letstalkbeautyuk · 1 year
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Class of 2023 - school leaver badges. Fun handmade keepsakes for students 🎓 🎉
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studyingprogrammer · 7 years
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(16.11.17) Day 11/100 of Productivity
An evening of practising Factor Theorem in anticipation of resit mocks. I need to get a minimum of a B in Maths but I’m aiming for an A this year s here’s hoping the work will play off. My evening featuring UBT and a cup of coffee.
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Finally getting back into the groove of school and homework and instantly the work is piling up. But I know that there’ll be a lull at some point which the thought of keeps me going. Also looking forward to starting my EPQ soon!
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coralchloestudies · 7 years
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4/6/17 💙 Having Math COmmon test tomorrow ☺️ I hope it will be great 🙃 and here’s an overview of my monthly spread :’) more to improve but I’m new to BUJO so I’m looking for ideas !! have a great week everyone !! 💖 June’s gonna be great !!
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ilikebooksandsoup · 7 years
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Haven't been as productive as I would have liked, lately. I've been staying up really late and procrastinating during the day but at least I was a BIT productive..right? History is Monday and I'm so scared. Too many key dates and statistics to memorise.
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Spending my study leave well
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star-child-01-blog · 7 years
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I found a rather sweet little cat earlier, named him Jasper
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camerashy2310 · 7 years
When you finally finish year 11, have your leavers assembly and everything, then realise you still have to go in the next day for a 2 hour long English exam and then a history revision session straight after…
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Yay!! School is out and I'm on half term, sounds fun yeah. No, I am bored already and I have to work and I have to revise and go gym and I might end up with a mental breakdown because of the next three weeks of exams but foster has me covered
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letstalkbeautyuk · 1 year
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Au Revoir Class of 2023 Badges. French school leaver badges. Great for language schools & teachers to give to their students. Graduating class of 2023 🇫🇷 🎓
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English language courses.Part time / Full time. English exam preparation. Professional English training. Starts every Monday, all year round. www.sg-cc.com #english #languagecourses #ielts #cambridge #bildungsurlaub #studyleave #englishstudy #parttime #fulltime (at St. George's School of English Worthing UK)
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canightingale-blog · 6 years
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Gotta love being at home for lunch instead of at school! (I’m now on study leave for the rest of the day so I am AT HOME) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Jacket Sweet Potato, Cus-cus and Spinich leaves 😍 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #food #lunch #studyleave #school #exams #healthy #healthyeating #yum
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xmissdaydreammusic · 7 years
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rexespiritu · 7 years
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#almostthere #TLV #pilgrimage #studyleave #bibletour #theologicalreflection #spiritualdevotion #shalom
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clintondvs · 7 years
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#sunset #bluesky #evening #eveningsun #picoftheday #nature #clouds #black #fiveyears #coolpix #nikon #shadows #memories #firstyear #studyleave #hope (at Marathakkara)
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macemarquardt · 5 years
RT https://t.co/nP1UVXLKcS The new foosball table came in great time for Grade 11 as they get to enjoy a little more space at the college with G12 being on study leave. #Studyleave https://t.co/KN9V4LEfYl
RT https://t.co/nP1UVXLKcS The new foosball table came in great time for Grade 11 as they get to enjoy a little more space at the college with G12 being on study leave. #Studyleave #foosball pic.twitter.com/KN9V4LEfYl
— Mace Marquardt (@mace_marquardt) April 30, 2019
Source: @mace_marquardt April 30, 2019 at 08:17AM More info Best Foosball
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