#sully family x oc
Emrey— Survive || OC & Sully Family
Chapter 11: Welcome Back Colonel
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The story about love and family, about beginning and end, about life and death. All shown equally and unfairly, for that is the way it was intended.
Follow the story of the Sully Family as they journey across the seas, seeking sanctuary, only to find war and death.
But they emrey— survive, because their family is their fortress.
words: 8.2k
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
The day had finally arrived, the culmination of their anticipation and anxious suspense. The team had been waiting for this moment, knowing that it would be a pivotal turning point in their lives. As they gathered in the cold room, dressed in identical hospital gowns, the atmosphere was thick with nervous energy.
Brown, the first to be called, tried to conceal his trembling hands by clenching them tightly. The technicians guided him to a separate room where his Avatar awaited, prepared to receive his consciousness. The rest of the team watched a mixture of worry and hope in their eyes. Mansk, known for his stoicism, broke his usual demeanour and placed a comforting hand on Brown's shoulder, a sympathetic smile tugging at his lips.
With a nod of determination, and then he was off.
The remaining team members sat in silence, their collective thoughts consumed by a cascade of uncertainties. What would the experience be like? Would they hear their comrade cry out in pain? How would it feel to have their consciousness transferred? Would there be any pain involved? Would they be aware of the process or would they simply awaken in a new body, forever disconnected from their original self? The weight of these questions and the countless possibilities of what could go wrong loomed over them, casting a shadow of fear and doubt.
They were embarking on an uncharted path, diving headfirst into the depths of the unknown, and the sheer magnitude of the moment had them trembling.
What had felt like forever had passed, before Brown came back, all tall and blue and relieved. The team collectively exhaled, a wave of tension dissipating. Ja and Lopez stood up, their hands clasping, and chuckles escaped their lips. Even Lopez managed to crack an unexpectedly funny joke, breaking the tense atmosphere and allowing a moment of levity to wash over the room. It was a welcome respite after the intensity they had just experienced.
The scientist holding a clipboard called out, "Fike, Sean?"
Sean rose from his seat with a sigh, projecting a false confidence as he walked across the room. He glanced over his shoulder, exchanging a nod with his teammates, bidding them a temporary farewell as he prepared to take the plunge into the unknown.
And so, one by one, they were summoned, each team member strutting forward with an air of feigned confidence and cocky smiles. The room became a revolving door of anticipation and departure.
Ja, Brady.
Brady stood with an air of self-assuredness, striding forward as if he were walking the red carpet, a hint of a grin playing on his lips.
Lopez, Aaron.
Following in Brady's footsteps, Aaron exuded bravado, his departure mirroring that of his comrade. When he returned, his arms raised triumphantly, a silent celebration of a successful transition.
Mansk, Malakai.
True to his stoic nature, Malakai silently followed the scientist, his gaze fixed forward without a backward glance. Before leaving, he handed his sunglasses to Zhang, a gesture that felt like a farewell. Upon his return, Zhang returned the sunglasses, but his shoulders slumped, the weight of the moment settling upon him.
Prager, Colin.
With a wink and a cheeky smile, Colin left the room, exuding playful confidence. When he came back, that same smile remained, radiating a sense of accomplishment.
Wainfleet, Lyle.
Lyle didn't save them any fanfare, striding across the room and disappearing behind the double doors without any look back. He came back the same way, silent and guarded.
Walker, Amara.
Amara hesitated, her lip caught between her teeth, while Aaron urged her forward, his giant blue hand resting on her back, gently pushing her from her seat. When she emerged after the procedure, her shoulders slumped with relief, and she shared a smile of gratitude with Aaron, offering a nod in acknowledgment.
Warren, Garret.
As Garret left the room, the team's attention was drawn to the absence of Brady. Worried glances were exchanged, hushed whispers speculating on his whereabouts. No one had the answer to the question that hung in the air: Where was Brady? Garret returned to a room filled with low murmurs, everyone bombarding him with inquiries about Brady. Regrettably, he had no information to provide.
Zhang, Erik.
Erik remained seated, his eyes glazed over as he stared intently at the closed double doors. Unaware of the scientist calling his name, Erik seemed lost in his thoughts. Finally, the scientist approached him, clicking their fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance. Guided by the scientist's touch on his shoulder, Erik followed them through the dreaded double doors.
Zdinarsk, Nadia.
With a confident sway of her hips, Nadia sashayed out, exuding assurance in every step. She knew she would return; she was determined to ensure it.
Once all the team members had embarked on their individual journeys, they found themselves reunited in the room, their eyes fixated on the double doors. Each member had entered, but only ten had emerged.
The absence of Brady remained an unsettling presence, a lingering void that couldn't be ignored. The team's suspicions were confirmed when a different scientist emerged from the double doors, their expression sombre and laden with sorrow. Without uttering a word, they conveyed the news that had been silently expected by everyone.
Brady didn't make it.
The machinery whirred and clanked incessantly in the vast expanse of the giant warehouse, tirelessly toiling away on ships, mech suites, and the skeletal beginnings of colossal structures. The resounding echoes of human voices reverberated through the air, intermingling with the clamour of the machinery. Amidst the cacophony, the humans shouted over the noise, their voices filled with authority, lighthearted banter, and laughter as if their purpose in life was to navigate this bustling realm of industry. Quaritch, his eyes wide with awe, surveyed his surroundings, his admiration concealed beneath a veil of secrecy. He marvelled at the unwavering pace they maintained, acutely aware that during his human days, the RDA had never progressed with such remarkable swiftness.
A human Private approached, jogging briskly to keep up with the Recombinant Colonel and his Corporal, their long strides propelling them forward. "Sir, this is the General," the Private announced, panting slightly as he relayed the message.
Drawing closer, they encountered General Ardmore engrossed in a relentless assault on a punching bag, her skel suit enhancing her blows and kicks. Quaritch respectfully approached General Ardmore and saluted her, his voice resonating with admiration as he maintained a forward gaze.
"General Ardmore," Quaritch greeted, his voice laced with respect and admiration.
"Welcome back, Colonel. Good to finally meet you in person," the General greeted, sticking out the hand of her skel suit, grasping the large blue hand of the Colonel, giving a firm shake. She nodded at Lyle in acknowledgement, having already met on several occasions where she had updated him on the Colonel's progress, and Lyle did the same, reporting to the General about the progress his team was making on the handling of their Avatars. He returned the gesture, chewing on the gum he had swiped from Z-Dog, blowing a bubble before it popped, sharp and loud, loud enough to be heard over the noise of construction around them.
"Glad to be back," said Quaritch in lieu of a greeting, eyes looking curiously around him. "Quite the set-up you have here, General."
A prideful smirk appeared on Ardmore's face as she turned to observe the construction site. "Right you are, Colonel. I'm quite proud of it myself."
The Colonel nodded, running his tongue over his newly acquired sharp incisors, still adjusting to their presence. He spoke cautiously, mindful of avoiding unintentional bites to his tongue or cheek. "I've heard good things, but a lot has changed since your last tour here. Walk with me," Ardmore instructed, waving her hand to signal Quaritch and Wainfleet to follow.
Exiting the oxygenized hangar, they ventured into the expansive construction yard. There, the General showcased an array of swarm assemblers diligently at work. These robotic, spider-like machines scaled the skeletal structures of colossal buildings, pointing upward to display their remarkable progress. Ardmore elaborated, her voice resonating with pride, "The new ops centre is over here. It just came online." She waved her hand at a pair of passing assemblers and continued, "These are swarm assemblers. They can put up a building in six days. We have accomplished more here in a year than in the previous 30 years."
As they departed from the bustling construction yard, the workers paused their tasks to offer salutes to the passing General. Ardmore emphasised, "We're not here to run a mine, Colonel. As On-World Commander, I have been charged with a greater mission."
Entering an aircraft hangar, they beheld massive airships being intricately 3D printed by equally enormous machines. The swarm assemblers scurried along the outside, welding the disparate pieces together. Walking along a suspended metal walkway, Quaritch peered over the edge, observing the diligent work of the diminutive spider bots. He redirected his attention towards the General, who had somehow procured a cup of coffee. Ardmore took a sip, her demeanour solemn, as she spoke with conviction, "Earth is dying. Our task here is to tame this frontier. Nothing less than to make Pandora the new home for humanity. But before we can do that, we need to pacify the hostiles."She took another sip of her coffee, her tone resolute.
Pressing forward, the General continued to guide them, unveiling the new and upcoming facilities that were still in the process of being finalised. Quaritch effortlessly matched the General's pace, the skel suit granting her elongated strides and allowing him to maintain eye contact without the need to glance downwards as he did with the other humans.
Moving to the admin area, not far away from where Lyle had gotten the order to take Quaritch out on a field test a few days prior. They were surrounded by holographic screens, each displaying footage from previous raids done by the native Na’vi clans. Quaritch stood in front of one, watching as several warriors surrounded a burning train, their spears held high as the road away on their six-legged mounts, no doubt hollering in their victory.
Turning towards Quaritch, Ardmore locked eyes with him, her gaze unwavering and stoic. "You, Colonel, have also been tasked with a new mission," she declared, her voice carrying a sense of gravity. "You are to locate and capture the leader of the Na'vi rebellion, Jake Sully. He is to be brought back to Bridgehead City alive, and I won't have him as anything but."
Quaritch nodded, his mind already working on devising a strategy to apprehend the elusive traitor. "Sully has been orchestrating these attacks for quite some time now, launching periodic strikes against us. Thus far, we have been unable to discern a discernible pattern in the attacks. In fact, most of them seem random. However, we recently discovered that they have been targeting our supply shipments, seizing whatever they can."
"Sully's raids have grown bolder and more frequent. His strikes exhibit meticulous planning," Ardmore interjected, joining Quaritch in front of the display. She then gestured toward another screen, showcasing a human soldier impaled by an impossibly long arrow through the windshield of his airship. "He's got tight coordination between his ground and air assets."
Leaving the display behind, Ardmore approached a terminal desk where soldiers handled the footage displayed on several grouped holographic screens. Quaritch followed closely, listening to their conversation.
"His forces are hitting our outlying sites, mining operations, and pipelines, effectively cutting off our supply chain," Ardmore elucidated, pointing at a display showing warriors revelling amidst the wreckage of a burning and derailed train. A human soldier chimed in, "They attacked a maglev transport just last week," magnifying the footage to show warriors distributing weapons from a derailed cargo train.
Quaritch redirected his focus towards Ardmore. "Any intel on Sully's base of operations?" he inquired, exhaling through his exo-pack.
"Yes," Ardmore affirmed, her nod indicating assurance. She signalled to a soldier, instructing them, "Give me the mountains." Swiftly, the soldier presented a 3D holographic map of the floating mountain range, and Ardmore guided them through it, explaining, "It's a cave system in the Hallelujah Mountains, somewhere."
Quaritch studied the displayed mountains, somewhere in the back of his mind, there was something nagging at him, something that told him he had seen this before. He pushed it away, chalking it up to his human memories trying to resurface. 
"But every time we send our forces up there, we take losses. Our hardware really stirs up the hornet's nest," Ardmore continued, pointing to a display showing a swarm of flying beasts striking down a fleet of airships. "We only get 10 minutes in enemy airspace; they are all over us."
Directing her gaze squarely at Quaritch, Ardmore addressed him. "Colonel, we believe your Blue Team will be perceived as indigenous and will not trigger the immune response."
Drawing a deep breath from his exo-pack, Quaritch responded resolutely, "And how might we test that hypothesis, General?"
"The hard way," Ardmore said, her head nodding as if she felt a touch of sadness for them.
"Outstanding," Quaritch replied, a false smirk gracing his face, concealing the concern gnawing at the depths of his mind.
The carrier rumbled beneath their feet, its vibrations reverberating through the metallic walls of the vessel as Quaritch stood at the front, addressing his team. The low hum of engines and the faint scent of fuel filled the air, creating a backdrop of anticipation and determination.
"We are not in Kansas anymore. We are in Pandora," Quaritch declared, his voice resolute. He glanced around at his team, ensuring that they were all paying attention.
The soldiers, disciplined and focused, quickly found their positions, adjusting gear and weaponry in preparation for the upcoming mission. The metallic clinks and shuffling sounds merged with the subtle murmurs of conversations, creating a symphony of readiness.
"Now, I know you're all askin' yourselves the same question," Quaritch continued, his gaze sweeping across his team. He paused, allowing a pregnant silence to settle in, heightening the suspense before he spoke again.
"Why so blue?" he asked with a sly grin, his arms outstretched, showcasing his own transformed appearance. The tension that had loomed in the air was momentarily shattered as laughter erupted from the team, a chorus of mirth that echoed through the chamber. It was a brief but necessary moment of camaraderie, a respite amidst the weight of their shared predicament.
Quaritch, observing the scene with a stern countenance, allowed himself a slight crack of a smile before his expression shifted to a more serious tone. He looked at the team, trying not to notice that they were one short. 
"For our sins in our past lives, we have been brought back in the form of our enemy," Quaritch explained, his voice taking on a solemn timbre. He struggled to keep his gaze from lingering on the empty space where Ja should have stood, silently vowing to carry the burden of his comrade's death until their mission was fulfilled. Memories of Ja's tenacity, his occasional vexation, and his unwavering loyalty flashed through Quaritch's mind, a bittersweet reminiscence that added fuel to his determination.
"That gives us their size, their strength, their speed," Quaritch continued, his words laced with palpable intensity. His piercing gaze locked with each team member, silently urging them to embrace the immense power that now surged through their veins.
"And with our training, that's a pretty potent mix," Quaritch concluded, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. They were a formidable force, ready to face any challenge that awaited them on Pandora.
Fike, leaning forward in his seat, rested his elbows on his knees, his eyes fixed on his commander with a mix of curiosity and unwavering determination. He yearned for a chance to prove himself in this new form, to demonstrate his worth to the team and their mission.
"Do we have a mission yet?" Fike asked, his voice filled with eager anticipation. The spark in his eyes mirrored the collective hunger for purpose that simmered within the team.
Quaritch regarded Fike, taking in the changes in his appearance that mirrored his own. The familiarity mixed with the unsettling sensation of seeing a different face. He nodded in response to Fike's question, his gaze unwavering.
"Indeed we do," Quaritch confirmed, his voice resonating with authority. "Our mission is to hunt down and kill the leader of the Na'vi insurgency. The one they call Toruk Makto," he announced, his pronunciation of the alien title far from accurate, sounding nothing like the audio he was forced to listen to on the way down to the planet. He shrugged off the imperfection, knowing that it held little significance to him.
"Jake Sully," Quaritch added, emphasising the name of their target. The team's reaction was immediate and fervent, a chorus of cheers resonating throughout the carrier. They were united in their shared objective, eager to bring down that traitor as much as the Colonel was. The betrayal from one of his most trusted corporals still sat heavy in his mind. Distant memories of a wheelchair-bound soldier with fiery determination and stubbornness that rivalled his own. They were foggy and glossed over, not entirely his own and yet solely belonged to him. It was strange.
As the cheers subsided, Quaritch allowed a moment of silence to hang in the air, a pregnant pause pregnant with unspoken purpose. His eyes scanned the resolute faces before him, a mixture of pride and confidence swelling within his chest. They were not merely soldiers; they were an unstoppable force, a brotherhood forged by shared trials and an unyielding commitment to their mission. Together, they would face any challenge, surmount any obstacle, and fulfil their duty, regardless of the price they had to pay.
The team touched down in a clearing, jogging off the ramp of the carrier, spreading out as they readied their weapons. When the carrier took back off, the sounds of the spinning blades were replaced with the sounds of nature. As soon as the last person disembarked, the carrier took off, leaving the team at the hands of the Pandoran jungles. After a quick moment of silent deliberation, the Colonel pointed west, not waiting for the rest as he began to move.
The team followed after him, their footsteps were measured and cautious. The tension in the air was palpable as they remained on high alert, their senses attuned to any potential danger lurking in the dense foliage around them. 
Quaritch and Wainfleet were at the head, clearing the makeshift path. The rest of the team trailed behind in a similar fashion as to when the Colonel had been taken on his first field op as a Recombinant operator. Weapons held at the ready, turning in slow circles as they surveyed their surroundings. 
As they advanced deeper into the heart of the jungle, the sounds of nature grew louder and more vibrant. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant roar of unseen creatures filled the air, gradually replacing the fading echoes of the carrier's spinning blades. As they marched, their path became more treacherous, with vines and roots entangling their feet and hindering their progress. Yet, they persevered, their determination unyielding. Each member of the team maintained their position, maintaining a careful distance from one another while keeping their weapons at the ready.
Suddenly, an eerie stillness fell upon the jungle. It was as if the very essence of nature was holding its breath. Colin's instincts kicked into high gear, and he swiftly brought up his AR, ready to engage any threat that might present itself.
But before he could react, two creatures emerged from the dense underbrush, their deep blue, leathery skin glistening in the dappled sunlight. Their piercing eyes locked onto the team, and a low growl rumbled from their throats.
Colin's heart skipped a beat, his finger poised on the trigger, awaiting orders from Quaritch. But the Colonel remained silent, his gaze fixed upon the creatures, assessing the situation.
Z-Dog, who stood closest to the creatures, couldn't suppress a gasp of surprise, her grip on her weapon tightening instinctively. The tension in the air grew thicker as everyone held their breath, awaiting Quaritch's command.
"Hold, hold," Quaritch breathed, his voice barely audible but carrying the weight of authority. The team stood frozen, their eyes locked with the fearsome creatures, their muscles coiled, ready to react at a moment's notice.
In a swift and fluid motion, the creatures emitted a deep, rumbling sound, and with one powerful leap, they vanished into the wilderness, leaving the team in stunned silence.
Quaritch slowly lowered his weapon, a signal for the team to continue their mission. Colin let out a heavy sigh, his heart still racing from the rush of adrenaline. He fell in line behind Zhang, his focus renewed as they pushed forward.
Z-Dog broke the silence with a scoff, her voice tinged with relief. "No shit," she murmured, a shared understanding passing between her and Mansk as they trailed behind the Colonel, their spirits unbroken despite the encounter.
The team moved cautiously through the dense forest, their assault rifles held at the ready. They approached an old shack, its decrepit exterior overrun by weeds and entangled vines. One of the windows had been shattered, leaving broken shards in the rusted frame.
Z-Dog, her gun held high, took the lead and surveyed the dilapidated structure, walking up to the missing window. Wainfleet cautioned her, "Watch your six."
Peering into the shack through the broken window, Z-Dog observed the dark and dirt-filled interior. She confirmed, "Clear."
Quaritch made his way towards an old mech suit, its metallic form concealed beneath creeping vines and layers of dirt. "Perimeter up," he called out to the team.
Crouching beside the suit, Quaritch pushed his rifle behind him and cleared away the foliage, revealing a painted emblem of white stars on a blue crest. His name was printed beneath it. Standing up, he turned his attention to the suit's cockpit, resting his hands on the edge. Wainfleet joined him, looking over his shoulder.
"Damn," Wainfleet commented, his eyes fixated on the skeletal corpse within the cockpit.
Quaritch tore his gaze away from his former body, noticing the long arrows embedded in the corpse's chest. The vibrant green and yellow fletchings were as vivid as he remembered, though he couldn't discern the reason behind their presence.
A surge of phantom fear coursed through Quaritch as he gently pinched the arrow's shaft between his fingers, rotating it to examine the fletchings more closely.
Meanwhile, Z-Dog opened the creaking door of the shack, drawing the attention of Quaritch and Wainfleet. They watched as she continued her search inside.
Crouching in front of an old Avatar Driver capsule, Z-Dog noted its striking resemblance to the ones she had seen at Bridgehead, albeit this one being an older model. A massive dent marred its lid. Curiosity piqued, she lifted the lid and peered inside. The memory foam padding within had deteriorated, its surface far from the soft and plush appearance it once had during its use.
Stepping away from Z-Dog, Quaritch turned back to the scattered team members standing watch around the clearing. Addressing Lyle, he pointed towards the old mech suit. "Lyle, see if you can pull some data off that dash cam."
Wainfleet chuckled, remarking, "That thing's deader than shit, Colonel," as he approached the suit.
"So were we," Quaritch retorted.
"Alright," Wainfleet's fingers danced across the screen of the tablet as he worked swiftly to retrieve any available data from the motionless mech suit's dash cam. The tension in the air was palpable as the squad awaited his findings.
Warren spoke up, breaking the silence. "Sir, we've got movement."
Quaritch turned his attention, scanning the surrounding brush for any signs of activity. He made a quick decision. "Take Walker and whoever else. Check it out, call in if you find something."
"Yessir," Warren nodded, signalling Walker to follow him. More than half of the squad joined them as they set off to investigate the source of the movement.
The group moved through the dense foliage, their senses heightened, and fingers resting lightly on their triggers. They were prepared for any encounter that awaited them.
As the search group reached a hidden spot behind some shrubbery, they observed a group of Na'vi children, including a human boy among them. The children must have been watching the team as they searched the shack and realised what kind of trouble they were in and decided to quietly leave, but they weren't quiet enough. The tension grew even thicker as they watched the children. 
A young Na'vi girl called back to the group, "Tsar stum txon'ong, mi za'u!" and ran ahead. (“It’s almost sunset, come on!”)
Walker seized the opportunity, jumping out from behind the bushes, and grabbing the young girl. She shrieked and thrashed in the soldier's hold, clearly frightened.
An older Na'vi girl shouted, "Tuk!"
Reacting swiftly, the human boy pulled out a bow from behind him and aimed an arrow at Walker, snarling in an uncanny manner. Another Na'vi girl unsheathed a dagger, holding it out in front of her in a defensive posture.
The older girl shouted, "Rä'ä! Kehe!" (“Don’t! No!”)
In response, a Na'vi boy readied his own bow, aiming it at Warren as he emerged from the bushes, closely followed by the rest of the squad, their guns were drawn.
Z-Dog took charge, her voice commanding. "Put it down!" She flicked off the safety of her AR.
Prager followed suit, echoing her command. "Down!"
The team encircled the children, their guns pointing directly at them, a clear display of their authority.
Lopez added to the demands, his voice firm. "Put it down, or I'll shoot!"
"Drop it! Right now!" 
The human boy continued to snarl, seemingly unable to comprehend their words. His teeth were bared, and his eyes burned with anger.
"Do not move! Put your hands up!" Warren commanded, his voice filled with authority as he aimed his rifle at the Na'vi boy's head.
The boy dropped his bow to the ground, raising his hands in surrender. He turned to the human boy, trying to convey the message that they needed to comply.
"Keyn. Keyn," he said, turning to the girl with the raised dagger and slowly inching closer to her. (“Put it down. Put it down.”)
Fike joined the tense standoff, his voice was stern. "Hands up!"
The group froze, their eyes darting nervously between the armed soldiers and Fike, who had just arrived on the scene. Fike was a seasoned soldier, his presence commanding respect and fear. He scanned the area, assessing the situation with a sharp gaze.
The older Na'vi girl, her face etched with worry, mustered the courage to speak up, her voice barely a whisper. "Spider. Down."
The human boy, who had been aiming his bow at the soldiers, dropped it to his side. He turned back to the girl, his face contorted with anger, and gave her a harsh glare. His frustration was evident, but before he could voice his thoughts, the group was suddenly rushed by the soldiers.
Fike wasted no time. "Get 'em! Get 'em!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. The soldiers swarmed the children, grabbing them by their hair and clutching their thick braids tightly. The children were forced to their knees, their faces filled with anguish and fear.
"Get over here! Come on!" one soldier barked, his grip on the Na'vi girl's braid tightening, causing her to wince in pain.
Brown intervened, attempting to assert control over the situation. "Stop fighting," he ordered, his voice laced with authority. He kicked the back of the older girl's knee, causing her legs to buckle under her. As he did so, he tightly gripped her braid, adding to her discomfort. She let out a grunt of pain.
The human boy's eyes burning with anger and defiance, snarled in response. He struggled against Lopez's hold, his hand swiping dangerously close to the soldier's eyes. The tension in the air was palpable, each side unwilling to back down.
Fike called out to his fellow soldiers, "Check 'em for weapons!" He brought his hand up to press two fingers to his neckpiece, activating his comm device. "Sir, we've got something you'd wanna see," he said into the comm, a sense of urgency in his voice.
Meanwhile, the youngest Na'vi girl, her teary eyes fixated on the Na'vi girl with pale blue skin, "Ri'te..." she whimpered softly. She reached out her hand, a desperate plea for comfort and reassurance.
The other girl, displaying strength amidst the chaos, responded in their native language. " Mawey, Tuk, tsal fra'u's tam, oe pänutìng ," she murmured, her words sounding reassuring, like she was making a promise. (“Be calm, Tuk, everything’s okay, I promise.”)
“Shut up, don’t move.”
Quaritch's words hung heavy in the air, filling the tense silence with a foreboding atmosphere. The girl, held tightly by Warren, continued to struggle, her grunts and gasps growing more desperate as Quaritch approached. With each harsh tug on her braid, she winced and whimpered, urged to stay still.
Quaritch made his way between the captive children, his tail swished behind him, an unsettling display of his predatory nature. His finger idly tapped against his rifle, face lost in contemplation as he surveyed the scene before him. His eyes fell upon the girl, with her peculiar pale blue skin and a thick twisting scar on her thigh. A strange fascination welled up inside the man, intrigued by this unique sight.
“What have we here? Didn’t know they came in this color.”
His comment about the girl escaped his lips casually, his rifle playfully aimed in her direction. His soldiers, obediently following his lead, responded with laughter. Yet, what caught him off guard was the unexpected snort from the older Na'vi girl, it was cruel and so was the look she was giving to the other girl.
Turning his attention to the human boy, Quaritch's face reflected a mixture of thoughtfulness and confusion. Something about the boy stirred a distant memory within him, but he struggled to pinpoint the source. Pushing his rifle behind him, he pivoted away from the boy, his mind consumed by the elusive connection.
“Txìng peyä nì'awtu!” (“Leave her alone!”)
Interrupting his thoughts, the Na'vi boy voiced his frustration, defiantly pulling against his captor. Wainfleet had stepped forward, gripping the older girl's hand and displaying it to the Colonel with a pleased smirk. 
“Hey, Colonel, check it out. Four fingers. We got ourselves a half-breed.”
Quaritch's gaze scrutinised the girl, taking in her furred eyebrows, green eyes and a more human-like nose that stirred something in the back of his mind. Unbeknownst to anyone around him, a storm of anger and dread churned deep within the Colonel's chest, prompted by an elusive memory that resurfaced. It was a sensation he couldn't shake off, an unwelcome reminder of a past he didn’t know if he wanted to believe was his.
“You. Show me your fingers.” the Colonel turns to the Na'vi boy.
The boy's green eyes and furred eyebrows mirrored his own, causing a flicker of recognition within Quaritch's mind. The boy side-eyed him for a moment before he brought his hands up, flipping the Colonel off as he tilted his head in a rebellious way. The Colonel chuckled, looking into the boy's eyes.
Quaritch's grin grew predatory, his amusement morphing into something more sinister. With a chilling tone, he said “Well, hello again. Didn’t think we’d see you again, little watcher.” The boy's face paled at the Colonel's words, a realisation dawning upon him. The fear that etched itself onto the boy's face only served to widen Quaritch's grin, relishing in the power he held over them both.
"You're his, aren't you?"
The boy gave a guttural hiss in return, his tail sweeping furiously behind him, displaying his agitation and defiance.
Quaritch's smirk persisted on his face as he confirmed, "You're his, all right."
Without hesitation, Quaritch seized the boy from his captive, clutching his braid tightly, causing the boy to grunt in pain. Fueled by his instincts, the boy opened his mouth wide, baring his teeth as he attempted to sink them into the Colonel's arm.
"Lo'ak, rä'ä. Don't!" the human boy pleaded desperately. (“Lo’ak, don’t. Don’t!”)
Lo'ak, as the human boy called him, promptly closed his mouth, fixing a resentful glare upon the Colonel as the man forced him to his knees.
Quaritch demanded, "Where is he?" He tugged on the boy's braid, expecting an answer that didn't come.
Lo'ak responded defiantly, "Ngaytxoa 'ìnglìsì… ne vonvä." expressing his refusal to speak in English. (“Sorry, I don't speak English… to assholes.”)
"Peseng ngeya sempul?" Quaritch bit back, shaking the boy in frustration. (“Where is your father?”)
The boy cried out in pain, but his snarl of resistance remained unyielding.
Meanwhile, the young Na'vi girl, witnessing the distressing scene, screamed and struggled against Walker, her little feet relentlessly kicking at the soldier's legs, attempting to intervene.
Quaritch's expression hardened as he contemplated his next move. With a cold determination, he retrieved his knife, pressing it against the vulnerable boy's neck, his voice dripping with a menacing tone.
"Really? You wanna play it this way?"
“Kehe! Rutxe!” (“No!" Please!”)
The tension in the clearing hung thickly in the air as the encounter unfolded. The older Na'vi girl, watched with wide eyes, her distress evident as she pleaded for the safety of the boy. Fike barked at her to be silent, his voice filled with hostility.
The situation took a sudden turn as Quaritch jerked Lo'ak away, making his way to the pleading girl. “Kiri, kehe! No! Stop!” the boy yelled, finally speaking English. (“Kiri, no! No! Stop!”)
"Hey! Hey, don't touch her!" the human boy shouted, his voice filled with rage as he fought against the hold on him, attempting to reach the girl he sought to protect. The human boy lashed out against his captor, struggling to break free and reach the distressed girl.
Lo'ak, still on his knees due to the grip on his braid, joined in the plea, his words filled with urgency. "Don't hurt her, please," he pleaded, his eyes locked with the Colonel.
Quaritch, intrigued by the human boy's display of compassion, turned his attention towards him. Crouching down in front of the boy, he questioned him with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment. "And what's your name, kid?" he asked, his gaze searching the boy's face.
For a moment, the boy remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he stared back at Quaritch. There was an intensity in his eyes, as if he knew something the man didn’t. Finally, he spoke, his voice steady and calm. "Spider," he answered.
Quaritch was taken aback by the response, his expectations shattered. He had anticipated a snarl or a defiant response, but there was something different about this boy. Their eyes locked for a moment, Quaritch's head tilted slightly, mirroring the boy's own stance.
"Miles?" Quaritch uttered, hesitantly and bewildered. The name held significance to him, triggering a rush of memories that had long been buried.
Spider's response to the name was a venomous glare and a hiss, a clear indication of his distaste for it. In retaliation, the soldier holding him yanked on his hair, further fueling the tension in the air. The rest of the group watched in silence, their curiosity piqued by this unexpected revelation.
"You are, aren't you?" Quaritch muttered, his voice tinged with surprise. "You've got your mother's eyes, you know, bright and fierce." Memories resurfaced in Quaritch's mind, memories of a past he had tried to forget.
Spider remained silent, his glare unwavering, unaffected by the curious gazes of those around him. Quaritch's voice carried a mix of curiosity and disbelief as he inquired, "What are you even doing here, Miles?"
The response from Spider was cold and assertive, reflecting his resolve. "Nobody calls me that," he retorted.
Quaritch's surprise lingered, mingled with a sense of realisation. "Well, I'll be damned. It is you, ain't it? I thought they sent you back to Earth," he mused aloud, his mind grappling with the truth that had been uncovered.
Spider's confidence didn't waver. "You can't put babies in cryo, dipshit," he shot back, his voice laced with pride.
Quaritch, sighing heavily, seemed disappointed as he looked down at Spider, as if the young boy had somehow let him down. The weight of the moment hung heavy between them.
In the midst of the tension, Lopez seized Spider's hair, yanking it harshly. Spider struggled against him, refusing to be intimidated.
"What are we doin', boss?" Lopez asked, a mix of curiosity and obedience in his tone. He sought guidance from Quaritch.
Quaritch, silent in response, clicked on his comm device, and spoke.
"Iron Sky, Blue One, Actual," Quaritch transmitted, his voice clear and commanding.
The voice of General Ardmore, coming through the other end, responded promptly, "Blue One, Iron Sky, send your traffic."
"We're standing by for extract, over," Quaritch replied, his words filled with determination. After a moment of contemplation, he added, "Be advised, we are bringing in high-value prisoners, over." The weight of his words revealed the gravity of the situation they found themselves in.
As the soldiers prepared to move, Kiri, one of the prisoners, fought against her restraints, desperately pleading for her freedom. "Let us go!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation and defiance.
Wainfleet, another soldier tasked with escorting the prisoners, responded with a callous remark. "Shut up," he snapped, grabbing hold of Kiri's braid and pulling it forcefully. She grunted in pain, her resistance momentarily quelled.
Ardmore's voice echoed through the communication channel, providing assurance. "Sit tight, Blue One. We're inbound to your pos." The promise of their imminent arrival offered a glimmer of hope amidst the tense situation, leaving everyone bracing for what lay ahead.
The group of captives were moved back to the shack, and forced to their knees in the clearing. Their braids had been let go, being held at gunpoint instead as part of the squad branched off to stand watch. The youngest girl, Tuk as she had been called, had crawled into the lap of the Na'vi boy, Lo'ak, her little face hidden in his neck as he held her close.
Spider was staring Quaritch down, the man having to turn his back to him to avoid the intense gaze. He had occupied himself with fiddling with the table Wainfleet had given him, watching the silent footage as he tried to figure out how to get the sound back. It had been there at first, but then he pressed something and the thing muted itself. Quaritch sighed as he looked around for Wainfleet, having given up on solving his dilemma on his own.
"Lyle, get me some sound on this." he orders, holding the table out to the corporal with feigning disinterest.
Wainfleet stepped up, not taking the table as he unmuted the footage. "You just gotta..." he trailed off, focused on his task. "There you go, sir."
Quaritch hummed in response as he watched the video, the images tickling something in the back of his mind. He watched as the old, human version of himself fought with a young Jake Sully, the traitor looking no different from the enemy dressed in their garb, decked with war paint and beads in his hair.
He watched the fight unfold, how he was getting the upper hand, how he was winning. He had Sully pinned, his long knife digging into the traitor's shoulder. Then he heard it, heard the call, the cry, the saving grace that was Sully's little bedmate. She launched her arrows at him with deadly accuracy. He watched his human self take a step back in the suit, stumbling as an arrow pierced the windshield, just barely missing him.
With Sully out of the fight, it was just him and her. A deadly standoff.
She covered Sully's body with her own, hissing at him, her tail swishing behind her.
He watched the two of them fight, watched as she danced around him, jumping close enough to retrieve the arrows protruding from his suit just to shoot him with them again.
Then came that moment, that one second where he faltered, where she finally got the winning shot.
Two arrows pierced the windshield of the suit, lodging themselves in his chest. He heard himself grunt in pain, a small and high sound escaping his lips as blood filled his lungs. The suit tipped backwards, the view changing from her to the tree canopy.
And that was it. He died.
He looked away from the tablet, his mouth dry and an odd sensation swirling in his stomach. He thrusts the table back to Wainfleet, who wisely didn't say anything as he put the device back in his rucksack. The corporal as his colonel stepped up to the old mech suit, his gaze distant as he stared down at the body, leaning his hands on the edge as he peered inside.
The skeletal remains of his human body stared up at him, the exo-pack still on its face. With slightly shaky hands, the Colonel removed it, revealing the skull underneath, its hollow eye sockets boring into him, its jaw hanging open now that there was nothing keeping it shut. He could still smell that foul stench of death permeating from the suit, that sickly scent that comes forth once the body starts to decompose.
Taking the skull in his large hand, he turned it from side to side, eyes scrutinising it. He looked at the three long slashes on the side, feeling a phantom pain on the side of his head. He remembered how he got this, or he thinks he did, the memory of it hazy and glossed over, so different to the ones from after he woke up. Those ones were as sharp and clear as if he just relived them.
He crushed the skull without warning, his hand closing a tight fist around the broken pieces. Something coiled in his stomach, the feeling strange and tense, he hated it. 
The sky had darkened by now, a light rain settling in just heavy enough to soak them all the way through. The group was silent, the only thing heard were the sounds of the forest, the calls of the creatures and the patter of raindrops.
"Blue One, stand at ready. We are three minutes out." the voice crackled over their comms, the team shuffling in anticipation of finally leaving the damn jungle.
The older Na'vi girl, Kiri as Spider had called her, bent her head forward, muttering a prayer. Warren came up behind her, yanking on her braid, the girl grunting in pain. "Shut up!" he hissed at the girl, who just kept muttering, praying. Warren tsked as he showed her down, her knees barely hit the ground before an arrow lodged itself in his head. His body slacked, dropping his rifle as he fell forward, dead.
The squad quickly formed a tight circle, some grabbing the children, guns pointed at their heads.
Yellow and green. The arrows fletching were yellow and green. She was here.
"Why don't you come out Mrs Sully?" Quaritch called out from his cover, eyes fixated on the yellow and green fletching. He felt his heart pound, thinking back to that damned video. "You and I, we've got some unfinished business." He was taunting her, knew that damn well, but he just couldn't resist.
"Demon!" She called out, hidden in the trees, her voice sent a chill down his spine. "I will kill you as many times as I have to!"
"I guess you and the corporal have been pretty busy haven't you?" His voice echoed through the forest. "You got yourself a whole litter of 'em, little half-breed tykes!"
An angered scream answered him back, full of promised pain.
"Sir, I got eyes on her," Lopez murmured, his cheek pressed to his rifle as he settled his aim on the traitor's little piece.
"Take fire," Quaritch answered, waiting for the shots, but all he heard was a dull and meaty thud as Lopez fell to the ground, an arrow piercing his chest, the tip glistening with his blood.
Quaritch looked away from the body, his eyes scanning the treetops, heart in his throat as he waited.
He felt the arrow before he saw it, embedded in his shoulder as he grunted in pain. He ducked back to gain more cover, his hand coming up to break the arrow in half, pressing hard on his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding.
Another body fell, its thud echoing through the unnaturally silent forest. Without warning, the team opened fire, mainly aiming it at where the arrow had come from, unaware of another attack coming from behind. 
In the chaos, the children escaped, biting into the arms of their captors, one even opening the gas canister on Prager's vest as they fled. Yellow smoke filled the air, burning his eyes as Quaritched searched for any sign of Sully, knowing full well that if she was here, then he would be too. The team were still raining bullets, too focused on shooting to think about keeping the children captive.
The children escaped, the soldiers still dead set on firing at nothing.
"Hold fire!" He yelled out, ears twitching at the sudden silence, his breathing heavy as he chanced a peek from his cover.
The clearing was deserted, captives long since gone and no sign of Sully and his little bedmate.
Rustling to the left of him, across the clearing. The hanging leaves of a giant fern were swaying, the bioluminescent moss covering the ground and surrounding roots flashing.
He brought his hand up, signalling Wainfleet to keep an eye on the plant, taking caution of a potential threat.
Quaritch looked back, taking a head count. Three soldiers visible, and another were downed in the skirmish. That leaves another two squad members unaccounted for, excluding himself and Wainfleet.
They waited, but nothing more came.
Rain poured relentlessly as Quaritch and his remaining squad members found themselves deep in the heart of the treacherous jungle. With two squad members unaccounted for, tension hung heavy in the air. The loss of their comrades weighed heavily on their hearts, but they couldn't afford to dwell on it. They needed to press on.
"Fan out, we can't go back empty-handed," Quaritch commanded, his voice resolute amidst the downpour. The team spread out, their rifles raised, moving cautiously through the dense foliage. Their gazes remained fixed ahead, avoiding the painful sight of fallen squad mates.
Amidst the eerie silence, a hushed voice cut through the air. 
“Win säpi! Win säpi!” said a voice in a hushed tone, sounding young and scared. (“Hurry! Hurry!”)
Quaritch signalled the team to come up behind him as he followed the voice, ears swivelling as they picked up more voices.
“Fnu, foer sì’l asim…” came a more hesitant voice. (“Quite, they’re still close…”)
“Za’u, krr ut kä.” said a deeper voice, stern and worried. (“Come, time to go.”)
As they advanced, following the mysterious voices, Quaritch caught a glimpse of a tall figure with blue skin, clutching a blood-stained tomahawk. It was Sully, their primary target. Without hesitation, Quaritch aimed his rifle at Sully's head, ready to end his reign of defiance.
Before he could take the shot, another hostile entered the little clearing, this one looking much younger than Sully, closer in age to the half-breeds. Must be another one of his little tykes.
“Sa’nok tsi peyor.” He looked to Sully, who nodded and led the half-breeds further into the forest. (“Mother is waiting.”)
Quaritch couldn’t get a clear shot, cursing under his breath as he watched Sully disappear.
With determination etched on his face, Quaritch relayed orders through the comms, “Put a hold on Sully, we’re finding the rest and we are not losing them again.” He said into the comms, straightening up as he waited for the team to come back.
Mansk, with his tracking skills, took the lead, following the muddy footprints left behind. The squad trudged through the jungle, their senses finely tuned to the surroundings. The footprints led them to a steep incline, where a sudden commotion caught their attention.
Spider and a young girl tumbled down an embankment, their bodies battered and bruised upon impact. Quaritch wasted no time. “Grab them.” He ordered his team, disregarding the gasp of horror from above.
Prager had lifted the unconscious girl onto his shoulder, while he did the same to Spider, the boy unbelievable light. He turned back, motioning the team to get in position as the helicarrier came down from above, sending down ropes for them to latch onto.
But before any of them could, an arrow pierced Prager’s skull, his body slumping to the ground on top of the unconscious girl, covering her body almost completely. The fletching was yellow and green.
“Fall back!” Quaritch commanded, eyes frantically searching the surrounding area, searching for her.
The team scrambled, latching onto the ropes dropped by the descending helicarrier. The rain continued to drench them as they ascended into the unforgiving night sky. The blinding flood lights illuminated their faces, a mix of exhaustion and grief.
The weight of Spider across his shoulders suddenly felt unbearably heavy.
translations in order of appearance:
Toruk Makto - Rider of Last Shadow
“Tsar stum txon’ong, mi za’u!” - “It’s almost sunset, come on!”
“Rä’ä! Kehe!” - “Don’t! No!”
“Keyn. Keyn.” - “Put it down. Put it down.”
“Mawey, Tuk, tsal fra’u 's tam, oe pänutìng.” - “Be calm, Tuk, everything’s okay, I promise.”
“Txìng peyä nì'awtu!” - “Leave her alone!”
“Lo’ak, rä’ä. Don’t!” - “Lo’ak, don’t. Don’t!”
“Ngaytxoa 'ìnglìsì… ne vonvä” - “Sorry, I don't speak English… to assholes.”
“Peseng ngeya sempul?” - “Where is your father?”
“Kehe! Rutxe!” - “No!” Please!”
“Kiri, kehe! No! Stop!” - “Kiri, no! No! Stop!”
“Win säpi! Win säpi!” - “Hurry! Hurry!”
“Fnu, foer sì’l asim…” - “Quite, they’re still close…” 
“Za’u, krr ut kä.” - “Come, time to go.”
“Sa’nok tsi peyor.” - “Mother is waiting.”
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
summary: the na’vi know how to adapt. and they know how to party. so, what’s a little combination of the two?
neteyam x oc(1) // (implied) lo’ak x oc(2)
a/n: okay, so rq before you begin to read this partial mess partial beauty, here’s a bit of context: these are two ocs made by me and my bestie boo, so, as these ocs were the first thing that started my creativity streak, i decided to write this lil thing about them — do not be shocked if they show up again, because they’re the cutest lil pair and i love them. if x oc fics aren’t your thing, no harm, no foul, totally get it! but, i hope you can enjoy this anyway! (also!! let me know if you a) want a part two, or b) would like to be tagged in my next avatar fics)
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir (idk if y'all preferred x ocs or x readers so i just did both -- rather be safe than sorry, but don't feel obligated to read at all!!)
a date to celebrate
every year in the beautiful world of pandora, ever since that fateful battle fifteen years prior, there is a call to celebrate.
now, it might seem odd to throw a party over such a gruesome event, and that detail is anything but ignored, given the celebration is four days long with one day meant solely for grieving the lives lost thanks to the sky-people, but there is so much more behind that famous battle than just death and destruction.
on that day, the day in which the na’vi people regained control of their lands, their homes, and their lives, pandora became united. clans from around the globe, clans with an array of different people, different cultures, different homes, different lives, all came together and became one pandora.
despite the pain and loss that came with that date, there also seemed to be a newly made connection, though bittersweet.
in response to the pain inflicted upon the na’vi people, a sense of stubbornness arose from the angry community. they decided, after looking at the forest that was littered with the bodies of those they loved, that they would not let the sky-people win. ever. and to keep them from doing so, the na’vi made it so that they would not let this day weigh upon the lives of everyone else who had been blessed by eywa, everyone else who still stood, breathed, and walked on their planet.
they decided that it would become a date to remember. a date to appreciate. a date to celebrate.
the first day was always the most difficult. the transition from mourning and grief to a place of happiness and excitement, that always had avirya in a doozy.
of course, she always felt so silly thinking that way. especially considering the fact that she never actually knew her father. all that she really knew is that he went into that battle believing that he would return home to his infant son and newly pregnant mate.
avirya never knew her father, but she was all too familiar with the lack of one. her mother, pawey, tried to be strong… and she was! but, avirya couldn’t help but feel like it was her mother’s fault for joining that raid five years ago. that raid of six people in which all of them lost their lives, including the parents of avirya’s childhood best friend, tarya.
for the past five years, since the losses of their parents, tarya and avirya have been sheltered by avirya’s older brother with the help of the sully family.
unfortunately, although both girls were well aware of the reality of it all, that life could only last so long. her older brother, tstaw, had a life to live, a life far bigger than the two girls that weighed him down, as much as he denied it. he had a mate, and it wouldn’t be long before they were expecting a child of their own, so, as unusual as it was, the two best friends adopted a sense of maturity as they decided that they would house themselves together, just the two of them.
as a result, tarya and avirya often found themselves surrounded by the sullys. part of their affiliation with the family stemmed from their small childhood connection thanks to neytiri’s friendship with the girls’ late mothers, but recently they got even closer with them after neteyam and avirya finally let the public know of their secret relationship (and as much as they deny it, everybody knows that tarya and lo’ak have sparked the beginning of their own journey).
so, as the trend of life has recently been going, tarya and avirya woke up early to busy themselves with members of the sullys. thanks to the ftxozä te nìolo', they were expected, as the omaticaya’s olo’eyktan family, to help set up the center of the forest for the (what seemed like thousands of) clans that were arriving later that afternoon.
still adjusting to the emotional environment, avirya found herself dreary and partially depressed, if anything, as tuk babbled on and on about some form of seven-year-old nonsense while she led avirya and tarya through the morning-lit forest.
dew balanced delicately on the leaves, the mud underneath their feet allowing for a bit of give as they walked. the air was nice, not humid, but not cold. just enough sun with just enough breeze.
avirya could feel the concerned eyes of tarya doting on her constantly, juggling the duties of entertaining tuk while also making sure avirya didn’t accidentally doze off on their walk (and if she did, it was tuk’s fault for waking them up before dawn that morning.)
guilt collected itself in her stomach, feeling awful about ruining the mood of an extremely exciting holiday, and she knew that once she heard the music, saw the clans arrive, tasted the diverse collection of food, danced with neteyam… she would be fine. perfect, even. but, avirya always struggled with transitioning. especially when the last sight she saw the night before was the memorial of her father, tears streaming down her and her brother’s cheeks.
she shook the thought away as quickly as it arrived. she needed to have fun. she needed tarya to have fun. so, avirya forced a soft smile on her face as she regained focus on the small body of tuk.
“do you know what i’m excited for, tarya?” her high-pitched voice asked, a giggle hidden beneath her words.
tarya hummed thoughtfully. “no, i don’t know. tell me!”
“i’m excited to dance. oh, i love dancing!” she squealed at the thought of it. “i love today. and tomorrow. and the day after that!”
tarya laughed, grabbing tuk right before she leapt off of the small rock she’d been perched on. the girl shrieked with delight. “oh my, tuk! when will you learn to live in the moment, you goof!” avirya couldn’t fight her own chuckle as she watched tarya spin the small seven-year-old around in her arms just before bringing her up and plopping her on her shoulders.
avirya didn’t miss the flicker of relief when tarya noticed avriya’s smile.
“what are we looking for, again?” avirya asked tuk, flicking the bottom of the girl’s foot as she walked past.
tuk groaned, rolling her eyes dramatically. she’s been watching kiri, avirya thought with a laugh. “we’re looking for pretty flowers. obviously! every year we wake up early and go find flowers to braid in our hair. don’t you remember?” the sass in that young girl’s eyes was actually quite shocking.
avirya raised her hands in mock defense. “i’m sorry, tuktuk. i didn’t realize it was such a sore spot for you.” the older girl playfully stuck her tongue out, causing all three of them to burst into giggles.
see, avirya thought. i knew it’d get better.
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and it just kept getting even better. the girls had entertained themselves throughout the day by entertaining tuk, educating her in the ways of “girls’ day.” of course, that included braiding their newly picked flowers into each other's hair, as well as some extravagant mud-masks, courtesy of tuk’s favorite mud puddle.
they’d barely seen the sully family that day, only stopping by to grab snacks before leaving to go visit the stream. there was, of course, a reason for their isolation… avirya and tarya were the babysitters. because the rest of the family was expected to help set up the entire event, both girls quickly jumped onto the job of watching over tuk—it seemed much more enjoyable.
the day passed by quickly, much quicker than any of the girls could have guessed. it wasn’t long before the trio practically sprinted back to avirya and tarya’s home to get ready.
tuk, as she’d planned the day before, had all of her materials laid out in the corner of the hut, her accessories each placed in a very intricate way so they wouldn’t get tangled or hurt in any way, shape, or form.
they all rushed to get changed, pulling on their thin tops (more coverage than usual, thanks to the inevitable fate of dancing that night) and bottoms before they stood in a little train formation, painting each others’ skin with colorful paint.
after the design was finalized (and dry, despite tuk’s impatience), it was tarya’s favorite part: accessories.
while tuk already had her things planned out, the older girls were far too stupid to think ahead. so, instead, both girls were screaming at each other, throwing different items of clothing across the room as they tried to pick the perfect necklace, the perfect scarf, the perfect feathers. meanwhile, tuk sat on tarya’s bed, kicking her feet in annoyance.
eventually, although their timing was more than risky, they found their perfect outfits. each girl adopted their own color scheme, the idea of matching being one of the worst obstacles they’d faced through that chaos.
just as avirya was adjusting tarya’s scarf that hung over her bodice, the whole forest seemed to freeze at the sound of a horn blowing.
“they’re here!” tuk gasped, her small hands pressed to her cheeks. “avirya, tarya! they’re here!” she shrieked, turning to the older girls with one of the brightest smiles they’d seen grace her face.
and then… they were off.
the trio raced through the forest, tarya cursing silently as she felt some of her paint smudge after she barely avoided a tree.
although they attempted to yell at the young girl to slow down, it did not work. instead, avriya was convinced that it motivated the girl to speed up even more.
as they neared the site of festivities, the sounds of celebration became even clearer. they could feel the rumble of ikrans landing, dropping off their riders from clans away. music spread through the air, the beat of the drums creating a rhythm that they could almost feel. all in one moment, avirya remembered the magic of the ftxozä te nìolo'.
as they reached the cliff in which their guests flooded in from, the girls were able to catch sight of the toruk makto who stood with the rest of his family.
“mom!” little tuk cried, running up to neytiri. at the sound of her youngest child’s voice, the mother turned almost instinctively, dropping down and opening her arms wide so tuk could run straight into her embrace.
avirya eyed the scenery with a look of complete and utter awe. the atmosphere was nearly intoxicating, the way it filled her with a feeling that nothing else could compare to. it was beautiful.
as she stared around the center of festivities, watching as people from an array of different clans seemed to be reuniting with each other from former ftxozä te nìolo's, she didn’t even notice netayam’s presence before he leaned down and hugged her shoulders from behind.
avirya shrieked in delight, laughing as he shook her playfully. “let me go, neteyam, you skxawng.”
the boy only laughed, dropping his hand from her shoulder and onto her arms. as a result, neteyam spun the girl out of his grasp, her hair flaring outwards as she twirled.
once she stopped spinning, avirya’s smile only rested on her lips, her eyes once again tracking back to the festivities. it had only been, what, twenty minutes, and they were already dancing?
“we should join, neteyam,” she suddenly declared. her words, shocking both him and tarya, ever the eavesdropper.
he grabbed her hand softly, subconsciously playing with her fingers as he thought. “avi,” he began, words slow and thoughtful. “i want to, but my parents…” he trailed off, looking behind his shoulder to where neytiri and jake stood.
and then, all of a sudden, like eywa blessed neteyam herself, jake and neytiri could only smile at the young couple, allowing jake to catch his oldest son’s eye and nod towards the crowd of dancing na’vi.
"Go, have fun."
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
Our human wife
Jake x reader x neytiri
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It had been know that the omaticaya is special in everyone terms, as have allowed the sky people to become apart of their clan and one of them as well. That had lead to many unseen and rare mating couples and families, and once of the families is Neytiri and Jake sully. As they mates and leader of the clan but also share a mate as well, who is dreamwlalker and mother of their kids. You had become their human wife fifteen years ago and it still stayed the same as well.
y/n " okay if we keep this work up the base will be fully functional"
norm " you are always a women with a plan"
y/n " yes I'm"
max " It good the metekyaian let us stay here"
y/n " well it took some talking but it seems like they let us stay here, for good well in the conditions we don't do anything stupid or bad"
norm " that will be easy we just have to make sure not to be like the RDA:
y/n " yes"
max " well I will make sure the word get around to everyone"
y/n " thank max" you are now alone looking over some the supplies, while max and norm had went inside to get some food and to deal with other matters as well.
????? " yawne" you soon heard a voice that you knew so well, as you had soon tuned around and saw neytiri walking over with jake not that far behind her.
y/n " hello my wife and husband"
Neytiri " hello we came to see you as you failed to answer our call, to have morning meal with us"
y/n " oh wait now I see the problem I didn't have a good connection"
neytiri " see ma Jake this way we need to stop using these demon devices, they are failures"
Jake " honey they are still good you have to remember like us our wife is busy, and she has role to the clan here and with us"
neytiri " yes I know but I feel like your friends are trying to steal her away"
y/n " no one will never steal me away from you two"
neytiri " good so what are you all doing here it seems like the homes, are coming up well"
y/n “ thank you we are going to this some of soil here to help us, plant our crops and other stuff as well”
neytiri “ you are always showing amazing talent my beautiful yawne”
y/n “ thank you”
Jake “ still the smart women I meet all those years ago, and it seems like the kids have picked up that talent”
y/n “ good because they have offer to help me with my work, and those are my babies” neytiri and Jake laugh.
????? “ hello” the three adults soon turned around and soon saw, tonowari standing there Jake and neytiri stood tall.
Jake “ hello tonowari how may we help you”
tonowari “ I have come to see the work of your mate and humans as well, my children had been speaking highly of her and the other humans”
y/n “ welcome olo’eythan tonowari I see you”
tonowari “ hello y/n I see you”
neytiri “ you seem shocked at our mate knows our tongues very well”
tonowari “ yes I have never knew that many humans, could speak our language for well”
Jake “ well if you most know she had helped me leaned she knew more then me”
neytiri “ yes she was one of the people why before you”
Jake “ very funny”
y/n “ enough you two stop acting like children”
Jake and neytiri " yes love" there had been some chuckles and laugh heard making the four look at the humans, that came out to see everything.
max " wow Jake it seems like there someone who can get you to do anything"
man " yes the former jarhead has meet his match"
Jake " oh hush all of you she my wife"
y/n " okay everyone let act mature for once in a while now I see why, all are kids are they ways they are" everyone soon nodded their heads and soon went on with their lives, tonowari had been able to see even if neytiri and Jake are best warriors and good heroes. they was one persons who could order them around and commanded them around, and that was you and he was very impressed as well. It seems like the metkayain were started to be get to the humans a bit more, and see even if they are humans they are strong and smart after all and they were not all that bad.
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liasadventuretime · 2 years
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neteyam x reader x ao'nung
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PROMPT ➜ neteyam and y/n had anything but a good relationship, always fighting and bickering over something. but once those lustful eyes and lingering hands started getting noticed, everything changed, but neteyam could possibly have realised everything too late.
TAGS ➜ angst, slight mention of sex, teasing, heavy language
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"you know what, fuck off and leave me alone skxawng" if there's one thing that neteyam can do so well and effortlessly it's annoy you. he enjoys it, you can see it on his face from how hard that motherfucker smiles.
he was "The Mighty Warrior", the best, the smartest, the strongest, the most mature. but when jake and neytiri couldn't see him, he was just another teenage boy, who got more dick than brain. you were incredibly grateful for everything that the sully family did for you, taking care and trying their best to always make you comfortable, since you lost your parents in the same war where neytiri and jake met. one time, you remember well that night, while doing some late night talking with lo'ak, he said that it seemed almost like eywa took something but immediately gave it back to you, "what Eywa gives, Eywa takes". 
but if you knew how much this lil bitch was going to annoy you, you might've as well killed yourself. but you're grateful you didn't because Eywa gave you the mom, the dad, the brother and the two sisters you never knew you needed. you and neteyam used to actually be very close, as children always playing and laughing together, almost made neytiri doubt if Eywa sent you to them for him. but as soon as you two realised that you were both the best, things started to crumble. what was filled with love and laughter, was now filled with bitterness and competitiveness. the first fight of yours, became one of the many. 
but it seemed like everyone noticed it but the two of you. the tension, might as well say sexual tension, was thicker the more you two grew. it could intoxicate the whole room. flirting with eachother with insults, and punches. never realising what you felt , not being capable of explaining the attraction between y'all. so you simply ignored it, and continued bumping heads as long as you could feel his hands on you and as long he could hear you talking, actually insulting, to him. as long as he could look at you being so angry because of something HE said, making YOU feel something, anything, towards him. 
you were fighting once again because of ao'nung, neteyam always making comments about how he holds you, or kiss you while fake moaning with others around. to say the least, it was embarrassing and you were kind of scared ao'nung would take it the wrong way, because you knew damn well you didn't like him. 
"oh yes, ao'nung fuck me harder please i'm such a whore" neteyam said while laughing and getting in front of you to stop you from going away, you raised your head to look at him only to see that fucking stare and smirk he always seemed to have plastered on his face. that face. that handsome and hateful face. lo'ak was on the ground laughing his ass off, enjoying every single one of your fights, but he also stayed there and watched to know who was going to throw the first punch, since none of your arguments has ended without one of you being on top of the other, and not in the way y'all think.
"why don't you like him ? what are you ? jealous because you know he could fuck me but you can't even touch me ?" he suddenly stopped laughing, his grin being replaced with a serious face, making you smirk knowing you hit him where you wanted. even though you hated eachother so much, you were both so jealous. if your jealousy for one another could pay the bills, you'd be the richest in the fucking room, that's something neytiri always said. 
"you're such a slag you would let anyone with a dick and muscles fuck you 'till you're dumb" he whispered in your ear, feeling the smirk on his face without even having to look at his face. your grin dropped immediately, feeling your blood boil and before you even realised it, it was your last fucking straw. 
you punched him right in the jaw, taking him off guard and making him stumble, but you didn't even have to think a second about it before he returned the punch x5 harder but on your nose. lo'ak immediately got up annoyed but also kind of scared one of you would kill the other, it's not like you weren't capable of it. 
" dad ! " he called, when he saw you on top of him but with wrists restrained by one of his hands while trying to dodge your slaps and punches. blood was pouring down your nose, and the bruise was already visible on his face. your nose could probably bleed for maybe another five minutes, but he would have to carry the mark of your punch for the rest of the month. 
"my lord, fuck. DAD ! THEY'RE FIGHTING AGAIN !" he screamed and then sighed, jake immediately ran to the both of you, with the angriest expression on his face , since this was your third fight that week. he pulled the two of you apart. "if i hear you two motherfuckers ever fight again, i'll lock you both in a tent until you'll make peace, understood ?" 
you could barely stand on your feet, neteyam was still holding his jaw and jake was breathing heavily, so you didn't wait a second and you both said "yessir, sorry sir" at the same time, because if he got seriously angry, may the lord have mercy on anyone he comes across. 
neytiri tried to talk to him, and jake tried to talk to you but even after all the promises, you just couldn't avoid him. he was with you always. at home, in the field, in the clan, in picture frames, in dirty dreams, while ao'nung's hand was on your waist, lingering way too much... you just couldn't frame him out. 
it's not like he could do anything about you either. he lost count of how many times his mom tried and convince him of trying to at least not always end up with your hands all over each other, and a few new bruises. he just... can't ? for some reason he couldn't fathom why you couldn't leave his mind. you were imprinted on his eyelids, tattooed in his mind, even while battling, showering or with his hands between his thighs. he was addicted, and whatever you were, you were much stronger than the "herbs" he smokes with you in the nightime, which was the only part of your day where you would rant and talk about anything that came across your mind. 
you didn't like eachother one bit, that's true. but when he had something on his mind or just needed to talk to someone who could understand him, your tent was the first one he visited. with all the pressure and responsibility that you two hold, having someone that can understand you is important. basically every night you either met on the beach or his tent, to just smoke, talk or even cry. you ended each "peace" session with a hug and went back to hating eachother the next morning.
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"hey, are you coming ?" lo'ak said while entering your tent, placing himself next to you while you were rebraiding your hair after your fight with neteyam. you looked confused for a second and asked "coming where ?". you weren't even sure you wanted to go wherever he was going, because you just know neteyam is going to be there. but why let him ruin all your fun ? ao'nung was probably going to be there, so why not ?
lo'ak looked around your tent and took the sandwich that was on the counter next to you, taking a bite off of it. "i was eating that if you don't mind" you said taking the sandwich out of his hands, to cut it in half and give him the other half. he smiled at your gesture, you could hate him all you want but you just had that sweet spot for him. lo'ak was definitely the person you were the closest with, having eachother's backs and protecting one another in any situation. if he wanted to get in trouble, you followed him while complaining because you were actually scared he would get in some serioustrouble.
"i don't know, tsireya just asked some people if they wanted to hang out and talk and shit, we'll see" he said while trying to be so non-chalant that made him look so nervous. you eyed him for a bit, and when he noticed you smiled and hummed.
"what ?" he asked with a confused expression on his face.
"nothing" but your smile only grew more. he knew what you were thinking, but he just wanted you to say to make sure it wasn't that obvious.
"no c'mon, what ? why are you smiling ?"
"you know that you will have to talk to tsireya alone if you want her to like you, right ? like, do you expect me to also be there while you eat her out or what ?" you laughed, while he was trying to hide his blush but it didn't work. 
"YOU'RE GROSS WHAT" he picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at you, but you dodged him before he even threw it. after that, lo'ak tried to not look at you in the eyes while calming down.
"sooo..." he looked at you with a smirk on his face and puppy eyes.
"so what ?" you asked while looking at yourself in the mirror, putting a bandaid on your nose to prevent the scratches from getting infected. is you, being turned because of the memory of him pinning your wrists with one hand to prevent from punching him, that bad ?
"YES !" he jumped up almost scaring you, proceeding to chant and grunt all over your tent. "c'mon, she might already be there, hurry up" you stood up taking his hand and running out of your tent. 
after just five minutes, you saw where tsireya was and immediately went there, lo'ak being way too impatient, but this is the actual first time he has liked someone this seriously, so who were you to tell him to calm down ? 
lo'ak immediately went straight to tsireya, but you decided to look around a bit to see if you could find anyone. well, maybe someone. 
you turned around the fire place, when you accidentally bumped shoulders with someone, but as soon as you realised who you were turning around for to excuse yourself, your heart almost stopped.
he winked at you with a smirk on his face, and immediately walked away. still confused because of your interaction with neteyam, you find ao'nung. he smiles and pats the space between his thighs, you walk there and immediately sat while looking at him. he used to hold you tight and place his chin on your head. even though you didn't like him that way, he was the first guy that held you without hurting you. he was sweet, kind and strong. the perfect man. he cared so much about you, but you both knew you didn't want anything serious, just someone to have a bit of fun with. between his big arms you felt protected, safe from everything and anyone.
his smile could light up a whole room, his back and hands could protect hundreds of villages, his words could heal the deepest wounds, his tears could wipe away continents but he loves so deeply he can get buried inside anyone's heart.
but for some reason…
...you still didn't feel the spark.
the spark, that unfortunately, you could feel with someone else.
whom you didn't realise was looking directly at you with the deadliest stare ever. when you noticed him, you immediately froze. but why ? why were you acting like you just caught ? why do you feel this drowning heavy feeling in your stomach ? why was your heart missing a beat, but you felt that heartbeat somewhere else ? why is it that everytime he makes you cry, another tear rolls down your thigh?
why, why, why ?
he held a cup in his hands, basically chocking it, but didn't get his eyes off of you. his posture rigid, his eyes cold and his arms veiny, probably because of the blood that was boiling in his veins.
then, an idea crossed your mind.
you took ao'nung hand who was, as usual, lingering on your waist and placed it on your thigh rubbing it up and down, making it get more and more near to your inner thigh with every stroke.
his patience was slowly thinning out. he couldn't stand it. you're so beautiful when you tease him, it hurts him so much. he wish it could be him. making you whimper and crave oh so more with those eyes which were veiled with tears, and how could he resist his beautiful girl ? how could he say no to you ? if you ever gave him the chance, he would destroy you.
he would treat you as if you were a princess, caring, protecting, and nurturing you but would fuck you as if you were a whore, biting, marking and making sure the next motherfucker could taste his dick on your clit.
he felt blood rush to his erection, making it more noticeable, but why the fuck did he feel that way ? WHY ? maybe he was jealous because he knew you can tell a joke, but will never tell a lie.
ao'nung has a chance, while neteyam doesn't. which makes him feel sorry for you, because he would make sure that everytime he fucked you, you would come back crawling and begging for more.
more, more, more.
nothing was ever enough. the lustful stares, the lingering eyes, the blush, the smiles you both tried to hide so much, but never worked.
why did he feel jealous every single time you hung out alone with lo'ak, or you laughed at everyone's jokes but his ? why did he get hard everytime you spoke near his ear or accidentally touched him ? why was he so sensitive around you ? every move of yours making his stomach flip ? why were so... you ?
meanwhile, ao'nung carefully moved your hair out of the way, making neteyam hold his cup even more tightly, and whispered in your ear "what are you doing, darling ?"
ao'nung couldn't act like nothing was happening, his smile plastered across his face, making neteyam even more angry and angry by the second. he probably enjoyed the teasing more than you did. you looked at him with those innocents eyes that neteyam couldn't resist, and whispered back
"nothing" and kissed the back of his ear, taking him off guard and making his erection now way too noticeable. that was neteyam's last straw, he could kill someone with his bare hands. but the difficult part was admitting he would've done it because of you.
he sometimes wishes you could die, because not having you makes his heart cry of pain every single day. in his opinion, it's his life's biggest torture. but as someone else would say, his heart and dick were so full of you, he could barely call them his own. the way you looked at him in the eyes while teasing another man, could make any person fall to their knees and beg, beg, beg. which you weirdly enjoyed, it's not like you didn't know the effect you had on people.
it was enough for now, you didn’t wanna take it too far.
you stood up, and lightly kissed ao'nung on the lips and whispered goodnight. neteyam immediately threw away his cup smashing it, and stood up following you, making people watch you and him as you both left making everyone ask themselves what was happening.
before you could enter your tent, you felt a big cold hand grab the back of your neck making you gasp, and making you turn around you and look up to stare directly at neteyam's eyes, the most beatiful and deadliest eyes ever. you could get lost in them, but did he know that ? was it even worth it to think all that stuff about him if he didn't know ? was all the fighting, jealousy and teasing worth it ? why ?
because you were both too proud to admit anything, nonetheless your weird and sick attraction for eachother.
"what the fuck was that kiss ? what the fuck are doing ? are you his whore ? hm ? " he said grinning his teeth and hissing, almost making a nerve on his temple pop, while keeping his hand tight on the back of your neck. the amount of time that you fantasised about his calloused hands roughly all over you. you could just feel his jealousy through every word he spat in your face, and lord why was it so attractive ?
this man was so angry, but so damn attractive and oh did it make you want to let him do anything to you. anything.
you smiled and grinned, knowing what was going thru his mind, and whispered in his ear, feeling his goosebumps and breath he didn't realise he was holding.
"you jealous ?"
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wheneclipsefalls · 7 months
Courting Spider
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Pairing: Spider x Na'vi Male OC
Masterlist AO3
Summary: It's time that someone takes care of Spider for once. Zhali is up for the task.
Warnings: aged up Spider/Sully kids, explicit, MDNI, male x male, size difference, Na'vi x human pairing, oral, insecurities, angst, trauma, injury, blood, perfectionism, Spider just needs to be loved, etc.
A/N: Wow, this took a while but it is finally here. Not too confident with some of the writing style for ths one but hopefully it still makes sense.
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“What about the back panel?” 
“Useless.” Zhali quickly interjects, weaving the soft fabric together with practiced precision. Lo’ak huffs slightly, titling his head as he watches the male work on the small piece of clothing. 
“He’s not going to wear it with his ass out, brother.” 
Zhali rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath. He will never understand the Sky Demon’s obsession with modesty. Clothing should allow one to move freely and if it shifts from one way to the other, so what? Who would truly notice, anyways?
Well, he supposes, were it Spider he himself would notice. 
And suddenly all that Zhali can think about is getting a glimpse of the little Tawtute’s bum, just another peek at that beautifully soft and squishing form of his. As tempting as the idea is, however, it does have him editing his original claim. If he has interest in seeing that sculpted ass, surely other Na’vi or even Sky Demons could have the same intentions.
He decides to weave together a back panel after all. Besides, once the small Sky Demon has been courted and agrees to mate with him, it may be more rewarding to have that area of his mate revealed to his eyes only. That thought has the slightest curve of a smile lacing his lips. 
Lo’ak, as always, is one to notice the shift in demeanor, but he pays the other male no mind. After all, there would have been no chance of executing this courting properly without Lo’ak’s insights. Zhali thanks the Great Mother that he has close enough ties with someone Spider considers his best friend. Otherwise, how else would he know how to make a loincloth for the boy in the first place? Or not to leave dead kills at the outpost’s front entrance as a courting gift?
Lo’ak’s information is irreplaceable. It’s hard enough to wrap his mind around the different customs and concerns of a small tawtute, let alone court one without any insight in the first place. 
Although it may seem unconventional to some Na’vi, opinions that he has heard personally from some friends and family, Zhali knows that there is no one else for him besides Spider. 
He can still recall the spark of interest that had been there during their adolescence, watching the small boy with golden hair saunter across the forest confidently. He had moved with a grace and agility that Zhali had never witnessed from a Tawtute. Back then, his small crush was poorly nourished as his parents tried their hardest to keep him from spending too much time around Sky Demons. Searching to become a warrior and clan member that would make his parents proud, Zhali had refrained from stepping out of bounds. 
There were small moments he had caught with the so-called monkey boy, but it was always in the presence of others. 
The night of Spider’s capture had been a core memory for Zhali. He recalls it as the night he truly began his path to adulthood. Regret and dread had laced his gut as he realized his own cowardice had broken any real chance at connecting with the other male. It shifted his perspective, pushing him forward until he had made himself a promise that night. 
Never again would he let criticism and judgment keep him from following his heart’s desires. 
It was only the direct command and even surveillance from the new Olo’eyktan that had kept him from storming Hell’s gate as a one man army. 
Those years apart had been painful, but they had shaped him into the man he is today, the man he needed to become. There had been slight relief that came from hearing of Spider reuniting with the Sully family across the sea. However, he could never erase the sting of missed opportunity.
Following the footsteps of his father and other warriors, Zhali had channeled this pressing emotion into his training. The sun would barely be upon the horizon before Zhali began his daily grind. He had excelled in every aspect that a young warrior could, spending extra hours training alone with only the glowing light of eclipse for aiding sight. When he had pushed himself in every aspect of hunting, fighting, and gathering possible he had moved on to homemaking skills. 
Now, sitting here with only a few months of weaving underneath his fingertips, he’s proud to find the garment an attractive item thus far. A surprising fact considering how his discipline and attention has slipped upon the Sully family’s return. Or rather, Spider’s return. 
Seeing the small tawtute advance from behind the Sully family, hair somehow turned a lighter shade of gold and arm adorned with shelled jewelry, Zhali had felt like a child once more. The Great Mother had been kind to him, advancing his form into that of a true muscled warrior and adorning him with skills that were far beyond anything the could’ve dreamed about at fifteen, but none of that seemed to matter when faced with Spider once more. His stomach had tightened into a million different knots, tail swinging and ears flickering desperately as he took in the beautiful male before him. 
Although taken aback and slightly nervous, something he would never admit, Zhali had expressed these emotions in the best way he knew how; hard work. The family had only been home for little more than a moon cycle but the male’s courting plans were already underway. His consultation with Lo’ak had informed him that the beautiful tawtute was in fact still unmated. He figured that the Metkayina Na’vi knew nothing of real value placed in their laps if they had somehow managed to miss courting such an exquisite creature. 
Nevertheless, he is grateful for their insolence. 
The yearnings of his heart have never ceased and Zhali would have his soul taken up to Eywa before he’d let this chance slip away again. 
“You’re sure about this color?” He murmurs, concentrating on the intricate trim to lace the sides. Next to him Lo’ak lounges along the marui floor with one leg propped as he bites into the delicious fruit he missed oh so much. Golden eyes flicker over to the intricate pattern of green material, different shades popping out in precise patterns. 
“Well he did complain about there not being enough green on Awalatuu.” 
“I asked you what his favorite color was.” Zhali huffs out, finally letting the unfinished garment rest on his lap. Lo’ak hardly flinches under the glare he receives, simply shrugging his shoulders before continuing to eat. 
“I know. Figure it must be green if he complained about its absence so much.”
It’s not fair to bite back at the hand that feeds him. Zhali knows this. He repeats it in his head over and over again. If there is one thing that he has learned about Spider it’s that no one treats the poor boy the way he deserves. Lo’ak and Kiri are the closest things that the small human has to friends, but even they have other parts of their lives that pull their attention away from him. There are always other obligations and personal problems that come first before Spider and to Zhali’s dismay, the boy accepts it. 
Being left in the shadows is something that has become natural to Spider in his life. The Sully family takes him in, but never with the attitude of treating him like their very own. The scientists at the lab have watched over him since he was a child but not one of them was truly a parent. They too, have their own worries and concerns. Most are too focused on their own research and work to really prioritize raising a child. 
That familiar lingering of guilt resurfaces when Zhali remembers that he too let Spider remain hostage with those Demons for months on end, not one rescue party sent after him. 
It’s a fact that haunts him to this day, but he vows to leave all those mistakes behind. Spider will be safe and taken care of in his arms, by his side and treated with the love and respect that he deserves. For the first time in the boy’s life, he will know what it means to be someone’s first priority. 
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Spider can still feel Neteyam’s curious glances thrown his way as they walk silently back to the human outpost. With the small bundle of fine fabric carefully clasped in his hands, it feels like a small eternity before the human boy can comprehend the turn of events. Upon his return to the Omatikaya clan Spider had assumed that most outside of a few humans from the lab outpost would remember him, let alone receive a courting gift from one of the clan’s finest Na’vi males. 
Is that what this is? A courting gift?
Although, Zhali had used all the proper words one would upon extending a courting gift and beaming at Spider’s acceptance, it’s still difficult to be one hundred percent certain that is what had occurred. The ogling he had done over the garment in front Zhali had been taken in with a smile bursting of pride that seared into Spider’s countenance. The blush that erupted over his tan skin wasn’t even comprehensible until the heat was enough to have him sweating underneath the glass of his mask. 
Looking back, Spiders knows that his gratitude had been little more a stumbling of thank you’s and rambled thoughts that hardly finished into full sentences. It didn’t seem to matter, however, as Zhali had left the pair with a stride that made him look as if he was walking on clouds. Truthfully, Spider often makes that comparison when watching the male prance along the forest with ease. He wouldn’t necessarily call it ogling….just keen observations that he can’t help but make. 
Neteyam had been almost entirely silent during the exchange and when Zhali had broken away, his only comment had been something about the smooth fabric being made of rare materials only present in the Hallelujah mountains. Spider had done nothing more than nod in response. Now, meeting up with Lo’ak once more, Neteyam jumps in to relay the scene to his younger brother. Lo’ak simply smirks and shoots Spider a wink. 
It punches through his blood and once again Spider finds sweat gathering at the edges of his mask. He knows his friend better than he would like to at times, so he knows that looks like that always come with a reason from Lo’ak. He seems neither surprised nor reluctant to let that signature smirk show. 
Perhaps it isn’t in his head after all. 
A courting gift for him. 
Made specifically for him. 
It’s disheartening when Spider realizes that he never expected to receive one of these. 
He makes an excuse about needing rest in order to get away from the Sully brothers as soon as possible. Once back inside the common area of the outpost, he flings the sweat mask off of his face and to the side carelessly. 
“Spider.” Norm sighs from his work station. No words are needed to show that he does not approve of the boy’s disregard of the equipment. 
“Busy.” Spider rushes out before practically sprinting to his room. That is if it can be called a room. It’s a corner of the outpost that Spider had managed to claim for himself with old drapes hung up messily for privacy and a hammock strung up that he had made himself. His greatest and most rare possession however was a floor length mirror. Spider had gone through Hell and back in order to get it here. And by Hell, he meant literal Hell’s Gate where the RDA had left their fancy gear behind the first time. 
He rushes to throw the bag of fruit to the side and shuffles himself over onto the bed. The soft cloth is unfolded as if he is about to handle the rarest of Pandora’s diamonds and to Spider it might as well be.  Perhaps even more valuable considering the rarity. 
The fabric slipped along his fingers like the sway of a rushing river, a smooth effortless motion. His own grimy hands caked with dirt and a hint of blood from rough housing with Neteyam look horrifying next to the carefully crafted garment. In fact, it’s enough to have Spider setting the piece to the side and rushing to the bathroom so he can wash his hands. It would be a shame to ruin the loincloth so quickly simply because of his bad hygiene. 
Stomping past Norm and the other lounging scientists he tries to ignore him. 
“Kid, what have I told you about leaving your mask on the ground?” Norm huffs but Spider is already closing the door to the cramped bathroom.
He may have been a teenager when he was captured by the RDA but now has come into full adulthood. Something Norm seems to have a hard time understanding. Spider doesn’t care how much water he hogs in order to get every speck of dirt and grime from his hands. He only leaves the cramped bathroom when his skin is scrubbed raw and red. 
Leaning back against the woven hammock he allows himself the proper time to just admire the details of his new gift. It’s a beautiful emerald green with precise stitching that works to outline patterns of leaves and greenery. Under the harsh light of the outpost bulbs, the boy admires the way the thread glimmers with the shift of light. He thanks Eywa that it has a back panel. It may be something he is used to seeing with Na’vi but Spider can not imagine having his own ass hanging out of his loincloth, especially without a tail for it to wrap around. 
Once he finally wrangles up the courage to try on the loincloth he is amazed to see how perfectly it fits. The fabric is like silk against his rough skin. Or at least what he remembers silk to feel like from that one time another scientist let him touch her silk pillowcase. The band is woven of various colored threads and twine that come together to create criss cross patterns. His fingers brush them softly in a silent reverence. 
Spider looks at the mirror and allows himself to drink in the sight. Most days, the boy uses the mirror to simply swat at his dreadlock hair or repaint the blue stripes on his skin, but never can he remember a time that he uses it to admire himself. To look at his appearance head on and feel something more than indifference or longing to be a version of himself that is blue and a few feet taller. 
Being a human is something that Spider has learned to make peace with, but that doesn’t mean he particularly likes the look of himself. The blue stripes help slightly to cover the extra squish of his body that is normally nonexistent across Na’vi stomachs. With the beautiful garment now fitted perfectly to his hips, Spider notices for the first time how good a color besides blue looks on him. 
The heap of leather that is his usual loincloth seems like nothing more than a discarded washcloth now. Jake had been the one to show him how to weather the material and fashion it into clothing but from there the job had been his own to update the garment in stride with his growth spurts. 
The loincloth is so  clean and pristine in comparison to the rest of Spider’s appearance that for a moment he considers putting it away for safekeeping. What would happen if he tore a hole in it or got dirt rubbed into the careful stitching? It’s too beautiful to take the risk. 
However, when his fingers start to undo the carefully tied knots at the sides, he catches another glance of himself in the mirror and he hesitates. It looks so much better than before. He looks so much better than before. Maybe it has nothing to do with the loincloth’s quality at all. Perhaps it’s the careful thought and effort put into such an extraordinary gift. A thought for him. Just him and only him. 
One simple reminder that someone thinks he is worthy of nice things. 
Spider allows himself the privilege of wearing this reminder throughout the day. 
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Zhali does not have many opportunities to spend time with Spider, especially without the company of others. Most nights he only gets to share a few sentence exchanges with the boy before either him or Spider is pulled away by their responsibilities or nagging friends. It doesn’t kill his spirits, however, not when he notices how beautiful the tawtute looks wearing his courting gift. Pride swells to the size of a balloon in his chest upon seeing how perfect the fit is. This feeling only inflates to new bounds when he sees Spider wear the garment every day without fail. 
Having been entrusted with leading one of the hunting parties on a daily basis, Zhali finds himself daydreaming about the male between patrols and petting down the direhorse. The other Na’vi in the crew do not fail to notice his shift in demeanor. Although some of them spread rumors that it has to do with Zhali’s unbridled affection for a certain golden haired tawtute, no one goes out of their way too complain. Controversial or not, Zhali is more forgiving of their mistakes when he is in high spirits. It matters not that it comes from a small Sky Demon. 
Lo’ak continues to assist Zhali in preparing another gift for Spider. This time they settle on weaving together a simple but stunning armband. Surprisingly this requires more experience and skill than the loincloth but he has never been one to back away from the struggle that comes from picking up a new trade. Zhali’s fingers work tirelessly as Lo’ak chatters on about the Metkayina clan and what adventures he missed. 
Later that night Zhali listens to the encroaching thunder that rumbles in the distance. Even his direhorse hesitates in his stride but he urges him forward. There is less than an hour left of his patrol and then he will return to his carefully crafted hut to get some much needed rest. However, now the sound of thunder and lightning is becoming more pressing and the male becomes less and less sure of how soon that sleep will come. 
It comes as no surprise when the first drops of rain quickly picks up into a full downpour. Lo’ak grumbles next to him, but Zhali ignores the other male’s mumbled curses and directs them to split up so more ground can be covered. They might as well check up on the family huts and make sure everyone has the sufficient coverings and supplies needed for the storm.  
It’s when he’s wading through the heavy greenery and wiping water from his eyes that Zhali catches sight of something peculiar. He follows the movement of bushes slowly, urging the direhorse to tread carefully. With the blanket of falling rain it’s difficult to identify the small creature wading through the greenery. Judging by the amount of rustle it creates, Zhali concludes that the creature must be either injured or panicking in the storm. He urges the horse to prowl closer as the rain pelts against his back mercilessly. 
It becomes near impossible to see anything in the thick greenery but there is a series of snapping branches and he watches as the beast comes tumbling down the hill. It rolls and crashes along the greenery before finally hitting the bottom of a tree trunk with a grunt. Through the thick sheet of rain, Zhali finally catches a glimpse of golden hair flying in the wind.
He’s off the direhorse within a heartbeat and racking through the thick leaves moments later. Spider is sprawled out on the muddy ground, limbs stretched in every direction. The boy blinks, seemingly trying to comprehend the turn of events. 
“Spider.” Unintentionally Zhali words come out as a hiss. The Na’vi searches over the boy’s body frantically to see if there are any fatal wounds. With limited light it’s difficult to fully see where the sources of blood are so he shifts to use his fingertips to feel for wounds. Spider simply groans and stares up at him through slitted eyes as Zhali weaves through his hair in search of a head injury. He prays to the Great Mother that he won’t find one. 
The Sky Demon’s small body is covered in mud and littered with a plethora of bruises and bleeding scrapes. Luckily, none of these injuries appear to be more serious than the deeper cut over his shoulder. It will require bandaging and a series of healing ointments to prevent infection. Zhali is already running through the list of healing procedures he plans to execute on the boy when Spider’s voice finally breaks him out of the trance. 
“Hey.” Spider speaks in a gravelly hushed tone. “I-I’m ok.” He goes to sit up but a large blue hand covering half of his chest, gently pushes him back down. “Sorry I just lost my grip….got a little disoriented but…yeah sorry.” 
“You’re bleeding.” Zhali says bluntly. 
Spider looks down to see a smear of red painting his shoulder. Zhali watches his reaction with perked ears and pointed tail on alert but Spider simply knits his brows together and shrugs. However, the small being is unable to hide the grimace that flashes across his features. It has become a real effort on Zhali’s part to learn the ways of reading human expression, especially ones covered by those ridiculous masks. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to read one’s reaction without a flickering tail or ears to give away the boy’s state. 
“Oh shit, yeah, I guess I am. It’s ok…the outpost has a first aid kit so…” 
It’s then Zhali’s turn to scrunch his features in confusion. 
A first aid kit? Is that another one of those Sky Demon inventions those scientists are so fond of? Once Zhali had snuck down with Lo’ak and Neteyam when they were teens to the outpost and he had caught sight of things beyond his wildest imagination…or rather wildest horrors. He had watched as giant trunk shaped contraption fold around a human before sucking him into the wall. Lo’ak and Neteyam had later explained that these were the devices used by the Avatars to dream walk. Zhali could never erase how similar it had looked to the coffins that Jake had once described, the constricting box made to bury dead bodies. 
Would they put Spider in there too? Or something else? Perhaps this first aid kit would be even worse. 
No. He would not be returning to the outpost for those horrors. Zhali is more than capable of patching up the injuries and giving Spider the care he truly deserves. 
“No need, come. I will take you home.” Zhali says while carefully helping the boy to finally sit up. Spider’s lips purse for a moment as if he is about to say something but he must have read that wrong because it disappears just as quickly as it came and the small tawtute remains silent. 
It is, however, when Zhali easily lifts the male into his arms that Spider strings together a nervous onslaught of objections. 
“Oh woah, hey it’s ok. I can walk. I-I’m not really that hurt-”
Lightning strikes across the night sky. Thunder is quick to follow and by the sounds of deep rumbling, Zhali is confident that the storm is only about to get worse. Spider squeaks when he is easily lifted onto the direhorse without response. The other male makes quick work of sliding in behind him and reconnecting tsaheylu before the direhorse becomes too freaked out by the tawtute’s presence. It’s almost second nature to slip his forearms securely around Spider’s waist, keeping him safely atop the creature. 
He can feel the boy shiver in his embrace, but it’s difficult to tell whether it is from his touch or the relentless onslaught of rain.
“Thanks.” Spider’s mumble barely rings audible over the storm’s fury. The small sound still manages to bring a smile to Zhali’s face as he nods back in recognition and they begin their journey back towards the village. 
Despite the fact that Spider is conscious and not nearly as injured as he could’ve been, he is anxious to get the human to the healer’s tent as soon as possible. This urgency only increases when he can physically feel the boy’s body shaking like a leaf in the wind. His arm tightens around the small male, hoping to let some of his own natural body heat transfer over to him. It’s disconcerting to see how easily a little tawtute can be affected by the elements. It  serves as another reminder of how fragile the pretty boy truly is. It’s easy to forget at times when Spider is swinging from branches like a monkey, but now all he can see in his mind’s eyes is the replay of his small body tumbling down the steep decline helplessly. 
It’s then that Zhalie remembers the cloak he has packed away by the saddle. He manages to wrap the thick fabric around both of them. It covers Spider completely and to the male’s delight he finds that the human curls up against his warm chest. He’s satisfied to find that this solution keeps the pelting rain from attacking Spider any further. 
Zhali is made for these types of elements but he can only imagine how Spider’s small fragile body could be reacting to such harsh conditions. He makes a mental note to learn more about human anatomy in the coming days. Perhaps Lo’ak could arrange some sort of meeting with one of the remaining medical Sky Demons at the outpost. He hates the smell of chemicals and sterilized metal there but it would be preferable to the real feeling of inadequacy he has now. 
To his horror Zhali finds that the pathway to Tshaik’s tents has already eroded into a rushing stream and the tent itself is completely abandoned. He checks in with the Olo’eyktan over the throat comm and comes to find that Mo’at has fled to higher ground with the injured and sick to wait out the storm. With Spider barely conscious in his curled up position against him, Zhali decides that the only logical course of action is to bring the boy back to his kelku for the night. 
No matter, there are sure to be enough supplies at his home to patch Spider up and take care of him before the condition gets worse. 
Or at least, that is what he mentally assures himself over and over again until they reach the trunk of his kelku. 
Zhali is forced to let Spider crawl up the trunk himself as the tawtute is less than willing to let himself be carried again. He considers overriding this decision but he figures it’s already lucky enough that the blonde hasn’t insisted on being dropped off at the outpost instead. He takes the tender mercy in stride and makes sure to be below the boy in case he manage to slip, constantly ready to catch him if needs be. 
Zhali is in full action mode as he goes about efficiently securing the waterproof drapes. Spider hangs back, awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. Once the task is finished he turns around to find the boy’s arms wrapped around himself, seemingly curling up in on himself as trembles still wrack his body. It is such stark contrast to the usual confident and sassy demeanor that Spider upholds. Whether it is from the cold or the slightly traumatic situation, Zhali vows to coax the boy into being at ease as soon as possible. 
“I-it’s nice.” Spider manages to mumble out before audibly clearing his throat. Those hazel eyes roam over the darkened room as Zhali makes quick work of building a small fire and setting a pot of water over to warm. His own eyes stray from the fire to recall what state his kelku has been left in. Luckily, he has always had a knack for organization and creating a cozy environment in his home. Still, there is no saying what a Sky Person considers to be cozy when it comes to decor. He prays to Eywa that Spider’s preferences are not aligned with that of the suffocating and hard steel in the human outpost. 
“Thank you.” 
Spider tries to hide the wince that graces his features when he rolls his shoulder, but even in the dim glow of a fire, Zhali can clearly see the distress.
“Come. You are bleeding.” He motions Spider forward and luckily the boy does not protest.
Spider does, however, hesitate as those hazel eyes scan over the empty span thoughtfully. Zhali starts to think something is wrong but then it dawns on him. The boy’s body is speckled with mud and blood. Spider seems all too aware of this as he carefully squats over the clean woven floor. 
Of course this must be just Spider’s way of trying to be a polite guest while in his home, but it frustrates Zhali more than he expects. The beautiful human squats over the woven material as if he is unworthy to touch it. This behavior extends to all aspects of their encounter in the space as Spider is more than cautious to let himself enjoy any of the comforting ambience that Zhali has created in the space. He creeps into the area like an intruder, waiting to be shooed away. 
And it breaks Zhali’s heart. It shatters him to pieces to think that Spider would ever act in such a way when his presence alone is something to be celebrated. It’s borderline disappointing to think that Zhali has spent all this time over the past few weeks slowly preparing his kelku to become a welcoming place that Spider would be enticed to call his own someday, just for the boy to shy away from associating with it. 
“Sit.” Zhali puts a little more intensity behind the words than intended. He mentally curses at himself when Spider flinches in response but the human is already setting himself down gently. 
“The bleeding isn’t that bad.” Spider claims, but how would he know when the injury stretches across his right shoulder blade? 
Zhali goes to see for himself, reaching his enormously large hands towards the small creature, but then he pauses. 
“May I check?”
He idly notices that Spider’s breathing is no longer fogging up the glass of his mask? Has he stopped breathing? Was there something wrong with it? Oh Eywa, how does one fix that little thing if there is?
The response is more of a puff of air than real words. Zhali allows himself to breathe now. 
Settling behind Spider feels natural and oddly comforting. He enjoys the way his body is haunched over the small blonde, as if he could create a Na’vi shield over the boy if any danger were to arise. The idea strokes his male pride for a moment until he remembers that he failed to shield Spider earlier. When…when he…
“How did this happen?”
“Well it was….you see….” Spider struggles before finally sagging with a sigh. “I fell.” Defeat is apparent in his tone. 
Zhali can not decide if he finds this explanation better or worse than the images he had conjured up. The thought of thanator claws scraping at the small being was terrifying, but then again, is it not more concerning to see that a simple fall is all it takes to injure him? This beautiful tawtute truly is so fragile. A simple misstep is all it would take to put him in danger. 
Spider appears to be thinking the same thing, but if the red cheeks and deep frown are anything to go by, it’s embarrassment rather than fear that rises to the surface. 
“Tawtute, this cut is deep. From how high did you tumble?” He tries his best to clean the cut with the rag as gently as possible, monitoring every flinch and shudder that ripples through Spider. 
“My bow got stuck up in the canopy. Thought I could get it down.” 
“It is still there?”
Spider nods.
“We will get it in the morning.” Zhali concludes smoothly as he dips the soft cloth back into the now warmed water. He checks it against his own skin first. The male may not know much about human anatomy but it’s clear that their response to the elements is more dramatic than his own. He would hate to accidentally expose the boy to any more harsh temperatures for the night. Once it is sufficiently clear that the rag is at a soothingly warm degree, he begins to glide it over Spider’s back. 
“Thanks I uh…I was kind of clumsy I guess. You don’t have to come with me in the morning though, I’m sure I can manage a bit better this time.” Spider rambles.
“I will not if you wish not for my company.” 
“No no, it’s not that.” Zhali peeks around the boy’s shoulder easily, braids swinging down as he openly observes the male’s expression. Spider’s turn a brighter shade of pink. Zhali finds he quite likes that shade. “Of course I would love for you to come. I just uh don’t want to make you go out of your way for me.” 
“You are never out of the way, Spider.” He sighs, tail curling in irritation. He shouldn’t need to make that clear, especially after efforts he has started towards his courtship. “You are the way.” 
He surveys the boy’s expression, but without twitching ears and a moving tail to give him away, it feels impossible to sense the shift in emotion there. He slowly retreats, not wanting to scare him off any more with the staring, but he lingers just long enough to see Spider catch his bottom lip between those blunt teeth. It’s a cute habit that Zhali has noticed from him, but one that he is still trying to understand fully. 
It’s obvious what his own response to the action is as his tewng grows uncomfortable, but that does little to help him decode Spider. Not to mention it makes him feel like an untrained teenager all over again, drooling at just about anything. 
He feels the boy straighten underneath his hands.
“What is your favorite color?” 
Zhali is pleased to find that the area around the wound is finally clean and ready for bandaging. 
“Color. What is your favorite color?” He repeats. Spider only flinches slightly as he begins to lay the leaves covered in ointment over the small wound. He has to rip them into small pieces a few times so they don’t cover the whole expanse of Spider’s back. Doing so, however, draws his attention to the rest of the boy’s muddied and artificially stripped skin. Long fingers itch to reach for the warm rag again. 
“I um…I don’t know. Never really thought about it before.” 
Zhali’s eyebrows knit together. He is soon regretting his decision to sit behind the tawtute where he can’t even depend on the minor fluctuations of his small facial expressions for context. His tail thumps against the woven floor incidentally, but at least Spider can’t see that. When the urge becomes too strong, Zhali hesitantly starts running the warm cloth over the rest of Spider’s back.
“What do you say when people ask?” He takes Spider’s lack of flinching as a token of permission, scrubbing the dirt away from his tan skin with the gentlest touch he can muster. It’s interesting to see the way his skin turns a light pink after only a few strokes of the warm rag. It appears that Sky People’s skin is extremely sensitive and expressive to every substance it comes in contact with. He is pleased however to see that Spider’s muscles have begun to relax underneath each stroke and the shaking of his body has puttered out to a small vibration. 
“Well I don’t think anyone has ever asked me before to be honest.” Spider tries to slip in a small laugh but it’s strained. Those tiny four fingered hands come to gather his dreads and push them to the side before fondling them absently. 
Of course he knows that Lo’ak didn’t know the boy’s favorite color but for no one to ask? Never? By Eywa, what do the strange scientists at the lab that supposedly raised this male talk to him about? The negligence is infuriating and yet Zhali knows he shouldn’t be surprised. From the interactions he has seen between them, Norm acts more like a close friend than anything resembling a parental figure.
Spider pauses, head tilted as he ponders the question.
“I suppose red is not a bad one. Like the red from sunsets.”
Zhali’s lips turn down.
“Not green.” Disappointment lays heavy in his stomach, He should’ve known better than to trust Lo’ak as his source of information. 
“Green? Oh you mean cause of the loincloth. It doesn’t really-” Spider cuts himself off, turning silent as he looks down. 
Zhali’s ear perk forehead, wondering if he has somehow missed the end of that sentence. 
“Shit.” Spider whispers to himself. 
Peering over the boy’s golden dreads, Zhali finally finds the source of Spider’s silence. A jagged rip through the side of the loincloth. 
“Fuck I- Damnit, I didn’t realize and now….” Spider hunches forward inspecting it frantically.  “I’ve ruined it. All for my stupid fucking bow.” He grits out. “You worked so hard on it and I-”Spider gulps, voice heavy with emotion. 
“I will make another one.” 
“No no, you shouldn’t have to…..I-I’m sorry.” 
Zhali catches sight of glimmering tears welding over the boy’s eyes, ones that he refuses to shed. His heartbeat picks up more erratically when Spider allows his dreads to form a curtain over his face. 
“Spider, it is fine. I will make a new one. This time red.” As it should have been from the beginning. This would be his chance to redeem himself and give Spider the courting gift he truly deserved. Hesitantly he reaches out to sweep that golden hair away but Spider reels back. 
“Another one? N-no I cant ask that. It’s my fault I ruined it…it was…”
“The wrong color. I understand, tawtute.”
“No no no it….it was fucking perfect.” Spider sniffles and more than anything Zhali wishes he could see the boy properly, get that damn mask out of the way so he could wipe away the tears. “The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” It’s whispered so soft and reverant that the Na’vi almost questions whether or not he heard it properly. 
It would be easier not to believe it.
Easier to believe that there were greater gestures the boy has received over the years than some simple pieces of clothing. 
Zhali shifts  forward, boldly sweeping the hair away so he can clearly see Spider’s sparkling eyes. 
“You deserve so much more than this.” He can see the boy’s lungs still with air. “So much more than a courting gift in the wrong color. More than a simple garment that pales in comparison to your beauty.” Spider’s blunt teeth naw at those soft pink lips. “More than jewels and bracelets. More than all the beauties of Pandora combined.” 
It’s as if the boy is frozen in time, air no longer passing through those lips. It’s borderline impossible to understand if this is a good or bad sign, but the truth is bursting from the seams, no longer willing to be kept prisoner. 
“You deserve a mate that will care for you. One that truly sees you.” Zhali catches a golden strand, tucking it behind Spider’s ear. Oh how he wishes to bury his face in that hair, to fully let the beautiful tawtute’s scent to sink in. 
His stomach twists into a bundle of knots but the words come regardless. 
“I see you, Spider.” 
Silence stretches between them but Spider’s eyes remain trained on him, pupils blown wide and breath stilled. A new form of anxiety settles itself as the seconds pass without a clear breath coming from him. 
“You do not have to say anything. I have only begun courting you after all. I simply thought you should kno-” 
Spiders cuts him off with a shake of his head, breath finally exhaled. Nothing, however, matches the horror Zhali feels as the boy reaches to lift his mask. 
“No Spider-” He catches his wrist.
“It’s ok.” Spider gently pries the hand from his wrist before taking a deep breath in. 
The mask is carefully slipped from his face but Spider gives him a reassuring smile when he spots the concern written over Zhali’s face. And then, the space between them decreases slowly, the boy’s face inching closer to his own until their noses brush. Those big doe eyes flicker between his own heated gaze and lips.
The first point of contact is hesitant and slow, but there is a certain tenderness to that gentle swipe of lips. Spider’s lips are so much smaller than his own, but ever so soft. So many moments have led to this one but his heart continues to race, ever so worried about hurting the small tawtute. 
It is Spider, however, that pushes it forward, small tongue swiping at his bottom lip. Zhali allows him. He gives the boy of his dreams access, gives him the world because there is nothing else he can manage to do, not when his wildest fantasies are coming true. Leisurely they each explore one another and melt into the kiss. 
He cups Spider face tenderly, hands easily covering each side of his head. He even allows his fingers to softly explore through the sunshine mane. Spider’s hands are more cautious, but every area they trace over has Zhali’s tail swinging back and forth exuberantly. 
In some ways this kiss is nothing in comparison to the other sexual rendezvous Zhali has experienced and yet it feels more intimate. Like finally having access to a beautiful masterpiece kept behind glass for so long. Finally getting to cherish Spider’s beautiful face instead of observing from a distance. 
At the first jerk of Spider’s chest, Zhali sternly repositions the mask over his face. His emotions swirl from pure elation to trepidation as he waits to hear that first breath. 
Spider lets out a small gasp for air, cheeks tinting as his chest expands and caves rapidly. Hands on the boy’s thighs, Zhali leans forward, eyes darting across the mysterious mask to make sure it is working properly. 
“Can you breathe?” He reaches forward to mess with the contraption, not that he has any idea how but he can’t help himself. 
“Yeah yeah…I can.” Spider lets out an airy laugh. “Well, mostly.” 
Zhali’s frown deepens urgency increasing but then he notices that dazed smile over the boy’s face. The giddy look in his eyes as that beautiful blush paints his cheeks once more. 
“It’s ok It’s ok.” Spider laughs, small hands prying Zhalil’s own off the mask. “I’m alright. Just a little overwhelmed.” 
“You promise, sevin?” Zhali sweetly pushes a few dreads away from Spider’s face, eyes studying him intently. 
Once again Zhali watches in awe as that tan skin quickly shifts to a darker shade of red, even traveling over Spider’s collarbones and chest. He follows that blossom of color downwards, eyes caught on the boy’s small nipples now perked in the cool air. He doesn’t try to hide the ogling, not now that the truth is out. 
“Y-yes.” Spider stutters.
“Good.” He breathes out, but his hands are already gliding over the soft skin of Spider’s sides. He takes in every reaction like a gift. The way the tawtute shivers when his ribcage is brushed, the way that blush only intensifies with Zhali’s darkening gaze, the way his nipples pebble under his long fingers as if they are aching to be touched. 
For so long Spider has been forbidden fruit. For even longer Zhali has dreamed of how this beautiful creature would feel in his hands, the sounds he could draw from him. Sitting here feels like a dream, one beyond his wildest imagination when a small groan escapes Spider. 
One hand dares to grip the boy’s left hip while the other swirls over one hardening nipple. Without a tail or ears it can be hard to read Spider but even Zhali can recognize the restraint his beautiful tawtute exhibits as his hips twitch and chest heaves. 
Spider’s eyes stray away from the intimate points of contact when Zhali leans forward to rest his temple against his. Breath fogs up the glass. 
“Yes?” He whispers. 
“Let me take care of you.” 
Spider’s thick lashes flutter rapidly as he visibly gulps. 
“But I….w-why?” He stutters, as if unable to process the concept. 
“Because you deserve it, sevin.” He squeezes his hip gently as Spider stares at him with big hazel eyes. A color that he could easily get lost in. Ones that goes greatly with Spider’s now swollen pink lips. 
He has never been so desperate to please such a beautiful being. 
“Let me make you feel good, yawne.” Spider’s eyes flutter closed when the Na’vi rakes his longer fingers through his hair. “Please, yawntutsyip.” 
Spider melts in the touch, letting the Na’vi cradle the back of his head. 
“Let me show you how I’d take care of you if you’d be mine.” His softly scratches along his scalp, delighting in the way Spider’s small form goes slack. 
A new spice intertwines with Spider’s scent, filling Zhali’s lungs until it has become his own personal drug. 
“Y-yes yes, ok yeah I-I…yes.” Spider exhales, words tumbling together. 
Zhali grins.
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Spider is sure he’s hallucinating. So sure that somewhere in that fall he hit his head a little too hard and now suffers from delusions. It’s the only explanation he has to explain how this god of a Na’vi has decided to please him. The only way he can comprehend not only being allowed in his kelku but furthermore have those sharp teeth tracing over his abs. 
Looking down at the male who kisses and nips at his body like it’s art made just for him, Spider is content to let this hallucination continue. He will spend the rest of his life in this dream if it means staying cradled in his arms, if it means feeling that hot tongue explore his body intimately. 
True intimacy can be hard to come by for Spider.
Kiri tries and Jake will occasionally ruffle his hair but it does little to satiate what he really needs. Now, however, seems to be the worst time to realize how touch starved he is. It’s embarrassing how difficult it is to keep himself from squirming or God forbid even bucking up into every touch and kiss. 
It’s worse than being a teenager in his hammock trying to get himself off. At least then he was in the privacy of his own company but Zhali’s touch is like lightning in comparison to his own. His hands are so much larger that when the Na’vi goes to cup his head or slink down his chest, it covers the expanse easily. 
It’s when Zhali pushes him down with a hand to his chest that Spider realizes he might be into their size difference more than he anticipated. 
Neck craning to watch Zhali litter kisses along his lower abdomen, he burns in mortification when he spots his own boner through the green loincloth. He wants to believe that Zhali has not noticed this before but even he knows that Na’vi have greatly enhanced senses. 
Fuck, he most likely already can smell his arousal, let alone see it. 
His blunt teeth sink into his bottom lip harder as he holds back the jumble of moans that threaten to break loose. 
It’s pathetic. 
Already in adulthood and yet all it takes for him to rut like a hormonal teenager are a few well placed kisses and bites. 
Open mouthed kisses are meticulously placed along his v line until he has reached his right hip. Something sharp draws along his skin and Spider sees the  Na’vi’s teeth bared. Their eyes connect for a moment and it appears to be all the confirmation that Zhali requires before he takes the plush flesh into his mouth and sucks hard. 
A shocked cry falls from Spider’s lips as his back arches. 
Pain and pleasure dance together in symphony when those impressive teeth come into play. What has his legs shaking, however, is the knowledge that it will leave a mark. Even humans know what such a display means.
A marking to show he is being courted.
A marking to show that he is wanted and desired by a male prospect. 
“Am I hurting you, sevin?”
It takes a moment for the words to register.
“Wh- oh no no. You’re not.” 
“Hm, good.” Looking up through his lashes Zhali keeps their gazes pinned as he lays a tender kiss over the new mark. Those lips skate over his skin until reaching the intricate ties of his loincloth. 
Hands holding the male’s thighs apart, Zhali carefully secures a tie between his teeth and begins to pull. Watching that knot unravel feels like the longest seconds of Spider’s life. He isn’t sure if he needs it to speed up or slow down because his brain can hardly process what is to come. 
It isn’t his first time being bare before a Na’vi. Admittedly, other Na’vi, even among the Metkayina have had their curiosity sparked by Spider. Some shuffled him away with a rushed exploration and desperate touching that became all the sex life Spider had ever known. However, those had only left him unsatisfied and lonely again at the end of the night. 
This is different, however. 
Zhali, although curious, doesn’t explore him for his own pleasure but rather Spider’s.
He takes in every new discovery and change like a masterpiece meant to be worshiped. He watches for the slightest flinch to signal a change and the smallest twitches of pleasure to indicate what spikes the boy’s pleasure. 
And when the silky loincloth falls away, the same one that Zhali had spent weeks carefully crafting especially for him, he doesn’t rush to grip or stroke. His heated gaze is the first thing to caress him, and then his voice.
“So magnificent, my tawtute.”
Spider can already feel himself trembling. This new emotion bubbling forward does not make it easier to gather restraint, to stop himself from appearing like a desperate lonely fool in front of this gorgeous man. 
Zhali kisses right next to the base and Spider forces himself to look away. 
This gentle worship does things to him that he could never have imagined and therefore could never have prepared for. He can’t watch this any longer without losing the reins. 
He can feel himself twitch as soft kisses are placed one by one around the base until every inch has been covered. Toes curling, Spider attempts to slow down his heartbeat. 
He peaks to find Zhali looking up at him, large golden orbs taking in every flinch in his expression. 
“I am not hurting you?” He checks again.
“No no, of course not.” Spider chokes out, ears growing hot at the tremor in his voice. 
“Hm, I see.” He hums before his fingertips start drawing soft patterns over his hips. “You are tense, sevin.” 
His stomach flips.
“Fuck, yeah I know, I-I’m sorry. I understand if-”
Zhali hushes him sweetly, crawling forward to cup his face once more. 
“Spider,” His name from Zhali’s lips sounds like a song. “Do you want this?”
He doesn’t enjoy how fast he is nodding his head.
“Yes. I do, shit yeah I do. I’ll keep it together, I'm sorry.”
Zhali is shaking his head before he can even finish the sentence. 
“Sevin, do not apologize.” Zhali’s slim tail wraps itself around his calf and Spider has to hide the tremor along his lips. “I only need one thing from you.”
Spider gulps, leaning forward and ready to take the criticism. 
“I need you to relax.”
Spider flushes, fighting back the urge to gulp down the knot in his throat. 
“Yeah o-okay.”
Zhali is less than convinced but a warm smile crosses his lips. His fingers intertwine with the boy’s hair once more before he is raking them through those golden locks. The reaction is immediate, pleasurable shivers dissipating through Spider’s body. 
Never before had he realized how sensitive he is to this gesture but now with those gentle movements massaging his scalp, Spider feels like he could melt into molten gold. Zhali runs his face along the curve of his neck, marking him with his scent. 
The hand in his hair is used to tilt Spider’s head back and give him better access. A breath wooshes from the boy’s lungs. 
“Just focus on what you feel, sevin.” 
Soft lips lay a kiss behind his ear. 
“What feels good,” Zhali continues. 
Another kiss, this time to his pulse point. 
“What feels different.” 
Zhali’s textured tongue drags along his skin languidly. Spider hardly registers his own groan as he lets his weight fall into the Na’vi embrace. 
“What you want more of.” 
When the male begins sucking a hickey into the side of his neck, Spider can no longer keep a cap on his noises. A string of whines and moans fall from his lips as he finds rest in the moment. Eyes closed and mouth agape, he forgets where he is.
He forgets who he is. 
He forgets who he is not.
And Spider lets each exhilarating sensation guide his decisions. 
“Good boy.” Zhali whispers warmly against his pulse, licking over the mark to soothe. 
His hands firmly run down Spider’s sides, squeezing it greedily until his presence can not be forgotten. Taking control of every curve and line, Zhali plays him like an instrument. Spider lays back against the matt, golden hair creating a crown around him. Hazel eyes dilate before fluttering closed when soft kisses are left along his inner thighs. 
Sounds erupt from him that Spider doesn’t recognize when Zhali’s tongue begins exploring his length. His body buzzes with a new energy, nerves a lit with every swoop and swirl of that talented tongue. 
And even though his hips twitch in silent request for more, Spiders swears that he could live in the moment forever. 
“Such beautiful sounds, oeyä tawtute.” 
The compliment floods his cheeks and tugs at his chest. There is no longer room for self doubt as praises fall freely between the beautiful exploration of Zhali’s mouth. Every concern is hushed before it can fully bloom. 
“You taste so good, sevin. Don’t know how I went without you for so long.”
And then warmth encases his member in a rush. Zhali sucks his cock with such enthusiasm and vigor that it becomes difficult to see which partner enjoys themselves more. 
But it’s him.
Spider is sure it is him. 
He knows that there is no other Na’vi or human out there that feels the things he is feeling, that reaches such heights of ecstasy and passion in one night. He can’t fathom anyone else knowing the warmth, pleasure, and relief that washes over him. 
Nose to the boy’s navel, Zhali swirls his tongue around the boy’s base, easily able to take all of Spider within the warm cavern of his mouth. Spider’s hands shoot down and grab the Na’vi’s tied hair without thought. His fingers grip and tug at the neat bun until strands start to fall loose. 
“Oh fuck!” He shouts, blunts nails digging into his scalp. 
Zhali pulls back until his lips are sealed around only the bulbous tip. The point of his tongue runs over the slit brashly and Spider yanks on his hair. The action is rewarded with a carnal moan, the vibrations rocketing through the boy. 
Zhali likes to watch. Spider can feel those eyes trained on him without reprieve, no matter which way he squirms and bucks. At some point he feels strong hands pin his hips to the ground, forcing him to take the pleasure in its entirety. 
Spider isn’t used to the attention.
He isn’t used to the way Zhali mentally tracks his reactions and the actions associated with them. 
He isn’t used to the honey eyes drinking in the sight of him. 
But most of all, he isn’t used to being the center of attention.
It breaks him into a thousand pieces. 
His climax crashes so hard into him that his small hands search for something to ground him. They circle around Zhali’s kuru tugging as he spills into the male’s mouth. 
The sound that erupts from Zhali is unlike anything Spider has ever heard from him. So far from the polite, organized and formal male that he has known. It rings forth with a raspy texture and a deep serenade that sets his world on fire. 
Not a drop is wasted and Zhali doesn’t release his twitching length until Spider is pushing back his head. 
He falls limp against the mat, bowl pupils staring up at the world in a daze. He can briefly sense the careful precision Zhali takes to kiss every mark before running a warm cloth over him but it’s background noise to the symphony playing in his head. 
“Thank you, sevin.” 
That deep voice now with a raspy tint weaves into his consciousness as Spider revels in the tingling aftershock running through his body. He can only manage a lazy smile when Zhali comes up to check on him. 
“Just give me….give one minute and then I….I can help.” He manages to get out between pants. Zhali’s brows furrow until he sees the boy eyeing his tented loincloth. 
“You have done more than help today, tawtute. Given me more than I could have asked for.” And he grins so sincerely that Spider can’t fathom how the male could feel this way. In every sexual interaction he has had, there was always a return of the favor, that is assuming Spider finished in the first place. But Zhali looks at him like he hung the moon, eyes glimmering in delight as he wipes him down with a warm cloth.
“You…you don’t want me to touch you?” 
Zhali traces idle lines over Spider abs happily. 
“Of course I do, but how would that serve the proper purpose? I am courting you.” Zhali stands and begins preparing the hammock for them. He arranges extra pillows and blankets that Spider has never seen other Na’vi have before. In fact, there is a great deal of influence from Sky People culture present in the male’s kelku. Things that only a human would find necessary. 
Before he can protest, Spider is carried carefully to the hammock and laid across the Na’vi chest. He tucks a blanket around the boy’s hips, making sure it isn’t too tight but still brings the wet tawtute some warmth. 
“Although, I admit. This is out of order. It was supposed to be step twelve but do not worry. I will make sure not to skip over any. Fourteen steps to go.” He nods firmly, lips perking upwards.  
Spider’s brain sputters, head still fuzzy from the best orgasm of his life. Tonight feels like a dream, an absolute horny amazing romantic dream that his subconscious has whipped up. He can barely process the night’s turn of events, let alone this handsome male wanting to go through an extensive courting process all for him. 
“Fourteen? You….but…that is so much.” 
Zhali’s hairless brows furrow. 
“It’s hardly enough, sevin. It’s important that you have enough proof of my ability to provide, protect, and love before you make your choice. So you can weigh your options.” 
As if he has other options.
Who would surpass this?
Who has ever even tried?
Zhali continues to run his fingers through the human’s hair as he sighs happily, watching as Spider shifts closer. 
“I do not expect an answer now, sevin. But hopefully tonight is a start to convincing you.”
Rain pelting down on the kelku and wrapped in this amazing man’s arms, Spider’s eyes fill with tears again. 
To call it convincing would be an understatement. 
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Thanks for reading. As always, I truly appreciate hearing your thoughts. It motivates me to write and update more. Love you all<3
Taglist: @tallulah477 @eywaite @itchaboi-itchyboy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @xylianasblog @neteyamssyulang
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hhnguyen · 2 years
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all rights reserved © hhnguyen - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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T H I S   F O R T R E S S   I S   O U R   F A M I L Y → a series of one shots of the Sully family revolving around female older sister!Reader. 
⌲ Jake Sully: little flower ↳ family fluff, protective older sister — 1.8k
⌲ Neytiri: parts of my heart ↳ family fluff, mother-daughter love — 2.3k 
⌲ Neteyam: future light ↳ sibling love, angst, jealousy — 2.6k
⌲ Lo’ak: blue speck of hope — 4.3k ↳ sibling love, comfort
⌲ Kiri: something beautiful — 1.8k ↳ sibling love, comfort
⌲ Tuktirey: make me proud — 3.2k ↳ sibling love, grief, angst, comfort
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W H A T  I F ?  → other scenarios with the same older sister!reader. 
⌲ Reader gets seriously hurt: aren’t you just precious — 2k ↳ angst, action, suspense, humor
⌲ Having a serious argument with Jake: life of a traitor — 4k ↳ angst, family comfort
⌲ Neteyam’s death: red, dead, gone — 1k ↳ hard angst, major character death
⌲ Alternate ending, you die instead: dear eywa — 2.2k ↳ angst, major character death
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astrasae · 2 years
sleeping with the Sully Boys!
featuring: Lo’ak, Neteyam.
warnings: none :)
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He doesn’t move, like he will do anything to not wake you up.
You fall asleep on his chest, so every 2 minutes he gives a kiss to your forehead.
He softly plays with your hair.
You were sleeping on Neteyam’s chest, his hands on your waist and arm. He really adores the look on your face when you are asleep, peacefully.
You start to stirr a little. “You okay love?” He asks, squeezing you forearm. You lift your head to look at him, “hmm?” you ask looking sleepy. “Nothing, just go back to sleep.” He kisses your forehead, you put your head on his chest again.
He usually falls asleep on your shoulder, but sometimes he falls asleep on your lap.
Him always holding you close.
You fall asleep on his chest or his arms.
He tries so hard not so fall asleep, but he can’t resist so his head falls un top of yours.
Gives you kisses before you guys sleep.
Tries so hard not to wake you up when you fall asleep on him. But he will fail, ofc.
You’re sleeping on Lo’ak’s chest, peacefully. Until he tries to move a little. That movements wakes you up, “Lo’ak,” you ask sleepily . “I’m sorry yawne. My leg was going numb.” He tries to defend himself. “Its okay lo’ak.” You say softly.
He holds me from my waist to pull me up, my head on his neck. He hugs me really close, “You can go back to sleep.” He kisses my cheek. I give him a kiss on the neck as a response.
Sleeping with him is heaven. Really comfortable and cute.
He loves sleeping on your lap. Your hands on his hair, playing with his braids.
His tail wrapping around your leg. Hands holding eachother.
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 1 month
The eldest daughter who wasn't wanted
Sully family x oldest daughter reader
y/n sully is the oldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam. Even though y/n was a na'vi she came out smaller than a normal Navi baby and her skin was a sky demon tan color. She was given away a week after birth. After 16 years the Sully's reunited with y/n but y/n has a new family and doesn't consider the Sully's her family besides Mo'at.
(art isn't mine unless I say it is. The names I picked out.
I've been wanting to do this story for a while and I finally got the push I needed for it, this is just one of my avatar stories)
y/n and clan / prologue
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Y/n (16 years old)
The eldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam.
Belongs to the Dushnikh clan a terrifying, strong but caring clan.
The Dushnikh clan is a clan of the tallest, green orcish Navis
The clan is located in a swampy area.
(The clan and characters are my ocs but the name of the clan is from a Skyrim its a orc strong hold)
~prologue 16 years ago~
The battle had ended with hells gates a few months ago when neytiri had went into labor. After many hours of pain Neytiri had given birth to her children, a little  girl and a little boy named y/n and Neteyam, but y/n came out wrong, y/n was much smaller than a normal na'vi newborn she was human newborn size, her skin was a tannish color with light blue strips and she had five fingers, she did have na'vi ears, nose, kuru, and tail. Neytiri held the small new born looking up at Jake "Ma Jake.." she started Jake shock his head "don't worry my love" he replied at first they were happy to have both of the twins but soon some of the clan started talking "that baby is a demon!" "You need to get rid of it!" "Demon blood!" Neytiri and Jack did their best to ignore them.
~ a week later~
"My daughter don't do this! Please let her hear the great mother!" Mo'at begged as her daughter and son-in-law were about to give their daughter away.
"No mother. I am her mother I know what's best for her. We need to protect our family and clan" neytiri said as she gave her week old daughter to norm, while Neteyam cried from the wrapping of his mother's chest, Jake held kiri as he talked to Norm.
"She is family!" Mo'at hissed
Jack stepped between his mate and her mother
"Enough we made our choice" Jake hissed
Mo'at hissed back before grabbing the week old baby girl from norm "Fine I will take her somewhere where she can grow up in peace" Mo'at growled holding the baby closer to her chest
"Mother-" neytiri started but was cut off
"Enough! I am your mother and one of the elders! My choice over rules yours!" Mo'at hissed neytiri and Jack stepped back.
"I am her father give me my daughter" Jake said trying to grab y/n
Mo'at hissed again "No! I have spoken Jack Sully, the other elders agree with me, she deserves to live in peace"
"Mother where are you taking her? Let us come with you, I want to know that my daughter is safe" neytiri offers
Mo'at shock her head "No! Stay here, I will make sure she is safe" Mo'at said walking away with the baby.
~sometime later ~
Mo'at had sat in the hut with another larger elder sitting in front of her
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"Mo'at my old friend, it's nice to see you but what's brought you to our home?" The elder in front Mo'at asked
"Leyra my old friend, as you know my daughter had her child a week ago. But my daughter has given up her daughter because she looks different." Mo'at said as she opened the baby carrier on her chest.
The elder na'vi gasped "These young ones always think they know what's best. Did you talk to her about her fate if she does this?" Leyra said as she looked at the small tan na'vi child staring back at her with an incorrect toothless smile.
Mo'at nodded as she looked down at the week old "yes but my daughter and her husband didn't listen.. they said they know what's best for their family."
Leyra and Mo'at turned when they heard the beads at the opening move to see another large female na'vi holding a small toddler
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"My apologies mother and Mo'at" the female na'vi spoke with a bow Mo'at and Leyra smiled
"Zo'ile it has been to long, I see you have a small one" Mo'at said with a smile as the young na'vi walked over to her mother's friend.
Leyra smiled as her daughter sat beside her "Zo'ile I was about to call for you" Leyra said smiling at her daughter "Mo'at has brought her granddaughter to us, to be raised and cared for"
Zo'ile froze when her mother said those words before looking at Mo'at who held the small tan na'vi and her son At'ok standing by Mo'at smiling at the baby. Zo'ile reached out and Mo'at smiled before handing her the small baby.
"Her name is y/n" Mo'at said as she handed zo'ile the baby
Zo'ile smiled her heart had acked for the baby her son At'ok got into his mother's arms and stared at the baby as well "Tsmuke (sister)" At'ok said smiling zo'ile smiled before looking back at her mother and Mo'at "mother can she stay here I can raise her as my own, of course she'll know Mo'at as her grandmother as well. Please" zo'ile begged slightly.
Leyra and Mo'at smiled, Mo'at knew from then on her granddaughter would be loved and cared for from someone other than her. Leyra looked at her old friend
"Mo'at" she asked Mo'at smiled
"As long as you're ok with it my old friend" Mo'at replied
Leyra smiled "she'll be loved, cared for and excepted" Leyra said as they watched At'ok and y/n fell asleep in Zo'iles arms against her chest making her smile
(Something like this)
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(Go look up artsofmetamoor! Love their avatar au)
Mo'at smiled sadly she didn't want to leave her first grandchild but her people really needed her and she knew y/n would have a better life here. "goodbye ma granddaughter I will come visit when I can, and thank you again leyra, zo'ile" Mo'at said getting up
leyra nodded and got up as well followed by zo'ile "of course my friend anything for you" she said hugging the smaller Forest na'vi.
Mo'at nodded and left the hut, zo'ile looked down at her children "mother why would neytiri give up her child?" Zo'ile asked Leyra shook her head
"Sometime na'vi forget the ways we were taught, they think they know best until eywa shows that you're wrong. Neytiri gave the child up because some sharp words spoken by her clan" Leyra said as she looked at her daughter, before walking away to grab crushed up herbs
"The day will come where we will have to tell her but until then, she will be raised the way of our people" leyra said gently rubbed the herd on the baby's head making her giggle in her sleep zo'ile smiled.
"Good night mother" zo'ile said as she walked out of the hut
"Good night ma daughter"
Zo'ile walked into her hut on to meet the chest of her mate Nawmrui.
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"Ma Zo'ile are you and At'ok alright what took so long?" Nawmrui asked before his eyes widden at the sight of the smaller na'vi in his mate and childs arms.
"Ma Nawmrui, Mo'at had came by for a visit and she brought her granddaughter. Neytiri and her mate didn't want the baby, when I laid eyes on her I felt the great mother telling me to take her in as my own." Zo'ile said holding the baby's close
Nawmrui slowly got down on his knees to see the baby clearly, y/n had opened her sleepy eyes before giggle and reaching out for nawmrui gently placing her hand on his nose.
Nawmrui smiled "Oh great mother has blessed us with not one amazing child but now two. I am blessed" Nawmrui said as he got up and gently hugged his wife and his two children.
The next morning y/n had been introduced to the clan and they watched as y/ns kuru was connected to their spirit tree. The tree grew brighter and the clan was overjoyed to see the newest member of the Dushnikh clan
Nawmrui and zo'ile stared at their two children with nothing but love and care.
If the Sully's didn't want y/n the Dushnikh clan definitely did.
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storiesofmyhead · 2 months
Little Kitty - Neteyam X OC
Summary: Neteyam the rising Olo'eyktan. All he wanted to do was make his father proud. Well, that and to protect his human. Takala. The only human he would go out of his way to protect. Meeting the girl at a young age proved to be quite the achievement in Norms perspective. No matter how much Neteryi told Neteyam to stay away from the girl, he would ignore her and leave during the night. Neteyam's protectivness and need to be with Takala shows quite the problem when it comes to his family being in harms way.
Ch. 1, Ch. 2
Laying in her bed, the little girl curled up in the blankets searching for any warmth she could find.
"Takala." Spider yells opening curtain that separates her room from the rest of the lab. 
The three Na'vi kids standing behind him watching in curiosity at the other child they hadn't seen before.
"Shh. Spider." Norm whisper pushing him out of the make-shift room. "I'll get her." He grabs the blanket and pulls it carefull off the sleeping girl. "Time to wake up, Takala. There's people who want to see you."
Groaning softly, the girl turn her brown hair sticky up in all different directions. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand and hum.
"It's cold in here, Norm." Her soft voice says.
The three Na'vi kids ear twitch and turn towards the girl voice, watching the curtain waiting for her to come out. 
"I know sweetheart, Ill go find our sweatshirt, while you meet the kids. How about that?"
"Ok." She hums, standing up out of her bed. Her curly hair a mess.
Pushing back the curtain Norm steps out walking off to find her sweatshirt.
"Takala." Spider whines. "Come onnn."
"I'm coming." She snaps, walking out from behind the curtain.
Smiling at the three Na'vi as they look her up and down. "Hi." She waves, causing them all to wave back, finding the small girl cute.
Smacking the back of Kiri's leg, spider runs off causing her to chase after him, Lo'ak following, wanting to cause trouble like always. Leaving Neteyam by himself with Takala.
Norm walks back, sweatshirt in hand. "Here you go sweetheart." He says. "Now just call if ou need anything else." Nodding she takes the sweatshirt and pulls in over he head, nuzzling into the warmth.
Her eyes move to the tall boy in front of her. "What's your name?" She smiles. The boy's eyes never seeming to leave her.
Smiling more she repeats. "Neteyam." He nods. "Why didn't you go with the others?"
Shrugging. "I'd rather get to know you." He crouches down, now sitting on the ground so she doesn't have to look up anymore.
Gasping. "Really!" He chuckles at her excited form.
"I'm Takala. How old are you?" Her head tilts watching his ear twitch.
"I'm Eleven."
"I'm turning 10 in a month" The girl smiles up at him. Her eyes grow wide as his ears twitch a bit.
Gasping softly she slowly reaches up towards them.
The blue Na'vi boy pulls her into his lap allowing her to touch his ears.
"You're like a kitty cat." She smiles, Neteyam smiling back not knowing what a ' kitty cat' was.
Rambling on about cats, she knows he doesn't understand though it felt nice to have someone actually listen to her.
"I love cats. They're so cute and small and fuzzy. I wish we could have a kitty here. I wouldn't be so alone all the time."
The boy watches her, unknowingly quietly purring. His chest slightly grumbling, his eyes closed in ecstasy at the feeling of her hands rubbing his ears. 
Takala's ears pick up the purr's causing her to giggle. "You're purring." She smiles.
Embarrassed his cheeks go red, opening his eyes to see her giggling. Her small body slightly shivering at the cold.
"Cold?" Neteyam asks wrapping his arms around her body tighter.
"You're s'warm." her voice mumbles as she nuzzles her head into his warm neck.
He chuckles starting to quietly purr again feeling her small breaths on his neck. He didn't know what this feeling was, but he liked it, now suddenly feeling very protective over the girl.
"Neteyam! Let's go!" Spider yells as Lo'ak, him, and Kiri run outside.
Sighing the blue boy picks Takala up and places her on the floor. Her lips form a pout as she looks up at him.
"You're leaving?" Disappointment clear in her voice.
The young boy slightly chuckles and nods. "Yes. But I promise I will visit you again."
Her pout deepening. "Ok."
He smiles, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye kitty."
"Bye." She waves watching him leave the lab.
Norm watches the two from his desk smiling as he continues his video document.
"Neteyam is growing an attachment to Takala. I wonder how he will react if she disappears for a few days. I'm going to try something new. I'm going to watch them for 3 weeks together and then take her away and not let him in for a week to see how he will react. If he reacts how I think he will I will have to tell Jake about his attachment before it is too late."
Walking outside, Neteyam catches up with Spider, Lo'ak, and Kiri. Looking down at Spider he asks.
"What's a kitty cat?" Confusion clear in his voice.
Spider laughs nudging Neteyam's shoulder. "It's a small warm-blooded animal with pointy ears like Na'vi. They're very cuddling creatures."
Neteyam hums. "Is it good when someone calls you one?"
"What? A cat?" Spider laughs. "I don't know." Before running to catch up to Kiri. Neteyam now by himself he sighs, confused at the new feelings he's feeling. 
Walking back into the lab Spider sees Takala looking through the glass chamber at the young avatar girl.
"Did you like my friends?" Spider asks causing Takala to jump up and down excitedly.
"Yessss. Especially Neteyam. He was very nice. He acted like a cat." She giggles. "He said hell visit me again. So, I wouldn't be alone."
"That's nice." Spider says walking away.
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Emrey— Survive || OC & Sully Family
Chapter 12: You're A Coward
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The story about love and family, about beginning and end, about life and death. All shown equally and unfairly, for that is the way it was intended.
Follow the story of the Sully Family as they journey across the seas, seeking sanctuary, only to find war and death.
But they emrey— survive, because their family is their fortress.
words: 8.1k
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
It had taken a few days for them to prepare and pack. (It was actually four days, but who was counting?) The ceremony would take place on their last day, where her father would renounce his title as Olo’eyktan and pass it on to Tarsem, a resilient young warrior, one he and Mo'at deemed worthy of the title and responsibility. Niri'te didn't know much about him in the beginning, the first time she really interacted with him was during her Iknimaya a few odd years ago, where he had clasped her shoulder firmly when they returned from the hunt, pride in his eyes as he gave her a dazzling smile. Niri'te would be lying if she said she didn't feel a little flutter in her stomach at his grin, her pale cheeks burning as she smiled back. 
He had laughed, his hand clapping her shoulder, eyes shining with mirth.
And then he was off, celebrating with his friends as they gathered around the growing fire, which Niri'te steered well clear from, something about the licking flames stirring up old memories she didn't need tainting this joyous moment.
But that wasn't the last that she saw of him. Her cheeks would flush as he greeted her in passing, sometimes dropping what he was doing so he could talk to her, even if was just simple pleasantries. Still, it had made her feel warm, even if she didn't know why he was doing all of this. Maybe that's just how he is, Niri'te thought as she entered her family's marui for most likely the last time.
Packing up her belongings felt strange, like she wasn't really there, like she was watching someone else do it as she rolled up her sleeping mat, tying it off and putting it with everyone else's. There obviously were things she couldn't take, like her little collection of knickknacks that she acquired throughout her life, though she had lost most of them when the Sky People had first returned and burned their home to the ground, forcing them to move into High Camp. But despite herself, she placed a few into her pouch that she just couldn't leave behind, namely a bright river stone that she was planning to add to her song cord, a small tooth from Makita, and the first bracelet she had received from Tuk, the making of it was the joint effort of both Tuk and Lo'ak, but it was Tuk's idea, she just needed a little help.
Night had started to fall when she had considered herself finished, the pile of her family's belongings looking impossibly big, she wondered how they were going to fit everything on their ikrans. But that was tomorrow's problem.
With a sigh she turned away from the pile, exiting the marui and making her way to the communal sleeping area. It had been a while since she last slept there, often preferring the privacy of her family's tent that the large open area where most families slept together. Quickly she found her family's swaynivi, a large woven hammock that was suspended high off the ground, right in the middle surrounded by equally large hammocks. 
Now getting up there was part of the reason she seldom spent the night there, it being so high off the ground and basically in the middle of the rest of the hammocks, it was a bit of a hassle to get to it. And by the time she got there, she would be out of breath and heaving so loud that it caused people to stare, which she already didn't like given the way she looked. But tonight she would just have to power through it since she couldn't sleep in the marui, with it being used as the storage space for all their things til they leave. Making her way between the other families, most were already asleep, huddled close to their loved ones.
Niri'te tiptoed past them, trying to quiet her heavy breathing from the climb up, basically holding her breath til she could get it under control. Once she finally got there, she collapsed next to Lo'ak, who grumbled in his sleep, kicking her leg as he turned around. She laughed quietly, finally able to relax, her stiff back thankful after all the packing and lifting. 
She folded her hands over her stomach, her foot moving lightly from side to side as she started to doze off, her eyelids growing heavy as she stared up at the dark cavernous ceiling. It was quiet, peaceful. Still.
She sighed softly, closing her eyes, but sleep evaded her. Thoughts swarmed her mind, worrying, and racing. She missed Spider, surprisingly, even if they weren't such good friends, she feared for him, for what the Sky People could be doing to him right now. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Is he going hungry? Her brows furrowed as she worried, a sinking feeling in her chest. Anxiety started to build up, making her heart race, her hands shaking. Her tail twitched and her ears swivelled, picking up every sound as she silently panicked.
It was dark, but that was expected considering how late it was and the fact that there wasn't a lot of light coming in from the cave's openings. But wasn't like she minded it, actually preferring the dark. She had always found it comforting in a sense, when she was younger, she would revel in the inky night, when she could barely see her hand when she held it up to her face. She only really discovered this when the clan had moved to High Camp, away from the forests that glowed in the night, where it was never truly dark.
Here, in the dark, she found that it was hard to see, naturally, but that meant that others couldn't see as well. And if others couldn't see, then it would be harder for them to stop and stare at her, to point and whisper. They couldn't do that in the dark, because they couldn't see her.
And she liked that, very much. It soon got to the point where she was up all night where she would just... walk around, jump and run around, just exist in a place where she could just be. But soon her parents had started to notice, and the fear of getting caught and scolded by this cold and harsher version of her father made her stop. She stopped staying up late, stopped going out and living like it was only her. And that hurt. A lot.
But all good things must come to an end, is what she heard her father once said. One of her few good things came to an early end.
She shook her head, the anxiety that had built up in her chest was crushing her, her breaths short and quick. Eywa, why was she thinking about herself when Spider was literally taken, swept away by the Avatars and is probably being hurt by the humans? Why was she being so selfish? Spider is gone. And she might not ever see him again because her family is running away. Her heart pierced with pain, her short breaths were making her lungs burn. Yeah, she may not have been that close to Spider, might not have been friends with him, but she liked him. He was funny and weird and so different. He didn't act like the other humans, he was wilder, freer than the rest of them. And that had drawn her to him, she was starting to see why Kiri liked him so much, and when she had the opportunity to actually be his friend, he was taken away. And now she might never see him again.
Niri'te felt like the world closing in on her, becoming smaller and smaller. Her head started to spin as she forced air into her lungs, sitting up abruptly, making the hammock shake. Distantly she heard someone grumbling, the shifting of fabric as they moved, but she wasn't paying attention to that, her mind occupied by her swirling thoughts, all the whats and hows consuming her mind.
She stood up, her legs shaking slightly as she left the hammock, carefully making her way across the woven walkways. She had tried not to rush, but her head was swimming and she needed to get down from here, needed the ground, solid and affirming.
Once her feet had touched the cold rock, her shoulders slumped as she leaned against the wall, pressing her forehead to it as she relished in the coolness. Niri'te breathed deeply through her nose, her eyes shut tight as she tried to calm her mind. She stood there for a while, she didn't know how long but she had noticed her feet start to hurt, her legs cramping from having been tensed for so long. Niri'te lifted her head, basking in the darkness of the cave, her eyes still shut as she forced her body to relax.
Turning around and opening her eyes, Niri'te tried to make out what was around her. She could see a few dying fires spotted here and there, most likely left to smoulder after the family had prepared dinner and kept alight to chase away the cold that the night brought. She could see the labs in the distance, the usual sharp lights dimmed as the humans retired for the day, the floodlights outside shut off and soft lights spilling out from the windows.
Vaguely she remembered a conversation her father and Max had, but it had sounded more like a screaming match, their words being heard loud and clear throughout parts of High Camp.
"They took him," her father had started, his voice tense and controlled. She could imagine the look on his face as he broke the news to Max, his hands on his hips as he avoided eye contact, his head bowed as he shuffled from foot to foot, something she noticed Neteyam started to do when he was nervous or thinking too much. It was endearing in a way.
"Who took him?" Max had asked, his voice hesitant yet brimming with worry. Niri'te was sure he would have that guarded look on his face, his eyebrows drawn together as he set his jaw tightly.
"The RDA—" her father had barely started to speak before Max cut him off.
"The RDA?" Max bit, hissing his words. "How did that even happen!" 
"The kids went out without permission—"
"They what? Don't they know how dangerous it is?"
"I know, but they were caught by Quaritch and his team—"
"Quaritch is alive? I thought Neytiri killed him."
"And so did I! Now would you let me speak, please?" Jakesully sounded more annoyed at being interrupted than concerned at the news he was telling his friend. Niri'te could only imagine the look her father was giving the human scientist. She had begun to stalk closer to them, her curiosity getting the better of her.
She heard Max huff, imagining him crossing his arms as he stared up at Jakesully.
"Okay," he started, "Yesterday, the kids went out without permission, at first it was just to get out but then Lo'ak started to follow these tracks made by the RDA Avatars. I was told that Spider tried to stop him but Lo'ak wasn't listening."
Jakesully sighed, "They followed the tracks to the old shack, the one we used when we fled Hell's Gate. They found Quaritch there, and he was alive and an Avatar, leading his own team of Avatars."
"I thought that team died," Max said softly. There was a moment of silence where she was sure her father nodded, a look of sympathy on his face.
"That's when Lo'ak called in, telling me what was happening and who was with him. I told him to get out of there but they were caught, held hostage. When Neytiri and I got there, his team was holding guns to their heads, there wasn't much that we could do for them. I had Neytiri cause a distraction while I picked them off.
"Then a fight broke out and the kids ran off. I took Neteyam with me to find Lo'ak and Tuk. Neytiri had gone to find the twins and Spider, but before she could get to them, Quaritch was already there, he had Spider and Ri'te, both barely conscious. She could only get one shot in before they left, she had to choose, and she chose Ri'te."
Another pause. Niri'te could hear Max breathing deeply. She could only imagine what was going on in his head, to know that there was a chance that the boy he thought of as his son could have been saved but it was decided that someone else was more important. It must be breaking his heart, to know something like that.
"Don't hold it against Ri'te, or Neytiri, she was only—" 
"Stop Jake," Max said softly, "I, I don't,"
"I know," was all her father said.
"W–we have to get him back, we can't just leave him with them."
"Max, we don't have—"
"You don't get to tell me that."
"Please Max, there isn't,"
"Jake, you would be doing the same if it were your kids, so don't tell me what I can and can't do, alright?"
"I know Max, but the RDA's base is too heavily fortified for us to infiltrate."
"Then we think of something, I mean they can't have everything blocked off, right?"
"They do, everything you can think of, they got it covered and under constant surveillance."
"There's nothing for us to do," her father tried to console the frantic man.
"But we–we can't just, we can't just leave him, Jake, he's just a kid."
"He can take care of himself, I know he can, he'll just have to push through."
"You can't just push through what the RDA does to you! He's being held captive and is probably being hurt because they want information from him. Who knows what they could be doing to him!"
"Max, you gotta understand that—"
"He's my boy! I raised him and he's mine! You can't just tell me to leave him with them!" Max screamed, his voice cracking with emotion and conviction.
"I'm not telling you to leave him! I'm telling you to stay out of it and not try to get him back because he's as good as dead." Came her father's cold reply.
"No, I can't do that, he's my kid, I can't leave him there."
"Max, you gotta listen to me, there's no hope for Spider, for all we know the RDA's already had their shot at him and disposed of him, there's nothing we can do."
Niri'te couldn't believe the way her father was talking about Spider, like he was a stranger, like he wasn't the kid who had grown up with his children, become one of their closest friends and was basically the son of his own friends. She knew that before the war her father would not have acted like this, but she knew that the man he was back then was long gone, not to come back for even longer.
"You don't know that, you don't know anything!"
"Max please, I'm just trying to do what's best for the People."
"You would want to do the same if it were any of your kids," Max spat. Niri'te had never heard the man speak like that. Max had always been more reserved, the strong silent type that didn't need too many words to get their point across, and he rarely got mad too, no matter what anyone had done, he was forgiving like that. But now Niri'te could see that he won't be so forgiving this time.
"The need of the many outweighs the need of the few, right?" Max muttered, "I see how it is."
"Max wait," her father called out, but Max had already started to walk away, ignoring the calls of the man he once thought of as a friend.
The silence that followed after was tense, with Jakesully left standing there as his friend walked away.
Niri'te had watched as Max disappeared into the labs, the heavy door slamming shut behind him. If she had strained her ears, she could have heard him yelling, his furious words muffled by the thick metal walls.
A cold breeze drifted past her, sending a shiver down her spine. Goosebumps travelled up her arms as she wrapped her shawl closer around her, wincing as she did so, the tender flesh of her neck thrumming with a sharp pain. Niri'te had almost forgotten about it, the cut on her neck, though it wasn't very deep it had still bled so profusely that her grandmother had thought that she might not make it. The tsahìk had stuffed the wound with various herbs, to clot the blood and encourage the body to heal faster, but the blood flow was too heavy, quickly pooling under Niri'te's head as it oozed down her neck, the puddle dark and sluggishly growing bigger.
Her mother was helping too, keeping a cloth pressed tightly against the cut, trying to ignore how her daughter would hiss and wince every time she so much as moved the cloth, or even when her fingers gave the slightest twitch. Neytiri couldn't even look at her daughter, refusing to see her pale skin stained with blood, face wrought in pain. It was a scene too close to the one she saw when Neteyam and the twins had gone to explore when they were younger, Kiri coming back to tell them Ri'te was hurt, seeing her little girl sprawled on the ground, her blood flowing like rivers through the earth.
Niri'te shook out the stiffness in her back, standing up from where she had crouched down, something she usually did when she was lost in thought. She felt weary all of a sudden, her limbs growing heavy, her eyes burning with fatigue. She felt so tired.
She looked back to the collection of swaynivis, weighing the options in her mind. She could go back, climb up the bridge in the dark, with nothing but the sparse glow of the moons to light her way, or she could stay down here, light a little fire by her family's marui, and spend the rest of the night there, warmed by the fire and as close to the ground as she could possibly be while being inside a floating rock.
The breeze blew past again, brushing through her hair and seeping into her shawl. Second option it is then. Niri'te didn't want to think how colder the wind would be up by the swaynivis.
Soon she was sat by a little fire, just big enough to warm her. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there, staring into the flickering flame before she noticed a figure moving towards her. She didn't react, assuming that they would just pass her by, but they didn't. Niri'te heard the sigh before the figure sat by the fire as well. She tore her eyes away, though a bit reluctant, to see who had chosen to sit with her.
It was Kiri, looking bored and tired as she put her chin in her hand, staring into the fore as Niri'te had done not just moments ago. She couldn't help but stiffen at the sight of her sister, just waiting for whatever cruelty that was sure to be unleashed upon her. 
But it didn't come, and she felt herself relaxed the slightest bit.
They sat like this, in mutual silence, for a while, not one of them really finding anything to say to the other.
Then Kiri sighed. "You're worried about him too, aren't you?" she asked quietly, not looking away from the licking flames.
Niri'te turned her head to look at her sister, a silent question on her face that Kiri couldn't see.
Kiri huffed when she didn't answer, finally looking at her. Her green eyes seemed to dance in the firelight. "Spider, I mean. You're worried about him too."
Niri'te didn't say anything as she nodded, feeling a tightness in her chest. She didn't know what to feel when Kiri looked at her like that, without that glint in her eye that spoke of her dislike for her twin. This time when Kiri looked at her, it seemed like there was this warmth to it, something Niri'te wasn't used to seeing directed at her.
"Did you hear Max and Dad's conversation?" there was this tone to her voice, sad yet resigned, like she had expected it.
Niri'te nodded again. "Who hasn't?" she asked sardonically, her lip curling in silent anger. She still couldn't believe what her father had said to one of his oldest friends.
Kiri surprised her with a laugh, rolling her eyes at Niri'te's uncharacteristically sarcastic tone. She didn't expect it, and had startled huffed laughter from her.
Niri'te felt herself smile a little, glad to get a reaction from Kiri that wasn't a sneer or an insult.
But there was a question that was bubbling up inside her, she wanted to ask it so desperately, but she didn't want to disrupt this tentative moment.
"What are you doing here?" Kiri asked, seemingly taking the words from her mouth. She was still looking a her, her furred brows pulled together as her green eyes squinted at her.
Niri'te didn't say anything at once, turning her gaze back to the fire, which had grown dimmer since Kiri arrived. Silently she reached for the little pile of firewood next to her, throwing it into the fire and watching as the embers jumped and the fresh wood crackled with heat.
Finally, as she watched the flames lick at the wood, she mumbled her reply. "Couldn't sleep."
She heard Kiri huff, certain that she was rolling her eyes as well. "Yeah, I can see that, but what I'm asking is what are you doing down here?"
Niri'te glanced at her sister, feeling a little queasy as she recalled the anxiety that had built up in her chest. And she looked away just as quickly, unable to handle Kiri's searching gaze. "I don't really like heights, and it was a bit cold up there," Niri'te found herself saying, her hands unconsciously rubbing her arms.
She didn't see the way Kiri tensed, how she looked away from her with a frown and saddened eyes. If she did, she would know why without a doubt.
The silence stretched between them, suddenly awkward and stifling, far from the somewhat calm one they had earlier. 
Niri'te couldn't stand it any longer, the urge to say something was burning her tongue, but she had no idea what to say. Should she try and salvage the awkward silence with a question about the weather? Or would that be stupid? Should she tell Kiri about this one thing that happened to Lo'ak a few weeks ago that she could use to blackmail him? Or would that be unfair to Lo'ak, he had sworn her to secrecy after all.
The silence was starting to get to her, fidgeting with her shawl strings as she stared into the dying flames. She would have to add some more wood to it soon, lest she allow it to die out. 
"I'm sorry," Niri'te started suddenly, eyes resolutely kept in front of her.
She saw Kiri look at her from the corner of her eye, her back straightened from its slouched position, as if she were actually listening to what Niri'te had to say, confusion on her face.
"For, uh," she faltered, trying to find the words her stupid mouth had decided to say. "For, for lunging at you, um, earlier, when we were uh, you know." She shrugged one shoulder and quickly glanced at her sister, her words failing her tremendously. She was surprised to find a slight smile on Kiri's face, so small it was just a quirk of the corner of her mouth, but she knew her sister, unwilling as she was to admit it. She could tell.
Niri'te returned an unsure smile, but it felt more like a grimace as she tried to understand. Wasn't Kiri mad? She had every right to be, especially at how she reacted in the first place, all hissing and glaring, Niri'te was sure that Kiri was going to come for her in her sleep.
But Kiri only huffed, this one much different to the plenty she's prone to whenever she's annoyed or mad, no, this one seemed like she was laughing. Kiri was laughing at her. Was this her trying to cover up her seething anger about being tackled by Niri'te but she was trying not to seem mad so she could pounce at Niri'te when she least expected it?
No, you're being stupid, a voice whispered in her mind, a mixture of her voice and somebody else's.
"It's cool," Kiri said softly, laughter still in her voice. She brought up a hand and ran her fingers through her hair, tugging at a knot at the back of her head. She winced, pulling her hand away so she could pick at the knot with her fingers.
Seeing an opportunity, Niri'te carefully reached out. "You want some help?"
Niri'te has always had a strained relationship with her sister, never really getting along with each other, it was never what people expected when they found out that they were twins, because surely, if the two were born together, raised together, grown together, they would be inseparable, attached at the hip. Sometimes Niri'te wished it were like that, where she and Kiri would be like best friends, like Neteyam and Lo'ak, or herself and Lo'ak. She really just wanted even a semblance of a relationship with Kiri.
Kiri looked at her, her face unreadable, tail flicking.
Tension released from Niri'te's shoulders, her lungs burning from when she had held her breath and finally exhaled in a rush of relief.
Hesitantly Niri'te stood and made her way to Kiri's side, hands trembling the slightest bit as she began to work the knot with her fingers.
Silence filled the air, the occasional crackle of the dying flames the only reprieve to the quiet.
Niri'te didn't know what to do with herself. her heart was pounding in her chest and her hands trembled as they worked out the knots in Kiri's hair. She had gotten up to dig out a comb from the pile of their packed belongings, pulling it gently through Kiri's hair as she worked. Neither of them said anything, mostly out of not knowing what to say as to not wanting to talk.
"Do you," Kiri started, cutting herself off with a huff, like she was angry at herself for wanting to ask the question. "What do you think is gonna happen tomorrow? When we leave?" She turned her head to look at Niri'te, her eyes holding a careful vulnerability, like she was unsure if she could show this part of herself to Niri'te.
And Niri'te was unsure if she could answer the question, like if she gave the wrong answer it could shatter what little relationship they had built tonight. But if she didn't, it could be even worse than answering.
And the way Kiri asked the question, her voice small and uncertain, like a child when they knew the answer was hard to explain. Niri'te didn't know what to make of it.
Niri'te opened her mouth to speak, but her words failed in her throat, sticking to the sides like fresh tree sap.
"I think," she began again after a moment. "I think... that things are going to be different and..." She stopped, looking away from Kiri's intense gaze.
Her eyes flickered over to the dying flames, hands leaving Kiri's hair to place the last few logs into the fire, dusting off her hands before she resumed brushing Kiri's hair like it was second nature to her, like she has been doing it all her life. She didn't know what to make of this new familiarity either.
"And... that might not be a bad thing, maybe,"
She felt Kiri tense a little, her head tilting away from Niri'te's hands.
It's shattering now, she thought, what little we had is breaking apart.
Kiri turned to her, face half hidden in the shadows, but it didn't draw away the intensity of her eyes, the something that was burning in them that Niri'te didn't know what to do with.
She didn't know what to do with a lot of things.
"Why?" Kiri asked, voice quiet.
Niri'te stared dumbly. "Why what?"
"Why won't it be bad?" Kiri raised her voice slightly, conscious of the others sleeping close by. "It's like mom said, we're leaving everything we have ever known."
Niri'te tried to say something, but couldn't as Kiri stood, her shadow looming over her as she stood in front of the fire. She couldn't see Kiri's face, but she could feel the heat of her stare, the burning she was used to.
It's shattered, she thought, it's gone and I don't think it's going to come back.
She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but Kiri whipped around, feet kicking dirt into the fire before she stormed away, muttering under her breath.
Niri'te was taken aback by the suddenness, eyes still glued to where Kiri was looming over her before they followed after her, watching as the darkness swallowed her.
She was breathing fast, heart pounding as she came back to herself. With a dry mouth, she looked back to the fire, mind swirling and blinked.
The next morning brings a flurry of activity, the air itself alive with nervous energy. In a few short hours, they would be leaving.
Niri'te sat by the long dead fire, a numb indifference surrounding her as she stared at the sooty circle, ignorant of what was happening around her.
She felt someone sit beside her, pressing their shoulder to hers.
"Good morning," they said cheerfully, a stark opposite of what Niri'te was feeling right now.
When she didn't replay, nudged her, pulling her attention away from the dead fire.
Jakesully was giving her a strange look, one that was swirling with concern. She tried to smile at him, to ease his worries but all that she could manage was a tired grimace. She didn't really get any sleep last night.
'You alright?" her father asked, his arm coming over her shoulders to bring her to his side. He didn't comment on her icy skin, nor the tension that seeped from her.
Niri'te didn't say anything for a moment, turning her face into her father's neck. "Yeah," she said softly, pulling away slightly. "Just a little tired."
Jakesully smiled gently, but she could see the tightness in the corner of his eyes, the concern that hadn't left him yet.
He nudged her shoulder again before he stood with a sigh, twisting his neck as if to shake away stiffness. "Have you packed everything?"
Niri'te glanced up at him, then at the pile of luggage in front of her. She had spent most of the night staring at it after the fire had gone out, the outline seemed burned into her eyes. Wherever she looked, she saw it there, front and centre of her vision, looming and inescapable. She looked back at her father.
"Yeah, all the important stuff."
Jakesully nodded, his gaze set on the group gathering at one of the cave entrances. "Remember to have something to eat before we leave, alright sweetheart? It's a long trip."
Niri'te just smiled in response, watching her father walk away before she could even answer. Her heart did a funny thing, it jumped and clenched and stilled, all at the same time and left her a little breathless. Something sat heavy on her chest as her eyes began to burn, begging her to close them, just to get a little sleep before her life was turned upside down. Again.
She looked around, stubbornly ignoring the mass in front of her, which was something she should have done the night before, but what could she do about it now?
Niri'te sighed as she stood, twisting her neck in a similar fashion to her father, stretching her arms above her head as she felt the muscles in her back pull with a satisfying ache. Her arms felt lax as she lowered them, kicking her feet in front of her to get the blood flowing again. She can admit that she lost feeling in her legs some hours ago, but she didn't do much about it besides stretching one leg out before pulling it back again and repeating the action with the other.
She can also admit she only did it because she refused to stand up, as she had gotten strangely comfortable on the log.
The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, goosebumps rising over her arms. Eyes, watching her. She tried to shake it off, she was used to people watching her, from their quick glances to fully facing her as they stared. It was nothing new to her.
She tried to pretend that she didn't notice their gaze, but the weight of them unsettled her. She started to walk away when a hand brushed her arm, fingers catching in her shawl.
"Ri'te," a voice rumbled. She stiffened.
Turning she saw Tarsem staring down at her, face pinched. She said nothing as she stared up at him, a new feeling rising in her. Her face felt warm and the goosebumps spread further, up her neck, making her ears twitch with the feeling.
Tarsem tilted her head to the side slightly,  the corners of his mouth pulling down in a frown. Not that Niri'te was looking at his lips. no, definitely not. She just noticed it.
"Are you all right?" he asked, voice gentler, but still that smooth rumble from his chest.
Niri'te felt the words die in her throat, she could feel the warmth radiating off him, so close he was standing to her, and his hand was now tentatively holding her arm, like he wasn't sure his touch was welcome. She didn't notice how cold she had gotten throughout the night. She had a fire, yes, but it was a feeble thing, barely enough heat to truly warm her. There was a reason she never helped with making fires in the first place, not being able to make one that would last more than an hour, no matter what she did, the other reason... she didn't want to talk about it.
The hand on her arm tightened slightly, enough to bring her wandering mind back to the present.
"Ri'te?" Tarsem sounded a little worried now. Oh Eywa, she must truly be a sight to have him acting this way. "Are you all right?" he repeated, his brow pinching.
Niri'te smiled up at him, stepping away, shivers ran across her skin as she did, no longer close enough to feel his warmth. She found that she missed it, strangely, but she wasn't surprised.
"I'm fine," she said, keeping her smile firmly in place, she didn't want to worry him further. "I just didn't sleep well."
Tarsem narrowed his eyes, clearly not believing her. His hand was still in the air from when he had been holding her arm, as if he'd forgotten about it.
"Are you sure?" he questioned, taking a small step closer.
If it were anyone else, Niri'te would have taken a step back, but she didn't. She could feel his warmth again, and she almost sighed, but instead, she wrapped her arms around her middle, something she usually does when she's uncomfortable.
Tarsem watches her closely, and she's reminded of the focused look his face would adopt when hunting, eyes trained on every small movement of the jungle. Every falling leave, every twitching branch.
Tarsem watches her closely, and he sees. His face does something strange. Niri'te almost missed the guilt and the touch of sadness that crossed his face as he took a step back, taking his warmth with him.
Did... did he feel bad for... for making her uncomfortable? He did. He did feel bad. But why?
Instead of dwelling on the thought, she buried it deep, somewhere close to the memories of visiting Grace with Kiri when they were younger. She takes it and she buries it deep.
"I'm fine, Tarsem," she said, voice coming out harder than she intended. 
She looked away, she didn't want to see the look on his face. She knew that he was only checking on her because he was worried, but why? Why was he doing it?
Niri'te chanced a glance at him, telling herself it was because she wanted to check if he was mad, nothing else.
But he wasn't, not in the slightest. He was concerned, and somehow that was even worse.
"I do not believe you, though," he started, keeping his distance, but he reached for her again. Niri'te didn't know if she should pull back or not. "You can tell me, Ri'te,"
There he goes again, being all concerned for her. Why?
She allowed his hand to brush against her arm, not sure if she wanted any more contact than that, even if it made her stomach flip and heart flutter, she didn't think she could handle it.
What was he expecting her to say? That it felt like every decision she made somehow caused something bad to happen? How it felt like she was a stranger to her own sister and that she was sure that whatever relationship they could have built was shattered the night before? How it felt like her whole life was crashing down around her ears?
Could she even tell him that?
She thinks she could, Tarsem had always been willing to listen whenever they talked, and had seemed interested in whatever she had to say, even if she was just complaining about the smallest of things.
But were they close enough? Close enough that she could bear her insecurities and troubles to him and not chase him away?
She didn't know, and that scared her a little.
Tarsem felt like the only friend that she'd really made, apart from her siblings and Spider. Thinking about Spider made her heart clench in a painful way.
"Tarsem, I'd love to talk, but I-I'm really busy right now," she shook her head, stepping away, not looking at Tarsem. "I got to pack," she gestured lamely to the marui, where most of her family's belongings were still stacked.
A light sparked in Tarsem's eyes, an eagerness filling him as he stepped towards her again. "I can help you pack," he offered, not waiting for her to answer as he grabbed one of the heavier crates from the pile. "Two hands are better than one."
He turned a blinding smile her way, the corners of his eyes crinkling and the lone dimple on his right cheek appearing.
"Um," Niri'te hesitated, reaching out an awkward hand as if to stop him. "I-I'm not sure if,"
Tarsem's smile dimmed slightly. "Do you not want the help?"
Niri'te's eyes widened. "No! No, that's not what I meant," she glanced at the crate in his hands. "It's just, I don't think my mother would like you handling her... personal items."
Something on Niri'te's face must have scared him a little, as his face paled slightly and hurriedly put the crate back down. Niri'te couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips, a hand coming up to cover her mouth.
A hidden smile graced Tarsem's lips, a warmth filling his chest as he turned his burning face away. That's better, he thought to himself.
After that little incident, Niri'te suggested they start moving the bigger items to where her parents ikrans were waiting, ready to be saddled to the great beasts. It was a bit slow going, with Tarsem being the only one of the two capable of easily handling the heavy crates, while Niri'te carried bunched-up bags and mats. It was an hour before the ceremony when the two finally finished, Niri'te tying one of her lighter bags to Makita's saddle, the ikran having come curiously poking around the growing pile of luggage as Niri'te and Tarsem ferried between there and the marui.
Niri'te laughed at the sight, Makita had her snout stuck in one of the bags, most likely sniffing around for food. She removed the bag from the creature's snout, still laughing as Tarsem came up to her, though a bit hesitant with Makita so close. He looked at her with a soft gaze, still flushed from all the moving, hair tousled slightly.
"I have to go now," he said, his voice back to that smooth rumble from earlier that morning. Niri'te felt her skin flush. "But I look forward to seeing you after the ceremony," he smiled, his hand coming to her shoulder, the warmth seeping through her shawl. He stared at her for a moment, a thoughtful look in his gaze. Before she could even realise what had happened, Tarsem's quick fingers reached up and caressed the shell of her ear, his touch scorching. 
"Goodbye, Ri'te," he said, turning and quickly disappearing between the hoards of people bustling throughout High Camp.
Numbly, Niri'te reached her hand up to her ear, to feel the ghost of Tarsem's touch. Her breath hitched in her throat when her brain had caught up with what had just happened. He... touched her ear. He touched her ear. 
Surely he must know what that meant, right? Right?
Quickly she looked around to see if anyone was staring, anyone who might have caught sight of that little moment.
One person did. She felt her face pale as her eyes met the bright green of her sister's. Kiri stared at her with an open-mouthed shock, frozen in place.
Oh no. Nonononononono.
She was one of the last people Niri'te wanted to have seen what Tarsem did. Why her?
Kiri all but dropped what she was holding and came storming over, an unexplainable rage in her eyes. Well, it was only explainable to Kiri, but it wasn't like she was going to tell anyone else why she got so mad.
"What was that," she demanded, face shoved so close to Niri'te's that she could feel her huffing breath ghosting over her cheeks.
Niri'te opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. "I-I don't know wh-what you mean,"
Kiri's eyes flashed, the green becoming vibrant as she stared her sister down. "Don't play dumb with me, god knows you do that enough time with everybody else," she muttered the last bit under her breath, intending for Niri'te not to hear, or did she? Niri'te was sure that she noticed that Niri'te noticed everything, it being one of the few things they have in common, always being aware of whatever was around them.
"He touched your ear!" Kiri all but shouted, though not loud enough for those around them to hear. "Surely you're not that dumb to not know what it means."
Niri'te bristled at the words. "I know well what it means, I just don't see what it has to do with you."
Kiri drew back from her, not having expected Niri'te to fight back like this, having always been used to her sister rolling over and showing her belly at any sign of an altercation, but recently that hasn't been the case. She wondered what changed.
But she didn't let Niri'te's sudden gain of a backbone stop her. "But do you know what it would mean when we leave? What would happen if he announced his intentions to the rest of the clan?"
"What makes you think I'll go along with it?" Niri'te bit back, a simmering anger rising up in her chest. The frustration of a restless night and the headache that was growing behind her eyes was starting to get to her. As well as the whirlstorm of thoughts swarming her mind.
Kiri pauses for a moment, as if she was thinking over her words. Something that she doesn't usually do.
"Because you want the attention, don't you?"
Niri'te scoffed at the words, but internally she balked. That was the last thing she expected Kiri to say. Attention? She hated it, hated when eyes would follow her from a distance, the skin-crawling feeling whenever someone looked her way. That was the last thing she wanted.
"Is that what you really think?" she narrowed her eyes. "Is it so impossible for you to think that might not be the case? That I might actually want the same thing?" she didn't wait for Kiri to answer. "That's low, even for you."
Kiri sneered. "But do you know what it'll mean for the clan if he chooses you and you leave?"
"What if I stay?"
Her eyes narrowed at her sister, daring her to challenge her again.
"Mom and Dad won't let you," Kiri took her silent warning and squashed it under her foot. "Dad said it isn't safe for anyone in our family to stay in the forest."
Something ugly curled in Niri'te's chest. "Why do you even care? It's not like you've ever been concerned for my safety." As she said this, her hand unconsciously grabbed the hem of her shawl, twisting and pulling at it. The movement caused the fabric to slip off her shoulder slightly, revealing a creeping scar slashed into her skin, pale and bumpy, much like the rest.
Kiri flinched away at the sight, face taking on a twist of emotions, though there was no guilt, but it wasn't like Niri'te noticed it anyway, too caught up in her own emotions, crowding Kiri as she came closer.
"And even if you were, you would have no say in it anyway, because this could be something I won't be swayed over."
Their noses were almost touching, breath mingling together, fierce yellow eyes boring into green.
The air was tense and thick, nearly suffocating Niri'te as she stared Kiri down.
"You're not gonna do it," Kiri whispered lowly.
Niri'te narrowed her eyes, heart in her throat. "I am,"
But Kiri shook her head, a self-satisfied smirk on her face. "You won't. Wanna know why?"
She paused.
"Because you're a coward."
Niri'te had stopped breathing for quite a bit, her head getting light and vision blurry, but she heard the words clearly. And they made her burn.
Suddenly, it was as if something inside her snapped, pulled too tight or worn down enough that it ceased to exist. Then something dark and hateful latched onto her, consuming her as her face twisted. She shoved Kiri back, tight fists connecting with the other's shoulders, knocking her to the ground.
"Don't say that," she muttered. "You don't get to say that,"
Kiri only stared, eyes wide with shock. She didn't get up either, as if stuck to the floor.
Then she got mad, her face twisting into something Niri'te was sure mirrored her own. She pushed herself from the ground, mouth open as if to say, scream something back.
Then the air shook, a whistle and a deafening explosion. Then the smell of smoke.
The first missile hit the neighbouring island, tearing it almost in half with the blast that followed. They couldn't do anything but stare as the island fell to the ground, thick clouds of black smoke billowing in the wind, the fires large and roaring.
Debris from the island rocketed through the air, colliding with the wall of High Camp, shaking the ground they stood upon. Ikran were swarming, looking for their riders, screeching and hissing. The smoke from the burning island was being swept up in the wind, coiling thickly before it was blown into the many openings of High Camp, the acrid stench filling the cave.
Niri'te knew she was standing in High Camp, she knew, but the smoke, the fire, it sent her back. Back to before they made this floating island their sanctuary, before the war really started. She remembered the massive groves they used to live in, the sprawling trees and the walkways connecting them. She remembered the peace, the joy, then the attack, the fire, the smoke. The screams.
She knew that she was standing in High Camp right now, but in her mind, she was back there, on that one night that started like any other, but ended in them fleeing their home, smoke lying thick in their lungs, burns marring their skin.
Someone yelled, "Incoming!" just before a loud explosion tore through the atmosphere. People stumbled as they fled the explosion as shockwaves rattled the ground. Chunks of rock were propelled through the air, crashing onto the ground, onto buildings, onto people.
Then the screaming started, but Niri'te could barely hear it with her muffled hearing, feeling as if wads of cotton were stuffed in her ears as she pushed her aching body off the ground, dust curling in the air around her.
Stunned, she looked back to Kiri, who stared into the roaring flames quickly spreading through High Camp.
lil a/n: did this chapter surprise anyone as much as it did me??? no wonder it took me so long to bloody write, i had no idea what was going on
and for that ri'te/tarsem thing i had going on, it was just me projecting a bit about something going in irl thats been eating away at me, and writing that scene was like me coping with it, but dont worry, i can assure you that nothing will become of it, and for the sake of my sanity and inability to google basically anything, lets just make tarsem a little youger than he is in the movie so he doesnt catch a case, alright? please? great
translations in order of appearance:
Olo’eyktan - clan leader
Iknimaya - Stairway to Heaven (the rite of passage for young Na’vi)
Ikran - banshee (flying mount)
Swaynivi - family hammock
Eywa - world spirit/the Great Mother who protects the balance of life
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
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pandorafairy · 2 years
Finders Keepers
Neteyam x Daughter of Quaritch (first person)
Quaritch's daughter on Earth had cancer. As a last resort, she was put into a Avatar body and brought to Pandora. One night, she is sick of being stuck with the RDA and she sneaks out. Deep in the forest, she runs into a Na'vi boy.
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Quaritch shoves his weapons into his pack as his squad loads up the helicopter behind him. His new body is somewhat familiar, despite being blue. He still has his scar and lethal eyes. He’s still my dad, even if I refuse to call him that.
My own body is still foreign to me: blue, tall, a tail, perked ears. I miss my human form, even if I was decaying, my body full of cancer. Quaritch found me when I was right on the brink, days away from dying. He told my mom he could help me, put me into an Avatar body like his where I could live longer. My mom was hesitant, she doesn't like Quaritch but she wanted me to have a life so she agreed.
Quaritch was hardly ever around growing up, he was way too career focused. He left my mom to do it all alone. But now, he has this newfound need to be a father. Maybe he feels guilty? Or maybe it's cause we're both blue. I don’t know, but either way he insisted I join him on Pandora since my Na'vi body will have no place on Earth. My mom didn’t want me to go but she had no choice; Quaritch always got his way.
Which means that I never get my way.
I cross my arms and stare at Quaritch. "I want to go with you."
“No,” he says gruffly as he jams his gun into it’s holster, “you’re not allowed out there.”
His voice echoes off the metal walls of the compound. “You can’t expect me to stay holed here!”
“Oh, yes I can.”
“I refuse to spend my life in this metal box!” I yell at him before lifting my mask and taking a puff of air. “It’s not made for me.”
“Your human body wasn’t made for you either, kid.” He doesn’t look at me when he says this but the words sting. I can’t help but think of my frail body and bald head. Quaritch turns and marches off towards the rest of his squad. I wish he would just let me out but he's so paranoid about the local Na'vi. He says they're dangerous.
"I'm going insane here!" I scream after him. He doesn't turn around as he disappears around the corner. God, sometimes I wish I had just stayed on Earth. Even if I had cancer, it's better than being here. At least there I had mom and friends. All I have here is a metal box, guns, robots, and psycho military freaks.
Speaking of, a group of them walk past me. Their camo uniforms are the only ounce of color in this place. They don't spare me a look as they pass but I know they see me. No one here dares to look at me. Maybe they're uncomfortable with my Avatar body? Maybe because Quaritch is my dad?
"UGH!" I scream, letting my frustration out. A few scientist looking people in white lab coats look in confusion. I stick my tongue out at them and take another inhale from my mask.
The thought of returning back to my small, windowless room, is enough to make me want to throw up. The hospital was better than this. My mom promised me it would be amazing here: the nature, the culture, the time with my dad (she forgot to mention that Quaritch happens to be an insane overprotective workaholic.)
I take a few steps towards my room before stopping. A few workers nearly ram into me. They step hastily over my tail, adjusting their hard hats before scurrying down the hall. Everyone here thinks I'm different. A freak.
I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the steel walls. A strange blue figure stares back out me. I recognize the brown tank top and cut off shorts. But the swishing of a tail and the perk of ears; are still foreign. How can I ever know or even enjoy my new body if I'm forever trapped in here?
That's it. I'm going out. Screw whatever Quaritch has to say. I back track, immediately plotting the best way to escape the compound. Which soldiers to avoid, which ones I can bribe, and the best way to leave without a trace.
Quaritch might be furiouse but hey, he should've let me tag along.
Sneaking out was easier than I originally thought. I scuttle through an underground tunnel that the work cars use to get into the forest. I stay close to the walls, using my new sense of hearing to make sure no one is coming.
And of course, no one does. There probably isn’t a single person in this place that would notice if I went missing except Quaritch. I shove all those thoughts out my mind as I reach the end of the tunnel. Moonlight streams in from the end of it like a sigil of freedom.
My heart lurches in my chest. Finally, I can go outside. I take my mask off and tuck it into the waistband of my shorts. Chitters from animals I don’t recognize float through the tunnel.
I pause as I reach the archway that leads out into the night. The ground looks so soft, covered in greenery and plush plants. The trees are huge, they loom in front of me, making my heart soar. I haven’t been excited about something in so long.
I take one cautious step out, partially expecting for an alarm to go off. But nothing happens. I let a breath of relief followed by a little laugh. I’m outside!
I close my eyes and inhale deeply, smelling the freshness, pines, and the hint of something sweet that fills the Pandora air.
I open my eyes and take off into the forest. My eyes adjust naturally to the darker night and the two moons illuminate the path between trees. All the plants glow brightly and some even twirl as I pass by. All that time, I've been cooped up and missing all of this.
Animals call to each other as they swing through the trees. None of them approach me, they just swing by, seeing me as part of their ecosystem. A smile forms on my face as I keep running. I don’t think of anything. I just let myself enjoy this freedom, enjoy finally feeling at home in my new body
After awhile, I stop to catch my breath. My new body is filled with peace and serenity being in my rightful environment. I place my hand on a nearby tree and close my eyes. Maybe Pandora isn’t so bad.
I walk around the tree and halt, my breathe flying out of me. It’s a small clearing, covered completely by the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen. Long petals, all of them shining, some of them twirling slowly. A sweet aroma envelopes me. “Oh,” I gasp as I step slowly into the flower garden.
My mom would love these. She brought me tons of flowers when I was sick. My heart bangs at the sudden thought of her, alone in our small apartment. I reach forward and grasp a petal between my fingertips. It’s soft, much softer than I’d expected.
I think I could stay here forever and just get in lost in the beauty of it all. I mean, this is what my dad has kept me from? What is he so afraid of? I haven’t even seen a sign of the Na’vi…
“Bro, will you please just chill?” A voice cracks through the trees. I go rigid. It’s a boy’s voice. Young and adventurous. And definitely Na’vi. Great.
My hand shake nervously. I inch slowly to the ground before shuffling to the nearest tree where I stand and push myself flat against it, praying he won’t come this way.
“We need to go home,” another voice says, a more mature one, “it is past eclipse and dad will skin us.”
The voices sound like they're coming from my left but I don't dare to peek around the tree.
"Your such a wuss," the younger boy snaps. The voice is getting closer. My blood runs cold. I curse myself for never listening to Quaritch's lessons on how to fight.
Leaves rustle as the boys move closer to me. Please, please let them just walk by, I pray as I squeeze my hands together.
A branch snaps, piercing the air, followed by a loud smack and laughter.
"Ow," the younger voice cries, "Bro!" More laughter fills the air, presumably the older one. They must be brothers.
"You know bro," the young one starts, "I'll just do it anyway." The ground vibrates as footsteps sprint towards me. I go completely still.
The footsteps grow louder as the boy comes closer. I try not to think or breathe. There's a loud crashing from the other side of the tree. The boy runs through, sending a gust of air towards me. He didn't see me from my hiding spot.
I let out a breath of relief before patting the tree as though to say thank you. A moment of silence passes. My heart rate begins to slow. I take a few deep breaths. God, that was close.
I'm about to move away from the tree when a sharp spear shoves me back against the rough bark. A shocked gasp escapes my lips.
A boy stands before me, his fingers grasping the weapon and his amber eyes blazing. He's wearing a loincloth and woven headband where his ears lay flat against his skull. His lips are turned downward into a dangerous scowl.
My heart is banging against my chest. Quaritch was right. I shouldn't have come out here. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
Suddenly, my neck stings. I let out a hiss as blood trickles down my neck. He just cut me! The boy doesn't say anything as he pushes his spear harder against my skin.
Fear races through my body. I don't want to die like this. I inhale sharply, ignoring the pain in my neck. "Please," I whisper as I slowly lift my hands up, "I don't mean any harm. I was just looking at the flowers."
A flicker crosses the boy's eyes but it's gone in an instant.
"I just wanted to see the beauty of the forest," I continue, my hands shaking.
The boy lifts his head slightly. His pupils widen as he studies my face. His eyes trail the line of my tanktop and shorts in disgust. Evidence of skypeople.
At least if I die, it will be in this amazing forest.
The boy goes still and he tilts his head as if he sees something in my expression. I meet his gaze, hoping to seem brave when a jolt runs through me. It feels like I've been electrocuted. His eyes light in surprise.
"Neteyam!" The younger voice calls from further in the forest. "Bro, let's go!"
Neteyam. He doesn't look away from my eyes. My body begins to feel warm and calm, despite the spear being held to my throat. It's like my body recognizes him. Like we've meet him before. His tail swishes slowly behind him.
"I'm for real!" The voice is louder. He's headed this way.
The boy, Neteyam, quickly shoves his spear away and takes a step back. I should feel relieved that the weapon is away but all I feel is the empty space where he once stood.
He shakes his head briskly, like he's trying to clear his mind.
"Dude," the young voice yells again, but I can hardly hear over the ringing in my ears, "dad is for sure gonna skin us now."
Neteyam looks towards the sound of his brother's voice. My tail flicks behind me, an instinctive movement I've never done before.
Neteyam turns his head towards me. "If you like these flowers," he says softly, "you'll like the ones under the Hallelujah Mountains."
He runs off into the forest before I have a chance to reply. He rustles through the leaves. Then, the low rumble of his voice mixes with his brother's until both of their sounds disappear and I'm alone in the forest.
You'll like the ones under the Hallelujah Mountains. My lips split apart into a grin. The warmth in my stomach is still there, fluttering out to my fingers and toes. Like my body is a magnet, fighting to find him again.
I push off the tree and make my way back to the compound. I should be worrying about sneaking back in or getting caught by Quaritch, but I don't. All I can think about is that boy. Neteyam. Who is he?
I don't even care. All that matters is that I see him again.
Thank you for reading <3
Ahhh, this was so fun to write!! I thought of this idea when I saw Avatar 2 again yesterday and I was like I have to do it.
I feel like this could be fun as a series?? I don't know, I do a lot of series so maybe this will just be a oneshot. Let me know what you think :)
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luchicm04 · 5 months
You will forever be my always
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Summary: It's been months, and he's still obsessed.
Pairing: Tonowari/Omatikaya!Fem Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Overall warnings: teasing, hurt/comfort, implied character death, fluff, mourning, edging, eventual smut⚠️
All characters belong to Avatar, and all rights are reserved to me.
A/N: This is my second original fic. English is not my mother language so if I have many spelling mistakes, please let me know. Hope you liked it <3
posted on ao3
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Tonowari had been heartbroken, years back, when his mate had died during childbirth. Both Ronal and her baby died at the same hour. The clan grieved the loss of their Tsahìk; Tsireya and Aonung grieved the loss of their mother; Tonowari grieved for his mate and lost baby. 
That was a long time ago, 4 years back. Tonowari’s grief came to a halt the moment he met you, the eldest Sully sibling, allowing your family to stay. 
“You there. Sully child,” he called out to you, waving you over. 
“Yes, Olo’eyktan. What is it?” 
He gestured for you to follow. You noticed the other Na’vi staring as you passed by. He led you inside the chieftain’s marui. There, he shut the door-like fabric and sighed. 
“Come here.” 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked. 
Not saying anything else, the Olo’eyktan closed the distance between you two. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. Before you could speak, your lips were captured by the chief’s. 
You stood there for a moment until you snapped out of it and moved away from him. “W-what are you doing?!” 
He didn’t move, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. He finally spoke. His tone was harsh, but not mean. More pleading than anything else. 
“Give me a chance.” 
“What do you mean? A chance...?” you questioned, bewildered and still shocked from what had happened before. 
Tonowari let one of his arms slide. The hand he had on your waist was slowly placed around your back, pulling you even closer to him before his hand started to move upward. Instinctively, your eyes closed halfway and went to look at the floor, blushing. 
“A chance at happiness. Let me make you happy.” 
“But... I don’t understand, you...” 
He stopped his hand from continuing the path it was making and sighed, trying to keep himself composed, hoping for your cooperation. Hoping for your understanding. With another movement, both his hands went to your waist again, holding you firmly. 
“Look at me, please.” 
You looked up at him hesitantly. His eyes held a lot of feelings you couldn’t decipher. 
Tonowari’s hands tightened around your waist a little bit more. A hand lifted itself to your chin, raising your head as he stared straight in your eyes. 
“Let me love you. I’ve waited and searched far and wide for someone like you. Someone who understands the grief of losing their partner, of losing someone precious to their life. I see that person in you.” 
You stared at him in surprise. “How did you know...?” 
He smiled at your confusion. It was obvious he was getting through to you. He finally spoke again, still gripping your chin to keep you looking at him. 
“A person’s eyes speak volumes. There is so much pain in yours, and I know how you feel. The only way to make it better is to allow someone to ease it for you.” 
“Tonowari, I... I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” you whispered, half scared and half anxious. 
His grip on your chin tightened. He leaned closer to you, until only mere inches separated your bodies. His hands slowly started to wander to your hips. 
“Let me make you ready.” 
You gazed at him. His gorgeous ocean-blue eyes, his splendid tattoos decorating his face... He was undeniable beautiful. The truth is that he caught your attention from the moment you saw him the day your family got here, but he always seemed so untouchable, so intimidating and serious. Not that it didn’t stop you from having sinful thoughts for several nights though. 
His hand moved further down from your hips and up to your back again as he continued to pull you towards him. Tonowari then let go of your chin, moving his other hand towards your neck with his thumb rubbing circles over your skin as his face moved closer to yours. Your breaths became heavier the moment your lips almost touched each other. 
“W-wait... what i-if someone sees us?” 
He chuckled, pulling you closer to his body. His hands traveled back to your hips again as he spoke. 
“Let them see. I am the Olo’eyktan. I can do what I want... and I want you.” 
��B-but... my parents, my siblings, your kids -” 
“Forget about them.” His grip tightened even more... to the point it almost felt like a pinch, though it may have just been his strength. “They’ll forget about it too once we are together. Once I make you mine for lifetimes to come.” 
You felt your heart would eventually burst out of your body with the speed it was beating. Suddenly, you could no longer think straight. The more you thought about Tonowari's words, the less you wanted to think at all. The amount of stress you had been subjected to for the last days had been crushing you. Your parents' expectations, the need to check on your brothers and sisters, the return of the sky people, the worry for spider, being forced out of your home and having to adapt to a new environment where its people did nothing to help you nor make you feel welcome. Even your past relationship, while sharing mutual affection, felt more like a duty to the people than a free choice. You no longer wanted to think about it. For once, you chose to be selfish. Tonowari was right there, declaring his feelings for you and after that simple proposal, your already dazed mind just snapped as you gave in and kissed him 
Tonowari was surprised when your lips pressed against his. Your kiss was passionate, hot, and most importantly, filled with emotion. This wasn’t just some innocent crush; this was a deep and meaningful need for each other. His hand slid up further, gripping your hair a little bit. His other hand slid back down, to your back again, as he pulled you closer, pressing you against his body. 
You couldn’t help that small moan that escaped from your mouth, but you no longer cared about being subtle. He had given his word that you would not be disturbed, and any rational thoughts you held on to had disappeared from your mind the second his skin touched yours. 
His hand moved to your side, where he scooped you up from your waist. His lips never left yours, the intense feeling of lust and love both being satisfied at the same time. His other hand slid down once more, and this time landed on your rear... holding you tightly against him. His breathing was heavy, but he didn’t care. He was ready to spend a lifetime of pleasure with you by his side. 
While this experience was extremely pleasurable to you, you were running out of air. He had no problem; he was Metkayina after all. They could hold on to their breaths for Eywa knows how long. However, despite having spent weeks in the clan, you were still learning. And the fact that this whole... everything had caught you by surprise didn’t help. Regretfully, you separated your lips from his and your breath came back in soft but hoarse gasps. 
He was breathing heavily as well, though not as much as you. His grip on your rear and back loosened slightly. He didn’t want to suffocate you. 
Tonowari stared at you with desire, his eyes flickering from your face to your body. He was about to say something when a knock was heard on the door. He growled low in his throat, annoyed at the interruption. 
You were equally upset, but the logical part of you told you that this was to be expected. He was the Olo’eyktan, the leader of the clan. If his people needed him, he should be always open to help in any way possible. After slightly regaining your composure, you moved away from him. “You should go see what they want. It could be something serious.” 
He nodded, his grip finally loosening fully. His face was flushed with adrenaline, and despite the fact that he was irritated at the interruption, he knew that you were right. He took a deep breath, walking over to the door and flapping it open. 
While he left to deal with whatever had happened, you silently just stood there. You began to feel a little uncomfortable with the passing minutes. He was standing right outside the door, but it still felt weird to be inside his home. Having nothing to do but wait, your eyes unintentionally began to wander around. You knew it was wrong to peek at his personal things, but you felt like it was okay. Sort of. After all, you both had been kissing just a little while ago. While looking around, you could see Tsireya and Aonung's separate pods. You imagined being part of the leader's family gave you such benefits. You also saw spears held in the walls, different tools and furnitures. Nevertheless, one object under a blanket caught your attention. A leather headpiece carved with a big seashell on its front. 
That headpiece was actually the symbol of the Tsahìk of a Metkayina clan. Tonowari had hidden it before you entered, as he didn't want you to see him as just a leader looking for a replacement, but as a man who loved and cared for you. 
After a few minutes, Tonowari eventually returned, shutting the door behind him. As he stepped inside, his eyes caught sight of you standing near his children's pods, staring at the headpiece in your hands. He slowly walked over to you. 
“Did this belong to the previous Tsahìk?” 
Tonowari’s eyes widened when you asked that. He didn’t expect you to recognize it as part of his clan’s tradition, and it was rarely used outside of ceremonies. 
With a nod, he replied with a soft tone. 
“Yes, it did. My mate, Ronal... she wore it during her time as Tsahìk. That is, until her death. Sadly, my children never had a chance to witness their mother rule as Tsahìk.” 
You hummed in understanding. It made sense for him to keep it. Ronal had been Tsahìk of the Metkayina and his mate for years. Still... 
Tonowari realized how you were staring at the headpiece, and how your eyes were still unmoving. He walked closer and picked it up, gently placing it on your head. A sign of him naming you the future Tsahìk. 
He spoke, his hands placing themselves on your hips. 
“If everything is alright with you, would you... come spend the night with me in my quarters? That is, if you wish to... become my life partner.” 
Although you had accepted Tonowari's previous offer, this was too much. Especially after spending time in his home. You suddenly realized how much you didn't belong in that picture. He had two children the same age as your brothers and sisters. He had had a loving mate who he still loved; you could see it the instant he looked at the headpiece. He had a life made up, and you weren't sure how you fit in it. “Tonowari, you can't just name me the Tsahìk of your clan. I'm only an outsider, and you already have Tsireya as Tsakarem. Besides, I haven't even finished my training.” 
Tonowari sighed softly, your rejection hitting hard. It hurt to see how you did not believe yourself to be a good match for him. He had thought that, perhaps, after all this time, you would grow to care for him and love him to the point where you would accept his office. He was wrong. 
He slowly removed the headpiece from your head, placing the ceremonial piece on its previous place. Then, he turned around, walking over to a bag hanging from the ceiling, opening it and rummaging around. 
You said nothing, hoping he didn’t take it very badly. In the best case, you could just forget about this and go back to your normal lives. Or maybe see each other without formalizing anything. At worst, you didn’t know what he would do. He was truly a gentle person but having power over a whole clan made him dangerous if he wanted to be. You just hoped your family wouldn’t get involved in this. Or find out at all. 
After a few minutes, Tonowari took out something. He walked over to you, holding out a necklace in his hand. It was carved from a seashell, with the same emblem as the headpiece, though this one looked like it was made for you. 
“This is a tradition I wish to begin. All Metkayina Olo’eyktans give a carved necklace to their intended. It is a sign of the beginning of a formal relationship. You have yet to answer, though. Will you be my mate for lifetimes to come?” 
You stared at the necklace. Ot was beautiful, shining with various sea colors that made it look like some kind of precious relic. It appeared to be the perfect size for you, too. He must have somehow figured out your measurements. “I... It’s beautiful. I thank you, truly, I do, but... are you sure you want me?” 
Tonowari nodded silently as you stared at the necklace. It was indeed the perfect length. He had studied your measurements on the few occasions he had happened to meet you at close range. 
He smiled at your gratitude, but his smile turned into a sad frown as you continued your questioning. 
“Yes, I am sure. If there was a doubt in my mind, I wouldn’t be giving you this necklace. I know that you are afraid, that you are insecure about being a proper match for me. But know this; my heart desires you.” 
You sighed, feeling like your world was about to crumble depending on what you would decide. But, in the end, you had made your choice long before this conversation. “As mine does for you.” You turned around, waiting for him to place it on you. 
He nodded again and moved to place the necklace around your neck. He was careful, not wanting to accidentally hurt you in any way. After securing it, he took you by your hips again, pulling you close to him. 
“Now that you belong to me, let us celebrate. Come,” he opened the door to his pod, leading you inside. 
Your steps started hesitant, then slowly gaining confidence. As your father would say: to hell with it. The more you thought about it, the better your choices seemed. Both of you were lonely, filled with responsibilities and under lots of stress and feelings too complicated to comprehend. This was a logical decision. There was nothing wrong with it. He was the leader of the clan, so what? You were Tsahìk- in-training, learning from your grandmother back in the forest and firstborn daughter of Toruk Makto. He was decades older than you? Well, there was not much to fix there. After being named a hunter and officially an adult, and having actively participated in the war as both a fighter and a healer, you felt mature enough. Besides, your family had begged to be allowed to stay here; becoming Tsahìk could help cement the decision. 
The moment you entered his room, he closed the door behind you. He took you by your hand, leading you closer to his bed. His other hand went to your back again, tracing your curves with his fingers. His grip was firm, but the way he handled you was gentle, as if he feared hurting you. After your body made contact with the bed, he slowly laid next to you, pulling you into his arms. 
His eyes never left you. He was watching intently you, looking to see if you were ready for this... 
You exhaled heavily, opening your eyes to look at him. To really See him, which you did. You saw his tired but shining eyes, his scars obtained after arduous battles, his tattoos symbolizing multiple feats and memories. And you felt seen by him. Your insecurities, your weaknesses, your worries. Your emotions were like a wild current, indomitable and fierce, but he was the shore, gentle and sturdy, ready to receive you and adjust to you no matter the force you inflicted. He was your wall, your support. And you were his spark, like a river that stopped his heart from drying out and filled him with new affection at the same time. Without saying anything, you reached for your braids. 
His heart skipped a beat as he saw you unbraid your hair. You were beautiful. Your silky hair was just begging to be brushed, just begging to be run through with one’s fingers. The way you moved towards him told him just how much you wanted this. He pulled you back into his embrace, pulling your head towards his to rest on his shoulder. A few moments of quiet passed as he just sat there like that, enjoying the peacefulness of the presence of your body against his. 
“I want you, Tonowari.” 
Tonowari closed his eyes as you muttered those words. Hearing them was what he had been waiting for. When the silence came right after, he pulled you even closer to him. He was your Olo’eyktan now, which meant that you belonged to him, and he belonged to you. This had been his wish for a long time, but now, he would make those wishes come true. 
“I want you too.” 
You slowly brought your kuru forward, letting the tendrils slowly interweave together with his. Right there and then, you felt it. Everything he was. Everything he had been. And everything he wished to be. With you. You closed your eyes again in pleasure, resting your head against his broad chest while your hands gripped his arms. Despite your previous experiences, this feeling could not be compared to them. The feeling of choosing and being chosen freely, without duties or expectations in the middle. It was impossibly liberating. You opened your eyes, watching through your completely dilated pupils the way he held you close and listening to his hard breathing. 
Tonowari held you close, feeling your hands grip his arms and feeling your body press gently against his. His breathing sped up, just as yours did. 
Your hands were brushing against the scars in his body, making him shiver slightly from the sensation. His muscles tensed underneath your touch, making his body move closer to yours. His breathing grew more erratic as your fingers tightened into his body. 
With a soft moan, he pulled you even closer, his hands grazing against your lower back and sliding towards your hips. 
You remained clinging to him as he took out your top and bracelets and pulled the cord holding your loincloth together. You gasped, feeling the cold air hit your now naked body. Combined with the newly made bond, everything you experienced felt multiplied by a hundred. Through it, you could see how Tonowari was looking at you, and it was turning you on too much for you to handle it. 
Just looking at your body made him want you more than he ever had before. Your curves were hypnotic as they swayed with your movements. Your hips and breasts moved like waves on the ocean. Your skin was iridescent and soft, making him want to run his hands all over it. 
He put his hands around your waist, bringing you to the edge of the bed. He slid the loincloth off, his eyes never leaving you as he did. Once he saw you fully naked in front of him, his jaw dropped. You truly were flawless. 
“Tonowari... I need you.” 
The sound of your voice was all needed to hear to snap him out of his trance. He pulled himself back to reality and gently laid you down, his gaze never straying your body. He slowly removed his garments as well. As he dropped each piece of his clothing, he stared at his body, unable to tear his eyes away from it. Finally, when he was completely naked, his eyes locked with yours.  
“Say that again.” 
“I need you.” 
Those simple three words, when spoken with such desire, made his body respond to your command instantly. In a few swift moves, he was behind you. His hands gripped your hips tightly. His body against yours, pressing against your back, his hot breath was blowing on your neck. One hand squeezed tight against one of your tights, while the other hand brushed against your back. 
“I need you; I need you, Tonowari, please.” 
“You will always have me. I am yours, and you are mine. No one else can take me away from you. No one else can lay a finger on you. Not without suffering the consequences. You and your family belong to me now, and I mean that not as your leader, but as your mate. We belong to each other and all that comes with that. No one else will have you, and I would never let anyone take you away from me.” 
His words made your already rapid-beating heart quicken its pace even more. “Wherever our fates take us. I will stay by your side – be it from the forest to the sea, from the start to the end of our time, together.” 
Tonowari smiled. He was happy to know that you would stay by his side, no matter where or when. He knew that having you was the best decision of his life. 
“You are mine. Now and forever. There are no boundaries between us. We will face everything together, and I trust you whole-heartedly. Now,” he gripped your hips tighter, if possible. “Show me just how much you need me.” 
“How would you like me to prove myself?” you asked in a seductive tone. 
“Make me feel like I’m yours. Make me feel loved. Make me want to hold onto you like I’m drowning and you’re my only saving grip. Make yourself mine. Show me how badly you want and need me. Be wild, be daring, be passionate.” 
“Very well.” You leaned to whisper in his ear. “I will make you feel loved unlike anyone ever has. I will make you mine. And we will be truly united for ages to come.” 
Tonowari's entire body tensed up as you whispered in his ear. His fingers gripped your hips even tighter. The way you spoke about making him feel, the way you spoke about making him yours, it was enough to make his body tremble in pleasure just from the words.  
"Words sound good and all, but let's see if you can back them up." 
His free hand went to your chin, and moved your face forward, his mouth meeting yours in a deeply passionate kiss. 
While the two lost yourselves in the kiss, you subtly moved your body to be on top of him, your core meeting something hard, which made you release a moan that was drown by his lips. 
He smirked at your subtle move, as he felt your soft body on top of him. He loved that you weren't shy with him, that you were willing to claim what you wanted. He loved the noise you made and quickly responded, his mouth taking over yours. He was lost in the moment, and he had no plans of stopping any time soon. 
“Will anyone else be interrupting us? Your children?” While you were willing to let it passmthe first time, you couldn’t guarantee the safety of the next person who dared to interrupt you. 
“My children will not enter without warning...” He paused to laugh at the suggestion of them just barging in, and he shook his head. They would never just walk in with something this sensitive going on. “But if they’re ever curious, I’ll inform you. A code only for you to know.” 
“Like what?” 
He gave you a mischievous smile, as he thought of a word for a code. His mind immediately went to your name, but that would be too obvious. So, he decided to use a word linked with your family and clan, one that no one outside of your family would know. 
“If they ever walk in, just say: Meyo Na'vi, yotulka.” 
“What does that stand for?” 
“It means Child of the Forest, my love. Only members of the Metkayina clan would know what that means.” 
“Mmm, I like it. And hearing it from you makes it even more special.” 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto him. Your hips were pressed tight against his, your chest pressed against his. His forehead rested onto yours, as he looked into your eyes. 
“I have something else that I'd like to say to you before we continue. Do you want to hear it?” 
“Of course.” 
He grabbed your hands and placed them on his chest, your fingers feeling his heartbeat. 
“This heart belongs to you, and only you. I pledge it to be yours and yours alone. If it stops beating, that is because I would be dead. It shall only beat fast when you are near, because it wants to be close to you. And when you touch it, it shall thump slowly for you, because you are my only desire. My only love. And nothing can ever replace you.” 
“Tonowari, I love your caring words and affectionate speeches, and Eywa knows I would do unspeakable things for you, but please. Do not make me wait any longer.” 
He chuckled at you being so impatient, and he took that as his cue to finally take control. He took hold of your hips, his hands on your thighs. And he began to move you. Slowly at first, he began to move you in a circular motion, his hips pressing against yours. The more they moved, the more the rhythm sped up, moving your bodies together in sync. 
You whined at the sensation. You had fantasized about this moment for days, but it still felt incomplete. You needed more, needed him, to complete the bond in both body and mine. And he knew it. “Tono...wari... ah.” 
The moment he heard your whine filled with desire, it was all he needed to hear. He was at your command, following every whim of your body. Every movement you made was the signal he needed to bring his movements in tune with yours. He leaned forward onto your neck, his breath hot and heavy on your skin. He bit gently on your neck, letting the sensation send chills throughout your body. 
“Ah! Please, Ma’Tono... I want you now.” 
The way you said his name sent a shiver down his spine, making him shudder in pleasure. Your body began to get him heated, making him want you even more. However, he just looked at you with a grin. You had said he spoke too much, so now he wished to tease you a little.  
“I like hearing you beg. Say it again.” 
“A-ah! Please!” 
Your desperation turned him on like no other. And he knew he'd have you screaming his name soon. 
“Still not a complete sentence. Say it again. And this time, say it like you really mean it. I want to hear it.” 
“Gah! Ma'Tonowari, I beg you. Grant me the honor of finally being able to join you, without any type of limit. Let our union be complete and we may be united until the end of our days. Let our bodies come together and the fruit of this exchange result in a new life” 
The moment you were done, he knew that the words that you felt towards him were more than just mere desire, but complete love and devotion as well. Your desire was his desire now. And it would always be that way. 
"The honor is mine to have you with me, my beloved. We are now one in flesh and in soul. This is our union. So, I command you, my love, to join with me, and let our union be perfected." 
“As you wish, my love.” And you dived in, eager to experience a future with him as your bodies became one. As your minds became one. Your love solidified in a moment, forever intertwined in a union that only they could truly understand. Their souls became one with their hearts beating in unison. And nothing would tear the bond they created. 
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Vocabulary list: Marui (pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers), Tsahìk (head shaman, high priest, interpreter), Olo’eyktan (clan leader), Tsakarem (Tsahìk-in-traning), Toruk Makto (toruk rider), Kuru (neural queue)
128 notes · View notes
neytirirecs · 2 years
as a big avatar fan since the 2009 film i’m so excited to see more fics and art being created based on the series, there’s been an overwhelming amount written lately so i decided to put some of the fics i’ve read and enjoyed all in one master list!
mostly nsfw :,) mdni!
fics are colour coded to make it easier to find what you want ♡ - fluff, angst, nsfw, platonic
will be updating as time goes on and i read more!
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Jake Sully ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
just a scratch f
My little girl p
Just around the river bend p
his family p f
Home is wherever i’m with you a
Falling… for you. f nsfw
Mary Jane (All Night Long) nsfw
Then let’s get it done nsfw
My mate nsfw
Afterglow ft Neytiri nsfw
folklore - not complete
wasteland - not complete
Neytiri ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
i love you, daughter p a
“Nga yawne lu oer” f
Sweet little secrets f
Beads f
Show me nsfw
Pretty Girl nsfw
Between ft. Ronal nsfw
On your body ft. Ronal nsfw
Afterglow ft Jake nsfw
Tsu’tey ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
In sickness and in health f
Together Forever f
Unwanted f
Open Arms f
A heartfelt wish f
I am yours nsfw
NEED. nsfw
the calm before the storm
fire of souls part 1 - enemies to lovers
tìtunu part 1 part 2 part 3 nsfw
Tonowari ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Pxelo ft. Ronal nsfw
Ronal ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Pxelo ft. Tonowari nsfw
Between ft. Neytiri nsfw
On your body ft Neytiri nsfw
OC in Avatar ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
If you feel lonely i could be lonely with you Sully reader x Na’vi OC f
try harder Reader x Na’vi OC nsfw
623 notes · View notes
wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
heyy , could you maybe write a Loak x male reader Drabble or sth where he acts like very dominant and bratty but his alpha knows what an submissive omega he truly his and puts him in his place ?
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Masterlist I AO3
Pairing: aged up Omega Lo'ak x Alpha male oc
Synopsis: Lo'ak may have been born an omega but that doesn't mean he wants to act like one.
Warnings: omegaverse, explicit (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), anal, power imbalance. alpha/omega dynamics, punishment, dom/sub undertones, bondage, public sexual acts, swearing, etc.
A/N: Anon, sorry I didn't make it male reader simply because I am not very good at writing that perspective but feel free to insert yourself as the male oc. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for being patient <3
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Taking the back route towards the village is longer, almost half a mile out of his way. For Lo’ak, however, his priorities today lie in not being seen. With today’s fiasco and now the awaiting wrath of his father, Lo’ak decides it is well worth the extra steps. He knows he was meant to join the other omegas for the special retreat, but there were better things that Lo’ak had found to occupy his time with than getting brainwashed into submission. 
He could imagine it now, all the eager and young omega gathering in a circle to fill the air with gossip and bashful talk of their alphas or potential mates. They most likely swooned and sighed while discussing the joys of being an omega. Surely passing around family recipes for healing ointments and weaving tricks followed. The thought alone makes Lo’ak’s stomach flip in adamant disgust.
It’s not that he finds anything wrong with being omega. That is, for others. Omega nature plays an important role in their clan and families, balancing out beta and alpha qualities until there is a harmonious blend of strengths and weaknesses, just as Eywa had intended. 
And that is great…for others. 
Lo’ak is not meant to be the submissive type. He has a wild streak and rebellious nature that has kept his parents and older brother running after him since the day he learned to walk. 
So that is how he knows that joining the omega retreat today would not only have been a waste of time but furthermore humiliated him as his incompatible personality would clash with that of docile omegas. 
That being said, he knows how important his participation in this retreat is to his father. Jake had pulled some special strings to get the event to occur months earlier than planned, a joint effort that his mate was sure to be in on. And it’s the thought of Ezar’s knowledge of his disobedience that has Lo’ak’s stomach twisting into knots. His patient, but strict, alpha who has put up with more mischievous antics and woos from an omega than perhaps every other alpha combined. There’s no telling what sort of lecture and punishment awaits him at home, so Lo’ak takes the most reasonable course of action. 
He hides. 
Although, he doesn’t prefer to call it hiding. It’s simply…spending some quality alone time. 
However, now it has been over five hours since he has eaten anything but wild berries, a problem that wouldn’t exist had he attended the retreat and partaken in the great feast there, so Lo’ak is driven back to the village by the sizzling scent of roasting meat. He’s strategic with his path, knowing better than to nonchalantly trot back for dinner and assume that his absence has not been reported. From this trail he is hoping to reach the outskirts of the communal fire, hidden by the growing shadows of eclipse and therefore able to snatch a piece of meat before cowering to safety once more. 
When he reaches the outskirts of the gathering, a cocky smile spreads across his face in triumph. His family can be seen on the other side of the fire, messing with Tuk’s tangled braids as she whines incessantly. There isn’t enough attention left for him, a fact that used to make Lo’ak angry but now has come to show endless benefits. 
It's when he braces himself forward to sneakily drag a piece of meat on a leaf plate back that Lo’ak feels the warmth of a hand gripped around the back of his neck. His airway isn’t cut off in the slightest but it’s firm just enough to set his omega instincts alight. A thumb swiping over his bonding bite gives the stranger away immediately. He is brought back to his feet slowly until he can feel the solid toned chest pressed against his upper back. 
“There you are.” Lo’ak tries to hold back the thrilled shiver that rackets through his body, the luring deep voice rattling his bones. A cloud of heated breath tickles at his prickled skin. “I just had a very interesting chat with your brother.” 
Lo’ak has to admit that his older brother’s efficiency in tattling on him mere hours after his disappearance is impressive. A greater diligence than he would’ve expected, even from the golden boy himself. He glares an imaginary hole into the back of Neteyam’s head where his brother sits obliviously across the fire, rebraiding Tuk’s hair. 
“Well I know how much you two enjoy your Lo’ak gossip sessions.” He grits out between clenched teeth even though Ezar’s darkening makes his knee threaten to buckle. 
“Lo’ak.” His name is spoken as a hissed reprimand, enough to momentarily have Lo’ak biting his tongue regretfully. 
“You didn’t even bother to show up.” Ezar’s sigh sends goosebumps racing across his skin. Irritably Lo’ak swings the grip off his neck and turns to stomp away from the communal fire. He’s not surprised to hear thudding footsteps practically nipping at his heels. Ezar’s own shadow stretches over Lo’ak’s along the forest floor, spreading a wave of anxiety as his headstrong will and submissive nature clash. 
“If you didn’t want to go, then you should’ve talked to me.” Ezar snatches his arm, forcing the boy to spin on his heel. 
It’s true. Lo’ak mentally scolds himself for not reaching out to his alpha earlier about the issue, but somehow that realization only spurs on his rebellious spark to burn brighter. He has no desire to admit his own wrongdoings, stubborn pride prompting him to glare up at the alpha. There is a spark of challenge alight in his eyes as he feigns a nonchalant confidence and squares his shoulders assertively. It takes every fiber of his being to not heed the small voice in the back of his head urging him to shrink beneath that alpha’s intense glare. 
“I don’t have to report every detail of my life to you. I can go and do as I please.” Lo’ak’s chin tilts up in counterfeit confidence, ignoring the way Ezar’s head tilts jarringly slow.
“Is that so?” Ezar’s voice is as level and smooth as fine silk, a natural aura of ease radiating off of him tangibly. Lo’ak is surprised to see how quickly such a simple question sends warning bells ringing through his head. His throat physically strains in an effort to not visibly gulp as the older male prowls forward with fluid steps. 
They’ve played this game before. Somehow it always ends with Lo’ak backed up against a tree, trapped by his mate’s impressive physique till atoning words flow from Lo’ak’s lips. His heels twitch slightly with the natural instinct to step back with every progression of Ezar’s path. This time, however, he stops himself. He plants them forcibly in the muddy soil and imagines that they are held by the same concrete seen at Hell’s Gate. 
I am unmovable, Lo’ak mentally chants. 
“I don’t need an alpha babysitting me.” The omega is proud of how stern and steady his voice comes out despite his nerves twisting together into a tight ball. For a moment he lets himself imagine what an alpha would do, what his father does, what Ezar does, and he uses this knowledge to his advantage. His chest puffs out and hands naturally settle themselves along the dips of his hips, stance wide and rigid. 
Ezar laughs. 
That asshole laughs.
Not the usual carefree laughter that shakes the male’s chest after one of Lo’ak’s well played jokes. This sound comes out with an arrogant timber and amused smile that makes Lo’ak’s nails dig into his palm. He is caught between apprehension and anger as he stands there and purses his lips into an unintended pout. 
“Is that what I do, yawne? Babysit you?” Ezar drawls, trapping Lo’ak’s chin between pinched fingers. The alpha’s head tilts to the side and Lo’ak’s spots the glimmer of sharp incisors poking between the male’s tempting lips. It feels like a trap, one that the alpha is just waiting for Lo’ak to stumble into. Still, it’s too late to back down now. 
So Lo’ak does what he does best.
He digs in his heels. 
“Second only to your favorite pastime of bossing me around.” 
Lo’ak can practically feel the alpha’s hairless brow raise as they are nose to nose. Warm saliva pools along his tongue, sharp teeth aching to bite his bottom lip. Ezar’s even fall and rise of his chest presses the defined muscles against the omega’s own chest. Lo’ak prays to Eywa that Ezar is too distracted to notice the essence of his arousal whisper in the air. 
“And what alternative do you propose, omega?” Their lips brush together with every word coming from Ezar’s mouth. “You feel it better if I let you be in charge?” 
The alpha’s head shakes to give a fleeting eskimo kiss before dipping down to trace the curve of Lo’ak’s neck. The Sully boy struggles to lift his eyelids as a long kiss is placed directly over his mating mark. Ezar knows how sensitive the area is, how directly linked the physical depiction of their connection is to Lo’ak’s submission. Still, the omega bites his tongue and forces himself to look over his head, straight at the nearest tree. 
It becomes increasingly more difficult to decipher Ezar’s mood in these situations, something that alpha has used to his advantage. Lo’ak is under no illusion that he will wiggle out of retribution after the stunt he pulled today, but he craves to keep this charade going longer. He needs to see how far he can assert his own dominance. He is convinced that it is an effort made to prove something to himself, but deep down he knows it’s to challenge his alpha.
To see the real evidence that this man is worthy of his submission and trust. That no matter how hard Lo’ak fights and bites and drives the male to the edge, he will always put in the effort necessary to bring him into that tranquil state of abiding his natural instincts. To demonstrate that he will never be abandoned or forgotten. 
So with that in mind, Lo’ak clears his throat and manages to clearly say, “As I said, I don’t need someone else telling me what to do.” 
“Oh I see.” Lo’ak can feel the pull of a vicious smile etched along his alpha’s face as it trails upwards till they are cheek to cheek. Calloused fingers dance with a feather-like fragility over the omega’s hips and sides. “You poor thing,” comes the husky whisper against his right ear. 
“Being looked after,” The seductive touches drip lower. “Taken care of,” Lo’ak barely holds in a gasp as curved knuckles slowly trace the bulge in his loincloth. Heat like molten gold settles in his belly, fire steaming to reaching anywhere from his toes to fingertips. “All that coddling must be so infuriating for someone as independent as you, hm?”
Lo’ak’s posture falls to shambles with that large hand slipping past the waistband to wrap around his base. His hips buck involuntarily into Ezar’s grip. 
“Someone who would rather take care of things themselves.” The smooth glide of Ezar’s grip accompanies the words. The pad of his thumb drags over the head and Lo’ak finally gives into the urge to bite his bottom lip harshly. The omega’s cock is easily nestled in Ezar’s hand, being a considerable number of inches shorter than the alpha’s own. “No need to have some alpha take care of this pretty little cock, no?” 
Lo’ak panics slightly when he feels the male’s hand retreat, only to then be confused by his wrist being grabbed and pushed down the front of his own loincloth. 
“So then take care of it.” Ezar encourages. Forcefully wrapping Lo’ak’s hand around his small shaft before recoiling entirely.
As Lo’ak silently sputters, frozen in place, he mourns the loss of his mate’s heat and touch, who  now stands several feet away with his hands on his hips. Upon recovery, he gathers every tendril of fervent anger together to glower up at his lover. 
“Go on.” Ezar simply states with a wave of his hand. 
Lo’ak can feel the fever of his blushing cheeks spreading over to the tint the very tips of his ears, but he tenaciously keeps his brows furrowed and tempestuous filled eyes pinpointed on the smirking male. He is caught between getting himself off desperately and storming away to pout. His decision hinges on which one will express his indignation to his mate in the most profound fashion. Completely mortified, he finds his cock twitching in his palm, apparently unruffled by the predicament. 
Swirling between the two options, it seems that there is no legitimate strategy to getting what he wants while also maintaining his pride. 
So he lets the volcano of emotion erupt.
“Fuck you!” He spits, yanking his hand out and rushing past the looming alpha. 
A sharp shriek departs his lips as the root of his kuru is trapped and tugged harshly. He stumbles to find footing, only to fall back against his mate’s warm chest. Strained by the hold on his kuru and arm caging his waist, Lo’ak finally feels the reality of this trap lock into place. 
“How many?” 
Lo’ak’s ears immediately droop, unhappy to know exactly what the alpha is asking. 
“Five, sir.” He grumbles between barely parted lips. Hoping to work on Lo’ak’s overuse of foul language, Ezar had been rewarding every dirty word with five spanks. Some days it’s left Lo’ak with a red ass perceivable to the common eye, hiking up his attitude and embarrassment to new heights. 
“Good boy.” It’s the first sample of praise to leave Ezar’s lips that day and Lo’ak tries not to acknowledge the radiating relief he feels blooming in his chest. His jaw locks together and he refuses to show any hint of enjoyment at being praised, like some perfect little obedient omega. 
He’s toppled over one of Ezar’s propped knee in a flash before a quick succession of five hard spanks are laid down on his vulnerable behind. It’s impossible to keep his shrill cry in. Ezar’s upper body strength is greater than many Na’vi that Lo’ak knows. The alpha’s muscular biceps has Lo’ak drooling one day and begging for mercy the next. He wonders if he had been better at keeping a poker face during the first spanking he had ever received, if the alpha would still use it as the go to effective retribution. 
Swiftly Lo’ak is pulled back to standing in the alpha’s arm, face hiding against his chest as the omega tries to recover his composure. Ezar gently pats his head and Lo’ak frowns at how incredible the nonchalant touch feels. 
“Now, let’s go yawne.” 
“Home’s the other way.” Lo’ak protests as Ezar starts guiding them back the direction they came. Large hands squeezing his plush hips to steer him properly, the omega’s cheeks clench to keep the dribble of slick from coating his inner thighs. 
“I know. We aren’t going home.” 
Lo’ak’s feets slide against the slippery mud when he realizes they are returning back to the dining area. He’s sure at this point that there is at least a faint blush left upon his bare cheeks and even if  it is not so, he has lost all appetite. Or rather, all desire to be around others, especially his father who is yet to chew him out for disappearing. 
“I’m not hungry.” He twists to turn the other way but all that accomplishes him is being picked up with one arm around his waist and carried further towards their destination. 
“Funny, I don’t remember asking.” Ezar adjusts the omega in his arms till Lo’ak’s feet are kicking in the air. “Besides, it’s where you were headed in the first place. And since you’re in charge now, it seems only fair to return you to where you were found.” 
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Lo’ak knows the fight is over. Every scrap of energy he had left to bait his mate has melted into a puddle of scorching desire spreading into every crevice of his body. 
Being forced to sit on his alpha’s lap was surprising, usually Lo’ak was at least afforded the choice of where he wanted to sit. Still, it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Or at least that is what he thought until he was shifted to have his ass lined up perfectly over Ezar’s growing bulge. The friction was almost non-existent but that didn’t seem to matter when it came to his omega hindbrain, especially after going all day without his mate’s presence or affection. 
It seemed all of this played perfectly into Ezar’s hand as his touch began to gently travel further and further up Lo’ak’s inner thighs. His own cock strained against the restrictive fabric of his loincloth, all too aware of the pleasure that was almost his minutes earlier. Ezar's affectionate touching was occasionally ramped higher with random kisses left on Lo’ak’s cheek, neck, mating mark, and shoulders. He didn’t plow ahead with brutal force to mold the omega back into a docile headspace, the alpha was too patient for that. He knew Lo’ak too well. 
So once ten minutes had passed with these torturous comforting and seductive touches mixed together, Lo’ak couldn’t handle the constant clenching of his hole and hunger for real intimacy therefore leading him to quietly beg for what his hindbrain had been purring for since Ezar first grabbed his neck. 
Naturally, Ezar complied…that is, technically. 
Lo’ak shifted once more, trying to angle his mate's massive length against his prostate but failing miserably. The rough texture of his mate’s hands smoothed over his plush thighs leisurely before pushing the omega’s hips back into place. Lo’ak recognizes the coppery taste of blood leaking from his inner lip, clamping down in effort to keep in his wanton moans. Time has warped into a frenzy of confusion, his thoughts only focused on the wicked desires thrumming through him. 
Sitting on the very outskirts of the gathering, the orange glow from the fire barely has a hold on the pair and it’s this thought that give Lo’ak solace. He’s tiptoeing the edge of humiliation, surrounded by his family and friends while Ezar is balls deep inside of him, casually lifting pieces of food to the boy’s lips. If only they knew the state he is held in, the true obedience that lies beneath his facade of teeth and obstinance. 
His nerves and arousal, however, weave together sinfully till the omega is confused about whether or not he would enjoy such a truth being revealed. It’s wrong and it’s risky, yet somehow it fuels the flames of his desire and therefore the ache of this torture as he is forced to stay in place. 
This is not what he envisioned upon begging for his mate’s cock sweetly. 
“Open.'' Another scrap of meat is held up to Lo’ak’s lips but he simply groans and throws his head back against Ezar’s shoulder instead. “Come on, you’re being so good for me. Why stop now? Don’t you want to make me happy?” Ezar coos against Lo’ak’s lolled head. 
Lo’ak’s not sure why that works, and he has no interest in investigating it further, but it does. His lips part slowly and he soaks in the whispered praise as he chews the meat with weakened stamina.The pattern continues with every bite reluctantly being pushed past his ips until his alpha has decided it’s been a sufficient meal. 
Still, he makes no motion to move. 
“Look at you,” The alpha’s voice resounds deeply into a purr. “Warming my cock like a good boy. I knew you had it in you, baby.” His toes curl into the dry dirt and he looks around to make sure no eavesdropping ear has caught the whispered praise. However, his diligence in masking their crude acts is quickly slipping, being replaced by the inherit need to be properly fucked by his alpha. 
Despite the throbbing of Ezar’s cock inside the warm channel of his hole, the alpha appears to be in no rush. He pacifies every hushed whimper with fond pets and kisses, enticing the omega’s body to completely fall back against him. After being repositioned for the fifth time, Lo’ak feels as if he is about to cry on the spot. Drafting pheromones betray his temperament, but instead of giving the boy what he really wants, Ezar softly guides Lo’ak’s face to nuzzle against his neck.
He can still hold on to the last bit of resolve it takes to not let physical tears fall from his golden orbs, but it’s shakable and wavering. Pressed against the part where his alph’s scent is the strongest, Lo’ak becomes intoxicated with the sensation. His body finally goes limp, apart from the occasional shuffling, and he allows himself to melt against his alpha. It’s been a long day and now the only thing that he is convinced will make him feel better is being filled with his alpha’s seed. 
It’s something Lo’ak would never dream of admitting out loud. On most days it takes considerable encouragement and patience on Ezar’s behalf to pry those words from Lo’ak’s lips in private. Sitting here, however, split open and on the brink of ecstasy after a long day, he’s having a hard time holding himself back from begging in front of everybody. 
“Such a pretty boy.” Ezar murmurs against Lo’ak’s temple, the omega’s signature front beaded braids rolling between them. The flat of his hand travels across Lo’ak’s chest, rolling over the boy’s nipples, bringing forth another muted whine and wiggling of hips. 
“Not fair.” Lo’ak gripes against his pulse. The painstakingly slow petting along his chest feels as if it is lighting his skin on fire, effectively causing a burning to ignite from the inside out. It’s the drag of Ezar’s hips moving for the first time that has the omega clamping down on the soft flesh above his mate’s collarbone. 
“What’s not fair, baby?” The silky braids twist around Ezar’s fingers as he lazily plays with them. “You said you should be in charge and I’m letting you. We ate dinner like you wanted.” Another kiss to his forehead, the skin warm against Ezar’s lips. “You wanted my cock and I gave you that.” The tone drops to a lower octave but Lo’ak no longer cares enough to check the safety of their private conversation. 
“That’s not what I meant.” He whines and turns further into the alpha but that only causes a new angle to be hit and another wave of pleasure to shake through him.
“Then tell me exactly what you want.” Ezar’s pelvis rolls forward, and like a hunter knows every inch of their weapon, his alpha knows exactly how to find his little bundle of nerves perfectly. Lo’ak’s mouth pries open in a silent scream, mind going blank for a prolonged moment. It’s only Ezar’s hand coming up to gently close his jaw that keep him from looking like a fucked out omega and ultimately blowing their cover. 
He shakes his head stubbornly, eyes clenched shut as he tries to regain some sort of mental clarity. There is no way he will be begging for his alpha publicly twice in one night. Knowing the explicit detail his mate will require, Lo’ak is hell bent to suffer in silence rather than risk humiliating himself. 
Or at least that is what he thinks, but as the pressure on his bundle of nerves increases and his alpha waits stubbornly for a response, he starts to wonder how much more of this torture he can endure. Were it any other night he would have already been fucked to half an inch of his life and snuggling close to his mate in their hut while sharing stories from their day. Some nights Ezar is kind enough to rub away the tension that gets lodged in his shoulders, a massage that to his credit is never put as a bargaining chip for anything in return. All of that sounds like a dream now. A dream he is desperately starting to consider sacrificing everything for.
Everything to finally feel him move. 
To finally be taken and broken down to his natural state, mask torn away and bare before his lover with nothing but the truth. To give in to his second gender and allow himself the luxury of being coddled and loved and sometimes being railed till he can’t walk. 
It’s difficult to remember why that was such a bad thing to want in the first place. 
“Come on, love. How am I supposed to let you lead if you won’t give instructions?”
A pained laugh leaves his lips without warning as small tears gather at the corners of his eyes. Ezar quickly shushes the boy and smooths his braids away from his glimmering face. Luckily the sounds are swallowed by boisterous laughter and chatter rippling across the clearing. 
“D-don’t-” He sucks in a sharp breath as the mushroom tips readjust against that special spot inside of him. “D-don’t want to say.” 
Ezar softly coos away the stream of whimpers that build within Lo’ak’s chest. The soothing caress of his mate and slight rocking motion he provides is enough to have the omega finally closing his eyes and letting the tears fall fully. 
“I know you don’t want to, baby.” The heavily accented drawl sings like a lullaby in the night, coaxing Lo’ak closer to the headspace that leaves him floaty and pliant. “Do you know how I know?” 
Shaking his head seems like an exhausting effort, but he manages. 
“Because I know you, Lo’ak.” Ezar circles his palm around the front of the omega’s neck, reveling in the spike of arousal that follows instantly. “I know what lies beneath that stubborn tough act of yours.” The alpha grins when he senses the familiar feeling of a slim tail curling itself around his calf. 
“Deep down you know what’s there too.” He shuffles his hips once more, acting as if it’s to reposition the omega’s weight on his lap. “You know that only I can touch you in the way you crave. That only your alpha can satisfy that yearning in the back of your head.” 
His thumb runs over the apparent mating mark and the loss of tension in Lo’ak’s body is tangible, almost visible in the dim light of eclipse. 
“There’s my sweet omega.” 
Lo’ak’s hips begin to rut back against the thick cock inside of him, brain too fuzzy to worry about the consequences both social and those from disobeying his mate. Luckily, Ezar takes that as their cue to leave. With careful planning he is able to subtly slip himself out of the boy when it appears that all other heads are turned. It takes a hand over his mouth to keep Lo’ak quiet enough, another arm to manhandle him as the omega tries to rut back against him as if he could somehow capture his length again.  
The crowd continues on in friendly conversation without a hitch. While carefully lifting the boy over his shoulder it appears that the rest of the Sully family has finally caught sight of them. Jake Sully gives him a respectful nod, and Ezar is quick to return it, their way of confirming that Lo’ak is in good hands. 
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If there is one thing he has learned from his time being mated to Ezar it’s that the sight of durable leather cords means he isn’t going to get what he wants. 
Far past caring about the humiliation, Lo’ak tries to form an adorable pout and pretty words of apology as the alpha ties his wrists to the intruding tree branch in the hut, but the only answer he receives is a little coo and pat to the cheek. Now, laying here naked with his arms over his head dramatically and small cock twitching on display, he tries using the last bit of mental lucidity to find a way to flip the situation to his favor. 
His thought process however seems to be tangling into an inconceivable web as the alpha runs his tongue along his lower abs and hips. Each swipe ends with another sweet kiss placed slowly. In random patterns, these kisses are intercepted with a sudden pain that then blooms into a bite mark or purple hickey. Ezar has always been very intentional and particular about his placement of marks along his body. While some alphas have a hay day, driven by heated lust to cover their mate’s body till there is no doubt in anyone’s mind who they belong to, Ezar prefers a more tactical approach.
From the moment they mated, he has diligently scouted and mapped out every inch of the boy’s beautiful slim body. He takes note of the shifts in body language and noises at each point he has reached with teeth, tongue or hands. It’s in those special spots, the areas where Lo’ak’s eyes blow out and whimpers becomes a hushed whine, that the alpha choses to leave his mark. The benefits that profess from that decision always makes it pay off. During those random encounters in the days to follow with him brushing past those small marks, innocent to the common Na’vi eyes, but Lo’ak knows what it means. Another silent reminder of the alpha’s hold on his pleasure, and promises of more to come. 
Lo’ak doubts he will ever admit how many times he has had to find a secluded place to get off after these small interactions. 
Currently the victim of his mate’s aggressive teeth and tongue is the spot right above his upper thigh, mere inches away from his straining cock. It’s enough to have him bucking and kicking his feet and since the alpha does not appreciate efforts of throwing him off from his carefully chosen spot, the behavior is quickly nipped into a bud. Strong hands harshly pushing hips down and he repositions himself to capturing the boy’s legs with his flexed thighs on either side. 
Although the leather is soft, Lo’ak can already feel the imprints along his wrist from tugging relentlessly against the bonds. His skin is an inferno, heated to the touch. This condition is one that Lo’ak has only ever seen in himself during harsh heats and that revelation makes him realize what pathetic of a state his mate has truly put him in. 
Matters only worsen, when Ezar scales down his body and finally rises back to stand on his feet. Within a few fluid swipes of his hands, the male flicks his loincloth to the side, revealing himself fully to Lo’ak’s ogling gaze. 
“Just for a minute!” Lo’ak pleads, hands yanking at the bonds in hysterical fashion. 
“No, Lo’ak. You’ve lost the privilege to touch tonight.” 
And just like that Lo’ak is condemned to watch his naked mate with a God-like body loom over him seductively without the slightest ability to enjoy the toned muscles he is so fond of. 
Lo’ak knows he has been careless in laying his cards out on the table. From the moment they started courtship and then mating, he has underestimated Ezar’s knack for observation. It didn’t take the alpha long to realize how much Lo’ak enjoys gliding his hands over the smooth lines of his abdomen, even leaving his own hickies in trails adjacent to the toned muscle of his thighs. It’s one of the first things that the omega springs for when they are alone, and therefore the first privilege he loses after misbehavior. 
As much as Ezar yearns to see and feel his little mate worship his body, he is resigned to teach the omega a lesson. Besides, he finds that the stream of whimpers and glazed over glimmer in his poor boy’s eyes is almost as enjoyable as feeling his small fangs against his stomach. 
With his alpha prowling over him completely bare and taking his sweet time teasing his inner thighs once more, Lo’ak throws caution to the wind and yanks on his binds with all of his strength, sore wrists be damned. He needs to feel the smooth toned skin. He needs to sink his teeth into something. Or at least have his mate sink into him. Either would be accepted at this point. However, there is another danger to being tied up, and that is the twisted pleasure and hazy mindset that inevitably follows. 
Perhaps this makes him a masochist, but the tight capture and smooth leather against his wrists has always brought a rush. However, more than that it has provided an escape from his own mind. Submitting willingly is difficult for Lo’ak, his intrusive thoughts constantly second guessing whether or not it is pathetic of him to yield to an alpha so easily. The binds, however, eliminate this fear and self loathing. After all, he can’t hate himself for a situation that is not entirely his fault. He sinks into that feeling freely. Level by level he’s falling down into that swirling abyss where thoughts are muddled and worries drift away with the wind. 
Ezar grins like a Cheshire cat upon detecting the shift in demeanor, his sweet omega finally letting himself enjoy the pleasure of submission. The boy’s hands fall limp against the soft leather, and those beautiful golden eyes peek up at him through slitted lids. 
“That’s it, pretty boy.” Ezar is quick to reward the behavior with tender kisses peppered along his neck and cheeks till finally reaching his lips. Lo’ak’s mouth is warm and wet as his lips move lazily against the alpha’s own. The omega’s tongue sluggishly yields to whatever direction his own manipulates it into and when his teeth sink into the boy’s plump bottom lip, a wanton moan slips free. 
So delicate and soft beneath his touch, Ezar savors the feel of his mate preening close and shifting in whatever way he pleases. He’s putty beneath his hands, glassy eyes musing up at him with the smallest smile. Reaching down between his thighs, a rumbled growl vibrates his chest upon finding the area already dripping with slick. He rolls the sticky substance between his fingers and without bending down to put them close, he is able to fully breathe in the mouth watering scent of undisturbed desire. 
It’s moments like these that Ezar has to reel himself in, take a second to clear his thoughts and keep that primal beast inside of him at bay. In some ways it is easier to do so when Lo’ak isn’t fighting his every other word. Open rebellion has a tendency to stir his instincts into proving his claim once more, even if it is to his own omega. There are times for that, however, times where the alpha is smart enough to recognize that Lo’ak himself is the one to instigate it. 
For now, however, he is focused on slipping his pretty omega deep into subspace for as long as possible, showing him the true ecstasy that comes from being obedient for him. He prays to Eywa that tonight will be enough to keep the boy in line for at least a few days. If not, Lo’ak is sure to just egg him on for another rough railing that leaves them both satisfied and delirious. 
His eyes never leave his mate’s face as he situates the boy’s legs around his waist and trails a finger along his puckered hole. With the little strength left, Lo’ak’s legs cinch around him and try to bully his ass against Ezar’s heavy hanging cock. The alpha rolls his eyes fondly. Leave it to his little spitfire to find subtle ways to try topping from the bottom. 
Still wanting to draw this out to make a point, he uses one hand to skate his mushroom tips back and forth his mate’s plump cheeks and clenching hole. Their aroused scents are already coalescing in the air to create a beautiful essence of complimenting passions. The cold air chills the inside of his nose upon flaring his nostrils to greedily inhale more of that delicious aroma. It’s a perfume that the alpha has quickly become addicted to, possessive and delighting in the fact that he will be the only one to ever enjoy it in its full bloom. 
“Please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease!” Lo’ak sobs. It is then that he notices the tears sparkling along the omega’s dark skin, running fast enough to reach his collarbone. 
Ezar almost hates himself for acknowledging it, but his cock always strains and twitches at the beautiful sight of those tears. The way they flush against his reddened cheeks and create a dazzling glow over dazed eyes. His pretty little mate sobbing and on the brink of breaking, but only broken for him. Only him. This masterpiece to behold belongs to him alone. 
Lo’ak’s face is captured together in a firm grip, plush cheeks squishing beneath his fingertips, before he is being pulled slowly into a deep kiss. And then finally, finally, he feels the thick mushroom tip prod at his entrance, starting the path inside his gummy walls. 
It’s fascinating to Ezar how after so many times being filled and stretched, those slick walls still clamp around him like a vice, tight enough to require real force to get anywhere past the tip.  A pained groan is released into his mate’s mouth and his tail coils and flickers rapidly. Lo’ak’s random babbling and sobbing only serve as sensuous music to his euphoric pleasure. 
“God!” Lo’ak shrieks when he manages to make it an inch past the tip. The word still sounds foreign to the alpha, but he has picked up enough of the Sky Demon lingo to understand the heated emotion behind. 
“Had you sitting on my cock less than twenty minutes ago and your little hole has still managed to tighten up.” He breathes heavily into the omega’s neck. Lo’ak’s elbow almost hits his head while resuming his efforts to yank on the bonds. He contemplates scolding the boy for creating more unnecessary injury to his wrists but then the omega is clamping around him and Ezar has to use all of his control to not tip over the edge right then and there. 
Breath stuttering in his lungs, Ezar cools his zeal and slowly continues to glide forwards. Lo’ak on the other hand is fed up and tired of waiting. 
“Want it all! Please alpha please! Faster!” He cries uncontrollably and the alpha decides that his patience has run out too.
“Bossy little thing you are.” Snapping hips bring the tip racking against that sweet spot without stop or gentile. He wishes he had a camera to capture the absolute mess of sensations that flashes across Lo’ak’s face, almost as if he is buffering for a moment in time. Swollen parted lips, pink cheeks, blown out pupils, and those persistent two braids that Ezar is so fond of splayed across his sweaty forehead. 
He keeps his grip on his mate’s cheeks, forcing him to remain facing the alpha for his own viewing pleasure. 
Ezar pulls out to the very tip before slamming back inside and if that concoction of whimpers and dizzied expression that comes from his mate is not the most beautiful display to witness, he doesn’t know what is. He creates a sprinting pace, maliciously hitting that sweet spot over and over until Lo’ak is screeching with every assault. It takes considerable effort to keep himself from following his mate in getting lost through the haze of pleasure and lust. He allows himself the luxury of pounding away without a stop in zeal but only with a careful eye on Lo’ak’s reaction to every movement. 
This is meant to drive a point home, make Lo’ak realize what he is getting himself into with this disobedient behavior, but even Ezar knows that deep down this is what the boy wants. What they both want. 
So with that in mind, Ezar drives all of his energy into massaging that bundle of nerves with every thrust and pull possible. Lo’ak shakes and cries out in a ramble of incoherent nonsense. When the omega’s back arches upwards from the woven floor, those perky little nipples catch Ezar’s eye. Still relishing in the sensation of smooth velvety walls squeezing him for dear life, the alpha begins to lick a path upward from Lo’ak’s squirming pelvis. 
Their eyes connect for a moment, or at least the thin sliver of Lo’ak’s golden eyes that peek from weighted eyelids catch his own darkened stare. Lo’ak’s scent seems to grip him as hard as his rosebud clamps around his cock when he flicks his textured tongue out at the first nipple. The string of saliva shines on the boy’s skin from the swirling of his tongue around that already hardened point but it is only when he hears the sweet words “please alpha” fall from those plush lips that Ezar cinches his own around Lo’ak’s nipple. 
The thrust and pull of hips begin an electrifying rhythm with the suckling. Pull out, suck, slam back in, finish with a brief nip to the swollen area. It stirs Lo’ak’s hazy mind into a whirlpool of oversensitivity. He no longer recognizes what is his voice filling the air versus his alpha’s. Each ripple of pleasure along his nerves pulls him deeper and deeper into this mindless state while simultaneously bring him closer to completion. 
Grinning against the left nipple now, Ezar is pleased to note his omega’s pretty little cock poking at his stomach. He nestled the mushroom tip of length to press instantly at that special spot inside, resting there heavily without reprieve before languidly stroking the soft tanhi freckled length of Lo’ak’s member.
The boy comes undone with a cry that is sure to be heard back at the communal fire. He shakes and whimpers continuously as euphoria overtakes him and the sticky white fluid is painted between them. It takes the alpha’s pelvis pressing against the omega’s own to keep him in place during the orgasm and another hand at his wrists to prevent inflicting more red outlines. 
He tsks lowly, hand coming up to show the mess his little mate has made all over him. A hint of clarity finally ripples across Lo’ak’s face as he realizes his own mistakes. 
“C-can I cum, alpha?” 
Ezar laughs fondly, sharp teeth nipping at the boy once more to see him squirm. For a moment Lo’ak thinks he is off the hook, his mate having found humor in the slip up, but then he feels the length stretching him full begin to slide out at a sinfully slow pace. Their eyes connect once more and the Sully boy tries to give a wary little smile, he likes to think of himself as charming enough in the most difficult of conundrums. 
“A little late for that, don’t you think, little one?” 
And then they are starting again, the alpha railing him with uncontrolled ferver. Lo’ak is mortified to find his own cock already springing to life. Every tickle of his nerves feels like a zap of electricity in his overstimulated state. He goes to plea and beg, for mercy or more he is not sure, but soon his mouth is occupied with his mate’s long sticky covered digits. He suckles and groans around the fingers obediently. 
“Don’t worry, baby. We just won’t count that one.” 
Lo’ak’s heart rams against his rib cage at the thought of reaching an orgasm again so quickly. His muscles and energy are completely spent, having been bound up for hours and releasing all in one moment. He’s not sure if there is enough left in him to go again. That doesn’t seem to matter however. If there is one thing Ezar is, it’s relentless. It takes this level of determination to chase after his little omega day in and day out. A heavy hand to bring him back into line while also reassuring him that there is always comfort to be found in his arms. 
Struggling only causes him to gag and slobber over the digits while furthermore draining his energy, so Lo’ak finally gives in to the onslaught of sensations. Whispered words of approval along his ear cover him like a warm blanket, tucking his own reservations away easily. 
Ezar beams with pride down at his little mate. So docile and soft beneath him. Taking everything that is given to him with only muffled whimpers and hooded eyes. The sight alone has his balls tightening in anticipation. He’s held off for so long, longer than he would’ve imagined but this time he is determined to tip Lo’ak over the edge again first. Wouldn’t want the boy to get away with too much, Eywa knows he already gets too many mischievous ideas of getting away unscathed daily. 
“Still want to be in charge, baby?”
It’s a rhetorical question but Lo’ak gurgles around his fingers in efforts to respond. Chaste kisses are peppered over the omega’s face to shush him, two digits pressing down firmly on his tongue now. 
In the dim light of their candlelight hut, their shadows dance and stretch across the floor as the sound of primal grunts and slapping skin fills the air. Lo’ak can barely tell up from down let alone keep track of the time that passes, completely enraptured by his dominant mate pulling him closer to the point of ecstasy once more. 
That coils in his lower abdomen tightens at an alarming pace. His legs kick out and muffled words in search of permission slip past his filled mouth. Luckily Ezar requires no further clarification. He can feel the omega cinching around him, another key sign he has learned means the boy is almost past the point of no return. 
“It’s ok baby. Be a good boy and cum for me.” 
As expected that is all it takes to get him spasming beneath him in a wave of pleasure. In the midst of it Lo’ak feels a bloom of warmth erupt in his core. The familiar sensation of being filled to the brim spurs on his orgasm to prolong and erupt in an unfathomable amount of pleasure. Ezar groans out spewed words of praise and sensuous promises into the crook of his neck as he tries to keep his full body weight off of the boy. 
Fingers slip from his mouth slowly, tethered by a string of saliva, and Lo’ak gasps for air. The world blurs around him, making it feel close to an out of body experience as he floats in the post orgasmic haze. He barely registers the bonds being cut and drags of a wet cloth clean him up before his body is tucked against the alpha. The warmth of his skin is luring and his hindbrain is quickly obeyed upon releasing its desire to nuzzle close, to get drunk off of the heavy essence securing him safely in place. 
Ezar knows better than to try and speak sense into the omega at this point. Instead, he lets times pass leisurely as he admires his little mate close to passed out on top of him. 
Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for Lo’ak’s brain to come back online and with that comes the omega’s worries. Unsurprisingly, the first concern pressing at the forefront of his mind is his father’s reaction to the events of the day. Ezar, however, sternly quiets those concerns with promises of talking to Jake Sully in the morning. 
“Sleep now, my omega.” 
And Ezar is ecstatic to find him obeying immediately. 
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As always, I aboslutely love hearing your thoughts and feedback<3
taglist: @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @taintedlovesworld @yawnekore @faintfill @neteyamstiyawn @thehoneymushroomhealer @young5643-blog @theunfortunateplace @sweetdayme4427 @neteyamssyulang @kayjaydee17
224 notes · View notes
thewulf · 2 years
Different || Neteyam x Y/N
Summary: Request! Hiii Do you write for Avatar? Could you do something where reader is both omatikayan and metkayina (mixed) and she’s living with the metkayina when the Sully family comes? Maybe do a slow burn between reader and Neteyam? The rest is up to you!
A/N: First attempt at Avatar, so much fun to write and hopefully everybody enjoys!
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Y/N
Word Count: 4,900+
Part 2 | Part 3
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Teal. Not turquoise like your brothers and sisters of the Metkayina. Not blue like the Omatikaya you knew your father once was. Teal. A party of one.
Often you sat on the dock outside of your families Marui staring at the reflection that echoed back to you. You looked so different than the rest of the Metkayina. Your skin color was just one difference to start but that’s not where it ended. Your tail was so much smaller than the rest of them. Even starting as a baby, you had the Omatikayan disadvantage of being just a bit slower in the water. You had stripes all over your body instead of the waves that came with being a full Metkayina.
Your eyes were neither yellow nor blue but bright green instead. You were just… different.
The Metkayina never made you feel any different though. They included you in everything as one of their own, your mother was one of them anyway. She grew up in the very same village she raised you in. All you’d learned of your father is what little she told you. That he died fighting the sky people and he was from the forest. She shut you down every time you tried to dig a little deeper to find something. It was too painful for her. Painful enough for her that she’d never indulge you, not even the slightest.
Your mother eventually found love again with a Metkayina man that gave you your younger siblings, your younger brother Zoti and sister Raxata. They, of course, looked normal leaving you to your insecurities as the odd one out. And that’s exactly what they were, your insecurities. Nobody ever dared to make you feel like an outcast or any different. But you couldn’t help it. You just looked so different than the rest of them, it was impossible not to feel terribly self-conscious about it all.
Swimming came naturally to you though. What initially was the Omatikayan disadvantage with your skinnier tale and arms ended up being a blessing for you. Over time you were able to get your strength up to their levels and even begun surpassing them in the water.
You grew close to the chief’s daughter, Tsireya, when she defended you from her brother picking on you in your younger days. Ao’nung never picked on you for the way you looked, Tonowari and Ronal would never allow their son to do so. Instead, he would tease you for things you could control. Like you being a suck up to your instructors or being a goody two shoes. Tsireya always told you it was just because he was comfortable enough around you to do so. He eventually grew out of it welcoming you as one of his sisters. Tsireya made it very clear to him you weren’t planning to go anywhere.
You found yourself spending more and more time with Tsireya’s family as you got older. It’s not that you didn’t love your own family your parents were just focused on your younger siblings. There was a nearly 10-year gap between you and Zoti, you being seventeen and him just turning eight. They needed the attention, you didn’t. You found yourself at Tsireya’s Marui for dinner almost every night. Ronal would even joke that you were their adopted daughter.
You were naturally a very reserved person. Sticking out like a sore thumb all your life you found yourself trying to blend in with the crowd as much as possible. You were sure this is what formed the larger components of your personality. Kind, passive and always wants to please people. That was your measure for success as you grew up. You were never able to shake it though. So here you were at seventeen, the shy quiet but overly friendly soon to be adult Metkayina.
You were so thankful for your friendship with Tsireya as she pushed you out of your comfort zone all the time. She made you the swimmer you were today. She was the one who gave you the confidence to speak up when you didn’t have it. She was your best friend through and through. She probably knew you better than your mother did.
The two of you were chatting about the day and feeding your Ilu’s when you heard a commotion from the village.
“Oh, wow.” Reya’s eyes went wide as she turned looking into the sky.
Your eyes grew just as big seeing the flying creatures circling the village. Not noticing the Na’vi riding the animals your eyes locked onto beasts, admiring them. Your breath nearly caught in your throat watching them twist and turn in the air so effortlessly, “They’re so beautiful.”
Whispering you looked onto the next one that flew right over the two of you.
“Come on! Let’s go!” She hopped onto her Ilu diving quickly.
Smiling you followed her. Racing through the waters you caught up with her quickly still managing to admire the underwater world around you. The endless sea creatures never seeming to dull after all these years. After five minutes of racing each other, something you and Tsireya did often, the two of you found yourself right in the center of where all the commotion was coming from.
Exiting the water, you found exactly what was causing all the chaos. Your mouth ran dry when you made eye contact with one of them, “Reya is that…?” Gasping you looked for your mother. Anybody that could explain who you were seeing before you.
“They look like you!” She too looked back and forth between you and the family of blue Na’vi, “Well not identical but wow.” You noticed how she made eye contact with one of the boys in the group. You also noticed how she perked right on up as she looked him over curiously. Reya might have known you like the back of your hand, but you too knew her just as well as she knew you. One thing she was never really interested in was the boys of the village, calling them all skxawngs. Not worthy of her time. But this? This you hadn’t seen from your best friend. It was like she was transfixed on the blue Na’vi.
Bumping her hip, you brought her out of her gaze, “Omatikaya.” Whispering you too made eye contact with the other brother who was giving you the most peculiar look. Eyebrows close together his gaze lingered on yours.
“Like your dad?” She asked continuing to stare.
Nodding your head, you looked down to her, “I think so.”
The pair of you were interrupted when Ronal began waltzing around the family pointing out all of their supposed flaws. She pointed out their thin tails, their small arms and their yellow eyes not suited for the water.
With every flaw she pointed out you could feel yourself sinking back into yourself. Not being able to stop your emotions it felt like she was speaking right to you. You shared these ‘flaws’ with the Omatikayan family standing there before you. How could it not hurt? That was Ronal, your second mom.
Taking a small step back you looked back to the family. The one boy continued to watch you making your heart rate pick up. The stares and the hurtful words from Ronal were too much for you, “I’m going back to my marui to find my mother.” Whispering into to Reya’s ear you began to turn before she stopped you.
“Why Y/N?” Frowning she noticed your distressed face and fidgeting hands.
Scanning the crowd, you still couldn’t find your mother, but your brother and sister were huddled around their father, “This is too much Reya. Too much right now.” She let your arm go after seeing you in such a state. A state of panic.
Luckily all eyes were on the Omatikayan family making your escape that much easier. Slowly you backed yourself into the water knowing that nobody would notice. Taking a breath, you submerged yourself while calling for you Ilu. You Ilu, Maka, rushed you back to your marui feeling your uneasiness through the bond.
“Mom!” You called once you made it back home.
“Y/N.” She dropped her smile once she saw your expression. You looked to be in pain as you paced the family’s pod.
“Mother, there are Omatikaya here.” Not beating around the bush, you needed her right now. You needed her to step up for you. You know how uncomfortable talking about your father or his people made her but now that they were literally standing in front of you, you needed her. Her guidance and strength to navigate whatever the hell was about to happen.
“There are what?”
“Omatikaya people! A whole family.”
Her face went pale as she rushed out of the marui and right into the water. Groaning you followed her diving right back into the water.
When you made it back to the village center the blue family was still the center of attention. Tonowari and Ronal looked to be having a silent conversation before the Olo'eyktan began speaking, “Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. But they do not know the sea. So, they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
“What do we say?” The father spoke seemingly a little relieved by Tonowari and Ronal’s grace.
“Thank you.” The little one spoke followed by the rest of the family.
Tonowari began again, “My son Ao’nung and our daughter Tsireya will show your children what to do.”
“Father, why?” Ao’nung jumped forward clearly annoyed by his dad.
“It has been decided.” Tonowari pointed and gave him a look that made his son back down immediately.
“Come! I will show you, our village.” Reya jumped in attempting to save her brother from her father’s wrath.
Standing behind your mother again you made eye contact with the blue boy again. Instead of the stoic face he was studying you with earlier he gave you a soft smile instead. Smiling back at him you took the opportunity to look him over.
His markings were so similar to yours. Stripes instead of waves around his body and face. He was so much taller and leaner than any of the Metkayina boys you ran with. The way his hair was braided was so different than the way and you and Reya did yours, much tighter than your loose braids. He was handsome. The entire family was beautiful. Almost too enamored in your observations you hadn’t even noticed Reya marching her way over to you, Sully family in tow.
Before you could even react, Reya was at your side, “Come on Y/N! Let’s go show them.”
“Show them?” You clearly weren’t paying attention as you looked up to your mother for approval.
“Show them their new home! The marui that’s open by you!” She clapped gleefully.
“Can I?” Still looking at your mom you got nervous once you asked. She too was in a somewhat shocked state seeing the outsiders for the first time.
Giving her the most pleading eyes, you were practically begging her at this point, “Ma’ite I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Mother, please.” You took her hand in yours, “For me? You know this would mean the world to me mom.”
She looked between you and the family, taking a second to contemplate all of her options. She nodded softly, “Ma Y/N, just be careful.”
“Oh, thank you mother!” You jumped up kissing her cheek. Reya quickly yanked you away making a beeline towards them.
“Did you say in the marui by us?” You asked your best friend as she walked forward.
“Yes! That’s what dad said anyway. Ao’nung and I are going to train them too! You should help us!” Grinning she picked up her pace.
“I don’t think mother would be too thrilled if…”
Before you could get it all out you were stopped by Reya right in front of them, “Hi!” Reya waved to them while you stood behind her trying not to look at the boy that kept catching your eye, “I’m Tsireya, that’s my brother Ao’nung and this is my best friend Y/N.” She yanked you forward. Best you could do was give them a small wave, “We’ll be helping you guys learn the ways of the water. Now follow me, you all must be exhausted.”
Reya moved quickly. You could just tell how excited she was. You kept her pace not wanting to interact with any of them individually, not yet anyway. The whole situation was so intimidating to you. You were the only one here who resembled them in the slightest. Would they expect you to know the ways of the forest? How embarrassing would that be? Often you would head off to the trees when you knew nobody would be looking for you. Trying time and time again you figured out how to climb and jump from tree to tree but that was about it. Without your mother telling you any details you didn’t have a clue what forest people did.
Getting pulled out of your thoughts you felt a hand grabbing at yours while Reya led the family towards their pod. Looking down you were being pulled on by the smallest member of the family, “Hi Y/N! I’m Tuk!”
“Hi Tuk.” Smiling you slowed down to keep pace with the smaller girl, “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You to. You are so pretty!”
“She is, isn’t she?” Reya turned around hearing your conversation with the little girl.
Glaring at your best friend she simply giggled and charged on, “Thank you Tuk.”
“You look like me. And you look like her.” She pointed to Reya.
“Tuk Tuk that’s enough.” Her father scooped her up attempting to end his daughter’s conversation right then and there.
“But she does!” Tuk pouted into her father’s embrace.
“Tuk, quite ma’ite.” She placed a finger over her mouth signaling for the child that the questions were enough, “I apologize Y/N. I am Neytiri and this is Jake Sully.” She smiled lovingly at her mate, “Kiri, Lo’ak, and Neteyam.” She pointed to each of her children as she spoke their names. Reya had paused the group as introductions were happening before had planned. You saw her grinning from ear to ear as Neytiri pointed Lo’ak out.
Neteyam. A handsome name for a handsome man. Breaking your stare away from him you trained your eyes back on the little girl in the arms of her father, “It’s okay, Tuk. I know you’re just curious right?”
She nodded in her father’s arms trying to squirm away. The attempt was rather futile though. There wasn’t a chance she was breaking through his iron grip on her, “Yes!”
Laughing you had to indulge the child’s curiosity. You were sure the rest of the Sully family was curious as well. They just hid it a bit better, “I am like you. Except only half like you. I’m also like Reya over there.” Pointing to you best friend you couldn’t stop smiling as Tuk seemed so interested in every word you had to say, “Except, only half like her too.”
“Half me and half her… no wonder you’re so pretty!”
Who would’ve thought an eight-year-old child would’ve made you blush like you were. But here you were blushing like a skxawng in front of her family, “Thank you Tuk.”
“Can I put flowers in your hair?” Tuk continued to struggle in her father’s arms. He seemed unbothered as he listened in curiously to the conversation between his daughter and the girl who looked strangely like an Omatikayan.
“Anytime Tuk.” The little one brought you comfort immediately. She was so bold and outspoken, nothing like you even now.
Curiosity got the better of Neytiri. She had never seen somebody like you. A mix of Metkayina and Omatikaya, “Your father, what’s his name?” She asked as Reya began to guide the group to their new home.
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts you did not turn back to her when you spoke, eyes forward or you’d probably cry, “I do not know. My mother will not tell me.”
“Why?” She asked quickly earning a stern look from her mate, warning her not to push it with the girl.
This time you did turn back while you walked, “I think it hurts her. The only thing I know of him is that he fought against the sky people and never made it home.”
Jake then looked at her curiously. Her story was unfortunately all too common in the Omatikaya clan. Too many passed away defending their homeland. Did he know her father? Fight with her father? He looked for any indication he could know who the girl’s father was. He could see it in the way her demeanor had shifted that it made her sad to talk about it. Like she craved to know more but was always stopped short of her goal.
“We’re here!” Reya smiled opening the pod’s door for the family to explore. She sensed the growing tension in the group opting to change the conversation entirely.
Once everyone was inside, you waiting by the door for Reya, she got everybody’s attention, “Lessons will begin tomorrow at sunrise. Y/N and I will be here to pick the four of you up then.” Reya then turned her attention the adults in the room, “My mother and father will train you both as well. They should be around sometime tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you Tsireya,” Jake spoke turning to look at you as well, “Y/N.”
“We look forward to it. Rest up. My mother will be by with some food as well. Feel free to explore the village.” Reya smiled as she walked towards you, “And if you need anything, Y/N and her family are one marui over.”
You nodded confirming what she said, “Just the one right there.” Pointing towards your pod you glanced over at Neteyam for the first time in a while. He was looking right at you with a soft smile playing at his lips.
“Thank you Y/N. Me and my siblings look forward to tomorrow.” Neteyam spoke before either of his parents could get a word in. He couldn’t help it. He was downright fascinated by the girl. She wasn’t just pretty she was absolutely stunning. Unlike anything Neteyam has ever seen. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of you. Which earned a few elbows in the ribs from his brother making fun of him.
He admired the way you interacted with Tuk. You made her feel like she had a valid question without making her feel bad. Your bright smile and green eyes that complimented your skin tone so beautifully was a sight Neteyam knew he wouldn’t grow tired of. He was genuinely so excited to see you tomorrow, to get to know you a little bit more once the sun comes back up.
With a quick nod you and Reya exited their marui, giving them some time to get acquainted to their new home and very different surroundings.
“He couldn’t take his eyes off of you sister!” Reya grabbed your arms as the two of you walked back to her families pod to get food ready for the Sully’s.
“What are you talking about?” You attempted to play dumb. Not even sure why you attempted Reya could see right on through you.
She rolled her eyes, “Neteyam!”
“He was not.”
“Don’t be stupid.” She hit the back of your head, “He did not take his eyes off you the entire time.”
“Probably because I look like a freak...”
“Don’t you dare.” Reya almost hissed at you, “You do not put yourself down because you look a little different. A little bit more beautiful than the rest of us.” She pinched your arm earning a smack from you this time, “Besides he wasn’t looking at you in curiosity, he was looking at you like he wants to get you naked.”
“Reya!” You shoved her off the bridge right into the water. Once she resurfaced, she began laughing like never before.
“Seems to me like you want to do the same.” Reya giggled swimming away from you. She just knew how to get the better of you in these situations. Diving in after her the two of you made it back to her pod continuing to bicker back and forth like the best friends you are.
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“You must breathe from your stomach.” You patted your own as you tried to teach Neteyam how to hold his breath longer. His diving wasn’t bad, but his lack of breathing was holding him back in the water.
Reya had split the group up. Giving you Neteyam and Kiri to teach, she and Ao’nung took Lo’ak and Tuk. Kiri picked it up quicker than any average Metkayina even would, fascinating you. She even got an Ilu to approach and bond with her within the first hour the group was in the water. You had an inkling that Reya did this on purpose, leaving you to teach Neteyam solo.
Neteyam had explained to you how Kiri was more in tune with Eywa than anybody he’s come across in his time on Pandora. Reya didn’t even believe you as you signed it to her across the water, but sure enough Kiri was off and riding earning an impressed nod from Reya and a shocked looked from Ao’nung. Even he had to give the forest girl some credit.
Frowning, Neteyam tried diving again. Following him effortlessly you swam leisurely behind him. After only a few minutes he needed to go back up for air. When you resurfaced you saw the frustration evident on his face.
“I’m not getting it.” He continued to frown looking to you for more guidance.
Swimming over to him you realized you’d have to do what your own teachers did to help you. Show him, “I’m going to touch you, okay?” You phrased it as more of a request than a question hoping it didn’t seem too odd.
He nodded, frown letting up a bit.
Gently, you placed your hand on his abdomen. Feeling him react you quickly spoke, “Breathe from here Neteyam. Not your lungs. Close your eyes.” Without releasing your hand, he listened to your instruction closing his eyes.
“Good.” Offering gentle praise you continued, “Slow your heart and take a long slow breath. Focus on keeping your heart slow and steady, like the waves of the ocean.”
Snapping his eyes open you brought your hand back to yourself. You didn’t see the small frown that reformed as you dove back down, wanting him to follow you. You were amazed what simple instruction did for him. He was able to stay down with you for double the time than he had previously.
“Very good Neteyam!” You cheered as the two of you met back at the surface.
Offering you a small smile he thanked you, “Couldn’t have done it without you, Y/N.”
“Plenty of great teachers here. Let’s go eat and come back after. Looks like the everybody else is.” You hadn’t realized the other group had already left to eat instead caught up in teaching Neteyam. It was far too easy to get distracted by him.
You led him to where all the other Sully kids and your best friend were. Leaning down you whispered into her ear letting her know you were going to the creek.
The creek was a spot deeper within the trees that you and Reya had found when you were eight years old. You never dared to mention it to anybody, not wanting it to get back to your mother. You knew being within the forest would bother her. Anything Omatikaya seemed to bother her.
Reya smiled nodding letting you know when to be back by. You did have to keep teaching after all. Quietly disappearing from the group, you hustled over to the edge of the village slipping into the dense foliage that met the water.
Only one of the Sully’s seemed interested in where you were going. Neteyam needed to know where you were off to and let his curiosity get the better of him as he got Reya’s attention. He asked where you were off too which Reya happily told him just where you were going to him.
You sat down by the creek that you and Reya found so long ago. As you got older the two of you visited less and less. You ended up going out to the spot on your own instead finding solace being surrounded by the jungle.
Picking a few fruits along the way you often wondered out here when you were a tad overwhelmed. And right now? You were terribly overwhelmed. You wanted to ask a million questions all at once, but you didn’t want to come off as desperate. It was embarrassing you had no knowledge of that side of you.
Dipping your toes in the water you slowly ate the fruit you managed to find on the path back to your spot. Smiling at all the animals just in the stream you dipped some of the fleshy fruit down into it for some of the fish to enjoy. You watched patiently as a little guy came up to nibble on it.
Entranced on the little guy you hadn’t heard the blue Na’vi boy come up from behind you. Trying not to frighten you too badly Neteyam let out a gentle cough. However, his attempt was futile as you continued to feed the small fish in the creek. So, he opted to place a hand on your shoulder.
Feeling the unexpected contact, you jumped right up from your spot shoving whoever approached you away as best as you could. It didn’t work as whomever was standing there was a lot stronger than you and you ended up launching yourself backwards right into the creek. Luckily it was shallow, your bottom half and hair were the only casualties to the water.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” He pulled you up at your waist with ease looking you over making sure you didn’t accidentally hurt yourself.
“Neteyam!” You flushed feeling a rush of horror come over you at what just occurred. Real smooth, “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged trying to play it off coolly, “Tsireya said you came out to the creek to relax. Wanted to make sure you were okay?” It came out more as a question than a statement. He too felt a rush of slight embarrassment at his own actions. He hardly knew you, but here he was standing in front of you. Oddly drawn to you.
“Oh yeah, yeah, I’m fine. You found me with just a general direction?” Smiling you wrung your hair out. Your hair didn’t take to kindly to the fresh water of the creek over the salty water of the ocean.
Neteyam laughed. You really were clueless when it came to the ways of the Omatikaya. Not that he was annoyed by it in the slighted. But rather he found it adorable. Neteyam wanted to return the favor and teach her the ways of his people. That is if you wanted.
“We learn to track from a very young age. A survival skill for the Omatikaya.”
You hummed sitting back down in your spot patting the sand next to you, “Right. Forest boy.” You smiled to him once he sat next to you.
“That’s right water girl.”
You returned his laugh finding comfort in his presence, “I do wish I knew more about the forest.” You whispered
“It’s never too late to learn. Look at us in the water.”
You nodded unsure of what to say. Sure, he was right but who would teach you? Sighing you pulled your knees to your chest hugging them tightly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Who would even teach me Neteyam? And my mother…” You trailed off shuddering at the thought, “I don’t even know what she would say.” You admitted to him.
“I will teach you.” He said so matter of factly like it wasn’t even up for discussion.
“You would?”
“Yes Y/N. You teach me the ways of the Metkayina, and I’ll teach you the ways of the Omatikaya.”
“You’re not obligated Neteyam. Just because I’m helping doesn’t mean you have to.”
He shrugged, “What if I want to?”
“You really want to?”
He smiled, “Is it so surprising I’d want to spend time with you Y/N?” He asked while turning himself towards you.
“Well no.” You felt that familiar blush begin to creep back up. One that only seemed reserved for Neteyam lately.
“You know, my sister was right.”
Scrunching your eyebrows trying to think what Kiri and Tuk had mentioned to the both of you, “What about?”
“That you’re pretty.” He grinned waiting for your reaction.
A stupid blush that spread across your entire upper half is what happened, “What?” You weren’t sure if you were hearing things or what.
“Even more than pretty. Stunning.”
“Oh.” You looked away from him not really believing what he was saying.
“Can you look at me with those beautiful eyes Y/N?”
Was he trying to kill you? It felt like he was trying to make you combust on the spot. Obliging his wishes, you peaked over to him seeing his face laced with a little smirk, “Hi.” Your brain seemed at a loss for words. Overloaded by the new Omatikayan family and now this?
Grinning from ear to ear he took your hand fully in his. Relishing in the physical contact between the two of you, “Hi pretty girl.”
Part 2
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pandorascrush · 2 years
Neteyam watching over his ex, but can't allow her to move on and mate with someone else
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WARNINGS: nsfw(18+), smut, minors dni, clit play, fingering, fem!bodied reader, metkayina!reader, dry humping, aged up neteyam
NOTES: In this fic, and probably in any with Neteyam, he will be aged up. I don’t feel comfortable writing smut for Neteyam at his current age even if he is considered an adult at 15 in na’vi terms. So he is aged up and so is the reader. So 18-19 age range for him. My song recommendation for this fic is…. Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey <3 
From the moment the Sully family had arrived you couldn't help but feel a pull towards them, more specifically towards the oldest son. You remember how your clan gathered around the family, how you all looked them up and down and you couldn't help but do the same. You observed them and how different they looked, you took time watching each and everyone of them, when your eyes met his. From that moment on you it was like a magnet pulling you two towards each other. Everyday you would be out in the water with him, teaching him the way of your people and you couldn't help but get closer to one another. The feelings that began to grow inside of you began to grow root, planting themselves in your heart. Until one day you couldn't help but confess to those feelings.
You had been swimming all day on your ilu’s, and had decided to swim towards the outskirts of your village closer to the forest. He had wanted to show you just how similar your forest was to that of his home.
“Neteyam, where exactly are you going to take me, if you don’t know these forests?” You asked curiously as he swam up next to you on his ilu.
“Now you see, that’s where you’re wrong. I’ve been around here on my ikran.” Ah, that makes sense. You’ve never had the courage to ride on one of those things even though he’s offered before.
“Come come, follow me. Don’t worry, I'll keep you safe.” He all but declared as he sent you a wink. All you could do was roll your eyes as you jumped off your ilu’s and walked towards the trees.  It was a short walking distance before you came to a small clearing surrounded by trees and grass.
“Is this what your home looks like?” You asked curiously as your eyes wandered the trees and your hands touched the tall plants. You hadn't noticed he came to stand behind you until he answered you.
“It is more beautiful than this.” He said as he towered over you from behind. He grabbed your arms gently and turned you around. He let one of his dark blue hands come up to caress your face as he leaned in and let his forehead rest on yours.
“I know I shouldn't feel this for you, but I can't help it.” He all but whispered, opening his golden eyes to look deeply into your teal ones.
“Then let Eywa guide us towards one another, don't fight it.” You whispered right back as you grabbed his face, running your fingers over his lips.
“But my duty to my family - ” He began to say before he let go and grabbed your face, meeting your lips with his own. The kiss was soft at first, but quickly escalated as your hands started exploring one another. As your hands trailed over his shoulders, and he gripped onto your waist pulling you in, you could hear both of your tails thumping against the floor. Slowly he began parting your lips with his tongue slipping it in as you began to moan.
“Teyam please.” You wanted more, your heart beating a thousand beats per minute.
“I want to y/n, but we must be mated before Eywa.” He said as he began to pull back but you stopped him.
“Eywa gave us free will to decide, and I am choosing to be with you even if we are not mated. I want you Neteyam.” That was all it took for you to convince him to be with you. That night you gave into each other, you explored each other's bodies for hours. You memorized the curves, dips, and ridges of one another never wanting that night to end. You two might have been young, but you were old enough to mate and bond. You had promised one another that as soon as you were both ready, you would go before your parents and announce that you would be eachothers mates. You kept your relationship secret, sneaking off to be with each other whenever you got the chance. But it became harder after Neteyam felt the pressure of his father to be perfect, act like the perfect son. Soon enough your meetings would become less and less as the year went by. The first year afterwards it was easy to keep a rhythm, but the second year is where you struggled. You would go to your meeting place just to find it empty, the excitement of your tail dying down as it came to a disappointing stop. Soon enough three years had gone by and you were now at the age his parents were when they mated, and that’s the year he broke your heart.
“It’s over, we have to end this.” He said without even having the decency to look at you. You had felt it coming, but hearing him say the words made your heart break into pieces.
“All I wanted was for you to have me Neteyam.” You said sadly, as you took off the necklace he had made you. You handed it over to him, to which he tried putting up his hand to stop you.
“Take it Neteyam. I don’t want it.” You looked up at him, this time angry.
“You take three years of my life, filling me with your love and promises. Just to wake up one day and take it all away from me.” You said as you threw it on the ground. You walked away ignoring the way his gaze burned into your back.
You were now old enough to mate and your parents had been pushing you to find a mate.
“Y/n, Anoung is a good choice for a mate. He is the next Olo’eyktan and he is a good warrior. He will be a good strong mate.” When you heard his name all you could do was look up at them as your eyes went wide. 
“But mother, I don't think that would be a good idea.” You said all but stunned. Your head still reeling from the fact that your heart still belonged to Neteyam no matter how much you willed it not to.
“My daughter, it is done. We have spoken to Tonowari and Ronal. You are to be mated with Anoung.” Your father all but declared, ending the conversation. Soon after that the news spread like wildfire, everyone talking about the upcoming ceremony. It would take place in three moons time.
You had taken time to get to know Anoung better, you couldn't help but be charmed. Surprisingly he was kind, charming, honest, and gentle with you. As you two spent time together you could actually see a life with him. He was honest about the fact that he was also taken aback about the mating of you two. It was your parents that had set up the union, which of course you suspected. Slowly you began to grow used to the idea of a life with him. But in the back of your mind was Neteyam. When Anoung would smile, you’re reminded of him. It also didn't help the fact that Neteyam was around you constantly now.
It was late at night when you were walking back to your family’s mauri. You had decided to take the long way from the forests to your home when all of a sudden you felt someone yank on your arm and pull you towards the forest.
“What are you doing Neteyam!” You hissed at him, baring your fangs. He had never grabbed you the way he did just now. He had always been gentle with you. But just now he had pushed you against a tree, trapping your arms behind you as he peered over you
“Do you really think I am going to let you mate with him.” He looked at you with a burning gaze, it felt as if it was peering into you.
“It is not up to you Neteyam. I am going to be his- his mate.” You practically fought back trying to free yourself from his grip. But all this did was egg him on, the way your body was pressed against him, your top scratching his chest. It just provoked him to no end, no one was going to have what was his.
“You have always been mine.” He hissed into your face. It happened so fast, he pinned your arms behind you and grabbed them with one hand, and with his other hand he grabbed your face and brought your lips to his forcefully. He kissed you hard and desperately, and you kissed back having missed the feeling of his lips on yours. He gave you no time as dropped his hands, and put them underneath your butt squeezing it roughly as your tangled your hands in his hair deepening the kiss.
“You’re mine.” He practically growled against your lips. In no time he made you jump, and you wrapped your legs around your waist as he pinned you to the tree behind you. He parted your lips and slipped his tongue in your mouth, as you did the same with your tongue. As you two battled for dominance you began thrusting into his cock, needing to feel that friction. You were dripping by this point, as he felt your wetness over his loincloth. You dropped one hand not thinking and untied your loincloth, dropping it to the floor, exposing you to him as he dropped one hand and began rubbing his thumb up and down your slit. Finding your clit he began drawing tight circles over your bud, making you drop your head back as you moaned out loud.
“Teyam please, I - I need you.” You cried out as you moved one hand down to remove his loincloth. You were so ready to have him thrust into you, but you needed to tease him a bit first.  You grabbed his cock and slowly began to pump it up and down, making him groan as he threw his head back. You needed more, so with his cock in your hand, you rubbed it up and down your slit teasing him while coating it with your wetness. The way the head of his cock rubbed over your clit caused little jolts to coarse through your body. As you lifted up a little, ready to drop down onto his cock that you craved so much he suddenly stopped.
“We - we can't do this y/n.”  He said suddenly as he gripped your hips, stopping your thrusts. He all but dropped you on your own two feet as he walked away. You were left stunned, standing there leaning against the tree. With your dignity gone, you picked up your discarded clothes and began to weep silently. You felt your eyebrows furrow as you let the tears fall freely from your eyes. You wept for what could have been your life with Neteyam. And you wept for yourself. He was all you had wanted, he always has been, and he just walked away from you with your heart in his hand.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed it!!! If you want me to continue this go ahead and let me know. As always leave your comments down below with your feedback. TOODLES <3
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