#strengthening their devotion
talbiyaumrah · 1 year
The Importance of Ziyarats in Baghdad, Najaf, and Karbala
A Spiritual Journey of Reverence and Remembrance
Ziyarats, or pilgrimages, hold a special place in Islamic tradition, offering believers the opportunity to connect with the legacies of revered personalities and sacred sites. Among the most significant ziyarats are those in Baghdad, Najaf, and Karbala, three cities in Iraq that are deeply intertwined with the history and spirituality of Islam. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of these ziyarats, their historical significance, and the spiritual experiences they offer to Muslims around the world. Understanding the significance of these sacred destinations can deepen our appreciation for the rich heritage they hold.
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Baghdad: The City of Knowledge and Spirituality
a) The Legacy of Imam Abu Hanifa: Baghdad is renowned for being the home of Imam Abu Hanifa, one of the most influential scholars in Islamic history. His teachings and methodologies continue to shape Islamic jurisprudence. Visiting his final resting place allows believers to pay homage to his intellectual contributions and seek blessings.
b) The Abbasid Caliphate: Baghdad served as the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, a golden age of Islamic civilization. The city flourished as a center of knowledge, culture, and scientific advancement. Ziyarats to historic sites such as the Mustansiriya School and the Abbasid Palace connect visitors to this remarkable period of Islamic history.
Najaf: The Seat of Knowledge and Spirituality
a) The Shrine of Imam Ali: Najaf is home to the Shrine of Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The shrine is a place of deep reverence for Muslims, who visit to pay their respects, seek spiritual solace, and draw inspiration from the wisdom and teachings of Imam Ali.
b) The Hawza System: Najaf is also known for its renowned Hawza, an Islamic seminary that attracts students from around the world. The Hawza has been instrumental in nurturing scholars and disseminating knowledge for centuries, preserving the tradition of Islamic scholarship. Visitors to Najaf can experience the vibrant intellectual and spiritual atmosphere of this esteemed institution.
Karbala: Commemorating the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain 
a) The Battle of Karbala: Karbala holds immense significance in Islamic history as the site of the tragic Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. This battle witnessed the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and his loyal companions. The events of Karbala serve as a reminder of the struggle for justice, sacrifice, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity.
b) The Shrine of Imam Hussain: The shrine of Imam Hussain in Karbala is one of the most revered and visited sites in the Islamic world. Millions of pilgrims gather here every year to commemorate the martyrdom, express their grief, and seek spiritual elevation. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of devotion, reflection, and unity among believers.
c) The Arbaeen Pilgrimage: The Arbaeen pilgrimage, which occurs forty days after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, is one of the largest annual gatherings of people worldwide. Millions of pilgrims walk long distances to reach Karbala, embodying resilience, solidarity, and a deep commitment to the legacy of Imam Hussain.
The ziyarats in Baghdad, Najaf, and Karbala offer Muslims an opportunity to connect with their faith, pay homage to revered personalities, and immerse themselves in the rich history and spirituality of Islam. These sacred destinations hold deep significance, fostering a sense of reverence, remembrance, and unity among believers. By undertaking these ziyarats, Muslims can embark on a transformative journey of the heart, strengthening their devotion, and drawing inspiration from the noble examples set by the luminaries of Islam. May every pilgrim who visits these sacred sites find solace, enlightenment, and spiritual elevation.
For more information visit: TALBIYA UMRAH PVT LTD
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chonkymoth · 1 year
fictional relationships where the heart of their dynamic is unbreakable and undeniable devotion. either both people unto each other, or one to the other. the loyalty, the commitment, the promise beneath all else — I'll do anything for you and always be here beside you.
esp (!) if that devotion devolves into one of the characters becoming unhinged for the person they're devoted to, OR one person losing their grip on reality + becoming unhinged, and the other person acting as their tether, or at least trying their damndest to, even if they lose themself a bit in the process.
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renshifter · 4 months
Bhaalist baptism
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saint-ambrosef · 1 year
St. John has always been very young to me - 15 at most. So now let's all cry as we think about him agreeing to take care of Our Lady until the end of her life.
tradition does state that he was the youngest of the apostles. so if the theory is true that all of them except Peter were under the age of 20, it would not be a leap in logic to believe St. John might have been 13-15 at the time of Christ's crucifixion.
Also adds an even funnier element to the claim in John's gospel that he reached the tomb first. Imagine a spritely 14yro St. John absolutely booking it and leaving old man Peter in the dust.
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lordgodjehovahsway · 2 months
1 Kings 19: Jezebel Sends Messenger To Elijah With The Promise Of Death
1 Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 
2 So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.”
3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 
4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 
5 Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.
All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” 
6 He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
7 The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” 
8 So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. 
9 There he went into a cave and spent the night.
The Lord Appears to Elijah
And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
10 He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”
11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 
12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 
13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
14 He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”
15 The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. 
16 Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. 
17 Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. 
18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.”
The Call of Elisha
19 So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair. Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him. 
20 Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. “Let me kiss my father and mother goodbye,” he said, “and then I will come with you.”
“Go back,” Elijah replied. “What have I done to you?”
21 So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his servant.
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lovandgrace · 6 months
Unrecorded Series 2: Unrecorded...but proven.
Part 2 of the Unrecorded Series! I hope it resonates with you
The unrecorded life of Jesus was a crucial season for character cultivation. Throughout this period, Jesus accumulated a significant number of experiences, challenges, and interactions all contributing to refine His character and strengthen His commitment to His divine mission. It was a time when His actions were purely motivated by His love for the Father and His compassion for humanity, rather…
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Very Real Powerful Force
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4NIV
For 21 days I’ve been on a public fast. Fasting always reveals areas needed correcting. Afterwards, prayers are answered. This time has been no different. Yahweh Adonai has been working amazing things into my heart.
One area— truly rejoicing. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying” 1Thessalonians 5:16-17NLT. Face it— where there’s more needs than money— new laws written daily to take away more of our freedoms— corruption in every area, including the churches— enemy armies crossing our borders in-mass to take over our nation— children being used trafficked to sick perverts— life tends to become too heavy to bear. Rest assured! We’re not the first people to see these evils and feel overwhelmed.
Problem is: we’re looking in the wrong direction. Jesus said, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near”” Luke 21:28NKJV. The Lord Yahweh is our Savior. Government leaders and laws aren’t. Jehovah has not, nor will He change. Look to Him, He’s the same “yesterday, today, and forever,” Hebrews 13:8.
LORD God sent me to Genesis to read. Corruption abounded, so much so that God regretted making humanity. He was ready to destroy everyone. But— “Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the LORD” Genesis 6:8BSB. Ending? Noah and his entire family were spared in the ark during the flood.
Question: Where did all the sin come from between Genesis 6 and 19 when God pulled Lot and family out of Sodom? Noah walked with God, his sons didn’t, even after seeing the flood, his sons didn’t walk with God. As for Lot, angels rescued him, and daughters, Genesis 19, God spared his two girls, knowing their penchant for incest. Noah and Lot trust in God to take care of them. saved their families also— God knows how their hearts would have mourned losing their children. Is it any different for us today?
Nehemiah, and the Israelites had returned from seventy years of captivity in Babylon. The younger ones probably didn’t even fully understand the importance of returning to Israel. When they returned, neighboring lands were trying to kill them, while they built a wall for protection, (maybe like a border wall.) As they finally finished their work enough to read the scriptural laws, they realized how sinful they were. Remorse came, but they were instructed ‘don’t cry —celebrate’— “…Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10ESV. Take the phrase “of the LORD” out of the preceding verse— “for the joy…is your strength.” Joy isn’t a fleeting emotion but a very real powerful force of walking with the Lord, sharing intimacy. This joy force requires us to look at Jesus— (Yeshua Hamashiach in Hebrew), as the Supreme Being, all powerful, undefeatable. Satan and fear cannot stand up against joy and rejoicing. They have to flee, (see James 4:7).
Rejoicing like fasting brings promises. Yahweh has promised me— “‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]’” Isaiah 41:10AMP. Like Noah and Lot were rescued— While all the evil is surrounding us, we have nothing to fear. Our salvation is near. Will you look up and rejoice? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Yahweh thank You for teaching us the power of joy, and Your mercy for us who believe. Help us to rejoice more, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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toms-cherry-trees · 3 months
Cracked || Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Wife! Reader
Summary: No one ever said duty would hurt like this
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Twincest targcest (Velaryoncest?), angst, spoilers if you haven't watched S2E2, for anti hating purposes is not explicitly stated but all characters are above 18.
Author's note: Won't you look at me, 7 months since my last HOTD fic! That scene with Jace tearing up definitely did something to me. My very first time writing for Jace, hopefully won't be the last!
Also a massive massive thank you and all my devotion to @moris-auri for beta reading this!
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No one welcomes him when he lands in the Dragonmont. 
The flapping of Vermax's leathery wings is amplified, booming throughout the massive cavern, swirls of steam rising from the cracks on the dark stone. The only ones to witness his arrival are the dragon keepers, but even they are distracted, their focus on the exhausted dragon and not his equally drained rider. When they stride past him, they don’t acknowledge him at all, almost as if he doesn’t exist. Jace wonders if he is a ghost, because only in death could someone feel the agony that seeps from his bones and still be standing. 
He feels like a foreigner in this place. 
Even though he has lived on Dragonstone half his life, he feels like a foreigner. The fortress is not theirs. He doubts it never truly has been. They are just keepers of these ancient walls and the history they carry within. Dragonstone is a relic that will stand on that island for a thousand years to come, as welcoming as a gush of Northern wind on bare skin. The only warmth comes from its very core, from those who habit it and who've made the great fortress a home. 
But the home he left weeks prior is not the one he now returns to. The warmth has been snuffed and the hearth has been shattered. 
He walks with his head held high and his back straight, gaze always ahead and chin lifted in a gesture of near arrogance. He walks like an heir, because he is. He is now his mother’s heir and he must play his part, even if all he wants to do is lay his head on her lap and weep like a boy of ten. 
A moon ago he was just Jacaerys Velaryon. He was a son, a firstborn son, but with no more responsibility than studying and learning, mastering skills that would serve him purpose in 30 or 40 years. His greatest concerns were training Vermax properly, what desserts would be served after supper, and how to avoid falling into another of his siblings’ silly pranks. He had been betrothed long ago, but marriage itself was something distant, something that could wait out a few more years.
He was a brother of five with another sibling on the way; a sister. While most in the castle pined for a son, another boy, he secretly supported his mother’s longing for a little girl.
And now he is Jacaerys, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to his mother’s throne and crown. He is more Targaryen than Velaryon now. He is an envoy, a messenger, a warrior if needed be. He is a strategist and a politician. He is an asset and a threat; someone who has forged great alliances, but also has found strong enemies, their weapons aimed directly at the target behind his head, target painted there by his grandsire many a year before his birth. A wedding , hastily arranged, to strengthen their cause and their line of inheritance. 
He is a brother to just four now, and the crib has been left empty. 
Cregan Stark had been the one to break the news to him. Standing on a cramped lookout on the edge of the world, nothing but whiteness as far as the eye reached, Lord Stark had said that the Wall did more than keep savages and ice at bay. It held back death.
But death came nonetheless.
Jacaerys had managed to maintain his stance as a man and a Prince, receiving the news with unyielding stoicism, even when his knees felt weak and his body chilled, like ice had spread down his spine. But this ice was nothing like the one surrounding him, there on the edge of the North. This one burned, burned like dragonfire while stabbing him with a thousand knives, leaving him to bleed out while not allowing him to die. It stole the air from his lungs and the blood from his veins, and filled him with snow. His lungs couldn’t breathe, his heart couldn’t beat yet somehow he didn’t drop dead right there where he stood.
He recalls little of what occurred after, nothing more than brief, precise memories. Receiving Cregan’s condolences, and feeling the firm squeeze of the older man’s hand on his shoulder. Northerners parting silently to make way for him in the courtyard, where a restless Vermax awaited, his screeches rattling the windows of the nearby towers. Someone handing him a parcel, hastily wrapped, containing a sleek wolf pelt as a present for their Queen. The thunderstorm he traversed in the Riverlands, and the toll it took on Vermax to fly through it. 
The painful tightening on his throat as he wondered if he had encountered a similar one, not far from home.
Servants and courtiers make way for him, as he approaches his mother’s chambers. They bow and curtsy, and offer words of courtesy, lamenting the loss of the young Prince. Some stare out of the corner of their eye as he passes, waiting to see if the new Prince of Dragonstone will crumble like sand before their very eyes. But he never betrays himself; not a tear brimming in his eyes, not a wobble of his lips. The occasional flaring of his nostrils is the single telltale of the sorrow that simmers just beneath his skin. 
He hesitates briefly, pausing at the end of the vast hallway where the royal apartments are. Up the winding staircase, past the single set of double doors to the left, his mother awaits. No, not his mother, the Queen. She stopped being his mother the day the crown was placed atop her head, and the court of Dragonstone bent the knee before her. Grief and loss shaped her, morphing her into the leader and ruler she had been born to be. Jace can only admire her, and hope that he will be able to embrace his new role as effortlessly as she has done hers.
The double doors are pushed open by Ser Erryk. The Queen sits alone, gaze downcast and thoughts troubled, that much Jace can tell by the nervous fidgeting of her hands, twisting her rings almost compulsively. When her eyes rise to meet his, Jacerys sees in them a mirror of himself, the same exhaustion, the effort to push back and bury the wrenching misery, the bleeding wound left behind by their loss.
They are alone, just the two of them in that silent alcove. Jace could break down, weep like he hasn’t done in years and lay his head across her lap; let her slender, motherly fingers card through his hair as she assures him that all will be well in the end. But he can’t, he can’t because she’s more Queen than mother now and she’s grieving too, grieving deeper than he is and if she can keep it together then so can he, because he is her heir and he has to make her proud and be a man worthy of respect. 
The Prince doesn’t cry; the heir doesn’t cry. 
A man remains immovable and imperturbable.
He straightens his back, head held high and hands laced before him as he recounts his triumphs, the Houses he convinced to pledge for them and what each one has offered and asked them in return. This moment should have been his shining glory, with himself striding through the castle with pride and confidence, ready to announce to the council how he had secured the allegiance of the Vale and the North for their cause. He would bask in his wife’s admiration, drink the praises from her lips and show her he was ready to one day be a great King, with a great Queen by his side. 
Instead it is just them two, hidden behind doors, picking up the pieces falling from their carefully built masks before they completely fall apart. He brings good news, great news, but they matter little and now taste like ash in his mouth, burning and bitter. His victories mean nothing to him because his little brother is dead, gone 60 years before his time, and they don’t even have a body to burn and Jacaerys feels it should have been him, because he is the eldest and he should have protected him better. He should have faced their rageful uncle and died instead, but he didn’t and now he stands there, moving and doing because if he stays still the grief will swallow him whole and bury him in a pit of sand.
And then his voice breaks, the facade cracks and they both stop pretending, because pretending hurts, like gripping a white hot rod with both hands and refusing to let go even if it’s hurting you.
Her embrace is warm; her arms feel like home. With his head tucked under her chin, his cheek pressed against her chest, he feels young again. He feels the sobs racking her body, the tears dampening her face and his hair, her fingers digging on the fabric of his cloak. They sway slightly, rocking from side to side like when he was a babe of just a few days old, fussy and restless, keeping the whole holdfast awake at night because he refused to settle anywhere but on his mother’s arms. 
But now Jace suspects the motion is meant for her more than for him, to transport her to days past when she held her babes in her arms and they were safe under her wing and no one could harm them because she would sooner tear the world to pieces. Discreetly the places shift, now it's her forehead against his shoulder and his arms holding her steady. Jace feels the tears stinging his eyes and the lump blocking his throat, but he cannot break down because his mother is broken and someone must stand strong and whole and it has to be him. 
Soon, too soon,  his mother has dismissed him, sending him to his chambers to bathe and rest because they will have the funeral at sunset and they must not show weakness before the court. The cracks must be patched and hidden, no matter how deep they run. Not a single piece can fall out of place.
He drags his feet now; the weight on top of him has grown heavy. His posture slackens, his shoulders slump, the pretence is harder to hold. Sunset feels like a death sentence, because a funeral makes it real. It makes it true. Burning what they have because there is not even a body left behind to burn. That way he can no longer pretend that is not happening, that is all just a tale. And then, he will crack. No willpower will keep him whole because his brother, his little brother is dead and he has to face a future where Lucerys will not be a part of it.
He pushes his chamber door open with one shoulder, his mind blank of any thought; the encounter with his mother affected him deeper than he had anticipated, because even she is cracking and now is just him holding it together because he has to. 
And then he sees her. 
His wife sits before the hearth, so ethereal with the glow of the fire illuminating her face. Her head turns as soon as the door opens, and he immediately notices the red around her swollen eyes. At first he thinks she’s mourning, but she’s had her time to mourn and Jace knows she’s crying for him, crying because she feels the agony straining to break through his flesh. Just like they have felt each other’s every emotion for as long as they have lived, have anticipated each other’s words and read their thoughts. Connected by a bond that runs deeper than marriage, because they are of the same blood, come into the world together.
The last time he saw her before his departure, they had an ugly fight. Jacaerys had convinced their mother to keep her at Dragonstone rather than allow her to fly as an envoy, claiming they could not leave the fortress unguarded and with the larger dragons going in and out on their missions, they had to pile up their remaining strength. The Queen had agreed, and her word was final. 
She could not argue with Her Grace, but she certainly made Jacaerys know how she felt about what she perceived as a betrayal and lack of trust in herself and her abilities. Jace pleaded with her to see reason, to see things from his perspective. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in her, he would never dare to doubt her strength. But he didn’t trust the men she would encounter on her journey, nor did he want her to risk taking a long flight on her dragon and run into danger. She, always the hot headed one, had called him every name under the sun and refused to see him off, choosing instead to sulk in her chamber. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, to leave on bad terms with her, but he trusted they would talk it out upon his arrival. That all would be well and their problems would be solved.
He stands silently before her, and for the first time he feels small. So small and diminished, unwilling to look her in the eyes. His gaze is fixed on the floor because the tears are winning the battle and if they do he will crack open like a dragon egg, but no great beast will emerge, only his insecurities and his failures.
His lower lip wobbles, and he bites it so hard he leaves the imprint of his teeth. His nails dig deep in his palms in his attempt to steady their accusatory trembling. He breathes in and out, slow and steady, his eyes squeezed shut as he feels himself losing control. He cannot allow himself to lose it, not in front of her of all people, not when he is supposed to be her pride, not her embarrassment.
He hears the sharp drag of the chair as she stands, the thud of the heavy tome she had been reading being thrown rather carelessly over a table. Her steps are slow and calculated as she moves across the stone, approaching him cautiously like he is some wild beast ready to lash out. Like he is some fragile thing, so fragile that a gush of wind could break him apart.
Her hands are soft and warm as they cradle his face, gently coaxing him to look up, to meet her eyes. But he can’t, he fears he will see disappointment in them, he will see accusation, he will see her blame him for Luke’s death, for forcing her to remain back when it was their little brother who needed his protection the most. 
For failing the family.
He succumbs in the end, brown eyes gingerly rising to meet her own, bracing himself for the worst. But he sees nothing of what he expected. He sees no anger, no resentment, no pity. Just worry and tenderness, and a desolation that matches his own.
The first tears he has been holding back since Winterfell finally escape the barrier of his willpower and roll down his cheeks. He attempts to blink them away but they cannot be stopped, nor does he have the strength to stop them no more. His wife brushes some away with her thumbs, and smoothes back his hair in a tender gesture
That little world, the call of his own name coming from her lips is all that it needs for the dam inside him to burst. The violent sobs rack his body, tears blurring his vision and he chokes on them, while also feeling like he’s breathing for the first time since that raven arrived at the Wall. He tries to hide his face but she won’t let him, and tears shine in her eyes too and that only makes the crying worse, because his wife is suffering and he cannot console her because he’s also suffering.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
His legs weaken and his stance falters. The same apology falls from his mouth, the small words tumbling over each other and getting lost in the incessant weeping. His knees falter and he drops down; his forehead rests against her body and his hands are on her hips, fearing he will lose her if he lets go. He sobs onto her dress, not caring anymore about being the perfect Prince and heir, about being the man everyone will respect and be proud of.
His wife drops to her knees too and holds him close, allowing his head to lay against her shoulder. The scent of her body fills his nostrils, aroma of camellias and toasted sugar. It smells of happy memories and easier days, and it evokes a sense of safety in him, of tenderness, of the happiest days of his short life. His cry doesn’t stop, but it is not only for Lucerys now. It is for his mother, for his younger brothers, for himself and for all the losses to come. He cries for his twin, his wife, for now the fear of harm coming her way has increased tenfold, and the mere idea of her being cruelly ripped from his side tears a gash on his heart.
He cries until he’s sure there are no tears left to cry. Until the weight has been lifted from his chest and he is sure he can breathe again. They remain there for what feels like mere seconds and a lifetime at the same time, locked in each other’s embrace. Her fingers card through his hair and her lips press tender kisses to his temple; his arms wrapped around her, hands pressed against her back to keep her close, as close as he can to his own heart. He would gladly stay there forever, spend the rest of his days encased in her warmth and basking in her love. But the moment is broken all too soon when a servant knocks on the door to let them know that courtiers are already gathering in the outskirts of the castle for the funeral.
Jace lets himself be guided by the hand like an obedient child to sit before her vanity. She moves around him silently; unneeded words would only break the feeble spell of calmness surrounding them.
She takes care of everything for him. Wipes his face clean with a damp cloth, presses a cool spoon to his eyes so they will not appear swollen and bloodshot. He changes into a fresh tunic, and allows her to comb his hair and powder his face to disguise the redness of his cheeks and nose. 
They stand together before the ornate mirror, both of them dressed in matching red and black. She helps him pin the cloak onto his tunic, fastening it to his right shoulder with a silver dragon brooch. Jace holds her gaze in their reflection, hoping to convey with gestures the emotions words fail to do. She understands; she always does.
He is rewarded with a kiss on the cheek, and while it does not manage to coax a smile out of him, it fills his veins with a pleasant tickling warmth, the same he felt after their first kiss and the one he hopes to feel until his last breath. 
Her fingers run up his arms gently, tracing the embroiders and trimmings of the doublet. They come to rest on his shoulders and gently push them back, straightening his posture and puffing out his chest. The right index continues the ascent, tracing the curve of the neck and the still sharpening line of the jawline before settling under his chin, pushing upwards ever so slightly to lift his head. Urging him to hold himself with pride. To unapologetically show the world that he is cracked, but not broken.
She comes to stand before him at last, smoothing down nonexistent creases from his clothes until nothing but pure perfection remains. They hold each others’ gaze for a few moments, before she reaches up to steal from him a gentle kiss.  
“All ready, My Prince.” 
This time, he smiles.
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
So, from a worldbuilding perspective, wizards have schools, right? It's an easy 1:1 to go from the idea of people who gets their magic from study to the cultural touchstone of academia, and that helps us figure out what institutions and cultural norms are like in our setting.
Correspondingly, clerics have temples, place where their connection to the divine was fostered among a community of fatihful who share their devotion if not their magical gifts. If you were in a d&d world and needed someone with cleric skills, you'd head toward a temple.
But what do Sorcerers have? They're usually presented as one off oddballs or magical oddities but if power exists it's a logical consequence of worldbuilding that there's going to be institutions dedicated to preserving and refining that power.
I'm going to argue that Sorcerers have dynasties, an extended family who share the collective potential for inheriting the magical gift of their powerful ancestor(s). Dynasties would likely be closely tied to the reigning power structure, extended privileges and patronage the same way that noble families are in exchange for their marital support. If you were a ruler in a d&d world, having Battlecasters on hand to shore up your powerbase is just as important as having cavalry and footmen, so you want to make sure the people who are capable of passing down their magical gift are having kids so that their heirs can support your heirs.
This puts a sorcerous dynasty in an interesting position depending on how people in your world think that magic is inherited. Is the gift recessive? Do you breed for it or follow your heart? Are you having too few children or too many? How does that factor into material inheritance? What do you do with all the children who don't show signs of being able to do magic? What if the gift skips a generation or two one of THEIR children show signs of sorcery? Can you let them marry into other families knowing you might be giving away some of your power? Could you use that as a political bargaining chip? How do you handle bastards? What's your stance on monogomy? How do you handle fertility issues? Is the magic waning over time or is it just diluted or are none of your heirs just not living up to your potential? Is there some unadvised ritual or alchemy or dark pact you can make to restore greatness to your line or awaken dormant potential? Does intermarriage with other magical practitioners of different disciplines strengthen or weaken the chance of inheritance? Is there a way to bend politics in your favour to ensure you get this infusion of new blood? Is that baseborn adventurer with the sorcerous gifts a threat to your power or a potential spouse for your firstborn?
All these are brilliant adventureseeds that I don't think I've seen explored all that often. There's only a specific type of player and a specific type of adventure that are concerned with court politics/brigerton style affairs of the nobility, but making those nobles into spell-slinging-sorcerers make them FAR more relevant characters for the background of an adventure.
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basictutor · 2 years
A Positive Declaration for Husbands
A Positive Declaration for Husbands: Speaking Life and Love into Your Marriage
… Speaking Life and Love into Your Marriage I am a husband, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I have been chosen by my wife to be her partner in life, and I will honor and cherish her always. I declare that I will be a source of joy, love, and inspiration to my wife and my family. I believe in the power of love, and I know that my wife and I are meant to be together. I declare that I…
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maglife17 · 2 years
Strengthening Faith During Testing! Part Three"For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised." Hebrews 10:36 Strengthening faith in God is one of the most important and rewarding aspects of being a Christian. The Bible contains encouraging verses that point to the power and rewards available to those who believe in Him. One such verse is Hebrews 10:36. This passage reflects how strengthening our faith can bring huge benefits from following His path. Tough times don't last, but tough people do. Strengthen your faith, and you will come out of any test victorious. Strengthened faith in God has many benefits that can positively impact one's life. Here are some practical ways to grow and build your faith during trials: 1. Talk to God. It is often hard to feel close to God when we are going through tough times. However, He is always there waiting for us to talk to Him. He is a friend who will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5). 2. Read the Bible (Romans 10:17 and Romans 15:4). The Bible is full of stories of people who went through tough times, but they were able to overcome them because they had faith in God. Reading the Bible can help us to learn what God's plan is for us and give us the strength to face whatever we are going through. 3. Find a support group (Hebrews 10:25). There is nothing like sharing our struggles with others who understand what we are going through. There are many groups available for people of all faiths. Finding a group that meets regularly can be a great way to grow and build your faith. 4. Pray (Ephesians 6:18). Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God. Prayer can be used to ask for help, give thanks, and make requests. Praying regularly can help to strengthen your faith. 5. Serve others (Galatians 6:9). When we are focused on helping others, we often forget about our troubles. Serving others is a great way to show your faith in God and help others who are going through a tough time. Having faith in God can help us get through anything. Therefore, it is important to focus on growing and building our faith during a tough time. These are just a few of the ways that we can do this. No matter our life struggles, we can find comfort in the Bible. Romans 5:4 says, "And endurance produces character, and character produces hope." Amen. Prayer: Oh Lord, I come before you today with open arms and a ready heart. I seek your guidance and grace to build me into whom you desire me to be so that I might live out my purpose in life for your glory. In Jesus. Amen. https://maglife.org/
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misswynters · 2 months
Aemond Targaryen as your husband: headcanon
[a/n: there are some sensual undertones here so if you don’t wanna read that you can skip it. it’s after the seperator
[note | pls don’t just like, reblog & give me feedback. i don’t want to get shadowbanned
similar | jace | aegon | cregan | daeron | gwayne
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Aemond is fiercely protective of you. His intense loyalty means he is always by your side, ensuring your safety and well-being. He often places himself between you and any perceived threat, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword.
Aemond isn’t one for grand romantic gestures, but his love for you is evident in the small things. He brushes your hair out of your face, ensures your chambers are always warm, and leaves books he thinks you’d enjoy on your bedside table.
As your husband, Aemond values your opinion on matters of state and politics. He seeks your counsel in private, trusting your judgment and treating you as an equal partner in all decisions.
Aemond admires your intelligence and enjoys engaging in deep conversations with you. Whether it’s discussing the histories of Westeros, strategy, or philosophy, he relishes the intellectual stimulation you provide.
Aemond respects your strength and encourages you to train with him. He enjoys sparring sessions where you both hone your skills, often leading to playful banter and mutual admiration.
You and Aemond have an unspoken bond, sharing secrets that no one else knows. He trusts you implicitly and confides in you about his deepest fears and ambitions.
Despite his stern exterior, Aemond has a soft spot for you. In private, he’s tender and gentle, often holding you close and whispering sweet nothings that contrast sharply with his public demeanor.
Aemond enjoys gifting you rare and precious items, from intricate jewelry to exotic silks. He takes pride in finding unique treasures that reflect your tastes and interests.
One of your favorite pastimes is riding Vhagar together. The thrill of soaring through the skies, feeling the wind in your hair, and the shared experience of dragon riding brings you closer. Aemond often points out landmarks and recounts stories from his childhood as you fly.
Aemond’s loyalty to you is unwavering. He defends your honor fiercely and would go to great lengths to protect you from harm. His love is intense and all-consuming, leaving no room for doubt.
Through your relationship, Aemond learns to open up more emotionally. Your patience and understanding help him grow, allowing him to express his feelings more freely and strengthening your bond.
Aemond is your biggest supporter. Whether you’re pursuing a personal project or navigating court politics, he’s always there to offer encouragement and practical advice.
Aemond is devoted to your future children. He takes an active role in their upbringing, ensuring they are well-educated and trained. He often tells them stories of his own adventures and the legacy of House Targaryen.
Despite the challenges you face, your bond with Aemond is unbreakable. Together, you are a formidable team, facing the world with strength and determination. Your love for each other is a constant source of comfort and inspiration, guiding you through the trials of life in Westeros.
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Aemond’s eye always finds you in a room full of people. The way he looks at you, with a mix of desire and admiration, sends shivers down your spine. His gaze alone can make you feel cherished and wanted.
In private, Aemond’s touches are gentle and deliberate. He traces his fingers along your skin, memorizing every curve and line. Whether it’s a light touch on your hand or a caress along your back, he makes you feel treasured.
Aemond’s kisses are a mix of urgency and tenderness. He captures your lips with an intensity that leaves you breathless, his hands cradling your face as if you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Late at night, when the castle is quiet, Aemond whispers sweet and sultry words in your ear. He tells you of his desires, his dreams, and how deeply he loves you. His voice, low and husky, wraps around you like a warm embrace.
Aemond takes his time when you’re having sex. He believes in savoring every moment, exploring your body with a careful and practiced touch. His focus is entirely on your pleasure, ensuring you feel loved and satisfied.
There’s a powerful, unspoken connection between you. A single look from Aemond can communicate a thousand words. In moments of intimacy, you don’t need to speak; your bodies and souls understand each other perfectly.
After a long day, Aemond loves to hold you close. He wraps his arms around you, his body shielding yours. The warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart are the ultimate comfort, making you feel safe and adored. Giving you the love that his mother didn’t give him.
Aemond is particularly affectionate in the mornings. He wakes you with soft kisses on your neck and shoulders, his hands gently exploring your body as he whispers good morning. These moments set a loving tone for the day ahead.
Aemond enjoys sharing baths with you. The intimacy of washing each other, feeling the warm water and his hands on your skin, creates a deep bond. He loves to see you relaxed and content, and he takes his time, making sure every touch is soothing and sensual.
Despite his duties, Aemond finds time for secret sex. Whether it’s a secluded garden or a hidden room in the castle, he ensures you have moments of privacy to express your love and passion freely.
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banner by: @cafekitsune
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
How They Worship You
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Aegon: He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's through shared meals, adventures, or quiet moments together. He prioritizes physical intimacy and expresses affection in ways that make you feel cared for and desired. He prioritizes your well-being, from emotional support to practical assistance. He plans special surprises and gestures to show you how much he cares. He prioritizes your opinions and feelings and works to build a healthy and equal partnership based on mutual respect.
Aemond: He expresses his support and loyalty to his partner through small and big gestures, such as making you your favorite meal, planning outings and adventures together, or simply holding your hand and reassuring you of his love and devotion. He works hard to build a stable and secure relationship by being a reliable presence in your life, and by consistently showing up for you in all aspects of life, whether it's career, personal life, or the bedroom. He always strives to make you feel safe, heard, and loved, and to be the best version of himself for you.
Jacaerys: He worships his partner by prioritizing your happiness, needs, and desires. He makes sure you feel loved and appreciated by demonstrating kindness, respect, and affection. He is present and engaged when you speak, and he makes an effort to listen with his whole being. He supports your goals and dreams, and he is open to exploring new experiences with you. He prioritizes communication, honesty, and understanding, and works to build trust and deepen connection. He takes time to express his love and admiration and cherish every moment spent together.
Lucerys: He worships his partner by doing small acts of kindness, such as offering a warm cup of tea, giving a massage, or writing you a heartfelt letter. He makes an effort to be thoughtful and proactive, remembering important dates and occasions, and surprises you with unexpected gestures. He takes time to learn your love languages and adapt his behavior to make you feel loved in the ways that resonate most deeply with you.
Rhaenyra: She strives to be a safe and reliable partner, someone you can trust and depend on. She shows up for you through action, not just words, and follows through on her commitments. She is open and honest, and communicates clearly, respectfully, and openly with you. She is willing to compromise and find mutual solutions to problems, and she approaches conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. She works to strengthen your connection and build a partnership based on mutual respect and equality.
Daemon: He worships his partner by making time to spend together, whether it's going on dates, having intimate moments, or simply enjoying each other's company. He prioritizes your comfort, security, and stability, and works to create a safe and supportive environment. He is willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship, and he tries to be forgiving and understanding when mistakes or conflicts arise. He prioritizes physical touch and makes sure to express his desire through physical connection.
Alicent: She honors your boundaries and respects your space, understanding that you need time to yourself and independence like anyone else. She expresses her love and appreciation through both words and actions, such as planning dates and leaving notes to let you know you are on her mind. She prioritizes your well-being, offering support and assistance whenever she can. She is committed to personal growth, both for herself and for the betterment of your relationship. She is always open and communicating, not only to listen but also to be vulnerable and express her feelings.
Helena: Her devotion to her partner goes beyond anything simple. She ensures that you feel safe with her, both physically and emotionally, and she works to create a secure and stable foundation for your relationship. She is dependable and consistent, following through on her words and actions. She shows respect for your autonomy and individuality, allowing you the space and freedom to be yourself. She takes an interest in your hobbies, passions, and pursuits, and she celebrates your successes. She makes an effort to maintain intimacy and connection, both physically and emotionally, and she prioritizes spending quality time together.
Harwin: He surprises you with small gestures of affection like buying your favorite snacks or leaving love notes. He plans fun date nights and makes sure you feel pampered and prioritized. He also makes an effort to spend quality time with you, engaging in activities you enjoy and actively listening to your thoughts and feelings.
Cregan: He expresses his love through small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, such as getting your favorite dish, giving you a comforting hug, or surprising you with a small gift. Additionally, he makes an effort to prioritize your emotional and physical well-being. He helps with housework and other tasks and makes sure you have adequate rest and time to relax. He is supportive and understanding during challenges and setbacks and offers comfort and assurance when you need it. Overall, he makes it his priority to make you feel loved, valued, and respected at all times.
Criston: He expresses his love through acts of service, like making you your favorite meal or doing small gestures to make your life easier. He surprises you with unexpected gifts or experiences that reflect your interests and bring joy. He makes an effort to learn about your love language and communicate in a way that resonates with you. He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's a romantic date night or simply cuddling on the couch. He shows vulnerability and a willingness to grow and learn with you, and he makes it a priority to be a safe and supportive space for you.
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
I'm not even that interested in boyfailure squid but
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(Pre-apology for the ramble, but you seem to enjoy these, so.)
Another ask was about how in this comic Kallaboy could've been suddenly feeling love from a mortal perspective, and I agree, but also disagree.
It's not that I think CotL gods don't experience love the same way, but that when mortal lives are so short compared to their own, it's hard for that love to be practiced the same way. It's a bit different when you love someone who may as well be gone the next day to a god, vs when mortals decide to spend a percentage of their limited lifetime together with a partner.
I could see this scene as Kallamar being uncomfortably and forcefully aware of mortal instincts and how it likely strengthens his natural cowardliness and fears of death, and him assuming that's also how all other mortals feel due to lack of or outdated experience being one.
I bet Kallaboy was planning this whole scenario out before enacting it, deciding that since he's experiencing mortal fear of death, that Saleos would be experiencing it the same way. He's not taking into account how Saleos has acted towards his own death before, nor the ways in which others loyal to a god might offer their lives to their god.
In short, Kallamar is being incredibly mortal, by forgetting that mortals vary wildly based on personality and other things like devotion.
Before this scene, I bet he'd likely expect some posturing, a bit of threatening, but no actual follow through happening. Either assuming his own threatening/words would be enough to get the result, even if Saleos was unwilling--or he's expecting to not have to care about the follow through. Just because he loves someone doesn't mean their eventual death isn't just something mundane and expected to a god, which is still sees himself as, right? He might have been expecting some feelings around betrayal, if he had to really push Saleos to shift back to worship of him, but nothing like what actually happened in this scene.
How Saleos immediately goes for the sacrifice, so quick that Kallamar barely has time to make the injury nonfatal, slams it home that Kallaboy 1) miscalculated BADLY, 2) almost lost someone who is incredibly useful to him, but also he cares deeply for, and 3) oh shit, he CARES like a mortal cares about whether someone lives or dies--which again, another miscalculation. His OWN death isn't the only death he's worried about now.
I think Kallamar here is experiencing a ton of mind/body betrayal in this scene, I mean his heart is probably going a mile a minute when he's unused to it reacting at all. I'm sure this is all hammering home that he is mortal, but woefully uneducated in How To Mortal.
Basically, imo Kallamar is:
Eating this eating this devouring it yes yes y
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solisaureus · 10 months
annabeth chase ran away from home because her dad and stepmom didn't care about her or like her. the first people who actually made her feel loved and safe were luke and thalia and then thalia died and luke betrayed her and that's where she's at when she meets percy.
annabeth chase tried to suppress her feelings for percy because after luke’s betrayal she was so determined not to rely on anyone for anything, and definitely not to develop feelings for someone again. but percy proves himself trustworthy again and again and again, and every time he takes her side, every time their bond strengthens, she gets more scared because she knows she has more to lose. and hes not even doing it on purpose, he doesn't think of her as a crush to be won over, he's not trying to make her like him. he just keeps showing up for her and being a reliable and faithful companion and trusting annabeth as much as she places her trust in him.
annabeth chase didn't expect percy to come for her at mount othrys, not when he didn't have to, and especially not when he was expressly forbidden to. she wasn't ready for the gratitude and relief that overcame her when percy took on the burden that luke had placed on her shoulders without a moment's hesitation. she was devastated by the irrevocable devotion that had torn down all her safeguards and was now fixed in her heart. she heard it whisper, maybe i can trust him, maybe i can let myself love him, maybe nothing bad will happen. for once she didn't silence it.
annabeth chase was shaken by a prophecy that decreed she would "lose a love to worse than death." there's the other shoe. it didn't matter that percy had earned her trust, that she had made a strong relationship with someone who she truly believed would never betray her. it didn't matter. because she loved him, percy was going to die, worse than die, and she'll be left alone and lose what she's built up once again. when he made his stand in the volcano, she kissed him goodbye.
annabeth chase finally admitted her feelings for percy and her vulnerability was not punished, but rewarded with such wholehearted reciprocation that she fooled herself into feeling secure in it. when percy disappeared one day, the part of her that luke had broken felt stupid. everyone assured her that he would never leave her on purpose, but the longer he was gone, the harder it became to resist the suspicion of betrayal. it quieted when she saw him again, and he swore never to leave her. it died forever when he held her close as they fell into tartarus together
annabeth "never rely on anyone" chase fell in love with percy "loyalty is my fatal flaw" jackson
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servantofthefates · 3 months
Why Blood Magic Is Powerful
Because it proves your devotion.
Many witches perform spells with a mindset of, “Well, it’s just a few cheap candles and herbs. If it doesn’t work, no loss.” But when someone is willing to hurt themselves in the name of a ritual, that proves their faith in what they are doing. And as I have said before, such faith is what truly makes a spell powerful.
Because your blood stays alive.
Your blood is your conscious agent. When sealing a pact between you and another by mixing your blood with theirs, your contract becomes binding. Even if, in the future, you no longer feel like honoring your vow, that part of you which you spilled always will, keeping you loyal to your pledge. And thus, giving your blood is a testament to your lasting commitment.
Because blood serves as your identification.
Bloodline is not everything in witchcraft. But it does matter, because we can inherit the powers of our ancestors. And because there may be entities connected to your family who might be willing to work with you. Using your blood helps activate any suppressed abilities that may have been passed down to you, and becomes an invitation to entities who are attached to your lineage.
Because a person’s blood connects you to them.
If you are performing transcending magic (i.e. binding/unbinding and manipulation/control spells), then having a drop of your target’s blood strengthens your dominance over them. Much like a Voodoo doll would. Except having someone’s blood extends your influence beyond their body to their thoughts and emotions.
Because blood is life.
As discussed above, a drop of human blood, when willingly given, is a dose of commitment. When presented, it is a method of identification. And when secretly taken, it is a means of control. Which is why, just as water nurtures plants, and food nourishes humans, blood feeds occult forces. It connects us to supernatural sources who enjoy witnessing our pure essence.
Contrary to what we see in fiction, blood magic has always been performed with the best health precautions available to practitioners in their era. No real witch ever just took out a knife and slashed their palm casually. Blood magic has always been treated with the utmost respect. It will not work for those who neither understand nor revere it.
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