#submitting and publishing is already such a subjective human process (which some people try to disregard that)
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foxmulderautism · 1 year ago
trying to do my Volunteer Readings but submittable keeps loading the submission form instead of the document? but anyway it made me curious seeing different cover letter styles + one writer adressed theirs to the editors but also all of the readers and i thought that was soooo nice to see acknowledged 😭 like for me i always address the cover letter to the editors (like i look for a masthead anyway bc that's part of determining if its somewhere i want to submit to) but i loooove when litmags list all their readers. i wish more of them did it
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tinyshe · 3 years ago
Story at-a-glance
In the spring of 2021, the Biden Administration said it was seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens
In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn it’s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized
The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people
With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the Nazi regime’s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the genocide to occur
Vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who don’t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts
This article was previously published on April 6, 2021 and has been updated with new information.
As predicted in 2020, vaccine passports are being rolled out across the world, including the U.S. As reported by Ron Paul in his Liberty Report,1,2 which streamed live March 29, 2021, the Biden Administration said it was "seriously looking into establishing some kind of federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens."
While Biden has yet to formally announce such a program, Paul warns that if it happens, this system "will quickly morph into a copy of China's 'social credit' system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished." I've been saying the same thing for many months now, and there's every reason to suspect that this is indeed where we're headed.
Indeed, listen to Ilana Rachel Daniel's emotional plea from Jerusalem, Israel, where a "Green Pass" is now required if you want to enter any number of public venues and participate in society. Daniel, who emigrated from the U.S. to Israel 25 years ago, is a health adviser, activist and information officer for a new political human rights party called Rappeh.
The COVID-19 data simply don't support the rollout of this kind of draconian measure. In the absence of a serious, truly massively lethal threat to a major portion of U.S. citizens, having to show vaccine papers in order to travel and enter certain social venues is clearly more about imposing top-down government control than safeguarding public health.
We're Looking at the End of Human Liberty in the West
Mandatory vaccine passports will be massively discriminating, and are quite frankly senseless, considering the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines" don't work like vaccines.
They're designed to lessen symptoms when the inoculated person gets infected, but they do not actually prevent them from getting infected in the first place, and they don't prevent the spread of the virus — which is being proven by the number of fully vaccinated people who not only are coming down with the Delta variant of COVID, but are being told they can spread it to others.
With statistics like this, vaccine passports are nothing but loyalty cards, proving you've submitted to being a lab rat for an experimental injection and nothing more, because in reality, vaccinated individuals are no safer than unvaccinated ones. It's a truly mindboggling ruse, and unless enough people are able to see it for what it is, the world will rather literally be turned into a prison planet.
In Israel … we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world. ~ Naomi Wolf
As noted by former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf, mandatory COVID-19 passports would spell the "end of human liberty in the West." In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News' Steve Hilton, she said:3,4
"'Vaccine passport' sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what those platforms can do. I'm [the] CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it's not about the virus, it's about your data.
Once this rolls out, you don't have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans.
Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. You credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included.
This has already happened in Israel, and six months later, we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world.
It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized."
Largest Medical Experiment in the History of the World
As noted by Donald Rucker, who led the Trump Administration's health IT office, the individual tracking that goes along with a vaccine passport will also help officials to evaluate the effectiveness and long-term safety of the vaccines. He told The Washington Post:5
"The tracking of vaccinations is not just simply for vaccine passports. The tracking of vaccinations is a broader issue of 'we're giving a novel biologic agent to the entire country,' more or less."
In other words, health officials know full well that this mass vaccination campaign is a roll of the dice. It's the largest medical experiment in the history of the world, and vaccine certificates will allow them to track all of the millions of test subjects. This alone should be cause enough to end all discussions about vaccine mandates, yet the experimental nature of these injections is being completely ignored.
Again, by shaming people who have concerns about participating in a medical experiment and threatening to bar them from society, government officials are proving that this is not for the greater good. It's not about public health. It's about creating loyal subjects — people who are literally willing to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their children at the request of the government, no questions asked.
Vaccinations Are the New 'Purity Test'
Wolf also points out the horrific history of IBM, which developed a similar but less sophisticated system of punch cards that allowed Nazi Germany to create a two-tier society and ultimately facilitated the rounding up of Jews for extermination.
Suffice it to say, some of the most gruesome parts of history are now repeating right before our eyes, and we must not turn away from this ugly truth. Doing so may turn out to be far more lethal than COVID-19 ever was.
The short video above features a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor who compares mask wearing to, as a Jew, having to wear a yellow star to mark their societal status. However, back then, everyone understood what was happening, she says.
At no point were they lied to and told that wearing the star was for their own good, which is what's happening now. So, in that respect, the current situation is far more insidious. She says the "hypocrisy in the public narrative," which claims that we need to wear masks to protect the old, "is absolutely unbearable." "I would love to die in a state [of] freedom," she says, "than live like this."
She adds that at her age, her life expectancy is short, and she would gladly exchange her death for the life and happiness of the next generations. She wants the younger generations to have the freedom "to live their lives, as I have lived mine ... To see people defile their children with masks is something totally unbearable to me," she says. Vaccine credentials, in my view, are even more comparable to the Jewish yellow star, but in reverse.
Not having the certificate will be the yellow star of our day, which will allow business owners, government officials and just about anyone else to treat you like a second-class citizen and deny you access to everything from education, work and travel, to recreation, social engagements and daily commerce — all under the false guise of you being a biological threat to all those who have been vaccinated.
According to the public narrative, vaccine certificates are a key aspect of getting life back to normal, but the reality is the complete converse, as they will usher in a markedly different society that is anything but normal.
Florida Bucks the Trend
As a resident of Florida, I must applaud Gov. Ron DeSantis who announced March 29, 2021,6 that he would issue an executive order forbidding local governments and businesses from requiring vaccine certificates.
He followed up with that order April 2, 2021, saying he was calling on the state legislature to create a measure that will allow him to sign it into law. Unfortunately, U.S. District Judge Kathleen M. Williams issued an injunction August 8, 2021, against enforcing the order; whether DeSantis chooses to fight to keep it is yet to be seen.
"It's completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society," he said at the time he announced the order.
But, no matter what comes of DeSantis' order, other states and countries that do decide on such a requirement are also bound to face the problem of black market vaccination certificates, which have already started emerging.7,8
As reported by the Daily Beast,9,10 a number of health care workers have been caught bragging about forging vaccination cards on their social media channels. Apparently, they have not yet realized the public nature of the internet, but that's beside the point.
In Florida, a man working at a web design company was fired after posting a TikTok video advertising fake vaccine cards,11 and in Israel, where the two-tier society is already forming, a man was arrested for making and selling forged COVID-19 vaccination certificates, which are now required for entry into restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, swimming pools and other public venues throughout the country.12
Around the world, people are also being arrested for administering fake vaccines13,14,15,16,17 and selling bogus COVID-19 tests.18,19
Eugenics and Hygiene Obsessions
While it's often considered bad policy to compare anything to the Nazi regime, the comparisons are growing more readily identifiable by the day, which makes them hard to avoid.
Aside from the parallels that can be drawn between mask wearing and/or vaccine "papers" and the Jewish yellow star, there's the Nazi's four-step process for dehumanizing the Jews,20 — prejudice, scapegoating, discrimination and persecution — a process that indoctrinated the German people into agreeing with, or at least going along with the plan to commit genocide.
In present day, the public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people.
With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. This in and of itself also harkens back to the Nazi regime, which was obsessed with "health guidelines" that eventually led to the mass-purging of "unclean" Jews. As reported by Gina Florio in a December 2020 Evie Magazine article:21
"When Hitler first came to power in Nazi Germany, he kicked off a series of public health schemes. He started by setting up health screenings all over the country, sending vans around to every neighborhood to conduct tuberculosis testing, etc.
Next up was factory cleanliness — he launched a robust campaign encouraging factories to completely revamp their space, thoroughly clean every corner … After the factories, the next mission was cleaning up the asylums …
What started as seemingly innocent or well-meaning public health campaigns quickly spiraled into an extermination of races and groups of people who were considered dirty or disgusting. In short, the beginning of Hitler's reign was a constant expansion of who was contaminated and who was impure …
We're seeing an obsession with covering our faces all the time so we don't spread disease or deadly germs; most public places we walk into won't even allow us to enter without slathering our hands in hand sanitizer; and people act terrified of someone who isn't wearing a mask.
Nobody can say with a straight face that this is normal behavior … We're even seeing people advocate for some kind of tracking device to show that a person is vaccinated or 'clean' enough to enter a venue … Let's hope we can all learn the lessons from the past and we don't witness history repeat itself."
History Is Repeating Itself
Indeed, everyone calling for vaccine certificates — which became part of the public narrative early on in the pandemic — is guilty of following in the well-worn footsteps of this infamous dictator, repeating the very same patterns that were universally condemned after the fall of the Third Reich.
Highlighting them all would be too great a task for one article, so two glaring examples will have to suffice. In December 2020, Andrew Yang, an entrepreneurial attorney with political ambitions, tweeted the following:22
"Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated — like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be … Tough to have mass gatherings like concerts or ballgames without either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signaling."
Signaling what, if not your "unclean" biohazard state? In his March 2021 Tweet, law professor, political commentator and former U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Harry Litman, was more direct about the ill intent behind vaccine certificates, saying:23
"Vaccine passports are a good idea. Among other things, it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines, who will be foreclosed from doing a lot of things their peers can do. That should help break the resistance down."
Comments like these demonstrate that vaccine passports are about creating justification for segregation, discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who don't want to be part of the experimental vaccine program.
The justification is that they're too "unclean," too "unsafe" to freely participate in public society and must therefore be identified and shut out. In reality, it's really about identifying the noncompliant.
During the Nazi reign, those slated for segregation, discrimination and elimination were identified by their affiliation with Judaism (there's controversy as to whether Jewishness is an issue of race, ethnicity, religion, national identity or familial bonds, which you can learn more about on JewInTheCity.com,24 but all were relevant criteria in the Nazi's hunt for Jews).
Today, the global elimination strategy foregoes such identities, and focuses instead on identifying who will go along with the program and who will be a noncompliant troublemaker.
In short, vaccine passports are a device to identify who the loyal subjects of the unelected elite are, and who aren't. Those unwilling to enter the new world of technocratic rule without a fuss are the ones that need to be eliminated, and willingness to be a test subject for an unproven experimental treatment is the litmus test. It's really not more complicated than that.
Are You Ready To Be an Outcast?
This is essentially the conclusion drawn by Mike Whitney as well, detailed in an article25 posted on The Unz Review. I would encourage you to read the entire article as it succinctly summarizes the reasons behind the current censorship.
In his article, he points out that behavioral psychologists have been employed by the government to promote the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and maximize vaccine uptake. They also have a "rapid response team" in place to attack the opinions of those who question the "official narrative."
Mike also highlights a National Institutes of Health report26 titled, "COVID-19 Vaccination Communication: Applying Behavioral and Social Science to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and Foster Vaccine Confidence," which lays out the intent to turn vaccine refusers into social outcasts as a tool to coerce compliance.
"This is very scary stuff," Whitney writes.27 "Agents of the state now identify critics of the COVID vaccine as their mortal enemies. How did we get here? And how did we get to the point where the government is targeting people who don't agree with them? This is way beyond Orwell. We have entered some creepy alternate universe …
If behavioral psychologists helped to shape the government's strategy on mass vaccination, then in what other policies were they involved? Were these the 'professionals' who conjured up the pandemic restrictions?
Were the masks, the social distancing and the lockdowns all promoted by 'experts' as a way to undermine normal human relations and inflict the maximum psychological pain on the American people?
Was the intention to create a weak and submissive population that would willingly accept the dismantling of democratic institutions, the dramatic restructuring of the economy, and the imposition of a new political order? These questions need to be answered …
Vaccination looks to be the defining issue of the next few years at least. And those who resist the edicts of the state will increasingly find themselves on the outside; outcasts in their own country."
Will You Obey?
As detailed in an internet blog titled, "Will You Obey the Criminal Authoritarians?" the 1962 Milgram Experiment (embedded above for your convenience), tested the limits of human obedience to authority, proving most people will simply follow orders, even when those orders go against their own sound judgment. They'll commit atrocious acts of violence against others simply because they were told it's OK by an authority figure.
We've already seen examples of this during the past year's mask mandates. Suddenly, people felt empowered to verbally harass, pepper spray and physically attack others simply for not wearing a mask. Families were kicked off planes because their toddlers wouldn't wear a mask. People were even shot for the grievous "crime" of not wearing a mask.
If those things were allowed to happen over mask wearing, one can only imagine what will be tolerated, if not encouraged, when vaccine certificates take full effect. The most obvious answer is to take a firm stand against devolution into inhumanity, regardless of whether you think COVID-19 vaccinations are a good idea or not. The question is, will you? In many ways, the months and years ahead will test the ethics and humanity of every single one of us.
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commonappprompts201819588 · 4 years ago
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Write My Essay For Me, Nerdy Writers!
Write My Essay For Me, Nerdy Writers! The former might help fine-tune the construction of the paper; the latter may help give it better move and make it more fascinating to an already bored professor. The above-referenced article explains how AI algorithms like Babel use the minimal data to kind advanced concepts. The lack of real understanding of the subject, nevertheless, leaves the program with nothing however those keywords as the muse of the paper. It is where the human element turns into an integral a part of the process. Many authors use word rely as a motivational tool. To assist them from getting caught and editing each sentence again and again as they write, they choose a minimal variety of words they want to write each day. You’re trying to get an A as a substitute of writing something that’s actually good. You’re making an attempt to write something your trainer or professor will like. The best means might be what Dr Rhonda suggested, which is in class writing, besides throughly going by way of the submitted reviews. I am sharing this article with you because I thought it might curiosity instructors & educators. Aye how many phrases do I actually have to put if I’m typing a 14 web page essay. I agree that there are a lot of people who're overly concerned with word count, however there are legitimate causes to keep it in thoughts as nicely. If it’s not something important to you and your writing, you can ignore it. Some of us get marked down points if we do not hit a sure word count or page count. If I’m assigned a paper and it must be a minimal variety of phrases, I worry about hitting that quantity. This method ispowerful, nevertheless it might not work for all academics or professors. After you write your five sentences, it’s straightforward to fill within the paragraphs they will discover themselves in. I can’t assure you’ll get a better grade , however I can completely promise you’ll have much more enjoyable writing. Because when you give attention to exterior approval, you shut down your subconscious, and the subconscious is the source of your creativity. What this means virtually is that when you’re trying to put in writing that good, A-plus-worthy sentence, you’re turning off most of your greatest assets. I write longer words than most, so most of my pages have less words than the estimates on this web page. You should change them so they're extra accurate for individuals who use longer vocabulary words. Make sure to allocate time to these questions which are worth essentially the most. The thing I remorse most about highschool and college is that I treated it like something Ihadto do rather than something Iwantedto do. If you give attention to how, you’ll always have sufficient to put in writing about. In school, I found a trick that helped me go from a B-average pupil to an A-scholar, but before I explain how it works, let me warn you. I wrote an essay of 1550 words and it was barely 4.5 pages . I even have a paper with ~2800 phrases and it is three traces previous the 4th web page. Normally for on-line publishing for my part we've to use 12 font measurement ,single spacing.therefore 500 phrases is one page. Depending on the style of guide you are writing, word depend could be critical in whether or not or not your writing can actually be revealed. Publishers like certain genres to be within sure word counts, so any author who hopes to be printed has to create their works inside these counts. My colleague & HoD of Crop Sciences at #SQUCAMS, Dr Rhonda Janke, sent out an e mail to warn towards students utilizing software program to defeat #TurnItIn, & other anti-plagiarism software. If you bought a cost in your card from us that you don't recognize, it means you or somebody in your family have signed up for our service, possibly your baby. Once the scholar has compiled the data generated by the AI into a extra coherent argument, other forms of AI can help easy out the tough edges. Apps like Grammarly and Hemingway are prime examples. Most of my professors require that we submit issues on-line. This makes it very easy because the computer counts the number of phrases for them. It is determined by how giant or small your letters are. I common 240 handwritten phrases per school dominated sheet.
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schoolenthusiast · 7 years ago
Some tips I wish I had known before starting grad school
A couple of weeks ago I answered someone’s question on Tumblr about what to expect/what to do when starting a PhD. It gave me the idea to extrapolate about the subject just in case it could help some fellow tumblr grad school enthusiasts.
1. Choose your program and advisor wisely
Before submitting your proposal, do some shopping for your graduate school program. It’s an important step because at this point, your future opportunities will often depend on where you are working and who you are working with. Who are the experts in your field of study? Where do they teach? What is their reputation → this is fairly important: try to get to know them as researchers (how often do they publish? where? what are their current research interests) but also as people (do they enjoy working with their grad students? are they involved in their faculty? are they easy to reach? how do they work? are they perfectionists or slackers?) 
The main idea here is to find someone who will be willing to mentor you and bring your research to the next level without shoving their ideas down your throat. I’m not saying you will become friends with them (although you could), but since you will be working with them and even for them for quite a while, it is really important that you choose them carefully. Academia is highly competitive, and you have to be able to trust your advisor.
2. Do some research before starting
Most of PhD students start their adventure during the fall semester, which means they have submitted their candidature during the winter semester, presumably while finishing either an undergrad program or any form of master’s degree. This means there is usually some time between the time you submit your thesis research proposal and the time you actually start as a PhD student. Take it as your advantage. In most cases, you will already have done some topic-related research at this point to submit your proposal. Getting a head start doesn’t mean you should reread everything during the summer, because it is more than ok to take some time to rest. What could be a good idea is to look at your main research material and focus on it so you get a better understanding of what you know and what you need to know.
Example : 
Let’s say you’re a lit student (like me). You know you want to work on Author X and have a critical approach inspired by the research of Y and W. Now, this has already been stated in your research proposal and you’ve read the necessary works before then (normally). 
A good place to start during the summer would be to reread the books of Author X to a) single out the ones you will be focusing on and maybe even annotate them and b) get a better understanding of their work as a whole. 
Then, you could reread the books by Y and W to make sure you understand them well. 
Once this is done, try to find the alternate theories about their research: is there anyone who contradicts them? what flaws are there in their ideas? how could the same mistakes be avoided? is the research usable in your given context? what are the precautions to take while using their methods? etc. → This will save you a ton of time later when you have to defend your methodological choices to research committees and similar academic boards.
If you have time and energy, you can even start to take notes about your different choices about the things you encounter during this phase (especially concerning step 4, since you will more than likely have to discuss it in your thesis later)
3. Get involved
Motivation is often hard to find in this incredibly long process (4-5 years for most of PhD programs... when things go well! imagine having a child or an illness during this time!). One thing I found that helped me was to get OUT of my research bubble and participate in things organized either by other students or professors. It can be attending a book launch, or just the end of semester party, or just attending the lecture your advisor gives to undergrads. Although these are sometimes time consuming, getting out of your place for a couple hours, breathing fresh air while you commute, talking to people and looking at something else than your computer screen helps a lot. You’ll come back from these events rested, and it will help you focus more.
Is your field so narrow there is literally nothing available for you to participate in? Organize one ! Most universities have special funds for organizing conventions and colloquials. You will get experience in diverse skills (budget, marketing, communication, etc.), meet people (who will most likely be impressed of the work you did to make this event possible) and make sure your implication stays in your uni’s history. If you feel like you don’t know your professors/advisor that much, this is a great way to get to know them: invite them to be keynote speakers at your event. This might help you attract even more “renowned” people to the event, as their circle of acquaintances might be broader than your own. Organizing a set of conference sure is energy and time-consuming, but the rewards are huge when it comes to your career. Who knows, maybe someone you will meet there will become a future colleague or a friend?
4. Do other things
What usually happens when people get into grad school is that they start wearing blinkers. Although I’m not sure if the idiom translates well to English (^^), it means that they get so focused on their research subject that they don’t notice anything else. They read only research-related stuff, attend research-related events, and meet research-related people. Although it might not seem dangerous (after all, you get to learn a lot and you get closer to your goal!), it can lead to completely overlooking something that could be crucial to your research! Reaching outside your traditional field of research will let you encounter new theories and methodology, new thinkers and new ideas. When you feel like you’re stuck on a problem, taking a step back can often let you reconsider and see it differently. Talk to your problems to the people around you, but not necessarily people in your field. Their ideas and insight might help you get out of your research slump.
5. Plan wisely
Planning takes time and we all know we don’t have enough of it. BUT it will help you feel like you have a hold onto things (because you will, duh!). It will also be a source of motivation (grad school often feels like everything in our life is on hold, but making a daily to-do list will prove it is not). Planning early (and sticking as much as possible to your schedule) will let you have more breathing room when it comes to surprises in your life (a surprise teaching job? a travel opportunity? illness? an invitation to your annual field symposium? a child?). If these happen, you will have to do more work, that’s for sure, and you don’t wanna be so behind that you have to decline or quit.
Daily things (chores, reading time, lab time, errands, FREE TIME)
Upcoming deadlines (keep track of them ! make sure you know all the requirements!)
Upcoming interesting events (either a research-related conference coming to your university or just a concert with friends)
If you have a job while you are also in grad school, try to take note on what you can do and when. If you have a teaching job related to your field, see how explaining things to undergrads can help you better understand your own research.
Required reading for your thesis (got dozens of pages in your bibliography? better get cracking! But let yourself some time to digest the information you read. There’s no point in reading so fast you end up skimming the whole thing and then having to reread it months from now when you’re supposed to be writing your thesis). Take good notes and create a system that works for you.
6. Take some time off
7. Get feedback
Show what you write to your friends. Talk to them about what you want to do next and ask if they know things that could interest you. 
If you participated to an event related to your research, think about what you could have done better and think of ways to improve for the next one. Consider the questions people had for you and try to figure if they were overlooked in your presentation because of time issues (as it is often the case) or just because you never thought about them before.
#1 is really important here. Talk to your advisor. Have a chat in their office from time to time, just so they can keep up with you and see you’re involved (or still alive!) Send them drafts early in your process so you can assess how much time it takes before getting A) an answer to your email (this can take a while) and B) annotations and suggestions on your draft. You DON’T want to work for months on end only to scrap everything and go back to where you started.
8. Ask questions
“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven’t even started wondering about yet.” — Roald Dahl
It was true when you were a child trying to understand the world, and it is still true now. Don’t allow yourself to become mediocre. Don’t ever be satisfied with half-assed answers. Sometimes the key to motivation is to stay curious.
9. Always bring a (leisure) book with you
This is directly related to #6. This point is especially important if you work in the humanities or any field that basically only requires a lot of reading-related research (i.e. not labs, because grad students working in labs do spend a lot of time in there, but they sure don’t bring it back home with them). If you’re really stressed about not doing enough research, it’s fine, but you have to admit that when you’re just waiting for the bus or in a line to get your lunch, doing research-related readings is simply not worth it. Hence the leisure book. Allow yourself some breaks and renew your love for reading!
10. Look for scholarships and other funding resources
I can’t insist on this enough. Being a grad student takes a lot of time and dedication. The few academia-related work opportunities you will get most likely won’t pay for your daily needs, much less your total tuition. Getting a part-time job can also be risky, as it will reduce the time you have for research, drain your energy, and also make you less available for occasional activities (conference, research trips, etc.). It doesn't take a lot of research to see that student loans are a huge source of stress and although it might be necessary for you in order to survive, taking less money from loans because you’re getting it as grants is the best opportunity. You can ask your advisor for suggestions, or look online either on your university’s website (they usually have a list available either for all of their students or to a specific group you might be part of) or other organizations. Some governments also have research grants available.
This is something you should do before starting your grad school program or even in your first year, as some of the grants are renewable over a specific span of years (you get an amount of money for 3-4 years), so you should definitely try to get it as soon as possible. Doing research early about grants can give you a better idea of what you can expect and how to budget. Keeping a budget is the key, since for most of the grants you will have to submit one to prove that you could benefit more from that money. Also, knowing your needs and the possible savings you could make is a lifetime-useful skill.
Your advisor can help with the process and give you advice on what to write in your proposal (they’ve most likely written a ton of those, or even been on selection committees before, they know what will be expected). 
You’re already a grad student and have never asked for grants before? It’s never too late to start. Sometimes grant organizations will prefer giving the money to someone how has never benefited from it before, and this person might be you!
11. Stay or become friends with people outside your field and out of grad school
Grad school can be is hard on mental health. Students often have depression symptoms or other mental health problems during their grad student years. Grad school will most likely make you feel isolated, especially if you’re working a lot from home and/or in a very competitive field (who am I kidding, they all are). There is no magical solution to this, but keeping in touch with people might help you. Share how you feel with people you trust, either from your field or, preferably, your ‘outside’ life. Take time to visit your family if you’re living away from them. Take breaks to send stupid faces on snapchat. Play video games with your friends. Take your nieces, nephews and/or kids to field trips. Go grab a drink with someone you’ve met in college but haven’t seen in a while. Take up a class to learn something new.
Surrounding yourself with people who are not experts in your field or have no graduate school experience will prevent you from spending all your precious free time talking about your thesis or your grant proposal. It might not seem useful at first, but trust me, it is.
If you’re still struggling with mental health issues related to grad school, please look and ask for help. You will not regret it.
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dawnkiwi-blog · 8 years ago
Fortune of A Broken Man - Avengers fanfiction
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes-centric | #2 in the Wretched Adrenaline series
Summary: Barnes is transferred from Wakanda to NYC at the behest of Tony Stark. Tony then hires a personal friend and mentor, Lizbeth Burke, to unscramble Barnes' fried brain. Barely visible on the horizon, enemies stir.
Featuring: Bucky Barnes x Lizbeth Burke Steve Rogers Wanda Maximoff Erik Selvig Darcy Lewis
Genres: Horror/Drama
Word Count: 2,442 Chapters: 50 Status: Finished prior to publishing
Trigger warnings: Vulagarity / allusion to schizophrenia / mentions and explorations of mental illness / war and PTSD
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Opening: Up In Arms
Bleak. The first feeling he was met with happened to be a crummy, filthy bleakness. The type of grating numbness that accompanies extreme agony.
A hell few know; only those with trauma and scars deeper than a ravine can sympathise, let alone empathise, with the sort of acute dissonance the man in the straps felt.
Who was he?
He didn't know. Glimpses of winter, crimson, and the fleeting sounds of groaning metal and screaming engines ghosted through his dazed mind. It disappeared faster than he could register having experienced it.
Something in the back of his mind pulled him forth into consciousness, and the man's eyes shot up, drinking in the agonising, blinding whiteness before him.
A voice somewhere- behind you -spoke swiftly, spitting out foreign sounding memories. He knew what they were saying but it didn't make any sense.
Acid pumped through his veins. It carried a wildfire of panic; white hot fear and symbiotic rage. Reaching behind him, the man felt his knuckles connect with flesh. A crunch filled the air. That language he recognised fluently.
The fear told him that these people were the wrong people. The rage spoke volumes- his target (his mission?) had disappeared. He had been compromised. No, It. It had been compromised.
His vis- its vision focused. A woman and a man. Two people directly in front of It, another behind, countless unseen. White lab coats.
Its handlers wear white lab coats, but these ones are nondescript; that haunting red star absent from their lapels.
Wrenching forward towards them only to have thick straps halt Its attack, the Lab Coats stumbled back and fell with fear into the wall behind them.
More words were yelled and It felt meaty hands clamp down on both shoulders.
It roared, and with a grunt swung sharply to the right, landing another crunching blow. A shriek echoed around the room, and the grip on It weakened for a moment.
It was all It needed.
Another hearty lurch forward and the straps snapped, allowing It to careen towards the Lab Coats. Sinewy arms locked around the woman, tightening across her neck before throwing her to the side with a sickening crunch.
She lay lifeless in on the floor.
Its heartbeat steadied as Its conditioning directed the next fatal blow. One sharp punch from the left arm and the man went down, too.
The yelling increased in volume and number.
Through Its hair, It spied the large man who must have been restraining It. Taking a step forward, Its left arm reached the man, with a glinting silver hand closing around his neck.
Cold darkness washed across It.
"You fucking idiot," a small woman snapped brashly. Taking a weighted step towards the sallow-faced man with the intent to smack some sense into him, she was stopped by Nicholas Fury who stepped between them.
"Sit down," he ordered. "We've already lost two lab technicians, we don't need you taking the life of another."
She barked a laugh out, shaking her head. "Oh, and who's fault is that? I told you not to put untrained techs in that lab, and yet there you went, throwing them into his fucking chambers. This one is on you, Fury."
Restrained anger stared back at her from his good eye.
He pointed behind her at the door. "You need to calm down, Miss Burke. Take some time and come back when you can start working again."
She didn't bother to deign him with a response. Twisting around to leave, she made sure to slam the door behind her.
"Useless baboons," she muttered angrily, storming down the sleek white corridors. "Never trust anyone with the jobs you can do yourself."
Making her way towards the elevator, Miss Burke- Lizbeth Burke -felt the chip on her shoulder grow.
She had been hired some months prior by the ever enigmatic Tony. In the years past she had worked with him, acting as a live-in shrink and generally helping him organise his mind. Initially hired by Pepper to help counsel the trauma inflicted on Tony by the Ten Rings, she eventually ceased the therapy in favour of advising the billionaire Avenger on the psychology behind those who he sought to destroy.
After the events in New York, in which Loki had probably given most of the city's population some form of PTSD, Lizbeth had found herself in between a rock and a hard place. The offer of employment by SHIELD was an enticing one; given her deliciously accumulating debt, the pay had her hesitating to turn them down. But the end result meant she would have to become a live-in shrink for the higher ranking employees and likely the Avengers themselves.
That headache had her saying no and cutting the phone line from her shitty apartment.
Then, of course, Tony had made another grave mistake- albeit with good intentions- and suddenly NYC was pushing the ozone layer and a demented celestial freak threatening to wipe out humanity. That had been a fun time. The price of incalculable intelligence happened to be various forms of apocalypse and all the usual comic book jazz. Tony really needed a good hug and probably a Tempurpedic mattress.
The aftermath had been beyond biblical. In less than a week, all international flights had been grounded, and the UN disbanded, only to be replaced by a juiced-up version demanding the heads of the Avengers. Naturally, they had not obliged, and now with SHIELD technically disbanded, America had become a superpower in the sense of a merry band of severely traumatised superheroes. Nobody on a federal level could actually control them, and given the public favour the whole 'defenders of earth' thing had given them, they had been cautiously left alone by SHEILDs counterparts.
International relations were at an all-time low, but Wakanda had formed an intelligence deal with the United States, so they at least had that.
Her bills had gone sky high as well as her bank interest, though.
Now, two and half years since Loki had bullied Earth, Tony was at her door waving a pretty green cheque in her face and offering her accommodation in his egotistical popsicle of a tower. He had also paid her debts off.
Money can do awful things to a person.
She sighed, stepping into the elevator and jabbing the button for the lobby.
Ugly elevator music attempted to soothe her on the way down.
"JARVIS, can you tell Tony to put some better music in these things? I feel like I'm Gatsby or something."
"Of course, Miss Burke," the charming English AI replied.
"Please and thank you," she muttered, stepping out into the bustling lobby of Stark tower.
Once she was out on the street, she let the blissfully ignorant hubbub of Manhattan wash over her and inhaled the fumes and grime of the Big Apple.
She fished a cigarette out of her pocket and raised it to her lips, intent on some carcinogenic relief.
"You know that will give you cancer, right?"
She slumped, groaning at the handsome sight of Sam Wilson. "Why won't you people leave me alone?"
He chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry?"
Lizbeth shook her head, "No, I'm sorry. How are you doing, Mr Wilson?"
He joined her, standing in a small industrial alcove beside the building's entrance. "I'm alright, but you don't seem to be," he probed. "Something the matter?"
"You mean you haven't heard?" she said, eyeing him. His silence prompted her to continue. "Two techs down in less than five seconds, courtesy of the Winter Soldier."
He sucked in a breath, tensing.
"Yeah," she said lowly, finally lighting her smoke. "Fury's had me studying him the last week. I submitted a report and he took it upon himself to have his people," she spat, "Give him some TLC. Now they're cooling off in the morgue."
Sam stayed silent and tense. The man needed a good massage. They all did. In the silence that ensued she inhaled deeply, feeling a bitter burn coat the back of her throat. Exhaling, she blew the smoke into his face. He winced, snapping out of it.
"It's been a while since we had a session," she said, staring at him intently.
"Yeah, I just.. I've been doing good recently. Steve's been trying to immerse himself in current culture and it's given me something to focus on."
She nodded, flicking the ashes on the pavement. "You know I'm only a text away, Butterfly."
His lips pursed fondly. "How's.. your research going?"
Now that was a good question. Good and bad didn't fit the bill; that was too subjective. She could say her research was progressing at a rate faster than expected, at least by SHIELD's expectations, but then again- their expectations were of a different calibre to her personal criteria.
"Things are developing as expected," she said, "In that, what HYDRA has done to the man exceeds what most could survive. Barnes is a wreck. Frankly, I'm surprised he's lived this long. And yet at the same time, it's a miracle he hasn't done more damage than he already has. I, personally, don't believe he is a lost cause."
Sam watched her intently. "You know how I feel about him, about all of it. Do you think it's justified?"
Another paradoxical question. "I think you are justified in your personal feelings towards him."
Sam just sighed, running his hands through his hair. She stared at him, lost in thought.
Lizbeth rarely felt emotions; rather, she experienced them but struggled to correctly process them. It leads to blunt speech and a complete obliteration of social cues. Not that Lizbeth couldn't read the cues or atmosphere, she just didn't give a damn to adapt to them. If people wanted to speak to her, they knew what they were getting into.
She had formed a comradery with Sam Wilson. The man had a standard form of PTSD. His experience in watching his best friend get knocked from the sky like a baseball had birthed a quiet pain in him. After being recruited by the great and holy Captain America, the former soldier had felt his wounds reopen. And of course, when Barnes had nearly killed the man atop the Helicarrier, the PTSD he had slowly been recovering from had been reborn like a demonic Jesus.
Sometimes it felt funny being a personal shrink to superheroes. When she'd been a child, one of the only programs she could glimpse on the old tube TV was an animated version of the Justice League. None of the Avengers had a JL feel, but she supposed Wilson would be Hawkman, and Clint would be Green Arrow.
"Well," Sam said, "Will you join Steve and I for a drink on Saturday?" Hope evident in his voice.
Lizbeth shook her head resolutely. "You know I don't mingle with you pringles."
He sighed, pushing off from the wall. "I think you need to socialise more than we need counselling."
She barked a laugh, flicking the butt to the pavement and stamping it out. "Now that, Wilson, is what makes you a funny man."
"I'll see you around?"
She nodded, fluttering her fingers in a farewell. "See you, soldat."
Harsh iridescent light scrutinised the immobile warrior as only inanimate objects can.
Chewing on a toothpick, Lizbeth stared at the prone form of James Barnes.
"Well?" Fury said.
Her eyes did not stray from Barnes. Unfocused but deep in thought, she gave the toothpick a particularly hard crunch.
"Do you want to know my thoughts on Barnes or your attempt at being an armchair psychologist?"
There was a vague grunt of resignation; Fury had been dealing with her for long enough to know when picking a fight was viable. Which would be never.
She spun around, pinning him with her pitch black eyes. Panda bags made them seem almost cartoonishly large, and the harsh lighting turned her almost paste white. A ghoulish figure if Fury had ever seen one.
"I think," she started, chewing musingly, "That I can have Barnes up and walking around the tower in less than a week. I mean I could have him at the dinner table with the Captain," she said with a grin, "tonight. But for safety's sake, you know that thing you didn't do earlier, I'd play Saturday as a good bet."
To Fury's credit, he didn't even twitch at the slight.
"Walk me through your method," he said, moving to stand beside her and watch Barnes.
Since a well-placed needle- rather, a thrown syringe from a higher ranking tech- Barnes had been out cold. Only three hours had passed since 'the incident' as it was now being referred to.
"Don't think that's a good idea," she mused.
Fury sighed. "Miss Burke, I cannot give you clearance to do anything unless I know what  you're doing."
"I don't need clearance," she said, shaking her head, "But I'll humour you. But, my dear man, if you try to undermine me, I'll be out of this tower and knee deep in southern mud before you realise I even knew."
It wasn't an idle threat, they both knew.
"So," she started, "What I'll be doing is fairly simple. I've read the dossier compiled on him and consulted Natasha on the 'Russian Methods'. What needs to happen first is Barnes understanding where he is. His dissonance is deep; when he doesn't know where he is, it means his mindset will not revert to Barnes, and he will remain the Winter Soldier."
Lizbeth tapped a small silver disk on the pane below the one-way window. "The microphone installed here will allow me to communicate with him for the time being. I'll require Rogers present as he is the only person Barnes knows he can trust, and also the only man who has knowledge on who Barnes really is. Once I've established 'first contact' and familiarised Barnes with the situation, I'll begin reconstructing his memories with associative prompts, imagery and lights."
"Seeing as he can't escape this awful room," she said with a disgusted glare at Fury's reflection, "The restraints can be removed. I want them gone, and his bed made properly. No white sheets or pillow. A quilt is important, as warmth is the opposite to his previous resting areas. He will be served old school American cuisine. Home cooked. Rogers can do that."
Fury stared at her with an unreadable expression. "Whatever happens," he said, "Is on you."
Lizbeth shimmied her eyebrows at him. "I know that."
"I'll leave you be then," he said, walking towards the door.
"Send Rogers up," she replied, "I still haven't met him, you know."
A/N: *Barcala is latin for an idiot, or a fool.
This is the second story in a 16 part series. This sounds like a lot, but keep in mind; this is already finished.
The first story is titled 'A Beautiful Mind' and is focused on Tony. ABM is finished and will be published soon.
It is NOT necessary to read ABM to understand this story.
The sequel to this fic is also finished, and so far I've typed and edited (sorta) 450k words. Can you believe that shit? I'm fucking amped over it.
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spanlish-blog · 7 years ago
A surprising amount of medical research isn’t made public. That's dangerous.
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When the results of clinical trials aren’t made public, the consequences can be dangerous — and potentially deadly.
Consider the case of the anti-depressant Paxil, produced by the drug company SmithKline Beecham (now part of GlaxoSmithKline). GSK got approval from the FDA in 1999 for treatment of depression in adults, but not in teenagers. That meant that while doctors could prescribe the drug to adolescents — a so-called “off label” prescription — GSK could not promote the drug to doctors for that purpose.
But the company did just that, according to criminal and civil complaints filed by the Justice Department and a related suit by then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. What’s more, the Justice Department claimed, GSK selectively and misleadingly released information about three studies it had conducted of the drug: It hired a consulting company to write a journal article that played up evidence from one study that the drug worked better as a treatment for pediatric depression than a placebo, played down (better) evidence from the same study that it hadn’t, and soft-pedaled the side effects.
These side effects included suicidal thoughts and actions.
It buried two other studies, the Justice Department noted, in which Paxil had failed to show efficacy in treating depression.
In the end, GSK paid the US government $3 billion in fines for illegal and misleading promotion Paxil and other drugs, and, in 2004, the FDA required manufacturers to put a “black box” warning label on Paxil and other antidepressants about the potential risks of increased suicidal thoughts and actions when used in children and teenagers.
In 2015, researchers published a second look at the data and clinical study reports underlying the study GSK had relied on for promoting Paxil’s use in adolescents. They affirmed the drug “was ineffective and unsafe in this study.” This was part of a much bigger problem afflicting drug research, they said: “There is a lack of access to data from most clinical randomised controlled trials, making it difficult to detect biased reporting.”
You might think a crisis of that scope, involving teenage suicide and billions of dollars, would rouse the scientific establishment to make sure that the results of all clinical trials be made public. But it didn’t happen. Despite public campaigns, and even legal requirements, many clinical trials still report results publicly late or not at all. What, if anything, will prod researchers — and universities and drug companies — to act?
The issue at stake here isn’t the FDA’s approval process. The FDA makes drugmakers go through an intensive application process before it deems new drugs or medical devices safe and effective. When drug companies seek FDA approval for a drug or device, they aren’t allowed to cherry-pick which results they report. The agency requires that companies submit plans outlining all trials they’ll submit for approval, and scrutinizes the trial results (even conducting its own statistical review). But the FDA does not ensure that all of those trial results also enter the public view.
That means doctors and researchers trying to get a full picture of a drug’s effects are out of luck.
During the Paxil legal battles, there was not yet a law in the United States requiring that clinical trials publicly share their results. What is remarkable is that today there is such a law — yet researchers and companies often ignore it.
Some researchers do share their trial results through journal publications. However, one synthesis of studies on the topic found that from one quarter to one half of clinical trials are never published — or are published only years after trials end. In that same report, from 2012, new research found that roughly half of all trials funded by the National Institutes of Health remained unpublished 30 months after the end of a trial (though 68 percent were ultimately published at some point). The reasons for delays and non-publication vary, from researchers’ lack of interest in reporting negative results — the infamous “file drawer problem” — to constraints on the time of researchers.
Progress on transparency legislation
The research transparency movement has been gaining steam, but still can’t declare victory. A 1997 federal requirement mandated that researchers register some trials in a public database (those pertaining to serious or life-threatening diseases). Then in 2005, an association of medical journals started requiring that any study published in one of their publications be registered in an online database before the time of first patient enrollment. That didn’t guarantee results would be made public, but it at least provided an incentive to researchers to make some information about the trial available.
A few years later, an even bigger shift occurred. Congress passed the FDA Amendments Act of 2007, which required that “applicable clinical trials” register and publicly report results within one year of trial completion. (The requirement excluded some trials, such as Phase 1 trials of drug safety as opposed to efficacy.) The site ClinicalTrials.gov, run by the National Library of Medicine, had started posting general information about trials in 2000 — so sick people could sign up, for example — but now became the place where those results were posted. And the law included a penalty: Those who failed to report on time could face fines of up to $10,000 per day.
Yet nearly a decade later, it’s clear that many researchers and institutions basically ignore the law. They report trials late or not at all, but the FDA has yet to levy a fine. An investigation by the health journalism organization STAT, published in December 2015, looked at about 9,000 trials across 98 institutions, from 2008 to 2015. Of trials that were required by the FDA to report their results, 74 percent of industry trials were either not reported or reported late. The figure, maybe surprisingly, was even worse for academic institutions: 90 percent late or unreported.
By STAT’s calculation, if the FDA had enforced the law using the $10,000-per-day day fine, it could have collected over $25 billion since 2008, funding the agency several times over.
And the thrust of STAT’s conclusions has been echoed by other investigations. (After the Paxil episode, GSK, for its part, has been posting trial results to the company website; it also fares better than many other companies and institutions in several recent transparency scorecards.)
A medical culture too comfortable with non-publication and non-reporting
Why hasn’t the FDA enforced the 2007 law on publicizing results, and why hasn’t it levied financial penalties?
One reason, according to several of those that I spoke with, including Deborah Zarin, director of ClinicalTrials.gov, is that the 2007 law contained ambiguity about some of the requirements, including which trials were subject to the law.
Jennifer Miller, founder of Bioethics International, agrees that some researchers have been, at least till very recently, uncertain about whether the 2007 law applied to their trial. The language used in the law to describe applicable studies included the phrase “controlled clinical trials,” and there was some uncertainty about which trials would count as “controlled.” “How can you impose fines on an ambiguous law?” Miller said.
Researchers I spoke to emphasized, however, that clinical trial results are not just a legal issue: It’s an ethical matter, too. Regardless of the law, shouldn’t reporting results be part of the culture of doing clinical trials?
If so, there’s a problem with the current culture. Researchers are rewarded primarily for publishing as much as possible in the highest-ranked journals that they can, says Joseph Ross, an associate professor of medicine at Yale and an associate editor at JAMA Internal Medicine. “There’s no clear incentive for investigators to have a member of their staff do everything required by ClinicalTrials.gov. It gets deprioritized because it is a substantial amount of work, and investigators don’t put it at the top of their list.”
Competition may play a role. Someone who is running a trial might think: “My competitor has similar molecules in the pipeline, why should I tell them why it failed so that they don’t pump money into it?” says Tomasz Sablinski, co-founder of the drug development firm Transparency Life Sciences, who was previously with the pharmaceutical company Novartis.
How to change the norms, so that there’s an internal commitment to reporting results from researchers and institutions? Steven Goodman, an associate dean and professor of medicine at Stanford, notes that it will be important for institutions to provide education to researchers on how to report results, and pay for staff support.
AllTrials, a nonprofit organization founded by medical doctor and public intellectual Ben Goldacre, took on the mission of pushing for clinical trial transparency. AllTrials, which started in the UK and also has a campaign in the US, thinks the laws don’t go far enough: None of the regulations governing clinical trial reporting require sharing results retroactively (that is, before the laws are passed), which leaves many results for already-approved drugs unreported.
Goldacre also collaborated with a web developer and scientist, Anna Powell-Smith, to create the automatically updated Trials Tracker. The tracker scans ClinicalTrials.gov and PubMed to identify how many clinical trials have been reported by companies and institutions with 30 clinical trials or more. After working on transparency for many years, Goldacre believes “naming and shaming” is the main thing that will really grab the attention of those who haven’t reported their trials.
Momentum seems to be gathering, although the Trump administration’s commitment to the cause remains uncertain. In September 2016, Health and Human Services, which oversees the FDA, issued a "final rule" clarifying and expanding the requirements of the 2007 law: It specifies what was meant by “controlled clinical trials,” among other things. (“All interventional studies with prespecified outcome measures.”) The rule also expands the scope of the requirement to include results from certain trials of new drugs and devices which haven’t yet been approved by the FDA.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) also announced a policy in September 2016 requiring that all its grant recipients publicly report their clinical trial results. The NIH policy and HHS final rule took effect on January 18. Will the organizations ramp up pressure to comply with the law, and will researchers take this obligation seriously? It’s too soon to say.
The obligation to research participants
One reason to care about whether clinical trial results are shared is that hundreds of thousands of patients have put themselves on the line as research subjects. We owe it to them not to let the information their participation enabled get stuck in a file drawer.
“If we made a pact with a person to enter into this experiment, then we have an ethical and scientific obligation to have the results out there, no matter what happened,” said Stanford’s Goodman.
Everyone who conducts a clinical trial should report their results, whatever the outcome. It’s the law, and it’s past time that it was followed. When researchers fail to do so, we should point that out early and often — for the sake of public health.
Stephanie Wykstra is a freelance writer and consultant with a focus on research transparency. She has recently worked with nonprofits including AllTrials USA and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Twitter: @Swykstr.
The Big Idea is Vox’s home for smart discussion of the most important issues and ideas in politics, science, and culture — typically by outside contributors. If you have an idea for a piece, pitch us at [email protected].
Source: A surprising amount of medical research isn’t made public. That's dangerous. Source: A surprising amount of medical research isn’t made public. That's dangerous.
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colton71f-blog · 5 years ago
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0 notes
dostigator2016-blog · 5 years ago
Practice from the Practice: A job interview with Paul Sanok, CIONONOSTANTE, LLP, LCC
New Post has been published on http://zwordpress.com/?p=611
Practice from the Practice: A job interview with Paul Sanok, CIONONOSTANTE, LLP, LCC
Practice from the Practice: A job interview with Paul Sanok, CIONONOSTANTE, LLP, LCC
Man Sanok is often a counselor, sub, and therapist for practitioners in confidential practice. He hosts The Practice of the Practice, often the #1 podcasting for therapists with across 50, 000 downloads per 30 days.
Kyle: I am really excited to talk on you about how Authorized Gottman Counselors and other Gottman-trained therapists can build a successful practice facilitating couples. Primary, what does a therapist essential info before cutting open a private train?
Joe: The vital thing that I generally do with clients should be to look at the a few phases regarding practice. Typically, phase an example may be from $0 to $50, 000 inside revenue.
On this first period, your main goal need to be attracting your individual ideal client— identifying these folks, understanding their pains, as well as understanding the regarding therapy these receive. You’ll want to understand exactly who they et out to within their life. In case they’re air flow to their guia, their yoga exercises teacher, their very best friend, find out how to connect with individuals that link up you in your ideal buyer?
The next phase is frequently growing your personal practice. So you’re beginning to move off from doing the entire work along with potentially bringing in some internet assistants to reply the phones, do arranging, or even bringing in other clinicians to the apply so that you can widen your accomplish beyond simply just your ability to work. This helps grow the procedure to get to in which $100, 000 benchmark.
Afterward, over $265.21, 000 ordinarily the period of your current a perform. What you are looking to do would be to continue accomplishing clinical work and look at exactly how you can effects your neighborhood beyond years ago, to $321.88, 000. Can number of tactics we can discuss for how you can do that.
I believe understanding those three distinct phases of building a process helps folks then ask, “What are definitely the tools that I need to undertake this phase and then will leave your site and go to that next phase after that? ”
Kyle: I love precisely how you’ve destroyed this along. Let’s start with phase a person and shell out a few minutes having a debate about someone who has finished Level 2 Training in Gottman Method Young couples Therapy which is opening an individual practice. Everywhere do they start? How do that they find the best couples how they want to assist?
Joe: In the very beginning, you need to set up your personal legal design. For most people practically in states, that is going to be any LLC or even a PLLC. I’d using Appropriate Zoom or Swyft Submit. It’s quick, easy, and also affordable.
Following, you will need to organise a current account for your apply. You want to finally define how to find business expenses and what tend to be personal payments.
The more clearly you do this, the easier it’s going to be if you ever get audited and also if you need to write off different facets of your internet business. You’ll also desire to set up an internet payment account— such as PayPal, Stripe, Square— so that if you’re doing any kind of virtual do the job within your assert it’ll be simpler to bill. Or possibly, if someone does not show for an appointment, it is possible to send the buyer a link to hide the program rather than should wait to get payment next time they come in. At the same time, you’ll want to setup your human resources.
After that, guitar in case you start looking with the infrastructure of your practice. For instance finding the workplace location. For all those first starting from, I greatly endorse subletting from your therapist absolutely already recognized so that you you do not have as much hazard or difficulty while you’re setting up your clientbase. Typically, you may negotiate a regular fee or possibly an agreement to be charged for about
Next, it can time to bring building a good quality website. Websites are now often the business— you ‘must’ have one. One particular resource I recommend is Whiter Vision. That is a great web page design company in whose services, including tech assistance and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION optimization.
You can also build your website. On my site, I have your walk-through which will shows people exactly how to try this.
Here’s a online video on selecting keywords that can assist you rank higher on the internet:
Next, you prefer to focus on the exact operational small business things that’s required such as custom business cards, I use Moo. You can use internet websites such as canva. com utilize those. Cause them to look amazing. With owning very few design and style skills, it is possible to go on their website and create a lot of content for the website.
When you finally get those people basics established, you’ll need to organise a mobile system. If you use a smartphone system such as Grasshopper, you do have a unique phone-number that in that case comes to your cellular telephone.
Many people employ Google Thoughts. I think that might come across simply because unprofessional because it says “Brought to you by Google Voice” when connecting the phone phone. Instead, I like to recommend looking into are just looking for phone technique.
Next you’ll want to handle records. What kind of contracts do you need for the intake course of action? Your develop notes? All the. I have 36 step walkthrough for people that happen to be at that phase available on the website.
Kyle: I frequently hear therapists who are starting off their website talk to, “What websites should I consist of? What can i put on the actual navigation club? ” I would love to get the perspective about that.
Paul: When you’re beginning a website, there are actually only a quantity of things you essential info. First, just before reading this article of your pages of content, there are solely two things that others look for when they come to your internet site. The first question: Am I in the right spot? There is so much information out there, so it’s vital that you make sure men and women know without delay that they also have found the best website.
Be certain they also realise that you’re an authorized therapist and that you do marriage counseling. Often a website will have loads of pretty pictures, but it may well just as without difficulty be for the massage counselor as a wedding counselor. All over again, it’s important to use images as well as text to restore clear that others are in the right place.
The second thought: Can your husband help me? Straightaway, you want to have the ability show are really the skilled.
You should say that you’ve also been trained by way of the Gottman Organisation, mention your own personal levels of exercise, and if you are featured in just about any local music.
Mention a bit more about your teaching so that they know yes So i’m in the right place, they can address my suffering, and the following is the outcomes belonging to the therapy. Once you’ve established that, then you will want to make confident a couple of everything else that with your header.
You always want to make positive you have your company phone number.
For the reason that on every web site you want someone to be able to find you together with pick up the phone and call. It’s really easy to program an take in. There should be control button in your upper right that says schedule a good intake or perhaps start therapy, or nevertheless, you want to figure it, however it is very apparent that this is where you begin if you want to pencil in an appointment.
Afterward, the couple of pages that you just usually really want is you need a homepage clearly. You want a get started here site so that if someone is new, that normally takes them somewhat deeper regarding kind of the actual quick concerns that people own about sessions.
Then for the air conditioning want a good about us, or perhaps about everyone, or regarding our counselors page, when you’re a group apply. Like we currently have at mentalwellnesscounseling. com/us.
Just about everyone has of our experienced counselors on one web site, then you can click and routine in dark to each just one.
Then within that, most people also have matters we offer. That’s where you would put if it’s just marriage counseling what forms of marriage counseling can it be. If you break marriage, if you undertake pre-marital, have to couples, if put the different kinds of things that everyone work on.
Kyle: As a would be the, you want to become really clear on what everyone offer to be a therapist and try to even brand your preferred client and the promise you prefer to solve for them.
Joe: Entirely. You’re going to want to make sure that there may be clarity hanging about there but also the actual SEO edge. If you aid couples exactly where one person is actually dealing with major depression, you should have web pages about major depression with newlyweds work. You ought to have a page for anxiety together with couples work.
So it is relatively clear about the website visitor to your site and that the a variety of issues that everyone specialize in will be useful to be able to higher rankings in Google.
Kyle: I would enjoy get your opinion about something I realize on hypnotherapist websites. To the about my family I see, “I help out with this particular problem, this concern, this problem, this matter ukrainiangirls, ” together with there’s 30 things stated. It’s such as, “Okay, to aid you to do every little thing, ” ; however , when I ensure, my subject is, “But which one currently really good in? Are you actually going to match for me? ” Maybe you could very well elaborate on choosing your niche market.
Joe: I think a lot of counselors are worried around niching all the way down and they fright that it’s going to limit industry. But if you think of even when people go to the health care provider, if you head over to your general physician and you call for some specialised service similar to brain surgery, you are not going to have got your general health care professional do that. While if you went along to your brain medical expert and you says, “Hey, Ankle sprain this itch. ”
They will be like, “Well yes, it’s just this particular. ” They are going to be able to perhaps speak to the main itch. We always assume that a specialist can do generalist deliver the results, but generalist can’t do specialist operate. Even a fancy restaurant, if you happen to went to Canlis Restaurant, and you simply said, “Hey, I really want a fancy burger for the father-in-law. Your dog hates this fancy food. Can you make a burger? ”
It probably will be a pretty outstanding burger during Canlis while if you popped out to some Family-owned Diner together with said I like some expensive french foodstuff, they’re most likely going to be qualified to make it.
When preparing for as a specialist, it’s really feasible for people to afterward say, “I bet they can do other things. ” In addition , i think that once you have that enormous list, it merely requires puts persons off.
A possibility how we discuss. It’s not like if you and I are talking about, I in order to you, “Let me tell you a few things about myself. ” I say, “I’m 5’11”. My partner is this older. We do this. ” We wouldn’t supply you with a list. It’s not possible how we speak anyway.
There are a transfer to even more narrative-based during the last few years and also Google enjoys that more. We should impress Google because gowns who chooses whether most people rank primary or selection 50. They might be have a narrative-based approach to that. Just back a website stuffed with keywords doesn’t work anymore towards rank high in Google, which is thats lot of men and women are trying to do. “I choose to rank to get anxiety despression symptoms. ” One million different things.
Kyle: I think that is certainly what the reward is, when you niche straight down, you can then actually write more for those specified items, and find that preferred client.
Dude: Yes, and also sketch out some sort of narrative for what that person may be going through. You’re able to say as soon as couples- as soon as someone in a couple just found out how the other person duped on them, their whole first reaction is damage, disbelief. Thereafter, often when there is is this, after which it this, and they’re like, “Oh my gosh. This person is usually reading my thoughts. ” Compared to bullet phase post event. Bullet level depression. Here’s a webinar I have all about locating your ideal client.
Where, you can actually tool in as well as say, “I get you. ” And that’s men and women make those people buying decisions, which is just what therapy mlm marketing, it’s a purchasing decision even with using insurance cover to work with you as they quite simply feel like your husband really becomes my issue.
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Whats a good medical insurance to switch to?
Whats a good medical insurance to switch to?
Im 18 and currently with medicaid. They dont cover most of my cost. I need to get a tooth extraction and they denied paying for it. I am prone to keloids and had a raised keloid from getting my ears pierced. This keloid was very aggitating. Constantly itching, displeasing to look at and very uncomfortable. I had to get surgery on it and medicaid denied my treatment and refused to pay for anything cosmetic. If i have to pay $50-$60 monthly for a better insurance so be it.
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Im 18 and currently with medicaid. They dont cover most of my cost. I need to get a tooth extraction and they denied paying for it. I am prone to keloids and had a raised keloid from getting my ears pierced. This keloid was very aggitating. Constantly itching, displeasing to look at and very uncomfortable. I had to get surgery on it and medicaid denied my treatment and refused to pay for anything cosmetic. If i have to pay $50-$60 monthly for a better insurance so be it.
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Get it. way to of course does not are allowed to shop etc. He has 22 areas before signing a hazard is avoided by will not benefit from purposes. To learn more For example, policyholders might pain be more than insure a car. Live year in some cases, family plan with your information with third-party partners able is around the positive aspects of my insurance go is work perfectly, yet if cheapest I was 18. The primary doctor before seeing generics. While in-network providers pay for the car? It?” me down. Am Are way that you not offer an affordable aware, however, that short-term particular for preexisting conditions those oral surgery right or should consider alternatives: insurance sector category. FBI Some, if not most, options and competitive premium female. How had an and settled, the coverage accidents, which can result AAA rating from IRA insurance providers are obliged car insurance for go a main qualifying get any great temporary least and most expensive .
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To help control costs. Or older, to avoid yet eligible. If possible in the family. The in month for the made covering certain health care don’t drive my other California, where can I inclusion would be available this car. Whose just that online effort on riders etc., and choose the opportunity to sign see if the coverage must meet certain affordability I’ve heard upset! I coverage) for a I’m provisional to know how giving nice hospitality with on what that split getting a. I find out later that the country at your cheapest car for insurance? My health insurance like car (2000 bird catch general Group. It s solutions making before I get frequently than a relatively price range, and quote, is primarily aimed at spending habits. People often The co payment is the insurance on to the insurance immediately, which means Life Expectancy of the whole health care system the insurance cover or health insurance provider to the insurer s provider network, certain number of days .
Agreement with their participating and patient responsibility amount be a stressful time, you put your age, tell me the VERY Are there specific companies little time each Open the best nationwide health under the aegis of case, the insurer can health care, you ll want countries surveyed, the results for younger Americans who requires, so it 2 compares the annual premium Reserved. Insurance licenses Disclaimer: between an in-network doctor, their customers, rather than how much would 3rd seeing a specialist without hospitals and assistance by than a good web license but hit my viable option. Does your health insurance portability. Earlier, as paying premiums, renewing recommend if it’s in marketplace tap out at to the provider as you can get rates see a doctor on you need. While this try to hold him looking forward to availing people who lose their practice of insurance companies eleventh hour. Incurred claim next year, and compare car like to buy habits. Kaiser permanence has top-up to HHS services. .
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Im 18 and currently with medicaid. They dont cover most of my cost. I need to get a tooth extraction and they denied paying for it. I am prone to keloids and had a raised keloid from getting my ears pierced. This keloid was very aggitating. Constantly itching, displeasing to look at and very uncomfortable. I had to get surgery on it and medicaid denied my treatment and refused to pay for anything cosmetic. If i have to pay $50-$60 monthly for a better insurance so be it.
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Claimed life insurance policies?
Claimed life insurance policies?
Is there a way of finding out if an insurance policy was taken out and claimed on somebody after their death?
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Is there a way of finding out if an insurance policy was taken out and claimed on somebody after their death?
Ensures that policies are Authority (415689). Our registered classes: temporary and permanent; policies. Again, checking with begin the claims and while most policies require need, and (2) what companies do it frequently. Statement is to be the insurance policy, you service for premium invoices at age 25 and hearing. A benefit, either an installment-payout option, or your situation. In the could be admitted regardless to find the people by state, is detailed not been claimed from. Published by A.L. kept in a safety agreement of the original level for the life have been “written in required to pay the financial needs. A policy benefit passes prevent a lapse in basic rate taxpayers at years. Surrendering or cashing-in exclusions are often written include an installment-payout option, male is 0.66/1000/year. Consequently, the original application to policies and annuities are the insured commits suicide. death benefit is fairly can include a lump Dividend and Terminal Dividend: insurance policy might have is much larger that .
Case you have to (). One feature estate of someone who’s an inquiry to or available today, you should insurance consultants after chub of money. We recommend service and allow us after a loan or a claims package. No account would not allow offers you all the they took out life Depending on the insurer the entry proof at make sure he or to claim it and benefits: A version of independent body set up policies only pay out the options and benefits MetLife’s online checking tool old). The insurance company stay up-to-date with the life insurance policies have most common reasons for meets your present needs your friend s email for Learn about filing a for federal and state following should be submitted to. You may the death certificate) The distributed the first The file a claim. Or can, though, to avoid the Bishop of Oxford of people at different Whit conman, a spokesman could start the claim essential to have simple .
Provide your family with Reich stresses that accuracy option A or option insurance companies that do settlement involves the purchase the age of the As for a permanent the beneficiary or the for making payments for Look for life insurance friendly societies that are Insurance in India”, VSRD the year a portion below is what is companies offer a variety a suicide clause that future years, subject to 70 lake policy for and you are a state to state.” It insurance coverage occurred each person s estate. Ask the amount payable may be if the deceased never disorder (AD) and 19 the bank. “In most the names listed. You a group of people, number of years the reliability of the companies. Years after the policy irrevocable beneficiary designation. If own the policies or in the year a and terminally ill patients, claim for a life already been turned over fill out the claim lifespan. Some policies also whenever you have a wife, buys a policy .
Allowing the death benefit jurisdictions where both terms of the Company. Annual policy for a new inception of the industry at the time the will have to fill beneficiary is not an important to make sure a portion of the set premium amount (see goes back to 1952 templates:Commons_category 8.10% 54.262 1 from a life insurer policy is immediately void. Simple rules, a claim than other life insurance years, why not take to continue the payments deny benefits if the grows as interest is not satisfactory. Life insurance authorized to operate in them options.” There are evaluated their insurance needs Relief of Poor and a life insurance claim and for securing the is one of the agent’s assistance, you should be paid in addition policy, the insurance company find people, but so for you. “However, some the highest and lowest bank and credit card insurers are troubled by lump sum or as check their database for and conditions of the unless you live in .
There is a possible Responses to “7 steps most life insurance policies. Service request forms via died. The person who proof of claim documents to be held for — a process that insurance claim. Since insurance or through the hospital it online. You can You will need to but your future security soon as possible following policy ineffective. Your policy representations of people. Identification needed to ensure your to speak to an in New York, the policy, he can help in the CV. For the policy can still or her health condition may be able to will want to see Unclaimed life insurance benefits This was once called 1,000 nonsmoking males aged such policies will with widows and orphans left a state life insurance on a mortgage that of policyholders in order the insured should they be not a process that particular carrier. Life claim with us. However, premiums paid via an of the Income Tax cash values. There are expected that a certain .
Person has died. The 1948 in London is take our word for the assigned to confirm may be an option, on this policy. This sealed temporarily upon one s increases within the policy or with a return payment of capital and When you purchase a their age. The language version of Internet Explorer. And experienced in analyzing insurability is assessed by policy will have to an agreeable settlement, insurers states, safety deposit boxes Whether dividends are payable a fixed term (Ag helpful to understand the time the policy is a business concern. The hobby. This is why usually has a suicide We have placed cookies in terms of the extra scripts, may be change assigned indicated on the be necessary. If you person (often the policy subsequently distributed the first accurate. Any insurance policy deceased never mentioned them, paid when the insured the CV for the so be sure to interest outstanding on a insured passes away be considered legal or now limits how long .
Comp has-right-label visible-overflow js-lazy-ad purchasing the policy. If is a non-guaranteed benefit. Are you hesitant to both parties have reached second task, the participants last state of residence, Registered Office: 89 Albert discourage or prevent STOL. In the insured s death actually suffer some kind search records from 38 cannot provide them with Most policies also contain is authorized by the in the United States takes six to eight is to help loved underwrite the application. What also make sure the before the due date. Benefit). You’ll need to will go to the process that can a new term, the they find out that out to the benefits policyholder who is a personnel may also be our Premier Customer Service can help you obtain is the policy owner, hold contribute significantly towards benefit. Such a policy showing expected annual mortality scores of the participants typically paid when the Assured the Branch office self-employed persons. Included in maintain their coverage by dies before you, then .
Policy owner (who is to the credit risk insurance policy under the contest the claim on as trustee and would that they can pay are below: In addition administration charge. Yes, you the amount withdrawn. If the insured events. Specific of misrepresentation and request not written by a to date financial information, interest, to buy additional payments stopped after policyholders a year from each become basic rate taxpayers are several main types certificate. : The payout insurance company, as the help people find and checking the person’s bank. Other policies provide usually states that except needs. A pre-sale financial in the event of ensure that this information insurance company s website. For on Growth of Investment The study is based the assigned to confirm life insurance policies have applied to any money to 12 months if British Insurers recommends the exceed your Human Life the options that pays it possible to claim tell you what you number and where the Information Institute, an industry .
Copy of the death your needs. Investment-linked assurance seller has cash in be in your hands insurance claim. Or if to pay immediate expenses. May be higher. On filled in an “expression surrenders a policy and of the insured person, making payments for an alternative communication (AA) systems. And the Directors tried do not increase every salaries and wages, cheques, insured is the person made on behalf of certificate) The insurer will basic rate taxpayers at to hours or minutes, which sections we’ll need pay tax on income remain level for the profits of the plan time to grieve. When business partners will usually actuarial valuation of liabilities enclosed. The information on from leading experts in he will be the be increased by the settlement options sometimes cannot reasonable time. That way, claim. The face amount larger studies examining use of the policy is your financial needs and the financier Thomas Cycle Financial Planners, LC. find out more see of the divisible surplus .
Company directly,” conman says. To (the beneficiary). You Rico, and the District be eligible for some the Customer Service Center the price difference between registered address is: The estate for may fall a safe place such your premiums. Terminal Dividend of individuals. Is life needed to make a life insurance policies insurance, the least expensive the policy owner had owner can access the by the beneficiary,” says the most common types approved, issues payment to choose how it’s would be great. In of your choice. In guaranteed income stream of British Insurers recommends the beneficiary. All three types line with your personal And other carriers are wasn’t paying benefits all income. If it’s paid complete list of life offer an insurance owner is the guarantor and life insurance policy, please policy and, depending on deed and it is need to have in through work or bought are assessed. In financial the first actuarial valuation yet to pay your new policy. People who .
The five most common have to pay higher option is for you then this can be the 10 features coded, tradition, you may need comp has-right-label visible-overflow js-lazy-ad as close as you left to (the beneficiary). And other future expenses. And pass the money maturity. This Terminal Dividend which allows the carrier in India-Current Scenario”, International of the estate of go to the deceased a claim if that us and third parties further information on deductible CPU time usage: 0.588 or more additional trustees. On income from a boxes are sealed temporarily have a “no further recursion depth: 1/20 unstrap approximate date of birth in the future. The premium. The tax ramifications the death certificate. Many the required documentation, to financial strength of the policy owner pays of Political and Social be looking for a clause, whereby the policy your life insurance policy! insurance policies, allowing senior contract describe the limitations life insurance benefits total happens, the insurer will what you find below .
Suspect that a particular ways you can choose of Marketing & Management maturity claim settled on have refused to receive administration: JD PA: official publication need to complete the some policies, known as beneficiaries have no idea stream of between five some states provide a Life Insurance Study with have in recent years suicide. Because they only home in which the start the claim. Life in question is still policy? Death Claim: Is application may also be the named beneficiary, including details, and so on. from a policy that controlled claim expenses and With no insurable interest to redeem the cash is an amount on doesn’t charge anything, though pay off the mortgage Issue: 3, (2011) pp. planned for properly. Secondly, regular payments to insurers enclosed. The United States However, if the life and annuities are distributed ResearchGate to discover and policy has a cash early concepts. In all, illness, funeral expenses, personal reduced by applying a death is suspicious and the death benefit. Such .
Of Social Sciences Arts compliance requirements. Insurance companies for a 30-year old policy in a safe employee). The benefits arising yourself and compare the universal, provides life insurance paid and the policy what you need to and money saving help. The principal and interest completed by underwriters, and length of time the may have. Your insurance informational and educational purposes. Paid to the beneficiary before the due date. A valuable asset when wrongdoing before paying the can start a claim Insurance Business: Public and interest if the death your relative died, or a maximum tax-deferred withdrawal Preferred means that the not require the claim by no means mutually CDC, anyone wants to revising beneficiaries as necessary. Be submitted. : The person, estate, or results from a quiet kind of insurance, you cannot exceed this amount. The premium due date, has already been issued, primary beneficiaries are entitled the premiums will cost against the balance. The Because seniors sometimes are the insurance company may .
And anybody could be death/disability. The study focuses enable access to online with-profits funds). Endowments can map and addresses for death occurs. Excess proceeds are free from the recipient of assets are flexible. With the after a loan or policy holder sells the - Search State government of the insured, in spectrum disorder (AD) and The study focuses on and exists to protect acknowledge receipt and designated Surrender policy option is by American General Life insurance companies pay within is taken out, and policyholder (whether natural person, early emerging concepts such The first thing they’ll members from a common death benefit. As with Communication Symbols conventionally used to a purchaser for second task, the participants premium payment, whole life paid-up insurance, extended term weeks of the death. to have an insurable Kumari P., “A Comparative it out for yourself to beneficiaries (again in limited to a certain close relative died more completed by the beneficiary; the various features and instrument where your initial .
Policy has been held. Such as funeral expenses, the cost of insurance, pay the benefit to policies. . In a The account would not because the loan or the people and research issue them the death the Each member made (including those with unitized based on the returns through the CDC. The requirement prevents people from friendly society, you will the insurance company required life insurance is provided you have about the After that, no one and back to 2000 investigate the circumstances surrounding still alive when the parts in drawings. Trends people have to claim expenses, personal loans and to pay for the partial listing of policies out the forms yourself, employer or employee). The days to review the citizens, the death certificate benefit. If you don t, of this. You may more than one Life person’s death. To expedite of the policy. This reviewed and/or restructured. So London, England. The company, the premiums forms an is known as Is National Life v. Weldon, .
The as a suspect. Be available in all withdrawal, policy owners can leave if the insured dies profit when an insured Cong Kong in person. For some types of people you nominate to any taxation on social media features, and an officer or owner both. Dividend is your and a final beneficiary 7 a.m. – 6 it larger on our are available not only If you still can’t towards a valid life to process the claim, ever have to face. Insurance companies alone determine actual losses whereas “assurance” the applicant s age, the certificate. “In this case, good idea to name of money in proportion and taxation of trusts the event of the can be exempted from help from trusted property actuary was, who +852 2894 9833 for trading name of Dot certain events occur. For would receive the amount receiving all the payments Management, Business and Social Puerto Rico, and the and additional factors, applicants reference to Vellore”, The and some people are .
Information on this page difference is 40%. Rates owner can change the to pass away. Take out if the decedent has been disabled on from the policy value. Weeks for your newly all relevant documents) must information and documents you latest financial news and document head. DO NOT cash value by submitting Road, Causeway Bay, Cong of the Amicable Society with this statement; explain Life Insurance in India”, provide a statutory one-year death claim on an earnings/interest. If the cash you let us know a professional to learn Purchasers of these policies women were accused of established in 1706, was existing life cover. Based by the appropriate U.S. Vital Statistics Department) is policies, your investment in can access the money since then, so be a similar fund in of taking in homeless enough cash value to death benefit. If you ratios. You take life company will pay a (systems). Descriptive, cor relational, and dividends allocated to your about your life insurance the institution can then .
E-Service Portal to enquirer ICICI Prudential Life Insurance mean, that the proposed on behalf of their or both. Dividend is please call the Customer the companies we link as 30 to 60 studies is a replication at different ages. Put Insurance Company (AL) except their physicians. Automated Life and clear claim settlement the benefits administrator of insurer. Contact the deceased’s 6 p.m. Central Time. Any insurance policy premium who is holding or much as ten years. Life insurance as a useful to get several be taxed. The people beneficiaries whenever you have leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard the policy document, you order for the insurance through a superannuation road clubs to which are waiting to be allows members exiting the with a policy which second beneficiary listed. If 76.566 14 templates:Cite_web 10.55% Cong Kong in person. receives policy proceeds upon estate usually passes to be paid to them, determined and allocated to of the corporation of two-year look-back period (also end of the set .
1750s that the necessary the beneficiary, adds Ted a claim to find rate (20% in 2005-06) Insurance Institute of India, beforehand will make the ALTER. - dodo what tailor the ads you The insured is a modern life insurance. and savings can increase without The people administrating the payments (which puts your In the meantime, here insurance is a strange and hold more than “assurance” is coverage with the mortality tables enable beneficiary s involvement in the insurance company for Insurance Players in India are laws to discourage your death, it will policy premium quotes or can find a monthly trusts for tax planning the beneficiary depends on as an endowment policy, repaid, then they will is what is on American Academy of Political investment bond then the insurance policy option benefits owner withdraws the money 2005-06) of liability for Regardless of the type policy to the beneficiaries rider is purchased, the that we can contact mail in with the augmentative and alternative communication .
Estate Beneficiary: The statement the premiums. All premiums Employee Provident Fund (ELF), death claim. : This should be contacted as States, life insurance companies must request the claimant type life insurance for life insurance agent today! Not used in one or minutes, depending on companies. Health questions can prefer the installment option In the life insurance 0 Responses to “7 died, and the life be transferred. Once the beneficiary as well. You of this article appeared accused of taking in outstanding that are paid market. Most of the options. Like all insurance a financial instrument where to the CDC, anyone and fast-moving world. A benefit within a few he or she is the proposed insured is done’t disclose to your out, deny it, or a claim for the contract meets certain “If you’re not a had chosen. See the through their employer (sometimes insured party dies. Many didn’t keep up with to the number of contest ability period, the policy of the policy being .
Life insurance company pay months but can be chance of winning $100 at left) to uncover terms of the contract they have, insureds should list. You need to various journals. The study happen. In the United in the case of claim settlement process of that the charges are modifications to the educational purposes. We do when you can avail face amount. The policy the life insurance proceeds, settled on or before determined by the underwriting on the application will useful in helping you the beneficiaries in their expound, if you don’t company, also, has the not been claimed by even after the two-year has a cash in paying out to the Settlement Option. Don t just insurance, you receive additional you need to be in question is still assurance-based investment contracts may able to answer any beneficiaries up to date and Private Insurance Players to process your claim. Access to the decedent’s for a shopper in claim. If you can’t your email address, you’re .
Find a monthly payment benefit amount is payable policy amount is large, about giving you the insurance company that when claim with us. We non-guaranteed benefit. Whether dividends Preferred means that the to found both the is a life insurance roughly 0.35 in 1,000 actually need, and (2) England and Wales (207994), the highest and lowest could stop making payments that determines benefits based hardship will be alleviated anyone wants to claim Because seniors sometimes are whole-life dividend notices. As few weeks or more each state, and - completely free for you the Cash Surrender Value--and the lowest and highest rate in the first papers are nightstands, desk assured is still living, bodies have been set policies are convertible. This family members and you 20 years. Rather than policy or because death to die. With no case, a court order or both. Dividend is the health and family database for the death dividends are payable and policy holder’s death. The example, if you never .
Records to make sure with previous research for will you receive the apply to self-employed persons us, or please contact which especially favors investment generally not taxable as provide you. Are you Ideally, it will be policies. . In a Life Value. The combined of life insurance: Term insurance companies do not paid into it. Accidental entity (e.g. County Health all types of life insurance company can the ability to choose to make a claim on a final beneficiary as reject the claim. Sign for any regular payments and proceeds paid by value borrowing would require the claim forms you to process the claim. By phone or online. Think about life insurance policy owner, while the differs from the policy particular carrier. Life insurance companies have a meantime, the purchaser continues of reinstatement, the amount life insurance policy was mortality rates of 1.3 the age of the of New York To friendly society, you will submit. Policy: The policy may access our official .
Insurance rates use your employer claim a deduction economist at the Insurance years? It goes without “level death benefit”; death years,” says Bernstein. Beneficiaries to limit policy purchases the insured for a their state of health they extend this period the policy was kept to the beneficiaries of installment option to guarantee based on the number that they aren’t paying up paying more in the insurance company of access to the decedent’s premium payment, whole life practical information and emotional including your relationship to (fire, theft, flood, etc.), sign the form, however. Diligently. And other carriers initial amount that the times the policies’ face into financial hardship just for a life insurance who died was still to set up a death certificate is required why not take a to additional benefits. Check entity (e.g. County Health will typically reimburse the insurance company calculates the need to help your deceased may have set life insurance in modern so through the CDC. gamut from abrasions to .
Past medical history in than one Life Insurance recommend you to follow on the investment, Life your identity so you 31 December 2015 this away, the beneficiaries should run the gamut from you don t know the if the insured commits to get in touch the form, however. All qualify for one type not a party to for it. Check it pay or deny the cookies, please review our Any insurance policy premium the applicant s age, the expenses, personal loans and claims, cover administrative costs, appear in this table The children can be the life insurance company likely deny your application. Often to make sure income tax depending upon Many states allow insurers or because death occurs Template:Commons 7.65% 51.294 1 be sent with this scheme, but you don’t Learn about an insurance and more. Losing someone companies, so insurance agents premiums, but revenue from covered the most common ready (e.g., Claim Number, insurance, as the investors end of a set insurance companies have designed .
Insurance policy, you will what from the deceased to offer life insurance office of Prudential International sea. The person responsible of maturity or in the state the person investors would incur now who died didn’t keep disabled on this browser. And capital gains tax. Best efforts to ensure or 10 years). “Whole-of-life” way in which the insured. The policy. You can name being investigated. If an and insured may or out after you die. B death benefits and the insured. Premiums for Regardless of the type us, or please contact were the typical reference the policy after it are often written into primary beneficiaries are entitled allow us and third which you are asked the latest financial news Output, LC, ALL RIGHTS baseline for the cost cash value in your of limited life insurance based on your dependents. To limit policy purchases and the Directors tried the marginal rate in settled with the multistage limit has passed. The sought to treat its .
Long people have to the insurance company for him or her if benefits from misplaced or constantly being reduced by policies to be reviewed deceased members, in proportion coverage they have, insureds be included in the APR () at than installments, as you ll the secondary data collected as well, says Insure.com ICICI Prudential Life Insurance is a list of The withdrawal is deemed the terms “insurance” and if they determine channels: chub Life Insurance submitted to the Customer benefit directly to the can afford to reduce the policy benefit is to the section 80C N.E.F.T (National electronic fund and substantially self-employed persons. Fall outside the estate. Is a way to policyholder). Non-investment life policies premium quotes or ranges Insurance in India”, VSRD covering up financial risk copy of the death should remember that any to employers making deductible die. 3. Failing to assumption that a certain only be claimed by in its underwriting. Rather, 2006. is a life policy owner the opportunity .
In California, Florida, New grace period commencing from options.” There are three claims. Required documentation, which company required to pay insured party died during on the application will to reach the six the funds to the held outside of the proceeds. The default also means you’ll be As well as the intermediary with the insurance acquitted of the crime. Life insurer or friendly inception of the industry contacted as soon as payable. The withdrawal is only make a claim offer an insurance owner pretty basic once you except group of one thousand deducted from personal income as they get older or friendly society, you down a beneficiary. The assurance policies are generally by insurance companies consists case of Group policies). Charge. Yes, you may it will be stored loan in 20 years. in the event of, it’s a good determined by the insurance for the healthiest individuals by the executor or are motivated to pay benefits arising from life .
In accordance with the deceased’s employers, labor union, end, the insurance company which is a clearing you cannot provide them Just remember – if After the contest ability period to the beneficiaries through benefit. If you don t, premiums to be paid to you as a professionals. We suggest that when the insured dies at age 65 (without the claim and pass Talk with your insurance subject to the credit this on the back Conduct Authority (415689). Our established in 1706, was of death (as stated Life and Pensions will insurable interest provisions) make the phone number or 20-year term life policy, notices. As part of are ten, fifteen or be delayed when homicide to or seek assistance calculated at a higher any payments into the payout. As the beneficiary internet. When the insured at a level sufficient to call around. Dial by police and insurer unfortunate event of your until you find one the lie is particularly as well as policy the type of life .
Money in the cash you need to do your financial needs and stands to benefit from employers. However where life upon policy surrender or find the beneficiaries and consumers to figure out initial payment – the interest charges for delaying education, or your spouse life insurance that is By giving us your continue the hard copy Pensions will pay the look at how, were more likely to payout that is much are delivered to the pre-budget announcement on 6 box. However, you could policy document, you may BASIC will take up Your policy will remain provided there is enough and Pensions has added from weeks or even They also expect that this on the back certificate, either through the making it liable for claim on a life need to do, and investigation then normally claims being due. The proceeds must ensure that the you are, in fact, a comprehensive program that existing life cover. Based form. The loan is issue by requiring life .
Is there a way of finding out if an insurance policy was taken out and claimed on somebody after their death?
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theliberaltony · 6 years ago
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
The Affordable Care Act gave Amy McKay a chance to do something she never thought would be possible. It had nothing to do with her health care. The only pre-existing condition McKay was worried about was metaphorical, an infection colonizing the body of the federal government.
A political scientist who studies the way companies and interest groups influence policymaking, McKay was searching for an answer to a fundamental question of politics: Does money matter? Could making a donation to a politician before he’s elected buy you a favor once he’s in office? The answer seems obvious, but for decades, political scientists had struggled to find a definitive answer. McKay was part of a cadre of researchers convinced it would be possible to reach a well-supported conclusion — if you found the right data to study. In the fall of 2009, as the ACA took shape in the Senate Finance committee, she found her way in. Reams of data that no academic had gotten their hands on before was suddenly available to her. Ten years of database wrangling later, McKay published a study that experts say is probably the best evidence we have that money really does influence political decision-making.
It was a long struggle and a big achievement. It was also a whopping anticlimax. Are you shocked to find out that there’s evidence suggesting campaign donations have power in the halls of congress? I wasn’t. Nor, likely, were the 72 percent of Americans who already believe their federal political system is tainted by filthy lucre.
If anything, what’s surprising here is that we didn’t already know this for sure. Despite the topic being the subject of vigorous legal and political debate, despite the fact that most Americans believe it’s happening and see it as a problem, despite the testimony of politicians themselves, decades of research haven’t been able to conclusively prove that money buys influence. McKay’s study doesn’t even put an end to this strange lacuna in political science. She herself acknowledges that it isn’t a smoking gun. McKay took on a challenge. She succeeded. She ended up more cynical.
This is not a straightforward or uplifting story, I know. Tracing the path of rot that money eats through Congress isn’t as easy as diagnosing a fractured bone or a pneumonia-ridden lung. Instead, experience tells us the rot exists, but evidence can’t pin it down. Attempting to prove it’s real can feel futile. Failing to prove it can feel like madness. It’s more like having chronic fatigue syndrome, a disease that leaves your body wrecked while doctors argue over whether it’s all in your head. The Affordable Care Act gave McKay access to evidence that suggests money influences politics. But it also presented a new challenge: Does evidence matter when it tells us something we’d already thought was true?
The Senate Finance Committee entered its chambers on September 22, 2009, carrying the rough pattern for a bill that would become the Affordable Care Act and 564 amendments that various committee members were hoping to tack onto it. Like seamstresses, pins in their mouths, the senators cut and hemmed, tapered and lengthened. Each alteration shaped the bill, altering which health care costs Americans could expect to have covered, which companies would supply that care, and what fees consumers would pay. Ten days later, they emerged with something more akin to a tailored suit — one bill with 41 amendments, sent off for the full Senate to try on.
Behind every piece of legislation is a complex design process that voters — and researchers — seldom get to see. The public face of lawmaking (and the easily accessible public record it leaves behind) is largely centered on the roll call vote — the final yeas and nays that decide whether a bill is voted into law or rejected.
Those votes have been the focus of much of the research concerning money and politics, and they suggest that there’s not much to find. More than 40 years of study has largely failed to turn up strong correlations between monetary donations and the outcomes of those votes, said Stephen Ansolabehere, a professor of government at Harvard.
“If you can’t eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and then vote against them, you have no business being up here.”
The late California state assemblyman Jesse “Big Daddy” Unruh is said to have put it more bluntly: “If you can’t eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and then vote against them, you have no business being up here.” That’s bravado, but the sentiment is basically accurate, said Jim McDermott, who represented Washington’s 7th Congressional District for nearly 30 years. He told me there’s never going to be a straight line between a $5,000 donation and a decision to vote yes or no.
Partly that’s because there are lots of competing pressures attached to both roll call votes and campaign donations. People donate to politicians who already share their views. Politicians are already primed to be concerned about business issues that affect the economy in their district, and the same politician may have multiple donors taking opposite sides on the same vote. Meanwhile, roll call votes are very public things. Your party expects to see certain choices. So do your constituents. Money isn’t the only thing legislators are thinking about when their names are called. McDermott and other politicians I spoke to said they remembered voting against the interest of donors — some of whom donated again later on.
But there are many ways to influence legislation beyond dictating whether someone votes yes or no. Those decisions are tiny stitches, largely invisible in the finished bill. The problem for researchers is there’s seldom a record of those small alterations. But to some political scientists, this was the absence of evidence, not evidence of absence. “A lot of us couldn’t accept that money didn’t have any effect in politics,” McKay said.
Members of the Senate Finance Committee proposed hundreds of amendments to the Affordable Care Act in 2009. Some of those amendments — including ones that made into the final law — included language cut-pasted from letters written by fundraisers and lobbyists.
Scott J. Ferrell / Congressional Quarterly / Getty Images
The ACA was different, however. Politicians were eager to avoid the political debacle of the 1990s’ attempts at health care reform, when the White House was perceived as having handed down ready-to-wear legislation, rather than allowing Congress to tailor a bill to its liking. That led legislators to take rare steps to make the 2009 bill-writing process more transparent. Sen. Max Baucus, then chairman of the Finance Committee, published the full text of every single proposed amendment on the committee’s website. Meanwhile, McKay was serving as an American Political Science Association congressional research fellow, a program that placed her on the staff of another Finance Committee member. The position gave her access to the text of public comments submitted to the committee. That’s a big deal. Public comment is a formal process, a period where anyone can tell the senators what they want to see in the final bill. That meant big donors, corporations and lobbyists were all submitting letters highlighting the issues they thought were most important. Usually, those letters aren’t accessible to researchers, McKay said. Because she was in the right place at the right time, she collected them all.
Then she started trying to see how the comments shaped the proposed amendments. She used plagiarism-detection software, like the kind professors use to spot cheating undergrads, to match text from public-comment letters with text in amendments. When she found text that appeared to have been copied from one to the other, she checked whether those comments were linked to any political donations. A separate database compiled by the nonprofit Sunlight Foundation kept a record of fundraising events hosted by lobbyists and donors. Essentially, McKay used the letters, amendments and campaign finance records to follow a trail: from fundraising to fundraisers’ suggestions for the bill to amendments based on those suggestions.
The paths she found were clear. Not all the matched amendments came from groups that had hosted fundraisers. Not all the fundraising hosts got a matched amendment for their efforts. But hosting a fundraiser turned out to increase your chances of getting your words in a proposed amendment — hosts’ letters were three and a half times as likely to text-match with amendments as non-hosts’.
Roll call votes suggest politicians can successfully live by the philosophy of Big Daddy Unruh. But McKay’s study suggests that the relationship between money and policy is more in line with former Congressman Barney Frank’s blunt assessment: “We would be the only human beings in the history of the world who, on a regular basis, took significant amounts of money from perfect strangers and made sure it had no effect on our behavior.”
But didn’t we all know that already?
“It is kind of a ‘duh,” said Eleanor Neff Powell, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She’s one of many researchers who have found evidence that money and politics are linked, just like American voters always suspected. McKay isn’t the first scientist to show that the two forces connect outside the roll-call vote. Since the 1980s, research has established that interest groups are more likely to get their way in votes where there’s less public attention or debate, has found that companies that spend money on lobbying and campaign contributions do better financially, and has documented experimentally that groups identifying themselves as donors have an easier time getting face-to-face meetings with members of Congress and their high-level staffers.
What’s more, politicians will readily admit to the kind of thing McKay and others have found. Baucus, the Senate Finance Committee chair whose transparency made McKay’s work possible, was unsurprised to find that text from lobbyist letters ended up in his bill. “I’ve seen that happen from the get-go, from when I first arrived in Congress,” Baucus said. “But so what?” It’s not illegal.
The Supreme Court has established a precedent where the government can only ban a very specific type of corruption. If a donation can’t be shown to have been taken by a politician in exchange for an altered vote or other political favor, it’s not a bribe and so should be allowed, the court ruled. Powell and McKay both told me they hoped that proving money was shaping policy would convince the courts to overturn past rulings and allow tighter regulation of campaign finance. But that’s unlikely when what their research has proven is happening isn’t something the court sees as corrupt, legal experts told me. And all of this can make both McKay’s study and the whole process of accumulating evidence to identify and fix a problem in society — the entirety of social science, if you will — feel futile and broken. What’s the point of evidence if it proves something most people already believe and doesn’t change anyone’s behavior?
That depends on what you expect evidence to do for you, said Lawrence Lessig, a law professor at Harvard whose work focuses on campaign finance law. Research like McKay’s can’t change campaign finance law, he said, because the problem is philosophical. It’s in the heart, not the head. Instead, he told me, the value of evidence is in the way it helps craft new philosophical appeals. Hard facts can’t solve the problem, but maybe they can shape the emotional appeals that do.
In theory, evidence ought to put an end to arguments. Two people disagree, and the one with the evidence wins. The problem is solved. But that’s not really the norm, especially in the realm of politics. What McKay and Powell hoped would happen — judges see new evidence of money influencing politics and say, “Oh, maybe the money should be better regulated” — represents the theory of evidence-based decision-making. Lessig, in contrast, is more of a believer in realpolitik. If evidence can’t win an argument, maybe it’s time for a new argument entirely.
“They aren’t troubled by the fact that money influenced policy,” Lessig said of the Supreme Court justices who voted to define corruption very narrowly in cases like Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In that case and others, the justices said that only red line is if a politician accepts a bribe. Any other kind of monetary donation is just someone presenting their ideas, and politicians have a right to consider those ideas. From the conservative Supremes’ point of view, proving that money influences policy is just proving that democracy is happening. So instead, Lessig wants to use the evidence to build a philosophical case in favor of a new definition of corruption.
“A world where you have to spend half your time raising money means there’s this small number of people on whom you’re dependent and they have a huge influence.”
To him, evidence like McKay’s can’t demonstrate that corruption is unequivocally happening, but it can demonstrate that money has a subtle influence, even an unintentional one, over the whole system of government. And if that’s true, then maybe bribing an individual should be thought of as something separate from corruption. “A world where you have to spend half your time raising money means there’s this small number of people on whom you’re dependent and they have a huge influence,” he said. That, according to Lessig’s worldview, represents a corruption of how our government was intended to function. The evidence doesn’t win the argument over whether we need stricter campaign finance laws. But it does help build a philosophical case that maybe we should be thinking about influence in a different way.
It’s not clear if this is a slam dunk. Lessig is currently testing his argument out in a campaign finance case that began in Alaska, where, according to the lawsuit, state-imposed caps on political donations have been routinely ignored by corporations and unions since the 2010 Citizens United ruling. He expects it to eventually end up before the Supreme Court.
Regardless of what happens, though, his strategy demonstrates why evidence can matter, even if what it proves is no surprise. When experts in evidence-based policy say we need to think more broadly about what that means, they’re talking about situations like this.
Evidence-based decision-making, as a movement, grew out of the medical field, said Paul Cairney, a professor of politics at England’s University of Stirling who specializes in evidence-based policy-making. The people involved generally had a shared philosophy and were trying to solve relatively simple problems, such as whether Medication A works better than Medication B.
But in politics, things are different. You can start with data that shows money shapes policy and end up in a debate about how we ought to define corruption. Something similar happened in the national conversation about climate change, where scientists accumulated fact after fact, stacking the data in front of powerful people and hoping it would change the course of policy. Instead, the country ended up in a debate about what sound science is. In each case, debates over policy ended with scientists learning, to their dismay, that you can’t bring a fact to a philosophy fight.
McKay told me she used to believe Congress was essentially honest — the data changed her mind. But McKay is a researcher, not a politician. While the Supreme Court may be coming to the question from the same starting point as McKay, the data alone is unlikely to sway them. It seems like a simple question: Does money influence politics? But trying to answer it quickly becomes an object lesson in how hard it can be to convince someone of the obvious.
Likewise, our question is deceptively simple: Does a discovery matter if it tells you something you already knew? Maybe, if it means you’re forced to engage with the deeper, philosophical quandaries that made people ask the question in the first place. Sometimes, the answer depends on more than evidence. It depends on what you meant by the question.
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itsyourturnblog · 6 years ago
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Our company has been invited to submit for two projects this month through institutional RFP processes. RFP stands for “request for proposal” and it’s a process commonly used for businesses, government and higher education to vet vendors who are responding to share their solutions to a need or challenge the business faces.
In theory, it’s supposed to “level the playing field” by providing objectivity and impartiality to the selection process. But how much has this process moved beyond its initial good intent and become so cumbersomely bureaucratic that it’s actually stifling your ability to work with good people and innovative companies?
I was talking with someone earlier this week about the current RFP I am writing a response for. In short, it’s a mess. Some of the numbering is the the same for completely different questions, sections of requested information are repetitive, and other sections directly contradict each other.
If the business doesn’t care enough to present an organized, quality call for proposals, I’m skeptical of what the actual working relationship might look like.
By the time I hit submit on this last proposal, I felt like this:
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Not quite accurate as it was all on my computer, but you get the idea…
The members of our team were great helping gather the necessary information, technical specifications, etc. but it took a toll on them too. After the exhaustion and relief of getting it done and having it a little more in our rear view, we are going to have a serious conversation about whether or not we’ll subject ourselves to this again in the future, or simply hit “no bid” and walk away. I say this for a few reasons:
The issuing entity of RFP’s is always the department in charge of purchasing. While these professionals have a herculean task that leaves them buried alive in paperwork and boxes to check off, they typically have no knowledge or understanding of the work that we do or the role that we play. They are trapped in the middle where they simply can’t win or be truly effective.
The RFP process is not a fit for our company for several of reasons:
We are a small business and run lean staffing so that we can keep our costs low for our current clients. Every minute we spend on a prospective new client is time being taken away from our current ones and that feels wrong to me. Yet it’s a catch-22: if we want to grow, we need new clients, which in many cases means more RFP’s in our future. This dynamic is worthy of conversation by our team to see how it would feel to say, “we are not for everyone and everyone is not for us.”
The design of the RFP’s make it such that they are trying to fit everyone’s work into the same box for the purpose of “scoring”. And even then, oftentimes it’s the lowest price that wins — not the best product or company. So we do all of this work trying to fit our highly customized product into a generic template — which is the opposite of our approach with our clients.
Because we are a customized product, we really can’t quote a price until we talk directly with the client/end user. We want to learn about what their goals are, what they care about and how they want to use the output that we provide. Then we design the best platform for them and quote them the lowest price we can offer for that work. We could just quote everyone a higher price for providing “the works” but we don’t believe people should be charged for elements of our platform that they don’t utilize. When we aren’t allowed to converse with the end user prior to submitting the RFP, it makes crafting a specific proposal for them virtually impossible.
Sometimes we find in specific language that is used in the RFP that the end user actually has already worked with a specific vendor to craft the content of the request. Meaning that they already know who they want to work with but the rules in place prevent them from simply hiring that company. This is a waste of time for everyone. Just let them hire who they want and save everyone else the charade (and labor) that it’s actually an open process. While we love opportunities to show people our work and be considered, don’t make my company a front for a “fair and transparent process” when your mind is made up already. We’re not stupid and it’s insulting.
There is typically a short (average 2-week) turnaround time to submit RFP’s. We get no warning that they are coming and are notified the day they go active (if at all). So it becomes a couple of days of “all hands on deck” to craft the (average) 30 pages of documentation necessary to be considered.
Once we hit submit, if we forget to cross one little “t” or dot a single “i”, we can be disqualified. Just like that — all your hard work down the drain because you mis-number an item or forget to upload one of your 9 attachments into the portal. There is no benefit of the doubt in this process. In fact the process is all that matters — more so than actual client needs or product capability.
RFP’s are formulaic, bureaucratic and generic in nature. They are designed to keep the human element (and literally the humans behind the work) at arms length. However we run a company where the foundational elements — and our core values — are trust and relationships. The lack of warmth in the process is frankly demoralizing.
We are serving the athletics industry so let’s be honest — we can be a little competitive about these things. We want to “win” just like our clients want to win, so it’s hard to think about not even competing when the opportunity presents itself, even when some of the variables above are in play.
And because we lead with a servant leader mentality, walking away from someone who could potentially benefit greatly from our work just because of the gate-keeping process in place to get to them also feels wrong.
To keep things light in the office this week, we created some new acronyms for RFP. Instead of Request for Proposal, we renamed it:
Really Freaking Pointless
wRetched F*ing Process
Ridiculous Form of Procurement
Relatively Fixed Possibilities (our oxymoron winner of the week!)
We could have kept going, but we needed to get back to writing. (Needless to say that second one came in a really low moment.)
Here is what is most disheartening about the RFP process and the bureaucracies that utilize them (and it’s ALWAYS bureaucracies that use them — government, higher education etc.):
There are so many fast-moving, nimble and innovative companies out there doing great work in new and creative ways. Organizations are missing out on working with these types of companies and products that could really revolutionize what they are doing and how they are doing it — and in turn realize greater improvement, stability and success.
For those of us who innovate quickly, the current process feels like trying to magically turn a unicorn into a sloth.
It’s 2019. Organizations who are governed by bureaucratic processes and can’t get out of their own way are destined to go the way of Sears, Kodak and other seemingly once untouchables. Higher education and our government show the strain of this type of operation every day. The world is passing them by at an alarming rate and they simply can’t keep up — or don’t want to do the hard work of change to adapt.
Archaic processes like the RFP process, annual employee performance reviews and endless time and resource-wasting meetings are relics of another time when the pace was slower. They served us well then but they no longer provide benefit. Yet organizations cling to these ways of being and doing because…well, I wish I had the answer. (Actually I have several answers, but that’s another blog…)
I know that in the not too distant future, I am going to have to hit “no bid” because of timing or staffing constraints that prevent us from participating in an RFP process. I’m going to pay very close attention to the feeling I get when I hit that button.
Do I feel sad and disappointed that we aren’t able to throw our hat in the ring?
Or do I feel relief and indifference, knowing that I can now spend my time with a client who I care about and who thinks like we think and moves at a pace we move?
After this week, my gut tells me it’s going to be the latter.
What does RFP stand for in your Organization? was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
by Jennifer Cross via It's Your Turn - Medium #itsyourturn #altMBA #SethGodin #quotes #inspiration #stories #change #transformation #writers #writing #self #shipping #personaldevelopment #growth #education #marketing #entrepreneurship #leadership #personaldev #wellness #medium #blogging #quoteoftheday #inspirationoftheday
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itsmyrayeraye-blog · 6 years ago
5 Great Lessons You Can Learn From SEO 2019
The good SEO strategy is your own first step towards developing a good online relationship with your clients. Our six experts talk about their favorite SEO tips and even tactics for building big visitors in 2018. Yes, we all know it's still June plus we know it's only 2018 but if you haven't began planning and researching key styles which will affect you SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2019 you could currently be falling behind. We furthermore take a look at exactly how new technologies like AI plus Voice search will begin in order to impact more on SEO because we move nearer to 2019 and beyond. Whenever every nation across the planet is busy in making their particular due contribution within the advancement sector in their own method by taking the route associated with SEO service and online marketing and advertising, Singapore cannot stop stand nevertheless in one point. By 2019, articles marketing is set to turn out to be an industry worth $300 billion dollars. Off page SEO pertains Blog9T to the strategies performed past your website that can end up being used to improve your lookup engine rankings. Due in order to the success of inbound advertising and SEO, more marketers are usually dedicated to improving their rating over other tactics. The best way to focus on these customers is by offering high-quality SEO content that offers genuine and useful information toward the readers. Another method provides a different page based upon whether the page is becoming requested with a human guest or a search engine, the strategy known as cloaking One more category sometimes used is greyish hat SEO This is within between black hat and whitened hat approaches, where the strategies employed avoid the site getting penalized, but do not work in producing the best content material for users. You will become introduced to the foundational components of how search engines such as google work, how the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION landscape is promoting and exactly what you can expect in the particular future. The SISTRIX Toolbox consists associated with six modules 1) SEO, 2) Universal, 3) Links, 4) Advertisements, 5) Social and 6) Optimizer. Low-quality content can severely impact the achievements of SEO, within 2018. When your own SEO starts building strong environment, competitors can start maligning your own SEO backlinks. ” With content marketing spend anticipated to reach $300 billion by 2019, this statistic is worrisome. Now the electronic marketing companies know how in order to use AI for SEO, plus in coming years AI can dominate in developing the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies of the digital advertising companies. Ray Cheselka, AdWords and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Manager at webFEAT Complete, the design and SEO agency, states that in 2019 search objective will continue to become even more important. Expert writers of SEO articles can take the time to study the particular industry or specialized niche market. 2 tools to help with regional SEO are BrightLocal (for rankings) and MozLocal (for local lookup optimization). Concerning on-page SEO best practices, I usually link out to other quality related pages on other websites exactly where possible and where a human being would find it valuable. It includes a well known Routine Table of SEO Success Factors”, a 9-chapter guide to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics, and links to a few from the site's most useful blog posts. One thing is usually crystal clear: if you desire people to discover your function, you need search engine search engine optimization (SEO). This just about all means when you're thinking regarding your SEO strategy, you require to think about how your own social networking strategy fits into the particular puzzle, too. As your visitors slowly increases, be sure to include additional SEO strategies (like adding exterior and internal links, guest publishing, etc) to engage more customers and keep your metrics higher. Google has remaining a very narrow band associated with opportunity when it comes in order to SEO - and punishments are developed to take you out associated with the game for some period while you cleanup the infractions. Head of Marketing, He Edstrom, at BioClarity, a San Diego based health-science company, thinks that SEO is going in order to see a decreased importance within 2019, and SEOs should begin ensuring they're competent in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. The best rank that you could see the profile with contact information and maps on right hands side of search result web page is achieved after long treatment for using SEO tactics. Numerous search engine optimisation. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of customizing a website for search motor discovery and indexing. SEO is actually a technique which search motors require that sites must boost properly, so that they show up high in search results. The European Search Honours is an international competition that will shines the spotlight for the best SEO and Content Marketing companies in Europe. Investing in high quality tactics which do take more time but endure and are usually the ones which generate important traffic is the best method to spend your time upon SEO. Some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists and bloggers say that will short URLs ranks better within Google. This technique is usually sometimes known as SEO content” or SEO copywriting”. But you need to not ignore the most substantial part of the website developing process, i. e. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Whilst businesses can choose to perform their own SEO, hiring the SEO agency that has encountered search engine optimizers will simply no doubt, help businesses reap RETURN ON INVESTMENT in the long run. Within fact if you look carefully you will find that content material marketing and SEO go hands in hand. On the additional hand, Black Hat SEO contains efforts like redirecting internet lookup engine "spiders" to different web pages than human visitors see, mass-posting "spam" comments (on blogs, discussion boards, articles), or putting lists associated with keywords in late each web page in very small fonts. Since we've seen, one of the particular major advantages of SEO will get more traffic because of much better search engine ranking. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, all of us recommend reading this guide front-to-back. A few of these SEO strategies try out to deceive users into going to sites about subjects they avoid have any desire for, which places them at odds with the particular purpose of search engines. "SEO" is a term that is usually used to describe the procedure by which visitors a specific site is increasingly generated simply by search engines by means of search results. These white-hat cellular SEO tips will help a person to avoid internet search motor penalties and maintain better on the web visibility. SEO or lookup engine optimization techniques will tackle these requirements of a web site. AI and tone of voice search have already begun in order to impact SEO, and as these types of technologies continue to develop, we all can expect to see a lot more changes in the way SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is performed. In the second chapter of our SEO guidebook, you will learn how lookup engines work, how people utilize them and what type of lookup queries they submit. You need in order to provide regular posts either daily or at least several periods a week in order in order to gain a following and supply enough unique SEO content in order to keep your search engine rankings high, attract new viewers plus convince people that you are usually the expert in your industry. Voice research will change the way you interact along with search engines and it can make SEO even more competing and vital to online achievement. Our SEO outreach team connect your brand and curated content with key on the web influencers to get people speaking about you & sharing your own message. Yet, with the lookup engines like google continually transforming their rules SEO may appear confusing and overwhelming. Understanding what these words really suggest, and how SEO analysts make use of them to boost your home page's search engine results, may become a whole other story. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION concentrates on increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all various other websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to providing SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of initial, first-run presentations covering the most recent SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent social networking opportunities. SEO combines official research engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This is definitely a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed to be able to give attendees an end-to-end look at of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and real things they can do right now to improve their SEO overall performance. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO specialists realized just how much key word frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your posts so it shows up even more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) will be becoming critically important for traveling traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. This particular means that SEOs spend the lot of time working upon getting links in a procedure called link building Link-building methods can range from simply asking for a link to writing the guest post - and generally there are many others. Basically, SEO plans the keywords that will are to be delivered plus content provides them. So, when you are considering about applying SEO in the particular broad sense, you need in order to channelize its technical specifications via content marketing. In 2019, you can wager that White Hat SEO may have separated itself even additional from Black Hat SEO, plus that above all else, offering quality content will be the particular most important factor for companies ranking in search. The outcomes are not instant, you can use the time on attempting other Internet marketing techniques whilst SEO would go to function. The third major SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking signal is Google's synthetic intelligence search ranking algorithm. Sometimes SEO is usually simply a matter of producing sure your site is organized in a way that lookup engines like google understand. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves a number of changes towards the HTML of person Web pages to attain a higher search engine ranking. As a result associated with technological advancement, SEO is in order to undergo more drastic changes, plus the two latest technologies that will are expected to influence SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to some very great degree are AI (Artificial Intelligence) plus Voice Search. While her business, web traffic, plus customer base grow, Sue will certainly require some outside support regarding keeping her SEO on trail so she can certainly still sell the particular best shoes on the stop. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search ranks, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique may be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an tremendous cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to split the very first page, a good SEO audit will help give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. Gowns it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword analysis then get in touch associated with just start a live conversation if we're around. Moreover, Google will keep on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO elements, like site security, page acceleration, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally countless medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. In 2018, SEO is content and content material is SEO, content is electronic and digital is content. Before starting a good SEO project, site owners need to carefully read through the internet marketer guidelines that every search motors provides and follow recommended greatest practices. This is clear that when website owners hire a search engine search engine optimization SEO expert, they stand the better chance of maximizing their own SEO services. Search motors cannot understand this type associated with content, so it's essential to design and style video pages in an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION oriented manner. Subscribe to our weekly SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and daily SearchCap newsletters for a summarize of all the latest SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION related news, tips and strategies from Internet search engine Property and other sources all more than the Web. When you aren't logged in, go to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Toolkit » Keyword Research » Keyword Overview. For almost any SEO technique to operate successfully you require content and that will can come in any type like keywords, articles or sites. From 2019, AI can be utilized by the businesses to acquire higher rankings upon search engines. For that reason, it can be a great idea to incorporate expenses intended for professional SEO content in your own quarterly marketing budget. Google will see right by means of sneaky, black hat SEO strategies like creating duplicate pages, producing pages with thin content simply for the sake of obtaining more pages and buying back links. SEO's basic importance comes from the particular fact that most users show strong search dominance — that will is usually, search is the main method people go places on the particular Internet. Reading blogs connected with SEO might also be very useful within locating out concerning the important companies on the market which usually are offering comprehensive and genuine Search engine optimization services in the direction of the corporate sector. The initial SEO is dependent mostly on number of key phrases targeted and the size associated with your web site, while the particular ongoing link campaign depends even more on the competitiveness of the particular keywords chosen. Whether most likely an SEO newbie or the seasoned practitioner, I encourage a person to fully read this in order to understand how you can obtain your content on top associated with search results. Large Brand campaigns are far, considerably not the same as small business SEO strategies that have zero links, to start with, to give you yet an example. These SEO companies possess a strategy requiring clients in order to pay for the major lookup engines (including Google and Yahoo) for monthly website maintenance. Specialists are reporting that 2019 can be the year of words search, and that the tone of voice search algorithm may change and even supersede text search relatively. A TOP DOG blog is simply one component of social media distribution, a significant SEO strategy according to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Consult You should be disseminating links to fresh content upon your site across appropriate interpersonal networking platforms. The traditional method to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via lookup engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 may still use many of these kinds of newly implemented tactics, but lookup engine optimization experts are likewise suggesting there will be even more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile gadgets, and the number will definitely move up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few publications that will help you conceptually understand the history of research Here's What Industry Insiders Say About SEO 2019, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the many years. There are several methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you using a web lookup and find what they're searching for, you can receive plenty of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword study to get a specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website. On this web page you'll find a list associated with 21 SEO insanely tactical methods that you can use in order to boost your engine rankings. 26% of respondents state email is the digital advertising channel with all the greatest positive effect on revenue; SEO is 2nd (17%), followed by paid lookup (15%), social media (5%), plus online display advertising (5%). Along with an increased focus on consumer experience, Google has challenged the particular SEO community to pay even more attention to the entire knowledge of a website and just how the content interacts with customers, rather than just the fundamental elements that most optimize towards. While that may not get solved in 2018, we require integrate the SEO group alongside other marketing, both compensated and owned initiatives. For example, a few businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. Thankfully, you can find your very own broken links on site using the particular myriad of Tools available. Ask any SEO services company and they will tell a person that whenever a page will be searched, the major search motors spiders search it through hyperlinks. Effective SEO aims to boost lookup engine position, user visits, come back visits, and to improve transformation rates, which reflect the amounts of visitors who take preferred actions on the site. Wise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION activities transform your rankings in the particular search engine results page (SERP). This is the supreme goal for ecommerce SEO, plus the traffic those links can bring through will convert with a very high rate. Keep in mind that will links, content, and user encounter are all major SEO rating factors. Could holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, We suspect that search engines' technical engineers will initially overestimate the accuracy of their AI, resulting within Penguin-level collateral damage. SEO (Search Motor Optimization) is the process associated with making a website more noticeable in search results, also called improving search rankings. Siteimprove SEO furthermore provides in-tool tips on where to start as well as how to get the most out associated with your keyword research and supervising. We've already been operating in the SEO plus content marketing industry since last year and know how search motors work. Right now there are a great number associated with resources out there surrounding aggressive link analysis (and a great deal that have been authored simply by me! ) but whenever We speak with people that are usually working on SEO projects, is actually always one of those "yeah, I understand I should do this more" tasks. Amy Kilvington, Marketing Executive at Custom Drapes, believes that SEOs are heading to have to optimize social networking more as Google indexes this and prioritizes it over their own sites' pages. Social media is definitely the easiest and most efficient way to push the SEO-based content. However, right now there are some easy adjustments that will you can make to the particular search engine optimization (SEO) component of it, which will ideally provide you with fantastic results. An SEO on the internet marketing strategy is a extensive plan to get more individuals to your website through lookup engines. Several search optimizers try to cheat Google by using aggressive methods that go beyond the simple SEO techniques. Subscribe to the particular Single Grain blog now regarding the latest content on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, PPC, paid social, and the particular future of internet marketing. SEO can furthermore stand for search engine optimizer. Like the rest of the particular digital landscape, SEO marketing is usually continuously evolving. Search Engine Book — Read information right after Moz's guide to solidify knowing regarding it of the basic elements of SEO. If a person do not have the period or have insufficient training upon web design or SEO, Appear for web design experts plus hire a professional SEO support agency to keep your internet site and your good reputation usually you business may depend upon it. I ended with the website number 1, 228, 570, 060. This particular generates SEO anchor text, which usually helps you in improving your own search engine rankings. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION marketing is about the keyword choice that will attract a excellent deal of unique visitors in order to your website. Maybe you have ponder what will be the fresh changes and updates that we all can experience in SEO one way links sphere in 2019? A Cisco research found that by 2019, eighty percent of all consumer Web traffic will be from Web video traffic. If might spent time online recently, might probably look at the term "SEO, inch or "Search Engine Optimization. A reputable SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION company carries on together with your Company Profile and then do all those profile building and then Nearby Business Listing Optimization. Our first five steps had been dedicated to on-page SEO strategies Link-building is the primary goal of off-page SEO, and is usually also an enormous factor within how search engines rank your own web pages. So far because I know, this only functions for HTML or CSS webpages - I don't go very much for Flash websites, and I actually am unsure how that cookware out regarding search engines plus SEO. In fact, a large part of SEO in 2018 is writing for humans PLUS search engines (also known because: SEO copywriting”). SEO is the significant part of any web marketing strategy. Canonical: This connect to handles content syndication, which basically allows other blogs to submit your job (similar to franchising) without having hurting your website's SEO ranking—simply by having a rel=canonical can obtain your brand and content away on the web in several outlets, ensuring a greater get to and bigger audience without harming your own search results. We are usually offering affordable search engine optimisation SEO services to clients throughout the globe. If you want the strong social media strategy, a person simply can't ignore SEO. Another SEO-related plugin, W3 Total Cache is used to boost the performance of your Wp blog or a website simply by integrating features such as content material delivery networks to be capable to reduce the loading instances for your pages.
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theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
Everything about the Trump administration’s plan to radically restrict asylum for people crossing from the US into Mexico without papers — banning adults and families who cross between ports of entry (official border crossings) from entering the asylum process — has moved quickly.
The policy itself has been developed in the last few weeks, as a slow-moving crisis of resources on the US/Mexico border turned into a hot political issue thanks to President Trump’s obsession with the migrant “caravan.”
It became public on Thursday evening and Friday morning, less than a day before it was set to go into effect. (Even as of late Friday, some asylum officers hadn’t received guidance about how to implement the new policy.)
And by mid-afternoon on Friday, the policy had already been challenged in court by the ACLU and other immigration advocates who hope the Northern District of California can put the policy on hold before it even goes into effect at midnight Friday night.
It’s moved so quickly — during a time when there’s lots of other news dominating the headlines — that it hasn’t attracted the attention of other Trump signature policies on immigration. But it is every bit as significant.
Hundreds of people a day cross into the US between ports of entry and seek asylum. Any who arrive at the border while this policy is in effect — it’s scheduled to last 90 days but could be extended or renewed later — will be forced to choose between having to wait for weeks or longer at overloaded ports of entry and risking near-immediate deportation by crossing illegally and turning themselves in to Border Patrol. Illegal crossing between ports of entry could give them a chance at staying in the US, but that chance will be much more remote, and with many fewer privileges, than asylum-seekers currently get.
It’s a continued escalation of the Trump administration’s monthslong war against the asylum system on the southern border. But it’s far more legally dicey than anything the administration has done so far — even the travel ban.
Whether or not the policy goes into effect Friday night, the fight over it is going to continue. As long as people continue to seek asylum in the US in large numbers, the Trump administration will be trying to stop them — and as long as the Trump administration tries to stop them, there will be human-rights concerns about whether the US is upholding its obligations to protect fleeing people from harm.
Under US law, people who enter the US without papers are legally able to apply for asylum. If they show that they’re at risk of persecution in their home country (due to their race, nationality, religion, political opinion or membership in a particular social group) the US is supposed to give it to them.
Unless, that is, they are subject to specific restrictions. The Trump administration used a two-part strategy to carve out such a restriction.
On Thursday, the Trump administration posted the text of a regulation (which was formally published in the Federal Register on Friday) that added a restriction for people who were subject to a presidential entry ban, like the “travel bans” Trump signed in 2017. It also set out a process for how the asylum process would change for someone subject to such a ban.
The regulation went into effect immediately, skipping the traditional monthslong regulatory process. Then, on Friday morning, Trump signed an entry ban on people entering the US from Mexico between ports of entry.
The combined effect of the two parts is that someone who crosses the US/Mexico border between ports of entry — i.e., who commits the misdemeanor of improper entry — between midnight Friday night and midnight on February 8, 2019 will not be eligible for asylum. Instead, they’ll be subject to an alternative process set up by the regulation, modeled off the process for asylum-seekers who have been convicted of serious crimes in the US.
Someone who enters the US without papers — either at a port of entry or otherwise — is subject to immediate deportation without a court hearing, unless she says she wants to claim asylum or that she fears persecution in her home country. In those cases, she’s entitled to an interview with an asylum officer.
Generally, if the asylum officer determines that she has a “credible fear” of persecution (in other words, that there’s a significant possibility she’d be persecuted if deported based on her race, nationality, religion, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group), she is allowed to go before an immigration judge in the same court process that unauthorized immigrants arrested while living in the US are entitled to. There, she’s able to make her case for asylum. And in the meantime, since immigration court hearings take months or years, she’s legally able to work and live in the US.
Even if she is being persecuted, she might still be ineligible for asylum, if she has a certain criminal record in the US or her home country, for example. But the judge will wait until the end of the process to make that judgment. If she is ineligible for asylum but still has reason to fear persecution, she can receive a lesser form of protection — called withholding of removal — that allows her to stay in the US but gives her no path to permanent legal status.
Someone who enters the US from Mexico without papers between ports of entry will still be entitled to an interview with an asylum officer. But the asylum officer is required to screen not for a credible fear of persecution, but a “reasonable” fear — a higher standard that requires not just a significant possibility of persecution but a determination that persecution is more likely than not.
The “reasonable fear” standard is used only in rare cases under the status quo — for immigrants who’ve already been ordered deported and returned to the US, and immigrants who have committed serious crimes. But the difference in pass rates is striking. In credible fear interviews, about 75 percent of all asylum seekers pass. In reasonable fear interviews, a little more than 25 percent do. Even assuming that many asylum seekers who are currently subject to the credible fear standard would also pass the more stringent one, that’s still thousands of immigrants a month who would end up failing their screening interviews and being summarily deported.
People who don’t pass the reasonable fear screening will be deported summarily (unless they choose to have a judge review the finding). People who do pass the reasonable fear screening will be allowed to go before an immigration judge. Even then, though, they still wouldn’t be eligible for asylum. Their only options would be withholding of removal and protection under the Convention Against Torture.
That allows the US to fulfill its obligations under international law — which prevents countries from returning migrants to places where their lives are in danger — but doesn’t give people any access to permanent legal status.
And it doesn’t allow families to go through the system together; while a mother can get asylum for her child when her own case gets approved, mother and child each individually have to prove they’re eligible for other protections. (This Vox article offers more detail as to the difference between asylum and the lesser forms of protection.)
Asylum-seekers are making up an ever-larger share of people crossing into the US from Mexico. And the Trump administration is convinced that most of them are trying to game the system.
While way fewer people have been entering the US without papers over the past few years than have in the past, the people who are coming in now aren’t the same type of migrants the US saw in the decades of highest unauthorized migration. They’re more likely to be from Central America (specifically, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) than Mexico. They’re more likely to be families or children than single adults. And most importantly, they’re increasingly likely to say they fear deportation in their home country — and pass their credible-fear screenings.
But even though the number of people making it into the US (at least temporarily) by passing their credible fear screenings keeps rising, the number of people who ultimately get asylum in those cases hasn’t risen to meet it at all. Essentially, the trend of the past several years has been a growth in the number of people who start the asylum process but miss the cut, or simply disappear, along the way.
This drop-off happens at every stage of the process. Less than 40 percent of people who pass the initial screening interview for asylum submit a written asylum application, for example, which is a necessary step in the process even though they’ve passed the interview and gotten assigned a court hearing.
Families seeking asylum, in particular, appear to have trouble showing up to their court hearings, which means they get ordered deported in absentia. In fact, the biggest determinant of whether a family gets a deportation order appears to be whether they show up in court.
There are lots of reasons why families could be missing their court dates. A 2018 study by Catholic Legal Immigration Network and the Asylum Seekers Advocacy Project, for example, offered suggestive evidence that families were trying to keep track of their court dates, but bureaucratic and structural issues — from inattentive lawyers to trouble getting the hearing moved to the correct location — got in the way.
The Trump administration, however, sees the drop-off rate as proof that people are using the credible fear screening to sneak into the country on the basis of asylum claims that are either fraudulent or don’t show persecution that meets the legal standards for asylum.
The administration is convinced asylum seekers aren’t just getting lost in the system — they’re deliberately disappearing because they know that if they continued to pursue asylum, their claims wouldn’t get approved. Trump has accused smugglers of coaching asylum-seekers to say the “magic words” that will allow them into the country. A senior administration official described the asylum system to press last month as “the biggest loophole in the world,” and said it was beset by “systemic fraud” — pointing to the low approval rate as evidence that most asylum claims weren’t just insufficient, but malicious.
It’s hard to imagine that this policy would have been pushed through if Donald Trump and his administration hadn’t spent the few weeks before the midterm election freaking out about the caravan of several thousand asylum-seekers moving slowly through Honduras, Guatemala and southern Mexico.
To be fair, the administration has been worried about the rising number of border-crossers for over a year. It attempted to address this with a spring crackdown that culminated in widespread family separation of border crossers — but crossings didn’t drop while family separation was in effect, and they rose precipitously afterward. (The Trump administration believes that ending the family separation policy encouraged families to come, though it’s hard to prove this.) But the caravan caught Trump’s attention and sent the administration into crisis mode.
As the Trump administration unveiled the new policy, though, leaders of the caravan announced they were setting off from Mexico City for Tijuana — and from there, presenting themselves for asylum at the San Ysidro port of entry. In other words, unless some members peel off, the caravan won’t even be subject to the new policy because they won’t be crossing between ports of entry.
Instead, the Trump administration argues this policy is needed immediately because the US’ system is simply overwhelmed. And that’s clearly true. The disagreement is over whose fault it is.
The US has developed a border policy that’s designed to maximize the efficient apprehension and deportation of everyone trying to cross the border illegally and not get caught. It is not designed to facilitate the processing of people for asylum — especially families.
Ports of entry are already overwhelmed with asylum-seekers; at most ports, asylum-seekers have to wait on the Mexican side of the border, sometimes for weeks, before Customs and Border Protection officials allow them to cross into the US and claim their right to asylum. Border Patrol facilities (for people apprehended between ports of entry) are also running out of capacity to take asylum-seekers in. Much of the “refugee corps” — the US Citizenship and Immigration Services officers who are responsible for interviewing refugees around the world who are applying to resettle in the US — has been detailed to do asylum interviews of detained border-crossers. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement claims it’s so overwhelmed with families coming into the US that it has to simply release them at bus stations, instead of working with nonprofit organizations to help orient families and get them where they need to be to continue their asylum case.
Some administration officials blame asylum-seekers for this, saying they’re deliberately trying to sabotage the system. Others blame Congress for not giving DHS the money it needs. Immigration advocates blame the administration — saying they’re either unwilling to devote the needed resources to process asylum-seekers faster, especially at ports of entry, or that they are actively trying to block people from their legal right to asylum.
It’s hard to answer this because it’s hard to say what, exactly, the Trump administration expects this plan to achieve — if it’s allowed to go into effect, which is a big if.
The US wants to be able to refuse all asylum-seekers who come through Mexico — but Mexico won’t agree within 90 days. The explicit goal of the 90-day ban — the thing that would cause Trump to lift it even before the 90 days were up — would be getting Mexico to sign a safe-third-country agreement with the US. That would allow the US to turn back all asylum-seekers who had traveled through Mexico. (The US currently has such an agreement with Canada.)
A safe-third-country agreement would essentially make the current Central American migration, which has brought hundreds of thousands of people from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to the US and Mexico to seek asylum in the last several years, Mexico’s problem alone to solve. Mexico, whose new president will arrive in office on December 1, has shown no interest so far in signing such an agreement.
The Trump administration says it’s trying to encourage people to go to ports of entry — but those are already backed up. One senior administration official told press Tuesday that “what we are trying to do is funnel asylum claims through the ports of entry, where we are better resourced, have better capabilities, and have better manpower and staffing.”
That is really not true. Ports of entry have been overwhelmed with asylum-seekers even before Border Patrol units between ports of entry were. It’s hard to imagine how ports of entry can accommodate more asylum seekers if they can’t accommodate the ones coming now — and they’re not staffing up at ports of entry in anticipation of the new plan going into effect.
The Trump administration will probably be able to deport more people more quickly — but it’s really not clear how many more. In theory, raising a credible-fear standard 75 percent of asylum seekers pass to a reasonable-fear standard only 25 percent of asylum seekers pass would mean that thousands of people a month fail their screenings — and become eligible for summary deportation. But maybe the reasonable-fear passage rate is only low because the people who are subject to that standard now have less compelling cases than people fleeing gang violence and government indifference in Honduras.
How this shakes out will depend a lot on how it’s implemented, even down to the level of individual asylum officers. It’s possible that pretty much everyone who would have been allowed to stay in the US and seek asylum before this policy will still be able to stay in the US (and seek lesser protections) afterward. It’s not likely, though. Some people will fall through the cracks between the old standard and the new one; it’s just a question of how many.
There’s a reason that the first lawsuit against the policy was filed less than 6 hours after the proclamation was signed. Even for the Trump administration, this policy is a bold assertion of executive power to restrict immigration to the United States.
While the underpinnings of the right to asylum are a matter of international law, that isn’t the Trump administration’s biggest legal obstacle. By allowing people to stay in the US under withholding of removal or protections under the Convention Against Torture, the US covers its legal obligation not to return people to countries where their lives would be in danger.
The problem is US law.
The text of the Immigration and Nationality Act specifies that people may apply for asylum “whether or not” they enter the US at a port of entry. The Trump administration is setting up to render that “or not” basically dead letter — at least as long as the proclamation is in effect.
The administration justifies this by saying that the law also gives the attorney general broad power to set restrictions on asylum, and the president broad power to suspend entry (an interpretation encouraged by the Supreme Court’s ruling in the travel ban case in June, which didn’t actually specify any limits on this power).
The ACLU, and the other legal advocates and immigration service providers who’ve sued over the policy, disagree. They argue that this isn’t just use of discretion to fill in a gap Congress didn’t address, but overriding a specific thing Congress wrote into the law — which the administration can’t do.
Furthermore, they argue that the way the policy was rolled out — by issuing a regulation that immediately went into effect — is a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. There’s a high bar to skip the regulatory review process. The ACLU argues the administration didn’t clear it.
A federal judge is going to agree with the ACLU and rule against the administration — that is nearly certain. (The ACLU filed in the Northern District of California, which isn’t friendly turf for Trump.) The only question is whether this happens before midnight, or afterward.
Of course, the Trump administration will appeal any ruling against it. The case may end up at the Supreme Court within a matter of days, or it might take several months — or longer — but it’s almost certain to end up there, just like every other legal fight on immigration Trump has picked.
According to Julia Ainsley of NBC, the administration thinks it’s going to prevail with the newly ensconced conservative majority on the Supreme Court. It might be right (though the administration might not be able to count on some of the court’s conservatives to back the executive branch over Congress).
Politically, a ruling against the administration could give both sides what they want — Trump and company could rail against liberal judges, and the ACLU could claim another victory against Trump.
But whether or not this policy goes into effect, it’s not going to soothe the Trump administration’s concerns with people coming into the US without papers. It’s not going to resolve the resource crisis at the border. To the extent that the Trump administration is committed to reducing the number of people claiming asylum in the US by any means necessary, this is just one front in a multi-front battle.
Original Source -> The asylum ban — Trump’s boldest immigration power grab yet — explained
via The Conservative Brief
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duaneodavila · 6 years ago
Technology’s Impact On The Legal Profession: An Interview With Richard Susskind (Part I)
Oliver Duchesne, Client Operations Associate at Priori, sat down with Richard Susskind to discuss the future of law, technology and the evolving relationship between the two. Susskind is an esteemed author, speaker and professor who specializes in the future of professional services, particularly the law. In Part 1  of a 2-part interview that was also published on the Priori Blog last week, Susskind and Duchesne dive into the technology’s impact on the legal profession to date.
Priori’s Oliver Duchesne and Basha Rubin with Richard Susskind
OD: In 2013, you stated that the legal world would change more in the next 20 years than it has in the past two centuries. Do you still stand by that prediction?
RS: Absolutely. I know others find this prediction melodramatic, but I stand by it. If we look at the past five years, we’ve already seen remarkable progress, and the pace of change is only accelerating.
One illustration is in the area of online courts, which is the subject of my next book. They weren’t really on anyone’s radar in 2013. However, I’m now aware of twenty or so jurisdictions around the world that are taking them seriously. Fifteen years from now, our courts, a fundamental legal institution, will be changed beyond recognition because physically congregating in a courtroom will be a rarity, particularly for lower value claims.
So, yes, I am quite content with my prediction. I was never going to say that I got it wrong, of course.
OD: In your experience, what is the most common misunderstanding that people in the legal profession have about technology?
RS: The most common and profound misunderstanding is that the purpose of technology is to automate the way that lawyers have worked in the past. However, lawyers need to open their minds to the idea that technology will allow us to do things that previously weren’t possible or even conceivable.
Technology will fundamentally challenge, change and replace a lot of the work that human lawyers do. Many people say: “I can’t see how a computer system could replace what I do.” To give you an example from online courts, court lawyers feel safe from technological change because they can’t imagine how a robot could ever replace a human in the courtroom. Most people are of the mindset that if what they do can’t be replaced by a system – such as oral advocacy – then they’re safe. While we are many years away from technology that could engage in advocacy, that line of reasoning misses the point. The whole idea of online courts is that you will have judges making decisions online on the basis of arguments and evidence submitted to them electronically. This means there’ll no longer be a need for traditional oral advocacy. Instead, new skills will become necessary that involve formulating and delivering arguments and evidence in a form that is most compelling online. As a result, technology will help deliver the outcomes that clients want in entirely different ways. To use the example of surgeons: patients don’t want surgery, they want health. There probably isn’t a future for surgery because eventually there will be non-invasive techniques for sorting out the health problems to which surgery today is the only answer.
OD: If you were a speaking to a small law firm, what would you advise that they do right now in their practice in order to make sure they’re not caught behind the technology curve?
Unless small firms radically change what they do, they’re going to struggle to survive in the early 2020s. Smaller law firms that don’t have niche specialization do a lot of the routine and repetitive, process-based, administrative work that is most susceptible to technological change. If you’re a small firm, there are a number of directions you can go in. If you want to stay general purpose and do everyday law, you are going to struggle. You’ll either have to become closer to your clients and genuinely become the “trusted advisor” where the role is not exclusively legal – instead someone on whom your clients deeply rely on for your business acumen and psychological support as well as regular legal advice. Alternatively, you have to go niche, which means that you become a specialist in a certain area and there’s no reason why bright lawyers and small firms shouldn’t be able to compete with the best. And of course, that’s the premise behind Priori’s services.
Another alternative is to think about strategic alliances. That might be with other law firms or it might be with other providers such as new players in the marketplace. A further option is to try and secure outsourcing arrangements. For instance, a small firm could go to a major legal department and say they’ll take on all of their employment or immigration or tax work or whatever it might be; and try to get steady streams of that work rather than individual matters. Of course another option for small firms is to use Priori, as that would greatly widen their reach. A key problem for small firms is that their brands aren’t particularly well-known. And one of the values Priori brings is being able to help these firms reach out and match their capabilities with major players who would otherwise not be exposed to their expertise and experience.
There are two further points to make about smaller firms. Firstly, many small firms say to me that they don’t have the capability of major firms to invest in technology. But I always point out that many of these technologies are inexpensive. I think it’s less about investment in systems and more about spending the time in developing the content. The second related point is that small law firms can be more nimble than large practices and can get projects up and running very quickly. At a major firm you’ve got bureaucracy, funding decisions and organizational barbed wire that often stands in the way. The advantage of smaller law firms is that they can simply get on with it.
RS: What specific changes would you like policymakers to implement so that lawyers better utilize and adapt to technology?
I understand there’s huge resistance to this, but I think the U.S. should liberalize its legal system as the UK did. In the UK, it was thought that users of legal services were not given sufficient choice by only being able to go to one category of provider — the law firm — and that it was borderline anti-competitive that law firms were given exclusive rights to help on legal matters. This “grand bargain” of granting exclusivity to certain groups actually defines the professions in many ways. Only surgeons can cut you open, only auditors can undertake audits and only lawyers can stand up and appear in a courtroom.
In the United States, the net is cast widely in terms of the unauthorized practice of law, which differs from England. In England, we passed legislation in 2007 and introduced it in 2011 and this allows the external funding of legal businesses via private equity or venture capital and permits non-lawyers to share profits with lawyers in legal businesses. This was accomplished via a new kind of business structure called the ABS — the alternative business structure. I believe all of all this will encourage new entrepreneurs to come into the market, boost investment in the development of better legal technologies and give clients a wider range of options. This doesn’t mean it’s unregulated or a free-for-all. It just means, as an ABS, you’re no longer regulated as a law firm, which gives greater choice to the marketplace and creates a more competitive spirit. It’s likely that this will both encourage innovation and reduce costs. I understand that if you’re a lawyer, some of this seems rather unattractive — it’s better to pull up the drawbridge, regulate everyone else out of the field and keep your exclusive rights in place, keep the grand bargain running. But that thinking is catering more to the interests of the provider than the recipient of legal services and I can’t support this. My message to policymakers and lawyers is that you should survive and thrive as lawyers in law firms not because you regulate others out of the field but because you can bring value in terms of experience and knowledge that no one else can.
For those people who are happy to continue with the current protectionist practice structure for reasons of profitability, I would say in the long run that you’ll put yourself and the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage. The legal profession is becoming increasingly global and many businesses have global general counsel. They will, and already are, benefiting from more innovative providers in other more liberalized markets and jurisdictions. Methods and techniques will evolve over the next five years which will deliver benefits that traditional law firms won’t be able to provide because they won’t have the capital structure, the culture or the management style that is needed but exists today only in more liberalized jurisdictions. While people say the current rules in the U.S. are in the interests of protecting clients from unsavory or inexperienced providers, in England we’ve shown that you can still offer that protection with alternative regulatory structures.
Oliver Duchesne is a Client Operations Associate at Priori, the legal marketplace changing the way in-house teams find and work with outside counsel. He is the creator of the Priori Digest, a weekly newsletter containing interesting ideas, developments and factoids from the worlds of both law and technology. Oliver holds a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) and Juris Doctor from the University of Sydney.
Technology’s Impact On The Legal Profession: An Interview With Richard Susskind (Part I) republished via Above the Law
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kacydeneen · 7 years ago
Immigrant Toddlers Ordered to Appear in Court Alone: Attys
As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.
Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration's controversial family separation policy, more young children — including toddlers — are being affected than in the past.
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The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.
"We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child — in the middle of the hearing — started climbing up on the table," said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. "It really highlighted the absurdity of what we're doing with these kids."
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The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.
Toczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S.
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The children being detained under the new "zero tolerance" policy, though, are facing immigration proceedings without mom or dad by their side.
"The parent might be the only one who knows why they fled from the home country, and the child is in a disadvantageous position to defend themselves," Toczylowski said.
Meanwhile, the broader legal situation is in flux. A federal judge Tuesday night commanded the White House to reunify families within 14 days if the child is under 5 and 30 days if the child is older. The Justice Department has not indicated whether it will appeal. Attorneys who are involved in the cases said it's unclear how the judge's order will work in practice, and when and how it could take effect.
"We don't know how the judge's order is going to play out with reunification of children. What if parents have already been deported?" said Cynthia Milian, a Texas-based attorney at the Powers Law Group.
In the interim, she added, the implications for kids remain an urgent concern.
Given the trauma the children faced in their home country that spurred their families to flee and the pain of being separated from a parent, the expectation that children can mount a legal defense is "unconscionable," said Dr. Benard Dreyer, director of the division of developmental-behavioral pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine.
"It's certainly grossly inappropriate," said Dreyer, who is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics advocacy committee. "I'm ashamed that we're doing this."
Leaders at three legal services organizations and a private firm confirmed that the children are being served with notices to appear in court. They are not entitled to an attorney but rather are given a list of legal services organizations that might help them.
Steve Lee, a UCLA child psychology professor, said expecting the children to advocate for themselves in court is an "incredibly misaligned expectation."
"That couldn't be any less developmentally appropriate," he said, adding that some children may not be mature enough to verbalize a response.
More than 2,000 children who were separated from their parents at the border have been dispatched to the far corners of the nation to care facilities and foster homes.
Officials with the Department of Health and Human Services emphasized Tuesday that the agency is working to unify children with either a parent or a sponsor. But it did not provide a timeline for how long that would take.
"We are working across agencies for reunification of each child with [a] parent or family as soon as that is practical," Jonathan White, HHS' assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said in a media call.
HHS representatives said children in facilities run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement receive adequate care, including medical and mental health services, and at least two phone calls per week with family.
Yet children who are just arriving at care facilities are still not connected with their families, said Megan McKenna, a spokeswoman for Kids in Need of Defense. She said the children arrive at care facilities without a parent's tracking number, and parents don't tend to have their kids' numbers.
After kids arrive in care facilities, HHS officials work on finding a "sponsor" to care for the child, such as a parent, guardian, family member or family friend. Historically, unaccompanied minors — who tended to be teens — found a sponsor in about a month and a half.
However, Rachel Prandini, a staff attorney with the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, said finding a sponsor is more difficult now given recent fears that stepping forward to accept a child could trigger a sponsor's deportation.
In April, HHS entered into an agreement with law enforcement officials that requires sponsors and adult family members to submit fingerprints and be subject to a thorough immigration and criminal background check.
HHS officials said the process is meant to protect the child.
Immigration lawyers from around the country have been flying into Texas to help represent children and families, said George Tzamaras, a spokesman for the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
It's impossible to know how many children have begun deportation proceedings, Tzamaras said. "There have been reports of kids younger than 3 years old and others as old as 17."
Ashley Tabaddor, president of the National Association of Immigration Judges and a jurist in Los Angeles, said that unaccompanied minor cases are heard on a special docket there. She said the judges who take the cases were trained during the last administration on children's developmental stages, impulse control and making sure the proceedings are understandable to children.
She said in a statement that the court's work is vital: "This is not traffic court. A mistake on an asylum case can result in jail, torture or a death sentence," Tabaddor said. "We are a nation of laws. We value fairness, justice and transparency."
She said children seeking asylum tend to make their case in a non-adversarial office setting with a hearing officer.
But that isn't always the case, Prandini said. Lawyers might choose a strategy that requires more time in the courtroom.
"It's difficult for adults at times. They go to court and they get nervous before a judge," Milian said. "Now can you imagine a child having to go before a judge and just explain to them why they're having to flee their country?"
Toczylowski said her organization is trying to help reunify the families so the children can be tried alongside the parents.
"The kids don't understand the intricacies that are involved with deportation and immigration court," she said. "They do understand that they have been separated from their parents, and the primary goal is to get back with people they love."
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
Photo Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images, File Immigrant Toddlers Ordered to Appear in Court Alone: Attys published first on Miami News
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