamous "vampires dislike crosses because their vision is fucked up" scene lmao
9) The River (S2E6): It's the episode where the zombie bishop resurrected by a dark necromancer who is now working for a vampire with plans of enslaving mankind is apparently favored by God to the point of being able to bless water. Do I need to say more? Well, it's also the episode where the heroes suddenly remember they are supposed to do shit and hack into Dracula's castle, and the episode that fully cements Dracula as an ineffectual pathetic antagonist easily manipulable by the real villain, no I don't care that he's kinda cool in For Love. (at least the scene with Carmilla avoiding the river and the castle is fun to watch)
8) Bless Your Dead Little Hearts (S3E1): The beginning of Alucard's and Trepha's plotlines, two utter mindnumbing wastes of time, and Hector's plotline, which is the show beating me over the head with a nail bat while screeching "LOOK HOW PATHETIC HECTOR IS! LOOK AT THIS PITIFUL WET CAT! LOOK AT HIM COWERING NAKED IN A CELL EATING MOLDY BREAD! FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!". Just unpleasant for all sorts of reasons.
7) It's Been A Strange Ride (S4E10): Trevor miraculously survives Death! Alucard is happy to live with his new bossy gf as if nothing ever happened! Lenore suns herself just for a final kick in the balls to Hector, whose character will forever be remembered as "useless simp"! And most importantly, Dracula and Lisa get to live again as if the dude didn't just try to exterminate mankind, and they will have endless kinky sex until she dies while Alucard will forever mourn his parents but no one gives a shit about that because we love to piss on the games! :D
6) Old Homes (S2E2): It has the double combo "Alucard being the biggest moistest cunt to Trevor while we're supposed to laugh at this hilarious banter" and "Carmilla girlbossily girlbosses all over Dracula who can't even punish this vampire who insults his wife in front of everyone, establishing herself as the cooler villain"! Joy!
5) The Good Dream (S3E6): "Walkies! :D"
4) Back In The World (S4E5): It's the one with the infamous "Oh, shush, you were having fun" :) and all the Lenore apologism that follows :)
3) You Don't Deserve My Blood (S4E6): I get it. Isaac is Jesus and I should drop to my knees to suck his entire dick. Good thing this is his last appearance. Other than that, this episode is the last nail in the coffin for what was left of Hector's character, who is revealed to have been working to resurrect Dracula (a complete spit in the face to everything he stood for in S2) and also chooses to stay with his rapist instead of seeking true freedom.
2/1) The Harvest (S3E9)/Abandon All Hope (S3E10): It's hard to separate the two, and I wouldn't know which one is worse. The Harvest is infamous for being half boring fight scenes, and half "hot" sex scenes that are actually rape by deception: the entire episode is simply uncomfortable to sit through, not helped by the shoddy editing. Abandon All Hope is the season finally dropping its final message: "the world sucks, and you will be betrayed". Everyone except babyboy Isaac is left traumatized and cynical because we are so fucking edgy, we are just like Berserk fr fr. And, of course, in retrospect, Alucard and Hector's endings piss me off even more as all of their pain was for fucking nothing :)
(Nocturne is completely forgettable and doesn't reach the peaks of NFCV so it deserves its own ranking)
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nebulaleaf · 1 year
i mean tbh there are plenty of reasons not to like sumi
she's a very "nothing" character--you get pretty bare-bones characterization from her up until third semester making her boring as-is, especially with how any flaws (and foreshadowing to what's actually going on with her) is essentially minimized in favor of just promoting how she's the cute new romance option in this package; that animated cutscene with her dancing comes to mind. she doesn't have much of a personality outside of those glorified cutesy traits to use for promotional material.
and once you do get into third semester and get some insight into her character, even that can be considered bare-bones: you don't really see enough of sumire to really understand who she is, and you basically don't get to see her again at the end of the game because she practically goes back to being kasumi, because god forbid she actually embraces her true appearance and personality after third semester.
i really want to like her, i kinda do, but the more that i think about it the more i hate the way she's handled. she's interesting on paper but holy shit the execution was bad.
apologies for rambling i just. have a couple of thoughts regarding sumi
no go ahead you're so right. and im glad people can look at that missed execution and go "wow! i can add on to this. i can do her justice" bcos hell yeah, but me personally? why bother. why attempt it when she literally adds nothing to the plot or themes. anything she says or does can be given to another character without changing much; BECAUSE GUESS WHAT! HALF THE SHIT SHE SAYS PRE 3RD SEM WAS ALL ATTRIBUTED TO SOMEONE ELSE. THEY HAD TO TAKE LINES AND SCENES FROM OTHER CHARACTERS TO MAKE HER MEANINGFULLL 😭😭😭
i just cannot connect with her in any meaningful way. there's no second facet to latch onto. no reason to care. nothing to hook. kasumi genuinely is a comedic relief character (and not even in her intended jokes) because for my whole royal playthrough any time i got to one of her scenes I'd bark into laughter as i was so floored by this shit. the AUDACITY. me having fun exploring maruki's palace and taking in the scenery and dissecting what his shit might be about regarding enemies or other things and then i get a FUCKING MAGICAL GIRL JUMPSCARE????
oh and i know u say theres plenty of reasons to dislike (and youre right) but im just saying i dont feel like thosre my reasons? maybe they are?? my feelings on her are so confusing because i feel completely apathetic alongside passionate rage and cannot pin one thing or even a group of things as the cause of that? i dont know [head in hands] i just wish i could be normal
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crime-bot · 5 months
tw ... implied/referenced trafficking, s/a + incest, & average loki shenanigans such as broken bones & trying to kill akechi goro
i actually imagined goro and loki earlier in 3rd sem with everyone around, loki trying to hurt him + them and robinhood restraining him so goro can be a little shit /positive and say shit like "i don't recall you being the one on display for the conspiracy, loki. i don't recall you sucking daddy's dick just to live." and the pts are like omfg. lots of comfort for goro that day even from haru who hates his ass. goro has a new scar across his throat because loki attempts to slit it. futaba finding footage and covered up with hush-money articles once goro's asleep across ann, sumi, & akira's laps and confirms it and the pts all quietly agree to do smth abt it regardless of how they feel abt goro. pts giving him affection though he tries to push it away. makoto tells sae and that leads sae to tell naoto shirogane (previously mentioned 1st detective prince) and that leads to sae and naoto and sojiro all being somewhat protective of but also guarded around this kid who they wish they could've saved.
goro needs to be happy actually.
And all the PTs comforting him the day after... them realizing all the kinds of shit he was put through... and the Adults being protective with him!!!! FUCK yeah man!!!
It just warms my heart, having stories of Goro getting the care and protection that he's been missing for Too Damn Long. Of having his deeds acknowledged while also being aware of how he's a victim to a shit ton of messed up things...
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artekai · 2 years
Now get ready for the Kai Palace essay!!!! (with very special thanks to @nicxan for giving me the initial circus idea and hashing out all of the details with me, hehe <3 Love you friend!!)
Under the cut as usual :3
Okay, so let's start with the basics, shall we!! :D
Kai's sin is pride! Both because, yes, he has a big ego, has to be the center of attention at all times, and hates admitting to his mistakes in general, but also because he's unwilling to accept that he hasn't coped as well as he pretends he has. He's convinced that he's strong enough to deal with everything all on his own, and that he has to prove that he is strong enough by not asking for help. He very much believes that pain makes him stronger. That he needs to tough it up to prove himself to the world.
The distortion is a traveling circus, because 1. again, yes, he needs to be the center of attention, and, yes, he's putting on a performance in an attempt to be noticed and well-liked, 2. he has fantasized about running away and joining the circus before, dreaming of independence and broadening his horizons, and 3. he doesn't feel like he truly belongs anywhere. And yet... he always has to do everything he can to keep his loved ones near him.
I assure you, this is far from a healthy circus environment lmao.
And the location! Rumi's childhood home, of course! That's were Kai watched his family be reduced to a family of two overnight. It changed the entire paradigm!! Any sense of safety that Kai had as a kid, any reassurance that he would always have his family to rely on, any conviction that he could trust his dad to always know the right answer... Say goodbye to the innocence of childhood! It didn't help that Kai's change in demeanor also costed him his friends (the Yoshizawas included). He was truly alone in his world with only Takuto to count on :')
I sound like a broken record repeating that Kai's terrified of losing people again, haha, but it's a key element of his palace. The Ringmaster's show has to be perfect, to impress people, to entertain them, to keep them coming back.
And the troupe! Very important. The performers are all special people to Kai. People who all affect Kai's image. And they all have their own roles based on how Kai perceives them!
For example! Cognitive Ann and Ryuji are both clowns. They're fun, they're engaging, and they love to bring joy to people. Ann also does face painting!
Cognitive Akiren walks the tightrope. He's carefully balancing his double life as a phantom thief and as a "delinquent" student, and everything's on the line. One false move could mean his fall from grace.
Cognitive Yusuke does aerial acrobatics! He's graceful, elegant, artistic, gay. What else do I have to say. And Makoto does bike tricks!
Cognitive Futaba handles the holograms. You know, as in, holographic elephants, horses, and other animals! This a reference to her hacking skills but also to her being more reclusive and working her magic for the Phantom Thieves from behind the scenes.
Sumi is also there, of course. The Ringmaster KNOWS she is Sumire, and he was pissed when he first found out cognitive Takuto was encouraging her to perform as Kasumi, but she began crying and begging to be allowed to perform as Kasumi. And so, the Ringmaster caved, and now she is announced to the public as Kasumi Yoshizawa.
AND OF COURSE. Last but not least.
God, I've been DYING to talk about this man, hehehe >:)
Cognitive Takuto is the circus' usher! He's the first thing that people see when they see Kai, he brings people in with his friendly, dorky personality, he guides them to their seats, he offers them snacks, he cleans up after Kai's messes, he's overworked as fuck. The circus goers go for Takuto, and it's the Ringmaster's goal to make them stay for Kai.
As you can imagine, the usher's role is not considered a job of honor in this circus. The Ringmaster is a package of all of Kai's worst impulses, darkest feelings, and deepest fears, with none of the real Kai's restraint or moral compass. He's an absolute asshole who loves being shitty just because he can. And, well... Takuto is his personal punching bag.
I assure you, cognitive Takuto hasn't had a single fucking break in his short cognitive life.
The Ringmaster isn't afraid of blaming Takuto for everything that goes wrong in the circus, of taking out his anger on him, or of using him to set an example. Nothing Takuto does is ever good enough in the Ringmaster's eyes. If he does his job poorly, he's making Kai look bad and driving people away from the circus. If he does his job well, he's taking the spotlight away from Kai and driving people away from the circus. An usher's job is stupid no matter what, because he only brings people in but doesn't make them stay. But trying to learn skills to aim for a different role is also useless, because Takuto is inherently a liability for the circus.
If any of the performers do poorly, it must be because Takuto distracted them or gave them bad advice. If any of the performers defy the Ringmaster, it must be because Takuto is putting strange ideas in their heads and trying to turn them against Kai. The performers don't stand up for him because they're afraid of suffering the same fate as him if they do, so they just let him take the blame...
Of course, underneath of all of the rage and the smugness that the Ringmaster puts on for show, he is actually driven by pure, unfiltered fear. He's terrified of people liking Takuto more than him, and that's why he feels the need to knock him down a bunch of pegs to keep him in his place whenever he can. Takuto can't have too much power -- he already abandoned Rumi, he's at fault for all the pain Kai had to endure when losing her, so who knows who he'll take away next if the Ringmaster doesn't keep him in line?
The Ringmaster claims that the only reason he keeps Takuto around is out of pity. But, oh, you KNOW that's not the case. Although he'd rather die before admitting it, the Ringmaster needs Takuto for emotional support as much as the real Kai does (even if he goes about it in cruel ways that would horrify the real Kai...), so, if cognitive Takuto were to leave, the Ringmaster (and subsequently, the circus) would immediately begin to crumble. The circus needs cognitive Takuto so much more than the poor man has been led to believe...
And cognitive Takuto just wants to be helpful to the circus he loves so much! But every time he tries, he just gets beaten down and toyed with and told that he is a fuck-up who will never do anything right :( It has really been drilled into him, and yet he keeps trying and trying because maybe if he tries hard enough someday that will change...
God. What a sad, broken mess of a man. You have no idea how badly I want to smooch him and carry him away from the circus and show him affection and softness for the first time. Man, what a tragic character. And the worst part is that he'll never the happy ending he dreams of, because he'll disappear along with the palace as soon as any real change happens. I'm almost angry that we made him so human, lmao :')
I've also never wanted to punch and then patch up a fictional character like I wanna punch and then patch up the Ringmaster, lmao. On the one hand he makes me feel bad for the real Kai, but on the other he's tarnishing the real Kai's name and honor so :(
But hey! That's how it is sometimes with shadows and palaces! :D
And one last thing! Kai's treasure is a megaphone because Rumi made him feel heard, and he wants nothing more than to be heard and seen again. In the real world, it manifests as a family photo album that Rumi's parents gave her and that she then gave Kai. He just wants to feel like he has a family again ;-;
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter twenty: The Dance
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
TW: Swearing, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abandonment, Oikawa being a complete ass, physical violence, angst 
Third Person Pov 9:30pm 
Oikawa pulled into the y/l/n’s house. He exited his car as he approached the door. He did a quick reflection check and pushed his hair around and fixed his suit. 
“You’re a hottie, you got this, tonight IS the night.” He said to his reflection. He then knocked on the door. At first there was no answer. So he knocked again. He pulled out his phone and tried to call Mei on it, but just to his luck, no response. The door opened but the sisters father was left standing in front of him. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Yes, we met once,” 
“I remember, that teen boy who smells like a teen sex magnet.” He cut Oikawa off. 
“Umm okay… Is Mei home?” He asked, trying to ignore his previous comment on his smell. 
“No and if she was I still would not let her out with you again.” 
“Sir I assure you I am a good guy who just wants to treat her right.” 
“I see your kind everyday in the hospital I work at. The type to get someone pregnant and then run while they are giving birth and never look back.” 
“That is oddly specific, but I must assure you I am not interested in that stuff right n-” Before Oikawa could finish his sentence the door was slammed in his face. 
“Okay wow that was rude.” He said to himself walking down the front steps back to his car. He checked his phone for more time before leaving. Atsumu had sent him an image. Oikawa opened it only to see Mei and Yamaguchi dancing together, holding onto one another even. He felt himself get angry. He tossed his phone aside and pulled out of the driveway heading to the dance. 
At the dance already- Third person pov 
Tendou walked up to the door with his arm entangled with Y/n’s. He seemed to be a little nervous. Nothing anyone could see upon first glance, but definitely something the other monsters were aware of. Tendou swallowed a lump in his throat as they entered inside, to look over the dance floor. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Y/n said louder then she normally would speak to him. 
“Yeah let’s do it babe.” She seemed to not even notice the nerves he was dealing with. 
They made their way down to the dance floor and Tendou did the best he could to Oikawa and his goons at this time. Not seeing Oikawa yet he assumed it was safe for now, but seeing Yamaguchi dancing with Y/n’s younger sister, he could only guess Oikawa would be angry with them and him. Tendou was not afraid of Oikawa in any way, but he was afraid he would tell y/n before he got a chance to tell you himself. 
Just as y/n was laughing and staring up at Tendou with the utmost love, a slow song started to play.  
“I hate slow songs at dances,” She began to say, “They make me feel like I’m the main character of some cheesy ass romance movie.” 
“Well you are.” He said back as she leaned down, resting her head on his shoulder.  
“What do you mean?” She said just loud enough for him to hear.
“You are the main character in my romance story.” Her body stiffened with this remark as he leaned down leaving a kiss on her forehead. “You don’t have to worry, you know me Y/n. You can trust me, I promise.” Just as he was finished saying that the song ended and he saw Oikawa as he rushed through the crowd heading right up to her younger sister. 
Tendou pulled you away, 
“Can we go get some air in the room over there? It’s just a bit hot in here that's all.” Y/n nodded her head in agreement as she followed close behind. She never let go of his hand the whole way there.  
Still on the dance floor, Mei and Yamaguchi were having a wonderful time. Oikawa grabbed Yamaguchi harshly as he ripped him apart from Mei. 
“What the fuck Mei!” He shouted. People around them moved back to either give more space or witness the drama unfold. 
“Oikawa go away! I am not interested in you anymore!” 
“Did your bitch sister tell you more lies about me?” He asked as she reached up and slapped him as hard as she could. 
“YOU BITCH!” He shouted as Yamaguchi pushed her behind him. Tsukishima and Shirabu showed up in perfect time to stand next to Yamaguchi, knowing how intimidated Oikawa would become. He looked Mei directly in the eyes and yelled, 
“That's fine. You were an expensive whore anyways. You weren't worth my time or money. Have fun being a nobody the rest of your life bitch.” Before anyone knew what was happening, Yamaguchi threw a fist and connected it directly to Oikawa’s face. “What th FUCK!” He said as he tossed a punch right back into Yamaguchi’s stomach, knocking him onto the cold floor. 
“You dick!” Mei said. She then punched Oikawa hard in the eye. “That’s for Yamaguchi,” She then punched him again. “That’s for y/n.” Next she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in a hunched over position, kneeing him in the balls, “And that’s for me asshole!” On that note he fell to the floor. Atsumu and Iwaizuimi came and helped him up and after a minute he was fine. He got the two guys to follow him on the hunt for Tendou. 
In the other room of the dance, Y/n and Tendou were doing your own thing and having a great time. The two of you laughed as you rested on the railing that looked down on the floor below. 
Oikawa entered the room, his two goons as Tendou called them, following right on his trail. He noticed the two about to kiss as he then spoke up. 
“What the absolute fuck Tendou!” 
“Who the hell do you think you are talking to?” Tendou said back, already in front of you as to protect you.  
“I didn’t pay you to take out this psycho bitch for her whore sister to come with someone else.” Y/n’s head snapped into Oikawa’s direction. 
“Fuck off Oikawa.” He said, noticeably angry at that point. 
“What the fuck does he mean pay you?” Y/n asked Tendou. 
“Oh you didn’t think this was real did you Y/n? You really think anyone would willingly go out with you without being paid did you?” Oikawa asked with full intent to hurt coming through his words adding a conniving laugh to the end of his words. 
“He’s lying right Satori?” You asked, voice on the verge of being broken then. 
“I-” Tendou stuttered, he took a deep breath before he carried on.”I wanted to tell you sooner, I really did Y/n.” 
“So it’s true?” She no longer attempted to hide her tears in that moment. She turned to run away as Tendou grabbed her wrist. 
“Please, let me explain first?” He asked her. 
“Go to hell Satori!” She said as she ripped her arm from him and ran down the stairs. 
Tendou turned to the three guys who had just remained still in front of him. 
“You three have just made some powerful enemies.” Tendou stated as he pulled out his phone. The other three fled as they knew the Monsters were now on their way there. 
As for y/n, she called Shirabu who had grabbed the other and took her home in Tsukishima’s car. They all sat around y/n’s room after they had just changed from their fancy clothes. Y/n sat in the windowcell, with her head rested upon the glass. She looked out upon the moonlight wondering how such a thing could come to be. 
Y/n felt a buzz on her phone as she picked it up. She didn’t recognize the number but the message read;
I know I messed up but I just want to talk to you, please.
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An: I have been honestly so excited to write this part and the ones after for some time now UwU 
Taglist: @belongtothewcrld​ @elianetsantana @its-the-aerieljeane @london-quynh @vhskenma @denkithunder @swagdaddycam @ems1des @tendouispretty @senpaisbadass @elephantloser @smolbbgorl @mikeys-thighs @kuroolilchibichan @softesyoongi​ @ouijaeater15​ @xxsilverwingxx @prettyinblack231 @kookie-doughs  @mikesdeath @bruh-kill-me @skeet-skeet-double-fckn-yeet @d0llpie @0-hysteria-0 @katsumi-sumi @rintarawr​ @sirachano0dles  @satan-ruler-of-hells @himboos @maer-333 @pastel-prynce @tanakasimpcorner​ @atria-avior
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cheryyori · 4 years
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SK8TERBOY - Skaterboy!Yeosang/Soft!Reader Social Media AU ft. side pairing: Seonghwa/OC
Genre: Pure fluff (possible smut has yet to be determined)
A.N. Whoop, new update, not a lot of Yeosang bc Y/N is a bit of a mess rn. Also italics is Japanese. Also a bonus chapter about Seonghwa and Sumire’s date from the last two chapters will be coming soon bc I’m soft for them.
Chapter summary: It was supposed to be a nice evening between roommates/friends until Y/N gets an unknown text from what might be Yeosang and starts freaking out on what to do. Aka Y/N is still up to her usual clownery.
Taglist: @philosopher-of-fandoms @mangobee @mingiibabieee @yourbunny-xxii @angelichris-b97 @yeosatinyngz @kimtae-bae​
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
Masterlist.  prev.  next.
Chapter 4. You’re Pretty Cute
Once Y/N returned home, she dropped her bag onto the floor and kicked her shoes off before flopping face down onto the couch. A muffled loud groan left her lips as she recalled her clownery.
“Oh god, she’s finally lost it,” a voice mutters, followed by the sound of a slap to the shoulder. Yusung, Y/N thinks as she recognized the deep voice of his.
“Yusung, don’t be rude!” another says in a harsh whisper. Y/N knew that it was Suzaku who was berating the younger.
“What? It’s not our fault she’s an idiot,” Yusung said. Suzaku smacked his shoulder again, only this time harder than the last one, “Ouch, will you stop that, you bastard!”
“You know that said idiot can hear you, right?” Another chipped in. Junho had been sitting on the other couch, adjacent to the one Y/N flopped onto while scrolling on his phone for anything remotely interesting.
“I have such great friends,” Y/N huffs as she looked up to see the three boys. She could see Yusung stand tall (the bastard being the tallest out of all of them and using his height to make many short jokes at both her and Sumire’s expenses) besides Suzaku who had a concerned look on his face.
“Again, not our fault that you’re an idiot sometimes,” Yusung said once again. Suzaku elbowed him but used one hand to cover the small smile on his lips.
“This is bullying! I will not stand for such slander!” Y/N cried as she sat up, a pout on her lips as she glared at the boys. Junho remained unfazed by the whole exchange, ignoring his group of friends as usual. Yusung, on the other hand, stuck his tongue out at Y/N.
“You two are being loud, shut up!” A female groaned. Emerging from the kitchen, Sumire had a tired looked on her face. Her hair a mess as she walked into the living room, apparently she had been sleeping before the commotion.
“Sumi!” Y/N whined, “They’re bullying me again!” She said as she pointed to the boys, standing up as she went to Sumire’s arms. Sumire only sighed and placed a small pat on Y/N’s back in a weak attempt to comfort her.
“Sumi, you can’t blame us for Y/N’s own clownery!” Y/N heard the soft snort that escaped from Sumire’s lips and pulled away, staring at her in betrayal.
“Sorry,” there a small smile on her lips, “but it was kinda funny to read the whole thing,” Sumire explains. Y/N groaned as rest her head on her shoulder, wanting nothing more than to forget this moment.
“Don’t remind me,” Y/N whined, “I was so excited to see him again and thinking about what nonsense you three idiots were spamming in the chat that I totally spaced out and forgot to ask for his number!”
“Disappointed, but not surprised,” Junho mutters to himself but Y/N’s ears perked up at his words.
“Nam Junho! You are rude!” Y/N fumed. Junho merely shrugged and continued scrolling through his phone. Sumire sighed and decided that since she was up now, she might as well get started on dinner.
“I’m going to make dinner now, feel free to join me if you’re bored─no, not you Yusung!” She gave Yusung a pointed look as he started heading towards the kitchen, “Don’t think you’re still off the hook from the rice cooker incident last night.”
“Oh my god, it was an accident, how was supposed to know you plug the damn thing in?”
“How do you burn rice without having it plugged in?” She replied, raising a brow at him. Yusung opened his mouth before promptly closing it, not wanting to be judged more than he already was by his best/childhood friend.
“Fine. I’ll go play with Iroha, at least she’ll appreciate me!” He grumbled as he stalked over to the small ragamuffin kitten that was settled in the corner. “Iroha-chan! Come play with uncle Sungie!” He cooed as he picked up the small kitten and the toy that had caught her attention.
"I think I’m gonna be in my room for a bit,” Y/N said, “Today was quite eventful,” she mutters as she slowly dragged her feet to her room. Sumire almost felt bad for her friend. Almost, if she didn’t recall the texts she had with Seonghwa earlier. It will only be a matter of time when Yeosang will text Y/N.
“Alright, I’ll call you when dinner’s ready,” Y/N nodded and went inside her room, flopping onto her bed. Y/N closed her eyes, her mind constantly replaying her time with Yeosang and felt her cheeks heat up. Her heart suddenly picked up as she thought about him in general and let her thoughts wonder if he was dating anyone. Would he want to date her-
“AH! Y/N stop thinking like that!” She shrieked as she smacked her warm cheeks lightly again. “You don’t even know him! And you didn’t get his number! Maybe this is a sign that you’re going to be forever alone,” she scolded herself before letting out a dejected sigh.
It was then that her phone went off, Y/N figured that it might have been either one of the boys or Sumire and glanced over at the message before she let out a scream when she saw who texted her.
Meanwhile, in the living room/kitchen, everyone was doing their own thing to pass the time before dinner was ready when they heard Y/N’s voice coming from her room.
“What the fuck is going on?” Junho was the first to ask as he looked up from his phone. 
“So it’s begun,” Sumire muttered to herself as she ignored Y/N’s scream and continued to cook. Suddenly Y/N rushed out of her room and into the kitchen, her phone in hand as she held it out towards Sumire.
“H-he─” Y/N couldn’t even make the first words out as she slowly started talking nonsense. This ruckus caused all the boys to walk into the kitchen (surprisingly Yusung wasn’t kicked out this time) to figure out what the hell was going on with their roommate.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Yusung asked, carrying Iroha in his arms. The ragamuffin kitten was oblivious to what was happening around her as she started to paw at his fingers.
“I-I, he─!” Y/N continued to babble before Sumire shuts off the stove and went over to take her phone.
“Oh,” she says, “He texted her.”
“Who did?” Suzaku asked, going over to Sumire’s side as he peered over her right shoulder while Junho peered over her left side.
“Her skaterboy friend,” Sumire replied.
“I thought you said you two didn’t exchange numbers,” Junho asked with a raised brow.
“W-we didn’t,” Y/N said.
“Then how the hell did he get you number?” Junho continued, skeptical of the idea that this was really her skaterboy crush who was texting her.
“U-uh, I don’t know,” Y/N mutters.
“Hey, here’s a crazy idea,” Sumire started, “Why don’t you, you know, ask him,” she suggested, handing her phone back.
“B-but that’s scary,” Y/N mutters, thinking what if it some stranger or worse. It actually was Yeosang, how the heck was she going to text him?
“Can’t you do it for me, Sumi?” Y/N asked, batting her eyes at her wife.
“No,” Sumire replies, “besides, it’s not that hard it’s just a text, you can text him. Also take a deep breath before you do, you look like you’re going to pass out,” she told Y/N, who was looking rather pale at the moment.
“I think Y/N rather die than do that,” Yusung snorted.
“Shut up, Yusung, don’t make me hit you,” Sumire glares at her childhood friend, eyes narrowing at him.
“As if you can reach me,” The boy mutters. At this, Sumire kicked the back of his knees, causing him to fall onto them.
“Ah, thank you for continuing to brighten my day, Sumire,” Junho smiled brightly at the sight.
“Dammit, Junho, you bastard!” Yusung grumbles as he sets Iroha safely on the ground and rubs the back of his knees.
“Anyways,” Sumire continued, glancing back at Y/N, “Just text him, trust me, it’s not that hard.”
“O-okay,” Y/N said as she took a deep breath. Just a text, she told herself before going replying to the unknown number might or might not be Yeosang.
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“Oh my fucking god, Y/N,” Yusung muttered over her shoulder, apparently reading the text she just sent to Yeosang.
“S-shut up, Yusuck!” Y/N exclaimed with a red face before reading Yeosang’s reply, turning away from them all.
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“So? Did he say how he got your number?” Suzaku asked curiously.
“He said that his roommate Seonghwa gave it to him,” Y/N replied, causing the boys to have a surprised look.
“Seonghwa? Like Sumi’s Seonghwa, Seonghwa?” Yusung asked. At this Sumire went back to cooking dinner, missing the suspicious look Junho cast her way before turning back to the conversation at hand.
“Yeah, I guess I must have given Seonghwa my number and he passed it along to Yeosang when heard about our situation,” Y/N concluded, earning a quiet snort from Sumire.
“Huh, that’s kinda anti-climatic, I thought skaterboy started typing in random numbers until he got your number right,” Yusung pouted before cooing at a mewing Iroha. Junho gave Sumire another glance and hummed to himself.
“Well, at least you have a way to get in contact with him,” Suzaku said, “And the fact that he texted you first means he likes you!”
“Oh my god, Suzaku, I barely know him!” Y/N sighed.
“But you think he’s cute, right?” He pressed. Y/N bit her lower lip because yes, she did think he was cute. And she hates how these little heathens knew that she thought he was cute.
“I mean yeah but─”
“Then why not ask him out?” Yusung chimed in, leaning forwards slightly, “I mean let’s be honest, we’re all sick of you complaining to us about wanting to go on cute dates whenever Sumi leaves the apartment to meet Seonghwa.”
“I-I─” Y/N’s cheeks were tinted pink as she gawked at Yusung, “I-I do not complain! I just think that going out with someone would be nice,” she pouted.
“Ah, you’re complaining again!”
“Shut up, Yusuck!” Y/N snapped before turning her attention back to her phone.
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“CHO YUSUNG!” Y/N shrieked as Yusung stole her phone from her hands and replied to Yeosang. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the text he sent before she started hitting his chest with a red face.
“Ouch, ouch! Dammit, woman! You should be thanking me, I just secured you your future boyfriend!” Yusung whined as he grabbed her arms to stop her from hitting him anymore. Y/N will not be thanking him if anything she felt mortified.
“More like secured your own death,” Sumire comments.
“As much I would love to see that,” Junho drawled out, “I think your skaterboy called you cute as well,” he said as he swiped her phone out of Yusung’s hand and read the newest text.
“WHAT?!” Y/N took her phone back and stared at the screen, feeling oddly giddy as she read the text.
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“Oh god, you’re already sending him cute love memes? You’re so whipped for him,” Yusung teased, beside him was a snickering Suzaku.
“Shut up, Yusuck! It was an accident! And Suzaku! How could you betray me like this!”
“Sorry, sorry, it’s kinda cute though,” Suzaku cooed, “This is the best and cutest entertainment since Seonghwa paced around the living room and asked for our permission to try to ask Sumi-chan on a date last week.”
“Anyways, dinner’s ready,” Sumire says, clearing her throat when her name was mentioned and placed five plates on the table they were all gathered around. The three immediately quiet down as everyone took their seats to enjoy dinner, a few teasing remarks from both Suzaku and Yusung as they poked fun at Y/N and her crush on Yeosang ( “It’s not a crush, you two!” “Aw, look at how red her cheeks are!” “Aw, how cute!” )
After dinner, they all went into their room to retire for the night. 
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akechicrimes · 5 years
ok alright there’s been some talk about sumi’s outfit being modeled after joker and how this is disappointing, so today i’m getting on my soapbox and we’re talking about:
sumi and akechi are foils of each other through foiling joker.
this breaks down really easily. it’s literally like math.
sumi wants a happy ending so badly that she’s willing to sacrifice her entire identity, sense of self, even the physical manifestation of her soul, to become like kasumi and model herself after joker. she is heavily invested in the damsel-in-distress narrative, and models herself after it. she’s so heavily invested in it that she conscripts joker into performing it with her (take a look at her showtime and how she grabs his hand to make him dip her). and ultimately, as we already know, this means that she literally is destroying her sense of identity as “sumire” in order to become literally someone else (kasumi and also joker).
akechi is... the opposite. of literally all of this. not only is he not into happy fairy tales, he actively embraces villain aesthetics. especially in royal, he has a strong sense of self and sticks to it, even when it pisses off other phantom thieves members, even going so far as to antagonize them with it. he spends less time cooperating with joker as he does asserting his independence and arguing against joker. on the note of akechi arguing against joker, akechi actively advocates against a “fairy-tale” ending, 
in sum: akechi is joker’s opposite--his antithesis, if you will. sumi is joker’s replicate--his identical. 
so of course sumi’s outfit is identical to joker’s.
sumi, i think, is a really interesting observation that in some way, sumi’s erasure of herself is exactly what joker does throughout the game: he erases his self, hides who he really is, all for the sake of pleasing other people’s social links and narrative arcs. in the same way that sumi is trying to fulfill kasumi’s narrative arc post-death, joker can model his answers to whatever will help the other person’s personal story, and the game actively rewards you for modeling joker’s personality after s links according to the person. dating sumi, especially in the valentine’s day scene, feels like fulfilling all her princess-in-a-castle dreams, and joker successfully models himself after the same fairytale narrative that sumi’s modeled herself. 
akechi, by contrast, asks the exact opposite: he wants to see akira’s true self, wants to see what akira’s really made of, wants akira to choose reality and truth over a manufactured happiness. (i don’t think it’s a mistake that akira as a character with a personality is far more prevalent in akechi’s storyline than sumi’s.)
(again, not to make it LGBT, but i think it’s worth noting that the fairytale aesthetic is one of the most insidious forms of heterosexual scripts, employing men as the masculine savior and women as delicate and in need of saving. as lesbianakechi mentioned, sumi’s adherence to fairytale heterosexual scripts feels a lot like comp het that she’s conscripted joker into. by contrast, akechi, the coded queer love interest, gives less than a negative fuck about heterosexual scripts, and instead pushes an alternative romance script in which both partners are religiously equal to each other in power and agency, respect each others’ decisions as individuals, and are unafraid to disagree with each other while still remaining dedicated to each other.)
if we’re taking it as a fact that both sumi and akechi are more or less presented as opposite love interest options for joker, what ends up happening is that they become paired up as two completely opposite ways of going about a relationship with someone. and in pairing the two of them up, royal is able to demonstrate the pros and cons of both situations. the comparison means that royal walks away with pretty consistent and strong message about what a good romance should be--hell, what a good relationship in general should be. 
royal says that it’s actively harmful to erase oneself so be in a relationship with someone else. royal actively pushes against sumi’s erasure of her own identity and asks her to be--well, sumi. royal’s bad ending is akechi’s free will and his identity being erased. royal’s good ending has them all returning to reality, in which the phantom thieves go on to pursue their individual interests and don’t have their selves erased to fit into some perfect ending, and this reality includes the fact that akechi picked being true to himself and his ideals over being alive (insofar as he was aware), and also this reality includes sumi having to do the terrible, horrible work of actually being herself at the risk of being hated for being imperfect.
basically, insofar as i can see, sumi’s not just there to distract from the amazing amounts of shuake in royal. sumi is struggling with the core problem of royal’s storyline all by herself, which is the need to sacrifice oneself and one’s free will and one’s truth for a mandatory perfect, happy ending. takuto struggles with the same issue from the other end, in that he’s sacrificing other people’s free will and truths for a mandatory perfect, happy ending. akechi and joker are obviously struggling with the same issue, but for each other (”if only akechi were just NOT an asshole to all the thieves, people could be friends... if only akechi WEREN’T dead, we could have a fairytale ending...”)
ironically, what sumi does seem to be there for is to illustrate the ways that shuake, for all its arguing and fighting and the fact that both parties have attempted to kill each other, is a relationship that’s founded on respect for each other’s autonomy and individuality. their rivalry has an appreciation for the ways they’re different, rather than merely tolerating the differences or working around them. akechi disagrees all the goddamn time with the phantom thieves, from the minute he shows up in the interview newsroom at rank 1 all the way to the moment he tells joker to return to reality even if it means akechi will die. and this is shown as a good thing, and this is especially obvious because sumi is there to demonstrate the opposite situation in which nobody argues and nobody is honest and we achieve happy perfect endings at the cost of everything else.
according to royal, a romance in which someone erases their selfhood to fit a (heterosexual) fairy-tale script is a deeply fucked up thing, and we should not do that. royal says that sumi is making a mistake in trying to be kasumi and trying to be a perfect damsel--or should i say, perfect waifu.
the irony about sumi is that in this light, her storyline is really a self-inflicted crime. she’s hurting herself at its core. it has nothing to do with romance or joker or being a cute waifu. her adherence to fairytale scripts is a means of self-destruction. which, in my opinion, is a pretty bold fucking plotline to pitch for a female character: that her adherence to feminine-coded roles and heterosexual interactions are actively destroying her as a person.
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leggypuppy · 5 years
An Ascension Incarnassial, Pt.2
Which Both Begins And Ends With The Introduction Of A Stranger
July 18th
Appt. P.L. 20/07. 4.15 Long St. Cafe
July 20th
L. St. Caff not at all improved since last and only visit. Still apparently constructing their pastries from cardboard. Would rather have met somewhere more comfortable, but such details decidedly not left in my hands. 
Had consumed two coffees and three abominable pastries by the time the hairs on the back of the neck began to stir. Turn around to find self pinioned by a real harpoon of a gaze. Am not the most observant of fellows, but am certain wielder of said ocular weaponry was not there on own arrival. Clearly, had located P.L. Or rather, she, I.
Introductions exchanged. Quiet woman. Smiled a lot. Very small, very thin teeth. Surprisingly cold for having such a genial air. Seemed to know Papa better than I did. Such a fact much less surprising. Also no great shock to hear it intimated he was seeking pleasures “denied to healthy society.” Well, Father dear, aren’t we all?
That admission is made here in the privacy of shorthand. Didn’t take kindly to P.L.s employment of hated phrase, ‘finish what he started’. Still. She was still. Stillness speaking to a memory of a dream. 
Accepted her proposal. If nothing else, have never regretted hearing the phrase ‘substantial contribution’. Her conditions trouble me a little. Shall be not providing myself for an ending. Can read between the lines there well enough. But, with her gold-and-silver aid, shall be well appointed to set the right tongues wagging. Winter shall give way to the red. 
Besides! Am not so without friends or means. After all, the house shall be the perfect setting for acquiring new acquaintances. Shan’t have any problems providing P.L. with her ending. All shall be well.
July 21st
Horrific news! 
The house is to be taken to pay for debts. Have put down the foot, shouted at those accessible for shouting at, even threatened the deployment of Aunt M. Nothing results. Apparently even the formidable bulwark of matriarchal relatives cannot divert the tide of capital from it’s decided course. Bastards. 
Am left with nothing but the meagre sum in the will. Donation of P.L. shall only stretch so far, and at present am lacking in sufficient sway with Ori’s numismatists to develop it to fullest capacity. Only viable solution is to find employment*. 
Intolerable! Not to mention downright cruel! Can a bereaved man not mourn his lunatic pater in peace???
*[E/N: the underlining in the original document appears to have gone right through the paper]
July 26th
Found work. Start tomorrow. Humiliating. Do not wish to record details. Posterity can gain more satisfaction and insight by reflecting on its own posterior. 
July 26th [evening]
Now there is a lump of the roman tongue that hasn't escaped or withered on the vine! Might be the only lump. Answer, naturally, is moths. Shall commiserate my new career in fashion that best befits it. 
[Editors note: The next few pages are densely packed with writing, but unfortunately entirely illegible. Ink appears to have been spilled across one page, and several pages underneath it have been torn out. Text resumes]
July 28th
A mess! Mistakes may reveal themselves a pleasure, but pleasure gained is never mistaken. Excuse handwriting. Not entirely cohesive on page still. Head all full of sights and sounds and sores. Much so that last one. Fuck. 
Feeling a little clearer. Less dazzle, more hangover. Shall attempt here to recollect last night. Wouldn’t normally bother, but met someone am keen to remember. 
Am rather put out that Ecd. unknown to me for so long. Stepped over threshold to welcoming embrace of smoke, red velvet, music thrum-thrumming through the feet to the chest. Didn’t know a single soul there. Bought drink, set about fixing that. 
Dancers there superb, of no other persuasion than lithe and rhythmbound. Not unexpected, but beyond welcome. Nothing wrong with the fair and feminine, but variety is the spice etc etc. However. Had this display to enjoy, was enjoying, promising company developing next to me, and yet- 
Begins to get a little blurry here. Remember a face, very clearly. Strong profile, no feature short of striking. Little hollows of shadow. Lips set smiling, almost bored. Eyes all blazed with low lights. Hunger there, I think, well hid. 
Decided to talk to him. No memory if I did. Other images swim together, glasses and lights and someone’s kisses, yes, but lipstick stains suggest not his. Cannot shake the feeling of something missed, or dead, or drowning. 
Cannot sit still. Need a focus to prevent the mind from eating itself. Perhaps employment not such a foul thing after all?
Found note pinned to door. Services apparently no longer required. No patience at all, some people. 
Tried to exorcise the remembered face by sketching it. Abysmal results. 
Refuse to sit here and mope like a caricature in one of F.’s beloved pulps. IN GI RUM IMIS NOC TE ET CON SUMI MUR IGNI. The night is to be enjoyed as much as wine. May find him again, may not. But no part of my soul do I owe to ghosts.
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maserati-yokota · 5 years
Jd’ Battle Station 7/7/99
Miyuki Fukushima vs. Hiroyo Muto Jaguar Yokota is the ref! Again! Muto drags Fukushima thru a plodding spotfest. Clipped down to basically nothing.
Megumi Yabushita vs. Tomoka Isozaki (AJW) Isozaki has the dopest ring attire I've ever seen; she's basically dressed like a tall, slender Wario but without the hat. I love Yabushita calmly nodding along with the ref and she begs her to break the camel clutch. Isozaki's move set is comically basic and Yabushita is having NONE OF IT. Isozaki responds by biting the top of her head. I do so love that. This match sucks but Isozaki's fashion absolutely does not.
KAZUKI vs. Fang Suzuki Mike Lorefice's review of this match is maybe the most bigoted shit he ever wrote. Avoid. KAZUKI is Kazuko Fujiwara with a slightly different wardrobe. Fang Suzuki is a health goth vampire and I will die for her. In a perfect world, Fang Suzuki and Mr. Gannosuke would run an intergender death match company. If you've never seen her, Fang is a slow but beastly heel. Why is she so slow? Maybe she just needs to F E E D. KAZUKI refuses to be desanguinated and drags Fang from spot to spot, sometimes politely waiting for her to catch up. When they get to the power move section, Fang wakes up and busts out some truly gnarly shit, including a package piledriver.
AWF Sekai Joshi Senshukenjiai: Yuko Kosugi vs. The Bloody Yes her name is The Bloody and yes she is mobbed up with Fang Suzuki. Fang even holds the ropes open for her! What a powerful couple. There's such an embarrassment of talent in Jd' and these two are definitely up in the mix. Sadly, most Jd' footage is so hard to track down, a lot of these careers are lost in the big gray analog media fog. It's a race to see who can doublestomp who first. The Bloody eats some particularly mean-looking ones before taking Kosugi's legs away and throwing them in the bin. For added measure, she grabs her liver with both hands. That is NOT hyperbole. It's some 1970s heel shit and I love it. The Bloody also loves to sneak in a few bites when the ref isn't looking. A sleepy matwork section abruptly ends with some fun, competitive moments, giving Kosugi some hope spots. I don't remember The Bloody doing this much stretching, but she also rarely got booked in anything longer than about 15min. Nice to see her show off something other than her ability to throw chairs at people. Kosugi is ready for her though, slipping out of holds and seizing every split second opportunity. They spill out onto the floor and now The Bloody can be the real her. Fang Suzuki is there to lend a hand or a chair or a chain. My favorite thing about The Bloody is that when she's calling the spots, she looks like a third grader who doesn't wanna be at school; a slow, smug squint clouds her face. And she is in control A LOT in this match, so you really get to drink in the smug. After a touch of brawling, they're back to snapping each other's knees and doublestomping each other's organs into pate. You love to see it, folks. The endless pin attempts, less so. But then, The Bloody pulls out a top rope dragon suplex (?!) and Kosugi is busted open! It's ends in a draw! Kosugi retains the belt. Post-match, they glare at each other while sharpening rusty switchblades. Yabushita drops by to talk shit.
Lioness Asuka & Mima Shimoda & Morimatsu vs. Cooga & Megumi Yabushita & Sumie Sakai Mima comes out dressed like a gold foil sunflower. Morimatsu looks like she released a drum n bass 12" and is mad it didn't sell well. Cooga has her own name tattooed on her thigh. Sakai is dressed like a computer manual from 1982. Yabushita is there, too.
This is a tricky match format, given everybody but Lioness and Shimoda is low-to-mid card. This squad of younguns are gonna have to go pretty hard to make it seem like they might snatch a win. And they do! (Go hard, I mean. We all know they're gonna lose.) Lioness in 99 was fully inhabiting this Akiyama-like, tired old killer character; a woman who has achieved all she set out to and now nothing satisfies her. Even brutalizing the youth of today bores her. It feels like there's a kernel of truth in there somewhere and that helps sell it. I love that she and Shimoda were so eager to work with and, in their own way, help put over the newer talent. It's tough to make what is essentially a developmental match also feel legitimately competitive but they nail it. Everyone works about 2-clicks faster than normal, leans into every spot, and generally makes you feel these two factions fucking hate each other. Even Shimoda makes her opponents' (read: Cooga's) occasionally sloppy offense look devastating and slick.
Despite some hiccups, this event is definitely worth checking out.
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kibaa-hart · 6 years
Dem Feelings (Relationship Post) Missing a few people.
Shivnekh Norah - “She calls me her khair.”
“Shivnekh came into my life after quite a few sobering events in my life....Remembering how desperate I was for companionship back then leaves a taste of disgust in my mouth that makes me wish I could go back to those moments and beat myself within an inch of my life.....If it wasn’t for that same desperation giving me Shivnekh, I’d actually look into it. Nothing is worth losing my Tumet.”
Saruah Norah - “The Sister.”
“I haven’t seen Saruah in a few moons....Mostly my own fault....Not too many people know of her, again...my own fault but why would I tell them? I left the family for a reason, and well now I’ve stayed away for other reasons. I just hope she and her kids are doing alright.”
Zalitai Dalamiq - “He’s...Not as scary as I originally thought..”
“The Archmagister is a man I like to pretend I draw most of my inspiration from. At least that’s what I tell myself...In my first few moons with The Collective he was portrayed as a monster; bringing a hammer down on folks because he could...Though upon getting to know him; as little as that may be, I’ve learned nothing he does is purposeless or undeserved. He truly does wish to save Hydalen and that’s something I can get behind.”
Jebei Dotharl - “One of my most unexpected friends.”
“The first time I met Jebei I swear I thought he was the most idiotic man in Eorzea....His methods...Seemed...terrible....Idiotic...and...Impulsive, but overtime....I learned why he took them...and commend him for taking the shit we all gave him, despite knowing he was right....Jebei is someone I’d trust with -Anything-.”
Kataani -  “The Magistrix” 
“She’s unstable. She’s impatient, She’s a mess. I don’t agree with many choices the Magistrix makes, but I think she’s realized the same things I have about her and at least is trying to work on such. She was my -in- to the Collective.”
Leith’ir Eilam - “A man without faults.”
“The Magister has my upmost respect. He doesn’t pretend to know everything and he doesn’t try to know everything he’s able to admit his faults unlike some and doesn’t try to cover them up. In my eyes anyone who can do that has none. He’s not around a lot and he doesn’t pretend it’s because he’s off being busy. All I know is that when he is around shit get’s done and that’s all that matters to me. Plus he fixed my arm that’s always good.”
I’mhati Tia - “A shadow I won’t follow.” 
“I’ve nothing but good feelings for the man. He’s not around a lot, but again when he is here it’s for a reason, just like the Magister. However being one of the few Shinobi here I get compared to him a lot. FUCK that. After Shiden I’ve refused to follow in anyone’s footsteps he’s not exempt from that.” 
Alaste Verius - “The blue.”
“Eh...He’s cool.”
Alyx Nortier - “The Exemplar.”
“The man is someone I’ve....Been confused by for a long time. I don’t understand his M.O...He’s more fitting of the comparison people have given me. One day he’s laid back and the next he’s intense and seems disappointed...like a dad...It stings and I don’t know why.”
Eiai Airi - “The son....She’s not my actual son.”
“Eiai has always been a friend since my start here in the Collective she has been, but recently I’ve realized she needs to be a friend I care little about what happens to. I love her like family, but I’ve no problem letting her hit rock bottom or throwing her there myself.”
S’hizu Tia. - “.....”
“He’s a thing in my life now. He’s like a younger brother who get’s you so angry you want to beat him, but in this case that feeling never leaves.”
Kiyokage Mizuhiki - “He’s depressed.” 
“I’ve never understood the man, nor have I really made an attempt to. He doesn’t seem the type to want to be understood at least that’s what I get from him. We’re friends. That’s enough for me.”
L’raza Tia - “Another Newblood”
“He’s fresh to the Collective, I’ve no idea why he joined, I’m not gonna ask why, He seems to have a working head on his shoulders...Sometimes.”
Maiya Maiilah - “She a’ight.” 
“Maiya is about as close to a sister other than my actual sister as I can get....Her, Chee, Eiai, Renias, Yvaine and her son with Ren, along with Shiv...Obviously are about the closet to a family as I can get....I didn’t want it, nor did I ask for it, but I got it and I’m not gonna shit on it....Too much.”
Mazin Khin - “A man who get’s too much shit.”
“The shit Mazin got just for speaking his mind when he got here was enough to make me nearly vomit. I speak my mind much more than he does, and I’m much more crude. The thought that just because someone is a petitioner means they don’t have a say in anything here is...Idiotic in my eyes, especially if what that person is saying is smarter than half the shit that comes out of other’s mouths anyway. Mazin is still pretty dumb...But good dumb...Humorous dumb...He’s just the person you gotta get to know....”
Namine Sin’dal - “Too Innocent.”
“She’s sorta childlike from what I’ve gotten from her...Needs a bit more grit. She’ll get it if she stays. Doesn’t even know what Moko was....I’m offended.”
Sa’ran - “She’s everybody’s aunt.”
“Sa’ran is odd, I haven’t had too much interaction with her, but she’s sorta like that one cool auntie you have. The one that your mom doesn’t hate and that you don’t feel awkward about when you have to go to her house because your mom is going to get her haircut...She’s pretty chill good Alchemist too.”
Sophine Beaujont- “We’re friends.” 
“While everyone else thinks she’s cold and hollow...To me every interaction I have with her is sorta Awkward, in a good way, but still Awkward...It’s not her fault...I just don’t like having to guess if people are happy or angry. Though when she’s been blessed with Moko she isn’t as awkward anymore. She’s someone I’d say is in my personal friend group.”
Sumi Kawayama - “She’s odd.” 
“She didn’t do anything but clean for awhile....I haven’t seen her in awhile either...”
Syren - “Where the fuck did he even go?”
“I don’t even know.”
U’shen Tia - “Kinda just there.”
“He sorta just showed up one day. Now he’s here. I don’t have any problems with him.”
Ylva Nortier (?) - “The fanatic.”
“Almost everytime I’ve spoken to her it’s been to tell her ‘No we don’t allow black mages here’ or ‘No I don’t know what language it is your speaking.’ she’s Alyx’s betrothed and otherwise seems...Okay.”
Yukio Tsukimi - “He reminds me of a gecko.” 
“Dude is like.....super short. Fragile as fuck, but he’s young. So whatever. I know he’s friends with Eiai and Sophine....”
Zahri Davigoh - “Puprle Freak, Local Nerd, He builds cool shit.”
“Zahri i’m friends with, he’s also someone I’d consider to be in my inner friend group; however he’s one of those friends you wouldn’t mind bringing around your parents....I think he’s actually the only one of those I have. Eh, whatever he’s building me a cool mount.”
I’dana Kaiyo - “The Mentee.” 
“I’dana was the first mentee who I actually didn’t write off immediately; I was right not to. She’s smart, confident, and skilled. She’s never disappointed me in her time here and I hope she never does.” 
Grimm - “He’s trying.”
“Grimm is the third Shinobi in the collective and....Sadly the.....weakest in that skillset. However that’s not his fault. Everyone has to learn and the boy has just only reach his adulthood. I sent him away. To where I learned, he’s been gone for quite some time and I’ve heard good things. I’ll call him back soon. I was too harsh on him when he was here, but I need not expect so much from him..He’s just like I was.”
Tarixxian - “I’m gonna punch him.” 
“The bastard didn’t even say goodbye....Nah, in reality I’m not mad at him for leaving. He had his reasons and it’s not my right to question if he didn’t feel like he could have told me. I’m still friends with him, even though I haven’t met with him in some time. I was at his wedding and while I don’t know his husband too much personally I have conversed with him a bit and he seems like a pretty calm man.”
Lunae Valhan - “A much needed lesson.” 
“While I am friends with Lunae still, we had a fling that needed not end how it did. I was a bitch and nothing I can say will change that....The person I was then is gone....Thankfully. Regardless Lunae has got a new operation that she’s starting and it’s got me feeling like I’m a kid again.”
Oliver Valhan - “A very very very troubled man.” 
“Dude got his throat actually fucking bit out....Was pretty metal, but that was sorta my fault.......Ehhhh sorry. Regardless he’s someone who’s been through a lot and it’s not hard to see. He’s got an odd air about him.” 
Avigail Amaranth - “Devil’s Advocate”
“She’s a wise old grandma, but fuuuck if I’m ever gonna take her advice at face value ever again.” 
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vicioushyperbolizer · 7 years
Random Nurseydex prompt if you want : one of them comforting the other after a bad day? Doesnt even have to be anything happened theyre just sad. :( but the other cheers them up :))) (also if relevant ace Dex always appreciated - i really really love your fics!!)
This was self-indulgence, guys. I just wanted a loving and supportive partner for someone with migraines. Dex’s medication is sumatriptan. I personally hate it, but a lot of people have great success on it. cw: throwing upread it here on AO3
The minute Dex woke up, he could tell that it was going to be a bad day. It felt like someone had taken an icepick to his head while he was sleeping. Or maybe attached an ice pick to a wood clamp and tightened it until it couldn’t squeeze any tighter. Or maybe not. He hurt too fucking much to come up with a better analogy.
Dex had migraines for about as long as he could remember. He didn’t get them frequently enough to take the daily preventative medications, maybe once every few months, but they were bad enough to keep him laid up for the day. And, of course, it had to be his off day, the first day in months where he didn’t have classes, early morning practice, study groups, or shifts at his part time job.
He and Nursey had planned a full day together. They were going to do a bunch of cliched, romantic things, and end the night with a double-date dinner with Chowder and Cait. It had started out as a joke, but somewhere during their conversation, they decided that it sounded fun, in a schmoopy and embarrassing way.
So, of course that was the day his body decided he needed a migraine. When he could think more clearly, he would try to figure out what triggered it. Now was not that time.
The one good thing about this happening on an off day meant that he didn’t wake up to any blaring alarms or to Nursey’s cheerful and very off-key singing. He could feel his boyfriend still snoozing next to him.
Dex carefully tried to roll over, in an attempt to close the curtains, or maybe make it to the bathroom for his emergency medication, but he barely got halfway over when his head and stomach seemed to opposite directions. There was no way that he was going to be able to get out of bed the way he was.
Nursey knew, in theory, that Dex got migraines. He told the whole team a few months into his freshman year, and there were a few days where he had to call off of practice because of them. When he moved into the Haus, he made a list of scents that triggered them and foods he had to avoid during team dinners.
This was the first time since moving in with Nursey that he actually got one, though. So even though his boyfriend knew, in theory, how bad it was, he never actually experienced it first hand. It was downright embarrassing that Nursey was going to see him like that. He couldn’t even move without feeling like he was going to throw up… or cry.
He was worse than useless, he was a burden. And he really, really wanted to not need Nursey. Except he did. As carefully as he could, Dex extended a hand and tapped Nursey until his boyfriend started to stir.
Nursey groaned and stretched, arms reaching wide over his head. The bed jostled uncomfortably, and Dex felt his stomach roil worse than ever. He waited a minute for his boyfriend to settle before Dex tapped him again.
“Migraine.” He said it as low as he could.
“Aw, babe. What can I do to help?” Nursey followed Dex’s example and kept his voice low. It didn’t matter, though, because the echo of his own voice shot starbursts through his head. It was unbearable.
Dex felt a tear run down his cheek. He hated this so much. “Meds. Bathroom. Sumi...something.”
Thankfully, Nursey didn’t ask anymore questions. He climbed over Dex more delicately than he ever had. It still made Dex’s stomach twist uncomfortable, though. Before Nursey got to far away, he hit the side of the bed frame to get his attention.
“Pepto. Trash can.”
Nursey scrambled for the trash can across the room and dumped out all the paper just in time to get it to Dex. Migraines fucking sucked. Life sucked.
The only upside was that throwing up seemed to make everything calm down a little. The vice around his head loosened, and the sea in his stomach calmed down. He was able to roll onto his side to watch Nursey make his way back in from the bathroom.
In one hand, he had Dex’s orange pill bottle. In the other hand, he had what looked like a rag. Nursey carefully fiddled one of the pills out of the container and reached for one of the half full water bottles on the desk.
When he was done, Nursey took the bottle and put it back on the desk, then carefully laid the rag on his forehead, and oh, it was a damp towel. Honestly, it was amazing. Dex always felt sensitive to temperature when he had a migraine, and the cool cloth against his forehead was just right to help cool him down without making him feel too cold.
“I used to get sick a lot as a kid, and this is something my dad would do to make me feel better.” He adjusted the cloth a little.
Dex threaded his fingers through Nursey’s free hand on his chest. The love and care and attention his boyfriend was showing him felt pretty nice, too.
“What else did your dad used to do?”
Nursey thought about it for a minute. “Well, sometimes he’d read to me. Poetry, biographies, satire, whatever he happened to pick out of the bookshelf. One of his favorites was Don Quixote, but he would only read it for me in Spanish. I’ve actually never read it in English.”
That made Dex smile, a little. He knew how much Nursey loved his parents, and it was clear from how he talked about them that they loved him just as much. Dex savored every little detail about the Nurse family.
They sat there for a few minutes, waiting out Dex’s migraine. It never took very long for his medication to kick in, and between that, the throwing up, and Nursey’s presence, he started feeling a little better quickly. Not 100%, not even good enough that he was willing to get out of bed anytime soon, but down to a 5 instead of an 8.
Dex scooted over, as much as he could in the small bed anyway. He gently pulled on Nursey’s hand, until he understood that he wanted Nursey to lay back down with him. Dex curled up against his side, resting his head on Nursey’s strong chest.
“Tell me more?”
Nursey checked that the damp cloth was still in place, then threaded his fingers into Dex’s hair, careful not to pull, just a comforting touch.
“You know how he’s an English professor, right? Well, there was this one week when I had a really bad ear infection and had to stay home from school. My mom was on a business trip, and my dad didn’t want to cancel class last minute, so he just took me with him. So, imagine a seven year old me, in my Reptar pajamas, schooling college kids about Alexandre Dumas…”
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter Nineteen: Pre lit 
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
Tw: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, underage drinking, mentions of neglect
Word count: 1.2 K 
Time Skip to Friday, Lunch time before the dance, Y/n POV 
“Don’t forget your writing assignment is due Monday and it will be presented to the class.” Mr Yagami said as the class left for lunch. I turned to Tendou as we walked out together.
“So did you finally tell them you and I are going together tonight babe?” He asked me.
“I will right now Satori. They both have been a little more on edge since shit with Mei last weekend honestly. I didn’t want to salt Tsuki’s wound. Shirabu also already knows anyway and he supports it.” 
“Oh there is Tsukishima.” He said as he dipped down a side hall heading outside. “See you at 9 babe.” 
At my locker my friends were already waiting for me to head to lunch. We headed to the court yard and sat at our usual table as I looked at Shirabu. 
“I think it’s time to include you guys in the loop before tonight happens.” I said. 
“What loop?” Tsukishima said with a hint of annoyance. 
“Tendou is taking me to the dance because I like him and you cannot change my mind. So either you support me or I can just leave the table and go hang out with him.” I said as fast as I could. Tsukishima let out a loud sigh. 
“Oh I am happy for you  y/n! I don’t mean to rush off but I have to go grab something from my teacher. I am happy for you!” Yamaguchi said as he stood up. 
“I can tell you are genuine Yams, don’t worry. I will see you later in class!” I looked over to Tsukishima. 
“I guess it’s fine. I don’t want to lose our friendship for some shitty guy. If he hurts you I will say I told you so.” 
“I will take it.” I said happy as my friends had accepted Tendou as my date.
I texted my sisters group and no one responded. I even tried to message my best friend who ignored me too. I checked my messages with Oikawa to see if he had responded yet. Just a short while ago I overheard Oikawa say I was nothing but an expensive fuck. I could feel my heart shatter when I heard him say that. I ran and immediately texted him I was unable to go to the dance tonight cause my father said I am too young. I now sat under a tree as I let my tears free fall from my eyes.  
“Mei… is that you?” I turned my head to see Yamaguchi. 
“Hi…” I said just above a whisper. 
“What happened? Why are you here all alone crying outside?” 
“I just.. I am sorry Yamaguchi. Y/n was right, I suck.” He then sat down beside me as he placed a pile of papers beside him . 
“Hey… I know I said some very harsh things to you a few days ago and I definitely could have worded them better but that doesn’t mean you suck, okay?” 
“I do. Y/n finally opened up to me and I blew her off and called Oikawa behind her back.” I saw Yamaguchi shift uncomfortably beside me. “I knew it was wrong but I thought he really liked me, till a little while ago… I heard him tell Iwaizumi I was just an expensive fuck who was showing to be not worth it anymore.” 
“Mei… I am so sorry.” 
“Please Yams, don’t be. If only I listened to Y/n. She tried to warn me so many times and I just wanted to be popular. I just, really wanted to be someone’s someone. I don’t know how y/n does it. Dad didn't care about us after mom left and I took such a great advantage of her to the point I don’t think she will forgive me. I even used the money she was saving for mine and her dresses and now it was just a waste. I really messed up Yams.” I said as I buried my face in my hands. He placed his hand on my back. 
“Hey, y/n has the biggest soft spot for you, I have seen it first hand okay? She will forgive you. And about the dresses, Mei will you go to the dance with me?” I looked into Yamaguchi’s eyes. 
“Are you serious…?” I asked him. 
“Yes Mei. Come with me and we will talk to Shirabu, Tsukishima and y/n together before we go, Okay?” I nodded my head in agreement as he gave me a hug then helped me up.
 Time Skip after school-Y/n POV
“If I had to give Tsuki a title its teen angst cause LOOK AT HIMMMM!” I shouted as I laughed at him. 
“I mean, can he deny it? No.”Shirabu replied. Even Tsukishima was laughing at that moment. We were interpreted by Mei as she entered the room. She sat down and began to tell us about what had happened with Oikawa. 
“I told you he was a piece of shit Mei.” I interrupted. She made no attempt to dig back at me as she carried on her speech. She told us what her and Yamaguchi had spoken about at lunch according to them. 
“You are my younger sister and no matter what I love you, I don’t trust you though so that's something you will have to earn back.” She jumped from her seat as she engulfed me into a hug saying how much she loved me with her whole heart over and over again. 
“I love you too but I got to get ready. Satori will be here in 30 minutes with the limo. You guys sure you don’t want to carpool with us?” 
“All the monsters in a small space… I will take a hard pass y/n.” Yamaguchi said. 
“I will get ready with you if that’s okay though?” Mei said as I reached my hand out for her to take. 
After Mei and I got ready Tendou had just messaged he would be here soon. My father took many pictures of the five of us as we headed out the door. I jumped in Tsukiishima’s car till we got around the corner and I hopped out seeing Tendou leaned up against the limo. 
“Hey babe.” He said as he pulled me into a kiss. We got inside the limo as Terushima was the first to speak to me. 
“Milkshake girl! What’s up?” He was noticeably already intoxicated at this time. “You wanna beer? We are getting pre lit before this fancy shit fest!” 
“I am okay, maybe after the dance.” I said. 
The ride was quite enjoyable as I feel I saw a new side of the rowdy bunch I once hated. We arrived at the school in no time as Tendou helped me out of the limo. 
“Looks pretty fancy already.” Hanamaki said as he walked up to the door with the rest as they followed close behind him. 
“You ready for the dance, Satori?” I asked him. 
“As ready as I will ever be y/n.” He said taking my arm in his as we walked up the few steps to get to the door. 
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