#student run 3
ribbonskulls · 9 months
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humans in all of their glory
@fishyfartsrawr made designs for child, duplicator and angel.
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pookinat0r · 6 months
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brainrot !(&(&5’tntjf run 3 agaun
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pastaangelceo · 2 months
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skater and dancer
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a friend's au
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bunmy and lizard as normal aliens
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and spider student
goodbye 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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ra-vio · 19 days
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run3helldump · 3 months
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run 3 fandom seems more dead than usual take some scribbles
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robinsceramics · 5 months
Oh yeah, I forgot to update this blog with the news that I sold out my entire stock at the art sale! I have a small batch of sculptures going through the kilns now and plan to drop them online all at once sometime in late May, but yeah, I sold like. forty sculptures there
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
Alright BG3/MHA AU.
All Might is told by his future successor he would much rather tell his parents about his new Quirk and everything that happens with it. Worried but understanding the concerns he agrees. When he goes to the house, he's met not just with Midoriya In’Ko but also her husband Gale and their wife Karlach. Oh and their friends Shadowheart, Astarion, Jaheria, Minsc, Lae’zel, Halsin and Wyll!
AKA: In’ko is a Githyanki Tav who left Faerun with her partners because the bombs inside them went dormant being in a world with less ambient magic. They found Izuku who'd been abandoned for being Quirkless and took him in. In’ko took the name Midoriya and no one questions it since they kind of just think she has a mutation Quirk.
While the trio live in Japan, their friends don’t. They visit though through a portal and love their nephew.
Funny enough, Izuku has barbarian training from Karlach. He's got a lot of rage from his treatment and she decided to teach him to harness it. He ends up being a wild magic barbarian solely cause I think it would be funny.
So Izuku is getting OFA as well as being a barbarian. In’ko and the others after a while let All Might in on the truth who ends up helping them solidify their adoption and hides the info Izuku was adopted. Good thing to when his bio parents try to claim him back when he wins the sports festival later. Turns out his bio dad (Hisashi) is Endeavour’s cousin who tries to get him to help.
Endeavour refuses because a) he doesn't like his cousin. And b) because he only wants Shouto to be the shinning new star of the Todoroki family and he's furious that Izuku turned his son into a chicken with his ‘energy surge’ from the power up during their fight.
There's a lot of shit that goes down with the Midoriya family though to. Gale is the only one with any real childhood among the parents (Karlach did have good parents herself but she was working for Gortash as a teenager and being sold into slavery) but he also was taken advantage of by his mentor which took years to understand. He's hyper aware of All Might who takes one look at this guy and how he acts, going: ah I see. Trauma.
In’ko was raised to kill her fellow kids and be a soldier. She is still soft and kind but her hard edges are there.
Nezu also ends up learning of them and helps solidify their papers while also making them seem like heroes who have retired from covert ops. It actually works for them since they can reference their adventures.
“Right the time we had to over throw that politician who was trying to murder everyone.”
“I wonder how Dame Alyin is doing now that we freed her from being used as a battery due to her powers. Haven't heard from her in a while.”
“Jaheira called. There's a mission to do a raid on a trafficking compound. She's asking if I can lend some fire power. I'll be gone for a bit.”
Just… Izuku being raised by three traumatized people who love him dearly and him just being a little barbarian they're so proud of.
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 6 months
Hello friends!
Due to somewhat foreseen circumstances (but mostly my own stupidity) I’m going to turn the queue down to once per day for a few days. I won’t have internet for the next couple of days and thought there was enough in the queue to cover it, but there is not, and I did not realize until just now whilst in a car because, regrettably, I am a little scatterbrained.
So! Slower posts for a bit, and it’ll be back to normal next week ^^
Stay cool, cats :3
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ocala-is-calling · 5 months
Look at them 🥹
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gladosluver · 4 days
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THEY'RE ACTUALLY BRINGING SC BACK IM NOT JOKING. the last time the school had a student council was during my first year. i graduate next year when they bring it back. SHOULD I RUN YES OR NO!!?11!1!??!!!1!? i will use the funds raised to buy a guillotine and execute everybody who purposefully brings our school's test averages down. we don't go to the best-rated school in the region just to have scores that suck ass amirite #gladosluverscpresident2025
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ribbonskulls · 8 months
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box storage area in my head
i just imagine all of the tunnels to be completely covered in wires and tubes. abandoned, something that hasnt been touched in a long time, probably a decade? idk
low power tunnels and the crumbling tiles really give off the vibe of it.
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randomnameless · 1 month
Imagine a world where Jeralt wasn't an idiot and he didn't kidnap Billy away from Rhea. Supreme Leader's war would have ended before it could begin because Billy would have known Eggy was spewing bs.
It's all his fault Fodlan didn't immediately improve. Great job, racist dumbass.
in that AU, Billy would have told Rhea about the gremlin in their head, and the plot would have been radically different lol
More seriously,
Billy, despite being raised as a... well, how Jerry raised them, knows that this "crusts put a value on people's worth" spiel is shit, because Billy themselves have the rarest crust ever, and they're not immediately promoted to "ruler of the world", hell, they must still listen to people and can't do whatever they want.
The leader of the KoS is Jerry through Rhea's favoritism, but before that? Who had that role? Alois, a crestless random, was Catherine's superior.
When Hanneman discovers Billy has a crest? Well, they're still a teacher, just like Crestless!Manu.
"but the church promotes the crust system"
"wtf are you taking about"
But since we can't have that, or have Billy appreciate what they are supposed to appreciate as seen through Heroes/Engage aka some sort of peace, sense of belonging and guiding/teaching stuff to people instead of being a sword for hire, the plot happens.
Also, given how Billy'n'Jerry must have travelled around during their time as mercs, or were at least in Remire where people weren't that preoccupied about crusts and what not, but as randoms, about what they're going to eat tonight or if they weren't going to be attacked by bandits or mad scientists who will turn them in guinea pigs, the "Sacrifices must be made, I'm killing people for their sake" would fall hollow, especially given what happens to Remire which is located, again, in Arundel...
@fantasyinvader wrote recently a post about Billy's status as a character/avatar hybrid and how the focus on one status... neutralises the other, but that's what we have with this character (and everyone in Fodlan tbh, save for the Lions thanks to Nopes and the Nabateans) : Billy being the player's avatar must bend to the player's will, so they will be able to join Tru Piss and feel sad uwus about fighting the red Emperor, that's how the game was designed.
This fucks over Billy as a character, especially in Tru Piss, but also, partly in Winds - assuming they did the "help Seteth" quests, his paralogue or just talked to the various students/NPCs in the monastery - and yet, allows for the artificial "route split" or "pick your lord" choice.
TS' Serenor did the thing better with "have a character + let the player pick which character they want to follow", without scrubbing Serenor's personnality.
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jurbily · 1 year
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50+ year old single mom and her 2 strange and unusual kids
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I’m gonna have to reread the shallan chapter tomorrow because either it was all over the place or I’m drunker than I thought?
I will call it now tho the spren that adolin felt a connection with used to be bonded with sureblood
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run3helldump · 4 months
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happy pride month gamers
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 5 months
aight, aside from the fact that 3 houses by Dave Malloy is now gonna Haunt My Waking Thoughts For The Week...
nah, that's it. The only pandemic play I can get behind. Proper amount of drunken revelry, fantastic amount of fairytale allegory, Yes She Does Smoke Weed, vindictive dragon spirits and knockoff tom nooks, cairns of amazon boxes, The Ending, The Set, The Parallels...
and the wolf. Gods help me, but I wanna kiss the wolf on his broken-toothed maw. dance with him. ask him for a metal straw. I'd be a furry for that wolf in his stupid knit sweater.
(And then, the harmonieeeeees my love, they're so perfect and ugly and pretty and the genre shifts and and and)
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