aveloka-draws · 4 months
is there a reason saleos decided to gnaw kallamar’s face off or was it more of a no thoughts squid tasty situation
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No thoughts tasty squid
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auduux · 4 months
Text under the cut.
After Narinder is made a follower, he finds Forneus, Aym, and Baal and tries his best to have a relationship with them again, more so his kits. Aym and Baal are fine with still calling him “dad” and such but Forneus has seen too much to trust him again.
Forneus moves to Anura with Aym and Baal after Heket is defeated. Her kits found her after the defeat of Narinder.
After Heket is made a follower, she also finds Forneus and tries to have a relationship with her. They were dating, once, before Heket was a bishop. Heket hasn’t gotten over her.
After Kallamar is made a follower, he will try his best to poison Joon, then calms down when he discovers Saleos is in the cult. (After being pissed at Saleos for joining the cats cult)
After Shamura is made a follower they do nothing. They chill af, Joon thought they were plotting to kill him for a long time. They make balls of spider silk with the help of Narinder or another one of the followers or their siblings sometimes. And then helps Joon knit it.
After Leshy is made a follower, he will do everything he can to kill Joon. Everything you can think of. He spends most his time in the fields, burrowed, to terrorize followers. Getting him out never works, he just curses at whoever tries while he burrows deeper into the soil. Eventually, he calms down, and Joon tries his best at befriending the odd and clearly agitated ex-bishop.
None of the bishops lost their abilities, they simply dulled. Godhood runs deep, even without a crown to help.
I tried to add in the bishops injuries from the game, like Leshy’s missing eyes. I made it so Joon gave them the injuries instead. Narinder had his wrists slit since the chains were his injury.
The crowns, save for the green crown, were abandoned after the bishops defeat. They were hidden with magic, so no heretic could find them. Whoever collects whichever crown is thereby a bishop.
Kaani(OC), the death bishop after Narinder, found the crown on accident. They knew what it was, picked it up out of curiosity, and was then bound to it, much to their dismay. They resided nowhere before it, they were a traveler. The scythe they hold was mainly for display and they liked how it looked, it would shatter if they ever tried using it. They visit the cult often. Narinder does not like them.
The rest of the crowns remain unfound. However, the purple crown is close to having a predecessor.
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yaboigodlypoptart · 24 days
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Mmm ❤ weeb ❤
#i can't smoke for shit :)
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konjkitkatty · 3 months
Is kalleos (kallamar x saleos) canon in the swapped au thing?
Kalleos (i did not know they had a ship name) not being canon feels like me clipping an angels wings, i just need to figure out how i want saleos and the other spouses to look first. i just barely figured out how to draw fish in a way that doesnt make me vomit, im gonna need a minute ok🐱
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alternianative · 6 years
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drawiiiiins from tonight
obligatory megamilk shirt for the cow troll and bunny suit for the bunny girl
aurium (last boy) belongs to @cirquedutrolleil!
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rafilskis · 3 years
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Coisa totoza do papai Hendrew Kalleo 💙 #6meses #papaidemenino💙 (em Santa Cruz , Cascavel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRwsz6bFbBv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nobrewolfnhk · 3 years
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Nobre Kalleo, o maestro...🐾❄🤩 #huskysiberiano #dogs #nobrewolfhuskykennel #realizandosonhos #Majestoso (em Nobre Wolf Husky Kennel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9MmipL1TT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kalleo Technologies is one of the leading Managed IT services providers throughout the Atlanta, Dallas and Nashville marketplace. Our Managed IT Services are purpose built and customer specific. For more information, please visit : https://www.kalleo.net/
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mceara · 5 years
Rosângela dos Santos de Aguiar, de 22 anos, suspeita de matar o próprio pai e beber seu sangue agiu por vingança, segundo a Polícia Civil. A mulher e mais quatro pessoas foram detidas na quinta-feira suspeitas de participarem do assassinato de Geraldo Rivaldo de Aguiar, de 45 anos, na cidade de Casserengue, distante 152 km de João Pessoa (PB). De acordo com a Polícia Civil, por volta das 14h de quarta-feira (15), Rosângela foi à zona rural da cidade acompanhada de Kalleo Bruno Benedito Rosendo, de 23 anos, José Carlito de Sousa, de 26, o mototaxista Alexandre Carneiro de Sousa, de 34, e uma adolescente de 16 anos. Os dois primeiros homens teriam atirado na vítima; o mototaxista teria ajudado a transportar o grupo e a adolescente teria dado cobertura. Já Rosângela, teria pegado uma das armas dos comparsas, disparado contra o pai e tentado degolá-lo. Cansada de ser estuprada, filha mata o pai e diz: "matei e bebi o sangue dele, repetiria tudo sem pena" pic.twitter.com/CGZnTRKp88 — Mceara.com (@McearaOficial) December 14, 2019 No dia seguinte, Rosângela, os dois homens e adolescente foram detidos na cidade de Arara, onde moravam pelo GTE (Grupo Tático Especial). Durante a investigação, a polícia descobriu a participação do mototaxista e o prendeu. Para a polícia, o homem confessou ter ajudado o grupo porque quis, sem receber nenhum tipo de ameaça. Segundo a polícia, Rosângela era casada com Sousa e a adolescente, com Rosendo. Os quatro moravam na mesma casa e vendiam drogas na cidade de Arara, na mesma região. Já o mototaxista era cliente do grupo. Rosângela não tinha passagem pela polícia. Ela disse ter sido viciada em crack, mas que tinha largado o vício. Em um vídeo, Rosângela confessa o crime e afirma que o cometeu para se vingar do pai porque teria sido estuprada quando era criança. Ela afirmou que queria cortar a cabeça dele e enfiá-la em uma estaca, mas não conseguiu. A mulher também conta que bebeu o sangue do pai e que não se arrepende do crime. A polícia investiga se o assassinato foi cometido por vingança por causa do abuso sexual, mas não descarta a motivação por dinheiro. Aguiar teria vendido gado e recebido dinheiro. A filha teria pedido a quantia, mas o pedido foi negado. Na delegacia, a mãe da suspeita não negou nem confirmou a versão da filha e acabou passando mal. Ela e outras pessoas devem ser ouvidas esta semana pelo delegado Ilamilto Simplicio da Silva, titular da Delegacia de Casserengue. Rosângela está presa no Centro de Reeducação Feminino Maria Julia Maranhão, em João Pessoa; os três homens foram encaminhados para a Penitenciária João Bosco Carneiro, em Guarabira; e a adolescente está na Fundac (Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Criança e do Adolescente), também na capital paraibana. O grupo foi indiciado por homicídio, tráfico de drogas e corrupção de menores e a prisão dos adultos foi convertida de flagrante para preventiva.
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
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mandalaya · 7 years
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Kalle frågade imorse innan jag gick hem vad jag skulle göra idag? - Ingenting och sen dricka vin! @kalleos #missionaccomplished . . . #saturday #pizza #redwine #foodporn #onthetable #carbsarefriends #carbsfordays #eatliftlive #dinnertime #livsnjut #dailyfoodfeed #feedfeed #eatfood http://ift.tt/2FIgrhp
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via BetaList
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blogdolevanyjunior · 7 years
SÃO GONÇALO DO AMARANTE RN-Excesso de proteção muitas vezes desprotege, diz Luis Roberto Barroso
SÃO GONÇALO DO AMARANTE RN-Excesso de proteção muitas vezes desprotege, diz Luis Roberto Barroso
do Jota “Excesso de proteção muitas vezes desprotege” Para Barroso, lógica de que o empregado tem sempre razão estimula comportamento incorreto ​ por Kalleo Coura O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Luís Roberto Barroso considera que a espinha dorsal da reforma trabalhista é a tese de que o Estado tem o dever de proteger o hipossuficiente, mas não de incentivar que ele seja incorreto e…
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alternianative · 6 years
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oh while we were like, not being on tumbls i made Another Girl her name is eulala and she’s a hemomutant and her lusus would have been a bunny if y’know, she had one.
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aveloka-draws · 5 months
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Saleos being casual about having his former god around
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aveloka-draws · 6 months
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More of these sillies
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