#such an amazing episode 🥰🥰
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 5 months ago
I finally did it. I finally rewatched the finale. I'm not ready for the next (and last) season y'all 😭😭
You don't even understand guys :'D they're married :')
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
I LOOOOOOOOVED this episode SO SO SO MUCH!!! Well, these episodes, I suppose. They were both so good, though very sad 😭😭💔. Gabriel will always be missed :((. But seriously, the ending was pretty happy with the sad parts thrown in to give it ✨flavor✨, and the wedding was just freaking beautiful <3. It was everything we've been waiting for :'), and more <3.
Now, onto the individual parts!
Marjan, Paul, Mateo, and Nancy!! We didn't see too much of these guys this episode, but they were so great :'DD. I just love how happy they are for their friends in the wedding too :'). Also they all looked AMAZING!! Serving fr 🥰. love them all so much <33.
Tommy (and Trevor)! They were amazing :')). They're so sweet <3. And oop, do I smell another wedding/or at least plans/talk of one 👀👀? That would be cool :D. And Tommy does deserve it, if that's what she wants :'). As does Trevor! Also, TOMMY ABSOLUTELY A T E WITH BEING ALIVE 😭😭😭💔🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️!!! It was so beautiful <3 such a great song, and the perfect ending for the season. It honestly would've been an amazing end for the series, but I'm glad we'll be getting more to see how things work out for the others more xD. I love them so much <3.
Owen!! Poor Owen man :'((. Everything with Robert was just rough. I'm glad Robert got to go out on his own terms but gosh :((. Also, I am SO GLAD Owen got Carlos to back down 😭😭. I know it wasn't just him but gosh am I happy he went after him xdd. Those are his boys, and Carlos especially needs him now (though of course he'll never replace Gabriel) :'((. Gosh, it just sucks xddd. But yeah, I'm so glad he was there for him, and TK, and everything worked out <33. Also him as best man and seeing Gwyn at the wedding was just beautiful :')). And also again xD, that haunted/haunting look at the end in silence as Robert died/had just died, then calling 9-1-1 o.o. Wow, amazing <3. I love him <3.
Judd and Grace! The BESTIESSSS!! And when I say besties I mean the ones who are the best <33. I do wish Judd was being a bit more patient with Wyatt, but I get it :'(. It's hard to see someone you love like that, especially when Judd sacrificed so much for him and is a very push through it guy. But he learned, and he got better, and Wyatt did a little bit too :'). He's improving, and I'm so happy for him <3. For both of them :')). Also, Grace!! Our girl!! Being an icon as always <333. As I said in my liveblog, she's just perfect for Judd (as he is for her), always managing to bring him back down to earth and calm him down - when they don't need that fire of course lol, in either of them. But seriously, they're just amazing for each other, and they were so sweet this episode <33. Also Charlie is adorable as always 🥰🥰. I love them <33.
And finally. . .
TK and Carlos!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY'RE FINALLY MARRIED!!!! MY BOYS ARE FINALLY MARRIED :'DDDD!!! And they deserve it so much <333 🥰. They had to go through so much to get here, especially Carlos this episode/these past two episodes 😭. But they did it <333. Seeing TK support Carlos through everything was amazing, especially since we've seen the other way around. And just seeing Carlos lose it. Seeing him be unhinged. Seeing him out everything on the line because of his emotions, his grief, his need for justice, and almost losing it. But he didn't <3. He had TK to be worried about him, and Owen and What's His Face and the Texas Rangers Guy to stop him and pull him back from the edge. All because TK knew him, and wouldn't let him do that to himself. And I'm so glad it all worked out okay <333. Carlos's scene with Owen, and the tribute to Gabriel, was beautiful <33 and his re-proposal to TK was beautiful for a whole different reason :'D. As was TK being there with him both times he was up, and when he watched the video of Baby Carlos <33. And gosh, that wedding- so beautiful. Just perfect. Their vows are literally the most beautiful vows ever, my gosh 😭. Sorry to everyone else (fictional characters mainly) xD. But seriously, the emotions, for them and for me and all of us, they were just amazing :')). And the dancing!!! They're so silly and lovely your honor :'DD. And of course, the song <33. The way they cling to each other, and draw comfort from each other, especially regarding those missing <33 - it was amazing. And the way they included Andrea, checking on her and being with her and comforting her <3. And how TK asked Tommy to, for his husband :'))). And of course, just how much they love each other <33. You've been alive together for a long time, but now you will be being alive as a married couple :')) it's forever, now, and that's just amazing 🥺😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Also, AAAAHHHHHHH THEY'RE ON THEIR HONEYMOON!!!! :DDD We only got a brief glimpse of it but they look great and they look so happy 🥰🥰 I'm so happy for them lol <3. They've through so much, enough, thank goodness they finally just got there xD. Anyway. They are the best ever, and I will never get over them, ever <333. I love them so much 🥰🥰❤️ <3333.
Overall, this episode was absolutely amazing, a perfect wedding episode (well, besides having quite that level of sadness lol), and a wonderful finale :'). I love this show so much y'all. And, real talk here, I'm not ready for it to end. But I will do my absolute best to, while acknowledging the final milestones and appreciating things extra since it's the last time, not get stuck in the sadness and just enjoy this next season <33. This season was amazing, and I'm so excited for the next one :'))). Also once again they all looked amazing at the wedding and them just dancing around and being cute and sweet and silly was amazing xD :')). I love them all so much <3333.
So, yeah! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 18: In Sickness and In Health
It was absolutely amazing. I'm so glad everything worked out in the end, pretty much, and I just loved it. I'm so excited for the next season!
I'll be here next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5
I'm so excited. This season was amazing, and I can't wait to see what they do with the next one! I'm sure it'll be even bigger and better, and I'll love it.
See you next season!!
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steven-boxleitner · 1 month ago
Just clocked into work at my lab! :O)
Hey wait a sec… Why is today’s episode named “The Crazy World of Dr. Two Brains”? Who is that
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orangeslice3 · 10 months ago
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I miss Gummy Goo😭
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puppypeter · 10 months ago
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year ago
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BAD SISTERS || Chopped Liver
This reads like an incorrect quote but this is, in fact, an actual line from this show in a conversation between the two most serious characters in this series.
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karebear923 · 9 months ago
I love my boys so much 🩵
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straykidsgallery · 9 months ago
SKZ CODE Ep. 51 - Han 🤍
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teafiend · 8 months ago
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These two will never not make me squee ✨🥰☺️ And Brother Jing, you never fail to make me swoon over your dull, bland coolness 🫡✨ Thank you 👏🏽🙏🏽
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 28 days ago
Guess it was the break up :o :D!!
Asteroid that is
Ohhh noo though this does not look good 😳
Oh crap 😭😭😭😬
Still scared for them xdd
I feel better but also I still don't trust they'll all make it 😭 but maybe?? But maybe not 😭 idek know xd
I'm stressing y'all 😭 xd
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I LOOOOOVED this episode!! It was so good! It was certainly A Lot with how much they decided to fit in, but it honestly wasn't bad and I liked seeing focus on everyone :'). I'm so sad we don't have more storylines to explore all of these cool arcs, but I'm glad we're at least getting to see them <33. Gosh, I am so not ready for this show to end 😭. And even amongst all of that, and of course the asteroid and all that 💀, the calls were still great :'). Okay guys, for the second to last time (😭😭😭😭🥺💔), let's do this :'). Now it's time for the individual parts!!
Marjan!! Her goodbye with Joe 😭😭🥺❤️💔. She's so right, they got so little time :'((. I mean they better be fine but still xD. For them it must be so rough and awful. Still, she was great this episode :'). I'm also just really glad we got to see their goodbye, and her playing with her ring on chain (🥺🥺🥺). We haven't gotten to see much of them and they only just got married, but there was so much going on that it makes sense we couldn't stay on that really. I'm just glad we got some of them since their wedding was last week/episode :')). Anyway, Marjan was amazing at her job as always <33. And just! GUYS! The shammie scene 😭😭😭😭🥺❤️. I might actually die, watching my family goof around one last time :'))? I'm so happy they found each other, and I love them so much <3. Plus Marjan was just being silly with that lol. I love her 🥰.
Judd (and by extension, Grace - no way am I leaving her out of these last few reviews)! I'm so glad that he seems to be doing better <33 :') 🥰. I think the time skip has been longer than it usually would between episodes, definitely longer than a week lol, and it's good to see him doing well <33. Grace definitely helped :'). And you can't make me believe she's not finishing things up so she can be on her way home right now <33. I am so excited for all the finale fix it fics where she shows up at the very end lol. I do wish that would happen, but I know it won't 😭😭. I can hope though 🥺💔❤️ xdd. Anyway, I LOVED seeing the Judd and TK scene 🥺🥺. Definitely something needed and it was so nice to get the reaffirmation of them being brothers :'DD. I love them so much <33. And he's so right too - just the next right thing :'). Judd was great at his job this week <33. Also him and Charlie 😭😭🥺. She's so cute <33. And she doesn't even know :'(( 😭😭. About the meteor I mean xd. Gosh </3. And of course he definitely called the rest of his family lol, you can't make me believe otherwise xD. I love him <33.
Owen! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S ACTUALLY LEAVING 😭😭🥺. He better not (I know he probably will) xd. And MY GUY!! WHAT HAPPENED TO TELLING TK FIRST XD. Gosh, some things are always the same /lh lol. I'm not too mad at him but I find it funny xD. Genuinely though, I see why he's doing it. We already saw the reasoning about those kids that look up to him, and I get it. It's a huge thing to be looked up to, heartwarming and sometimes stressful but amazing. And, ultimately, after everything, Owen Strand is a character who helps others. What he enjoys doing is helping others. From the very beginning, his motivation has been helping others. At his best, he is helping others. And it makes sense to see him making that choice one last time <33. HE JUST BETTER SURVIVE 😭😭 XD!! My gosh xdd. You have a kinda-grandchild (soon to be), you can't be going off and dying now xdd. Anyway, seeing him watch the family, his family, play around one last time 🥺🥺😭. I'm so not okay <333. They really are family, and I love that so much <333. No matter what happens, they will always have chosen to be each other's family, and that will last forever :'). Loved the ending speech/speeches <33. Also Owen scrolling by Gwyn's contact was INSANE 😭😭😭❤️❤️💔🥺. She really was his love :'(. Anyway, he did great at his job this episode <3. I love him :') ❤️.
Nancy!! I want to do everybody on their own since I have so far xdd. I totally see her not wanting to get married, very valid and happy for her <3 but it is definitely something that needs to be discussed lol. I love that she could tell Mateo wasn't satisfied with how that conversation ended and tried to get him to talk <33. I do get why he reacted that way though xd. I do think the marriage for green card (even if it doesn't really work like that in real life) is a real possibility, but I hope Nancy and their relationship stay the same no matter what (or at least, not bad changes) <333. Anyway, it's still amazing to see her being captain 😭🥺🥺🥰. Though of course there's baggage around that but xdd. I'm just so glad she's thriving <3. Nancy really has been through it during the course of the show and I'm so glad she's happy now :')). She deserves it so much <33. The fact that she was the only one who knows about Mateo's deportation 😭😭🥺💔. I'm glad he told her <33 but gosh that scene killed me 😭😭 xd :')). They really do love each other so much <33. And the mouthed I love you's under the truck 😭😭😭🥺 I'm not okay <3. Plus that final hug killed me xd. And of course, Nancy was great at her job this week :'). As always lol. I'm just so glad she's gotten to be happy and live this great life, even almost become a plant mom lol :'). No matter what happens, she was happy <33. And she better continue to be lol!! I love her <33 🥰.
Mateo! I totally get why he would assume they would get married, and why he would want that! I do hope they can come up with something they're both happy with though (lol imagine if they were permanently engaged xD), and that they're in the situation to do so 😭. I so wish he hadn't gotten into that argument with the jerk dude, but I see why he did xd. Not only was he emotional after the conversation with Nancy but the dude was awful lol >:( (partly serious partly like bro). I'm SO glad they listened to him and knew that guy was a jerk, but UAAGHHH!! I was suspicious as soon as he was like FBI? like "oh no are they ICE 😭". Aaand I was right xd. And in the current world that is o.o I suppose they could've guessed but really they couldn't have known and that's just wild xd. Certainly something that needs to be said and shown and acknowledged today. I just hope it ends happily :'(( <33. Although the "I'll love you in any country" bit destroyed me 😭😭🥺. And the fact that Nancy said he's her person? UOGH, so right <33. I'm so glad they've gotten this time to be happy, like I said for Nancy :')). Mateo has also seriously gone through it over the years (they all have honestly lol), and he's such a pure soul <3. I'm just so glad he got to be happy for so long :')). NOW THAT BETTER CONTINUE LOL!! Also seeing a little bit more of his and Owen's relationship, like with the telling/not telling each other thing, was great <33. They've always been there for each other, whether that's talking or not, and I love that <33. Mateo of course also did great at his job :'). I love him <33 ❤️🥰.
Paul! My GOSH I loved his storyline this episode!!! In that very first episode Owen said "Somewhere in this town right now is a kid who's just like you were - still scared, hopeless. I'd like you to show him, her, or they, it's okay to be who you are." And UAGHH that was such a BEAUTIFUL moment, and to see it FINALLY come full circle here was just amazing. Also we love to see Paul's detective skills coming in handy!! It's just a small thing but searching through Jax's videos and picking out what was important definitely showed that. And I just- gosh. I get it. I mean, I don't get it get it, I'm not trans, but I've grown up queer in a not so progressive area for a long time. I've seen my friends shoved into the closet by the school system, or eye rolls and scoffs and pronouns and identities. Having to deal with that personally, and in Texas no less (of course Texas can be progressive but is usually rather conservative)? I totally see why Jax is doing the things they are. I so hope they get some better friends 😭🥺. They don't have to totally abandon the ones they have now or anything, but you need friends that are better for you. I'm just so glad Paul was there to talk to them 😭🥺🥺 <3. He waited there because he knows what it's like, how much it hurts, how dangerous it is :'(. And you can tell just how desperate he is to help Jax. And Jax not believing him that he gets it 😭 xD, understandable lol, but it's kind of funny since he does :'). Paul understands, and he's there for you :')) 🥺🥺🥺😭❤️. GOSH I'm just so not okay, the scene in the hospital was so amazing. And it was so realistic that after that, Jax still left with their friends :'((. It's hard to let go of the one thing you have. Also, random side note, I love how Judd immediately accepted once he understood what they meant with the pronouns :')). Obviously he's not transphobic it's just great to see from an ally <3. And I will say, at first I thought the clear statement was about heavy handed TV show wise lol, but it made much more sense when I realized that was a focus and not just a quick call :). Anyway, I'm SO GLAD Jax showed up at the 126 at the next 🥺🥺❤️. I was hoping they would and thinking they might :')). The 126 has got them, and I hope after all of this they can continue to hang around there <33. Keep adopting random people 126 :'D LOL. But the fact that they (Jax) knew they could trust them and it was the best place to be <3 GOSH I'm not okay <3. Obviously, Paul was amazing at his job this episode :'D (as always). Iconic as lieutenant once again <3. And again, it's just so wonderful to see his character arc come full circle like this. I wish we'd gotten more of it earlier on, but I'm so happy to get this :'). It's the big reason (besides money lol) that convinced Paul to start working at the 126 in the first place - helping kids like him. And I'm so glad he can do that <3. In the future if he started up like a community center or something I would absolutely love that :')). But for now, he's doing great where he is <3. I love him ❤️🥰.
Carlos! Him reassuring TK with the setting up for the social worker's visit was 🥺🥺. TK seriously was spinning out, and it was funny xD (Carlos definitely also thought so lol), but in the end Carlos always knows how to help him calm down <333 :'). Guys, I'm so not ready to let them go xdd 😭🥺. Anyway xd. Him just working on the shelf the whole time was great lol. And the KISSS 😭 stop I'm not okay <333. Also, Carlos Reyes knows nothing if not grab TK's head or neck lol xDD. Anyway, they're the best :')). Carlos talking about his family in the interview 🥺🥺😭❤️. I think it was a great way to describe all the complicated stuff of their relationship/what they went through, but I'm so glad he made sure she knew that both of his parents loved him and he had a good relationship with them (every relationship is complicated at some point, in some way, after all <3). Still hurt though :')). Just acknowledging all of that and thinking about Gabriel again :'(( <3. And UAGHHH GOSH Carlos defending TK and his sobriety 😭😭🥺 it's the best thing. He barely even needed defending, it sucks but those are questions that make sense (especially societally), but Carlos absolutely would <33. And also stop when TK asked, which is almost even better lol :'). I just love how much he's immediately willing to jump TK protect him <3. But UAGH why did you have to talk about the most dangerous parts of being a Texas Ranger!! SIR WHY!!! anyway, this better get sorted out somehow 😭😭. I know most likely it'll be one of them quitting, and probably TK, but I just don't want it to end up like that xd. Still, I'll love them no matter what <3. They just better get Jonah, because Carlos is so right, they are so ready to love him (and already do of course) 😭😭🥺❤️. Also Carlos's arc as a dad is just <333 I wish we got to see more of it but him honoring his dad through it as well (though obviously he wants to besides that) is just 😭🥺. And of course, "Hi baby" UAAAGHHHH 😭😭😭😭. Y'all I didn't even fully register it while watching but you were SO RIGHT it was just so UAGH, the defeat the emotion the love the resignation the emotionsss in two words 😭😭 so good <333. But everything better be fine xdd xD. I love him <33.
TK! TK spinning out was hilarious xDD. Like bro you are not offering Jonah your bedroom 💀 no xD. Once again, I love how Carlos can just so easily get through to him, help him to calm down and realize all the good and the facts :')). We've seen it time and time again and it is still just so beautiful <3. And again, the KISSSS!! It was so soft and sweet :')). I just love them so much guys <33 😭. The talking about families once again got me with TK xd. Though interesting new TK lore that it was a bike crash that started his addiction!! Good to know for fics for all of us lol :)) (though of course everybody can keep doing whatever they want lol). But I love that he talked about how much his parents loved him (and even each other honestly but yk) instead of just the divorce <33. Because truly, ultimately, in the end, they did. And that was the most important thing :'). That could reunite them from anything <33. And he is so ready to do/be that for Jonah 😭😭🥺❤️ (but a little more stable lol). But WHY DID YOU TALK ABOUT THE MOST DANGEROUS PARTS OF YOUR JOB!! NO 😭😭😭 XD. TELL ABOUT THE TIMES YOU WRAP SOMEONE'S ARM AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT AND THEN DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL WITH NO LIGHTS OR SIRENS ON BRO!! Anyway xD. Carlos is a little more excusable but dude she did not need to know how dangerous your way of being a paramedic is 😭 xD. And GOSH y'all I just will not live if they cannot adopt Jonah xdd. I'm sure it'll work out but uuoaaghh 😭😭 xd. And I know TK is probably the most likely to quit his job but I hope he doesn't 😭🥺. A I still need my 126 family, and at the 126 xD, but B I just love being a paramedic for him. Of course sacrifices have to happen for parenthood but I hope it isn't this for them :'((. Anyway, his talk with Judd was amazing 😭😭😭🥺❤️ I absolutely loved it, and I loved them supporting each other and referencing the program <33 :'). TK's reaction was perfect too, surprised but immediately understanding and supportive <3. Also, I love how much TK cares about Jonah, about this, adopting him. Obviously he does, Jonah is his brother, but he went from someone who didn't care about anything at the beginning of the show, to someone who can stress about a toddler bed!! Obviously it still sucks but he has this <3 he has these feelings, he cares, and nothing can take that away from him <3. It's not just gray anymore :'). It's filled with colors <33. And I love that for him :')) 😭😭❤️🥰. Of course, he was great at his job this week as always <3. I love him <3 🥰❤️.
Tommy! Of course, you know I had to save her for last. I won't make this super long right now, but I just have to say her storyline was amazing. I so wish it wasn't ending like this, and she BETTER be okay next episode 😭, but I'm not sure (especially giving how Gina talked about how she wasn't too happy with how it went down). But dang it, she gave it her all - the character in universe and Gina as an actress. Her scenes were so hauntingly beautiful - like, those sobs 😭😭😭💔? Absolutely destroyed me. The cough turned sob, too, just- wow. She has fought so hard and she absolutely deserves to rest <3. I just hope she gets to do that in her home with her babies for another 40 years 😭 xd. But, bringing Charles back was amazing. I so agree that he was her love, and she absolutely deserves to see him again <33 - as did we, as an audience. And him caring for her, welcoming her in 😭 that was so perfect for them <33. And if it truly was the end, I'm glad she got to lay down peacefully, with a smile <33. It absolutely RUINED me cinematically, that whole thing, like the ticking stopping and stuff 😭 but it was beautiful <33. She just better be okay xd. And not to get sappy about character arcs (like I haven't been doing that this whole time), but she's been through so much crap. And so much of it she's done for her kids, for her family. In the end, she did one more thing for them (even if they probably wouldn't appreciate it as much as she thinks :'(() :'((. And she also got a moment of peace, to herself <3. If this is the end, Rest in Peace Tommy Vega <33 ❤️❤️🥰💔😭😭. But it better not be xd. She was great at her job of just, her life. I love her <333 ❤️❤️❤️🥰❤️.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode :'). It was so great to see everyone's focus and their storylines, seeing their journey wrap up. And of course, watching them be a family <33. The calls were great, the tension and the ending, final atmosphere were great (if obliterating to me not just them 😭), and it was all in all just such a good episode. I'm so not ready to let this show go :'). After everything, after having it be a comfort and focus for me when things were awful, after meeting so many wonderful people and enjoying these episodes together :'), after writing what I think was around 7 fics (not all posted) and having it be the first fandom to reach 3 published works of mine on AO3 :'). I love this show so much, and I'm so glad I got to experience it with you all <33. This episode and the emotions with it were so amazing, and even though it will be devastating I'm sure the next episode will be amazing 😭🥺❤️. No matter what, it will be worth it :'). I love these characters so much and I'm glad they've gotten such a cool ending, even if I wish it was farther down the line <3. It was an amazing episode :)), with a ton of good moments.
So yeah! I loved the episode, I thought it was really great. All the emotions were on point and the tense atmosphere was so perfect. I'm scared but excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5, Episode 11: Impact
It was so amazing! I really enjoyed it. I'm not ready to let them all go, but I'm still so excited for the next episode and to see how it will go. I'll be here next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5, Episode 12: Homecoming
See you next week!
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
Thinking back to the Loki finding Sylvie at McDonalds for the first time in s2 … I was SO curious how Mobius would react after his jealous fit over Sylvie in s1, and tbh on a first watch I was a bit disappointed, despite a proper double-take over the opposites attract line. I suppose I was primed for disappointment anyway, having assumed that for all the first ep was so much more than I’d hoped for, it would from here on invariably be pure Loki and Sylvie romance.
But now. The season having been That. Oh boy does the scene hit different!! Sure it’s not the blowout that is Mobius’ jealousy in s1; rather it’s transformed by now into a far more tragic resignation. He seems to have decided that if this is what will make Loki happy, he won’t stand in his way, but oh boy did I miss all the tells of how *hard* he is shoving all his emotions away to get there. The way he attaches himself to *Brad* rather than have anything to do with the reunion. The way he keeps yanking himself from his general air of grave heartbreak via strange outbursts at Brad, from going off at him before there’s any shred of evidence of double-dealing, to strangely enthusiastic assertions of how strange and cool life is. The way he tries to muster a grin when they see Sylvie really is there, and he, god of folksy cheer for all—can’t. The way he tries so hard not to watch Loki and Sylvie and to steer the conversation away from them, but his eyes get sort of stuck on them every time he glances their way.
And just. Above all. The way the season drives home over and again and again that the way Mobius deals with discomfort and emotions he doesn’t want to face is a). Comfort food, and b). Distract himself by talking to whoever is handy, even if the only folks available for talking are people he isn’t especially close to or friendly with. And going back to the scene with that in mind, well whaddya know, guess what our boy is up to !!!!!!
Yes yes YES to every word of this anon!!
As a lover of how pettily obvious Mobius was in S1 with his jealousy I was also looking forward to seeing what his reaction to Loki and Sylvie meeting again would be, and like you had expected something almost equally as brash as the interrogation scene but it turned out what we got was as good if not better in so many ways 👀👀
The way he hangs back as Loki approaches her, trying to look as casually friendly and nonthreatening as possible before IMMEDIATELY bee lining to get some apple pie when we'd only just established the key lime been a major comfort of his at the TVA?? Babe we see you and we're here for you 😭
That alone already had me waiting to see what extremes he was about to go to but I wasn't prepared at all for how the forced cheer from eating his meal fell aside the second Brad brought up not understanding what was going on with Loki and Sylvie outside, then that hint of bitterness we rarely see in "they say opposites attract? No." What a line, and he's so clearly thinking of how easily he and Loki fit together in comparison that as he continues hearing about how weird Loki and Sylvie are you practically see the thoughts racing through his mind range from agreement to a momentary embarrassment he thought that at all, then resignation and finally defeat because if this is what Loki wants he'll support and be there for him just like always.
Cue his default reaction to push his own feelings out of existence in favor of everyone else's (especially Loki's) as he plasters his usual positivity and charm back on, taking Brad's attention away from the window and towards a change of subject he knows is guaranteed to work without coming across as suspicious because there's nothing Brad would enjoy talking about more than himself and of course Mobius is such a great analyst that it worked a bit too perfectly 😅
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straykidsgallery · 2 years ago
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genericpuff · 3 months ago
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It's pretty cool (and kinda crazy ngl) that the two year anniversary of LORE | REKINDLED is on the horizon. It's come a long way, and it still has a ways to go yet. The fact I can even compare the older episodes to the newest one like this is blowing my mind, especially when this started out as just a simple little side project. This isn't the road I expected to end up on, but I'm thankful and happy to be on it.
Of course, I couldn't ask for a better community of amazing readers and artists alike to travel that road with; I'm so grateful to have you all as an audience and to have the support and help of an amazing artist like Banshriek to help make Rekindled into the best that it can be 🥰
Anyways! Enjoy this redraw of my own work for once!
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jenofthefar · 1 year ago
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I've been watching Critical Role Campaign 2, never managed to finish it when it was airing, but this time I'm determined! Got 30 episodes left to go!!! Absolutely loved it, Essek is hands down my favourite Npc, what an amazing and complex character 🥰
Definitely want to do some more Crit Role fan art, and open to any suggestions if there is a particular character you want to see in my style 😊
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livwritessometimes · 8 months ago
Opposite - Pierre Gasly
: Pierre Gasly x Singer!reader
: Pierre’s new relationship leaves Y/n questioning their time together
: Series Masterlist
: Main Masterlist
: Author's Note - finallyyyy got time to write this part!! Also let me know if you guys want a taglist for I'm Pretty When I Cry Series (I have a few people who want to be tagged in Pt 2 for loml and Enough For You)
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liked by pierregasly and 84,946 others
👤: pierregasly
Yourname: "Hey dan- I mean Bonjour" "Oh you mean, Au Revoir! Goodbye Humphrey, we're leaving" "where are you guys going?" "Paris"
view all 78,732 comments
pierregasly: It absolutely did not take Y/n 30 minutes to find this particular episode from gossip girls, just so she could use it as her caption
-> Yourname: Uh as if! guys let me tell you Pierre was just as invested as I was, if not more while watching the episode
-> pierregasly: shhh don't expose me 🤐
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liked by Yourname and 102,721 others
👤: Yourname
pierregasly: Terrorizing the streets of New York with the biggest baddie who wears a bow!
view all 92,682 comments
Yourname: say all you want about the bow, just know when we get caught and they take our mugshots, we know who's gonna look good and who's not 💅🏻
-> alpinef1team: Please don't get arrested, we can't have our driver behind the bars before the season starts 😅
-> pierregasly: ...🥲
User39: Y/n and Pierre try to write normal caption challenge failed 🙅🏻‍♀️
-> User44: I love them constantly bullying each other 🥰
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liked by pierregasly and 92,731 others
👤: pierregasly
Yourname: Rolling into the Dutch Grand Prix in style!
view all 89,727 comments
pierregasly: 🩵
User77: OMGGGG P33333!!! Let's goooooo
User98: Best good luck charm Pierre could ask for 🍀
*liked by Yourname*
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liked by Yourname and 106,931 others
👤: Yourname, alpinef1team
pierregasly: You get P3 and then all of a sudden you are tackled to the ground by some crazy fangirl 🙄 but jokes aside I could not have done this without your support, a huge shoutout to my amazing team and equally (if not more) amazing fans!!!
view all 87,673 comments
alpinef1team: YESSSS! So Proud 💪🏻
alpinef1team: Best crazy fangirl to have around in the garage
-> Yourname: ...stop 🙈
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liked by pierregasly and 98,673 others
👤 : pierregasly
Yourname: Happy birthday to the weird guy from my flight who likes to sleep with his mouth open...He's quite the character!
view all 80,721 comments
pierregasly: I can feel the love radiating from this post 🤭
-> Yourname: Guys that weird guy from my flight is back and now in my comment section
-> pierregasly: Jokes on you I'm inside your house
-> Yourname: 😨
User41: You guys are so cuteeeee! never stop bullying each other 🫶🏻
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liked by Yourname and 95,731 others
👤: Yourname
pierregasly: Happy birthday to my crazy fangirl!! Here's to more years of bullying you 🥂
view all 86,821 comments
Yourname: Aa Ha there we have it folks, he just admitted he bullies me! My lawyer will get in touch with you Mr. Gasly and just so you know I'm getting the custody of @/alpinef1team 's admin
-> alpinef1team: Mom pick me up I'm scared, Dad is binge watching Gossip Girls again!!
-> pierregasly: wow! my own team i against me
-> alpinef1team: 🤭
User09: I will never get married if they break up
-> User712: Girl- same 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
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Y/n paused for a moment. The 10 minutes she had spent selecting every single photo she had with Pierre felt like eternity to her. So lost in her thought, she did not notice a drop tear roll down her face. It is funny how things can change so easily; how a lifetime worth of promises comes with an expiration date. "You will heal; I mean, look at how far you've come from where we were before," said Gracie, Y/n's best friend and probably the only person she had told about her breakup. For the rest of the world, Y/n and Pierre, 'the most playful couple', were still together, spending their vacation in some city filled with love and laughter.
It was Gracie who suggested that it's bout time she deleted their photos. I mean, it has been 2 months already; there is no point in holding on to something, someone who no longer wants to do anything with her.
She knew she would be fine. I mean, isn't that's how it's supposed to go? You hurt, you heal. It was simple, so why was it that hitting the delete button felt like the most difficult task in the world? Swallowing the lump in her throat, Y/n finally pressed the button, which in an instant erased the French man's existence from her life. Goodbyes are hard, especially when you did not see them coming. Y/n never dreamt of a future where she and Pierre wouldn't be together; sadly for her, that was the reality she now had to live in.
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francisca.cgomes added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 65,821 others
Sitting in front of her dresser, Y/n was busy getting ready for the night. She saw the news about Pierre seeing someone else flood her Twitter feed. It's okay; it's not like he owed her an explanation or the fact that they broke up 4 months ago. It's perfectly fine for people to go out and explore the dating pool again. Hell, even Y/n had been on a few dates, none that got past the second date. What bothered her was the fact that Pierre was seen with his new girl in Paris. She still distinctively remembers one warm afternoon in July, where both she and Pierre were cuddled up on the couch watching some random movie to kill time. It was then that he told her, "I'm so excited for next week," he had said as he pulled Y/n closer to him. "And why is that?" she had questioned with a hint of amusement in her voice. "Paris holds a very special place in my heart, and a long time ago I decided that I would only take the people closest to my heart there," he said. "And you are very special to me, ma chérie," he added. It was always like this: cheeky comments and flirtatious replies were what made their relationship theirs. 
So seeing him take Francisca Gomes to Paris felt like a direct hit. Here she was barely able to hold onto a new date, and there he was going to the city of love with his 'special person.'
Y/n had just finished applying a sheet mask and decided to watch some videos on YouTube while waiting for her timer to go off. Scrolling through the home page, her eyes landed on an interview with none other than Francisca or Kika, as everyone on the internet had called her. "Kika Gomes on Balancing Life as a Model, a Student, and the Girlfriend of Pierre Gasly" read the title. She knows she shouldn't; she knows that no positive outcome will come from this video, but ignoring all the warning signs, Y/n clicked on the video. Her room was filled with the voice of Kika and the interviewer. Sometime after the introduction and general questions, Y/n stopped paying attention to what was being said in the interview. That was until she heard the interviewer ask Kika about her and Pierre's relationship.
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On that reply, Y/n let out a dry chuckle. 'When you know, you just know' how basic. Of course she would think that; why would she mind them moving in 'too fast'? She's got nothing to lose. It was Y/n that had to suffer over them 'moving in too fast.' But no one paid attention to that, because she was not the one he was in love with, not anymore, at least.
Sometime later in the interview, the host asked Kika to play a game, answer a few questions, and take part in a challenge. After about 5-6 questions, the host announced the challenge: 'Get Pierre to text you back in 2 minutes; if she fails, she has to perform a dare.' With a scoff, Y/n said, "Good luck with that." She knows there is no way Pierre would reply within 2 minutes; he never did that during the entirety of their 2 years together, and there is no way he's gonna do it now. She saw Kika type a message to Pierre before hitting send and answering yet another question. It had barely been 30 seconds; the girl on the screen barely finished her sentence when the ding from her notification filled the studio. Y/n felt her heart drop; there was no way it was him; he had never been so quick before. Ya, Y/n was sure it was not him, but then what Kika said made her doubt a lot of things about her relationship with Pierre.
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That reply was quick; that's what bothered Y/n. No, scratch that; that was one of the things that bothered Y/n about this new relationship. The girl in front of her could not have been more different from Y/n. She was taller than her, younger than her, and a lot prettier than her. They could not have been more opposite of each other. It made Y/n question whether she was even Pierre's type all along. Was that the reason why he broke up with her? because she was not like the usual girls he would go for? because she did not fit his standard of beauty? Before Y/n could spiral down any further, her phone started ringing, startling her and cutting off her long chain of thought. Looking down, she saw that it was her manager who was calling her. She looked at the top of the screen to check the time: 11:24 p.m. It was odd for her manager to call her at this hour. Confused,  she answered the phone, "Hello?"
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liked by gracieabrams and 120,371 others
👤 : gracieabrams, taylorswift
Yourname: Word on the street that two best friends are on their way to traumatize a whole lot of people at the ERAS TOUR!!!! YES you heard it right, my boy Mario and I are officially joining the wonderful, absolutely stunning Taylor Swift at the Eras Tour.
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gracieabrams: AHHHHHHHHH
-> gracieabrams: OH MY GODDDDDDDD
-> gracieabrams: I HAVEN'T STOPPED CRYING
-> gracieabrams: I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS
User66: @/taylorswift I think you broke Gracie
gracieabrams: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY MARIO?? Where did you get that photo from????
-> Yourname: I have my own ways 😌
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liked by gracieabrams and 99,722 others
Yourname: Best believe I'm still bejeweled, when I walk in the room....Yk how that saying goes ✨
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Yourname: Also for everyone wondering where I got that cowboy hat from? I made it with TAYLOR SWIFT 🙌🏻
-> User83: Please tell me you have matching COWBOY HATS????
-> Yourname: You bet your ass we do 👏🏻
gracieabrams: Well ofc a diamond's gotta SHINEE~
-> Yourname: see Gracie gets it!!
taylorswift: Howdy partner <3
-> Yourname: I see you everyday yet when I saw the notification that you commented, I almost called my mom out of excitement!!!!
*liked by taylorswift*
-> taylorswift: 😂
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liked by Yourname and 173,982 others
👤 : Yourname, taylorswift
gracieabrams: Oh nothing just a girls night in with my 2 besties 👯‍♀️
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Yourname: I'm just gonna go ahead and say it I'm the best bartender out there!
-> gracieabrams: I was gonna say something sarcastic but I don't think my 7th glass of Margarita would let me 🫢
User87: Alt caption: Taylor Swift getting traumatized for 15 minutes straight from witnessing Y/n and Gracie fighting with each other every second of the day
*liked by taylorswift*
After one too many drinks, Y/n, Gracie, and Taylor were all chilling at the rental Y/n and Gracie were sharing. The night was filled with drinks and laughter. With soft music playing in the background, Y/n looked around at Gracie and Taylor, both texting their boyfriends, giggling over their phones. A content look on their faces. Even though Y/n smiled at the sight, a bitter taste filled her mouth. Excusing herself, she went to the bathroom. After being together with someone for 2 years, it's easy to forget what it's like to be single again. It's been 6 months now since they broke up. Y/n knows she shouldn't miss him, because it was obvious that he clearly wasn't missing her. Looking in the mirror, she saw her blonde hair and blue eyes staring back at her. She wondered was it her eyes? Did he just want someone who had darker eyes all along? Y/n knew Kika's features so well, that one might think of her as an obsessive fan, and maybe she was. Definitely not a fan though. Maybe she was obsessed with Kika; what was it that she has that Y/n doesn't? Way beyond her senses, Y/n, in her drunken state, pulled out her phone and opened Instagram to post a story of herself.
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User40 and 65,821 others
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liked by User22 and 101,282 others
👤: pierregasly, francisca.cgomes
Formula1WagsUpdates: Pierre Gasly's partner, Kika Gomes, was spotted at the Miami Grand Prix. The couple were seen entering the paddock together. Some fans spotted the two being extremely affectionate, with Pierre's hand never leaving her back. Ever since the couple started dating, fans have noticed a change in Gasly's demeanor. Some say he has become more of a gentleman ever since Gomes entered his life. All we can say is that we love every moment we can get with the adorable couple.
view all 65,029 comments
User22: They are so cuteeeeee
User09: I'm not gonna lie Pierre has STEPPED UP as a boyfriend!!!
User87: I think it's kinda sad that they refer to Kika as Pierre Gasly's girlfriend and not just by her name. Honestly feel they would have never done that had it been Y/n here.
-> User60: I mean she is his girlfriend! how else should anyone introduce her????
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liked by gracieabrams and 99,722 others
Yourname: Red is the color of the season! and no it's not because of my recent obsession with strawberry jam 🍓
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gracieabrams: A lot of nonsense coming from someone who just finished their third bottle of jam this month
-> Yourname: Shhhhh don't say that out loud my trainer might hear you
taylorswift: The treats turned out to be soo goodddd!!
-> Yourname: I did have the best baking partner after all!!
User44: ummm is no one gonna talk about the last photo???
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liked by charles_leclerc and 299,722 others
pierregasly and francisca.cgomes: The best new beggenings anyone could wish for!! Meet our baby boy Simba 🦁
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francisca.cgomes: My son 🩵
-> pierregasly: you mean our son???
-> francisca.cgomes: NO MINE
alexandrasaintmleux: Leo and Simba playdate when???
-> francisca.cgomes: Just say the time and place and we'll be there
-> User30: Ikrrrrrrr!!! he really is ready to settle down 🥰
What are you supposed to feel when your ex moves on with his life? How should one even react when they see him show more commitment to his current relationship than he did to yours? Y/n wondered, What was even the point of feeling like this? I mean, shouldn't she be happy? She has got everything she could have asked for: a job with her idol, performing night after night in front of people who love her and her music, and spending every second of her life with her best friend by her side. Y/n had everything, but somehow she still felt empty. 
He got a dog with her. Y/n still remembers the day when she suggested they get a pet together. "Come on, Pierre, look at this puppy; he's perfect!!!," Y/n had beamed while showing Pierre a photo of the dog she had seen at the shelter. "He is cute, but you know we can't get a pet," Pierre had said. "We're not even home most of the time, and the constant travelling won't help the dog," he had reasoned. Dejected, she sat back down on the couch, opting to delete the photo. What's the point of keeping it when she knows she will never be able to adopt the puppy?
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liked by gracieabrams and 102,882 others
Yourname: Been thinkin' lots of thoughts 💭
view all 93,702 comments
gracieabrams: hmmm how tho? because last I know i'm pretty sure it's empty up there, like spider webs and shit 😌
-> Yourname: I had ordered Taco Bell for us but looks like you won't be needed it anymore 🙃
-> gracieabrams: Y/N NOOO! I swear I was just kidding 😭
-> User09: Not a single day goes by without us getting Gracie and Y/n acting like kids 🤦🏻‍♀️
User33: Did she just...post lyrics?????????? and that angsty ones?????
-> User86: Shhhhhh!! It can't hurt you if you refuse to acknowledge it
It was finally done. Y/n had just finished her album. She's not gonna lie; this album was probably the most difficult one to record. Especially the last song she recorded. After pushing it back for months, she finally did it. She got in the recording room and poured her little heart out. What surprised Y/n were the tears that came while she recorded the song. It's not like she was in love with him, not anymore, at least. Y/n had finally accepted the fact that no matter how much she questioned the reason for Pierre leaving her and choosing Kika, she could not come up with an answer that would have given her some closure. She had gone through every possible scenario in her head; what could she have done differently to make him stay? But while doing all this thinking, Y/n realized that no matter what she did, he would have ended up with her. Maybe he was holding out, waiting to find someone opposite her, someone who fit his description of "perfect," a match "made in heaven." 
It was time she let go of this chapter, no matter how much it hurt her, it was time to say goodbye to all the possibilities of them.
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liked by gracieabrams and 172,874 others
Yourname: I'm so excited to announce my brand new album, 'Emails I Can't Send'! This album contains exactly what the title says. There will be a lot of times in life where you find yourself in a situation where you want to say things or question things, but you can't because that's just how things have to be. This album contains all the things I wish I could have said. I hope you enjoy the little piece of my heart that I'm sharing with you! Keep it safe <3
view all 111,621 comments
gracieabrams: I am so proud of you!!!! words can't describe how proud I feel right now 🫂
*liked by Yourname*
taylorswift: I have been to the studio...and let's just say you guys are in for a ride!! 🎢
*liked by Yourname*
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Tags: @slutforpopculture | @emmynotawards | @be-your-coffee-pot | @bloodredlolipops | @papaya-twinks | @a-beaverhausen | @rayaharper
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gregorovitch-adler · 10 months ago
A Case of Identity is so... !!!
I didn't like the original story, to be honest, but I do want to see what happens in the next part in this podcast.
I finally got down to listening to Sherlock&co.
1.) I really like this new take on he Holmes adaptation. It's different and interesting. Sounds fresh.
2.) Their voices are distinct, but personality wise, Sherlock is quite similar to BBC Sherlock's Sherlock. But not John.
3.) John is so hilariously awkward and I get so much second hand embarrassment listening to him. 🤭 But I quite like this new way of characterising him. He is authoritative when he truly needs to be. But the rest of the time, the intro and outro of his podcast are record so pathetically lmfao. Love this John Watson.
4.) Mariana from Hudson's instead of just Mrs Hudson? I thought her character was going to be based on Mary Morstan from ACD canon (because of her name), but not really. She's a completely different character altogether. And Sherlock keeps calling her Mrs Hudson and she keeps correcting him saying it's Mariana from Hudson's. XD I can't say much on her character because I'm just on The Illustrious Client right now, but she sounds likeable.
5.) I love how they chose this story (The Illustrious Client) as their first one in the series of podcasts. I really liked that one in ACD canon too. The plot was quite intriguing and I like this idea a lot.
6.) John always calls him Sherlock but Sherlock calls him Watson sometimes. Many a time, actually. What's that about?
I'll probably make more posts as I keep listening to more. That's all for now.
@a-victorian-girl , @jamielovesjam
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mimikittysblog · 2 months ago
Poly! Ateez: How You Met
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Synopsis: How you actually met Ateez before entering a poly relationship with them.
Genre: Fluff | Headcanons
Tagging: @stay-tiny-things @jaerisdiction @bee-gremlin @gae-ping-boosay @xh01bri @nuggiesnuggetdog04 @buttercup0024 @faeprincess777 @pinkpearlstar @starygw3n @sweetinsaniiity (Join Taglist here!)
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
The way you met Ateez was super cute
So you actually work at a school as a staff and teacher
and Ateez for a new Wanteez episode wanted to try to be teachers for a day
Now you’re actually a big fan of Ateez and was delighted to have them contact your school and asked if they could film at there
Not only would it be great publicity for the school, you get to see your favorite idols too
Of course you knew some of the kids also enjoys Ateez so it would be a nice surprise for them too
So the day they arrived you were actually one of the teachers there to greet them
Jesus they’re so handsome in person…
They weren’t fairing much better either cause the moment they saw you for the first time
They were absolutely floored.
They thought you were gorgeous!
Then somehow, almost like destiny, the principal assigned you to be the one to give Ateez and their staff a tour of the school before shoot started
You were thanking the heavens above fr 🙌
During the tour you get to see how even off camera they really weren’t that different.
They were still the kind, hilarious, chatty and respectful group you know.
Here they also got to learn more about you.
They were amazed with your passion for your job.
Also with how much joy and light you exude.
They just adored how you work with the kids and they can tell you’re a lovely person from how the kids also love you.
One kid actually ran up and hugged you when you walked by and your interaction with them melted their hearts
“Miss Y/n!!! Haaii! Why didn’t you teach my class today?? What are you dooooiiing? And Who are these people??”
“Hi Minhwa! Oh well Miss Y/n today had to help Mr. Min! This is a very special group! This is Ateez! And Miss Y/n is showing them around!”
“Woaaah! Ateez?? The group Heesoo likes?”
“Mhm! But don’t tell her yet! it’s a surpriseee!”
“Ok ok!!”
“Good! Now go say hi to them and go back to class okay?”
“Yes Miss Y/n!”
Absolutely adorable
She’s so.. amazing…
God why is so sweet!
These thoughts and more were all running through their head.
After the tour they started shooting and you were also a great help
You always made sure the children were on their best behavior
You also gave them lil tips and tricks when dealing with kids and how to teach them better
They listened to you very attentively.
They wanted to do really good!
For the shoot of course!
It wasn’t like they were trying to impress you or anything 👀
Outside of the shoot, they got to know more about you as well
There were other teachers of course but you really were the one that just pulled them in
They really couldn’t get enough you.
You weren’t complaining tho
Why would you? 🤨
Hanging out with Ateez?? Would never dare to complain! Could never complain!
Today you got to witness their personalities, their best attributes and their dynamics in person!
Here you got to see Hongjoongs leadership really shine even when doing the simplest of things
So admirable
You saw Seonghwa being so absolutely caring towards everyone he interacts with
Could cry he’s so sweet
Witnessed Yunho over there being the big goofball that he is
Doing whatever it took to make the children and even some of the teachers smile and laugh (especially you)
She laughed at my antics 🥰
He thought to himself, determined to hear more of your angelic laugh
Im sure its never a dull day with him
Then seeing Yeosang that cutie patootie so filled with determination at every challenge was so wonderful
Then you saw San..
oh San..
Heart as big as his bod. So soft and lovely.
Making sure all the children are happy and comfortable.
You might’ve actually cried with how soft and precious he is 🥹
Mingi was shy and a lil awkward but still did his best and it was so endearing to witness.
You were able to help him though!
You knew a group of kids who just were so passionate for music just like him
So you pulled him aside to introduce him to them
When he learned these kids shared his passion they all immediately got along and became best buds
He was grateful for you for helping him
“Thank you..”
“No problem! And hey kids! If you impress Mr. Mingi enough, maybe he’ll let you help him write a song!”
Mingi laughed but still hyped them up and the kids started buzzing with excitement
Absolute cuties
Wooyoung and his love for kids couldn’t be more apparent
It made your heart so warm
Acting like the big brother everyone dreams of was just amazing
Jongho was quiet but like everyone else did his best and he absolutely excelled.
Since he had that maknae energy he got along with the kids incredibly well too.
He actually was able to conspire with them to prank his hyungs and the older kids
You thought it’d be interesting to see so you let it slide
Laughter filled the school and everyone just had the best day ever
One more thing that was just a joy to witness was how truly they love each other
What they’ve shown on camera was definitely not just for show
They love, care and take care of each other
Despite all the teasing
This is a family if you’ve ever seen one
A beautiful loving family
They’re all so incredible
Unfortunately though things had to come to an end
The shoot went wonderfully and everyone involved had a great time
But the end of the shoot meant you all had to say goodbye
You 9 didn’t really want to though.
There was just… something about you guys being together all day felt so..
But they technically had no reason to see you again.
Neither did you.
So even though they wanted to exchange numbers they couldn’t find a good excuse as to why.
So they reluctantly got in their cars and left.
Some tried to hide their disappointment
Some where just whining about how they’ll never see you again
*cough cough* wooyoung and san *cough cough*
And a lil bit of jongho too..
You on the other hand also couldn’t help but pout the whole journey home
As you finally arrived, you reminisced about the amazing day you had
Wishing you could have many more with those 8 wonderful boys
But you’ll be grateful to have even had this opportunity and will treasure it forever
You whined into your pillow
You then remembered the many pictures you took of the day!
so you quickly took your phone and began to scroll through them, reliving the moment all over again.
Just then a thought crossed your mind suddenly
..they should have these… they’re so cute! They’d love to have these… maybe.. just maybe…
You then took a risk and messaged their manager.
Telling him you have some photos of the boys with the kids you think they should have.
You thought their manager would just tell you to send him the photos so he could forward it to the boys
But to your surprise an unknown number suddenly messaged you.
“Hi! It’s Wooyoung! My manager said you have some photos to send us? Send it here! 😊”
“Also once again, it was lovely to meet you and thank you for the great day.”
“Omg Hi Wooyoung! Alrighty! I’ll sent them now! It was wonderful meeting you too! And thank you too! Definitely one of the best days I’ve ever had.”
How did Wooyoung get my number?
Manager must’ve given it!
What you didn’t know is that Wooyoung actually stole his managers phone when he saw you texted
Just so he could copy your number onto his phone
Begging his manager to just let him talk to you
When you replied and sent the photos it made him so fucking giddy
He thought he could run a marathon
You two continued to text for a little while before you both had to get to bed
Despite not really wanting to end the conversation.
Wooyoung knew he probably shouldn’t do this.
But.. he couldn’t not see you again.
So he took one final risk.
“I really hope we can hang out one day! I really did love spending today with you.”
You didn’t respond immediately.
“I’d love that 💕”
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2025
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