#subtle nya.....
writer-room · 5 months
Obsessed with Jay fully knowing he has lightning powers, but tucking that shit so far back down it's right next to where he keeps all his insecurities. By which I mean I know damn well he is SO bad at hiding his element. The toaster in the break room is on the fritz and he goes over to fix it and winds up sparking it back to life on accident. Someone bursts into his office when he's playing video games and he startles so bad he sends an electrical shock through the controller and blows a fuse. He's out on a mission in the middle of a storm and whenever anyone touches him they keep getting zapped with weirdly powerful static.
He insists no one knows. The truth is that most people don't know because the Administration would have to do too much paperwork if Jay actually had powers so they live in blissful ignorance. The few that do know keep their mouths shut and decide it's just a quirk of their weird manager. Jay's humming the mission impossible theme under his breath every other day, which is probably why he never even bothered to get to the "huh, I wonder why I have these weird powers" stage. And he will continue to not think about it until he dies. Or Nya finally finds him and has a meltdown over her greatest fear coming true. One of the two
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l1-b1 · 7 months
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Thinking about Nya taking on a mentor role for Sora as she recognises parts of herself in Sora
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Hang on I just noticed something
So on their gis, it should be folded left over right. Only the dead have it right over left.
And who do we see are the only two who have it wrong?
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The only two characters who, (up until this point) have technically died!
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fishybehavior · 2 years
Riding the currents at the mountain tops of the early morning, Jay soared above the monastery. Smiling as he felt the freedom of flying, untethered to the problems on the ground.
But looking down he saw a new face, Nya, one of the new charges of the monastery was looked up at him from the ground. They stared at each other as Jay soared by.
Nya's speckled wings were folded so tightly against her back he almost couldn't see them. Her face seemed to blank as she stared, but he could see something subtle in her face as she stared at him.
Looking away, he flapped his wings harder, raising himself higher into the sky before tucking in his wings to dive right at the monastery. Getting in close before throwing open his wings to let the wind pick him up again. He heard Nya gasp as he past her overhead as he flew over the monastery following the currents he let them carry him.
Flying as if no one watched him, he twirled and dived. He flew for the girl who couldn't, for the girl who was scared to stretch her wings, for the girl who wanted nothing but to be just as free.
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marsipain · 1 year
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Heres my own redesign of s1 Nya I did for funsies!
I always wished she had a less formal outfit (because lets face it, a qipao isn’t exactly casual) but it was too iconic to just completely remove, so I gave her a jacket! I also added some subtle hints to her being a mechanic/Samurai X; her toolbelt, goggles and the oil smudge on her cheek!
Not much else I would really change about her character in s1 (except her … questionable writing but that’s a talk for another day..,,!)
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destinysbounty · 10 months
As any self-respecting Zane stan, of course I've seen Decoded. And of course I loved the sweet but subtle character moment of him being bashful and awkward when Jay brought up the statue.
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For the longest time, I've always interpreted this moment as Zane being his typical humble, bashful self. And while I'm sure that's true to an extent, recent events from Dragons Rising have led me to consider an alternative interpretation.
If I may bring your attention to this quote from DRpt2:
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"Zane had impressive shoes to fill. No one could live up to him, maybe not even Zane himself."
I dunno. There's just something about the fact that Zane's own legacy has outgrown him, that he's overshadowed by the memory of his past self, that rather than a testament to the love his friends and community have for him he instead sees the statue as an insurmountable burden he can never hope to live up to...
Which brings me to yet another blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment from the Shadow of Ronin video game (I know it's canon-ness is debatable, but hear me out for a sec)
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While everyone is gathered around Nya and speaking to Borg via hologram, Zane is...gone. He's off in the distance, standing at the base of his statue, just...staring at it.
God, and when you add this all up to Zane's Ice Emperor baggage...yeah.
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Ninjago headcanons from an elder fan
Part II
Zane has the most blunt humor out of all the ninja. And it's so subtle that only Cole will catch on and that is rare. He's actually really funny.
Zane is also Cole's mountain climbing buddy, considering he's the only one that can keep up. However, if it's too hot, Zane prefers to stay behind.
Lloyd still acts like a little shit sometimes. He might pull pranks or catch a bribe here and there. He grew up as a bad kid so he knows all of the tips and tricks.
Nya outsmarts him though.
She was also a bad kid growing up, but she was a lot more subtle with it.
That's why Kai doesn't fall for anything she throws at him.
Yes, the ninja still release music from time to time. Instead of that quartet act, they all actually picked up an instrument.
Zane had bass, Kai vocals, Jay guitar, and Cole got drums. (Totally reflecting The Fold here).
Their songs popped off and they're still being listened to, and they release music form time to time. Fr rockstar playboys energy. And they make cheesy music videos so go along with some songs too.
Kai is the biggest on interacting with the fans. He live posts, signs autographs, sends personal videos, and often spends his free time inflating his ego reading comments on his posts.
Half is to feed his ego but the other half is genuinely being a good person and making his fans feel important.
Remember the last post about them all having motocycles? Yeah, fans will wave to them or get them to sign something if they're stopped at a red light. Or they'll wave at kids and give fist bumps.
Motorcycles are just easy accessible when about and about in the city compared to their elemental dragons or other vehicles.
The way they get along also reflects on how their elements interact with each other.
Nya & Zane = Ice and water practically go hand in hand
Cole & Jay = Lightning always strikes the highest point of earth
Kai & Zane = Don't really get along too well but they are content with each other
Nya & Cole = Water meets the land, but the waves can be quite brash, aka their personalities clash a lot. (Another reason why she didn't end up with Cole).
Cole will often use his friends as a bench press while they read or scroll through their phone. Lloyd has tried to take on this habit but it did not work out in his favor (he dropped Nya).
Whenever Nya is acting super serious or focused on something, Jay will get this stupid dorky smile on his face while he watches her.
She tries not to notice but his staring is distracting most times.
And if she confronts him or tells him to stop she get get attack in a flurry of kisses until she laughs.
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tornoleander · 4 months
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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cookii-moon · 1 year
I really like it when powers are used for more than just fighting. Like it’s part of the character and their expressions. I wish Ninjago did it more and I really like when people explore it. Also it’s so cool in like animation or art.
Cole will cause the ground to shake whenever he walks when he’s upset or after an argument. You can tell when he’s growing annoyed by the sand and dust gathering and whipping around him like a mini sandstorm. When he feels infuriated or lashes out spikes of earth will erupt from the floorboards much to the dismay of those who have to fix it. When he’s distraught the earth will crack and lava will pool out of it. His wounds have a strange molten look to them. Anything earth related will cling to him and it’s so hard to get it off, you’ll spot him at the beach his entire lower body and arms coated in sand while an entire wave of it trails behind him like a dress trail. Sand will poof out of his hair when he’s surprised. His eyes, hair and skin will start to glitter and glisten like a geode when he’s excited, nobody knows if they’re just imagining it or not. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll leave a bed of beautiful flower-shaped crystals behind after making a particularly happy memory. If Nya was watching the crystals bloom around him as they talked, she didn’t say anything
Jay will cause a slight wind around him and the the air will be filled with buzzing electricity when he’s annoyed. Lightning will accumulate under his skin and give him a pulsing glow you’d rub off as the lighting when he’s angry, jumping from him to any power source or conductor nearby, hair standing up on end as it comes close. When he feels guilty or anxious, his body will go frantic, regularly twitching with nervous spasms and seizures. His eyes have that extra little energetic spark to them that makes it look like pure plasma or the middle of a thunderstorm. When he’s excited, his hair will poof up and frizzle, small arcs will shoot off of his form and there’ll be a quick bounce in his step. Maybe one day, when he’s dancing together with Cole, beautiful spheres of lightning and veils of plasma filled the room like a light show or a concert in response to his genuine joy. Of course, no such scenario has ever happened yet… to our knowledge, at least.
Zane will cause the air to chill around him under annoyance and his eyes will turn ice sharp. Frost spreads around him when he’s upset and blizzards will form and encase his body in ice when he’s devastated. Sometimes you can hear a soft crack in his step and a thin layer of ice will coat where he walked. When he’s excited powder snow will accentuate his movements and vanish in a trace as if his hands were coated in glitter. His skin might have a cold touch and ice-like shine to it when he’s content and comfortable. His hair will be coated in frost and light snow will begin to fall around him when he’s happy, but it isn’t an uncomfortable cold, rather a peaceful, ethereal type of snow that drowns out all other sound and leaves you in silent awe. When he gave Kai an ice sculpture of a seadragon in one such instance, Kai was sure it would melt within the next day, yet the sculpture has remained and not so much as a drop of water has ever been shed from it. Perhaps the emotions of elemental masters have a greater effect on their powers than previously believed.
Kai will cause the very air to smolder in his rage, flames will lick up his hands as ashes and embers fly in the wind and his hair dances and glows like a roaring fire consuming the sky. He will sizzle and crackle under annoyance as short lived sparks and embers entwine around him like a firecracker. His body emits just that tiny bit more warmth that makes him the favorite person to hang out with in the winter, whether the attempts be disguised and subtle or obvious and straight to the point. When content his entire body seems to emit a soft, sun-like glow and a gentle warmth will radiate out of him. One time, Lloyd begged and pleaded for Kai to take him to see his first ever festival. Little did he know it was Kai’s first as well. Lloyd could swear he saw shimmers and patterns and lights trail up his arm and through his hair before bursting around him in the air like fireworks as he watched a traditional Ignacian performance, though who really knows if that was more than simply the prop flames on stage.
Nya will cause waves to gather around her as an eerie blue light encompasses her eyes and bright blue markings trail down her skin and reflect off the water when she’s angry. When she’s aggravated, nearby water-based appliances may suddenly burst (see Seabound) and shower the room. Near the ocean, waves will lap at her feet and rise up to envelop her hair and sweep her away in an attempt to take her back to where she belongs. If light hits her the right way, you might see the way her skin looks so strangely translucent with the slightest hint of blue, and the light reflecting off of it like her skin were the surface of the ocean. When she’s glad or content water seems to spray around her in just the right way as a faint rainbow traces her movements and arcs around her. When she’s at shore with Zane after a long day and a heavy discussion, maybe coral will sprout around her and bubbles will float into the air as she pulls away from the hug, leaving Zane alone to wonder at the beautiful fairy tale land. And.. well.. relocate the coral. Just in case.
And finally Lloyd. Lloyd is unique in that his don’t often manifest physically. Sure, there’s the green glow of his eyes, the faint gold coming off of his arms and the slight pointed ears, but for the most part they figured his powers simply didn’t show themselves like the others. Which was correct, partially. But there was just that feeling that they brought with them. Sometimes there would be an anger originating from the very air they breathed, so strong that it would nearly choke them. Other times there would be a deafening silence surrounding them, as if blanketing the world itself. The only common factor in these occurrences was, well, Lloyd. It wasn’t until a late night video game session, after they had defeated emperor Garmadon, that Jay finally put the pieces together amidst the raging emotions that encompassed the room, that were later silenced as Lloyds golden glow grew brighter than ever.
so anyways this is a call to action for you to think about their powers more. My job here is done.
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mouwrites · 7 months
Ninjago - Their Favorite Places to Kiss You
She loves how convenient it is, particularly when you’re already holding hands
Like, you guys will just be chilling or walking along, and she’ll quickly bring your hand to her lips and give it a quick kiss before lowering it again
If you glance over at her after, you’ll see a contented smile on her face
That smile will be complimented with a subtle blush if you kiss her hand back
Though those casual kisses are her favorite, she also likes more intimate ones
I can see her gently rubbing her thumb over your knuckles while she brings your hand to her lips, kissing each joint and knuckle slowly and deliberately
If she’s feeling extra mushy she’ll move on to your face, peppering it with kisses as well
Her kisses are sooo soft man,,, you already know she uses the nicest smelling chapstick
AND the prettiest lipstick
You’ll get little colored marks if she’s applied it recently, which she always giggles at
It’s the warmth of your skin that draws him in
He likes to just rest his chin on you, taking in your warmth
Then he’ll give you a kiss right on your shoulder, prolonging the contact as long as possible
He just loves the feeling of that soft warmth on his face
And he’ll breathe in your scent, humming dreamily with a deep inhale
He’ll be slow with his kisses, with long gaps between them
He slowly follows your collarbone up to your neck
He’ll rest his cheek against your neck, feeling your pulse against his cheekbone
He reserves these moments for when you’re alone, of course
Bro might be clingy but he does have some dignity
In public the most he’ll do is lean down to give your shoulder a quick kiss from behind, usually when he thinks no one is looking
Just a quick hit of that addictively soft warmth
(And I am so sorry but there is only about a 40% chance that his lips aren’t going to be chapped, he does NOT know what chapstick is)
Top of your head :)
I headcanon him to be super tall, so it’s pretty easy for him to reach the top of your head
Even if you are taller than him though, he still loves nothing more than to plant a kiss up there
It makes him feel protective over you :)
He especially loves to do this when you’re cuddling; you’ll be laying on him with your head on his chest and he’ll just crane his neck a bit to kiss you
He likes how noninvasive it is; if you’re sleeping, he can do it without waking you, and if you’re just chilling, he can do it without bothering you
Sometimes he’ll even just kiss you as he walks by, stooping down for a half second and walking away like nothing happened
If you have hair, he’ll pretend he got it stuck on his lips when he’s feeling silly
He’ll just start going “pteh! Ppphhh!!!” after smooching you
It makes you both laugh every time :)
If you’re bald he’ll pat your head so it makes a smacking noise while he kisses you
He just goes “smack and smack” (“smack” as in hit and “smack” as in kiss)
He has one tube of chapstick that’s lived in his pocket for literal years; he only uses it when he remembers it exists (which is kinda rare)
But our boy stays hydrated, so dw about his lips ever being chapped 💪
Ya mouth
It’s very intimate, which he likes :)
He’ll wrap his arms around you while he kisses you, holding you close to deepen the kiss
But he also likes quick little pecks that hardly last a second
He uses those as casual greetings/goodbyes
He saves the more passionate kisses for more meaningful occasions
Like if you’ve been apart for a long time or it’s a holiday or a sweet moment
He has so many tubes of chapstick
Ever since he started dating you he got self-conscious about having chapped lips, so he ALWAYS has to have at least one with him at all times
If he forgets, he just buys another (hence the ridiculous amount he owns)
And when he gets a new one, he likes to see if you can guess the flavor ;)
Like the chapstick challenge from like 2017 (I am so sorry but I don’t know the exact year 😭)
And he can always tell when you’re trying a new chapstick
He knows all your chapsticks by heart
To him it’s like he’s kissing your mind, which he loves
He thinks you’re brilliant <3
And he knows that the personality is mainly sourced in the brain
So, to him, he’s kissing the your essence
It’s very meaningful
But it’s also just more convenient; he’s also super tall
And it’s less awkward
He’s a little shy when it comes to physical affection, but a forehead kiss is just casual enough for him :)
When he is feeling especially touchy, though, he’ll put a hand on the back of your head and hold your head against his shoulder after he kisses you
His lips are literally never chapped
But sometimes he puts on chapstick anyway, just to be safe
It’s always just plain; no flavors for him
But sometimes he asks to try out your flavored chapstick (indirect kiss!??!! 🤯)
He kisses you so gently
He’ll hold your face still with his hands, slowly drawing you closer to ensure that he hits the mark
He’d hate to screw it up; he knows that eyes are not exactly resistant to pressure
So, even though it makes him a little nervous, he’ll always take the time to kiss you softly right on your eyelids
Maybe it’s the necessary softness that makes it so special for him
I think that sometimes he’s a little afraid of his own power, so being gentle like that is therapeutic for him
He feels like it’s proving to you (and himself) that he can be gentle when he wants
He strictly uses those chapsticks that are supposed to be flavored like candy/soda
But only the ones that are ACTUALLY sweet
Good stuff only
It motivates him to use them more often, so his lips are always soft :)
And they smell nice too
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Thanks so much for reading!! Just wanted an excuse to make more nya content to make something a little more chill today :] Take care my lovely duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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circus4apsycho8 · 7 days
Hello! Just wanted to ask for a headcannon of Ninjago characters (the one you usually do) x unnaffectionate reader? It's not like they're mean it's just that affection isn't a big part in their life and they usually forget about it. And then one day reader is like 'oh shit maybe this makes my idiot feel bad' so they try to make up for it by being super affectionate for a day and beginning to show subtle signs of affection more regularly?
Love this! Here you go!
Includes: Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd, Nya, Morro, & Garmadon in that order
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ninja, morro, & garmadon x unaffectionate!reader headcanons
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he’s very affectionate, so he’ll eventually start getting hurt that you don’t return his advances as much
he understands not wanting to do it in public, but in private is where it hurts him
one day, he stops trying and doesn’t seem quite like himself
this is what makes you realize that he’s hurt
after taking some time to think about it, you make it a point to show even a little bit of affection
so, one day when he gets home from a mission, you shyly take his hand in yours before asking him about his mission
he understands how much it means coming from you, and he appreciates the sentiment
he asks you what changed, and you quietly admit that you should have compromised more with him, seeing as how he respects your wish for no pda and apologize
then, you press a soft kiss to his lips and vow to gradually increase the affectionate as you grow more comfortable
jay would be a little more understanding; he gets not wanting to be touched as he experiences this himself sometimes
so he’s certainly more patient with you
but there are times when he starts feeling especially sensitive about it, and it makes him start overthinking
over the course of a few days, he starts gradually acting different
at first, it’s him wondering if he’s just overreacting
but as it progresses, he starts hurting and worrying - did he do something to make you mad? is he just misreading the situation?
eventually, he goes to cole about this; cole suggests that he just ask you
so, jay works up to the courage to and does
this leads to a productive conversation, and you agree to start showing more affection as you feel comfortable with it
he hides it well, but this man is touch starved
desperately wants to show his affection, but quickly gets that it isn’t your thing
initially pushes his hurt away, thinking that maybe you just need time
quietly tries to figure out why you’re not keen on affection, but doesn’t get too far
he tries to ignore it; he’ll take his frustrations out on the punching bag or on enemies
but there comes a point one night where it all comes bubbling up
the two of you are alone after a mission one night, and you’re patching up some of his injuries
cole is exhausted and in pain
he can’t help it - he tears up
he just wants a hug, or for you to hold his hand and stay with him a little longer. he just needs something
but all he gets is a distant expression - one that opens an old wound in his heart. and he can’t hide it any longer, so he breaks down
alarmed, you immediately sit down with him and ask him what’s wrong
so, he softly professes his hurt to you
once he’s done, you apologize and give him a hug, promising that you’ll try to do better for him
you end up staying with him for the rest of the night, holding him until he falls asleep <3
he doesn’t really mind initially - he doesn’t know much about relationships anyway, so for a while it works
but as the relationship progresses, he observes that other couples - both in real life and in pop culture - are more touchy than the two of you are.
he asks you why this is - he’s not necessarily hurt, but he wants to understand why you two aren’t affectionate. it makes him think he might be doing something wrong
after explaining that all couples are different, and that you’re just not a very affectionate person, he understands
the two of you continue to talk about it, and after a while, you decide to try small things together - like holding hands or light hugging as you both feel comfortable
he is so shy when it comes to affection at first
he’s never been in a serious relationship before, so it takes him some time to warm up to the idea
when he realizes you aren’t very affectionate, he has to rethink the situation
he’s stuck between wanting to respect your boundaries but also wanting to show/receive affection
will 100% go to the smith siblings for advice
once he does, he asks you about it one night
after talking about it for a bit, you agree to try some small gestures of affection out together :)
she’s not one for pda, but does want to hold your hand or give you small, chaste kisses when you’re alone or around the others
might go to her brother or cole for advice
usually, she waits for you to initiate contact, and will follow your lead or ask you if you’re comfortable doing/receiving something
after observing your reactions, she’ll ask you about it
not really sure what to do initially; might not even realize that he wants affection
stays silent for a while. probably sulks a lot but shakes it off well most days
he ends up thinking he’s making a big deal out of nothing, so he doesn’t say anything about how he’s feeling
you notice that something’s off with him when starts becoming more distant
after trying a few different things, you end up just sitting beside him one day and taking his hand, quietly asking him if it was something you did
he admits he isn’t sure why he’s upset, but admits your touch is comforting
a hug ensues <3
garmadon (crystallized)
initially understands
as the relationship continues, though, he wonders if it’s something he’s doing
panics and convinces himself it was something he did
terrified that he hurt one of the few people who isn’t afraid of him
vinny ends up calming him down and advises him to open a conversation with you
once the talk does happen, he understands and feels much better when the two of you strike a compromise
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Ninjago Headcanons (Signature Scents)
Ninjago Headcanons of their Signature Scents that characters would have.
More Characters Found In (Part 2)
Lloyd's signature scent would have resembled that of incense sticks, used for prayer. Also with hints of tea leaves. He also has a slightly sugary smell to him. Guess he never grew out of that sweet tooth.
Smells earthy, woody, and a little musky, but warm and comforting, maybe with very subtle hints of vanilla. There's a certain heaviness to the scent. Nothing to over powering but definitely noticeable.
Smells of spices, a hint of whisky, an undertone of warm amber a scent that would warm you instantly. There's a hint of a scent of ash to him as well.
Smells of rain, the scent of a stormy night. I feel like he think it makes him more mature. He asked Nya to help him pick it out.
Smells of motor oil. In all honesty, I don’t think Zane would require cologne or have a personal scent. But I do like to believe that if he would smell of anything else than motor oil. He'd smell of fresh laundry, maybe with hints of Lavender, and mint.
Smells of the sea, with summery scents, and slightly salty undertones. I don't think she'd wear very feminine scents. But probably something with hints of water lilies. I feel like the scent reminds her of her mother.
Pixal much like Zane in reality would probably smell like motor oil. But I’d like to think she’s made some form of invention that could help her obtain a signature scent to cover the smell. It would be citrus scent. Lemony maybe with an hint of orange blossom.
Skylor would smell of cooking spices, specifically cinnamon and paprika with a hint of red wine, and amber.
Harumi smells of vanilla, jasmine, and pomegranates. A scent both prestigious and luxurious.
Misty (OC)
Smells of Cherry Blossoms, Sweetpea, Melon, Apples, and Vanilla. She tends to lean more toward feminine scents.
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Why Nya and Jay Can Remember Skybound
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By the time Jay makes his final wish in Skybound, the realm crystal and Zane’s falcon have been destroyed, PIXAL has been deleted, Lloyd is an old man, large chunks of land have been ripped out of the ground and are poised to fall back onto Ninjago, and Nya is dead. Those last two parts are most important for Jay, the only character with a wish remaining (if you ignore all the Ninja replacements, who never made wishes and conveniently left after the real Ninja returned). Thus, Jay makes his final wish: “I wish you had taken my hand, and no one ever found that teapot in the first place.”
After Jay makes his wish, time is reversed and the Ninja return to where they were in the first episode of the season. The paparazzi is about to find the Ninja and all of them but Nya use airjitzu to hide from the helicopters. Jay asks Nya to take his hand, which she originally rejected, on the basis that, “I can stick up for myself” and “I'm a ninja, and I'm nobody's girl.” However, after Jay’s final wish, Nya uses airjitzu, which she learned over the course of Skybound, and takes Jay’s hand.
While they remember the events of the season: 
“I remember! I remember it all!” – Nya, The Way Back
“Me too!” – Jay, The Way Back
They don’t care how they do:
“But how?” – Jay, The Way Back
“Who cares.” – Nya, The Way Back
I, on the other hand, do care, and that’s what this post will explain. The other Ninja experience some deja vu, but aside from a subtle reference to Skybound in season 8 and a mural depicting the events of the season, indicating that Master Wu (or at least the painters of the monastery) was told, only Jay and Nya actually remember what happened.* Functionally, Skybound is an alternate timeline that never occurred.
This is not the first time Ninjago has dealt with alternate timelines! In Season 2, the Ninja time travel to the past and create an alternate timeline where Nya is kidnapped later on by the Ninja disguised as skeletons, Lord Garmadon from the future fights Kai at the fire temple, and the Ninja use the golden weapons to send the Mega Weapon into space. This timeline is erased when the Mega Weapon is destroyed, with series creator Tommy Andreasen confirming that the only change that the alternate timeline left is that the Mega Weapon ended up in space – the pilots still happened as depicted in 2011. At the end of the episode, the original four ninja remember the events of the episode, along with Garmadon, Nya, and Wu, but not Lloyd, who was not present. Wrong Place, Wrong Time’s time travel is extremely confusing, largely because Lloyd doesn’t just not remember the time travel but also doesn’t remember the Mega Weapon at all.
If the logic of Wrong Place, Wrong Time holds, then only those present for Jay’s last wish should remember it.** That means Jay and Nadakhan, obviously, but also the rest of the Ninja, but crucially, not Nya, since she was dead at the time. Now, perhaps the rest of the Ninja don’t remember, since the wish was between just Jay and Nadakhan, but that still doesn’t explain why Nya remembers Skybound.
Now, perhaps you could explain Nya’s memory as Jay’s wish was about her – Jay wanted Nya to take his hand. And this would work, except that Jay’s wish was also about Clouse. While he’s not named directly, Nadakhan ensures Clouse never finds the Teapot of Tyrahn in the first place.*** Now, if Clouse had remembered Skybound since the wish was about him, then it would have been very straightforward – Clouse would remember that Nadakhan tricked him into wishing it all away and stopped searching for the teapot. Clouse is instead chased off by angry citizens of the Village of Stiix while still searching for the teapot. You could argue that Clouse remembered Skybound but was arrogant enough to keep searching, but there’s zero evidence of this, so while this theory isn’t necessarily wrong, I think there’s another, better explanation that covers why Nya remembers Skybound but Clouse didn’t (Clouse also never mentions this in the Dark Island Trilogy).
The most logical explanation why Nya remembers Skybound is, based on the rules of wishes established in Skybound, love. And no, I’m not talking about how Jay “wished from the heart” so Nya ended up remembering Skybound.**** I find it hard to believe that Jay’s true, heartfelt intention was to make sure that he and Nya remembered events that never occurred. Instead, let’s look at what Jay wanted. He wanted Nya to take his hand and Clouse to not find the teapot. The second half is easy, since Nadakhan is more than capable of altering the actions of others with his wishes – after Jay’s first wish, the mailman comes out of nowhere, and so does Nya after Jay’s second wish.
Theoretically, Nadakhan could override Nya’s free will and have her take Jay’s hand – except for two problems. First, on a metatextual level, this would run totally counter to Nya’s entire message in Skybound, as muddled as it is. Having Nya take Jay’s hand because of a wish would not only undermine the entire point of Jay’s growth over the season (Jay goes from saying “Maybe a wish is what it takes! Maybe this is how she falls for me” in Public Enemy Number One to asking Nya, “Well, what do you want?” in The Last Resort) but also utterly obliterate Nya’s agency, the exact thing she spent the season fighting for. Now, can Ninjago have totally contradictory messages? Of course! Skybound is a case study in mixed messaging on this very issue! But there’s a second, in-universe reason why Nadakhan can’t make Nya take Jay’s hand, and it’s not for the reason that Tommy Andreasen gives, which is that Nya is dead, and Nadakhan can’t control the dead. Nadakhan is more than capable of making dead people do things, since he literally brings Delara back to life earlier on, and he is capable of doing multiple things in one wish, by making Lloyd both older and wiser.
The reason is that you can’t wish for love! This is one of the first things Nadakhan says (“You can’t wish for love, death, or more wishes” – Nadakhan, Infamous). Nya makes it very clear that the reason she won't take Jay's hand is because she doesn’t, or refuses to, love Jay at the start of Skybound. Having her take Jay’s hand because of a wish would mean he wished for love.
However, right before Nya dies, after the whole plot of Skybound has happened, Nya does love Jay, so Nadakhan is not magically making Nya fall in love. Instead, Nya takes Jay’s hand of her own agency, but this can only happen because Nadakhan ensures that Nya remembers the events of Skybound, so that the love that was created naturally, not as a result of wishes, does not go away, and he fulfills Jay’s wish.
Thus, Jay remembers Skybound because he made the wish, Nya remembers Skybound because she needs to to love Jay to take his hand, and Clouse, the other Ninja, and the rest of Ninjago don’t remember it because it never happened.
*And technically Zane if you include Ninjago: Decoded
**The same time travel logic sort of holds in Lost in Time, where the Ninja in the present are aware of the changing timeline after having been present for the Iron Doom's time travel. That being said, they are also still affected by the changes in the past (Zane reverts to his pre-rebuilt state when Ninjago's advanced technology is undone).
***It would have been very easy to twist that wish into no one having ever found the teapot, that is, Captain Soto would never have found the teapot, but whatever.
****I think it’s possible that Nadakhan didn’t twist Jay’s wish because it was from the heart, but that’s totally unrelated and not based on any actual evidence. The Ninjago wiki seems to think this: "Nadakhan, being hit with the venom and with Jay’s wish being pure, has no choice but to grant it" [emphasis mine].
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mafuluzx · 3 months
Hello hello! Hope youre doing well 🫶. May I request a Cole X M!Reader where they are secretly dating but it's not as subtle as they thought? Like, the team is aware smth is up, just not exactly filled in. So the team try to catch them with each other yadda yadda. Take your time, no rush at all! Put yourself before it, always, dear! 🫶
THANK YOU ANNON I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!!! I took way too long with this as always, but at least I managed to write something. But I'm so gosh darn sorry, 'cause I just didn't know where to go with this one. I tried my best, I hope it's at least not bad.🥲
Cole x male reader oneshot!
Takes place after season 7,
In plain sight
Jay had been sitting there for an hour. hands folded with his hair covering his eyes like he was some scary villain thinking of his evil villain plans.
It would have been concerning if it was anyone else. But when it comes to Jay, it wasn't the weirdest thing that he had done. So when Zane had passed by the grab himself some breakfast, he had just spoken with a quick "Good morning, Jay." and continued without paying Jay any mind, and instead sitting across from the blue ninja as he started reading today's news paper.
Lloyd, as the responsible and mature green ninja, had of course woken up first and had eaten a long time ago. That seemed to be the case for Cole and (y/n) as well.
However when Kai (who went to sleep late, but woke up at a pretty average 8 o'clock) arrived for the same purpose as Zane, he couldn't just ignore Jay. After grabbing a bowl and filling it with cereal and milk, he sat next to Jay. He ate a spoonful while staring at the blue ninja. He hadn't moved an inch.
"Jay? You okay buddy?" Jay gave him no answer. Kai blinked, and continued eating. But when he was done, he tried again.
"Is anybody home? Hello!? Jay!?" Kai waved a hand in front of Jay's face, but got no reaction. In the end, the red ninja shrugged, took his now empty bowl and spoon and placed them in the sink before sitting back down next to Jay.
He wasn't really busy, so instead he copied Jay's pose, and just sat quietly. Zane ignored them both.
It wasn't until much later, that Nya woke up. She was the opposite of an early bird. Even if she went to sleep early, she could not wake up early on the weekend.
"...Morning, guys." She said as she walked into the kitchen. Zane returned the greeting, while Kai gave her a silent nod. Jay of course was still silent.
Nya was too tired to even notice, and only gave Jay a good morning kiss, but not getting one in return, did she finally realize something was wrong.
"Kai, what are you two doing?" Nya questioned, snapping to get Jay's attention, but that sadly didn't work.
"No idea. I found him here like this." Kai said, Not moving from the pose he had adopted from the blue ninja.
"That is the case for me as well." Zane answered, placing the news paper neatly down on the table.
"Just splash him with water." A sudden voice spoke up from the doorway. Lloyd, who was passing by the kitchen, had noticed the situation and had stopped to listen in as well.
"Did you say something to him?" Nya asked, one eye brow raised in suspicion. Lloyd only shook his head.
"Heck, no. I haven't spoken to him at all today."
"Then what's wrong with him?!" Kai suddenly broke the pose as he jumped up, pointing at Jay as Lloyd shrugged. In the end, no one got a better idea, and Nya formed a bubble of water on top of Jay's head. And without warning, she dropped it.
Jay jumped up, letting out a shrill scream as he did. He quickly shook his arms and legs violently, trying to get rid of as much water as possible. Kai let out a laugh as Lloyd walked in and took a seat next to the red ninja. Meanwhile Nya sat next to Zane.
"Why would you do that?!" Jay let out a high pitched shout as Nya gave Jay a deadpan expression.
"Jay, you were being all moody just sitting there, nothing else could get your attention."
"Oh, right." Jay let out in 'realization', as he sat back down, even if he was totally drenched.
"Why were you acting like in the first place? Did the Star Farer comics get cancelled or something?" Kai finally asked as silence fell.
Jay didn't say anything, seeming to be deep in though, before the reason hit him like lightning again.
"...You guys will not believe me."
"Did they actually cancel Star Farer or something?!" Lloyd let out in horror as Jay let out a scoff.
"Of course not! It was Cole and (y/n)!" Jay shouted as the others all looked at him with questioning looks.
"Cole and (y/n) what? Did they try to cancel Star Farer-?" The second question was barely out of Kai's mouth before Jay smacked him in to back of his head.
"Star Farer isn't getting cancelled! I saw Cole and (y/n) here this morning. They were kissing."
"What about it? I kiss my mom good morning sometimes-" Lloyd was cut off as Jay slammed his palm on the table.
"No! They were right there, kissing, on the lips, romantically." Now the others were completely silent.
"...You sure?" Kai asked after a bit. Jay nodded to him vigorously before continuing.
"Yes! This morning, right when I was about to walk in, I saw them kissing right there!" Right there presumably being the place Jay was pointing to, which was in front of the kitchen counter.
"...You really sure?" Kai questioned one more time as Jay let out a frustrated yell.
"Wanna bet on it?" Kai cockily added, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Sure! I put today's lunch on the line!" Jay came back at him with a scowl and an annoyed tone.
"Deal! Whoever loses buys everyone lunch!" As Kai agreed to Jay's terms, Jay jumped up from his seat.
"I'll prove it to you all right now! Let's go!" Jay ran out of the kitchen, leaving the others to look between each other in confusion, before abandoning their breakfasts and running after the blue ninja.
"Look, look!" Jay whispered out as he arrived in the monastery yard. (y/n) and Cole were putting up laundry together, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still the team kept their eyes sharp as they observed. It was too bad they couldn't hear their conversation.
But nothing seemed to be happening at all anyway.
"You owe us one lunch, mate." Kai deadpanned as Jay whipped his head at him.
"Don't call me 'mate', Kai!" Jay whispered with a tone of annoyance, when Zane suddenly tapped on Jay's shoulder.
"Is that what you were talking about?" The white ninja spoke, turning his hand towards (y/n) and Cole.
The rest of the team all turned back towards the scene when their jaws dropped. Cole and (y/n) were basically glued together, grinning and laughing about something while holding onto each other lovingly, even sharing a short kiss. But before the team could observe the sight any better, Jay let out a shout.
"THAT'S IT!!!" The sudden shout alerted the two ninja, and in no more than a second, had (y/n) already pushed Cole away.
The (f/c) ninja grabbed a laundry basket from the ground, shoved it in Cole's hands, and rushed away without saying anything.
Cole was left standing by the laundry line, dumbfounded until he spotted Jay and the others from the corner of his eye.
The black ninja looked annoyed, but he masked it with a greeting and a smile.
"Kai..." Nya started in a whisper, as Kai let out a long sigh before speaking up again:
"I know, I know... I owe you guys lunch."
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lightning-chicken · 1 year
something that’s been bugging me since the teaser trailer release is this photo:
Tumblr media
if the theories are true and this is jay, why are his eyes glowing so much? lego characters don’t tend to have coloured eyes (except if they’re just like that, looking at you lloyd), let alone glowing eyes unless they’re actively using their powers to a large extent - eg kai regaining his powers in s11, cole using his spinjitzu burst, jay powering up the hydro bounty etc. (side note: i’m assuming they’re glowing based on the fact jay’s eyes are the same colour as nya’s spinjitzu in the background.)
so here’s the theory: jay’s being used by the administration due to his powers. they’re exploiting his powers somehow - either by making him use them in more subtle ways than normal (would explain why the ninja don’t realise those are lightning powers and therefore that’s jay), and/or encouraging him to not hold back when using his powers, and/or getting him to unlock a new (more sinister?) ability like cole.
for comparison, the last time (i think?) jay’s eyes glowed like that was charging the hydro bounty scene - y’know, the action that almost killed him. glowing eyes don’t mean good things for jay.
either way i think lightning could be an incredibly dangerous element in the hands of someone who doesn’t care what harm they cause with it.
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anouchard · 3 months
Malevolent Liveblog: Episode 14
Spoilers under the cu(l)t ...
"This place" - I like how John distances himself from his own realm, and from the KiY.
So what IS the way to get back from the Dreamlands?
They're a good team to be honest.
Glass of Leng lore!
"What hue the stars have in mind" is GORGEOUS phrasing.
Oh goody, a canyon to fall climb down.
Wall getting higher, or us going down?? Hmm.
Why am I reminded of when people pretend to go down into wine cellars?
A large path will not stop this man, Jonathan.
"This is fine" don't speak too soon, Artie.
Hot desert? Ice mention? Robbie Frost, is that you?
"Well well!" Arthur stop being cute, he's blushing.
"There are holes up ahead", aka QUICK, DISTRACT HIM.
~ ominous music time ~
John, he just likes holes, let him have some joy.
He's gonna fall, isn't he.
Jonny why are you laughing ...?
Arthur, maybe don't push your luck. Do not go into the nest. Please. Buddy.
"Wonderful, let's leave."
... also this is totally Egyptica, right?
"Grow, change, be better, but own your mistakes".
Gorgeous music.
Meanwhile, Arthur is turning into Anakin (/j)
ohhhhhhhh hey hey heyyyyy, Nya? That you?
I mean, sure. Yelling at them is one approach.
This is one of the creepiest parts of the entire podcast for me.
"Arthur?" "No" "OK". And THAT is what we call BOUNDARIES.
Weeping Angels?
Nah lads, go and talk to them!
"Let's see if they're motivated to hurt, shall we?" DAMN.
Arthur darling you ain't subtle.
Though in fairness ... can't really blame him for losing his rag at this point.
I actually LOVE this.
An apartment?
*click clack*
"I never left the Dreamlands".
Oh goodness. Oh goodness. Oh gosh. Oh NO.
How does this letter hurt so much? Wow. Phenomenal.
"That won't be us."
"Goodnight Arthur."
Aaaaaaand SCENE!
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