#such a long answer orz
leftdestiny-posts · 6 months
i'm laying on my bed all snuggly rn so i'm wondering. what is shiro's favored sleeping position? blankets on/off? do you have plushies? any nightly rituals before bedtime? ˙ᵕ˙
My sleeping position is usually; on my stomach, one leg over the other (like a 4 shape), one arm under my pillow, my head turned towards the side, and the other arm suffocating holding the pillow. But my comfy position is me on my side, one arm under a pillow/plushie/person, and the other over it. I love love big spooning but I get hot easily, so I only do it when I'm trying to sleep and will change my position when I decide to actually sleep XD
Blankets are on (pressure on my body makes me comfy) but I only sleep with one over me (I have a bunch of stuff on my bed and I throw it all off when I go to sleep. F for the plushies XD). I have a few plushies on my bed (Dottomon, Arlemeow, and Sealttore - who is there for me to throw when I'm frustrated instead of cuddling lmaoo) but majority of the plushies are in my closet or on my shelves.
Night routine switches up frequently but I like to read an hour before sleeping (if possible). I also take my meds before sleeping because a few have melatonine in them and it'd suck to take them in the morning XD I'll also brush my teeth, do skincare, + braid my hair if they're extra wild. I listen to whale/underwater noises if I have trouble sleeping, and on busy days I'll likely skip the reading so I can talk to myself. It helps me process things and calm my mind ww
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puppyeared · 21 days
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paimonial-rage · 9 months
Ask meme - 6 and 9 for the dragon men (zhongli and neuvillette) please!
This took so long I am so sorry, but here we go!
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette's biggest insecurity?
Neuvillette’s biggest insecurity is not something he's ever tried to hide. Anyone that has spent enough time with the Iudex has probably heard him mention it before. Simply put, Neuvillette doesn't understand the emotions of humans very well. He never has and sometimes he doubts if he ever will? How many times has this flaw of his costed him dearly in the past? How many mistakes has he made? And how many are there yet to come? How he dreads the thought.
What can’t you trust [Neuvillette] with?
To chase after you - Iudex Neuvillette is many things—polite, kind, intelligent—but he is not a man without faults. Only a few know him well enough to realize he holds many regrets upon his shoulders, majority that were never his burden alone to bear. Should you ever become the source of one of these regrets, you can surely expect to know. With somber eyes and a weight upon his shoulders, he will apologize to you. But don’t expect anymore than that. Not understanding human emotions is not only his weakness, but a prison. He will not attempt to make things up to you nor will he try to make things how they used to be. You’re best off where he can hurt you no more, even if that means he will be left alone to the rain.
What is Zhongli's biggest insecurity?
Who knows lol.
What can’t you trust Zhongli with?
With mora - As knowledgeable and talented Zhongli is with many things, it is a surprise to many to hear that businessmen don’t exactly enjoy making deals with him. How can they when contract discussions always leave them with the [shorter end of the stick]? How many [unforeseen business expenses] do they end up incurring in such a short amount of time? In the end, they always lose more than they gained. What they don’t know is this unfortunate occurrence happens with any Mora dealings with the man. But what can you expect for someone that, by contract, has the Traveler liable for all expenses during his outings with them? It's simply best to leave all matters of mora out of any relationships with him.
With your heart - If there's one thing true about Zhongli, it's that, while he may withhold the truth, he does not lie. So when he speaks of a person warmly, they can very well believe his words to be true. That being said, it is important that one does not mistaken his warmth with depth. One cannot simply entrust their heart to him and expect his in return. How could anyone hope to understand the weight of many a millennia, after all? So while the desire may be cute, it'll never be something he would even consider to reciprocate.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#zhongli#neuvilllette#zhongli x reader#neuvillette x reader#character analysis ask meme#my writing#i am so sorry this took so long anon i have no excuses#not the happiest with these set of responses either#neuvillette’s insecurity answer is severely lacking#it’s so obvious that it feels too easy but like#the reason why i feel that way is because the answer doesn’t answer WHY tha5 is his biggest insecurity. WHY does it matter to him so much?#the obvious answer is that it is because he cares about humans but why??#the answer i came to is that deep down he wants to be accepted by humans which is why he seeks to understand them but i am not sure#granted that’s just my gut answer. i need to do way more research but i already left you waiting too long#as for zhongli like….. ugh#my first answer for what you can trust him with was a cop out but like!!!#that’s because my second answer is like something i talk about alllll the time when i talk about zhongli OTL#i have a whole series surrounding it orz#i didn’t think anyone would want me to talk about it again so i came up with the cop out answer#but the cop out answer was such a cop out i ended up typing my original idea haha#so you get two answers that are kind of mediocre. i’m sorry. ;v;#all of my other answers for him would be more humorous#you can’t trust him with: common sense… bringing appropriate party cups… arriving to events on time#tho there’s no proof for it you gotta admit that he gives off the vibes of someone tha5 is chronically late to everything#and as for his insecurity like… typically old and ‘spiritually actualized’ people are of the hardest to analyze in terms of insecurities#he has no chinks in his armor#i will be working on your next ask though! hopefully it takes less time ;v;
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malachite834 · 11 days
hands u a paldean sandwich..... as a treat (all the topping fell to one side of it (it was an attempt (sad koraidon noises)))
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All sandwiches are good always. Thank you so much :3
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cometshift · 5 months
no worries anon :} i literally just use materials / material slots. i avoid texturing because 1. that's closer to phighting's style (there's very very few things that are actually textured in phighting) and also because 2. i can't texture for the life of me. thankfully for both of us, materials are actually super simple to use!
first, make sure to be on material preview mode in the viewport shading, you do this by selecting it in the top right
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so, let's say we want to color subspace's horns here (i removed their color for the sake of this post. don't worry, they'll get it back)
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what you want to do is select an object (in this case, his horns here) and go to its material properties
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and here you can add a new material
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now all these things will show up. (if they don't, you'll have to click the 'use nodes' button under the surface tab.) though you probably won't be needing nodes unless you want something more specific. in this case though, we want to pay attention to where it says 'base color'
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if you click on the white box next to base color, this little colorwheel should show up. you can choose any color here, or input a hex code in the hex tab if you want a specific color
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once you choose a color here, it should show up on the current object you have selected
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now i just do the same for his bottom horns. any material that you've created before will save, so here i just selected the exact same material as the horns on the top of his head
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and there you go :} one thing to mention. because both of these objects are under the same material, if you change the color then it should change for both of them at the same time!
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here you can see i only have the bottom horns selected, but because they're under the same material as the top horns, it's changed colors too
there's also a way for an object to have more than one material. to do this you have to select an object and go into edit mode
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(i had to reset his pose here. goodbye to his gay ass pose)
let's say that, for example, we want only the tips at the top to be a different color. so we do this by selecting the faces at the top
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and we click on 'add new material slot', then 'new'
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because we already have the faces we want a different color selected, we just click 'assign'
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now you can just change the base color as we did before, and only the assigned faces will change color while the rest stays the same
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^ he dyed his horns. so stylish
and there you go :} sorry for the long tutorial, but i hope this helps! there's a lot more you can do with materials and it can go a lot more in-depth, but generally for this sort of style the very basic features will suffice (at least for me. i don't like to do texturing. it hurts me)
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ink--theory · 2 years
So um,, your requests are open according to your bio... umm... I'm on a big Shiver X Frye hype rn so ANYTHING about that I would die for 👉👈
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listening to your new crush friend ramble on about asking the shy piano kid you both barely know to join your band (⌒▽⌒)☆
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spaciebabie · 1 year
Does Katherine Caberet Quinn have eyes? I assume she has eyes and an actual middle name I assuredly didn't make up just now
she does indeed have eyes!
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they're green :]]] shes got a frisk undertale thing goin on
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ive said this b4 but a few years ago when i was designing her i was having a bit of trouble w/her face. it was off and i couldnt figure out why. and then while doodling i thought, "hm she's got some frisk undertale elements what if i gave her their eyes" and immediately i loved it. she also has the old skintone i used ta draw frisk with :]
tbh they ended up looking so similar i changed the way i drew frisk considerably so they weren't EXACTLY the same hgfhgfjgh
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anyway here's both of them w/their eyes open
she follows that fandom frisk trope of them opening their eyes in certain situations. such as when they're surprised, scared, excited, etc.
also, her middle name is ann :]
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braisedhoney · 11 months
please tell me about the pigments i would love nothing more than to hear you talk about that one shade of red you like and the process it took too recreate it
... oh, op. you have no idea what you've unleashed.
alright. here we go.
OKAY SO THE RED PIGMENT. pr206. my beloved. my dearest friend. it was an absolute bastard to find because there are so many of these. however many you think there are, there are MORE, and that's only if you don't count the many many scenarios where colors are known to be multi-pigment mixes, usually varying in tone/shade/intensity depending on the brand and manufacturing style. some colors are more consistent than others, but there are situations where a color can be named the same and contain the same pigments and STILL look wildly different depending on the ratio, binder, and paper you use. and that's not accounting for the way the pigment is processed. some pigments (like pv19 for example) can come in so many shades it's frankly kind of ridiculous.
anyway, my quest begins when i am, admittedly, in an edgier phase. i want a blood red, but not specifically because of that—no, i want it because it is THE IDEAL COLOR (to me) for a perfect, warm, slightly muted but still intense shade to add to a muted autumn watercolor palette. and... if you look at my whole theme, you probably know how much i love warm colors. i want to paint mushrooms. i want to dim down some of the brighter greens to make them autumnal. i want the perfect red to put as an undertone.
the search starts in earnest.
the immediate issue is this: reds (and purples and pinks) have horrifically bad lightfastness. not all of them, mind, but many are NOTORIOUS for fading under uv light, which means they will also fade if exposed to sunlight even in passing should it happen often enough. and—in especially bad cases where they're essentially working with dye and not pigment—they can even fade inside your notebook. inside of a drawer.
so not only are we working with an unfortunate pigment base (i'm simplifying here, there's way more nuance to this but shh) but we are working with one that skews heavily toward floral pinks or oranges. the red i'm searching for is warm, but not orange. dries dark but not brown. is transparent, not opaque. that last part is agonizing, because i also desperately do not want a color that will fade on me or generally destabilize, and most of the stable dark red pigments are EARTH pigments like red ochre (pr101) or the like. which, while fascinating because of their historical usage in things like pottery and even cave paintings that last to the modern day, are VERY OPAQUE. this is an issue with my preferred style of watercolor painting specifically, because opaque pigments tend to lift easier off the page and limit layering.
the search continues. pigment after pigment breaks my heart for one reason or another, drying too close to the cooler purpleish-red tint of wine at best. i think i find it in perylene maroon, but the drying shift (the difference between how a color looks wet vs after it dries on the paper) is so extreme that it loses the luminosity AND it's more opaque than most. i languish.
for a while my search turns to creation. i try and mix as many of my single pigment colors as i can into something that vaguely resembles what i'm looking for—so i take quinacridones and mix them with napthols, with nickel azos, with dashes of ultramarines and burnt sienna. everything turns out either just a bit too opaque, just a bit too muddy (that happens with multi-pigment mixtures, and is why so many people swear by single pigment colors. it's personal preference, really, great art can be made either way.)
still, nothing works. failure haunts me. i sit before a pile of used up watercolor paper that is literally covered edge to edge in nothing but similar red squares with various gradients and blooms as evidence of when i tried and failed to convince myself my efforts were close enough. i admit defeat.
in the meantime i shift my focus. i try and appreciate different color palettes and profiles, experimenting with things like fully transparent palettes (personal favroite) to fully opaque ones that function more like gouache. but despite finding appreciation for it, i still think about the damn red that i could never recreate. it kills me.
and then one day, a youtube video. a pigment is being discontinued, and the watercolor community is distressed. this happens a lot, because pigments are actually not always popular because of artists—sometimes beloved colors are put out of production because larger markets like car companies no longer find them popular enough to invest in. this time, the casualty is pr206, aka brown madder, aka quinacridone burnt scarlet.
let me tell you a little about quinacridones. they are genuinely remarkable colors. they have their own cult followings because of how bright and abnormally stable they are under uv light. they're transparent. they're luminous. they come in mostly shades of red and pink and purple, though there are a couple oranges and yellows in there. (there are no quinacridone blues, as far as i'm aware, but the phthalo blues have that category covered.) they also rewet beautifully, so you can put them on your palette and let them dry and not worry about it turning into a useless little rock of color that you can't get any pigment from anymore.
quinacridone magenta (pr122) is probably the most popular of these, the most often used besides maybe quinacridone violet (pv19). a few years prior we suffered the loss of quinacridone gold (po49) and since then people have been On Alert when it comes to losing these colors. i am one of them, because i never got the chance to even see po49 in person, and now the tubes are so stupid expensive that even the student grade versions go for Ridiculously High Prices on ebay, and the professional brands are being hoarded like (ironically) gold by anyone lucky enough to have a tube left over.
but back to our main character. not me, the pigment. pr206. i have legitimately never heard of this one, which to be fair is probably because i try to limit the random colors i fixate on since the hobby can easily get VERY expensive if you aren't careful. but it's a quinacridone, and that catches my eye.
i open the video.
now, i'm sure any artist out there will be familiar with the fact that screens don't display color consistently. it depends on your device, but most can agree that something that looks cooler on one may be warmer on the other, it's just what happens. but i see this color being swatched, and my brain implodes.
it's almost a perfect match.
it could work. it could. years of thinking that same thought have left me bereft and mistrustful of this specific quest marker, but the thought refuses to leave me. probably because the 'discontinued' label flashes like a neon sign.
i resist for about six months, and then i cave. at this point i have genuinely been trying and failing to find this color for upwards of five years. i am desperate, and the color might not be available anymore soon anyway, and apparently i am weak to sales pitches. (note: the color IS now unavailable in some brands, but others bought a decent supply and should have it available for at least a little while, alongside po48 which is quinacridone burnt orange, a favorite of mine and probably one of the only oranges i use regularly. both are discontinued officially, but they'll still be on sale till those supplies run dry.)
the color arrives. i grab my favorite brush. i pull out my stash of paper that i save for special occasions.
it's almost perfect.
i mix it with quinacridone burnt orange.
the result is, i swear, a perfect match for what i have been searching for.
it's warm. it dries dark but not dark enough to look brown. it keeps its luminosity (thank you quinacridones). it's fully transparent (thank you quinacridones). i genuinely feel the urge to weep, but i don't because i am clinging at last to the dredges of my sanity and also salt makes watercolor pigments behave differently and i will not risk this glorious moment. finally, after all these years, bill cipher has a gun i found the goddamn COLOR.
i mix it with warm yellows and with my favorite blues. with the pinks, just to laugh. life is beautiful and i am painting its sunsets, and i do not care if they look ridiculously messy. i have won.
the moral of the story is to never give up. or maybe it's to remember you never actually know everything about even the fields you love the most, because this color totally blindsided me despite being much more common than i expected. or maybe it's that i seriously needed to chill out for a while.
but yes. that is the tale of one (1) of the colors that has taken up residence in my soul. i hope you don't regret asking now lmao.
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suv-draws-stuff · 9 months
May I ask what the backstories of D'Artagnan & Jekyll Hyde are? As a Limbus enjoyer and a English/french literature enjoyer I am quite curious what the city counterparts of these folk experienced.
Sure! They're still in development (especially d'Artagnan because his source material is so long and for what orz im taking my sweet sweet time with it) I took few inspo here and there from different adaptations too. Here's the bullet points for what I've got so far under the cut
Was born in a nest. Basically lived a nice and cushy life
They're friends with Utterson and Lanyon. Utterson later became a fixer while Jekyll and Lanyon became coworkers in a Wing (which Wing they're working for I still have no clue so far)
Jekyll became one of the head researchers. They also kinda proposed the idea that was similar to the serum they would later use to turn themself into Hyde, but everyone thought that idea was ridiculous (including Lanyon)
Powered by repression, craving for escapism, and spite, Jekyll makes the serum anyway. And it succeeds. They live a nice respectable life as Jekyll and seek all sorts of thrills as Hyde
The events from the book happen. Utterson was suspicious at Hyde and is worried about Jekyll's safety.
Shit hits the fan when Hyde murders Sir Danvers Carew (he was one of the higher ups in the Wing Jekyll worked for. Was it because Hyde was just simply pissed off for no reason because they have no impulse control? Or they still have a grudge from that time the Wing laughed at Jekyll's proposal? Who knows)
Jekyll stops using the serum... but they relapsed. Lanyon died from shock that one time, and Jekyll isolated themself.
All the guilt and paranoia caused them to hear the voice of distortion. Instead of offing themself with poison, they ended up distorting when Utterson broke into their lab. Jekyll ran away in the form of a more monstrous Hyde, never to be seen again.
They managed to turn back into their usual form, albeit with Hyde's head next to theirs and kept a low profile. They were recruited by Limbus as part of its plan to create an experimental branch.
Was born in the backstreets. His mom was dead when he was born, and his dad died later in his life from an unknown cause. He learned combat from simply surviving in the backstreets and from that he trained to be a fixer.
After gaining his fixer license, he tried to apply for a job at an office.
From here I'm still deciding whether he was affiliated with Cinq Association or an associate office under Cinq Association. But yeah you get the idea.
He pissed off Athos, Porthos, and Aramis unintentionally, but they became friends anyway (they were almost arrested for illegal dueling)
Basically these four musketeers were hired by this Wing too. (I'm still stumped on which Wing, but I'm thinking M corp for no reason other than the moon stone singularity and the diamonds utilized throughout the book)
D'Artagnan's first job was to rescue Constance Bonacieux, who worked as a tailor for various fixers and a higher up in the Wing. Then they started dating later on
From this point on I'm still working on it, but for sure, d'Artagnan and the three musketeers had to foil Richelieu and Milady's plans (that mmmay endanger the Wing in some way)
Milady herself was once a Shi Association fixer who later became independent. She killed Constance at some point (mega F)
The musketeers exposes Milady's plans that may endanger the Wing and Milady gets executed.
D'Artagnan's fixer grade rose while his musketeer friends resign from the job and go on their separate ways. (Aramis remains a fixer though, just in Dieci Association instead)
D'Artagnan's career remains stagnant until he was transferred to Limbus because he has all the skills needed for the job they wanted
Meanwhile Mordaunt, Milady's son, wants revenge on the musketeers for causing his mom's death. He essentially becomes part of the opposing organization similar to Gubo's league of nine
(also yes I aged up several characters in D'Artagnan's part. D'Artagnan himself and Constance remain the same age as in the book version though)
If you wanna read more about them, i made toyhouse profiles for Jekyll & Hyde and d'Artagnan
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(also yes that's their executive manager in the background. shes based on xuanzang/tang sanzang)
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theangrypomeranian · 9 months
I was gonna go on anon to ask this bc fear lol but do what scares you until it doesn't scare you ufeelme lmao ANYWAY
Do you have any guidance or advice to someone that has /never/ read fanfic but wants to start? I'm not really a shipper (outside of canon, anyway, like I love boblin but avoid the kids ships even if canon bc of the internet drama I've read. Obviously no judgment on my end, I just don't wanna be involved in it - that anxiety/ chronic stress life babey)
But I've been feeling like having scenes or stories to draw will be the next step in improving my art. I can draw the characters reasonably legible now so wanna draw them interacting with each other more! To encapsulate their dynamics and relationships with one another, any fanfic seems ideal for that! Otherwise I'd just be redrawing scenes and that's fine as is, but it's not necessarily enough? If that makes sense?
With all this in mind, I'm overwhelmed with the prospect of diving in without any knowledge on the fanfic/writing world whatsoever. As I only follow a small handful of writes, and you seem to be one of the most consistent/frequent, I would absolutely love and appreciate your help!
I understand this may either be an unnecessary amount of info, or just a lot/ an intense amount in general lmao, so you don't have to answer this! But I had to try somewhere 👉😎👉 I hope you understand! I'm sure you'll understand 😆🤭
Hello! Sorry for responding so late, work has been taking all of my spoons this weekend and I wanted to be sure I could answer this with the gusto you deserve. (Also I HELLA feel the "do what scares you until it doesn't", I need to start living by that more. Good on you, mate!) For what to read, my number one rule is if I don't think I'll enjoy the story I stay away. AO3's tagging systems is a freaking lifesaver for that imo as you can filter away a lot of stuff you don't want to see, like certain ships or genre tropes or even physical acts of affection/intimacy. Sometimes the summary of a story can also help you decide if it's something you would be interested in. And if there are certain things you DO want to see or certain characters or ships, you can exclusively look for stories that have them (like how I hang out almost exclusively in the Zeke x Tina tag on AO3 lol). Knowing what you do and don't like is crucial for this, though. If nothing else, you can just go onto the Bob's Burgers AO3 tag and scroll through the fics until you see something you want to try reading. And always remember that fanfic is supposed to be FUN, so if you start something and start to not like it there is no shame in clicking out. You are not obligated to keep reading something you don't like, not even if it's posted by someone you DO like. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, after all. I hope this helps you a little bit! And thank you so much for asking me about this, I feel honored. <3 Happy reading!
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extravalgant · 1 year
I finished ratbeard's second promotion and I'm going insane about him rn dude spent his whole life focused on the goal of revenge and the effects of that is so fascinating to me like ik vengeance are bad stories can sound preachy but I also think that sometimes letting someone consume your whole life like that is so damaging
i LOVEEEE revenge stories. like its a tragedy either way because you either kill the person responsible for what happened in the first place and feel aimless and lost and empty afterwards or you dont and just feel. conflicted about the whole thing
LIKE ITS SO SATISFYING IN AN UNSATISFYING WAY I THINK... i think because ratbeard is already so rough around the edges that something like murder wouldnt be above him. but then u find out thats not the case at all... +_+
sometimes i forget that pirate101 is very.. well not explicit but it makes it clear that were killing people and that some of ur crew has killed people before 😭 i mean its obvious from the beginning when u get to choose how ur parents die and whatnot but sometimes it just hits me
AND TO SPEND YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ON THAT.... i just think its sweet that he thanks the pirate<33
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feroluce · 3 months
smth smth yingfeng paralleling farcille
(magically inclined long lived partner tries to defy death by bringing their short lived partner back to life/have immortality but they come out Wrong(tm) instead)
just. the parallels <3
RIGHT? Like oh my god I love the idea of it: a mortal and immortal character falling in love, and the immortal one doing something horribly taboo for them to be together forever. But maybe they fuck something up, or maybe it's just their punishment for playing god, but their now-immortal lover Comes Back Wrong.
I'm actually not caught up on dunmeshi (I get the gist of farcille from socmed, though) but I really like an Inuyasha/Kikiyo flavor to it- Mortal lover is full of rage and hatred, immortal one can't not love them, and then they romantically and dramatically die together murder-suicide style and drag each other to hell. You know, the good shit. ☆
It is one of my ideal dynamics for a bad end pairing. And I do like necromancy shenanigans with a happier/good end, like farcille style too! Just...I don't like either situation for yingyue.
I don't think there's anything wrong with playing with them that way as long as you don't pass it off as canon, like I say all of this with no judgment. But I'm picky and I like to follow canon more closely so I can't really see them in that kind of scenario haha.
It's just! Yingxing's whole deal is that he's a haughty, spiteful, arrogant asshole of a man whose life mission is to be such a damn good craftsman that he can tell all the Xianzhou Natives who looked down on him to suck his short life species dick and flip them the bird. Him being made immortal takes all the fun out of it for me and kinda removes a central part of his character. I LOVE him being petty and full of himself. He should do it more!
And I am so so dearly enamored with the relationship between him and Baiheng. I can't write her out of the whole equation, especially considering she and Yingxing both Came Back Wrong from this incident, and she was the actual intended target.
Like. He loved her. Yingxing loved her. Baiheng was so, so important to him. She's referred to as "the beloved" in Blade's character stories. He called her his bosom friend. He handmade a jade flask just for her.
Not a weapon,
not something she needed,
not something he was doing to show off,
just a flask.
Something pretty, and just for her, something that she would like and use everyday. Not a need, but a want. He did it simply because he wanted to give her a present.
She was the first person to really encourage and believe in him. She helped him come out of his shell (so all that arrogance is her fault BSMZJMS). That animated short where they went up in her star skiff together and she called him cute fucking killed me. They make me chew concrete.
And she was really important to Dan Feng too! He wouldn't have tried to bring her back, otherwise! She died saving him. And he knew what he was doing when he chose to try to bring her back as a Vidyadhara. He had to have. There's no way he couldn't have known that his life was forfeit after this. They don't let you get away with purposely breaking one of the Ten Unpardonable Sins like that.
And he chose to do it anyway. He still chose her life over his own. Dan Feng loved her, too.
He and Yingxing both worked together to try to bring her back because she was someone neither of them could bear to lose.
So if anything, I feel like yingyue is more like larcille bringing back their beloved Falin haha
But no matter who is romantically involved with who, like. It's the love between all three of them that's important.
That's the secret ingredient that makes the triumph of Falin's rebirth and the horrific tragedy of the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae so emotional. Because these were things that could not have happened unless they all loved each other.
#honkai star rail#I hope like any of that made sense skzjkskd#just! the three of them are so!! they're so!!! ARGH#I love them so much. it's such a beautiful horrible fucked up tragedy and no one survived it ok.#but it was still full of love. the love was still there.#from what I understand Dan Feng trying to make Yingxing immortal was an old theory from the beginning of the game?#and maybe I could have been into it back then when I didn't really know them#bc like I said it really is a legit tasty situation! i love that kind of shit!#but. now that I've played so much and gotten to know them a little better I can't get hyped about it anymore orz#it just doesn't really suit them for me. it takes out all the things that make them Them.#I know I said larcille + Falin bc this was supposed to be a post about yingyue#but tbh I ship Yingxing with both of them. yingyue and...what do you even call Yingxing × Baiheng.#fuckin hcq and their reincarnations need to quit having similar names. orz#anyway I like both ships and also Yingxing has two hands!! they can be ot3 I like that too#but so yeah I can't compress the sedition of Imbibitor Lunae into a single two person ship like that bc all three of them were important.#for me it doesn't work any other way.#I need to catch up on dunmeshi too so I can see the necromancy for myself#I don't even particularly ship larcille but I feel like Laios plays an IMMENSE part in bringing back Falin too. at least as much as Marcill#same deal. it's the different kinds of love between all three people that make the moment important haha#this got long sorry I am just very passionate about Yingxing and Dan Feng and Baiheng bslzjzkskdkx#yingyue#yingfeng#yingxing#dan feng#baiheng#answer#lesbianbootheng
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puppyeared · 9 months
40, 8?
40: any bad habits?
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8: any reoccurring dreams?
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send me a number!! 💌
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whats your favorite ff trope for the full score trio specifically? your least favorite?
I’m blanking on specific tropes and extremes because the content curation I do for myself mostly avoids this, but I relate to what @officersnickers mentioned in this post a lot:
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: Ray being constantly annoyed with Emma and Norman; listen, he‘s sarcastic and sometimes loses his temper, but overall, Ray always takes time to explain things that annoy him, without too much scolding. In some stories, I get the feeling he doesn’t even like Emma and Norman, the way he acts, or he drank too much edgy juice™ this morning. Also Norman being all bashful around Emma. He‘s certainly not a casanova, but I like to imagine he cooled down over his crush for her and is just as happy as Emma herself to experience new feelings alongside her. That being said, I don‘t really see Emma being either too shy around either of them or drifting into turbo mode when she‘s in the mood. I like her as a complex, more differentiated character and not a child in a teenager’s or adult body. She’s not dumb and she‘s not over the top 24/7.
So I guess it’s the flanderization of their characters for least favorite?
In an effort to incorporate Ray’s cheekiness/playful teasing that’s most prominent during his time at Grace Field (which I do enjoy and feel like circumstances lead him to refrain from doing this more post-Goldy Pond, both in-universe and metawise), some writers will go overboard and have it descend into almost sketch comedy levels of antagonistic hijinks. Which is fine if people want to write it since it’s all in good fun and they’re exploring things with these characters that appeal to them, but I don’t vibe with it very much.
I do like to think that side of him would resurface more once he’s in the safety of the human world, especially among those he’s closest to.
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(Chapter 161; whenever I look at this too quickly I think Ray’s lightly yet exasperatedly slapping Norman instead of Norman being so excited and invigorated by Emma’s speech that he accidentally bonks into Ray and Ray’s reflexively shielding himself djfkdjs)
Norman’s love for Emma being misconstrued into extremes ranging from being embarrassingly and uncharacteristically nebbish to a yandere is also annoying (covered in this post by @princesscringe with some additional tags I also felt were relevant). Again chalking this up as more of a balance thing because young love can be intoxicating and overwhelming, and when you’re specifically writing fic where the focus is the ship, greater emphasis on those feelings naturally happens. But to the point where it’s all-encompassing and Norman neglects other people who are important in his life or seems to lack any ambition outside of the relationship is so off-putting. That’s part of the significance of his first exchange with Emma upon their reunion in the final chapter:
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He starts off by emphasizing how, through mutual effort and support, the cattle children have been able to finally start thriving in life instead of merely surviving, and stressing how they’ve all been well, because Emma would hate if out of worry and fear for her they weren’t able to create some new happy memories and appreciate the freedom she sacrificed so much for.
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While also showing he’s taken to heart what she said about being honest and vulnerable around others by openly acknowledging how even with all the good that came from this and the fulfillment he found in other pursuits and interactions, he still missed her terribly and wanted her as a part of his life. (If this arc was longer I would have liked to see the children struggling with conflicting feelings of bitterness over Emma’s choice to do this without consulting anyone after how the narrative repeatedly stressed against this level of individual self-sacrifice, but with the amount of pages Shirai had left I’m happy with what he chose to focus on.)
I do enjoy him being briefly stunlocked/flustered by something Emma or Ray say or do because that’s more in tune with how they’re all dynamic characters who are constantly changing and challenging each other as they grow older, tying into the emblematic “I’ll show you something cool, so shut up and follow” line infused with an infectious optimism for the future.
Emma being shy for a prolonged period of time is also off for me with the amount of self-confidence she displays. When there’s something she wants and believes it’s correct to do so, she just goes for it. (It’s why I always maintain she’s the last one to consciously realize and articulate her feelings in a relationship because once she does it’s like, “wait, why aren’t we together? We should fix that,” and the progress on it dramatically picks up lfjldj I love her respectful tenacity and ambition.) Yet pigeon-holing her as a genki girl is also dishonest to her character, even if she is incredibly exuberant and plucky in her default, unstressed state; she’s energetic but it’s with an acute awareness. (This is something I give more leeway to in individual short comics with the hyperbole being used to quickly and clearly deliver a punchline with a limited amount of time and space).
For favorite…does hurt/comfort count as a trope or a genre? I like them taking turns with that for each other. 🖤🧡🤍
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
In response to this post (^。^)
For starters, you make some of the best edits/ banners imo!! I rlly love the visuals and color schemes of One Last Call, not to mention the new banners for your main(?) blog!! The desktop layout is also rlly pretty; I’m always in awe of the spinning dial animation :0
As for your writing, the way you write yanderes is so…..aahh how do I describe it?? Your stories are so delightfully dark, exciting, and creative. Every time I read a new drabble, I can’t take my eyes off my phone, and the endings always surprise me in a good way.
Lastly, by now, you already know how much I love your OCs. You write their backstories + dialogue so well, and it’s rlly fun to interact with them. Their character designs are also *chef’s kiss* especially Cupid’s <3
I hope you know I hogged this ask because seeing this makes me sob HSAIUHUDFIG LIKE PLS IT MADE ME ;-; IN THE MOST /POS WAY POSSIBLE HELPPP
anyways just. oh. ough. I'm honestly gonna be fr w/ you, the desktop layout was actually from someone else I saw (I believe their cr. is there but if not, I'll find whoever it is and get it!), but I'm very honored that my edits are the best you've seen orz
(I put too much time on them and I do not regret doing such a thing LMAOOO esp for OLC, that sht was so fun to do)
Your stories are so delightfully dark, exciting, and creative. Every time I read a new drabble, I can’t take my eyes off my phone, and the endings always surprise me in a good way.
researching for those stories + making sure they work are one of the things I put so much effort on and I sometimes have to resist losing my mind over them because some are a menace to write HAIUHDFUIR though I'm very glad you love them! (I also pride in some of them because GOD I have too many ideas on a few that ended up being extremely dark LMAOOOO)
I think my fave will be Tailor of Inazuma because that got me in the "let them cook" and its the darkest, vile sht I can come up with. It's absolutely bonkers HAHIUFHRDI
(update: I literally had a moment where I'm just kicking my feet, giggling and rolling over the bed at the third one. Pls I took too much pride in my ocs and worldbuilding and it reminds me why I hoard this ask for 2 days and would've done it anyway if I wasn't going "oh right I gotta answer the others" HAIUHERIUFG)
(anyways I hope u know Im smiling like an idiot while I prepare for Flawed's opening. It's insane but dw I'll be fine. I'm def sane abt this.)
(No, no I'm not sane.)
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elegyofthemoon · 5 months
6 + laios!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
me who has no memory tbh about dunmesh anymore
i mean i think i'm willing to try something at least Once ? like food wise too. they mention all these monster foods in the story and im like 👀 that looks neat (the whole story made me so hungry sometimes so everytime i read dunmesh it was snack time for me alskdjaflh)
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