snoozercloneboy · 3 months
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givethispromptatry · 9 months
suksi kuuseen
"Ski yourself to spruce"
Origin: Finland
Meaning: Go away or piss off.
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fridaybear · 2 years
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YEE-to-the-HAW! FRIDAY IS HERE! Pals, you make yours excellent. Enjoy your weekend. Be kind. Do good. - - - - - - -
"Brown Bear" by Matti Suksi is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
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erose-this-name · 4 months
(explodes you with my mind repeatedly until you say more about your story)
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Here is a very early draft of the world map, In the final version it should have better labeling, more realistic wear and tear as if it's a real map, and latitude and longitude lines and a compass star. [I need to learn about cartography {i've already spent weeks working on it, send help}]).
My story is post-apocalyptic set looooong after the IRL current climate change disaster and sea level rise (which people in the future call the 'Deluge', hence the series' name "The Diluvian War".) (some other non-climate calamities also happened)
Please ask questions about this, I could talk for hours about all the details and reasoning behind this map! yeah it's pretty cool, I guess
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Fun Fact: Florida is gone. No more Fl*ridians.
FUN FACT: This map is based on projections of what earth would look like if all the ice in the world melted, which is by 70 meters at the most. But I thought that didn't look grimdark enough, so I worked out what it would look like if it rose by 80 meters instead.
(assuming the absolute worst case scenario plus massive erosion and thermal expansion and a slowed water cycle due to less biological sequestering and a few comet impacts or something, I dunno.)
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I did take more than a few liberties, though. Like, realistically you wouldn't see the complete loss of the British lowlands with just 80 meters, but I thought it was really fucking funny.
England is gone. No more England.
Florida would totally fucking sink like Atlantis, that's 100% gonna happen in the near future, it's very low-lying.
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Scandinavia isn't likely to become an island without a lot of erosion, and the Finns and Karelia digging the great "Suksi Vittuun Venäjä" canal system.
Fun Fact: The funny part is, after making the first version of this map, I decided the story should be set ~400,000 years in the future. (so I could have more room for speculative biology and evolution to happen).
Some time after that, I learned ice ages happen every 100,000 years, meaning there has been at least three ice ages.
So, canonically, it's completely a coincidence that the Earth just happens to look like it did in the 22nd-23rd century again. Sea levels have risen and fallen numerous times since the Deluge. *shrugs*
I did not bother including continental drift, as in that time it'd only be like 6 kilometers. Which is nothing on the scale of a global map. In some regions, that's considerably less than erosion and sea level rise.
400,000 years is also more than long enough for most radioactive fallout and nuclear waste to no longer be dangerous (mostly). Unfortunately, 400,000 years is also long enough for people to reinvent nuclear bombs and reactors multiple times, and there's still a lot of fallout from that.
There are more than a few perfectly circular lakes in this world, where the fish are all just a little bit wrong. These are sacred places, where fishing and swimming is punishable by death, as they belong to the mysterious wrathful god of the Atomic Cult. The peoples of these cursed lands are often born with the blessing of melanism, renowned for their ability to survive the Trial of Honor in the Forests of Black Thorns.
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pillukorva · 2 years
Oodi Kokoomukselle
Menetän uskoni translakiin. Menetän uskoni turvallisiin katuihin ja omiin oikeuksiin.
Ansaitse en rauhaa enkä rakkautta, piilossa mun tulee maan päällä tallata.
Olemassaoloani anteeks sulta pyydän, tahtoos sopeudun ja normejas siedän.
Keskenäsi kauhistellen kihiset mun kehosta, kuulemma kummittelen väärässä vessassa.
Haluan olla sun kapealta katseelta rauhassa, joten suksi vittuun mun henkisestä haudasta.
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liknws · 1 year
can u tell us more about who is what in each band?
sure! I can do that. I'll give a tiny bit of backstory as well but not too much cause I don't want to go and spoil anything. under the cut because it got a little longer than I intended, oops
also I love getting questions like this so if there is anything else you want to ask, my inbox is open! I promise more will be revealed as the story progresses but in the meantime, have some short character information!
in 3RACHA we have:
jisung: rhythm guitarist, sub/backup vocals, song writer, & rapping. goes by the stage name j.one.
chan: song writer, bass guitar, vocals, and keyboard. he goes by the stage name of cb97.
changbin: rapping, vocals, drummer, and occasional keyboard. he performs under the name spearb.
jeongin: newest member, who replaced reader after they left. he's lead vocals and lead guitar. uses the stage name of i.n.
chan, jisung, and changbin have been producing and mixing their own songs for a while now, shortly after reader left the band. their sound, after reader left, is largely early years linkin park with some beastie boys and rage against the machine influences. again, just sound wise not really the exact songs. while reader was still apart of the band, think more paramore and hey monday.
now with ultra violet there's a few more to introduce:
reader/oc: to avoid the 'y/n', they'll be referred to their stage name of red most of the time. they're lead vocals, lead guitar, sometimes keyboard, and violin. they are a song writer as well but they are not credited on any of the band's music at their request. stage name: red.
seungmin: he's the other lead vocals! so seungmin and red share the lead vocals depending on the song or the style that the band wants to put out. stage name: cherry.
felix: rhythm guitarist, occassional backup vocals, and hard vocals (screaming). some of their songs incorporate screaming so felix learned how to do that. stage name: sunshine.
minho: he is the credited song writer of the band! him and red write together but he does most of the writing with other songwriters employed the label. stage name: lino
hyunjin: drummer, backing vocals. he's been jokingly referred to as the "face" of the band during talk show interviews since he likes to be the one to answer the questions the most. stage name: hyune
when red left 3racha they had considered going solo but fell in love with the sound of this indie band called ultra violet. turns out they were looking for another vocalist for a different sound and red decided to audition after taking the time they needed for their personal life. they hit it off and the rest has been history with them joining the band. red used the connections they had from being in 3racha and got ultra violet a meeting with shadow side records. from there is was almost overnight success. their sound is more honey revenge & halestorm & the pretty reckless with some green day and beartooth as well. it's a pretty even split on suengmin and red leading vocals. they do a lot of duets too.
we do have an honorable mention as well!
lily suksi: manager and best friend. lily used to be the manager for 3racha but when red left, she decided to part with them and became red's personal manager. it was with lily's help that red was able to clean up their life and meet ultra violet at all.
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queermtl · 1 year
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Summer’s here and the time is right for queering in the streets! This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
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🎶 Montréal’s Chœur Queer brings their “co-constructed show that queers a choir” (Re)faire chœur queer to the St-Ambroise Montréal Fringe Festival at Studio Jean-Valcourt du Conservatoire, with performances from June 10-18, 2023. Developed during workshop sessions with facilitator Jade Préfontaine, (Re)faire chœur queer utilizes vocal and spacial explorations to queer the room with sound. In their own words, “Our approach to the choir is transdisciplinary, as it is neither clearly musical, nor completely narrative, nor perfectly choreographic, but all at once.” Find tickets here. 
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📚Metatron Press presents Capsule, a night of readings from new releases by LGBTQ+ authors at Ursa on Thursday, June 1, 2023, featuring Lee Suksi, Eli Tareq El Bechelany Lynch, Trynne Delaney and Jayson Keery. 
✊ The Chemstory podcast launches with a gathering of storytelling and discussion with gay, bisexual and queer men and non-binary people sharing their experiences with chemsex on Thursday, June 1, 2023 at SAT. Free tickets available here.
👠 On Friday, June 2, 2023, Lust Cove celebrates Kaya Koko’s 25th birthday with Kokonuts: A Sexy Birthday Bash at Café Cléopatra, featuring performances from Lia Jasmin, Mina Minou, Sugah the Vixen and others. Tickets here. 
📚The Violet Hour Book Club meets to discuss Guapa by Saleema Haddad on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Archives gaies du Québec. All are welcome, so get reading!
✡️ A Queer Mitzvah at Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles on Saturday, June 3, 2023 promises a Jewish-centered cabaret and dance party open to all. 
🏠 Looking for a QTBIPOC housemate, or searching for a suitable spot to live? Check out QTBIPOC Co-Living’s "Speed Dating" event on Saturday, June 3, 2023 and meet some cool potential roomies!
🔥 Now this is exciting. June 7-11, 2023, P!NK BLOC Montréal presents the first edition of their new queer radical festival BRÛLANCES at Centre culturel Georges-Vanier. “We want to unite 2SLGBTQI+ communities towards our liberation, in revolutionary, resolutely feminist, anti-capitalist, decolonial, anti-racist and anti-fascist perspectives.” Who can argue with that? Check out their full lineup of events here.
✍️ HommeHomo brings Drink & Draw back to Bar Le Cocktail on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, featuring live models and drink specials. 
💃 The long-running annual Hot Mess waacking competition brings a full-on battle to the stage of Cabaret Mado on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Tickets here.
✊ AGIR and P!NK BLOC Montréal present From the margins to the center: Trans+ and non binary migrants & refugees knowledge on Thursday, June 8, 2023 at Centre culturel Georges-Vanier.
🎭 Queer ghost story Red Paper hits the St Ambroise Fringe Festival Montréal with showings June 8-18. Find more details and ticket information here. 
✊ P!NK BLOC Montréal and the Comité autonome du travail du sexe presents Sex workers Unite! a film screening and discussion at Centre culturel Georges-Vanier on Thursday, June 8, 2023. After a showing of the 2000 film Live Nude Girls Unite!, the workshop will take a closer look at the issues facing sex workers in Montréal. 
📚 Librairie Résonance hosts a book launch for Black Metal Rainbows, a 400-page, full-color anthology of radical, queer, and leftist writings and artworks that explore black metal as a genre of openness and inclusivity on Friday, June 9, 2023. 
🎶 YATAI MTL 2023 and Sticky Rice Magazine present Soirée City Pop Japon 80s, a celebration of the popular Japanese genre of the same name at Bassin Peel on Saturday, June 10, 2023. 
👠 Join Foxy Lexxi Brown, Kyky Delavega, Jolie Lolita and others at the Motown Burlesque on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at Café Cléopatra, paying tribute to all your favourite Motor City hits.
🎶 The Monday Night Choir presents Émergence, their first concert since pandemic lockdown under the direction of François Lukawecki at Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours in Old Montréal on Sunday, June 11, 2023. Tickets at the door.
✊The Archives gaies du Québec hosts The Aesthetic Activism of ACT UP Montréal: a history in photos and posters from June 13-August 13, 2023, spotlighting an important piece of both HIV/AIDS and Montréal’s activist history.
🎥 REEL GAY hosts a screening of The Devil Wears Prada at the Diving Bell Social Club on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, featuring live commentary and a performance by drag artist DENIM. 
🍍The Festival Jouissif Montréal takes over Bain Mathieu on June 17-18, 2023 with a full programme of performers, a market, workshops and showings of erotic art. Join Sasha Baga, DJ Sam, Miami Minx, Cherry Top and others for an 18+ party you won’t soon forget. 
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
🎾 Throughout the month, Tennis Lambda hosts LIGUE DE DIMANCHE outdoor tennis on the courts at Parc Louis-Riel. Check Eventbrite for full dates and details. 
🚲 Montréal Queer Bike Polo meets on Thursdays! Find details and directions on their Instagram. 
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🤠 The long-running Club Bolo offers open country music dance classes every Friday evening at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud. Find more details at their website. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🎤 Most Tuesdays, check out Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic at Impro Montréal, focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians.
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
💃 Tango/Salsa Queer’s continue, with Salsa Queer on Monday nights from 20:30-21:30 and Tango (beginners/intermediate) on Tuesdays at 19:00-20:30. Contact [email protected] for prices and location.
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready. 
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🥳 Sponsored by Fierté Montréal Pride, PIMAN 2 is a free-entrance queer Caribbean party at Club Sagacité on Friday, June 2, 2023. 
🥳 Sure to be one of the season’s most memorable events, Ellelui presents KICK OFF, a lesbian, queer and trans party with DJs Lucibabyy, DJ Nalee, Buhbuh Lø and Mansa at Newspeak on Friday, June 9, 2023.
🥳 MPU returns with the MPU Malibu Beach Party on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at Le Belmont, featuring performances from Miss Dupré, Rainbow, Sami Landri and Charli Deville, alongside music from DJ Jeffany and Frantastik. 
🥳 Light up the dance floor with other lovers of flow art at Club Cosmic—Jam Party Lumineux #PicnicStyle on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at the Village au Pied-du-Courant.
🥳 Quickly becoming one of Montréal’s hottest queer gatherings, Queen & Queer returns with their Dance Party Vol. 11 at Ausgang Plaza on Friday, June 16, 2023 with DJ Poptrt, DJ Sam and DJ Syz. 
🥳 Psychedelic trance lovers will float away at Cosmic Resonance: A Psychedelic Journey in the Old Port on Friday, June 23, 2023. Details and tickets on Facebook. 
🐻 Bears and their admirers won’t want to miss Bear Nation’s TerreDesBears23: la soirée Bear la plus chaude de l’été à Montréal with DJ Marc Paquet and DJ Duchesne at Theatre Sainte Catherine Café-Bar on Friday, June 30, 2023.
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👑 Cabaret Mado hosts ZazoO chante Piaf! on Thursday, June 1, 2023. Accompanied by guitarist Laflèche Gosselin, ZazoO hits all the high notes of “the little sparrow” Edith Piaf in a show which has toured France, Switzerland and now returns to Montréal. Tickets here.
👑 Uma Gahd is remounting her one-woman show Are You There Margaret? It’s me, Gahd at Bar Le Cocktail on Saturday, June 3, 2023, before taking it overseas to the Edinburgh Fringe. Our queen is going international! 
👑 Pop chameleon Jimmy Moore presents Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift to Cabaret Mado on Saturday, June 3, 2023. 
👑 They’ll give you what you want, what you really really want at Cabaret Mado on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, when Spice Drags brings all your favourite girl power hits to the stage in full drag.
👑 You’d better walk that f****** duck when Ru Paul’s Drag Race Season 15 queen Anetra takes the stage at Cabaret Mado on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. 
👑 Jimmy Moore Material Girl is spot on, you’ll think you’re watching the real thing at Jimmy Moore personnifie Madonna on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at Cabaret Mado. 
👑 Rock en Espagnol Draglesque, featuring Velma CandyAss, Salty Margarita, Black Mamba and others, is at Bar Le Cocktail on Saturday, June 10, 2023.
👑 Expanding the boundaries of drag, the new Myknova, hosted by Aizysse Baga, Miko and Game Genie Sokolov launches on Monday, June 12, 2023 at Cabaret Mado, featuring Sisi Superstar and Awwful. Tickets here. 
👑 Celebrating EmmÖtional Damage’s 30th birthday, Bonne fête EmmÖtional Damage takes over Cabaret Mado on Monday, June 12, 2023, hosted by Marla Deer and featuring surprise drag artists throughout the night. 
👑 Lulu Shade and Sarah Winters present Garden of Shade 4 at Bar Le Cocktail on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, featuring appearances from Mimi Fatale and Deborah Kadabra. Tickets here. 
👑 Go back in time at Couronne et corset at Cabaret Mado on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, when queens Daisy Wood, Blueberry Moore, Betty Bistouri, Ava Godiva, Akikoï, Miss Behave, Mistress Vladimir and Robin Brutal transform the stage into a medieval fantasy.
👑 Uma Gahd hosts Les Folies Draglesque with featured star Miami Minx and guests Alice Wildflower, Casquivano, Ophelia Rass and Will Charmer on Thursday, June 14, 2023 at Cabaret Mado. 
👑 Montréal’s drag kings take over the Maison de la culture Maisonneuve on Thursday, June 15, 2023 with Les Kings Comiques featuring Slim Furry, Lesley Wilde, Jaqq Strap and others. 
👑 O.G. RuPaul’s Drag Race and All Stars contestant galore Manila Luzon brings her Gangsta Paradise show to Le National on June 16, 2023. General admission tickets and VIP meet and greet packages are available here.
👑 Proving that drag isn’t just into pop, Drag Aux Foufs brings an exciting drag show dedicated to punk, metal, ska and emo at Les Foufounes Électriques on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Featuring Salt, Zyra Dymond, Eden Ashes, Miss Behave and others. 
👑 Marking 35 years in drag, legendary Montréal queen Michel Dorion presents Dalida pour toujours at Bar Le Cocktail on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Expect dancers, choreography and a loving tribute to the Italian-French diva.
👑 An all-star line-up of Montréal queens including Tracy Trash, Bambi Dextrous, Sasha Baga and more gathers for Les grands concerts: Un Hommage la comédie musicale québécoise on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at Cabaret Mado. Sing along to some of your favourite Québec musical hits!
👑 Ad’Horrible, Mike Oxlong and Niko Lubie present their open alternative drag night Under Kingstruction: Family Issues at Bar Le Cocktail on Saturday, June 24, 2023. 
👑 On Friday and Saturday nights, the legendary Mado Lamotte hosts Mado Reçoit at her namesake club, Cabaret Mado. Each week, she shares the stage with a hand-picked roster of queens. Tickets and lineup info here.
👑 Uma Gahd hosts weekly screenings of Drag Race All Stars Season 8 at Bar Le Cocktail on Friday nights. Come early for a good seat and laugh along all season!
👑 Rosa Golde hosts weekly Drag Race All Stars Season 8 viewings with special guest hosts including Marilyn Manhole and August Wind every Friday at Champs Bar, starting at 98:00 PM. Find more information here. 
👑 Every Tuesday, Canada’s Drag Race season 3 winner Gisèle Lullaby hosts Full Gisèle at Cabaret Mado. Tickets and schedule at Cabaret Mado’s website.
👑 Bar Le Cocktail’s regular weekly events include Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly every Thursday, Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion on Fridays, Drôles de Drags with a rotating cast of queens on Saturdays and Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion on Sundays. Check listings for specific details, and pick up tickets here.
👑 Every Monday at the Diving Bell Social Club, Bambi Dextrous hosts Trivia Night! Be sure to  book your team table in advance.
�� Every Thursday at Complexe Sky, check out the Jimmy Moore Drag Show at 10 PM, sure to feature eye-popping costume changes and dance moves that don’t quit. Free with club admission. 
👑 Sunday nights brings the amazingly hilarious Tracy Trash’s Le Tracy Show to Cabaret Mado. Grab tickets here.
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shesirens · 1 year
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                    spotted    !    AMBHOM    ‘JENI’    SUKSI    on    the    cover    of    this    week’s    most    recent    tabloid    !    many    say    that    the    THIRTY    ONE    year    old    looks    like    DAVIKA    HOORNE    ,    but    i    don’t    really    see    it    .    while    the    ACTRESS    &    SOCIALITE    is    known    for    being    COSMOPOLITAN    my    inside    sources    say    that    they    have    a    tendency    to    be    HEDONISTIC    .    i    swear    ,    every    time    i    think    of    them    ,    i    hear    the    song    HIGHER    BY    RIHANNA    .
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                   full    name    :    ambhom    janneke    suksi    .    nickname(s)    :    jeni    .    origin    :    ambhom    [   thai    origin    meaning    sky    ]    ,    last    [    thai    origin    ,    unknown    ]    .    age    :    thirty    one    .    date    of    birth    :    december    24th,    1991    .    place    of    birth    :    auckland    ,    new    zealand    .    gender    :    cis    woman    .    pronouns    :    she    /    her    /    hers    .    religion    :    agnostic    .    sexual    orientation    :    heterosexual    heteroromantic    .    language(s)    :    thai    and    english   .    occupation    :    award    winning    actress    and    founder    /    ceo    of    suksi    beauty    .
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               it’s    nearing    christmas    of    1991    in    auckland    ,    new    zealand    when    a    nervous    yet    excited    kamnan    suksi    rushes    his   wife    ,    anneke    ,    to    the    nearest    hospital    .    the    couple    was    overjoyed    to     be    having    their    first    child    together    ,    but    their    daughter    wasn’t    due    for    another    week    !    the    couple    spend    the    next    three    days    in    auckland    city    hospital    ,    with    anneke    in    labor    for    eighteen    hours    .    after    years    of    being    with    one    another    ,    the    couple    welcomed    their    first    and    only    child    ,    ambhom    into    the   world    just    a    few    short    hours    before    christmas    day    .
              for    the    next    ten    years    ,    ambhom    is    nicknamed    jeni    and    the    family    lives    comfortably    in    the    affluent    neighborhood    of    herne    bay    thanks    to    kamnan’s    work    as    a    successful    entrepreneur    in    the    city    and    anneke’s    past    as    a    highly    sought    after    model    .    it’s    no    surprise    that    jeni    develops    an    interest    in    the    arts    thanks    to    the    exposure    that    she    receives    as    a    child    ,    often    attending    different    camps    to    find    her    interest    .    the    little    girl    is    animated    with    the    blessing    of    comedic    timing    ,    and    it’s    when    she’s    five    that   she    is    placed    in    front    of    the    camera    for    the    first    time    .
             the    beautiful    little    girl    stars    in    several    commercials    in    auckland    ,    and    it’s    no    denying    her    talent    .    for    years    ,    she    auditions    for    small    roles    in    television    shows    ,    eventually    being    approached    to    pursue    bigger    roles    by    auditioning    to    be    represented    by    a    company    in    new    york    city    .    initially    ,    anneke    and    kamnan    are    nervous    to    expose    their    daughter    to     the    film    industry    ,    afraid    of    what    could    become    of    her    in    such    a    cutthroat    world    .    they    talk    it    over    with    jeni    ,    wanting    to    be    sure    that    acting    is    what    she    truly    wants    ,    and    before    the    family    knows    it    ,    they’re    settling    in    an    expansive    condo    in    the    bustling    city    of    manhattan    .
               jeni    signs    on    to    be    represented    by    the    company    ,    and    she    starts    her    auditions    .    at    first    ,    it’s    the    same    story    of    commercials    and   ad   campaigns    for    the    likes    of    macy’s    and    other    popular    department    stores    ,    until    she    finally    nabs    her    big    break    .    she    nabs    the    role    of    rory    gilmore    in     an    upcoming    series    ,    at    the    tender    age    of    fifteen    .    the    role    proves    perfect    for    the    teen    ,    with    her    dry    humor    and    line    delivery    often    praised    .    jeni    is    well    loved    by    the    public    despite    it    being    her    first    role    ,    and    finds    herself    in    the    position    as    something    of    a    media    darling    .
               the    series    ends    when    she’s    twenty    two    ,    and    she    takes    on    her    first    adult    role    as    andrea    fitzgerald    in    gone    girl    ,    effectively    shedding    her    child    star    image    .    the    next    couple    of    years    fly    by    ,    and    jeni    lands    the    coveted    role    of    eve    polastri    in    the   bbc   series    killing   eve    .    the    show    skyrockets    jeni’s    level    of    fame    at    the    young    age    of    twenty    four    .    for    the    next    four    years    ,    jeni    splits    her    time    between    europe    and    new    york    ,    before    she    decides    to    purchase    a    home    in    los    angeles    in    late    2019    .    before    jeni     made    los    angeles    her    home    ,    she    starred    in    her    academy    award    winning    role    of    amelia    dolan    in    la   la   land    ,    yet    another    role    that    skyrockets    her    career    even    higher    than    before    .    
               with    a    number    of    prestigious    awards    under    her   belt    ,    most    of    the     industry    was    surprised    when    jeni    suddenly   stepped    out    of    the    spotlight    after    her    last    film    role    in    2020    .    jeni    had    always    had    something    of    a    private    life    ,    so    the    sudden    sabbatical    stunned    the    public    as    they    wondered    if   she   was    leaving    acting   for    good   .    despite    having    a    much    smaller    resume    compared    to    other   actors    ,    jeni    had    established    herself    as    a    highly    sought    after    actress    ,    and   simply    found    that    she    was    ready    to    pursue    another    avenue    .    after    three    years    of    work    ,    jeni    debuts     her    brand    suksi    beauty    ,    and    it’s    an    instant    hit    .
               now     ,    jeni    still    hasn’t    officially    come    out     of    her     sabbatical    ,     but    she    has    signed    on    for    a    new    role    .    she    is    primarily    working    on    growing    her    brand    ,    but    still    is    hailed    as    a    media    darling    despite    how    privatized    her    life    is    .    she’s    well    known    for    having    a    pleasant    personality    and    for    embodying    the    good    of    celebrity    ,    but    she    does    find    herself    to    be    the    center    of    baseless    rumors    like    others    .    jeni    has    a    humble    disposition    as    well    ,    although    she    is    often    labeled    as    an    ice    queen    as    she    isn’t    very    forthcoming    when    it    comes    to     being    asked    invasive    questions    that    she    doesn’t    want    to    answer    .
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jeni    is    the    kind    of    woman    who    appears    as    mysterious    as    they    come    .    she    is    the    type    to    have    a    drink    in    a    crowded    bar    and    leave    before    midnight    .    
she    sometimes    struggles    with    expressing    her    feelings    ,    and    she    does    not    like    to    invite    people    into    her    life    who    only    seek    to    hurt    her    in    the    end    .    in   the   media    she    is    seen    as    warm    and    inviting    ,    but    in    private    she    can    be    rather    reserved    and    sometimes    even    skeptical    of    all    that    goes    on    around    her    .
resides    in    an    expansive    hollywood    hills    ,    california    home    with    a    value    at    $6.9    million    .    she    purchased    the    home    shortly    after    returning    from    europe    following    the    completion    of    killing    eve    ,    and    has    resided    there    ever    since    .    although    she    doesn’t    drive    often    ,    jeni    has    made    a    2023    porsche    taycan    as    her    preferred    vehicle    .
following    her    divorce    ,    jeni    has    no    interest    in    forming    long    term    relationships    .    she    doesn’t    have    a    fear    of    them    ,    but    she    doesn’t    know    how     to     move    on    just    yet    .    she    would    rather    bide    her    time    with    meaningless    hookups    ,    even    though    those    are    pretty    much    nonexistent    as    well    .
no    one    knew    jeni    was    married    until    after    her    divorce    was    finalized    .    she    is    too    good    at    keeping    her    private    life    to    herself    ,    which    is    why    there    was    no    information    regarding    their    engagement    or    wedding    (    especially    as    the    ceremony    was    private    and    in    their    shared    home    )    .    tabloids    were    suspicious    ,    but    were    never    successful    with    proof    until    the    divorce    was    settled   .
she    has    a    driver    named    meyer    ,    which    she    has    had    for    the    last    five    years    .    he    is    best    described    as    an    older    man    ,    about    mid  -  50s    ,    with    salt    and   pepper    hair    and    a    greyed    beard    .    he    stands    at    5′11″    and    the    two    have    a    close    relationship    .
jeni    took    a    sabbatical    for    two    and    a    half   years    to    officially    launch    and    promote    her    makeup    brand    ,    suksi    beauty    .    the    brand    has    been    showered    with    praise    since    its    release    ,    and    is   currently    sold    in    sephora    stores    as    well    as    through    the    brand’s    website    .    suksi    beauty    is    headquartered    in    jeni’s    home    country    of    new    zealand    ,    and    there    are    three    brick  -  and  -  mortar    stores    in    los    angeles    ,    new    york    ,    and    auckland    .
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jakemorph · 2 years
yeah i got a gay russian mafia movie for you. it's about a guy named suksi. suksi chutheroff
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novumtimes · 4 months
1 dead amid severe turbulence on Singapore Airlines flight carrier says
LONDON and HONG KONG — One person was dead and several others injured after a Singapore Airlines flight encountered “severe” turbulence, the airline said in a social media post. The Boeing 777-300ER departed London’s Heathrow Airport on Monday with 221 passengers and 18 crew members on board, according the airline. The flight, SQ 321, encountered turbulence about 90 minutes from its destination of Singapore and it was diverted to Bangkok, Thailand, the carrier said. A Singapore airline aircraft is seen on tarmac after requesting an emergency landing at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Thailand, May 21, 2024. Pongsak Suksi via Reuters “Singapore Airlines offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased,” the airline said in a statement on Tuesday. “Our priority is to provide all possible assistance to all passengers and crew on board the aircraft.” The aircraft appeared to have encountered the turbulence somewhere over the Andaman Sea. A worker wipes a Singapore Airlines logo at the International Tourism Trade Fair (ITB, Internationale Tourismusboerse) in Berlin on March 6, 2023. John Macdougall/AFP via Getty Images The flight, which had been scheduled to arrive at Singapore Changi Airport, instead touched down in Thailand at about 3:45 p.m. local time, the carrier said. ABC News’ Joe Simonetti and Helena Skinner contributed to this report. Source link via The Novum Times
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kivikunnas · 9 months
Popeda - Suksi
0 notes
zeroground · 1 year
★ KĄ DIEVAS DARO DĖL NATO? Tikrai lietuviškus Cepelinus. Anie tradiciškai bus iš bulvių ir mėsos, ryškiai padabinti svastikutėmis bei kitomis mažybinėmis ir malonybinėmis dieviškumo formomis. Svastikutės suksis greitai, nes bus įdarytos bulviniame cepo sluoksnyje; būtinai iš kiaulinių ląšinukų. Beje, Bulvės - tik košerinės, bet iš Egypto. Papildomas grietinės ir kečupo sluoksnis sukels kaimynų ovacijas;
Le Haim.
Grannys jau verkia katučiu: Threadz are Verboten.
0 notes
herstorys · 1 year
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               spotted   !   AMBHOM   'JENI'   SUKSI   on   the   cover   of   this   week's   most   recent   tabloid   !   many   say   that   the   THIRTY1   year   old   looks   like   DAVIKA   HOORNE   ,   but   i   don't   really   see  it   .   while   the   ACTRESS   &   SOCIALITE   is   known   for   being   COSMOPOLITAN   my   inside   sources   say   they   have   a   tendency   to   be   HEDONISTIC   .   i   swear   ,   every   time   i   think   of   them   ,   i   hear   the   song   HIGHER   BY   RIHANNA   .
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              full   name   :   ambhom   janneke   suksi   .   nickname(s)   :   jeni   .   origin   :   ambhom   [   thai   origin   meaning   sky   ]   ,   suksi   [   thai   origin   meaning   unknown   ]   .   age   :   thirty   one   .   date   of   birth   :   december   24th,   1991   .   place   of   birth   :   auckland   ,   new   zealand   .   gender   :   cis   woman   .   pronouns   :   she   /   her   .   religion   :   agnostic   .   sexual   orientation   :   heterosexual   .   language(s)   :   thai   and   english   .   occupation   :   award   wining   actor   and   founder   /   ceo   of   suksi   beauty   .
               it's   nearing   christmas   of   1991   in   auckland   ,   new   zealand   when   a   nervous   yet   excited   kamnan   suksi   rushed   his   wife   ,   anneke   ,   to   the   nearest   hospital   .   the   couple   were   overjoyed   to   be   having   their   first   child   together   ,   but   their   daughter   had   other   plans   in   mind   as   she   arrived   as   a   surprise   one   week   before   her   due   date   ,   while   the   couple   was   preparing   for   date   night   .   the   couple   spend   the   next   three   days   in   auckland   city   hospital   ,   with   anneke   in   labor   for   eighteen   hours   .   after   years   of   being   with   one   another   ,   the   couple   welcomed   their   first   and   only   child   ambhom   in   the   world   just   a   few   short   hours   before   christmas   day   .
              as   the   love   of   their   lives   begins   to   get   older   ,   she   is   affectionately   nicknamed   jeni   and   the   family   settles   in   the   affluent   neighborhood   of   herne   bay   thanks   to   kamnan's   work   as   a   successful   entrepreneur   and   anneke's   luxury   life   as   a   highly   sought   after   model   .   her   parents   were   the   types   who   always   wanted   their   daughter   to   try   out   different   things   ,   so   they   were   constantly   letting   her   join   various   camps   until   she   found   something   that   stuck   .   the   little   girl   was   animated   beyond   belief   and   blessed   with   impeccable   comedic   timing   ,   and   it's   when   she's   five   years   old   that   she's   placed   in   front   of   the   camera   for   the   first   time   .
              jeni's   first   commercial   airs   nationwide   shortly   after   ,   and   it's   soon   that   she's   cast   in   a   variety   of   commercials   from   that   moment   .   her   talent   can't   be   denied   despite   not   having   formal   training   at   that   age   ,   and   soon   she's   moving   on   from   commercials   to   landing   small   roles   in   popular   shows   in   new   zealand   .   she's   eight   when   her   parents   are   approached   for   her   to   audition   for   a   company   in   new   york   city   .   initially   ,   anneke   and   kamnan   are   nervous   to   expose   their   daughter   to   the   film   industry   and   to   move   her   away   from   her   friends   .   they're   afraid   to   introduce   her   to   such   a   cutthroat   world   ,   and   they   talk   it   over   with   their   daughter   ,   wanting   to   be   sure   that   acting   is   what   she   truly   wanted   .   before   they   know   it   ,   jeni   and   her   family   are   settling   into   a   beautiful   brownstone   in   brooklyn   .
               jeni   signs   on   to   be   represented   by   the   agency   shortly   after   her   successful   audition   ,   and   she   starts   her   journey   .   at   first   ,   it's   the   same   story   of   commercials   and   ad   campaigns   for   the   likes   of   macy's   and   other   popular   department   stores   before   she   begins   to   land  supporting   roles   in   various   television   shows   .   it's   when   she's   fifteen   that   jeni   finally   lands   her   big   break   ,   starring   as   rory   gilmore   in   the   upcoming   series   gilmore   girls   .   the   role   proves   perfect   for   the   teen   ,   with   her   dry   humor   and   line   delivery   often   praised   .   jeni   is   well   loved   by   the   public   despite   it   being   her   first   role   ,   and   finds   herself   in   the   position   as   something   of   a   media   darling   .
               the   series   ends   when   she's   twenty   two   ,   and   jeni   lands   her   first   'adult'   role   when   she   portrays   andrea   fitzgerald   in   gone   girl   ,   which   effectively   sheds   her   child   star   image   .   the   next   couple   of   years   fly   by   with   her   landing   a   number   of   endorsement   deals  .   when   she's   twenty   four   ,   jeni   lands   the   coveted   role   of   eve   polastri   in   the   bbc   series   killing   eve   .   she   relocates   to   europe   to   begin   filming   ,   and   the   show   skyrockets   her   level   of   fame   at   that   young   age   .   for   the   next   four   years   ,   jeni   splits   her   time   between   europe   and   new   york   ,   before   she   decides   to   purchase   a   home   in   los   angeles   in   late   2019   .   despite   her   busy   schedule   with   killing   eve   ,   jeni   filmed   her   second   film   la   la   land   ,   where   she   nabs   her   first   academy   award   .
               after   the   completion   of   killing   eve   and   the   success   of   la   la   land   ,   jeni   finds   herself   with   more   offers   than   she   can   keep   up   with   .   that   same   year   ,   she   stars   in   the   first   film   of    the   aquaman   film   series   alongside   jason   momoa   .   with   a   number   of   awards   under   her   belt   and   recently   starring   in   the   first   dceu   film   to   surpass   $1.5b   ,   it   was   a   surprise   to   fans   and   media   alike   when   she   suddenly   stepped   away   from   acting   as   a   whole   .   despite   having   a   much   smaller   resume   than   most   ,   after   two   films   and   the   release   of   bridgerton   in   2020   ,   jeni   had   established   herself   as    a   highly   sought   after   actress   .   she   simply   wanted   to   pursue   another   avenue   after   three   years   of   work   and   jeni   debuts   her   brand   suksi   beauty   ,   which   is   an   instant   hit   .
              while   jeni   hasn't   officially   come   out   of   her   sabbatical   ,   she   has   signed   on   for   a   new   television   role   ,   and   the   second   of   the   aquaman   film   series   is   set   to   premiere   later   this   year   .   her   brand   has   grown   since   its   release   ,   and   she's   still   hailed   as   a   media   darling   despite   how   privatized   her   life   is   .   she's   well   known   for   having   a   pleasant   personality   and   for   embodying   the   good   of   celebrity   ,   but   she   does   find   herself   to   be   the   center   of   baseless   rumors   like   others   .   jeni   is   extremely   humble   ,   although   she's   often   labeled   as   an   ice   queen   as   she   isn't   very   forthcoming   when   it   comes   to   being   asked   invasive   questions   that   she   doesn't   want   to   answer   .
jeni   is   the   kind   of   woman   who   appears   as   mysterious   as   they   come   .   she   is   the   type   to   have   a   drink   in   a   crowded   bar   and   leave   before   midnight   ,   they   woman   whose   laughter   you   will   hear   from   across   the   room   but   you'll   never   get   to   see   who   she   is   .   
she   sometimes   struggles   with   expressing   her   feelings   ,   and   she   does   not   like   inviting   people   into   her   life   who   only   seek   to   hurt   her   in   the   end   .   in   the   media   ,   she   is   seen   as   warm   and   inviting   ,   but   in   private   she   can   be   reserved   and   sometimes   even   skeptical   of   all   that   goes   on   around   her   .
resides   in   an   expansive   hollywood   hills   home   with   a   value   of   $6.9m   .   she   purchased   the   home   shortly   after   returning   from   europe   following   the   completion   of   killing   eve   ,   and   has   resided   there   ever   since   .   although   she   doesn't   drive   often   ,   jeni   has   made   a   2023   porsche   taycan   her   preferred   vehicle   .
following   her   divorce   ,   jeni   has   no   interest   in   forming   long   term   relationships   .   she   doesn't   have   a   fear   of   them   ,   but   she   doesn't   know   how   to   move   on   just   yet   .   she   would   rather   bide   her   time   with   meaningless   hookups   ,   even   though   those   are   pretty   much   nonexistent   as   well   .
no   one   knew   she   was   married   until   after   her   divorce   was   finalized   .   she   is   too   good   at   keeping   her   private   life   to   herself   ,   which   is   why   there   was   no   information   regarding   their   engagement   or   wedding   (   especially   as   the   ceremony   was   private   and   in   their   shared   home   )   .   tabloids   were   suspicious   ,   but   were   never   successful   with   proof   until   the   divorce   was   settled   .
she   has   a   driver   named   meyer   ,   which   she   has   had   for   the   last   five   years   .   he   is   best   described   as   an   older   man   ,   about   mid  -  50s   ,   with   salt   and   pepper   hair   and   a   tamed   greyed   beard   .   he   and   jeni   have   a   close   relationship   ,   with   her   seeing   him   as   a   part   of   the   family   .
jeni   took   a   sabbatical   for   two   and   a   half   years   to   officially   launch   and   promote   her   makeup   brand   ,   suksi   beauty   .   the   brand   has   been   showered   with   praise   since   its   release   ,   and   is   currently   sold   in   sephora   stores   as   well   as   through   the   brand's   website   .   suksi   beauty   is   headquartered   in   jeni's   home   country   with   an   office   in   california   .
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erose-this-name · 6 months
Tig Skulzen, Skinbearer. 
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Tig lived on the island of Skania, which is part of the greater Scandinavian archipelago (in the future southern Finland sinks separating the peninsula from the mainland [because sea levels {also erosion (also Finnish people)}])
Fortunately, the great Suksi Vittuun Venäjä canal system really paid off in the end, because now mainland Europe is overrun with an eusocial hivemind human species known as the Myrm who are terrifying and warlike. But, like, even more than is normal for Europeans. If the Scandians shared a land border with Myrm, they'd have probably all been genocided or enslaved by now.
In my world, skinsuits are biopunk custom organisms that you can wear symbiotically and give you a bunch of superpowers like squid skin and marsupial pouches and pinning your bones back in place like the berserker armor from Berserk. People don’t actually remember how to make them, but have been breeding them for tens of thousands of years.
People who wear them are known as ‘Skinbearers’, and they’re expected to be upstanding, brave, masculine heroes and guardians of their communities. Typically, in Tig’s culture, skinbearers are men or butch tomboys (her culture has strict binary gender roles, but recognizes more than just two genders [vaguely similar to many IRL precontact Pacific and Amerindian cultures like Bakla and Twospirit, but by no means 1:1]).
Also, did I say ‘wear’? Because no, skinsuits actually fuse to you, then digests your skin, so it can become your new skin, which is usually pretty traumatic and disfiguring and also castrates you (side effect of eating your skin), and it feeds off your blood (and waste), and also fucks with your brain, and has a mind of its own and doesn’t always ask for permission first. Few people actually want to be skinbearers, it's seen as an act of self-sacrifice so you can be strong enough to protect your community from monsters.
Tig was just a girl, an ordinary farm girl who wants to do ordinary farm girl things like have a cottage core aesthetic and farm potatoes or have a family. But no. Her whole family including her father (a skinbearer) was killed in front of her by a hivemind species (Myrm). Then his skinsuit forced itself onto her.
So, now she’s expected to do the whole with ‘great power comes great responsibility’ thing, which is something she has no desire for. Also, the skinsuit gives her really bad dysphoria, as a previously cis person forced into what she considers a masculine body and societal role.
The worst part is, she’s starting to lose herself to him.
Fun Fact: I didn’t know there was a comedian named Tig when I came up with the name. I just got it off a nordic baby name website and thought it sounded cool.
Fun Fact: Tig is my attempt at using weird gross fetish content as inspiration for extremely unsexy biopunk parasitic living suit body horror. (yeah, parasitic living suits are apparently a “thing”, idk)
Fun Fact: Tig is a thinly veiled and heavily symbolic trans allegory, as are most of my characters (the rest are thinly veiled and heavily symbolic neurodivergent allegories [unless they're just straight up unambiguously trans or neurodivergent, I don't do subtext]).
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snowshoe1980 · 2 years
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chaoticambivalence · 2 years
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