#stray kids lee know tarot
theninthdoor · 1 year
I see you've done this! Tysm. May I please request the same of stray kids as well? Have a nice day!!
request: Stray Kids' questionable/bad sides again… before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Bang Chan || knight of swords rx, the chariot: Domineering. Wants to lead + to feel the strongest, even if it requires some gaslighting. Lacks tact, at times. May miss some social cues without realizing. Uses rudeness as a way to mask his insecurities. Uses his career achievements as his whole identity.
Lee Know || the hermit, the world: Keeps too many secrets; really bad at communicating and being honest about his thoughts and opinions. Silence is always the solution for him, just not for everybody else. It's never him that has to change, but others; others must adapt to him, not him to them. A know-it-all, too.
Changbin || nine of wands rx, two of cups: He wants his friends/family/partners to have the exact same opinions and tastes as him. Plus, he can't stand feeling left out, so bet he's going to be jumping through hoops to be everywhere all time just so they don't have a chance to keep things from him - he must be present and informed, at all times! Changbin is also very paranoid and overprotective, has poor boundaries and may sometimes become quite co-dependent. He simply can't be alone for too long.
Hyunjin || knight of cups, justice: He knows how to sweet-talk someone to get whatever he wants. Hyunjin will become whoever you wish him to become in order to accomplish his own goals. He's well aware of his image + the of the power he holds over others, and he's not afraid of using it. Besides that, he also gets way too invested in things, even to the point of being completely unrealistic with his plans and expectations. Everyone is "the one" for him at least once.
Han || knight of cups, eight of wands rx: Loses interest very quickly; starts or buys things on a whim, but forgets about them overnight. In love with the idea of love, but doesn't feel like going through all of the hard work that relationships require. Often lets his emotions control him more than he controls them; definitely keeps his rose tinted glasses close by. But, again, soon he's onto the next thing (or person of interest)…
Felix || the hanged man rx, two of pentacles: He's never happy with what he has; always thinks others have it easier or better than him. Very impulsive; regrets his decision as soon as he makes them. Felix never learns… he'll make the same mistake a thousand times and still not understand what he's doing wrong. Keeps busy to avoid certain people/situations/issues.
Seungmin || four of pentacles, queen of wands: Greedy; what's his is his, and he's not going to share it with anybody. Way too proud. Likes attention and compliments a little too much. Materialistic; uses material things to get the attention/compliments that he's looking for.
I.N || the tower rx, nine of cups rx: Tends to sweep things under the rug instead of facing his issues properly. I.N's always expecting the worst, so quite often he might run away before the situation has had time to develop. Hates change more than anything - even good and necessary change! Might throw a big ol' tantrum every now and then.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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lagoonalake · 8 months
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Personality: 4 of wands, the moon, the tower
he is interested in a long term relationship, he is attracted to mysterious, magnetic, reserved, private, intense, passionate people, someone with depth and many layers that he has to peel, he likes having to dig deeper to get to know is partner, someone with a rather explosive personality, all or nothing type of person, who can be a bit unpredictable, someone quite different from him, that would transform his life, he can be attracted to people who are out of reach. Strong, “real” personality, intimidating, yet very invested in the relationship once they are in. Someone who went through a lot, tough person hardened by life, a survivor. scorpio, aries, mars, pluto, cancer
Appearance: knight of swords, 5 of swords, 3 of swords
someone with a sharp, dark quality, black hair or dark colors, tall or gives the impression of beig tall, athletic, good posture, intense expression, striking, big, magnetic eyes, serious countenance, black, dark colors, simple or more sporty or street fashion scorpio, pluto, mars
Turn-offs: queen of swords, the emperor, 8 of swords
someone who hides behind a mask, he likes someone who is authentic, someone snobbish, uptight, spoiled, he is kinda put off by people who may come off as too posh or from a richer background, not because he wants his partner to be poor but he prefers people from a more simple environment, insecure people who tries too hard to come off as important or proper, pretentious people leo, libra, capricorn
Personality: page of cups, the tower, the chariot
someone with an artistic, kind, sensitive, innocent energy, a dreamer, with a big personality nevertheless, someone who is a go getter, follows their heart and their dreams no matter what, someone who despite hardships they may have encounter keeps their optimism and “purity” of heart, an animal lovers, someone with a lot of love to give, idealistic, enthusiastic, combative, someone who has faith, think hero of a shounen type of energy lol, a bit over the top and happy but can be destructive or overwhelming too, could be younger or act childlike at times, very spontaneous sagittarius, jupiter, leo, pisces
Appearance: 8 of wands, 4 of swords, 7 of swords
Physical appearance isn’t something he is super picky about, it’s more about the overall vibe, he likes a person who is active, has a lot of energy, quick movements, animated, expressive, youthful, a mischievous face, foxy features, someone he could find a bit intriguing, piercing, smiley eyes, sharper, smaller features, petite or not too tall. gemini, aries
Turn-offs: knight of wands, justice, page of wands
what he is turned off by is similar to his type, so it’s like the negative side of such a person, when it becomes too much, cockiness, bullies, irresponsible people, people who are too wild or childish, overly controlling people who think that they way is the only way, preachers people who force their opinion on others. sagittarius, aries, saturn
Personality: 8 of pentacles, knight of pentacles, 5 of wands
A hard worker, someone more quiet, humble, patient, yet who never gives up, endurance, capable of doing something for a very long time, quietly combative, stable and grounded, a reassuring presence, soothing, capable of great focus, organized, someone who is sweet and always ready to help others, yet if you cross them they won’t hesitate to defend themselves, strong character despite their initial apparent sweetness, someone polite but private, a bit shy, who doesn’t open up too easily virgo, taurus, saturn, aries
Appearance: the emperor, 2 of coins, 9 of wands
someone both tough and sweet looking, who can be intimidating at first sight but is actual sweet looking when you approach them, someone who stands out from the crowd, a mix of sharpness and softness, could be frowning face, but round features, small in stature yet big presence no matter their short height…etc, simple style, nothing too flashy capricorn, scorpio, virgo, aries
Turn-offs: the hanged man, ace of wands, 7 of swords
too much eccentricity, people who try toe hard to go against the current or do things differently, irresponsible people, laziness, people who are too impulsive and don’t think before making a decision (he prefers calm), trickster, people who try to hard to amuse others, people who are two-faced, people who always try to have things the easy way, crooks, people who have that fake artist vibe gemini, aquarius, pisces
Personality: knight of swords, the fool, 3 of pentacles
Someone spontaneous, even a bit impulsive or naive, but enthusiastic and optimistic, who has a lot of faith, someone curious who likes to learn and explore, could be someone younger than him, teacher/student dynamic where he is the teacher, someone intelligent and witty, intellectual, who doesn’t hesitate to voice their opinion, could be blunt or unpolished with words but he prefers someone with no filters, someone a bit idealistic, even if a bit blunt remains joyful, funny and happy most of the time gemini, pisces, sagittarius, mercury, jupiter
Appearance: temperance, justice, six of cups
very balanced, symmetrical and harmonious features, a classic beauty, kind, agreable, approachable face, soft features, flexible body, a good dancer, sexy, sensual, body language that shows you can trust them like someone who is more touchy yet it doesn’t seem out of place, someone with a certain stillness, who doesn’t move too much or is too fidgety or nervous, friendly aura, stylish, good fashion sense that is original but never garish libra, pisces, neptune, venus
Turn-offs: the emperor, 3 of swords, 6 of pentacles
Controlling, imposing, invasive people who ask too many questions and want to tell him how to live his life, untrustworthy, opportunistic people, people who try to hard to help him, get on his good side, pick me types, narcissists leo, negative air signs
Personality: knight of wands, the moon, ace of swords
someone adventurous, bold, brave, enthusiastic, a bit loud, fun, sporty, who enjoys the outdoors, honest and straightforward, fast paced, who wants to explore the world, yet there could be something a bit conditioned about this person, like someone who is overly competitive because of the pressure put upon them, or who wants to achieve so many things and is always up for a challenge but lack direction. This could be a specific person, or simply the type of person he always attracts/is attracted to, and he is meant to bring a bit of structure into their life, while this person motivates him and brings spontaneity in his life.  all fire signs, especially sagittarius and aries, uranus
Appearance: temperance, 3 of cups, the magician
balanced harmonious features, similar to Hyunjin's type, a flexible body, most likely a dancer, a friendly face, long thick hair, a more “exotic appearance”, could like foreigners, mischievous smiley feminine small features, round youthful face, could like a more artsy or ornated style especially jewelry or expensive clothes that are a bit eccentric in style libra, gemini, uranus, leo
Turn-offs: 2 of swords, strength, 6 of pentacles
someone indecisive, hesitant, always in control, too disciplined or never really able to express themselves with spontaneity, someone who expect things in return, calculating opportunistic people, people who are too focused on work, task, chores, overly practical people, people who don’t treat others as equals and try to be on top libra, virgo, capricorn, saturn, leo
Personality: 8 of cups, page of swords, 5 of coins
Someone private, humble, remote from the kpop industry, probably not a celebrity, someone who may have been in the industry but wants to see something else, someone who could even see the shallow sides of his lifestyle and understands that their is more to life than fame and money, someone who understands money values, who understands what it is to struggle and work hard, a more simple person with a simple lifestyle, someone a bit spiritual who wants to focus on their well being and prioritize peace and quiet, an intelligent, knowledgeable, introspective person who he can learn from  pisces, scorpio, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: the chariot, ace of swords, 8 of wands
Someone regal, dignified yet simple, possibly a foreigner, mountain style, someone who doesn’t look too delicate or put together, he prefers a certain simplicity that conveys strength, a fresh, clean, natural vibe, healthy, an honest face earth signs, aries, sagittarius
Turn-offs: 3 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords
Someone who wants to learn from him (I feel like he would prefer to learn from his person), a workaholic, someone trapped in their job, lifestyle, someone depressed, overworked, without energy for anything but their tasks, someone who could use substances or drugs/medications, someone who doesn’t take care of their health, unbalanced people, someone who overthinks, someone messy whose life is disorganized saturn, mercury, neptune
Personality: the wheel of fortune, page of wands, the hierophant
Someone who goes with the flow, believes in life and let things happens, a very happy, funny, fun-loving, positive person, someone who is interested in many different things and activities, a ray of sunshine, someone very interested in exploring and needs movements yet also wants a comfortable stable safe haven they can go back to, a affectionate, loyal, steady partner, someone who always has a story to tell, someone with whom he would feel the bond is fated, a soulmate, possibly a foreigner or someone who has travelled a lot or would want to do so and is interested in different cultures, the life of the party sagittarius, pisces, jupiter, taurus, leo
Appearance: 2 of wands, queen of swords, 4 of wands
someone who looks marriage material, someone who can be a bit intimidating or impressive at first sight but is actually very warm and friendly, smiley, someone who could have a good fashion sense, very stylish and sophisticated, elegant, could look like him, strong body, could prefer someone with more meat on their bones leo, sagittarius, libra
Turn-offs: ace of swords, 5 of wands, the hierophant
blunt, rude, aggressive, competitive people, bad communicators, stupid, ignorant people who are too stubborn or stuck in their views, the hierophant showed up in what he is attracted to but it was in addition to very open minded, adventurous, joyful cards, which showed he needed a balance, but overly traditional people would suffocate him.  aries, mars, taurus
Personality: the moon, 4 of cups, queen of pentacles
Someone mysterious, dreamy, who may look uninterested in him or plays hard to get, a bit haughty, or who looks bored. Seductive and sensual, healing presence, soft, calm, feminine, reassuring. Sexual chemistry is important for him. An introvert, a bit reclusive. Could be a bit sulky. I see someone in their boudoir who is like a comfort for him by how warm and comfortable and pleasurable their presence is XD Someone whose presence sort of wraps around him. Could be a specific energy. capricorn, virgo, taurus, scorpio
Appearance: 2 of coins, 3 of swords, the hanged man
Someone with balanced features, soft, curvier huggable body type, melancholic look, a kind face, looks a bit sleepy, feminine, princess vibes, brown, green, earthy rich colors, thick rich voice, slow sensual movement, a bit of a siren pisces, earth especially taurus, venus, neptune
Turn-offs: page of wands, 3 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles
Someone childish, wild, too loud, exhausting with too much energy, can never sit still, probably someone younger than him who still has so much to learn, naivety, cluelessness, people who are out of touch with reality, someone who shows off their money or use money to control others, pay for everything in a way that he’d feel indebted, people who seem too happy, content or satisfied with their life and show off their happiness to others XD sagittarius, gemini, leo, negative taurus/capricorn
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cheolsfae · 5 months
Hello:) I was wondering if you do a reading for how Stray Kids would be like with a sensitive s/o ( like the one for enhypen)? Thank you!!!🩷
*Disclaimer: Solely for fun. Please do not take this seriously! For entertainment purposes only!*
Minho's and Hyunjin's are so fucking sweet I swear to god! I'm loyal to changbin, loyal to changbin, loyal to chang-
𓆦 Chris (Bangchan)
Past: queen of wands, page of swords
At first, he'd be happy that he managed to pull someone as sweet as them. He could possibly have staked them out first though. Like been watchful of who was after them too. So like making sure he was the only one after them. Like he wants that person to himself. All of them for him and no one else. He might be the type to be absolutely confident in himself that he could pull them even if there was competition. Overly confident too.
Present: 4 of cups, 6 of swords (reversed), the star
I think he would be the type to kind of start walking on egg shells with this person once the honeymoon phase is over. Mainly because he's scared to hurt them. He doesn't want to say something that would cause them to be in pain. He wouldn't want to end things with them, cause they are someone who he is wishing for but it is difficult for him to be his most self with. So it would be hard for him to keep seeing someone like this. I'm not sure how long this would last.
Future: the emperor, 5 of cups
He would see a future with this person but ultimately, I don't think it would last very long. He'd be disappointed in himself for not feeling completely fulfilled in himself if he continued on hiding his true self from this person just to spare their feelings. Like yes, it's a nice thing to do but if you can't be authentic why keep up this facade for the rest of your life? It's extremely tiring to do for even an hour let alone a whole life time. That's just crazy. He would end up having to leave this person.
𓆦 Minho
Past: the hanged man, the magician
So when he came into contact with this person he'd immediately know he'd have to change things. Like the way he spoke about things, he'd know he'd have to say it in a more gentle way than what he is typically used to. He'd be so into this person, he might have been hoping and praying they would come towards him. Like they made the effort for him, doing all the extra-ness for him. But he'd also be giving the same energy. It's not all going to be one sided. He's going to want to change his ways for this person.
Present: 8 of pentacles, 6 of wands
He's going to want to be a better person for this sweet person. It's going to "force" him to really work on himself. He's going to want to be more open with this person, more affectionate. This type of person could really soften his heart (not that he's cold, he's just not flat out affectionate, it's more indirect) and be more willing to show the affection outright. It looks like he could be successful in this change if he was willing to put in the effort.
Future: page of wands, ace of swords
He really would want to keep expanding and seeing where things could go with this person. He would absolutely be more direct about what he sees in the future with this type of person. He'd be more willing to be more public with affection. This is the type of person, I feel would suit him best. This person seems to have lessons for him to learn.
𓆦 Changbin
Past: page of cups, 3 of swords
So, he's gone through this before. He is sensitive, regardless if he wants to admit it or not. He is. So if he was to make any sort of effort to get to know someone who was also sensitive, he'd be fearful of them hurting him more than he himself hurting them. He maybe a big buff guy but he's really soft and needs to be protected too. So, if he were to make this offer to someone more sensitive, he'd be extremely hesitant and they'd have to be willing to protect him like he is for them. Equal ground in that sense.
Present: 3 of cups, 10 of cups
Once he's gotten past the fear of them hurting him, he'd feel emotionally fulfilled. He'd be happy with everything that he's got going for him at that point. He'd feel like he's earned everything he's got with this person. He'd feel like he could actually build something with this person. I think that this person would feel the exact same way as he would. Really cute!!
Future: 6 of wands, the hermit
He'd feel like he's accomplished so much. He's a Leo, so of course he'd be feeling very prideful of what he's got both with this person and what he's got going for him career wise. I don't think this would be boastful energy but something more subtle. Not something like we are used to seeing from him, I feel like he'd be low key about being this happy, feels more genuine from him than his silliness. So like a sense of maturity with it.
𓆦 Hyunjin
Past: queen of pentacles, the world
Very nurturing and sweet towards this person, not a doubt in my mind that he'd be the absolute sweetest towards them. He views this person as his whole world. This could be something he does with every partner but especially if this person is very sensitive. He wants to protect them at all costs. Nothing is going to harm them. He wants to be their safety net. Will do whatever he can to keep them safe!
Present: 10 of pentacles, king of cups
He's emotionally stable enough to take care of them. He wants to be able to provide for them in any which way they need it. He wants to be their solid support system. He's always going to be there for them no matter how small the issue is. They stubbed their toe? He's right there making sure they are icing it, making sure they aren't bleeding, lmao. He's really there for them through thick and thin. Even if he doesn't particularly like them when they are arguing, he'd still bail them out of trouble in a heart beat.
Future: 4 of words, 7 of wands
He wants to get to a secure place with this person where he can be himself and still feel like he's putting a whole lot of effort towards this connection. Not laziness but a comfortable love. He wants to be able to enjoy it with this person no matter how slow moving they are.
𓆦 Jisung
Past: the star, 7 of swords
So he had hoped for someone like that. But I don't think he really would know what to expect from this person. So in the beginning, he'd be a little fake. He wouldn't exactly be showing his true colors right away. He'd be in a state of walking on egg shells. Hiding himself because he doesn't know this person very well.
Present: the high priestess, 7 of wands
He would be very suspicious of this person. He'd feel like they were definitely hiding something. Like they are working on screwing him over. He may have some serious attachment issues. He could have a disorganized attachment style. Like he has to leave before they can leave him or he has to be more clingy thinking that will get them to stay. Depending on what kind of attachment the other person has.
Future: 8 of swords, page of pentacles
He's going to be getting too much in his head if someone like this walked into his life. He'd definitely self sabotage because he doesn't think he deserves someone like that. He would end up bread crumbing them. Not intentionally but because he might have low self esteem when it comes to romantic conncections.
𓆦 Felix
Babylon by 5 Seconds of Summer is coming to mind for this one.
Past: queen of cups, 6 of swords
At first, I think they would both appreciate it. Like yes, I have someone who understands me. We are both on the same level. They would be letting go of old patterns they had prior to this connection. Like they would be able to be vulnerable with one another. No need to hide who they are with one another. Just bare it all and they'd accept each other, no hesitation whatsoever.
Present: queen of wands, 6 of cups
It would kind of start to move quickly. That's because they'd feel like they'd known each other for a life time. It'd be great and good for a while but then something switches and it kind of goes out and now they are constantly bickering at one another. Over silly little things too. Yes, there are growing pains but they shouldn't be all that often and it's going to turn incredibly toxic.
Future: knight of swords, the magician (reversed)
As quickly as this started it would end just as swiftly. No doubt that they care for one another deeply but eventually, I feel that it would end up turning into a game of who's a better manipulator. I don't think it would be intentional at first but it would more towards the end of it. It's like who's more daring to use their emotions to get what they want.
𓆦 Seungmin
Past: 9 of pentacles, judgement
So, at first he'd be hesitant to take this kind of risk. Because he does like his independence. He like's being on his own. No shame in that. He'd be going back and forth about what he wants from such a person but ultimately I think he'd take that risk. He's more scared of the harm he could end up doing to this person because he isn't completely healed but I think in this case, he would heal more if he got with this person. They'd do him no harm, they would help him learn and be better.
Present: 4 of wands, king of wands
He'd end up caving for this person. He'd end up taking the gamble. He'd start off really passionate but once he learned that that's not the type of person this person is, he'd tone it down a lot and be more true to the type of partner he is rather than putting up this front that he's all passion and nothing more. He'd be more down to earth.
Future: 4 of swords, 10 of pentacles
He'd definitely tone it down a lot. But don't get it mixed up, he's still deeply and utterly in love with this person just a more realistic version of love than what Hollywood makes it to be. It's more calming. This person is his peace and he wants to keep it that way forever if he can.
𓆦 Jeongin (I.N.)
Past: 5 of pentacles (reversed), 9 of pentacles
I think if/when he meets this type of person he's going to have released an old energy of holding grudges. He's going to be happy and living his best life. I think he would be more than willing to give this whole thing a shot. It would be something good for him, he'd be willing to give this whole thing a go. Even without knowing the risks that are involved with it.
Present: 8 of pentacles, 10 of wands (reversed)
He's also be the type to work on himself to better himself for this person. He doesn't want to be a burden to this person. Like having an emotionally stunted partner is not something anyone should have to deal with and he's hoping he isn't that way to that person, he wants to be someone reliable. A "man's man" if that makes any sense.
Future: ace of wands, 4 of swords
He's going to be very forward with this person. Just flat out direct mainly because he doesn't want them to over think. He wants them to know how much he cares for them. He doesn't want them to feel like they are being left in the dark. That's something that he wouldn't like being done to him so why do it to another person?
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callmehyungoppaokay · 2 months
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Bangchan's mighty biceps- appreciation post
Those guns got that drip!
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403tarot · 9 months
ㅎㅎ . . . how skz would want to be loved? 🔹
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bangchan: seeks a soulmate connection, valuing dialogue, understanding, and shared growth. he wants a calm and solid relationship, someone willing to accept the vastness of love he has to offer
felix: desires genuine acceptance, seeking someone who loves him for all his facets. he craves a partner who actively addresses problems, builds a solid foundation, and impresses him with bold actions.
seungmin: desires a mature love with a passionate undertone, motivating him to face each day with enthusiasm. he envisions a strong relationship with lasting excitement and a blend of peace and torment.
hyunjin: longs for a love that embraces vulnerability, intimacy, and freedom. he seeks someone who will be an anchor during challenging times and is unafraid of expressing feelings and desires.
lino: wants an immersive and gradual love, evolving naturally with transparency and honesty. he envisions a partner who understands his mistakes, fears, and desires, becoming the embodiment of his peace.
in: for him, love is synonymous with complicity. he seeks someone who inspires him to take risks, fostering a relationship built on trust and shared experiences. jeongin wants to feel courageous in love
changbin: desires a love that brings fulfillment through recognition, praise, and genuine interest in knowing him. he seeks a kind, extroverted partner with a smile that inspires him to be a better person each day.
jisung: wants a love that challenges his insecurities, balancing rationality and the intensity of emotions. he seeks someone who cares for his heart, allowing him to feel elated without fear of falling.
* based on tarot
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ravenbloodshot · 4 months
My assumption-
Lee know from straykids has a very pure heart even tho he acts like a total menace on cameras , underneath he can do no wrong to anybody
Dont get it confused. He acts like a menace bc he is. Just like when he acts sweet, that's bc he his. He's one of those ppl that don't show their love blatantly, you would have to know/understand him to figure out that oh when he asks if you've eaten, that's his way of saying "I love you".
He's a complicated guy, feels a lot, but doesn't feel comfortable showing his love in a too obvious way. He prefers teasing and dissing than to say pretty words. I definitely think he enjoys being this way, finds it to be more fun and entertaining.
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trolagygirl2022 · 9 months
Hello Mimi, how are you? I hope you're doing great! I would like to ask on how skz would be when they becoming a spouse and a father, like how their attitude going? Thank you before for answering my question.
How would SKZ be as fathers?
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Bangchan: The Magician, King of Swords, 10 of Cups, 10 of Swords.
So as a father, Bangchan would treasure interactions with his family. He'd want to buy them stuff, take them to places and do fun activities with them. He'd want to engage with them and likes to do "family things" basically. Chan wants to be part of their lives, helping them at their lowest and giving them advice. He wants to guide them and being a leader.
Han: The Magician rev, King of Swords rev, 10 of Swords rev, 10 of Cups rev.
I swear I didn't expect it 💀😬 I'm going to be honest, it doesn't seem like Han would want to have a family. Like the energy is all "nuh uh" when I'm trying to get an answer. I'm picturing him shaking his head rn LOL.
Jeongin: Page of Cups, Temperance, 10 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands
He's the type to work hard for his children's future. He likes structure and wants his family to be like him. Like the moment the child is born, he's already planning out their future ahah. He has a loving side but he doesn't want lazy children. He wants to raise responsible kids.
Hyunjin: 9 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles
Pretty similar to I.N. He'd want his family to be independent and not relying on him and others to help them.
Changbin: Ace of Swords rev, Judgement rev
Lokey seems like he'd be very confused and unsure how to raise a family and would struggle. I don't think this is something he thinks about.
Felix: The Devil rev, 4 of Wands rev, The World, The Star, 2 of Cups rev.
Felix as a father would keep his kids away from the spotlight. As he knows how people would react to that. He would be strict on them and make sure they don't turn out bad. Felix would keep them away from bad influences and would be harsh on them. Not in a negative way but in a "tough love" type of way.
Seungmin: The Moon rev, Knight of Wands, Page of Wands
He would worry, especially at the beginning. Would be very protective and cautious. He'll defiantly show a fun, loving side with his family but at the same time, doesn't play with their safety.
Lee Know: Strength, The Star
Lee Know would be their biggest cheerleader. He would support their dreams and help them, encourage and go over the top just to make them happy. Like if his kid wants to be an idol, he'd sign them up for singing and dancing classes ASAP.
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bittertarot · 2 months
hey hows you? can you do skz current thoughts on romance and marraige? not if theyre dating just their thoughts. thanks so much!
Group Reading on Marriage and Romance (Stray Kids)
!! General Disclaimer: This reading is NOT in order of members, the members cards were randomly mixed in order to omit the details and keep their privacy, as they did not agree to having it be revealed who said what. They only wanted to give their own opinions in a “group” setting !!
[3 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, 5 of Cups, The High Priestess Reversed, Page of Wands, Knight of Wands]
It seems they’re not really interested in marriage nor romance, at the moment. Some of them may be a little bit, but only slightly. One of them may be friends with someone that they are feeling a bit of attraction towards, but I feel that they will stay as friends. Someone else is working on charity and is enjoying their wealth, working to help some causes and use their wealth for the greater good. Another member is coming up with new ideas and doing his best to aim to achieve them, them and someone else (with the 8 of pentacles) are both working hard in order to master their skills and stay sharp to achieve more as a group or even with individual activities. One of them seems to be completely drained and exhausted, not looking for romance in any aspect. Someone else may be struggling to find the right person, despite having interest in the idea of love and marriage, they seem to be quite stagnant due to not trusting their own decisions or intuition. The member that chose page of wands seems to be wanting to explore themselves more, they are quite youthful and want to enjoy their youth to the max. With the final member choosing knight of wands, potentially enjoying a more liberated lifestyle, or engaging in clubbing culture.
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That’s all for this reading! I hope you enjoyed, let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic <3
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Lee Know (Stray Kids) - Relationship Role Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): E. A. Poe Tarot
Spread: Relationship Role
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Min Ho
Stage Name: Lee Know
Group: Stray Kids
DOB: 25.10.1998
Blood Type: O
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger
Life Path Number: 8
Masterpost: Stray Kids
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Lee Know (Stray Kids) - Relationship Role
Full Name: Lee Min HoStage Name: Lee KnowGroup: Stray KidsDOB: 25.10.1998Blood Type: OMBTI: ISFPSun Sign: ScorpioChinese Sign: Earth TigerLife Path Number: 8
Spread / Question: Relationship Role Deck(s): E. A. Poe Tarot
Friend - King of Pentacles, 5 of Wands
When it comes to friendships, Lee Know is sure to be the very caring type, the friend who will treat others with little gifts and acts of service. He’s not exactly the shoulder to cry on type, but when you are sad, he’s likely to just go and buy you a bucket of ice cream as a treat. He is a kind friend but not the one to be disrespected or intentionally annoyed or tested. When he feels like his friendship isn’t valued the way he wants, he’s very likely to let his friends know in a passionate way. Lee Know is surely a fun friend, while he does like to be respected, he also can bicker and playfully fight with his mates. He doesn’t take himself overly seriously and can even make jokes about himself or go as far as doing some self-burns.
Girlfriend / Boyfriend - Page of Wands, XV The Devil
As a boyfriend, Lee Know might be a handful… a pain in the ass even. Lee Know is not exactly the super cute romantic boyfriend. He is playful and fun, yes, but his dirty mind takes him to gutter way too often. He might become rather excited and handsy right from the start of the relationship which is not for everyone. If his partner is a shy type who likes to take things slow, Lee Know will probably get bored very quickly and run away from the relationship. On the other hand, more… let’s say a strong-willed person who can tease and banter with him, match his wits when it comes to double meaning naughty remarks while at the same time keeping him on a leash and making him respect their boundaries… That’s something Lee Know might feel very excited about. He’s not a full dom type, despite his attempts to give that impression. The cards suggest he might actually like to be kept under gentle and fun control.
Lover - 0 The Fool, King of Swords
Lee Know as a lover becomes a little more dominant as he’s more sure about himself in this case. He might like to be in charge when it comes to sex, on the other hand, the Fool card suggests him being very open towards experimentation and towards pleasing his lover in any way they ask him to. Lee Know is likely to have a very open mind when it comes to sex, he’s likely to be a diligent student of any erotic art, technique, position, toy… you name it. Lee Know might become a real tease as he probably likes to keep a very cool and even aloof impression on the outside but becomes a daring explorer whenever the situation allows it. Expect him being a relentless tease in public where he for example keeps a perfect poker face while his hands grope his lover under the table, driving them towards the edge and crazy while the rest of the company is none the wiser about what’s going on.
Wife / Husband / Spouse - X The Wheel of Fortune, I The Magician
If Lee Know ever gets married, and it’s a big IF as the Wheel suggests that this is not at all a certain thing, he’s likely to keep his eye on everything that’s gonna go on in the marriage. He’s not likely to be overly controllable, though. The Magician is a card of a smart but also practical person. If Lee Know’s spouse is really good with finances, Lee Know is likely to leave the family budget and all money related issues in their capable hands, trusting their abilities. He’s likely to make sure that everyone in the family knows what their role and job is, if he’s got children, those are likely to become involved in house chores soon in their life, simply to learn how to do them and that it’s important for the whole family to share their duties.
One-Night-Stand - 10 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles
When it comes to one night stands, Lee Know might find those appealing. He’s a little daredevil, after all. He might feel like those are achievements, testimonies to his irresistible charms. It really inflates his ego when he knows he’s able to be so sexy and charming that the person he just met is willing to let him go all the way. Lee Know is not likely to regret his one night stands, on the contrary, he might be rather proud of them. They somewhat add to his self-worth as he feels confident about winning anyone he desires.
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After a very long time, here is one of my idol readings. For a very mysterious reason, I haven't done Lee Know's Relationship Role reading before. It's really weird because my bestie is his devoted fan for years now, I can't believe she didn't make me do this reading ages ago. 😂
But here we are! Better late than never, right?
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
What are stans of different Stray Kids members like? A tarot reading ✨
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Hello stay! This is the Skz version of the social experiment i did for Ateez: what are fans of different Ateez members like? A tarot reading ✨
It is a social experiment where I ask my cards three questions per member:
1. What are the stans of the member like in general?
2. What do stans of the member all have in common?
3. What about the member's personality attracts his stans to stan him?
And then we see how different the stans are from the idol themselves and discuss! Like last time, you guys are the judges if this is accurate or not! Let me know who you stan and if you find it accurate or not! Let's get to know each other 🖤
Disclaimer: This is for fun purposes only and should be treated as such. Tarot can absolutely be wrong.
TW: mentions of anxiety, struggles and insecurities
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Bang Chan stans: The weight lifters
or mini bang chans to be more accurate
How are Chan stans like in general? // The fool R, Ace of Wands R, The Devil
Chan stans constantly feel like they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to go out there and live their lives to the fullest but something is always holding them back. They want so badly to be spontane and reckless, at least once, but their fears always pull them back. They tend to overthink the consequences of all of their actions and they somehow always convince themselves their lives should be lived according to a perfectly crafted plan. One that doesn't really satisfy their heart's desires, unfortunately.
What do Chan stans have in common? // X of Wands R
Chan stans are always carrying way too much weight on their shoulders. They convince themselves they're responsible for way too many things, or take on way too many tasks or burdens. They have difficulties with putting themselves first and they're always tired, albeit it's doubtful if they actually show how exhausted they are to others.
What about Chan's personality attracts Chan stans? // King of Wands R
His leadership qualities is what pulls people in - he makes people feel safe and looked after, like he has the back of both his members and his fans, and every decision he makes is for the best of everyone. Besides being a protective figure, he also inspires his stans to be strong willed like him, achieve self-discipline and calm under stressful situations and learn to be caretakers themselves, too.
Chan stans might have prominent Aquarius, Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius placements in their natal chart.
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Lee know stans: The lone rangers
How are Lee know stans like in general? // The Chariot R
Lee know stans might have a cold and tough exterior. On the outside they appear like they have it all together, everything is under control and there's nothing they would ever fear. The truth is obviously not like that, but they have a tendency to hide their hurt and choose to struggle on their own even if they are completely lost in life. They are probably the type of people to raise and parent themselves. They are forever on a quest for self expansion and once they pick a road to go down on, they never stray.
What do Lee know stans have in common? // Queen of Wands
Lee know stans are powerful, and most likely aware of it. They are bold, honest and extremely strong willed. They usually never play small and are very stubborn. Still, even if they appear quite fierce, they're generous to the people around them and they have a very magnetic personality.
What about Lee know's personality attracts lino stans? // VII of Wands
In simple words, Lee know stans get attracted to his mental strength and power to persevere. Lee know stans usually get overwhelmed or lonely fighting all their fights all by themselves, and Lee know makes them feel like they're not alone. He gives them strength and helps them get motivated. He especially motivates them to keep moving - when something is wrong, change it; when you feel you're lacking something, change it; when you're lost, reorganize. Lee know stans learn a lot from him about how to prepare for the future or how to grow stronger. Furthermore, Lee know stans probably feel Lee know is the perfect friend they'd wish they could go to when they're weak and weary.
Lee know stans might have prominent Cancer, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo placements
As a lino stan this read me a little bit too well 😡
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Changbin stans: The pursuers
How are Changbin stans like in general? // X of Cups, VII of pentacles
Changbin stans are hard working and persistent, usually patient beings with a positive mindset. They don't hold back when they invest themselves in something, and love to nurture big ideas into becoming reality. They follow their heart and their happiness in life, but they're also oriented towards looking after their loved ones - for they don't really treasure material things as much as they treasure spiritual and emotional abundance, offering care and love to others. The people they love - be it friends, family or others, fuel them to a brighter tomorrow and being a better, stronger person.
What do Changbin stans have in common? // II of wands
Changbin stans all are obsessed with self expansion. They are never satisfied and want more and more - they're hungry to become an even better person, stronger, wiser. They want to keep learning more, keep trying out new things, keep expanding their minds and horizons. They will never want to stop growing as a person. Every opportunity is a potential accomplishment of something one can only imagine, and it's better to try and fail rather than regret never trying.
What about Changbin's personality attracts Changbin stans? // Page of Wands
His rebellious, outside of the box creative thinking alongside his go getter attitude is very attractive to Changbin stans. They love how he takes chances and shots in the dark with confidence, fuelled by pure passion and fire. He seems so hungry for life, so committed to himself and doesn't care his 'normal' seems 'weird or different' to others. He's living his own truth, and he won't stop forging his own path anytime soon! His enthusiasm breathes life (as well as courage and strength!) into his fans.
Changbin stans might have prominent fire placements or pisces & Taurus placements in their natal chart.
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Hyunjin stans: The storytellers
How are Hyunjin stans like in general? // VI of cups R
There's something very nostalgic about Hyunjin stans. Perhaps their hearts never hardened as they grew up, and they still have the same child like innocence and sensitivity, instead of growing into a hard-shell adult. Perhaps the way they move, dress or their preferences remind you of older times, of royal families or old forgotten trends. Or perhaps Hyunjin stans themselves prefer to live inside of their memories, and nostalgia is a sweet feeling to them, not a bad one. Nevertheless, the presence of Hyunjin stans always makes you think they have stories of old to tell.
What do Hyunjin stans have in common? // V of Pentacles
Hyunjin stans are no strangers to pain and heartbreak. Be it mental or emotional distress, they've withstood a lot in their lives and still continue to, with courage and hope in their hearts. Their strong will and empathy also makes them a good shoulder to cry on, and they're always in search of communities where they can also feel emotionally safe and protected.
What about Hyunjin's personality attracts Hyunjin stans? // The Moon R
He's a sensitive and emotional man, and he doesn't run away from his emotions. He's not afraid of them and he accepts and understands them as a part of him. Hyunjin stans adore this about him. Hyunjin most likely makes them feel safe about their own emotions and gives them comfort. He's probably taught his fans to offer themselves self-validation and not dehumanize themselves anymore. As a bonus, Hyunjin stans also find him to be very dreamy.
Hyunjin stans might have prominent Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus placements in their natal chart.
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Han stans: The brave scaredy cats
I was two seconds away from naming you guys Courage the cowardly dog or Shaggy from Scooby Doo istg I'm so mean 😂
How are Han stans like in general? // IV of cups, queen of wands
Han stans are the type of people that would prefer feeling the soft tickle of hiding underneath a blanket rather than the bustling of life. Life has left them disappointed, or maybe hurt, so they created their own little bubble in which they like to live in, their place of comfort. They're probably often scared; scared of trying new things, scared of failing, scared of the unknown, that's why they always search for that comfort and safety of being at home, in familiar places or with familiar people. They cherish the inner workings of their mind the most.
But don't get it twisted, since if they spend most of their time inside their heads, that makes them extremely creative. Their true power stands in this genius they carry, and the stubbornness along with it. They might be scared, but their will is so strong they'll push through it, while others view them as a confident, charismatic person they can't help but admire.
What do Han stans have in common? // V of cups, Strength
Their biggest anxieties might come from their fear and resistance to change, and they might be clinging to familiarity with claws, afraid of ending up hurt or in a loss like they have before; but when the time comes to fight against life's obstacles, they're actually the bravest warriors. Perhaps knowing the inside of their psyche so well allows them to find that silver lining every time, to be their own cheerleaders and biggest supporters. Perhaps being aware that they're scared is what makes them so powerful, in fact.
What about Han's personality attracts Han stans? // The star
Jisung's presence is pure healing for his fans. Maybe it's because he understands their struggles, or maybe it's just his gentle nature, but Han empowers his fans and heals and cleanses them of all the dirt and wounds they gather from the rest of the world. They strive to be confident like him, and want to fight and grow alongside him until everyone can find their inner peace.
Ok, Yoda
No but like you guys are so cute, the Minho stan urge to protecc
Han stans might have prominent Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius placements in their natal chart, or fire placements.
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Felix stans: The energy balls
Pokeballs? sorry
How are Felix stans like in general? // X of cups R, IV of wands, The world
Felix stans are energetic and positive beings. They wish to always be able to keep their mind optimistic, their lives filled with laughter and smiles. Their loved ones are very important to them and social fulfilment is what they hold closest to their heart. They want to celebrate the love they have for people at every turn, and keep them happy and cheer them on. They strive to live in the moment, and always want to be doing what makes them happy, following their heart. Their presence most likely makes people feel comfortable and they might be big foodies. They might get hurt easily in social situations though, and might strive to please others to a point of self detriment; they might also have issues with life not matching up to the fantasies inside their minds and that causing them disappointment.
What do Felix stans have in common? // Ace of Wands R, Temperance
Felix stans might have issues balancing out their desire for commitment with their impatience. Their ideas are big, their desires equally grand, but it's like they want everything done right now and here; they oftentimes find themselves running out of patience when they have to grow out something, try and fail at something a lot, constantly put in effort for new beginnings. I also feel most Felix stans are on a journey of learning self fulfilment and self care, but they get very frustrated over their lack of growth or very often think they're not doing enough - thus discouraging themselves.
What about Felix's personality attracts Felix stans? // Queen of wands R, The high priestess R, X of swords R
I'm not saying this because the cards are unclear, I'm saying this because the high priestess points to mysticsm: Felix stans might not have a clear answer as to why they have chosen him. There was, perhaps, a magical or magnetic pull that couldn't be understood and didn't need to make sense. Felix arrived at the right moment, when he was needed most, to lift up the spirits and encourage people to get up and try again. He could be seen as a saviour by many, who helped people overcome even the most impossible obstacles and taught them that a few failures do not matter in the long run, and that dreams are never too far away to accomplish. Good things come to those who wait.
Felix stans might have prominent fire placements in their natal chart, or pisces, cancer, capricorn placements.
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Seungmin stans: The builders
How are Seungmin stans like in general? // V of Cups
Seungmin stans are the architects of their own lives. They have this undeniable survivalist skill of building something out of thin air - they can build themselves a whole castle out of stray bricks other people would throw away. They know how to appreciate the details, the minorities - they can pay attention even to a grain of sand and find a use for it. When everything crumbles down and they're buried under the crushing weight or debris - they somehow find a way to use those scattered materials to build something greater, something better, until one day life will not just be about survival, and what they've build for themselves will offer them a safe kingdom forever.
What do Seungmin stans have in common? // X of Pentacles, VII of Wands R
Seungmin stans are the eye of the storm. They're calm under pressure, they're focused on rebuilding stability and making everything right again, every time something goes wrong. As the nimble problem solvers that they are, they are probably the pillar of their family or friend group. But the truth is, that deep down, they're terrified just like everyone else. Fighting obstacles is still taxing no matter how many times they do it. Having a mentality oriented on fixing things and providing doesn't mean they never feel the pain or loss. But somehow, they always find the power and courage to maintain their strong persona and fight through life with pride.
What about Seungmin's personality attracts Seungmin stans? // Knight of swords
This is so sweet y'all
Seungmin is to his fans, like a lucky or protective charm. They carry him with them every single day, he brings them positivity and safety. Perhaps they've thought about a lot of things in life to be impossible or idealistic and that they'll never come to achieve them themselves, but motivated by Seungmin's determination and headstrong mentality, they've found that things are actually possible. That 'perfect' life they've dreamt of or perfect person they wish to become isn't actually just a fantasy if they put their heart into it. Seungmin is probably like a mentor to them, showing them that by working hard and being nimble you can always increase your own worth to the world. You don't have to settle for being less.
Seungmin stans might have prominent Virgo, Leo, Scorpio or air signs placements in their natal chart.
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I.N stans: The change seekers
How are Jeongin stans like in general? // III of Cups
Jeongin stans are very very friendly. They are very sociable and open to people and a joy to be around. They know how to form connections and match the vibrations of others, and just to have fun, in general. Spending time with them rejuvenates people. One could even say they are the life of the party! They care a lot about their chosen community and support their close ones with their entire might.
What do Jeongin stans have in common? // IV of Swords R
Jeongin stans desire freedom. Something is holding them down, holding them back from being at their peak and they want to figure out a way to leave that behind. (Whether it's a bad situation, or just the past in general.) They're learning how to live and let go, because they want to build a better future rather than remain tied to the past. Once they've broken free, they'll live by their own rules and find a new, independent kind of stability.
What about Jeongin's personality attracts Jeongin stans? // Ace of Swords, Strength R, Death R
His fans tend to see what great potential he holds. Jeongin is already a strong and confident man, who is bravely and proudly himself, following his heart. But he is the future; he has the strength and courage to transform things from the ground up. Transform the music industry, transform society, you name it! He has the chance to really make a change. His fans wait with a baited breath to see what he's gonna do in the future, what kind of achievement he will have, they feel as if he's teasing them, feeding them little crumbs to prepare them for the grand things that are yet to come.
Jeongin stans might have prominent Cancer, aquarius, Leo and Scorpio placements in their natal chart.
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This was very interesting. The vibe was very different than when I did the reading about atiny. It seems stay are more emotional beings who hold skz close to their hearts as comfort! (which makes sense considering the themes of their music.)
One other thing I found interesting was that in this reading, all the stans turned out to really take after the idol. In some cases I even felt the stans were like a mini version of the idol themselves or like 'they were written by' the idol. In the ateez version, there were cases in which the stans were the complete opposite of the idol!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and let's discuss! <3
ALSO TIP: If you're an OT8, I think you'd probably be a mix of all the readings. You probably would take a little bit here and there from all the stans. 😁
If you like this reading, consider donating to me so I can continue doing more readings!
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cheolsfae · 1 month
Skz and witchy stuff
Request: Hi♡! Hope you doing well and resting! First of all, i love your blog! If it's possible to know how would Stray Kids feel about a gf/bf that have spiritual abilities?
Felt the need for an extra for Leeknows
*For giggles!*
𓆦 Chris (Bang Chan)
Past: 5 of cups, 5 of wands
In the past, he might of had a partner who was into this type of thing. Them being into this type of thing might have annoyed him a little bit because this past partner could have used their star sign as an excuse for their crappy behavior. Like yup, being an x, z, y. That's how it is. And that's kind of shitty if I'm being honest. Your start sign isn't an excuse for your actions. Take accountability for your crappy behavior. This person could have also relied of tarot cards a little too much and believed everything they said. Yes, they're useful but to rely on them for every decision you make is a little much.
Present: 4 of swords, the fool (reversed)
So, if he were to get into another relationship with someone else who is into witch-y stuff, he would be very hesitant to approach them further. He would probably have to think long and hard about it. Given all the crazy behavior his ex-partner had given him. He would definitely think about it before taking a leap of faith and trusting them.
Future: queen of pentacles, queen of swords
Eventually, he would come around to the idea. Still a little scared to trust them that they aren't like that past person but he'd still give it a proper go. He'd still be guarded but still willing to see this through to the end because that person may have a really good heart/personality. The pros of this person out weigh the negatives.
𓆦 Minho
Past: 4 of wands, knights of cups
At first, he'd be really interested in them. Like he'd be really open to the idea of it all but he's scared to let his partner try it out on him. Let's say they wanted to do a tarot reading for him, he'd be like nah, it's cool that you're into it but no. He's kind of scared that it's going to invite something that isn't supposed to be there. Not really religious guilt just a little ghost fear. That type of thing.
Present: judgement (reversed), the star
It's like he's really debating if he's made the right choice in choosing a partner because they are into this thing. He's a little freaked out that they know what he's thinking (they've probably read his cards without his knowledge or they are really intuitive). He's just really fearful of it all. He's trying to protect himself in anyway he possibly can.
Future: 8 of swords, 9 of cups (reversed)
Truthfully, I don't think he could handle it. Eventually, he'd end it with his partner being into it. He'd end up confessing to them that he can't deal with it. It's all too weird and much for him to take. He's feeling the need to leave this relationship. He feels he like needs to protect himself really well. He's going to end up abandoning this relationship.
Extra(s): 6 of swords, 3 of wands, 2 of cups, 9 of pentacles, high priestess
He's moving on without this person. He's like just scramming. He wants nothing to do with it. But sooner or later, he's going to end up going back to making moves towards them again, just not in a romantic sense. In a friendship way. He's making that offer to them but he's going to have to accept that this is who this person is. After a while, he might end up making another romantic offer to them but after he gets used to the idea of it all.
𓆦 Changbin
Past: 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles
It's like at first he's like hell yeah but he's also kind of a little weirded out by it. Just because it isn't anything he's not used to yet. It's like a whole new thing for him so he's kind of cautious about it but he's all for his partner doing it. He's happy that this is something his partner is very passionate about. Something that makes them happy is what makes him happy and that's all he wants for them.
Present: ace of swords (reversed), the world
Again, he's a little confused about how it all works. He's not really sure how to really take that you do this. He's all for it though, like a blind supporter. He's a little slow to warm up to the whole thing but he eventually will. It is a bit of a process for him. He's willing to try anything but this one he's a little guarded with.
Future: 3 of pentacles, 10 of cups
He will end up wanting his partner to read for him, cast spells all of that stuff. He'll eventually get really involved in all of this stuff if he feels safe enough with that partner. He would love it when his partner does little protective spells for him. Again, he's got to get used to everything first.
𓆦 Hyunjin
Past: the hierophant, queen of swords
Initially, he'd be okay with it. Much like everyone else, he'd be a little freaked by it but wouldn't mind it. Alarm bells would be going off in his head though. If he every comes across this person who does this, he needs to be careful of what they could do. He needs to be cautious of his own energy and what he chooses to disclose to this person. He just needs to be careful if he chooses to enter a partnership with this person.
Present: king of wands, queen of wands
It could be a very passionate affair with this person. Like the draw this person has on him is a lot. They might have casted spells on him. He might even think that they have given all of the witch-y stuff they are into. He might feel like he's been manipulated into a relationship with them.
Future: knight of cups, the tower
As soon as he's hooked, it's like this person screws him over and he knows exactly how. He knows what to expect from them at the end of it all. He instinctively knew exactly how this whole thing would play out. He may not trust another witch-y person again or if he does, they are going to have to prove they mean him no harm.
𓆦 Jisung
Past: 10 of wands, king of pentacles
It feels like he's already dealt with someone like this before. It really stressed him out. It felt like they were pulling the strings for the whole relationship. Everything revolved around what the cards said or what the stars said. This person could have had a hyper-dependence on what those things said. He wanted someone who wasn't so reliant on that but that's what he ended up getting so he was a little disappointed. Doesn't feel like he wants someone like that.
Present: the high priestess, the lovers
But if he were to enter another partnership with someone who was into witch-y stuff again, he'd think it was a little cool because this person doesn't seem like the type to be into it. He might like them a little more because of this little surprise thing they're into. A little guarded because he doesn't want a repeat but he'd be willing to see where this goes. Except he'd definitely be the one in charge, not in a negative way but he would be the one to take the lead rather than the cards/stars.
Future: 9 of pentacles, 6 of cups
This relationship has the potential to go places if they both allow it to. I think they would end things for sure but it would be on good terms. Neither would wish the other ill-will or anything. In fact, I think this person would cast be manifesting only the best for Jisung. Hoping he finds what he's looking for and all of that. It's a really sweet ending.
𓆦 Felix
Past: the sun (reversed), 6 of wands
He's kind of interested in this stuff too. So when he comes across a partner who's into this stuff, he's like oh, okay cool. He's mainly happy that he bagged this person because of who they are rather than them being into witch-y stuff. That part doesn't concern him in the slightest. It's just a part of who his partner is. He's a little fearful that they might hurt him or like curse him but I don't feel that a person like this would do that to him.
Present: 10 of swords (reversed), 3 of cups
He might feel like he's less anxious. Like having someone who can "predict the future" makes him feel a little more secure. It's like reassurance for him. He might still be a little guarded about the whole thing but he feels more comfortable with his partner doing those things. He doesn't really mind it as much as he did in the beginning, he might even feel more protected against those wishing him ill.
Future: 3 of wands, 3 of swords (reversed)
He will end up feeling really safe with this person. Mainly with how his partner takes care of him not so much about the witch-y stuff. That doesn't play a major role for him in the future. It's how he's being taken care of that he really loves about this person. He cares more for character than the things they do/practice. It's their own thing. He feels he can be his most authentic self with them.
𓆦 Seungmin
Past: 8 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles
Seungmin said hard pass. Nope, this isn't the type of person he would want to be with. Sure, he would think about it for a little bit. Might even ask close friends what they think about the situation but ultimately, I don't think he'd be taking them. He'd choose to opt out of it. He might be afraid of what his family/friends would think or say if he were to get with this type of person.
Present: 9 of swords, knight of wands (reversed)
He'd be kind of anxious about what they might do to him. Like are they going to cast a hex on him for rejecting them? He'd really think the worst. His mind would be running a million miles a minute. He'd be horrified that they were going to curse him or something. He would be very paranoid. I don't think this person would do that though. They would be more of a healing person than one who sends negativity his way, but that doesn't stop him from worrying about it.
Future: 5 of pentacles, strength (reversed)
Eventually, he would feel a little weak and goofy for letting his paranoia get the better of him. He'd let his fear get in the way of seeing things clearly. He let all that fear from childhood come out and let that person go when he (possibly) shouldn't have.
𓆦 Jeongin
Past: king of pentacles, page of swords
It'd definitely pique his interest. It would be something that would draw him to that type of person. He would be very interested in what they had to say about or what exactly they did with it. He'd definitely keep an eye on them. Watching everything they did. Not in a toxic way but just in amazement.
Present: 8 of swords, the star
After his initial amazement, he'd get a little fearful because he doesn't know what's being invited into his life. He's kind of scared it's all going to come firing back at him. It won't unless they are messing with dark forces. But anyway, he's still going to feel that way. Just a tad.
Future: 6 of swords, the magician
Eventually, he's going to try and see if he can do some of this on his own. This person might even teach him how to do somethings on his own. He feels like it's something he is supposed to be doing. To him it might feel like a calling he didn't know he had.
*oracle deck was used in all!
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
How are SKZ when they have a crush?
🎍For this reading i used the 3rd Eye Tarot Deck🎍
*The content of this post is for entertainment purposes only!
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Chan - 6 of Cups
He gets into daddy mode. He gets protective over his crush, but not in a possessive sense but rather he wants to provide for them and show them and even more, show himself, that he is a reliable partner. I believe this is a quality he admires and once crushing on someone he tries to embody it as much as possible, not so much to impress his crush, but to prove to himself that he is worthy. As we all probably know he has self worth issues and this is kind of his defence mechanism that keeps him from self sabotage. This is actually a good thing as i feel like this is a non-toxic defence, that really fulfills its purpose, leading him to not habe much problems in dating, at least when it comes to the initial stages. He views himself as a parent or provider figure and tries to teach his crush new things, care for their needs like buying them food, or taking them places they always wanted to go, having an open, enthusiastic ear for what his crushes interest or venting etc. If he can do those things he feels fulfilled and comfortable with having a crush.
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Lee Know - 3 of Cups, Queen of Swords
I see him being kinda stern and not letting on that he has a crush. Or maybe not entertaining his thoughts about it unless he decides to. Regardless of that, i believe his friends and close ones know, maybe even before he does. I believe his crush-having-state has a lot to do with his friends, like this side of him is mostly being fueled and kept alive through his friendships. For example he goes out and his friends start talking about their crushes and then ask him. Even if he doesn't give a confirmative answer they snuff the tea out and shoot him with questions until they take whatever information they want of him out😂. He doesn't seem to mind tho. Except for when theres drinking involved. Im getting the feeling that they might've been an accident when he spilled tooo much when drunk, and word somehow got out or someone wasn't careful and that has brought him some headaches in the past.
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Changbin - 4 of Wands, 3 of Wands
He's excited and calculative. If he's given over to the crush then he spends a lot of time in thoughts and preparation or daydreaming. I feel like as soon as he gets a crush he gets this intense need to confess. It bubbles up inside him and he just can't hold it in and has to let that person know. There's much else that comes with that (limiting beliefs, fear etc), but thats another reading for another time😅 That said i don't think he actually takes the action he thinks about and plans. Thats just all what he does - daydreaming about it. Creating beautiful, exciting, goosebumps inducing scenarios all day long and he feeds himself that, in replacement of the rush he actually craves from that person. He feels like someone with unclenchable thrust and at the same time someone that has an infinite fountain, but the tragic thing is, he can't drink from his own fountain. Theres a feeling of chronic sadness, even if the cards are actually very bright and uplifting. I notice that with his energy, its always kinda dark and stern and serious and it feels very deep and kinda scary, i believe it is like that for him too, he doesn't know his own depths and is afraid of them and that translates to a lot of areas in his life.
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Hyunjin - 4 of Cups
He can't set his heart on a decision. Its like he cant decide if he has a crush or not. I feel like he mixes his brain and his heart up a lot and theres this insecurity when it comes to matters that involve the heart, as its so prevalent that even if he wants to use his head, his heart gets in the way and he doesn't really know what to listen to and trust. I believe this leads to inaction or in mixed signals as he cant really find a balance or pick a path he wants to follow in pursuing or not pursuing a certain person. He pours lots of energy into such situations and often it leads him in exhausting himself significantly before there even is any connection between him and his crush. I believe this tendency of his might lead to bitterness regarding love and even maybe regarding his crushes, as after a while he blames them for not being "perfect enough" for him to set his mind. Its like "if you were this and that, i wouldn't have doubts and we could be together. Why cant you be like that?!" And then he gets mad for no reason, which shows up in his behavior, which provokes a reaction or change of mind in the other person too, which leads to Hyunjin having his thoughts confirmed, even if it doesn't really reflect the reality of the situation, because he is kinda blind to his own thoughts and behavior.
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Han - Ace of Pentacles, The Moon
He has 2 moods that keep switching each other. One's super optimistic where he thinks he can do anything, he can get that person, its easy, and its doable, he just has to try, yada yada yada. And then the other one is super depressed and pessimistic and he feels like no matter what he does he can never reach that person, they are out of his league, they can never like him, he can never keep a relationship, he can never be good enough for love and relationships, etc. Then he sinks in his thoughts and get pretty isolated for a while. Then when the isolation becomes too much he decides to show his nose out the door and slowly regains his confidence and gets this manic-like phase where he believes he can do anything and gets over excited.
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Felix - Ace of Wands, 4 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
He'a a bit of a hidden lemon🌝 its very weird because theres no malicious intention behind it but theres lot of...masking? Theres lots of raging sexual energy and possesivness, i keep hearing "my ...(their name)" or "they're mine", without actually having any ground on making such assumptions. But its not malicious or of ill intent. Its giving me a bit of child vibes. Its lime a little kid, in the body (and needs) of an adult is having a crush on another adult. And again theres this raging sexual energy, im seeing a young wild horse running around with his mane being waved by the wind😂 anyways he masks all that with a pretty chill demeanor, not letting on his borderline obsessive inner feelings & thoughts. He may offer his help for a lot of things so he can be close to the person, and once again that child energy - its like sometimes he overdoes it and kind of suffocates the person or offers help for ridiculous things, like helping his crush brush his teeth or something of that sort. This might weird some people out, but he kinda has a very high bar of what he can get away with because he has such unthreatening energy.
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Seungmin - 9 of Swords
Im pretty surprised with that but i think he gets plagued with lots of worries for some reason. Maybe stuff that he thinks he has time for in terms of success, stability, time etc. but he realizes that he doesn't have as much as he thought, or enough for so and so. For example, he gets a crush, everything is nice and dandy and then BAM! he starts thinking about a potential future with that person and he realizes his current situation isn't ideal for building a serious relationship. He starts thinking about a house, a family, if he'll have enough time for her/them, about their parents, his job, his fans, the group and what not, and this kind of takes away the joy of the rush a crush gives. Another think im picking up on is that this current energy im reading might be heavily influenced by some recent situation that has caused him those worries and it kind of translates into this specific reading as well. So maybe if i had done it a year ago, or a year later the answer would have been completely different (because the influence of the event wouldn't be a factor.)
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I.N - Knight of Swords, King of Cups, Page of Cups
He's a straight to the point guy😂 i really enjoy reading for him cuz the energy shocks me every time. Struggles of the heart are something unknown to him. Maybe thats why Hyunjin seems to like him so much - it balances him out. Anyways, back on track! He knows when he likes someone, he's fine with it and he relatively quickly decides what to do and takes action, probably because his process is almost always the same. He would approach the person pretty quickly without taking it all much to heart. He seems very confident in himself, his feelings and his decisions when it comes to love and dating. Despite that i think he's someone that does enjoy to think about his crush and involves them often in his daily activities, meaning - he goes to a cafe and while looking at the menu he thinks about what his crush would enjoy drinking.
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callmehyungoppaokay · 3 months
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Hyunjin × forbidden love
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403tarot · 8 months
Ive just discovered your account and I absolutely LOVE IT!! Your readings feel so real! (I reblog from a side account lol.)
Could you do red and green flags for Lee know please? Or if that’s too boring, I’ve always wondered if and or when lee know gets his own place, he’ll have his cats move in with him. They seem to like his parents quite a bit, so would he have them move with him, or stay with his parents? If he had them stay with his parents, would he get a NEW cat(s)? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol. Happy holidays!!
hello <3 i'll go with red & green flags. thank you for your support 🩷
creates high (and sometimes unrealistic) expectations about things and people and gets easily frustrated because of it. stubborn about his own ideals, does not admit to being wrong. poor communication skills, especially about his own feelings and desires, which makes holding grudges much more complicated. struggles to make decisions for himself, making him less proactive.
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has a golden heart and always assumes the best in people. it's not a problem if the spotlight isn't on him – for lino, everyone will eventually have their chance to shine at the right moment. constantly seeks to be a better person. he is ambitious and strategic, although his generosity has caused him to be taken advantage of in life, making him somewhat pessimistic. he's a professional bluffer: can treat people he doesn't like very well if necessary and get away with it. empathetic and has an easy time figuring out exactly what people need and want, making him such a great company.
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tozsoss · 7 months
What is the reason behind woojin’s departure from skz?
(Justice rx, 5 of swords rx, ace of wands)
Yeah this is pretty rough ngl. First of all, this is a clear sign of conflict in my eyes. It’s not pretty and there’s just this big eery feeling of egos clashing and pettiness. It might’ve been that equality and balance wasn’t really present in the group. Woojin could’ve felt like he was treated as a second class citizen, it’s like him and the other members could never find a middle ground? Like he was never really satisfied or open to compromise? It’s very immature like "why would I try to fix things?😐". They could’ve fought a lot, and it came in between them and their work, disturbing their work ethic. For the 5 of swords in reverse, on it’s own I would’ve taken this card as something positive but paired with justice in reverse too this is to me like a signification of more intensity. Meaning, more fights, more shadiness, more backstabbing, more imbalance and more damage. I also think he accepted his departure because he was very content with the idea that he could start all over again, with different ideas and goals. He seems like someone who’s very focused on himself, very egotistical I feel!
Take this with a grain of salt pls. It’s for entertainment purposes only!
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k-tarotz · 8 months
hi ! could u pls do skz lee knows ideal type ?? tysm ^^
Lee know's Ideal type:
8 of wands, 6 of wands
Someone romantic
Someone committed and loyal
Someone who can charm him or even "sweep him off of his feet" so like someone with a "wow" effect
Someone confident, needs to have a bit of pride (not too much)
Someone action oriented, maybe even Someone who is willing to confess first
Maybe someone who can lead sometimes? For example leading conversations at times
Someone with good will, pure heart
Also someone who is extroverted or at least has an energetic side to them
Someone who likes to travel
Perhaps someone independent who has somewhat freedom
Someone close to his age, not a too big age gap
Someone playful and sweet
- Hun
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