#substance use harm reduction is so fucking important
acabspocky · 5 months
K!ll your local fentanyl dealer
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inniave · 4 months
pharmacies should automatically give you (or at the very least offer) naloxone any time you get an opioid prescription
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
Going through the bills proposed in the kentucky 2024 legislative session and some of the things being proposed are
make a PFAS Working Group
require homeless shelters to provide free menstrual products (it's actually disturbing that they didn't already)
require schools to provide free menstrual products
create harm reduction centers and lower penalties for possessing controlled substances
require insurance to pay for cancer screenings (okay. low bar but okay)
abolish the death penalty (actually has a couple republican sponsors)
decriminalize cannabis
make fluoridation of water in districts optional (?????)
make coal the "state rock" of Kentucky
Prohibit children from being interrogated in a "deceptive manner" (?)
Make weight discrimination illegal
pay schools to food grown at kentucky farms to provide for school meals at low income schools (hey that's rad)
Lower the age of carrying a concealed deadly weapon from 21 to 18 (?????????????)
Require companies to give their employees earned paid sick leave
Impose restrictions on the collection of biometric data by private entities
Allow poultry to be sold at farmers' markets and at farms
pay for cancer screenings for firefighters
let pregnant incarcerated people have midwives or doula services
require that public high school curriculum include instruction on the history of racism
Remove Robert E. Lee Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Jefferson Davis Day from the list of public holidays (WE HAVE THOSE?!!?!?!)
Retroactively expunge some cannabis convictions
"Prohibit public school districts from expanding any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism; prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging" (HUH?????)
require schools to give kids a lunch period of at least 30 minutes (the bar is in hell)
provide scholarships for teachers to help the teacher shortage and give teachers compensation for planning time
require schools to have defibrillators
make it so a homeless person doesn't have to pay to get a copy of their birth certificate
require a working smoke detector to be present in any house sold (...did we not already have this?)
create the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative
Require local governments to lower minimum square footage requirements for housing, and facilitate multifamily housing, manufactured housing, and "tiny homes," and require that zoning laws have a "substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property" (This could be a good thing??)
require hiring and licensing authorities to allow people convicted of a crime an opportunity to get a job
Propose a new section of the Kentucky Constitution that guarantees the right of an individual to buy, sell, or use a certain amount of cannabis and to grow a small amount of cannabis plants, and put this on the ballot (LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE please this would be so funny)
Now let's watch how many of the good and basic common sense laws get left to die by Republicans because Republicans are ghouls
this is why it's important to vote in local elections, this is the kind of stuff that's being decided upon
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trophyprincess · 2 months
Here are some tips that have helped me stay sane in the face of my body dysmorphia and disordered eating habits.
Positivity time! This one's for all the ladies out there struggling with their bodies.
Body dysmorphia causes changes to visual areas of the brain. Your brain is literally lying to you. You are hallucinating. No, seriously. This is SO SO IMPORTANT. Look, if you have an ED then chances are, you may very well have legitimate body dysmorphic disorder. Your brain may be warping and distorting the image in the mirror. It's why everyone around you keeps saying how thin you are, but all you can see in the mirror is flab. It's a neurophysiological thing. (Most of the literature on BDD seems to pertain to cases regarding the patient's facial features or similar, rather than in the context of body size in ED patients, though.)
One binge won't undo your progress. Everyone fucks up sometimes. Don't dwell, don't ruminate, just pick yourself up the next day and keep going! This applies to "binges" in the proper clinical sense, as well as 4n4 "binges" that are more aptly described as simply "overeating." I occasionally will give myself a "free day" once a month or so, or if it's a holiday or something.
If you fast and restrict, take a good multivitamin, plus a calcium supplement! I also take thiamine to be safe. Being thin and undereating are associated with osteoporosis risk later in life, so calcium is a must! You need to make sure you're getting all of the critical micronutrients your body needs to function.
Exercise, especially cardio, helps with dopamine regulation. I have industrial strength ADHD-PI, ymmv. I also find that exercise bike, walking, or even pacing constantly = STIMMY STIMMY STIM TIME STIMS, MUST STIM, MORE STIM, CANNOT BE STILL, FUCK YOUR QUIET HANDS. Again, ymmv, fuck quiet hands, all my ND homies hate quiet hands.
Strengthening/resistance exercises help prevent osteoporosis later in life. 20-30 minutes 3-5x/week of yoga or pilates is great for this!
THC gummies are pretty low calorie. Shoutout to drugs other than alcohol for not having calories! (I use cannabis and hallucinogens, not big on hard drugs though.)
If you do drink, there are low cal options, but please moderate and try to follow CDC guidelines and avoid frequent binge drinking!! Guys, susceptibility to addiction runs in families. Also, struggling with impulse control aspects of binging may cooccur sometimes with susceptibility to alcohol abuse and addiction. I like vodka with diet tonic water, gin and tonic with diet tonic water, and vodka cosmos with diet 5 cal cranberrry "juice!" White Claw and similar hard seltzers are also great. Personally, I avoid drinking alone, don't drink all that often, and take care to be responsible and cautious. Ymmv, especially if you're still in early adulthood and just now starting to really experiment with substances!
When you do eat, make sure to get enough protein and fats! Carbs, you can take or leave. No one ever died from lack of carbohydrates, oddly enough. Protein and fat, though? I've had seizures due to low blood protein (combined with an accidental double dose of bupropion, to be fair). Rabbit starvation is a thing. This is especially important to pay attention to if you're vegetarian or vegan! Egg whites, chicken, tuna and other fish, olives, chickpeas, nuts, and beans are all good low calorie sources of protein and fats. (Olives, legumes, and especially nuts are energy dense though, so moderation is key.)
Enjoy the nice, healthy, low calorie foods that you do eat. It's okay to enjoy food, even if it's safe foods like light salads or cauliflower rice with vegetables.
Seek out social support and harm reduction advice. One thing people overlook about the whole "pr0 4n4" thing is that these communities are key sources of social support and harm reduction information for people who struggle with EDs.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Ray and Rehab
I am watching carefully for a Love Heals All plot around Sand, Ray, and Ray's alcohol dependency. But I will say, as a harm reductionist, rehab has a much lower success rate for people who unwillingly enter treatment. In order for Ray to have really any hope of maintaining a period of sobriety, he needs to be the one who makes the decision to actually take treatment seriously.
So it is really, vitally important to me, to initially be able to see Ray be emotionally impacted by the questions his therapist was asking him, deflecting, and then seeing it actually sink in a bit the next morning. It is absolutely necessary as a scene to see Ray be the one, with no one around him, with no external pressure standing in the room watching, of his own free will and volition to stop, put his glass down, and start throwing away his alcohol.
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And because there are cycles of addiction, it is also very important, in my mind, to see that Ray immediately turns back to alcohol to cope with strong emotions. The second that he feels betrayed by Sand, that he turns back to alcohol.
I think there is a tenuous line to balance here, because I do think that the continuous neglect Ray experienced from his mother, the guilt he almost certainly feels around her death because he ruined her life by just existing, and the fact that his friends are compassion fatigued out with him, are decent foundations from which Ray builds a complete disregard for his life.
Which is part of what I personally think contributes to his alcoholism. So in my mind, in order for treatment to be successful, Ray needs to understand that his life has value. And I do think that it is totally fair for that realization to come through Ray having consistent support from someone.
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What I do find critical in the depiction of Ray's final arc here, is that Sand is trying to get him to go to rehab, but he isn't stopping Ray from drinking. For me, this is critical for two reasons:
Again, as a harm reductionist, it is far more important to me that people with a substance dependencies are engaging in substance use as safely as possible, rather than them stopping use. Sand being with Ray where he can watch him, (potentially try to moderate), and drive Ray home is harm reduction.
Runs counter (to me), to a Love Heals All plotline, expressly because Sand takes Ray to places he can drink, (and it looks like they have beer bottles in the bathtub next week). Sand wants Ray to stop drinking but beyond giving him the resources to seek treatment, (and yes, taking Ray up on the ultimatum), he hasn't done anything else to stop Ray from drinking.
(thirdly alcohol withdrawal is super fucking dangerous, so I'm lowkey glad that Sand isn't trying to stop Ray from drinking when he's not around medical professionals. But I'm not counting that cause I doubt Sand would know this).
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Like I said, there is a tenuous line to balance between Sand being Ray's savior from alcoholism, and Sand just helping Ray find enough self-motivation to attempt sobriety. And so far, I do think they have set up a couple good indicators towards the former.
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Man those people on your ‘why are you straight edge’ poll are really showing their disdain for people who engage with any sort of drug… if I may add, I voted for having a medical restriction (my liver is failing thank youuuu immune system) AND I also take prescription opiate medication to help with pain. Every time I take my painkillers on days where I’m not working so that I can enjoy my hobbies I have complicated feelings about it because anti opiate rhetoric is just EVERYWHERE and it’s like… I just want to have a nice day. Getting over the ‘oh but it can be ADDICTIVE’ stigma is so important and it’s really not different just because I have a prescription. People who are so nasty about drug use for recreation are so stressful to me.
Ikr it's like people have such disdain for addicts, and drug users in general. I get upset about this because while I personally am a very casual user and I spend most of the time sober and am self assured so I can walk people being dicks about it off, but I know addicts and their lives are hard enough without all the stigma piled on top of it. I just wish everyone could be addiction neutral and pro harm reduction but they're so moralistic about it. I wasnt the politest I could have been about people not drinking and having sex because I was trying to keep it light and I know people take things like this really serious and it kinda backfired.
But like I totally know what you mean about the opioid thing. I really think that our society could benefit from being a little more addiction neutral, because yeah sometimes substance dependency does ruin your life, but I'm neurodivergent and I've met people where I think that doing life with drugs is better for them. Like you raise a great point about opioids. They're dangerous and addictive but if you're in pain because of a disability you need pain management. It's not really an option if you want to lead a normal life. There's a lot of heroin addicts who got that way because they needed pain management and their doctors refused them on the basis that they might become addicted, but taking a daily pill to improve your life, while it may be illegal depending on the substance, isn't bad. I bring up my own neurodivergence because I've heard of the same thing with ADHD and stimulants. Most people who have an ADHD diagnosis can get an Adderall prescription, but undiagnosed people and people falling through insurance cracks will sometimes turn to the street version. And it's like those people, both the ones with a script and the ones who are self medicating, should not be forced to live a substandard life because of someone else imagines there's some purity to a life without drugs. The goal should be to get those people the drugs they need in the safest way possible.
And I come down really easy, to the point where I forget to take prescription meds and don't experience any ill effects, but I have a friend who experiences a come down from their adhd meds thats not unlike the comedown ive seen from my other friend who's a meth user, and this friend with the ADHD meds can't function without them. But when the doctor and the pharmacist get them their meds on time they live a perfectly happy fulfilling life. That's what I mean when I say I'm addiction neutral. Most people who get addicted didn't just pick up heroin or whatever one day for shits and giggles. When I fuck around with "highly addictive" substances I make sure I'm in a good place and it's not a problem to drop them. People who develop problems are usually either they're escaping from something or self medicating. The goal for society can't be to never do drugs we've had drugs literally for longer than we've been humans.
I've heard second hand of a study which I haven't gone looking for, I might, because as you can tell this is a bit of a soap box for me, where they gave Heroin addicts a prescribed dose of heroin like you would pick up Percocet for chronic pain at a pharmacy, and because those addicts weren't shooting up mystery amounts and worrying where they were going to get their next hit from so they didn't start rattling and all the other things that make addicts lives hell, they were able to start doing things like holding down jobs. That study should have been a game changer. I want addicts to be able to live, and selfishly I want to be able to go to the drug store when I'm bored and say "one mdma high no fentanyl please" and leave with something to spice up the afternoon. That's like, not a moral failing on my part even though I'm not self medicating I'm just having fun.
The way the war on drugs has ruined drugs, which like, genuinely drugs are sort of magical when you think about it. Not just the fun ones either. Like when I was a baby I had a really bad bladder infection that absolutely would have killed me if I had had that same situation just like 100 years ago, but my mom was able to force a pill down my throat and it went away. Since then I've probably had at least a dozen little things like that that would have killed me dead if someone hadn't invented a chemical that could interact with my body and make it genuinely not a problem. and the fact that we have that for things like chronic pain and we're too afraid to use it because of stigma is so insane. Like god forbid people get high.
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orbees · 2 years
I came across your post about the be gay do crime and addiction ect. I was wondering what your thoughts were on someone stepping in to help because of a health concern. I myself am gay and do in fact do the smoking crimes (weed) and I let friends do what they want most of the time unless there is a concern about their health and safety.
hey there so I'm going thru my inbox rn and saw this which I think u sent like... months ago but. Hi im here to toss my two cents now
So def don't take this like. As an authorative Answer like I'm just a fucking guy but my first thoughts are: well. It depends. Which I know isn't rly helpful but addiction is Complicated, a lot more so than ppl give credit for
It depends on ur relationship to the person, the substance in question, and what exactly you mean by "help" and "stepping in"
Cause on the surface expressing concern for a loved one isn't a bad thing but. A lot of the Common Ways ppl try to address their loved ones' addictions can do more harm than good. Like being combative / judgemental / confrontational is just gonna make ur loved one shut down / get defensive.
That isn't to say don't express ur concerns cause sometimes an outside voice is needed and can help but just be careful. Kindness and support is key. Like I can't stress how important support is to recovery. The biggest thing you can do is just stay by their side
I think too at the end of the day like... u also have to recognize that ppl will make their own choices and you can't Force someone to quit. They may not be ready, they may not want to, or truthfully in some cases sobriety may not even be the best thing for them. If they choose to keep using, or try to stop and relapse, it is so important to be non-judgmental. I'm not saying to Enable it or whatever. I'm just saying to be Kind and Understanding. Becsuse most people are not and trying to quit something is the among the hardest things a person can do.
Part of why I said "it depends" too is that it can be hard to recommend harm reduction strats without rly knowing the situation. But in some cases harm reduction is the best thing you can do. For instance, consider looking into narcan training, it can save lives
I think this is about all I can rly give u just kind of a general overview... also not @ u anon like I didn't mind answering this but generally speaking pls don't take this as an invitation to send me 29293 asks about what you should do for [x] loved one addicted to [x] drug cause again: I'm just some fucking guy but. I thought I'd go ahead and answer this one. That's all
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lasergazing · 5 months
On Drugs
     Drugs (and alcohol) are vital parts of any party scene. This is an unavoidable fact. By openly writing about drugs, I am not promoting their use, I am providing a candid account of the realities of their presence and importance in this scene. I felt it was important to take a moment to advocate for safe substance use and harm reduction principles.
     I don’t want this to come across as cheesy or sound like some sort of message put out by a health department, but drugs really shouldn’t be used mindlessly. I’ve had my fair share of nights where a friend has been on the edge and decided to do one more bump or take one more shot, and they’ve become too far gone. Knowing your limits and sticking to them is important. If you feel like getting drunk or doing a drug is going to somehow worsen your vibe, you probably shouldn’t do those things. It’s easier said than done, I know.
     If you choose to do drugs, you should practice harm reduction. Know what it is you’re taking, do research on the effects of it and interactions with other drugs (prescription or not), and if it has a comedown, be prepared for it. Test your drugs! Fentanyl test strips in particular are usually easy to find and can save lives. I strongly recommend buying a drug testing kit - companies such as DanceSafe offer kits specific to certain drugs. While these can sometimes be pricey, so are drugs. The comfort of knowing that you’re taking what you think you are taking is invaluable. Carry Narcan. If you see someone who seems to be struggling, check in on them. Partying is a community-building practice, and a good community requires care.
     If you are at a party and you feel fucked up, ask for help. Some people will probably be too absorbed in the party (or fucked up themselves) and brush you off, but there’s almost always someone who’s willing to walk you home or at the very least check in on you, bring you water, and make sure that you’re doing okay. If you’re experiencing routine substance abuse issues, reach out to a counselor or helpline. 
     I’m all for having fun, but it’s important to put some effort into ensuring the safety of yourself and the people you love. Mindfully engaging in substances allows everyone involved to have a good time, and that’s the goal, isn’t it?
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Interested to hear your views on drugs like meth and heroin. I'm guessing you think they should all be legalised and available through shops that check ID so under 18s don't get hold of them?
As is probably clear from other comments, harm reduction is my starting point to all these question.
Decriminalisation of use of all drugs (as they have in Portugal) is an urgent and necessary starting point, whatever else you want to do. The first goal should be prevent deaths and distributing Naloxone and free drug testing to make sure people know what they're taking are such important starting points that are much easier after decriminalisation.
The larger policy framework for drugs needs to be thought about in the context that people live. It is really fraught under capitalism, because I sure as hell wouldn't want tobacco companies distributing any other psychoactive drugs.
Two other thoughts I'll add - the idea that it's possible to stop under 18 year olds getting hold of substances that are in circulation is a fantasy. Under 18s have access to illegal drugs now and would under any decriminalisation or legalisation regime. The starting point has to be harm reduction not a magic wand.
While I think decriminalisation is necessary and urgent, I don't think drug policy is the only or even necessarily the most important policy when it comes to reducing drug harm. The US opioid crisis has many contributors including deindustrialisation and a fucked up health care system. Ensuring people's basic needs are met: healthcare, meaningful work, security, reducing the trauma in people's lives and providing proper care and support to recover from trauma - these are all necessary to reduce drug harm.
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 41: Caliborn: Enter
https://homestuck.com/story/4956 It’s pretty natural that Dirk’s move on Jake is going to put a strain on Jane’s friendship with him, even if he hasn’t made it yet; I think it definitely gives some insight into Jane that she reacts the way that she does. Not exactly a graceful loser, and in a way that is really pretty passive-aggressive.
She’s not as open and honest as Jade is; as the Prospit Dreamers go, in general, she’s really pretty guarded.
More after the Break
The AR, I feel like, gives us a pretty good look into who Dirk is, and while we already know that he impulsively jumps to the first solution he can think of, we can see through the shades that he tends to advise people to do the same things that he does.
Dirk is an extremely headstrong guy, and while he’s both very intelligent, and would really like to be a Puppetmaster, he can’t help but let his personality shine through his puppets; and he can’t help but let his first inclination determine his course of action. He’s him, after all. Why would he question his own judgement?
A bit like how Kermit the Frog is really just Jim Henson the Frog.
So what is a Juju?
Juju is a word which comes from French, and means plaything. It is a term that has been used to characterize the Folk Magic and/or Folk Religion of the people of West Africa, in much the same way that Totem has been, or that Fetish has been. In a nutshell, Juju can mean both Spiritual Power (as Mana), and an Object of Spiritual Power (as an Amulet) - the physical manifestation of the thing, and the thing itself are the same, in this sense.
The God and the Idol are the same - at least, they are to the external viewer. While it should be clear that this is a reductive view of it, the fact of the matter is that, a central part of a lot of religious practice in general is to treat the image of a thing, and the thing itself, as though they are the same; and we see this sort of image-based performance all throughout homestuck, through symbols, and rituals, especially where they are empty signifiers - symbols and rituals that have been emptied of their original meaning, and are now practiced only for their own sake.
Following the rules actually doesn’t seem to pay all that much in the world of Homestuck, and almost universally leads to disaster - which in no small part appears to be because the creator of the rules is Lord English.
I think it’s pretty interesting that Caliborn’s conception of smut is something as tame as fluffy hand-holding and caressing. While on the one hand, we can just say “Cherubs think it’s taboo because they can only enjoy Caliginous romance” I think we can also associate it with the relatively sexless nature of Homestuck, beyond how horny the characters are, and a few oblique references (which is not a bad thing; it’s about teenagers). In spite of all of the suggestive language and content, there is no possibility of consummation in Homestuck, or even until well after the end of Homestuck, because Caliborn’s vision of intimacy is a sexless one.
This takes a turn for the fucked up at the end. I mean, it’s all fucked up to begin with, but it’s such a non-sequitur.
Caliborn uses consumption related metaphors and imagery in relation to smut. Aside from jokes about Vore, what’s the significance of that? That the intention of Caliborn and Calliope is to comment on the fandom of Homestuck itself (continuing the identification of the Characters with the Audience that we discussed yesterday) is not really a secret to anyone. How does Caliborn view engaging with Homestuck, and how does he therefore view engaging with Andrew? His view is Hegemonistic and Predatory. From his point of view, the universe he inhabits is full of things to be consumed; objects to absorb, break down into the parts of themselves that make him more powerful, and the parts that can be discarded.
I really never get tired of Caliborn, he’s so awful.
His conception of human romance is one where he conceives of women as essentially objects of gratification; woman on woman is allowed, I suspect, for much the same reason that it is often rationalized that f*tanari porn isn’t gay; how could jackin’ it to two women be gay?
The idea of women as actors who exist for reasons other than to gratify men, and other than to gratify Caliborn in particular does not occur to him.
Obviously, men don’t exist to gratify each other. That’d be too mutualistic.
The Interplay of Sex and Violence.
As long as this sequence is pretty much over;
Why does Caliborn want to play a game? I think the answer is in line with the overall theme of Homestuck. Cultural transmission.
In his book Homo Ludens Dutch historian Johan Huizinga discusses the nature of Play as an element of cultural transmission, and as a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the generation of culture.
What this means in a nutshell is; Games aren’t the only thing that is necessary for culture to be created, but they are necessary for culture to be created. Can’t have culture without games. A big part of this is because games serve as a stage for human beings to symbolically and ritualistically practice the activities that, as a member fo their culture, they will one day have to perform in order to survive.
This is why games like Tag, and Hide and Seek are the oldest in the world; humans are persistence predators, we hunt down our prey by just not giving the fuck up.
Caliborn’s game is Irony and Porn; insincerity, reproductive activity, etc. and gaming is intrinsically competitive to him; he uses his game as a form of power over Dirk Strider, the power to make him suffer, although since he’s such a dweeb, he’s pretty bad at making him suffer.
Meenah likes games too, but her enjoyment of them seems to be a lot more authentic, sincere - as opposed to being a form of power for her to hold over her enemies, her little word-games, with her fish-puns, are a source of legitimate joy to her, and the fact that Aranea will engage her in them creates friendship between the two of them.
All this may not have a whole lot of substance to it (I’m making posts at this point almost 40 pages apart), but that doesn’t mean it’s devoid of worth. Homestuck has plenty of pathos, and in spite of the fact that Andrew adores making fun of us for caring about these characters, I do actually care about all of these characters.
They sure have come a long way.
As Roxy is ostensibly the stealth leader of her session, we should generally be willing to accept her takes as gospel in a way that we don’t take other characters’ (at least to a certain extent). We just got done talking about how important rules are to the cherubs, and to Caliborn explicitly - we should take heed of the fact that Roxy is very willing to throw caution to the wind and abandon the rules.
Rules in Paradox Space are largely harmful restrictions to be worked around, rather than auspicious maxims to adhere to.
Caliborn is a serial forced memer. We’ve already talked oodles and oodles about symbols and rituals and empty signifiers; what is a forced meme except for an empty signifier? An attempt by a malicious third party to turn a meaningless set of pictures and words into a symbol, a symbol that signifies nothing other than itself, and commands the attention and adherence of people in the culture? Rules for the sake of rules. Memes for the sake of memes.
Roxy’s anxious babbling is just so much like Dave’s, it’s hilarious. Their language less so.
The answer to what a ball’s topspin is, by the way, if you didn’t already know is
an English.
Why does Calliope want to be a Troll so badly?
The answer is that she doesn’t want to be a Cherub.
Why doesn’t she want to be a Cherub?
That question could probably keep me up all night, but I think I have an answer right away. Cherubs are arbitrarily powerful, and Calliope does not want to be a Cherub. She wants to be anything other than a Cherub. I can kind of relate to that, even as a human being. After all, there aren’t cherubs and trolls around, even though they are conceivable. Of all of the things we know for sure that consciously exist in our own universe, humans are the most powerful things we know exist for sure. I’d spend a lot to not be one; power, after all, makes us more inhuman.
Since I can’t pass up an opportunity to comment on the metanarrative indulgence of the second half, let’s pause to appreciate the term MacGuffin; in a nutshell, an object which exists to be desired. Its only purpose in the story is for someone to want it.
The fact that Dirk is conscious of the internal head-goings-on of Brain Ghost Dirk, and is therefore, to some extent cognizant of the head-goings-on of Jake English just opens up so many questions that I still don’t really have an answer to.
I rag on Dirk a lot for being a piece of shit.
But man, he is so cool.
This entire awful romantic escapade has been created by the Auto-responder, and while Dave has been complicit in it, he is not the puppetmaster behind it. Sound familiar?
This flash is just so delightful to me.
It’s the first time Roxy has ever touched another living human being and look how delighted she is.
Now that we know who Lord English is, we have an opportunity to get to know him a little more as a person. Aside from his absurd commitment to puzzle-murders, his strange relationship with romance and sexuality, and his awful and perfunctory craftsmanship, here’s the most important thing to understand about him;
He will always destroy something irreplaceable if it means he can acquire more power.
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Recently I’ve started shooting up. I read your post about harm reduction (which was great! I didn’t know a good portion of it, i.e. shot in my wrist last week) and you said you were open to questions. the thing is the person I’m using with isn’t a safe person so I’m trying to branch away from him-But I can’t stop doing drugs. idk how to do them without him. How to make up a shot&how to shoot up correctly (I fucked my arms up all bruised and super hard to find my veins)
Hey there sweetheart, my apologies for taking a while to answer this.
I'm so happy to hear that my post was helpful and that you're also taking steps to get away from a bad situation. I've been there myself and I know how difficult it can be to break those ties but don't lose sight of what's important: your safety.
I'm not sure if there was meant to be another ask or not, but the way to make your shots depends on the substance you're doing. The post I made was about meth so I'll assume that's your DOC as well. It's going to take me a while to be able to explain both things to you but I'll get something posted in the next couple of days. If you need help sooner you can message me on kik, username is junkiephlebotomist
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velartrill · 7 years
fighting back 101
you too can help organize a local paramilitary.
because this is going to come to violence, and right now the people with all the guns and training are on the side of fascism. instead of fighting to be allowed to join them, help defend your own community. if you don't have a community worth defending, find one. if you're willing to uproot your life for the USM, you should be willing to uproot it in service of fascism's targets
and for the record? if you're not willing to stand with ALL marginalized people, if you're not willing to fight with & for black folks, immigrants, american muslims, women, queer people, people with disabilities, everyone this regime wants to destroy, your willingness to resist fascism is utterly hollow.
let's talk about some of the things you can do if you're not willing to participate in actual bloodshed, or like me are physically disabled to the point that you'd be no use in combat. because we don't talk about these things enough. and that's fucked as hell because they're so much more important than shooting people. only a minority of personnel ever see front-line duty; the majority are needed to keep the whole ugly machinery of war and survival running.
this is actually an advantage we have over right-wing paramilitaries. if the actual USM comes after us we don't stand a chance of winning in outright conflict, but as the people we mainly have to worry about at this stage are the lone wolf nazis and fascist paramilitaries. and the cool thing about fascists is that they're idiots. they're obsessed with blood and guns and glory. they're all about waving their dicks around and making a show of how powerful and masculine they are. they don't operate on sound military strategy; they operate on what will make them personally feel good.
i can't say that this tendency never arises on the left, but i think there's still hope for us to get over it and exclude our egos from the military planning process.
so, without further ado, here are some absolutely vital non-combatant roles we need people for:
be a medic. people are going to get hurt and we need personnel capable of stitching them up when they do. take first aid classes, stockpile medical supplies. bandages, painkillers, antiseptics, antibiotics. the prescription-only shit you can find on the dark net and it's not even illegal to possess most of the important ones; controlled substances are the only thing you need to worry about getting caught with. (just don't fucking use antibiotics cavalierly, for the love of god.) even if you can't learn battlefield medicine yourself, stockpiling resources for those who can is still valuable. which brings me to my next point:
run a safehouse. violent resistance movements need places to regroup. if nothing else, you can offer up your home and keep it well stocked for combatants who need to take refuge there. keep rations (MREs are good) and clean water stocked, as well as medical supplies and weapons, if possible. resistances need networks of safehouses to be able to operate effectively. note that operating a safehouse means getting good at opsec. the entire point of a safehouse is that the enemy doesn't know it exists, and that can easily be compromised by spreading need-to-know info too widely. don't advertise online. work with local cells, and only give out your address in person to personnel you know to be reliable and to have the same respect for operational security you do. also, be realistic about what information you need to know. make sure people who trust you don't share intel with you that you don't need to know. you don't generally need to know where other safehouses are you. you sure as hell don't need to know about troops movements that don't affect how you're running your safehouse. understand that as the person whose name is on the contract or property deed, you're the first person the cops will grab if they find out people are operating out of your home. make sure you have covert signals in place to indicate whether it's safe to crash at your place or if you've been compromised and allies need to stay away. this can be as simple as lighting a candle in a window every night that your home is safe to approach, but it needs to be something self-limiting, so you don't need to personally intervene to shut off the signal. if you've been compromised, you won't have the opportunity to.
be a mole. this is one of the hardest jobs in any resistance, arguably more than front-line combat, and extremely dangerous, and you genuinely should not even *try* if you're not already in a position where you have access to government intel and materiel. being a mole means being extremely careful with the information you provide. don't give out anything that could identify you - you don't want to wind up like Reality Winner. even if you're willing to take a bullet for the cause, remember that you'll be able to do much more good alive than dead or in federal prison or a CIA black site. being a mole also means carefully respecting the need-to-know status of all intel. you should know as little about the people you're helping as you need to know they're trustworthy. remember that this is a fight, not a social club, and that knowing your place could mean the difference between life and death for the people you want to help.
and if you're working with a mole, understand that they're in the cold. you have a close network of fellow travelers to keep you steady and on course. they don't, out of necessity. respect the enormous dedication it takes to work behind enemy lines, but don't lose sight of the fact that they might turn, or just not be steady allies. lots of moles, very understandably, are conflicted about their allegiances. consider the provenance of all intel with care before you act on it. make sure you have covert signals in place by which your contact can indicate they're compromised, because they can and will be used to feed you false intel if that happens.
do social engineering. like i said, our main enemies in this war are total dumbasses. this means a good bit of con artistry can go a long way if you're good at manipulating people, consider using that to squeeze intel out of the enemy or lead them into traps. hell, you might even be able to get two different factions of fash (because the militia freaks aren't quite as buddy-buddy as you might think) into a shooting war with each other, neutralizing two nests of vipers without firing a single shot. good conmen are crazy vital to any resistance.
run comms. the internet is great but it's damn near impossible to use anonymously, and it'll be the first thing to go in any urban warfare. get good at radio. establish encrypted radio links with other members of your cell. teach people voice procedure, because trying to run shit by radio is a mess without that. have backup codes and frequencies in place in case one is compromised. like i'm not gonna lie, being a radio operator is probably going to be like the most vital job when we start fighting back. coordinating operations citywide will give your cell the ability to respond rapidly and effectively to new intel. and speaking of intel:
just straight up fucking be a spy. this is not some extremely glamorous and dangerous position, and it's actually one of the safest and easiest jobs for anyone to do. you don't even need to do it full-time. all it involves is reporting intel (even *publicly available* intel like when you see a cop car heading down the street) to people who might find that intel actionable.
provide transportation. lots of the people who might be willing to fight on the front lines are not going to be able to mobilize easily. if you have a car, or better yet a van, then helping transport personnel is one of the most valuable things you can do. vehicles are also great places to set up comm centers because they're harder to identify, cut off, and secure than buildings just by virtue of being able to move from place to place.
work as a specialist. the revolution is going to need tech support. they're going to need counseling. they're going to need lawyers. they're going to have a million different civilian needs. but you can't just hire a civilian plumber when you've got a couple of revolutionaries hiding out in your spare bedroom. you can't just call geeksquad when your hard drive is full of sensitive compartmentalized intel. having trustworthy professionals to call on when disaster strikes can be the difference between success and capture.
support morale. fighting back is going to suck, and the people in the most stressful positions need to be reminded why they’re putting themselves on the line. art, songwriting, speeches, all the traditional propaganda forms are invaluable here. so are reporters, people who will follow up after actions your organization participates in and tell your people exactly how much they accomplished, present the stories of the lives you’ve altered for the better - and remind you to do better when you screw up. don’t let anybody forget what you’re fighting for - especially your leadership.
on a more personal note, something we all need to understand is that the psychology of war is ugly. you need to be prepared for depression, despair, breakdowns. it's so important for people to feel like they're making a difference, and to be able to retreat to civilian comforts when necessary.
and there is going to be drug use.
this is something you need to be prepared for. you can't expect people to stay clean and sober when they're sacrificing their comfort and potentially their lives for the cause. so a culture of harm reduction when it comes to drug use by the troops is absolutely vital. don't kick people out of your safehouse for shooting up heroin. but also make sure you're not letting people head into combat or other situations that require alertness and steady reflexes while high or drunk or otherwise chemically impaired, whether that’s infiltrating a precinct or just driving to the grocery store. and your medics need to be prepared to handle overdoses. and withdrawal.
the better you support the morale of your personnel, the less you’ll have to worry about this.
finally: if you yourself have military experience, particularly within the US military, your skills and knowledge are absolutely invaluable, even if you aren't personally fighting on the front lines. we need people like you we can trust to be dedicated to the cause to train and lead others. we need people who have experienced the psychology of combat, people who know what they are and aren't capable of, so we're not just throwing a bunch of civilians into the meat grinder and hoping a few capable soldiers emerge.
please feel free to spread this document in any format you see fit. i'm also happy to add people's suggestions or answer sincere questions.
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daimonic-clown · 7 years
Project Starlight
Day one of experimentation
 That is, experimentation after the surprisingly underwhelming first incarnation. Starlight rose tincture was my first endeavor, and it was horrible in most categories. The taste was bland, the effects were lackluster at best, and generally it looked like glowing dye; so it was horribly suspicious off the get-go.
However, it is a good idea. I can sense it. This will be the base of the end result: it may make up the bulk of the resulting liquid, but the effects of it may end up overshadowed by other concoctions.
Let me take a moment to list out basic traits of alchemy that act as the greatest struggles here. Firstly, a mixture of unlike benefits can create disastrous side-effects. Heart attacks, strokes, perhaps even a horrible rush that could foster a psychological reliance. The goal is to act as a support to an inevitable cure.
Secondly: it must curb cravings and sate internal addiction without, at the same time, making a larger threshold in which sating occurs. In other words: addiction works in a sense of a threshold. If you give someone, say, a small amount, then a small amount will continue to sate them. However, if you were to give them a medium amount, then a small amount will no longer do. The same happens to a large amount and the ever so horrible overdose amount. A seasoned addict could potentially skim by on overdose quantities, though it is rare. Some among the shal'dorei are not so horribly bound by the magic of the Nightwell, and so they must be taken into account above all. The concoction, otherwise, would act as a detriment to them. The struggle lay in – what of the seasoned addicts? Those at high or overdose quantities? They will receive few effects from a simple curb strategy to support towards a cure. It is like throwing a wet napkin at a forest fire. Therefore, alternatives must exist in the formula: it must be for everyone.
Third: it must be presentable and taste moderately well. These bastards are used to extravagant taste. I could care less if they were drinking something akin to the taste of a kodo’s ass, but alas, that taste threshold is essential. Otherwise, they will vomit it before it can even have effects. The presentation is equally essential: it may very well be illegal. I sense whatever the cure may be to this plight will come slowly, and therefore  if the chance of my concoction being frowned upon happens, it must look pretty as much as taste nice. The high society sorts must be willing to overlook the nature of it, and find the prohibited possibility of it to be a thrill over burden. The poor will not give a shit, why would they? However taste and presentation is also important to the most disturbing reality: children. It must be candy to them, but not too wonderful so that they indulge.
And finally, the most elusive and difficult to define trait: effectiveness overall. A lesser man would say: ‘it must work throughout or not at all!’ Not me, thankfully. It must work just enough to stop withering and halt cravings of intense design. If it works any better – for example, creates a jolt, or sense of high too enjoyable – then an addiction to my substance becomes a reality. I will then be their maker and unmaker, a power far too great for even me. A profit to make here, yes, but I do not seek to undo a society of people.
The rebellion moves swiftly. I already hear whisperings of assaults inside of the city walls. Deceit, disguises – the heroes of Azeroth are bearing the banner of the Dusk Lily. I must work fast if I hope to capitalize on my opportunity.
Day three of experimentation
Finding willing participants is a goddamn nightmare. I can’t tell them it will work or will not work, furthermore, the rebels cannot know. An outlander experimenting on their citizens? Already they look at me with squinted gazes and distrust in their eyes. I have no footing to prove anything, no evidence. I need participants with active withdrawal, and yet are not on the verge or already driven over the edge of being incapable of salvation.
I have a less than savory source. My loyal informant was too nosy, and I considered having his blasted head for it, but he gave me an opportunity of questionable morality. Some parents are willing to do anything to ensure the safety of their children. I considered offering it to them for free, I had no heart to just up and manipulate – have I weakened in strength? No, it was the look in their eyes. Desperation. Horror. And hate that an outlander could provide conventional methods to sate their addiction, and an unconventional solution to the withering. I presented the opportunity, and logistically, eighty-percent of them accepted. My most armored ship, near the coast of Stormheim and Suramar, will become a temporary refuge. My men have been removed save a fair amount of guards and a camp will be established on the shorelines. The local vrykul and I have an understanding (thanks to Wyrmsbane of all people) and will also keep eyes secured.
Testing begins tomorrow on an alpha variant. A couple of alpha variants, actually. The tincture with varying additives, 'flavors’ if you will. A red colored one will focus on body aches, a blue colored one on mental ability, and a green colored one on cravings specifically. This is in the aftermath of a survey to determine the most prominent effects.
The odd, less common plights were queer: angina, suicidal thoughts, aggressive tendencies, sleep deprivation, and erectile dysfunction. What they expect me to do about the last one, I have no idea: it is my sincere hope the important issues will be covered by one of the flavors.
I will have to test and gauge the length of effectiveness (if any) and gauge their general reaction.
On another note, keep this as a reminder to let the other twenty-percent who denied the opportunity in. I’ll offer them alternative work… I’m getting low on starlight roses and leypetal as it is. Can barely reach the top shelf in this shithole anyways, and they have an additional couple of feet on my height.
Day seven
Bloody farce. The green one caused vomiting, but the subjects reported a brief rush followed by a sudden lessening of desire for magic. Likely either a placebo (the belief that their regurgitation was a sort of 'removal’ of addiction) or the result of disgust realizing their situation.
Red, while reducing the pain in my 'aching’ test group, also caused a most humorous side effect. Their damned limbs turned to metaphoric gelatin. They fell to the ground in a fit of giggles. Alas, they also inquired me to the nearest location of arcwine storage. A damn farce.
Blue, however, was an oddity. The intent of blue was to quell how the mind might be affected during magical addiction. After all, the most important thing that goes during withering is the mind. Some were horribly sleepy, requesting a mat to lay on. They often were asleep in a matter of seconds. When they woke up, to a ninety-five percentile, they simply asked if the testing was over. The five-percent was a request for arcwine. One among them with a horrifying bout of morbid self-harm and intent to end their life had seemed entirely mellowed. She hugged me in a ridiculous display, a bit of weakness to her limbs, and evident trembling in pain. She thanked me, and when I offered arcwine, she, too, asked for a mat to sleep on, instead.
Conclusion: it is important to note, I should not shout 'I’VE DONE IT!’ just yet. Reversal of withering effects is impossible, and with green, as of writing this, after a bit of mouth-washing from their canteens, they too sneakingly asked for arcwine stores. I had told them beforehand to ask me for arcwine if they sought it – no fear, no punishment. And, I did not lie. Theft of it isn’t easy, so rations are given, as generously as I can manage.
Blue is my salvation – their salvation. In all subjects, pain was still a factor. Only red held a reduction in pain, but I cannot simply create a purple. Or can I?
Alcohol is a miraculous thing. It numbs, it alters minds. A common issue with my train of thought here is that the alcohol the shal'dorei have been consuming is far more potent than anything I could produce. With the perfect potency, and right magical additives, I could bypass that golden alchemical rule: the mixing of multiple effects.
At least, I hope.
Day eleven
The purple mixture is near completion, but I have a dire circumstance to look into. He grows restless, and I made the dire mistake of hiding his child here with all the others. The subjects started to question, even going as far as explicitly asking me, Is that his child… what are you doing here, Outlander?
I convinced them of a lie, but I can tell they did not fully buy it. I know his servants are everywhere. I moved his child to one of my others ships along with his wife. I sense that Marcus is getting cold feet, standing about on idle ships waiting for action. I’ll have to send him on operations in the city, scout and rough up a couple of defiant informants.
Xae on the other hand… she is patient. She will have to leave and engage in her personal contracts soon. Good, the subjects are nervous in seeing her. The scars, the face… Light have mercy, what have I seen in her?
The alcohol I’ve discovered, I must thank Deldaroo. It was vile, putrid, and the taste factor is more of an issue than before. But even a waft of the stuff makes me get hazy. I offered it up to the less picky elves, and they were laughing like idiots and socializing with even a scruffy outlander like me. I never thought I had a use for this sort of damned thing, I figured it would rot my guts.
I deem it 'Elven Grog.’ As if by chance, it was purple. A deep violet, rather. The one with the troubled mind watched me as I brewed – I know she was not memorizing the formula, even so, it does not matter.
I should be in high hopes, but…
The sky was cloudy today. I don’t often believe in omens, but anything can happen, right? I mean, the fucking demons invaded in my lifetime.
My hand is trembling. I’ll barely be able to sleep, I know. Xae decided to bunk with me this night before she leaves for good. I highly doubt I’ll see her for a long, long time. She always suspected her own death. Perhaps on the Shores?
Adellyna has not responded to my letters. Neither Cantor.
I must bury my concerns – tomorrow is a big day. Who will receive the first dosage?
Day fourteen
I couldn’t fucking finish it. She’s fucking dead, his wife. The subjects all screamed out for me to send them back to begin serving in the rebellion further, distrusting me horribly in the word getting out of my failure to keep a ship in line. The only silver lining is that his boy made it out alive, by some miracle.
No subject was harmed, nor their children, but of all people – across the fucking land – my ship sank. The fel-twisted elves! Furthermore, who the hell betrayed me? Who sold me out? Who gave out my ship’s location and told the subjects of this? Dammit, I should not have sent Marcus away, he would have weeded the bastards out! The spineless pirate bastards, I will have each of their bloody heads and find the source of this corruption.
I thought it was over. Dammit, I thought I could trust people considering the circumstance: the world is at stake, am I the only one who isn’t losing their fucking mind? No, no, I am, too, in my own way. Get it together, dammit, you can’t let this go, not now.
I could not deny them. How could I have? I must, must finish this concoction – it must be tested. I am so damn close. The rebels want me to send back everyone, I’ve been gifted with an aggressive missive. What I built to gain their trust now becomes another example – yet another of how most see me. A damned scoundrel. The girl with troubling thoughts stayed behind, she said she would test the final result with a waning smile on her face. I will delay her transport. I must be certain. Entirely. She can’t suffer any more.
For her my sake.
Day fifteen
I sent her away with a bubbling purple set of slop. It smelled odd and seemed promising. Alas, I could not test her – I anticipate the effects will linger, will take a bit of time to work, and may very well need multiple dosing. Of which, I managed two more vials that I held onto – if she needs more, we’ll know.
I was given an ultimatem to 'free’ her or be punished. I chose the aforementioned. She told me she would inform me of the effects.
The storms rage so close to the shores of Stormheim. I had not planned on resting anyways. Maybe I overlooked something in the formula.
Day seventeen
No word from her. Marcus needs my aid, for he has had a few run ins. I have a… overwhelming sense of nerves. There is a tremble to my hands – anxiety? I have a little mixture for that, but it dulls my emotions. I speak as if being in this most distressed place, that is a bad thing.
Is it the demons, or the lack of hope in the eyes of even the most devoted loyalist to their tyrannical leader? Pathetic. Surely my allies would lose all motivation to see me slumping my shoulders like a child that’s lost their toy. I’ll drink the mixture and keep my composure, smile and grin, and charm the locals.
Failure will be weighing my lips, though. I must force it.
Wyrmsbane is missing right now. Where is that damn fool? I sent him off because it was the last thing the vrykul requested of me – to see the masterful slayer of storm dragons.
A letter arrived. Another contract. Demonic sympathizers rooted in the Stormwind, and no one can discover the source. It will have to wait, I will make a trip soon.
Rok discovered a lead in the traitor. I gave him freedom to act as he needed.
Dammit, where is she?
Day eighteen
Me and Marcus have met some interesting shal'dorei. Allies, potentially, those that understand the inner-workings of this city. I respect them, but… I cannot trust them. I am not sure I could. Then again, can I truly ever trust anyone?
Maybe that is the mixture talking. Paranoia, even? I am not the subject here – dammit, I am getting side-tracked in these logs far too often. I must stay on point: relevant to the mixture.
They clearly are so casual with their addictions. Noble, perhaps. They are kind, but to a degree I think they think of me as lesser. An effect of the addiction, or their culture? If anything, this is a wonderful motivator to continue.
Damn elves.
Still no word from her.
Day nineteen
Warm day today. What a Winter’s Veil Eve it was. I received my annual gift on time, even when I was loitering in Dalaran. Reading through those logs, it reminds me why I’m doing all this.
All twenty-six of them, alive and well. I still can’t believe it.
Funny thing is, I didn’t feel a thing. Fuck it, to hell with the mixture: I’ll control the tremble without it.
Right, the subject.
No word. She’s M.I.A.
Day twenty
[A large X was drawn over the page, no words behind it even, besides the marker of what day it was]
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paull-green · 4 years
Ketogenic food#content#matter#nutrient#substance#: what are the benefits?
The reason#cerebrate#cogitate#conclude#faculty#ground#grounds#intellect#justification#module#present#reasonableness#represent#saneness#sanity#think#understanding# the ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# is so successful#booming#eminent#flourishing#fortunate#made#palmy#productive#prospering#prosperous#roaring#thriving#undefeated#victorious#winning# is that it is believed to have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# many#galore#more#numerous#some#umpteen#umteen# benefits. However#Nevertheless#Nonetheless#Notwithstanding#Still#Withal#Yet#, these effects#personalty# are conditional#contingent#counterfactual#dependant#dependent#probationary#provisional#provisionary#provisory#qualified#tentative#, as we have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# little#emotional#immature#less#lowercase#minuscule#short#slight#small#soft#young#younger# experience#change#get#have#live#participate#receive#see#undergo# and studies on this diet#fast#fasting# at the present#acquaint#allocate#apportion#attending#comprise#constitute#existing#give#greet#here#immediate#inform#inst#instant#interpret#mouth#nowadays#omnipresent#recognise#recognize#represent#say#speak#state#submit#talk#tell#tense#time#ubiquitous#utter#verbalise#verbalize# time#abstraction#case#clip#dimension#example#experience#indication#instance#instant#measure#minute#moment#period#quantify#reading#second#term#. Ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# and weight#coefficient#metric#unit# loss#amount#casualty#death#decease#decline#departure#deprivation#diminution#disadvantage#exit#experience#expiration#failure#going#red#release#sum# Converting fat into energy#doe#drive#force#forcefulness#healthiness#life#liveliness#push#spirit#sprightliness#strength#vigor#vigour#vim#vitality# requires more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# work#acquisition#activity#affect#apply#business#convert#create#employ#energy#impact#job#learning#line#make#manipulate#occupation#operate#output#pass#play#process#product#production#run#succeed#touch#transform#transmute#use#utilise#utilize#win#wreak# than converting carbohydrates into energy#doe#drive#force#forcefulness#healthiness#life#liveliness#push#spirit#sprightliness#strength#vigor#vigour#vim#vitality#. For this reason#cerebrate#cogitate#conclude#faculty#ground#grounds#intellect#justification#module#present#reasonableness#represent#saneness#sanity#think#understanding#, a ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# can help#aid#ameliorate#amend#assist#better#cater#exploit#forbear#helpfulness#improve#meliorate#ply#provide#refrain#serve#service#supply#support#work# accelerate#deepen#intensify#modify#qualify#quicken#speed# weight#coefficient#metric#unit# loss#amount#casualty#death#decease#decline#departure#deprivation#diminution#disadvantage#exit#experience#expiration#failure#going#red#release#sum#. Plus#Advantageous#Nonnegative#Positive#Quality#, because the ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# is very#rattling#real#really# rich#abundant#affluent#colorful#colourful#comfortable#deluxe#easy#flush#gilded#lavish#loaded#lucullan#lush#luxurious#moneyed#opulent#plush#plushy#princely#privileged#prosperous#robust#sumptuous#tasteful#wealthy# in naturally#course# filling#fill#material#stuff# proteins and fats, you won't feel#appear#believe#comprehend#conceive#conclude#consider#experience#find#finger#look#perceive#property#reason#regain#search#see#seek#seem#sense#think#touch#undergo# hungry#desirous#empty#esurient#famished#peckish#ravenous#starved#supperless#thirsty#. Ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# and acne reduction#change#reaction# Acne can have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# different#antithetic#antithetical#assorted#contrary#contrasting#contrastive#diametric#diametrical#disparate#dissimilar#distinct#distinguishable#divergent#divers#diverse#incompatible#opposite#other#polar#several#unlike#variant#varied#various# causes, one of which may be related#accompanying#affiliated#affinal#affine#agnate#agnatic#akin#allied#associated#attached#attendant#cognate#collateral#concerned#concomitant#connate#connected#consanguine#consanguineous#correlate#correlated#correlative#corresponding#direct#enate#enatic#incidental#indirect#kin#kindred#lineal#maternal#overlapping#paternal#relevant# to abnormally high#adenoidal#advanced#altissimo#altitudinous#alto#broad#commanding#countertenor#dominating#drunk#elated#eminent#exalted#falsetto#flooding#full#gear#graduate#great#gymnasium#higher#highschool#inebriated#intoxicated#last#lofty#luxuriously#lycee#lyceum#mellow#nasal#overflowing#overlooking#peaky#piercing#pinched#piping#place#postgraduate#richly#screaky#screechy#sharp#shrill#shrilling#soaring#sopranino#soprano#spiky#spot#squeaking#squeaky#squealing#steep#superior#swollen#tall#tenor#top#towering#treble#upper#utmost# blood#execution#gore#murder#slaying# sugar#dulcify#dulcorate#edulcorate#sweeten#sweetener#sweetening# levels. A diet#fast#fasting# rich#abundant#affluent#colorful#colourful#comfortable#deluxe#easy#flush#gilded#lavish#loaded#lucullan#lush#luxurious#moneyed#opulent#plush#plushy#princely#privileged#prosperous#robust#sumptuous#tasteful#wealthy# in processed#clarified#computerised#computerized#cured#finished#milled#polished#pure#rubberised#rubberized#treated#vulcanised#vulcanized# and refined#civilised#civilized#couth#cultivated#cultured#dainty#debonair#debonaire#debonnaire#delicate#elegant#fastidious#finespun#genteel#gentlemanlike#gentlemanly#gracious#ladylike#mincing#overrefined#polished#polite#prim#processed#pure#sophisticated#suave#sublimate#superfine#svelte#tasteful#twee#urbane# carbohydrates can alter#castrate#desex#desexualise#desexualize#edit#falsify#fix#modify#neuter#redact#spay#sterilise#sterilize#unsex#vary# the intestinal#enteral#enteric#viscus# flora#accumulation#aggregation#assemblage#being#collection#organism# and cause#create#crusade#drive#effort#entity#grounds#justification#make#movement#reason#venture# significant#big#considerable#earthshaking#epochal#evidential#evidentiary#fundamental#important#key#large#meaningful#momentous#monumental#noteworthy#operative#portentous#probative#prodigious#profound#remarkable# fluctuations in blood#execution#gore#murder#slaying# sugar#dulcify#dulcorate#edulcorate#sweeten#sweetener#sweetening# levels, which can be detrimental#harmful#prejudicial#prejudicious# to skin#cutis#injure#pare#peel#rind#strip#tegument#wound# health#eudaemonia#eudaimonia#upbeat#welfare#wellbeing#. Therefore#Hence#Thence#Thus#, by reducing#reaction# carbohydrate#macromolecule#saccharide#sugar#supermolecule# intake, it is possible#accomplishable#achievable#affirmable#allegeable#assertable#attainable#attemptable#conceivable#contingent#doable#executable#feasible#fermentable#getable#gettable#likely#mathematical#practicable#practical#realistic#realizable#researchable#thinkable#viable#workable# that a ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# may reduce#become#bound#concentrate#confine#cut#decoct#decrease#diminish#fall#lessen#limit#minify#restrain#restrict#shrink#slenderize#slim#thin#throttle#trammel#trim#turn# some#any#both#few#many#several#whatever#whatsoever# cases of acne. Ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# and cancer#constellation#crab#house#human#individual#mansion#mortal#person#sign#somebody#someone#soul# One study#acquire#acquisition#cerebrate#cogitate#contemplate#contemplation#document#drawing#examination#excogitate#larn#learn#learning#meditate#mull#muse#musing#papers#ponder#read#reflect#reflection#reflexion#ruminate#rumination#scrutiny#speculate#take#think#thoughtfulness#work# has shown that this regimen#plan#program#programme# can be a complementary#completing#inessential#interchangeable#mutual#reciprocal#unessential# treatment#communicating#communication#direction#discourse#handling#management# to chemotherapy. This is because the ketosis#acetonemia#symptom# state#advise#commonwealth#country#denote#dos#express#land#nation#posit#propose#province#refer#say#suggest#tell#utter#verbalise#verbalize# of the body#embody# causes more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# oxidative stress#accent#accentuate#articulate#difficulty#emphasis#emphasise#emphasize#enounce#enunciate#evince#express#inflection#pronounce#prosody#punctuate#say#show# in cancer#constellation#crab#house#human#individual#mansion#mortal#person#sign#somebody#someone#soul# cells than in normal#average#connatural#formula#inborn#inbred#mean#median#modal#native#natural#pattern#practice#regular#rule#sane#standard#typical# cells. Finally#Eventually#, other#added#additional#another#different#else#new#opposite#otherwise#remaining#separate# theories suggest#advise#convey#declare#evince#evoke#express#impart#imply#inform#intimate#show# that because the ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# reduces hyperglycemia#symptom#, it may reduce#become#bound#concentrate#confine#cut#decoct#decrease#diminish#fall#lessen#limit#minify#restrain#restrict#shrink#slenderize#slim#thin#throttle#trammel#trim#turn# insulin-related complications that may be associated#related# with some#any#both#few#many#several#whatever#whatsoever# cancers. Ketogenic Diet#Fast#Fasting# and Brain#Brainpower#Intelligence#Mentality#Wit# Health#Eudaemonia#Eudaimonia#Upbeat#Welfare#Wellbeing# Some#Any#Both#Few#Many#Several#Whatever#Whatsoever# studies suggest#advise#convey#declare#evince#evoke#express#impart#imply#inform#intimate#show# that the ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# has neuro-protective properties. It could therefore#hence#thence#thus# help#aid#ameliorate#amend#assist#better#cater#exploit#forbear#helpfulness#improve#meliorate#ply#provide#refrain#serve#service#supply#support#work# to treat#address#affect#broach#cater#deal#handle#impact#initiate#interact#plow#ply#provide#supply#touch# or prevent#forbid#foreclose#forestall#keep#preclude# diseases such#much#specified# as Parkinson#Historian#Historiographer#Sawbones#Surgeon#'s disease, Alzheimer's disease and even#alter#change#equal#flat#flatbottom#flatbottomed#flush#justified#level#modify#plane#regularise#regularize#smooth#steady#still#straight#symmetric#symmetrical#yet# certain#bound#careful#confident#convinced#definite#destined#doomed#fated#foreordained#indisputable#positive#predestinate#predestined#predictable#reliable#sure# sleep#death#kip#nap#period#quietus#rest#slumber# disorders. One study#acquire#acquisition#cerebrate#cogitate#contemplate#contemplation#document#drawing#examination#excogitate#larn#learn#learning#meditate#mull#muse#musing#papers#ponder#read#reflect#reflection#reflexion#ruminate#rumination#scrutiny#speculate#take#think#thoughtfulness#work# even#alter#change#equal#flat#flatbottom#flatbottomed#flush#justified#level#modify#plane#regularise#regularize#smooth#steady#still#straight#symmetric#symmetrical#yet# found#constitute#initiate#institute#launch#open#pioneer#plant#recovered#saved# that people#fill#group#grouping# on a ketogenic diet#fast#fasting# improved#built#developed#landscaped#reinforced#restored# their alertness#arousal#attentiveness# and cognitive functioning#functional#operative#performance#process#running#working#.
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articlesofnote · 4 years
Thoughts on the 2020 election, saved for later
Originally as a facebook comment, and saved here for posterity.
So many threads to keep in hand, so many opinions to attempt to grok! L___ - you started this thread by giving substance to the thought that I've been mulling over in my own mind - to wit, that in terms of actual outcomes a Biden presidency will probably be functionally equivalent to a second Trump term.  From what I've seen - and I think at this point it should probably be explicitly stated by anyone having any kind of political discussion that "what I've seen" is mostly equivalent to "a highly curated list of headlines and hot Twitter takes that are engineered to a) fit my preconceived biases by agencies mostly out of my control; b) skewed heavily towards the inflammatory; and c) bracketing the discussion in ways that I don't always notice" - anyway, from what I've seen, this is absolutely a reasonable conclusion to draw. Responding to J___: it is certainly fair to say that Biden and Trump are miles apart in many respects, but to say that Biden "will be nothing like Trump" is, in my opinion, to focus too much on the style and less on the substance of their governance.  This is particularly true if, as you say (and I wholeheartedly, whole-souled-ly agree), the most important goal of our next president is "preventing the apocalypse" - which I take to be the already-present and ever-worsening climate crisis, with all of its attendant n-th order miseries.  We know that Trump could not care less, but what in Biden's record - not PR horseshit or campaign sloganeering or any no-accountability pabulum he might put out there - makes you think that he gives any more of a shit about "preventing the apocalypse" than Trump does?  And even if you're referring to some other apocalypse, I think this point still stands; Biden stands (proudly!) for the status quo power structure that created these problems to begin with.  If Trump is the rat in the kitchen, Biden is a termite in the foundation - the rat might seem more important, but it's not going to bring the house down. When it comes to the hypothetical Bernie presidency, you've got some pretty solid points; it's definitely fair to assume he wouldn't have had the political support that he needed to get his headline policies enacted, and in fact I suspect that even if he had won the nomination, he would have had a much rockier road to the election than us Bernie supporters assume.  In particular I think his choice of running mate would have been a huge hurdle to overcome - but why bother with moot points? G___ - I think you hit the nail on the head when you say that Biden doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to beat Trump.  It's only a little bit of schadenfreude on my part to say that it's not even likely to be close; he's going to get absolutely wrecked in the general for various reasons that are only tangentially related to how he won the nomination.  Gotta disagree with you about violence being the only way to carry progressive ideas forward, as it seems like writing and organizing are also pretty important - but most important of all seems to be picking the right moment and the right allies.  And before you too deeply indulge any fantasies of carrying a rifle to the steps of the White House, remember that historically speaking it's the ones that are agitating for change who suffer, rather than inflict, the lion's share of the bloodshed, and that entrenched power structures are usually pretty capable of defending themselves against military force.  Your daughter is surely better off with you as a living role model for positive masculinity than as a dead abstraction.  If you're interested in learning more about why I think this, I stole most of these ideas from a book by Gene Sharp called "From Dictatorship to Democracy" - worth a read if anything I've said in this paragraph has been interesting. You're actually one of the few people I know who is going about revolution in the way I would consider "right," which is to say, "likely to actually succeed" - building localized resource production where most of the wealth gain is (ideally) kept in your hands rather than enriching those who would use that power against us.  I've very much enjoyed your posts about building community agricultural sustainability - that effort is more damaging to the toxicity of the status quo than any armed militancy could be.  Then again, the folks with guns will probably have the upper hand if they ever wanted to steal that wealth, directly or indirectly.  But this is getting rather far afield from the upcoming election - apologies for rambling. H___ makes a good point about federal judge appointments being worth electing Biden for; frankly, the Supreme Court is already conservative, RBG or no RBG, and Biden isn't going to be the one to add extra justices to make a larger-and-also-progressive SCOTUS.  However, such circuit court appointments as come up are damn important as well, and are an important part of building a truly progressive power base as K___ alluded to.  The Republicans did not reach their current summit of power - and they are absolutely more powerful, in the sense of being able to enact their policy and control the terms of the political discussion, than the Democrats are - without something like forty or fifty years of patient work, base-building, local victories, organizing, etc.  To ignore the structural aspects of political power as the Democrats so often seem to is a trap that I would hope progressives don't fall into. But, then again, the fate of the Bernie campaign does demonstrate that the Democrats understand political power and can marshal it effectively within their organization, more so even than the Republicans could in 2016 against Trump, which implies that their failure to do so in the policy arena is in fact intentional. Certainly they do seem to make a lot of political hay from the fact that they are consistently "the lesser of two evils" - gotta vote for harm reduction! gotta vote for our person, because their guy is literally the fucking worst! - which nevertheless still allows them to be pretty fuckin' bad. J__ and R___ - why in God's name are people so worried about Putin specifically, as though he were in some way uniquely worse than the Americans that Trump has around him?  Putin's bad, but he's in Russia; why not be worried that Mike Pence has Trump in his power, which is both a) much more worrisome and b) actually true? And, R___, I know I speak for myself (and perhaps a few others in this thread) when I say that it's Biden's long political career that makes it so hard to countenance voting for him.  You might say that it's not the years in the work, but the work in the years, that matter.  But, I am young - you must know more about his career than I do, if you're citing it as a reason to vote for him.  What has he done that I should respect him for?  About the best that I can say of him at this point is what K___ said - he's more (which is not to say very) susceptible to liberal thinking and he perhaps pays more attention to the progressive zeitgeist - that there is a chance he might, if he works at it, mitigate some of the harm done during the Trump presidency. I'm already behind the posts that have come in since I started writing this, so I'll stop here.  Apologies for any redundancy or lack of clarity, as well as the length - I had not the time to make it shorter, as the fellow once said.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
5 BS Concoction Gwyneth Paltrow And Alex Jones Both Shill
I believe you can tell a lot about a personality by the products they shill. Michael Jordan was some sort of plays guy, so he wanted you to buy hyper-expensive Nike shoes. Jamie Lee Curtis assumes you have trouble shitting, so she developed yogurt. And if Larry the Cable Guy doesn’t feed straight Prilosec, he turns into a Xenomorph. The two luminary endorsers I find the most interesting are Alex Jones and Gwyneth Paltrow. Though they’re about as different as you can possibly get on the surface, both have put together profitable slope business … in a lot of specimen, selling the exact same situations. Jones exchanges( and claims to take) so many augments that I have a theory he’s actually a beanbag chair substance with capsules, while Paltrow is more generally into anything that resonates dumb. But strangely, they do share some common ground. For instance …
They Both Crave Your Teenagers To Shut UP FOR FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES
Infowars Sells:
Alex Jones accuses “modern mind control” — which is everything from music to sugar to unspecified globalist brews — on teenagers being unable to focus and pacify the inferno down. Fortunately, he’s here to force-feed your children catnip and lemon ointment in hopes of allowing you precious fucking instants of peacefulnes to scrapbook all of the excellent occasions you’ve had with your them.
In the commercial for Child Ease, Alex Jones ascribes himself with developing it, while also territory, “Young humans has still not developed their nervous system.” Which prepares me wonder his credentials as an inventor of things that go inside a child’s organization. He knows we’re born with nervous system, right? Likewise, saying “young humans” builds him sound like an alien. If you took the Child Ease commercial-grade and had Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama chronicle it, it would prepare infinitely more sense.
Goop Sells:
Chill Child is a “calming mist” which somehow use sonically tuned masterpiece elixirs and Reiki-charged crystals to “get your kiddos to chill.” It may ogle exactly like what you would use to spray irrigate on a feline to get it off your kitchen bar, but you’re not supposed to do now spraying it instantly on small children. And for the love of god do not tell them inhale it, that would be crazy . It goes on their halo. I can only assume that once the child’s halo is sufficiently coated in this mist, it expires, leaving your child an auraless husk and you free to do Pilates.
I’m pretty sure “sonically chanted masterpiece elixirs” is code for some rocks Gwyneth Paltrow sing to. Nonetheless, mining a little deeper, I found that it’s practice dumber than that. Both “moonlight” and “love” are legitimately listed as ingredients. I can’t promotion but consider all this spraying will do is establish hollering sticky children somewhat chamomile-scented, which I suspect is technically further improvements. At least you’ll be allowed to smell them coming, so you have time to hide.
They Both Crave You To Experience Big, Meaty Boners
Infowars Sells:
Via Infowars
Super Male Vitality utilizes something announced extraction technology, along with various herbs and removes, to give you a super good boner. Just request Boner King Alex Jones, or this commercial-grade, which features Alex Jones announcing a humanity doing a push-up “unprecedented.”( Something that I premise is 100 percent genuine for Alex Jones .)
You determine, according to Alex Jones, who is to boners what Jesus was to Lazarus, someone is putting “estrogen mimickers” in the nutrient and water supply, who the hell is werewolfing gentlemen into the worst possible thing he can imagine: wives. Simply Alex Jones can save you from this horrible fate. So if you’re afraid your dick will shrivel up and fall off, thus robbing you of the one thing retaining you sane in this mad, effeminate world-wide, turn to Alex Jones for not just sorcery boner-giving liquid, but too magic boner- obstructing liquid. It’s $ 50, and I hope you suffocated on it.
Goop Sells:
Via Goop
Sex Dust sounds like an STD that’s going around a nursing home. Who could think “Sex Dust” is a good name for- oh, anticipate, she appointed her business “Goop.” She appointed one of her children “Apple.” I’m pretty sure Gwyneth doesn’t even register “sex” or “dust” as real words.
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Goop wants you to put Sex Dust inside your mas. Specifically, you can add it to any red-hot or cold liquid and booze it, but it’s specially good with nut milk. Fucking – god, this writes itself. Goop describes Sex Dust as a “lusty edible formula alchemized to erupt and agitate sex power in and out of the bedroom.” Unlike Super Male Vitality, Sex Dust doesn’t promise to protect you from the terrors of femininity in your lesbian irrigate, but it does have something announced “horny goat weed” in it, which seems like a promising herb for delivering horniness. This is especially true if you happen to be buying this as a goat.
They Both Crave You To Be Kept From Invisible Demons
Infowars Sells:
Living Defense claims to offer protection against “invading organisms.” I swear to god I tried to figure out what that symbolizes. I ran deep into the Infowars world, which is just a knot of bunkers full of grey men with giant boners, all crying. Please, Alex Jones, Pied Piper of erectile dysfunction, tell me what the hell this product is for.
What I can tell you for certain is that nine out of ten people are infested with harmful creatures. Destructive organisms can spread during sexual practice. And pets are mostly metropolitans for them. So if you enjoy a happening, it’s probably filled with injurious organisms. No one knows what they are, but Alex Jones damn sure known to be they’re bad. Actually , now that I think about it, it’s probably just a metaphor for his posture on immigration.
Goop Sells:
Man, when you get into a crazy-off with Infowars and prevail , that’s really saying something. Something pathetic. I was certain the most maniac concoction bestow would go to Mr. Jones. Unhappily, Ms. Paltrow, in a last-minute volley of idiocy, secreted psychic ogre repellent. And no, that’s not a restate, parody, or ridicule. That’s literally what it’s called.
The spread wasn’t in her advantage, but she took home the W with a 3.4 oz bottle of pure Reiki-charged insanity. This bottle of sadness sea claims to “banish bad vibes( and shield you from the people who may be causing them ). ” I generally use pepper spray for that, but I’m sure if you got this right into someone’s eyeball, it might protect you from them. Once again, you’re not supposed to spraying this directly on someone else, because also once again, that would be crazy. It goes on your aura. Again.
They Crave You To Have A Squeaky-Clean Rectum
Infowars Sells:
Via Infowars
Oxy-Powder is an oxygen-based intestinal disinfectant, which means that if you take it, you’re about to get real acquainted with your porcelain cousin. Which is the nice style of saying “You’re going to shit out your actual soul.” Infowars certainly spells this out for you in the important information region at the bottom of the sheet, territory: “Oxy-Powder will effect runny, gaseous stools. This is no longer clinical diarrhea; it’s the byproduct of oxidation.” So don’t worry, it’s just oxygen vacating out your colon like Godzilla on a sea slide.
Wait, how the blaze does oxygen clean out your colon? According to the chiropractor who shills these super not-FD-Aapproved capsules, it’s “using time-released oxygen through oxidation reduction.” And one thing I heavily agree with is that those are all messages that exist in the English language.
Wait, isn’t that the same guy from the boner capsule commercial-grade? Huh.
Goop Sells:
I’m now a ex-serviceman of the bullshit augment battles, and like the prophecy of Delphi, I can accurately interpret the glittery predicts lovingly dispersed around this product. The ten-day detox supplement kit promises to treat, purge, and repair the gut, increase force, improve climate and sleep, shorten stress, restore glow and vitality to surface and hair, and more. If it shapes me glow, I hope it’s in the dark so I can frighten all my friends.
What it for sure will do is shape you poop your whole butt off. This knowledge came to me as I was reading the advise in the description: “It’s best to start over a weekend so you can get abundance of rest.” The subtext there is that you will need to rest between all of the pooping you will be doing. It will be so much pooping that you are required to hire an extra bottom for all the resting you will need to do between all of the pooping you will definitely be doing. I don’t know who you are we equate pooping a lot with having a health mas, but apparently everyone does. In Goop’s case, beings are willing to pay $169 to achieve what one fried chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell could do for $5.
They Require You To Use Vegan Deodorant
Infowars Sells:
If you didn’t just knowing that Infowars was and stumbled into their shop by some inauspicious internet accident, you are able to think it was a website for a health food store in Portland. Who would have believed cruelty-free vegan deodorant would be so important to a humankind who caused the parents of assassinated children to be provoked?
It’s also free of gluten, soy, and dairy, in cases where you want to eat it, I guess? I would fully expect to hear from Goop that you can use “the earth’s mineral crystal be included with natural botanicals” as deodorant. But nope, that’s from Alex Jones. And I think it’s exceptionally important that you understand that I’m not reaching up the “mineral crystal” thing, so here’s the sheet, where you can see it for yourself.
It’s vegan deodorant for everyone who dislikes Muslims but affection swine. You can also get a variety of organic shampoos and soaps from the Infowars shop, so you can get the government out of your gun locker and your grace number!
Goop Sells:
I know Goop isn’t a surprising region to meet vegan disinfectant. It is precisely the kind of commodity I would expect Gwyneth Paltrow to shill. Goop flows on the proposition that the world is a soiled place full of poors, and they are able to cleanse their dreadful aroma away with an $18 rail of charcoal-gray soap motivated by shamans.
This was the make that really hammered residence for me the way both Goop and Infowars tango around FDA regulations. They sell concepts they claim are organic and natural and therefore safer and more efficient than trash like real drug prescribed by real physicians … or merely be convinced to take 30 pills a daylight that aren’t sanctioned by authority oversight. After writing this article, I’ve decided to never eat anything organic for the rest of “peoples lives”. It’s all bullshit. I’m putting nothing but Cheetos, Baja Blast Mountain Dew, and pure plastic in my figure, and I’m going to live to be 100.
You can follow Lydia on Twitter . Almost any multitude of soap and deodorant should fit your needs. Most importantly you won’t have to jeopardy utilizing some expensive fear-based quack concoctions that might as well be peddled by a Batman scoundrel . If you desired this article and crave more content like this, support our locate with a see to our Contribution Page. Or sign up for our Subscription Service for exclusive content, an ad-free know, and more . For more, check out 4 Celebrity Products That Are Proof People Will Buy Anything and 27 Disappointing Ads By Celebrity Who Should Know Better . Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out The 6 Most Surreal Fame Endorsements, and watch other videos you won’t examine on the site !
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