#stupid jokes is the main dish today I am sorry
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fareehaandspaniards · 1 year ago
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yhwhsdaughter · 4 years ago
HQ!! Manager being protective when people insult their player
(ft. oikawa, hinata, tanaka, yachi, osamu, kuroo)
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Warnings: threats, physical altercations, bullying, public humiliation
I usually don’t condone the usage of violence, but I woke up mad today lmao
the pretty setter was getting ready to serve, his fangirls screaming in support while the rest of the team took a break.
to the side were a couple of guys staring in jealousy, “heh, his weak ass gets a big ego just because—”
they continued their insults and while they didn’t reach oikawa, his team members certainly heard it all
teasing oikawa was different when it came from them because they genuinely cared about him,, but for someone else to continuously bully the setter without reason?? it was infuriating
before any of them could kick their asses, their manager approached them.
(name) was perhaps the most polite individual they’d met; always patient and kind despite their antics
“ah, i can see the misunderstanding that oikawa is a weakling. he’s got a broken knee and constantly pushes himself despite the excruciating pain.”
the aura surrounding them suddenly turned dark and cold as (name) clutched the shoulder of the main bully with an iron grip
“what about you? shall i break your knee so we can find out if you’re stronger than him?”
at that moment, their gentle mannered manager had the eyes of a beast, unyielding as the guy tried to escape their grip
when they left, the players approached (name) who still glared in that direction. “woah we didn’t know you could be so scary (name)”
now calmer, they replied, “you’re my team, i would kill anyone that tries harm you.”
it was such a matter-of-fact that the males couldn’t help but laugh “haha you’re funny too”
“am i laughing?”
that day they learned their precious manager would deadass commit murder for them
extra: when oikawa found you defended him, he ran with open arms, “(name)-channnnn marry me!” squeezing the life out of you
competition hadn’t even started and people were already shit talking karasuno
“flightless crows” blah blah blah
as their third manager, you would be in the benches with yachi, supporting the team
however, hinata had gone to the bathroom and he wasn’t back. daichi had sent you to get him since the game was about to start
you found the team’s sunshine nearly corned by a tall player “aah you’re so short and you’re a middle blocker?? i’ll be looking down on you little shrimp!”
he didn’t get to say more because your leg swiftly hit the back of his knees, falling to the ground harshly.
no one and i mean no one messes with hinata without you getting a few hits in, regardless height
“oh look. you’re below him now”
mans was lucky y’all were in a competition, otherwise he wouldn’t have left unscathed
with that, you steered your baby hinata away from that asshole, throwing him a dirty look in case he wanted to try anything
if he did, you would not hold back. literally on sight
fyi hinata was totally not blushing the entire way back. everytime you approach him now he gets all flustered
everyone else is like ???
the ladies man, tanaka had encountered a group of attractive girls at the arcade so he decided to shoot his shot
when they declined, tanaka was prepared to leave them alone, respectful of a woman’s boundaries, but they decided to verbally attack him
“who’d wanna go out with you?” “yeah you’re so ugly, stupid baldie”
wrong move
unfortunately for them, you were also at the arcade, having heard how the entire conversation went down
you knew tanaka would never use violence against a girl, even if they were rude, but you would.
equal rights equal fights bitch
those girls never saw it coming, you grabbing the leader’s hair roughly and yanking it back, “you’re right, longer hair is much better”
you went feral; simultaneously slapping the others away when they tried to pull you off, your tight grip never faltering.
only when tanaka placed a gentle hand on your arm that you released her
“insult him again and you’ll be the baldie next time”
in short, tanaka now sees you as his personal deity. boy will adore you
the third years were gone now
kiyoko had left the team in your and yachi’s hands, with you mainly taking charge as the now-third year manager
the team all sat together for lunch (yes, tsukki too), they were waiting for you since you’d been talking with a teacher
a girl in front of you side-eyed yachi, watching with envy as the blonde sweetheart spoke with the handsome volleyball players
plan brewing in that toxic mind of hers, the girl pretended to trip, spilling her lunch all over yachi. the team didn’t have time to react, watching in shock as food splatted on her lap
sis even had the audacity to say “oh sorry didn’t see you there” as if she didn’t just purposefully throw her food on someone else
worry not, because you returned the favor.
as soon as she gave her faux apology, your food was already making its way down her head to her shoes
there wasn’t a part of her left uncovered
“my bad, i thought you were the trash” you did not look sorry at all
half of the cafeteria watched this unfold—tsukki even making some snide remarks. you grabbed yachi’s hand, guiding her to the restroom to help her clean off
from that moment on, people got the message to never mess with the volleyball team lest they face the wrath of their manager
osamu was your best friend, the reason why you joined inarizaki as their manager
currently, you were in home ed, making the assigned dish but it wasn’t difficult so your movements were lax so much that you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation going on in front of your table
at the mention of osamu, your ears perked up
“he was SUCH a jerk. i kept asking hoping he would grow tired and say yes, but nooooo. apparently osamu thinks he’s better than me”
some of her friends looks uneasy at her inability to take ‘no’ for an answer but the girl continued on her rant
the teacher stepped out for a moment. “HAHAHAHHAHA” the class turned to look at you, laughing like a maniac while you chopped vegetables with scary precision and inhuman strength
“you sure got some nerve, harassing someone like that.. especially my best friend”
that was the moment the grew knew she’d fucked up. she couldn’t even answer back because the teacher was back.
you made a point to ask the teacher if you could be partners with that girl for the next lesson, making her gulp in fear as you ran a finger across your throat
to say the least, she stopped talking for the remainder of the class
chemistry?? you and kuroo?? friends?? together in class???
a fucking chaos
just kidding. the two of you were actually really good students. the best, if you had to brag
despite being the teacher’s favorite, you were lowkey about it while kuroo liked to insert as many chem jokes as he could in presentations
it was kinda embarrassing and you subtly teased him, but never with malicious intent
during a lab, you got partnered with a bully. you tried to ignore him and continue working, but it kept getting worse.
the breaking point was dragging in kuroo to all of this. you’d rejected his offers of going on a date and when kuroo made a motion to ask if you were ok, the dude took it as a sign to talk shit
“seriously? him? he’s a fucking nerd. his jokes are lame and has shitty hair—”
your eye twitched. “oi you better stop if you don’t want me to burn your face off”
clueless in class, he didn’t know how to handle the material so you were doing all the work. he didn’t believe you
bringing in the acidic substance near his face is when he finally backed away, at which point you had already called the teacher and told them that he was playing around with dangerous chemicals
although it was the other way around, who do you think the teacher believed, their star student or the school bully??
lmao, bitch could ask his detention buddies out on a date now
kuroo: ??
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sapphire374 · 3 years ago
Soy Sol: Chapter 16 (Invisible String)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.17
It’s the day of the competition. The gang gathers at the competition’s building. Jazmín holds her tablet in the air, recording every moment for her channel. Half of them are at the building while the other half are still at the hotel. “Luna, are you coming with us?” Yam asks. “I’ll catch up I just forgot my necklace,” Luna yelped. She rushed to her hotel room and grabbed the necklace off the nightstand. When she heads out, she slips and falls.
When Luna gets back up, she sees a bloody scratch on her knee. A woman from the guest relations desk comes running towards her, “oh you poor thing, you have hurt yourself,” she says. “Yeah, but it’s okay I’ll be fine,” Luna comments. “Oh, don’t be modest, you need help. Well my name is Alice Balsano,” the lady says. That’s when it hits Luna, it’s Matteo’s mom. No wonder her face looked so familiar for Luna. “Oh um nice to meet you, I’m Luna,” Luna sticks out her hand and Ms. Balsano shakes it.
“Oh, I can’t believe I’m meeting the infamous Luna. You look just as beautiful as how Matteo described you. Here I’ll quickly get the ice bucket and wrap your knee up in a bandage. You’ll be at the competition in no time.” Mrs. Balsano guides Luna to a nearby chair and elevates her leg. She was able to find a worker and tell them of the situation. They waited together for the concierge to come back with the ice and bandages.
“It’s a pleasure getting to know you, Luna. My son, he’ll probably hate me for saying this but he really loves you. He’s truly in love, I’ve never seen him like this ever before,” she confided. “I appreciate all the information, but Matteo and I are in a rough patch right now. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it,” Luna admits.
“I know, he told me but Luna, if you don’t mind me asking, I’m confused. If you forgave him and know he did all those mistakes, well I know my son can make stupid decisions sometimes but we’re all human, then why are you still upset at him?” Mrs. Balsano questions curiously.
“I’m not upset at him, it’s just that we always end up in some conflict or drama. Since we deal with so many issues together, I couldn’t help but think maybe we’re not compatible. Maybe we’re not meant to be together,” Luna confesses. “This isn’t me saying for you to get back with my son because that’s right, you should be the one to make that decision on your own, but I will give you some advice for life. In any relationship you’re in, you will always encounter conflicts and issues no matter what. Life is not perfect and this isn’t something you can avoid. For example, my husband and I just had a silly argument about the broken steering wheel in our car. It’s normal but I still love him and always will. That’s how true love is, going through different obstacles but life still bringing you back to that one person. It’s okay if you go through things as long as you go through it together with your partner. Going through hardships isn’t something you can avoid with anyone but at least you can go through them with the person you love.”
Luna stayed quiet for a moment. She couldn’t help but realize that Ms. Balsano had a point. That all relationships aren’t perfect but it’s worth it when you’re with the one you love most. “You’re right. It’s like an invisible string, I keep going back to him because we’re meant to be together.” The worker arrives with the bandage, ice, and wipe. They clean off the wound and wrap her knee. Luna grabs her backpack with skates and runs away. She returns right after to give her thanks. “Oh, I forgot to say thank you Mrs. Balsano, that was great advice. Also, thanks guys for the bandages and stuff,” Luna waves goodbye and runs to the competition building. “Good luck on the competition,” Mrs. Balsano yells out.
Luna arrives just in time to get dressed. “Luna where were you? Everyone was worried,” Nina stated. “Yeah, I got worried that maybe Tino and Cato kidnapped you too,” Simón joked.
“Don’t worry, I’m here and better than ever,” Luna exclaims. The gang is all dressed up in their attire. They all hold hands waiting for their name to be called next. Luna holds Matteo’s hand to his surprise, which leads to a beaming expression.
The announcer calls for the Jam and Roller. Simón, Nico, and Yam all walk on the stage and align themselves for the performance. The skating team enter the rink and get into positions. Juliana views from the corner and shows how proud she is of them. They truly worked really hard for this moment and prepared more than ever. The stakes are high knowing they all have to win for the Jam and Roller.
When the Roller Band begins to sing, Luna starts off with her routine. The plot is that the members are all statues in a museum and Luna is the one who wakes them all up. As she glides around every member, they all start skating doing the tricks. Nina sees them all from the audience and nostalgia rushes over her seeing how some of the tricks were ones they use to do back then. Luna and Matteo nod at each other before doing the Fire Serpent.
Gastón and Matteo lift Emilia and Ámbar up in the air as Luna’s turn comes up where she does a triple axle spin around them. The team’s choreography stuns the audience and everyone is in awe. Once the team finishes, they get a standing ovation.
They enter backstage again all chanting the words “Jam and Roller!” They all high five each other as Juliana enters. “You guys, whatever score you all get tonight just know I’m extremely proud of you all. You guys got together and worked hard like never before to save the Jam and Roller.” They all go in a group hug. Luna takes Matteo to the side and try to talk to him in private.
“Look Matteo, recently I’ve been confused on why we always end up running into some stupid drama or conflict. That’s why I needed my space but then a good friend gave me some incredible advice and that is this will always happen. Crazy obstacles that will try to break us apart but we have what the infamous Taylor would say, our invisible string always makes my path cross into yours. We’re meant to be,” Luna exclaims.
“You have no idea how fast my heart is beating right now. Whoever gave you that advice, I owe them my life. Luna, I love you and always will. Nothing is going to stop me from loving you. I was an idiot and didn’t listen to you but that doesn’t mean we’re incompatible. That just means it’s another conflict we shall have to resolve together. I will always say that you are La Luna but you shine like the sun. You bring forth light to my world and now I can’t live without it,” Matteo declares.
“Matteo I’m sorry too, in being a little harsh and avoiding you. I shouldn’t have run away from my problems and instead face them,” Luna apologizes. “Luna te amo, mi chica delivery,” Matteo proclaims. “Te amo, mi chico fresa.” Luna and Matteo press their lips against each other. She holds his neck while he holds her waist. Their kiss feels like it lasts forever.
“Should we interrupt them saying they’ve called the team up to hear the results,” Gastón asks Nina. “I think we should just let them be. They’ve gone through enough already,” Nina chuckles.
The Jam and Roller enter the rink all holding hands waiting for the scores to be called out. The presenter announces that…….
The Jam and Roller is the WINNER! The whole gang don’t stop screaming their cheers of joy and jump up and down. “Okay I think now is when we should interrupt them,” Gastón exclaims to Nina. He heads to Luna and Matteo and tell them the great news. Luna is blushed and feels embarrassed knowing Gastón had let them in their long kiss instead of telling them to go to the rink.
They all celebrate winning the prize money and having the Jam and Roller saved. A mysterious man approaches Luna though and hands her a card. “I saw what you did out there. It was impressive. How would you feel if I offered you a spot in our Olympic team?” Luna is shocked with the news the strange man has presented to her. Matteo nods to Luna. “It’s your dream Luna, you love skating,” Matteo stated. “I’ll consider it.” Luna responds and takes the card the man handed to her. The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that she can compete sometimes while at other times accompany Matteo to his concerts. They would just have to manage their schedules for each other but it’s doable.
Jim and Ramiro all hug Yam. “At least we got to share our last times seeing each other on a happy note,” Jim suggested. “Don’t forget to facetime us at least twice a day and tell us how it’s all going okay,” Ramiro said. Yam nodded while wiping the tears falling on her face, she has to leave to Los Angeles right when they arrive back to Buenos Aires. “Don’t worry guys, nothing will separate us we’ll always stay united forever.”
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Later that evening
“Close your eyes,” Matteo says. “But I do have them closed,” Luna whines. “No, I still see you peaking,” Matteo chuckles. He guides Luna, who has a bandana wrapped around her eyes, to a beach. When he takes the blindfold off, there’s a table with food nicely placed on top. He even included some strawberries and medialunas on the side. Her favorite dish is laid nicely as the main course and the table is beside the sea. The area is surrounded with canopies and fairy lights. It all looks like a dream.
“Wow Matteo, this all looks so beautiful,” Luna in awe with the whole place. Matteo faces her and says his speech.
“Luna, from the moment I met you and we bumped in Cancun, my life hasn’t been the same ever since. You have come into my life like a hurricane, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You changed everything and made me the man I am today. I have been so lucky to be in your presence and got to see that beautiful smile every day. You are the sun roller skating around all of Buenos Aires, your unmistakable presence has everyone blown away, including me. (Matteo gradually gets on one knee) I knew for the longest that I want to spend every second of every minute of every day of my life with you. That has never changed, but I want it for sure. I want you to know that I will always be here for you. So, Luna Valente, would you be the sun, or should I say the moon to my night sky?” Luna gasps seeing Matteo propose. She covers her mouth in shock and doesn’t stop crying. She nods. “Yes! Yes! Yes,” she screams out. He carries her in bridal style while spinning her around and round.
Gastón and Nina come out from behind the bushes. Gastón is holding a camcorder and filmed everything. When Matteo lets go of Luna, she is surprised to see them two there. “Oh wow Gastón, I didn’t know you turned into Jazmín,” Luna joked. “No, I did him the favor of videotaping everything since he wanted this memory saved. I, of course, said yes since now I have actual evidence of him crying. He always bragged about how he ‘never cries,’” Gastón jokes. “Oh and Mr. Balsano how did you know I was going to say yes?” Luna questions.
“It’s too late to back out now Mrs. Balsano, plus I knew you couldn’t resist the charm,” Matteo chuckled. Gastón starts zooming in on Matteo. “Oh please bud, you’re over here crying a river of tears more than Luna. Yeah, some irresistible charm I see,” Gastón laughs.
They all group together for a hug as a family. The rest of the Jam and Roller gang interrupt their celebration and join them in the fun. “Also Matteo, how did you get my dad’s permission to propose?” Luna asks.
“Let’s just say your mom had to do a lot of convincing for me,” Matteo responds.
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morningfears · 5 years ago
Just Right
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Rating: PG | Fluffy af!
Summary: “I found a ring today.” and “I’m not moving, your lap is too comfortable.” With tattoo artist!Ash request by Anon.
Word Count: 1.6k (kind of a drabble?)
The tattoo shop was finally closed, the door locked and the main room quiet, after a long day of clients. The shop’s staff had long disappeared, all eager to leave work behind for the night, leaving Ashton sat in his office alone. The hum of the overhead lights and the scratch of his pencil against paper filled the silence that had fallen over the shop and for the first time since unlocking the door at ten that morning, he felt like he could focus on the design he’d been working on.
It was a simple concept and should have been an even simpler design but he’d been stuck for days, unable to get it to turn out the way he’d imagined. It was as if his hands had a mind of their own and he’d grown frustrated. The trashcan beside his desk was filled with crumpled pieces of paper, each a discarded attempt at the design, and the cup full of pencils he kept on the corner of the desk was rapidly emptying but no matter how hard he worked, nothing seemed right.
It had to be perfect, he would accept no less for this particular piece, and he just couldn’t get there.
Ashton had planned on giving himself enough time to work for an hour after closing before leaving to meet you for dinner. It was written in bright green ink on his desk calendar and programmed into his phone, just so the shop assistant wouldn’t accidentally schedule a client for him, and he’d been looking forward to it all day. You’d both been exceptionally busy, new clients and projects piling up, so it was a relief that you’d finally be getting some time to yourselves. However, as the hour dwindled he lost himself in his work and seemed to be making greater progress than he had since starting nearly a week ago.
His eyes ached and his head pounded, the strain of the day settling in, but he didn’t dare slow down as he didn’t want to interrupt his progress. Instead, he focused on finally finishing. He was so wrapped up in his work that he didn’t hear the sound of his cellphone vibrating against his desk, nor did he hear the sound of the back door opening or your shoes hitting the tile floor.
You stood in the doorway of his office for a long moment, arms folded over your chest and a fond smile on your lips, to watch him work. His eyebrows furrowed and his tongue darted out to wet his lips as he shaded in the drawing. His hands were covered in graphite, stained from the work he’d done, and you smiled at the sight. Seeing him at work, watching as he drew or tattooed, was one of your favorite sights and you always considered yourself lucky to be able to witness it so regularly.
You remained unnoticed for far longer than you thought you would but the scent of Thai food finally overwhelmed Ashton enough that he lifted his head and blinked in surprise to see you standing in the doorway. He looked confused, but happy to see you, until realization hit him.
“Fuck, I missed dinner, didn’t I?” He frowned, dropping his pencil and reaching to rub his eyes before he caught sight of the mess on his hands and grimaced.
“Technically, no. I’ve got dinner right here.” You held up a plastic bag filled with your usual orders before you stepped into his office and crossed the room to place it onto his desk.
“I’m sorry, doll. I’ve been stuck on this drawing for so long and I finally got it to start looking the way I wanted.” He reached out for you and, despite the stains on his hands, you took his hand and let him pull you to stand between his legs. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you laughed, giggling as his hands found your hips. “Don’t worry about it. The restaurant was crowded, anyway. People were waiting for tables so I figured it’d be nicer to eat here where we don’t have to rush. Can I see what you’re working on?”
Ashton reached around you, quickly piling a few pieces of paper on top of the sheet he’d been drawing on, before he grinned at you. “Nope. Not yet. Don’t want you to see this one until it’s finished.” He did that, every now and then, and though you hated not being able to see the progress he made, you respected his desire to keep his work private until he was ready. So, with a pout, you nodded and reached behind you to grab the bag of food.
“Oh, alright. Well, if I can’t see your work, you can at least take a few minutes to have dinner with me.” 
Ashton laughed as he released you from his grasp and watched as you wandered around his office, grabbing the utensils you’d left stashed in a cabinet for nights like this. You often ended up here, having dinner with him at his desk after work, and though you appreciated the nights that saw you both dressed up and hitting the town, you treasured any moment you got him to yourself.
As you moved about the office, gathering utensils and two drinks from the mini fridge in the corner, Ashton watched you with a fond smile of his own. You were so good to him, even when he did something stupid like forget the dinner date you’d been planning all week, and he loved you more than he ever thought himself capable of.
Without thinking about it, he announced, “I found a ring today.”
It was no secret that Ashton was going to propose. You’d talked about marriage at length, confirmed that marriage was in the cards for you both, and knew that you were both ready. He’d been searching for a ring, one that was exactly what you wanted, and it seemed that he’d finally found one.
“I thought you spent the day at the shop,” you hummed as you returned to the desk and allowed Ashton to pull you down onto his lap.
“I left to get lunch for everyone. Found a shop I hadn’t tried before.” He took the box of noodles from you and pressed a kiss to your temple as a ‘thank you’ when he opened it to find his favorite dish inside.
“So, I should stay away from your sock drawer, then?”
“I’ll show it to you, if you want. That way I can make sure you like it before I propose,” he joked before he took a bite of noodles. 
“Mm, I think I’d prefer to be surprised. I’m sure it’s going to be perfect, you picked it out.”
“Hey, I’m the cheesy one.” He laughed, nudging your side with his elbow, before he nodded. “Thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. The boys approve.”
“I’m glad. You figure out who’s going to be the best man yet or are you just going to toss their names into a hat and leave it to chance?” You grinned at him, your question ending in a laugh as his own face fell and he released a groan.
“Can I just have three best men?”
“Your three best men are, like, most of our wedding guests, babe. Gotta make some decisions.” You reached out to pat his shoulder and he laughed as he nodded in agreement.
The pair of you had already started planning your wedding, including the guest list, and had settled on a small affair with close friends and family. You knew that he would end up choosing one of the boys sooner or later and you were in no hurry, you weren’t even officially engaged yet, so you let him remain undecided for the time being.
You moved on to a different topic, opting to catch up on what you’d missed in one another’s lives, as you finished eating. You sat comfortably on his lap, content to remain there until it was time to head home, and Ashton noticed as you both placed your empty containers onto the desk.
“I wanted to finish this up before we head home. Do you want to go ahead or wait here?”
“I’m not moving,” you mumbled, turning to place your head in the crook of his neck, “your lap is too comfortable. Can you draw with me here?”
It was, by no means, a comfortable position to draw in but it was possible. And you hadn’t had much time to just be together in recent days so Ashton nodded. “Sure, doll. Just promise you won’t look?”
He rarely made you promise not to look at his work so you nodded, content to keep your head buried against his neck where you could smell the cologne on his skin. “Promise. I’m just gonna close my eyes. If I fall asleep, just wake me up whenever you’re ready to go.”
He knew that you would be asleep in minutes, you hadn’t slept much lately, but that was alright. It’d keep you from looking and ruining the surprise. He was waiting for the right moment to propose, that much you knew, but what you didn’t know was that he was that he was working on a print for you. You were opposed to the idea of a tattoo for a significant other, you firmly believed it was bad luck, but you loved his art so he wanted to give you something special. It wouldn’t be inked onto your skin but it would be permanent enough, framed and hopefully displayed in your future home, and that was enough.
Everything finally felt just right and Ashton was proud to finally know what love really was.
Author’s Note: I love the idea that there’s complete communication about something as big as a proposal. Like, a surprise is nice, but knowing that it’s coming and being open about it is important, I think. I don’t know. Anyway, I’m. still working on drabbles, promise. I haven’t written Ash in so long, I missed my boy.
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lovelysugawara · 4 years ago
Love me Again
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Kuroo X Reader Fanfiction//
**y/a = Kuroo Hinari  (sorry I don’t use Y/N, i just made up names) **grammatical errors ahead, sorry guys** plot: you and Kuroo are married, but your husband turns cold over you, because of an incident a year ago. Will he once again love you back???
Part 5
*Yaku’s POV*
Okay, what just happened? I’m already getting pissed so early. Am I always like this when it comes to Kuroo. I know we always argue about some random things when we are still in high school, but now, I kinda want to beat his ass.
Kai nudged me on my side when he noticed I’m glaring at Kuroo. 
“What are you doing? Still mad at him? He might be joking over his wife.” He tried to whisper to me discreetly. 
“Joking? Will you ever joke your wife like that? And look at them. They are sitting far away from each other. And that ass is talking to some friends like he’s alone. Leaving his wife on the other side.” 
We are looking at Hina, she’s quietly sitting and sipping her drinks at the far side of the table. Shitty Ku- I mean Kuroo, is at the other side, talking to some alumni.
“What do you think is happening?” Kai can’t help but be worried too.
“I don’t know man. I’m more worried about Hina-chan.”
We all know what happened to them a year ago. I feel sorry for the both of them. I just hope it’s not the reason why he’s like that to her. 
I clearly remember how Hina confessed to him after graduation, and he feels the same and the two of them become mutual and date each other. 
What happened indeed?
I’m about to stand up and go to her, but Kenma is already sitting beside her. I saw them smile with each other. I’m just glad Kenma is already there to accompany her.
“Should we ask Kuroo about it? I’m kind of alarmed.” Kai is still worried while looking at his glass.
“Well, I guess let see how stupid he can get through the whole night.”
I can’t help but be mad at the reason I still don’t know. 
The party is in pull swing. I didn’t even mind how rowdy they are now. 
What I didn’t expect is for Kuroo to be this close to Alisa. They are talking as if they are best of friends and you can think of them as lovers.
“So, should we do something about it? It’s really weird.” Kai can’t help but want to get into the problem.
I am still contemplating, what if we are wrong, what if Hina-chan is fine?
I then stand up, and walk towards Hina.
Hina automatically looked up at me when I approached her.
“Yaku-san!! Thank you again for inviting us here to your house. And thank you for still ordering at my shop.” she brightly smiles at me.
Stop that Hinari, I know something is happening. I can see it through your eyes.
I can’t help but worry about her. I sat down besides her.
I sighed. Even Kenma who is busy on his phone looked at me after hearing my sigh.
“Hina,are you two okay?” And there I dropped the bomb.
She was stunned. I felt her stiffened. 
“W-what do you mean? O-of course, we are okay. There’s no problem.”
She then smiles at me once more.
Even Kenma is looking at her.
I don’t blame her for hiding the truth. She doesn’t want to ruin her cocky bastard husband’s name.
“You sure? But are you okay with him being like that?”
We all looked at where Kuroo is, he was still talking to Alisa like they are the only people here.
Hina looked away, “H-he probably wants to catch up with her. Y-you know, she’s been away since she’s a model, right?” 
She’s bothered by it. I can see it clearly on her movement. 
She’s clutching her chest and her other hand is on her dress latching on to it.
She doesn’t want anyone to know that she’s hurt. I understand. 
From long ago, I know she can endure pain, but I hope not like this. 
I stand up.
“Since you say that, i guess i won’t worry about you. Kenma.”
I looked at him, “Make sure to take care of her tonight. That guy over there might be useless later on.” 
Kenma, like how smart he is, understands what I’m saying and nods. 
*Kenma’s POV*
I’m getting mad. Really mad that I want to curse Kuro at the moment.
And how do I even ask Lev to take her sister far away from Kuro, when he doesn’t understand my gestures to him.
Hina are getting a lot of weird stares, because of how her husband acts tonight.
I can’t just ask her to interrupt the two, can I?
So I stood up and walked towards Kuro and Alisa, I didn't look back when Hina called me. 
Both Kuro and Alisa are closely talking with each other, I don’t even want to confront them, but I have to do this.
The two of them looked at me in an instant, “K-kenma!” 
“What are you doing?” I directly asked him.
Kuro looked at me, like asking me what I’m talking about, come on dude don’t pretend to be stupid in front of me.
Alisa on the other hand wondering what I’m saying.
“Kozume-san, long time no see.”
“Hmn.” I can just nod at her.
Then I looked back at Kuro. 
“What do you mean?” I wanted to punch him.
“Kuro, your wife is sitting there alone. Do you mind? And Alisa-san, Lev is looking for you.” I can only think of that excuse so that Alisa won’t feel awkward about this.
“Oh, Lev does? Okay then, and I’ll greet Hina-chan later. See yah Kuroo-san.” she walks away to where Lev is.
Then I look at Kuro who is still sitting in the chair.
“What are you waiting for? Hina is waiting.” I didn’t wait for his answer and walked back to Hina.
Hina on the other hand, after seeing both of us walking towards her, once again becomes nervous and alert. She can’t even look at him.
“I picked him up, mind to at least hold his hand so he won’t go away?” I said that after I settled myself on the chair once again.
Kuro sits down beside her too. “You’re overreacting, Kenma.”
“H-how is A-alisa-chan?” She awkwardly asked Kuro.
“Still the same, so- and so.” He talks as if he didn’t have any interest in telling her anything.
“I’m glad she comes here despite being busy.” Hina smiled.
Kuro didn’t answer back and just looked at the people around.
Hina holds her hand, I know she felt awkward. She hates the silence her husband is giving her. 
How come you talk nonsense with Alisa and not talk to your wife?
The dinner is ready, and we are settled at the long dining table. The tables consist mainly of the Volleyball club members. And it is still as noisy as ever. I’m sitting next to Hina. 
Yaku’s wife started to serve us dinner with their lavish foods and desserts. I don’t know why they cooked a lot when I couldn't even finish a serving. Of course lots of us can’t eat a lot right?
“You should eat a lot today, Kenma.” Kuro despite sitting on the left side of Hina still like a repetitive mother about my eating habits.
“Shut up Kuroo and just eat your damn food.” I just get a small portion of whatever is in front of me. Hina also started to eat and she looks like she’s enjoying it. 
“Aren’t you gonna eat lots, you love the rest of the food on the table?” I noticed how small her servings are. She likes to eat way back if I’m correct. But is she holding herself?
“Oh, well I’m on a diet, Kenma.” she awkwardly smiles at me.
“Kenma, just let her do it. Or soon all her clothes won’t fit on her anymore.” Kuroo smirks.
Hina stops her fork mid-air and stops eating the fish.
“What are you talking about, she’s slim as ever. Is she even eating properly?” I angrily asked him. Because she never becomes fat or whatever.  
“I-I’m actually gaining weight these past few weeks, that’s why. Also, I’m not that hungry, Kenma.” Hina then pushes her plate away from her.
But you haven’t eaten the half of that small portion you get. She just smiles at me. 
Kuroo on the other hand didn’t say anything but still looked far away as he ate. 
As we continue the dinner.
“Wow. Yaku-san, the food tastes really good. I can’t say anything, but it’s perfect!” Kai can’t help but compliment the food.
“Ha ha, thank you. Well my wife prepares it all. Isn’t she amazing?” his wife who sits beside him smiles. 
“Yeah, the meat is so tender and it’s like it’s from a high quality restaurant.” Kuroo said and I’m shocked because he rarely compliments food.
“Oh that meat you’re saying is Alisa’s cooking!” Yaku informed us.
“Right, onee-san cooked some for tonight’s party.” Lev said while he still continue to eat.
Kuroo suddenly brightens up his facial expression. 
“Wow! That’s why! Alisa-chan is also a good cook huh?” Kuroo complimented her.
“Stop it Kuroo-san.” Alisa is all blushing because the whole team praises her cooking.
I almost joined them but I remember I didn't taste it because I’m so focused on the dessert rather than the main dishes. 
And also, Hina. Her expression is so unhappy. 
She keeps on glancing at Kuroo who is still all praising Alisa.
I saw her fidgeting, and couldn't relax.
I lean closer to her and whisper. 
“Your cooking is still the best for me.” She instantly looks at me and laughs a little.
“I’m just glad you didn’t have an upset stomach.” she whispered back.
And we both laugh.
Her attention immediately returned to Kuroo when he suddenly said something.
“I guess my wife needs to learn a thing or two to Alisa. She’s very bad at her cooking. I almost ate burnt food when she cooked and I can’t help but order a take out. She’s very terrible at it.” 
Kuroo didn’t stop what he’s saying. 
Everyone on the table fell silent and instantly looked at Hina, who is currently shaking, and fighting how embarrassed she is.
Everyone is expecting her to react to her husband's comment.
I saw how her smile fades away after Kuroo made that remark. 
How can you shane your wife like that? 
Everyone felt the awkwardness. And I’m about to tell Kuroo how rude he is, until Hina laughs a little. 
“Come on, love! I’m trying my best to cook for you! Just give me time okay?” she patted Kuroo’s shoulder. She’s all smiling and assuring everyone that she’s not offended.
“Whatever.” Kuroo coldly shrugged his shoulders as he continued to drink his glass.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to go to the washroom.” Hina left the dining hall smiling. As if her teary eyes will escape my attentive eyes. 
Hina is no longer at the dining hall, when Yaku says something.
“That’s very rude of you, Kuro. I didn’t expect you to tell that.” Yaku points at Kuroo using his fork. 
“What? What did I say?” Kuroo acts all innocent.
Yaku is clearly pissed now, “You should mind your language about your wife. You embarrassed her, man!”
“What? I’m only telling the truth. What’s wrong about that?” Kuroo’s reason wants me to just shut him up.
“I don’t know what the problem is, but I hope it won’t come back to you, jerk!” Yaku is not acting all cool now.
“What did you say?” Kuroo’s face is kind of angry now. 
I didn’t expect Yaku-san to speak what’s on my mind. So i guess it’s not only me who noticed his attitude towards his wife.
“Guys please, let’s not fight here, okay? Let’s all calm down.” Kai managed to calm them down. 
I sighed. I can’t stand being here. 
I looked at the door where Hina goes, and she still hasn't returned yet. 
I guess I have to follow her. In case she’s crying.
I didn’t bother excusing myself, I just stood up and went out of the dining hall. 
*Hina’s POV*
I almost can’t breathe, I can’t let my sobs echo here in the bathrooms because some of our classmates are here fixing themselves.
I cried myself out. Embarrassed by what Tetsu said.
I know, I know I’m not a good cook. I know that from the start, and Tetsu even said before that it’s okay that I’m not that good at cooking, because he didn’t marry someone to make her his own cook.
Yet now, he even called me a terrible cook.
I don’t understand him anymore. Why is he so cold to me? Did I do something wrong? Did I anger him?
Now I don’t know if I can still come back to the dining area. I know my face is a mess now and I don’t want them to see me breaking down. 
Tetsu is still their captain, his reputation is still the priority. 
But what about mine? I sob silently. 
I love you Tetsu, but until when do I need to suffer for you to heal that wound?
I’m so sorry our baby died. 
I’m so sorry for being not enough.
I’m so sorry for not being perfect.
Please don’t leave me for someone else.
The only image that runs through my mind right now is Kuroo running away with Alisa.
**A/N updates every FRIDAY..**
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nonatowers · 4 years ago
ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for
a shy “hi” and welcome to my first blog post on this side blog!  my name is rosie, its a pleasure to meet you all and i will be honest, i dreaded my first post into this community for quite some time, but I just saw this answer-reply by psycho-sybil that made me pull out my literary resources and decide, it’s time to throw in my dime (please ignore this stupid joke). i’m sorry by the way, this is terribly random but i never really managed a blog before so…trial-by-error? (please be kind, i have a glass heart under my analysts hat)
anyways, my first idea was to unravel the character that is Arata Shindo (since many people seem to kind of misunderstand this fella), but that post is, uh, gonna be very very very long and i’m kinda trying to figure out if i should put it elsewhere? Or how to post it? if you guys got any ideas, let me know. 
for today’s dish, i will humbly offer a very watered down and shortened take on psycho pass’ possible ending(s) from a more literary theory-point of view, and hopefully inspire some fella writer out here. for this, i could go on a rant of literary theory and criticism but our medium does not fully fit in there as well as too little people would know what I’m going on about, and likely have life’s to care about unlike me. but if you guys wanna know what books i read to get a grasp of the theories and criticism for like, your own free time, i can link you the uni books i got. with so much blubber done beforehand, lets get to this under the cut, since this will contain some spoilers from season 3. 
the full circle idea is a very classic and satisfying theory in both film and literature. i suppose it circles back to the human brain’s need for completion, and to bring something full circle is the easiest and most ideal way to mentally rest a case and finish things. its can be possible for psycho pass to finish that way. however, i believe there are some different aspects that don’t get emphasised as much as they should when trying to imagine the future of the world in psycho pass. for once, its a so-so chance for a piece of work from the genre of cyberpunk to end on a simple type of full circle. if we take the “father of cyberpunk”, william gibson’s neuromancer trilogy, as an example we will see something that is quite similar and that came up within season 3: the introduction of AI’s, and specifically, sybil’s interest in them. i don’t know if it was just me who was confused at the end of the season why the AI aspect was suddenly so important, literally obliterating interest in an entire character that seemed kind of important to some extent at least (r.i.p. karina komiya at this point) but looking in retrospect and after rewatching it, there is a whole lot of sense to it. the story of psycho pass more or less started with us meeting the world and its limitations, heavily focusing on the bad sides as we follow akane’s point of view for most of the story to the point where figures like mika shimotsuki feel outright wrong to us (disclaimer: i am personally not a big fan of her, but i have to say that 70% of the slander on her are missing some pretty important points regarding her, but that’s for another day). akane stated that one day, sybil will not be needed anymore, which is - let’s say it as it is - a very romantic and ideal way of thinking. but we’re all very morally correct idealists, this idea just speaks most to us. however, over the course of the three seasons (i shall exclude the movies for this) i think it became pretty clear that society with the established politics and functions cannot really return i.e. function without a system like sybil anymore. think of this as an evolutionary type of thing: people are so used to buy food that practically nobody will just willingly agree to stop all that and go hunting like in the “good” ol’ days. mental evolution has finally let us come to understand that for example, gender is nothing but a social construct and we all are just humans. we could not imagine going back to times like 1600s, where race and gender were categorised by some b*llshit f*cking idea like “god-given privilege” (pardon my language at this point). hence it lays rather logically close for people to just give up the comforts of a society which we see in psycho pass is very unlikely. the comforts of that world goes as far as pulling in immigrants from all over there world, which does underline this statement- even if we strictly assume that the entire world is in chaos and war, that just makes japan with its sybil system as something desirable. naturally, we could flip this coin in different ways for various argumentations, but it will all boil down to people should reject living like that but they likely won’t. and I think i do not point out something outrageous or illogical when i say that humans are willing to silently accept a lot of things, even when they really shouldn’t. and that is not just some theory, in episode 4 ma-karina’s existence is shown on broadcast, and yet still karina komiya ends up voted as the new governor. the society knows that she herself has an holographic AI doing work for her, yet they still accepted her, and subsequently, sybil accepted ma-karina as a “citizen” with voting right and hence, right to be nominated (which, if you remember, was this thing that unraveled at the end of first inspector). now, sybil’s motives in accepting an AI likely could be different, namely because it could bring the acceptance of society about the system’s true facade closer, but that is a mini-theory for another day if i’m honest. taking these points in consideration, the first likely option that might occur in psycho pass’ future could be similar to real world situations: more people will start to reject the idea (of AI ruling, especially if the truth about the system ever gets publicised) which then results in bringing forth change and evolution through humans, a very classic scenario. hence it would not finish with our main cast, (which mainly serve as our story teller’s) as triumphant in this battle of man vs machine, but rather with their testimonies of society, and how the begin of change can look like. 
here i shall will finish my already long post here, but i will hint that i personally do a have another theory about how this series could go towards the end. but i will save that up for when the community actually wants to hear it. 
thanks for reading, i hope it wasn’t too messy? i'd appreciate some feedback c:
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tenglows · 5 years ago
Hiii! Could I get crown prince!Yangyang with 29&36? Royalty AU and it's between him and his new maid but she is actually a little bit older than him and has worked in different parts of the palace (kitchen, horse stables, decoration, library...) and in different positions so when she gets assigned to him she knows how to run the place and she starts teaching him life skills for when he claims the throne. He admires her and falls in love, but she's reasonable until she can't resist him anymore...
[ 29: you know i can’t be found with you ] + [ 36: it's just a kiss ] i am completely in love with this, thank you so much for requesting such an incredible and detailed scenario!!! i was also waiting for someone to use prompt 29, so this was just perfect. i hope you love it as much as i did!!! i also made an aesthetic because i felt like it
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the prompts
yangyang sighed as the tailor left in search for more pins. there were still some months until the coronation, but all the preparations had the castle working like a factory.
he stared at himself in the mirror. that mantle made him look like his father, and that scared him. he didn't think he was ready to be king, but there was no turning back now. it never was in the first place.
“prince” a voice distracted him from his thoughts and he turned back to see you, bowing.
since you had been working in the palace for quite some time and knew your way around it, the queen didn't trust anyone more than you, and assigned you to be her son's advisor and maid. you were only two years older than him, so she figured you would be the best option for him to feel comfortable and accompanied.
“tailor shawn excelled himself with this one, hasn't him?”
the long fabric accentuated yangyang’s shoulders, but it was sort of loose. that's why it needed fitting.
“it's good shawn is working hard on perfecting the robe” you spoke, sensing how tired the boy was of being upright on that stand. “shall the clothes be to big on the prince, he's thought not to be qualified for the throne”
“that's stupid” he joked, as he usually did, but you sensed something different. he was playing with his hands and didn't lift his gaze from the floor.
“you're nervous” you stated and he looked at you just for a second, the tailor coming in again. “we'll talk about it later” you saluted him and the man and walked out of the dressing room.
night fell and yangyang had just gotten to his bed chamber. he was exhausted. the fitting process took some more hours and it still wasn't fully finished. then, he had to join his father on some of his tasks. so he could pick up some of his skills and knowledge.
there was a tap on his door, and he yelled an approval for them to come in with the minimum of voice he had left.
“not a good time?”
he didn't answer, but the way he gestured you to close the door told you he didn't want to be alone.
“do you want to talk about today?”
he laid back on the silk sheets and took a deep breath.
“it's too much work”
he didn't say more, but he didn't need to. you imagined what was going through his mind. he was too young to be responsible for all of this. on top of that, he didn't really like to talk about his feelings, so he also dealt with every burden on his own.
“you are going to be an admirable king, yangyang. the town already thinks highly of you”
“what if i let them down?” he looked at you with scared eyes. you sat next to him and in that damp night and big walls, you believed it was the first time yangyang had shared his torments out loud.
“you have your entire lifetime to slip up and learn” he stayed silent, staring up at the ceiling. “and” he looked back at you. “a prince, soon-to-be-king, can also open up about his feelings. goodnight, yangyang”
with that, you closed the door behind you, leaving yangyang in the lonesomeness of his big room.
as he struggled to fall asleep, he thought back to your words. you were right about the part of expressing his emotions. he had no reason to shut down. the thing was, he had never had someone to let loose with before. he would hang out with some of the maid's children when he was a kid, but apart from that, he didn't have any friends. being educated to be king was always what directed his life. and everytime he would get too overwhelmed and ask their parents for help they would brush it off, or tell him they didn't have time right now. or, at any time for that matter. nonetheless, he was raised by one of the best kings the country had ever had. he would come up with something about his fear of his newly obligations.
but after more tossing and turning in bed, he realized you had raised him more than his family ever did. sure, his father was good at teaching him fencing, but you were good at teaching him more human skills. you would explain how to approach people from different status, but never failing to be polite. you told him how to dress appropriately, and what colors were the best combinations. you taught him to make himself some easy dishes if ever needed.
for some reason, the thought of you accelerated the thumping of his heart. the image of your face rested above his eyelids. he pictured the eyes he had grown accustomed to. as his body was getting heavier, he thought of kissing you, a shiver running through his half asleep back as he did. he had never thought of you that way.
the next morning, yangyang’s body froze when he encountered you at the kitchen.
“good morning, did you rest well?” you asked, the same sweet smile as always. you had absolutely no idea about what was going through the boy’s mind: him finding it amusing, how he had lost so many sleep hours wondering off about you and your world just, continued. without a single clue.
“good” he sat on the chair as you placed an abundant plate in front of him.
“i’m glad. here, eat up that i believe you have quite the schedule today”
you have always prepared him breakfast, why did it feel different now? why was his heart excited? was it always like that and he had only recently noticed it?
you turned around to arrange some other things in the kitchen, and yangyang cleared his throat.
“erm, y/n? would you like to sit and have breakfast with me?”
“okay” you smiled and placed the dishcloth on the dishwasher, taking the seat facing his.
“how did you sleep?” you arched an eyebrow at his distinctive behaviour, his face tinting red. he had never shown such clear interest in you.
“i stayed up late catching up on my reading”
yangyang knew how much you liked to read, and how you always seemed to appear with a new book in the span of short days.
“what is this one about?”
“oh it’s romance, obviously” you rolled your eyes and laughed shyly. “you know i’ve always been kind of a romantic”
as he ate, you told him more about the story. he watched in delight how you got so excited explaining the relationship between the characters. you talked some more, until you looked at the time and sent him off to his daily duties.
“hey, do you know how to ride a horse?”
“no, why?”
“i think it’s time that i teach you something”
after a while, you both came back from the shelter bursting out laughing.
“that was fun” you commented, leaving your jacket on the chair.
“i know, the horses loved you”
“i do feed them”
your chuckles died down as you contemplated each other’s eyes. he hadn’t noticed how close you were standing, and suddenly, the thoughts from the previous night came rushing back. the idea of kissing you seemed stronger now, nearer. he leaned in for the sake of it, but was interrupted by his mom’s voice.
“son, y/n” your breath caught in your throat as you immediately bowed down. “you were supposed to find your father by the garden half an hour ago”
“my apologies, mother. y/n was lending me a hand with the horses and i lost track of time”
“well, that’s her job, isn’t it?” the words were harsh but the tone wasn’t. the queen was always respectful and generous to everyone, especially you, but you still caught the idea that she was subtly scolding you.
you nodded and took another bow, the woman leaving and yangyang shooting a quick glance at you before following her.
when yangyang was finally dismissed, he didn’t waste any second before darting towards your bedroom. behind the door, he took a deep breath and knocked.
you were already on your nightwear when he set foot in your room. he had never been there before, taking a moment to inspect the place. it was undoubtedly much smaller than his, a single bed instead of a king sized one, but he still liked it. and it was, without a doubt, yours. with full bookshelves.
“i’m sorry about my mom” you shook your head.
“i had a great time with you today”
he didn’t know where this courage was coming from, but he guessed becoming a king was making him braver in more ways than one. he took a step forward and placed a hand on your cheek, asking for permission. when you let out a breath and leaned into his palm, he allowed himself to stroke your other cheek too.
“i did too. maybe i can be like prince charming from your book” he leaned in again. your noses were almost brushing, when you stood up straight again and kept your composure.
“yangyang, you know nothing can happen between us” you spoke softly, but the tenderness didn’t stop the words from hurting any less.
“a kiss won’t harm anyone. didn’t the main character kiss his forbidden love?”
“but that’s fiction, this is real life”
“and it’s just a kiss” he whispered over your mouth, your eyes looking down to his lips. both of your hearts were beating so loudly it resembled the tone of a thunderstom.
your breaths had blended in a way you didn’t know which one was yours anymore. and he was so close, so close to everything changing that you had to pull away.
“you should leave. good night, yangyang” you practically shoved him out of the door.
you didn’t make him breakfast the next day. or the one after that. another maid did, and yangyang felt his world crumbling. he didn’t even get to see you lately, and he didn’t know how much he relied on your daily smiles until he didn’t have them anymore.
it was at the gatehouse where he found you one thursday. you were cleaning a carriage, and you clearly hadn’t seen him, you would have ran away if you did. he approached you cautiously, and just as he suspected, when you did see him you dropped everything and stood on your feet.
“y/n, stop avoiding me” he yelled, making you stop. he ran to you and struggled to find your gaze. you refused to look at him. “it’s driving me crazy”
“your parents would kill me. you know i can’t be found with you”
“you won’t” he assured, pressing your foreheads together and cupping your face in his hands. he felt as if he had gone back to that night in your bedroom, and he was getting a second chance. “just please, stop running from me” he begged in a barely audible voice.
and in that moment, you decided to do as the protagonist in your book always did. you decided to let go. and with his lips on top of yours, it felt like flying. your feet rejected touching the ground, and you were lucky enough that yangyang didn’t want to come back to earth yet either.
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yoimeta · 5 years ago
Hi everyone! I noticed recently that the "KAZAKHSTAN 101 OR HOW TO OTABEK" post seems to have been taken off of tumblr? The author's whole blog seems to have been wiped. Do you know if this is archived anywhere? Is there a mirror, say, on Ao3?
Thankfully, I managed to find what I believe is the original post. Here it is! The post is archived in plain text under the cut.
Hope this helps!
- Ji
Source: @sawyer-aik
Disclaimer: this is in no way a fully comprehensive guide. This is just me trying to put together basics for people who are unfamiliar with Kazakhstan/Kazakhs to start their writing/research.
I am an ethnic Kazakh female, citizen of Kazakhstan, Almaty, bisexual, upper middle class, currently in college in the US. My experience is in no way representative of all kazakhs and Kazakhstan citizens. However, I think it’s pretty close to Otabek’s.
This is really, really long and kinda convoluted, but if you can bear it –– welcome!
Name: Many people have talked about Otabek’s name. This is how you shorten it –– “Bek”, “Beka”, or “Beks” if you wanna be really familiar and laid back.
Kazakhs don’t have middle names, we have patronymics. They are formed like this: the father’s name + ‘uly’ if the child is a boy or ‘kyzy’ is the child is a girl. For example, Otabek’s childrens’ patronymics would be Otabekuly and Otabekkyzy.
About Almaty and almatinians: Ok I’m so happy Otabek is from Almaty, I really don’t know much about life in other cities or rural areas. Almatinians rarely do. Comparing Almaty lifestyle to the rest of Kazakhstan is the same as comparing NYC to the rest of America –– it’s not representative of the quality of life in the country, like, at all.
Almaty has 2.5+ million population, and it grows every year. It’s a cultural and economic centre of the country. Apples originate from Almaty (!!!), hence the name from “Alma” –– apple. Almatinians are usually stereotyped as fast, brash and snobby –– kinda like New Yorkers, right? Almaty is much more tolerant and progressive, and also more ‘Western’ than the rest of the country in terms of mindset. Almatinians kinda look down on non-Almatinians, and really dislike the capital Astana because of all the funding and attention it gets.
Almaty has a great ethnic diversity –– main groups are Kazakhs, Russians, Uygur, Koreans, Germans, Jews, Uzbek, and many more. Though stereotypical jokes are generally acceptable, outright hate and discrimination against an ethnic group is not tolerated. Many foreigners visit here for business –– mostly Americans, Western Europeans and Chinese.
Almatinians love: coffeeshops, mall sales, cool cars (Hello Otabek’s motorcycle), smoking hukkah and vaping. They are usually concerned with status and try to show off their wealth. You can see people of all kind of different style and background in Almaty, fashion shows are held there, contemporary art and indie-music congregates there, along with all kinds of fancy ass crowd. It is a really interesting and kinda exhausting scene, especially if you are young and wanna have fun.
Language, culture, food, etc.
As an Almatinian Kazakh, Otabek is definitely fluent in both Russian and Kazakh, and probably has a very good grasp on English. He is a master of shala kazakh. Shala kazakh is a magic language that only city Kazakhs are privy to. It’s basically a wild mix of kazakh, russian and some fashionable english slang thrown in there. It’s usual for me to start a conversation with “OMG bro” and then kinda pull my speech together, substituting kazakh and russian words with each other and pepper it with “cool”, “ok” and other english exclamations. It’s not grammatically correct and is kinda lowbrow, but we all do it. Yes, even our parents. This is how Otabek sounds when he is talking to someone from home. Terrifying.
Nuclear family: City Kazakhs usually have two or three kids. That’s less than people have in rural areas. Children are important in Kazakh culture because they carry the family’s bloodline and history, especially boys. If you headcanon Otabek as having brothers and sisters, you are probably right! His family should be at least sort of wealthy to afford all the expenses of having a professional athlete for a child. Otabek has an expensive bike and his clothes look high-end –– he is definitely not poor.
Family in general. Kazakhs are close, VERY CLOSE to their family. Mind you, family is not just parents and siblings but also your grandparents, aunts and uncles and like all 173 cousins and nieces and nephews. Everyone is ridiculously involved in your life, always there with advice and complaints. You stay connected to your parents when you move out, when you get married, when you have kids, when you DIE. When Otabek misses the weekly skype dates or check-in phone calls, HE IS SHAMED SO HARD. Do you know grandma is worried about you, think about how old she is! Otabek’s relatives brag about his achievements like they moved him up the career ladder personally, with their own two hands. There’s nothing Otabek can really do about it tho he gets annoyed
Food: city Kazakhs have a very diverse cuisine. Traditional kazakh food is like 50% batter and 50% meat and takes long ass time to prepare so we reserve it for the holidays. My family loves fish, russian dishes such as borsht and blini, Uzbek lagman, Korean kimchi tho we try to avoid pork. And it’s not like we choose one day as a “Russian cuisine day”, we just kinda??? Deside to have some borsht today?? Almaty has lots of different restaurants, almatinians love sushi, pizza and pasta, shashlyk, all kinds of experimental foods and trying new things. Kumys –– mare’s milk –– is one of the things you should try in Kazakhstan as a turist, but I know many kazakhs who have never had it or don’t like it. They say it’s really good for you tho.
Holidays: ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan celebrate: birthdays, New Years, Eid al-Adha which we call Kurban Bairam, Independence Day on December 16th and Nauryz on March 22nd. Young people kinda have get togethers on Halloween because it’s fun and a reason to hang out. Nauryz is one of my faves, it’s a pagan holiday of coming of spring and new life. On Nauryz, Almaty is adorned with flowers, yurts and giant swings are set on the city square, people wear traditional clothing and dance and play and eat a lot. My family also ended up celebrating Eastern Orthdox Christmas and Easter because each year our Russian friends invite us to hang out and celebrate with them, lol.
Main principle is “Don’t ask, don’t tell”. General conflict avoidance protocols are in place. I personally know like 3 LGBT friendly hubs/clubs in Almaty. Nobody explicitly says “gay clubs” but people just kinda know what and where those are. There are get togethers and meetings you can attend to meet people, you can hang out with your significant other in public, hug, hold hands and no one would probably say anything. Colleges and universities are generally safe places, many of my friends are out in their college and don’t face any trouble. PDA will be frowned upon, but all PDA is generally frowned upon in Kazakhstan, even hetero. Feminist and sex-positive initiatives try to educate the populace and break the status quo, and are doing really well but the government’s disposition is homophobic. If your family is religious or traditional, they probably wouldn’t go as far as disowning you, but will probably pressure and guilt-trip you. LGBT+ youth generally plan to move somewhere else or just not settle. All of this is Almaty situation tho. Being LGBT in rural area is much more dangerous.
Ok this is what I find to be the easiest way to explain Kazakh to English speakers: think Turkish but written in cyrillic, with words borrowed from Arabic and Russian.
zhanym, жаным: my soul. Zhanym is everything to a Kazakh. You can use it for your family, friends, SO, I called my laptop zhanym today. It can be flirty, it can be serious. If you need Otabek to be affectionate with someone, use zhanym.
ainalaiyn, айналайын: really hard to translate but something like my precious?? Usually used towards small kids, but also if a Kazakh finds something really cute.
altynym, my golden baby. I love this one for obvious reasons, lol, hi, Otabek.
Mahabbatym, махаббатым, my love +
Suiktim, сүйіктім. my love, my dear. Kinda old fashioned but really romantic. I can see Otabek using this, but he will be teased and called an old sap if he does.
Kazakh have a lot more endearments, but most of them are for children.
Basic interaction and exclamations:
Iya. Ия. Yes.
Zhok. Жоқ. No
Rakhmet. Рахмет. Thank you.
Keshir. Кешір. Sorry.
Salem, Сәлем. Hello. A familiar greeting.
Sau bol, Сау бол. Literally “Be well” but actually means goodbye. Pretty familiar too.
O Kudai, О Құдай/O Allah, О Алла! Oh my god, obviously. Used in all kinds of different situations.
Oibai, Ойбай! How does one explain oibai. When a friend jump scares you, when you receive bad news, when you check your bank account –– oibai!
Abai bol, Абай бол. Be careful, is what your mom tells you when you go out.
Expletives and Swear Words. Yeeaaah the juicy stuff.
Zhyndy, Жынды. Crazy. If someone is being stupid or inappropriate, you call them zhyndy. When you tell a dumb joke at the familty table, mom smacks you upside the head and hisses “Ooooi, zhyndy!” When Jean-Jaques is acting a fool and makes out with his reflection, Otabek rolls his eyes and mutters “Zhyndy”.
Akymak. Ақымақ. Idiot. When someone is just dumb and not worth your time.
Ittin balasy. Иттің баласы. Child of a dog. It can be as harmless as “you pup” and as offensive as “son of a bitch” depending on the situation.
Kotindy kys. Көтіңді қыс. Squeeze you ass. God I love this one. When someone being an obnoxious wannabe, tell them they should squeeze their ass and check themselves.
Jean-Jaques: I am gonna be the King of the Grand Prix!
Otabek: Kotindy kys.
Shygasyn ba?! Шығасың ба?! You wanna go bro?! Ohh, someone is gonna catch these Kazakh fists.
Sigil. Сігіл. Basically go fuck yourself.
Sheshen ahmy/Sheshen sigem. Шешең амы/Шешең сігем. Your mother’s c*nt/Imma fuck your mother. REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVE. Say this to a Kazakh if you have a death wish.
Again, this is just the basics. Do more research and talk to as many Kazakhs and Kazakhstani people as you can. We are a different but usually an interesting bunch. Thanks for your attention, Sawyer out!
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liloelsagranger · 4 years ago
Chapter 7: Navigation of memory - Viridian Love Story (pokémon fanfiction)
My dear friends,
it’s been so long ago since I last updated my current fanfiction. Let me tell you why: My mother spent 60 days in hospital and 30 days in rehabilitation. She suffers from a severe liver cirrhosis due to a hepatitis she had as a child.
I visited her every single day and sat at her bedside. The doctors in my hometwon gave her 2-3 more days before she would die and my father and I were able to get her to a better hospital just in time, where she slowly made progress. It was terrible to see how my mother was feeling bad and she could hardly do anything on her own anymore. But now she is feeling much better, she is walking again without aids and has regained some courage. Nevertheless, she is on the waiting list for a liver transplant and I am in the test phase to see if I am a suitable donor. That’s why I was hardly ever active online, but that should change now, because I still love Team Rocket, there were simply more important things in the last three months. I hope you understand. Thank you!
Now, enjoy the new chapter!
«What’s the story with Mew?” Ash spoke up. Jessie and James exchanged meaningful glances. They weren’t sure if they were allowed to talk about a top-secret project of Team Rocket. After all, they would pass on confidential data to third parties and thus risk their jobs. On the other hand, they had long since gambled away another pardon from their boss.
“Go ahead!” Jessie let James go first. He cleared his throat, still not sure if he would enter forbidden territory.
”Giovanni has been working for years on his so-called Mew project. The goal is to find clues and possible whereabouts of this legendary Pokémon. To do this, they interview dozens of people to find out more and get to the bottom of Mew. Anyone who is questioned in a lengthy interrogation is then arrested and shipped off, because they don’t want important information to leak out. Only a few know the exact whereabouts of the deportees and the rumors and stories circulating about them make your blood run cold.” Team Rocket felt in error. The disclosure of such important information would have an aftermath.
Misty could not believe that there was a faint hope of finding her parents alive. “Where are the deportees taken to?” she wanted to know. Jessie and James were humming and hawing, they didn’t want to get more involved. Slowly, Misty’s patience tore. “Come on, guys! You know exactly where my parents could be! So pull yourself together and do the right thing for once” she demanded.
James sighed. “To find them we would have to break into the main base on a pretty deserted island that is not easy to reach. It is surrounded by high fences with barbed wire. Surveillance cameras have been installed everywhere. They can control every single spot on the island, stop intruders and lock them away. It won’t be easy” he explained.
“Why would you break into the main base? You guys work for Giovanni. Don’t you have a member card or something?” Ash thought there something fishy about the whole story. “Sure we would! But we’ve been suspended, because apparently, I screwed up!” Jessie threw an angry look at James. “Please, stop arguing now! There are more important things right now. For once, can you help us and bring us to this island? I’d be much obliged” Misty did not ask for much. She clung to the last straw of her almost extinguished hope.
Team Rocket turned their backs on them. “Brief review of the situation” Meowth whispered. “Should we help them or should we let them fidget?” Jessie and James considered their options. “The twerpette is looking for her mother, I can understand how it feels to be completely alone in the world, this loneliness can seriously drive you crazy. On the other hand, we have been suspended and another faux pas is out of question. We would have to be even more careful and rely entirely on our spying techniques. Do you think we could bring them in?” Jessie looked into the round. James nodded. “We have already mastered many hurdles. Just think of the Training Days many years ago. We were so inexperienced and green behind the ears, but we still passed with flying colors. Over the years we have acquired innumerable distractions, we can make ourselves practically invisible and nobody would notice that we are sneaking into the taboo area. Maybe we should risk it and should we finally loose our jobs, yes then you know my answer, then we will build up our own business.” He smiled gently but could not win Jessie over yet. They turned around. “We’re going to help you!”
“So is there a truce between us?” Ash asked. “For now,” Jessie shook his hand.
Team Rocket led the young students towards the harbor. There they would board a Rocket transport vehicle disguised as a cruise ship. They took two cabins and would only talk to each other under certain circumstances and when it was really necessary. They were not allowed to attract attention, but Jessie, James and Meowth had some costumes in their luggage that would help to hide their identity.
When Misty, Ash and Brock headed for the dining hall in the early evening, they were welcomed by a brightly lit room. The smell of delicious food wafted towards them, so that their mouths watered. They sat down at a round table a little aside and waited for the promised welcome drink. At the piano, the entertainer showed his talent and invited guests who had already dined to a slow waltz accompanied by violins. Nothing reminded of an undercover mission of Team Rocket. The guests chatted and enjoyed themselves, food was brought on silver trays. Men and women were treated to the most delicious meat and fish dishes they could find on the menu. “Are they serious?” Misty had to refrain from laughing when she discovered Jessie, James and Meowth in their seemingly unremarkable disguise. Jessie and James were dressed as if they came from a Puritan village. Meowth sucked on a pacifier and had a bib on. Ash rolled his eyes. “So much for not attracting attention!” They laughed.
For James the evening went on endlessly. No matter what Jessie was wearing, he could never take his eyes off her. She was a real beauty, even in rags and he was an absolute fool for having missed the chance. Jessie hardly paid any attention to him but stared at the dance floor and the many happy couples, who seemed so carefree. At some point, James could no longer stand the tense atmosphere and left the dining hall under the pretext that he needed some fresh air.
James reproached himself terribly. How could he deceive Jessie like that and put all the blame on her? He was pathetic and a real comrade pig. He had let her down several times before, but this time he had really screwed up. She was hurt and angry and wouldn’t forgive him so easily, even though he had saved her from the ghost Pokémon. It was up to him to smooth things over. A fresh sea breeze blew through his lavender locks. From far away he could see the harbor of the forbidden island. Each time, it reminded him of the time in Maiden’s Peak, where Jessie had for the first time indirectly admitted that feelings were involved in her rescue operation. James had been obsessed with this deceased beauty and he and Brock almost fell victim to a joking Gastly. James enjoyed reminiscing about their time in Kanto. They were still young and wild and had their whole life as beginner criminals ahead of them. He and Jessie had spent so many nights together, talking, laughing, and sometimes even crying when the situation was simply overwhelming. He found comfort in her and was able to unload his whole burden of the past on her. She listened patiently and could understand only too well how a messed-up childhood made them both what they are today. They were so similar, they simply belonged together, and James wished with all his heart that this strong bond between them would be reborn.
“Am I disturbing you?” Brock had approached him. “There’s quite a lot of air between you and Jessie, right?” James nodded his head but remained silent. “I don’t want to interfere with you too much, just this much: you two are meant for each other. I understood that already as a teenager. You were an unbeatable team, you supported each other and even if you got into each other’s hair, the waves were soon smoothed out. You won’t believe how much I wanted such a relationship back then. You are one heart and soul, and nothing can separate you, not even a stupid argument over trivialities. Tell her how you feel, tell her that you’re sorry and tell her better too early than too late. Please, don’t loose her, you guys are a perfect match!” With these words Brock turned away and left James standing at the railing. “Thank you” the Team Rocket agent muttered and took new courage.
Just as he was about to turn around, Jessie came towards him. It was time to ask her for forgiveness. His breath stopped, he was so nervous. “Jessie, can we talk?” A gentle smile played around her lips, but she shook her head. “Not yet.”
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kyouxa · 5 years ago
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 04+CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — Corridor
Subaru: We’re there. Get in.
Yui: Eh, but... Subaru-kun this is
Subaru: It’s fine just get in. Geez, don’t act so ridiculous.
Yui: Y-Yes. Alright...
Place: Violet mansion — Kitchen
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Yui: (Subaru-kun, why are we in such a place?)
Kou: Ah, she came. Welcome~!
Laito: Oh? Did you bring Eve here on purpose?
Azusa: We were waiting... I’m glad that you came...
Yui: Why did everyone gather in such a place?
Kou: Why do you have anything else to do than cooking in the kitchen?
Azusa: We are prepare food for the welcoming party ... That’s why we wanted you to help us cooking...
Yui: Welcoming party... Is someone special coming here?
Kou: Thaaat’s wrong! We are doing this because it’s your welcoming party!
Laito: You know, we are very much reflecting on your help. We’re also sorry for putting you in jail like that.
But this is not mainly an apology, it’s your welcoming party!
Kou: You can rest assured that it's Carla's instructions. Because we aren’t doing this on our own.
Laito: With that being said, I can’t make a lot of things, but it’s our main role and I’d like you to help us.
Yui: That is...
(No way, I never thought of them having a party for me and that they would end up cooking as well...)
(It seems as if they really are throwing a welcoming party for me)
(Subaru-kun is...)
Subaru: .....
Yui: (After all he’s still grumpy. I wonder if he is against having a party? He was already mad about something yesterday)
(Yeah, I can’t just think about the bad stuff. Everyone really wants me to help them)
I will gladly help you out. Let’s make something delicious together.
Kou: I’m glad!
Laito: It’s really hard for a man to stay alone in the kitchen all day.
I’m super happy that Eve decided to help us out.
Azusa: Yes, I am relieved...
Yui: (Speaking of which, I know not everyone is good at cooking)
Kou: Yes, then Eve can cut the ingredients over here.
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♡ Roses ♡
Subaru’s hand: You really don’t seem to have a lot of interesting things in your life, why are you staring at me how I cook?
Yui’s face: Hey, look away already. It might come off if you don’t.
↳ Video Chapter
Yui: Hey, how did you even prepare your meals until now?
Kou: Oh uhm, for the time being the four of us cooperated together.
Laito-kun was always going out to get the ingredients, and I and Azusa-kun were preparing the food...
Subaru-kun is also working hard on his cooking, yet he always complains about my food having a horrible taste or sum...
Subaru: It’s always horribly bad cooked! And then, it’s also mostly your food!
Kou: Lies, Lies! I'm counting on you this time, so better keep your supportive attitude and good work up!
Subaru: Stop joking around or I’ll kill you.
Yui: Fufu... Subaru-kun really is looking after you.
Kou: Even if he is the youngest.
Laito: Good boy, Good boy!
Azusa: Subaru is... a nice guy...
Subaru: You guys really are out there mocking me! Eve, don’t you dare laughing at me as well!!
1) — I thought it was cute (black)
2) — Apologize (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— I thought it was cute
Yui: Um, it was actually cute...
Subaru: Hah!?
Yui: (Since I thought it was cute, he got even angrier)
Subaru: ... What is it?
Yui: I’m sorry, it’s nothing at all
— Apologize ♡
Yui: I’m sorry, Subaru-kun
Subaru: It’s not like I asked you to apologize.
Yui: Y-Yes I know...
Subaru: Hey, don’t take it too serious. I’m not angry or anything.
Kou: Subaru-kun would have such a kind habit if he wouldn’t have such a bad mouth.
Yui: (Sometimes Subaru-kun acts like a lone wolf, but he actually works better with someone by his side)
end Choices
Yui: (... When I laughed, I felt a little better. The mood is not as awkward as it was yesterday)
Subaru-kun. I’ll help you out as well, so why don’t we work hard together?
Subaru: Tch... well, that’s fine with me.
Well then, you should bring the ingredients to me so we can cut them.
Yui: Y-Yes
*Yui starts cutting*
Yui: ... Hey, Subaru-kun. Is it alright if I do it like this?
Subaru: Eh? Ahh... don’t you think it’s good? I mean, why are you even asking me about that.
Yui: Well, because Subaru-kun is the one who is cooking the most ...
Subaru: You are way better in cooking than I could ever be.
... The taste your food has, it’s always missing in mine.
Yui: (Eh... wait, what did Subaru-kun say just now...)
(Did he say that my food is delicious? But, I never cooked a single meal since I came here)
(Could it be, that his memories are slightly coming back to him... ?)
Hey, Subaru-kun. Why do you know how my food tastes like?
Subaru: ...Hah?
Yui: Just now you said "Your cooking is way better" ...
Subaru: .....
No... I was not especially saying that. I just had my thoughts too deep into it, there’s no particular meaning behind it.
Laito: Ah, maybe it’s a certain strategy from Eve to attract a certain person’s attention.
Kou: Eh! Is that so!? Subaru-kun really is her target.
Subaru: Don’t come up with those stupid ideas! You should rather move your hands than your mouth!
Azusa: That is right... when the preparations will be late... Carla might get angry...
Laito: I’m honestly sick of Carla’s ongoing sermons. I'm getting overwhelmed, but yet I’m still doing it seriously.
Kou: That’s right. Let’s do our best, Eve.
Yui: By the way, can you tell me what’s today’s menu?
Kou: Sure~
Laito: Does that mean, that Eve is doing everything for me as well? I personally wouldn’t mind you helping me with all the work.
Subaru: No she is not. Hey, Laito. There won’t be support for you today.
Azusa: Eve... let’s do our best...
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Everyone worked peacefully together so we could prepare everything for the welcoming party.
While we were working together, this entire recent days I’ve spent here felt like a complete lie.
A wrong brotherhood with false memories. Even if that’s reality, I was having fun to cook together with them.
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Because I was cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen, it didn't go as good as usual.
Even so, the dishes were somehow completed and the welcoming party started.
We cleaned up the kitchen together and then went to the living room.
Azusa-kun went to call for Carla-san who immediately went to the living room since he was excited for the food.
Place: Violet mansion — Living room
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Carla: Did you brought all of the dishes?
Azusa: Hm, these are all...
Carla: The cooking everyone prepared looks surprisingly satisfying.
Laito: Just like this, Carla really is that type of a terrible person who makes us do all the exhausting work.
Carla: Do you truly desire that I cook for you? Of course, I will leave the miscellaneous tasks to you.
Kou: Eh, he is not even leaving it to us he is pushing us to do it... ?
Azusa: Carla’s commands are mostly important in the battle... because there are... so many things to think about ...
Kou: That’s right Azusa-kun. I understood it now.
Laito: Carla really is a strange man. Isn’t it a real pain in ass to fight and become the king at the same time?
Carla: That is because I was born to be Violet's eldest son, I have an obligation to lead and protect all of you.
In addiction, there is no one other than me who is suitable for the seat of the king.
Kou: That means Carla-kun thinks it's natural to stand on people if they try to get in your way, because his wish must be granted.
Laito: He really is the right person in the right place.
Yui: (Carla-san is the eldest son of the Violet family... After all, the discomfort of the current brother relationship is hitting me)
(I wonder if everyone really doesn’t remember their real brothers at all)
(Especially because Carla-san is the founders king, he is different from the vampires ...)
(But, yet they prepared such a nice welcoming party all together)
(I really want to thank all of them for doing this for me)
(...Huh? My napkin has a cute flower on the clasp)
(There seems to be nothing on the other people's napkins, but who decorated them then?)
(Is this like a different kind of welcome? If so, I am really happy about it)
(That means, that they actually thought about me while decorating, right?)
*time skipped*
Carla: Now, the supper has just started, and I only want to say one thing. Eve—
Yui: Yes, what is it?
Carla: Forgive my past rudeness.
Yui: Eh...
(Carla-san is apologizing to me. After all...)
Carla: You are a huge necessity for this mansion. I want to proper welcome you like this.
Yui: .....
(Necessity... In other words, is he doing this because I'm the traditional Eve?)
(Rather than confining myself in prison, I am forced to cooperate with them now)
(Is he trying to get me into a situation where I think about the Violet family as my friends or even my own family?)
(Whatever it is, it is only for Carla-san to become the king)
(If that’s their actual plan... then it might become a little complicated)
(Maybe they just threw this welcoming party to make me open my own feelings to them)
(But, if I look at everyone's joyful faces, I don’t want to judge them like that)
(Still, I will thank them for having a welcoming party for me then...)
(Even if everyone might have any certain speculations ...)
Kou: Azusa-kun, I’ll get this if you don’t wanna eat it anymore~
Azusa: Ah...
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Kou: Hehe, now it’s gone.
Yui: (Ah, Kou-kun took something from Azusa-kun’s dish without properly asking)
Subaru: Hey, Kou. How many times did I tell you to ask if you want to steal from someone’s dish already? Correct your spoiled actions already.
Laito: Don’t you want him to stop this habit? Isn’t it bad to enjoy your food in any way you want?
Carla: I don’t mind. Let him do as he pleases.
Laito: Uhh, aren’t you in the place to stop both of them?
Carla: It is not something I personally need to mess with, such things as how to have eating manners. Let them do what they want until they feel pleased.
Subaru: It’s already usually that they show bad behavior...
Yui: (I’m sure they would stop if Ruki-kun was the one ordering them to)
(Carla-san seems to be strict in courtesy, but maybe he has an unexpectedly dismissal?)
(He wasn’t that type of person from the very beginning if my thoughts are right)
(Or is it just because Kou-kun isn’t his real brother? I don't know which one it is)
Kou: Laito-kun has been quiet for awhile already now, if you want to share your dish you just need to say it you know?
Laito: ...Rather than that, Subaru-kun is facing his dish as if he surely wants to give his brothers a side dish.
Subaru: The hell I will! Why would I...
Azusa: ... Subaru
Subaru: ...Ngh. Even showing such a face is useless.
Yui: Fufu. Kou-kun, Azusa-kun. Would you like to eat something from mine?
Azusa: Eh, is that okay... ? Eve really is a nice person...
Kou: Yay!
Subaru: Hey, you don’t need to pamper these guys.
Carla: Is that okay, Eve? After all you are the lead of this party.
Yui: Yes, I already had enough.
Carla: I see. Do as you please then.
Kou: Thank you, Eve!
Azusa: I’m glad... thank you...
Yui: You are welcome. If I made the both of you happy, it already means enough for me.
(It's not just a certain memory, it’s this place where the families relationships have gone wrong ...)
(I wonder if everything will continue to go as good as this did)
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I don’t think the current situation is fine. But for now, I want to cherish all those peaceful moments with them.
While watching all of these people interacting so friendly with each other, my loneliness slowly eased itself.
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amnachil · 4 years ago
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 9
Next part!
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey Saturday April 20
What had he said again ? I won't protect you anyway. Right. Fucking joke. Who the hell had he tried to fool ? His past self would've laugh so much at his actual self. He was fucking ridiculous. He perfectly knew Lucy the whore had something in mind. She and bitchy Miranda wanted to catch Liam, he had no doubt about that. Pretty obvious that the loser would take Doll man. They even bring along a third weel for Fatty roommate. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had all the reason in the world to go there and fuck the two dickhead right away. So why on earth was he hidden behind a fucking tree ? Why the hell was he only watching for afar uh ? Oh yeah the plan. Because Liam thought he could deal with that alone, the Dean's grandson had decided to trust him. What an idiot I am. Anyway, it would be good for his boyfriend if he was able to do something by himself. It would help his confidence. And a confident Liam was a ballsy and naughty Liam. A win-win situation. If only the baboon manage to escape the so-called witch, that is. The group headed towards the subway and he followed suit. He observed them through a newspaper, which attracted the attention of two old hags. Want to suck my dick ? I'm already dying of embarassment, don't make it harder. For now, Lucy was doing most of the conversation. Miranda tried to cling on to Liam, but he slipped away. Nice one babe. Eventually, they arrived at their destination : a fancy restaurant, which also had a dance hall. Would you believe ! Fuck the site which had revealed the baboon was a walking stomach.
"Sir are you alone ?"
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey glared at the waiter.
"What do you think moron ? One table, and not far from this group."
The idiot looked at the pointed direction and made a face. Oh please.
"I'm sorry but..."
"Here's my ID. My family owns this place. Any other remark ?"
"No of course not. Follow me sir."
Yes, the junior knew this poor waiter only did his job. But damn he was just so pissed. I'll contact him later for sex. Hope it will make it even.
To say Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was interested by the way Liam ate was completly wrong. It just happened in front of him so often that he became used to watch. Speaking of, watching the baboon from afar made the junior almost moan in public. Almost. Fuck that. I hate this world. Liam wasn't a messy eater at all. Quite the opposite actually : he had a certain charm and timidy while eating. He always started by his less favorite dish, and at a slow pace. Throughout his meal, his speed would increase. The baboon made always a point at being well-groomed and now wasn't an exception. From his spot, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey observed him licking his lips several times. And damnit that was hot. The idiotic girls gave many plates to the baboon but they didn't feed him, which probably saved their life from the junior's wrath. Liam's body language was graceful, with no useless movement. His eyes. They're shining so much it blinds me from here. Damn. Damn. The waiter didn't comment on the Dean's grandson weird behavior, but he obviously saw his hard-on. You would be aroused too if your boyfriend was that hot ! Fuck you. Around the fourth or fifth plate (nobody counts those), another thing happened. Liam's belly started to grow. It was nothing but Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was staring too much to not notice. The baboon had always been attractive. His recently acquired chubbiness made him even more handsome. And when he started to get stuffed... This is terrible.
"Sir, do you want anything with your coffee ?" asked the ever-patient waiter.
Man. I just... Fuck.
"You. Me. Bathroom for a quickie. Is that fucking alright ?" the blond lad suggested.
"We can do that." smiled the other.
When he came back in the room, he felt calmed. His desires were temporaly satisfied and the waiter had been nice enough to forgive him for his rudeness. After that, I'm sure he would've offered me the moon. Fatty roommate was still at their table with Third weel. As for Liam, the two bitches dragged him and Doll Man to the dance floor. For now, the baboon was barely moving, just watching them wriggle like two turkeys. Maybe I should go there and put an end to this ridiculous date ? Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's phone suddenly rang.
"Best spy of the world to biggest penis of the world." said Nancy when he answered. "Got news for you."
"I'm listenning."
"I managed to track the IP of the moderator of the site in Canada." she revealed. "His name is George Blikes."
One dead man. I swear once I find you dude.
"But that's not all." Nancy continued. "I did a check of his background and bingo ! George is Samy's ex from highschool. Officially they're not in contact anymore but it's easy to keep these things secrets now."
"Samy." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey muttered.
This... Fucking braindead asshole. Stupid fuckup. She would never see the light again. I need to call D.R. That could wait. Once his boyfriend safe, he would pay the asshole a visit. A very awaited visit. However, he had another problem at hands. Because his boyfriend just broke Lucy's nose with a probably deserved but yet violent punch in the face.
Liam Saturday April 20
"Are you sure you don't wanna dance ?" asked Lucy for the third time.
"I'm fine thanks." the lad politely declined.
Throughout lunch, he had understood two things. Firstly, the witch intented to charm him in order to corrupt his energy. This way, she would poison the unicorns and kill them. Secondly, the force of lights were stronger than he had imagined. It's no surprise the unicorns sent Colton to help me. His friend's dance was so graceful that it fascinated the human sacrifice named Miranda. And Nick was distracting the other, a girl Lucy introduced as Velma. The chestnut lad himself was well-fed and in top form. I can focus on our main ennemy : the witch. She smiled to him.
"Tell me pretty boy, I heard from a friend you were into food games a lot. I have an offer for you." she suggested. "I'll let you do things to me for each additionnal plate you eat. How does it sound ?"
Very evil ? He had yet to find a way to defeat her without violence. Maybe he needed to reason her...
"It's tempting." he lied. "At least the food part."
I wonder what Damian would think about that. Liam could do many things to him while stuffing his face with delicious cuisine. Maybe stripping him one clothe after the other for each plate he finished... And why not make bolder and bolder caresses, going closer to his intimate parts...
"You're dribbling." Lucy hissed. "Are you that much of a feedee ?"
The young lad blushed. Whatever he had been thinking was better forgotten. Or not. (He mentally decided to keep the idea for latter). Anyway back to the main topic. He had a witch to beat.
"Why're you doing this ?" he asked. "What did they promise you in exchange ?"
She blinked, seemingly confused.
"Can't a woman woo a man she finds attractive ?" she countered. "You're my type you know ?"
"C'mon I know you've a purpose... Do you know this is bad ? You shouldn't force people to do things they don't want. You look like a nice girl, you should follow the right path."
He was kinda proud of his little speech. Let's hope it'll make her change her mind. Lucy frowned and took several seconds to think. Maybe something was bothering her ?
"Is it about the money ?" she finally asked. "We can share if that's what you want."
The forces of evil hired her of course. Maybe it was Liam's own father who did such a malevolent thing ?
"Sorry but you won't corrupt me that easily. I don't want any dirty money. And you neither, it only brings problem. What if the cops are after you ?"
He was convinced the police were an army enterily built by the unicorns to maintain order. Lucy grunted.
"Nobody has to know. It'll be fast, just some photo and we're good..." she mutterred. "Don't be a prick."
The chestnut lad was about to decline (again) when his phone rang. Surprisingly, it was his sister Chloe. What is it ? She never calls unless it's important.
"Sorry but I need to take that." he said.
He entered in the bathroom to talk peacefully. A groggy waiter was leaving, but otherwise, it was empty.
"Hi sis." he answered.w "Is everything okay ?"
A muffled noise told him it was not. He had been knowing Chloe for the fifteen years of her life and he could count on one hand the times she had cried. Even as a baby, she had been way more tough than Luka or him. The last time he heard her sobbing was when he had been accused of manslaughter. It was a sound he resented. A sound he was hearing now.
"Chloe ? What it is ? Can you talk ?"
She only cried louder. He cursed his own helplessness. Why was he here and not with her ? What a stupid big brother ! Stop that Liam. Now is not the time to lament on yourself. She needs you.
"I'm here sis. Right here." he assured. "You can cry as much as you want, I won't leave until you're feeling better."
"It's silly." she mumbled. "Sorry for worrying you."
Don't be. Don't do that. She had always been very mature and serious. A commom joke between them was to call her mother number two. But Liam would always worry about her. She was still a teenager. In light of his past actions, she had often kept her feelings for herself to not put any additional pressure on him. That was his beautiful and strong sister, who always protected him.
"I..." she whispered. "I just miss mom. That's stupid isn't it ? I lost a race today and I was so disappointed. I needed someone to talk but heck, all my friends are in another town. My mother is in another town. And I can't call her when I'm like that. She'll blow a fuse and come right away."
He never hated his family's situation more than at this moment.
"Can I tell you my day ?" she asked. "Just for a moment and I'll be fine."
"Whatever you want sis. Whatever you want."
When he left the bathroom, Liam had only one desire. To sleep. Even if it was only three in the afternoon and he had work later. Chloe was feeling better, which was a plus, but it only made him realise how everything was still so... wrong. She's way stronger than me that's for sure. However, the freshman barely got the time to breath. Lucy alsmot went for his throat.
"Welcome back handsome." she chirped. "What took so long ?"
"That's not your business." he replied. "And I'm sorry but I need to go."
He could feel an headache incoming. I'm so tired.
"Certainly not." the girl said. "I didn't suck my ego to hit on a dumbass like you for nothing. Come here."
She grabbed her arm and tried to lead him towards the bathroom. Which was ridiculous because he was bigger and heavier.
"Let me go please." he asked. "I'm not in the mood for anything you want to do."
Lucy ignored him. She strengthened her grip, making him wince in pain. He tried to free himself, but the girl suddenly pushed him on the wall. Her hands find a way to his crotch. And that was the final straw. He has enough of her, her scheme and her rudeness. Couldn't she let him alone ?! Pushed by his instinct, he did what he thought necessary to made her back off. He distincly heard a loud crack when his fist smashed her face open. He felt more than he saw everyone looking at them. He heard her scream of pain. And his slow brain realised he was doing another panic attack.
"You hit me in the face !" she yelled.
All he noticed was the blood. He heard thunder. Someone shouted.
"Kilian !"
No. No no no. A familiar head of blond hair ran towards him. He was back one year ago on this road. The young lad paniced. He knocked whoever tried to grab him over. He glanced at the exit. It wasn't far. Maybe he could go for it.
"Liam Strucker, you're charged of manslaughter by the present tribunal. What do you plead ?"
The chesnut lad ran. His legs moved on their own.
"What do you plead ?"
The crack of Lucy's bones resonated in his mind. He pushed the door and hurtled in the street. He had no time to lose. He needed to go the farthest possible.
"What do you plead ?"
Guilty. I'm guilty of everything. I hurt Kilian. I destroyed my family. I hurt Lucy. I did all that.
Nicolas Saturday April 20
The not-a-date rendez-vous went from 0 to 100 in a split second. The young lad was discreetly trying to play at pokemon while Velma was making the conversation when they heard the scream. The first thing he noticed was Liam's fist, covered in blood. Lucy fell on her knees, writhed in pain. Holy shit. Everything went crazy. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey left his hideout (not that he was very discreet to begin with) and rushed towards his boyfriend. But this one didn't hear him. He jostled a waiter and ran to the door. Nick barely had the time to get up before his roommate disappeared in the street. What the hell was that ?
"He hit me !" shouted Lucy. "That fucking moron hit me !"
Her friends were already at her side. Miranda was agitated, while Velma only watched from afar. Something is wrong.
"What took him ?" asked Colton. "He's usually better at handling his emotions."
"Dunno dude." the geek replied.
They both came closer. Her nose is broken. That's not pretty.
"He'll hear about me !" Lucy assured. "I swear to god, I will report him ! This prey is crazy ! The hunt is not worth it."
Nick froze. What did she just say ? Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey ordered her to shut the fuck up. He then turned to the boys.
"Doll man, Fatty roommate. We need to find him before he does something even stupider. Any ideas ?"
Colton answered, but the dark-haired freshman didn't listen. The hunt ? His brain was thinking fast. Imagenius talked about a reward. And Beauty admitted her boss was Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey... Is it possible that Liam is the prey ? Is he being used ? It would explain why a lot of their fellow students were interested in him. (Yes Liam was hot, but nobody was hot enough to interest that many people, except maybe this soccer player Muller something).
"Earth to fatty roommate !" yelled the Dean's grandson to get his attention. "Colton is going to the park and I go to Pasta's Place just in case. You go back to your apartment. If he's not here, check with Nate if he has any idea. Okay ?"
Nick ogled him. Could he be only involved for the reward ? Now wasn't the time to think about it. They needed to find Liam. But I will clear that mess up...
When he arrived at the apartment, the dark-haired lad knew Liam would be there. A trail of broken trash can said it all. He entered silently, hoping to find his friend in a better mood than half an hour ago.
"What the hell happened back there dude ?"
Nick shrieked like a girl when a tall shadow blocked his view. A monster !! He heard the sound of chewing.
"Woah chill pal. It's me."
He finally noticed Archie. For someone his size, this damn footballer could be very discreet. He scared the hell out of me that bastard. It wasn't unusual for him to come over and talk with Nate when they were away. He's a friend of Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey... I wonder if he's a hunter ?
"So ?"
"Liam freaked out because of what Lucy did." explained Nick. "I don't know the specifics, but it was related to the hunt or something ? He paniced."
If Archie knew something, he hid it well. He looked at the geek with his two big eyes and grabbed an handful of crips.
"Damn that sucks." he said. "Nate is with him right now so Imma get going. Text me if there is anything I can do."
Nick waited an hour before he sent a text to Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. To let my poor roommate breathe. Then, himself knocked at Liam's door. Nate opened and outlined a brief smile. Behind him, it was pretty clear that their friend had fallen asleep. He had work tonight, but maybe her boss would be cool about it. Once he was sure everything was under control, the dark-haired lad headed to his bedroom. He heard the Dean's grandson strom into the apartment, but it wasn't his problem anymore. I have a more urgent business. There is something really weird going on and I want to find what. It was for Liam's safety but also to satisfy his curiousity.
*TheSavior opened a private chat with Abeautifulwoman*
< TheSavior : Yo. >
< Abeautifulwoman : You put a period ! Is it your diet ? Look idk how fat you are but I'm sure you can get rid of a few kilo easy peasy ! I believe in yu boss ! >
Yeah I'll come back to you about that. Until now, he hated this whole diet idea with his whole being. But it was necessary.
< TheSavior : It had nothing to do with my diet. I want you to tell me what the hunt is about. >
< Abeautifulwoman : Not you too... Bro I swear this is a dangerous thing. You don't want to be involved >
She already said that to Imagenius. But Nick had more or less understood what it was about. He only needed confirmation.
< TheSavior : Look beauty. My friend is Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's boyfriend. From what I witnessed today and in the past weeks, I can tell there are a lot of people after him. I know your boss is a hunter, and I know he's not very sympatic, but I do hope he likes me a bit. All I want is to know what is going on. Is my roommate not safe ? Is it Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's fault ? >
< Abeautifulwoman : ... Who are you ? How can I be sure you're Sav ? This is too much of a coincidence. Are you working for Samy ?! Just know that we're after you. D.R and us won't let you get away with it. >
< TheSavior : are you serious right now ? >
*Abeautifulwoman is disconnected*
The fuck ? Seriously ?! Nick grunted. That idiot ! But if it was a big deal, he could understand her distrust. It hurts, but she gave him some info to work with anyway. Samy uh ? And D.R... He didn't like the idea of Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey being a manipulative asshole who was using Liam. He doesn't even look the part. But it was a possibility. He needed to investigate more... Nick would know everything about the hunters and the famous hunt.
To be continued
When you’re hunting, and the prey is way stronger than you.
Lucy is stupid but no, I don’t encourage violence of any kind. Liam wasn’t right, but he’s human, and it’s well know he can’t control his emotions very well.
Nick is going to the end of it. He will. Maybe! 
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seriestrash · 6 years ago
Chapter One
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- Banner by the amazing @punzellies -
Summary: TJ Kippen walks through life looking out for number one because nobody else seemed to. When an unlikely friendship sparks new feelings, TJ’s outlook on everything begins to change.
Note: This is an AU. Most of this will be explained in the story but a here’s a quick summary of the main changes: TJ and Cyrus met during the muffin scene but never reconnected after that. The kids are now all in high school. GHC and co. are sophomores whilst Amber and Iris are juniors. 
(read on ao3)
Chapter One 
Word Count: 1662
✗ ✗ ✗
It’s the last day of summer vacation before TJ officially becomes a student at Grant High School. To round off the break in a way that poetically reflects how the summer has gone for TJ, the rain pours down outside. 
TJ sits alone at a table situated at the back of The Spoon in a position where he can see everyone in the diner without anyone really noticing him. TJ has his headphones plugged in but with the music low enough that he could still clearly hear everything going on around him. TJ often did this, he liked to be aware but he also wore them because it tended to make people leave him alone. 
Even though TJ could hear everything clearly, he still pretends like he didn’t notice his cousin approach the table. It’s not until she forcefully yanks the cord - pulling the headphones from TJ’s ears completely - that he looks up from his phone.
“What do you want, Amber?” TJ grumbles. 
“Nice to see you too, cousin.” Amber exaggerates her smile. “I was on my break and I didn’t see you come in.” Amber explains. 
“I didn’t think you were working, if I’d known you were, I wouldn't have come in.” TJ exaggerates his smile too, mimicking his cousin. 
“Did you come from work?” Amber asks, choosing to ignore TJ’s jerky behaviour. 
“No, I wear this for fun.” TJ quips sarcastically as he motions to his Jackson Street Gym t-shirt. “I was walking home but it started raining.” 
“Wasn’t your mom picking you up today?” Amber questions, continuing to ignore his snarkiness. 
“I guess she forgot me.” TJ shrugs, “That’s been happening a lot lately.” 
"Maybe Aunt Tess was just busy,” Amber smiles sympathetically, “I finish work in an hour, want me to drive you home? I could try slip you some free fries while you wait.” 
“I don’t want your sympathy fries or your ride home.” TJ rejects grumpily.
“I’m just trying to be nice. No need to be such a jerk about it.” Amber huffs. “Walk home in the rain. See if I care.” 
TJ did just that, staunching out of the diner with a huff of his own. Luckily for the teen though, the rain had started to clear up so the walk wasn’t actually too bad. Eventually it stopped completely and the sun even poked through the gray clouds.  
With the weather change, TJ decides to walk through the park even though it adds an extra five minutes onto his trip. As TJ is passing the swing set he spots a somewhat familiar face singing a mopey song as he swings.
TJ usually ignored this kind of thing and kept to himself or he’d be the kind of guy to poke fun at it and he kind of does just that when he approaches and comments, “Nice song, what do you sing when you’re on the slide?” 
The boy stops swinging and answers with another rhyme, to which TJ can’t help but let out a faint laugh as he hadn’t actually expected him to have a song.
“I know you,” TJ says a little uncertain, “Chocolate, chocolate chip muffin right?”
“And you’re scary basketball guy.” He says with a hint of a smile on his confused face. 
TJ’s expression drops, although the boy had said it with a smile it felt like an insult nonetheless. “Actually, TJ.” 
“I know. Cyrus.” He points to himself. “I can’t believe you remember the muffin thing, that was like two years ago.”
TJ shrugs it off casually. “Didn’t you move to London or something?” 
“It was more in the country.” Cyrus explains, “But basically yeah. I’m back now though. For good.”
“When did you get back?” TJ asks. 
“Today.” Cyrus beams. 
“And your first stop was the park?” TJ raises a brow. 
“Swinging makes me feel better about things.” Cyrus admits. 
“You’re not happy to be back?” TJ questions. 
“More anxious.” Cyrus explains. “I’m kind of battling with a big decision.” 
“Like what shirt you’re going to wear for the first day?” TJ playfully teases. 
“Please,” Cyrus coaxes his head with a smirk, “I decided that two weeks ago.” 
TJ chuckles but eventually the laughter fades, he looks at Cyrus with a subtly curious expression, “So does it help?” TJ asks. “The swinging?”
“It helps me.” Cyrus nods, “Why don't you try?” He suggests, “It could just be the rain dampened look but you kinda seem like you need it.” 
TJ considered just walking away, he had already stayed longer than he planed - which was not at all - but before he even realised what he was doing, TJ took to the swing beside Cyrus. 
TJ begins kicking his legs back and forth, the momentum builds and he’s quickly swinging high, a smile building on his face, “Wow, this does kinda make me feel better.” 
“I told you,” Cyrus smiles as he swings at a slower pace. “There’s something about feeling like a kid that makes your problems feel not so important. What do you need to feel better about anyway?” 
“You don't know me. I got stuff.” TJ swings. 
“Betcha I got more stuff.” Cyrus almost jokes. 
“Betcha I can swing higher.” TJ challenges.
“I’m afraid to swing high, that’s part of my stuff.” Cyrus admits. 
TJ continues to try and bait Cyrus into swinging higher but when the boy continues to reject the idea, TJ jumps off his swing and a childhood game ensues. 
“That was exhilarating!” Cyrus exclaims and TJ watches Cyrus’ swing slow with a smile. 
“Feel better about your upcoming decision yet?” TJ questions. 
“I think so.” Cyrus laughs, “How about you, do you feel better?” 
“Yeah. I really do.” TJ smiles, swinging really had made him feel better but acknowledging that out loud again changed TJ’s mood, like a subconscious reminder went off about how he shouldn't feel that way. His expression drops, “I should probably get going.”
“You don’t have to.” Cyrus stops his swinging completely. 
“I still have to decide what shirt to wear.” TJ jokes. 
“Avoid red.” Cyrus continues the bit, “I find it too angry for a first day.” 
TJ lets his laugh taper off, “Thanks for reminding me about swinging.”
“You’re welcome.” Cyrus nods. “See you at school tomorrow, not so scary basketball guy?” 
“Sure thing, underdog.” TJ says almost sarcastically and it wasn’t meant in a malicious way, TJ just couldn’t imagine they’d have much reason to be in each others lives after this. 
After the swings, TJ makes his way home and on the way it began to lightly rain, getting him all damp again. TJ enters his apartment quietly, gently placing his keys on the hook by the door. 
“Teej, is that you?” His mothers voice trails down the hall.
“Yeah, it’s me.” TJ calls back. Silently he wonders what his mom would do if it wasn’t him. The chances of the person at the door -letting themselves in- being someone else were slim, after all it was just the two of them that lived there.
“I’m in the kitchen.” Tess announces. 
TJ zips up his still slightly damp jacket and finds his mom as promised, in the kitchen, stacks of boxes scattered about. 
“Sweets, you’re all damp.” Tess points out with a confused expression. “Has it been raining today?” 
“A bit.” TJ nods casually. 
“Where have you been all day?” Tess questions, “You shouldn’t be out in the rain, you can’t afford to get sick with high school just beginning.” 
“It’s fine, I was inside.” TJ states. 
Realisation crosses over his mothers face and her expression falls to guilt, “I was supposed to pick you up from work.” Tess slaps her palm to her forehead. “Why didn't you call me?” 
“I figured you forgot.” TJ shrugs. “It’s okay, I don’t mind walking.”
“Teej, I’m so sorry.” Tess apologises, “I didn’t mean to forget. I got distracted-” 
“Packing up our life, I know.” TJ cuts in bitterly. 
“Teej,” Tess frowns, “I know you don’t want to move but it’s not like it’s across the country. You’ll still be right here in Shadyside. The house will be bigger and there’s yard space. I’ll make sure you can set up a hoop right in the backyard.” 
“I don’t care about a big house or a stupid hoop.” TJ snaps, “This is our home, mom. Our memories are here.”
“Sweets, those memories will always be with you.” Tess soothes, “You don’t need this tiny apartment to keep them alive.” 
“You’re right, so why bother keeping half this junk anyway?” TJ angrily pushes a  box off the counter and dishes smash in the aftermath. 
“TJ!” Tess gasps. 
“I’m going to my room.” TJ states. 
“Dinner will be here soon, I ordered pizza.” Tess tries to defuse her sons anger. 
“I’m not hungry.” TJ grumbles as he leaves his upset looking mother behind him. 
TJ retreats into his room tossing his wet jacket and shirt to the side before putting on something dry. Just as he pulls the new sweatshirt over his head he catches a glimpse of something on his desk. It’s a new set of pencils with a post it note attached that reads, ‘love mom’ with a simple stick figure drawing of the two of them. TJ smiles at the gift and basic drawing, he had been needing new pencils for a while now. The thoughtful gift made him feel guilty for being such a jerk to his mother but TJ was stubborn and still angry that he was being forced to move so he stands firm about hiding away in his room for the evening.
TJ flops down at this desk, his unfinished summer reading staring him right in the face but instead of picking up the syllabus, he reaches for his new pencils and his old sketchpad. 
The time ticks by and as the sun sets on the final day of summer break, TJ fills the page with a drawing of two boys on a swing. 
✗ ✗ ✗
End Notes (pls read): Okay just a short little chapter to get us started. The next one is longer, I promise :) 
I noted a few changes at the top but here are a couple more changes explained further that were mentioned in the chapter;
- Kippen cousins (kinda): 
I am not really a Kippen sibling fan. I like the HC, it’s fun but too far from cannon for me personally. But!! I like the idea of their grumpy dynamic so I’m using it but putting my own spin on it - therefore cousins rather than siblings. (Also not having Amber be his sister works a lot better for this story). 
TJ’s mom and Amber’s dad are brother and sister. Amber’s last name is Brown (as some people tag her as such I can’t remember where this last name came from tbh.. I think it was Josh?). TJ’s mom’s maiden name is Brown but TJ is Kippen because of his father. Hope that’s easy enough to follow :) 
- Cyrus moved to England 
Soon after the muffin escapes and before their on screen swing set scene, Cyrus moved to England. Cyrus attended a fancy boarding school but more on that in future chapters. 
Since Cyrus moved away, TJ and him never really bonded fully after the muffin scene. This change will have impacted both their lives (as I’m a firm believer that people impact who we become) so you will see changes - or changes that never happened - with both of them.
OKAY. There will be a few tweaks to canon here and there but you should all be able to follow along each chapter easily enough!! 
Now to address, swing set new.0; I wasn’t even going to have TJ and Cyrus re-meet this chapter - I had a sort of different prologue planned but scrapped it - and their re-meet was never planned to be on the swings again but I do believe in fate and the swings really sparked their bond so I wanted to revisit that in my story whilst expanding on it to fit their new character dynamics. 
I would like to mention that whilst some parts of my story might include canon tyrus moments reimagined, I won't just be rewriting canon. I plan to incorporate the canon tyrus essence into this story but this story is something new and different. It will not be the tyrus we know but in high school. 
SOOOO, that’s a lot more wordy than usual for my end notes! Yikes! 
I hope you enjoyed this first instalment! More to come! :) I don’t have a planned posting schedule but I hope to release one chapter a week at least!! So ask about the tag list to keep updated! :)
Please let me know your thoughts, likes, reblogs, replies - they are all welcomed and very much appreciated! 
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whoreforfanfiction · 6 years ago
Late Night Calls (MM Preferences)
Yoosung usually stayed up pretty late playing LOLOL with his guild friends. It annoyed you at times, but you stayed up until he was finished so you guys could chat about how your day went. Right on time, you heard the buzzing of your phone and instantly picked up.
             "Hey M/C I just caught the most rare boss monster in the game!!" You smirked because he says every monster is a rare boss monster. You think it was his attempt to impress you.
        "Is that right? I knew you could do it! That's my brave warrior," you cooed back at him feeding his ego. His giggle echoed through the phone and played like music in your ears. 
        "I want you here to play with me. It isn't as fun without you by my side cheering for me. You help me play better." His words made your heart melt. "Can you come over tomorrow? I don't have classes." You nodded vigorously until you realized he couldn't hear you and was still awaiting your response.       
        "Of course, cutie. Wouldn't miss it for the world." His excited giggles pierced your ears again. Yoosung wasn't much of a casanova or a super good sweet-talker like Zen, but he always found ways to make you feel needed and special. 
        "I should probably go. I gotta make a snack run to stock up for you tomorrow. I'll go to Seven's and beg him for some Honey Buddha Chips since we both like them."
        "You'd share those precious chips with me?" you giggled knowing this was a high compliment coming from Yoosung, "You're total husband material." You could feel him blushing and he tried to comment back, but his stutter got in the way and you couldn't understand him. 
        "I gotta go now, bye!" the awkward but adorable baby hung up. You smiled with excited thoughts about what was to come tomorrow. 
Zen had some late rehearsals this week. His got his desired role in a new movie called Killer Clowns where he played the main clown. You thought it was creepy and stupid, but he saw it as an opportunity to practice and get out there. Plus, he wasn't used to doing darker horror movies, so it was a good opportunity all around. The downfall of that was, you didn't talk to your boyfriend at all until the late hours of the night. You HATED the drowsy conversations because he was always half-asleep and could never hold a decent conversation. You dealt with it though knowing that this role was important to him. He was a couple minutes later calling than usual, so you decided to dial his number. After a few rings, he picked up.
        "Hey babe my beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend. How was your day." His voice was husky and deep and sounded like you just woke him up.
        "I'm sorry honey, were you sleeping?" You felt bad knowing that he was constantly exhausted from working. 
        "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend recently. I would hate if you did this to me too. I just want to prove to you that I am hard-working and I want to make enough money for me to support both of us. So if doing this role can provide some of that, I need to do it," he stated reading your mind.
        "I don't hate it, we just don't feel as close as we usually do. I'm missing you more and more each day. I already know you're hard-working honey, you don't need to prove it to me. I am already so insanely proud of you." You tried to raise his spirits since you knew he felt guilty about how little he was talking to you recently. 
        "That's so like you. Reading my mind knowing exactly what I need to hear. I miss you more than you miss me. I have a billion pictures of you hanging up in my dressing room. I promise after this is all over, I will make it up to you. I would do anything to hold your beautiful face in my hands and give you everything you want and desire. I will be with you soon my love i promise. You know you're the best cheerleader and your support means everything to me. I am forever greatful." 
        His kind words warmed your heart and made you feel like your sacrifices were being noticed and appreciated. You started to talk again, but his snores cut you off. You decided to let him sleep. You muttered an I love you before heading off to bed. 
Bless this girl's soul, she works so much she's been coming home from the office way past normal buisness hours. However, she always made sure she called you before heading off to bed. Never late, she called you at the exact same minute on the dot everyday. Your phone rang and you jumped onto your bed to answer it.
        "Hello M/C. How has your day been?" She began the conversation.
        "I'm worried about you. All this work can't be healthy and I'm afraid it's going to start taking a toll on you." You didn't answer her question and got straight to the point you wanted to discuss with her.        
        "I know, but Mr. Han asked and I must listen to him."
        "I know you get paid a decent amount, but Jaehee, you could work literally anywhere else and be respected more than you are there."
        "I need the money in order for you to move in with me and for me to be able to support us comfortably. I hope you can see that my sacrifices are for the better." 
        "Jaehee, I don't care about the money. I care about your happiness and well-being above all else. I know you'd feel the same if the roles were reversed." She paused for a moment and didn't answer. 
        "My love, I am exhausted, but I do understand your point of view. How about we get coffee tomorrow and discuss alternatives. I am not trying to end our conversation short, I simply want to be fully awake when we do discuss this since it is an important matter." 
        "Yes, that would be lovely." You smiled excited to see the love of your life tomorrow. 
        "Thank you for always worrying about me and caring about me more than I care about myself. You've been a huge help in my life and I hope one day I will be able to show you how much all your actions helped me." 
        "Goodnight, Jaehee."
        "Goodnight, M/C. I love you." 
His dad keeps throwing more and more responsiblity at him in the company. You could tell Jumin was stressed, but he never conveyed it. It started out slow, him coming home an hour later, then two hours later, then three. Soon enough, you didn't get to talk to the cooperate heir until the early hours in the morning before he got his few hours sleep before doing it all over again.  Jumin told you multiple times not to stay up and wait for him to call since it would be a waste for both of you to lose sleep. However, you still stayed up and called him every night knowing that he secretly appreciated the light conversations you shared.        
        "Jumin! I missed you!" You decided not to prompt him on work since you could tell he didn't want to talk about it. 
        "I missed you too M/C. My day was slightly better than usual since my cook decided to create your favorite dish. It reminded me of you and brought a smile to my face." 
        "Jumin, I know this might not be socially right for me to ask this but, can I come stay with you for a bit? It's very upsetting not being able to stay with you and I think if I were to be at your side for a little more of the day, it could go faster for the both of us." You were nervous to hear his reply. There was a long silence between you two and you became fearful that you said something wrong. He hung up and your fears grew worse. After a couple minutes, he called back.
        "Forgive me for that. I have completed the arrangements to have you come over. Assistant Kang will send a car for you tomorrow at 6 AM. I hope you can forgive me on the early hours, I was being greedy and wanted to see you as soon as I wake up. I have alerted the staff that you will be moving in with me." 
        "Moving in?" You didn't remember asking that.        
        "Yes, I understand that you only asked to spend some time with me, however regarding my feelings towards you, I feel like having you by my side constantly will enhance my mood even more drastically. If you object, please let me know." He sounded confident, but you knew he was scared that you would say no.
        "Of course I'd love to move in with you. I do have one request though." 
        "Tell the cook not to make breakfast. I want to cook with you in the morning before you head off to work. It'll give us some time to hang out before you have to leave." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
        "Well, then I have to make a request also."
        "You have to sleep the night in bed with me"
        "Is there a specific reason you're requesting this?" You questioned curious to hear his response. You smiled to yourself becoming excited about your life to come.
        "Because I am being selfish yet again. I feel my sleeping will improve with you laying between my arms. You make me feel comfortable and put me at peace." His compliment made your cheeks blush.
        "I love you, dork." 
        "I love you too, M/C."
The Defender of Justice? Getting no sleep? That's all he ever talks about. He tries to joke about it playing it off like it's his duty to protect the justice, but in reality, he misses you more than you can possibly imagine. All his work has been piling up more and more recently and it makes his head spin. All he wants to do is hold you and make jokes and tease Yoosung. But, he can't and it depresses him. He still tried his best to call and keep in touch with you. He watched you constantly on the CCTV, but he knew it wasn't enough for either of you. Sometimes, he'd call every day for a week. Other times, he called once every two weeks. His irregular schedule also stressed you out, but you knew it wasn't going to change so you tried to cope. Today, you were surprised to hear your phone ringing. 
        "Drum roll please!" He began. You made a drum sound with your mouth, playing along with his little game. "I, 707, the brave defender of internet justice, just put off work yet again to come rescue the princess from her/his sheer boredom!"
        "Awww!! My hero!" you cooed back at him. 
        "If you want to better show your love and affection, blow a big ol' kiss to the security camera outside your door!" You jogged outside, the cold air nipping at your skin. You got on your tip toes and delievered a kiss to your boyfriend. Virtually at least.
        "Kyahhhhhhh! Cuteness overload!!! Can't take much more. Going to implode." Seven overexaggerated. You made a mwah sound and he totally lost it.
        "Program 707 has stopped working. Over heating. Lack of ventilation. Pure nosebleed central. Please restart by saying the words, Seven! I love you!" 
        "Seven! I love you!" You giggled while saying it.
        "Ahhhhh. My darling 606 has resurrected me. So my little kitten, how was your day today?"
        "The usual. Thinking about you. Looking at pictures of you. Wondering how you look so hot in LOLOL cosplay." You knew you were making him blush almost as hard as he made you blush earlier. Your relationship was filled with playful flirting and you loved it. 
        "Seven," you started back up again being more serious this time, "are you okay? Like, are you safe? You've been getting worse recently and I hate seeing you lose yourself. I need you here, however selfish that may be."
        "I know I've been sucky recently, but everyone is counting on me. And would I be your knight in shining armor if I let you and others down? I love you my little shortcake and I am working hard so that this torture will be over for you soon enough."
His attempt at reassuring you was sufficient for now, but you made a mental note to finish talking to him about this later. 
        "I'll let you get some rest twerp. You know I love you right?" 
        "Yes, M/C. I love you too my sexy little kitten. I'll try my best to call you tomorrow okay?" 
        "Don't make promises you can't keep. You won't defend the promise justice that way and I'd have to strip you of your title."
        "That would be the ultimate KO for me!! Unimaginable damage! I will call you tomorrow. I love you." And with that, he hung up and you returned to day dreaming about going to a space station with a certain red-headed male.
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derpywritestuff · 6 years ago
A Scavenger Hunt.
@oddly-tiny-scissors Hello, I am your secret giftee for the Valentine event! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it. Thank you for giving such a fun prompt and I hope your Valentine’s day goes wonderfully! Yoosung yawned as he got out of bed, going over to his computer. It was his free day from school, and he was ready to use it for another day of LOLOL action. As he logged on, he saw he had a message from the number one ranking user of the Shooting Star Server. There was a time when the name Hacker God filled Yoosung with rage, as he seemed to always be cheating to keep the number one spot out of Superman Yoosung’s hands, but now, he could not keep the smile off his face when he read that same name. Quickly Yoosung started reading the pm he had got from the other user carefully, it seemed Hacker God had a scavenger hunt planned out for Yoosung and he was more than happy to play along.
“It is I, Hacker God! I have used my talents to find out that my 606 has a free day today, and this is something that I cannot pass up! There is a new legendary item that has just been added to this wonderful game, but alas it has broken into several parts! The only one who can save this item being lost forever is the one and only Superman Yoosung! Are you up to the task? If you accept this quest, head to the area that we all first see when we are born into this word -Hacker God Meow-ut!”
Yoosung Thought for a second as he read Seven’s first clue. His first thought being the main hub where characters spawn into the game, but after a second he realized that was not really the first place you see in the game. Opening up the options tab, Yoosung clicked a button he never thought he would click...the replay tutorial button.
As Yoosung relearned all the basic skills he already had nailed down, he saw something he could have sworn had not been there before...An NPC with a quest marker above it’s head. Walking up to this out of place NPC, he saw it looked like Zen. When he finally got close enough, Yoosung saw there was an interact button. Quickly he clicked on it, knowing full well this had to be what he was searching for.
“Hello, Superman Yoosung. I came here because one of my fans told me about a new item that got added to this game. Thankfully I was able to use my talent to charm this piece of it from an orc that had found it first. Before I can give it to you though, I must make sure you are the real Superman Yoosung with a question. What is Hacker God’s favorite dish that you cook?”
Yoosung watched as a text box appeared on screen, obviously waiting for him to type an answer in. Quickly he typed the word “omurice” into the blank space, smiling as he recalled all the times he had made it for Seven when he stayed over at his bunker. Soon the text box closed, and the Zen NPC had another maker above it’s head, telling Yoosung to talk to him again.
“It seems you are the true Superman Yoosung. I leave this part in your hands, take care of it Superman Yoosung. As for where you must go next, Hacker God has left me with your next clue… Your sack is heavy with all of your loot. From armor, staves, sheilds, and swords. Though what do you do with what you can’t use? Come to the place that has the answer for the next part of this legendary item! - Hacker God Seven Meow-ou...ACHOO.” Oh, I’m sorry Yoosung. It seems I can’t get away from this stupid cat allergy even if I’m in a game. Have fun with your quest though, I should get back to reading my lines for my next play.”
With that, the NPC became noninteractive, and Yoosung started to focus on his next clue. This one was harder than the last...you could after all throw any items that you didn’t want away after all. After a few moments though, Yoosung had figured it out. He was ready to head to one of the most populated areas in any server…the market.
As Yoosung got to the market, he saw the other payers trading their goods, buying upgraded gear and skins from NPC’s, and the occasional player begging for gold as he as new to the game… or just trying to scam some people. Soon enough he saw another quest icon in the flood of people, leading to an NPC who looked exactly like Jumin. Just like before, As Yoosung accepted the quest, this Jumin NPC started talking.
“Ah hello Superman Yoosung, it seems you have been able to figure out Hacker God’s second riddle. I have to say, he has led us to a very interesting place. There are so many economic systems going on in one place, from a free-market system all the way to a barter one. I should have Assistant. Kang write a report on how such a place could remain economically stable. First, however, there is something we must discuss. I was able to get this part of a legendary item for a reasonable price from a vendor at this market and I need to make sure to sell it again for a reasonable price. The thing I’m interested in though is information. Answer this one question I have and this piece is yours. With that being said, here is your question...What is the best way to spend a weekend?”
Again another text box appeared, and Yoosung was quick to type “playing LOLOL” into the text box before deleting it. Playing LOLOL was fun, sure, but that wasn’t the reason it was fun to him. Every weekend, he would always make sure to go over to Seven’s place and do some form of activity with him. These activities would consist of, playing LOLOL with each other, snuggling on the couch with junk food and a movie, a late night drive to watch the stars or trying to teach Seven how to cook...while Seven tried to find ways of sneaking HBC and PHD. Pepper into everything. After deleting his last message, Yoosung quickly replaced it with “Spending time with Hacker God” as that was the true answer to this question. After he hit enter, the quest icon above Jumin’s head reappeared and Yoosung interacted with him again.
“That seems like a reasonable answer and a good piece of information for our trade. I will keep my end of the deal just as you kept yours, take care of this second piece... Ah yes, before you head out, it seems I was also programmed to give you another clue before you head out ahem… “You are so close my 606, only one more piece to go! Listen to my last riddle, and you will finally claim your prize! When mobs are boring and bosses are beaten, there is only one enemy left while you wait for the next in game update. Go to the place that symbolizes this notion for the last piece will be waiting for you! -Hacker God Meow-ut!” ...Hmm, cute, it seems like hacker god even added a cat pun in his riddle. I must be going Yoosung as I have a very important meeting with an elf prince to start selling his kingdom’s bows in this very market. Good luck on your quest and I hope the outcome is favorable for you.”
Again, like with the Zen NPC, this Jumin NPC became non-interactive when he got this last riddle. He knew what this riddle was talking about right away as the second ranked user in the shooting star server. The only enemy left after completing everything this game had to offer could only be other players, as many had tried to challenge him in PVP to get higher up on the leaderboard. There was one place where PVP was known to happen more than any other place in LOLOL, and that was the arena. With that in mind, Yoosung headed out from the market to where he was sure the next part of this legendary item was waiting for him.
As Yoosung got to the area, he was suddenly spamed by PVP requests from those who wanted to take down the mighty Superman Yoosung, and even though he was tempted to take them down, he kept declining and looking for the one NPC he was sure would be here. Finally, after a few minutes of wading through players, Yoosung found the Jaehee NPC waiting for him with a request marker. Just as he did the last two times, he walked to her and initiated the quest.
“Ah hello Superman Yoosung, I’m glad you have made it. It was getting tiring watching all these people try and fight... their form is very wrong. That being said, we should wrap this up quickly...Mr. Han has just given me a new project to work on, and there's a lot of paperwork to fill out. I was hoping to maybe sit down and watch one of Zen’s plays after this...but it seems that will have to wait another time. sigh for now I guess I should focus on the task at hand and give you your last piece of this legendary item. I’m sure you know how this process works by now so, Superman Yoosung, here is your final question from Hacker God… Will you meet me at the space station?”
Unlike the past questions, there was no box to fill in this time. In its place was a simple multiple-choice question with “Yes” and “No” buttons clearly labeled. The question was an interesting one since Seven joked about a space station all the time in chatrooms, but if it meant he could spend time with Seven...he knew the answer. Clicking on the “Yes” button, Yoosung saw the quest marker he was expecting to see above Jaehee’s head and read what she had to say next.
“It seems you were able to understand Hacker God’s... interesting way of speaking more than I could, here is the last Piece of the legendary item Superman Yoosung. I hope you like whatever Hacker God has planned for you, however I’m sure you will if you have made it this far. I must be going now, as I said before I have a mountain of paperwork I must go through before Mr.Han asks me to watch over his cat again.”
With that the third piece of the legendary item. For a split second Yoosung wondered why he didn’t get another riddle to solve when another popup told him he had another new item in his inventory. It seemed that when all three legendary pieces were put into his inventory, they combined inside to a new key item...a teleporter. Most teleporters where a one time use item to fast travel to any destination or player on the map, but this one was different. When he clicked on it, there was only one destination this item could teleport him too, “The space station.”...a place that he had never heard of in LOLOL before. Remembering the last question the Jaehee NPC told him, Yoosung clicked the use button and the screen became dark as it was loading in the new area.
“My 606! You made it to the space station!” Yoosung heard as the map loaded in. “Seven? Where are we?” Yoosung asked back after turning on his voice chat, looking around this new area. Like he thought, this was not a normal in game area. The inside was metal and sleek, like this map came right out of a si-fi film. The walls were lined with windows that looked out into the vast space that was set up while little stars sparkled about. Planets and moons of varying color and size danced around each other and Yoosung could not help but stare at the sight for a few seconds. As Yoosung moved deeper into the map, he finally saw the avatar he was hoping to find by the end of this, Hacker God. “Seven! What is this place...I didn’t even know something like this was in the game!” Yoosung said, walking closer to Seven. “Well my Superman Yoosung, that would be because it technically doesn’t belong in the game. You and I are the only ones who know of this places existence.” The cheerful voice of Seven responded.”Wait, so you hacked into LOLOL’s code...to create an entirely new map?” Yoosung’s confused voice asked next.“That I did!” Seven exclaimed before letting his voice get softer. “I always told you we would meet at the space station, didn’t I? Even if we can’t do that in person, at least not yet, I can at least do that here. I know you are going to tell me I didn’t have to put the work into making this, and I know I didn’t, but I wanted to. This is our place, away from my work, your school, the RFA, and anything else we need to get away from for a bit. This is our place...our space station.” Seven finished. “I...I..” Yoosung started, tears filling his eyes as he was about to break down. Nobody had ever put this much thought into something for him...“ I... don’t what to say...what I can to repay you.” Yoosung finished, unable to find the right words to express the happiness he felt. “You don’t need to repay me, Yoosung.” Seven’s soft voice spoke up again. “Just promise to stay with me in the space station.” He finished. “I love you Seven.” “I love you too, my 606.”
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xshadowmonx · 6 years ago
I saw this and I thought it be fun to start getting my Tumblr up and running ahha
1. What’s your name?
“My Name is Akano Mamoru and don’t you forget it haha!”
2. Do you know why you were named that?
*Akano pauses and starts thinking for a moment*
“To be honest, I have no idea why my creator would call me that name... Hey! Creator dude! Why did you give me this name?!”
*No response*
“I guess he doesn’t know either....”
3. Single or Taken? If you are taken, who is it and can they join us in our questionnaire?
“Oh yeah I’m taken, sorry ladies, but this guy is dating the best girl in this world and her name is-“
*Nejire jumps in* “JOHN CENA!”
*John Cena theme plays in the background*
Akano: “Isn’t she the best?❤️
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Akano: “Oh hell yeah! My quirk is called retaliation! Any damage I take helps boost me up in strength. However, the a percentage of damage I could take makes my eye color change as well.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue!
Akano: “Who the hell is Mary Sue?”
Nejire: “No babe. A Mary Sue means seemingly perfect fictional character that can usually perform better at tasks than should be possible given the amount of training or experience, and usually are able through some means to upstage the main protagonist of an established fictional setting, such as by saving the hero.”
Akano: “Did you pull that off of Wikipedia?”
Nejire: “Yup!” *Smiles happily*
Akano: “You are so cute, and to answer that, well it ain’t my fault I’m the best and perfect character you’ll ever meet.”
Nejire: “Says the one who still doesn’t know how to do laundry and clean the dishes.”
Akano: “But it’s so boooooooring ughh.”
6. What’s your eye color?
Akano: “My eyes are brown, but like I mentioned before they can change depending on the amount of damage I take.”
7. How about hair color?
Akano: “Red! Like my power and bloodthirsty rage for victory!”
Nejire: “Hehe more like a hot headed child at times.”
Akano: “Hey! I’m not a child.” *crosses his arms and pouts*
8. Have any family members?
Akano: “Well... I have my Mom. Oh I have my Uncle Aizawa, but he isn’t really my uncle though. It’s a long complicated story.”
*Mirio in the back* “Hey! Don’t forget us bro!”
Akano: “Oh yeah! Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki are like family to me, and I’ll defend them with my life.”
9. Oh how about pets?
Akano: “Well... no not really haha, least that I know of. I think we have a cat, but I know my creator has a dog.”
Nejire: “Ooooo! I wanna see it!”
Akano: “I’ll show you later, it’s super cute!”
10. That’s cool I guess, Now tell me something you don’t like.
Akano: “I don’t like waffles.”
Nejire: *coughs* “Liar.” *coughs*
Akano: “Ok fine. I honestly hate drama and I hate manipulative people. Oh I also hate losing.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Akano: “I love training, fighting, and writing. I love watching Anime and reading as well, but the number one thing I love doing the most is cooking pancakes!”
Nejire: “I love Akano’s Pancakes! They are so good!”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Akano: “Of course! I kick people’s ass all the time!”
Nejire: “Yeah... after they beat you up.”
Akano: “Well... you aren’t wrong.”
13. Ever... killed anyone?
*Both stayed quiet and confused*
Both: “Thank you, Next!”
*Both look at each other*
Both: “Ayyyyy!” *High fives each other*
14. What kind of animal are you?
Akano: “I am a bear! I’m hella grizzly and strong!”
Nejire: “And He is so fluffy and soft to cuddle with hehe.”
*Akano blushes intensely and looks away for a moment*
15. Name your worst weakness
Akano: “Well... my worst weakness is my own quirk’s drawback. You see after taking so much damage I store up a lot of energy from them. However, after that energy runs out, I take all the pain I got and it’s either double, tripled, or hell even quadrupled in pain. Which means I could end up immobilized for a while or I’ll be passed out if I use up to much. There is another factor to it all. Depending on how long I use the power, whether it’s 2 minutes or 1 hour, it will be the indication of how intense the pain will be, so if it’s 2 minutes, the pain is spiked up to the max and will last all 2 minutes, but if an hour then the pain ain’t as bad as the 2 minutes. You feel me?”
*Nejire eyes widen with amazement*
16. Do you look up to anyone?
Akano: “Normally I’d say All Might like many others, but there was this hero my Mom would tell me about. Her name is Nana Shimura, and there was this one quote she would say... ‘In this world, the ones who are smiling are the strongest.’ I don’t know where she heard that, but man... that quote was forever embedded in my mind and became my motivation to keep smiling even through the worst of situations.” *Showing off a big smile*
*Nejire shows of a big smile too with delight*
17. Are you Straight, Gay, or Bi?
*Akano and Nejire look at each other and then back at the guy*
Akano: “I’m gay for Mirio and Tamaki.”
*Mirio in the back* “Hell Yeah!”
Akano: “But in all seriousness, I’m straight.”
Nejire: “Hi Straight! I’m dad!” *Starts giggling*
Akano: “Babe... really? Dad jokes? THAT’S MY THING!”
18. Do you go to school?
Akano: “Yup! Third year at U.A high with Her and my two other friends.” *points to Tamaki and Mirio*
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
*Akano blushes and looks at Nejire as she takes his hand, smiling at him*
Akano: “One day.”
*Mirio in the back* “Awwwwwwww! I ship these two so hard!”
*Akano and Nejire blush and start laughing*
20. Do you have Fanboys/Fangirls?
Akano: “You know, I would never imagine me of all people to have fans at all. Frankly, I don’t even see them as fans. I see them as friends and close companions that I am truly blessed to have met them. If you guys are reading this, just know I’m blessed and happy to have met you.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
Akano: “I’m scared... of being forgotten. I’m scared to lose everything I have worked for and been brought up with. I love everyone and everything I had met or achieved, so I’m afraid to lose em all.”
*Tightens grip of Nejire’s hand*
22. What do you usually wear?
“Anything comfortable really. From sweats and T-shirt to a suit, but I never EVER forget my headband!” *points to the headband*
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Akano: “Pancakes.”
24. Am I annoying you?
Akano: “Nope! This is actually pretty fun haha especially with the 3 most important people here.”
*Mirio in the back* “He is talking about us! Woohoo!”
25. Well, it’s not over.
Akano: “Let’s get this bread then!”
26. What class are you in? (Low class, Middle class, high class)
Akano: “I’m in class 3-B
Nejire: “Me too!”
*Awkward silence*
27. How many friends do you have?
Akano: “I have too much to count, but they know who they are and how important they are to me.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Akano: “Its hella yummy!”
Nejire: “Oooo I love pie!”
29. Favorite drink?
Akano: “I love Jasmin tea.”
Nejire: “Me too! I forgot I got you into it.”
Akano: “It works so well for my stamina!”
30. What’s your favorite place?
Akano: “My bed.”
31. Are interested in anyone?~
*Akano and Nejire look at each other*
Both: “I’m interested in him/her.” *Pointing to each other*
32. That was a stupid question.
Akano: “Naaaaah reeeeseally? I had no idea.”
Nejire: “Babe be nice!” *smacks Akano on the back of his head*
Akano: “Ow! That hurt!”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or an ocean?
Akano: “I’d rather swim in a lake. I heard there are monsters in the ocean.”
Nejire: “What about the Loch Ness monster? That lives in a lake.”
Akano: “Well Yeah, in Loch Ness up in Scotland.”
Nejire: “Ooooooh.”
34. What’s your type?
*Akano points to her*
Akano: “Any and everything about her.”
*Nejire blushes and starts laughing*
35. Any fetishes?
Akano: “Nejire Hado. Her butt, her boobs, her thighs, and especially her-“
*Nejire smacks Akano’s head* “Akano!”
Akano: “Ow! Hey! I was just gonna say your personality.”
Nejire: “O-oh... sorry.”
36. Camping or Indoors?
Akano: “Honestly, both. I love the outdoors and indoors all the same.”
37. Are you a gamer? If so, what’s your favorite video game?
Akano: “Big time, and my favorite game is both Monster Hunter and For Honor.
38. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you view yourself on your appearance?
Akano: “I say personally a 6 or a 7.”
Nejire: “There are a lot of girls who drool over you babe.”
Akano: “Wait really? I didn’t even notice.”
39. Alright we are almost done here, just one more question.
Akano: “Aww man so soon? Well it was fun while it lasted. Hit me with that last question.”
40. Are you a virgin?
*Akano turns red a bit*
Akano: “Well umm.... yes.”
Nejire: “He so pure hehe.”
41. Well that is all the time we have for today, thank you so much for your time and thank you for answering all these questions.
Well I hope you all liked reading it haha
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sending-the-message · 7 years ago
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold and Mercilessly by TheBigSp00k
I peered over at Jason and grinned, when Ms. Hensly took a seat at her desk; the chair collapsed underneath her. A roar of laughter erupted from the class as she scrambled to get back up on her feet.
“Everyone quiet!” Ms. Hensly screamed.
Her face had turned bright red and her eyes scanned over ocean of students. Their laughter had slowly died as she sized up each one of her students.
“Who is responsible for this!?” She exclaimed, pointing down at her sabotaged desk chair.
Jason let out a loud snort in attempt to keep himself from exploding into a laughing fit. Ms. Hensley’s shot over at him. Jason instantly became quiet and his skin turned white.
“Mr. Hawk, come here! Now!”
Jason slowly scooted his chair back and made his way to the front of the class, dragging his feet along the way.
“Are you responsible for this ridiculous attempt at humor? Hmm?” She interrogated him.
Jason’s eyes stabbed right through my soul and I mouthed the words,
“I’m sorry!”
Jason got 3 weeks detention and a swift trip to the principal’s office. I waited after class for an hour until he got released from detention. I was standing outside the main doors holding a piece of paper that read,
“Free my dude, Jason!”
He smiled and punched me in the shoulder as he approached.
“You really fucked me, dude, you know that?”
“Ya, I’m sorry. For the record, it wasn’t my fault you couldn’t hold in your laughter. You had to wait until the class was silent, didn’t you?” I taunted.
Jason gave me a dirty look and we walked home. He only lived a block and a half away from me, we lived there most of our lives. I moved to the neighborhood when I was 7 and our parents met during some neighborhood barbecue or some shit. Regardless, we instantly became friends when he saw what I had shook up every single one of our parent’s beers in the cooler.
We spent every day together after that.. I’d screw with nearly every person I came in contact with, and Jason would laugh his head off and get caught. We were a good team for Jason would always get off the hook so easily. He was an easy-going guy and people had a hard time finding a reason not to like him.
“Mr. Bickens was pissed! He nearly blew a fuckin’ gasket when he found out what had happened. You’re lucky I didn’t rat you out, Ben. You would’ve been expelled this time. You fucking owe me.”
He wasn’t wrong. I was suspended for 2 weeks a few months back when I used a large pole to open up one of the gymnasium windows. I left it open overnight and filled a bowl full of laxative-laced bird seed. It was only intended to get the gym shut down for a day or two so they would make us run the track. On days such as those, Jason and I would sneak off and share a joint inside the baseball dugout.
Long story short, we had an assembly that morning that involved a bunch of D.A.R.E. volunteers come in and lecture all of the students about the dangers of drugs. It was like something out of a movie. A flock of birds came in through the open window, they circled the room and showered the visitors with shit-bombs from above. I think you could imagine what happened next.
Unfortunately, someone saw that I was up to no good and ratted me out. Of course I denied it up until they showed me the security footage.
I became a school legend from that point on. When I returned from my suspension, I was treated like a king. Jason was more impressed than anyone.
We spent the walk home laughing about Ms. Hensly’s face when she fell on her ass that morning. As we approached my house, we were surprised to see a moving truck backed into the driveway of the vacant home next door. The house had been up for sale for at least 2 years. I couldn’t imagine who would want to move out to a shit-hole of a town like this but we were excited nonetheless.
“Dude, what if they have a hot daughter!” Shrieked Jason.
I let out a full-bellied laugh “Even so, it’s not like you have any fuckin’ game, Jason.”
Jason took a swipe at my nuts and put his fists up playfully “More than you, bitch! You even struck out at junior prom with Rebecca O’Niel! She was a sure thing, dude.”
I spat at the ground “Becca wishes she could get with this fine ass piece of meat.”
That was when we saw a man stepping out of the bed of the moving truck. He was carrying a tripod and a box of video equipment. He noticed our presence and gave us a welcoming smile. I responded with a waving gesture but didn’t bother introducing myself. Following him was a girl about our age. She had long blonde hair, and to my surprise, Jason was right for once. She was hot!
We slowed our stride in hopes to get a better look but her face was buried in her cellphone, headphones in her ears.
We got to my front step and Jason gave me a stupid look of satisfaction, “See! I fuckin’ told you! Hell ya, dude, maybe she’s got a thing for nerds, you may be in luck.”
I kicked Jason off my porch and went inside. My mom was waiting for me in the kitchen
“Hey, honey! How was school? You see we’re getting new neighbors!” She emphasized “new neighbors” in an excited tone.
I tried to play it off like I wasn’t too enthused but, to be honest, I was. It’s like a teenage boy’s dream to have that ‘girl next door’ but who was I kidding. She probably had a boyfriend in her old town and didn’t want anything to do guys around here.
That evening I was playing around on the computer when I caught a glimpse of her out on their back patio. She sneaked around to the side of her house and lit up a cigarette. She looked up and we made eye contact through the window. She made a gesture with her arms as if she were saying “what?!”.
I didn’t know how to react so I just shut my blinds and went back to playing games on my computer. About an hour later I took my dog out for a walk. I wandered around the new neighbor’s house hoping to run into the girl next door. Instead I saw her father. He didn’t act as pleasant the first time around, in fact, he was a complete dick.
He was carrying a large plastic tote around the side of his house towards the garage. I looked over at him and smiled. He must’ve not seen me because he jumped a bit and spun around. He looked at me, then at my dog who was sniffing the grass of his front lawn.
“Don’t let that fucking mutt shit in my grass or I’m gonna have him euthanized!” He shouted.
I was shocked by his response. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even muster up a comeback to his snide remark. I just stood there in awe.
He set the tote on the ground in front of the garage door and went back around the side of the house. That’s when I decided that he would be my next victim. That old bastard was going to realize he fucked wth the wrong kid.
I watched him through my window for the remainder of the night. He spent a lot of time doing work on his garage. I was trying to find out what I could sabotage without drawing suspicion to myself.
I met Jason in front of my house and we walked to school.
“Dude, the neighbor is a dick.”
“The neighbor girl has a dick?!” He asked with a stupid looking grin on his face.
“No, you fucking idiot, the dad. He said he was gonna kill my dog if I let him on his lawn. Who the fuck says that to their neighbor before even meeting them? The guy’s a psycho.”
Jason laughed and put his hand on my shoulder, “bro, you need to relax. He was probably all stressed out from the move. I mean, I would be, knowing I had to live next to you.”
I shot him a dirty look, “not funny, dude. If that old fuck lays a finger on my dog I’ll hang him by his balls.”
Jason stopped with the jokes and we made our way to class. I got in to first period right as the bell rang and recognized the girl from next door. She looked up at me for a second then went right back to playing on her phone. It was kind of intimidating.
I took the empty seat behind her. The smell of a burnt cigarette occupied the air around us.
Mrs. Rose sat up from her desk, “everyone, quiet down. We have a new student today! Introduce yourself, miss.”
The blonde haired girl let out a deep sigh and mumbled something under her breath. Everyone in the class followed her with their eyes as she slowly made her way to the front of the class.
“My name is Emily. I am from Portland.” You could tell she wasn’t very pleased with the unwarranted attention.
We made eye contact for a brief moment as she swiftly made her way back to her desk.
“Pssst, watch.” I said as I tapped on her shoulder.
Mrs. Rose went to open the bottom left drawer of her desk. She screamed at the top of her lungs and jumped out of her chair. Her face was ghost-white.
Shortly after, a tarantula (one that I hade swiped up from the science room before class) emerged from the drawer and was now crawling along the top of her desk.
The classroom broke out into chaos. The girls were screaming, the guys were laughing at the girls, and Emily, sitting in front of me, was lightly chuckling to herself. I peered over and Jason who was green with envy. I smiled.
The science teacher, Mr. Roy, came into the classroom to retrieve his lost pet. Mrs. Rose was very displeased with the matter. Before class ended, Emily slipped a note to me from behind her back. It was her phone number.
Emily and I started talking a lot. We’d flirt through texts, I’d come over once in a while, but I never forgot about my master plan. Getting even with her dad. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t using her at all. In fact, I really liked the girl, despite her disgusting smoking habit. But things were going great. I’d sneak over to her place every other night, we’d fool around, then I’d leave. But not before getting a good idea on how I was going to get her dad.
One night I decided to do the deed. Winter break just started so I could wait until long after he went to bed before sneaking into the garage. I managed to squeeze the door code out of Emily somehow and opened it just enough for me to slip in.
I didn’t really have a plan, which was unusual since I always had some cunning idea on what I was going to do. I ended up just wrecking the whole garage. I drained the oil out of his car, turned his toolbox inside out, and even ruined a butt-load of Video Tapes he had stored in one of those plastic totes. One thing I did notice was that he had a ridiculous amount of video equipment. I never asked Emily what her father did for a living but at that time I had to guess it was somewhat relevant.
I could tell her father was pissed. The following day, I could hear him shouting in frustration all the way from my bedroom. Mission successful. Later that night, I let my dog out the back door to do his business in the back yard. I must’ve forgotten about him because he usually starts scratching at the sliding glass door whenever he’s done. But after 2 hours, he hadn’t returned. I started to panic. I went out back and called for him several times but got no response. After searching every corner of the back yard, unnoticed our side gate had been left open. I was puzzled because I never use the gate, let alone leave it open. Someone must’ve been in my back yard.
I immediately had my suspicions but what could I do? Go over to the neighbor’s house and ask Emily’s dad if he let my dog out? Not a chance, even if he did, it’s not like he’d own up to it.
I swiped up my phone and called Emily. Nothing. I sent her a text and put my shoes on. I walked around the neighborhood up until midnight looking for him. After giving up, I went home and headed upstairs to my room. It’s not the first time he’s gotten out. Last time he didn’t come back until the next day. I convinced myself he was just exploring the neighborhood and taking advantage of his freedom.
When I returned to my computer, I had a notification that told me I had a new email. It was from a weird address compiled of long series of numbers. The email contained nothing other than a link. Being the idiot that I was, I clicked it.
The page was nothing special at first. Just a media window with a list of links on the left hand side. I clicked the play button on the media box and waited...
I started to grow impatient. A minute and a half had elapsed and all I could hear was rustling. Eventually something came into view. It was out of focus but after a few seconds it cleared up. I was horrified to see that it was my dog. It was laying on the concrete floor of a dark room. The dim glow of a freely hanging lightbulb swayed overhead, illuminating the area just below where my dog lied.
After a few moments I realized that my dog was dead. The camera shifted around then was set down so it revealed only my dog and the 2 legs of a man. It was angled so I couldn’t identify the man; cut off at his waist. He took a step towards my beloved pet’s corpse and began to kick its lifeless body. This went on for about a 10 seconds until he started stomping on its poor head until it was crushed underneath the sole of his boot. I screamed at the screen and wanted to close out of the window but couldn’t stop watching as he smashed my dog’s head into a pile of blood and brain matter. He circled the body a few times until returning to the camera, which he then shut off.
I could feel the stomach bile rising from my stomach and I swallowed hard to refrain from spewing my dinner all over my keyboard. What kind of sick fuck would do such a thing? Suspicion fell upon Emily’s dad.
I scrambled out of my seat and saw that I had a missed call from Emily and a text message.
“Sorry, I was in the shower. My dad’s out of town for a few days on business. Wanna come over? ;)”
I didn’t bother to send her a reply as I was already at her front door within seconds. When she let me in I ran straight past her to the garage. The door swung open and slammed into a shelf behind it, knocking a handful of boxes to the ground. I peered around the room, looking for any evidence of the video I had just seen. There was nothing. What I did notice was that the tote that held all of his video equipment was gone.
I turned around to see Emily standing in the doorway. She had a look of confusion on her face.
“What the fuck is going on?!” She shouted.
I paused and thought for a moment. Her dad thought he got the best of me. He thought that I’d just take a loss and that would be it, he’d win. No, fuck no, I didn’t want to get even. I wanted to destroy him. I wanted him to spend every waking day of his life in misery for what he did to my dog. My child…
That’s when the idea dawned upon me. He took someone I loved away from me. I’ll take someone he loves away from him. I smiled and looked at Emily who was now staring at me with an agitated look on her face. I knew exactly how I was going to get him back…
When I finished cleaning up Emily’s blood and bagged up her body, I picked up the old video camera that I found in the pile of crap that I knocked down previously. I carefully removed the tape and set it on the kitchen counter. This was it. He’d come home, find the tape, watch the tape, and see that he had been bested. What was he gonna do? Call the police? Ya right, the guy was sadistic. He knew that he had lost and that was it. I doubt he would’ve retaliated.
I spent the remainder of the night huffing bleach fumes and properly disposing of the body. I wiped everything in the garage and house down to hide any evidence that I had been there. I didn’t get home until almost dawn. When I looked at my phone, I saw that I had a voicemail from Jason.
“Very funny dude. You bail on me for the past few days and now you’re trying to fuck with me by sneaking into my house? Cut it the fuck out.”
I tried calling Jason back several times but no answer. I shot him a text then hopped on my computer. There was a message from him. A video.
Jason was tied to his bed. Each limb bound to a corner of his bed frame with thick rope. He was shirtless; covered in cuts and bruises. Then a familiar voice rose from my speakers.
“I’ve had enough from you little fucking brats. You think you’re so funny, humiliating me in front of my students. I’m ending this now. Your little friend is next.”
A figure came into frame. She was short and hefty. I immediately know who was responsible but my eyes stayed locked on the screen…it was Ms. Hensly.
“It wasn’t me! I swear to fucking god it wasn’t me!” Jason cried. He was soon silenced by a large piece of tape being stretched over his mouth.
“I don’t want to hear any fucking excuses. Whether it was you or your little friend, you’re guilty by association.” The woman replied in a nasty, almost demonic tone.
She was handed something by an unidentified figure who remained out of frame. It was a large knife. She held the knife high above her head with both hands then plunged it down into Jason’s chest. You could hear the knife penetrate his sternum with a large crack.
Jason’s muffled screams filled the room as she repeatedly stabbed Jason in his chest and face. Blood sprayed in every direction as Jason’s limbs flailed in agony. The woman tilted her head back and let out a menacing laugh. More laughter flooded the room, not the voice of one, but many. The woman retreated from the bedside and the camera followed.
She stepped into the hallway where 5 other figures stood below the dimly lit bulb overhead. The camera focused on their faces and I quickly recognized the party. Ms. Hensly, Mrs. Rose, Mr. Bickens, and two other teachers.
“We have had enough of your disregard for authority. You and your friend, Jason, have no respect for the sanctity of a learning environment. Now you must face the consequences.” Announced the blood covered Ms. Hensly.
“Your ignorance has interrupted the learning of your fellow students. You are a clown. The world will be a better place without you.” Added Mr. Bickens.
I clicked out of the video and laughed out loud. These idiots don’t know who they’re up against. But I sure will have my work cut out for me. I wonder if they have any kids?
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