#stream stray kids kingdom
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i-dared-myself · 22 days ago
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Stray Kids x reader
Requested by anonymous: so ihave this request that is like an queendom x kingdom, and y/n is an idol (in other group) i know is short but i really wanted to see what would your imagination feed us. 
Queendom and Kingdom were combined for a spin-off show that you were lucky enough to be a part of. Your group had been one of the few chosen for this highly-anticipated show.
“Practises are today.” The girl next to you puckers her lips, staring at her reflection in the mirror. “Is your group ready yet?”
“Uh, yeah.” You fidget in your seat as your cheeks are swiped over with blush. As soon as your makeup is finished you slip off the stool and go off to your group. 
“Remember,” your leader is saying, gaze firm and arms crossed. “Everything rests on this moment.”
You linger in the back of the group, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. You always felt awkward around then for some reason.
It’s probably just your imagination.
“We’ve been struggling lately, and this is a good chance to prove ourselves.” Your leader smiles, sickly-sweet as she looks over at you. No mistakes.”
Your stomach twists with nerves.
At a recent event that was live-streamed, you had tripped. You don’t know what you tripped on, but you had. You had fallen during the performance, causing the rest of the members to stop everything.
Your company wasn’t pleased. Neither were your other members.
You follow the rest of your group into a dance studio. You spend the next hour running through a choreography for your performance, something that will lead to a media recovery.
Your only problem is how little you have to do. You understand that you might not be the best dancer, or the best singer, or might not even be as pretty as the other girls.
But standing at the rear like a backup dancer? They’re not using your abilities like they should, and you know you can do better. You know that the tripping in that other performance was a one time thing.
But you start to doubt it as more time goes by and no progress is made. The others are struggling with the more difficult movements, and your steps are too simple.
But when you add more flair to it, you get told to stop being so flashy. 
“You’re taking the attention from the front,” the choreographer complains. He sighs and waves a hand at you. “While we figure this out, go fill the water bottles.”
You, taken aback by the humiliating request, frown. “What?”
“He told you to do something!” a girl in your group snaps at you. “Just do it!”
You’re handed all of their water bottles and awkwardly juggle them as you go down the hallway. You manage to find the water station and hold each bottle under the tap one by one.
You hear a gasp of your name and ignore it. When people talk shit about you, you push it aside and cry about it when you’re by yourself.
Then someone is tapping your shoulder, and you hesitantly turn around.
“Yes?” you warily ask before realizing who it is. It’s fucking Seungmin. Seungmin, from Stray Kids, is in front of you. “What the shit.”
He blinks at you. “I’m sorry?”
You gasp and cover your mouth. “I’m so sorry! Pretend you didn’t hear me swear! Please!”
Seungmin smiles gently at you, something akin to amusement flashing in his eyes. “It’s okay. I make fun of JYP all the time. I won’t ruin your idol image.”
You grin. “Yeah, I know.” You pause before attempting a recovery. “I mean- Who are- Who’s- I’m JYP.”
Seungmin’s smile widens even further, and it infects you with joy. You’re both just standing, beaming at each other like idiots.
“Can I get a photo with you?” You both blurt it out at the same time before sighing in relief.
“Why do you want one with me?” you question as he pulls out his phone. You smile into the camera and pose with him.
“Because you’re cool,” he replies simply before making hearts with his fingers for your photo. “Obviously.”
You feel heat rise to your face at his words. “Oh. Thank you. That means a lot.”
Seungmin’s head tilts. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”
You fiddle with your hands anxiously. You’ve never liked explaining the dynamics between you and the other members of your group. 
“Someone had to refill the water bottles,” is what you finally say. You motion to them, almost forgotten on the ground.
Seungmin nods slowly. “Sure, I guess. Do you have some free time to come meet the rest of us then? We’re kind of fans of yours.”
You can hardly believe it. Stray Kids are fans of you. 
“Sure.” You shrug casually. You should run back to the rest, but you do want to meet them. “I have time.”
Seungmin helps you carry the bottles down the corridor, dodging other idols. You reach a studio with a closed door, and Seungmin knocks on it with his foot in the form of a hard kick
Changbin answers it, eyebrows pulled together in annoyance. “You have hands, idiot- Oh. Oh!”
“My hands are full,” Seungmin grumbles, holding up the bottles. “Get out of the way, loser.”
Changbin’s wide eyes are still locked on you. He steps away, letting you and Seungmin pass. 
You flash him a warm smile, bowing slightly. Changbin returns it as if he can’t believe you’re here.
“Omg,” Jisung says, covering his mouth.
“I can’t believe you just said ‘omg’,” Hyunjin drawls from where he’s on the floor. He has his arms covering his face.
“Hello.” You wave to the rest of the room. Everyone is just watching you and you’re frankly uncomfortable with their gazes all being on you.
“Hi,” Chan coughs out. “What are you- What are you doing here?”
You adjust your stance, looking to Seungmin uncertainly. “He said you guys would want to meet me? And honestly I’m a big fan, so I didn’t mind coming here.”
“You’re a fan of us?” Felix asks in amazement.
“I can’t believe you’re a fan of me.” You laugh lightly. This whole day has taken a bizarre turn.
Hyunjin sits up, jaw dropping. “Stay is going to be so jealous. Can we post photos of us with you?”
You shrug casually. “Yeah. Go ahead.”
So you’re swarmed by them all taking photos in various poses with you. Jeongin is shy when he comes up to you, but quickly warms up to you and even asks you to record a video with him.
“I’m sorry, but I should go back to the others.” You grimace before smoothing out your expression into a pleasant one. “It’s been great meeting you.”
Chan hums softly. “You’re welcome back anytime. We know what we’re doing so we’re just fine-tuning. We have plenty of spare time.”
You smile and nod before putting all of the bottles back in your arms. It’s difficult to carry them all, but you make do.
When you return to the studio your group has been assigned to, they’re wrapping up. You linger in the doorway, unsure of what to do with yourself.
“There you are!” The choreographer puts his hands on his hips. “Come here.”
You set the water bottles down before rushing back to him. “Yes?”
“We’ve decided to remake your part,” he casually tells you. “I’ll show you it, and then you’ll memorize it and have it ready to go by tomorrow’s rehearsal.”
You freeze, watching him demonstrate the new dance. It’s definitely more complicated than the one you had previously been assigned, and you hesitate.
“Are you sure?” you carefully say.
“Oh, and you’re in the front now.” He wipes his hands on his pants. “You have it memorized? I also have a video of it set up on the laptop over there. You know the lines already too.”
“Yeah.” You blink back frustrated tears. “I’ve got this.”
The rest of the group shuffled out the door, wiggling their fingers goodbye at you. You stare numbly at them as you’re left alone in the studio.
You press play on the speakers and focus on singing for now. You’ve never sang this part before, and it’s a bit out of your range.
But you’re confident enough that you can do this, and nail it. You know you sound amazing, so you move on to the dance.
The movements are tricky, especially the hand gestures. They’re complicated enough that you have to just work on them for a minute.
“You look busy.” 
You whip around to find Hyunjin hovering near the entrance. You click the pause button and take a swig from your bottle.
“What are you still doing here?” Hyunjin pulls out his phone and checks the time. “It’s midnight. You’ll be exhausted for rehearsals tomorrow.”
You stretch out your legs. “No, I’ll be fine. I just- I have to do this.”
Hyunjin settles on the ground, leaning against the mirror. “Show me then.”
You falter. “Sorry?”
Hyunjin crosses his legs at the ankles and folds his hands in his lap. “I’ll give you some feedback. Then you can go get some rest sooner.”
You nod. “Sounds good.” You press play on the music and go through the dance, singing along. Your voice echoes weirdly in the room, but you know on stage it will sound good.
When you finish, you pant and slide down against the wall to the floor. “Well?”
Hyunjin tilts his head at you. “It was excellent. And… Weird.”
“Weird? What’s weird?” you anxiously ask. 
Hyunjin runs a hand over his shaved head, hand not catching on any hair. “It just… It matches perfectly with our choreography. I know we’re not supposed to talk about it before the show, but it’s almost identical.”
You frown as he gets to his feet. “Really?”
Hyunjin shows you his, and sure enough it goes alongside yours almost perfectly. He considers it for a moment before shaking his head. “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.”
You adjust your stance. “I’m not sure. Doesn’t your group go first, with mine after? It would look like we’re copying you.”
Chan knocks on the doorframe, clearing his throat. “Hyunjin. You should be in bed by now at the dorms. It’s a big day tomorrow.”
“Take a look at this.” Hyunjin points at you, so you awkwardly show Chan your dance as well.
Chan’s eyes widen. “Hyunjin! Why did you teach her our-“
“That’s hers,” Hyunjin interrupts. He begins to pace. “But you thought it was ours, which means that the audience would think they copied us, which means-“
You cough. “I’m sure there was just a misunderstanding with the choreographer. He probably just studied closely with yours, and it came out the same. Big coincidence.”
“We made ours.” Chan shakes his head. “There’s no way that’s what happened.”
You shuffle, unsure of what to do now.
“Let’s just deal with this in the morning.” Chan sighs and rubs at his face tiredly. “We’ll walk you to your group. Or van I guess.”
“That’s nice, but I’m okay.” You smile warmly. “They left already and took the van with them.”
“So how are you getting to your dorms?” Hyunjin questions, exchanging a look with Chan.
You chew the inside of your cheek. “I usually just walk if I’m not far, or sleep at the studio. It’s not bad. I can sleep in weird places.”
“She sleeps at the studio like you do.” Hyunjin shoots Chan a filthy expression. He rounds back on you. “We’ll give you a ride.”
You yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. “Really? You don’t have to.”
“No, it’s fine.” Chan tugs at his jacket, pulling it tighter around his body. “Come on.”
You trail after them, holding your water bottle. You make sure to flick the lights off before you leave.
“Felix!” Hyunjin yells. “We’re going!”
Felix darts out from an empty room, eyes locking on you. “What’s she doing here?”
“We’re giving her a ride,” Chan briefly explains. He fishes his keys out from his pocket. 
When you exit the building and go outside, Hyunjin screams, “Shotgun!”
Felix groans and crosses his arms. He glances at you and brightens. “Guess we get to sit together!”
Chan unlocks the vehicle and everyone scampers inside. Hyunjin snickers at Felix, who has to sit in the back.
You tell Chan the address and rest your head against the window as Felix eagerly rambles on. You barely catch what he’s saying, too tired to really focus.
Then you’re asleep, and your head rolls onto Felix’s shoulder. His entire face turns red and he reaches up to poke at Hyunjin.
“What, backseat loser?” Hyunjin grumbles.
“She’s asleep,” Felix whispers. “What do we do?”
You wake the next morning to silence. It’s odd. Usually there’s frantic racing to get ready and people slamming on your door.
But it’s quiet with the sunlight filtering through your curtains.
You slip out of bed and tap the screen of your phone, heart sinking when you realize it’s almost nine. You dash out of your room, urgently tugging your pants on. You knock on people’s doors before skidding to a halt.
Why were you the only one in your room when you woke? Why are there dirty dishes piled up next to the sink?
There’s a note on the fridge, kindly informing you of your removal from the performance. The others are worried that you won’t be able to be ready in time.
So you’ve been ‘transferred to a backup dancer for another group or something.’
Temporarily, they added, but you have a sick feeling that it’s not. That this is your new normal.
You sit on the couch, sighing heavily. You notice ink on your forearm, and since you can’t remember last night-
“I got a tattoo?” you shriek in alarm. You feel dizzy as you look at your arm.
It’s not a tattoo, thankfully. Instead, someone has written a number with a marker. 
Last night comes rushing back, so you type the number into your phone and dial.
It rings once before Chan’s voice meets your ear.
“Hey.” You greet him maybe too casually, but you’re not a morning person. “Why did you give me your number?”
“So I can add you to our group chat.”
You pause. “What? Why?”
“Because… you’ll be working with us? Did you not know that you’ve been signed over to our group?” 
The dizziness has returned.
“What?” you rasp. “I’ve been what?”
There’s silence before Chan speaks again. “Okay, so I’m assuming you didn’t know.”
You close your eyes, fighting the light-headedness. “This is a lot. Chan, I think I’m going to pass out.”
“Don’t pass-“
Then you’re unconscious.
Chan curses and puts his phone down, causing Minho to glance up.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with mild concern as he places own phone in his lap.
Chan’s lips thin into a tight smile. “Get the others. We have to go pick her up.”
Minho shrugs and stands, wandering off. Chan grabs a first aid kit from under the sink and stuffs it into the van. When the others climb inside he starts up the engine and tells them everything.
“So, she’s been transferred to us.” Chan’s grip tightens on the wheel. “She had been taught our choreography so it would be an easier transition for this performance and-“
“So you knew the whole time?” Hyunjin demands. “And you didn’t say anything?”
“No!” Chan looks in the rearview mirror at him. “I got the email this morning that explained everything. I’m as shocked as you are.”
“Can’t believe they just gave her up,” Changbin mutters. 
Seungmin sighs and drums his fingers on his thigh. “Why is there a first aid kit?”
Chan shifts in his seat. “She might’ve passed out.”
Jisung gasps. “Oh no! Is she okay?”
“Well that’s why we’re going over,” Chan says in exasperation. 
Jeongin puts his hand up. “Dibs for CPR.”
Felix frowns at him. “I don’t think that’s how it works. I think you have to be trained to actually do it.”
Hyunjin snorts in amusement. “Right. I do it all the time.”
Chan side-eyes him. “Excuse me? Who are you giving CPR to so often?”
Hyunjin narrows his eyes. “That’s none of your business.”
Chan lets it go, having arrived at your dorms. Hyunjin had watched you put the code in last night, so he presses the buttons and the gate slides aside.
Changbin busts the door down and they all charge inside, holding various tools from the first aid kit.
You blink at them, holding a wet towel to your forehead. “What- How did you get in here?”
“We’re here to give you CPR,” Jisung blurts out.
You scowl. “Ew. Yeah that’s not happening.”
“Hey, you could do a lot worse than him!” Jeongin defensively says. He bats his eyes at you. “Heyyyy.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I can’t believe I’m in Stray Kids now. This is insane
“We’re cool.” Seungmin puts an arm around Hyunjin’s shoulder before shuffling to the side awkwardly once Hyunjin shrugs him away.
“Yeah I know. I’m not upset about being here now.” You grin at them. “I’ve been a fan for a while. I’m just… getting used to such a big change.”
“And we’ve been your fan for a while.” Minho rolls out his wrist. “But we have to get to rehearsal. Are you in or out?”
You toss the wet cloth at the sink, leaving it with the dirty dishes. Someone else can deal with it. “Let me grab my things and then I’m ready to go.”
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 1 year ago
hi! i was wondering if you could write something abt lee!jisung and lers!chan and changbin, basically like, jisung is sleeping but chan and changbin need him awake so they tickle him (kinda like in the kingdom behind the scenes)? and basically keep tickling him even though he’s awake but they end up coddling him bc he’s their baby 🥺🥺. thank u so much!! love ur writing <33
Eepy Quokka:
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the way he goes ☺️ to 😈 in like less than a second is so entertaining ^^^
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𝒍𝒆𝒆: Jisung
𝒍𝒆𝒓: 2basco
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨! 💗🧋
𝕥𝕨: wake up tickles, jisung is just an eepy lil thing, belly button tickles, raspberries
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpages
eepy: it’s when your sleepy and tired; but in a cute way &lt;3
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“He’s so cute, though! Do we have to wake him up?” Changbin whined to Chan as the oldest shook his head disapprovingly. 
“Yes, we do! We have to finish this track, and he’s been sleeping!” Chan complained back, nevertheless trying to keep his voice down. 
“Not his fault that Minho kept him up at dance practice all night-” 
“Mmmh, hyungs shut up…” Jisung spoke from his bundle on his chair, giggling when Binnie poked his side playfully. 
“Nohoho…stohop-” He swatted at the invading finger in his side. 
Changbin cooed at the younger, and Chan rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. 
“Hannie, we have to finish this track, you can go to sleep afterwards, I promise.” Chris tried to reason with the maknae, who pouted at Chan. 
Jisung tried to stay awake, he really did. But he could feel his eyelids drooping, and when he yawned, small tears welled up in his eyes. 
“Han!” Chris whined again when he glanced at the youngest and noticed him fast asleep, yet again.
“M’sorry, hyung. I can’t stay awake…” Hannie apologized, rubbing at his eyes. 
“I think we all need a break.” Changbin replied, rubbing at Chan’s shoulder. 
“I think I know how to keep Hannie awake.” Chan gave Changbin a very mischievous look. 
The two slowly turned their heads towards the maknae, who’s eyes widened and darted between the two boys. 
“Nooo! Please! Hyungs don’t tickle me!” He whined, curling in on himself in an attempt to cover his weak spots. 
“Oh? We weren’t gonna do that, (they were) but thanks for the idea!” Binnie smiled when Jisung blushed a deep red, trying to curl in even deeper. 
“Nohoho…” The quokka giggled in anticipation, he was unable to keep his smile away, and the other two teased him.
“Binnie can you grab his wrists for me?” Chan asked, grinning at the quokka. 
“How come I have to hold his wrists? You always get to tickle him and I only get to hold him down!” Changbin pouted, and Chan let out a loud sigh. 
“Fine.” Chris grabbed the quokka’s wrists, pulling the kid to his lap and holding them to his chest. 
Changbin straddled Jisung’s waist, lightly scratching at the skin peeking out from Hannie’s hoodie. 
Jisung let out a stream of giggles, squirming lightly in Channie’s hold. 
He suddenly yawned loudly, and blushed a bright red when his hyungs laughed. 
He continued to giggle as Changbin’s fingers snuck up his shirt, swirling around his belly button a few times before scratching at his ribs. 
Hannie let out more squeaky laughter and turned his head side to side, his hair fluffing up and his hands going limp. 
“hyuhuhung! noho lihight tihickles please! theheyre tohohohorture!” Jisung whined though his laughter, squeezing his eyes shut and his gummy smile was making a full appearance. 
“Oh? You want us to go hard? You don’t want us to stop? Really?~” Chan teased, ruffling his first stray kid’s hair. 
“noohohoho!” Jisung hiccuped through his giggles, small tears resting on his lower lash line and eyes sparkling. 
“That’s adorable!” Binnie teased, spreading and scribbling his fingers all over Hannie’s v-line. 
Jisung let out peals of cackles, arching his back lightly and slamming it back down. 
He twisted and turned his body in any way possible to try and escape the light torture. 
Chan cooed at the way the maknae’s belly bounced and quivered away from Binnie’s soft fingers, lightly rubbing and stroking over his belly button to hear him squeal.
“hyuhuhu-HAHAHA!” Fingers swirling around his belly button suddenly switched to dipping in the button, driving Jisung practically insane. 
“Changbin! A little warning!” Chan struggled to hold the maknae’s hands down, with Hannie thrashing wildly. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it! You’re way too cute Hannie!” Changbin teased as Jisung cackled deeply. 
“HYUHUHUNG! IHIM AHAHAWAKE! STAAAAP!” He squealed as Changbin tickled around the rim of his belly button, making sure to flutter his other hand elsewhere. 
The contrasting tickles had Hannie jumping left to right, throwing his head around wildly and arching his back. 
“Okay! Okay, Bin I think he’s done there.” Chan grinned down at the cuteness underneath him, and how happy Changbin looked to be the cause of such a scene. 
“Okay! Back tickles!” Changbin giggled happily when the eldest flipped the boy around. 
“It’s sooo bad for you, isn’t it, Han Jisung?!” Binnie accused playfully, leaving Jisung to roll his eyes. 
“Puh-lease. It’s so much worse for you, hyung!” Han replied sassily, eliciting gasps from Changbin and loud, squeaky laughter from Chan. 
“Now, that’s not nice.” Changbin growled, lowering his head and blowing a looong raspberry onto the small of Sung’s back. 
The raspberries just kept coming, growing every time, and Jisung swore he would die before Changbin was finished. 
The lers let up, and Hannie slumped underneath them, suddenly feeling sleepier than ever. 
“How about we all take a nap?” 
“Then why’d you tickle meee?!”
“Cause you’re cute when you’re eepy.”
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i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
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ma3mae · 2 years ago
Welcome to my page 💞
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Lmao nice, you found my page 🤡. Anyway I'm Mae and I've been here for quite some time tbh but with (sadly) plenty of hiatuses. Ppl originally came here for my story "Two worlds" (which im still working on, its just rly rly slow :((() but i started writing again bc ive finally caught up with bsd and it inspired me to start writing again in general! I'd love some requests but even if i dont get any, I'll still write some random hc's, stories and more bc i gotta use the motivation i have rn! Because of work i'll atleast try to upload smth every 2 days so yall in for smth (until my brain decides to shut off and not let me write again 💀) Anyway now onto my
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Bungou Stray Dogs
-No one likes syringes! (hc with dazai, atsushi, kunikida, aku and chuuya)
-No brain, just horny! (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa) hc
-No brain, just horny! 2 (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai and a bit of fyodor) hc
- I feel like sleeping on the couch tonight! (hc and lowkey drabble with Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Tetchou)
- Don't be so annoyed, love! (hc Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
- Exams are a hassle! (Chuuya x Reader) oneshot
-In sickness and health (Chuuya x Reader) continuation of Exams are a hassle!
- Cherry Sweet Kiss! (Tetchou x Reader) oneshot
- Love has no bounds! (Knight! Tetchoux Princess! Reader) oneshot
- Don't be so antsy! (Tetchou x Reader) mix of hc and oneshot
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-how the characters would help you with an assignment! (caitlyn, jinx and vi)
- Arcane Story Masterlist "Two worlds"
-"Two worlds" moodboard
-short future story idea (jinx x reader)
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Bsd: Majority of charas (the kids only platonic, pls no smut or smth with them or ill put u to jail 📸) not reading the manga so just a heads up if you request for charas that havent been seen in the anime yet! Also wont be writing about mori bc i c why ppl simp for him but i cant 😩 fyodor's also a bit tricky but i can try 🛐
- Hubby gets some help (IL Dan Heng x Reader x Blade) Drabble
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Who I'll write for!
Demon Slayer: I still gotta watch season 2... Pls no nezuko romantically... I beg you 🛐
Arcane: everyone except heimerdinger and silco bc im not into yordles and... silco is silco..
Also some characters in from League of Legends in general but just ask which charas bc listing the ones i wont write for is just too long of a list 😐
Jjk: all charas but only from the anime bc.. im not reading the manga yet again...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All jojo's and their respective gangs! Also other supporting charas but just ask and ill say if i write for them, lol
-still debating about dio bc i get why ppl simp for him but man's legit traumatised many generations of one family and prob hundreds of other ppl 💀
Naruto: main cast and akatsuki lol, u can request side charas too but im not gonna count every one of them bc yeaaaaaaah too long
Final fantasy 7 : all main casts from all ff7 games
Kingdom hearts: Organisation 13 and main cast!
Honkai Star Rail: all playable characters! (kid charas only platonic 💕)
still gotta think which other series but tbh my brain can only keep track of like some while ive consumed over 100 or smth and the ones that i like were streamed 6-7 years ago or smth 😭😭😭😭 but im currently in a bsd brainrot so give plenty of request for that rn if u want to LOL
Have fun on my page yall ✋💅
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namenoted · 1 year ago
get to know me meme !
1. favorite colors: grey, black, white —— i have some colors i prefer, but i have a shade differentiation color blindness, so it's all base colors to me unless heavily satured. you can see my color preferences in my psd choices across my blogs.
2. favorite flavors: salty, spicy, umami, sweet —— i have a broad palate, there isn't a lot i dislike. lemon and cherry are heavy preferences for fruity flavors.
3. favorite genres: horror, fantasy, slice of life, anything that's like nostalgic, sociopolitical, etc. i like romance sometimes, but more shoujo than live action.
4. favorite music: very broad, from run the jewels to tracy chapman to stray kids and block b to mia to just about anything. i even have a few country tracks i like. i'm a huge rap, r&b, jazz, and blues fan. i love anything in the lofi genre, vaporwave, and ambient nosises.
5. favorite movies: the lion king is my all-time favorite movie (thus hamlet my favorite play). i enjoy like all horror slasher series like jason, michael, freddy, etc. so it's hard to pick and choose, but i'm a huge freddy vs jason fan.
6. favorite series: bioshock, death note, danganronpa, mob psycho 100, kny, kingdom hearts, ouran (my wife does a lot of ouran fanart and products for our booth and store!), animal crossing, cowboy bebop, inuyasha, yu yu hakusho,
7. last song: bad girls by mia
8. last series: for games, bioshock infinite. for anime, i think like mob psycho or something. for manga, yu yu hakusho. for live action shows, i think we finished riverdale (listen, i love hate-watch that show, it's a guilty pleasure and i had to know as a true archie fan what the hell was going on, i already started so i wasn't going to stop)
9. last movie: i think it was maybe like the puss in boots movie or the mario movie or something, we did a binge watch to catch up on some animated films recently, but it could have been a random film from streaming lbr
10. currently reading: i'm about to start no longer human when i finally have the time 
11. currently watching: yu yu hakusho rewatch, currently
12. currently working on: the manga (writing by me, art by ottermelon) that's associated with the lore and canon of the blog hehosts, making perfumes and colognes for my new series lines, restocking our store, and getting ready to leave for many cons these next three months. does that count?
tagged by: no one, i stole it from multiple sources tagging: uh you of course
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yang-innie · 1 year ago
KPOP 2023 RECAP I was tagged by @woodziecup over here and @leewonseo over on main (hwichanis)! Thank you so much for the tags Kass and Rachel!!
♡ Groups You Started Stanning? - Vanner, for sure, and M.O.N.T. ugh, a bunch of new debuts! Xikers, Zerobaseone, Onepact, Sevenus, AMPERS&ONE, and EVNNE, specifically!
♡ New Ult Biases? - *sobs regretfully into hands* Kim Jiwoong
♡ Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping? I have a big 3 of simping, my favorite boys ever, SF9's Chani, Stray Kids' Jeongin, and Kingdom's Mujin.
♡ Most Streamed Group(s) - My top 5, in order were, Enhypen, SF9, Stray Kids, Tomorrow x Together, and Kingdom!
♡ Most Streamed Soloist(s)? - B.I., Taeyeon, Key, Max Changmin, and Lee Chaeyeon!
♡ Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose) - My Most streamed songs were Puzzle by SF9, Doorbell Ringing AND Tricky House by Xikers, Slingshot by TNX, and Farewell Neverland by TXT.
♡ Top Debut This Year - I felt like there were soooo many good debuts this year! I absolutely love Xikers. Their music is fun, funky, fresh and has many nods to early 2000s pop/rock that just hit me right in the nostilga bone. AMPERS&ONE also had a really fresh and fun concept for their debut, plus, their MV is hilarious! My favorite from the year. I would also like to mention Onepact because let me tell you, I listened to nothing but their debut album for a whole like 3 weeks straight. Must Be Nice is such a moody and emotional song but then you get hit hard with Hot Stuff. 11/10 Album of the year right there &lt;3
♡ Choreographies You Learned - Hahaha, I wish.
♡ Albums/Merchandise You Bought - I bought SF9's Season's Greetings and their Piece of 9 Album an SF9 Photobook…. you all get the picture. If you all didn't guess I really like SF9.
♡ New Kpop Mutuals You Made? I made a whole bunch of SKZ and ZB1 mutuals this year whom I adore greatly. I am going to tag my beloveds @changbeens @crazy-form @chanstopher and @strayklds 🫶💞
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yuuana · 2 months ago
Music Monday #256: Stray Kids - Chk Chk Boom release: July 2024 genre: Kpop, EDM/hiphop cw: Deadpool, Wolverine, guns, flashing
Yeah, I know, it's been awhile AND this isn't even the most recent comeback from Stray Kids, but it's my series and I do what I want, okay? Okay then....
And now I'm being reminded of why I kept putting off reviewing this song. It's excellent and I love it and it's a perfect example of Stray Kids ... meaning it's impossible to fit into a single box. Is it EDM? Very much so, complete with potentially annoying metallic burrs in the background. Is it hiphop? It certainly leans into having mostly rapped lines versus more traditional singing, but with enough from I.N and Seungmin to make it almost too much singing for stricter definitions (not that we let things like strict definitions stop us around here). Is it noise? Well, it's loud and unapologetic, so typical of Stray Kids, with lyrics that are a mix of ridiculous and tricksy word plays that seemingly speak more to Stray Kids' career than any sort of ongoing lore. Yes, I'm looking at you, Mr. I'm Strong Seo Changbin. XD
The video introduces the crossover we've all been waiting for since Kingdom: Legendary War and the formation of the unlikely friendship between Ryan Reynolds and Bang Chan. You can't go wrong with a Deadpool crossover (with bonus Wolverine). I can't remember now how much was shot on location and how much was done on green screen, but either way it looks impressive and very New York. As for the story and its place in Stray Kids' lore ... well, I'm still not sure I get what's going on here. Art vandalism that Stray Kids are somehow connected to - we see Han finishing one rectangle and it's implied he's done more of them, but with all of them being in the city together but the rectangles appearing all over the world... Considering Stray Kids have a couple different storylines running side by side and I'm not even sure which one this connects with... Which ever plot this is a part of, that plot is now set in the same universe as EXOPlanet, thanks to Ryan, and that's a fun little tidbit I'm not sure my writer brain actually needed.
At just barely two and a half minutes, Chk Chk Boom is both a completed thought and all too short, leaving the listener hungry for more. Which adds a twist of something almost like irony, given this is the A title for the album ATE. They released videos for three other tracks (MOUNTAINS, JJAM, and Stray Kids) (making 4 videos for an 8-track release), though at least one of those - Stray Kids - is very much not connected to any lore as that song and video both are all about Stray Kids as artists. I would love to say I'll feature even one of them here in the future, but it's questionable, so if this caught your interest, might want to look those up, too.
ATE is available now for streaming or purchase, along with subsequent album releases, GIANT (Japan) and HOP, meaning there's over a dozen videos that Stray Kids have put out since Chk Chk Boom, including yet another original Christmas song. I'm never getting caught up. XD
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Mastodon | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord
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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
Number of streams of k-pop artist in 2024 on YT, SK only.
Newer groups have advantage as they are in trend, their fans stream their songs for music shows and charts, plus the fans of older groups may listen to mp3 or CDs bought way before instead of online. Thus it's even more impressive when old gen artists are in demand on YT.
This list also shows the difference in popularity in SK versus international. Ateez and SKZ are much less popiular at home than it appears globally. Before we talked about how it is benefitial to be popular abroad and at home, try to target both parties.
Day6 is really a phenomenon, huh? 1st place 462 million streams. Maybe 127 also has a chance to jump this way and peak again in the future, afterall, heh.
Google translation with name corrections and my comments under the cut
1st Day6 (boy band) 462 million streams
2nd Big Bang (boy group) 259 million streams
3rd Seventeen (boy group) 249 million streams
4th BTS (boy group) 196 million streams
5th Jungkook (solo) 148 million streams
6th Riize (boy group) 144 million streams
7th Lucy (boy band) 123 million streams
8th G-Dragon (solo) 122 million streams
9th Stray Kids (boy group) 117 million streams
10th TWS (boy group) 109 million streams
11th N.Flying (boy band) 105 million streams
12th Zico (Solo) 99.1 million streams
13th BTOB (Boy Group) 98.5 million streams
14th EXO (Boy Group) 94.1 million streams
15th NCT Dream (Boy Group) 90.1 million streams
16th Lee Chang-seop (Solo) 75.8 million streams
17th NCT 127 (Boy Group) 72.7 million streams
18th Tomorrow X Together (Boy Group) 68 million streams
19th Plave (Virtual Group) 65.8 million streams
20th SHINee (Boy Group) 61.2 million streams
21st FT Island (boy band) 59.9 million streams
22nd D.O. (solo) 57.3 million streams
23rd Block B (boy group) 53.9 million streams
24th Boy Next Door (boy group) 48.3 million streams
25th Beast (boy group) 46.9 million streams
26th Cho Seung-yeon (solo) 46.3 million streams
27th Enhypen (boy group) 45.9 million streams
28th Kyuhyun (solo) 43.9 million streams
29th NCT (boy group) 39.5 million streams
30th TVXQ (boy group) 38.5 million streams
31st Boo Seok-soon (unit group) 38.4 million streams
32nd Taeyang (solo) 37.9 million streams
33rd G.O.D (boy group) 37.9 million streams
34th Winner (boy group) 36.3 million streams
35th iKon (boy group) 33.3 million streams
36th Infinite (boy group) 33 million streams
37th Lee Hongki (solo) 32.4 million streams
38th The Boyz (boy group) 29.3 million streams
39th Baekhyun (solo) 29.2 million streams
40th Monsta X (boy group) 27.1 million streams
41st Jimin (solo) 26.9 million streams
42nd CNBLUE (boy band) 23.2 million streams
43rd B.I (solo) 22.6 million streams
44th Doyoung (solo) 22.2 million streams
45th NCT Wish (boy group) 22.2 million Streams
46th ATEEZ (boy group) 19.4 million streams
47th Super Junior (boy group) 19.2 million streams
48th Yang Yo-seop (solo) 18.5 million streams
49th V (solo) 17.9 million streams
50th Zerobase One (boy group) 17.8 million streams
BlockB, Beast, G.O.D are old groups, and still remembered and listened to.
Lee Changseop is a BTOB member, he played Fersen same year as Doyoung (the guy who asked Do's fans to pass hello to Doyoungie, when he was leaving a music show place in a car). I didn't know he is such a popular soloist.
It's really suspicious how big TWS became in half a year. SKZ (from JYP, not a small company) and 17 took years to achieve this attention. Are they promoted as 17's little brothers, so 17's fandom supports them the way BTS's fans did for TXT?
Out of k-pop groups 127 is the 10th most listened to.
BTOB is known for their vocals. Debuted in 2012, so a 14 y.o. group. They had a hit when one of the members left due to a scandal. They even went to Kingdom show to remind the public about themselves.
Despite the 13th place, they do not sell well. Afterall, streams and financial stability are not correlated. Physical albums, concerts and merch bring money, not digitals. Therefore, be careful with such lists and conclusions based on them. It's only one piece of a puzzle.
Another example, Lee Changsub is much higher than Doyoung, but look at his sales. Likewise, Zerobaseone isn't popular with gp at all, but their albums surpass 1mln.
Ok, ladies next.
1st New Jeans (girl group) 570 million streams
2nd Aespa (girl group) 483 million streams
3rd IU (solo) 445 million streams
4th Ive (girl group) 384 million streams
5th (G)I-dle (girl group) 305 million streams
6th Lesserafim (girl group) 277 million streams
7th QWER (girl band) 260 million streams
8th Taeyeon (solo) 257 million streams
9th Blackpink (girl group) 211 million streams
10th Kiss of Life (girl group) 159 million streams
11th Red Velvet (girl group) 152 million streams
12th Twice (girl group) 141 million streams
13th Baby Monster (girl group) 137 million streams
14th Nmixx (girl group) 129 million streams
15th ILLIT (girl group) 127 million streams
16th Rosé (solo) 95.3 million streams
17th Fromis_9 (girl group) 92.4 million streams
18th 2NE1 (girl group) 91.4 million streams
19th Itzy (girl group) 90.6 million streams
20th StayC (girl group) 84.9 million streams
21st Viviz (girl group) 84 million streams
22nd Chungha (solo) 78.5 million streams
23rd Jennie (solo) 76.7 million streams
24th Girls' Generation (girl group) 75.9 million streams
25th T-ara (girl group) 62.8 million streams
26th Oh My Girl (girl group) 59.2 million streams
27th Jung Eun-ji (solo) 55.3 million streams
28th Triple S (girl group) 50.7 million streams
29th Chuu (solo) 48.9 million streams
30th IZ*ONE (girl group) 43 million streams
31st Apink (girl group) 41.6 million streams
32nd Choi Ye-na (solo) 41.5 million streams
33rd Sistar (girl group) 41.5 million Streaming
34th Isegye Idol (Virtual Group) 39.6 million streams
35th Sunmi (Solo) 38 million streams
36th Fifty Fifty (Girl Group) 37.2 million streams
37th Kara (Girl Group) 36.3 million streams
38th GFriend (Girl Group) 35.3 million streams
39th H1-Key (Girl Group) 34.8 million streams
40th Mamamoo (Girl Group) 34.8 million streams
41st f(x) (Girl Group) 33.3 million streams
42nd Jeon Somi (Solo) 32.3 million streams
43rd BoA (Solo) 32.2 million streams
44th Lisa (Solo) 31.2 million streams
45th Hyorin (Solo) 28.6 million streams
46th Kwon Eun-bi (Solo) 28.6 million Streaming
47th Nayeon (Solo) 26.5 million streams
48th Miyeon (Solo) 26 million streams
49th Hwasa (Solo) 25 million streams
50th Winter (Solo) 24.7 million streams
Never heard about a couple of ggs here.
Taeyeon alone is more popular than BTS or Seventeen, haha.
Ifans were not kidding saying that 4th gen was dominated by ggs, huh. NJ, Aespa, IVE, (G)-Idle and even LSF do have massive streaming power in SK. Doyoung needs to upgrade his game 10-fold to catch up to noona.
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emoremix · 1 year ago
2023 k-pop wrapped !!
tagged by: @choiliner thank u !!
groups i started stanning: literally so many oh my god i could not begin to tell u how many. i guess the most intense one was zb1 bc i actually voted for ricky
new ult biases: hyunjin :neutral: idk how the fuck this happened
idols who got most of my simping: yeonbin, HAO, hyunjin & changbin, beomgyu, heeseung, i could go on forever .
most streamed groups: (according to last.fm and adjusted for skewed data from importing!) txt, stray kids, enhypen, treasure, (g)i-dle
most streamed soloists: (same thing) yena, bobby, bibi
top songs of this year: devil by the window & sugar rush ride & farewell neverland & growing pain txt, kitsch & baddie & holy moly & hypnosis ive, hate rodrigo & bad hobby yena, aurora & i'm okay & smooth sailing & sorry so sorry cignature, we are young tri.be, the sound & 5-star & super-bowl & item & topline & lalalala rock vers & megaverse & comflex stray kids, p.o.w (play on the world) cherry bullet, flip a coin pixy, dystopia & coup d'etat kingdom, giddy & lvly & galileo & i do! do you? kep1er, DO OR DIE XIKERS (SOTY!), allergy (g)i-dle ( there is more but oh my god)
top debut this year: TIC TAC 8TURN i'm so excited for the comeback
choreographies i learned: top or cliff kim sejeong, devil by the window & sugar rush ride & puma & good boy gone bad txt, giddy kep1er
albums / merch i bought: leave me alone (2 copies of 5 star, 1 temptation, 1 blue hour, 1 freefall, 1 oddinary + multiple pcs. + 2 bootleg skzoo heads for dwaekki and jiniret)
new kpop mutuals i made: most of them LOL
tagging: i suck at tagging ppl so for real if u see this and u wanna do it do it and tag me !! i love stuff like this fr
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invisible-goats · 2 years ago
Currently got Disco Elysium, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All on the go, but we're hoping to get Baldur's Gate 3 for personal play and Stray Gods for Tuesday streams this weekend (Sunday streams are gonna be Maid of Sker for a bit I think)
Waistcoats are the best! I got a pattern for a unisex one in the largest size they had in the hopes of it fitting over the Gs, whether it will remains to be seen but I really like the fabrics so assuming I don't much it up I can still wear it open. (This one doesn't have pockets sadly, one complication too far, but I'm probably gonna make more at some point let's be honest)
Never actually read anything by Garth Nix and don't really get on with YA any more (unless it's rereading ones from when I was a kid, for the nostalgia factor) but I'm glad someone's spreading the word of wasitcoats!
I don't really have anything to ask you, but hi! How are you? Do you have any plans this weekend?
Yes! We're gonna go see The Meg 2 because Film About Big Creature (planning to wear my Tarantula 1955 shirt), and play some viddy james.
Hoping to make some progress on my waistcoat too. Just finished putting the lining together so now it's the really hard part of attach lining inside out, turn rightside out, make button holes, sew button holes, add buttons. Might have it done by pride if I don't royally screw up :-p
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soymilka8 · 4 years ago
americano - hwang hyunjin
pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader !
word count: 1.5k words
genre: fluff.
warnings: none
synopsis: hyunjin loves his americano, you were simply the one who made it.
i miss hyunjin so very much AHHH.
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she was a barista, he loved coffee.
can anybody make it anymore obvious? coffees are meant to be enjoyed whenever. cold may the sky be, or warmness may the gods bring, the only point here is that you could never go wrong with coffee. after all, there were tons of ways to enjoy them and decorate as you please!
they've always been therapeutic for the young woman— the coffees she'd make were her pride enjoy. a little too proud she was, always keeping coffee beans close to her, even in her own bag. if a zombie apocalypse ever were to come, the first thing that'd popped into her mind would be none other than coffee.
how she'd bring a stash near her basement for easy access, or how she'd save up money for an espresso machine all for the sake having coffee during the terrible reigns of walkers; all those were common thoughts inside her brain.
though some might say she was a bit too attached to her coffee beans and machines, nobody was fronting enough to say anything about it. after all, the young woman made peoples’ coffees taste like magic! complain as they might like about her rooted passion for the drink but whenever they get a sip of their order, mouths would be quickly shut by the drink alone.
her eyes were like hawk as they swiftly worked their way around the station. hands followed her every movement as jittering and clattering could be heard throughout the small café she worked at.
a small café it was, with minimal decorations and very few people crowding the building. no wonder. the café was pretty well hidden after all, far away from the noisy parts of the city. the only noises that occured day to day were her voice, a few chatters of the people, (an old couple being her favourite) and the slight vibration of their every action.
it had always been like this, really. she'd serve a couple of familiar faces their coffee, well acquainted with them as they frequented the building, and a couple of newcomers whom have yet to see the place would also drop by and order their own. she always treated them the same, serving them their drinks and specialties sometimes even with a little twist of her own to spice things up. nothing a little surprise couldn't handle.
although she wasn't quite certain why she paused her actions upon seeing a certain someone.
she totally wasn't guarding the door from time to time, afraid that a sudden bandit may come because of her intense overthinking skills— no. it wasn't any of that, rather, she just happened to have glanced a quick moment at the door and she saw a man.
a man, people might say. a normal, human being.
but her eyes sparkled upon seeing him enter. he was just so majestic. the way he carried himself inside the small café made it feel like he was the star of the show, and that the café was the background. it didn't help that the outfit he was wearing caught her eyes, too.
boots, pants, black turtleneck, long brown coat— with the captivating face being the cherry on top. he was attractive, there was no denying that. maybe if she were to ask his number, something might blossom—
no, of course not.
she couldn't bother. the woman idly rolled her eyes at herself for being so idiotic, now halting her attention away from the man who caught her attention, and continued on working on a teenage girl's latte. it was stupid, to even think of the fact of asking his number.
for one, she'd never reckon herself to want to grab anyone's attention right from the get-go. she never believed in love in first sight and she most likely would have never if not for the man who just entered so gracefully. two, she was a barista. it would have seemed weird if she was to ask his number upon entering, or worse, she might make him uncomfortable.
and she wasn't up for any of that.
now fighting the urge to glance at the man's visual once more, she bid a small thank you to the teenage teen and coughed abruptly, mentally preparing herself for what's about to come. act normal, act normal, act normal.
“hi, what can i get for ya?”
not bad.
“good afternoon,” the man smiled ever so softly, “can i please get um... an iced americano?”
boom. okay maybe acting normal wasn't such a good idea after all. not when his smile is so angelic it would send you to the gates of heaven! the small tug of his lips in an upward motion, the formation of crescents on his eyes as he smiled so delicately; it surely was hard for the woman not to woo.
“sure, anything else?”
“hmm... can i maybe get a hazelnut croissant?”
she nodded, “and one hazelnut croissant, that's it?” and looked up. the man reciprocated her actions, and she told him of the price. “um... can i please get your name?”
“hwang—” he smiled again, “hwang hyunjin.” she tried nodding albeit hesitantly as she twisted her heels in slight terror. her back faced him, he didn't know she was quite literally squealing inwardly and maybe even outwardly, who knows.
or maybe he did.
she faced him once again after pretending to have been doing something, mindlessly working through the cashier's register. she tried her best not to pay as much attention to him, though of course, it was hard not to when the beautiful man was staring her down.
“here,” she handed him his change at the small placement box beside her. it was rather frustrating her boss had to add the box for she was not even given a chance to accidentally hold his hand. the man named hyunjin nodded, walking away and sitting himself down onto one of the chairs as he minded his own business.
yeah, she hoped she'd be able to make his coffee properly.
the first few seconds were fine— weird even for the young woman as she made the man's americano. she'd have never thought she wouldn't be as distracted as she thought she'd be, even focusing more than normal at the task at hand.
that was until when she briefly glanced at him, he was already staring at her.
she flinched slightly, trying her best to work on the beans and not paying her any attention. she was sure it wasn't her imagination, he'd really been staring, pretty intently as well. like he was watching her every move with slight... interest. like he was fascinated with the idea of coffee— or maybe just his americano alone. nevertheless, it was enough to make her fuzz with timidness.
“one iced americano and hazelnut croissant for hwang hyunjin?” his name rolled of her tongue so smoothly. the man rose from his seat, strutting his way towards her with the same smile he had given earlier only this time, it was directed at his americano. she could tell how much he loved his americano,
“here you go,” she handed him her drink, he took it, and for the first time, their hands brushed against each other. it was only a brief contact, but the sparks it had initiated were intense. maybe she was just being dramatic. “thank you.” he had said, about to take a sip of his americano when he'd caught on to the writing on the back.
his name was written on there, sure, but there was another thing hyunjin never would've thought he'd seen on the plastic. it was numbers. and if he was to guess, it would more or less be yours.
surprised, hyunjin took a look at you. your face was that of a grin as you handed him a call sign, indicating him to call you if ever. it was bizarre how your hands just had a mind of their own, recklessly adding your number in as you wrote hyunjin's name earlier. you've told yourself countless times it would be impossible.
though it wouldn't hurt to try.
“i make good coffee.” you said sheepishly, scratching the back of your head. hyunjin was slightly appalled but even so, he smiled in the most heart-warming way ever as he nodded at you. the silence remained for a few seconds until you looked at hyunjin, only to see him once again staring back at you with eyes that held such interest.
his smile had widened, the moon on his eyes bending even more as his face scrunched up. he looked so adorable.
and without a second word, he walked away towards the door about to head out. you'd have thought he rejected you if not for the promising smile he held on his face just a few seconds back.
but as the night came and the café went to a close, he messaged you that night, the words still stuck to your brain:
“make me coffee some other time, princess ;))”
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기도 (I'll Be Your Man)(Stray Kids Ver.)
When you expect there to be a whole group of performers waiting to catch Changbin's fall but its actually just one Lee Yongbok with a giant pillow
(Is this about trust...)
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youcanstayhere · 4 years ago
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STRAY KIDS, Wolfgang
Listen to Wolfgang here
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melaniesbakery · 4 years ago
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etherealeeknow · 4 years ago
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cuddly channie.
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vicmericano · 4 years ago
good night y’all and don’t you forget
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gottadothembts · 4 years ago
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