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pipunculidae · 9 months ago
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Hangin’ out (not my hand) Megarhyssa sp. Ichneumonidae
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year ago
Russingon cnc 👀👀👀?
hello hello dear anon!
that is a fill for this kinkmeme prompt. basically, the prompter wanted maedhros & fingon to do some very intense BDSM with maedhros topping, as a way of handling some post-angband trauma.
i, er, got carried away with the outline. if i finish it the way it's outlined right now, you can expect chains, stumpfucking, some fairly intense impact play, and drugging. all entirely consensual. fingon's certainly having a night.
hoping to finish that one for russingon week, actually!
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deep-state-partisan · 2 years ago
Jesus "stumpfucking" christ
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savedlatin · 6 years ago
i just changed my minecraft username to fobsux
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chooseruin · 2 years ago
Fictober day 1, belated: "I chose you."
Wolf 359, pre-canon, Jacobi and Maxwell. No plot only banter and awkward intimacy.
When he gets back from the shower, Maxwell's lying flopped across the shitty hotel bed like a kid's doll thrown from the top of a building. Face down. The angles of her arms and legs don't look comfortable, or Euclidean. According to pop culture, basically every woman in the developed world wants to be as long and narrow as Maxwell; except for Maxwell, who apparently wants to be a squished cranefly.
She's already wearing her sleep mask, so he makes a point of clomping on his way over. If she's awake with her eyes covered while someone's there, it usually means she's pretty chilled, but no one really needs to repeat the experience of startling Alana Maxwell up from drowsing. Especially not at close range. Even Kepler, when he can't actually avoid it, goes right to barking her name in that tone that hits the brain stem without passing Go, collecting two hundred dollars, or bothering to achieve consciousness before you're wearing a different shirt on the other side of the room.
Once he can be pretty confident she's oriented to him, he unwraps the towel from his neck and whips the bottoms of her feet with it. She makes a noise like a berserker Pomeranian and completely fails to kick him.
"Heh." The second kick attack doesn't come any nearer to connecting. "Classic."
"Die in a fire, stumpfucker." She contracts in on herself, reflexive, like a poked bug. Jacobi drops down next to her. "Actually, you'd be worryingly into that. Die in a flood. Die in a broken industrial freezer. Die in a Claire's."
"Now, that reminds me. Did I ever tell you about the time I contracted Yersinia pestis from a contaminated piercing gun in Accomac, Virginia?"
Mentos-and-Coke fizz of Maxwell's laughter. "Wow. New Zealand cowboy pirate. Three simultaneous bad accents that don't actually sound anything like him either individually or in aggregate. Four point eight five stars."
"Fuck you and the rhinestone unicorn you rode in on." He pokes her in the ribcage. She barely even squeaks. Must've been braced for it. "So where'd I lose the point fifteen?"
"Town name could have had more syllables. I gave you an extra zero five for scansion."
"Long story short… I wasn't dead yet." He tips an invisible hat and settles back against the headboard. Sleet dashes against the window in monotonous handfuls. One of the cracks in the shitty ceiling looks kind of like the one he skateboarded over and broke two fingers outside the school when he was ten. "Why is everything in this place kind of almost slimy?"
"They're cutting corners on soaps and detergent. It leaves a residue." Maxwell burrows discontentedly into the sheets. "Can you do my back for a minute?"
"I guess, if it'll make up for the residue."
He rests his hand between her shoulderblades. It covers an objectively unnerving percentage of her back. Like touching a hot brick wrapped in washed-to-shreds t-shirt cotton. When he pushes down, she shudders and makes a distressing noise.
"More like up underneath my shoulderblade – other shoulderblade, jackass. My left. Yeah," gasping, when he does the thing like scratching and digging in at once. "Ow, fuck. Positive. Up underneath."
Jacobi's seen the way she sits at her keyboard. He's kind of amazed she still has a back, and that's here and now with strongly recommended gym time and the ten-thousand-dollar chair she dared him to dare her to requisition. That wasn't even what made Kepler bat an eye. God knows what she was like when she was younger.
He changes the angle, up underneath, and her leg on the opposite side genuinely starts twitching. "This is like playing Minesweeper with live charges."
"Like you wouldn't do that. We should do that next year for your birthday."
"Have you thought about seeing a physio? Or, like, an exorcist?" Drags his thumb along the knife-curve of her scapula, probably way too hard, as she's opening her mouth to answer. Something in there releases unceremoniously, and she groans.
"Same thing other side – I thought about it. I chose you."
He corkscrews his thumb down, same thing, other side. Maxwell runs cold, temp-wise, but Jesus you could fry an egg on her back. "Cool. Then you also chose me laughing at you when you turn forty and you're shaped like a question mark."
"It's, like, rilly cute how you think either of us will live to see forty." She twitches, and sighs, and rolls her shoulders till they crack. "Do we have any of those weird chips left?"
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arofili · 4 years ago
I love reading what you write! It's always such good, easy writing no matter what it's about! Do you have any Russingon fic recs? I'm new to Ao3 and still figuring it all out.
Aww thank you so much <3 <3 that means a lot! and YES I have lots of Russingon fic recs! These are all taken from my bookmarks and I know there are other great fics out there, but these are ones that I have saved and come back to frequently!
(I’m also going to plug my Russingon fics bc I write them a lot and I’m pretty proud of some of those works!)
Blessed Hands Will Break Me by @absynthe--minded - WIP currently at 139k, lots of worldbuilding, from Fingon’s discovery of Maedhros’ capture to the Mereth Aderthad - Absynthe is an amazing Russingon writer, absolutely check her stuff out!
“whoso list to hunt” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 3k oneshot, post-Angband, 1st person Fingon POV - another incredible writer
“Old Pains” by @zealouswerewolfcollector​ - ficlet, post-reembodiment, Maedhros is unsure of reality
Did My Heart Love Till Now? by @absynthe--minded​ (with art by @felixwhetsel​ !) - 5k, Years of the Trees, masquerade shenanigans <3
“stay thy mind, and all the rest” by @mc-dude​ - 25k oneshot, get together, Fingon visits Maedhros in Himring, the ANGST and LONGING gahhhh !!!
“commit (to the bit)” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, FAKE DATING FOR WORLD PEACE, this author has a GIFT for prose and the subtlety of interpersonal interaction
“cliffs of fall” by @arrivisting - 3k oneshot, nonlinear narrative but generally focused on post-reembodiment reunion with Complicated Feelings - another author with a truly inspiring talent for prose, I reread the wedding scene in this fic at least once a week and it never fails to make me emo
In Equal Measure by @siphilemon - WIP currently at 108k, time-travel fix-it, bullet point fic, not just Russingon but they’re the ones who time traveled and anyway their parts make me go insane
Your colors by @elesianne - 2 chapters, 3k total, Years of the Trees and then Beleriand, gift-giving and anniversaries and dirty talk, so tender and loving, Elle’s Russingon always hits me right in the heart <3
“Like the old season” by Tyelperintal - 1.8k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros and Fingon take a walk in the woods, super sweet
“Gifts of the Heart” by @wren-of-the-woods - 10k oneshot, Years of the Trees, really lovely get-together fic, gift-giving, just super sweet and fun
Our Houses Bound Together by @senalishia and @z-h-i-e - 5 chapters, 17.2k total, arranged marriage AU!!, mutual pining, lots of drama, very fun
“just one safe place” by sunflower_diode - 2.1k oneshot, post-Angband, homoerotic haircutting
“All About Your Heart” and its sequel “At Last Broke Silence, And The Ice” by @admirablemonster - first fic is 2k, second is 8k, modern AU ft. aspec Fingon and genderfluid Maedhros!!!, get together, family drama, ice angst <3
Life after Death by Sylanna - WIP currently at 69k, Fingon-centric post-reembodiment fic, slow moving and contemplative, the author is truly the sweetest person ever
What Is Wrought Between Us by @nikosheba - 90k series (with plenty of smut too), complete, canon compliant, ranges from the Years of the Trees all the way to after the Dagor Dagorath, a truly incredible work
“Kindness” by justonelastdance - 1.6k oneshot, Maedhros in a fucked up mental state post-Angband, hurt/comfort - this author writes a lot of Maedhros whump so if you like this check out their other stuff too (this one is just my favorite)
and under the cut, some smut recs....
smut recs
In a Jeweled Crown by @absynthe--minded - 3 chapters, 12k, complete, Fingon’s coronation and the aftermath - this one still makes me go nuts every time I read it
Reconnecting by nyromes - a series with 2 parts, 9k total, first time post-Angband + first time Maedhros bottoms post-Angband
“Bright Defiance” (1.7k) and its companion fic “Very Good” (800 word ficlet) by @edgeoflight - two oneshots, Fingon coaxes Maedhros’ story out of him post-Angband + some PWP - these are some of my favorites, I come back to them frequently
“all your perfect imperfections” by @stormxpadme - 1.8k oneshot, stumpfucking, I’m biased bc this was written for me but I do love it very much, Himring era
“These Games We Play” by @edgeoflight - 1.7k oneshot, the original stumpfucking fic, Himring era
A Surprise At Home by Findecutie and MayGlenn - 25k of pwp, Years of the Trees, newlyweds, crossdressing - part of the much longer Russ and Finno Verse but this was my intro to that verse and it’s good on its own!
“Fuath” by yeaka - 3k oneshot, first time, some truly disturbing manipulation by Melkor but the Russingon here fucking destroys me ;-;
“Rozanne” by yeaka - 2.8k oneshot, Maedhros recovering from Angband, I once saw someone use the phrase “lovingly described blowjobs” and that’s basically this fic
“Sleeve” by yeaka - 2.4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, Years of the Trees, Fëanor invents the condom for Maedhros and Russingon are incredibly eager to try it out, they’re SO IN LOVE here it gets me every time
Passion and Anxious Care by LiveOakWithMoss - 12.5k total, 2 fic series, modern AU, oh my god they were roommates, get together and then first time, this is another one I return to frequently - this author is/was a BNF a few years ago but hasn’t been active recently
“For nimble thought can jump both sea and land” by TheLionInMyBed - 2.2k oneshot, palantiri foolishness that leads to video sex basically, Beleriand era - another BNF who is/was buds with LiveOakWithMoss
Treat me soft but touch me cool by LiveOakWithMoss and TheLionInMyBed - 4 chapters, 18k total, swoon kink/medical kink, relationship difficulties that are resolved, Beleriand era with a final chapter post-reembodiment, love this one
“Enthroned” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 4.5k oneshot, throne sex, fealty kink, King Fingon era
“A Disgrace to the House of Finwë” by @edgeoflight - 2.3k oneshot, get together/first time, Years of the Trees, they’re just super sweet together <3
“What Happens in Himring” by teasoni - 3.4k oneshot, reunion sex, Himring era, fealty kink, this fic is tagged “finally some dicks get sucked!!!!!!” and I think about that tag every time I write a Russingon blowjob jdkfhdkj
“a light in darkness, hope in woe” by @admirablemonster - 4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, surprise baby Gil-galad in the middle of the Bragollach
“A lord and his prince” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 3.1k oneshot, early Beleriand era, reunion sex, super sweet and fluffy
“Made of Lava” by @edgeoflight - 2.1k oneshot, Years of the Trees, tender get-together fic with a kind of silly premise
Bend, bruise, beg by LiveOakWithMoss - 5 chapters, 13k total, part of a larger modern AU but tbh I haven’t read the main fic in that verse and this absolutely stands on its own, Maedhros discovering his kinks, chapters 2 (first time) and 4 (butt plug shenanigans) are my favorites
“in a field of stars” by Nacht - 3.4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, first time/get together, the writing style here is really unique and sticks with me
“a sword once sheathed” by @mc-dude - 3.5k oneshot, Beleriand era, reunion sex, the amount of horny longing is truly astonishing
Of Flight and Freedom by @admirablemonster - 2 chapters, 6.6k total, wingfic/wing kink, first time/get together, the Rescue and its aftermath
“Thorns” by yeaka - 2k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros with lousy self-worth, Fingon who punishes him with love, bondage
The Ice Between by angrymermaids (who has a tumblr but I don’t remember the url oops) - 7 chapters, 33.5k total, Beleriand era, piecing their relationship back together / trying to get back to being intimate, focus on Fingon and his trauma from the Ice
“much too tall for a boyfriend” by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor - 4.7k oneshot, fem!Maedhros x budding-transmasc!Fingon, Years of the Trees, I think about this fic ALL THE TIME I kind of want to write a sequel to it sjfdhdkjh
“the beat of your heart as my hand touches your skin” by @admirablemonster - 5.3k oneshot, part of the Elves in Pon Farr series, Years of the Trees, heat fic/mating cycles, first time/get together, Maedhros’ first heat catches him by surprise while on a camping trip with Fingon, accidental soulbond
“Beneath the Blanketing White” by @nikosheba - 2.3k oneshot, Himring era, pwp, cameo from little Gil-galad at the end
“What I Am (When I’m With You)” by @thatfeanorian - 5k oneshot, part of a larger modern AU, married fluff, Fingon with baby Gil, ends with some lovely smut, this was written for me so AGAIN I’m biased but I do very much love this one
“open your body and soul to me” by @the-quiet-fire-of-defiance - 2.3k oneshot, Years of the Trees, trans!Maedhros, pregnancy, exhibitionism, sex toys, they’re so in love that it drives me crazy, I can’t stop thinking about this fic djfhkjd
“Like the Golden Fire in Your Eyes” by @sianascera - 3.8k oneshot, Years of the Trees, Maedhros invents nipple piercings, extremely fun <3
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thatfeanorian · 4 years ago
and if you're feeling generous... M, W, D with russingon stumpfucking :D
Done!! Sorry this took so long, I combined yours with Stormy's because you both have excellent taste and asked for some sexy fisting/stump fucking <3
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logarto · 8 years ago
theres some truly godawful marvel fanfic out there
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ao3feed--kylux · 6 years ago
Out of Hand
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YIQpAA
by srawratskcuf (Doreen)
Stensland has an unusual proposal for Clyde.
Words: 3068, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Logan Lucky (2017), Crash Pad (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Clyde Logan, Stensland (Crash Pad)
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Clyde Logan/Stensland (Crash Pad)
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fisting, minus the fist, Amputee, Fingering, Rimming, Oral Sex, Bukkake, Come Eating, Ass to Mouth, Homophobia, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, kylux adjacent, Kylux Adjacent Ship, Clydeland, Alternatively Titled THE STUMPFUCKING FIC
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YIQpAA
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saportuh · 7 years ago
rmr all my titles omg. stumpfucker. sideburnsfucker. sin queen. a life time ago tbfh. wow. im nosetalgik
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pmvstump · 7 years ago
if i changed my url to @/stumpfucker, it would still be canon
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arcadeigannon · 8 years ago
god that reminds me this lady i used to babysit for occasionally when we were neighbors added me on line once by phone number and at the time my display name was still dickwing which if u know dc is not as inappropriate as it sounds but she was like a 30-something housewife she sure didnt know that...come to think of it i think my name right now is stumpfucker 5000 so guess ill just fucking die
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jentheodora · 8 years ago
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"Stumpfucking, a concept we couldn't quite get past BBC 3" lol
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stanwalkerofficial · 11 years ago
odd numbers mother fuckerrr ^_^
I like that even though we don't talk much you always show up at random times and make me smile.
1. What is your best friends name? I have a few people I'd consider my best friends, so I'm not sure how to answer that.
3. What are you listening to right now? White Ring. It's Witch house
5. What was the last thing you ate? A chicken wrap with heaps of salad and stuff.
7. How is the weather right now? Not too bad. Calm, but not warm.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Depends on the person. Different people have different things that stand out.
11. Favourite TV show? So many. Orange is the New Black is my current love.
13. Height? 174cm (5'7)
15. Eye Color? Blue/Green
17. Favourite Holiday? Whichever is the longest.
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yeah. When I was younger.
21. Favourite Day of the Year? Halloween because there are skeletons
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? Nope
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Dark chocolate.
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you? Ben
29. What books are you reading? None at the moment.
31. Favorite movies? LOTR and I'm not sure what else. I prefer tv shows.
33. What are you doing right now? I'm in bed listening to music
37. Dogs or cats? Both? I think I'm more of a cat person because they're easier, but dogs are so lovely all the time.
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? Does sex count?
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes.
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Nope, is anybody?
45. Do you like to travel by plane? It's ok. It can be boring as hell though.
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? As many as I can find. 4 currently
49. Do you have a tattoo? Not yet
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clarkgrifs · 11 years ago
B & T
b - butts
t - tomb raider 
thank you uwu
put a letter from A-Z in my ask and I’ll tell you 1 thing I love which starts with that letter.
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pmvstump · 7 years ago
hey im jasmin “stumpfucker” pmvstump + im 6 away from my next hundred :o
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