#stucky complete
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bringbackmaes14 · 8 days ago
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Me, who stopped paying close attention to the MCU a few years ago:
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daddysfangirls-marvel · 2 years ago
Polyamorous: Material List
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes/ Stucky x reader
The First kiss
 *The first touch*
*Moving In *
*The day they left for war *
Found you
*The Day Stark found out *
*Big Change *
The Train
The Plane
Unfortunate Sequences of Events
I know her
The Restaurant Part 1
The Restaurant Part 2
*It’s me *
You can keep her
He’s okay with that
Mama loves me
Kissing Captain
Kissing Winter
*Hurt *
*We’ll Wait *
* Whore *
Put in her place
The day Stark Jr. Found out
Now you know
*Like a Virgin *
*Morning After *
The Catacombs
Off with her head
Grieving the Insane
*Let me make it up to you *
*Punishment *
Spiderling pt1
Spiderling pt2
Twentieth-century love
The new we can imagine
*Connection *
Please, marry me
Walk me
Stand with me
Final touches
I Do
*A Moment of Paradise *
Pictures from Paradise
The Fever
The bad days
Let’s talk about it
*Practice makes perfect pt1 *
*Practice makes perfect pt2 *
Unknown Stolen
unfulfilled Duties
Talking Emotion
Next Step
Holy Shit!!
First steps to hope
She’s Awake
The Mother and The Father
The Boy
The Name Game
Not Ready
No Boy
*Returning lust *
*Seven Days (pt1) *
*Seven Days (pt2) *
*Seven Days (pt3) *
* Seven Days (Final Part) *
Tears of Joy 
*Apple Pie Life*
*Bonus Chapter*
Howard Stark's Video
Peggy Carter
*Let's Play a Game *
*8th anniversary*
Forgotten Memories
*Interruptions *
*Inexperience pt.1 *
*Inexperience pt.2 *
*Inexperience pt.3*
*Inexperience pt.4*
Baby Tax
Sketch pad
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We’ll meet again in Brooklyn - Stucky by gfawkes for @fandomtrumpshate
Space/Sci-fi AU, hurt/comfort, nurse!Steve, soldier!Bucky, wartime romance
RatedE, graphic depictions of violence
Prompts (lovely) by @film-in-my-soul
Peter was doing his best, poor kid.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Mr. Barnes. I just have to change your bandage!”
The patient sat with injured hand held high over his own head, out of Peter’s grasping reach. The supply cart looked as if it had been shoved against the far wall. A chair was tipped over, clean bandages spilled on the floor. And poor Peter was trying to reason with the man.
“That’s what you said last time,” the difficult man growled. “And then you wheeled me away for two hours of the most brutal torture —”
Steve moved in, stepping behind the unruly patient and grasping his wrist. The man whirled around, about to admonish him for daring such a thing. But he didn’t. He immediately stopped, face morphing from angry to surprised to sheepish.
“Morning, Trouble,” Steve said as he smiled without making an effort. And then, to Peter, “Do I need to call a Code Gray in here, Parker?”
“No!” Bucky Barnes blurted, eyes wide, quickly lowering his hand and allowing Steve to wrap fingers around his forearm. “No! Everything is fine! It’s fine.”
He looked down at his bare feet, his tone gone suddenly passive. He muttered something under his breath, and Steve called him out.
“What was that?”
Bucky looked up, embarrassed now, eyes hooded. “I said it’s fine as long as you stay.”
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freecssgons · 2 years ago
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as long as they get that right, i don't care what they say
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 months ago
I don't know who else to tell 🫣🫣 Steve feeds my little pain kink so much 😔 he looks good bloody 😳😳😳😳
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Anon, have you been spying on my AO3 history?
You can tell me this shit aaaall day 😘
I just worked my way through "The Least Difficult of Men" from isozyme. It's a stony fic (and I bet that one anon from the other day will be baffled by that 💀💀). Typically, stony isn't my cup of tea, no disrespect to the people who prefer the drink, BUT I am weak, weak, weak for masochistic Steve, and the tags drew me in. How could I resist? And I have not been disappointed at all! It is so fucking good, I finished it a little bit ago and there's so much visceral ✨️pain✨️
The imagery in that fic fuck.
I think a lot about Steve in general--let's be real--but I think a lot about the faces Steve makes specifically, and lately, I've had Steve's face in (consensual, of course) pain in my head.
Who wouldn't want to see that pretty face contorted in pain, enjoying it perversely. Taking something that should be so awful but feeling it so good. It's intense and hot and stinging and painful, but god, it hurts so good.
So good.
((stucky masochism/sadism below the cut))
Imagine Steve, struggling beautifully underneath the weight of the biting sensations he's being made to feel. Controlled and commanded. He's strung up, restrained, and totally helpless to the assault Bucky is waging on his body. Steve's arms are stretched out to his sides, straight, so he can feel the strain in his muscles every time he breathes--heaving, chest expanding, then contracting, shoulder blades shifting, muscles over his ribs rippling, his stomach clenching. The ropes coiled around his wrists tightly paint red across his fair skin. He doesn't need to move, so his ankles are also bound, not as wide--he can stand, but it's not so easy on him. That's part of why he keeps tensing and squirming. But it isn't the whole story. He's squirming and tensing, his muscled body tight, because Bucky keeps hurting him.
Oh, God.
Steve chokes, his blue eyes welling until they glisten like jewels. He's so close to overflowing, nearly sobbing, but not yet. He can hold out for longer... right? He won't start crying yet?
Bucky's fingers are delightfully, horribly cruel--scratching deep lines in his fair skin until he looks like he's been mauled by a wild animal, lines down his back and across chest and up his thighs, lines underscoring his desire; slapping bruises across his ass until his poor backside is nearly purple, throbbing with heat; biting and pinching his hips so they're dotted with fingertip bruises like obscene flower petals; twisting his nipples until they get puffy and swollen, abused hotly; thumbing the slit of his pulsing cock until Steve feels raw and achy, leaking all over himself, making a mess. All of that torture and more. So much more that Steve can't fucking keep track of it all. It's so overwhelming. He can't--
He doesn't--
He doesn't know what's happening. He just knows that it makes his nerves all burn and crackle with an inferno he can't get anyway else. Nothing else sets fire to him so completely.
Nothing feels like this.
Fuck, he doesn't know what to feel because it all feels so good. It's so overwhelming in every way. Steve doesn't know where to look. He can't look at Bucky with that evil, gorgeous smile on his face--all teeth, dangerous and divine. He can't look at nothing, focused somewhere out in front of him, because then all he has to go off of is the way his skin sings.
And he can't fucking look down at himself because then all he sees is the evidence of how far he's willing to go for pleasure. The evidence of his pure depravity written across his skin as if he's a book. If he dares to look down at himself and feel the throb of flooding arousal, his teary and blue, so blue, eyes find hazily that his skin is blushing. He's sweating so much that he's glistening. Glowing red. And, Christ, his nipples are so red and hard over his round pecs that move with his gasping chest. His chest! Steve squirms as much as he can--his chest is scored with marks. Below that, if he can keep his blurry eyes open, his stomach is tight with lust, but his eyes skim over it much easier to stare down at his weeping, twitching, throbbing cock. He couldn't be harder if he tried.
Pain takes him from every angle, but it sharpens and deepens until he's wailing when Bucky flicks the head of his cock. Bright. Bright. FUCK. It's so bright and awful and good. White hot, teeth-gritting pain that cuts through him. Slices into his chest and makes it so he can't breath. The sensation viciously rips up from his cock into his belly and, and, and--
Steve screams when he does it again. Flicking the overly sensitive head of his dripping cock.
He's sobbing.
There's no choice in it. Sobbing. Steve can't choke it down or bite it off. He's sobbing whether he wants to or not now. He doesn't have a choice when he's burning alive, relishing in it. Maybe he's insane but, GOD, it hurts so good that he never wants it to stop. Clenching his fists until the bones in his hands creak.
Flick. Flick. Flick.
Ah! AH! AH!
It hurts so bad that he wants it to stop right now. Never. Stop. Don't. He cries harder. He moans louder.
Steve struggles so hard under the eating, all-consuming sensation that he loses his footing, gasping, the ground disappearing beneath him with a terrifying suddenty. Heart thudding in his chest like it might speed out of control, rising into his throat.
Scrambling with muscles melted, Bucky has to help Steve back to his feet to give him what he craves. More pain. More pleasure. More torture--merciless and so goddamn perfect.
Bucky. Bucky.Bucky.Bucky that's all Steve has besides glorious pain.
Bucky is so good to him. Marking him up, stripping him down completely to his bare bones, killing him by how alive he makes him feel.
Bucky is so good to him.
Bucky could use an implement on Steve rather than his hands, something, anything--a crop, a flogger, a paddle, vampire gloves, clothes pins, clamps, anything. Anything. But he isn't. He's taking Steve apart with his bare hands, making him whine rustily and cry desperately and ache for a taste of mercy.
Using nothing more than his hands to leave his mouth hanging open, sobbing, squirming pathetically weakly, sweetly garbling, "h-hurts! AH! It huurts!" when he can't take it anymore, he's gonna fucking cum. It's so much. So good.
Bucky cocks his head to the side, "aww," he clicks his tongue, pouting at him as he steps in closer, intentionally rubbing his thigh against him so Steve can feel the raw head of his dick catch Bucky's pants, the friction making him want to scream all over again, muscles tensing and quivering, wrecked, "it hurts, does it, baby?"
Steve moans low in his throat, exhausted in the best way, hanging his head, barely nodding.
"Poor thing," Bucky wraps his arms around Steve's neck, playing innocent while pressing his knee to Steve's heavy, tight balls. Totally unrelenting as he flinches and sings for him, crying out in pain.
"Nnngh!" Steve whines raggedly, stretching to get onto his toes. The pain of his balls getting smashed against the thick, corded muscle of Bucky's killer thighs is, is... it's gonna, yeah, God, it's gonna kill him. He's gonna die. He's gonna cum. Now. Bucky is ruthless, making him hurt deliciously everywhere. Fuuuck.
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montanabohemian · 5 months ago
since i spiraled back down stucky again i was so caught up in a post-winter soldier/post-civil war universe that i completely forgot that endgame existed.
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sxlver-raven · 7 months ago
Nono, you see, it's logical to say character A is in love with character B, even when the setting doesn't allow them to be. And it's also logical for them to only have a close friendship. Both interpretations work, but why does romantic always seem to be the preferred choice?
It has nothing to do with the 'I love you' s vs the 'I'm in love with you' s, it's not even about whether or not there's kissing. With real people, even when you're incredibly close with someone, you can still tell the difference between a platonic and romantic relationship, although that line can often get blurry and hard to see. And yet, how could someone who'd go to hell and back for their friend still see that line so clearly and decide they're not in love with anyone?
It's because they know they aren't attracted to that person in that way. You want to kiss them, you want to tell them you're in love with them, or you don't.
Characters don't have that consciousness. The only thing that guides them is our consciousness and ideas.
Characters are fluid in that way.
But, no, sit down, I'm not done--two things: characters exist within a limited time frame and, oftentimes, romantic relationships are seen as superior to platonic relationships. Bc you only get one soulmate, right? While friendships happen all the time.
Now, I'm not gonna get into whether that should be the status quo, but nonetheless, it's that way for many people, myself included.
And when you see a character being so close with another one--whether it's because they're willing to die for each other, because they trust each other so much more than anyone else, or because they went through traumatizing events together, etc.--then obviously, your mind will guide them to a scenario where they're in love, where they're soulmates, regardless of what the author wanted. You see that special connection and want to differentiate it from all the friendships. "It's more than that. More than friends." And you can't really agree with the story writer bc that character only gets so many chances at having a soulmate. You won't see who character A will meet in 20 years. You won't see it if they miraculously meet their soulmate the day right after the epilogue.
So, you want them to be in that special relationship that's much more than the friendships with the other characters, you can give those characters that because it's not like they'll tell you, "hmm, I don't actually think about kissing B all the time,", and your characters exist within one story, within one limited time frame. Character B might as well be their soulmate, bc as far as anyone knows, there is no one else they could be closer with.
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booksandabeer · 11 months ago
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A Man Takes His Sadness Down to the River (The Consolation of Philosophy) (E | 150 K)
To celebrate the completion of the fourth & final part Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) in this wonderful series by dorian_burberrycanary.
Author's summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
Follow Steve and Bucky on their Great American Road Trip as they drive and eat their way across the country and beyond. From the beaches of the Jersey Shore to the graveyards of Savannah, from the cragged horizons of Mexico to deserts with (small) volcanoes, from college campuses to earthship settlements, from the mountains of Colorado to the monumental emptiness of the Great Plains and on and on and on…there is always more road ahead.
A Man Takes... is a miracle of a series that works with what should be an unworkable premise: Steve really did leave to go live in the past. He returned a few months later, yes, but he still made that choice. Knowingly. So, how can any author, any story, rectify such a colossal mistake, and how can it be reconciled with a believable, satisfying romance that short-changes neither Steve nor Bucky? Like this. With patience, and care, and often painful honesty. Just like Steve, this story slowly digs itself out from under the burden of that terrible decision.
I know that some people are very reluctant or even outright refuse to read EG-compliant fics and I understand why this might be a tough sell for them. Believe me, I do. But this series manages to neither let Steve off the hook for his choices nor does it punish him excessively. Instead, Steve and the readers are repeatedly confronted with the fact that there are no magical solutions here, no take-backs—it’s a fix-it, yes, and very much a Stucky fic through and through, but it’s not a fix-it fantasy where in the end everything turns out to have been an unfortunate misunderstanding after all. What's done is done and the only way out is through. But. even if you usually prefer to ignore anything that happened post-[insert preferred point of canon divergence here], please, please try to give this absolute marvel of a series a chance. It is genuinely one of the most rewarding and satisfying works I've ever read in this fandom. It's catharsis in slow motion.
You will find descriptive writing here that is so incredibly beautiful that it will bring you to your knees in awe. This series transcends fanfiction in many ways, as it stands out for the remarkable quality of the prose and the nuance, subtlety, and precision with which it explores both the emotional landscapes of its protagonists and a fictionalized, yet very recognizable post-Snap America. At the same time, it could only ever work as fanfiction because it stays so close to the characters and is so deeply rooted in and filtered through Steve’s inner life and perspective. Just like the real Steve Rogers, this story is smart and curious, and deeply empathetic towards its characters and the world they inhabit.
Every detail is imbued with meaning. The food Steve and Bucky eat. The clothes they wear. The art they look at. The books they read. The music they listen to. The places they stay at. The landscapes they drive through and the objects they carry with them or acquire along the way. One doesn't need to understand or even notice all of the references, allusions, or ambiguities to enjoy the series, but it makes for such a rewarding reading experience to really dig deep into the many, many layers the author has so expertly assembled into this phenomenally rich text. More often than not in this fic, the curtains aren’t just blue. Or rather, Bucky’s sweatpants aren’t just gray.
At some point amidst this sprawling, reflective journey, a bittersweet realization sets in: There simply is no compensation for the time and life lost, for the pain suffered. No money, no medals or statues, no hagiographies, and certainly no delusional pipe dreams forcibly made real, will ever make up for all that loss. You can't outrun your past, but that doesn't mean you should bury yourself in it. And maybe, solace can be found in mutual understanding, not just between these two men, but in interactions, in shared community—however fleeting—with ordinary people doing ordinary things in their ordinary lives. And in the beauty of the mundane and the relief that there still is a world in which such beauty can exist, even though it is so often a cruel and unjust place. Steve Rogers finally allows himself to feel his feelings: his grief and his shame, but also his joy and—even though he’s already so very tired—his hunger for more. More time, more life, more Bucky.
This series is a wonderful tribute to Steven Grant Rogers—an honest and affectionate portrayal of this compelling and lovable, if at times difficult, character. It is also a gorgeous, intricate love letter to the miracle of a man that is James Buchanan Barnes. As you can probably tell by now, I love it a totally not normal amount.
A most heartfelt thank you to @burberrycanary for taking us all along on Steve and Bucky's long journey across America and (back) to each other. Thank you for letting us sit in the back seat and watch as they learn to love and live with each other in old and new ways, finally find some measure of well-deserved rest and peace, and, together, face their greatest challenge, their longest fight, the eternal question:
How to live with all this survival?
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ves--pertine · 5 months ago
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You can find all the commented fics bookmarked in this ao3 collection.
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vgumiiho · 2 years ago
had a customer at work named steven barnes and it took every ounce of self control i've ever had to not comment on his name. i ran through about thirty hypothetical things i could say to him and they were all equally bad. honestly i deserve an award for not saying anything!
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mintedwitcher · 10 months ago
Don't mind me just sobbing grossly (again) at 5am over "If this is my last breath, I'm leaving with no regrets. I had you, til death."
Flybynightgirl when I catch you flybynightgirl .......
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broodybuck · 12 days ago
Shameful Dreams | Series Part 8
Series Summary: Steve and Bucky are each respectfully married to their wives, as any man should be in 1941. And yet, that doesn't stop Steve from having very shameful dreams about his married friend. Unexpectedly, things begin to happen outside of Steve's fantasies.
Series Tags: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Rated E | Tags: 18+ explicit smut, no powers au, pre-serum Steve, top Bucky, bottom Steve, secret relationship, internalized homophobia, consensual infidelity, closeted characters
[Masterpost] // [ao3 link]
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[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4] [PART 5] [PART 6] [PART 7]
Author's note: Thanks sm to everyone following this story!! Ending it here, hopefully you'll like it
The worst part, it seems, is having dinner with the Barnes. It's the one time that Steve has to spend hours so close to Bucky without being allowed to touch him.
He's actually grown to hate these dinners and crave the cramped front seat of the car where he can have every part of his body pressed up against Bucky's.
He doesn't tell Bucky this. He tries to appreciate the platonic time the way he used to. Simply looking at the handsome features of Bucky's face, appreciating his smile, soaking in the deepness of his voice from across the dinner table. And trying like hell not to get hard thinking about what the man can do to him.
He ends up in the backyard with Bucky and two beers between them while their wives clean up dinner inside. All Steve is thinking about is the shed across the lawn where it first happened. Where this all started.
They've been quiet for the past ten minutes. Maybe Bucky's nervous to sneak off to the shed, Steve considers. It's been two weeks since their weekend trip, since the hotel room where they spent the majority of the time naked and inside each other. But maybe Gail's grown suspicious...
Steve peers over at Bucky, who's avoiding eye contact. Steve's heart begins to hammer in his chest. Bucky glances up at him.
"Been thinking about our weekend," Bucky says low. "A lot."
"Yeah?" Steve smiles uncontrollably.
"Gail thinks..." he pauses and swallows uncomfortably. "We got a new start."
"A new start?" Steve asks uncertainty.
Bucky's face blushes as he cracks a smile. "Cause I'm hard all the time."
Steve can't help but crack a grin too, "Cause of me?"
"Of course, cause of you," Bucky says. "That weekend is ingrained in my brain. I can't stop thinking about it."
Steve needs to shift in his seat. He shouldn't have been expecting anything to happen tonight but he's been half-hard all through dinner waiting for it.
"Show me the shed," Steve demands.
Bucky's eyes grow dark, he glances back at the door and the kitchen window. Then he stands and Steve follows.
When they get inside, Bucky frowns for a moment.
"I got off before dinner," Bucky admits.
"Oh," Steve tampers down his disappointment. "Well hey, it'll be like our first time. I'll owe you."
"Yeah," Bucky says quietly.
"What?" Steve asks, sensing a lack of excitement.
"I'm just annoyed I got off. And it's stupid, I was thinking about you. I should've waited."
"Buck, there'll always be next time."
"Will there?" Bucky asks.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," Bucky stops and rubs the back of his neck. "All I've been doing is wrapping my brain around how we could get away again. And how often. And it never feels like enough. How many fishing and work trips can we make up? When will the girls ever go away without us?"
"Okay, well. We take what time we can get," Steve says.
"I know, it's just..." Bucky sighs, looking at the floor.
"It doesn't feel like enough."
"So, you wanna stop?" Steve asks and hears how much his voice shakes when he says it.
"No," Bucky says immediately. "It's just..."
"Not enough, I know," Steve grumbles.
He agrees, of course, but why can't Bucky just be grateful? They both know how much they're risking already. They need to appreciate any time alone together. This could all go away.
Bucky interrupts his mental stream of annoyance.
"It's just, I'm in love with you," Bucky says, so quietly.
It's the first time he's repeated it since the trip. It makes Steve's heart sink and flutter all at once.
"I know, I love you too."
Bucky swallows solemnly. "I just wish it was different."
"Me too," Steve says. "But I can't run away with you."
"I know."
They stand in a tense beat of silence. Steve's arousal is long gone by now. So there's no sense in hiding in the shed any longer.
"We should get back," Steve suggests.
He turns toward the door but Bucky cups his face, turning him back to him. Steve stops in place as Bucky stares into his eyes for a long stretch. Then he leans forward, closing the space between them, and kisses him so slowly, it makes Steve want to cry.
But he can't, Peggy will see his eyes are red. And there's no reason for him to cry. But when they eventually draw back from the kiss, Bucky's eyes look misty.
The next time they see each other is after work, in the car, behind the gas station. Steve's riding Bucky and it feels so good but he also can't stop thinking about their last talk. He squeezes his eyes shut when he feels tears threatening to escape.
He stops suddenly, Bucky looks up at him.
"Maybe we should tell them," Steve says.
"The girls... what if we tried to tell them."
Bucky's eyes widen, his fingertips dig sharply into Steve's hip bones.
"Are you crazy? That'd get us killed."
"I don't think Peggy would tell anyone."
"I don't trust Gail."
"Look, she loves me... I think. But she'd be shocked. I doubt she'd take it well. I couldn't risk it."
They sit in an uncomfortable silence, Bucky subtly shifts under Steve, probably wanting him to move again since he's still inside him.
"Alright," Steve huffs.
"If you wanna tell Peggy, just don't mention me. I mean, please don't," Bucky says, his voice sounding panicked.
"I won't," Steve quickly frames his face and kisses him. He feels how irregular Bucky's breath has become. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. Forget it, forget I said it."
Bucky half nods, but he won't meet Steve's eyes. Steve can feel him going soft. He carefully gets off his lap and climbs into the passenger seat. Bucky zips up his pants.
"I'm sorry," Steve says again, grasping Bucky's forearm. Bucky still won't look at him.
"Let's just go."
They drive home in silence.
Steve's not sure they'll meet the next day. He royally fucked up. He could barely sleep thinking yesterday might be the last pitiful time they'd ever be together. The last time he'd ever feel Bucky inside him. The last time he'd ever taste his lips. And it ended with nothing. Not even a half-baked orgasm. All he did was scare the man, scare a man he's so hopelessly in love with.
Steve's a wreck all day at work. He regrets his suggestion so much. What the hell was he thinking? Of course, their wives wouldn't be okay with this. With an affair, with finding out they've been lied to for months? He's the biggest idiot in the world.
Steve finds his first breath of relief when he finds Bucky waiting for him in the parking lot after work. He picks up his pace to a near run and hurries inside the car.
"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry," Steve blurts out so fast, Bucky's hand freezes from turning the keys in the ignition.
"I'll take anything. Any time you'll give me. I'll never tell a soul about us. I don't what I was thinking, I take it back. I take it back!"
He doesn't realize he's started crying until Bucky looks frantically out the car windows, checking that no one is around, before framing Steve's face.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I was never mad at you, Stevie," Bucky shushes him, wiping his tears with both thumbs.
Steve keeps crying. He can't stop, and Bucky risks hugging him to his chest. He slides down in his seat, trying to make the sight of them more discreet in case anyone shows up.
"Hey, please. Stop crying, it's okay. I love you," Bucky says.
Steve tries to pull himself together, nodding against the wet spot of tears he's made on Bucky's shirt.
"I'm sorry," Steve whispers again.
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Bucky says, lifting Steve's face so he can look him in the eyes. "You just scared me, okay? But I could never be mad at you. I just wanna be with you."
"Me too. I don't care, whatever it takes. I'll take anything, even less than we're getting," Steve stammers.
Bucky leans forward and kisses him shakily. They aren't hidden and Steve can feel how nervous Bucky is, but he's committed to calming Steve down.
"I'm okay, let's get out of here," Steve insists.
Bucky looks relieved and rushes to turn on the car. He speeds to the gas station.
It amazes Steve every time it feels different. They'd had sex so many times by this point, Steve thought it couldn't feel much different but it does.
It's as if they're rushed and taking their time all at once. Maybe they finally both have perspective on how much they wish they didn't need each other. How much they wish they could give this up and live their lives safely with their wives. But they can't. They can never stop and tonight, Steve's appreciating every fucking moment.
He's kissing Bucky desperately like he won't get another chance. And Bucky keeps panting in between them and moaning brokenly. Steve's never heard him like this. He rides him harder.
"I love you," Steve whispers.
"Fuck, I love you," Bucky returns right before he hugs Steve to his chest and comes.
They sit in a long silence tonight, not rushing to clean up or get home.
"I'm never taking this for granted again," Steve tells him, his head still resting on Bucky's shoulder.
Bucky brushes a hand down Steve's hair, turns his head, and kisses his forehead.
"I'll have you for as long as you'll let me, sweetheart," Bucky says.
And Steve thinks to himself, forever. He'll let him forever.
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bromcommie · 1 year ago
*opens the sam wilson tag*
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andrea1717 · 10 months ago
I finally made it. You can read Chapter 3 of " Parts of me" now.
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humapuma · 5 months ago
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Moodboard I made for my fic, Three Alphas Walk Into a Café!
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Tippy Canoe (now finished)
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Art by @artwinx (Look how perfect it's come together!)
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✅ Now Complete.
Tippy Canoe (rated E, Cabin AU, Friends to Lovers)
An image flitted into Steve's mind; the two of them seated much closer. Face to face, knee to knee, intimate. Bucky holding Steve's hand and laughing at some stupid dad joke he'd told and -
Well. That kind of thing made Steve feel different things.
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