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caseyeatspizza · 2 months ago
Here's all my drawings of the first NADDPOD campaign PCs
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heytherecentaurs · 6 months ago
Adam Conover’s special was so much fun. It’s exactly what you’d expect. He has always managed to strike the right balance between very clever guy and very goofy guy. And he knows how to tip one way or the other as required. Like G for Government and his podcast are more serious and Adam Ruins Everything and his special are more silly. But he’s never one without the other and I think that makes him very likeable. He’s smart and he knows it but doesn’t take himself too seriously. And that’s perfect.
This special was great because it is classic Adam. He mixes cogent sociopolitical commentary with jokes about eating ass. And it works. He’s never too far in either direction and it makes for a very balanced show.
Over the years I’ve become a big fan of Adam’s. And he doesn’t disappoint. I know he’s very busy but it made me want him back on Naddpod. He was their first guest and I’d love to see him back now that the show is more polished and Murph knows how to handle guest arcs.
Definite worth checking out and a very very solid hour of standup.
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thebookishwallflower · 1 year ago
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
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our-favourite-orcs · 2 years ago
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Propaganda under the cut!
Propaganda for Joebeans from Drawtectives:
And Joebeans is literally named that just so Julia Lepetit could make a Jolene reference. Glorious.
Propaganda for Stunkbug from Not Another DnD Podcast:
He’s Orc Frasier
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ayanos-pl · 10 months ago
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a stinkbug (Plautia stali)
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coatraq · 1 year ago
stunk bug
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nemospecific · 5 months ago
Stunkbug was killed by Alanis after an offhand comment by... I wanna say Bev.
It was in episode 83.
I like that every guest but stunkbug comes back in the end. everyone else bonded with the boobs for life and stunkbug never thought of them again. saw their names in the news and only vaguely recognized their names
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mell0bee · 2 years ago
i would kill and die for juan the robot. best NPC so far. change my mind.
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vsaysnaur · 26 days ago
Exactly what the title says, on a recent relisten to Campaign 1, I decided to make a spreadsheet of the BoB's + all of their Guest PC's kills throughout the campaign.
!!Major Spoilers Below the Cut!!
So quick disclaimer before I explain my method and give the final counts for everyone. Unfortunately my numbers, specifically for the BoB and Jvelin, are not as accurate as they could be. This is mainly because in episode 65, there is a vampire killing montage, where there were many implied kills but no definitive numbers given. I did count any kills they narrated but there's just no way for me to know how many were actually murdered. A few rules and clarifications I followed while counting: - Typically, whoever gets the final blow on an enemy is who the kill gets counted for - In NADDPOD there are many narrative assists during battles. A good example is Moonshine, mechanically, killing Shadowfell Lord Galad but handing it off to Hardwon and then him handing it off to Lydia. In cases like this narrative will triumph over mechanics and the kill will go to whoever got the narrative "finish them" moment. - The same rules above apply to Assisted Kills. If they're included in someone's "finish them" narration, it will count for all the narrated characters. - Constructs, conjurations, and summoned creature's kills count toward whoever created them, however creatures that are charmed to fight for someone don't count for whoever charmed them. - I consider downing an enemy, or "finishing" an enemy that can't be killed to be different than killing them, so they don't go toward the character's count. Although they are listed in the spreadsheet in italics. - Live shows and spinoff sessions are not canon and are not counted. - I did not relisten to the Short Rests, so if there were any retroactive clarifications on certain kills, I missed them and I'm sorry 😞
All of that aside, the spreadsheet can be found here, and if there's anything I missed or you think something should've been counted differently feel free to let me know!
Here are the final numbers: Hardwon Surefoot: 348 Beverly Toegold V: 286 Moonshine Cybin: 331 Balnor the Brave: 245 Stunkbug: 5 Tonathan Tinkle: 6 Apple Scrumper: 11 Vance "Deadeye" Cybin: 3 Jvelin: 6 Mavrus Bombora: 6
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ambassadorquark · 2 years ago
remember when adam conover was on naddpod before they had really worked out how they were going to do guest stars and he showed up with a character he described as "orc frasier" whose name, which he apparently did not run by murph first, was Stunkbug
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caseyeatspizza · 2 months ago
Welcome to Bahumia! First three guest characters.
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kindleaf · 8 months ago
Just finished episode 11 so here are my thoughts on ezry:
Hardwon my beloved he absolutely carried this arc on his back holy shit. stunkbug ( adams charecter) had potential but I didn't 100% vibe with him, the plot was a bit predictable but fun, basically the whole thing is Adam's character had his memories altered by a scientist he saw as his friend to make him think this other guy who the scientist has beef with killed his brother so that he will kill him in revenge, while the scientist used his brother to experiment on, his backstory was basically infodumped when he first showed up which felt a bit cheap. BASICALLY the story and roleplaying side of things were ehhhhhh but I loved the world building on Ezry, the in and outside of the bubble actually felt connected and like they were actually a single city instead of 2 separated ones like many fantasy cities with this concept tend to, arcane ( I don't feel like looking up the weird spelling they mentioned it having lmaooo) is a really fun mechanic interested of combat and I also really like it story-wise. Overall a bit underwhelming but I'm excited if they ever come back to ezry to explore the city more
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+bonus stunkbug phone doodle bc I liked his design (or at least the one I made up for him in my head)
VERY GOOD STUNKBUG DOODLE. yeah frankly i just don't vibe with mr ruins everything. he's annoying and smug to me in a way that activates the chimp rage cortex in my brain and if i want that i could just go on the reddit tbh. BUT YEAH the rcane mechanics from ezry DO come up again (not for very long though, because they are a bit heavy and i think jake and murph decided to move away from a plot like that for hardwon). and to my memory, they don't go back to ezry in campaign 1, but in campaign 3 (which is in bahumia, 200 years later), they start in ezry, and there's for sure stuff from the original ezry like the bubble still present!!!
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cagednoob · 7 months ago
Aight I never mentioned this- but I did finish Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and overall… 👍 it was pretty good?
More under the cut that are obviously spoilers.
Now it being a story made up by the turtles is a pretty good idea tbh?? It kind of took me by surprise, but I can appreciate it a lot. And also it was relatable to see Leo sitting in bed drawing the comic (was there so much as a kid).
And this reason is why I can excuse some clunkiness of some of the plot moments.
My one complaint about it is it feels like the boys kept their brothers too in character? If that makes sense LMAO. Idk anytime I wrote about my brother as a kid no doubt I bastardized his personality.
But to be fair… they did grow up only knowing eachother for their entire lives until this point. Which probably did help them keep them in character. The others (such as Ray, Wingwave, Leatherhead, Stunkbug) I can just wave off since we don’t really see them a lot in the movie already.
Now the one thing that did throw me off… Where is Bebop and Rocksteady?? And Mondo?? The duo seem to be implied to have left or gone rogue in someway since Donnie (?) asked if they were on a rampage. But idk! Just a weird thing I noticed and couldn’t get outta my head.
The animation is stellar, and the designs of the new guys were fun for me. A couple of times I rewinded it just to watch a scene again and the East River Three probably had my favorite designs that were introduced (Mustang Sally and Lee my beloveds) and the Anemenies were also super cool since I don’t think we’d seen coral mutants so far in any iteration?
Pigeon Pete is ok, I think he gets his point of being the new comic relief tbh. I had fun watching his scenes (until the detective scene). I think having him talk made him worse for me somehow lol. And Metalhead (rip little guy) was very cute which surprised me as I’m typically not the biggest fan of robots.
I have no idea if these characters are real btw. Pigeon Pete I’m leaning towards…. Maybe? Just because he is seen in both the Arcs.
But it presumably had to happen since Splinter learned how to talk after mutation. So eh. But also him speaking Vermin (or whatever it’s called) is funny to me.
Also the human designs look… a lot better in 2D LMAO. Which is understandable, but it was one of the FIRST things I noticed when the humans appeared.
Now stories, they’re ok. I thought it was clunky at some spots, but it’s teenagers making it up. So it gets a pass from me.
Now I think the first Arc (told by Leo) is better than the second Arc (told by Raph). HOWEVER… I enjoyed the characters introduced in Arc Two way more. They were just more enjoyable for me to watch, Sally and Lee especially and both their designs are sick af.
It could be that the first arc was advertised more maybe? Or it was simply I preferred the first arcs story more. I did however dig that each arc was a different turtle telling the story and if there is a season two I can only hope that Donnie and Mikey can tell a story.
Now for things I disliked (couldn’t find a redeeming thing) is….
The Purple Dragons, Rat King aaaand the random animal violence?????
So the Purple Dragons isn’t a big thing but I just didn’t care too much for how it was done. Teens telling stories aside, it just felt… not right for me. It felt weird making Angel the aggressive one and Hun the more docile one. Which I did grow to like these characters I just couldn’t put that out of my mind.
Idk might just be me
Now the Rat King reveal with it being Splinter (and sewer rats worshipping him). Nothing really, I just don’t like it LMAO. Idk as a kid I could get behind it, but now that I fully know the two as separate characters it doesn’t work.
Aaand finally the random animal violence-
This is a weird one for me and I started to notice it after Ralph’s episode in Arc 1. There is just?? Random bad things that happen to animals? Such as the zoo scene specifically (kind of), the chickens that get ran over in an attempt of a joke, cat hit by flood of water, another cat that Genghis kept almost eating, and probably more I can’t remember.
The last one especially was when it got to bothering me. Cause it was trying to make all of that kind of humorous and it just… wasn’t sitting with me. I’ve never been a fan of that humor, I never will be and it’s just weird how much of it was in twelve episodes. Which again I can maybe say “teen boy humor” but even then?? I don’t think I can here tbh gang. It’s just…. Yeah that doesn’t land well for me.
There’s probably more I can add later, but these are my thoughts at the current moment about it. It’s a good show, animation is great and the story can be clunky at times, but it’s got a reason for it. Designs are fun as well.
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
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naddpod-arc-tournament · 2 years ago
Highlights from The Moonstone Saga:
drinking in the sounds of the fiddle
"Watch this."
the bullywug mating call plan
Moonshine throws Josh out of the tower
Hardwon (and Erlin) vs the Bullywug King— "The Jamboreen is back on!"
Highlights from The Ezry Chronicles:
Adam Conover as Stunkbug aka Orc Frasier
sliders and cocktails at the Blue Mana Inn
origin of Hardwon's R. Cane addiction
straight-edge Skullis
Duttle gets Duttled
If I forgot important highlights, leave them in the tags to help others make their choice!
(This is Round One of the NADDPod Bahumia Arc Tournament)
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