#chaotic evil chaotic good and chaotic neutral respectively fr
suv-draws-stuff · 9 months
May I ask what the backstories of D'Artagnan & Jekyll Hyde are? As a Limbus enjoyer and a English/french literature enjoyer I am quite curious what the city counterparts of these folk experienced.
Sure! They're still in development (especially d'Artagnan because his source material is so long and for what orz im taking my sweet sweet time with it) I took few inspo here and there from different adaptations too. Here's the bullet points for what I've got so far under the cut
Was born in a nest. Basically lived a nice and cushy life
They're friends with Utterson and Lanyon. Utterson later became a fixer while Jekyll and Lanyon became coworkers in a Wing (which Wing they're working for I still have no clue so far)
Jekyll became one of the head researchers. They also kinda proposed the idea that was similar to the serum they would later use to turn themself into Hyde, but everyone thought that idea was ridiculous (including Lanyon)
Powered by repression, craving for escapism, and spite, Jekyll makes the serum anyway. And it succeeds. They live a nice respectable life as Jekyll and seek all sorts of thrills as Hyde
The events from the book happen. Utterson was suspicious at Hyde and is worried about Jekyll's safety.
Shit hits the fan when Hyde murders Sir Danvers Carew (he was one of the higher ups in the Wing Jekyll worked for. Was it because Hyde was just simply pissed off for no reason because they have no impulse control? Or they still have a grudge from that time the Wing laughed at Jekyll's proposal? Who knows)
Jekyll stops using the serum... but they relapsed. Lanyon died from shock that one time, and Jekyll isolated themself.
All the guilt and paranoia caused them to hear the voice of distortion. Instead of offing themself with poison, they ended up distorting when Utterson broke into their lab. Jekyll ran away in the form of a more monstrous Hyde, never to be seen again.
They managed to turn back into their usual form, albeit with Hyde's head next to theirs and kept a low profile. They were recruited by Limbus as part of its plan to create an experimental branch.
Was born in the backstreets. His mom was dead when he was born, and his dad died later in his life from an unknown cause. He learned combat from simply surviving in the backstreets and from that he trained to be a fixer.
After gaining his fixer license, he tried to apply for a job at an office.
From here I'm still deciding whether he was affiliated with Cinq Association or an associate office under Cinq Association. But yeah you get the idea.
He pissed off Athos, Porthos, and Aramis unintentionally, but they became friends anyway (they were almost arrested for illegal dueling)
Basically these four musketeers were hired by this Wing too. (I'm still stumped on which Wing, but I'm thinking M corp for no reason other than the moon stone singularity and the diamonds utilized throughout the book)
D'Artagnan's first job was to rescue Constance Bonacieux, who worked as a tailor for various fixers and a higher up in the Wing. Then they started dating later on
From this point on I'm still working on it, but for sure, d'Artagnan and the three musketeers had to foil Richelieu and Milady's plans (that mmmay endanger the Wing in some way)
Milady herself was once a Shi Association fixer who later became independent. She killed Constance at some point (mega F)
The musketeers exposes Milady's plans that may endanger the Wing and Milady gets executed.
D'Artagnan's fixer grade rose while his musketeer friends resign from the job and go on their separate ways. (Aramis remains a fixer though, just in Dieci Association instead)
D'Artagnan's career remains stagnant until he was transferred to Limbus because he has all the skills needed for the job they wanted
Meanwhile Mordaunt, Milady's son, wants revenge on the musketeers for causing his mom's death. He essentially becomes part of the opposing organization similar to Gubo's league of nine
(also yes I aged up several characters in D'Artagnan's part. D'Artagnan himself and Constance remain the same age as in the book version though)
If you wanna read more about them, i made toyhouse profiles for Jekyll & Hyde and d'Artagnan
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(also yes that's their executive manager in the background. shes based on xuanzang/tang sanzang)
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Appearance: I’m 5’4 with pale skin, I weigh about average weight for my size. Hair is dirty blond and goes to about my shoulders. My eyes are a silver-blue and I have freckles on my face.(sadly, a few pimples here and there too) I have five birth marks on my thighs, I also have some scarring on my skin from picking at scabs.
Personality: I’m social until my battery’s out, then I usually spend a while to myself. I have a pretty flexible personality and am willing to be calm or chaotic depending on whom I’m with. I am of more a burst of energy over collective efforts person. If I don’t like a subject I don’t try to be good at it. I’m willing to hear anybody out(no matter what it is). I see all shades of gray and not black n white. I prefer to lie to someone than tell them a hard truth, I also try and keep my emotions to myself. I don’t know if this has anything to do with personality but I’m VERY forgetful, I always forget why I’m somewhere or what I’m doing.
Interests: I draw, garden, bake, cook, play video games, go on walks. I can get into pretty much any fandom as long as it’s not boring. I like horror, animals, sports cars, art, and money.
Other info: INFP, Gemini, ambivert?(Depends on my mood), chaotic-neutral
Thank u, you don’t gotta do this
a/n: omg anon im a gemini infp too you just like me fr also i made this while playing roblox so sorry if it's shit also you literally look similar to me r u my evil twin or something
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ok so this is kind of me projecting on you because i love kel but i think u guys would get along really well
the two of u are pretty chaotic together, but he's a sweetie and respects it when you need a break
introduces you to all his friends and his basketball team and like shows you off
asks you to draw him and always wants to know what you're drawing
i feel like you'd spend a lot of time with BASIL as well, so KEL tends to tag along and the two of you try to teach him how to do things like garden and doodle
you make him breakfast sometimes and he always wolfs it down and tells you you're the best at baking/cooking, even if it's the most basic shit like toast and eggs
he likes to show you how to play basketball,, and the two of you just walk around and talk with the gang a lot
you guys play video games and watch horror movies together a lot
he likes u a lot, and he's kinda similar to u as he also sees every shade of grey, he's probably chaotic good or something good n he does a lot of the standing up in situations
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In my fr friend group, it’s always been agreed upon that the lightweaver is lawful evil. And we also agree that the shadowbinder is chaotic neutral. I think the assumption that light is “good” and shadow is “bad” by many people is pretty simplistic, and doesn’t reflect the character of the deities and their respective flights.
Disclaimer: My opinions are merely about lore, not the actual player base or flight culture.
I’ve always seen the light flight as being pretentious, devoted and willing to do anything for the “greater good”, specifically theirs. As scholars, they take it upon themselves to “enlighten” other flights and consider them inherently beneath them, but still eligible for their magnanimous God’s mercy, should they open their minds to Her greatness. There is no doubt they have biblical texts describing the great deeds and interactions with mere mortals. Prophets rise and fall. 
And so too does knowledge. Great libraries are constructed in honor of Her, filled to the brim with every fact and wandering thought they can contain. There’s a brilliant spectrum of philosophies, but all argue to be Her Truth, and often become political and deadly affairs. Conflict on the inside of the light flight is social. Royal families pass quips and jibes, orchestrate incidents, set up deaths behind closed doors.Their Truth is Her Truth. And anyone who would say otherwise no longer has the ability to do so.
They seek to “enlighten” other flights via crusades and campaigns. If they can’t convert your village to the light with missionaries, their armies will suffice. Any deaths that occur are a pity, but they are ultimately destroying the darkness of the world. And those captured don’t fare any better. Anything not pertaining to the light flight and Her glory is cast aside as a needless, heretical distraction. Their God is all that matters. Praise her. Educate yourself to the Truth.
And the beast clans.. Oh, the beast clans. At worst, they are demons. At best, they are sub-persons because they were not created by Her beauty, and cannot receive the blessings she showers on Her children. But they can be enlightened. They can be collected, bought, sold, treated as pets and servants. They are not dragons, so how could they matter? In light territory, a large portion of the beast clan population is wiped out entirely. There’s still a resistance, but it must hide and resort to extreme tactics to stay alive in such a hostile environment. This is one of the hardest fronts of their battle against dragon-kind.
Upon visiting, the evil beneath light dragons isn’t visible. It stands beneath the surface, in their laws, in their social rules. To someone unaware of their actions, they can seem charming, thoughtful, kind and intelligent. Good, even. But in the light, there is nowhere to hide. You cannot escape their sight. If they want to do something to remove you. they will find a way. By any means necessary.
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