magg0t1nfested · 3 months
“where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
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Kissing your neck as I glide my blade across your back, stomach, and thighs. Your body tenses, but you’ve been sad for what feels like an eternity. You find serenity in the abuse, as you’ve been numb for so long, disconnected from reality, my knife brings you back.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
Content warning: suic!de attempt
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so i have this hc that Cros and Wrecker are the "close brothers". And especially after Kamino and Cody (considering if his chip got burned out in s1) he deals with heavy depressive moods, guilt and regret.
something that heavily haunts him is the fact how easy it was to shoot his brother during their first escape. After Cody goes AWOL he feels himself sink into a deeper hole. the noose around his neck getting tighter and he just drowns in loneliness, regret and the pain of rejection.
in the end he doesn#t get through with it but he struggles staying afloat
also big thanks to @therisingdarkness for helping me out with the monologue <3
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No one knows what it’s like
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okidraw · 2 years
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woe, rosebird be upon ye
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tomscocksleeve · 6 months
You fool
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Summary: Tom was your best friend and he had fallen in love with you but you were closed off permanently after traumatic events that happened
Paring: Tom Kaulitz x closed off fem reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings; depression, family issues, suicides
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Tom was always over at your house. It made you feel ashamed and guilty, every time he was over your parents were screaming and fighting and the look he would give you made you agitated. To him the look he gave was a sincere sad look but to you it seemed like false pity. You hated it. You started resenting him almost. He would try to hug you or comfort you but you ended up pushing him away and the more you did the more his eyes became filled with a despair look in them. Fuck you thought to yourself. Are you being too mean? Should you let him hug you? You had all these thoughts rushing into your head so you caved in.
When he went to give you a hug you let him and he had the most purest gentle smile. It was beautiful, the way his lip ring glistened and the way his lips moved to the side a bit, he was beautiful. You tightened the hug slightly and you felt his muscular arms wrap around you. He whispered something but you were so lost in your own head to even acknowledge it. Fuck he was so precious and pure but you felt nothing for him. You couldn’t feel anything, after your mom and dad ruined your life at your old house your feelings and emotions began to die completely. You locked yourself in your room, you snapped back at them and even after all of this, in their eyes, you were nothing but a monster.
Few weeks later Tom had brought you to the hangout you and him always go to. You seemed uninterested and not phased by the fact he planned this. You were told about what his plans were, he was going to ask you out and then you were supposed to just jump in his arms and date him for eternity or whatever love bullshit he had in mind. You crossed your arms under your breasts and you stared at him with an almost robotic expression. “Y/n I-“ he started saying before you cut him off. “I know what this is, save it.” You spoke coldly. He seemed hurt, his eyes glistened with tears that had yet to fall. He wasn’t going to break down just yet though, you admired his will power. “You’re going to confess I already know this, your crush has been obvious and I don’t have any feelings for you.” You had the coldest look imaginable.
You started walking away saying nothing and he didn’t stop you. You could hear the soft sounds of crying as he tried to keep it together. You grabbed at your shirt as you felt your heart ache. What the fuck? You haven’t felt that feeling in so, so long. Why now? Why here? You started walking faster to get away from him. You couldn’t bear to look at him crying, you couldn’t stand him crying. If you did go back you’d end up insulting him. You hated being this way, but you didn’t know any other way to act.
It’s been a while since you and him had spoken. He seemed so depressed lately and you just became colder by the day. He hated how you became and he was going to let you go. On Thursday the 13th you stood up on a high building your hoodie was lying on the roof and you were on the edge. Cops were there and everyone gathered. You saw cameras and saw the camera lights flash. Bastards. Taking pictures like this was some documentary. Tom ran up pushing past all the police and cameras and he made it just as you turned to face your back from them prepared to die. “No.. please.” He said, his voice breaking just like his heart had. “You’re a fool Tom Kaulitz. Running up here like some fucking hero. Why.” “I love you y/n that’s why. I can handle your emotions I can handle all the pain you feel but please killing yourself in front of all these people isn’t worth it.” You didn’t listen to anything he had to say and you leaned your body off the building. As you fell nothing ran through your head except for his cries. And the next thing you know… everything went black.
You eventually saw Tom. He grabbed your hand as you stood in a field together, what was odd is that you hadn’t felt any pain, any anger. All of it was gone. You were wearing a white dress and your shoes were gone. Tom had his beautiful smile and he gave your hand a squeeze before he pulled you by the tree that you two always hung out at. You gave a soft smile and sat next to him and rested your head on his shoulder in that paradise.
“I’m with you now and forever y/n..”
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Hey guys! So I’ve been feeling a little numb and sort of depressed lately so I wanted to write some angst and if it wasn’t obvious Tom also killed himself but you don’t know that you just know he showed up with you.
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someguy404 · 10 months
scared of dying, tired of living
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summersblood · 1 year
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Nancy Drew | 4x05 - “The Oracle of the Whispering Remains”
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sad-endings-suck · 2 years
“go play a dating sim??”
IT IS NOT ENOUGH i want to fuck the samurai dilf and tell my porno technician gf how much i love her and then go befriend a sentient vending machine and kill 80 cyborg gangsters with my sick ass hot pink katana
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im-losing-ms · 16 days
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does anyone know how to hide it? ( I can't wear long sleeves)
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yumenosakiacademy · 8 months
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magg0t1nfested · 4 months
By the end of summer I’m either gonna have my shit together or be de@d, no inbetween
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lerefugedeluza · 4 months
Une vidéo comme une allégorie de la dépression. Du moment où on s'y retrouve enfermés jusqu'au moment où on en sort, en passant par les moments où plus rien ne nous semble possible. (Second volets de mes vidéos réalisées il y a quatre ans).
Merci pour tous vos retours positifs & vos partages pour le premier volet ♡
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its-been-rose · 4 months
God I get in a terribly sad mood at night
Thinking about if it was a normal occurrence for Henry to be woken up in the middle of the night by his mom wailing/crying (either in the same room or in the next room over depending on if they have a 2 bedroom house) and he has to get up and console her enough for her to go back to sleep, and like, he learned to do it from young or else neither of them were going to get any sleep
Just cuddling up to his mom petting her hair like “it’s okay now ma, it happened to you a long time ago, you’re not in danger anymore. Yes I know my father died. I know he was scared and alone when he died, but he isn’t scared and alone anymore because he can’t feel anything anymore because he’s dead. Yes ma, I know you loved him very much. He loved you too. Yes ma I know you miss him and it hurts really bad even after all this time. You’ll feel better someday, ma. Yes ma I know we’re going to kill Teddy and the rest of those bastards who were in on it and get our sweet bloody revenge but just please try and think of literally anything else right now, it’s three in the morning and I want to go back to bed.”
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Why can't it go deeper
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melancholyfleurs · 22 days
hey cuties in my phone. i just want you to know i love you very much and life is so fucking hard but so worth living and if it’s dark for you rn just know i am rooting for you and i hope things get easier <3.
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