#suck my balls tpa
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Hello there!
Im coming from a place of genuine curiosity; I have a genuine interest in Psychology but im still very new to the topic. At the same time I have multiple friends who are Plural, ranging from DID to Endogenic and I have been trying to learn to better understand em but also myself.
I am a bit confused with regards to certain stances or understanding what you are trying to imply, I apologize if this is something you've made obvious in the past.
You've done a 180 from your old Anti-Endo stance yet looking through some posts I feel like a lot of evidence you share would be against Endogenic Plurality no? Mind ya I know your focus is still mainly CDD systems so there wouldn't be much opportunities to share research on that, but im regardless confused at what appears to me like a back and forth on the validity of Endogenic and the stance the Plural community has on including multiple systems under its umbrella... or am I misunderstanding some things? (I do struggle with sarcasm so apologies).
Apologies should this come off as confrontational, im just a bit confused reading through the various posts.
You're not coming off as confrontational! Though I'm not completely sure I understand the question. I'm going to try my best!
The beliefs of the mods on this blog vary. We all have different ideas about how CDDs work and what's possible in and outside of them. This makes us a really great team for tackling some of the more complicated questions where we can showcase a few different opinions.
I think, generally, we're in agreement about a few core things.
CDDs are childhood trauma disorders. That won't change. That's just a fact. This is in the DSM.
In my opinion, CDDs are not plural and should NOT be included under the plural umbrella. I think lumping a traumatized and disordered group of individuals under an umbrella specifically meant for non disordered experiences is a bad idea. TPA, I'm looking at you telling CDD systems they're not allowed to have personhood for benefitting from a medical view.
Some of this shit hurts. Like not just hurts the CDD community, but it's a punch to the gut.
Also, in my opinion, and living comfortably alongside that, plural and CDD experiences overlap for some people, but this isn't universal and shouldn't be treated as such. It does happen, though, and those experiences are valid and should be respected. I don't go into conversations looking to change minds or prove someone is traumagenic, I'm genuinely interested in hearing about people's experiences and trying to reconcile my own beliefs and ideas with new information. Occasionally, this is a mutual exchange of ideas, and minds DO change. Sometimes mine, sometimes theirs. This isn't a case of turning pros to antis or vice versa with gotchas, though. I've shifted my mindset from arguing to simply sharing as much information as I possibly can. Everyone should be armed with all the accessible information. These arguments would be a lot less volatile if we all had access to the same base articles and info.
In my opinion, there's still a lot of rampant misinformation in pro/endo communities. TPA makes me want to tear my hair out.
My belief in this needed separation does nothing to invalidate endogenic systems, and doesn't say they can't exist. The misinformation I'm talking about isn't their existence.
I think I'm actually the only blog to have a post dedicated to links about the Stanford tulpa studies. I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone else compiled them for easy access and linking.
My blog is still focused on CDD research and correcting some of the myths and misinformation, but I don't think this invalidates endogenic plurality in any way.
I do, on occasion, post research into endogenic systems, but that isn't my focus. I would actually say my focus has shifted to interacting with anti endos to introduce them to some of the ideas that helped open my mind.
I am NOT the most pro endo system on this platform, but I am pro endo--
And I am trying to act as that bridge between communities with the best intentions possible. I know, I know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I... ultimately hope that in the end, I help both communities, in my own unique way.
At the very least, I don't want to cause more harm for either community.
My unique way, though, does not discount the existence of plurality, it's just not my focus, and I'm still battling basic misinformation in the process, which can get... messy. At times.
I hope this answers the question, genuinely, feel free to come back to talk more!
#syscourse#not syscourse#pro syscourse conversation#suck my balls tpa#CDDs vs plurality#I've got a lot of rambling posts about this#sysconversation#anti endo#pro endo#a secret third thing#pro endo sysmed
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Was anyone going to tell me that the TPA managed to
turn this into an issue about endos, start a petition that's more about the lack of recognition for endos rather than the use of the videos about DID, use the opportunity to try, ONCE AGAIN, to push for a spot at the ISSTD, AND ask for donations???

(they really did, because they never miss an opportunity to profit off DID)

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Would you do a more complete break down about the TPA and it's issues? I just read that plural page you mentioned and it's pretty bad. One paragraph starts criticizing a paper's results without ever mentioning the paper author or links, but conveniently links to the paper that backs up their point.
Paired with all the typos and personal bias, I swear the whole website is just one person writing.
It is just one person, Stronghold :) they actually have guest writers, and then they go and change the articles written so that they match the Stronghold system's views :))) isn't the TPA wonderful??
They have a warm line that they advertise on Twitter as a hot line, despite not having the appropriate training or certifications :))))) they're going to get people killed
They refuse to release their financial records so that people can see where their donations go :))
They're ableist and deny the trauma basis of DID 🥳
They block anyone who points out faults in their articles
They were called out BY NAME by a doctor for not understanding the ToSD in an article about the ToSD
They manipulate figures from research articles to make points that aren't factually accurate
TPA can suck my balls
Link 1
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Link 3
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Re: powertothrplurals post, I thought tsod was just a theory to conceptualize spectrum of dissociation and not literal 1:1 hard cold cut "do or die" fact. ??
There's actually SO MUCH MORE to the TOSD than people realize-- you can see it on brain scans!! It's incredible!
It was developed over a century ago!
It's so thoroughly and consistently proven true that the ICD actually included it!
DID (hah) you know that???
This is INCREDIBLE science that everyone looks at and just tosses aside. It's crazy to me.
Here's another post about the ToSD for shits and giggles, I'm so proud of the final post in that thread.
Here's a doctor discussing how the TPA has no idea what they're even talking about!
We love science in this house. We love the ToSD for what it is-- the most valuable and scientifically supported theory on trauma that we have.
#pro syscourse conversation#tosd#CDDs first#theory of structural dissociation#debunk#suck my balls TPA#I'm not sure i understood the ask correctly#hope this still helps!
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I'm so tired
Blah blah blah debunk debunk don't trust the TPA
Link a paper here
Don't trust the TPA
Suck my balls TPA
Go away, TPA
DID they really just say that?
(Yes, they did)
#syscourse#pro syscourse conversation#poll time#suck my balls TPA#literally so scummy#can't we all just unite against the TPA?#imagine it#pro endos and anti endos fighting ableism together#peace and harmony on earth follows as the TPA crumbles into obscurity#like a bad fever dream
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Ngl, watching hardcore antis link pro endo resources is hilarious
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do you tag all your tpa posts with 'suck my balls tpa'? i just want to know if I filter that tag if that means I'll be able to avoid posts about them. they piss me off so much istfg
I do! On both blogs, you can filter for "suck my balls TPA" and avoid that content!
This is a mature blog that makes filtering easy!
#suck my balls tpa#this is about the only thing i consistently tag#i can't find my debunk posts#but I can definitely find my TPA posts
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Hot take
Calling "plurality" a normal human experience, saying that anyone and everyone can be, or is, plural, and purposefully erasing and removing the line of what plurality is, and then lumping DID/OSDD under the "plural umbrella" is such a slap in the face to what we're experiencing
It completely reduces our experience to something "normal" (it's not, nothing about what has happened to those with DID/OSDD, and nothing about what we're experiencing, is normal), to something that everyone can experience (it's not, that's why only some people end up developing DID/OSDD when faced with trauma), and draws a direct comparison of alters to something that is largely philosophical and spiritual (fuck right off, alters aren't the same as what endogenics and those who participate in cultural and spiritual possession rituals are experiencing)
Your normal human experience of ever-changing facets in different situations and around different people isn't remotely similar to DID/OSDD, and I contend that it's not even really plurality
#source#syscourse#anti endo#anti endogenic#suck my balls tpa#you should never be included in these conversations as a
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They really ARE looking to be a crisis hotline -- that's so incredibly dangerous, they are not trained to do that, they discuss their training and qualifications on the website, and they are not trained
But they are blatantly implying that they'll fill that void
Don't donate to this!

It's so scummy that they've skewed the numbers like this and worded it in such a weird way. You can't just delete an entire section of the chart and not point out how it affects overall numbers-- 62% of 60% of all responders is a much smaller number than this picture implies.
36 people out of 100 said that, and they're counting on you being too dumb to notice so you'll give them money.

From their website:

Do not drag vulnerable, traumatized DID/OSDD systems into this.
If they triggered emotional flooding in one of these sessions... Can you imagine the damage?
I have never hated anything as much as the TPA
#syscourse#anti endo#anti endogenic#i dont know what to tag this to actually get some visibility so#DID/OSDD#did#OSDD#tw#suck my balls tpa
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Found the TPA article
Let's bask in the glory of this horribly dangerous statement

People really need to stop and think before they go and just say things on the internet
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TPA, at it again
I don't know what makes me angrier, the implication that everyone is plural or the implication that DID/OSDD is just extreme, long-lasting voice hearing and "not feeling like yourself"

#what is with the sudden obsession with voice hearers#syscourse#anti endo#anti endogenic#shit endos say#suck my balls tpa
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For context, the meaning of "more than one" is used by TPA to belittle DID/OSDD systems by claiming only "plurals" have personhood by virtue of being "more people", vs DID systems, which are "less than one person". In other words, a broken person. Incomplete parts.
Parts language is not inherently dehumanizing. I understand it can be for some, but it wasn't meant to be. Use what language you feel comfortable with, but the moment you start comparing being more than one to parts, or you start thinking there's two different DID experiences of being more or less than one, you've lost the plot in my opinion.
I won't allow people to come here and start saying you can only have DID and be "plural" if you identify as more than one, as if that's better or different than the people with DID that are... What? What's the opposite? Less than one. No, no. We don't do that here. Personal language be damned, call yourself what you want, but I don't allow "more than one" on this blog because of the history, connotation, and connection to TPA.
All language is valid, but... The people who use "more than one" tend to be stuck up on a high horse thinking they're special.
UwU 🌸 asker, "DID systems can be plural, as long as they identify as more than one-- like ME", get out of here
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Go Away, TPA
Now, look, I’m all for some well-informed, responsible self-diagnosing
I think if you have done your research, and there are hurdles preventing you from getting a proper diagnosis, self diagnosing-- with the understanding that there’s a chance you may be wrong-- is perfectly okay
I think once you suspect you have something, and you enter into those communities to compare your experiences to others, if you’re honest with yourself and others, and can change your opinion based on learning new information, then you’re responsible enough to self-diagnose when you’re confident that you’ve found a possible answer
Self-diagnosis becomes a problem when you’re not fully educated, and when, rather than trying to find the actual problem, you start shoehorning your symptoms to fit something that you WANT to have, rather than exploring all possible options
And for your own health, you NEED to explore those options, and be open to the possibility that you’re wrong
This thread by the TPA reads more like, “5 reasons to not look any further”
It reads more like, “5 rebuttals to people who think you should consider other options”
It reads like, “5 reasons to not trust your doctors’ assessments”
Or, even worse, it reads like, “5 reasons to never see a doctor, ever”
So let’s take a look together

So, point 1. Who are you self reporting to? Yourself? Your friends? The other people in the community you’ve joined, that are trained not to question your self-perception under any circumstances? Self-reporting is unreliable, that’s why it’s only one part of the diagnostic process. Telling your doctor your symptoms allows them to make a list of possible and differential diagnoses to consider. It’s directly related to point number 2, actually, which is being taken SLIGHTLY out of context here. Point is, this is not a... reason to self diagnose? Or a reason why it’s valid? It’s a... random factoid? It’s really a circular point. Like-- self-reporting leads to self-diagnosis via self-reporting. This isn’t a reason, it’s a trap.
So, the first bit of number 2, here, is... a bit strange to include. Don’t let the numbers scare you-- TPA likes to use numbers to scare you. The average is 7 years for correct DID diagnosis, and that’s (1) for people who don’t know they have DID-- zero communication within their system (they tend present with a range of post-traumatic and dissociative symptoms that tend to hide the disorder) and (2), is a figure from over 10 years ago (Putnam, in 2011), prior to DID/OSDD becoming a more popular topic and the major push for more in-depth training for trauma and dissociative specialists. A lot of new research has come out that has encouraged clinicians to become more educated on the topic.
It’s also really important to note that DID/OSDD are the worst of the worst disorders. Like any doctor, psychologists and psychiatrists won’t jump to the worst conclusion first. If your doctor diagnoses you with DID before trying the label of BPD, run. This would be like you going to a GP for a runny nose and them jumping to cancer. It’s extremely important to work your way up through the appropriate levels, and to take the appropriate steps of ruling out things that are more easily managed and treated. It’s frustrating, but it’s the right way to do it, and as more clinicians become educated in what to look for, the time it takes to work through the levels will shrink.
DDNOS and OSDD are much more easily diagnosable, because of point number 1. If you’re aware of your alters, and can describe your symptoms accurately, then your clinicians can jump to the higher levels right off the bat.
This still isn’t a reason to self-diagnose, and it doesn’t make self-diagnosis valid? This is literally just telling people not to bother with doctors because it takes too long. What is this? You know what they’re probably doing... Trying to get you to use their hotline instead, and we all know how I feel about that (it’s going to get someone killed, I swear to god).

Now, the second part of number 2 just pisses me off. Stop calling DID/OSDD systems ‘plural’.
Now, this is true. Most doctors haven’t had a patient with DID, but most doctors aren’t dissociative specialists, either. Part of the code of ethics for therapists is to recognize what you can and can’t treat based on your education and experience, so most doctors that aren’t trained in dissociation and trauma will refer you to another doctor at the first sign that it’s out of their sphere of expertise. But again... It doesn’t make self-diagnosis valid. You’re just scaring people away from getting help from doctors by telling them it’s impossible to find one (it’s not, it’s about knowing what kind of doctor to look for, WHEN YOU’RE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE AWARE OF YOUR SYMPTOMS, mind you), and that looks really bad when you’re constantly pushing your ‘no guys, seriously, it’s totally not a crisis-hotline’ hotline, manned by unlicensed and untrained ‘peers’ that will counsel and talk to you.
BUT I DIGRESS, let’s move on.

Two words: Confirmation Bias
This is probably the worst reason on here, and it probably encourages people the most to just... stay away from doctors. If you think you’re plural, you are, therefore, who needs a diagnosis anyways (you’ll see at the end how effective this one is) because it changes nothing. It also puts DID/OSDD on the same level as endogenic. The TPA likes to push that they’re exact same thing, except those with DID/OSDD are disordered plurals-- and they’re having trouble with their symptoms :( Poor uwus
And if you’re not having trouble, you definitely don’t need a doctor, just their super special hotline, and if you ARE disordered, their hotline can help! Everyone wins, for a monthly subscription fee!

Number 4... This is... stupid. It’s just stupid.
If you can’t give someone DID, then the only other option is that you ARE DID! Clearly! And there’s absolutely zero chance that you’re misattributing your symptoms or confused about the presentation! You know you best :) And suggesting anything to contrary is harmful. We must accept everything at face value all the time, no questions asked. We are all truly omnipotent. Trust me. I’m my own doctor.

This is the only valid point in the whole thread. If they had just put the first tweet, and then this tweet, and then it was end thread, it would have been fine. It would have been perfect.
Everything else here is unnecessary fearmongering.
Oh, and look, it works.

The TPA. Making the world a better place, one tweet at a time.
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Why do some pro endos genuinely think the TOSD is "ableist" 😭
TPA wrote a horrible article about why, and an actual doctor proceeded to call stronghold out BY NAME for being extremely uneducated
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just had someone say "people with DIDOSDD can identify as singlets" stfu. you dont know jack shit. its a fucking disorder why are you saying we can just back out of it
I wonder if they're taking the route of... Since alters are "parts" and headmates are "people", those with DID/OSDD are less multiple than endos -- therefore closer to, or basically, singlets
Deadass that's a real take I've seen, and TPA pushes it hard
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Who is TPA?
Let's talk about The Plural Association and the stronghold system
They're responsible for this horrible piece of trash
And this one
And this
Sigh, and this
Here's some best of
They don't know what they're talking about but endos don't care
They consider themselves to be better than everyone because they're uneducated???
They really just say whatever comes to their mind, no matter how ridiculous
I'm convinced they're going to get people killed
In regards to the whole "people vs parts" thing, they're responsible for this piece of absolute trash
??? That's not how you do DID awareness
And that's just a taste
I hate them 🤗
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