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hi!!!! kicks my feet id like to see ur wiwi first death thoughts pls
- @suckinitup
MY BELOVED MUTUAL SUCKINITUP HOW ARE YOU. HEAD IN HANDS. I LOVE WILLIAM WISP. FUCK. i think abt him constantly but i almost never write down my thoughts because if i think abt him for too long i make myself sick. like fr. i love him too much. ouuguhghhg going to just straight copy paste this under a cut because it is SO LONG sorry for any typos or sentences that sound weird out of context bc these were originally discord messages:
ohhhhhhh wiwi first death. god . i have so many fucking emotions about wiwi first death. before i get into this im going to say fork found in kitchen to myself because so much of how i view wiwi comes from a VERY SPECIFIC type of dp fanon that it would take me 12 years to actually explain in detail so im gonna say just trust me and understand that william wisp is literally just a fuckign. walmart rebrand of a type of danny characterization i really wish people would just oc-ify (thank you charlie slimecicle for doing this for me)
okayyyyyy okay okay okay. i love there being like. a STARK fucking difference between william before the fall and william after the fall. william before the fall was so much... brighter. in every sense of the word. he looks ALIVE because he is! hes just a . regular fuckign 16 yr old boy. that weird kid in your math class. and yeah he has . suuuuper undiagnosed untreated depression but like its a small rural town thats normal i think. hes got his little group of friends to spend hours with going on cool hikes and reading about the paranormal at the library and sitting in circles talking about conspiracy theories and things. i think UPP is. awesome. i hesitate to get too attached to them in headcanon world just because i dont want bizly to then introduce us to them in s3 and i have to reframe my whole mindset . whatever. i have vague ideas of who they are but the important bit is like. i just think theyre really good friends. and they spend a lot of time together. and william is kind of their defacto leader because... he is the only one of them who actually has truesight. they all believe in ghosts and monsters and stuff but william is the only one who can actually SEE THEM. like. constantly. and thats a lot. and even though they believe him they dont really like.... understand. which kind of makes william feel disconnected from basically everyone around him at all times. i dont think truesight is probably a well-known thing?? so when he was little and started crying to his parents about monsters they thought he just had bad night terrors and then he just................. hes 16 now and still talks about it (less so now, hes learned the horrors of middle- and hihg-school Shame and not to be Super Weird All The Time) so its more like. hmm theres something Wrong here but we dont know what and we dont know how to help. other people (you included ros) have said this better than me but goddddd you knowww the dynamic btwn william and his parents is rough. they love him! so much! and they want to support him! and william loves them too! but they dont GET IT they dont UNDERSTAND and its like. you know what i mean. when you get a mental health diagnosis and suddently everyone is treating you like youre made of glass and nobody really knows what to say around you anymore or whatever. you know what i mean. that.
ANYWAY ALL THIS IS FUCKING. PREAMBLE. GOD. the fall. man. i think there is a STRICT UPP rule of "dont go into the whispering woods alone" and thats the case for the ENTIRETY of their friendship. DONT go into the woods alone. william knows exactly what kind of shit lives in the woods and he knows hes the only one that can reliably see them and he doesnt want anyone to get hurt. MINIMUM of two members for whispering woods investigations. (this is not a town rule or anything. i think the adults of deadwood are aware that its a weird place but it all gets brushed off like . aha everywhere has quirks! and the UPP are like. the conspiracy kids that know the Real Stuff going on. very..... house of anubis is the closest Real Media vibe i can think of rn. UPP pre-fall is like the closest u will get to . scooby doo style monster of the week shenanigans that arent really super serious because theyre safe as they can be about it! bunch of kids doing a ouija board. you know how it is)
uhhhhhhh and then william starts acting weird! i think all of them are on a whispering woods investigation together and theyre all walking together and then william starts lagging behind, staring out at something none of them can see, kind of like. zoned out. tranfixed. and when theyre like "will what do you see?" he shakes his head and snaps out of it like. huh? what? nothing lets keep walking. (it was a wisp btw. obviously) and there are a couple more incidents of him doing this same thing on that one hike until eventually they decide to call it because theyre not finding anything else and tbh william youre kind of freaking us out here. will you be okay? and hes like yeah of course i will guys its nothing i swear. and then they all go home.
and thennnn without telling anyone a couple days later, william goes on a walk in the woods alone. he broke his OWN rule . on that hike he saw wisps and they were just too far away to see clearly off in the distance between the trees but he just Kept Seeing Them and the curiosity was just nagging and nagging away in his brain so much he had to know what they were (thats wisp magic babyyyy you know the mythology around them i dont need to explain that to you) . (and also there is a fair amount of. lack of self preservation because of the previously mentioned untreated unmanaged depression but if i start talking about that in detail i will overshare and also be soooooo emo forreal. know that that is an EXTREMELY important part of this decision but im also going with a little more of the teen mystery angle with this rn. bloody gory mental illness is for after he falls) so he packed his monster investigation backpack and he just. left. didnt even tell his parents he was going he just walked out of the house after school and went into the woods. and he saw the wisps again, but now that he was alone they were Closer and Brighter and they would move whenever he got close and then there was a trail of them ! like they were Leading him somewhere
and i think with some of the monsters he sees he can feel whetehr or not theyre out to hurt him . and the wisps dont feel like that. they feel... well. cold,becaue theyre ghosts, but also warm at the same time? inviting. they dont want to hurt him (they do) they just want to show him something and william "too curious for his own good" wisp wants to know what that thing is! i think he knows the woods really really well because he spends a lot of time out there. so somewhere far away in the back of his mind he kind of knows what theyre leading him toward. but he still jsut Has To Know, so he keeps jogging, keeps hopping over fallen logs and around low branches and theres always a little blue flame juuuuust out of reach so he keeps going . and then he gets to the cliff. its like a full on. burst out of the trees there is a wisp juuuust on the edge where the ground falls away. i think he trips on a root and falls flat on his stomach before he can completely just run off. it gives him a second to catch his breath, to look out and See where he is. for things to kind of come crashing down on him. if he hadnt tripped he wouldve run right off the edge and fallen and it was close enough of a near death experience for it to scare him. but the wisp is still there, and its the biggest brightest one hes seen yet and if he looks around he would see it looks like the entire forest behind him is glowing with tiny blue fires like theyre all watching him. i dont think hes really. thinking coherent thoughts at this point he just kind of. realizes now that hes out here he doesnt really want to go home. he doesnt want to go back to school, doesnt want to eat lunch in the bathroom and think about his brothers empty bedroom across the hall and have his parents look at him with such a weird mix of love and awkward pity and he knows his friends say they believe him but he can see it in their eyes sometimes that the things he says scares them and he really just has been a freak his whole life.... and he realizes as hes thinking all of this he's gotten to his feet and walked toward the wisp on the edge of the cliff. and hes just standing there feet on the very edge staring at it. its floated away now, hanging over the drop at eye level with him but its probably still close enough he could just... reach out.... and try to grab it...... and his feet slip on the rocks and JUST as he closes his hand around the wisp it almost feels like something pushes him (probably just the wind.. right?) and he falls.
he does Not remember hitting the bottom thank god. he remembers falling, and falling, and in the fall he realized he was still holding the wisp he grabbed in his hand and so he pulled it close to his chest as he fell and it almost felt like it was burning him but it was *cold* and .. then he woke up! he woke up in a misty foggy field in what looked to be the middle of the night but if he looks at the sky too long it looks *weird* its just black and empty and there are weird bluish swirls in it that could be clouds but look different, and there are trees in the distance but whenever he tries to walk toward them it feels like theyre moving the same distance away so it never really feels like hes getting anywhere.. and he trips over what he thinks is a rock and lands in the foggy grass and looks behind him and realizes *oh my god thats a gravestone-* and then he wakes up again, for real this time !!! (<< that scene is like. thats His Island. thats his lair or whatever. remember when mal first took him to the spirit world and they were in the graveyard and mal told him that was his. im going with dp style spirit world lairs and this one is williams. hear me out)
aaand. when he wakes up for real. he is at. the bottom of the cliff. EVERYTHING hurts. everything hurts so fucking badly but also everything is like... weirdly numb? and he doesnt really remember that weird dream with the fog and the trees and the grave its all kind of fading as he wakes up more and more and ... his hands are empty hes not holding the wisp anymore. he doesnt know how much time has passed. was any of that even real or did he just have some kind of nervous breakdown and jump off a fuckign cliff? i think he fucking sits there and cries about it for a loooooong time. and everythihng hurts but its gonna start getting dark soon he NEEDS to go home before it gets dark, his parents will start to worry about him and he doesnt want to do that to them. also he might need to get to a hospital or something but hey! he can move! he can stand up and walk! so he must not have any broken bones or anything he just. is bruised and sore probably. and so he. sooooo slowly. so slowly. makes his way back up the cliff (theres. a path. he doesnt have to climb i promise) and back home. alone. no wisps or anything, just william alone with his thoughts. which is . goddd its bad. thats why it takes him so long. ohhh my god what am i even gonna fucking say when i get there. hi mom and dad sorry i needed to clear my head and follow some weird ghosts and in the process i tried to kill myself and it didnt work? fuck?
so by the time he gets home... huh. the door is locked thats weird. its not fully dark yet and his parents know he stays out late with his friends a lot of the time so they usually leave the door unlocked for him. so he knocks. and his mom answers the door and takes one look at him and just fucking breaks down into tears. and so his dad comes in from around the corner to see whats going on and he starts crying too. and william is so. freaked out by this. guys whats wrong what happened. turns out he has been missing for. two weeks. nobody knew where he was or what happened and the woods are alive and weird and anyone who went out in a search part just ended up getting lost themselves and came back like an hour later with nothing. they thought he was dead. (which. i mean. he was. but like. not in the way they thought). so theres this big huge emotional family group hug or whatever with william all dirty with leaves and twigs in his hair and torn clothes and mud on his hands and feet and his mom and dad are just like oh thank god youre alive thank god youre home what happened to you and... man. euguhhhhahghhhh. emo. sorry. god. head in hands .
i thiiink. he kind of ends up telling them what happened. he leaves out the wisps though. his watered down version is.. i just needed to clear my head, i went out into the woods, i got lost, i tripped and fell. (remember how william downplays it for dakota when he asks. i tripped and fell) he doesnt tell them about the wisps but like. that almost makes it worse becuase they KNOW about his bad mental health even if they dont fully understand it and.... this version makes it sound suspiciously way more like it was just a direct suicide attempt. which. william IMMEDIATELY regrets as soon as it leaves his mouth. but thats his story now. so everything kind of... goes back to normal? normal ish??? as nrmal as they can i fucking guess?? for a couple days and he has to go back to school and. god it fucking sucks. gossip . you know how it is. hey that kid tried to kill himself and got lost in the woods for two weeks what a weirdo he freaks everyone out . that kind of stuff. so hes more isolated than EVER and even his friends wont really talk to him although theyre more... sad. than anything else. they just dont really know what to say. theyre teenagers. idk. uhhhhhh then one day he reallyreallly REALLY doesnt want to be somewhere so he hides in the bathroom and.. doesnt realize it at first but he goes invisible. and its not until a couple other kids come in and leave and dont acknowledge him at all that he notices something is weird (he feels bone chillignly cold but like. its a shitty old school building in the very beginnings of winter of course its gonna be cold) and he looks in the mirror and realizes he cant see himself. and after that more and more of his powers kind of. slowly manifest? and he is VERY bad at controlling them and he plans not to tell anyone at first (hes already enough of a freak) until one day his dad finds him like. halfway through the floor in his bedroom and its this . kind of funny ridicuous but also really scary moment. and william has a realization at some point like. oh. i think i *died*. and auughhghg. i think thats all i ahve for now. but . man. when i tell you i think about this soo fucking much man.
#AND THIS ISNT EVEN GETTING INTO DETAIL. man. ive wanted to write a fic about this for AGES but i genuinely dont think i can because it#like srsly makes me really fucking emotional to talk abt him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know why. wiwi brain#heads in hands#hiiiiiiii suck. im so sorry thats become your nickname but its also rlly funny. lmk if u have a better one.#anyway hows the mark jar has he gotten his bugs yet today#asks#jrwi pd#suckinitup
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actually hey what if the trickster put mark in a jar and then Did Not actually remember the human need to breathe. smile emoji. puts him into a glass jar with his fucking twig and a few bugs. water bowls. all the great things a lizard needs to keep healthy!! and he does great and fun things like give mark horrible nightmares and ignore him while pulling out ashe’s hair strand by strand and generally just giving him a really bad time while being focused on other things. and mark is smart, right. Hes really fucking smart. he wouldve been in distress for a while and more focused on breaking OUT and actually rescuing his son but i dont think it would occur to him immediately thaf there is no Fucking ventilation until the trickster is gone for hours snd hours snd he doesnt know ehen itll be bsck. he’s able to calculate how much time he has left until the co2 does him in (17 hours, if he breathes slow) and every angry and fast breathing and fighting part of him he has to shove down because he cant save ashe if he’s dead. and it felt like paranoia, at first. That first hour, breathing slow, because the trickster will be coming back soon and mark is pretty sure it doesnt want to kill him (has a weird affection for him, even, which makes him want to tear out its throat) and maybe this will give him a chance to escape. and then another hour passes, and another. and it still feels like paranoia, taking precautions just because he’s mark winters and thats what he does. but then ten hours have passed and the trickster still isnt back and now he feels like he’s just sitting there and waiting to die. he needs to get up and try to break out and scream and fight but he’s smart, and he’s stubborn. It’s been too long. He already knows that the glass is too hard to break and trying to climb or knock it over (things he’s already tried, things he’s already failed) wont work. hes thrown his eggs into the waiting basket and do he has to sit there, counting down the minutes, fighting back his own instinct to fight.
he’s on the ground, dizzy, when ashe’s silhouette appears above him. panicked, checking his pulse with claws that nick bleeding marks onto his neck. “Are you okay, dad?” with a voice that isn’t ashe’s and, laughing, in a voice that is, “i guess i forgot to add in some air holes!”
#pd#wakes up pats my cat for billions of hours posts mark winters torment nexus#all in a days work for tumblr user suckinitup#bug jar au
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hi. one quastion. muse. and ashe. and the transition from ashe to muse. idk if yall talked about it before but ik the trickster was pretending to be ashe’s friend for a while (CRAZY. DID NORMAL THINGS TO MY BRAIN) and then Yoinked him afrer overlord and ashe reappeared again a few weeks later as muse fancy evil puppet strings and spooky letter and all. i wondered last night what happened in those weeks and im just. Haunted. What Happened. how does the trickster take control over people and does he need to be in close proximity to them is that why he had to wait so long to get ashe and when did ashe realize it was going wrong. how long did the trickster keep pretending to be his friend. did ashe ever cry into the trickster’s shoulder about the overlord bullshit. did he ever realize that shit was going down and he needed to leave but never could. was it like his breaker state where he never fully had a Realization he just kept fading away and then theres nothing to realize its just his life to be that freak’s doll. <- many questions but pretend its the one. ashe pov of ashe to muse pipeline. would he even remember it and does it also feature in nightmares
- @suckinitup
AHAHA. AWESOME QUESTION. I AM GOING TO DIRECT MOST OF THIS TO @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone because this specific time frame is their beautiful little evil fucking bowl of seeds. they will be able to answer this so awesomely for you. sniles sneetly.
the part that i will answer is saying Yes ashe remembers.... not all of it. he remembers the beginning, and he knows when the memories started getting too smeared and blurry and vague before eventually stopping entirely. oh you know it features in nightmares babey!!!!! you know he knows he got stalked for upwards of Months probably by the trickster who knew where he was almost every second of that time!! it takes. a very long time before the constant absolutely paralyzing terror that the trickster is Still Watching Him eases up in the safety of his own home & the wards house. it takes even longer than that for the paranoia at being outside and around people any of whom could be!!! Him!!!!! is manageable enough for him to u know. go out for longer than like 10 minutes without panicking messily. also i think the sensory memory of that first possession (u will see what i mean. 🧍) is seared into him & he has nightmares about it often & wakes up still feeling it and unable to shake the feeling even after he wakes up. ^__^
#yayyyy <333 ^_^#btw. do u have like. a name or nickname or emoji even one could perhaps utilize instead of or in conjunction with ur full government#name (tumblr user suckinitup).......... i like giving my dear mutuals their own tags for asks and such.....#only if u want though!!!#suck tag !#WILL be real if u want it. hehehee :3#new haven wards
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My Smokeshot Rand and your New Haven Wards boys can have a playdate if you like him so much haha
(I know virtually nothing about the wards but I'm getting to reading the fics. Prepared to absolutely fixate on em cause the concept is cool as fuck >:)))
YAYYYY another person reeled into new haven wards........ hell fucking yes!!!! our official blog for it is @nhws so if u wanna read abt the entire au over there u can :3 it's mostly prime defenders focused but if u wanna read abt the bitb guys in the au their tag should be "the hive" bc that's their hero team name :3 there are only a couple posts abt them so far but i would love 2 talk abt them more 👁️👁️ mentally i am placing conspiracy down next to smokeshot and they are smoking weed together in my mind <3 they would b friends i think!!!!
#rand's hero name in nhw is conspiracy :3 i would love 2 talk abt all of their powers at length bc im so. invested in them#i should make a masterpost of their powers#beloved mutual suckinitup is the one who came up with rand and kian's powers btw i just kinda ran with it#whiskey yelling into the void
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what is the link showing up as 4 you
pomegranate seed by suckinitup…
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you have to watch the fuck out when it comes to taking your eyes off someone who's in a worm fugue because you'll go to bed like "oh boy, i can't wait to see how they react to rachel's letter to taylor, they should be able to get there" and then you wake up and go to see how the worm reading went and they're sitting in a room with alec's smouldering corpse. and also khonsu is there.
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#dissappointed Went in for a Cheese Danish... Nope... they don't sell those at This Walgreens..so I had to "Settle" for this... #SuckinItUp
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hii mac hi hi hi. I'm here to ask. About mark winters nhw edition. How the Fuck is he doing after ashe gets mused. Does he track the news. Does he think about overlord and having shit forcefully done to his body via evil lizard science and does he think about the trickster and ashe's clothing and piercings and his whole body language changing. Does mark Not Think about the blood staining both of them but Jesus fucking Christ at least overlord never told him to eat a guy at least he *could* say no when asked to hurt a baby. I don't fjcking remember how long the chatacter limit for asks are but mark winters who went to inane (wave)lengths to try to protect his kid waking up and learning the fucking. Events that lead up to ashe disappearing. It's bad enough in canon that mark was in the same room but God im thinking about about the next time he sees ashe and it takes a second for him to even recognize him under all that glitz and pizazz. anyway sorry yeah 🎤 what's your thoughts about mark winters during the muse period
- @suckinitup
GODDDD SUCK YOU HAVE WONDERFUL TIMING I literally justttt finished sketching him for my halloween art... here u can have a preview Just For You because I rlly rlly like how his face turned out . also putting all of this under a cut because holyyyyy shit I love to talk about this guy

<< this is NOT nhw mark but like. still counts. hes wearing a costume <3
anyway. hello. spins around ominously in my big tall villain chair and puts my hands on the table. beloved mutual suckinitup. you have asked me a wonderful question :)

<< i dont think tide would text him but if he did it would look like this.
he wakes up from overlord mutations not knowing how to use half his body and his vision and balance are all fucked up but that doesnt fucking matter because ashe is missing! and he doesnt have to worry about overlord anymore apparently because hes been turned to soup! by ashe! hes doing BAD man! hes worried and hes paranoid and hes fucking scared and hes mad at basically everything (at ashe for leaving, at the wards for taking him in, at tide for not protecting them, at HIMSELF for not protecting him, at overlord for the everything, at the simurgh for causing all of this in the first place!) and. literally the only other person he has in the entire world killed a guy badly and went missing so mark does not have a need to go around in civilian clothes anymore. hes not mark right now hes wavelength. whos mark. my son calls me mark and hes not fucking here right now is he. he OBVIOUSLY does not work with the wards in trying to find ashe, but i think they try to talk to him. because they feel bad, because theyre scared too, because they want his help. he doesnt listen to them.
aaand then they get the note from trickster and they actually see ashe and they see trickster use his powers and take him back to Amity and i think theyre just too... overwhelmed and angry and scared and worried to even think about mark, whose last interaction with them was telling them to fuck off because they nearly got his son killed. so they dont tell him. so he doesnt know until he sees the news, probably like. maybe a week or two after the wards find out (trickster needs time to practice using his powers :) and find him silly little outfits :)
uhhhhh. yeah. fuck. undecided WHERE mark is when he sees the news, i think it would be awful if he was just. like. u know how in movies or cartoons sometimes someone will be walking by a store window thats just full of tvs all on some dramatically appropriate news channel. maybe its like that. and the worst part is i dont think he recognizes ashe at first. like. as much as muse Does Not cover his face and his identity is PLAINLY in the open... i think theres juuuust enough of an uncanny difference with the hair and the outfit and the makeup that if youre not looking closely its easy to miss who he is. because hes SO MUCH not like ashe. (and i think the fact that he didnt recognize him immediately also eats away at mark. how could you not recognize your own son idiot!) but like. as soon as the pieces click and he realizes it like.... oh he has to fucking break down. i think he just like. freezes eyes glued to the screen watching ashe rip apart a city block with his powers and laughing about it, but then he kind of snaps out of it and is just so fucking overwhelmed with rage and grief and a billion other emotions that he smashes the fucking tv. just puts a fist straight through it. hes lucky he cant really be electrocuted. and then he IMMEDIATELY regrets that because now he needs to find a different place to see the news because he Cant Not Know whats happening.
this whole time btw there is this huuuuuge overwhelming looming fear of the confirmation that THIS is the thing simurgh marked them for. he thought it was the overlord thing but this is So Much Worse. (this is. not true. simurgh didnt actually mark either of them for anything. he doesnt know that though). so in marks head it all comes crashing down like. oh god oh fuck everything ive done our whole lives meant absolutely fucking nothing because it all happened anyway. and i think he should feel awful about that. he kept ashe literally locked away for his whole life for nothing. but at the same time theres a tiny part of his mind that just wants to go I TOLD YOU SO because the Moment he let ashe go even a little bit. this happens. hes very conflicted about this.
anyway yeah he obsessively tracks the news every time there is a new muse sighting he goes there but hes not Fast Enough a lot of the time (because hes stubborn and wont ask for help) so a lot of the time he just has to sit there in the wreckage and realize that his boy is the one that did that (except its Not his boy. i dont know if he knows that yet though)
speaking of which. man i gotta talk to ros about this. how the hell does mark figure out whos controlling ashe. i mean. like. he KNOWS that thats Not Ashe ever since the beginning. bc his kid wouldnt do that or dress like that or talk like that or laugh like that. but when does he actually figure out its the trickster? i think we need to force him into having a conversation with the wards. i think failsafe should punch him so hard his mask cracks and they should tell him hes being fucking stupid . and then they tell him about the trickster. and mark probably does all this research into amity and the chaos zone and shit. but he Cannot get into amity, especially not by himself. so hes stuck in the cycle of just following the muse news (hehe fun rhyme)
i dont remember if ive ever made a post about this or if it was just in one of mine and ros back and forth in the replies on a post thing. however. i think mark should get to talk to muse once and its a relallylly really really good parallel of when ashe first triggered. beacuse mark Knows this is him in his breaker state and the only thing he knows to do to get ashe out of breaker state is to just. sit there and talk to him until he calms down. so i just have this image of like. muse all fucked up and bloody and emotionless just staring at mark who is. on the opposite side of a roof or an alley or something and he takes off his mask and hes just Talking. about everything about nothing about random shit hes just talking. and the thing is like... it works. a little bit. muse sort of kind of drops out of breaker state just a little, just enough for tricksters hold to slip on him the tiniest bit, and trickster isnt in the immediate vicinity right now so he doesnt notice right away. and suddenly its ashe crying and delirious and hes jsut. apologizing for losing marks jacket. but he doesnt move he doesnt get any closer and when mark runs forward toward him he flinches so hard it snaps him back into breaker state and suddenly hes muse again and mark gets thrown back with. feathers detached from muses costume that suddenly have the density of bricks. and muse is gone. (simurgh parallels here btw . and if tide was here he would see parallels to elle and it would hurt so bad. but tide is busy with the wards so he doesnt see that.)
(i was on the pinterest board earlier so this is the costume insp im imagining him wearing at the time hehe i love simurgh parallels)

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HI SUCK MY BELOVED MUTUAL SUCKINITUP <3333 free ticket 🎟 to tell me all about spitfire she looks and sounds so fucking cool. also hi how are u. I've missed u on my dash 🔥💥💥🔥💥🔥💥‼️‼️
HI MAC HI BELOVED MUTUAL MACKERAL STUCK-IN-THE-GHOST-ZONE!!!! :D !! sorry this took me a minute to get back to i have been in Education Hell and then . Recovering From Education Hell. ive missed you toooooo king honestly i LOVE roleplay and oc and etc but the worst part is taking my insanity away from beloved mutuals' shared interests >:C pd s3 neowwwww pls anywya. anyway. :3 smiles sneetly. the spittle. my sportle. the girl of all fucking time. i got a new comp for christmas and literally All clip files except for one are about her...... hashtag normal. the crazy thing about spitfire. okay. the crazy goddamn thing. is that she was meant to be a Side Character. she was meant to be Quest Fodder. Interaction Bait. maybe develop a deeper relationship w the primary two characters but . instead she stole the Entire Fucking Show. Facts about spitfire -blasphemes -spits acid -has been spitting acid since she was 13 -has an older brother with p intense "contact everyone including the dead" superpower -loves brother -brother being taken advantage of by parents to run a super fucking expensive business speaking to the dead -brother hates this -parents indifferent to spitfire so she rebels. she still loves brother tho -their house is full of boards and pockmarks and broken chairs and holes in everything because spitfire's saliva is so fucking strong -there are parts of the house she's not allowed in like its so fucking. sucks -brother agrees its sucks and tries to be extra nice to her -brother gets a Good Idea -brother says hey. hey. i found this cool ass pill that will let me die and then come back to life later :D - hey. i think you should kill me
(rest under cut because im normal)
anyway -motherfucking 24 yo asking his 16 yo sister to kill him -'ive already taken the pill you have to do it now this is how we'll be free' -'we?' -'i know you're trapped too. please.' -she doesn't fucking want to -she wants to get the fuck out of that house -she loves him -she spits -blood everywhere. brains on the floor -ohgodohgod oh fuck -runs the fuck away -never sees her parents again -takes on full persona of vigilante -gets invited to stay in brothers new house or given a house of her own or basically anything she wants -fucking refuses because. god. she kinda feels sick every time she interacts with him after that -his home doesn't feel like her home it feels like his and he- -he feels like half a stranger -their relationship doesn't deepen at all it feels just as distant as when they were both living at home -more distant even -spitfire stays on her own. couch surfs and makes friends w drag queens and vigilantes and just hangs the fuck out -she wants to be a hero but her power is so destructive that she Can't
- shes a vigilante. helping out where she can and causing so soooo much property damage everywhere -she gets really good at spitting on the ground people are standing/about to stand on to destabilize them -hangs out like that for a few years. gets into problems and sidequests p often but is Chilling -this is where the rp started. she was MEANT to go and hang out w primary hero characters, The Enigmas -instead we thought it would be funny if she met gunge -gunge is @galaxy-starheart's character. he is evil goo and he eats people -he tried to eat spitfire -it went bad for him -she ate him instead -just a little -(she didn't know he was human at first) -(she used to always spit it out after biting people) -(but that time, to intimidate, she swallowed) -(she didn't know he was human) -(she swallows every time, now) -(she ate some cowboy once lmao) -(also gunge ate her sandwich and she's still pissed about that) -but they started up a convo and were getting along Great until she realized he was super fucking. scary because he started eating a live rat and she didn't wanna truck w that -he showed up again later anyway. through the next few weeks they kept popping into each others' lives and gunge the Most Evil goo: *saved her life *bought her medicine *gently carried her down some stairs after she broke her leg *burrowed into her leg to retrieve a bullet (and then fucking sold it in front of her to a powered pawnshop owner she introduced him to) *advised her to get a mask *respected that she doesn't like gore but also was a bit of an asshole about it -this is all great and also Bad. gunge is also super mega eating people. absolutely a supervillain. spitfire keeps going should I kill him??? I should definitely kill him. its a Good Thign to kill him right???? -kinda spirals in self loathing every time she hangs out with him but like. she also kinda feels a little special to be the special little guy to horrible goo -she starts feeling Safe with him -meanwhile the Enigmas and Gunge fucking hate each other -the Enigmas still need to interact with spitfire because one of them NEEDS to talk to her brother and she is literally their only link -she refuses to tell them anything about him because fuck that -she is a gossip she will literally spread rumours for fun and lie to have more fun. being tight lipped about literally anything is kinda not the norm for her -she told the evil goo that she met the enigmas -but she wont tell fucking anyone anything about her brother -she kinda murdered him. -she still feels super guilty for that and is going to protect him in literally any way she can -(complex family dynamics my LOVE) -anyway the Enigmas promise to buy her a suit for the tiniest nothing amount of info she gives them -she's like ok well they're obviously manipulating me because they want more info, -however. super suit -she kept going through clothes like a fuckign madwoman before that because her clothes. were not acid proof -becomes besties w the tailor -does NOT introduce gunge to the tailor because she thinks he would eat them -gotta rewind a lil bit here. powered pawnshop owner sold gunge a bunch of shit -spitfire made a deal w the pawnshop owner to NOT sell gunge acid resistance because then he could totally fucking kill her and she couldn't stop him -its expensive as fuck. pawnshop owner wants her to rescue his boyfriend from prison -she Hates that. she doesn't want to be a villain. she agrees anyway. -gunge. fights the enigmas. mega eats more people. gets captured. he is now in prison -spitfire Does Not Realize that. -she knows he's in prison and put away and etc etc. she's relieved she doesn't have to deal with him and complex feelings anymore -does not connect the dots. that now. he cannot be sold acid resistance. -she does not need to break the boyfriend out of prison
-she does anyway -your honour she is stupid -she also fucking accidentally breaks GUNGE out of prison -panicks the fuck about that but then he's her frozen cold little scarf and she's too busy escaping -ends up carrying him home for eight hours -during this time he shakes her belief in the heroes' organization -like fundamentally. like there was always this question of if he could villainize her -and this is the closest he comes -but then they get back to the city -he disappears and probably eats more fucking people. -spitfire feels fucking bad for not stopping him -next time she sees him she has her cool awesome suit. she was told by the tailor that someone tried to bug her suit. she's Worried -kinda fucking. angry too? feels like okay. this is where things go wrong. this is where shit fucks up. things are going too well for her. plans to ask gunge to check her suit for bugs and shes so PISSED just at the concept that, if he finds a tracker, he can fucking keep it -she's willing to give him the opportunity to kill the enigmas. the Heroes. -but only if they lie to her and she's not looking too closely and its just. its a big emotional wreck -a death sentence and pretending it isn't -but gunge. now that he is free as a nasty little bird. has killed a hero -and he's carrying around his head -and he's showing it off and laughing and spitfire feels sick -she asks gunge to check her suit anyway. if the enigmas have bugged her then are they really heroes kinda thing -she can't trust them -but there aren't any bugs. its fine. -spitfire is trying to ignore the head and trying to have faith that people will stop gunge again and it will be okay she just -needs to hang out and have faith in the actual heroes (because she should stop him. she can't. she should) -but she's SO fucking excited about her new suit -instead of a mask she has a helmet and its all black and leather and she has so many pockets and a protector for her water bottle -genuinely best thing she has EVER had -most favourite thing in the world -physical items she gets to KEEP. that she WONT destroy -and gunge -takes the helmet -and puts it on the severed head -spitfire is devastated -literally worse than eating her -she was so so sofucking excited for her suit. and now. he has Tainted It -and hes laughing and hes not taking her seriously (because he thinks shes a baby <3 and theyre friends so shes not a threat to him :] and he doesn't respect her !) and he leaves -and she goes back inside. talks to the pawnshop owner. gets the address for where gunge is going -and she calls the enigmas -and she gives him up -not because he hurt her -or hurt other people -or killed a hero -but because he fucked with her stuff
bonus fun facts about spitfire:
-she was fucking devastated by the 'friendship breakup' and what that said about her as a person -she was comforted by the civilian identity of one of the Most Powerful Heroes in the city -she realized this and ran the fuck away -she is currently a willing lab rat of a mad scientist and having Emotions about getting access to powers that aren't as destructive as her own -mad scientist might villainize her anyway -gunge still thinks they're friends lmao -also she is SO fuckign crass to the point that she embarrasses me to write for her sometimes
shes so fucking nasty okay like. Spitfire's Worst Sentence (so far) (responding to Gunge judging her for being crass): '"You're gonna get blasted up a dog's supercunt and squirted to the moon like the whiny bitch you are," Spitfire said, like she was offering something reasonable.'
Spitfire Gallery (more ive drawn since last time)
TLDR: i love her
#writing a whole fic worth of summary for my own character??? what?????#couldnt be me.........#enjoy the deluge mac#or dont tbh i did go Crazy Ham#but ouaghghgh....spitfire.....#one day im gonna make an oc blog and it will be awesome for me and like. one other person#but it will be AWESOME#anyway i was so excited to talk about spitfire i FORGOT to tell you how ive been#when i have a hilarious report#gas leak!#legit the gas leak has been the Least of my problems the last few weeks#which is fair it was a v small gas leak we didn't even have to evacuate#however. lol. lmao. haha even#anyway howve you been king#i hope everything is good!! that the danny is phantoming and the nhws are warding and the fish are fishly
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@suckinitup cannot get over mark jar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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giggling kicking my feet watching someone get to a very specific part in a pd episode and waiting for them to lose their fuckng mind
#my friend suckinitup im SO glad u have seen ur wife mark winters again <3#giggles innocently#nothing else in the episode. nothing else trust me#at least i think this is the episode im thinkin of#we will see <3#whiskey yelling into the void
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hello mark winters suffering brother in ARMS. i bring you more mark winters suffering because i keep thinking about the heat lamp. trickster giving him a heat lamp js SO fucked up but imagine how furious he’d be about it. Sometimes the trickster is gone for hours and fucking hours and everything is peaceful in despair and he’s so warm. he’s *relaxed* against his will. a lil puddle. the trickster is careful about the type of heat lamp and glass and air flow so he doesnt even get to have his paranoia about melting to death he just kinda. sits there and and the heat melts into him and soothes all his sore and angry muscles. and then suddenly everything is fucking COLD and now hes slow. The trickster comes back and taps the glass. laughs at him. The glass goes soft like taffy abd mark *could* push his way out he *could* escape. but his limbs are too slow to respond and the glass is hardened again before he can reach it. the MOMENT the trickster learns hes actually sensitive to temperature i think his life gets a lot worse
- @suckinitup
I looooove making him sensitive to temperature changes. why else would he wear Basically Winter Gear as his villain outfit!! that big coat with the fur collar is not just for looks it is for WARMTH.
anyway yeagh heat lamp...... I have been thinking about bug jar mark winters for hours now. GOING 2 pick up that jar and shake him around. man isn't that Just Like the trickster to give him something good just so it can be warped into something horrible !!! yeah ashe I'll give you the power to protect your friends but also I'm not gonna leave and your meat puppet body is mine permanently now <3 ANYWAY. GOD. he's probably spent so long adapting to being cold out of sheer stubborn force of will to ignore the fact that he might not be fully human anymore. it's just something so constant to him now that it doesn't affect him as bad as it could. but you give him that comfort for an extended period of time... it's like. sitting in a hot tub for a long time and then immediately jumping into a swimming pool! the pool might be a reasonable comfortable temperature but in comparison that shit feels fucking FREEZING. uagughg. and tempting him with escape too... evil! I think he should get to the glass before it fully solidifies and push a hand into it (he's not strong or fast enough to break through) so when the glass completely freezes again there's a warped handprint that he has to stare at and think about how close he was to almost getting out!
#would be awesome if its the lizard hand too#so there are claw marks#i still have to rb it but. thinking abt ur post abt tide saving him abd seeing bloodstains and stuff on the inside of the glass?#imagine if he also had to see places where the glass had gotten soft and there was#an indent from a hand *almost* pushed through to the outside#i loooove torturing that blonde man <3#if it was up to *me* i would give him a painstakingly landscaped terrarium with both warm and cool spots and plenty of access to#food and water and live plants and plenty of caves 2 hide in and branches to climb.#BUT unfortunately its not up to me its up to the trickster ^_^ oh well! torture it is then#asks#suckinitup
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hi ! please consider. mark winters doing surgery on himself to get those tubes in place and reinforced (so they cant just be torn out by enemies looking for handholds). he probably would have made a fucking gadget for it. also consider: maybe he DID have a tail. but it fucked with his balance and he chopped it off. also consider: someone smashing him with big rock
this has been: gore of comfort character
- @suckinitup
I CANT BELIEVE I FUCKING MISSED THIS IN MY INBOX. HI. THIS IS AWESOME. you know whats really funny is i have a . horribly dusty wip where i wanted 2 explore specific lizard headcanons and one of those was in fact him cutting off his tail. except because i love torture and lizards can do this irl. it grew back. inescapable torment. same brain moments
god dude i always somehow forget the fact that he has. tubes in him. he is like a living battery and that makes me insane to think about . he has to fucking stab his gadgets into his back to get them to work. THEYRE IN HIS BACK. LIKE. you KNOW he did that surgery to himself because who else would but also like thats the most inconvenient place to do surgery on yourself. hello??? he makes me insane.
IM going to smash him with a big rock. in my mind. indiana jones style.
#tumblr user suckinitup my brother in arms in mark winters torment. i love to make that man suffer#mark winters fire text my favoirte post on this damn website#ehhehehehehehehe#asks#suckinitup#this is awesome
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- @suckinitup
22. Dancing with the Devil - Set It Off (this song was so fucking good in concert dude holy fucking shit. the ONLY reason its not higher is because i had evil people and win win on loop for too long)
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thinking about mark winters in that damn bug jar again -_-
#tumblr user suckinitup reigniting that speicifc section of my brain. i need to shake him around so violently#dropping him a bloodworm cube for enrichment#<< petsitting for my uncle and had 2 feed his piranhas earlier. bloodworm cube enrichment fresh in my mind
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literally going to start crying for real over that tidalwave post. tumblr user suckinitup rippping out my heart tricksterstyle
#me: i dont like the tooth rotting fluff tag its just not my thing it only works in extremely specific scenarios with specific characters#me: i dnot think i could ever read tidalwave fluff they have too many issues for that to feel right to me#(<< guy who is deeply in denial about being aromantic)#tumblr user suckinitup: yeah but hwat if they kissed underwater#me: ohhhhh waht if they kissed underwater......................... :(#i am on the brink of TEARS
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