#strive to be accurate ppl
kits-ships · 28 days
ppl always strive to be canon-accurate w/ their selfships or ocxcanon but who cares ! it's YOUR f/o whether you hit them with an OC beam or not. headcanons already exist and people will always interpret a character differently. love them however you want.
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nthspecialll · 21 hours
You are literally the best rdr account ever fr, your rants are not biased at all and i love it. Because some ppl rly should drop their ranting bcs it's obvious that they are more talking about their imagination about that character than actual facts.
I am so glad you think so because I sometimes noticed that too. From time to time it feels like people have an idea of a character and try to make the game fit around that rather than actually make the game sculp the character. That sounded very messy so: They make the evidence try to fit the result they want rather than letting the evidence form the result. And to be honest I think that is a little... Well offensive to the developers?
I am a writer, I write books and if someone tried to discard part of a character I spent years making because they felt like it, I think I would get annoyed, I even get annoyed reading it. Like it is fine if it is just jokes ya know? Like "Kieran is just a baby" as a joke but also being able to see that there is so much more to him, that is fine, but if you just refuse to acknowledge that there is more... No.
Another thing is glorification, I do not like people glorifying characters, again not as a joke, I think it is like ignoring a whole part of the character, the "mean" part of the character. Take Javier, I love Javier, he has so many nice and sweet sides, but I also know he is an asshole in chapter 6, that said I know people are not assholes for no reason, I know Javier had a reason to act the way he did. Do I think him acting like an asshole is a-okay? No, but I also know that there is nuance to it.
I have also seen it the other way around, where people make a character worse than they are? Like especially the women of the game, but also Javier and Bill. Again, dismissing part of a character that someone has put sweat, tears and blood into is not okay.
Media literacy is also a massive thing in this game because it is a historically accurate game in so many ways, and again, people who intentionally dismissive it because "Oh I wouldn't do that" are blind to history, because of course you wouldn't, you grew up in modern days with modern ideals and you got internet to educate yourself outside of whatever ideals and things were put into your head by those immediately around you.
I always strive to get as much information about characters as I can, to show both sides and to find out why do characters do what they do even if I don't agree with it. I remember when I learned that Javier did in fact point his gun at John and I at first got annoyed but then I caught myself and was like "that is fucking stupid ignoring it, face it and find out why."
To clarify, I am not shitting on people making jokes about characters, I do it too, nor am I shitting on people who does not have all information (I am not telling them to go research everything and "oh they must know every small detail to even speak about this character"), I am not shitting on people who have different opinions on characters, I am shitting on the people who chose to ignore parts of characters because that fits their narritive.
These characters are wildly deep and complex, allow them to be, and I know some people are going to say "oh that is so dramatic" and maybe, but that is my opion and if you don't agree just scroll, I am not forcing you to be here.
If you read all that, thank you! Here is a pic of Javier because I love him:
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fereldanwench · 3 months
i'm still holding off final judgement until the gameplay today, but seeing some stills on twitter kind of helped me solidify what i found so off-putting about the style in the companion trailer
although before i post those, a few counter arguments because i'm already tired of ppl bashing the ppl who aren't vibing with it, and my head is clear enough to put these thoughts down:
"cinematic trailers rarely look like the actual game" - true to a point. however: 1) typically cinematic trailers strive to look like a higher definition version of the game, which seems to be the opposite here. in the case of DAO and DA2, i would say the cinematic trailers actually strived for more realism, not stylization, as that was the trend at the time. 2) this is a cinematic trailer, but it is also done in the game engine so it's not unreasonable to assume that the end product is gonna look somewhat similar 3) this was supposed to be their best foot forward so suddenly going "don't worry, it's gonna look better in-game" is just a bad marketing move. it's not on the audience to give this company the benefit of the doubt (particularly in light of all the shit that has gone down there in the past decade)
"not everything has to be super realistic!" - agreed! not liking elements of this particular style doesn't mean i'm opposed to stylization in DA at all. i think DA2 is much more stylized than DAO, and not only does it look nicer, it looks more distinctly dragon age. DAO visually is also very generic, especially for its time. i still love the almost painterly look of DA2, even all these years later
and i think DAI has issues with the character models, especially the uncanny valley disconnect between the really stiff animations and realistic faces (having played it within the past year, they've aged pretty roughly), but in terms of environment and armor and whatnot, it did build off the style presented in DA2 in a way that effectively modernized it for that era. it did go for a more realistic look, but it was cohesive and still distinctly dragon age
"people reacted like this to DA2 and DAI's trailers too" - no, they did not, lmao. DA2's trailers were the reverse--they looked more realistic than the actual game. now there was some backlash against the stylistic choice in the actual game. i remember david gaider talking about it in a panel at dragon con in 2012--apparently ppl were upset that the companions looked like they were made with cosplayers in mind, which i thought was an interesting criticism. but no, the trailers did not get this sort of response.
and DAI's trailers used a lot of in-game footage, and the cinematic ones were both pretty accurate to the game and well-received by the audience. DAI's marketing was also absolutely bonkers and nonstop for like 9 months before the game was released, which in hindsight i think was way too much, but in terms of visuals, we knew exactly what we were getting.
"you guys just think anything with a style to it looks like fortnite" - lmao, okay, yeah, describing it as fornite is probably unfair and inaccurate, but i know for me, i kind of use it as a shorthand to reflect my general dissatisfaction with the way so many 3D styles (in both games and movies) just have this bland, cartoonish look to them. the pixar-ification of everything. i just don't like it.
and the logo with the bright purple and overly smooth text doesn't really help here either. i think a less saturated and darker purple paired with a grungier font would also help in making this feel like less like fornite season 3458345: dragon age avengers.
plus it was originally gonna be a live service game and i think that it still has some of that dna artistically
these stills, which i think are also in-game engine but im not entirely sure if they're from cinematics, gameplay, or just renders but they seem to be in-line with the trailer:
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and seeing emmrich and to a lesser extent neve in these pics solidified why the stylization didn't work for me on a visual level (never mind it being paired with the light-hearted planning-for-a-silly-little-heist vibes)
so when i first saw the trailer, and i saw varric, i was like "nice"
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he looked like a higher definition, older version of a DA2/DAI hybrid of his model. he looked really good. i thought harding looked good, too. it did take me a minute to realize who she was, but it really wouldn't be a DA trailer if we weren't left wondering who tf a returning character was lmao (remember the confusion over alistair's appearance in one of the DAI trailers? this is actually tradition now)
but as the trailer goes on, the style doesn't even stay consistent--it just gets progressively more cartoonish right up to emmrich, which is the exact moment that made me go WHAT
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he looks like a cartoon character. the hard lines in his face, the stiffness of his hair, his overall proportions--he looks like he should be a villain in a pixar movie. like i'm digging his overall vibe and as a concept of a character design, i love it. but this execution of it next to fellow old wrinkled man varric looks so off
and then we go right into davrin who is beautifully rendered and designed--he doesn't look out of place next to varric or harding
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some characters have the soft, wispy hair while others have hair that looks like a hard shell with lines carve into it. some characters have finely detailed wrinkles while others have thick, cartoonish ones. some characters have realistic proportions while others have more exaggerated features.
stylization is only effective when it's purposeful and consistent, and from what i've seen so far, it's not. it's all over the place.
so there's my thesis about why i dont like the art direction in the trailer lmao
and like i've been saying since it dropped, i am reserving full judgment for the gameplay reveal, but based on the other stuff bioware has teased, i'm not expecting this aspect to change too much. i've seen other ppl who were on the fan council thing say the tone in the game is more in-line with the tone in the other games, so maybe that'll help smooth out this disconnect
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 2 months
one thing id rlly like to see more of is like analysis of the way dungeon meshis written to have broad appeal while also having characters who are written to be flawed beyond what ud typically see in a popular work. N why she may have written a story about the need to take care of yourself while striving towards huge impossible goals + the way the elves ape from imperialist systems n how it mirrors the way the nakamoto household punishes its most vulnerable and is concurrently the stand in for the mundane (primarily tallmen, is japan) . Japans in an interesting place w who it aligns w, the us military n cultural presence, n the violence its committed against its neighbors and its own people as like a person both in the us and the descendent of ppl japan committed violence against. Id imagine this factored in greatly to how its portrayed and why dungeon meshi is kinda hedgy abt these things despite portraying these dynamics accurately and w a great deal of nuance tho i dont think im qualified to analyze it seriously.
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starkiller-009 · 1 year
Hello!! I love love love your arts. I feel like a lot of them have a sense of 'movement' which contrasts a lot of very polished artworks.
I love works with meticulously planned composition, layers, highlights, etc. I love works with a certain kind of loose yet purposeful application of value and colors. (The Two Cakes thing in the fandom). And I noticed that your arts belong to the latter category which I can rarely find!
If you don't mind me asking, do you have any artists or artworks that you're heavily inspired from? Do you draw on a pen-tablet, IPad, or other media? What application are you using? I feel like three questions are already too much for one ask so you don't need to answer them if you don't want to. I enjoy scrolling through your blog either way!
Hiiiiiiiiii dear anon!!! thank you soo much for sending this message! it made my day 🧡🧡🧡 Loose but thoughtful art is what im striving for so its really make me happy to hear that i have some success in that Answering your question i draw using some cheap old model of genius pen-tablet. Bought it 10 years ago as my first device. Still running. Heard a lot of shitty comments about quality of genius tablets at that time, but even more only about Wacom in recent years i think (fuck them. Wtf with pen's tips that are constanty erasing. For who this product is made for. Ew). as for the apps, i use clip paint studio, for studies - heavypaint (great thing). There are AMAZING artists on tumblr who inspire me heavily with their works. like. i follow ~400 ppl here. because i like to stare at art. so. im gonna talk about my favorites! @crowthis - king. queen. i dont know the pronounces sorry. they draw magnificent things i love their style SO much, its such an inspiration. sometimes i just visit their blog to go through art tag and experience all that beauty. (half of their wrks i have downloaded on my desktop) It's loose, quite 'chaotic', but SO atmospheric. The mood, composition, texture, everything. Themes. I like black and white drawings as much as the ones with colours, it so bright and blatant\bold in a way, but it works perfectly, it gives your the right sense of the work. Even tho usually i prefer more calm colours, it makes me go 'wow!' And their works looks really simple and intuitive but as an artist you know that haha no its fcking hard to do things like that. it takes skill and knowledge. loose work is tricky
@frozensoba - idk how much time i could stare at their recent fish drawings like jesus christ. i wish i could do that. i want to be able to do that. my ass is ready to work every time i see it and drawings like these really inspire me to draw simple things and non-humans bc i feel like you can draw beautifully everything that exists. you just need to know how. Colours, texture, rhytm, lines... everything on its place. I love colours especially. Its very gentle kind of harmony going on there, and the palette is huge, intricate.
@nerdyhideoutphilosopher-2 - going crazy over their works. honesty dont know what to say. go look and see. unique voice Artists id like to mention as well: @dynasoar5 - i mean. just go and look at that. i love how loose and messy kind of rendering is but it looks amazing. and overall. simply amazing drawings fuck yes @jadenvargen - just go and look at his works. i see no point in talking. simply beautiful. looks easy but also hard as fuck. the colours are so bright and rich and very bold but somehow everything is right on its place. it leads you where it should. just wow. the skill i respect @snippit-crickit - once again. beautiful. i really love their studies and how they render things, the colours. @sen-art-acc - LINE WORK. LINE WORK. go check it out. LINE WORK!!!! and i simply like how tidy and clean the drawings look like with colours. i cant do stuff like this. i have zero patience to be this accurate and precise. Also if you love loose artwork i should recommend you those artists for sure @shican, @dude-standin i love as well @wuntrum and @cordspaghetti works a lot. I followed both of them because mcr fanart i guess? tho never was into mcr and stayed for the drawings alone Also, if we're speaking about more "pro" (dont like this term either, forgive me) kind of artists i have some huge inspirations as well (tho my art not in any way reminds of them im afraid lmao. but i hope maybe in ten or ok 30 years or more ill be somewhere). There are a ton of artists i like, but its for another post i guess. To much talk. So here we go Sergio Toppi - he's an amazing at working with lines and composition. I have his comic books on my bookshelf. I open it everytime i want to get energy to draw. You cant look at his drawings and NOT to get inspired. He's incredible. The rhytm, the shapes... damn. i can look at his drawings for hours. And he was the main inspiration to work with lines and composition more, to play with it more. I dont have a lot of line-work on this acc (last quiobi drawing, some year\two-old dghda drawings, eugene one) but i actually exercise it a lot. Lines are extremely powerful tool. And as for composition... The shapes, negative spaces, love it. And he's extremely good at working with colour too.
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Francis Vallejo - he's illustrations are so good... he's incredible with composition and rhytm his drawings have. Negative spaces, one again.
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Anders Zorn - i adore his black and white graphic drawings. Angles, framing, line work. Spent a lot of time looking at his works. Cant get enough of it. The way he draws people, the plot, themes. What he chooses to portray, the way people look, what they do. There is such a special mood to his drawings, there is something extremely psychological about it, isn't there? he's a master im mesmerized by
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Bernie Fuchs - composition, rhytm, once again. I love it when you want to look at something for more then 2 seconds, because the rhytm of the drawings leads you into different places and opens its plot in parts. No matter where you look u'll find something interesting and even though there is lot of going on its still not a mess and looks and feels fucking awesome. And i love his colour palettes too. He's very good at setting the mood (check out his less commercial works)
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As for the colour here's a few i love. (Though they're still extremely good with everything else)
Hovsep Pushman - the man is a mystery. His work with colours, light and texture is beyond me. Also it has disco elysium vibe to it. I dream of being capable of something like this when im sixty or so (im not gonna be)
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Mead Schaeffer - simple but powerful. Looking at his works like eating a tasty ice cream.
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same goes to Dean Cornwell - though its a bit more complex, his composing. You need to pay more attention
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I'd like to mention one other artist - Jamie Wyeth. his works are something else entirely, i dream of drawing like this one day. Loosiness, themes, mood. Ill probably cry if i see those ones in real life one day, somehow special to my heart, relates
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He has these series - "Seven deadly sins". Ive been in love for some time
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As for the inspiration drawings on itself - thinking about it im coming back to dragon age tarot cards. Not all of them, but i still go 'jesus i want to draw like this' at some, through years. This one especially.
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Soooo Thats it i guess! I mean. I love to talk and talk about art especially. I probably could write ten more posts like this no problem. I actually heavily into landscape painters since... Well. Nature. Ice, oceans, sky. I sadly havent really tried to get into the genre myself, i do not draw lots of backgrounds as you can see. Should work on this probably, life's short. But im always happy to share my fav artists! So hit me up whenever. dm or send an ask! And a beautiful work for the ending
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sofipitch · 2 years
I think for some of the people saying mocking things they're seeing the show from a very different direction and are A) truly baffled that some of the audience didn't see this coming and are B) bothered by the suggestion that the writers should change course.
They shouldn't be mocking anybody, that's no excuse.
It was a strong scene people are going to have strong reactions you gotta give people time to feel their emotions, rather than mock them for it and maybe try and share your perspective in a way that's helpful.
I think the reason the audience didn't see this coming had to do with earlier promises the showrunners made at SDCC or in the BTS that this show would be accurate to the books. A lot of people including myself have made posts about how that is not accurate at all. And with the change of both Louis and Claudia's race, along with the domestic violence and just Lestat not loving Claudia makes everything worse. Especially knowing how IWTV ends, Claudia dead and Louis alone and depressed. Like as a novel that is a result of Anne Rice's own experience with her daughter dying of cancer it makes sense, but what is the message of how they have adapted and changed the story? Because what it seems like is this idea/message that black people can't find love or happiness. We've also already seen Paul commit suicide and maybe Louis's mom and sister found some happiness but there was still a lot of pain there. And while Louis has Claudia right now, we know that is temporary.
I do think the writers changing course was unlikely and would have been in bad taste. But also Sam Reid has explicitly said that he thinks there will be a time the show does "his side of the story". In the books this kind of retconned the way Lestat was "evil" and made him more sympathetic. A lot of what made him "bad" came from misunderstandings and miscommunication. That obviously can't be the case in the show unless they want to go in a whole victim blaming route, which I am still afraid of. The actors have also said they see Louis and Lestat as "endgame" which again, with what we sawto me is deeply troubling, personally I don't want Lestat on the same continent as Louis.
Ultimately the journey Lestat goes on throught the books (mostly the trilogy but taken as a whole including the Prince Lestat books) is one of redemption. Lestat is a vampire who kills tons of ppl but ultimately strives to be good against his nature, which was thrust upon him. But beating the shit out of his husband is a choice and hard to see as redeemable. A lot of Hannibal fans have said they have no problem bc of what they have seen in Hannibal, but while I have not seen that show I'm assuming since it is the prequel to Silence of the Lambs it is not a story of redeption. So I think that is where the disconnect between show only and book fans is, book fans already had an expected story and characterization in mind and ep 1-4 seemed to align with that, but ep 5 took a drastic turn that seems to change the rest of the trajectory of the show/series they will be putting out.
I can understand if ppl have no problem watching a show about sadnness or when in later switches to Lestat's POV a story about a charismatic guy with no morals, it just wasn't what book fans expected or were promised
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teapopp · 2 years
Hi hi back again back again
1. Your artstyle is so soft and I feel like it’s gotten even softer since the last time I saw ur blog/pos 2. How’d you develop your artstyle? It’s very pretty :D 3. I think I might come around more often, say hi and stuffs :3c
HI HI HI!!!! welcome back :D
UM... THANK U.... i rly want my artstyle to turn into a yellow blobby mess hehe. i strive for squishability but i keep trying to be accurate soo hehe working on it !!! im rly glad u find it soft !!!
also abt developing my style,,,?? i've been drawing since i was like 6!!! but i got kinda serious about it when i was like 8 and started actually reading chapter books and playing video games
ngl,, its just a bunch of other ppl's art styles mixed together hehe,,
like june's (@ actuallyrea on twitter) style and riverspirit456 on youtube when i wanted to learn how to shade and use colour as a young artist.
i just take little bits n mix it together and use what i learn from studying the human body :p
(^^^embarrassing fact!!!!!!)
back in like 2019 i really liked milcherie's stuff on deviantart but idk where they are now :( i think their account died or something :( they were rly nice and they liked trevor from pokemon xy and they were a motivation and inspiration to me :,)
(mainly bc no one rly bothered to draw trevor and they were like nice to my mediocre trevor art... BUT STILL...)
(if there's no content... make ur own ykwim??)
(warrior cats, pokemon and sonic artists were crucial to my artistic development during my formative years LOL)
also ,, i had a moment when my art was SUPER stylised like tiny torso, giant blocky limbs, strange eye and faceshapes, just because i wanted to find a style that i liked and it did not work out NANDNS,,,
BUT ALAS !!! i have settled down w the anime+chibi styles i have now (even if they change w every drawing i make bc im SO INCONSISTENT SADGE.....) the circle above where the nose is stayed pretty consistent tho!!! ive been using it for almost 3 years now? or 4....
but ya i think the main motivation behind development was seeing these ppl's neat ocs and thinking... "i wanna do that!!" as a 9 year old and making my first warrior cat oc, then sonic oc, then pokemon trainer oc
and then feeling frustrated that i couldnt draw the pose i wanted to and then scouring the internet for poses to learn and taking in little bits from different artists i looked up to to polish my drawings.
(and also the fact that i liked unloved characters at the time)
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oomox · 8 months
maybe this is a hot take but we do still need the terms “man” and “woman” and “penis” and “vagina”
like I went to the dr for a UTI the other day (very common for ppl with vulvas, not so much for those w penises) and when I was scheduling my appointment the website told me that if it was a “complex case” I’d have to go somewhere else, and one of the qualifiers for a complex case was being assigned male at birth — the term “amab” used to replace the word “penis”. But not every amab person has a penis… amab and afab seem to have morphed into polite replacements for penis and vagina when they’re not analogous terms, to my understanding amab/afab is most useful when talking abt the gendered experiences we had growing up based on our assigned gender, not so much the actual physical features of our genitals. (altho yes gendered experiences also do sometimes depend on our genital function ie periods but these terms shift the lens of talking abt gendered experience from a solely biological one to include a social one which is more well rounded)
“man” and “woman” I think are more useful for theory, and no I don’t think we can replace them with “femininity” and “masculinity” because those are descriptors that can be applied to either category; linguistically, we can recognize that the sentence “this man is feminine” is not an oxymoron, that the word “feminine” does not negate the word “man”. We need to recognize that “man” and “woman” more accurately define the two binary genders as concepts we strive to embody rather than a fundamental type of person defined by some inherent quality of their body or mind
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In 2021, many individuals received financial relief through SBA loans and PPP loans. Some individuals used this money to buy exotic cars and enter the rental market.
While not all start-ups are unreliable, it’s important to exercise caution. Some new rental companies with limited fleets might be tempted to overbook or cancel reservations if they receive a higher-paying offer. To avoid such situations, it’s generally safer to choose companies with a more established presence.
A reputable exotic car rental company should have a website. A website is an essential component of any legitimate business. It serves as a platform for showcasing their inventory and providing important information to potential customers. If a company you find on Instagram doesn’t have a website, it’s advisable to steer clear of them. A website adds an additional layer of credibility and transparency.
Once you’re on the company’s website, take a look at its inventory and the overall appearance of the site. Trustworthy rental companies typically have a wide selection of cars available for rent, usually with 20 or more vehicles. Additionally, they strive to keep their website up to date, ensuring that the information you find accurately reflects their current offerings. If a company’s inventory is limited or its website appears outdated or dysfunctional, it’s best to consider other options.
A reliable exotic car rental company should have a verified Google Business listing with a functioning phone number and customer reviews. The Google Business listing allows customers to provide feedback and ratings based on their experiences. Checking these reviews can give you valuable insights into the company’s reputation and the quality of its services. If a company lacks a verified Google Business listing or has negative reviews, it’s wise to look elsewhere.
Before making a reservation, contact the rental company and inquire about the availability of the desired car and their accepted methods of payment. Trusted car rental companies typically have merchant accounts that enable them to accept various types of credit cards.
Avoid companies that request security deposits through platforms like Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, or Cash. Such methods pose a higher risk of not receiving your deposit back in case of any disputes. While it’s common for car rentals to accept cash for car rental payment, using it for a deposit is not recommended.
When the car is delivered, consider requesting a walk-around video for documentation purposes. This video can help you identify any existing damages and protect your deposit. Some companies may point out previous damages upon receiving the car from you and deduct the cost of repairs from your deposit. By having a video or detailed photos of the car’s condition at the time of delivery, you can dispute any unjust claims when returning the vehicle.
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
So, I was trying to figure out why I couldn't see responses to some of my tweets. Then, I logged out and checked who was replying to my tweets.
Turns out it was a person who had blocked me from viewing their tweets. 😂
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I usually I censor the names of ppl like this, but didn't this time. So, don't go attack this person. Be mature.
BUT... you can let this person know that I think they're behaving immature & cowardly for blocking me then talking crap. It's unnecessary, but do so if you wish to.
But, DO NOT make fun of them for their grammar. It aint a big deal if I can still understand what the message means. And for some, English isn't their first language, so don't be rude.
So, what imma do is reply here on Tumblr since I'm blocked on twitter!
This individual is a Vegeta stan that hates Earthling characters like Yamcha & Krillin. I say "Krillin" because I talk about Krillin a lot & this person blocked me. But, obviously this person wants my attention, so here it is! 😉
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I clearly say "a character" would had became irrelevant if Toriyama didn't make him get with Bulma; implying this character to be Vegeta. Then this person sarcastically deflects by saying Bulma & Yamcha are irrelevant.
Still didn't disprove my point. Just deflected from the truth. And even worse, these tweets are hidden from my account, so there is no way I could call them out. (Smart thinking 😉)
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It's a FACT that Yamcha and Bulma have become good friends after their break-up. Bulma is often near Yamcha in the Buu saga & he comforts her when she is mourning without trying to hit on her while she is in a vulnerable state. They're just really good friends now.
Yamcha also is at Capsule Corp. throughout DBS. Yamcha even drops by to visit pregnant Bulma, but thanks to Whis, she had her babay already. Then Yamcha holds the baby. He's obviously friends with the family.
Bulma's good friend, Yamcha, was at her birthday party.
Bulma's husband, Vegeta, didn't show up to her birthday party at first. He only showed up because King Kai warned him about Beerus. Not for his wife.
This fact doesn't diminish that Vegeta cares about Bulma tho. Just pointing out that Yamcha is more considerate with matters like these.
Now the Gotenks part...
Yamcha visits CC
Yamcha is the creator of the Wolf Fang Fist
Trunks lives at CC
Gotenks somehow knows the Wolf Fang Fist
Who do you think Gotenks (or at least 1/2 of him) learned the Wolf Fang Fist from? I'll let him tell ya who taught him the Wolf Fang Fist.
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Ah, another person who promotes the lie that Yamcha cheated. Many just don't realize that Future Bulma lied to Trunks about Yamcha & Vegeta. I wont explain it. Link to the explaination "here."
But I ain't wrong tho. Yamcha wanted to marry Bulma for years but Bulma always exaggerated things and turned them into arguements.
Also, notice how this individual deflects again. They say Yamcha cheated (which is proven to be a lie that many accept as truth) when I said Bulma's immaturity is what caused the relationship to fail (which is true and proven by the series itself). A common tactic for illogical stans like these.
This person just wants to hate on Yamcha.
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Obviously hugs show intimacy lol. 😂
If they didn't then why does Goku hug Chi-Chi? Why does 18 hug Krillin? Why do ppl draw fanart of Vegeta and Bulma hugging? 🤔
By their own logic, pictures of Vegeta and Bulma hugging is a pathetic excuse that doesn't prove they love each other.
I think this person either hates hugs or is being dishonest on purpose.
They say I'm not convincing with photo evidence. Then, they deflect by saying ACTUAL PROOF IS IRRELEVANT & DELUSIONAL.
Next, they put words in my mouth by making it seem like I thought YamBul's relationship was steady. Obviously it wasn't "steady." It was rocky at times like most realationships & that is mostly due to Bulma being immature, spoiled & accusing Yamcha of doing things she was actually doing.
This person presents pictures of Bulma being mad at Yamcha, (ah so only my pics are irrelevant & delusional) then inaccurately says that Bulma and Yamcha were always fighting and were apart from each other. BOLDFACED LIE.
Arguements did happen (often due to Bulma lying and exaggerating things) and they were only away from each other when Bulma or Yamcha got angry with each other and Bulma kicked him out, when Yamcha was training, when Yamcha was fighting, or when Yamcha died.
Other times, Yamcha would take the richest girl on the planet out on dates, rescue her, thank her, and spend quality time with her.
Funny thing is... Bulma would even get mad at Yamcha for leaving to train. Then in filler of the Android saga, Yamcha is complying with Bulma & is spending more time with her instead of training.
Later, when Bulma gets with Vegeta, he is ALWAYS away training. He rarely spends quality time with Bulma. Even in DBS, Vegeta is gone for months at a time training with Whis, then on Earth he is usually training in the Gravity Chamber or RoSaT or gone fighting. Meaning there is rarely time Vegeta spends with Bulma (or his children).
Even BoG showed this when Vegeta would rather train than go to Bulma's birthday party.
Its ironic that Bulma got mad at Yamcha for wanting to train & now she's married to a man that leaves to train 98% of the time.
I think ppl call this "karma."
Maybe realizing Bulma often yells at Vegeta and Vegeta is literally almost always away training will bring this person's rational memory back 😜😜🤣🤣🤣
(See what I did there? Hehe.)
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This person seems to allign themself with this "Mr. Ducklin" guy. I remember him because he used to call himself "Mr. Cucklin" as an insult to Krillin. Although he tried to deny it & claim it was a joke. But he continues to hate on Krillin, thus revealing the truth.
DO NOT go attack this guy either. I'm just letting them know that I notice them since they seem to want my attention.
Both appear to be Vegeta stans that hate Krillin and Yamcha. Both use deflections then lie tin order to make themselves look like they're right.
That's why I don't care about being right, I care about being accurate. Which means I'm open for corrections if necessary. With these 2 and ppl like them? They dont offer corrections. They try to enforce lies.
Remember kiddos, just because a group of ppl think they're right, doesn't mean they're accurate. Strive to be truthful, accurate, & reasonable! 👍
(Or don't and enjoy being inaccurate, then get butthurt when truth is presented to you.)
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ten · 4 years
3 things: you have amazing music taste?? like you recommending my youth by boycold really stopped me from just dipping my toes into khh and literally just diving head first, and even have amazing kpop recs (i know it’s gonna be good when you recommend me anything) you’re the softest of soft, above all else i just associate you with a breath of fresh air bc you come in, you tag us in the loveliest things and give cute messages and dip lmao, and you’re super perceptive — you read ppl so well
omg helen this is so thoughtful thank u bb 🥺‼️ it means the world to me that i could influence you to get into khh! esp bc we’re khh partners in crime now hehe <333 and a breath of fresh air... this is the most heart-warming thing i’ve heard in a while thank u so so much! 
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sennsational · 2 years
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hehe so recently i hit 300 lovelies and as a thank you i wanted to create an event! bare in mind that this is the first event i ever initiated, so it might suck ass LMAO (or nobody will participate) however, let me not get ahead of myself and anticipate what could go wrong.
i started this blog initially bcs i was bored during covid. never in a million years did i expect to meet such lovely sweethearts who i can now call my moots/friends and even family. a lot has happened in my personal life and writing became my safe sanctuary. the fact that i could use writing as a positive coping mechanism and having ppl actually like the shit i write, made me feel validated in a sense. so yea, i truly thank you all for sticking around with me. enough being sappy tho, i’m sure y’all would like to skip that and see what i have to offer for my very first event ✨
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📽 event #1 : match-up
i know this has been done a lot already by other very talented creators/writers, but i always enjoy receiving one so why not do it on my own event? basically based on the info you provide me, i’ll match you with a character, include pics of the vibe you both give me and a song that reminds me of you both.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
if you want the character to be female or male or if it doesn’t matter
short description of yourself
your rising sign and mbti
your aesthetic
📽 event #2 : drabble
based on the character you want, i will write a short drabble for you (circa. +/- 300-500 words). it can range from anything tbh and i hope to be as accurate as possible.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
top-3 characters you’d like me to write a drabble for
give me a short description of your personality
your rising sign and mbti
your love language
likes and dislikes (a few will do)
📽 event #3 : moodboard
this idea is thanks to bby sum sum (thank you babes 🤍) basically this one is pretty self-explanatory. based on the info you give me, i’ll make a moodboard for you and the character of your choice.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
character of your choice
general theme (aesthetic, color, etc.)
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🎞 guidelines:
you can submit an ask from today (sunday April 3th) until next sunday April 10th
this event is primarily sfw, purely bcs i haven’t written as much nsfw yet and i don’t want to give y’all something i don’t 100% stand behind off
pls be patient with me since i’m a fulltime intern and student. it might either take me a bit of time to get to all the events (or if i’m procrastinating, i might get to them quicker hehe)
this event is open to anyone. i know it’s to celebrate me reaching 300 lovelies, but i don’t want to exclude anyone. followers and non-followers can enter two times and moots can enter four times
each fandom is one entry (same applies to the characters). you can enter an event multiple times, just be mindful of how many times you may enter in general
if any of the results/finished pieces i give you are not to your preference, then i’m truly sorry about that. just know that i strive to give y’all as much quality content as i can, but i’m only human and i can make mistakes as well. pls refrain from sending any hate, be civil.
lastly, have fun with the entries! i’d love to read all of them and i’m excited to provide as much serotonin induced content as i can.
© sennsational 2022 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
hii this is for the game
initials: jb
q: ↳ your attractive characteristics
your exchange: okay so im getting you're straight up with people? like the first thing i got was bold so just saying it like it is always. i got an image of a bull in my head so you may be determinedand hard working. you keep going and striving, you're really motivated. im getting creative, you come up w new innovative ideas that no one else does and idk why but i think it makes people jealous in a "i wish i did/thought of that" kinda way.. like they're admiring you? 😭 but there are people who just straight up admire u w/o being weird abt it. you may also b down to earth and just really grounded 😁 idk why but i got some colours when i was meditating on this: blues, purples, greens, white/cream ish. okay im done i hope it was accurate 🧘🏾‍♀️ ALSO u may seem elusive to some people maybe u embody neptune in that way. you're mysterious and ppl can't get a solid grasp of YOU as a person
♇ thank you so much for your patience @ven8s and thank you so much for your exchange [ also once again, happy birthday! happy late birthday!!! ]
♇ i am a very straight up person irl and online, sometimes my delivery isnt the best but it is really the intentions behind it!! and i did come up to make a yearbook for my college year so that's probably why people wish they came up with my ideas though; along with the content i create on tumblr. and my 12h ruler is in my 1h so the elusive makes sense
♇ your question - your attractive characteristics
♇ my answer -
♇ at first i got your charm, the way you carry yourself. you portray yourself to be very respectful and people like it. for some reason im getting your scent; perhaps you like to try out scents that are like vanilla, cocoa butter etc. because im getting a lot of warm scents, or you like scents that include fruits? this isnt a characteristic but also your skin seems very attractive or maybe it is the fact that you take care of yourself really well? people see you as someone who glows all the time so it lures them in. you have a graceful persona as well, very venusian traits coming through!
♇ make sure to leave feedback in the comments!
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bakujho · 2 years
bon jour madam hope u don't mind may i ask your thoughts ab rook my love? ik he's kinda french but it's why he's great spare some details pls? and hey I like your thread it's bizarre how ppl would gloss over official info but say headcanons like autism and sexuality def are bc it's easier to swallow, but ig that's tumblr for you oct's my 2nd fav dorm too but they're def not the first people u should ever trust your life with lol
I fucking adore Rook. he is SO weird.
I used to really dislike him because every time I see him with his dumbass haircut I see lime cat and I can't unsee it, BUT his dorm card with Floyd is one of my favourites cause anyone that can out-weird Floyd is great. (Somehow Pomefiore are the octa tamers and I am HERE for it).
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^Limecat for reference, since it' well predates most people on tumblr's online memory I think.
I think Rook is probably the second most mysterious characters, after Crowley. (Jade is up there, but Floyd gives away his game way too often). Like... we know that he was in Savanaclaw and changed dorms for Vil, we know that he strives to find beauty in every way due to his love of theatre, and that he has 5 siblings that he doesn't see often.
But like... what the fuck is he hiding in his room, how, if not related to his UM is he able to gauge everyone so accurately with a glance? Why does he have light magic instead of dark? And why, with that, is he at NRC instead of RSA?
Anyways, he's an over the top weirdo and I have SO many questions about him, and I would 100% trust him to protect me BUUUUUUUUUUT i would also 100% suspect there's something going on cause WHY ALL THE SECRETS, ROOK HUNT? HUH!? HUUUUUH!?!?!?
Also, Pomefiore is a family, do not separate.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
I just came here to give feedback about your sexual power pac
I choose pile 2, and tbh it was really accurate.
Like I'm not saying that ppl get intrigued or interested in ne easily, they have wrong thoughts about me at the very first meeting and it's written all over their face and I totally hate that. Creepy disgusting feeling. But also even if I k I can get any guy I'm interested in I don't. I don't wanna settle for anything less coz if once I did, I'm there for long run(ride or die)
My eyes are definitely a pretty feature:) only thing I'm proud of in my looks. I've rbf so ppl don't mess with me. And also my frds usually compliment my legs. I've a bellybutton piercing:)♡ IT FUKIN TOTALLY RESONATES WITH ME 😭😭😭😭
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Hii omg thank you so much for this feedback 😭💜
They are intrigued, i am so sorry to hear about the wrong thoughts please protect yourself 💜 , there's no fun in settling strive for the best always.You definitely are pretty , and i am so glad the legs and belly button piercing also resonate this was a general Pac i didn't expect that much but omg i am so happy that it resonated so much for you .I see you have an astro account I'll check it out :)) .
Thank you again 💜
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
Hi there! I saw you mention that you were currently pregnant. So, writing-related question for you: what are some of your biggest 'omg NO, it's literally NOTHING like that' instances that you've come across in writing/media portraying pregnancy?
Hi Anon!
Sorry for the delay, its been a rough couple weeks but yes I am indeed knocked up and trying to make the most of it, but i'll be honest- its not been easy and my answer to your ask will probably reflect that sentiment so I apologize in advance lol
Probably my BIGGEST gripe with how mainstream media portrays pregnancy is how its some glamourous, beautiful, breezy experience where it makes you feel like a goddess and ppl celebrate and shower you with adoration blah blah.
Now, this is a f*ucking lie. Yes yes, miracle of life and all that, but let's not forget- this shit used to kill a bitch with a significant mortality rate back in the day; nowadays its gotten better but still everyone around you is getting blasted and having fun and you're not able to partake and overall physically miserable.
Simply put, media be like:
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Whereas the reality is more like:
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Now i dont mean to dog/marginalize on the joy of pregnancy/expectant motherhood from anyone who does, this is simply my own experience and opinion- everyone is different!!!
And to expand on that opinion, the conspiracy theorist in me (note: I am very chemically and hormonally unbalanced at the moment) is convinced the media portrayal has a lot to do with patriarchal expectations of what the ideal woman should represent and strive to be (aka pretty baby factories), but thankfully there are some series out there that work to depict pregnancy/motherhood in a more relatable grounded way- some show recs of the top of my head:
Working Moms - hilarious comedy centering on career-focused moms, highly relatable and cast of eclectic well-written female AND male characters.
The Handmaid's Tale - basically a documentary of the fall of the United States (i wish i was joking, its scarily accurate in light of recent events). Decidedly the opposite of funny, prepare to be emotionally drained but it is an INCREDIBLE show. I also particularly like that men as a whole arent framed as the enemy, in fact some of the female protag’s greatest allies are men who put themselves at great risk to aid women.
Anyway im not sure if this was at all helpful writing-wise lol, i could go into more detail if you like just let me know but fair warning i will not hold back and it probably will be gross but ill try to be clinical about it (its not pretty folks, trust me!!)
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