#submitted polls
i would add a cut before the photos but i can't do that on mobile and i can't add a poll on desktop so
in the order theyre on the poll:
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pretty colours!
(IDs mine)
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Which Limocade stand & Bakesale kiddo would you most enjoy playing minecraft with?
- Lilly
- Mocha
- Shade
- Cookie
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lesbian-polls · 3 months
Hi silver!!!! Could you maybe do a poll where it's like. are you: butch4butch, butch4femme, butch4all, femme4femme, femme4butch, femme4all, les4les or lesbian who isn't a butch or femme who only dates other lesbians, lesbian who isn't a butch or femme who dates any other sapphics
sure thing! :)
*Nbf: Not butch or femme, basically if you're neither butch or femme
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lispolladay · 6 months
favorite lis game?
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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anonpolls · 2 months
Thanks for the question, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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tumbler-polls · 2 months
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teathattast · 1 year
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let-them-fight · 8 months
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pretty sure all of these would like to set everything in the vicinity on fire
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✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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windsroad · 1 year
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reblogforsamplesize · 5 months
This poll is strictly for autistic people only, and thus does not have a "see results" option. If you're allistic (not autistic) please refrain from voting.
Respectfully, this poll isn't for non-autistic people! It's actually for a slideshow presentation I'm working on for school, therefore please only participate if you are Autistic.
to be clear: this is NOT asking if there SHOULD be a cure for autism, as that is a different issue. this is simply asking, if it WAS possible through safe and ethical means, would you take the opportunity to cure YOURSELF. you're not making the decision for anyone else.
this poll was submitted by an anonymous user. if you have a poll you want to reach a larger audience, feel free to submit it to me, post it and @ me in the replies, or send me the link in an ask!
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
24K notes · View notes
Do you know this queer character?
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Cecil is Gay and uses he/him pronouns!
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