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black and puerto rican 🎧
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nokiatelava · 15 days ago
about to flip and start writing for arcane... I waited three years for that show and it ends like THAT??? i've been crying myself to sleep for days. younger me would be sobbing rn. i still have the next chapter to the avatar series sitting in my drafts but I hate it so much, but anyway! should I start writing for arcane? if so please don't be afraid to send me any requests or dm me! PLEASE!!
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nokiatelava · 9 months ago
✿✿Swim Good✿✿
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Author’s Note - I kind of just came up with this one randomly! But I think it would be like a good concept for bringing Awpxey, Aiya, and reader closer together. It might be pretty long, so buckle up!! Please excuse any grammar mistakes! And, of course, enjoy reading!!
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Summary - It was a good day, everything was going fine. The weather was perfect, the ocean relaxing you as you swam around on your Ilu with Aiya and Awpxey. What happened? What happened when you went past the reef? Why did this storm have to come now? Trapping you in a rock cave on an island, in the middle of the ocean, only being able to hope for a miracle.
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Warnings - sneaking away in broad daylight, crying, fear of the deep sea — thalassophobia, fear of extreme storms — lilapsophobia, fear of the dark — nyctophobia, panic attack, trapped, fainting, mentions of injuries, mentions of genitalia, speaking crazy out of fear, comfort, rescuing
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“Come on!” You whisper shouted, trying to discreetly leave with Awpxey and Aiya in tow.
“We’re right behind you Y/n!” Aiya whisper shouted back. “We can’t be swimming on top of you.”
“Why are we whispering?” Awpxey questioned, in a whisper.
“Oh. Right.” You scratched the top of your head. “I don’t know? It just happened, it adds to the secrecy anyway.” You shrugged. Aiya added her two sense. “I mean I guess.. We are literally sneaking away to go beyond the reef midday, anyone can probably see us leave, that’s probably why she was whispering.” You nodded, smiling for your defense.
“See Awpxey. Aiya agrees.” You say smugly, leaning towards his face. He rolls his eyes, pecking your lips before you can back away, mumbling. “Yeah, yeah.”
Aiya giggled, taking the front so she can lead you both towards the reef.
“When we’re out there, we should like look for a small little island that we can hang out on!” You propose the idea excitedly. “Is that okay though Aiya?” You asked, leaning onto her side, making puppy eyes. She smiled, agreeing. “Yes Y/n we can do that, you don’t have to make puppy eyes.”
An accent rolled off her tongue, since technically there are no dogs on Pandora, they don’t exactly know what a puppy is. So you obviously were teaching some things, to both Aiya and Awpxey.
“Okay!” You squealed, your Ilu following along and copying your own noises.
“You know sometimes I feel like we both can just talk to each other. She understands me and I can understand her, out loud. I speak Ilu.” You said randomly. Awpxey once again rolled his eyes. “Not surprised tìyawn, you are gifted.” Aiya giggled. “You know I do believe you, when you make noises back to her, her eyes follow along. Like a conversation between two people.”
You smiled looking down to your Ilu. “See, they know we have a bond.” Leaning down and kissing the top of her head. She squeaked in response.
“Oh Y/n, what is her name? I’ve never heard you say it before.” Aiya asked. You looked down, fiddling with the fabric on your loincloth. “Oh.. I didn’t know we could name them. I thought that like anybody just used anyone’s Ilu if they were around, so I never named her.” Aiya’s face softened. “I should have explained them better to you, sorry about that Y/n. But go ahead, give her a name.”
You looked towards the sky, chewing on your lip in thought. What would be a good name for your Ilu? She was a good listener, she came up to you and bonded with you, no hassle, she’s just a gentle creature. What would fit her the best?
After a couple minutes of pondering silence you finally chose a name and said it out loud.
You smiled at the way the name sounded, it was pretty, and Toula had made a sound, a very high pitched one that sounded almost.. Grateful.
“That’s a beautiful name.” Aiya said smiling, Awpxey nodded in agreement not long after, a smile mirroring on his face.
“Yeah,” you looked down into her eyes whispering. “Toula.”
Now, about 20 minutes out riding your Ilus, you spot an idle island with a spacious rock cave, pointing to it and calling out its existence excitedly.
You tried to ignore the harsh twist in your stomach as you seen the irregularly large boulders unsteadily ‘stacked’ over the cave.
Guiding Toula towards the island, you dismount her as you carefully climbed the tricky rocks edge, successfully getting over the edge. Once you were up, you turned to tell Toula she could swim around, and pull Awpxey and Aiya onto the ledge.
The sky had turned grey, and little patters of rain started to fall from the sky, small sounds of thunder ringing through.
"Go on Toula, go swim, okay?" You say to her as you pull both Aiya and Awpxey on at the same time. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you seen only Toula looking back at you.
‘All the other Ilus left already?’ You ask yourself in your head. You took note at how Toula was looking at you strangely, a distressed look and sound coming from her.
“Toula? What’s wrong?” You turned back to look at Awpxey and Aiya. “Guys. Guys I think something’s wro- Oh?” Once you turned around, Toula was gone.
Before you could even register it, a wave came up over the rock’s ledge, swallowing you into the Sea.
You got pulled down deep under, towards the sea floor. And the current that was throwing you underwater crashed your face into some coral, making a rough scratch on the corner of your forehead.
Trying to swim up, you were only forced farther down, your ankle getting stuck into another patch of coral. Even trying to attempt pulling your foot from it was a joke, the current of the ocean rocked you back and forth, your oxygen running low.
The push and pull on your ankle against the coral caused more scratches on the skin, making it burn so uncomfortably.
Just as your vision began to get blurry, a figure was swimming down towards you. You couldn’t see it clearly yet, but it was Awpxey, a rock in hand as he approached your leg. Caressing your calf before striking the coral with the rock, breaking your foot free successfully.
Just as black spots began to cloud your vision you were being brought to the surface. Black slowly began to encompass your vision, causing you to see nothing. You were slipping.
Color enveloped you again as you took a breath. The air filling your lungs giving you relief. Feeling as if you just took your first ever breath.
The screams around you were muffled. The only things you were able to register was Awpxey’s warm skin pressing against your back, the rocks ledge in front of you, the opaque white sea foam that was everywhere due to the harshness of the waves, and the push and pull of the water.
The Sea rocking you in what felt like a harsh lullaby. But that’s what Mother Nature does right?
Relief started to build in your chest as you felt yourself being pushed, then pulled onto the edge. Though it was short lived as another wave came crashing over you, wanting to swallow you back into the ocean. But with all of the force coming over you, all it did was push your body down into the rock, splitting your lip against the rough, wet rock.
That’s when all your hearing came back.
The wind, the rain, the thunder, the water, the screaming.
You were able to hear all of it.
You felt the warm liquid trickle from your lip, seeing it splatter then mix with the rest of the angry ocean, tasting the large sum that went into your mouth.
Soon, arms were on both of your biceps, dragging you hurriedly towards that damn rock cave that was giving you the creeps just earlier.
With the adrenaline, you started to walk too, at a pace that was too close to a run. Putting all that pressure on your ankle.
Once all three of you entered, getting shielded from the rain, you breathed out calming down for a little bit.
Just before a striking pain shot up from your ankle to your leg, through your arms, up to your brain. Hell, even to your queue if you would.
Shooting your head back, your knees buckled, not being able to handle the pain traveling from your ankle.
You were laid on the floor quickly, Awpxey coming down to your side to hold your face. “Tíyawn! Tíyawn are you okay?” He asked frantically.
“My foot.” You shook your head as you sobbed. Awpxey tried his best to wipe your tears before he went to examine your ankle himself.
You caught the way he physically flinched, reeling back from your leg, eyes wide in shock.
“What?” You asked breathlessly, scared to even know what it was yourself. “What is it Awpxey what’s wrong?”
It seemed like he snapped out of it when you called for him. “N-no! Nothing! It’s nothing.” His eyes flicked between yours and your ankle.
“No. There’s obviously something wrong. You’re staring at my foot as if I have fifteen penises for toes! What’s wrong!?” You exclaimed in fear, talking irrationally since you were beginning to become nervous at his suspensive look.
Once the silence became enough for you, you began to sit up yourself, and see why your ankle made both Aiya and Awpxey silent. When you finally sat up, you gasped.
It was ghastly.
Your ankle looked disgusting. It was all shades of pinks, blues, and blacks, it was tilt at a very, very unusual angle, and your bone could be seen under your skin, trying to pierce through.
“Oh.. Oh my Ey-” you passed out before even getting to finish your sentence.
“Y/n!” Aiya exclaimed, tapping your cheek with a firm hand to bring your consciousness.
You gasped as you sat up. The pain in your ankle continuing to throb. Gripping your hair, pulling at the strands. “M-my foot is ruined. I can’t believe I was running on it. I’m never gonna feel my foot ever again.” As you rambled on, Awpxey took hold of your hands, untangling each from your hair.
“Y/n.. I need you to listen to me closely okay?” Awpxey spoke softly. You nodded, listening to his calm tone.
“I need to pop this back in place…” He whispered, not wanting to even say it to you out loud.
“What!?” You screamed, your voice echoing through the cave. Thunder striking over your echoes, causing a rumble through the empty space.
“Yes Y/n, I know it’s going to hurt but we have to, okay?” He tried to reason with you calmly. But you were out of your mind. It’s not your fault though, was it? You were scared. And you had every right to be. You heard that popping dislocations and bones and such back into place hurt more than the actual break. You didn’t want to try and see if that was true yourself!
“No, no.” You shook your head, “we really don’t have to.”
When Awpxey approached your upper body with a frown, pushing you down softly by your shoulders.
You knew he was serious.
“Do we really have to?” Your meek voice killed him, Awpxey hated to see you in pain. It’s all the worse now knowing he is the one putting you through it.
Looking to Aiya — the only healer in their right mind — for confirmation, she gave him a small solemn nod. And that’s all he needed to know he could continue.
Aiya had to get you ready though. She knew she would have to restrain you, so she took both of your hands and held them to your chest lightly, holding your other leg down with hers.
Now you were becoming frantic. The reality of what was about to happen settling into your nerves.
“No, no, no, no, no!” You cried out. “Please no, don’t do it please!” Shaking your head side-to-side roughly, hoping they will somehow change their minds and not pop your ankle back into place.
"Aiya! Please don't let him do it to me, Aiya!" You pulled your hand from under hers, grabbing onto her forearm in pain, begging for her to not let Awpxey go through with his plan.
"I'm sorry Y/n but I have to. It's going to help you, I swear." She muttered to you solemnly, tears of fear and pain were streaming from your eyes. “But why?” You tried your best at stalling enough time, enough for them to get distracted and forget, but Awpxey was aware of this.
He was unfortunately a step ahead of you.
Before Aiya could even answer your question, Awpxey had grabbed your ankle, popping your split bone into its original position.
A sickening pop. Then a scream.
A horrible one.
The scream you let out was bloodcurdling.
It just went on and on and on and on. Awpxey blinking his tears back as he seen the way you shook. Aiya trying her best to rub your head and sooth you somewhat from the pain which she has seen a lot of.
“Let me see if I can find anything to wrap it.” Aiya whispered before she stood, walking a bit deeper into the cave to see if she could find anything, anything to help you.
After a few minutes, she came back with two handfuls of a slimy, seaweed like leaf.
“This is wur rìk.” She said with a small smile. “It is a cooling leaf. This slick on the outside is like a, uh, what do you say? Gel? Yes, yes, a gel. The gel absorbs heat and produces more of the cooling slick. This will help your ankle. It is a good plant.” Aiya explained to you and Awpxey, feeling happy that she was able to provide more assistance to you.
“Thank you Aiya.” You rasped out. With a nod, she approached your foot. “Let me get this wrapped for you. I will try to be as gentle as I can.” She gave you a worried look, but you offered her a smile. “Don’t worry about it Aiya, it’s okay.” You were trying to just learn now how to accept the fact that there will be moments where you’re fine, and then randomly end up like this. You’ll be fine.
You’ll get through this.
You tell yourself as you feel Aiya pick up your ankle. You hold back the sharp inhale you were close to taking, choosing to let Aiya just do her job in peace.
Through the whole process, you held your ground. Not yelping when your ankle was pressed on, not wincing when the leaf was pulled too tight in one area.
Awpxey frowned, not liking when you entered this solemn state of silence. Choosing to only stay to yourself, choosing to be alone with your thoughts.
After a silent agonizing several minutes, Aiya straightened her back. “It is done.” She said, giving you a small smile.
“Thank you Aiya.” Awpxey said as he stood, rubbing her shoulder before coming to kneel at your upper body.
All Awpxey could do was examine you. He felt somehow the pain you are in now is his fault.
“Tìyawn..” Awpxey said as he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers before kissing your knuckles. “I’m sorry..”
“Awpxey.” You say tiredly, “I’m not dead. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. Yes it hurt very, very bad, but you only did what you had to do. It is not your fault.” You say as you pat his chest with a small smile.
He gave one in return, though the sorrow and guilt could be seen deep in his eyes. The injuries on your face looking devastatingly close to the ones from that night.
A flash from your face of that night racing through his thoughts before disappearing.
Then he heaved a sigh.
The wind was getting increasingly worse, the harsh breeze making you shiver.
Then, suddenly, a rumbling was felt throughout the cave. What is happening? Is this an earthquake?
Before anything could be registered out loud, the rocks that were unsteadily standing around and over the cave fell.
They all fell.
Trapping you three inside.
The sudden rush of darkness that swallowed the cave came unexpectedly, making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
You sat up quickly. “Awpxey? A-Awpxey where are you?” Feeling around frantically, your breath hitched as your heart felt as if it were about to leap out of your chest. Tears bubbled on your waterline, the panic getting to you as you started to slap the ground, looking for Awpxey.
You finally relaxed once you felt his familiar grasp on your hands.
“I’m right here, baby. Right where I’ll always be, here okay?” His hands came to caress your face, trying to calm you down.
You began to feel better as you seen his tanhìs begin to glow in the dark.
But reality kicked in when you noticed Aiya was gone, moreso, she hadn’t spoke. “Aiya. Where’s Aiya?” You turned your head, squinting, trying to make your eyes get use to the dark quicker. “Aiya!” You called out to the dark crevices of the cave.
There wasn’t a response.
“Awpxey. Awpxey, Aiya’s gone!” Before Awpxey could respond, there was a sound of engulfing flames behind you. Turning quickly, you both were met with the sight of Aiya throwing skinny twigs into a small fire.
“I’m right here Y/n. Sorry for scaring you Tanhì.” She said with a frown. You shook your head, a small smile — and blush from the nickname — on your face.
You looked to Awpxey with exasperated eyes. “Can you help walk me to the fire? I don’t wanna put pressure on this again.” You pursed your lips as you thought of the stupid coral that got you in this predicament in the first place.
Awpxey stood with no hesitation, and as you began to try to, he grabbed the back of your knees. Now you were held in a bridal position, a small yelp came from you as you didn’t expect it at all, covering your face with your hands as you began to feel embarrassed.
“Awpxey! I said walk me!” You muffled into your hand. Aiya giggled as Awpxey set you down, “I think that was good enough, if not better you know tìyawn?” You rolled your eyes, trying to discreetly fan your face. “Yeah, yeah whatever.. Thank you though, I guess.” You said with a smug roll of your shoulders. “Hmm, yeah. You’re welcome.” Awpxey said as he reached towards your leg, pinching your thigh. “Ow!” How exaggerated you were. He rolled his eyes this time.
“Aiya did I even pinch her that hard?” He asked the girl sitting across the fire, and she smiled. “She’s quite injured, probably sensitive. I would be careful Awpxey.” She stated with a teasing smile.
“Wha-? Aiya!? You’re supposed to be on my side!” Awpxey exclaimed, mocking offense. You giggled, pointing in his face. “See! She actually wants to help me! And let me feel better unlike you who’s only just assaulting me!”
Awpxey kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes again.
“I hope they get stuck like that, skxawng.” You say as you lay down against the ground, trying to get comfortable.
“I’m getting tired.. ‘M gonna try to take a nap, okay guys?” You yawned before talking sluggishly.
Aiya nodded from behind the fire. “Go ahead Y/n, injuries like that drain energy.”
Hours later, you awoke from the uncomfortable pull of your stomach.
Sitting up, you were met with Aiya trying to teach Awpxey a hip dance.
You laughed, “don’t even waste your breath or energy Aiya. He can’t dance.” You shake your head as you rub your eye.
“I’m trying!” Awpxey exasperated to you.
Looking towards the entrance to the cave, you frowned, the boulders still blocking the cave from any possible exit.
“Is it the next day yet?” You asked nervously. Aiya shook her head in response, “I don’t believe so, I don’t think it can actually. It’s most likely night.” Awpxey hummed as he agreed.
“Do you… Do you think they’re going to come look for us?…” You stated hesitantly, the question floated in the air, setting into stone.
“They have to.” Awpxey said looking towards the floor. “I know they are worried about us.” He lifted his head with a firm nod.
“They’ll come for us when the storm passes. As they know how dangerous it really is to go beyond the reef in the middle of one.” Aiya stated, turning around to grab more twigs she collected.
“I hope they’re all okay.” You held yourself, your hand rubbing at your shoulder. Aiya smiled, “they’re okay Y/n. As long as they stay put in their maruis, they’ll be fine.” You relaxed your body before smiling and nodding.
“They’re smart, they’ll wait until the time is right.” You reassured — yourself — out loud.
Your stomach growled, and then you remember the reason why you even got up.
“I’m hungry.” You whisper into the air quietly, embarrassed as you feel like you shouldn’t be thinking about food at a time like this.
“Me too.” Aiya said shortly after.
“Mh.” Awpxey hummed, thinning his lips into a line as his eyes unfocused in thought.
“Maybe there’s something in here we could eat? Like berries, or something?”
You nodded quickly not opposed to the idea at all.
“That’s true. Should we split and try looking for something?”
Looking towards the direction where the cave continues, you see how dark it really is.
“It looks like a bottomless pit.”
You shook your head as you spoke again, “I’m not going over there. Hell no. I’m staying by this fire. I’ll starve if I have to.”
You lowered yourself to the floor, groaning as you felt a strain in your ankle before it settled.
“It’ll be fine Y/n, we’ll go.” Aiya nodded, but you shook your head.
“How will you see? It is too dark!” You tried to protest, your fear getting the best of you.
“Maybe we should just stay here and wait?” You tried to convince not only them but yourself too.
Were they really going to come for you? They hadn’t forgotten?.. Had they?
Behind the trees, weeps were heard. Stifled sobs and choked up cries and coughs were what could be heard behind the jagged, hot rock Lo’ak was pushed up against.
“We’re gonna find you Y/n. Promise.”
Once the promise was set to the quiet air around him, he broke down once more.
Though the obvious shrill shrieking that came from the water in front of him caused him to snap out of it.
There, in the water, swam Toula — your oh so precious Toula — swimming in circles crying out in distress.
Where were you? Why is it only Toula here?
Lo’ak snapped up as the realization dawned upon him.
Standing up quick, he turned to run and tell his new discovery.
Aiya hung her head, sighing as she put her hand to her nape. She then turned with a quick ‘I’ll make use of myself’ before she slowly faded into the dark jaws of the cave.
You swallowed nervously. “G-go with her Awpxey, make sure she’s okay, please? Don’t stand here with me.” You inhaled the musk air around you deeply.
Awpxey looked at you reluctantly, but when you give him a reassuring nod, he turns to the darkness, trying to find Aiya.
No later then ten minutes, you hear light patters of footsteps and cheery voices. Turning your head from the fire you see both Awpxey and Aiya walking towards you, holding a few mauti te pays in their hands.
“Look what we found!” Awpxey said excitedly as he settled down in front of you, you smiled — happy to see him smiling since he was so down earlier.
“And they’re ripe, which I’m shocked.” Aiya said as she settled down a little ways away, you pursed your lips.
“Aiya, come closer, you look so far.” You beckoned her closer with your hand.
The girl’s face flushed, and she hoped that neither you or Awpxey were able to see, and if you did, just hope it was from the fire.
“A-Alright, if you want me to.” You gave her a reassuring nod as she came closer.
Picking up a mauti, you turned it around in your hands. “It’s not much but it’ll definitely hold us over until they find us, the storm must have stopped or something. I don’t hear anymore of that wind.” You nod, trying not to dwell on it too much.
“That should give them enough time to try and search for us, we didn’t go that far out.”
Awpxey pulled out his hunting knife, taking one of the idle mautis off the floor before cutting around the stem, stopping when a small hole was made and juice came out.
“Here tìyawn, try to get your energy up.” Awpxey said quietly as he softly handed you the fruit.
Thanking him, you began to take eager gulps of the not-too-sweet juice just as he began chopping another fruit and handing it to Aiya, a small smile on his face.
“I’ll cut a bigger hole into it when you guys are done, so you can eat the skin from the inside.
You and Aiya nodded without hesitation, not opposed to his offer.
Three mautis later, you flop your back against the ground of the cave. “I’m full.” You groan out, placing a hand on your bloating stomach.
Aiya giggled, “well at least you aren’t malnourished, huh?”
You nodded quickly, “oh yeah, that would suck. Wouldn’t it?” You turn your head to her and she gave you a exaggerated nod.
A involuntary yawn slipped from your mouth. “Hm.. I got tired again, sorry I’m sleeping so much guys, I don’t usually take naps like this.”
“Tanhì! You have no reason to apologize! With the injuries you’ve sustained, you have every right to sleep for as long as you’d like.” Aiya scolded you, tsking as she watched you blink rapidly to keep your eyes open.
“Go to bed Y/n, you need it.” Awpxey whispered behind you gently.
“No, no I’m okay…” The end of your sentence was dragged out and sluggish as you succumbed to your fatigue while you were talking.
Aiya and Awpxey smile towards each other, giggling softly. Thier night ends with them saying goodnight to each other and Awpxey cuddling up next to you.
Jake trailed behind your Ilu desperately, keeping up the exact same pace Toula was. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” He whispered to himself, his nerves starting to run hot and cold from the pure anxiety he felt.
Where did the three of you go?
Did Quaritch find you?
He’s snapped out of his thoughts when he hears Toula screech, slapping desperately at the water near the rock ledge of a beach that had a completely covered up rock cave.
Is he here?
Are you alive?
Are any of you alive?
What the hell? Are you all in there?
Acting quickly Jake hopped off his tsurak and onto the rocks wasting no time, the other villagers who offered to help search unmounted their animals also.
Loud bangs and clangs around you woke you up. It was still completely dark in the cave, pitch black if you will.
But there was this sound, sounds of voices and harsh movement.
Getting up as slowly as you can, grunting quietly here and there as to not wake Awpxey and Aiya, you stand.
Albeit you’re a bit wobbly since you haven’t stood on your own these past — how many hours?
Cautiously, you limp your way toward the rock barricade, placing your hands against the surprisingly smooth rock. Placing your ear against it, even though you barely heard anything else, a familiar voice was screaming.
“—it the rocks as hard as you can! We —ave to —reak them up of —ere!” The voice was going in and out between the thick layer of the rock, but you knew any day who that was.
That voice belonged to your father.
Your eyes widened in an exciting realization.
“They’re here!” You turned slightly, leaning onto the rock for support. “Guys, please wake up! They found us!”
Aiya and Awpxey snapped up as all they heard was you yelling.
“What did you say?” They say in unison, shock written on their faces as they began to register the bangs against the rocks.
“Dad!” You scream towards the rock wall, hoping it would somehow travel through.
Jake’s ears snapped up, he lifted his hand against the shoulder of a man bashing the rock with his sphere, a silent plea to stop.
“Did you hear that?” He asked no one in particular, but the Na’vi next to him had nodded, “I did.”
Jake stepped closer to the rock, waving Neytiri over with his finger. Leaning his head against the barricade he spoke.
Neytiri gasped, tears of happiness rimming her eyes as she began to thank Eywa for letting Toula lead them right to you.
Jake swallowed the lump in his throat, breathing out a big breath of relief before he began to speak again.
“We’re gonna get you out babygirl, we’re all working out here, okay? Who’s in there with you? Just Awpxey and Aiya right?”
“Yes, it’s o—ly us!”
“Are any of you hurt?”
“Y/n. Are any of you hurt.”
“She’s hurt pretty severely Mr. Sully.”
A new voice echoed to Jake, and he lifted his head away from the rock.
“Break this thing down until we can retrieve them!” Jake ordered to the many awaiting Na’vi, and they all acted quickly.
Within half an hour, the work of the many Metkayian people paid off. The work also getting done quicker as the three of you hit against the rocks with your own hunting knives and stones scattered around the cave.
It almost didn’t feel real.
The sun blinded your eyes as you limped out the cave. You covered your eyes and groaned as Awpxey held onto your shoulders and walked you towards your distressed parents.
“Y/n!” The first voice to ring out was Lo’ak’s, his nimble body crashing into yours as he gave you a bone-crushing hug.
“Don’t scare me like that ever again.” His voice warbled as he only hugged you tighter. “I’m sorry Lo’ak. I’m here now, okay?” You whispered against his head.
Your parents were at your sides in seconds, your mom grabbing the sides of your face lightly.
“Oh Y/n…” She whispered with tears in her eyes as she looked the bruises and scratched littered on your face.
Jake stood to the side of you, his face contorted into a look of pain.
Your face…
All he can think of is that night. That horrid night where you took one of the most violent beatings just to protect your family.
His babygirl.
“Dad..” You whispered with your head lowered, ears tucked close to your skull in shame.
“I-I’m sorry that I snuck off. It was my fault, I convinced Aiya and Awpxey to sneak out with me, I’m so sorry.” A sob broke through you mid sentence and Jake did nothing but shake his head and grab you tightly, holding you to his chest.
“I don’t care, I don’t care babygirl. As long as you’re all here standing with me I don’t care about anything.” He said as he held all of you close to his chest.
The ride back, you felt a sense of peace as you leaned up against your father’s back, nostalgia taking over you as you think of all the moments when you were little and he would give you piggyback rides.
You didn’t notice until you were being shaken that you fell asleep.
“Hm?” You hum groggily as you peel your face off your father’s back. It was Ronal, a gentle look on her face.
“Come, I wish to tend to your ankle.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat before nodding. “O-okay.” Your father dismounted his tsurak before coming to lift you off the creature’s back and carry you out the water.
Tears bubbled on your waterline as you tucked your head deeper into your father’s neck.
“Dad..” Your voice wavered as you looked at the bruised, swelling skin of your ankle. “I’m really scared.”
Jake furrowed his eyebrows, why were you scared? “Why?”
“My ankle’s broken… The bone snapped and it had to get popped back into place and it hurts so much, dad please I’m really scared.” You rambled out.
Jake didn’t really know what to say.
Why’d you have to get hurt? You’re always put into bad situations and he never knows what to do.
Why can’t he ever protect you?
Why is he such a bad father?
Jake snapped out of his thoughts when he walked into the shade of one of the healing tents.
“Place her down on that mat right there, I will gather the supplies I need.” Ronal said as she walked to another side of the mauri.
“You’re gonna be okay babygirl, I’m right here.”
You nodded reluctantly, squeezing tightly onto his hand as Ronal approached your swollen ankle, taking off the wrapped leaves Aiya had left on you.
Within 15 minutes, Ronal was able to apply creams and re-wrap your ankle, the coolness on it making the pain feel more dull.
You did everything to try and distract yourself from the uncomfortable throb.
Once Ronal declared you were finished, a hand coming down to rub your shoulder, you looked up at her and smiled. Ronal giving a small one in return.
Jake picked you up once more to bring you back to your family mauri, and when you both arrived, everyone was sat scattered about waiting for you both to come back.
Even Aiya was there.
“Y/n!” Tuk yelled out as she ran towards you quickly, she gripped onto your arm and pulled it closer to her head. “I missed you so much!”
You giggled, “I missed you too, Tuk.” You rubbed the braids on her head around. “For your forgiveness, I’ll rebraid your hair for you.”
She nodded quickly, jumping excitedly. “That’s perfect! I’ll make you a bracelet as a thank you!” You don’t mind having more of her little messy creations being added to the already growing amount on your wrists.
“Well then it looks like you’re going to have to rebraid my hair too.” Neteyam said as he walked over to you, his arms crossed in faux disapproval.
“That makes me three.” Lo’ak said coming to stand next to Neteyam.
Lo’ak’s faced dropped. “Why not!?” They said in unison.
You pointed your finger to Lo’ak. “Because my hands are going to end up hurting more than my foot and your head too big Lo’ak! Bigger head means more hair and I’m not doing all that!”
“My head is not that big!” He retorted.
“Yeah you’re right, it’s fucking huge!” You laughed in his face.
“You head is fucking huge!” He yelled back.
“Language!” Was the only word echoed throughout the mauri.
After a bit you, Awpxey, and Aiya all ate a well-needed — and well-deserved — meal made fresh by your mother.
When night fall came, Aiya had left to return to her mauri for the night, wanting to catch some sleep. You let her go reluctantly although you wished she could stay.
After all the ‘good nights’ and ‘I love yous’ were exchanged, you rested peacefully.
Eyes shutting knowing you were now safe with your family.
Silently, Jake sat up and look around to everyone in the mauri.
That night, Jake swore to himself that he would be a better man and protect his family better than ever before.
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Hi! I am so sorry I have taken so long to update! Life has been busy but doing me pretty well! Four months! I am so sorry for that gap in updating! If any of you have requests, you could send them in and if it doesn’t work try dming me! Please this writers block is getting to me… But besides that! Please excuse any spelling mistakes or errors! And take care of yourselves, love you all so so so much 🤍!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
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Author’s Note - Hii everyone! Please excuse any grammar mistakes please, I don’t be proofreading like that.. Anyways! I might make this like its own stand alone fic, or like make a scene from when Lo’ak got stranded? I don’t want it to be super sad, so it will have fluff, duhhh. But let’s just trust the process and see how it goes!!
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Summary - During another restless night, you decide to venture and explore the forests of the Metkayina Clan. Though your solo adventure is cut short when you catch wind of sorrowful cries.
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Warnings - mentions of suicide, swearing, big sister comfort, big sister advice, talking about love, depressed Lo’ak, fluff
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You sigh into the air, eyes tracing the woven pattern of the ceiling, over and over and over again.
Rubbing your sore eyes did nothing to make you feel tired, you tossed and turned, desperate to catch at least a sliver of sleep.
But nothing was working.
Splayed laying out, you felt defeated. That was until you remembered that little night out you had with Awpxey in the forest back home, you smiled as you felt your stomach and face get warm.
You looked over to his sleeping mat next to you, seeing how he was completely knocked out. Slow breathing as light snores came from his mouth.
You frowned, knowing that his sleep was very much deserved, you reached over and held his hand, smiling at the way his instinctively wrapped around yours.
As you continued to recall that night, your head perked up as you remembered Aiya telling you that on the end of the beach there is a forest. And you could tell from afar it was a big one.
You quietly got up, pulling your blanket off of you slowly as to not make the fabric ruffle too much. Once you were crouched, you leaned down and gave Awpxey a quick kiss on his cheek.
Pulling your hand out of his softly before placing his on his chest.
You obviously made sure to grab your shawl, knowing it gets chilly at night.
Something in your gut was telling you to grab your extra large one. So you did. Trusting your gut with even the littlest of things.
Wrapping the soft fabric around your shoulders, you walked right out of the entrance, stepping softly as to not wake any of your neighbors.
The walk was bit long, but definitely not too bad. The walk gave you enough time to walk at your own pace, it gave you enough time to think clearly without any distractions.
You had peace and quiet.
Once you entered the forest, your jaw dropped.
It looks exactly like home.
Or… Somewhat at least. It looks very similar in a way. Maybe it’s the bioluminescence on the plants? Maybe the trees?
No, the trees aren’t tall enough.
But this would suffice. Anything that looked like home.
Anything that reminded you of home.
The creaks and chirps of the nocturnal animals sounded different from the ones back at the forest. Maybe different species.
Though the further you walked, the more your ears perked to the sound of cries. No they were sobs. Heartbroken sobs.
You paused, your heart picking up a bit. Anybody could be out here. Anybody. And you don’t know who.
Was it one of the villagers? Had they come to relieve themselves of stress?
You didn’t know, you wanted to know, but knew it could be dangerous.
That didn’t stop you though. You moved your feet once again, walking lightly to the direction in which the sobs were coming.
Your heart slows when you come close enough and finally see the silhouette of your baby brother.
He is a sad mess. Wretched angry sobs spilling from his mouth as he was slumped over, his leg bended to where his foot was touching the other leg’s thigh, hands cover his eyes.
His back was turned to you, so you tried your best to approach him calmly, placing a warm hand on his back while whispering a soft, “Lo’ak..”
It hurt you to see the way he flinched so harshly, turning around to face you quickly.
“Hey.. Hey baby brother, it’s me.” You nodded to show confirmation, placing your hand on his head. “It’s just me.”
Once you seen the gears in his head finally turn, his facial expression turned right back to the one of emotional pain he just had.
“Y/n.” He sobbed out, grabbing onto the hand that wasn’t on his head, wrapping his arms around yours, crying into the fabric of the shawl.
You acted quick, sitting yourself down next to him on the sleek rock, pulling his head to your collarbone.
Deciding that letting him cry it out then talk would be the best decision.
After about 3 minutes of rocking back and forth, while rubbing Lo’ak’s back, his cries began to die down. Decreasing into hiccups, sniffles, and silent tears falling from his eyes.
“Lo’ak?” You asked lowly, choosing to only tread the water a bit to see if he was okay with talking.
“Hm?..” You felt — and seen — the way his ears pressed against his head.
He was embarrassed.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong? I won’t judge you for anything.” You held up your pinky, hoping it would win him over. “Promise.”
Your heart beat strongly with the success you had as he wrapped his pinky around yours, sitting up a little, but still close enough to where he could feel the warm welcoming embrace of his sister.
You didn’t fail to notice how he tried to stay close, or the slight shiver that was beginning to climb up his arms.
You uncurled the other half of your shawl, throwing it over his shoulders so you both were now wrapped loosely in the fabric.
Lo’ak let out a deep sigh, pondering on where he should start.
“I… I want to f-feel better..” He closes his eyes as he feels the tears build behind his eyes, and that pain starts to infiltrate his throat.
You made no expressions, no noises. Right now, you were only going to sit and listen to what he wanted to say.
“I want to just be better.” His voice breaks, and tears began to well up in your eyes also, you place a hand on his shoulder, though he continues.
“I want to be better so dad can finally like me, appreciate me, be proud of me, see me.” His hands come to his front, moving as he talks.
“Why doesn’t he just try to understand? Why doesn’t he just come talk to me or ask me any questions on how I’m doing?”
“I’m trying my best. I swear I really am.”
That broke you. But you decided and tried to keep it together, continuing to be here for your baby brother.
You hug him. “I know Lo’ak, I know. I can see it. You’re trying really hard and I’m proud of you. And so are the others. You’ve adapted to being here really quick.” You praise with a smile.
“But how come he doesn’t say that?” Lo’ak’s teary eyes look into yours.
“Everything I do, I-I try to get at least some sort of confirmation from him but he just doesn’t care! He never pays attention to me unless I’ve done something in his eyes bad! Every good deed I do goes unnoticed by him. That’s why he thinks I’m a bad kid.”
“But I’m doing good things.” Lo’ak shook his head as his voice cracked, tears begging to fall off his waterline.
“You’re not a bad kid Lo’ak. You shook your head. “Absolutely not.”
Lo’ak turned his head down, mumbling. “I wish he could say the same.”
“All I ever do is disappoint him. I try to do something good, like help, and then somehow it gets flipped around and now I’m in trouble. I’m the bad kid for being apart of it even if I didn’t start it.”
He shook his head again, looking away to the side.“All I ever do is go over his head.”
“Sometimes I wonder if killing myself is just the thing I need to do for him to finally notice me. To care.”
Your eyes widened in fear and shock, and you went to grab his face, turning his head forcefully to look at you.
“You listen to me Lo’ak, and you better listen good.” His eyes were wide, locked onto your face.
“Don’t ever — ever — say something like that ever again okay?” You shook his head with your hands to enunciate your point, voice breaking as tears welled up in your eyes. “I don’t ever want to hear words even similar to that coming from your mouth, got it?” You said as you attempted to blink the tears away from your eyes.
He nodded, tears building on his lash line also. “I’m sorry Y/n.” He sobbed, placing his head back on your shoulder. “I didn’t mean it, I don’t think I would ever have anything, to do that.”
“Good.” There was now a long pause, silence between you two, though not the ocean or the forest. Where you both sat in between. “Lo’ak, i want to talk to you now about what you just said..” At the way his face contorted, you already knew what he could possibly be thinking.
“No. No.. You’re not in trouble. I’m not gonna say anything to anyone, okay? I swear.” Patting his head that was still rested up against your shoulder.
“I just want to know.” You sigh, trying to get the words out, but you decide that making him sit up and face you would be the better option, wanting to see his true emotions, and let him know that this was a serious deal.
“I just want to know why, you think doing that would be a good idea?” His head looked down as he began to fidget with his fingers, his eyes blinking his tears away as much as they could.
“I just want dad to pay attention to me. P-positively. I don’t want him to only see my mistakes. The things I do “wrong”. Most of them are accidents, they really are.” He shakes his head. “Most of the time I’m trying to do something to help but it always goes south, it ends up wrong, super wrong. I only want to help.”
“Why do you want to help so much Lo’ak?”
“Because I feel like it’s my fault we’re even here!”
You furrowed your eyebrows, very confused. “What.. What do you mean you think it’s your fault we’re here?”
“That day, when we were all at the lake, it was me! I had been complaining all that, I don’t even know, month? To just go to that stupid lake! I wish I never did!” He screamed as he sobbed, covering his eyes with his hands. All you did was pull him close, letting him know you were there, and did not think it was his fault.
“Me and dad were finally having a nice conversation..” He hiccuped in his cries. “He was talking to me and b-being nice.”
You always known that your father was very hard on Lo’ak, everyone has. You have all tried to talk to him about it, but now? This has gotten out of hand. Lo’ak should not feel like he has to kill himself so your father could give him any attention.
“Lo’ak. Lo’ak look at me.” Your hands cups his cheeks, making his eyes meet yours. “I-I am going to tell dad that he has to pay more attention, okay? He needs to fucking wake up and realize what he’s doing.” Lo’ak started to shake his head. “No. No Y/n, no. He’s going to get mad at me-”
“Well that’s too fucking bad. He has to know Lo’ak! This is such bullshit! You shouldn’t feel like taking your own life would suffice for his fuckass attention! I’m sick of the way he treats you, the way he treats Neteyam! It’s not fair to either of you.”
Lo’ak sighed, nodding adamantly. “Can we talk about something else? Please..” You sighed to, sitting side-by-side with him. “Yeah.. Of course. What do you want to talk about?”
His answer shocked you, but the voice he used to say it, he sounded like he was dreaming, lost. And the smile on his face didn’t help.
“Love, huh?” You nudged his shoulder. “Who’s got my baby brother dreaming like a baby? Oh! Is it Tsireya?” You pushed closer, trying to look at his face.
“What!? N-no!” The purple hue that started to creep up his ears, neck, and face betrayed his answer harshly.
“Yeah, okay.” You scoff, rustling his hair.
“So, what do you wanna know?” You sit, waiting for your brother to answer. “Well… How do you know when you love someone? Like, how did you know that you loved Awpxey?”
You looked toward the bright moon, and smiled, trying to hold back some giggles. At that, Lo’ak rolled his eyes, mumbling. “But I’m lovestruck..” You knock his forehead, “shut up! Let me think!” You both push at each other and laugh.
“Well I knew I loved him around I think, hm.. The eighth time we hung out?” You scrunch your face, trying to think while looking at the dark sky. “Eight!?” Your brother chocked out.
“Yeah? What’s wrong with that?” He stared at you, mouth dropped. “That’s a lot of times of “hanging out” for you to notice your eighth — what I would’ve seen as a date — hangout, that you love him!”
You shrugged at his dramatics. “And what? I told myself I would date for marriage! And I kept that promise, I wasn’t going to go just throw myself, especially to just anybody, mating is a very sacred thing, a sacred practice. So I made sure I really, really got to know him before I came up with what I thought.”
“And you obviously thought good.” Lo’ak tried to tease, but you fired back. “Sure did. He was trying to mess with Y/n Sully. I ain’t no basic bitch.” Lo’ak jumped in shock. “Y/n!?” He laughed, joining you in your own laughter.
“One thing about Awpxey, is that he got me to open up. He is just always so supportive, and comforting, that I was able to talk to him, about anything, and he always had something good to say.” You smiled to Lo’ak. “And I can tell Tsireya has that type of personality.”
Putting a hand on his shoulder you rock him sideways. “Treat her good Lo’ak. Try and change for the better, don’t try and become some type of goody two shoes, Eywa please no.” You whisper the last sentence to yourself.
“But try to develop more.. oh, listening skills for one. So she can talk to you too, every person who is always hearing about other people’s problems need their outlets too. Be each other’s outlet.”
He nodded, but questioned. “How am I just going to change though? Where do personal changes come from?” He sighed. “I’m known as the troublemaker, I can’t just change that.”
“Yes you can. If you really wanted to, if you commit yourself you could! But the thing is, do you want to?” He nodded, chewing his lip.
“The only real change comes from inside.”
You place your hand on his chest, pushing lightly on to it. “Follow your heart, it is strong, follow your gut, it is what helps you. Don’t always listen to your head. If you think about doing something, and your gut tells you not to do, but your head does. Which do you follow?”
“Your gut?” He answered, you nodded, patting his chest twice before pulling your hand back. “See. You’re learning little by little. Changing is not an easy process, okay? It’s not an overnight thing, it will take as long as it needs!” He sighed, whispering. “Well I hope it doesn’t take too long..”
“Lo’ak!” You laugh.
For a couple hours more, you both talked and laughed, enjoying the time you spent together, making up for lost time.
“Okay, okay. Lo’ak it’s super late we have to start heading back now.” With an annoying sigh, he got up, dramatically stomping on the rock before jumping down.
After a long, tired, giggly race back home, you both walk out of breath, trying to walk as quietly and as quick as possible.
Right when you and Lo’ak managed to sneak in, as soon as your head touched the pillow, Jake woke up. Rising out of his snoring to look around the hut, making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be.
You covered your mouth to stifle your giggles as your heart raced from almost getting caught. After about two minutes you sit back up, looking to Lo’ak and finding him sitting up also.
“Goodnight Lo’ak. Love you.”
“Goodnight Y/n. Love you too.”
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Hi again!! So I kind of just realized this is like my shortest story.. I still don’t even know what exactly I was even doing here, but! Anyway, thank you for reading this, thank you for all the support you all have been giving me, I am so thankful, and appreciative for all of it 🤍!!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
✿✿My People✿✿
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Author’s Note - Hi again! I don’t have much to say I think!! I think this one is gonna be a bit long.. Longgggg.. But I hope you all enjoy the story!
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Summary - Today is the day you absolutely dreaded. You’re moving away, and your father is stepping down from Olo’eyktan. Now Awpxey’s parents had made their decision, and you’re all ears waiting for him to tell you.
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Warnings - crying, mentions of a knife, mentions of a cut, kissing, actually moving, flashback from getting kidnapped, anxiety, throwing up, small fainting spells, girl having a crush on a girl, comfort
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That morning, you woke up feeling heavy. Incredibly heavy.
You sighed as you continued to fake sleep, hoping to catch more of a desired slumber.
“Y/n.” You hear a voice. “Y/n, wake up.” Soon after you feel a hand come down onto your shoulder, shaking you gently.
Scrunching your face you open your eyes, your vision is blurry at first and it scares you.
It reminds you of that night all those weeks ago.
Your breath picks up more as you still could barely see.
You shot up to sit up straight, your arms coming out in front of you to feel around your surroundings.
Your body is slowly becoming more frantic and you’re panicking.
“Hey, hey. I’m right here, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Your arms are pushed down before your head is placed onto someone’s shoulder.
“D-dad?” Your voice is weak as your chest rises and fell quickly.
“I’m right here, it’s me babygirl. It’s okay.”
You closed your eyes as you reveled silently in your father’s arms. His warm hand rubbing your back up and down worked to calm you down.
“Sorry dad.. I just got scared because I couldn’t see..” You whispered embarrassingly.
“Don’t apologize for it Y/n. I know what happened that night was really, really scary.” You nodded against Jake’s shoulder, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
After a minute of silence you couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“I don’t wanna leave.” You let out a sob, tears falling onto the crook of your dad’s shoulder.
“I know babygirl, I know. I don’t want to leave either.” Jake’s voice became a bit shaky as he really thought about the situation.
Of course your going to be sad you have to leave. You were born here, raised here, had all of your good and bad moments here.
Because of the Sky People, you are being ripped away from your home, family, and life.
The future you had planned for yourself now is completely ruined.
Those bastards have ruined everything for you.
What they did to you that night has left you traumatized and full of scars.
A scarred state of mind and a scarred body.
You can’t go to bed peacefully at the thought of the terrors that haunt you. You can’t even wake up without a skipping heart from a simple tap on the shoulder.
“What they did to me that night wasn’t right dad.” You shook your head as the tears only fell more.
Jake only nodded, rocking you in his arms as the tears in his eyes started to spill over.
“You’re here now, and I got you. I’m not going anywhere Y/n.” You let out a small smile at your father’s reassuring words.
“I’m gonna be here to protect you always.”
“Thank you dad.” You pulled away from the hug, still smiling. “I love you.”
“I love you more Y/n.”
Jake caught sight of the remaining tears left on your sleeked cheeks, so he brought his hands to cup your face, and gently swiped his fingers under your eyes.
“He’s cleaning your tears for you just like he had done when you were a baby.” Another voice is heard from behind you, you look to see it’s your mom, a small smile on her face as she looked at the scene in front of her.
“You were always falling, scraping your knees.” Neytiri kneeled down next to you, brushing loose strands of your hair behind your ear.
“You always tried to be a little tough guy. Holding your tears and not looking any of us in the face.” Jake laughed as he recounted the many memories.
“I was just embarrassed!” You defended yourself.
“You never complain when you’re in pain Y/n, and that scares us.” You looked at your mother.
“It scares you guys?” You asked quizzically, and Jake nodded quickly. “A lot.”
You huffed as you thought about it. There has been a lot, a lot, of times where you’ve been in pain and have never said anything.
“Sorry guys..” Your ears fold down as you feel a sense of disappointment in yourself, but your parents smile as they hug you.
“Stop apologizing Y/n.” They said in sync.
Next thing you know, other hands and bodies are felt toppling onto your hug.
“Yeah sis, you should cut that out.”
“Lo’ak, I’m gonna be nice to you this once.” You sigh in warning, rolling your eyes.
After making sure you, and everyone else had their stuff.
It was now the time to do the most difficult thing in your life.
The ceremony of your father stepping down from Olo’eyktan was soon, and you couldn’t stomach it.
Your body only felt the need to churn itself more as the sight of Awpxey came into view.
Your shoulders sagged as he got closer to you.
“If you came to tell me bad news, just don’t say anything.” All Awpxey did was hug you.
And you had obviously interpreted that wrong, thinking without asking.
You wiped your eyes as your lip quivered intensely, sniffling like a wild animal.
“I’m gonna miss you so much.” Your voice was faded and broken as you shook in his hug.
“No, no, no, no, no! Y/n, Y/n I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for it to come off like that.” Awpxey moved back and held your face in his hands.
“I’m going with you.”
It was like a heaven in your ears, as if an angel was actively talking to you.
“Really? Y-you are?” You grabbed onto his forearms to keep your balance as what he said made you dizzy.
“Yes Y/n I am, I swear!” You cupped his face, bringing him into a passionate kiss.
You weren’t really thinking much about where you were while you were freely kissing your boyfriend.
You pulled away from the kiss. “Awpxey where are your parents? I-I have to say thank you to them. I have to because they’re letting you come with me and we’re going so far.”
You scratched your head as you moved away, trying to peer into the huge crowd of people who were awaiting the ceremony to start. Trying to spot Itxä and Puo.
“We’ll find them later, okay?” He pulled your hand gently from your head, holding them in both of his hands.
You looked into his eyes, smiling giddily.
“I’m excited..” You whisper, pulling your hand to cover your smile.
“I am too.” Awpxey’s ears twitched as your laugh registered in his head.
“I’m really thankful for your parents you know… For letting you actually come with me.” You swallowed as you looked down.
“You’ve gotten me to open up. A lot. And with something like this, all I need is support.” You started to nervously chew your lip as you thought carefully for your words.
“I don’t have a lot left to give Awpxey..” Your throat started to hurt as it felt like it was closing in on itself.
“If I had to be there by myself, I don’t think I would have talked ever again.” Your voice broke. “I love you a lot Awpxey. And you have done so, so much for me. And I can’t thank you enough.”
Awpxey smiled at your words, reaching his hands up and wiping your tears away. “Don’t cry for me Y/n.. I’m happy I’m going with you. I’m going to be here to support you forever.” You laughed through your tears, nodding while you wiped you eye.
“I’ve cried a lot today already.” You laugh embarrassed. Awpxey laughed, “have you?”
You nodded, “oh yeah. Started right after I woke up.” You shook your head as you wiped your hands on your loincloth.
“Today is a stressful day Y/n, it is not your fault.” You fiddled with your hands awkwardly.
“Can I have a hug Awpxey?” You physically felt like leering the other way because of the question.
Awpxey only grinned. Without a word he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you close to him.
You returned the gesture back, letting a deep breath go as you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what was to come.
Your father looked on from afar, watching how you and Awpxey interacted.
He doesn’t know exactly how to feel.
He’s happy, happy his first babygirl has found the love from somebody she wants.
He’s angry, angry as he feels like your being taken away from him, angry as he feels like his love wasn’t enough.
He’s sad, sad as he realizes you have finally grown up, you are no longer a baby. No longer crawling around, no longer sucking your thumb, he’s no longer rocking you to sleep.
His fingers twitch as he remembers what it was like picking you up. You were the chubbiest baby out of all your siblings. Lo’ak not to far behind.
In the end, all Jake did was let out a soft, small smile.
He is happy.
Your fingers shook as you had them held tightly to your sides. Watching closely as your father stood in front of the young warrior he was passing his title over to, Tarsem.
Your heart pounded hardly in your chest, the harmonic beat loud in your ears.
You watched as Mo’at spoke, her words going in one ear and out the other.
You couldn’t stand the moment of silence, the moment of silence right before the knife Tarsem held came down to your father’s chest.
The scream Tarsem let out rattled through you. You were so jumpy, too antsy. Your eyes wide open as you looked on in a somewhat fearful way.
Awpxey’s hand came around and fell lightly onto your lower back. “It’s okay Y/n, just breathe tìyawn, breathe.” You let out a breath you had no idea you were holding.
Your father is no longer Olo’eyktan.
Your mother’s head fell as she began to cry. You were quick to wrap yourself around her, holding her head to your shoulder.
Your heart continued to pump harshly in your chest, and Awpxey stood right behind you, his hand rubbing your shoulder warmly.
You tried your hardest to hold your tears, but it was impossible.
When your father stood back up straight, wails were audible from the crowd.
The people were almost just as sad as you. The Olo’eyktan they’ve had for almost two decades now has to step down early.
Their Toruk Makto is leaving. The man who had led them to victory against the Sky People 17 years ago.
When your family approached the crowd, the people split just like the sea. Allowing your family to walk through the middle.
People turned their heads to hide their crying faces, children watched on in sadness as they had to see you leave.
Many cried.
Not only did you babysit, but you also taught a group of children.
They loved you like you were family, and you the same. So to hear their cries for you only broke your heart more.
You had to force yourself to walk forward.
Soon, you were approaching where you all were supposed to meet your ikran.
That was until you seen Itxä and Puo.
Your knees started to feel weak and you didn’t know what to do. When you finally got close enough, you were able to see their happy but saddened faces.
“Thank you so much for letting Awpxey come with us.” You look between the both of them, your hands coming to rest over your heart. “I am forever grateful.”
Itxä smiled at you, pulling you into a hug. “I know our son loves you very much. He wouldn’t have taken no for an answer regardless of what we could have said.” You both laughed, rocking in the hug.
When you separated, you turned to Puo, the small smile you had still on your face.
“Take care of yourself Y/n. Remember to take time for yourself.” You nodded at Puo’s kind words, pulling him into a hug also.
You left to give Awpxey time with his parents. So you walked towards your grandmother, who was busying herself with petting Azraa’s head.
“Grandma.” You called, playing nervously with your shawl. Mo’at turned to look at you quickly, a bitter smile on her face.
“We are leaving soon, I wanted to say goodbye one last time.” Your grandmother only nodded, her throat too dry to force words out.
“Protect yourself over there Y/n. If you need to, always separate yourself if you need time to heal.”
“Here,” she pointed to your chest, insinuating your heart. “And here.” Placing her finger directly in the middle of your forehead.
You wrapped your arms around her, hugging her tightly.
“I’m gonna miss you grandma..” You whisper, biting back the new wave of tears.
“I will miss you too Y/n.” The two of you talked for a little bit before the rest of your family finally re-grouped and Awpxey came along.
You noticed his face was red, and you knew immediately he had to have been crying. But you didn’t say anything out loud, not wanting to put him on the spot.
Though, you did brush a finger over one of his knuckles as you stood together.
Your hands intertwined when your father started speaking.
“The journey to the clan we’re moving to is a long one.” Your dad looked through all of you. “About 5 days.” Your dad sighed.
Tuk let out an exaggerated groan, “why does it have to take so long?” Jake smiled as he responded. “So we can be safe Tuk, we need to be far away from here.” His hand came down to her head, softly running his hand through her braids.
“So we won’t make it there by tomorrow?” Her childish innocence make your heart slow a bit. She still doesn’t even know what is completely going on.
“No, we won’t make it by tomorrow Tuk.” Neytiri laughed as she reached under Tuk’s armpits, picking her up.
“You want to ride with Mama?” She spoke to Tuk kindly as she walked towards her ikran, Tuk’s nods being visible from far away.
“Let’s head out now..” Your dad merely whispered, walking with his head down as he approached his ikran, Bob.
You looked at Awpxey, nodding before exchanging a quick kiss — though it was more peck like.
You all mounted your respective ikran, flying towards the edge of the forest.
When you all were far enough, you turned to see the view.
And oh my Eywa was it beautiful.
You wished you could have enjoyed the beauty under best circumstances. This will probably be the first and last time you ever get to see a beautiful, full view of your home.
You try not to acknowledge that information as you turn around on your Ikran, facing forward ready to try and embrace this change.
The journey was tough.
Some days were hard as your family had to travel through storms. You had never seen the ocean before,and you were shocked to how angry it could get. The waves would hit high, the strikes of sounds that violently percussed off the rocks when the waves hit them punched a sense of fear in your stomach.
At one point while you were flying over a rock, a very, very strong wave reached up, going past Azraa’s stomach — her whole body — which had gotten you both drenched in saltwater, and had also pulled you down towards the relentless, unforgiving sea below.
After that, you had made sure to stay clear of being too close.
On the last day of your flight, you sighed in exhaustion as your butt felt so sore, your head feeling dizzy while your stomach turned.
At least it was sunny outside.
It was early in the day, which was great because it would give the clan you’re coming to a whole day to warm up to you. You gained the knowledge that the clan’s species was Metkayina, and the village you will be asking to live in is called, Awa’atlu.
When the island had finally came into sight, all you could do was smile. The feeling of going up and down and the swaying of flying made you feel sick, although you loved to fly, it was an action that wasn’t meant to be used long.
When you had flown over the tide pools and pass some living spaces, a loud conch was blown.
Multiple times.
It felt like the vibrations were traveling throughout your whole body, your stomach dropping as a nauseous feeling crawled up your throat.
When landing, the feeling of not being in the air felt foreign, and your body leaned forward, slumping as you blacked out for 3 seconds max. Coming to, you got off your Ikran, disconnecting from the overdue Tsaheylu, making your kuru feel sore.
People gathered quickly, spears held up towards the Sun, making the dangerous weapons glint with a deceiving shine.
Your legs shook like jello as you walked, and you held onto the gear around Azraa to keep you steady. That was until a hand wrapped around your bicep, pulling you in.
Without looking you immediately laid your head against that person’s shoulder, already knowing who it was.
“Awpxey..” You licked your dry lips as you shook your head. “I feel sick. I don’t feel good at all.”
Awpxey only rubbed your back, noticing the way your skin felt clammy as he tried thinking of something to say that won’t make you feel worse.
“We won’t be here for long Y/n, we only need to be granted the permission of sanctuary, and then you can sleep.” He whispered quietly into your ear, deciding on that as he knew how tired you must feel.
You sighed, thinking negatively and wondering what would happen if you weren't granted Uturu.
What do you do then? Are you supposed to just hold through and fly for Eywa knows how long until you finally fall upon a village that will take you in?
Your thoughts were interrupted when a creature flew over the heads of your family. You didn't put effort in ducking. Your knees were too weak and you knew that the person commanding the animal was not going to hit your family on purpose.
A man had climbed of the loud screeching creature. And by the outfit and accessories he had on, he had to be the Olo’eyktan.
And he obviously was because as soon as he was close enough, your father had greeted him with his hand coming to his forehead and down with a small bow. Looking behind himself to make sure the rest of you were following him in front of the watchful eyes of the clan.
“Olo’eyktan Tonowari, Oel Ngati Kameie.”
The Olo’eyktan was kind, he looks kind, and he was quick to greet your father, and all of you back the same way.
“Jake Sully, Oel Ngati Kameie.”
As your father and Tonowari got to talking, you closed your eyes. Trying to level your breathing and calm the waves of nausea that flipped your stomach.
Your attention was taken as you heard the shuffling of sand, and an increase of the murmurs from the clan that was gathered around you.
You reluctantly peeled your eyes open, they burned from the duration of time they were forced to be held open.
You noticed the crowd parting, making way for a figure that hasn’t yet meet your sight. Though you gained an idea as you heard the melodic rattle of what seemed to have been seashells.
Your theory was proven right when a woman had exited the crowd, her pace was slow and she walked cautiously, watching every single one of you.
You could barely focus on the conversation that was happening between your parents and the clan leaders. The only thing you could do was try to ignore the way the Sun beat your back, the usual warm, sunny feeling felt dreadful as it spread an uncomfortable heat throughout your body. This only made the feeling in your stomach worsen, your face tightened, your eyebrows stiff together.
Awpxey felt it against his shoulder, and he turned to you, concerned. “Y/n?” He seen your expression, and quickly wiped a hand against your forehead, a cold sweat was the outcome against his fingertips.
“Shit.” He mumbled, “hold on for me tìyawn, please.” Awpxey adjusted your body, holding you in a way that was comfortable for both of you as he felt your body start to slack.
“Awpxey.. ‘M s-so tired.” Your teeth chattered as your eyes began to close. “Hey, hey Y/n, can you stay awake for me?” Your eyes barely moved, but Awpxey had seen that Amber yellow and was satisfied,
He ran a hand through your sweaty hair, wanting to find a place to kiss you that wouldn’t bother you.
Before he even could, the Tsahìk was standing in front of you both, she looked at you closely.
Eywa has said something to her in her heart about you, she took a liking to you. But looking at the state you were in, it tugged her heartstrings.
It… Shifted something within her.
But before any actions were made, you couldn’t hold back the bile that emitted from your stomach.
It fell right into the sand.
Right in front of the Tsahìk’s feet.
Soon after, your legs gave out, knees buckling as you fell into the sand, Awpxey falling with you while holding you close.
“I-I’m so sorry.” You chattered out.
How embarrassing…
Though after, your heart drooping to your ass as you realized this whole little thing could jeopardize your family staying here.
The Tsahìk was quick though.
“You,” she pointed to Awpxey. “Follow my healers to one of the healing maruis, I will continue here.”
You were pulled up slowly by Awpxey, as he followed two women who stepped from the crowd.
Your father looked as he seen you walk away, your legs barely strong enough to hold you up.
It made him ridicule himself.
How had he not noticed? How had he not seen you become like this when you hopped off Azraa?
His own questions floated, floated in what seems like a pit of too many things to remember and too many things to be doing.
It’s like if his brain is running out of storage, his head working up too much.
The bouncy sensations of the walkways that allowed the Metkayina to walk around their village did little, but a lot to help you.
As you walked, the bouncing gave you a bit of a cooling sensation from the warm sweat you felt breaking out on your body, but it sure as hell didn’t help that twisting feeling in your stomach.
You still felt sick.
By the time you had finally made it to the healing tents, and by the time the women had placed a good sized bowl in front of you… You had thrown up again into it, filling it up almost halfway. The healers looked shocked, but tried their best to just continue setting up whatever they needed to make a salve for you.
Awpxey held and guided your body to a free mat in the corner, trying to shade you from the Sun peeking harshly into the marui.
One of the young healers looked on at you two in a curious bewilderment. Watching the way Awpxey sweetly spoke to you and comforted you.
Is this what love looks like?
A gentle snap in front of her face was what she got as her answer.
“Aiya!” Another young healer whispered yelled the girl’s name, calling her attention and giggling at how she looked at the both of you.
“Instead of gawking, finish grinding the powder so we can add it to the medicine!” The young girl’s cheeks darkened at the word gawking.
What gawking? She wasn’t gawking was she?
“R-Right sorry! I wasn’t gawking though!” With a reluctant breath Aiya grounded the powder until it was thinner than it was before, slowly pouring and mixing it in with the medicine they were to give you.
“How about you go take it to her Eiya? Since you, you know, enjoyed staring at them earlier.” One girl joked, and even though it was supposed to be a joke. All the other girls quickly agreed, handing the medicine to Aiya before nudging her forward, and just leaving.
And leaving. Leaving. They just left, just like that. What friends they are. They know how hard it is for her to talk to strangers.
She walked hastily, trying her best to bring you the medicine to make you feel better without spilling it.
When she reached Awpxey’s back, she poked him.
“Mh.. Give this to her, have her drink it.” She held out the small bowl, and Awpxey took it gently, explaining what you needed to do before softly placing the bowl in front of your mouth.
Aiya wanted him to work quicker. She wanted to see you get better. She had this foreign, impatient urge to… Talk to you.
When you finally finished drinking the medicine, Awpxey making sure you had every last drop, you had taken a deep breath.
The twist in your stomach started to disappear, your skin started to feel less moist and finally cooled down, feeling how it usually did any day in the Sun.
“Wow..” You whispered astonished. “I feel so much better already!” You looked between Aiya and Awpxey.
“Thank you so much for that medicine, it’s really working!” You smiled at Aiya, slowly scanning your eyes around her face.
She’s really pretty.
It wasn’t said out loud, but you and Aiya had thought it at the same time as each other. But only looking into each others eyes, you both knew exactly what the other thought.
Awpxey noticed how the both of you seemed to have clicked, though he didn’t say anything, just let it play out as he noticed you and Aiya begin to smile shyly at each other.
The scene was interrupted when the Tsahìk came walking in, it was only now that you noticed her round belly. How did you not notice it earlier?
The Tsahìk’s eyes lock onto yours, and she stepped close to you. “Come, Y/n.” You were shocked at the fact she somehow even knew your name.
But you quickly didn’t care anymore, as you remembered that you were not there when the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahìk were deciding to either let your family stay, or leave.
When you finally get up, you stand next to her, impatient.
“I come to know your name now, but I forget his.” She nudges her chin towards Awpxey. “What is his name?”
Is she playing games with you? Knowing that you want to know whether you were granted Uturu or not. Yet instead she’s asking for your boyfriend’s name.
“Awpxey. His name is Awpxey.” You rush out.
She nodded, humming a quiet “hm” before she ushered him up with her hand.
“Come, let’s go.” Now you were really nervous.
Though you all paused when she turned around and faced the girl that was in the tent.
“Aiya, you come too.” You noticed how the girl’s face was at first shocked, then lit up. Her ears perked and listening as her tail swished lowly behind her.
Now it had to have been fine if she was coming too right?
You tried not to dwell on it too much as you followed the Tsahìk on the walkways, noticing you were walking deeper into the village and through the many maruis that were built over the mangrove roots.
She was leading you to a tent, right? This definitely isn’t the way you came. There’s no way she’s leading you out.
Awpxey noticed the furrow in your brow and had reached to hold your hand, holding it in that way you both found comfortable for the uneven amount of fingers you both had.
Aiya walked behind, her stomach warm as she watched the both of you hold hands.
She wants to hold your hand…
Her eyes widened as she rubbed her forehead, trying to wipe away those thoughts.
It had to be the stress and lack of sleep she has from becoming a healer. Right? Yeah, that’s it.
Suddenly, she stopped right in front of a tent not to far from the edge of the walkways.
The ocean was not too far, and the view looked so beautiful from where you stood.
When you had looked into the tent, before your foot even hit the floor of the inside, your father was rushing towards you.
“Y/n,” his hands came to your cheeks, holding your face and examining you lightly. “You feeling okay?” His tone only held worry as his eyes stayed focus on you.
You nodded with a small smile. “I’m okay dad, swear.”
His eyebrows dropped in relief, a breath exiting his mouth. “I’m sorry for not noticing babygirl, I’m sorry.” You shook your head, grabbing onto one of his hands on your face.
“It’s okay dad, it really is. You’re stressed, I know you are. And this really came out of no where, the sickness. Either way, I feel so much better now, promise.”
With a small smile, you held out your pinky, joining it with your dad. A happy little tradition your father taught you and the rest of your siblings.
Neytiri watched on behind your father with a smile. Watching how you and your father slowly started to get closer emotionally and bond more.
It made her happy, knowing that you want to be with the family more often.
Eywa knows how broken Jake was when you had separated yourself from everyone and everything at the ripe age of 12.
When you walked deeper into the marui, you thought it was beautiful. It was definitely different, something you were not used to.
But you knew that life comes with change. And with change comes adaptions and arranging.
You took a deep breath, looking around smiling at everybody. It was really pretty in here, and the floor felt good against your feet.
Neteyam huffed a small laugh as he walked past you. “I guess Y/n likes it.” You laughed as you bumped his shoulder as he walked by.
When you turned back to the entrance, the Tsahìk and Aiya were gone.
About an hour later, when you all were almost done with placing your belongings down and putting your stuff down to sleep, your dad called a ‘Sully Family Meeting’.
Lo’ak must have known because he was a hair away from successfully leaving the tent before Neteyam chased him out, and pulling him back in.
Kiri had an attitude as Neytiri called her, responding with a moody, “what”. As she sat down.
Tuk kneeled over a covered crate next to Jake, playing with her fingers as she took deep breaths.
After a moment of silence your dad had gotten serious. “I need you kids on your best behavior, I mean it.” He looked through all of you.
“Learn fast, pull your weight.” He looked straight into Lo’ak’s eyes as he said. “Don’t cause trouble, got it.”
Lo’ak responded with a ‘yes sir’ as he knew the demand was targeted towards him.
Neteyam chuckled before he reached over, squeezing the base of Lo’ak’s neck, pulling his hand back when Lo’ak hissed to him.
Lo’ak receiving a side-eye in return.
Though you didn’t pay much attention to that as Tuk spoke up, tears in her eyes as she stated she wanted to go home.
“Aw Tuk.” Your mother looked at her with sorrow, the same sorrow she felt in her heart.
Jake took her hand, holding one of her fingers. “Tuk.. This is our home now.” He paused before a spoke again.
“Now, we’re gonna get through this.” He nodded surely, Neytiri following along also.
“We’re gonna get through this if we have each others backs, alright?” Your mother cut in, adding a quiet, “what does your father always say?”
Hesitantly looking around, waiting for someone else to speak, you all said. “Sully’s stick together.”
Though it was all out of sync..
Your dad nodded, “yeah that’s right Sully’s stick together.” He looked at Neytiri before turning back to look at all of you.
“Now this time with some feeling, yeah?” Within a few seconds you all were repeating the quote, “Sully’s stick together”, a bit louder.
Although it was still out of sync, the effort from the rest of you was present.
Kiri was doing her own thing while she said it though. You could tell that she was feeling really dejected by moving away from the forest. Hell you were too, but you tried to tune your mind to accepting that there was no changing this.
Like your dad said, this is our home now.
As the rest of the day passed, you wondered what nightfall looked like around the village. You stayed around the exit of the marui, watching the sky as it darkened little by little.
Eclipse looked the same as it did from the forest — and that made you smile — though the environment was obviously different.
You wondered if sleeping here would feel more relaxing, since you’ve always heard people fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean. You decided on just not thinking about so you’ll be more patient. You couldn’t wait to see for yourself.
Falling asleep was not easy.
Though the sounds of the ocean moving directly under your new home was nice, it was.. So different.
You weren’t entirely used too it, at all.
You know it’s going to take a while to adapt.
The next morning after a quiet breakfast, the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk’s son and daughter, Ao’nung and Tsireya came to retrieve you and your siblings to begin training they had a friend with them, you heard his name to be Rotxo.
And you had noticed the pretty healer was with them to, Aiya was her name right?
When you approached the waters edge, the four of them dived in, you and Awpxey looking quickly at each other before diving in next.
When you had opened your eyes under water, you were shocked, entranced at the beauty that was fulfilled in the ocean.
It was beautiful. So beautiful.
You could get used to this, you smiled. Oh definitely.
Awpxey and Aiya quietly stared, looking at you and how your beauty and essence seemed to mix in with the Sea of Pandora.
Looking over at Awpxey, you smiled, a few bubbles coming out your mouth as you reached your hand out to him. He took it happily, and you pulled him down towards the sea floor, deciding on wanting to look closely at the small animals that swam about.
Tsireya watched Aiya look at you and Awpxey attentively before she made a small clicking noise with her mouth, making Aiya turn to her.
Tsireya signed a worried ‘are you okay’ to her, waiting for an answer.
Aiya nodded quickly, signing back ‘I’m okay! Just looking at them, they are so cute together!’ Her face turning to a light shade of purple, though Tsireya only seen it as the waters reflection.
One thing about Aiya, she was good at playing certain things off.
Tsireya nodded happily in agreement before turning around and swimming off to catch up to the other siblings.
Aiya turned to the direction you and Awpxey were before, though she was only met with the sight of coral, a slight frown forming on her face.
That was before she had gotten a plan.
You were ecstatic, the little specimens that passed you and Awpxey every second made you kick your feet harder to swim with them, being careful touching certain things as you don’t know what’s good or what’s bad yet.
Your head turned quickly when you seen a certainly big figure move in your peripheral. You looked closely to see it was hair flowing as someone swam around.
From the outfit you could see it was Aiya, you swam towards her, going to her front to wave happily at her. Awpxey catching up a few minutes later as he was playing with a snail.
Aiya waved to the both of you, a smile on her face as she started moving her hands in a foreign motion.
Was it sign language? This looks a bit different though… You had learned the basics of sign language when you were younger and would visit Hell’s Gate with your father, but that was American Sign Language.
Was she signing in Na’vi? Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you tried to decipher what she was saying.
She seemed to notice your confusion and pointed up to the surface of the water, and made a ‘come’ motion.
You nodded, kicking up to the surface and taking a deep breath as you reached the top.
She popped up next, then Awpxey. Keeping yourself afloat you had asked her, “is that sign language? What you had used while we were under?”
She nodded, “it was! Sorry for just thinking you understand right away.” You shook your head, smiling. “It’s okay, when I was younger I was taught sign language but never in Na’vi, I only know the basic stuff in English.” You giggled.
She laughed too, “I should teach you! Well, if you want me to? It might be useful.” She looked at you, waiting for you to say what you think.
“No, yeah definitely! That would be great!” You agreed immediately. Aiya looked a bit shy as she brought her hand slightly out of the water, pointing lightly behind you to Awpxey. “And him? Does he want to learn too?”
Looking behind yourself, you seen Awpxey staring up at the sky his eyes scrunched from the Sun as you can tell he was looking at the clouds.
You turned back towards her, laughing. “He’s a bit dumb, but I think he’ll like learning.” She smiled, nodding. “Let’s go to those group of rocks over there, there is a few more things you need to learn, like breathing.”
Following her, you had to turn around to bring Awpxey as he stayed looking at the sky, messing with him you pulled his hair, making him gasp as he attempted to chase you.
As Aiya stood on the rocks, she was able to see how quickly you were able to evade Awpxey in the water.
Laughing and out of breath you climbed onto the rock she was standing on, you paused as you seen her hand outstretched, but you grabbed it just in time because when she pulled you up Awpxey appeared right where you were.
Your heart was pumping amd you held your hand over it as you realized where he was. “He almost grabbed me Aiya, you saved me.” She was smiling amd nodding, but her heart felt like it was about to fall through her rib cage.
You were still holding her hand.
The cool water that was dripping from her hair to her body did nothing to cool down her skin that was beginning to grow hot.
When Awpxey was now trying to climb up the rock, she held out her hand again, acting without thinking. She was close to letting out a squeak as Awpxey clapped his hand against hers, the both of them pulling at each other to get him on the rock.
You knew.
You knew you were still holding her hand, and you swung her hand back and forth in yours, letting her know you were fully aware.
“Hey Aiya?” She turned to you, her neck stiff as tried to ignore her hand swinging together with yours. “Yeah Y/n?”
“Can we all swim a bit more? I really like how it looks underwater.” You smile shyly.
“Of course!” She nodded, you don’t have to ask me, let’s go.” You skipped excitedly to the end of the rock, making sure there wasn’t any other ones you looked at the two of them.
“Let’s jump at the same time!” Awpxey nodded quickly, tightening his hold on Aiya’s hand before lining all of you up.
Aiya’s heart was going through an overdrive. What is even happening?
After a quick countdown she was now submerged, which put her back into reality quick. Swimming through the water she found you in front of her, swimming towards the ground again.
She noticed you liked playing with the coral, running your hands over the bumpy edges and following the small fish that swam by.
After swimming around and playing for a bit, there was a clicking noise heard underwater. From what you could decipher it sounded like an animal, so you looked around curiously, expectantly.
The clicking didn’t raise anything for alarms, the clicking sounded sweet, almost as if it were only calling out. Trying to track where it was coming from, you spotted something move underwater,
You squinted your eyes quickly trying to focus, it went behind a big section of coral that wasn’t too far from in front of you, so you swam toward it.
Several seconds passed, and then a creature, almost as resembling as an ikran came from around the corner.
Your eyes widened in excitement as a smile pulled onto your face.
The animal swam towards you, gliding through the water gracefully as it approached you, placing its face close to yours, making you “cheek”-cheek with the still clicking animal.
In this moment you were beyond ecstatic, seeing a sea creature this beautiful approach you so calmly and swim around you as it nuzzled itself into your cheek.
You noticed the animals Tsaheylu pocket and gripped it gently, grabbing your queue from behind your head before you connected them softly.
Tsaheylu underwater was no joke, you almost swallowed gallons of water trying to get used to the familiar though unfamiliar sensation that was passing through your nerves system.
Testing, you gave the soft direction to swim up to the surface, and up you went, put not blazing fast. The animal pulled you at a soft but firm pace, bringing you to the oceans top like you had asked.
As you surfaced, you gasped for air before letting out an excited squeak. Looking around for any signs of Awpxey and Aiya also resurfacing. When they popped out of the water next, they both had huge thrilled smiles.
“Y/n!” They called out at the same time before swimming to you, racing somewhat.
“Guys! Guys! Look it! Look what I got!” The creature you still did not know the name of spun you on its back, letting out its own excited trills of sounds.
“Good job Y/n! The way it approached you so easily, she sensed you!” Aiya subconsciously reached for your hand. “She sensed your kind energy and strong heart.” Aiya rambled with a smile. Awpxey swam up next to the both of you, placing his hand on your knee. “Good job Tìyawn, see? You always claim you are not that special, but here we are!”
You thanked him, looking down at the creature with a shy smile, a blush accompanying your face. “What are they called?” You looked up to Aiya, softly petting the creature’s rough skin.
“They are called Ilu. A common sea animal used by many of the Metkayina for hunting, traveling and such.” You nodded, listening intently.
“They are so beautiful..” You whispered, silently admiring the eye of your Ilu, that was before she squeaked, showing her excitement.
Mid-day was approaching, and swimming for hours on end left you starved. So for lunch you and your family returned to your maruì.
For Aiya though, she thought it as unfortunate that you and Awpxey had to part ways with her.
Was it selfish? Somewhat, right?
She shook the thoughts in her head away as she was telling herself you both had to leave. Obviously to eat and nourish yourself so she can see you.
After you completely inhaled your lunch as you bragged and raved about how you tamed an Ilu, you happily stepped out your new living space.
Squinting your eyes against the Sun, you all walked to the area you agreed to meet Ao’nung and Tsireya at, you didn’t fail to see the way Lo’ak’s slouched shoulders straightened quickly once she came into view.
Hm. You tried to hold in a smile as you looked at the back of his head.
Looks like Lo’ak’s got a crush.
The rest of the day was spent learning how to properly hold your breath, learning more facts about the Ilu you are learning to ride, and information and traditions of the Metkayina.
As eclipse started to approach everyone headed home.
Everyone but you, Aiya, and Awpxey.
All the way until the stars infiltrated the sky, the three of you sat and talked about any and everything.
Maybe adapting won’t be so hard.
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading all this!! I did say it was going to be a long one, but I hoped you enjoyed it! Sorry for taking so long to update!! Two months? I’m actually sorry because during those 2 months I have gained many followers and I feel like I’m not doing much! So this is me back in commission!! Also, how do you guys feel about Aiya? How should I continue with her? But anyway! Thank you for reading 🤍!!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
✿✿Leaving Me✿✿
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Author's Note - Hi guys!! I'm kind of just planning on going along with the plot of ATWOW, obviously adding my own storyline here and there with Awpxey. But! I hope you guys enjoy the story!!
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Summary - After finally being able to heal from your injuries, your parents break news to you and your siblings. You're moving away. Far, far away. Across the great ocean to a clan that calls the sea their home. You go to find Awpxey after your parents finalize their decision. Now Awpxey is choosing his own. Stay at the forests of Pandora, or move across the sea with you.
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Warnings - i don't think there's anything significant?, trying to talk back, jake's mean for like a second, arguing, crying, cute bf & gf moments, kissing, admiring, swearing, moving, decisions, stress, grandma - granddaughter talk, advice
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The last bit of swelling left your face over the last few weeks. Talking was a bit easier now and you could see clearer.
Just a few days ago you were able to go back to your family’s hut.
You don’t know what compelled your mind to make you think you would be staying there for long.
It was a supposedly “normal” day. You were used to the silence that sat around the hut, your family not talking to each other much.
You felt almost estranged, you were feeling so happy and energized now at the fact you were healed. But it was as if everyone got used to how it was while you were injured.
It was always silent.
It made your happy mood deteriorate. And in doing so, it ruined your happy thoughts. So it only left you feeling sad.
Just like everyone else.
But on this “normal” day. Something still felt off. The air felt stiffer then usual, it was something with your parents.
They had been off since the whole situation, but something told you, something else caused this.
It was around lunchtime when your mother called everyone to the table. Thinking nothing of it, you all sat in your usual seats, waiting.
After sitting in silence for sometime your father spoke up.
“We’re moving.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in question.
“What do you mean we’re moving? Like to a different hut or-” He cut you off.
“We are moving.” His voice became harsh. “Far away. We need to get out of here. We’re set to leave tomorrow. And I’m stepping down from Olo’eyktan.”
Your heart dropped, your mouth opening in disbelief.
Moving? Far away? Stepping down? What is going on?
“What?..” Your voice came out in a quiet whisper, tears building but you tried your best to blink them back.
Your mother put her head down, looking at her lap.
“Mama is he being serious?” You looked between your mother and your father. Trying to ignore the tears that left your siblings.
“I’m being serious Y/n. This isn’t some kind of joke.”
You didn’t want to believe him. You didn’t want to.
You shook your head, “we can’t just leave here.” You motion your hand to the hut.
“This is all we know! This is the only place we call home!” Your mother’s hand went up to her eyes.
“I know that Y/n, but there’s nothing we can do-”
“Yes there is! There is, you can’t just give up so quickly!”
“It is not safe here-”
“So fight back!” You stood leaning over the table.
“We can’t!” Your father mirrored your actions.
“We are not equipped enough, there is not enough of us. There’s no, “fighting back” we can do.”
You still shook your head.
“You’re Toruk Makto, gather the other clans! Do everything you did those 17 years ago and fight back!”
“It’s not the same! Do you even understand how many people we lost back then? Because of that War? Thousands of the people died fighting for their land!”
“Exactly! So the loyal Na’vis, and the ones who can participate can join and fight back! We’re not leaving here!”
“We are Y/n! And that’s final!”
You wanted to hit him.
Never in your life had you ever wanted to strike your father.
But you wanted to right now, and wanted to hit him hard. Knock him straight.
But you turned and left. Walking out the hut and ignoring the few calls of your name by your siblings and your father.
You wanted to escape. Wanted to be down in the forest and accept the comfort of The Great Mother and her creations.
But you couldn’t.
Those evil demon bastards are infiltrating your home and destroying the land around it.
They’re taking your home away. And because of that, you had to leave.
You don’t know where you were going, your feet walked you in whatever direction and you let them.
You didn’t feel as if you were living in your body. You felt so disconnected and far away, wishing for the comfort of somebody, the embrace of somebody.
When you found yourself at the entryway of a hut, you finally looked up.
You were at Awpxey’s kelku, and that made you crack a small smile. But it dropped as you remembered what you now have to tell him.
You were met with his back, he was facing the other way as he fiddled with something in his hands.
He was alone in the hut. And he must have felt your presence as he turned his head around.
His eyes lighting up as he saw you.
It all only made your heart hurt more.
He then realized your solemn expression and stood up, walking toward you slowly.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” You let out a sob as you ran into his chest, his warm skin only coaxing you to cry more into his chest.
“What’s wrong yawne? Talk to me, I’m right here, right here with you, okay?”
You couldn’t even stomach the fact you would have to tell him you’re leaving.
Where is that going to leave the two of you? Do you have to break up now as there is no way of communicating?
“A-Awpxey..” You cried, squeezing him closer to you as you hiccuped and sobbed.
“It’s okay Y/n, talk to me when you’re ready. I’ll wait for you.” All you could do was quickly nod into his chest, continuing to cry.
Once you felt that all the tears were somewhat out your system, you took a deep breath.
“I-I have to tell you something Awpxey.” Your chest stuttered as you felt your eyes cloud again, but you only rubbed the feeling away.
“Okay, you can tell me.” He nodded, running his hands through your hair.
“Come sit on the floor with me, right here okay?” You held his hand as you let him guide you to sit on the floor with him.
Your hands shook with a frenzied tremor, wiping your eyes you took another deep breath before looking into Awpxey’s eyes.
“I-I’m moving Awpxey.” You swallow as you try to breathe. “Really, really far away. A-and my dad is stepping down from being Olo’eyktan, and I don’t know what to do.”
You started to cry again, and only tucked your face into the crook of Awpxey’s shoulder.
“I don’t wanna leave.” You sobbed.
Awpxey rubbed your back as he was trying to process the information.
“I’m going with you.”
You froze, silence encompassing the hut, the only thing really being heard were your rough shallow breaths.
“What?” You sat up, looking straight at him.
“You’re doing what?” You blinked at him quizzically.
“I am going to go with you. I do not care if you don’t agree.” You opened your mouth shocked.
“Awpxey, what? N-no you can’t come, I can’t let you do that, no.” He has his family here, his parents, he can’t just leave them.
“Awpxey you can’t just leave, what about your parents? You’re not just gonna leave them are you?”
“I would. Just for you.” You gasped at his words.
“I love you Y/n, I love you so much. I See you. So I’m going to go with you.” He caressed your cheek.
“I want to mate with you one day, I can’t just leave you.” You leaned forward, kissing him as a way to express your love for him.
“But you haven’t even asked them yet Awpxey. What if they say no?”
“Knowing my parents? They’ll definitely say yes, they probably want me to move out anyway.” You stared at him, scared of how nonchalant he sounded.
“And what if they don’t want you to? What if they want you to stay here with them so they know you’re safe?”
Awpxey shook his head. “They are not like that Y/n, trust me.” You knew he was — somewhat — right. Itxä and Puo are two very understanding people. And always wish what is best for their son.
Which in their book, you are.
“They’ll definitely let me go with you. When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow. My dad didn’t say when, but knowing him.. It’s definitely in the morning.” You let out a broken chuckle, trying to revert your mind from the subject at hand.
Awpxey continued to rub your back. You felt his eyes on your face and could see him staring from your peripheral.
“What?” You said with a giggle as you turned towards him.
“Nothing.. Just looking at you.” He smiled as he continued to look.
“Why?” You asked, feeling a bit embarrassed by how lovingly he was looking at you.
“Because I love looking at you.” You felt a heat tread into your cheeks. “You know Y/n, I don’t think you take all the credit you get for your beauty.”
You tilted your head in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“You are just so beautiful. And sometimes I feel like when people tell you that, you don’t believe them.” You chewed your lip, knowing that what Awpxey was saying was true.
“You’re very observant.” You nodded. “Got it from you.”
You smiled, “really?” You asked mockingly.
“Yeah, got it from that people watching you taught me.” You felt a bit shocked.
He actually started doing that because of you?
“You actually started doing it?” He nodded, “why wouldn’t I? It’s actually very fun, entertains if you will.”
You laughed, “you’re becoming a little mini me!” Awpxey joined you in your laughter, “I wouldn’t mind becoming that.” He shrugged with a smile.
For a moment, you both only stared at each other. Looking at each other’s features.
“How do you feel about little admirer, hm?” You smiled at the tease and pushed his nose with your finger.
You could hear his tail smack lightly on the floor behind him.
“When are your parents coming home? So you can ask them? I don’t wanna be here when you do.” He furrowed his eyebrows, “why?” You only shrugged.
“It’ll make me feel weird.” He nodded but brought up another point. “Where are you going to go then? I know you do not want to go home.”
You rolled your eyes. “Too observant.”
He smiled, pulling your cheek. “Learned from the best.”
Over the next few minutes, you spent some more time together.
“I’m going to go home.. I-I have to pack my things.” You felt reluctant, you didn’t want to leave the forest, or Awpxey at the moment either.
As you both stood, Awpxey held your hand. “I know this is hard for you Y/n. But always, always know that I’m going to be here for you.” You nodded, trying to sniffle your tears away.
“I’m going to be there with you forever because I’m going with you.” He whispered teasingly in your ear. You laughed as his breath tickled your ear. “Awpxey!”
“I know, I know. Now go, get ready so we’ll both be packed by morning.” You turned back to look at him. “You’re very confident that they’ll even let you go.” You looked worryingly.
He only smiled, “I know they’ll let me go, now go back little Ms. Sully.” You laughed at the name and waved goodbye, him doing the same.
“Wait, Y/n!” You hear Awpxey call your name from behind you, making you turn around.
“Yes Awpxey? What is it?” He’s approaching you in a small jog.
“Come here.”
Before you could even get a breath out, he had grabbed your face. Smashing his lips onto yours in slow kiss.
It caught you by shock at first, but you slowly relaxed into the kiss and closed your eyes.
When he pulled away, all he had was a smirk on his face as he had seen your purple cheeks.
“You didn’t give me a goodbye kiss.” You embarrassingly cover your face with your hand, trying to hide how hot your face had gotten.
“Awpxey!” You squeal, trying to hold in your laughter.
He grabbed a hold of your wrist, trying to pry your hand from your face.
“Let me see you!” He continued to tease you as he tried looking around your face.
“Awpxey, I have to go!” You giggled.
He let you go, still laughing. “Bye Y/n.” He placed a kiss on your cheek.
For some reason you froze. Your cheeks felt hotter again as you brushed your fingertips against the spot.
You smiled sheepishly, shyly leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Bye Awpxey..”
It was Awpxey’s turn to mirror everything you had just done.
You smiled at him before turning and leaving, the soft smile still stuck on your face.
While you walked home, you couldn’t feel nothing but dread as your hut came into view.
Eywa, how bad you didn’t wanna be here right now.
When you walked in, everyone glanced at you, but you paid no mind to that as the only thing that took your attention was your home.
What used to be your home, at least.
All you saw was the inside of your home, technically completely empty instead of all of the things that were yours that were left in place.
Every movement that was made echoed, and it made your heart slow.
You were actually leaving. Your parents are really making you leave home.
“Come on Y/n.. Pack your stuff.” You heard your father’s gruff voice behind you.
Tears clouded your vision, and you clenched your fists tightly as your breath picked up. The pain in your palms went unnoticed as your fingernails continued to dig into the skin of your palms.
But you decided not to act on your emotions.
So you took a deep breath and started to pick up your things.
Minute after minute, your chest ached more and more as you had to pick up all the memories of your home.
When you were finished, you had a good two bags full to the top full of all your items.
Tops and loincloths, jewelry, and trinkets. The bags held everything.
Everything you’ve ever known, ever loved.
“Where are we going to sleep? Since there’s obviously nothing in here, for us.” You knew you were being sour.
But you had every right to be.
Your life is being taken away from you. How are you specifically supposed to feel?
You felt this feeling of hate, towards your father.
What did he want you to do after telling you, you all had to move away? Prance around and dance?
You had a sneer on your face as you waited for his answer, tapping your foot on the floor, urging him to hurry up.
“We’re going to stay at your grandmother’s hut.” He sighed and you felt a pang of guilt run through you as you seen him pinch the bridge of his nose, squinting his eyes shut as if to think.
“She’s being kind enough to let us stay there.. So let’s say thank you to grandma when we see her okay?” The small childish tone was obviously directed towards Tuk.
She was still too young to barely even comprehend what is happening right now.
She smiled up towards Jake, nodding excitedly.
“I love staying at Grandma’s house!” The words made your stomach hurt.
Does she even know this will be the last time she’s staying over there?
You decided to just step in. “You sure do, don’t you?” Grabbing her hand with a small smile and leading her out the hut. Trying your best to just get the night over with.
The rest of your siblings followed reluctantly, knowing what they have to do once the night is over.
Knowing they will never come back to their home.
It all felt unreal, it was unexpected, and it was too rushed. You felt as if the decision was rushed.
You wondered if your parents even really thought about what they were doing. You would have never thought that, that night in the forest would lead to this.
The last experience you had in your homeland was miserable. You were beaten to a pulp, the last thing you saw was the trees, and the beautiful night sky you loved.
You felt as if you never were actually even able to bask in the beauty of your home. You try to pull your mind of all the memories you have in the forest. But you’re barely pulling any, all you can think about is that night.
If this was planned earlier you felt like you maybe could have done something else. Do something else, be someone else.
You love it here. You want to stay here.
But you can’t.
Because now you’re moving away. Moving away to somewhere cold. You’re moving away to somewhere that you have to become a different person, act a different way, and practice different customs.
You didn’t want to do that. You didn’t want it to come to this.
All the things you could have done. Time was lost. There was too much lost time. You could have been running with the wind through the forest just yesterday, happy to be in the environment your Great Mother had created. Even with the knowledge you’d have to be leaving the very next morning.
Or if you hadn’t even went on that little outing. You could have been sitting in your hut, full of everything that it had before. Making bracelets with Kiri and Tuk.
So much lost time.
Before you even blinked, you were at your grandmother’s hut, walking inside. You don’t even remember walking over here.
This is not how you wanted your last night here to be.
In a blur, you were all setting up your sleeping mats. There was barely any small talk between everybody, small words being exchanged here and there.
You took a deep breath through your nose, trying to implant the smell of all the herbs deep in your lungs.
You loved the smell.
It was so nostalgic, a smell you always loved since you were a child coming to see your grandmother, Mo’at.
You loved her so much. You didn’t want to leave her. Your eyes watered for the umpteenth time that day as you thought about the fact you were leaving family behind.
Mo’at watched you keenly, studying you body movement, it’s language.
She knew you were angry, she can feel it coming from you. She felt it before you even arrived. And she didn’t want her granddaughter to have such hate in her heart.
She planned to talk to you when everyone fell asleep, which she knew would be soon.
A few minutes later, everyone was saying goodnight as the climbed into their mats. For about an hour, all that was heard was the shuffling from all of you tossing and turning.
Slowly, everybody around you fell asleep one by one. You sighed as you sat up, rubbing your eyes trying to produce some sort of feeling of on-coming slumber.
You gasped quietly when you looked up, only to see your grandmother sitting up, staring directly at you.
“Y/n.” She said expectantly, her small smile barely visible from the dark engulfing the room.
“Grandma.” You stated, your words floating in the air as they reached her.
“Hm.” She said, turning her head while her smile grew.
You are telling her everything she needs to know already.
“Come, come over here child.” Mo’at’s hand beckoned you to come closer as she got up and moved from her mat. Heading toward a small private area of her hut.
You stood quietly, stepping over the sleeping bodies of your siblings before silently standing before your grandmother.
She patted the spot next to her, “sit with me?” A small smile flashed on your face as you nodded, taking a seat next to her on the sitting mat padding the ground.
“What’s going on grandma? Why aren’t you sleeping?” She looked towards you, a look on her face.
“Why are you asking me questions I’m going to ask you?” She shrugged as she ignored what you had asked her. She chuckled, “what is going on with you Y/n? Though I already know what.”
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you looked at her questioningly.
“What do you mean Grandma?” She laughed silently again.
“Because you make it obvious. Your body, your eyes, your ears, your tail, your heart.” Your grandmother shook her head, “your soul is vulnerable, you are technically putting it on display.”
Not really knowing what to say, you only responded with a feeble, “sorry grandma..” That made her laugh quietly again.
“There’s no need to apologize for something such as that. You are sad right now Y/n, very sad.” Her hands came up to your head, threading her fingers through your hair softly.
You could only nod in agreement, not knowing the fact your feelings were so presentable.
"I know why you are sad Y/n." Mo'at whispered next to your head. A solemn look in her eyes as she continued to brush her fingers through your hair.
You gave a broken chuckle as the tears started to cloud your eyes once again. "What is making me sad grandma?" You asked sarcastically.
This made Mo’at frown, she felt a strong pity for not only you but herself too. She knew that as soon as all of you left, she would be and feel completely miserable.
But she couldn't act on her emotions because all she could do was hold it all together for the sake of the people.
What would the clan do if their Tsahìk was completely low with grief? Mo’at had — no has — a lot to grieve for, but she has no time to grieve.
No time to think.
She’s quick with what she has to do, always by herself — mostly not — with her thoughts.
She tries her hardest to not think about those days.
Those days in which everyone was a bit younger.
Those days when her whole family was still together.
“You’re leaving..” Mo’at whispered as her nimble fingers continued to brush your hair.
“And I know you’re very sad to leave. Leave here, your home.” She pursed her lips as she tried to fight her tears.
“Grandma.” You whispered out in a breath of realization. “I’m sorry grandma I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
You sat up straighter, placing your hand on her back before she chuckled. She pulled your hand off by your wrist.
She held your hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckle as the tears fell from her eyes.
Yours following soon after.
“I remember when you had just made it into this world..” She smiled at the memory as she rubbed your knuckles.
“Your cries were piercing, very loud. But you never cried much.” She squeezed your fingers.
“You are still very quiet now Y/n. But promise me, when you leave here and you join this new clan. Promise me, you will use that same exact piercing voice when someone does you wrong.” She looked deep into your eyes to show the sincerity of her ask for promise.
You nodded, “I promise grandma. I promise I will, if they either do it to me or anyone else.” She smiled.
“Remember that boy you yelled at all those years ago? During your craft class?” You laughed quietly at the memory.
“Son’tuk?” You giggled as you thought of the boy.
“Mhm, that was the very first time you had used that strong voice of yours for defending yourself. You always stayed quiet to yourself. You still do now obviously.” She rolled her eyes.
“But before when you were younger it was.. Worse.” You grimaced as all the memories of your younger self came back.
“Everybody was so shocked. You had become so loud, I didn’t even expect it.” She laughed.
“What did you tell at him for again?” You curled your lip to a sneer.
“He was talking about me, Kiri, and Lo’ak. Specifically our hands. He was shit-talking right in front of me, to me! And I told him to stop multiple times and he didn’t.” You shrugged.
“Well, that day made history!” You both giggled.
For hours after that, you and your grandmother spoke about anything and everything.
After a bit, your eyes became heavy, that familiar pressure behind your eyes. You tried your hardest to fight it, because you knew this would be your last night here.
Your last night to enjoy these moments with your grandma.
You wanted to savor every single second, but the stress from the day and the continuous conversations started to make you feel exhausted.
“G-grandma..” You whispered before falling asleep against her, she laughed quietly. Looking down to your face and examining your soft but fierce features.
“Oh how I’ll miss you. I’ll miss you so much.” Mo’at whispered as her eyes watered. Her breath was shaky as she combed your hair with her fingers.
Leaning down she pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll love you no matter where you go Y/n. You are forever my first grandchild.” Tears platted down onto her thighs, and she slowly wiped her eyes so they wouldn’t worsen.
Minutes later, Mo’at began to drift off and fell asleep also.
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Hi!! So I’m going to continue this on in another story obviously!! But I wanted to start working in the other one right when this one finished so I can post them both like on the same day? Probably might not be smart, but regardless!! I didn’t want to do the whole nine yards of the Sully’s meeting the Metkayina, it would end up being wayyy to long. But I hope you all enjoyed the story!! Sorry if there are any spelling errors! Thank you so much for reading 🤍!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
✿✿All For Us✿✿
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Author’s Note - Hi everybody! I just want to give a pre-warning as this story will be violent! If it is not your cup of tea I apologize! But I just wanted to give an early fair warning! But anyways, I hope you enjoy the story!
Summary - How could this happen? How did this happen? A family outing, a day to just let the stress from your duties fade away. A plan gone bad. What is the Sully Family going to do as they are now kidnapped? Will they ever be saved? Taken, held, afraid, and almost separated, the Sully’s fight their own Wars and demons as they try to make it past their struggles. Hoping to come together again.
Warnings - violence, head injury, other injuries, shock, swearing, derogatory terms, unwanted touching, suggestive comments, one of the recoms is like super creepy, crying, kidnapping, screaming, praying, fighting, mentions of blood, mentions of killing, death threats, weapons, guns, knives, quaritch, attacking kids, hostages, held at gun point, pulling of queue, trauma, (is this angst?), bombings, technically a war?, resucing
When you woke up this morning, you knew it was going to be a good day. It was a feeling you couldn’t shake off your bones.
You awoke happy, and so did your family. So your father had planned for you all to go for a swim, maybe to a stream, or to a secluded pond.
Wherever it was, you all wanted to spend time together, he mentioned the idea of making food so you could all have a picnic in the mean while.
Everyone was quick to agree. So right after breakfast, everybody was packing up their items, getting ready to go have fun for the day.
Before the whole family was able to leave, your father had to make a quick stop for a mini-meeting at Puo Relongtai’s hut. The second in command of the Warriors group, also, your boyfriend’s father!
Your father only asked the basics, if anything were to happen, just send a search party. Though it seemed harsh, it was a — unfortunately — normal request of all Na’vi who planned to leave for the day.
After their short conversation, you all joined back again at the ikran’s mounting spots, you knew the way to Azraa’s like the back of your hand.
When it was decided who Tuk was going to join on their ikran, you all flew. Away from the Hallelujah Mountains down to the forest. Playing small games of tag as you flipped and weaved around with your ikrans.
Once on the forest floor you departed with your ikrans as you caught the sight of a secluded pond. It was beautiful and perfect, good trees that kept a cool shade off to the side.
You swam, ate, danced, laughed. You were all having fun!
All having fun until you were not.
All until now.
Tuk claimed she had to use the bathroom, so you waited in front of the area she was using.
Your heart stopped as you heard a scream.
Her scream.
You rounded the tree immediately, looking for her only to be slammed onto the ground. Your head knocking the dense dirt with a loud thud.
It was a pain that went through your whole spine, your eyesight blurring immediately.
You were dazed, but you could still comprehend the other screams of struggles in the distance.
You weren’t left to think long enough. Your queue was pulled back so hard, it was being squeezed so tight. All you could do was wince in a small protest, not that it did much against your captor. Your nervous system was being interfered with and Eywa did it hurt.
The only thing you could have actually registered in that moment, the only thing you felt. It was only the rough hands in your hair, on your arms, the dirt you were being dragged through, the scrapes of small rocks on your legs.
Who are these people? Exiles? Tawtute? You hoped not.
You vision was clearing itself back up and you finally got the mind capacity to blink again. That when you realized where you were, and who was holding you.
To see 5-fingers and eyebrows on a Na’vi was unusual, though it became a bit more normal in the Omatikaya Clan due to Toruk Makto being originally a Dreamwalker. You on the other hand, hated seeing, even thinking, about Dreamwalkers.
Those people in their stupid green uniforms and their stupid big guns.
Those demons.
You let out a hiss of anger, though it sounded strangled and strained, you hope it got your point across.
The harsher tug on your kuru is not what you were expecting.
“Shut up. Wild bitch.” Your face is slammed back into the ground, rattling the bones in your body at the sheer force.
You hear other screams, screams of anger, but they’re all muffled.
Is it your parents? Are your parents here? Where are your siblings?
‘I can’t see anymore.’
There is a voice next to you, fading into your ears slowly.
“-/n. Y/n. Y/n open your eyes. Open your eyes please babygirl, please.” The light that accompanied your vision was too bright. You let out a small groan at the pain in your head.
“Y/n? Y/n you can hear me right?” The voice who was constantly fading in your ear was your father. He was calling out to you.
“Dad?” Your voice is shaky, knowing that your parents are here makes you just want to cry, but you chose to keep a brave face for your siblings.
You have to.
“She’s awake now, so keep your fucking mouth closed.” The voice was so rough, so rough and unforgiving.
“Don’t swear… Don’t swear in front of Tuk..” You mutter.
Is this what shock feels like? Living in a different part of your head and only watching the world from afar.
“What’d you say to me?” You feel a hand on the back of your neck, squeezing you as it pulled you up with no effort.
“Please. Please just leave her alone, she’s talking out of shock. Don’t hit her.” It’s your father talking again, you wish your father talked forever. You feel better when he talks.
Going against the Sun, you look up trying to observe the situation better now that your sat up.
You wished you had just kept your eyes closed.
It was a sight you did not want to be met with.
You felt angry, so angry.
Your family, your parents and siblings. Being held by their arms and kurus. They all looked so afraid, so scared and so sad.
There was no sound, it was just a radio silence as you all had basic background on what would happen if you were to talk.
You were scared to breathe.
The demons holding you took it upon themselves to talk with each other. Talk like they aren’t holding you captive.
“Rosario. When did boss man say he was coming?” The man holding you asked the man holding your father.
“Mh I don’t know, but I think with how far he is. I think he said it could take like almost a whole day to get over here or something.” The man named ‘Rosario’ shrugged.
“He can’t just expect for us to wait here, does he?” It was a woman who spoke next, the woman who had grabbed Tuk.
“I don’t know Bee, you know how he gets.” The voice of the man holding you vibrates behind you.
It’s too many people, too many people and you want to get away.
“Well Kilti, we all know how he gets. But I don’t have the patience for it.” Was that his name? Last or first? You do know that most people are called by their last names in any kind of force. It doesn’t matter.
You only know 3 out of the 7 people holding you all as hostages at this moment.
You don’t know who’s holding your mother, you don’t know who’s holding Neteyam, you don’t know who’s holding Kiri, and you don’t know who’s holding Lo’ak.
You look at your mother for a while, her silence in this situation is so uncharacteristic.. You would have expected her to jump up and kill all seven of them with her bare hands.
Is it because of their guns? Is she making a plan already?
The crackle of a radio is heard, a scratchy voice coming from the radio of the man holding Kiri.
“Cruz. Cruz come in, over.” The voice is unfamiliar, but you study your dads face to see if he can make out who it is.
Though his face doesn’t make any of recognition.
“I’m in, over.” This supposed, Cruz, replied.
“Take them and go back to the tent. Wait for us there. It’s too dangerous for you all to be out in the open like that. Who knows what those savages have planned.”
You wish you had the power to swipe everyone here, out. Who does that man think he is to call your people, your family, savages?
When you find out who that is, you’ll make sure to show how savage a Na’vi really could be.
“Alright, will do so, over.” After that, there’s no response. You wish that it was because whoever that man was, was killed.
You hoped that he was killed, killed by something, anything.
“You heard him. Now get up and let’s get moving.” It seems that this man, Kilti seems to have some sort of vendetta against your people, or just specifically, you.
He tugged you up harshly by your queue, forcing you forward by pushing the back of your head while holding your arms.
“When we get to the tents, we gotta cuff ‘em.” Kilti orders.
“While we’re walking, let’s think front or back!” They all laughed, and at the way your father’s ears folded down and he cringed his face.
It must have been some type of innuendo.
You sighed, raking your brain for any ideas you could to escape. But you came up with none. It was too dangerous, too dangerous in this environment to even speak.
“Y/n..” A voice shook from next you, causing you to turn your head quickly, regardless of the pain in your body.
It was Tuk.
“Oh Tuk, talk to me, it’s okay.” You nodded, encouraging her that she’ll be just fine.
“I’m scared Y/n.” Tuk’s eyes started to water, her bottom lip quivering.
You tried to make sure she didn’t cry too much or too loud. You don’t want to evoke any type of reaction from the demons holding you.
“Both of you, be quiet, we’re here.” The woman with the name, Bee, nodded her head to a tent in front of you.
It looked odd to you. It was not a hut, it was not inviting, welcoming, nor was it colorful. It was a place full of dread, a depressing aura all around it.
“Good that we came back now, I think it’s gonna start to get dark soon.” They all muttered in agreement, pushing you all inside of the tent one by one.
“So, where we tying their hands, front or back?” The one who had made the innuendo earlier asked.
Bee scrunched her face, “you’re such a weirdo Cosby, but we’re putting them in the front.”
“Alright then. Let’s go, into the corner. We’re putting these on you, if you try any kind of funny business, we will kill you.”
“Not if we kill you first.” Your mothers comment rang in the air, it stayed there, the words laying heavy in the room.
“Mom, mom please. Don’t say that right now it’s okay.” You were quick to try and mediate your mother. You should have known her silence was going to build up just to explode in anger over time.
You should have known, you should have known.
She was silent again, and you became more afraid. “Mama please?” You tried to fight back the tears that were almost willing to escape. But your mothers harsh stare at the man in front of you made your heart drop.
She had that insatiable look in her eyes. That look she gets when she’s getting ready for raids, that look she gets when she even thinks about Sky People.
“Dad, dad! Get her!” You started to freak out, scared your mother would have an unruly reaction and get all of you killed.
“Neytiri, look at me, look at me, please.” Your father held her face, the soldiers behind her tense with their guns.
“If you do anything, they’ll kill all of us. Please don’t do anything, okay?” Your mother sighed, closing her eyes, mumbling something. Maybe a prayer or a comment before nodding.
After that, they all lined you up to handcuff your hands in front of your body, each person had their person in front of them.
The weird one, Cosby, had picked you to be the one he handcuffed. And he was being so weird, making comments quietly as to not let your parents hear.
“Name’s Brent Cosby, unfortunate I have to tie your hands in the front. Would have been much more enjoyable to see the back of ‘ya.” As he said that, we ran his finger under your chin, making you move your head away from him.
“Don’t be like that girly, I like the front too!” He grossly winked at you. After he finally cuffed your wrists, you were all directed into a corner, put there to be on watch.
The man, Cruz, stood there with a gun aimed directly at all of you. Watching your every move.
“Mama!” Tuk ran into Neytiri’s arms, they both tried their best to give each other a hug.
Lo’ak and Kiri leaned onto Jake’s shoulders, Neteyam leaned onto yours.
“Are you okay?” You whispered against his head. Trying your best to put your arms around him from over his head.
“Are you okay? Y/n you got your head slammed onto the ground multiple times, your kuru was pulled on so much! You’re the most injured here.” Neteyam, technically scolded you, you let out a small chuckle as you really thought about it.
“I’m okay baby bro, promise.” You stuck out your ring finger awkwardly, trying your best to hold your pinky down.
“I’m not the baby.” Neteyam rolled his eyes, joining his ring finger in yours, a small smile on his face.
You smiled back at him, thankful that in this moment you were all okay and still together. Thankful that you were the one who had sustained the most injuries rather than any of your other siblings.
You took it for them.
You always would and always will.
You love them too much to let them get hurt. But to you there is no such thing as loving your family too much.
The time has evidently passed now by a few hours, the small rays of Sun that peeled through the top of the tent now gone as night time rolled around.
The voice from earlier crackled on someone else’s radio again, almost repeating the exact same words from before.
“Greene. Greene come in, over.” The voice was so grainy, so scratchy it made you feel more angry. Angry at the world angry at everybody.
“I’m in, over.” The man answered.
“We are almost there, make sure you have the hostages nice and ready. They’re not prepared for what boss man has in store. Hasn’t talked all day, those savages don’t know what they got coming for ‘em.”
Savages. Savages. Savages.
That’s all you were to them, that’s all you were to Sky People. Just savages who threw themselves around to kill people.
Your people are savages because they fought for their own land. Fought for a better freedom and to not live in fear.
In a way to fight a fit of anger, you pinched your ears, picking at the skin till it was too sensitive to take anymore.
Your family huddled closer due to the man’s very threatening tone, your mother’s snarls made you reluctant to look her way, although it was not even directed toward you.
“Dad.. What’s he going to do to us?” Tuk asked your father, all Jake could do was let out a small smile, rubbing her head.
“Nothing, he’s not gonna do anything to us okay Tuk?” She nodded, mirroring the smile Jake had.
She was still a child — you all are — but it was just how quick all of you had to grow up to know, he was going to do something to you all.
In about half an hour, heavy footsteps sounded from outside the tent. Your body tensing with each foot fall that became louder than the last.
Two figures emerged from the entrance of the tent, their eyes darting straight to all of you.
Tuk shivered at their glare, turning and burying her face into your shoulder.
Now you should pray.
Pray to Eywa that she would be the blessing to get you out of this mess, she would make a blessing come out of this mess.
You knew she would, Eywa never deceives any of her fellow children or creations.
“Eywa help us, allow us to get out of this place, allow us to go home, allow us to be a family. Get rid of the demons that plaque us everywhere, let my people be themselves.” You prayed, rocking back and forth, saying the prayer out loud so it can fly to Eywa, fly to her and let you be heard.
You don’t know what happened in the conversation between the two that walked in, and the seven other demons that took you.
But the face your father had as he seen who the man was. The supposed ‘boss man’ was his oldest enemy.
Your father’s face was full of terror, looking on in fear as if he had seen a monster.
Which he had.
“Quaritch.” You dad whispered, his eyes wide and lifted with shock.
“Sully.” The man winked cruelly, a smirk resting upon his thin lips.
“Don’t hurt my kids. Don’t hurt ‘em Miles. Take me, kill me. I’m the one you want, yeah?” Your father scoot forward, getting up from his knees to face Quaritch.
“Ma’jake! No!” Your mother was up next, the recoms that stood behind them gripped their guns tighter, some taking aim at your mother.
Scared of an authentic savage.
It made you angry. Enraged beyond relief.
“Don’t touch anybody.”
The room fell to silence, your parent’s heads turning to face you quickly. Confusion the only thing written on them.
“And who’s this, huh?”
“Don’t touch her Miles!” Your father tried to direct Quaritch’s attention back towards him, but the man was solely focused on you, waiting for your answer.
“I’m Toruk Makto’s daughter.” In response to you, Quaritch scrunched his face.
“You’re still keeping up with that Taktuk Maketo stuff? Thought you would have gotten over that already, Sully.” His English accent made you want to pull his face off.
He’s mocking your culture. Mocking you.
Mocking your father.
Your mother obviously felt that same way, a viscous snarl being directed towards him.
A small, red dot was what took your attention. A small red dot pointed directly on your mothers forehead. You followed the way of the light, the end coming at the top of a demon’s weapon.
Over the barrel of a gun.
Quaritch watched your eyes, seeing where your attention was directed. He waved his hand behind his back, signaling the person who aimed the gun — all of them — to stand down.
“What’s her name? Just tell me, yeah?” Quaritch looked at your dad, tilting his head. It must have meant something, something if your father made the face he did.
“It’s Y/n. Y/n Sully, and you better let my family go.” Your siblings breaths hitched, afraid that your tone might set one of the soldiers off.
“Y/n please, don’t do anything stupid, Y/n.” Neteyam was whispering behind you, hoping you wouldn’t do something that would cause you to be put in more harms way.
“Y/n huh?.. They all yours Sully? All these little “half-bloods” you got running around. Got a whole litter of ‘em, must have been getting busy while I was gone, aye?”
The way he spoke and the suggestive things he talked about, with multiple children present made you disgusted.
How could he act like this?
“Don’t talk like that.” You grit your teeth, your tone low as anger radiated off of you. Quaritch only let out a chuckle.
“Got a feisty one, eh? I like that.”
It was random, and you never could have expected it.
Expected what he did.
He grabbed the back of your head, reaching for your queue. You yelped at the burst of pressure through your body.
“No!” Your mother yelled, trying to lunge toward you. But a soldier stepped forward quickly, pointing the barrel of his gun to your mothers chest.
“This your daughter? Pretty little daughter, Taktuk Maketo, huh?” He shook your head side-to-side.
Tuk screamed as she covered her eyes. She couldn’t deal with seeing her precious older sister being treated the way she was.
Kiri put Tuk under her arms, wrapping them around her as best she could.
Quickly, the siblings huddled together, closing their eyes, trying to silence the pained screams from their sister, the anguished yells of their mother, and the painful grunts of their father.
Their father who is trying so hard. Trying to keep both his wife from getting herself killed, and their daughter getting killed by a manic man with no sympathy.
They all stayed together, holding each other scared as tears fell from their closed eyes.
You were barely conscious, the whites of your eyes only being visible as your queue was still being pulled.
“She would make a good punching bag, wouldn’t she?” One of the male recoms said. The others mumbled in agreement, except Bee.
She was the only female one here right?
Maybe you could get her to help you.
As you made eye contact with her, you whispered quietly. Your voice raspy as it was laced with pain.
“Help me, help me please..” Tears were brimming your eyes as you didn’t know what to do.
But you had seen the pain in her face, her eyes holding hurt and sympathy as she looked at you.
You were scared. So, so scared.
When you were suddenly pulled to stand up straight, your balance obviously wobbly, you thought they were going to just shove you back towards your family. Done bothering you.
But you were wrong. Oh so painfully wrong.
“Let’s test out the material, eh?” You noticed that one of the male soldiers, Cosby, started getting into a position.
A punching form.
When you had realized, you realized to late. Your eyes widening. But before you could even register trying to move out the way, a blow to the side of your face knocked you to the floor.
Your vision was running in waves, the colors around you mixing together in waves.
The screams of sadness around you muffled, as well as the cheers from the soldiers.
“Get her up. Keep doing it.” Quaritch ordered, standing off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest as he only watched attentively.
Someone picked you up from under your arms, standing you back up, holding you straight as you started to topple forward.
You left your eyes close, not wanting to see when the man was going to hit you.
The side of your face was already bulging, pushing your eye closed from under it. A bruise spreading from your cheek to under your eye. Tears fell from your closed eyes.
Just as they had like your siblings.
Another punch landed onto your eye, the one that was already bruising. You fell to the floor, silent whimpers leaving your mouth as you held back your sobs.
Again, you were placed straight up. Your parents protests going unheard.
“Why are you doing this!? Why are you doing this to her!? Tìftang!” Your mother yelled, you father only held her, trying to hold her back and calm her down. Tears falling silently from his eyes.
This time you were punched in your jaw, being unprepared, you had accidentally bit your tongue.
Blood dripped from your mouth onto the soil in the tent, your tongue throbbed, already swelling.
Tara Bee — the only female recom there — hands shook. She didn’t want to see this. See a female go through something like this. She wanted to stop them, stop them from continuing this. But she wanted to live, she wanted to be able to live her life somehow past this.
But watching this hurt her soul.
So she closed her eyes and turned away, taking deep breaths.
When you were stood up again, knees trembling as you rocked every possible direction, you were able to pick out soft sounds outside.
It sounded like something hitting the floor? Or being dropped down. You heard it 4 separate times, seemingly all on one side of the tent.
Four small ‘plaps’ hitting the dirt outside.
When you were knocked down again, it wasn’t from a punch.
Something just blew up.
Your ears rang, and you brought your hands to cover them, trying to quiet the piercing noise.
There was a liquid coming down over your lip, dabbing your finger on it, you seen it was blood.
You weren’t shocked your nose was bleeding.
Where is your family? Where did those evil people go?
As you hearing had finally faded back in, you heard rushed voices. Screams of orders, screams of terror and… yips?
Your people. Your people came to save you?
Through the smoke, you managed to make out seeing multiple figures moving. Who is who?
It didn’t matter did it? You were so tired. You just wanted to sleep, take a little nap.
Suddenly, hands were placed hastily onto your shoulders. Your eyes snapped open — the best they could — the swelling skin blocked most of your vision. But you were able to make out a blurry figure on top of you.
They had pointed ears and straight hair, you could make out blue skin from the moonlight. Their shoulders bare, something of a familiar shape hanging off of it.
“Y/n! Can you hear me!? Answer me please!” That voice. It was so familiar, who is this?
Your vision cleared, and you were face to face with your panicked boyfriend.
“Y/n please!” Tears streamed down his face as he held your hand to his chest.
“Awpxey..” You whispered with a small smile.
“Y/n, yes Y/n it’s me! It’s me, Awpxey!” His eyes brightened, his hand holding yours tighter.
“C’mon, I’m gonna get us out of here okay?” You didn’t have time to respond, he was already scooping you up bridal style, bringing you out the side of the blown up tent.
You could see the sky, it was so bright and beautiful. The moon nice and big looking back down at you. The exoplanets that were all visible glowing in the presence of their moon.
“I’m so tired Awpxey..” You spoke against his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat as he ran.
“I know you are Y/n, but it’s okay. Don’t close your eyes Y/n.” But it was too much.
How could you keep up with this?
Your eyes started to slowly close, every blink you took shutting them.
“Y/n? Y/n please, we’re almost back okay? Just keep them open please Y/n!” Awpxey’s legs picked up speed, running faster to the planned transportation point.
Before he was even able to take several more steps, you had fallen unconscious.
He decided to not try to wake you up, just keeping his focus on running you back to safety.
When he had arrived, multiple were waiting there, there ikrans and pa’li ready to do what they had to.
Healers quickly took to your side, cutting binds on your wrists off before doing a quick assess of your injuries.
“We need to head back, it is to dangerous to treat her hear.” Everybody agreed with the healer’s words, she couldn’t have stated it any better.
“She’ll come with me.” Awpxey nodded towards the rest as he placed you on his ikran, putting an extra strap from the ikran a saddle around the both of you and tying it. Holding you both close to each other.
The ride back felt like it was longer than any other ride before, when in reality it was only 2 minutes.
But when he entered High Camp, every thing was a rush. People were running to aid everybody.
But when you were noticed, being carried by Awpxey, someone had yelled.
“Y/n is here, Y/n is here!” And once again, Awpxey was flocked with people, and you were taken right out of his arms.
His mouth opened in shock and protest, but nothing came out. Nothing came out as he knew you needed that help.
What those things did to you was completely unforgiving. They truly are demons.
A hand came down on his shoulder, and turning around, he was met with Jake.
“Thank you. Thank you for gathering everybody to come save us.” Your father’s eyes were watering.
Awpxey nodded. “I-it’s okay, you’re welcome sir. I did what I knew was right.”
Jake patted his shoulder before walking away, heading into a tent where Awpxey was able to catch a small glimpse of the rest of your family.
You, no where to be found. You must have been in another tent, getting treated for your brutal wounds.
Awpxey sat down somewhere, placing his head in his hands.
He was scared, scared that you would somehow succumb to your injuries, and he would never be able to really talk to you again.
Hours passed, the atmosphere was a little more quiet but the movement of healers and other people walking around High Camp were still audible.
Time passed to the waking hours, the Sun started to rise and peeked through the headlines of the trees. The chirps of the daytime animals coming to life.
The silent steps of feet were heard, and Awpxey thought nothing of it although they were close. And then started to sound closer.
A tap on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts.
He looked up, meeting the eyes of a slightly older woman. Her voice soft as she pointed to the side.
“She is ready to see you.” The “she” in question did not have no time to be pondered on.
Awpxey stood quickly, his bones popping as his stiff body finally stood straight.
The woman led him a little ways away. The small walk helped refresh Awpxey as he was finally able to take some deep breaths in order to see you again.
Both Na’vis then approached a hut, small whispers and the soft clatters of clay pots audible from the inside.
She pulled the curtains on the entrance back, allowing Awpxey to enter first.
The sight he was met with broke him.
There you laid on a medical woven mat, barely conscious with your family around you.
When you were able to register the fact he had entered the hut, you gave him a smile.
A smile that broke his heart as he was able to see the true pain you were in. Your face was swollen to no end, red and purple marks littered across your face.
It was almost everywhere on you.
“Y/n..” He whispered, tears building lightly in his eyes. He stumbled towards you, his eyes only focused on you. He felt as if it was only you and him in the world at the moment.
“Hi Awpxey.” Your voice was quiet, rough and pained. And he had shushed you quietly, knowing that it hurt you.
“You do not have to speak to me Y/n.. I know you are safe now, please don’t hurt yourself trying to talk to me.” His hand reached gently to your head, trembling as he was scared he would hurt you.
He knew your face was a sensitive place to touch right now. But his touch on your head was lighter than an Atokirina, you barely felt it. But you felt even more safe knowing that he was also here, here and not injured elsewhere.
“I’m here for you okay?” And you nodded with a smile, knowing he would become worried if you even tried to speak.
You were safe now. Together with your family and your lover. Loved and protected, just as they were.
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Hi everyone!! Thank you so much for reading this! I’m sorry if it came off as a like super violent fic that made you uncomfortable, trying to bother any of you is NEVER my intention!! All the recons here I made up myself except Wainfleet and Quaritch! Oh and, I’m a little excited also because I’m working on my Masterlisttt!! I apologize for any spelling mistakes!! But again! Thank you so much for reading and all the love 🤍!!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
✿✿Orange Moon✿✿
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Author’s Note - HEHEHEHAHAHA! HI YALL!! I feel like im on a literal rollll, i started writing this RIGHT AFTER Moonlight! But this is like a part three-ish to this little Awpxey series!!! If you guys want anything more to do with him girl don’t be shy to hit up my inboxxx! I actually have to check if it even works but regardless! Enjoy this please!
Summary - It is now early in the morning, the morning after you had snuck out. You are now stuck in between how to explain to your parents why you had left and never returned, and why you now have a boy with you, courting you, following you 24/7, and asking for your family’s blessing!
Warnings - nothing to crazy?, cuddling, kissing, teen romance, fluffy stuff, courting, relationship establishments, very worried parents, worried family, parent talk, jake still coming to terms reader’s growing up, mentions of mating, boyfriend vs family tension, happy family moments, family dinner, meeting parents (yes already), overprotective family
༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。༻
A sudden loud chirp was what had woken you up from your peaceful slumber. Your ears folding down in a slight annoyance as you were so groggy.
You sighed tiredly, your nose stuffy and congested from your sleep. Your body felt so warm, you thought it was from the atmosphere of the cave.
Until, you felt the cool breath of someone from behind you.
You froze.
Who is that?
You had felt relieved once you remembered it was just Awpxey.
What left that relief short lived was the fact you had fallen asleep here, in this cave, all through the night, with Awpxey, exchanging kisses throughout the night, and you still haven’t said a thing to your parents. I mean how were you supposed to talk to them?
You were not home. And you were not going to wake them up in the middle of the night over the fact you couldn’t sleep.
But now you wish you had left some type of note. You were scared to return home. Gosh your parents are not going to be happy.
You knew that as soon as you walk through that hut entrance, your ass is as good as grass.
You’re done for. You’re gonna be on the worst punishments ever. This would be your first and very last time sneaking out.
If you even make it out of this, alive.
Awpxey’s head stirring had brought you back to reality, a deep sigh coming from his stuffy nose too.
You had stood up abruptly, your back weirdly warm due to his chest. But that was the last thing on your mind.
Guilt set in your stomach as you seen how he jerked due to your quick removal. He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he was trying to look at you but rub that itch out his eyes.
“Y/n?” Oh god… His morning voice was beyond fine.
“A-Awpxey… We-uhm, we fell asleep here. I have to get home, and I’m probably gonna be in trouble.” You ramble on nervously. When you looked down towards him to see why he was so quiet you found him already looking at you, a soft smile adorning his lips.
Awpxey proposed his idea. “Why don’t we go wash up first? Then I’ll walk you to your hut, and say it’s my fault you left and never went back in the first please, yeah?”
“No. No, that’s not fair for you to just take the blame lime that. I cant do that to you.”
“I’m doing it to myself, actually.”
Gosh when did everybody just start becoming such smartasses?
“Okay then, smartass. Since you know everything, fine then. You can do whatever you want. I don’t care.” You grumbled as you crossed your arms over your chest.
He smiled at you teasingly from the floor before standing and stretching. A yawn spread across your mouth as you heard his back crack.
You were caught off guard when Awpxey was just then in front of you, and pecked your lips.
You covered your mouth with both your hands in shock. His name coming muffled from behind your hands.
He stared at you confused, his head tilted as the skin of his eyebrow was raised on one side.
“You kissed me before I even washed my mouth!” You exclaim, your shock seemed so foreign to him, why was it so important.
Your mood felt more sour once you heard that familiar laugh. He was laughing at you, in your face. His head thrown pack with one hand slapped over his stomach kind of laugh.
“Boys are unsalvageable.” You mutter the comment to yourself, or at least it was supposed to be to yourself. In your daze of being annoyed at the fact Awpxey laughed at you, you didn’t notice when he had stopped.
Hands were suddenly around your waist from your front, scaring you. And there Awpxey was standing in all his glory, his tall stature hanging over you.
“What’s that supposed to mean, sevin?�� You eyes widen at the question, and at the fact he had called you pretty.
There wasn’t must time to dwell on it before he smashed his lips against yours. His hands gently holding your waist, giving it four small squeezes.
Your hands soon moved up towards his shoulders, your arms wrapping behind his neck, deepening the kiss.
The kiss lasted for almost a good minute, before you realized neither of you had washed your mouths.
“Awpxey! That’s the second time!” You jump back after you separate from the kiss.
“What are you, a germaphobe or something?” He asked mockingly while rolling his eyes. You turned back to glare at him while you exited the cave.
You were glad there was a river close to where the cave was located as you submerged yourself knee-deep into the cool water.
It helped cool down your hot skin, so you had given in to your urge and went completely underwater.
The cold water enveloped you, your hair, your clothes, your jewelry, your whole body.
When you resurfaced, a small pant evident in your chest, you turned around to see Awpxey around shoulder deep into the water.
You swam towards him, catching his attention quick. A smile on both of your faces.
“Have you washed your mouth?” He asked matter-of-factly. And you responded just the same.
“Yes I have, have you?” You were expectant for his answer as what you wanted to say was on the tip of your tongue.
“I sure did.” He said with so much confidence.
“Hard to believe…” You mutter out purposely, hoping to get under his skin. Which you had.
“What did you say?” He leaned forward to you, turning his head to point his ear at you.
You placed your mouth right in front of his ear, speaking decibels louder. “Hard to believe.”
Awpxey moved back, shock on his face. “I’m offended Y/n.” He placed his hand on his chest.
“That’s okay.” You shrugged, a smile breaking out on your face.
“You’re so mean to me, makes me wanna kiss you.” You froze at his words.
“What?” You say blindly, shock written all over you.
“You heard me. Didn’t you?” He wasn’t be serious was he? He’s just trying to bother you for bothering him that’s all.
Yeah. That’s all.
But it wasn’t when he put his index finger under your chin, lifting your head so you look back up to his face.
“I said I wanna kiss you. Can I?”
You were speechless. Not really knowing what to say back to him, but you blindly nodded anyways.
“Can I hear you say it? I gotta know you’re functioning Y/n.”
Oh Eywa.
Somebody needs to come get this man.
“F-fine. You can kiss me.” You grumbled.
“Good.” Awpxey said with a smile.
His lips then connected with yours, his hands holding the sides of your face gently as the kiss deepened.
Your hands held onto his biceps, your legs felt weak under the water. His arms were working as your extra support.
You have never felt anything more intimate in your whole life.
This is what true love felt like.
This must be what your parents feel like, your grandparents. Your grandfather who you were never able to meet.
And the many generations before that. They had all felt true love. They all had their own intimate moments such as this. You’re experiencing that moment, right now.
“Awpxey.” You said breathlessly. He felt this way too right?
“Y/n.” His voice was so soft, it was smooth and sultry. A tone like no other.
“I want to ask you something, Y/n. If you don’t have a problem with that.”
You nodded, “it’s fine Awpxey, you can ask me.”
“Come,” he beckoned, “I want to ask you while sitting down somewhere.”
You nodded, following him out the water. You watched starstruck as water cascaded down his back. Going through and then out of the crevices and dips from his muscles.
Eywa took her time on him.
Before you knew it you were sat on a patch of grass not far from the river, Awpxey next to you.
“What was it you wanted to ask me Awpxey?” You didn’t want to rush him, your parents the last thing on your mind right now.
He took a deep breath, settling his nerves before he spoke.
“I want to start courting you.”
You did everything to stay still and to just look and listen so your body language didn’t send any of the wrong signs.
You gave a small smile and a nod as you noticed he had more to say.
Awpxey turned more towards you, grabbing your hand. Fidgeting with your fingers and the rings you wore, along with your bracelets.
“This is why I want to court you.” He starts.
“You read me so well, you read everybody so well. You notice the little things and always want to help!” You nod, letting him know that he has your full attention and that you’re listening to him.
“You’re so sweet, and kind, and beautiful. You can make anybody happy. You light up rooms when you walk in and your smile brightens everyone’s day. The elders love you since you are so kind. You’re humble! And they love that, I know I do.” You laugh at his small comment, trying not to cry at his sweet words.
“And the children.. The classes that you teach you can hear them when they talk to their parents, just raving about just how amazing you are, and how you’re so interactive and I just love you.” Your eyes widen.
“I love you. And I want to show it by courting you. So, I am asking for your permission. Y/n te Sulli Neytiri’ite, may I, Awpxey te Relongtai Puo’itan, court you?”
Your eyes well with tears. His words were so heartfelt. No one had ever said they loved you but your own family. To hear it from somebody else in that way caused this feeling in your chest that was so foreign and unexplainable you didn’t know what to do.
But you did know that you loved him, you loved Awpxey. So you nodded. You nodded accepting his request to court you.
“Y-Yes Awpxey. You can court me.” You wiped your tears as you laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed at your reaction.
He tackled you into a hug. Holding you tightly before his whispered a small ‘thank you’ into your ear.
“Does that mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?” You asked into his shoulder.
“I guess so, but that’s only if you want to.”
“Then I guess we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”
You both laid there, together. Enjoying your moment, until your eyes widened, realizing that you are still out here and your family has no idea where you are.
“Oh my god Awpxey!” You exclaimed, rushing to get up.
“What? What happened?” He got up just as frantically as you had.
“I have to go home! I haven’t went home, oh my god! Awpxey I’m gonna be in so much trouble! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.”
Awpxey was quick to be at your side, holding your shoulders to calm you down.
“It’s gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be okay, okay? Like I said earlier, I’ll take the blame. I’ll say it was apart of my plan when I was asking to court you, alright?”
You shook your head, “I can’t allow you to get in trouble like that! I’m not doing that to you!”
You were refusing, you know how your parents could get, you did not need the only man who had shown you true love and interest in you, to be chased away by your parents who are borderline-psychotic.
“Please Awpxey, I can’t lose you.” Your eyes had gotten teary again. And that’s when Awpxey realized how serious this was to you.
“Okay Y/n, okay. We’ll figure something out, I promise.” Awpxey pulled you to his chest, brushing your hair back from your face.
“I’m just gonna tell the truth… My mother always told me that the truth sets you free, so I’m gonna say what really happened.” You were dead set on not letting Awpxey lie for you. And he could see that, so he nodded, not wanting to upset you further.
“If that’s what you wanna do Y/n, you can do that. You know your family better than I do, you know their morals and what they believe.” Awpxey still held you, his chin resting on your head.
“We should go now…” You whispered meekly. “Go and get it over with.” There was an apology at the tip of your tongue. But you wanted to hold it, just in case you might really need to say it later.
“Okay, let’s go Y/n.” Awpxey held your hand the whole way. He talked to you and helped you take your mind off things for quite a bit.
You then realized that you were at the point where you would need your ikran to go back to High Camp.
“Awpxey, we need our Ikran now.. To go back.” You had gotten sad at even the thought of returning. You were scared to see how your parents would react.
Awpxey agreed, and had noticed your hesitation, so he placed his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently.
When you both had finished calling your ikran, and they had both arrived, you mounted them. Riding back to your home located in the Hallelujah Mountains.
Once you were there, and had landed your ikran, the amount of anxiety and trepidation inside your stomach was unreal.
As you two walked close to where your hut was you had stopped, shaking your head.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go in there Awpxey. I can’t go in there. They’re going to be so mad at me, so disappointed I can’t do this. I can’t, I really can’t.” You rambled out, your breath shortening as you panted.
“Y/n. Y/n, you need to focus. Okay? Look at me. Y/n look at me please.” Your eyes flickered to his. “You can do this, okay? Don’t ever say you can’t. Got it?”
“G-got it.” You nodded. “I-I’m going to go now, I want you to stay out here though Awpxey. I don’t.. I don’t want them to act different if you’re in there, okay?”
He nodded immediately, understanding your situation. “I got it Y/n. If anything, absolutely anything happens, come look for me. I’ll most likely be in my hut with my parents, okay?” You smiled.
“Okay Awpxey.” You hugged him, hugged him tight to savor his body warmth because you had no idea if that was going to be your last time seeing him.
“You’re going to be okay Y/n, go. I promise.” Yo nodded, waving goodbye to him before walking towards your hut.
You walked slow, your footsteps light as to not aware anybody in the hut.
When you had finally approached the entrance, walking through it slowly, your chest heavy and your mind hazy you stopped.
All heads turned to you quickly, your parents the first to stand. They rushed towards you, both exclaiming, “Y/n!” As they ran.
Your father grabbed you, turning you around and examining your body for any injuries, he had obviously, found none.
Your mother held your hand, pulling your head to her chest as she cried tears of joy at the fact you had come home, safe, and with no injuries.
“Where have you been ma’ite? We were all so worried for you!”
“I-I’m okay mom, I swear. This is a really, really big misunderstanding.” You held your hands out.
“Misunderstanding?” You dad echoed.
“Yes, misunderstanding. I want to explain you guys what happened first before you ask me anything though, okay?” Your parents nodded, they had beckoned your siblings out, though they protested as they wanted to see you too.
Your parents gave them the promise that they will see you later.
Awpxey watched from afar as he seen all your siblings walk out the hut, incoherent protests leaving their mouths.
Once they were all gone, and your father checked the area to see that they were really gone, you all sat at the table.
As your parents faced you, you fidgeted with your jewelry, scared to even look them in the face.
“Ma’ite? What happened? Why were you gone for so long?” Your mother asked. That’s when you finally looked up.
“I-It’s a little bit of a long story? I’m going to explain everything though.” Your father nodded, giving you his undivided attention.
“Last night, I could not fall asleep.” Your parents began to nod along to your story.
“So, I decided that I would go to the forest, to get my mind off of things.” You internally cringed as you seen your fathers eyes widen.
“I know, I know that it was really, really dangerous to leave with out saying anything and with the fact Sky People are here, I know. I hesitated at first. I was scared to even go. But I followed my gut. I think it was the best decision I ever made actually.” You said with a sheepish smile after your last sentence.
Your parents’ brows furrowed as they shared a look between each other.
“Anyway, while I was out there, about to bother the fan lizards, I had found Awpxey.” The name felt heavy on your tongue, worried about how your father would feel before anybody else.
“We hung out, and then he took me to this really pretty cave that had an open top so we watched the stars.” Your cheeks felt warm as you knew you were leaving some details out.
“We watched the stars and then fell asleep after a while, and when we woke up we washed at the river then came here.” You felt bad for worrying your parents, but at the same time you are so, so glad you left.
“Nothing like that happened either, dad. We only hung out, talked and stargazed. That’s it.” Toy father put his hands up.
“I-I never said anything.” He already looked so guilty, but you know you had put him on the spot.
“I know how you are, I just want to say it to clear any thoughts.”
After about 10 seconds you noticed your mother’s ongoing silence. You peeked up at her nervously, wondering why she hadn’t said anything.
You were shocked to see she had a smile on her face. Did she know?
“I’m glad it was only positive stuff that happened ma’ite, is there anything else you want to say?”
You choked as you remembered the fact Awpxey is now courting you.
“Babygirl?” Your dad asked.
“Uhm.. Yeah. One more thing..” You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Awpxeyaskedtocourtmesoweretechnicallykindofdatingnow!” You rushed out in one breath.
“What?” Your parents said simultaneously.
You took a deep breath. “Awpxey asked to court me. So.. We’re technically kind of dating now…”
Your eyes were shut. And you wanted to keep it that way.
You peeked through one squinted eyelid, just to see your mother holding your fathers head.
Your body slumped in as you stared on in disbelief.
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s okay ma’jake. It’s okay.” Your mother patted his head.
“Wha- Mom. What is even happening right now?” You jumbled out.
You then heard a hiccup. A deep one.
Is your father crying?
“Dad?” You asked worriedly.
When his head lifted to face towards you your heart broke. You had never seen your father cry in your 17 years of living. So to see his tearful face and swollen eyes, knowing you were the reason broke you.
“Dad.” Your eyes watered, hands clenching into fists at your side to try and hold them back.
“Oh babygirl, come here.” You both hugged, he held you close to him, and you cried into his shoulder. Happy to feel the familiar parental love and warm body that used to hold you when you were young.
The sensation had felt so far away at this point. It was heartwarming to feel it again.
Feel it as if you were little all over again.
“I’m sorry dad.” You didn’t know what exactly you were apologizing for, whether it was for making him cry, dating Awpxey or both. But regardless, you knew you had to apologize.
Your mother looked at you both with a smile on her face, an idea flashing in her head.
“You should invite him for dinner.” You and your father turned to look at your mother quickly. Both talking out at the same time.
You look to your father quickly, trying to catch his eye as he avoided looking at you.
“I mean, uh. Yeah, uhm yeah. H-he should come for dinner, yeah.”
Your mother came forward, patting Jake on his shoulder. “You’ll be fine ma’Jake. I think it would be nice, think about it. We can see what he’s really like.”
You nodded, “please dad? He’s super nice, and respectful! He’s like a family man.” You had made sure to add the last comment because you knew it would win your dad over.
You could see the cogs in his brain working as he actually thought about it.
“Hmm.. Okay, okay fine he can come over for dinner.”
You jumped into his arms, knocking him onto his butt on the floor. “Thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you dad! I love you!” You kissed his cheeks and hugged him, he smiled as he hugged you back.
“You’re welcome, and I love you too babygirl.”
“Now go, go get him for dinner. Because I will start preparing it soon.” Your mother shooed you, and you left hastily with a new excitement as she was pulling you out the hut.
You walked around for a bit, looking for Awpxey’s hut when you finally noticed his father, Puo outside, hanging loincloths to dry.
You walk up to him speaking quietly as to not abruptly disturb him. “Excuse me, Mr. Relongtai?” He turned around at the call of his name.
“Oh, Y/n. Oel Ngati Kameie.” He said, doing the hand sign’s greeting. “Oel Ngati Kameie.” You greet back.
“What brings you here Y/n?” He asked.
So Awpxey hasn’t said anything to his parents. Good, that’s good. For right now at least.
“I was wondering if I could borrow Awpxey for dinner? My, uhm, my parents invited him over for dinner.” Puo had smiled at you.
“That’s fine with me! I’ll pack him a plate to take so he doesn’t go over there empty handed! Just go look for him inside and tell him to get presentable. Don’t need my son to look ugly if I’m handsome.” He mutters his last sentence sarcastically, chuckling at his own joke.
“If I’m being honest, he has your looks!” You gave a kind smile.
Puo paused, “really?” He asked, patting his cheeks. He smiled before running into the hut, yelling, “Itxä! Itxä! Y/n said Awpxey has my looks! That means I look young right?”
You peeked into the hut, seeing Puo kneeling next to Itxä who was re-braiding her hair.
“Puo! Get away from me! Go hang the clothes like I told you!” She was nudging him away with her elbow, still skillfully braiding her hair.
“But Itxä, you don’t think I’m handsome?” Puo asked with a frown.
“I mean, sometimes. It deducts points when you drool, you know unless-” She was cut off by Puo.
“Okay! Thanks by honey see you later!” He rushed back out the hut.
You finally noticed Awpxey in the corner, cringing at his mother’s innuendo.
“Mom really? Unless? Unless what? You know, don’t even answer I’m okay.” You giggled, a hand covering your mouth.
That had caught Itxä and Awpxey’s attention. Awpxey stood with a smile once he saw you.
“Y/n. Are you okay? Did everything go good?” He approached you, a nervous look in his eye.
You nodded happily, “yeah, everything went good. Really good actually. They want you to come over for dinner.”
Awpxey’s eyes widened. They wanted him to come over?
“R-really?” He was shocked, very shocked.
“Mhm! And I’m sure it’s with good intention! My mother proposed the idea and my father even agreed!” You fiddled with a bracelet on your arm.
“Mrs. Relongtai, is it okay if Awpxey comes over for dinner at my house?” You ask, knowing it would be rude to not even acknowledge her.
“Yes please, don’t even ask! It’s good he goes out. Or just gets out.” She adds quietly.
“What? Mom!” He turned to her, her head facing the wall to not look at him.
“What? I didn’t say anything!” She rolled her eyes. “Make sure you take a plate of food to offer to the Sully’s! Don’t even think you’re going over there empty handed slugging your shoulders.” You laughed, covering your mouth as it accidentally came out to loud.
“Y/n? You’re laughing too?” You placed your hand on his chest, still covering your mouth, shaking your head.
“No, no I was just, uhm..” You mumbled from behind your hand as you tried to think of an excuse.
“You’re hurting my heart Y/n.” Awpxey said walking away, going and packing a plate of what his parents had made for dinner.
“You’ll be fine, and make sure you tell the Sully’s I said hello, Awpxey!” Itxä called from the floor.
“I will, bye mom, love you!” Awpxey said as he started to leave the hut, you in tow.
“Bye, love you too!” She called back. As you walked by his father, he also said his farewells.
“Bye dad, love you.” He said as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Bye Awpxey, see you later, correct?” His dad teased. Awpxey pursed his lips in embarrassment.
“Yeah dad see you later.” Awpxey grumbled.
“See you son, love you.” Puo said before turning back around, continuing to hang up clothing items and other pieces.
“Love you too.” Awpxey then pulled you a long with him, walking to your hut.
“Awpxey?” You call for him.
“Hm?” He hums back in response.
“How do you know where I live?” You genuinely question. You weren’t trying to press him on anything personal, you just wanted to know.
“Y/n..” He says, his face was almost in a form of shock. “What?” You respond confused.
“Almost like everybody knows where you live… You’re a royal Y/n, even then, everybody knows where everybody lives. And your hut gets a bit rowdy with your siblings. Though it’s definitely not the biggest household.” You nodded in agreement at his last comment, you always wonder how the Ipexti Family is doing.
And wonder how they even managed 14 kids.
“Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I’m sure my brother kind of just lets everybody know doesn’t he?” You said with a small laugh.
You didn’t notice it, but Awpxey stared at you, looking at your smile, and all the features on your face.
Eywa took her time on her.
He had thought, he shook his head continuing to walk towards your house.
As you got closer, you slowed as you noticed your brother, Lo’ak, standing in the entrance of the hut. His arms crossed over his chest and his foot tapping impatiently on the ground.
“Oh God…” You mumbled as you seen him.
“Is that Lo’ak?” Awpxey asked, his eyes squinting as he smiled.
“Oh my God. Just walk by or something, cover your face so he doesn’t see us.” You muttered as you placed a hand to cover the side of your face.
“Y/n!” A voice suddenly yelled out. You did not turn your head as you knew exactly who it was.
“Y/n Sully!” Lo’ak continued to yell.
Now you see why everyone knows where you live.
You walked even slower towards your home. Awpxey laughed, seeing how you felt embarrassed.
Once you were finally near the entrance, you had noticed Neteyam stand up from the table and stand behind Lo’ak. Once you were in front of Lo’ak, he squinted his eyes to Awpxey.
“And who are you?” Lo’ak sneered at him.
“Lo’ak!” But your call had fallen on deaf ears.
Awpxey opened his mouth to answer, but was silenced when a hand rose up towards his face.
“Save it. I want to know what you’re doing with my sister. And why you’re here, holding her hand.” Lo’ak poked his chest, his eyes trained  solely on Awpxey.
“Lo’ak.” You let out a low warning, Neteyam seemed to notice how serious you gotten. So he reached forward and placed a hand gently around Lo’ak’s elbow.
Awpxey raised his hands in surrender, balancing the covered plate of food in his other.
“I come in no harm. I’m here with your sister for this dinner and to meet your family.” Awpxey explained.
“Meet us for what? Are you trying to mate her?” Lo’ak jabbed his finger back into Awpxey’s chest, and his eyes widened at Lo’aks question, not even the gesture.
That’s when Neteyam pulled Lo’ak back by his elbow, turning him around and pushing him into the hut.
“That’s enough.” He said to Lo’ak, still gripping onto his arm. Lo’ak pulled his arm back, walking to the table and sitting down.
“I apologize for his behavior, he doesn’t usually act like this.” Neteyam said, facing Awpxey with an apologetic smile.
“That’s alright, I can see why he’s upset.” Awpxey smiled.
When Neteyam had finally looked away, you turned to Awpxey, “I’m sorry about him. Don’t let him make you upset he does that to everybody really.”
Awpxey laughed, “it’s okay Y/n, I really don’t have have a problem with it.” He said with a smile.
You nodded, giving a nervous smile back. When you faced back towards the hut, grabbing his hand gently. You were shocked to see how everyone in the hut had a stiff face.
Your mother and father included.
What happened to the happy go lucky moods they had earlier when they told you to invite him?
You sighed, already feeling defeated in some way.
You just hoped he didn’t want to leave you.
Approaching the table, you sat in your usual spot, making sure that there was enough space for Awpxey before looking at everyone.
No one was batting an eyelash at you, everyone was looking at Awpxey. Their faces serious. It shocking to you to see even Tuk staring at him with her face hard from next to you.
She grabbed onto your arm, hugging herself around it and resting her head in your bicep, your hand instinctively coming to the top of her head.
You couldn’t see it, but Tuk smiled to the other side of the table. To your siblings that sat on the other side, expectant.
They must have not taken the news of you bringing a boy home too kindly.
The tension in the air was so thick, and you could see it was working Awpxey’s nerves as he rubbed his hands up and down his thighs.
Though he was the first to break the silence, “I brought a plate of fwampop, I helped my mother make it for dinner. I don’t know if any of you like that, so I apologize if you don’t. I’m sure it should still be warm.” He pulled the wrapping off the top of the plate, showing the seasoned meat, steam elevating as the barrier was released.
“Fwampop is fine.” It was Kiri’s voice who cut into the air next. You noticed her posture and realized how intimidating she actually looked. Her arms crossed over her chest as she looked at Awpxey, the usual warm expression she wears, gone.
“Yeah, thank you.” Tuk said as she leaned forward, making sure to be in his line of sight as her tone wasn’t the most, welcoming.
Your mother gave an expectant look towards your brothers, making them flicker their eyes to each other before looking back at Awpxey.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t exactly rude, but it wasn’t nice either. You’ve never heard them sound so passive aggressive.
“It was very nice of you to bring us something, Awpxey.” Your mother broke her characteristic silence, her voice calming and comforting as she nodded her head Awpxey.
“Now, how about we eat, yeah?” Your dad asked, placing his hand around Neytiri’s waist, pulling her closer.
You all hummed and nodded in agreement.
When you all began to serve yourselves, saying a quick prayer before eating, you took the time to look around. Seeing that the atmosphere had lightened up somewhat, they were making their own conversations. In their own little worlds.
So you took that as an opportunity to talk to Awpxey.
“Hey..” You whisper, bumping his knee with yours. He turns his head, responding in a quiet “hm?” As he finished the food he was chewing.
“You okay?” You continue to whisper, keeping your head as straight as possible while still attempting to look at him.
“Yeah I’m good.” He whispered back, nodding.
“Good.” You nodded, giving him a smile before returning back to your food.
Once you all began to approach the end of your meals, you noticed everybody start to sit up straighter, clearing their throats.
Oh God.. The questions were to start now…
“So Awpxey..” Your father started, Awpxey already had his head up, his eyes and ears focused on your father to catch every word he said.
“What do you do? For the clan?” He finished.
Awpxey cleared his throat, “I am a Warrior.” Your father’s eyes widened for a split moment.
“Warrior?” Awpxey nodded. “Yes sir, I am.”
“How come..” Your father’s eyebrows were furrowed. “How come I’ve never seen you?”
Awpxey smiled, “I guess I’m not that important, or just unnoticeable.” You wrapped your fingers around his, your face scrunching in confusion.
His smile.. He looked so dejected, his eyes having a dog-tired look swirling in his irises.
You didn’t care if anyone at the table got mad at you for showing some type of ‘affection’ towards Awpxey.
Neytiri looked at the both of you, a smile on her face as she noticed the slight movement under the table.
“You work along side your father?” Your dad asked, wanting to change the subject as he as well noticed the expression on Awpxey.
Awpxey nodded, “most of the time, unless we’re assigned apart to different groups.” Your father hummed and nodded.
Neytiri cleared her throat quietly, bringing the attention of everyone to her.
“I made kalin paste. If anybody wants any?”
Everyone around the table quickly nodded. Your mother looked towards Jake, pointing her chin to the pot that held the paste.
“And don’t eat it all while you’re over there.” Your fathers ears twinged purple in embarrassment.
“I won’t..” He muttered, his lips pursed as he walked to the steaming pot.
Minutes later, you all had your own servings of the kalin paste. Lo’ak with the most on his plate.
As you finished up your plate, you took the time to look around at your family.
Neteyam, he was in his own world, Lo’ak, he was still scraping for scraps of the paste on his plate, Kiri, she was fiddling with something in her hands, your parents, who were talking with their hands in front of their face as if they were gossiping like teenagers.
Which they were.
Now on your right, closest to your parents was Awpxey. And you were unprepared when you turned your head to look at him to find him already staring at you.
“Hey..” He whispers, a smile on his face.
“Hi.” You whisper back, the same smile mirroring onto your face.
“Can you tell your mom that her kalin paste is the best I’ve had? It’s really good, please tell her.” You smiled, your hand coming to cover it as you nodded in agreement.
“What are you doing?” As he asked, you hesitated in answering, but you had already decided.
“People Watching.” You say with an embarrassed smile.
“People Watching?” Awpxey echoes curiously. You were relieved when you didn’t hear any type of disgust or disappointment in his tone or face. He was genuinely curious.
“It’s where you kind of just, uhm, you know. Watch people? But it’s not that simple. You- you mostly actually observe them. And think, think a lot about what they’re like, or what they can be like. What they could be like. You evaluate them, study, but on a emotional and physical note? When you People Watch, you aren’t supposed to judge, because all it is, is an observation, and thinking.” As you end your rambling, you bring a hand to your mouth and squeeze it tightly, not even for a second.
It was an unfortunate habit you developed young when you realized you talked to much.
Awpxey noticed, and in an attempt to distract you, he grabbed your hand gently. Intertwining your fingers together.
“That’s really cool.” He squeezes your hand, a toothy smile adorning his lips.
“You think so?” Your eyes search his, looking for any type of sign that could show he’s lying.
“Of course! How long have you been doing this?”
“My whole life. It’s actually like a hereditary thing. Mostly between the females in my family. My grandma, her mom, my mom, my late aunt, my sisters do it too, only sometimes. And my brothers.” You roll your eyes at the me ruin of your brothers, thinking of mostly Lo’ak. He stares at people. Little weirdo.
You hoped, hoped that this genetic trait didn’t scare him away and make you look even more like the weirdo you are.
It doesn’t, it really doesn’t.
All these little things you tell him, these details. He eats it all up, saving it to his memories and saving it to learn more about it later.
He was planning to try and do this “People Watching” trick when he got home, or when his stomach wasn’t as full.
Maybe he could try it with his parents? His friends while they train, or just strangers around the clan.
Though nobody in this clan is really a stranger.
“I wanna try it,” he frowned. You laughed, “why are you frowning? You could try it now if you want? With my parents and siblings? But you might be too tired, kalin paste is heavy on the stomach.” He nodded in agreement.
“Can I do it tomorrow? I really wanna try it.” He slouched.
You smiled, “you can do it tomorrow. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
Awpxey smiled, looking at yours. His eyes trailed your face, looking at your lips.
It was as if his surroundings melted, Awpxey was stuck in a white space with just you. His hand squeezed yours tighter, eyes moving across your face in a triangular motion.
When he began to raise his hand to try and caress your chin, everything rushed back to him.
He’s still in your family’s hut, still sitting at your dining table, still with your family.
“Oh, uhm.” He stumbled, his hand slowly coming back down, lightly slapping against his lap.
You let out a small chuckle, wondering what was going through Awpxey’s head at this exact moment.
“Awpxey?” You mutter quietly, a small giggle escaping your mouth as you see him come back to reality, blinking a bit too hard.
“S-sorry Y/n..” He stuttered, you began to nod in response, opening your mouth to say something before something brushed against your back, skin brushed against your back.
You turn your head to look behind you, only to be met with a swaying Tuk, a drowsy weighed-down look on her face.
“Tuk?” Your sister took your attention from Awpxey. Though he had no problem with that with how questionable Tuk’s state was.
“Is she okay?” But Awpxey’s voice only echoed in the back of your mind, right now, the only thing you can think of is Tuk.
“Tuk? Tuk what happened?” You grasped her cheeks in your hands, turning her face towards you. You could tell she was mumbling something, but you could not see what.
“What are you saying Tuk? What happened?”
“A-ate to much… Ate to much kalin paste.. Stomach hurts and I’m very tired…” She mumbled.
You felt a bit relieved as you realized it wasn’t anything serious, but the fact she was in pain made you sad.
“Okay then Tuk,” you laugh. “I’ll go put you to bed, okay?”
All Tuk was able to offer back was a simple nod.
You stood up, scooping Tuk up in a bridal style. She was obviously very, very tired by the way she snuggled her head closer to your chest, curling up in your arms.
When you reached the sleeping mats, you placed Tuk on her respective mat, tucking her in, saying a quick prayer before you placed a kiss on her forehead and left.
When you arrived back at the table, your parents had asked you what happened with Tuk, which you explained.
“She ate to much kalin paste and got dizzy? But she was swaying and said her stomach hurt, oh, and that she was tired. So I just put her to bed.”
Your mother smiles and nodded in appreciation, you always made things a bit easier for her around the house.
You loved helping out, it would make you feel complete when you were always able to help people.
Awpxey watched you, he watched quietly as he seen you walk back to the table, an empty spot now behind you where Tuk was previously sat.
“Sorry about that. I just get really worried about my siblings.” You rub your hand against your forearm embarrassingly, not noticing Awpxey’s smile.
“Don’t apologize for it, it’s okay.” He messed with his loincloth. You smile, flashing a tired smile.
Awpxey had noticed, seeing the small bags under your eyes. “Hey, do you want me to go now? You look pretty tired.” Your eyes flicker to his, now at the fact it was pointed out, you started to feel sluggish. Your eyes struggling to keep themselves open as the kalin paste started to push down on your stomach.
“You know what? Now that you said that, I actually feel super tired.” You rub your eye, holding back a yawn in your throat. Awpxey smiled at you, “I’ll tell your parents.”
He turned towards your parents, who were still in their conversation, trying to find a part to speak to them without interrupting.
“Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Sully?” Your parents stop, looking towards Awpxey, “yeah honey?” Neytiri says with a smile.
“I’m going to be heading home now, Y/n’s very tired and I don’t want to hold your family up any longer.” Neytiri and Jake both smiled, nodding their heads toward Awpxey.
“Okay Awpxey, be careful and make it home safe, okay?” Your mom said. Awpxey nodded, “I will Mrs. Sully! Thank you for having me for dinner, it was very good, and your kalin paste is the best!” Neytiri and Jake laughed together, your father nodding in agreement.
You smiled, getting up to walk Awpxey to the entrance of the hut. But what you didn’t know was that Kiri had also gotten up, following you both out the hut.
Right when you were about to wish Awpxey a goodnight and send him off, your sister, Kiri had rounded the corner coming to a stop at your side.
“Kiri? Is something wrong?” Your sister shook her head, looking forward to Awpxey.
“I wanted to bring him this, here you go Awpxey.” Your sister pushed an object into Awpxey’s hand.
Awpxey looked down at it, holding and feeling the smoothed surface of the object, not being able to tell what it was straight away.
“It’s a Lepidolite, a peace stone, it brings good luck. I’m giving it to you now that you are in a relationship with my sister, so you are both stable enough to take care of each other.” Kiri said with a sincere nod. Awpxey smiled, “thank you Kiri. That’s very thoughtful of you.”
You watched with smile, seeing how Awpxey fidgeted with the polished surface of the lilac-gray crystal.
“Goodnight guys, see you in the morning Y/n.” Kiri waved the both of goodbye, walking back into the hut and heading towards the sleeping mats.
You waved her goodbye, turning back towards Awpxey, feeling shy.
“Too quiet to say goodnight to me now too?” Awpxey teased as he leaned down to your face, trying to catch your eyes.
You giggled, “be quiet Awpxey.” Your cheeks burning as you smiled hard.
You turned your head up in his direction, smiling as you tried to hold back a laugh and make eye contact with him.
“Goodnight Awpxey, get a good nights rest, okay?” He nodded, reciprocating. “You too Y/n, sleep well..”
You both stood in a small silence, it was comfortable and not awkward. Awpxey was the one who made the initiating move and leaned forward, planting a small kiss on your lips.
You were quick to kiss him back, making sure not to leave his lips stranded for too long.
When you both parted, a small ‘smooch’ sound indicating that your lips separated, you stood with your hands clasped together behind your back.
“Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Awpxey.”
After finally saying goodnight, Awpxey walked back home, smiling all the way back to his hut. Happy to see his parents together in their sleeping mat.
When you were done recollecting yourself outside of your hut, you walked back inside. Shocked to find all the plates put away, hanging to dry.
When you walked toward the family room, looking to see where everyone went. You were not shocked to see everybody already asleep, tangled in their own bedrolls.
You were happy to see your parents together in their sleeping mat.
Getting into your mat and tucking yourself in, you reflected on your day. Thinking about how it was a really good day and how your family accepted Awpxey.
You yawned, turning on your left side as your eyes began to shut due to your tiredness.
Warmly, you let your body succumb to the drowsiness you felt.
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Oh my gosh you guys. This is longggg… I feel like almost all of my stories are long, maybe to long. Because I just write when I have the time and I don’t have like an active word count, so i just write. I apologize if it’s to much for you! Also I just want to mention @creamboba ! I didn’t know if you wanted to be tagged, I’m sorry if you didn’t! Oh my gosh please excuse any spelling mistakes I try my best to proof read but I get tired you guys. But anyway, thank you for reading 🤍!
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nokiatelava · 1 year ago
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Author’s Note! - Hi!! I really wanted to write something and try to be creative, so I decided maybe I should just make a small drabble! —At least try to make it a small drabble, the writing is crazy over here.— But regardless! I’m still learning and if anyone has any tips they can send them to me!!
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Summary - It’s late. Your body feels no exhaustion. You’re up, blood pumping. You have time to think while you lay in your mat. What’s a better way to tire yourself out and get your own me-time than at night with the bright moon and bioluminescent forest? You’ve never heard anything so much more enjoyable. Especially when a special someone just so happened to find you.
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Warnings - nothing crazy too here!!! sneaking out, reader talks to herself!, happy me-time, willingly alone, mentions of not sleeping, first kissieeeee, teen romance!!
How long ago was it that you said goodnight already?
Random, incessant thoughts passed your mind repeatedly as you laid on your back. Staring idly at your kelku’s ceiling.
You were so bored. Tossing and turning, playing games with your hands, whispering to yourself, copying the breathing patterns of everyone in the hut.
You had done everything to try and make your body feel tired, but nothing came to.
You then slowly sat up, not even feeling groggy. What are you going to do now?
Then a thought crossed your mind. An idea you have never even acknowledged in all your years of living.
Sneaking out.
Your siblings do it during the day, mostly Lo’ak when he’s on punishment. But leaving High Camp to go to the forest during the day is drastically very different when you’re leaving at night.
And no one knows your even leaving.
You are playing a dangerous game if you decide to leave. Knowing that the Sky People are still on the loose and could be making shelter in the forest. Your home.
You pause, thinking how disappointed your parents would feel if they found out. They are the last people who need to feel disappointment towards you. They are the last people you want to disappoint.
What if you were followed? By a sky person? Or what if one of your siblings followed you?
All your brain raked were the worst possible outcomes that could have happened if you decided to sneak out.
But what about the positives?
You would be able to get away from it all, have time to yourself. Be able to think, for your own self.
These made you smile, taking a deep breath you decided. You were going to go outside of High Camp and actually sneak out.
Oh Eywa.
You felt a quick pressure on your heart, the organ now feeling heavy. You looked to your side, seeing your parents sleeping peacefully. You frowned. They were sleeping with the knowledge that all their children were sleeping. What if something happens in the middle of the night and you’re not there?
You look away from them, shaking your head you sit and close your eyes.
Follow your gut. What does your heart want you to do?
After a few seconds you felt tingles run through your abdomen at the thought of leaving. You smiled once more.
Now, it was planning on how to get to and fro quietly and in the span of this night.
You move your blanket off you slowly, turning your body into a crawling position slowly as to not shuffle a lot of the fabric around you. You rised slowly your knees popping as you did so.
You slowly stepped around the loose limbs that hung limply around the floor, your feet padding softly against the floor.
When you finally were able to walk out the hut silently with no one catching you your body felt light, a relief settling in your stomach as you released a breath you didn’t know you held.
Getting out of the vision of the hut, you ran on your tippy toes to where the ikran were placed. You walked silently through the sleeping ikran, finding yours sitting there, as if she was waiting for you.
You smiled as soon as you saw her, just like you did all those years ago. Azraa leaned her head forward, her gaze humble as she let out a soft pur.
It was like she had already known you were coming to get her, her energy felt high from a distance. But besides that, you mounted her, connecting your queues and making Tsaheylu.
She let out a rumble of excitement, as quiet as a creature so big could, before she set flight gently.
The cool air of the night blew against your whole body, your hair whipping behind you. The deep breath you took was as therapeutic as ever, a large smile was on your face.
You and Azraa flew for a good while before you mentally directed her to slowly lower to the ground.
As she landed in a small clearing, you dismounted yourself. Caressing her neck all the way to her head as you pet her rough skin.
You always shown appreciation to the animals of your home, your spirit sister deserves the respect she gets. Not just from you but from everyone.
Azraa is the largest female ikran. She is serious in times of war, but calm when in her own nature. That’s why everyone thought you two were the best match between ikran and Na’vi.
After your small interaction, Azraa took to the sky again, though you knew she wouldn’t go far.
Once you could no longer hear the flaps of her wings you sighed. It was not a sigh of annoyance, or exasperation. It was a sigh of gratefulness, of happiness as you were once by yourself.
Not for long. Though you didn’t know that.
You then started to walk, you walked around the forest looking at all the beautiful bright colors, and listened to all the chirps from the glowing nocturnal animals.
The forest is so beautiful.
Your home is so beautiful.
You spotted a bush with fan lizards on it, this excited you since they looked the best at night. But what ended up scaring you was the fact they randomly took flight before you even reached for them.
What was that about? You thought as you turned your head toward the direction the fan lizards flew. Once they were a bit to far for you to see you turned your head back towards the bush.
You shrieked as you saw blue skin and a soft smile on the other side of the bush. You dropped to duck under the bush until a familiar voice rang out in concern.
“Y/n? Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Oh.. You knew that voice, it was Awpxey.
You hoped.
You finally straightened back up, standing at your full height. You looked across to the other side of the bush seeing that it was in fact Awpxey. He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
“Awpxey, why didn’t you say it was you! I thought you were one of my parents or something.” Your face was brighter now, you had gotten.. Excited to see him?
He smiled—gosh that smile!—in return to your sentence, “what? Are you not supposed to be out here?” He tilted his head, his tone teasing.
Since you felt caught and put on the spot, you nervously—embarrassingly—stuttered out your reply. “W-well not exactly, but I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind!”
Awpxey laughed. “Oh really now? Because to me, you’re sounding pretty nervous. And I also know, Mr. and Mrs. Sully are pretty strict.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, rolled your eyes and walked away. These actions quickly caught Awpxey’s attention as he stood straighter and began to call out to you. You snickered quietly as you ignored him.
You then suddenly heard quick steps behind you, then two soft hands on your waist turning you around. You let out a small gasp.
You were turned to meet Awpxey’s face again. A soft purple hue slowly crept to your face as you still felt his heavy hands on your waist.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to offend you. I apologize.” You stared into his eyes, slowly examining his—lips—face. He truly seemed genuine and that made you feel a bit bad.
“O-oh Awpxey I-I was just joking with you. Sorry for the, uh, misconception.” You mumbled, hoping he would notice he was still holding you.
He just nodded, a smile coming back on his features. Before a little realization hit his face. “Oh by the way! Now that you’re here, can I show you this super awesome place I found a long time ago?” He was practically bouncing with excitement, there was no way you would say no!
“Yeah, sure.” You smiled. “Great!” He responded.
What you were not expecting was for him to grab your wrist and intertwine your fingers together, he stopped, adjusting his hand against yours so it would be comfortable against the uneven amount of fingers you guys had.
Just how long was he planning to hold your hand?
Before you could really think, Awpxey pulled you along, keeping you next to him as you paced quite quickly through the forest. He was walking so fast! You tried to observe your surroundings to see the beauty of the forest but all the colors were washing by you like a blur.
When you began to start feeling a little dizzy is when Awpxey finally stopped walking so quick. You had to stand still for a moment to try and collect yourself. When your mind was better together you finally looked up. The beauty of what you saw made you breathless.
Although it was only the opening, you could see the beauty from the inside peeking through the bioluminescent vines.
Awpxey walked up to it first, pulling the vines aside for you, you walked through quickly saying a small “thank you” in return to his kindness.
When you looked straight ahead, your mouth dropped.
It was a huge bioluminescent cave with an opening right in it center, where the stars were visible upon miles.
You covered your mouth with your hands, still amazed.
“Awpxey.. This is beautiful! Thank you, thank you for bringing me here!”
He shook his head in agreement, “I know right? I was so lucky to find this place.”
“Come, sit in the middle with me. Let’s watch the stars.” Awpxey had walked towards you and grabbed your hand, holding it, again.
He led you to the center of the cave where there was grass, sitting down on it, you following the same action.
“Can we lay back? A-and, uhm, you know look at the stars?” You asked shyly.
Why does he make you shy?
Awpexy smiled, an obvious nonverbal, yes. He leaned back to lay down regardless, you joining him shortly after.
It was nice, seeing the stars and the other exoplanets that hung near your home planet. You were even able to see the faint glow of the place your father came from, Earth. Your father would talk about it sometimes, mostly when you were younger.
It had to be a touchy subject now, with the fact these tawtute are here.
It was only after a few minutes when Awpxey’s hand twitched against yours did you really realize you two were still holding hands.
His hand squeezed yours, gently, in a reassuring way. You felt so comfortable with him. Your heart stuttered in your chest at the giddy feeling you had gotten in your stomach.
Your mind began to race, giving you that eye blurring light-headed feeling. Was this moment really happening right now? It feels like your still asleep, only stuck in a lucid dream.
“Y/n.” Awpxey’s voice grounds you, bringing you back into reality slowly.
You turn your head towards him, just to find him already looking at you.
He makes you feel so warm inside.
“Yeah Awpxey?” You answer back softly. He was silent for a few moments, looking at your face. You watched his eyes. Watched as they went from your eyes, to your ears, to your nose, then. You seen it then.
His eyes moved to your lips.
And they stayed there, before he licked his own lips and directed his eyes back to yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
There was a pregnant pause. The air became stiff for you as the cogs in your brain turned slowly to what he had just asked you.
You slowed your breath. Calming yourself down and bringing your brain back together.
You looked into Awpxey’s eyes smiling.
“Yeah…” You responded breathlessly.
“Yeah?” Gosh could he kiss you already?
Awpxey turned more onto his side, his hand opposite to the one holding yours reaching over to the side of your face, holding your cheek softly.
Your faces were inches away from each other, lips mere centimeters. The only sound in your head was your rabid heartbeat.
He closed that distance.
Skin to skin, lips to lips, nose to nose.
That’s all you felt. The top layer of your skin felt like it was flaring up.
Was it goosebumps?
Or was it that euphoric feeling that basks over you randomly that you can’t quite explain it?
His nimble fingers tangled with the thick strands of your hair by your neck, where he pushed your head in.
His lips were soft, so soft. They felt unused, just as yours were.
Has he never done this before?
After what felt like four minutes—in a good way—but was actually no less than 45 seconds, Awpxey pulled away.
Your chests heaved together as you both caught your breaths.
But for you, you felt like you had no idea what was really going on, your eyes were blurry and your ears ringed.
What the hell did you punched in the head? Or does everybody feel like this after their first kiss?
“—ey.. Hey, Y/n.” A small voice faded in. You blinked, and all the colors of the things around you came back.
“Y/n are you okay? I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to kiss you out of the blue like that.”
Oh Awpxey..
You reached your arms around his neck, pulling him back into you connecting your lips once again.
It was more comfortable now, your breaths now controlled, your kiss was a lot more passionate, calm, slow. It had already felt full of love.
Is this what love feels like? Is this your fairytale’s happily ever after?
You both pulled away, small pants coming from the both of you.
“Sorry for kissing you out of the blue…” You use Awpxey’s words against him, causing him to smile.
“I don’t think I really had a problem with it.”
“Yeah me neither.” You shrugged, your conversation sarcastic.
But he leaned forward and pecked your lips, leaving you a bit in a daze before he laid on his back again, staring up to the stars.
He wrapped his arm under your back, around your waist, pulling you close to him.
Both of you laid in a peaceful silence, the nocturnal animals making their ambience.
You now started to feel sleepy. That was before Awpxey spoke,
“I see you..”
You lifted your head from his collarbone to look at him, realizing he was looking at you.
“R-really? You do?”
“Of course I do. I hope you see me too, and if you don’t, i could wait. I could wait till the day you see me too.”
You smiled, “I wouldn’t have to be doing that.. Cause I already do.” You placed your chin on his chest, looking into his eyes.
He smiled wider now, his eyes gleaming with a childlike excitement.
“Let’s fall asleep here!” He proposed eagerly. And it didn’t sound like a bad idea to you, so you accepted it.
You both got comfortable, holding each other on top of the grass in the warm bioluminescent cave.
The sounds of the animals finally lulling you to sleep.
You fell asleep happy. You fell asleep knowing you turned over a new lead and made a new chapter in your life. Happy you finished the last one.
You had felt seen this night, most importantly above all.
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Hi guys! This is technically a considered drabble and part two to my story In A Good Way!! I hope everyone who read this enjoyed it! I apologize if there is any spelling mistakes I try my best! There’s a special tag to @creamboba because they had said they needed more! I got permission to tag and all, BUT anyway I just hope you guys liked this 🤍!!
117 notes · View notes
nokiatelava · 1 year ago
✿✿In A Good Way✿✿
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Author’s Note - Hello hellooo!! Okay, so in this story it’s gonna be an OC!Na’vi x Fem!Sully!Reader. I’ve never, ever written a story where there is a OC love interest. So I’m very excited but just as nervous because I am definitely trying something new out! Also, please if I had made any grammatical errors I apologize! But anyway, please enjoy the story!
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Summary - Y/n Sully, was the daughter of the mighty Toruk Makto. She was striking, a pleasure to the eyes of those that stared. But Y/n wanted more than just looks, she yearned for love. True love. Yet she was to scared. Of the heartbreak, the pain, the grief, the dread. But, she just so happened to meet a very special boy.
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Warnings - helpless romantics, young love, annoying siblings, light swearing, family love, yearning, self-doubt (never doubt yourself!!), reassurance, father-daughter talk, comfort
The stiff fibers of your newly weaved basket rubbed gently against the palm of your hand and finger tips as you walked down the small path in the forest.
You were on your way to forage Lionberry seeds as well as the Melon Tree fruit you’ve been craving to taste for the past few days.
As you continued walking down the path you were able to spot a small cluster of the blue Lionberry seeds, almost successfully tucked away behind a few trees.
Once you made your way to the plants, and plucked enough seeds from the center. Snacking on some yourself for the extra energy, you ventured back onto the path.
The chirps and abundant distant howls brought a serene atmosphere to everything as you walked through the sunlit forest. Your eyes still peeled looking for the Melon Trees.
Which was right up across the path, a clearing that held a bunch of the Melon Trees and the fruits you had been searching for.
As you walked into the passageway, a feeling of trepidation pooled hot into your stomach as you stared at the muscular back of a young na’vi man who was picking the fruits you were about to.
You were frozen in the entrance of the passage way, thinking about the only three options you could go about the situation you were in, or bound to be in.
1. Back away slowly and forget you even wanted fruit in the first place.
2. Walk into the clearing and pick the fruit as if nobody was there.
Or 3.. Which you were currently doing. Continue to stare at this young man who is definitely your age’s back.
Embarrassment pinged down your spine as your face grew hot at the sight in front of you. Diverting your dry eyes and walking into the foliage either way.
Trying to ignore that you would be in there regardless of the fact that there was a boy there too.
Or may you say man.. The physique of his body made him look like he was not one to be trifled with.
The almost silent patters of your feet against the grass caught his attention as he turned his head towards you. His eyes widening for a split second as he saw you, up close.
“Y/n, Oel Ngati Kameie.” He did the universal sign of respect and greeting.
“Oel Ngati Kameie. I don’t think we’ve ever met before. Tell me, what is your name?” You couldn’t even believe the words coming out of your own mouth.
When did you ever want to start a conversation? The tone you used made you sound like your mother. Nothing was wrong with that. But where the hell did it come from?
“My name is Awpxey! It’s nice to formally meet you,” A close-eyed smile took over his features, your eyes looking up into his face at the bright attitude.
“It is nice to formally meet you too, Awpxey. I see you were picking Melon Tree fruit, they are ripe enough now correct?” Your fingers tightened against the handle of the basket. The fibers feeling as though they were gonna snap with the pressure you applied on them.
‘Why are am I being so awkward? I mean at least I didn’t ask him how’s he’s doing! Don’t conversations always go downhill from there?’
“Ah yes, all the fruits are seemingly becoming more ripe by they day. Finally, I have been waiting to long for these fruits. But they are to good to forget about.”
You nodded along in silent agreement with his words.
“It’s a bit of a mood spoiler when you find your favorite fruit isn’t ripe yet isn’t it?” Your body language was against your own better judgment.
Your tail low and swaying, the short grass tickling the underside as it swished faster the longer you stood in front of him.
“Yes! It kills my day every time!”
The both of you stood still. Awpxey was stuck staring into your eyes. His body stiff as he stood in front of you before he cleared his throat, his face getting hot.
“W-well, I should let you go get your fruit then! I still have to finish picking mine..” Awpxey gave a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. His face turning a light shade of purple as he blushed before turning his face in the direction of his basket.
‘Did I just stutter? In front of Y/n? You’ve gotta be joking. Literally.’
“Yeah.. uhm, yeah. I’ll be right, uh, right there,” you pointed to a specific Melon Tree that had not gotten picked yet. Far enough away from the one Awpxey was at but just close enough.
“Great, well, I’ll be right there then.” Awpxey reluctantly turned his face back towards Y/n. A nervous smile on his face.
You give him a smile and a small nod, walking over to the tree you had pointed out. Going about your business picking the medium sized fruits off of the tree.
The clearing was now filled with a comfortable silence, the rustles of the leaves and the crunches of the grass set a peaceful ambience to the area.
That was until a loud snap rang in the area, your shoulders tensed at the unreasonably loud sound. A small, embarrassed ‘oh’ being said but not by you.
It was Awpxey. His basket that carried a good amount of Melon Tree fruit snapped. Breaking due to the pressure of so much fruit on it, not only that but it was certainly worn down.
“Here, let me help.” You brought your basket over to Awpxey, picking up his fallen fruits and putting them in your own basket.
“No Y/n, no. You do not have to carry my fruit for me, plus, you have seeds in here, it might break again.” Awpxey felt guilty as he watched you pick up his fruit. Awkwardly holding the few in his hand as he refused to place it in your basket.
You took the fruits out his hands — a spark running up your hands — and placed them into your basket, picking up and placing the remaining fruit in your basket before standing back up.
“Come.” You beckoned him to follow behind you, which he quickly did.
“I will weave you a new basket. Meet me here tomorrow at the same time and I will give it to you.” You spoke as you walked out the clearing.
You were offering, but also demanding at the same time. You’ve had time on your hands recently. So what good to do with it than make a basket for someone who’s just broke?
Awpxey’s eyes widened. “No Y/n! You don’t have to do that, seriously! It’s alright I promise,” Awpxey was trying to convince you he didn’t need a new one. But you knew better.
“Not asking Awpxey, come here tomorrow and you will have a new basket.”
Awpxey’s shoulders slouched as he realized you wouldn’t change your mind. “Okay…” He said with a grumble as you walked in front of him.
Once you made it back to High Camp, you asked Awpxey to direct you both towards his family’s hut so you can drop off his fruit. An apprehensive look developed on his face as he got closer to his family’s home.
Hoping his parents wouldn’t say something that could drive you away.
You both entered his family’s kelku, a small smile on your face as you looked towards his parents.
Who had turned to face you quickly once they seen you walk in, their current conversation put to hold as shock visibly enveloped their faces.
“Oel Ngati Kameie.” You greeted, bringing your hand to your forehead before taking it back down.
They both recuperated themselves, and greeted you back, “Oel Ngati Kameie.” His parents had small smiles on their face also. Their minds jumping when they noticed the basket full of the Melon Tree fruit. Was it an offering to ask for their blessing?
Awpxey’s face dropped and started to get hot as he realized where his parents minds were turning to, but before he could say anything, his mother spoke.
“Y/n, what brings you here dear? And with all that fruit!” Itxä was a nice woman, you’ve met her before at clan gatherings and have spoken to her while she was in Mo’at’s tent more than a few times.
“I came to help bring Awpxey’s fruit back! His basket broke while he was picking the fruit and I decided to put them in mine! I do plan on weaving him a new basket, he will receive it tomorrow!” You explained yourself in a soft tone, his parents were sweet people.
Awpxey’s father, Puo was a funny and sweet man. Always wishing to keep the ones around him safe and happy.
“And you’re holding the basket? Awpxey! I took a long time out of my days to teach you to be a gentleman and this is how you turn up?” Puo exclaimed. You covered your smile with your hand as you watched Awpxey put his hands forward, trying to explain himself to his father.
“No dad!- That’s not even what happened!-“ Puo looked at his son with a bored look as he put his hands on his hips.
“Well from what I’m seeing, that is what happened. You idiot!” You never knew men could be so sassy, but you have your own fair share at your home.
And it’s not just Tuk.
Itxä helped you sort the Melon Tree fruits into their own fruit bowl, making sure you had more still in your basket, much to your own protests before she sent you off with a smile.
As you walked home, it was almost as if realization was settling into you.
You just went to that boy’s home.. Met his parents. And talked with his mother…
A blush adorned your face once you entered your own hut. Quickly setting away the fruits before anyone could notice your warm face.
But it just had to be your father who spoke up first.
“What’s got your face all warmed up babygirl?” Dread was the only thing you felt once you heard all the conversations stop. All eyes turning towards you.
Lo’ak smirked, deciding on taking his chance to do his daily readings.
“Yeah big sis. Couldn’t help but notice you came home blushing.. Did you meet a boy?” You cringed as you heard the smile in his tone. And cringed at how he got his reading assumption, correct.
You hissed lightly in his direction to defend yourself.
“Shut the hell up Lo’ak! I didn’t meet anybody. And even if I did. It’s definitely not any of your monkey brain business.” You clapped back at him verbally, which shut him up.
For only a few seconds.
“I do not have a monkey brain! And even if I did, don’t you remember what Norm said? He said monkeys were one of the smartest animals, since they were like human technically?” He thought he had shut you up now, that was before you noticed this was just gonna become a stupid bickering back and forth that could go on for hours.
“Who are you trying to fool Lo’ak? You’re one of the dumbest people I know.” Your arms were now crossed over your chest. Facing him as you say on the floor, trying to start weaving Awpxey’s basket.
“Oh yeah? Well then who’s the smartest person you know!?” You don’t know where he was going with that, but you answered anyway.
“I am.” You said nonchalantly and started to make the basket.
Tuk scoffed loudly as her face scrunched.
“Excuse me? I thought I was the smartest person you knew Y/n!” Tuk’s tone was smart mouthed.
Your eyes widened as you realized what you said. “I was just joking Tuk! You know you’re the smartest person here!”
Now it was your father’s turn to scoff, placing his hand on his chest.
“But you said I was the smartest babygirl?” Now everyone was looking between you and your father. And your face held disbelief as you paused in weaving.
“Um… Well… Yeah you are too dad!” You noticed your mother patting your father’s shoulder as he held a look of exaggerated betrayal on his face.
“Can I weave in peace?” You ask defeatedly. Neteyam’s face scruched in confusion at your question.
“Didn’t you just finish weaving one, like yesterday?”
Dread, once again, enveloped your body as embarrassment sunk in. Lo’ak was having a ball at your flushed face and obvious body language.
“You’re making one for a boy aren’t you?” His tone was sleazy and you wanted to sucker punch him right in his nose.
“Shut up Lo’ak!”
Your father’s face twisted into a grimace, “you’re courting somebody?” His voice was dry, as if his mouth was only grating sandpaper.
“No dad! No, I’m not courting anybody. I’m only doing somebody a favor..” The way your dad visibly softened his back and rested against your mother made you feel calmer.
“Who are you weaving for ma’ite?” As soon as the question left your mother’s lips, everyone in the room perked up and stared at you.
“Umm… It’s for Itxä’s and Puo’s son..” Your parents smiled at the familiar names.
“Itxä is a nice woman, she’s sweet.” Your mother stated.
“Puo’s one funny man isn’t he?” Your father said chuckling. You nodded with a small smile, finally feeling in the clear as the random chatter started all over again.
“Wait.. Did you say son?” Neteyam spoke looking at you, 5 other heads turning in your direction once more.
You groaned, now annoyed at the fact the attention was on you once again.
“Yes Neteyam. I said son.” You grumbled.
“Why are you making a basket for him Y/n?” Tuk asked as she moved to sit next to you on the floor, curling up into your side.
“His broke Tuk-Tuk, I’m just doing him a favor.” You explained as you put your arm around Tuk, playing with one of her short braids softly.
“How do you know his basket broke?” Kiri asked with a smirk. You felt like your heart almost broke. Never, ever did you expect Kiri to join in on your brother’s teasing you.
“Were you guys out, together?” Lo’ak questioned next. Raising his eyebrows up and down repeatedly, taunting you.
“Did nothing interesting happen while I was gone? Why are you guys so focused on me. Like didn’t Lo’ak shit himself 4 days ago or something?”
Lo’ak’s face paled. “That was eight years ago you skxawng!”
“Oh, well it feels like yesterday-”
“Language, both of you.” Your dad cut in.
“Skxawng isn’t even a bad word!” Lo’ak was quick to try and defend himself.
“But it is an insult, and Y/n, you know better to be swearing here. Tuk is here!” Your mother scolded you both.
“Huh?” Tuk said as she looked over to Neytiri, she hadn’t even been listening.
“Well never mind that then. But anyway, you both know to watch your mouths.”
Lo’ak grumbled his incessant nothings while you continued to weave.
Hours passed in the blink of an eye, the basket was fortunately halfway done and it was dinner time. Tuk had ended up falling asleep against you, so you woke her gently before joining your family at the table.
You all ate, somewhat peacefully, as Lo’ak sped through the whole meal and almost choked more than you can count on two hands.
Once dinner was over you helped clean up the table and settle everything away.
Taking it upon yourself to put Tuk to bed early as she seemed so tired.
You brought yourself back to the center of you kelku, trying to at least finish the basket before tomorrow.
Jake watched you sadly from the table. His ears folded down and eyes looking a darker yellow with sadness.
Neytiri noticed his grim attitude immediately. “Ma’Jake? What is wrong?” She sat next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.
He looked at you a bit more before turning back to Neytiri.
“She’s already growing up so fast… like she’s getting a boyfriend?.. It feels like just yesterday I was holding her while she cried..."
Jake remembers how tough you were to put to sleep at one point. Missing that feeling of pride he had when you finally closed your eyes.
Neytiri cringed as she realized what she’s gonna say may hurt Jake’s feelings.
“Well you could always hold her.. The crying part may or may not happen…” Neytiri hoped she spoke so quiet Jake couldn’t hear her, but Neytiri knew better.
“What do you mean by that?” Jake was quick to ask.
“She’s met a boy Jake.. You never know what path Eywa has planned for her. Maybe she could stay with Awpxey forever, maybe Awpxey could break her heart. But no matter what happens ma’Jake, you have to be there for her always. You are her father, one of her confiders. She trusts you, and forever will.”
At this point Jake was a blink away from bawling like a baby. Neytiri’s words gave him a newfound confidence, but also a newfound fear.
He didn’t want you to go around chasing boys, and getting your heart broken in return.
The last thing he wanted his sweet babygirl to run into was a player. But he felt a feeling in his heart that told him not to interfere.
It was to be left up to Eywa. Your fate and will was in her hands.
In your own head, you weren’t really thinking about a future or anything with Awpxey. You were doing him a simple favor. But you couldn’t help yourself as your mind drifted to the memory of his back in the sunlit clearing.
Your hands became clammy and your throat dried. Heat bursting in your neck and spreading down your spine to your whole body.
Your hands moved hastily, finishing up the basket with an embarrassed huff. You were hoping nobody was looking at you.
“Come you guys, it is time for us to sleep!” Your mother whisper shouted. Acknowledging the fact Tuk was already asleep.
You all complied, filing into your sleeping mats and saying goodnight.
A giddy feeling was all you could feel in your chest and stomach as a smile broke out onto your face.
You were going to see Awpxey tomorrow and you were beyond ecstatic. You closed your eyes as they began to fall shut themselves.
In the morning when you all awoke and gravitated towards the table for breakfast,  you embarrassingly ate at a pace that would put Lo'ak to shame.
Lo’ak was feeding into your flushed face and rushed actions.
“What's the matter big sis?” He asked, cocking his eyebrow annoyingly with a sneer on his face. “You excited to see your boyfriend?”
You growled at him in annoyance, “He is not my boyfriend.”
“Yet,” Kiri added before covering her mouth with her hand, trying to mask her smile.
"Kiri!" You said in an irritated tone.
"Why are you joining them with their bs!?” You felt like you were being cornered, without a corner.
“Watch your mouth,” your father grumbled exasperatedly.
“Fine.” You sighed, finishing your breakfast a whole lot slower now.
“Y/n? Can we go to the forest with you too?” Tuk laid her head against your collarbone, closing her eyes as she felt your hand brush through her braids softly.
“I’m sorry Tuk, not right now. But if you want, later we can go to Grandmother’s tent and I could teach you a few more things…” You whispered into her ear, watching how it perked as you spoke about teaching her new things.
“Of course! Only if you pinky promise!” You laughed as you folded your other fingers down, leaving your ring finger sticking out awkwardly.
When you, Kiri, and Lo’ak were younger your father had taught you about pinky promises. You three made promises about random stuff almost everyday.
Tuk and Neteyam picked up an it quickly and wanted to try and make them too, just using their last finger as a makeshift pinky.
“I promise Tuk, okay? I’ll see you later.” You kissed the top of her head before grabbing the new basket you made and waving to your family.
Your pace was almost a skip as you went towards the ikran, mounting yours and quickly flying down to the large forest below.
Your keen eyes surveyed the forest from above trying your best to look for the clearing you and Awpxey were just at yesterday.
When you finally spotted it, you landed your ikran a little bit away from it, choosing to have a small walk the rest of the way.
When you finally entered the clearing, you were greeted with the same muscular back you saw yesterday.
Awpxey gave you a smile as he seen you, quickly walking towards you.
“Hi Y/n.” He said in an almost hushed tone.
“Hi Awpxey.” Your voice was breathy, light and clear as it traveled to Awpxey’s ears. Which turned a darker pink as they folded against his head.
“Here’s your basket, I hope you like it!” You presented the gift to him, and he took it with hasty hands and and a happy face.
“It’s perfect Y/n! Thank you so much!”
Your face heated as you felt shy under his praise and gaze.
“Y-Yeah it’s no problem at all Awpxey, if you ever need anything else you can always tell me.”
He smiled, his fingers fidgeting with the strong fibers of the weaving.
“I definitely will..”
A quiet pause enveloped the clearing, it wasn’t awkward. Just silence, with the sounds of chirping and hooting from other animals in the forest.
“Hey Y/n… I was wondering if you wanna hang out?” Awpxey’s voice came out slow and controlled. Almost as if he was rehearsing. Which he had.
There was a quick blank silence.
“N-Now?” Your mind was still working on trying to process what you had heard. But once it clicked you answered back quickly.
“Yeah that’s fine Awpxey, w-we can hang out if you want.” You didn’t even know when he wanted to hang out, but you had no objections if it were to be right now.
Awpxey’s tail was shaking behind his back, as he was trying his best to not let it sway to excitedly where you would notice.
You were on the same page as him, fighting the urge to reach behind your back and pull your own tail.
Awpxey nodded, “I was gonna ask if you think now is okay?..”
“Now’s perfectly fine!” Your smile was small, though it was grateful.
That whole day, you and Awpxey strolled around the forest, looking at all the different animals and plants.
Multiple “accidents” happened where as you both walked, your hands would bump. There was a unfamiliar feeling that would bloom in your stomach as his touch sent an electric shock up your arm.
Eclipse was bound to happen soon, so you both decided it would be smart to start heading home now.
As you two continued to walk side by side, the sudden memory of this morning and Tuk rushed through your head.
You had spent the whole day with Awpxey, you forgot about literally everything.
Your steps paused, hand coming to your forehead as you sucked a guilty sigh.
Awpxey was quick to stop, turning to face you quickly.
“Y/n? Are you alright? What has happened?” He paced a step closer, placing his hands and your shoulders.
You had a grimace on your face,
“I forgot that my younger sister wanted to play with me today… Gosh how could I have forgotten?” Guilt was eating away at you.
Tuk was probably home all day, waiting for you, and most likely pestering your parents for when you were to come home.
Awpxey gave a small reassuring smile. He had no siblings, so he couldn’t really say he understood. But he understood the guilt of being late.
“I am sure she will me alright Y/n, we should get you home now so you don’t make her wait any longer!” Awpxey nudged you forward gently, to which you complied and walked.
“I promised her- Promised! That since we couldn’t come to the forest, I would teach her new things about different herbs and pastes in our grandmothers tent together.”
You were rambling, talking with your hands. You felt disappointed in yourself.
How could one make a promise and just forget it?
Awpxey just walked next to you, soft smile adorning his full lips. He could tell you felt guilty about leaving your sister, so he let you ramble and didn’t interrupt you to try and invalidate your feelings in any way.
Once back at High Camp, you wanted to go home quick, but you never left without saying goodbye.
“Bye Awpxey! It was really nice hanging out with you today, had lots of fun! We should do it again!”
You were saying as you scurried off your ikran, facing him quick.
Awpxey climbed down with grace.
“I know, it was really nice today Y/n. We have to do it again.” His voice was so deep and sultry, a rumble passed through your bones.
Purple was becoming to spread on your face, so you turned quickly and ran home.
“Bye Awpxey!” You threw over your shoulder, sending him a small wave.
“Bye Y/n..” He lifted his hand a bit to wave too, although his goodbye was quite silent.
You didn’t even want to enter your kelku.
You walked so slow towards the enterance of your home, taking deep breaths as to just calm yourself down.
Though you ended up entering quick due to the guilt that ate away at your stomach.
You felt irresponsible.
How could you just have left Tuk over him? Over a boy?
Your whole life all you have been taught was to just care for your family. Only pay attention to your family.
They are what’s most important. Your responsibility.
“Tuk-” You mutter as you enter the hut.
Eyes turn to you, studying. But in your state of mind they felt judging.
“Hi Y/n.” Tuk said with a wave and smile, she held a snack in her hand.
“Tuk. I’m really sorry about not coming home earlier. I know I said I was going to take you to see grandma but I really forgot, it completely slipped my mind and-“
You were cut off.
“Y/n.” It was your father. Jake’s gravely voice grounded you quick, snapping you up straight.
“It’s fine you didn’t come and get her, she was sleeping for almost the whole day anyway. She had a headache.” Your father explained to you.
It didn’t help. It made you feel more guiltier than ever.
You should have been there. She was in pain.
“Oh.. Are you feeling better Tuk?” You were now next to her, placing your hand on her forehead.
“Mhm! I got snacks, see?” Tuk held up her small handful of cut up Melon Tree Fruit.
Seeing it made your heart thump just a bit harder.
It was the exact fruit that had made you meet your ma- The man you were with today.
“Oh, well that’s good. Do they taste good? Are they ripe yet?” You examine the fruits color from afar.
The voice pulled your attention from Tuk.
It was your father who had called you.
This alone made your mouth feel sticky, your hands already becoming clammy.
“Yeah dad?” You tried your hardest to make your voice the same tone it was before, to not sound nervous.
To not crumble under the gaze of your mother. Nor your siblings who were barely visible.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Did you do something? You raked your head as hard as you could to think of any recent events that could have possibly gotten you in trouble.
Was this about Awpxey?
Before you even noticed you were at a secluded area of your family’s kelku.
Alone with your father, and beyond nervous.
“Come, sit with me babygirl.” Your dad waved his hand towards himself, taking a seat onto the floor in a criss crossed position.
You quickly sat down, deciding to sit with your legs to your chest for now.
Your ears twitched as you heard your dad sigh. A pit crating into your stomach.
Was he upset with you?
“I’m not angry with you babygirl.. I just have.. A few questions is all.” He spoke softly. His voice hesitant and surprisingly, nervous.
You nodded, “okay dad. You can ask me.”
Your father opened his mouth, taking in a breath before closing it and turning his head. He didn’t know what to say, how to ask his question.
Your fingers fidgeted with the jewelry on your hands.
Just how nervous was he to not even be able to face you and speak?
“That… Boy. That you’ve been talking to recently, Awpxey. The ones your siblings keep teasing you about.” The sentence came out stiff, hesitant. As if it hurt him to even say the boy’s name in a sentence.
You nodded, signaling to him to carry on.
“I was, um, just wondering if you guys are… You know.” Your father lifted his hands at the end of his sentence.
You were trying to process his words, what is he even talking about?
Then it suddenly clicked.
He thinks you and Awpxey are dating.
Oh god.
“Dating?” You say the word out loud, it sounds so taboo to even say it. In front of your father no less.
“Yeah. Yeah, dating.. Are you guys, dating?” Your father almost looked pale. What exactly is going on here?
“We’re not dating. No, definitely not.” You were quick to respond. You hoped it wasn’t to fast to be considered ‘suspicious’.
You father slowly nodded, his lips pursed as he was working your words.
“Well, I just. I really, um, wanted to tell you that..” There was a pause.
It was really hitting Jake now.
His babygirl is growing up.
This is going to be a new chapter in everyone's lives.
You've found love.
Now he— and everybody else— is going to have to learn how to transition from having you most of the time to having barely seeing you. Though he's come to realize, it's been like that ever since you moved to High Camp.
Jake has come to terms that he isn't the best father. But he loves all his children. And always will. And Eywa knows he prays so much to her at night. Asking for patience, knowledge, and strength to help him become a better father.
It’s going to be hard for him to accept that his babygirl is growing up.
Jake took in a much needed breath, “I just wanted to tell you I love you.” His nod and smile gave you that feeling of happiness from back when you were younger.
“And that I’m here for you, always will be. I will be your shoulder to cry when you need it, I’ll listen to every problem you want me to hear because I love you. I want to see you mentally, not only physically as my daughter. But emotionally as my first baby.” Jake’s voice cracked slightly throughout his sentences. Small tears pricked the corners of his eyes.
You were no better. As soon as he said he loved you, your eyes burned. It feels so good to hear your parents say they love you when you feel they haven’t said it in such a long time.
You wiped your eyes, “I love you too dad. And I’ll be here for you too. You can tell me anything too.” Both of you were vulnerable. Your hearts were exposed, almost as if they were out of your chests. The words your father shared were deep. It was personal, but he still told you.
Because he wanted to.
“And I also want you to know. You have my blessing. If that boy starts courting you and you know truly that he’s the one you want and the one you see. You have my blessing.”
Your smiles were contagious, both of you had mirrored smiles on your face, giggling at each others slowly swollen faces.
Before embracing in a much needed, daddy-daughter hug.
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hi! this story was a process and a mf half! so much happened while this was in the making, research, blah blah blah blah, school, home stuff but it’s fine! i got it done! and i’m happy i did! if any of you think I should genuinely keep the story going and make a part two please tell me! I’m always open to accepting requests! bye, and thank you for reading 💖!
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nokiatelava · 2 years ago
✿✿After The Storm✿✿
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Author’s Note!- This is my first time writing a story and even think about posting it! Please understand that it might not be the best as I am still trying! (the warnings probably don’t even make sense)
Summary- The past few months of your life have been at the lowest they’ve ever been. Feeling lost, with the thought no one was really there for you drove you mad, causing you to distance yourself from your family. The ones you love. But they came to your rescue to comfort you through your hardships.
Warnings- mentions of depression, mentions of anxiety, mentions of wanting to self-inflict pain, begging (for her life), nightmares, wannabe angst, comfort (my heart is to sensitive)
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧❁❁❁❁‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
You don’t know why you feel like this. The feeling it’s, it’s hard to describe. You’re here, you feel yourself here, you know you are here.
But you feel so far away… You feel, numb and lost.
All you felt was confusion, never knowing where anything was, what was going on. You were a mess 24/7. It made you feel useless. You were never used to feeling so gone. Having these feelings caused thoughts that made you feel worse. More insecure.
These thoughts were getting in the way of your life. How could you feel so useless although you had things to do? You had people to take care of, your family.
You had a place in your family, in the clan. You had a role, so how did you still feel so useless? You were losing your focus during the day. Your nights were shortening day by day. The thoughts would seep into your brain, picking at the deepest parts of your memories.
The few minutes of sleep you had were filled with terror. The things you saw, the scenes that played out. Memories from war, exaggerated to points of alternate endings, pain, family, it was always slipping in your ‘dreams’. The subjects left you with your eyes wide open at night. Looking, watching, protecting your family at hours where your family was supposed to relax and let the stress of the days fade away.
Though for you it felt as if the stress was increasing. You watched them, looking at their sleeping peaceful faces for hours, recognizing their breathing patterns as ‘safety precautions’. An excuse you used to reassure yourself as not being creepy.
You were the oldest. The oldest sister. The first child. The first baby. You were born to protect.
Deep in your mind you knew you only watched them because you wanted them to be safe. Sleeping makes you vulnerable, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Hm. Those words sound so… familiar.
“Don’t be vulnerable, at all. Keep your eyes open, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.”
And there you were. Y/n Sully, at the ripe age of 14, sitting in a war meeting listening to your fathers plan and motivational speech right before a raid.
It was terrifying. Hearing all these big words, half you didn’t understand, half you knew you could not pronounce after hearing it once even if you tried.
It made you nervous, the scenarios your father was describing were all gruesome, supposed outcomes that would happen if something were to go wrong.
Your father, Jake Sully, was talking at a pace that was hard to catch up with, the words flowing out his mouth so simply it confused you.
Now it was hitting you, your body started to feel all hot and bothered, squirming lightly in your seat to make it look as if you were only adjusting yourself comfortably on the thick wooden chair.
You squinted your eyes, staring deeply at your fathers mouth to see if any of the words would somehow start to flow together correctly.
But they didn’t. They never did.
Your vision started to double now, your ears muffling out as a ringing started to settle in your ears. All you could see was your fathers mouth just moving, and moving, and moving.
A small gasp rang in the air of the hut. It was quiet, the only sounds being a few small snores and shuffling from limb twitches every few seconds.
Your eyes were now open, once again. Your eyes could now only look around at the ceiling of your hut. Your ears twitching to every sound that was produced.
That dream… It was somewhat normal tonight? Although it did get you a bit nervous and quite overstimulated, you thought more about it. That happened 3 years ago. 3 years ago you were only 14, just 14 but already experiencing the world of war, and of danger.
Now you were 17. What a big number..
14 and 17, they sound so different it looks like such a big gap, but they’re not. Just three years ago being 14 you would still be counted as a baby not a teenager.
But now since you are to say you are 17, people see you as an adult, someone who is of age and needs adult duties. Oh how you wished to 14 or younger again.
To relish in the way people still treated you like a child and called you baby.
A loud snore is heard to your left, you are suddenly out of this type of trance. And realize you sat up, ignoring that, you turn your head to look to your left.
Just to see nobody but the All Mighty Lo’ak, spread eagle with his mouth wide open. Light gurgles, groans and snores are all that is heard from his open mouth.
You smile warmly at your youngest brothers antics, remembering what it was like to sleep so long at night.
Now your eyes burn, irritated, red and itchy all day long from your lack of sleep. Moving your eyes to look around caused your sockets to ache.
Thin, bright red veins crawl around your sclera. You thought at one point your thick lashes covered them up fine when all of this started happening.
But your inflamed eyes stood out like sore thumbs. You gained deep, dark circles right below your eyes that didn’t help you with your lashes “cover up”.
The people around you, your family, all noticed. Of course they did, how could they not? They see you everyday, they see your face everyday. So it was only a matter of time wasn’t it?
When all of, this, first started with you, everyone was worried. Your silence.. Was almost sickening. They weren’t used to it, you being so quiet, when most of the time they would all be able to hear your voice in the background.
Whether you were talking to someone in the hut, or yourself, which they found so normal. But when you stopped talking to them and yourself..
All they could feel was stress settle into their bones, the stress caused anxiety filled thoughts to meddle into their heads about you.
The constant ‘are you okay’s?’, being asked so much more frequently than before started to annoy you.
You loved your family. You loved them so, so much. But when they would ask you that same question over and over and over again it made you feel… nervous?
It always felt like as if you couldn’t speak. Your tongue feels 10 tons of lead as you open your mouth to speak. Your throat feels as if there was needles poking in your esophagus anytime you took a breathe to start speaking.
Your body felt like it was eating away at its self from the inside to out. It felt like a void, a black hole was setting in your body and was slowly starting to expand before it would eventually, swallow you whole.
There was another shuffle from the bed rolls placed in the hut. It sounded closer and much more, eager?
Y/n’s head turned to her right quickly, seeing her fathers silhouette start to sit up. Her eyes widened as she quickly laid herself down, closing her burning eyes and slowing her breathing.
She’s gotten away with this before, she’s the best pretend sleeper there is. She heard her father groan as he stretched and yawned, and that’s when it hit her.
The sounds of the birds and different animals chirping out sounded in the distance. Y/n’s eyes widened once more.
‘Just how long had she been awake?’
She closed her eyes, hoping for some type of miracle of sleep to take her into slumber. But of course, it never happened.
She heard the process of her father getting up, then, he gently shook her mother awake. Both of them exchanging a morning kiss that was very audible.
That’s the last thing she wanted to hear. We’ll sort of, it could have been worse.
But, in a reformed order, she waited for the dawn chorus to get more of a melody before she “woke up”, which was when she always woke up in the morning.
As the creatures sang and chirped louder, Y/n shuffled on her sleeping mat, rising slowly while rubbing her eyes and yawning. Jake and Neytiri smiled towards her.
“Good morning babygirl.” Jake said as he rose out of his mat stiffly, waddling towards Y/n to give her a kiss on her forehead.
“G’morning dad.” Y/n was able to force a raspy voice to submerge herself more into the act that she “just woke up”. “Good morning ma’ite” Neytiri’s sultry voice spoke towards Y/n.
Y/n looked towards her mother, “Good morning mama.” Y/n said with a small smile. Her parents soft words made her feel like a little kid again, remembering when they lived high in the trees deep into the forest of Pandora. Small tears brewed in the corner of her eyes before she blinked them away.
“Today, is not a busy day. You and everyone else, including me and your father don’t have much to do. Call it and ‘off day’ if you will.” Y/n’s ears perked up. Off day? No plans or revisions? No raiding or hunting?
“Oh… We’ll that’s nice. I might go into the forest later. Forage some herbs for grandmother, and grab fruit for us?” Y/n looked towards her parents, a questioning look on her face as she non-verbally asked for permission.
“That’ll be fine ma’ite. Very much appreciated from us and your grandmother.” Neytiri spoke, Jake was still tired, his eyes narrowed in exhaustion as he sat on their mat slouched. The small rolls on his stomach bunching as his pudge was poked out.
Y/n always thought her fathers stomach looked funny but cute, besides a baby’s stomach of course. Although his and a baby’s could be close in comparison.
As the morning stretched on, all of her siblings began to awake as the sun went higher in the sky. Neytiri was now making breakfast, some fruits that were freshly picked, by you.
You all sat at the table, legs crossed as you ate the slices of fruit off the large banana leaves, which were also picked by you.
You were quite the forager, and warrior which always shocked people. They always wonder how you balance training non-stop, but forage herbs and pick fruits.
Breakfast was as it usually is. Your siblings somehow managing to bicker as they stuffed their faces of the sweet fruit.
“Lo’ak! Can you just shut up!” Kiri yelled as she finished swallowing a piece of her fruit.
“You want me to shut up!? How about you!? You’re so annoying!” Lo’ak’s words were muffled as he tried to keep the piece of fruit in his mouth.
“Hey! Both of you. Knock it off.” Your father’s authoritative voice quickly cut off any type of rebuttal Kiri planned on making.
“And Lo’ak, you know you talk with no food in your mouth. Especially at a table!” Tuk spoke to Lo’ak with a giggle in her voice.
“Yeah I know…” Lo’ak mumbled.
While all that happened you thought of what you were going to do today. Since it was an “off day” you thought it might be a good time to finally talk to the person you’ve been begging to see.
Eywa, The All Great Mother.
She would help you. You knew this. She helps everyone, you’ve been meaning to talk to her for a while.
You chewed on your cheek nervously as you thought of when it would be a good time to leave, and what to say once you get to the Tree of Souls.
“Y/n?” A small voice faded into your ears as you were snapped out of your trance. “Hm?” You responded quickly as you looked down to your left.
Tuk was looking up at you, a hopeful look in her eyes as she stared at you.
“What do you plan on doing today? Can you hang out with us? Please!” She wrapped her arms around your forearm as she clung to you. You smiled down at her as you put a hand on her head.
“I’ll hang out with you guys, I just have something to do before I can.” You responded calmly as you stroked Tuk’s head.
“Do you have toooo?…” Tuk whined out as she pushed her face against your arm. “I would call it important. Maybe it has something to do with you… I don’t know though.” You shrugged as you made a questioning tone.
Tuk’s head shot up to look into your face. “Something for me? Do it! You can go do it!” She shook your arm as she grew excited.
One thing about Tuk, she loved gifts. Or any type of surprise that she could keep. So you made sure to remember to bring something back for Tuk.
“Well… I should be heading out now then, no?” You looked towards your parents for permission. When they nodded, you did too before rising to your feet, your body bent sideways as Tuk still had herself wrapped against your arm.
“Hurry back okay? Please! I want to play with you!” With a begrudging look on her face, Tuk slowly let go of your arm.
“I won’t be gone for long Tuk, I promise!” You raised your hands in surrender as you started to walk out the hut.
“Bye guys, behave for mom and dad while I’m gone!” You turned back as you waved. Hearing small and quick “byes” and “we will” before you sent yourself off into the forest.
Once you were on the grounds of the forest, you walked through the thick trees that outlined the clearing to the Tree of Souls.
Your body became fidgety as you got closer. Swallowing thickly as a lump started to form in your throat.
The tall stature of the tree intimidated you. The light pink tendrils swaying with the small breeze that passed by sent almost a comforting blanket of air as you became less nervous growing closer to the tree.
As you approached the trunk of the tree, kneeling down you grabbed your queue from the back of your head before you reached out gently grabbing a small bundle of the tree’s tendrils.
You took a deep breathe before you connected yourself to the tree, making tsaheylu.
A bright light enveloped your vision as you closed your eyes, a warmth washed over your body as you ‘seen’ the silhouette of what seemed to be a young Na’vi woman.
“Y/n, my dear child.. Why do you come to me?” The light yellow silhouette was now closer in front of you. Resting what felt like a warm motherly hand on your cheek.
“Great Mother… I-I am here to ask you a few things… I do not question your will, or the fate you decide. But I am wondering, why do I feel like this? Why does my body hurt all the time? Why can’t I just function normally with my family?”
Tears started to spill down your cheeks as you shot the questions out desperately like wildfire. You just wanted an answer. You feel as if you are not worth anything anymore.
“Oh Y/n.. Let it out, child. Cry and ask all the questions you want.” The woman that was speaking to you had to be Eywa. She was so warm as she held you close to her, her voice smooth with a soft tone.
“Great Mother help me please! I feel so gone, I have thought of hurting my own self just to know that I am real.. I don’t want to feel like this anymore… Please help me, I’ll do anything..” Your voice was soft as you begged quietly. Leaning into the hand on your face and warm body that stood in front of you.
“Do not fret child.. You will be saved, you are loved. Do not ever forget that. Everyone, is here for you.” Her soft hands caressed both of your cheeks as she leaned forward.
You were only able to get a glance of the features on her illuminated face. And oh, was she beautiful. It was the most divine thing you’ve ever seen.
A small smile broke out onto your face at her soft affirmations, nodding slightly in appreciation of her kind words.
“Thank you Great Mother.” You could see the white of her teeth as a smile appeared on her face.
She pulled you in closely to give you a hug. And it was the best one ever yet. The feeling of security, and happiness welded into your heart and spread through your body.
The feeling was nostalgic as it was the same feeling you always had when you were a young girl. Living in the trees of the forest with your parents and younger siblings.
“You’re welcome, my child…”
After that, the bright light appeared again before quickly fading out into black before you opened your eyes.
Your face was wet with tears and you panted at the greatest spiritual experience you’ve ever felt.
“Oh Great Mother…” You said once more before disconnecting your queue from the tree. Your body felt eccentric, a calm but brewing excitement was in your stomach.
You stood and began to turn away from the tree, walking back into the ones that outlined the clearing.
As you continued to walk back, you remembered. Something for Tuk, the herbs for grandmother, and fruit you wanted to pick.
You shut your eyes as you remembered you still had quite the stuff to do. Deciding to just try and get over it quickly, you did them in order.
In the end, you ended up with eight flower crowns, herbs you remember your grandmother needed to restock on, and fruits that were ripe enough for you and your family.
Now not just Tuk was getting a flower crown, but everybody was.
Once you were back to High Camp, your hands and arms full as you walked to your grandmother’s tent.
Once you were at the entrance to the tent, you spoke quietly, “grandmother? Are you in here?” Peeking in slightly, you saw your grandmother in the corner of the tent, rummaging through the drawers she left her herbs in.
She turned to look at you, a smile growing on her face. “Yes, yes I am here paskalin, come.” She waved her hand in a motion that told you to enter the tent. And you did.
“I was in the forest, and I decided I would grab some herbs I remembered you needing. Oh, and I made you this too.” You explained before showing her the flower crown you made for her.
“Oh yawntutsyìp, it’s beautiful, and thank you so much for the herbs. Come here.” She stood as she went forward and embraced you. You were completely joyed with the second hug you received today.
“It’s alright grandma. No need to thank me, it’s what I have to do, and what I should do.” She smiled as she kissed the top of your head.
“We all don’t deserve you, you are the sweetest girl I’ve met.” Your grandmother pulled your face back ash she decided to pepper it with kisses, like when you were a baby.
“Grandmother! Don’t do that! I’m not a baby no more and that tickles now!” You held onto her forearms as you tried to lower our her grasp, but she laughed and left a few more before she let you go.
“Okay, okay. But I do not promise that I won’t do it again.” She pointed at you with a smile. You gave her one back before you gathered all your other belongs and left. Now heading to your hut.
As you were at the entrance, you heard light conversations, your ears twitching forward as you heard the familiar six voices.
When you walked in, it felt as if all eyes snapped to you, a small silence adorning the hut before you spoke quietly, shuffling farther into your home.
“Hi guys..” It wasn’t long before Tuk shot up from the ground, her tail wagging as she ran to you.
“Y/n! You’re back! Did you do what you needed to do?” There was an eager look in her eyes as she looked at you, being expectant that you may have gotten something for her.
“I did. And here’s this.” You spoke with a smile as you placed the flower crown on her head. She jumped up and down in excitement before taking it off to look at all the flowers and their pretty colors before putting it back on her head.
“Thank you Y/n, thank you! I love it so much!” Tuk smushed her face against your stomach and wrapped her arms around your legs. Smiling more now, you rubbed her head and her back in soothing way before she let go of your legs.
Once she let you go you walked over to all your othe family members who were still gathered calmly at the table.
“And this is for you guys.” You felt shy as you passed around the flower crowns to your family at the table, a small purple blush settling on your cheeks as your skin felt warm.
“This is so pretty Y/n, thank you!” Kiri spoke as she placed hers on her head.
Lo’ak spoke next, “thank you sis, it’s really pretty.” When you looked over at him he already had it on his head, a bigger smile broke out onto your face.
“It is lovely ma’ite, thank you.” Your mother was next, then your father. “It’s beautiful babygirl, thank you.”
“Thank you a lot big sis, I really like it.” Neteyam was last but not least, you backed up as you looked at your family, happy as they all collectively wore what you made them.
“You’re Welcome guys.. You don’t have to thank me, it’s the least I could do.” You shuffled with the last flower crown in your hands.
“Least? You’re always doing the best for us, I mean I’m pretty sure nobody has a better older sister than us. Like come on, your the coolest.” Lo’ak raised his hands as he complimented you. Your family around all nodding and talking in agreement.
“Y/n, did you make one for yourself too?” Tuk asked as she looked at you.
“Well I made an extra one just in case someone lost theirs but I wasn’t planning one for me, no.” You answered question honestly, you never wear the trinkets you make unless someone forces you to because you never want to.
“Y/n. Put that flower crown on now.” Tuk put her hand on her hip as she gave you her sassiest tone. Your eyes widened at her sudden change in behavior before laughing and putting the crown on your head.
“You look beautiful syulang, the colors look perfect on you.” Your dad’s sudden compliment threw you off a bit, but not to much, he’s always saying something nice.
“Thank you dad.” You said with a light smile.
Tuk perked up as she remembered you were all supposed to go out into the forest, and she was going to make you go regardless of what you say.
“Okay, so can we all go now to the forest? Y/n your going,” she wasn’t asking you either, more so demanding that you go with all your siblings.
“Fine, fine! I was planning on going anyway Tuk, relax!” And that’s exactly what she did, sort of.
“Okay then come on come on let’s go!” You and the rest of your siblings all shuffled up to follow along after Tuk, going to make your way to the forest below.
Once all of you were on the forest floor, conversations erupted between everybody. You were brought into most if not all the small debates and bickers your siblings would have.
Tuk, not entertaining the incessant topics, hopped around as she interacted with all the different plants in the forest, giggling non-stop at all the plants reactions, or movements to her touch and presence.
You kept your eye on Tuk, just to make sure she wouldn’t drift off or touch the wrong thing. She was still so young anything could happen in the blink of an eye.
Which was bound to happen as you seen Tuk approach a txumtsä’wll, a poison-squirting plant. A very dangerous plant, labeled as one of the most dangerous if you don’t pay attention to how close you are to it.
“Tuk! Don’t touch that!” The panic in your body set and rose as Tuk’s hands and face were only mere inches away from the plant, she looked over at you in confusion as you quickly made your way towards her, pulling her quickly by her wrist away from it.
You ran quickly, a bit farther from where your siblings stood, a txumtsä’wll is such a huge plant, you don’t know how you didn’t notice it before.
Just then as your sibling jogged closer to you, a bit scared at your reaction towards the plant, the poison shot out. Hitting a tree that was right across from it. The poison deteriorated the tree, burning through the bark and sinking deeper into it.
Tuk stood in absolute terror as she saw what happened to the tree. Pandora is a dangerous place, though it is home to the beautifulest of plants and people, it has its parts and aspects that are the exact opposite. Killer plants and na’vi exiles that traverse the planet puts dread in your heart, making it feel more heavy.
You looked down at Tuk, turning her away from the mutilated tree, rubbing her hands subconsciously as if you were scrubbing them.
“Tuk, Tuk you didn’t touch it did you? You didn’t touch it right?” Your voice was strained as you hope to hear her say no.
“No… No i didn’t touch it…” Her voice was quiet, but you kneeled answer hugged her as a way to comfort her nerves as well as yours. You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding as soon as she wrapped her arms back around you too.
You picked Tuk up, holding her head against the crook of your neck and continuing to walk. The rest of your siblings decided to ignore what happened and continue to chitter as you walked.
That was before Lo’ak decided to look into the sky and notice how eclipse was more than closely about to settle in.
You all paused in your walking all throwing your heads back to look up and see how eclipse was gonna happen.
“Oh shit, shit shit shit! Come on!” You rambled as you turned back the other way and technically started running back home.
“Just how long have we been out here?” Kiri asked as you all still ran, Tuk still in your arms. “I thought we were hitting an hour soon not two or three!” You said as you panted, it would be better to call your ikran now and just fly home.
“We should call for our ikran, we’ll get home quicker and have more breathing space from curfew.” You said as you stopped, panting as you turned towards your siblings.
They nodded and immediately started calling for their ikran, and you did the same. Soon, you heard the familiar screeches of the precious beasts. Once they were on the ground you all settled onto your respective ikran, Tuk sitting in front of you, before you all set off, flying home.
You were all able to successfully reach home, just in time for curfew.
The five of you rushed into your hut, chests heaving as some of you bent down, slumped as you took in the much needed air.
Your parents’ attention turned towards all of you immediately, ears and eyes observing.
“What happened? Are you all okay?” Your father was the first to speak. Standing and walking over to you all, he grasped your shoulders first, his eyes held heavy with worry.
“Y/n.. what happened?” You panted a bit more before stuttering out your answer,
“W-we just wanted to make it h-home on time *huff* within curfew.” Your father visibly relaxed, a small smile coming on his face as he let out a light chuckle, your mother fanned the food with a smile on her face also.
“We’ll you all made it back just on time, come, sit. It is time to eat.” Lo’ak almost threw himself on the table, settling in his spot around the table.
“Jesus Lo’ak how greedy can you be? You almost destroyed the whole table!” Kiri exclaimed, annoyed by her brothers gluttonous actions.
“Shut up Kiri! Gosh! Can’t do anything without you bellyaching like a baby!” Lo’ak quickly responded back with his own comments.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be bellyaching like a baby if you didn’t act like one either! You act like you’re five! Grow the he-!” “Kiri..” You gently placed your hand against her shoulder, smiling playfully.
“Calm down, let’s not fight and just enjoy dinner okay? You’re fine.” You turned your head towards Lo’ak, who was sitting with his arms crossed against his chest as he held a childish pout on his face.
“Lo’ak, you’re fine too, we know you’re hungry, eat.”
“He’s always hungry-“
“Kiri!” You squeezed her shoulder a bit tighter before you ended up ushering all your siblings to just sit and eat.
Dinner passed by slowly, which you were grateful for. Today, it felt like you had a new chance at life once more. You talked all throughout dinner, conversing with your parents and siblings about your day out. You all laughed as you brought up all the weird looking plants and funny acting animals you seen while adventuring.
Once dinner was finished, your body felt warm and full with the food that was held within your stomach, a hazy feeling in your head that felt to similarly to the feeling of nostalgia.
A small smile was etched onto your face as you helped clean up the table, though against your mother’s own protests.
Now it was time for all of you to go to sleep, you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. Only feeling as if you would be granted the blessing of sleep if you hoped and prayed.
You were now all settled into your sleeping mats, shuffling to get comfortable and saying goodnight, everyone began to close their eyes as the activities of the day finally made their bodies feel spent.
You were on your side, your front facing towards where your parents slept, you smiled as you seen the way your mother’s back was pressed against your father’s chest, his arm draped across her as they laid close together.
That was the only thing you looked forward to once you became older. Finding yourself the true love you’ve always wanted, a relationship healthy and full of love. Like your parents.
You adjusted your body to where you were now on your back, staring up to the ceiling of the hut, a warm blush enveloping your face as you thought of yourself having kids.
You calmed your mind so you wouldn’t get excited and chase your sleep away, your eyelids felt heavy, a good heavy as you felt the long-awaited feeling of sleep finally catch up to you.
Your eyes shut as you felt yourself fall into the world of your own slumber, alas, having the best dream of your life.
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Author’s Note - Hi again! If you made it this far all i want to say is thank you for even reading! I don’t like this all that much but i feel so proud of myself for even finishing it and not just deleting it! But once again if you even read all of this, thank you so much 🤍!
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